Habersham County Court Of Ordinary
The recorded Will of Elizabeth Sosebee was found in Habersham County, GA Inferior Court Ordinary Court minutes, Book S, Minutes of the March Term 1850: [Microfilm roll # 0382598, Family History Center, Salt Lake City]
I, Elizabeth Sosebee of the said State and County, widow and relict of Jobe Sosebee of Franklin County, deceased, being weak and feeble in body but of sound disposing mind and memory do in the name of God Amen, and in the presence of competent witnesses do hereby make, establish, publish and declare the following writing to be and become my last will and testament hereby revoking all former will by me made:
Item the 1st: I resign my Soul to the Almighty who gave to me hoping a pardon for all my sins through my Savior Jesus Christ -
Item Second: At and after my death I desire that my body sould be buried in a decent like manner and that I submit to my children whom I believe will attend to it in a proper manner.
Item Third: After the payment of all my just debts and funeral expenses I give and bequeath my entire estate being a child part in the Estate of my husband Jobe Sosebee of Franklin County deceased consisting of one negro woman Slave, named Sarah and her six children - to wit Harriett, a girl, Gloster, a boy, Celia a girl, Henry a boy, George a boy and Jane a girl and of whatsoever said estate of said Jobe Sosebee, deceased, may count other that said Negroes, either real or personal to my four daughters to wit: Polly Sosebee, Susan Sosebee, Betty Sosebee and Malinda Sosebee, to them and their heirs forever to be equally divided amongst each of the said four daughters at my death and all my property of whatsoever kind which may belong to me at my death I give and bequeath to my said four daughters to be in like manner equally divided between each of them at my death.
Item 4th: and for the purpose of carrying this my last will into effect, I hereby constitute and appoint Thomas Sosebee my son my executor of this my last will and testament - Signed, Sealed, acknowledged and declared by the testator before us in our presence this 23rd day of April 1846. Witnesses: R. L. Jackson, Ezekiel (X) Fuller, 1. T. Carter. Signed & Sealed: Elizabeth (X) her mark.
2 October 1849: Death of Elizabeth Sosebee, [1850 Mortality Schedule for Habersham County, Georgia]
ELIZABETH SOSEBEE was listed as 86 years old female, widow, born in Maryland (Miriland), died 2 Oct. She was listed as a "Methodist," cause of death appears to be "breast complaint" and number of days ill is 8.
5 November 1849: November Term 1849: Page 23 - Minutes of the Court of Ordinary, Habersham County, Georgia:
Personally came into open court John T. Carter, a witness to the within will & being duly sworn saith that he saw Elizabeth sign & seal by making her mark, and publish & declare the within writing to be and contain her last will & testament and that she was at that time considered by the deponent to be of sound disposing mind and memory and that she executed the same freely without compulsion so far as deponent knows and believes and that despondent signed the same as a witness in the presence of the testatrix and saw R. L. Jackson & Ezekiel Fuller sign the same as a witness in the presence of the testatrix at her request. Sworn to & subscribed in open Court November 5th 1849- Philip Martin. C. C. O. Signed: J. T. Carter.
4 March 1850: March Term 1850: Habersham County, Georgia – In open Court of Ordinary for said County
Personally came Ezekiel Fuller & R. L. Jackson, witnesses to the within will & each being duly sworn saith that they saw Elizabeth Sosebee Sign & Seal by making her mark & publish and declare the within writing to be and contain the last will and testament & that She was at that time as they considered of Sound disposing mind & memory & that she executed the same freely with compulsion so far as they know or believe & that they each signed the same as witnesses & saw John T. Carter do so likewise in the presence of the testatrix & in the presence of each other. Sworn to in open Court this 4th March 1850 Test. Philip Martin. C. C. O. Signed: R. L. Jackson, Ezekiel (X) Fuller.
March Term 1850: Court of Ordinary:
The within will of ELIZABETH SOSEBEE being proven upon the oaths of John T. Carter, R. L. Jackson, & Ezekiel Fuller, the two last at this regular term of the Court, ordered by the Court that the Same be admitted to Record. Recorded 4th March 1850, Philip Martin, C. C. O.
2 Sept. 1850: Page 28 - Court of Ordinary Sept. Term 1850:
Will proven in court by Thomas Sosebee, oath as executor of said will, issue letters testamentary ... Enoch Edwards, Jonathan Bruce (Brice), William Crane, Robert McKinney and John W. Martin appointed appraisers. The presiding justices were Thomas B. Wheeler, Thomas J. Hughes, J. J. C. and MOSES AYERS.
1 Sept. 1851: Page 44 - Court of Ordinary Sept. Term 1851:
The return and account of Thomas Sosebee, executor of ELIZABETH SOSEBEE, petitioned for Letter of Dismissal...demission from administration at next March Court. Presiding Justices were Thomas B. Wheeler, John B. King, and MOSES AYERS.
Page 57 - Court of Ordinary March Term 1852:
Notice published in a public gazette of the State ... no objections ... Thomas Sosebee fully dismissed from any and all executorships & administration of Elizabeth Sosebee.
Transcribed & Submitted by Lucy Ayers Gunthorpe
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