County Government |
Court 250 North Broad Street County Courthouse Cairo, GA 39828-2107 Phone: (229) 377-1512 Holds marriage records from 1906 to present Cost: $5.00 per record Include letter with approximate years to search |
County Health Department 1030 Fourth Street N. E. Cairo, GA 31728 229-377-2992 fax: 229-377-5994 Holds birth/death records from 1919 to present Cost: $10.00 per record Hours of operation: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday except on State Holidays. |
State Government |
Georgia Dept of Human Resources
Vital Records 2600 Skyland Drive NE Atlanta, GA 30319-3640 (404) 679-4701 Fax: (404) 524-4278 Email: [email protected] |
GeorgiaInfo - An Online Georgia Almanac |
Digital Library of Georgia |
Georgia State Archives |
Libraries & Societies |
Grady County Historical Society |
Roddenbery Memorial Library
320 North Broad Street Cairo, Georgia 229-377-3632 |
Southwest Georgia Genealogical Society |
Published Resources |
Grady County,Georgia Some of Its History, Folk Architecture, and Families by Yvonne Miller Brunton & Contributors. Second Edition, 1981 Copyright 1981 by Mary B. Warren Heritage Papers, Danielsville, GA 30633 |
From Grady County, Georgia Edited By: Wessie Connell, Frank W. Roebuck, Jr., Barbara C. Williams, Roddenbery Memorial Library, 1987 |
Grady Co., GA Yvonne Brunton Vicksburg, Miss:Brunton, 1979 |
Calvary 1828-1976 Georgia Heritage by:Mrs. Marjorie Maxwell Mayfield (Judson) |
Grady Co., GA, Tomb Index Varick, Floreda Duke Tallahassee, FL: Varick, c1980. |
A book of Butlers Jacob Butler (1812-1853) of Sampson Co., NC, and Decatur (now Grady) Co., GA and some of his antecedants and descendants. Butler, Ermon Mrs. (Marilee Gerrell) PO Box 105 Calvary, GA 31729 912) 872-3356, 1985 |
Historic Georgia Families Rigsby, Louis Wiley, Compiler Baltimore Genealogical Publishing Company, 1969 Originally published Cairo, GA, 1925-1928. |
National Sites |
National Register of Historic Places |
Compilation Copyright 1998 to Present by The GAGenWeb Project Team