Floyd County, GA Brick Wall  

Here you can list the names of your "Brick Wall" relatives and information needed. It is a free service.

Please, only request information on relatives that lived in Floyd County or the surrounding area.
Email your information to and we will gladly post it here for you.
Don't forget to let us know if you make a connection. We would like to join the "celebration".

If you have previously submitted a query, please re-submit the query. Too many of the old ones had bad e-mail addresses.


Bean, Henry 04-25-2014

Boylan, Virginia White
Bradshaw, George W.

Coulter, Capt. Francis Marion
Curl, Isaac Standridge

Evans/Evins, J. J.

Pierce, Louise
Peugh, Sampson

Rigdon, Easter Jane 04-25-2014
Robbins, Henry

Wooten, Robert

Youngblood, Caroline

This page was last updated Friday, 25-Apr-2014 14:09:48 MDT