The Fayetteville News

Published Every Friday by



W.N.D. DIXON                     EDITOR


Official Organ of Fayette County and of Fayetteville


Entered in the Postoffice at Fayetteville, Ga., as Second Class mail matter.


Subscription Price $1 per Annum in Advance.



APRIL 1, 1910.


(This is transcribed on Oct 20, 2003 from an original newspaper in my possession. 

The pages are not numbered, I have one spread of four pages

but don't believe it includes the front page and attached pages)



Mr. T. W. Nations and wife of Atlanta, were the recent guests of the former's father.

Miss Mamie Farr visited relatives in Atlanta and Fairburn last week.

Miss Tessie Loyd of Union Grove spent the week-end with Mrs. Luther Loyd. 

Messrs Reid and Lee of Kenwood were the guests of Misses Edmondson and McEachern at Ellis Loyds last Sunday.

Miss Grace Spratlin and Tom Harris of near Brooks were married Sunday P.M.  Miss Grace is one of our most industrious young ladies and we wish them a prosperous and happy life.

Misses Nevada Lewis and Tessie Loyd attended the burial of Mr. Slaton at Hopewell Sunday.

We had many visitors and old friends with us at Sabbath school last week, we were especially glad to welcome three of our former officers --Messrs R. L. Arnall of Senoia, E. S. Ward of Nyson and J. W. Askew of Line Creek.  We miss our Supt Bro. Brown of Line Creek and trust he will soon be with us.

Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Nations, Miss Ellie Mae Farr and brother spent Saturday with relatives near Palmetto.

J. W. Speer found his seven months old colt in the pasture with a broken hip last Wednesday.  It is not known how the misfortune occurred.  The colt was considerably above the average and the accident is the more to be regretted.

 Nyson Notes

Mr. Will Farrer and wife, of Little Flock, were guests of W. S. Whatley and family Sunday.

Miss Birdie Edmondson spent Saturday night and Sunday at Winona, the guest of Miss Lizzie McEachern.

Mrs. Anna Smith, of Atlanta, spent a couple of days last week with Uncle William Whatley and wife.

Miss Nina Matthews spent last week in Senoia with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Keith.

Little Dollie Jones is quite sick with pneumonia at this writing.

Rufus Pate, who has been sick for some time with dropsy, is no better at this time.  We wish for him a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jones are entertaining a new boarder at their home now -- a little girl to cheer them through life.

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cox and family, of Fayetteville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Whatley Saturday night and Sunday.

We are looking for "Uncle Primus" down this way ere long. it is said that the grasp of his hand at court last week was something like a vice or steel trap.  "Uncle Primus" is a good fellow and we would like to see him succeed.

Local Advertisements on this page include -






Of the Grand Jury Drawn and Sworn to

Serve at March Term, 1910, Fayette Superior Court

We, the grand jury chosen and sworn for the March term, 1910, Fayette County Superior Court, beg leave to present the following general presentments, to-wit:

We have, through our committees, examined the books of the various county officers and find them neatly and correctly kept with the exception of the dockets of the J.P. and N.P. of 624th District and N. P. of 495th District, which in some cases are not signed in accordance with the law.


We find the court-house and jail in fairly good condition and recommend that benches be placed in jail for convenience of prisoners.


We find the houses in good condition with the exception of one inmate house that needs plastering which we recommend to be done before cold weather.  We find 1500 bundles fodder, 100 bu. corn, 3 bushes peas, 500 lbs. cotton seed hulls, 100 pounds cotton seed meal, 4,000 cabbage plants growing, 3 milch cows with calves, 6 shotes and 1 mule all in good conditions.  100 cords wood, 450 lbs. flour, 250 pounds meat, 30 gallon oil, 75 lbs. sugar.

 We find one well in a flat place that cannot be properly drained and recommend that one be dug on higher ground.  We find 8 inmates, all white, who appear to be satisfied, but recommend that they receive more flour per week than heretofore.


We find the records of poisonous drugs correctly kept.


J. W. Kitchens, insurance       $10.00

W. B. Hollingsworth, insurance   $10.00

C. D. Redwine, insurance   $10.00

O. G. Jackson, insurance     $10.00

R. E. L. Fife, insurance     $10.00

S. T. & A. O. Blalock, insur'e      $10.00

W. N. D. Dixon, insurance     $10.00

Circus tax          $100.00

Show tax          $35.00

Henderson at Brooks         $5.00

Hutchenson at Woolsey      $5.00

Walt Carnes      $5.00

Show at Kenwood     $10.00

Blalock-McCollum-Roberts Co.     $5.00

J. T. Edwards, soda fount     $5.00

J. T. Edwards, cigarettes     $25.00

J. B. Hightower, photos     $10.00

Bub Brogdon, soda fount     $5.00

Farmers & Mer Bank     $5.00

Fife Mer. & Hdw. Co.     $5.00

Fife Mer & Hdw Co, pistols     $25.00

Dixon Drug Co     $5.00



We recommend that the following persons be paid the amount opposite their names:

Malissie Redwine, in hands of W. L. Smith     $15.00

Catherine Arnold, in hands of J. H. McElroy     $5.00

Joe Arnold, in hands of J. H. McElroy     $5.00

Sallie Johns, in hands of Bud Banks     $20.00

Bettie Davis, in hands of Andrew Loyd     $20.00

Mary, Rebecca and Martha Boatright, in hands of C. B. Brogdon     $60.00

Mary Burdett, in hands of W. F. Burdett     $24.00

Wilson Williams, in hands of T. M. Kerlin    $15.00

Nancy Stephens, in hands of W. T. Busbin     $10.00

Lillie Parrott, in hands of W. L. Slaton     $20.00

Ann Davis, in hands of Berry McElwaney     $15.00

Mary Lyons, in hands of Jim Cochran     $25.00

Ellen Turner, in hands of Jim Lyons     $15.00

Richard Baity, in hands of C. J. Adams     $10.00

Rachael Graves, in hands of J. W. Adams     $20.00

Henry and Mariah Graves, in hands of J. M. Jackson     $20.00

Jane Walker, in hands of J. Q. Landrum    $10.00

Flora Graves, in hands of W. G. Wilkins     $10.00

Henry Page, in hands of E. S. Ward     $5.00

Jane Cochran, in hands of T. C. Speer     $25.00

Elisha Glass' child, in hand of J. W. Ward     $10.00

Lewis Goodson, in hands of J. W. Moody     $7.50

Rachel Arnold, in hands of R. E. L. Fife     $10.00

Hill Palmer, in hands of T. M. Kerlin    $10.00

Jim Lee, in hands of J. S. Lee     $20.00

Bettie Fitzgerald, in hands of J. M. Austin     $10.00

George Bishop, in hands of W. T. Busbin     $20.00

Angeline Flemming, in hands of R. L. Davis     $10.00

Lucinda Murphy, in hands of T. M. Murphy     $10.00

Frank Glass, sr., and wife in hands of Isaac Hartley     $10.00

Lanie Sweat and sisters, in hands of T. M. Murphy    $25.00

Mary Allen, in hands of J. C. Hill     $10.00

Nancy Lasseter, in hands of J. W. Speer     $10.00

Mrs. H. A. Youngblood, in hands of L. A. Green     $10.00

John King, in hands of J. T. Burch     $5.00

Clabe White, in hands of J. Q. Landrum     $10.00

F. M. Banks and family, in hands of J. R. Jackson    $25.00

Jane Cofield, in hands of E. S. Ward    $5.00

Bettie Freeman, in hands of E. S. Ward    $5.00



We find on hand as per auditors' report:

Dec. 5, 1909, balance             $87.79

Dec. 7, 1909, by Tax C.         $1500.00

Jan. 4, 1910, by Tax C.         $2500.00

Feb. 8, 1910 by Tax C.          $5500.00

Feb. 28, 1910 by Tax C.         $4611.17

Mar. 1, 1910 by County

Commissioners                    $10.00

Total           $14,209.96

Credit by amt. paid out on proper voucher    $3811.80

Bal. on hand to Mar '10     $10,398.66



On hand as per report of last grand jury     $394.90

From sale of cotton                           288.12

From sale of cow                               10.00

Total                                         693.02

Paid on proper vouchers                       639.82

Paid County Treasurer                          53.20

Leaving nothing on hand



Rec'd from all sources                $7635.02

Paid on proper vouchers               $5258.71

Library fund                             19.87

Balance on hand                       $2396.18

We recommend that W. G. Wilkins be appointed jury revisor.

Also, that Will Boyd be appointed a member of the Board of Education to succeed Oscar Coleman.

Also, that W. F. Jones be appointed a member of the Board of Education to succeed himself.

Also, that D. A. Handley be appointed N. P. for the 549th District, G. M.



We find the public roads of Fayette county in bad condition in a great many places, especially at Trickum Creek and Kite Lake and recommend that they be repaired at once.



We recommend that the City Court of Fayetteville be abolished.



Supplement report of the investigating committee of last grand jury is hereby submitted:

We, the committee appointed by the last grand jury, beg leave to submit the following supplemental report as part of our report in this investigation:

J. W. Wise has been employed by the county to represent the county in this matter, and since we adjourned and on investigation of our report in which we had charged against the Commissioners the sum of $1230.09 for the year 1908 on checks which had been lost, drawn on Farmers & Merchants Bank and the sum of $623.80 on checks drawn on the Bank of Fayetteville, making a total amount charged of $1,853.89 in which the papers had been lost and had no means to make a thorough investigation of each item.

We have been convinced that part of this amount was paid on debts legally chargeable to the county and that the county owed.  The said J. W. Wise, as attorney, having an offer of settlement of $4000.00, we recommend that the same be accepted, and believe that that sum will compensate the county for the loss shown by this report, less the amount herein that was paid on debts due by the county, and we are glad to report to your body that said amount of money has been paid and is now in the hands of the county.

J. R. Murphy,

J. B. Travis.

We offer supplement to above report that we find $4,000.00 in the hands of J. W. Wise, county attorney.

We recommend that above report be accepted and that said committee be discharged.

We also recommend that their report, together with report of expert accountant, be filed in Clerk's office for future reference.



1st.  To build and repair court houses, jails, bridges, ferries and public improvements, according to contract--27c per $100.

2nd.  To pay sheriff's, jailor's or other public officer's fees that may be legally due them-- 7c per $100.

3rd.  To pay the expenses of the county for bailiffs at court, non-resident witness fees in criminal cases, fuel, servant hire, stationery, etc--5c per $100.

4th.  To pay jurors per diem compensation--12c per $100.

5th.  To pay coroners all fees that may be due them from the county for holding inquests--1c per $100.

6th.  To pay expenses incurred in supporting the poor of the county, as otherwise provided by the Code--12 1-2c per $100.

7th.  To pay expenses public roads, alternative road law--20c per $100.

We also recommend that our law creating a Board of County Commissioners be abolished, and that our present Representative be asked to have said law repealed, and have enacted an act in lieu thereof a law creating one County Commissioner with all power over the road tax, convicts and road and bridge building, directing all work and approving same, and all bills of expense paid only on his vouchers.  Said commissioner to be recommended by the grand jury and appointed by the Judge of the Superior Court and Commissioned by the State, and be required to make a good bond, of sufficient amount to protect the county's interest, and he be paid to exceed $1,200.00 a year for his services, subject to removal upon recommendation of the grand jurors of said county.

It is with feeling of sadness and regret that we come to take leave of Judge E. J. Reagan. While there will be another term of this court before he retires from the office he has so ably and impartially filled for many years.  It is the last time the members of this body will have the opportunity expressing in this capacity their high regard for him, both personally and officially.  We know we speak the sentiment of the law abiding citizens of this county whom he has served so well in expressing the wish and the hope that many years of happiness and prosperity are in store for him and for his.

We also desire to thank Solicitor-General J. W. Wise for his assistance and advice and many courtesies shown us during our session.

We recommend that presentments be published in The Fayetteville News and that the publisher be allowed $10 for same.

This March 26, 1910.

Benjamin L. McGough, foreman.

John W. Padgett

Simeon T. Blalock

Martin L. McEachern

Leonard A. Harris

Walter J. Stell

Yancy Swanson

John G. Minter

John T. Burch

Thomas M. Kerlin

William E. Chapman

Wilson O. Whitlock

Samuel C. Greer

Asbury W. Haisten

Thomas M. Murphy

Aaron C. Tarpley

Walter H. Milam

William O. Graves

George W. Bottoms

Joseph A. Jones

Pleasant M. McEachern

Arthur T. Harrell

John J. Davis, secretary.


It is ordered that the foregoing General Presentments be entered upon the minutes of the court and published as therein recommended.  March 26, 1910.

E. J. Reagan,

Judge S. C. F. C.



(Old Joe)

It is with sadness we note the death of Mr. G. W. Slaton.  Death came at the break of day and took the affectionate husband, kind and loving father and friend to all.  His good deeds were counted by the score.  He was a Confederate soldier and his remains were laid to rest with the honors of the Confederate soldiers.  He leaves a wife and six children to mourn his death.  We extend to the bereaved ones our sympathy.

Mrs. J. J. Handley had the misfortune to fall down some steps recently but was not seriously hurt, but was considerably bruised.

Misses Sallie and Pearl Slaton, of Atlanta, attended the funeral of their grandfather, Mr. G. W. Slaton, Sunday.

Mrs. Nannie Grizzard, of East Point, was the guest of her ???ter, Mrs. Lizzie Chandler, S???day.

Mrs. Lula Chandler, of Se??? attended the funeral here ???day.

Mr. T. N. Slaton, of Fairburn was in our midst Sunday.

Mr. W. A. Stokes, of Albany, was in our town Sunday.  He was on his way to see homefolks.

Mr. Vesper Slaton, of Atlanta, was the guest of relatives here recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Commie Slaton, of Atlanta, were called to the bedside of Mr. G. W. Slaton Friday.

Miss Mattie Lou Jackson, of Palmetto, has opened up the millinery department of Daniel & Jackson.

The singing given by Mrs. Carl Yarber was a success and enjoyed by all present.

Our Sunday school is on the rising ground.  Let every one attend regularly.

Say, "Jay Bird" come again!  I am just giving a few dots occasionally.  You have the floor. 

Local Advertisements on this Page:




To the Voters of Fayette County:

I am a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the primary to be ordered by the Democratic Executive Committee of Fayette County.  I am a Confederate soldier and never held an office in my life and will appreciate all support given me and if elected will discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability.  I need the office and ask for only one term.

Yours truly,

J. T. Walker



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I hereby announce myself a candidate for Treasurer of Fayette County, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary.  I am an old Confederate soldier, born and reared in this county and only ask for one term.  I now rent land and need the office and will appreciate your support.

Yours truly,

Allen Chandler



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer subject to the Democratic primary.  I was born and raised in this county and I am an old soldier and never asked for an office in my life.  I am getting old and have no way of making a living, but by my work and I am not able to do much work, so I earnestly ask your support and if elected will do my best to give satisfaction to all.  I only ask one term, so help on that needs the office.

Yours truly,

W. D. Banks.



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer subject to the Democratic primary to be ordered by the executive Committee.  I have never held any office in this county.  I have lived in the county all my life.  I will appreciate your support and if elected one term is all I ask.


T. A. Knowles




To the Voters of Fayette County:

I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer subject to the Democratic primary to be held May 4. I never held an office.  I am now unable to do much manual labor and need the office.  I will appreciate your support and vote at the coming primary and will discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability.

E. G. Luncford



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I am a candidate for County Treasurer subject to the Democratic primary of May 4.  I am an old confederate soldier, not able to work and am not drawing any pension.

I will appreciate all the help I can get on this line and promise to do my duty as an officer to the very best of my ability if I am elected.


T. M. Murphy



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the regulations of the Democratic primary to be held May 4.  I entered the Confederate army a volunteer and served as such until I was wounded.  I was born and reared in the county and have never accumulated any property and would like to serve one term to assist me in my old age to support myself and wife.  I promise, if elected, to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability.

W. V. Mitchell.



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I hereby announce myself a candidate for sheriff of Fayette county, subject to the rules of the Democratic Executive Committee for the election of county officers this year.

I was reared in Fayette county and have never asked the people for an office in my life.

I want to serve my county as sheriff and promise if elected, to discharge the duties of sheriff to the best of y ability.  I will appreciate the support of the voters of the county and promise each to do my best to fill the office with credit to myself and the county.


J. H. Stephens.



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Sheriff of Fayette county subject to the Democratic primary.

As your Sheriff, I have endeavored at all times to discharge my duty as the law requires, promptly attending to all business placed in my hands. 

I wish to thank my friends for their loyalty to me heretofore and will always remember their kindness with gratitude.

If you elect me your Sheriff I promise you, as in the past, a faithful performance of all its important duties.  My record is before you.  I will appreciate your support.


F. B. Brown.



I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the rules of the Democratic Executive Committee of Fayette county.  I have never held an office, never asked your support, and if elected I promise you my time and energy in filling ?? to the best of my ability.  I earnestly solicit the support of the voters of the county and will appreciate same.

Yours truly,

J. R. Whitlock.



To the Voters of Fayette County:

 I am a candidate for Tax Collector of Fayette county, subject to the rules of the Democratic Executive Committee.  I would appreciate your support and if elected will faithfully perform my duty.

Yours truly,

Jno. R. Brooks



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax Collector of Fayette county subject to the rules of the Democratic Executive Committee.   I would appreciate your support and if elected I will faithfully perform my duty.

Yours truly,

A. W. Haisten



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I am a candidate for Tax Collector subject ot the primary.  I deeply appreciate the support of my friends in the past and as your collector, I have endeavored to faithfully perform my duty.  I will very much appreciate your support for the next term, and promise if elected to do my whole duty, and won't offer for another term.


J. F. Smith



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax Receiver of Fayette county subject to the Democratic primary.  My record is before you in the past and if you believe in helping one that needs the office and that has the interest of the county at heart and believes in "Equal rights to all and special privileges to non", vote for me and I will appreciate your help.  I will discharge the duties of the office to the very best of my ability.

Very Respectfully,

W. O. D. Moore.



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic Executive Committee, as per its rulings for a primary to be held on May 4th, 1910.

I appreciate the support of the voters of the county for past favors and assure each that I yet remember these with gratitude.

I have a crop and cannot visit each one personally but hope to see as many as I can.  If I am elected I will serve the county and people to the best of my ability and earnestly solicit your support.

Yours truly,

R. H. Thompson.



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I am a candidate for the Legislature subject to the Democratic primary.  I earnestly solicit your votes and if elected will serve you to the best of my ability.


K. V. Adams



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I hereby announce myself a candidate for Representative, subject to the rules governing the Democratic Primary.  If elected I promise a faithful discharge of the duties devolving upon the office.

Respectfully yours,

Charles D. Redwine



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I hereby announce myself a candidate for Coroner of Fayette county, subject to the Democratic Primary.  Your support will be appreciated.

John Crockett.



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I hereby announce myself a candidate for Coroner subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic Primary to be held May 4th, 1910. 

I earnestly solicit the support and votes of the people of the county and promise a faithful discharge of the cuties of the office.

Andrew J. Jackson.



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I hereby announce myself a candidate for coroner, subject to the Democratic primary to be held May 4.  If elected I promise to perform my duty as an officer to the best of my ability.  I earnestly solicit the support of the people of the county.

J. R. Ellington.



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I hereby announce myself a candidate for Judge of the City Court of Fayetteville.  If elected I promise a faithful performance of my duty without favor or affection to any person or persons.  Hoping that I may have the pleasure of seeing each one personally and that I may have your support.

I am respectfully,

Lester C. Dickson



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I hereby announce myself a candidate for Judge of the City Court of Fayetteville subject to the Democratic primary to be held May 4th.


B. L. McGough



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I announce myself a candidate for Judge of the City Court of Fayetteville subject to the Democratic primary.  If elected, I promise to faithfully perform the duties of Judge to the best of my ability.


J. B. Mitchell.



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I announce myself a candidate for the office of Solicitor of the City Court of Fayetteville.

I sincerely appreciate your support given me heretofore and earnestly ask your patronage this time and if elected will strive always for the best interest of all.

Respectfully, T. V. Lester.



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I announce myself a candidate for State Senator from the 26th Senatorial District subject to the Democratic primary.  I earnestly solicit the support and votes of the people of Fayette county.  If nominated and elected, I promise to represent and serve the people to the best of my ability.


W. B. Hollingsworth



To the Voters of Fayette County:

I announce myself a candidate for the Senate subject to the Democratic primary to be held this year.  I thank the people of the county for their past support and promise you if I am nominated and elected it will be my pleasure to faithfully perform all the duties as senator to the best of my ability.


A. O. Blalock.



To the Voters of the Flint Circuit:

I am a candidate for Judge of the Superior Court of the Flint Circuit, subject to the Democratic primary.  I solicit and will appreciate the support and vote of the people of the circuit.

Robert T. Daniel.



To the Voters of the Flint Circuit:

I announce myself a candidate for Judge of the Superior Courts of the Flint Circuit, subject to the Democratic primary.  I earnestly solicit the support and votes of the people of the circuit.

E. E. DuPree.



To the Voters of the Fayette County:

I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic Executive Committee, as per its rulings for a primary to be held on May 4th, 1910.

Some men are born "Bosses, some born servants".  I belong to the latter class, and am always delighted to serve you int he capacity of Clerk.  My record is before you, I promise if elected the same quick turn of business; and will in future, as in the past, give all of my time and energy to the office.

With a heart full of appreciation for your past favors, and asking for your vote and influence in the coming race, I remain,

Very truly yours,

J. W. Graham.



To the People of the Sixth Congressional District:

I am a candidate for Congress subject to Democratic nominations.

In this announcement I will not undertake to incorporate my entire platform, but cannot refrain from saying that as a member of Congress I would strenuously oppose all extravagant expenditure of the peoples money and all unnecessary and burdensome taxation, and every effort made to encroach upon "states rights" and would stand unflinchingly and unfalteringly against all laws in conflict with the principle "Equal rights to all and special privileges to none."

I believe that this should be in reality as it is in theory a government of the people, by the people and for the people.

As your representative, I would devote to the duties of the office my time, my energy and whatever of talent I have and requests from any citizen of the District however humble he might be - would receive prompt and careful attention.

If elected I will enter upon the discharge of my duties without pledge or promise to any man or set of men but absolutely fee and independent to do my full duty as God gives me the light to see it.

Very Respectfully,

O. H. B. Bloodsworth.



I am a candidate for renomination to the office of Representative in Congress from the Sixth District in the primary election, which, under the law, will be held next August.

I believe that my record as a Representative, of which I invite the closest scrutiny, justifies me in saying that I have discharged every duty and obligation to the people who have honored me with that high and responsible office.  During the entire period of my service in the House, I have been faced by a Republican majority, strongly adverse in sentiment and policy to the best interests of the people of my section.  but my record here will demonstrate that in every word I have spoken and in every vote I have cast, I have had an eye single to the honor and welfare of the people I represent.  Whether my duty as a representative called me to resist the insidious attempts that are being constantly made to undermine the sovereign dignity of the States, to oppose the encroachments of organized monopoly upon the rights and substance of the people to to defend the institutions and glorious traditions of our own section, I have responded to that call with all the force and vigor of my being.  As a representative of a free people, I have denounced tyranny in whatever form it has appeared, and actively participated in the movement to wrest the control of the House from the arrogant despotism that has been erected in the people's forum by the Speaker and his Committee on Rules.  My record in this and all other matters will most conclusively show that I have never on any occasion faltered or hesitated in the course of duty dictated by perfect loyalty to my constituents and party.

Believing that my long experience will enable me to serve more efficiently the people of the district in the next House, which, from all indications, will be Democratic, and with grateful appreciation of their support and confidence in the past, I ask a renomination by the hands of my constituency.

C. L. Bartlett.



To the Voters of the Sixth Congressional District:

I have a laudable ambition to represent this district in the 62nd. Congress, therefore I submit to you this formal announcement of my candidacy, subject to the Democratic primary and I earnestly solicit your votes and support.

I shall endeavor to canvass each county and meet as many of you personally as it is possible for me to do between this and when the primary is held.  And then, should you vote for and elect me, I promise to consecrate my very best efforts and whatever talents and ability I possess to your service.

Respectfully Yours,

J. J. Flynt.

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Compilation Copyright 2003-Present by Linda Blum-Barton