Will of Samuel Webb 1865
Sue Webb
Early County Georgia
Will Book B
Pages 104, 105, 106, 107 & 108
LDS FHL Film No. 0164098
In the name of God amen. I
Samuel Webb of said State & County being of advanced age and knowing that I must shortly depart this life, deem it right and proper
both as respects my family & myself that I should make a disposition of the property with which a kind providence has blessed me, do therefore make this my last
Will & Testament hereby revoking others heretofore made by me.
1st Item. I desire and direct that my body be buried in a decent & Christian like manner suitable to my circumstances and condition in life.
My Soul, I trust shall return to rest with God who gave it, as I hope for eternal salvation through the merits and atonement of the blessed Lord & Savior Jesus
Christ, whose religion I have professed and as I humbly trust, enjoyed for thirty seven years.
2nd Item. I desire & direct that all my just debts be paid without delay by my executor hereinafter appointed as I am unwilling my creditors
should be delayed in their rights.
3rd Item. I give & bequeath & devise to my beloved Wife
Mary with whom I have lived in the strictest quiet for thirty one years. Negro man
Cook, aged 55 years, his wife
Lindy, age 30 years, one boy
Jack age 5 years, one mare Queen and one mule such as she may choose from my stock of mules.
4th Item. I give & bequeath to my beloved Wife, Lot of land No. 214 containing 250 acres more or less in the 6th Dist of Early County, Georgia,
also my dwelling house and four acres of land attached from lot No. 213. I also direct at the death of my Wife the lot of land No. 214 to be given to my son
Zachary Taylor Webb, he to have the use of said lot until the death of his Mother and then to be his. I also give to my Wife two cows & calves such as She
may choose from my stock of cattle. 2 Sows & pigs such as She may choose from my stock of hogs and meat hogs enough to do her & family one year, also all my
bedsteads & bedding, also three bushels corn from the crop made this year, also four thousand pounds fodder, 2 banks of eating potatoes. I also give unto my
Wife all the Household & Kitchen furniture, cooking utensils etc.
5th Item. I have given unto my son
Joseph T. a Negro man
George valued at four hundred dollars also one hundred acres of land valued at two
hundred & twenty four dollars, one horse valued at one hundred dollars also one cow & calf valued at 10 dollars, also one sow and pigs valued at five dollars.
6th Item. I have given unto my Daughter
Malinda, wife of
Henry Powell , a Negro girl
Emeline valued at three hundred dollars, also one hundred
acres of land valued at two hundred and fifty dollars, one cow & calf, ten dollars, one sow & pigs valued at five dollars.
7th Item. I have given unto my son in law
Eli D. Webb, one Negro girl
Ann valued at three hundred dollars, one hundred 1/4 acres of land valued
at two hundred & fifty dollars, cow & calf valued at ten dollars , one sow & pigs valued at five dollars.
8th Item. I have given unto my Daughter
Sarah E., wife of
Madison Hamilton, one Negro girl
Harriet valued at seven hundred dollars, one lot of
land No. 265 lying in sixth Dist. of Early County Georgia containing 250 acres more or less valued at four hundred dollars.
9th Item. I have given unto my Daughter
Elefare, wife of
W.I. Clements, Negro girl
Emily valued at three hundred dollars, cash two hundred
dollars, also 125 acres of land valued at $250 dollars, one cow & calf ten dollars, one sow & pigs valued five dollars.
10th Item. I have given unto my Daughter
Amanda C., wife of Dr.
G.N. McLain, one Negro girl
Lucinda valued at four hundred dollars, one lot of land
No. 226 containing 250 acres more or less lying in the sixth District of Early County Georgia valued at $500, also a Negro woman
Ann (I value at nothing being
a gift for services rendered extra), one cow & calf valued at ten dollars, sow & pigs valued at five dollars.
11th Item. I have given unto my son
John A., one Negro man
Henry valued at Eight hundred dollars , one horse worth forty dollars.
12th Item. I have given unto my Daughter
Mittie, Wife of
Dr. W.R. McLain, one Negro girl
Ester, valued at Eight hundred dollars, also 125 acres of
land being a part No. 127 in the sixth district Early County Georgia valued at three hundred dollars.
13th Item. I now desire and wish that the above named heirs account to my Executors hereinafter named the amount each one has received at the
distribution of my Estate without interest (principle only).
14th Item. I give and bequeath to my Son
William J., one Negro boy
Robert age 7 years value $330, one bay filly, Nelly worth fifty dollars. The
above I desire him to account for at the distribution of my Estate (without interest).
15th Item. I give and bequeath to my Son
Giles D.. one Negro boy
Lemuel, age 7 years valued at $330 , one Sorrel colt, Tauery worth fifty dollars,
which I desire him to account for at the division of my Estate (without interest).
16th Item. I give and bequeath to my Son
Zachary T. , one Negro boy
Washington age 7 years valued at $550, one Sorrel colt one year old worth fifty
dollars. Which I desire him to account for at the division of my Estate (without interest).
17th Item. I give and bequeath to my Grandson
James M. Powell fifty dollars. Also to my Grandson
Samuel H. Powell fifty dollars, which I wish them to
account for at the division of my Estate (without interest).
18th Item. I desire that all my stock of mules, horses, cattle, oxen, hogs, wagons, carts, farming utensils, blacksmith tools to be sold & equally
divided except my two horse wagon which I desire put in good running order and delivered to my Wife
Mary Webb.
19th Item. I desire that the 125 acres of land given to
W.R. McLain Be transferred to my son
Zachary T. Webb and the said McLain take an equal part
in the balance of my lands, If McLain does not transfer his land. I want Zachary T. to have one hundred acres from lots No. 213 & 228 ( 50 acres from each lot,
on the South side of each lot).
20th Item. I give and bequeath unto my Sons,
John A. and
William J. and
Giles D. and my Son in Law
W.R. McLain (if he makes the transfer) all the
land composing my plantation, Lots 215,, 228, 174, 175, 2 half lots on the West side of Spring Creek, No. not recollected, containing twelve hundred fifty acres
more or less. Gin & Gin house ____ undivided.
21st Item. The Negroes Cook,
Lindy and
Jack given to my wife I request at her death to be equally divided among my heirs.
22nd Item. I also direct that my Negro property not herein been disposed of , to be divided equally among my heirs at Law.
23rd Item. I also direct & request that my Wife
Mary Webb have all my sheep, fifteen head more or less.
23rd Item. I also request that the cane Mills and Boilers be kept for the use of the family.
24th Item. I hereby constitute and appoint
Dr. George N. McLain and my friend
William H. Wade, Executors of this my last Will & testament. This 12th
March 1865.
Samuel Webb
Signed, Sealed, declared and published by
Samuel Webb as his last Will & testament in presence of us the Subscribers who subscribed our names hereto in the
presence of said Testator (at his special instance & request) & of each other.
This March 12th 1865.
Cullen Webb
Thomas Tabb
Joel W. Hightower
State of Georgia
County of Early In open court came
Joel W. Hightower and
Thomas Tabb, two of the subscribing Witnesses to the last Will and testament of
Samuel Webb deceased.
Who after being sworn desposisth and saith that they each saw
Samuel Webb the testator sign seal & publish and declare the paper presented to them to be his
last Will and testament. That he was of sound & disposing mind & memory - that he signed the same voluntarily of his own free will and accord without any
undue influence or fear. That each of them signed the same as witnesses in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other and
Webb the other Witness who has since died.
Joel W. Hightower
Thomas Tabb
Signed & Sworn to in open
Court June 4th 1866
T.T. Swann, Ord. Early County
Court of Ordinary for Early County June Term 1866
The last Will and testament of
Samuel Webb, late of said deceased - having been proven in solemn format this Term of the Court by
Joel W. Hightower and
Tabb, two of the subscribing witnesses: the other
Cullen Webb being deceased. And all parties being interested being duly notified in time of the Law. It is
therefore ordered that the said last Will and testament of
Samuel Webb
be admitted to record; and that letters testamentary do issue to
George N. McLain, the
Executor appointed therein, he having already qualified in terms of the Statue in such case made and provided.
T.T. Swann, ord.
Recorded June 8th 1866
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