Walker Co., Ga. School, 1921

Schools in Walker County, Georgia 1921

Reference: Program Booklet: "Chattanooga Valley Kiwanis 22nd Annual Barbecue, Saturday, June 12, 1971"

This Program Booklet includes School of Walker County in 1921 and advertising by local businesses.

Booklet contributed by Eudine Morgan Britton, transcribed by Dorothy Duff.

Rossville School Teachers: Mr. Whiteside, Miss Chambers, Mrs. Benson and Miss Leonard.
Location:One and one-half miles from Dry Valley; one and a quarter miles from Lakeview;three miles from Mission Ridge. Grounds:Area, one lot; title in trustees; rough; sanitary drinking fountains; flower boxes in windows; surface toilets.
Building:Value, $5,000.00; four rooms; poor condition; very well kept; no cloak room; painted inside; brick outside. Equipment:Double and single patent desks; poor blackboard; some maps; no charts; reference dictionary; some globes; a library; an organ
Organization:Four teachers, eight grades; 278 pupils; eight months' school year. Maintenance:$3,150.00 per annum.
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Shiloh School Teachers:Miss Rebecca Bomar, J. C. Young, Jr., Lafayette, Ga. Route 3.
Location:Three miles south to Plesant Hill Grounds:Area, one acre; titles (?); wooded; small play grounds; no gardens; one surface toilet, in good condition.
Building:Value, $500.00; two rooms; insufficiently lighted; leaks badly; well kept; no cloak rooms; unpainted. Equipment:Single patent desks; good blackboards; no maps; no charts; no pictures; no library; no reference dictionary.
Organization:Two teachers; eight grades; 45 enrolled. six months' school year. Maintenance:(No entry in reference)
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New Prospect School Teachers:Mr. Jones, Miss Kitchem.
Location:Five miles north from Cedar Grove; two miles west from Kensington. Grounds: Area _; titles, _; rough play grounds; no gardens, one surface toilet.
Building:Value, $900.00; two rooms; no cloak rooms; in fairly good condition; very well kept; unpainted inside; painted outside. Equipment:Double patent and home-made desks; teachers' desk; insufficient amount of blackboard; no maps, no pictures; no charts; no globes; no library; no reference dictionary.
Organization:Two teachers; 76 pupils; 67 recitation periods; programs posted. Six months' school year. Maintenance:$630.00
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Peavine School Teachers:Herschel Powell, Miss Alma Conley
Location:Three Miles north of Rock Springs. Grounds: Area, two acres; titles in church; neglected;ample play grounds; no school gardens; water secured from spring; two toilets in neglected condition.
Building:Value,(No entry); two rooms, improperly lighted; no cloak rooms; painted inside, umpainted outside. Equipment:Double desks; blackboards; a U.S.map; no charts; no globes; no library; some framed pictures.
Organization:Two teachers; seven grades; 53 enrolled; a corn club; six months' school year. Maintenance:(No entry)
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Villanow School Teachers: W. N. Morgan, Mrs. Ewing Reed.
Location:(No entry) Grounds: Area, two acres; titles in trustees; ample play grounds; no gardens; one surface toilet.
Building:Value (No entry); one large room (curtain); improperly lighted; no cloak rooms, well kept; in good condition; painted inside and outside. Equipment:Double patent desks; fairly good blackboard; no maps; no charts; no globes;no library; a few pictures; a reference dictionary.
Organization:Two teachers; nine grades; 86 pupils. Seven months'school year. Maintenance:(No entry)
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Garrett's Chapel School Teachers:Mrs. Amanda Pierce, Chickamauga, Ga.
Location:Three miles southwest from Wallaceville; three miles west from Oak Grove. Grounds: Area, __; titles __; no play equipment; no gardens; one toilet, in very bad condition.
Building:Value, $800.00; one room; poor lighting; very good condition and well kept; no cloak rooms; painted outside but unpainted inside. Equipment:Home-made; poor blackboards; one map; no charts; no globes; no pictures; no library; no reference dictionary.
Organization:One teacher, six grades; 53 enrolled; no program posted; 30 recitation periods; corn, pig and potato clubs; six months' school year. Maintenance:$258.00 per annum from county.
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Noble School Teachers:Mss Irene Glass
Location:Two miles south of Rock Springs; three miles north of Warren; three miles west of Center School. Grounds:Area, one acre; titles in Board of Education; unimproved; no playground equipment; no school garden; water secured from neighbor's well; two surface toilets.
Building:Value, $1,200.00; one room; improperly lighted; well kept; no cloak rooms; painted inside and outside. Equipment:Double patent desks; no charts; no globes; a few pictures; no library; one map; insufficient amount of blackboard.
Organization:One teacher, seven grades, 40 enrolled; no program posted; a pig club; six months' school year. Maintenance:(No entry)
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Wallaceville School Teachers: Miss Patsy Glenn, Mrs. Ella Buchanan.
Location:three miles west from Robertsville; three miles northeast from Garrett's Chapel; three miles north from Oak Grove. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles (?); hilly; not enough play ground; two toilets, in poor condition.
Building:Value, $1,000.00; two rooms; unilateral lighting; well kept; in very good condition; no cloak rooms; painted outside; unpainted inside. Equipment:Double patent desks (old); insufficient amount of blackboard; no maps; no charts; no globes; no pictures; no library; a reference dictionary.
Organization:Two teachers; seven grades; 78 pupils; program posted. Maintenance: $750.00 per annum from county and local tax.
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Pond Springs School Teachers:Miss Lilly Morgan and Mrs. Ada Shankle.
Location:Four miles north from Kensington; three miles south from Oak Grove. Grounds: Area, ___; titles in trustees; rocky, no equipment; no gardens; two toilets.
Building:Value, $1,500.00; two rooms; very good condition; well kept; painted inside and otuside. Equipment:Double patent desks; rough blackboards; no charts; no maps; no pictures; a library; a reference dictionary; covered water cooler.
Organization:Two teachers; seven grades; 43 recitation periods; program posted; six months; school year Maintenance:$708.00 from county and patrons.
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Naomi School Teachers:Mr. B.D. Keown, Miss Ella chapman, Miss Annie Justice.
Location:Four miles east from LaFayette;;three miles northeast from Corinth; four miles from Catlett. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in Board of Education; hilly, not improved; no gardens; one surface toilet, in fairly good condition; water secured from church cistern.
Building:Value, $2,000.00; three rooms; cloak rooms; insufficient lighting; well kept and in good condition; unpainted inside; painted outside. Equipment:Double patent desks in two rooms; single patent in one; plenty of good blackboards; no maps, no charts; no globes; some framed pictutes; covered water cooler in each room.
Organization:Three teachers. seven grades. 127 pupils; six months' school year. Maintenance:$1,206.00 per annum from county and local tax.
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Rock Springs School Teachers:Mr. R. L. Powell, Miss Lucile Payne
Location:Three miles north from Noble; five miles south from Peavine; three miles northwest from Center Grove. Grounds:Area, one acre; titles in trustees; level; no equipment; no gardens; two surface toilets.
Building:Value, $1,500.00; two rooms; improperly lighted; fairly good condition; well kept; no cloak rooms; painted inside; needs new coat of paint outside. Equipment:Double desks; teachers'table;insufficient blackboard;a few maps; no charts; no globes; a few framed pictures; a covered water cooler; a reference dictionary.
Organization:Two teachers; seven grades; 123 pupils; 41 recitation periods; six months' school year. Maintenance:$738.00 per annum from county and patrons.
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Kensington School Teachers:Mr. W. C. Bowman, Miss Ilah Williams
Location:Two miles east from New Prospect; four miles south from Pond Spring; five miles north from Cedar Grove. Grounds: Area __; titles__; very good condition; no play equipment; no gardens; one surface toilet.
Building:Value, $1,200.00; three rooms; well lighted; fairly good condition; cloak rooms; very well kept; unpainted inside; painted outside. Equipment:Double patent desks; rough blackboards; no maps; no charts; no globes; no framed pictures; no library; no reference dictionary.
Organization:Two teachers; seven grades; 57 pupils; programs posted; nine months' school year. Maintenance:$1,350.00 per annum.
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Old Bethel School Teachers:Mrs. Edith Goodson, Chickamauga, Ga.
Location:Three miles east from Pond Spring; five miles northeast from Rock Springs. Grounds: Area, __; titles, __; level; no play equipment; no gardens;two surface toilets.
Building:Value, $1,200.00; one room; no cloak room; improperly lighted; fair condition; well kept; painted. Equipment:Double patent desks; a teacher's table; fairly good blackboard; no charts; no sand tables; no globes;; no framed pictures; no library; no reference dictionary.
Organization:One teacher, six grades; 41 pupils; 32 recitations periods; program posted; six months' school year. Maintenance:$258.00 per annum from county.
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Catlett School Teachers:J. C. Jones and Thomas McGill
Location:Four miles from Naomi; three miles east from Pine Grove; two south from Center Grove. Grounds: Area, one and one-half acres; titles, in Board of Trustees; level, but unimproved; good spring; no play equipment; no gardens; two surface toilets.
Building:Value, $800.00; one room; improperly lighted; fairly well kept; no cloak rooms; unpainted. Equipment:Long, home-made desks; 20 feet of good blackboard;no maps; no charts; no globes; no reference dictionary; no library.
Organization:Two teachers, six grades; 91 enrolled; thirteen recitation periods to each teacher; six months' school year. Maintenance:$690.00 from patrons and county.
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Fairview School Teachers: Mrs. R. C. Linn
Location:Three miles north from Chattooga; four miles south from Burnt Mill. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles (?); hilly; no play equipment; no gardens, no toilets; water from spring.
Building:Value, $1,200.00; two rooms; no cloak rooms; in very good condition; fairly well kept; unpainted. Equipment:Double patent desks; insufficient blackboards; no maps; no charts; no pictures; no library; no eference dictionary.
Organization:One teacher; five grades; 78 enrolled; 30 recitations periods; program posted; sx months' school term. Maintenance:$258 per annum.
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Sunnyside School Teachers:Miss Grace Bowen
Location:Four miles west from Pine Grove; two miles east from LaFayette; three Miles south from Bethel. Grounds: Area, ___; titles, in private individual; hilly, unimproved; no equipment; no gardens; no toilets; water from a spring.
Building:Value, $100.00; one room; very poor condition; well kept; no cloak room, unpainted. Equipment:Long, home-made desks; insufficient blackboard; no maps; no charts;; no globes; some pictures; no library.
Organization:One teacher; seven grades, 34 enrolled; 24 recitation periods. Maintenance:(No enrty)
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Oak Grove School Teachers:Miss Thelma Parker
Location:Three miles from Garrett's Chapel; three miles from Pond Spring. Grounds: Area, ___; titles, ___; grounds hilly and rough; water from a neighbor's well; no gardens; one toilet, in bad condition.
Building:Value, $1,000.00; one room; lighting poor; good condition and well kept; no cloak rooms; painted inside and outside. Equipment:Double patent desks but very old; ample blackboard; no maps; no charts; no library; no reference dictionary; some framed pictures; a globe.
Organization:One teacher; six grades; 27 enrolled; program posted; 28 recitation periods; six months' school year. Maintenance:$240.00 per annum from county.
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Cedar Grove School Teachers:Mr. J.D.McFarlin, Mrs. J.D.McFarlin, Miss Eva Roper, Miss Elsie Andrews, Mrs. Lona Mai Powell, Mr. Westbrook.
Location:Six miles south from Kensington. Grounds: Four acres; title in board of trustees; level; fairly good play grounds; no school gardens; sanitary toilets.
Building:Value, $20,000.00, new building built by approved plan. Equipment:Single patent desks; teachers' tables; good blackboards; no maps; no charts; no framed picture; globes; a small library; a reference dictionary.
Organization: (No entry) Maintenance:(No enry)
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Transcriber Note: Each school included a picture of the school. In addition to the above schools, other schools named without any information are Osborn School, Ascolon School, Dillon School, and Pittsburg School.

Edited 06/21/04

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