World War I Loyalty Day, 1921
World War I, Loyalty Day
April 6, 1921
City Auditorim
Chattanooga, Tennessee
"In Memory of those Who Died in the World War"
Reference: "Loyalty Day Program,  April 6, 1921" 
contributed by Eudine Morgan Britton; transcribed by Dorothy Duff

Loyalty Service

Funeral Service

Hon. A. W. Chambliss, Presiding

Dr. Loring Clark, Officiating

America ...Band and Choir Buglers ... "Attention"
Prayer ... Dr. J. W. Bachman Procession ... Flags and Caskets
Solo ... Stewart Roberts Roll Call ... Captain Ernest Bell
Address ... Frank Carden Hymn (Choir and Audience)
"In the Sweet Bye and Bye"
Music ... Kiwanis Quartet Scripture Reading ... Dr. Claude Hill
Legion Speaker ... Chaplain John W Inzer Music ... Kiwanis Quartet
Band ... Star Spangled Banner Address ... Dr. T. S. McCallie
  Hymn (Choir and Audience) ...
"Till We Meet Again"
  Benediction ... Dr. E. A. Elmore
  Band ... Funeral March
  Rev. John W. Inzer, National
Chaplain, Officiating at National
Cemetery Burial:

Marshall B. Dudderar
Oscar Hampton
Isham D. Robbins



Frank Atlee James Abel Johnson
John F. Acuff Ben Eskar L. Johnson
Jesse R. Allen D. L. Johnson
Stephen R. Allison Ernest R. Johnson
Robert G. Buchanan John W. Jillson
Cecil G. Bain John Jones
Leonard Bell Harry Kroeger
Phillip M. Berry Elmer Harold Kell
Cylde Blunt Levere Kyle
Lake C. Boyd Jos. G. Kunz
Lemuel H. Bogart Abe L. Kennedy
Harry Brown James Craig Lodor
Nathan Brewer Jacob F. Long
Albert C. Burton Augustine Brabson Littleton
Clifford Blanton Paul Lomenick
Walter Brown George Berry Leamon
Jesse Broyles Fred R. Losey
Chas. Wm. Loaring Clark Ed Lane
Lionel LaFayetter Camp William Light
Thomas M. Cain Claude Levi
Floyd Mills Cate George W. Levi
Osborne L. Colville Fred T. Lyle
James F. Collins Ira M. Lawson
Frank Henry Cooper William Lawiah
Will Cummings Thos. J. Lowry
Clinton F. Delius Buford McCullough
Dave Davis James McIsaac
Thurman C. Davis John Herbert Mishler
Thomas Earl Dempsey Clyde Meroney
John Hooper Dayton Thomas W. Moreland
Joseph Johnson Davis Francis Arthur Mason
George Gordon Dillard James J. Michaels.
Grover C. Dent Homer Moore
John Donahoo William A Ohls
Fife Vaugh Ellis Alford Orr
Ben W. Elbon Velmer Pryor Peck
Floyd Edge Sam D. Picklesimer
Luther Evans J. Clyde Price
Robert Lee Ely Joseph Park Robb
Fred Wiehl Fritts Edward Earl Reavely
Leonard Frank Chas. C. Robson
Hulary Frazier W. F. Ramsey
William Dean Faris Carlton H. Randall
Edward Falls Jesse Reno
James Mark Freeman Lawrence Roberts
Thos. J. Freeman Frank G. Russell
James Foster John Reynolds
Clifford Grayson David King Summers
W. C. George Harry E. Smith
Hugh Thomas Gregory John P. Smith
Jos. F. Gaffney Marvin H. Smith
William Neal Garrison Jerry G. Stegall
Jasper Gerald Jno. W. Springer
Clifford Green Eugene Sharp
Ollie Goins Frank W. Scruggs
Victor H. Green Andrew Smith
Curtis Givens James Lester Scoggins
James Nesbet Hazelhurst Albert Sykes
Jesse P. Hunt Nathan Smith
August B. Holdam Chris S. Timothy
John W. Head Chas. H. Taliaferro
Wallace B. Hagan Edward Taylor
Edward Stanton Hale Henry Tidwell
Robert J. Henderson Charles Toran
John Henley John E. Upton
Clifford C. Hancock Earl W. Vickery
Albert Hitchcock M. M. Wagner
Willliam A. Hamilton Claude T. Walker
James Humphrey Clifford O. Wallace
Jesse Hudson John J. Womble
Sam B. Hoge Ray Wilson
Carl E. Harrison Robey Glenn Wright
Claude L. Harmon Wm. A. White
George T. Hunt  
Jno. W. Haynes  
Jno. D. Hicks  
James G. Holston  
Henry Houston  
James Humphrey  

For more information on this subject see The Daily Times, Chattanooga, Tennessee, Wednesday, April 6, l921, "CHATTANOOGA TODAY HONORS DEAD HEROES OF WORLD WAR," "Entire City Will Observe Loyalty Day." "Tabernacle to Be Crowded for Memorial Services." "Big Parade to Start at 3:00 in Afternoon." "Funeral Services for Dudderar, Robbins, and Hampton at National Cemetery-General Holiday."


Edited 04/19/04

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