ca 1826 - ca
Son of Ichabod Phillips and Sophia Lord
Married Isabel Rowland
Book "E" page
State of
Know all men to the Presents, that we James B. Rowland, Ellis Phillips & Benjamin
Rowland are held and firmly bound and obliged unto the Honorable the Ordinary of
said county, for the time being, and his successors in office, in the sum of Fifteen
Hundred Dollars, to be paid to the said Ordinary, his successors in office or assigns,
for which payment well and truly to be made and done, we bind ourselves jointly
and severally, and each of our heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by these
Sealed with our seals, and dated at Appling the 7th day of November in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty four.
The condition of the above obligation is such, That if the above bound James B.
Rowland administrator of the goods, chattels and credits of Absolam Phillips, deceased,
do make a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods, chattels and
credits of the said deceased, which have or shall come to the hands, possession
or knowledge of the said James B. Rowland or in the hands or possession of any other
person or persons for his actings and doings and the same so make do exhibit in
the Court of Ordinary of said county when he shall be thereunto required, and such
goods, chattels and credits do well and truly administer, according to law, and
make a just and true account of his actings and doings therein, when required, by
the Superior Court or the Ordinary for the said county, and all the rest of the
goods, chattels and credits which shall be found remaining upon the account of the
said administration, the same being first allowed by the said Court, shall deliver
and pay to such persons respectively as are entitled to the same by law. And
if all shall hereafter appear that any last Will and Testement was made by the said
deceased, and the same be proved before the Court, and the executors obtain a certificate
of the probate thereof, and the said James B. Rowland do in such case, if required,
render and deliver up the said letters of administration, then this obligation to
be void, else to remain in full force.
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence of}
James B. Rowland {LS}
Ellis (his X mark)
Phillips {LS}
Benjamin (his X mark) Rowland {LS}
Book "B"
page 112:
The following is a true appraisement
of the persihable property of Absalom Phillips, deceased /
1 Sorrel Mule - $65.00
1 Gray Mare - $60.00
6 Head Cattle - $30.00
35 Head Hogs - $50.00
2 Bee Hives - $3.00
4000 lbs Fodder - $40.00
100 Bushels good corn @ $1.00
per bu. - $100.00
25 Bushels (illegible word)
Corn @ 50 cents per bu. - $12.50
1 Pen Shucks - $3.00
1 Raw Hide - $1.00
1 Loom & Contents - $1.00
4 Barrels & 1 gun - $0.75
2 Lots Plough Gears - $1.50
5 Weeding Hoes - $0.75
1 Spade & Shovel - $1.25
2 Club Axes - $1.00
page 113 - Inventory &
appraisement of Est. Absolam Phillips continued:
1 Man's Saddle & Side Saddle
- $2.50
1 Log Chain - $0.50
3 Augers 7 Hand Saw - $0.50
1 Lot Plow hoes & irons
- $3.50
1 Turning Plow & 2 Stocks
- $2.00
1 Work Oxen - $17.50
2500 lbs Seed Cotton @ $2.00
per hundred - $50.00
1 Spinning Wheel - $4.00
2 Baskets - $0.37 1/2
1 Umbrella - $0.25
1 Table - $0.75
2 Smoothing Irons - $0.75
1 pair Cotton Cards - $0.25
1 Wagon & Strap - $0.50
1 Shot Gun - $6.00
1 Cupboard - $1.50
1 Side Cupboard - $0.25
1 Clothes Press - $0.50
1 Small Chest - $0.75
2 Beds & Steads & Contents
- $25.00
5 Jugs & 2 Jars - $2.50
7 Sitting Chairs - $2.50
2 Small Baskets - $0.18 1/2
Bread Tray, Sifter & Coffee
Mill - $0.75
1 Dinner Table - $0.50
1 Pocket Book - $0.37 1/2
We certify upon oath that as far as was produced to us by the administrator James
B. Rowland the above and foregoing contains a true appraisement of the Estate of
Absolam Phillips, deceased, to the best of our judgement and understanding this
the Eighth day of November 1854.
Randal Newsom
John Adams Stephen (his X mark) G. Reeves
} Appraisors
1 Scooter Plough Wm.
Megahee / 2 Shovel Ploughs Wm. Megahee 0.75 = $1.75
1 Allen Plough (illegible abbrviations)
2 (illegible word) plows John Whitaker = $3.06 1/4
2 Shovel plows & (- - -)
John Adams 2.75 5 Scooter plows Jacob ?Seay? 1.812 = $4.06 1/4
1 turning shovel 37 1/2
2 club axes 56 1/4 Ellis Phillips = $0.98 3/4
1 Saddle 50
3 Thos. Kendrick 3 Weeding Hoes 50 Lot plow gear
Wm. Megahee = $4.43 1/2
1 set plow gears Benj. Rowland
50 1 spade & shovel E. Phillips 1.68 3/4 = $2.18 3/4
1 bell & collar (- - -
-) draw 1.56 1/2 1 Log chain Matthew Phillips 50 = $1.50 1/2
1 hand saw 75 3
Augers 62 1/2 Ellis Phillips = $1.37 1/2
1 lot Baskets Wm. Megahee
.50 3 (- - -) & contents Ellis Phillips 87 1/2 = $1.37 1/2
1 Cow hide charles Russel
90 1 pen shucks Wm. O. ?Owen? 4. = $4.90
27 bushels short corn Benjamin
Rowland 10.35 15 bushels corn John Adams 15.45 = $30.30
10 bushels corn John Adams
10.25 10 bushels corn Rowel Adams 10.85 = $21.05
15 bushels corn thomas Kendircks
16.20 Balance Corn Thomas Kendricks 31.90 = $48.10
523 lbs fodder Thomas Kendricks
5.60 2807 lbs fodder John Whitaker 28.07 = $33.67
1 red cow & calf 11.25
1 white cow & calf 12.50 1 blk pieded cow & calf (illegible) Jacob Seary
= $34.87 1/2
1 yoke of oxen Willis Palmer
15 1 Sow Benjamin Rowland 4 (illegible) = $21.50
6 shoats Benjamin Roeland
11.62 1/2 1 (illegible) sow Robert Palmer 3 = $14.62 1/2
1 white sow 3.25 1 (-
- -) pigs 15 1 boar shoat 2.75 10 2nd choice pigs 9.75 1 white barrow 9
1 white sow 8.93 2 small sows 9 (illegible) John Adams = $51.60
1 Sorrel Mare Charles Russell
$59.50 1 Gray Mare Benjamin Rowland 68.00 = $127.50
3317 lbs cotton A. M. Allen
$84.07 1 (illegible) John Adams 18 3/4 = $35.00 3/4
1 Bed bedstead & furniture
Alfred Palmer 1 Bed bedstead Alfred Palmer 17.75 = $23.75
1 counterpane Edmund Whitaker
1.75 1 Bed quilt Rowell Adams 75 = $2.50
1 counterpane Edmund Whitaker
1. 1 Blanket Rowell Adams1.15 = 2.15
1 Rug 3 meal bags
Ellis Phillips 1 shotgun Robt Culpepper 8.75 = 9.50
1 chest & lock 50
1 clothes press 15 James B. Rowland = $0.65
1 table John Adams 62 1/2
1 Box & contents Nancy Lucky 25 = $0.87 1/2
1 Razor Box Ellis Phillips
50 1 powder shot & etc Willis Palmer 12 1/2 = $0.62 1/2
page 156
1 Dish Shelf Jas. B. Roland 5 1 Bbd. Tray &
sifter & coffee mill 15 J. W.
1 lot bottles Charles Russell
75 1 lot crockery & (- - -) & (- - -) Mat. Phillips 1.50 = $1.75
Coffee pot, pitchers, bowls
Mat. Phillips 25 Cupboard 25 table 67 Jno Adams = $0.56 1/2
3 jars John Whitaker 2.31 1
jug Ellis Phillips 37 1 jug Ed. Whitaker 15 = $2.84
4 jugs 25 2 pails &
1 buck pan Ellis Phillips
10 churn James Rowland 20 = $0.30
1 leather belt 6 1/2
2 Bee Gums John Whitaker 5.00 1 curry comb 10 = $5.22 1/2
Total = $555.93 3/4
I do hereby certifify that the within (- - - - -) contains
return of the
Recd. of James Rowland for
the Estate of Absalom Phillips the tax for the year 1854 $1.25
John Collins TC
Recd. of James Rowland for
Administration for the Orphans of absalom Phillips his tax for the year 1855
$00.54.0 John Collins TC
Absalom Phillips, deceased Dr.
To B.B. Bailey
June 8
To mileage visit & medicine.......$4.00
9 To mileage visit & medicine.......$3.00
Sworn to before me
Francis M. Hobbs JP
Received payment on above from J. B. Roland Administrator
on the Estate of Absalom Phillips decd
Recd of James B. Rowland administrator
of the Estate of Absalom Phillips deceased of Columbia County three Dollars and
twenty five cents for publishing notice to Debtors & Creditors of said Estae
in Constitutionalist & Republic.
Geo. E. W. Nelson
Recd of James B. Rowland Eight Dollars (two dollars less
than legal) for fees granting Letters of Adms on Estate of Absalom Phillips
Recd of James Rowland Adms of Absalom Phillips the sum
of five Dollars auctioning Property
To one years work for her son George at Six Dollars per
page 376:
Estate of A. Phillips in a/c
with James B. Rowland, Adm.
To Amt pd Tax 1854 Voucher 1 = $1.25
To Amt pd Tax 1855 Voucher 2 = $0.54
Apl 28 To Amt
pd Dr. B. B. Bailey Voucher 3 = $7.00
May 1
to Amt pd Jas. Gardner Voucher 4 = $3.25
Nov 7 To Amt pd
Nov 21 " " "
S. Dram Voucher 6 = $5.00
Feb 16 To
Amt pd Jane White Voucher 7 = $6.00
Nov 3 " " "
Dec 27 " " "
V. A. Hatcher "
9 = $7.40
Dec 27 - " " "
Do Do ("Do" means "Ditto")
Voucher 10 = $1.38
Dec 27 - " " "
Do Do
Voucher 11 = $20.58
Dec 27 - " " "
Do Do "
12 = $18.15
Dec 28 - " " "
Matthew Phillips "
13 = $115.56
Dec 25 - " " "
Ellis Phillips "
14 = $121.00
Dec 25 - " " "
Charles Reeves "
15 = $5.32
Dec 25 - " " "
Micajah Parish "
16 = $1.50
Dec 24 - " " "
John I. Rowland "
17 = $3. 56 1/4
Dec 24 - " " "
Benjamin F. Rowland " 18 = $22.93 3/4
Dec 31- " " "
Freeman S. Palmer " 19 = $3.75
Dec 31- " " "
Dec 31- " " "
Isaac Lucky "
21 = $4.00
Mar 12 - " " "
R. Harris & Co. "
22 = $11.68
Mar 17 - " " "
Wm. Megahee Sr. " 23 = $2.20
Mar 17 - "
Comm. on $452.06 per cent @ 22 per cent = $11.30
Mar 17 - " " "
$571.59 1/4 recd. @ 22 per cent = $14.28
Mar 17 - "
Amt pd Ordinary for the return = $3.00
Mar 17 - " " " " "
Dismission & Receipt = $7.75
Mar 17 - " Bal due
now = $84.20 571
59 1/4
Cr ("Cr"
means "Credit")
By Amt sale perishable property
= $558.93 3/4
By Amt received from Miss Phillips
= $9.41
By amt received from Ellis
Phillips = $3.25 571
59 1/2
James B. Rowland makes oath
the above is just & true to the best of his knowledge.
Apl 9th 1856
A. Colvard, Ordy
James B. Rowland
Minors A. Phillips in a/c with
J. B. Rowland adms
To Amt. pd. Tax = $0.54
Bal due minors = $65.55
By amt. (illegible words) Phillips = $63.15 - 66.04
Int. on Same
Sworn to before me
page 514:
Orphans of Absalom Phillips
to Jas. B. Rowland Guardian
Received of Jas. B. Rowland
guard. of orphans of Absalom Phillips his tax for the year 1857.
Sept 15.
$0.46.7 L. A. Luke, T. C.
page 107:
Minors Absalom Phillips in a/c with James B. Rowland Guard.
To Amt pd Tax
J. B. Rowland makes oath to the above before me
A. Colvard,
Ord. }
J. B. Rowland
page 143:
Minors A. Phillips in a/c with J. B. Rowland Guard.
To Amt. pd. Tax
Bal. due minors
Sworn to before me
this 22d Feby 1859
J. B. Rowland
Almost impossible to understand, everything that Absalom Phillips owned was sold
after his death; absolutely nothing appears to have been left for his widow and
small children. One would assume that the money was used to pay his debts
and to support his children until they became of age.
Rowland Phillips, the widow of Absalom, married William Lafaver in late 1859 or
early 1860. In the 1860
i. JAMES T.3 PHILLIPS, b. Abt. 1845, Columbia Co., GA5.
James was shown
in the 1850
In late 1863, Governor
Brown of
ii. MARCUS PHILLIPS, b. Abt. 1847, Columbia Co., GA6; d. Bet.
1850 - 1860, Columbia Co., GA7.
iii. LOUIS PHILLIPS, b. Abt. 1849, Columbia Co., GA8; d. Bet.
1850 - 1860, Columbia Co., GA9.
iv. ICHABOD PHILLIPS, b. Abt. 1851, Columbia Co., GA10.
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