Clarke County, Georgia |
Clarke County, Ga. Will of George Evans State of Georgia Clark County I George Evans of the county and State aforesaid being sick and weak in the body but sound of mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament in the manner and form following that is to say as touching such worldly estate where with it hath pleased to bless me in this life. I give and dispose of the same in the manner and form following. That is to say to my wife HANNAH EVANS I give my feather bed and furniture and one dutch oven and one frying pan and one spiner, one brass kittle and grid iron and smoothing iron, one three quart jug and all flat ware and puter, fire tongs, sitting chairs and any other small utensils of my household furniture so that she may want and one horse and womens saddle. And in as much as I owe no debts to be paid I dispose of the balance of my property in the manner following. Viz) After allowing my wife HANNAH all the property that she brought to me and my negro girl Amy to remain her property during her life time will then dispose as hereafter mentioned. And I do freely give and grant to my three GRANDSONS ANSEL EVANS, WILLIAM EVANS AND JOHN EVANS of the county of Putnam and state aforesaid my tract of land whereupon I now live containing one hundred and seventy two acres more or less and all my other property to be equally divided amongst them at my death according to their own disposal as also my negro girl Amy at the death of my wife Hannah Evans with her increase if any to be equally divided amongst my three gransons as above mentioned. And as Touching my negro man and woman namely Dennis and Cate they are hereby declared by me to be free and fully to enjoy all the rights and privilidges of free people of colour and to be under the direction of John Dorman as guardian and the said Dennis to have the tract of land where bought of Charley Whaley adjoining the track where on I now live containing one hundred acres. And the said woman Cate is to have one calf out of my stock of cattle at the descretion of my executors which I shall hereafter name and I do certify that I have not thought proper to name any of my children in this my last will and testament as I have previous to this given them all I have intended. I now appoint John Dormon my executor of this my last will and testament together with my grandson Anslem Evans and I do hereby revoke disalow all and every other former will or testament by me made will or bequeaths, before this time, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament to testify the same though not able to write my name. Therefore make my mark in the presence of my executors and other friends, Amen 17th July 1816 Signed sealed and acknowledged in presence of J? Cohoon , Anslem Evans, John Dormon, Randolph Smith, Campbell Powell |
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