Columbus Ledger-Enquirer
Columbus Sun (no longer in existence)
An older catalogue of available resources stated: "Columbus-Enquirer-Sun, Jan 1, 1880-June 1, 1934. 111 vol. Daily paper established in 1874, successor to Columbus Enquirer and Daily Sun; in June 1934, paper reverted to original name of Columbus Enquirer chron. by date issued. No index. Pr. Aver. 600 pp. 23 x 18 x 2½. 28 vols. 1880-1908, public library strm.; 83 vols., 1908-34, sup ct. clk bsmt. va." I have been advised that this information may be inaccurate and the location of these volumes is in question. It is hoped that these can be found and this may serve as a starting point for someone to look for them.
Columbus State University library also is a very good source. The Reference
Department of the W. C. Bradley Library has microfilm copies of the Columbus
newspapers, beginning 1828, some papers are missing.
For further information on the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer, please visit their web pages.
COLUMBUS ENQUIRER On-line abstractions Published book:
by Elizabeth Evans Kilbourne
Continued by: Weekly Columbus enquirer (Columbus, Ga.: 1861)
COLUMBUS DAILY ENQUIRER (Columbus, Ga.: 1874) U of GA
v. Daily (except Mon.), Mar. 2, 1875-
Vol. 16, no. 203 (Sept. 1, 1874)-v. 19, no. 259 (Nov. 3, 1877).
Continues: Sun and Columbus daily enquirer
Continued by: Columbus daily enquirer-sun (Columbus, Ga. : 1877)
Daily (except Mon.)
Began in Nov. 1877.
-v. 28, no. 110 (May 8, 1886).
chiefly adv.) Weekly Vol. 59, no. 31 (July 11, 1887)-
Continued by: Weekly Columbus Enquirer-Sun
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