Ancestry 1812 Board - Post on this one as well
History of the Georgia Militia, 1783-1861: Campaigns and Generals,
Vol.1: Campaigns and Generals
Vol 2 - 3: Counties and Commanders
Vol 4:The Companies
Publisher: Boyd Publishing Company, Incorporated
Explanation of Pensions, Bounty Land
available on microfilm
How do I obtain Records?
Index to Certified Copy of List of American Prisoners of War 1812-1815 as Recorded in General Entry Book Ottawa, Canada, Compiled by Mrs. Henry James Carr
Links and history of period. includes
"The Star Spangled Banner Story". It's worth the wait to load!
1)The 1st series ("Old Wars") consists of pensions to veterans of the army, navy, and Marine Corps based on service resulting in death or disability from the end of the Revolutionary War period up to the Civil War. Old War Index to Pension Files (T316, 7 rolls).
2)The 2nd series Pension application files -- those based on the acts of 1871 and 1878. These acts, based on length of service alone, relate mostly to militia veterans called to federal service.
The 1871 act provided pensions to veterans who had served at least sixty days or to their widows if they had married before 1815. The 1878 act provided pensions to those veterans, or their widows, who only served fourteen days. By the time these acts were passed, most applicants were widows or minors rather than veterans themselves. While the pension files are not on microfilm, an informative index showing much data has been microfilmed as Index to War of 1812 Pension Application Files (M313, 102 rolls).In the decades after the War of 1812, volunteer units often served during Indian hostilities. The men who served (or their heirs) received bounty land and sometimes pensions.
To obtain their records, it is not necessary to know the specific Indian war. National Archives Application asks for "Indian War Pensions for 1816-1850". See claims abstracted in "Some Georgia Bounty Land Grantees 1854-1856", National Genealogical Society Quarterly 73 (1985): 297-303.
Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served During Indian Wars and Disturbances, 1815-58. National Archives.
OCONEE INDIAN WAR of 1780s and 1790s
SEMINOLE WARS (Florida Wars)
Seminole War of 1818
Seminole War of 1827
Seminole War of 1837
Last Seminole War
The Seminole War of 1818 was short-lived, but was laced with many notable people. General Andy Jackson, the Tennessee, for whom Jacksonville, FL. was named, and later became President of the United States, was the leader of the expedition to punish the Seminoles.
An 1832 treaty, negotiated with a few chiefs, was not accepted by the majority of tribe. This group led by Chieftain Osceola baffled the US Army for years in the Everglades.
School curriculum on Creek Indian Wars
Selected Creek Letters 1825-1829
Damages Filed with Federal Govt against the Creek Indians. Contributed by Desmond Harp
I was able to learn a great deal about my GA Ancestor through the military-bounty-pension files for this war!
Burial of a few Creek War Soldiers-June, 1836
Cherokee Removal of 1838
(They or their widows qualified for bounty lands prior to 1855 and for pensions starting in the 1870s.
James Turner HARMON served as a Private in Capt. Dearing's Co., Lauderdale Battalion, Tennessee Mounted Infantry, during the Cherokee War. He enrolled on 1 Nov. 1837 and mustered out on 10 May 1838.
Note to all from the web master: the Confederate info was supplied by Virginia Crilley, former County Coordinator and my mentor.
INDEX to Confederate Material
Basics about the GA Military System, BEFORE you begin. (Defining GA military groups) Master List of all GEORGIA Rosters ON-LINECivil War Forum Post your
query and get help!
Rootsweb Civil War Forum Ask your questions here as well!
National Park Service Page Lots of information.
Battles of every REGIMENT.
Another source for battles
Confederate Monuments of Georgia
(Contains Volunteer
and Regular Regiments only - not Artillery, Calvary, or State Guard, Reserve, Militia, State
Line Regiments)
Six volumes with index in separate volume by Juanita Brightwell.
6 vols. Lillian
Henderson. On CD.  Kristopher L Swinson [email protected]
Janet B. Hewett, ed. (Wilmington, NC;
Broadfoot Publishing Co, 1996)
This is a multi-volume set derived from the microfilmed
indexes to CSA Compiled Military Service Records. As such, it is an alphabetical roster of
all CSA soldiers listed in those indexes at the National Archives! I suggest readers check out
a nearby college/university library and photocopy the pages (from Hewett) listing the family
names they are researching. Make sure to copy every listing that renders your family name
phonetically, or renders it in a way attributable to unclear penmanship (the letter n may
turn into u; m may be n, or vice versa, etc.) Thus, "Mangham" may be rendered as "Maughan,"
"Maugham," "Mangum," "Mangrum," "Magham," etc. Don't underestimate the creativity of
Confederate First Sergeants and company
clerks! (Or of Union PoW camp registrars, hospital attendants, etc.)
The listings in the Hewett rosters will read as follows, for example: Mangham, John W. GA 2nd Bn. S.S. Co. B Cpl.
(This shows that John W. Mangham was a corporal in a Georgia unit known as
the 2nd Battalion Sharpshooters.)
(My great-great-grandpa is also listed as Manghham,__ GA 5th Inf. Co. L; this reflects a
muster roll entry from Company L, 5th Georgia Volunteer Infantry, which gives his last name
only--and that was misspelled.)
If your local library doesn't have the Hewett rosters yet, you can doubtless
have them call another library which will photocopy a couple of pages for you
without any hassle (if they won't, you should try calling!) At one stroke,
you will get a very good idea about which of your ancestors and cousins may
have served in the CSA, and in which units; then it's fairly simple to order
their service records from the Natl. Archives as described below.Contributed by:
Major Dana Mangham
History of the Georgia Militia
Smith, Gordon Burns. History of the Georgia Militia,
1783-1861, Volume 2, Counties and Commanders, Part
One. Milledgeville, GA: Boyd, 2000. ISBN:
Smith, Gordon Burns. History of the Georgia Militia,
1783-1861, Volume 3, Counties and Commanders, Part
Two. Milledgeville, GA: Boyd, 2000. ISBN:
Smith, Gordon Burns. History of the Georgia Militia,
1783-1861, Volume 4, The Companies. Milledgeville, GA:
Boyd, 2000. ISBN: 1-890307-35-1.
Newspapers Many local newspapers published "memoirs" or "letters to the editor" from Confederate Soldiers during the period (1870-1900). They also listed "Reunion Notices"---which often listed all the men in a company, indicating if they were living at the time.
Union Soldiers from GA Quoting from TRACING YOUR CIVIL WAR ANCESTORS, "Any number of Union men remained in the Federal army after the war. There were even Confederate prisoners who joined the Union Army during the war. They joined, not as deserters or turncoats but as Indian fighters, and were labeled "Galvanized Yankees," the idea being that just as a sheet of galvanized iron is covered with a thin layer of zinc, so the ex-Confederate was galvanized with a thin layer of "official Yankee,"......
(Also available on line: ) VA Form 40-1330 Office of Memorial Programs (403A) Department of Veterans Affairs 810 Vermont Ave. NW Washington, DC 20420 Eligible: Any deceased veteran discharged under conditions other than dishonorable. Must provide an official document pertaining to military service, ie. muster rolls, extracts from State files, pension or land warrant.There is no cost for marker, but installation must be paid from private funds.
Union Soldiers from Georgia
Any Chattahoochee County man who joined a Union Regiment would have been a disgrace to his family.
One mention is made in the will of Gideon Newson, "except Christopher Hinton who deserted his
country and is gone to our enemy". There were possibly others as it is unlikely he would have
gone alone.
Resource: ( Secret Yankees : The Union Circle in Confederate Atlanta (War, Society, Culture) by Thomas G. Dyer Price: $20.97 BOOKS ON MILITARY Gordon Burns Smith - Author (published 2000)
This book is published by Boyd Publishing Co., Milledgeville, GA. History of the Georgia Militia, 1783-1861 v1. Campaigns and Generals. Indexed. An
introduction to the components of the General Militia and Volunteers, tracing the
militia system from its organization by Oglethorpe in 1733, through the Revolutionary
War, and then detailing each of the major conflicts in which the Georgia Militia
served afterwards. Eyewitness reports punctuate these heavily documented
accounts. Lists of units (identified by county of origin where possible) in active
service during these campaigns are appended. For historians, the important
Militia Acts of the Legislature are outlined, followed by a selection of General and
Special Orders from the chain of command. For genealogist, a list of battalion and
regimental designations by county is included, along with a table of organization
for the 27 brigades and 13 divisions of the Georgia Militia. The volume closes
with the biographies of the 205 Georgia Militia generals. 424 pg $45History of the Georgia Militia, 1783-1861 v2. Counties and Commanders, Part One. Indexed. The militia histories of fifteen counties, CHATHAM, BURKE, JEFFERSON, TATTNALL,
COBB, and FLOYD, placing them in the pertinent political and economic contexts in which they
existed. Each chapter is richly documented with biographical and genealogical
information on men and women residing in the county. Company roster and payrolls are
attached in numerous cases. These pages contain a veritable genealogical treasure
throve, since some counties have lost most if not all of their early public
records. 385 pg $45
History of the Georgia Militia, 1783-1861 v3. Counties and Commanders, Part Two. Indexed. The militia histories of twelve counties: BLYNN, CAMDEN, EFFINGHAM, WASHINGTON,
LOUNDES, placing them in the same contexts as those in Volume 2. Of these counties, several
have lost most if not all of their early public records. Company rosters and payrolls
are also attached in numerous cases. 400 pg $45.00
History of the Georgia Militia, 1783-1861 v4. Companies. Indexed. The histories of
twenty-five representative volunteer companies, with rosters where pertinent.
ALBANY GUARDS, and GATE CITY GUARD, and for genealogist include units in counties that have lost
their early records, such as Crawford, Dougherty, and McIntosh Counties.
Military and political historians will appreciate the account of the filibuster in
Georgia: Lopez, Gonzales, the Order of the Lone Star, "the Grey-Eyed Man of
Destiny", Henningsen, and the Knights of the Golden Circle. In addition, there is
included a chapter on the military history of the Beaufort District, South Carolina.
375 pg $45
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