1855 map This one also included the Land District Numbers -7,6,5 original Muscogee County and 35, 32 original Lee County.
1863 map Shows towns and land districts
1864 map Shows waterways and roads
1865 map Shows waterways and roads
1874 map Shows towns .
1883 map New towns....
Many other years be sure to visit the entire page.
1952 map Shows how much land went into Fort Benning
These are sold in many Map Stores, but you can also get the info about
ordering them on-line. 1-800-USA-MAPS By calling the above number
and asking for Georgia, you will be sent a catalog of the topographical
maps available for all the counties of GA. The material itself provides
a very nice map of Georgia itself, but it mainly shows the sections of the
state so that you can select and order the precise area that you need.
Geophysical GA maps Just about any kind of map of GA you'll ever need!
The Georgia 1885 Atlas and Gazetteer Check out this new site created
by genealogist / historian Bob Franks. The site contains 1885 county maps,
as well as population and location names for communities.
Hargreaves Map Collection, University of Georgia, Athens. Click on the "nineteenth century" for some antique maps!
Bonner's Pocket Map of GA, 1851
Plotting your deeds!
Historical County NeighborsMarion Co page has done an excellent job in showing how these counties evolved through the years. Since Chattahoochee Co. was formed Marion and Muscogee Co your ancestors very likely lived in the SAME PLACE, but the county was DIFFERENT.
County Map with NamesClick on county for more info.
is part of the USGenWeb Project.
Send comments about GAGenWeb to, Kemis Massey,
County Coordinator.
Page last updated: Thursday, 3 June 2010 23:45:04 EST
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