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Our Georgia History |
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Georgia Vital Records |
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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
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Genealogy CD - Free Lookups |
America's First Families |
The Library of Congress' Serial & Government Publications Division
is pleased to announce the release of a new addition to the National Digital Library - the
online collection The Stars and Stripes: The American Soldiers' Newspaper of World War I,
1918-1919, available on the American Memory website at: |
Darilee Bednar purchased Soldiers of the Great War, complied by W. M. Hausee, F. G. Howe, A. C. Doyle, copyright 1920 and is sharing the contents with others. It is a three volume set and contains many pictures of the WWI men who died or were wounded in that War. |
Alabama Department of Archives and History |
is part of the USGenWeb Project.
Send comments about GAGenWeb to, Kemis Massey,
County Coordinator.
Page last updated: Sunday, 13 Sept 2009 23:45:04 EST
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