Thunder and Lightning

May 27, 1822

Storm On Saturday night last, a severe thunder storm passed over our city. During its progress, a house in Baptist Church square, belonging to Mr. R. F. Williams, and occupied by Mrs. Brooks, was struck and several persons slightly injured. The lightning descended the conductor to within ten feet of the ground, where one of the non-conductors having slipped from its position, it branched off and entered the house in three different places; at one place completely perforating the brick wall. A house in Yamacraw, immediately in the rear of Mr. Thomas Young, occupied by Mr. Loper, was also struck; the lightning entered the house through the roof, descended a rafter until it came to the caves of the house; it then separated itself in every direction, and shattered the building very considerably.

Mr. and Mrs. Loper were both knocked down; animation was suspended for near an hour in Mrs. Loper; after bleeding and rubbing, she was restored. Mr. Loper sustained little or no injury. A house in Farm street, owned by Prince Candy, was struck, and a black woman and boy knocked down; the woman s face slightly scorched; the boy remained for some time in a lifeless state, before animation was restored. We do not recollect ever to have witnessed so much severe thunder and lightning, as we have within the last week, during the same space of time. The storm was accompanied with a heavy fall of rain and wind.