Central Election

The Weekly Constitution
Atlanta, GA.
January 10, 1893

The Directors for the Ensuing Year Chosen.

Mr. Comer Re-elected.

Savannah, Ga., January 2--The annual election of directors of the Central Railroad and Banking Company was held at the bank this morning, and the following full ticket was elected: H. M. Comer, Joseph Hull, H. R. Jackson, S. R. Jaques, U. B. Harrold, J. B. Hoist, Abraham Vetsburg, G. J. Mills, C. H. Phinizy, E. P. Howell, James Swann, W. S. Tison and L. T. Turner. The three new members of the board are Messrs. J. B Hoist of Columbus, and W. S. Tison and L. T. Turner, of Savannah. Last year there were but twelve men on the board. Those on the old board who are not on the new board are Messrs. J. K. Garnett and W. G. Raoul.

There was but one ticket presented, that given above. In all, 21,243 shares were voted. There was not a single split ticket.

The directors subsequently went into private session. They organized by re-electing Mr. Comer.

File contributed for use by Linda Blum-Barton