Carroll County WWII Casualties

Below is a list of men from Carroll County who were casualties during World War II.  These were Army and Army Air Force Casualties.

(NAVY, MARINES, COAST GUARD CASUALTIES are listed separately by NARA and is an alphabetical list of casualties
by State but not broken down by County. Please visit the NARA ARCHIVES WEB SITE TO VIEW THOSE NAMES. (Click Here) 
COUNTY             KIA            DOW            DOI       DNB   FOD  M    TOTAL
CARROLL            45             12                       18    3         78
SURNAME            NAME           SERIAL NO.   RANK                              
ADAIR              RENDER A       34825217     PFC       DOW
ADAMS,             WILLIAM P      34089942     TEC5      DOW
ALEXANDER          WILLIE C       6393245      T SG      KIA
ATTAWAY            KENNETH W      34837436     PVT       KIA
BAILEY             CHARLIE        34837455     PVT       KIA                           
BASKIN             ELDRED W       34267956     T SG      KIA
BOATRIGHT          WILLIS C       6963929      SGT       KIA
BOONE              BENJAMIN O     34261448     PVT       DNB
BORDERS            JAMES O., JR   34577498     PFC       DOW
BROCK              JAMES S        14029286     PVT       DNB
BRYAN              ELLIS D        34829329     SGT       KIA
BUSBY              WILLIAM C      34979043     PVT       KIA
CAMMONS            CHARLIE W      34084558     PFC       DNB
CAMMONS            ELLIS D        34440673     PVT       KIA
CAPES              JOE, JR.       44074462     PVT       DNB
CARROLL            THEODORE R.    34762651     PFC       KIA
CASEY              ALONZO W       34760382     PFC       KIA
CASH               GARLAND        34683983     PFC       KIA
CASH               GARRIS         34683980     PFC       DOW
CASH               SILAS M        34939384     PVT       KIA
CLAYTON            WILLIE L       34221071     PFC       DNB
COLE               R. D.          34571659     PVT       KIA
CONNER             JAMES W        14056588     SGT       FOD
COPELAND           KIRBY O        14043833     PVT       KIA
DOZIER             WALKER         34556823     PFC       DNB
EUVRARD            JULES L        0-507679     CAPT      DNB
FOLDS              HORACE L       34446282     T SG      DOW
FORD               GRADY          14020519     S SGT     DOW
FOSTER             LEWIS K        0-820681     2 LT      KIA
GERKE              ALBERT F       6225449      T SG      DNB
GIBSON             RALPH H        34577599     PFC       KIA
GLADNEY            THOMAS H       34446244     PVT       DOW
GORDON             BRADFORD M     639879       M SG      DNB
GRAY               ROY H          34446333     SGT       KIA
HARRISON           HAROLD E       34268775     TEC4      DNB
HEARN              MARVIN D       34089314     PFC       KIA
HELTON             DENVER M       34446334     S SG      KIA
HOUSTON            W T            34833250     PVT       KIA
HUBBARD            WILLIAM E      34267798     PFC       KIA
JACKSON            DOUGLAS E      7082328      TEC 4     KIA
JAMES              HENRY R        34980461     PVT       KIA
JETER              ALBERT         34267808     PVT       DOW
JONES              JAMES L        34979053     PVT       KIA
JORDAN             E C, JR.       34446338     S SG      KIA
LAMBERT            EUGENE M       34820142     PVT       KIA
LEE                JAMES E        34767292     PFC       DOW
LEE                WILLIS M       6395983      S SG      DNB
MARKS              ROY L          34980460     PVT       DNB
MATHEWS            SAM JR.        7004460      PVT       KIA
MEEKS              MASON C        14019835       PVT       DNB
MELEAR             HUBERT G       34196873       PFC       DOW
HILLER             RICHARD D      44036695       PVT       DNB
MORRIS             RALPH          34683058       PFC       KIA	Buried at New Hope Bapt. Ch.
MORRIS             WILLIAM        6968069        S SG      KIA	Buried at New Hope Bapt. Ch.
PARRISH            JULIUS G       34446146       S SG      KIA
PASCHALL           QUILLIONE R    34979034       PFC       KIA
POLLARD            GROVER D       34577468       PVT       KIA
REEVES             JAMES T        6966063        PVT       DNB
RIGGS              JAMES W        14019785       PVT       KIA
ROBINSON           JOE W          34446245       SGT       KIA
ROBINSON           VERNON G       14141871       PFC       KIA
SHEPARD            LONNIE R       34947021       PFC       KIA
SMITH              HAROLD A       14045096       PVT       DNB
SMITH              THOMAS J, SR   34826747       PFC       DOW
SPRUELL            DOYCE F        34684001       PFC       KIA
STEELE             HOMER A        34002449       PVT       KIA
SULLIVAN           HUBERT E       34446394       PFC       KIA
THOMPSON           HANSARD A      34195274       CPL       DNB
THORNTON           LEAN           63994060       S SG      DOW
WALDEN             BENNIE H       14140075       S SG      FOD
WALLACE            HENRY L        34766595       PFC       KIA
WILLIAMS           JOSEPH B       34577458       PFC       KIA
WORD               EWELL B        34084716       PFC       DNB
WYSNER             HOMER J        34577459       PFC       KIA
YATES              HARLIN V       0-793576       CAPT      KIA
A complete description of the serial numbers, ranks and cause of death and detail description of this database
is included in the Forward section of the NARA web page.  Please refer there for more information. (Click Here)
SERIAL NUMBERS:  Serial numbers are assigned with great care and according to a set of regulations.
Numbers fall into two broad categores:  Simple seven or eight digit numbers (or fewer) for male enlisted 
personnel, and prefixed serial numbers for other personnel. (Note: each digit in a serial number has a 
designated meaning.  See the ARC page on FORWARD for greater explanation. 
TYPE OF CASUALTY:  This is indicated by the symbol at the far right of each column.  An individual who was 
killed in action, whether at the front or by enemy action in the rear areas, or if a prisoner of war, whether 
by air bombardment of his prison camp or by being shot while escaping is designed 'KIA".  persons 
who were wounded or later died are marked "DOW".  --died of wounds.  Those suffered fatal battle INJURIES 
as opposed to WOUNDS, in combat or in combat areas, and died in a line-of-duty status, are designated 'DOI"--
DIED OF INJURIES.  Other line of duty deaths, such as from sickness, homicide, suicide or accidents, outside 
combat areas (including training and maneuver deaths) are list "DNB" - died, non-battle.  Individuals who where 
determined to be dead under Public Law 490 are designated, 'FOD" - finding of death.  Missing persons are marked 
with the single letter "M". 
Only those persons who died in a line-of-duty status are listed herein.  Individuals who were not in line of 
duty at the time of their deaths are not so listed.  Though personnel not in line of duty are not listed, 
failure to find these lists the name of persons known to be dead should not be taken as prima-facie evidence 
that such person died not in line of duty.

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