Since Plowboy left this community it seems that our corner of the county is unrepresentatived through your columns.  Therefore I thought I would give you a few dots from this part of the county.  As I am a schoolboy, I will tell you something about our school.  We have a fine school at what we call Barnesville, as it is near Mr. Barnes´, taught by Mr. James C. Maddux.  He always has a good school wherever he goes, because he understands his business.  When you get the old professor behind the teacher´s desk he is in his proper element.  May he long have to teach the young and rising generation.  If our school continues to increase we will have to get someone to assist the professor.  During last week he attended court two days and left Miss Janie Roberts in charge of the school.  She graced the schoolroom very nicely, and we hope the professor will secure her as an assistant teacher.

We organized a Sabbath School at our schoolhouse (Barnesville) last Sunday evening with about 60 scholars on the roll.

Oak Hill School is divided this year as you see.  Prof. Maddox is in command of the north wing at Barnesville and Miss Lillie Heard in command of the south wing at Smith´s Seminary, near Capt. McCord´s.

Our farmers are moving on very well, most of them through planting corn and are now waiting for lovely spring to put in her appearance to commence planting cotton seed.

Mr. H. H. Stewart has charge of the Barnes homestead and he is turning things up in good style and seems to understand how to till the soil, in fact, all of our neighbors do.

Near our school house stands Harpers shops where you will find Capt. McCord and Mr. Harper busy building guano distributors.  The captain is the inventor of the machine.

Our farmers most all belong to the Farmers´ alliance and say they intend to make a success of the institution by raising what they need at home

Well, Mr. Editor, we school boys have heard so much about Harrison´s inauguration that we expected there would be great change of things, but we see none as yet.  The sun still rises in the east and sets in the west and our professor comes the same road to school and used the same cane to crack our heads.

Submitted by Don Bankston