Collins, John December 27 1749
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Brenda Collins [email protected] July 6, 2004, 2:36 am
Source: North Carolina Will Book
Written: December 27 1749
Recorded: March 18 1752
In the name of God, Amen, the 27 Day of Dissember, 1749, I, John Collins of
Bartee County, in the Province of North Carolina, Being sick and weake in body,
but of Perfect mind and memory, thanks be unto God, therefore calling unto mind
the mortality of the Body, knowing that it is appointed for all men once to
Dye, do make and ordain this my last will and testement, that is to say,
principally and first of all, I give and recommend my sole into the hands of
God that gave itt, and my Boddy I recommend to ye Earth to be bured in a decent
christan Burell, at the discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the
General Resurrection I shall receive the same by the mighty power of God, and
as touching such worldly Estate, warewith itt hath pleased God to bless me in
this lifffe I give, demise and dispose of in the following manner and form:
Imprimis. I give and bequeath to my Son, William Collins, all that tract of
land lying on Casshi River, a plantation purched of Jonathan Standlye
containing two hundred Eakers, to him and his hears and asigns for ever, and a
pare of Iron pot Racks.
Eitom. I give to my Granson, John Collins, a bras kitell, to him and his hears
for ever.
Eitom. I give to my two Sons, John and David Collins, each of them a Bible.
Eitom, I give and bequeath unto my Son, Joseph Collins, a Plantation lying the
north side of Guy hall Swamp, purtered of hardy Keele, containing one hundred
and fifty Eakers at the beginnin, End to him and to his Ears and asigns for
Ever, all so, I give him my Cooper Tools and two Ews and Lambs, an a Cow and
Eitom. I give and bequeath unto my Son, Mikell Collins, my Surva that lys on
Red bud containg three hundred Eakers, to him and his Ears for ever. Also, I
give him a neagro Boy named Robin, and if my said Son should die without hears
of his body, then I give the Neagro to my Son Jessee and to his Ears. all so, I
give to Son Mikell a black Warnut table, and a Cow and Calfe and a puter dish,
except two Days in weak for my Wife.
Eitom. I give and bequeath unto my Son, Demsee Collins, a plantation that henry
Ballentin formerly lived on, parte of the tracte of land that I bote of Hardy
Keele, lying on Gie hall Swamp by at the lower
Ende of the said lane Contain one hundred and fifty Eakers to him and to his
Ears and signs for ever.
Also, I give him an Ovel Table, mad of Maple. also, I give him Cow and Calf,
and a puter dish, and a neagro man called toney, to him and his Ears for Ever,
an in Case my said Sone should die before he hath anny lawfull Ears, then this
Neagro I give to my Son Joseph, an to his Ears, two days every weak to worke
for my Wife duering life.
Eitem. I give and beques to my Son, Jesse Collins, my Plantasion I now live on
with three hundred Eakers of Land, to him an his Ears an asigns for Ever. Also,
I give him a Case with fifteen botells, an feather Bed and furnetude, an two
Cows an Calves, an puter dish to him and his Ears for Ever.
Eitem. I give and bequeth to my Son, Absolum Collins, two hundred and forty
sever Eakers of land, part of the survaye that I now live on, beginning on the
deep Branch an so runing to the head line, itt tis
the Eastard side of my plantasion, and so to the patine line for breath. All
so, I Give him a neagro garl, named Venus, and in case my said son should dye
befor he Come to age of twenty one years, then I give this negro to my Son
Jessee. I Give the first Child this negro girl bring, if itt live tell one
yeare old to my Son Jessee. I all so give my son, absalom a feather bed and
furnetude, an a Cow an Calfe, a bel, metell morter and pessel, and a puuter
dish an my Sorell Mare.
Etem. I Give and bequeth to my well beloved Wife a fether Bed and furnetude,
and my horse and hur Sadle, one Pott, two basens and dishes two, and a Chist to
Shee and hur Ears for ever, and two days worke of my two neagro fellows du
Eitem. All the Remainder of my Estate within and without, that is after my Just
debt is fully satefide and paide, I give to my Wife and six Sons, William,
Joseph, mikell, Demsee, Jessee an absalom, to be
Eacally devid among them all, and my Will and desier is that my Estat shall lie
in the hands of my Executors tell the youngest come to the Eage Eighteen years,
and not be be sold but to have thare Estate as they come to age of Eighteen
years. I doe apint my well beloved Wife and my Sone Mikell to be, I Leave my
whole and Sole Exectricks and Exector, and I do Reyke, disanull and disalow of
all other Wills made by me or in my name, Ratefying and confirming this to be
my lasy Will and testament.
In Witness whareof I have hereunto set my hand and Seale, interline before
John Collins (L. S.)
Moses Hill
Jethro Rountree
Edenhouse, 18th March 1752.
This Day Moses Hill & Jethro Rountree, the two Sunscribing Evidences of the
last Will & Testament ofJohn Collins, appeared before me & made Oath
that they
saw the Testator Sign, Seal & Deliver the same as and for His last Will
Testament, and that at the signing thereof He was of sound & disposing mand
memory. At the same time Michael Collins & Mary Collins, Executors
appointed by
the said Will qualified themselves as Executors by taking the Oath appointed by
Law for that Purpose.