January 12, 1910
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville, Ga, January 11 (Special)
For the second time in recent history of Milledgeville has a negro been
buried with some of our most prominent white citizens acting as pallbearers.
In both instances, it was the funeral of an old colored mammy; this time
it was Aunt Amy Latimer. The
pallbearers were Judge G. T. Whilden, recorder; Dr. J. E. Kidd,
W. W. Stembridge, George H. Brantley, L. H. Andrews, C I. Morris.
Last Sunday, Dr.
B. J. Simmons, one of the most successful negroes of this state, was
buried in this city. He had accumulated some $20,000 in the last 15 years
from the practice of medicine. He represented all the most that a progressive
man of his race had accomplished in this community. The white people of
this city did not ignore his success. He received considerable consideration
in many ways as an evidence that his ability was recognized. Quite a number
of our citizens attended his funeral, but it safe to say that there is
not comparison to be made of the feelings of the white people over the
passing away of these two members of another race.
Aunt Amy had accumulated little
or nothing. It was not what she had, but what she was and what she had
been that opened the hearts of her white friends and made them mindful
of her even after death. Aunt Amy had been in the valley and shadow with
many a good mother in this community. Her tender, humble sympathy and gentle
services were not to be forgotten. Her voice had first announced the arrival
of many a bouncing boy or girl. The white women sent wreaths and roses.
January 14, 1910
Milledgeville News
At the home of the Bride's father,
Hooten, one of Baldwin county's oldest and most influential farmers,
at four o'clock last Tuesday, Miss Elizabeth
Pearl Hooten was married to Mr. Charles Tillman Snead. Rev.
B. P. Searcy, pastor of Baldwin Circuit, pronounced the solemn, familiar
words which made them "man and wife." The followed a dinner, such as an
old Southern plantation Georgia home knows how to prepare. The bride is
one of Baldwin's loveliest daughter's, beautiful, accomplished, worthy,
the best that life can give. The groom is also from a pioneer Baldwin home,
son of Dr. Charles W. Sneed, of precious memory, and is himself
a large and successful stock, grain and cotton grower. They are now "at
home" to their friends, in their pleasant country home near Dovedale. The
many relatives and friends, who saw them before the altar, all join in
wishing them a long useful, blessed life. May their pathway be as bright
as that a clear afternoon, their years as happy as their faces shone while
they gave themselves each to the other.
January 18, 1910
Union Recorder
Mr. Gus
Hardie and Miss Leola Carr
were quietly married Sunday afternoon at the residence of the bride's sister
Mrs. Martin. Rev. O. P. McDerment officiating. Their many friends
wish for them a long and happy life.
January 18, 1910
Union Recorder
"Two Deaths in Family. Mr. Isaac
Mansfield died in this city Sunday, and his remains were buried at
Stevens Pottery Monday, Rev. B.P. Searcy officiating. His daughter,
Emma Etheridge, died in Macon Monday and was buried at Stevens Pottery
this morning. Mr. Mansfield was an old soldier, and was an
honest hard working man."
20, 1910
Union Recorder
Death News Was Fatal to Child. Emma
Etheridge Dies Instantly on hear of Her Father's Death Near Stevens
Mansfield, born in Ulster County New York, in January, 1833, locating
in Baldwin immediately after the war, died at Stevens Pottery Sunday morning
and was buried at the same place Monday evening. In 1867 he married Miss
Pettigrew. Wm. H., Ed, Mrs. Eula Bonner, Mrs. Ben Adams,
Mrs Ikie, Mr. H., all of Baldwin county, were with him at the at the
last moment.
In 1894 he married Mrs. Lizzie
Stanley, who with her two little ones, survive him.
The last year he had been working
in Milledgeville at Bloodworth & Gibson's stables. A faithful (Methodist)
man has fallen asleep. The sympathy of all who know them goes out to the
widow, children.
Mrs. Emma Mansfield Ethridge,
died in Macon almost instantly on hearing of her father, is dead Monday.
She was brought to her birth place, Stevens Pottery, and buried Tuesday
evening. Her husband Walter H. Ethridge, survives her. She was born
in June, 1873, married, February 1891.
The Sympathy of the Community is
extended the family.
January 20, 1910
Atlanta Constitution
First National of Milledgeville Elects Officers.
Milledgeville, Ga., January 19 (Special)
The First National bank of this city was organized today. The stock
is held by a large number of citizens, both from the city and county. Eleven
directors were elected - six from Milledeville and five from the county.
A. Hohne
was made president; E. N. Ennis, of Washington county,
vice president; G. C. McKinley cashier. The bank expects to open
its doors by February 15.
29, 1910
Atlanta Constitution
War in the Fourth Georgia. Fauntleroy
Lewis, an old confederate veteran, died at his home, 64 Granger street,
at 8 o'clock yesterday morning. At the beginning of the war Mr. Lewis enlisted
in Milledgeville in Baldwin Blues, a militia company, which was incorporated
in the confederate army under the Fourth Georgia, Dole's brigade. He fought
throughout the war, serving in the Shenandoah Valley campaign going through
many engagements. One daughter, Mrs. J. W. Hodo, survives him.
The funeral services will be held
at the residence at 10 o'clock this morning. The interment will be in Hollywood
February 1, 1910
Union Recorder
Mrs. Rice was the Last Mother of Confederate Soldier in County.
Mary E. Rice died at the home of her mother in the southwestern part
of the county, last Tuesday night at ten o'clock. Her death was followed
by that of her aged mother, Mrs.
Elizabeth Rice, late Thursday night.
Mrs. Rice was quite aged,
being above ninety years old. Her daughter, Miss Mary, ministered to her,
and the love of mother and daughter was very marked. When Miss Mary became
ill a week prior to her death, and could no longer minister to her mother,
the latter was very much affected, and would not be comforted.
Miss Mary Rice died Tuesday
night and her remains were buried Thursday in the family burial ground,
Rev. B. P. Searcy officiating. She was sixty-seven years of age.
The remains of Mrs. Rice were
buried Saturday morning. She is survived by two sons, Mr. Augustus Rice,
of Macon and Mr. Wm. Rice of the county, and one daughter,
The relatives have the deepest
sympathy of friends and neighbors in this double bereavement that had come
upon them.
Mrs. Rice was the last mother
of a Confederate soldier in Baldwin county. Her son, Mr. Augustus Rice,
enlisted in the Confederate Army, and rendered valiant service in the Army
of Northern Virginia. She lived during the life time of every President
this nation has had except Washington. She was the eldest child of Mr.
and Mrs. Amelius Torrance, and is survived by only one of her parents'
children, Miss Cordelia Torrance.
Thus the pioneer families of
this county are passing away. She was a member of the Methodist church
for over seventy years.
February 21, 1910
Macon Weekly Telegraph
J. W. Champion died at her home on South Jefferson street last night,
after a short illness. She is survived by the following children: Oxford,
Louise and Sophie Champion. Her remains will be interred this
afternoon in the city cemetery
March 4, 1910
Milledgeville News.
Ivey - Babb. Last Sunday morning Mrs. Ida Ivey and Mr. Thomas Babb were united in marriae, Rev. Lamar Sims officiating. Both are well known in Milledgeville and many friends have extended their congratulations.
March 8, 1910
Union Recorder
Marie, the beautiful sixteen month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Farish Wood of Stevens Pottery, died Saturday night, after an illness
of only a few days of colera infantum. Funeral services were conducted
Sunday afternoon at the Cooperville Baptist Church.
Rev. Mr. Claxton, of Gordon,
Melba was the idol of her fond parent's
heart's and the light of that home.
The bereaved ones have the sympathy
of many friends in their hour of deepest sorrow.
March 11, 1910
Union Recorder
Miss Effie Simpson Committed Suicide. Well
Known Young Lady Shot Herself Through Heart Thursday Morning. Ill
Health Cause.
Effie Simpson about twenty years of age, beautiful and accomplished,
shot herself through the heart at an early hour Thursday morning. The rash
act was committed in the home of her father about six miles from Milledgeville
and the news was an instant shock to the hundreds of people in this city
and county who knew her so favorably.
Miss Simpson had been teaching
school in Eastman, but it is understood she resigned on account of ill
health and the unfortunate affair is attributed to this fact. She was relatd
to many of the prominet families of this city and county and a gloom has
been cast over the entire county.
Death resulted immediately
and she suffered only a moment after the fatal shot was fired. The family
is grief stricken beyond description and the sympathy of scores of friends
is extended them in the dark hour. The funeral will occur today.
March 29, 1910
Union Recorder
Mr. John
McCullar died at his home in the western part of the County, Friday
night, after a short illness with pneumonia.
Mr. McCullar was stricken with pneumonia
the Sunday before his death, and in spite of medical skill the disease
did its work rapidly, and he passed away Friday night.
The funeral services were held Saturday
afternoon, and the remains were buried at Sand Hill Cemetery.
Mr. McCullar was a son of Mr. Lewis
McCullar, and was a well-known citizen of Baldwin County. He
was a successful farmer, an honest man, and a devoted husband and father.
He is survived by his wife and six children, his parents and several
brothers and sisters,
The Union Recorder joins in
sympathy to the bereaved relatives.
Charles E. Prosser died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. T. H.
Little in Sparta las Friday morning after an illness of several days.
Her remains were brought to this
city Saturday morning, and buried in the family square in the cemetery.
Rev. S. P. Wiggins, assisted by Rev. Lamar Sims, officiated.
Mrs. Prosser was a resident of this
city for many years, but since the death of Mr. Prosser she has made her
home with her daughter in Sparta,
She was a member of the Methodist
church, and her life exemplified many of the christian virtures. She was
love by all who knew her on account of her gentle manner, and kindly spirit.
She was faithful in the discharge of her duties as a wife, mother, neighbor
and friend, and she has gone to a reward prepared for those who are faithful.
The sympathy of our community goes
out to Mrs. Little, the only remaining one of the family, and other relatives,
in their hour of sorrow.
April 1, 1910
Union Recorder
W. McCook, 83 years of age, died
last Saturday night near Stevens Pottery and the funeral occurred Sunday
afternoon near Gordon. He leaves a wife and several children.
Joe Dan Day died bear Byington Mills at the age of about 35 years of
age, leaving a wife and three young children, to whom the sympathy of many
friends is extended.
April 19, 1910
Union Recorder
and Killed Arthur Roberson
and Wounded Tom Roberson - Hill, also Shot. News reached
this city this morning of a shooting and killing last Sunday, in the western
part of the county on the Hill place. Three negroes, Lee Hill, Arthur
and Tom Robertson were engaged in gambling when a row started between them.
Hill used his pistol to deadly effect, shooting and killing Arthur Roberson,
and dangerously wounding Tom. Hill was shot by one of the Robersons and
it is reported that the wound is a dangerous one. Arthur Roberson lived
a short while after the affair, and was carried into Jones county before
he died. These are the particulars as far as we have been able to learn.
See May 31, 1910
19, 1910
Union Recorder
Mr. Richard
D. Smith died at the home of his son, Mr. Guy Smith, last Saturday
Mr. Smith had been in ill health
for a number of years, and was compelled to give up his farming interest,
and has made his home with his son.
The funeral services were held Sunday
morning, and the remains were buried in the family burial ground in East
Baldwin. A number of relatives and friends gathered to join in the last
sad rites.
Mr. Smith was sixty-five years of
age, and was born and reared in this county. In his young manhood, he enlisted
in the army of the Confederacy, and there was not a braver or more loyal
soldier to be found in the ranks of that army, which has written its name
in history as the most courageous that ever went on field of battle. After
the war he was active in restoring order in this county. He was a kind
hearted man.
He is survived by four sons, Messrs.
Charley Smith, of Albany; Guy, L. D. and Will Smith of this
County, and one daughter, Mrs. Will Hardy and a number of other
relatives. They have the deepest sympathy of the people of this, city and
May 3, 1910
Union Recorder
Kizzie Palmer and Mr. Miller McAfee, of Wrightsville, were united
in marriage last Tuesday in this city, Judge W. H. Stembridge officiating.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Palmer, of East Baldwin,
and is a pretty and attractive young lady. SHe has a hosts of friends.
Mr. McAfee is a young farmer of near Wrightsville.
May 3, 1910
Union Recorder
Daniel Brookings died at her home in East Baldwin Thursday night, at
the age of 65. The funeral services were held Saturday afternoon. She is
survived by her husband and three children, who have the sympathy of their
May 7, 1910
Union Recorder
Pound Accidentally Shot and Killed by His Companion, Powell Allen.
One of the saddest tragedies
that ever occurred in this community was the accidental killing of Jere
Pound, son of Prof.
and Mrs. J. M. Pound, by Powell
Allen, son of Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Allen, last Saturday morning.
about half past eleven o'clock.
The accident occurred near the Sanitarium
of Dr. Allen. The two boys, who were close friends, had been spending several
hours of the morning shooting birds and just prior to the accident had
been out on a fish pond in a boat. Returning to the bank, they were playing
with their guns when the one in the hands of Powell Allen was accidentally
discharged. The shot struck Jere Pound in the back, cutting his back bone
in two and killing him instantly.
The news of the tragedy was immediately
telephoned to the city, and Dr. T. M. Hall was requested to bear
the sad intelligence to the parents of young pound. Hastening to the residence,
he as gently as possible broke the news and carried Prof. Pound to the
scene of the accident in his automobile. The news spread rapidly through
the city, and a number of the friends of both families hastened out to
the home of Dr. Allen.
As soon as he realized that his friend
and companion was dead Powell was overcome with grief, and for several
hours his condition was critical.
The two boys were close friends and
spent Friday at the Sunday School picnic. When the the day of pleasure
ended Jere went home with Powell to spend the night and Saturday. They
had spent the morning shooting birds, and their hearts were happy and joyous,
having not the least shadow of the heart, rending accident that was hanging
over them
This sad tragedy has thrown into
deep and pungent grief two of the most prominent families our our community,
and the hearts of the people go out in the tenderest sympathy to both of
The funeral services were held at
the residence Sunday morning at ten o'clock, S. P. Wiggins officiating.
A large number of sympathizing friends were present to join with the family
in their sorrow. One of the most touching incidents of the services was
the singing of a quartet by cadets of the G. M. College.
The remains were carried to
Barnesville for interment. The following cadets of the college, under command
of Lieutenant Culver Kidd, acted as honorary escort: Steven Wootten, Guss
Hall, Harris Hall, Hugh Andrews, Dawson Allen, and Benjamin Bethune.
When Barnesville was reached the
cadets of Gordon Institute and a large number of the people of that city
were at the depot to join in the last sad rites.
The floral offerings were profuse
and beautiful, and were silent expressions of the sympathy of many friends.
Jere was the second son of
Prof. and Mrs. Pounds, and was a member of the Sophomore class of the Georgia
Military College. He was a member of Co. B. and was loved by his fellows.
He was a bright boy, and by his frank and open disposition, he won the
hearts of all who knew him, the older and younger alike.
May 21, 1910
Macon Weekly Telegraph.
After a short illness, Mrs.
J. J. Wootten, Sr., died at the family residence Tuesday night, at
the age of 63. She was born in Clark county and came to Milledgeville when
a child. She was married in October, 1864, to J. J. Wootten. She
is survived by her husband and two children, R. H. and J. J. Wootten,
one brother Sterling Roberts, of Sparta. The funeral services were
conducted from the residence, Rev. Lamar Sims officiating, assisted by
Revs. Wiggins and Parks.
At the advanced age of 80 years, Mrs.
J. A. Jones, wife of the late Dr. J. A. Jones died at the home
of her son Wednesday afternoon. The burial took place Thursday morning
at the old family burial ground in Hancock county, Rev. Lamar Sims officiating.
J. A. Jones, of this city, is her only surviving child.
F. S. Seely, of Atlanta,
editor of the Atlanta Georgia, has been secured to deliver the baccalaureate
address at the Georgia Normal and Industrial College.
Mayor Miller S. Bell
attending the state convention of Knights of Pythias at Brunswick. Mr.
Bell is grand inner guard of Georgia.
May 24, 1910
Union Recorder
Hattie Gilman died at the home of her brother, Mr. Thos. Gilman,
near the State Sanitarium, Sunday afternoon, after an illness extending
though eleven months.
The funeral services were conducted
by Father White, of Macon, at Sacred Heart Catholic church, Monday
afternoon, and the remains were followed to their last resting place by
a large number of sorrowing friends.
Miss Gilman was a daughter of the
late Mr. Frank Gilman, and was twenty-one years of age. She was
a bright and sweet young lady, and leaves a host of friends, who deeply
loved her.
The bereaved relatives have the deep
sympathy of their friends.
May 31, 1910
Union Recorder
The commitment trial of Lee Hill,
with the murder of Arthur Robinson
shooting Tom Robinson, was held Monday before Judge Brown.
He was declared not guilty and turned out. The state was represented by
Howard and Hill by
Hon. Carl Vinson.
June 6, 1910
The Augusta Chronicle
At Warm Springs Mr. &
Mrs. J. H. Stevens, of Stevens Pottery, Georgia are entertaining for
a week, at least a large house- party at the hotel in honor of their young
attractive daughter Miss Ruby Stevens. Among the house-party guests
of the Stephenses are Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Mauly, Griffin, Misses - Marjorie
Woolcott, Louise Durkee, Louise Drewry, Sarah Garland, Mary Blanton, Mussadon
of Griffin;
Miss Mary Davis of Decatur, Ga.; and Mr.
W.B. Webb of Jackson. In addition to entertaining these guests, Mr.
and Mrs. Stevens expect a number of visitors here to the house-party during
the length of it.
June 14, 1910
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ Miss
Leone Etheridge and Mr. Felton Rice were united in marriage
Sunday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Ethridge at Stevens Pottery, Rev. B. P. Searcy officating....
..Mr. Rice is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. William Rice, and is a succesful farmer....
June 14, 1910
Union Recorder
Miss Lucy
Otis Wall and Mr. Clark Hudgens will be united in marriages
Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
J. Wall.
Miss Wall is quite an attractive
and pretty young lady, and has hosts of friends in the city.
Mr. Hudgens holds a responisble
position at the plant of the Electric Department of the Oconee River Mills
and has established himself in the confidence of his employers and all
who know him.
June 17, 1910
Milledgeville News
A Negro Girl Killed Her Companion Tuesday
While out hunting blackberries Tuesday
afternoon Mabel Dixon, a young negro woman, shot and killed her
companion, Gus Bass. The bullet
entered the upper lobe of the left lung and according to evidence, produced
death almost instantly. The woman claims the shot was accidental.
July 12, 1910
Union Recorder
Wright, a well-known colored woman died suddenly in this city Sunday
night. She was held in confidence by the white people as she was honest,
kind and respectful.
July 19, 1910
Babb Shoe Co. was purchased by Grover
Bloodworth and J.E.Stembridge.
July 24, 1910
Atlanta Constitution
Mrs. Redding,
who was the nineteenth child of William Anderson and Eliza Hunnicutt,
was born in Baldwin county, Georgia, May 18, 1825. In 1855 she was married
to Thomas Redding,
of Sumter county, who died in 1862, leaving her
with one child, who died in 1870. She died May 26, 1910, at the home of
her great nephews,
Iverson and William Horne.
For many years she had been a faithful
Methodist. At her death she was a member of "Old Bethel" church in Baldwin
county. She was probably the last real daughter of the revolution to die
in the state. Her father served under the famous General Nathaniel Greene.
August 9, 1910
Atlanta Constitution
Mrs. Arthur Wall, Jackson
Jackson, Ga., August 8 (Special)
The death of Mrs. Arthur Wall occurred
at her home in Iron Springs district, a few miles from Jackson. She had
been ill for some time, and death was not unexpected. Surviving Mrs. Wall
are her husband, one son and a daughter, and one sister,
Mrs. C. A.
Pittman, of this county. She was a native of Baldwin county, and the
remains were shipped to Milledgeville this morning for funeral and interment.
August 16, 1910
Union Recorder
Lessie Johnson Was Shot in Death in Western
Part of County by Unknown Party.
Johnson, a negro woman, was shot to death Saturday night, at her home
near Hopewell church, about five miles from the city.
The woman was shot twice with a shot
gun, and her death was instantaneous.
Coroner Caraker was notified Sunday
morning, and went out to the scene of the tragedy and held an inquest.
The evidence given before the jury
did not fasten the guilt on anyone, and a verdict that the woman's death
was due to gun-shot wounds inflicted by parties unknown was rendered.
August 19, 1910
Milledgeville News
Negro Man Killed His Wife Saturday Night.
Louis Young, a negro
man, killed his wife on
the outskirts of the city Saturday night by shooting her twice. It seems
that family trouble caused the affair and early in the evening the couple
disturbed the people on one of the prominent resident streets of the city
and it is said Young was heard to tell his wife he had a notion to shoot
her on the spot, but the gentlemen who had heard them went out and made
them move on.
According to information it
appears that immediately on reaching home the woman proceeded to cook supper
and while she was building a fire her husband shot her twice. She was found
dead by neighbors a few minutes later. Louis Young is in jail, sheriff
Terry having arrested him Sunday. His trial will come off in November.
September 10, 1910
The Macon Daily Telegraph
the 10-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Etheridge
(Ethridge), died yesterday at the residence, 759 Hawthorne street,
after an illness of two days. The burial will take place at Stephens Pottery.
September 20, 1910
Union Recorder
Etheridge died at Dr. H. D. Allen's Sanitarium, where he was an attendant,
Sunday night, Sept. 11th, after an illness of several weeks with typhoid
fever. He was twenty-seven years of age, and was a native of this county.
He is survived by his father, Mr. J. W. Etheridge, two brothers,
W. and J. E. Etheridge, two sisters, Mrs. Luther Pierce and
Fannie Etheridge. The bereaved one have the sympathy of many friends.
September 27, 1910
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Milledgeville, Ga., Sept. 26 - Mr. W.
O. Gillespie, for six years head bookkeeper for the state sanitarium,
died at his home near that institution this evening about 5 o'clock after
a short illness. Besides holding a very responsible position at that place,
he also enjoyed the distinction of being one of the most popular men in
this community. Mr. Gillespie was formerly a citizen of Merriwether county
and a member of a prominent family of that place, but being selected by
the board of directors of the sanitarium about six years ago as bookkeeper,
he accepted the position, which he has held ever since. He leaves a wife
and two little daughters, also two sisters, Mrs. Robert Ellis, of
Greenville, Ga., and Mrs. J. O. Christian, of Atlanta.
His remains will be interred in the
cemetery here tomorrow evening.
September 30, 1910
Union Recorder
Miss Ola
Rabun and Mr. Earnest Wilson, both employed at the state Sanitarium,
were married Sunday evening at the Midway Methodist church, Rev. O. P.
McDerment officiating. Quite a crowd of friends were present and best wishes
were tendered the young couple.
21, 1910
Union Recorder
John H. Huff, age 70 years veteran of the civil war and well known
throughout this section, died at his home in the eastern part of the county
Sunday night. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. O. P. McDerment
Monday, a large concourse of friends and relatives gathering to pay their
last tribute.
Surviving Mr. Huff is his wife and
two grand children, his three children being dead. The death of Mr. Huff
occasions much regret among those who know him and the sympathy of many
has been extended to the members of the family.
October 28, 1910
The Augusta Chronicle
Seven Convicts Escape From the Guards
During the Excitement, Following the Explosion of a Lamp - Loss Will Be
Special to The Chronicle. Milledgeville,
Ga. Oct. 27 - The main building of the state prison farm burned tonight
about 9 o'clock. Two hundred and six male prisoners were confined in the
structure but none were hurt in the flames.
The fire was caused by the
explosion of a lamp. Only seven prisoners escaped in the excitement and
all is quiet now with prisoners confined in the new tuberculosis hospital
surrounded by guards.
The building was exceptionally
large built of wood and the total loss will be about $15,000.
October 30, 1910
Atlanta Constitution
Miss Bland, a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Bland, of Milledgeville, is a very bright
and attractive young girl, about whose name, Nylic, there is quite
an unusual story. Her father is one of the most valued agents in the south
of the New York Life Insurance Company, and his loyalty to that corporation
is suggested in the fact that the initials of the company were combined
to form the pretty little daughter's name.
An interesting consequence occurred
several years ago, when Miss Bland was working for a new church organ.
She wrote to the head office of the New York Life, stating that, as the
namesake of the company, she desired a contribution to this pet scheme
of hers, the organ.
The immediate answer was a telegraph,
authorizing her to buy whatever kind of organ she wished, and to send the
bill to the president of the company, which was duly done, and Miss Bland
and the church rejoiced that she had been called Nylic.
November 8, 1910
Union Recorder
Ike Stevens,
a negro was drowned Saturday afternoon in Cedar Creek, on Mr. Thos.
Napiers place in Baldwin county. H was riding a mule, in quest of his
hogs, when the animal got into a bog in a branch near where the stream
emptied into a creek. He secured the services of another negro to aid him
in rescuing the mule.
In their efforts to extricate the
mule, the animal in plunging knocked Stevens into the creek, which at that
place was about ten feet deep. The negro could not swim and was drowned.
The body of the negro was not recovered until Sunday morning.
November 8, 1910
Union Recorder
Helen V. Wilkes, and Mr. Frank E. Penick, of Chicago, were united
in marriage last Thursday evening, in the parlors of the Hotel Baldwin,
Lamar Sims officiating.
Mr. Penick is working with Mr.
C. T. Caraker, and has been at the Hotel Baldwin for the past several
days. He was unable at this time to go to Chicago, and Miss Wilkes consented
to come to Milledgeville to get married. She arrived in the city Thursday
afternoon, and the ceremony took place about seven o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Penick are guests at
The Baldwin.
November 25, 1910
Milledgeville News
Two Deaths in County During The Past Week
Last Saturday Mr.
Robert Berry, well known throughout the county, died at his home near
Cooperville, after weeks of suffering from fever. The funeral was held
Sunday afternoon, Rev. Dewell conducting the services. He
is survived by his wife, father, mother and several sisters to whom the
sympathy of the community is extended.
Tuesday Mr.
W. F. Stanley died at his home in the county, leaving a wife and four
children, besides mother and sister. He was buried at Mt. Pleasant church
Wednesday afternoon, many being present to pay the last tribute of respect
and offer sympathy and assistance to the bereaved family.
Mr. C. W. Digby Died at Brown's Crossing
Mr. C.
W. Digby, aged 73 years, died at Brown's Crossing Wednesday afternoon
after a long illness. Mr. Digby served in the Confederate army and was
well known here and in his section. He is survived by his wife, three sons,
M. Digby, of Atlanta, John Digby of Macon, and L. M. Digby
this county, als two daughters, Mrs. Lason, of Putnam county, and
Annie Digby, of this county.
The funeral occurs Thursday. The
sympathy of the community is extended to the family.
November 27, 1910
The Augusta Chronicle.
Milledgeville, Ga, Special to TheChronicle,
26 - An event of most social interest Thanksgiving Day was the marriage
ofMiss Fannie Bayne Buck, of
this city, to Prof. R. L. Burch, of Pinehurst, occurring at
the suburban home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs.
Buck, Rev. Culpepper of Macon, officiating.
A delightful Thanksgiving
outing to Macon was enjoyed by a local party composed of Mr.
and Mrs R. N. Wooten, Mrs. W.D. Stembridge,
Misses Abner Strozier, Florence Barnett and Estelle Bozeman and Mr. J.C.
Mrs. Julius A. Horne,
regent of the local chapter D.A.R. and Mrs.Geo. W. Perkins, secretary
attended the unveiling of the Oglethorpe monument in Savannah the past
Miss Mary Reynolds
of Atlanta, is visiting her parents President and Mrs. Wm. E. Reynolds
the G.M.C. this week.
Miss Ruth Marks of
Miss Briggs
of Athens, and Miss Brandon of Thomasville
are guests of Miss
Hattie Pottle this week.
Mrs. A. A. Bivins,
one of the best known of elderly ladies of this city, leaves Thursday for
a visit to her son. Mr. W. L. Bivins in Litchfield, Ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller S. Bell
the annual conference of the Methodist Church in Athens last week, returning
home Monday night.
Miss Addie Caraker who
is attending school at Gainesville is home for Thanksgiving, visiting her
parents Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Caraker.
Friends throughout the
state will regret to learn that Miss Bessie Ennis, secretary to
the president of the G.M college, is ill with pneumonia.
Prof. and Mrs. Eben N. Reynolds,
of Monticello, are visiting parents President and Mrs. Wm. E. Reynolds
the Georgia Military College.
Mr. Thos. H. Wright, of Portsmouth
Va., has returned home after a visit to his daughter Mrs. R. W. Hatcher
Miss Lizzie Sanford is back
home after a visit to relatives in Greene County.
When Completed ,Will Cost $35,000. NEW CHURCH ALSO
So Many People Ride in Hacks in Milledgeville
That The Prices Are To Be Raised On Wednesday
Special To the Chronicle
Milledgeville, Ga. Nov. 26 - The
board of directors of Georgia Normal and Industrial College met here Wednesday
and went over in detail the plans for the new building of the institution.
The structure will cost $35,000 and building will start directly after
Those present were Chairman T.E. Atkinson,
Congressman Dudley M. Hughes, Col. James M. Dupree, Hon. W.
H. Davis, Mayor
Miller S. Bell and Dr. E. A. Tigner.They
expressed themselves as being highly pleased with the progress of the college,
and Congressman Hughes, who was forming a member of the board, was especially
surprised and delighted at the advancement.
After the session was over,
the directors were entertained at dinner by President M. M. Parks,
of the college.
New Methodist Church
The main construction work
on the new Methodist church has been completed and the last bricks have
been laid. The roof is yet to be put on and much of the stone work
remains unfinished and the interior will now receive attention. The church
will be completed as rapidly as possible, and it will be one of the finest
in the state.
Rev. E. F. Dempsey,
the new appointed pastor of the Milledgeville church will arrive here next
week. and Rev.
S. P. Wiggins who has been here for the past year
preaches his last sermon tomorrow before going to take charge of the First
Methodist Church in Atlanta.
November 28, 1910
Atlanta Constitution
Well-Known Young Man Shot and Killed Near
Milledgeville, Ga. November 27 - (Special) Elijah
Simmons, a young white man, about 21 years of age, living four miles
east of this city, was shot four times this morning about 1 o'clock by
a negro named Buckner and almost instantly killed.
Young Simmons had gone to the negro's
house for the purpose of protecting his brother in some way and the negro
turned fire on him.
Buckner is at large, but it is though
the sheriff has a clue to his whereabouts.
Simmons is a native of
Baldwin county and has two brothers in Milledgeville.
November 30, 1910
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Five men were recently examined
for rural carriers at Milledgeville. They were R. W. Tanner, H. H. Tanner,
Newt Pugh, J. A. Binford and J. R. McCullar. There is a vacancy
to be filled at once, and as soon as the examination papers returned
and the standing of contestants known the appointment will probably be
December 13, 1910
Union Recorder
Mr. John Temples died at the home of Mr. R. A. Taylor
in the north-eastern part of the county, Monday morning at two o'clock. He
was 76 years of age, and served in the Confederate army in the war betwwn
the States. He never married. He came to this county from Wilkinson six years
ago. His remains were buried Monday afternoon at three o'clock in the family
burial ground.
December 13, 1910
Union Recorder
Will Hutchens Killed Hansel
Crooms. Both in Gang From Baldwin County
Hansel Crooms, a convict in the county
gang was struck in the head with an axe in the hands of a fellow convict,
Will Hutchins, last Tuesday afternoon, and died Wednesday morning.
Crooms and Hutchens were both Baldwin
county negroes and were serving sentences for misdemeanors on the gang.
Crooms has almost completed his sentence, and, had be not been killed,
would have been given his freedom last Saturday,
Crooms was water carrier for the
convicts who were at work on the county roads. Tuesday afternoon he carried
water to Hutchens and in a jocular way told him to drink fast, and
get through. The latter retaliated in an angry manner, and the words thus
commenced ended by Hutchens picking up a club axe and striking Crooms a
terrific blow on the head. Crooms linger until Wednesday morning when he
Coroner Caraker was notified
and an inquest. The jury returned a verdict that the killing was murder,
and a warrant was taken out against Hutchens charging him with this offense,
and he was turned over to Sheriff Terry and is now in the county
jail, where he will remain until the session of the Superior Court in January
when he will be tried for murder.
December 16, 1910
Milledgeville News.
Killings Shot Tuesday Night In Midway, But Coroner's Jury Fails Placing
Tuesday night Wesley Killings, a
well known negro living in that section of Midway known as Harrisburg,
was shot and killed by unknown men. The bullet penetratred the negro's
chest, causing death almost instantly. From various reports it is gathered
that Killings had occasioned some trouble earlier in the afternoon and
from statements of negroes in the vicinity it was learned that he went
out to stop a party of young white men from talking in the roadway near
his home when some argument ensued and directly a shot was fired with the
results given.
Coroner Thos. H. Caraker
empanelled a jury and held an inquest Wednesday, but no developments were
reached as it was impossible to place the blame from the evidence procured
and the jury rendered a verdict that Killings came to his death from gunshot
wounds at the hands of unknown parties.
December 30, 1910
Milledgeville News
At the home of the bride's parents
at Stevens Pottery Sunday morning, December 25, 1910, Miss Mary
Elizabeth Davis was married to Ivey Dugan Gladin, Rev. B.
P. Searcy officiating. A bountiful dinner followed the beautiful ceremony.
The happy couple will make Dublin their future home. The News joins a host
of friends in wishing them all success and happiness through life's journey.
January 3, 1911
Union Recorder
Mildred Pierce, of Cooperville and Mr. John P. Davis, of Macon,
were united in Marriage Sunday afternoon, at the home of Judge W. P.
Brown. The ceremony was performed by Judge Brown. Immediately after
the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Davis left for a visit to Florida.
January 16, 1911
The Macon Daily Telegraph
RECALLS CASE OF GRATITUDE. Warren Edwards of Milledgeville Tells Story
of How He Secured a Priceless Treasure.
Warren Edwards, of Milledgeville,
was in Macon yesterday. His eye fell upon an old Cremona violin in Frank
Powers show window.
"That reminds me," he said, "of a
case of gratitude. Some 20 years ago there came to Milledgeville a couple
of strolling musicians, the old man playing the harp and the young man
the violin. They were foreigners and travel-stained, and nobody care to
take them into their houses for the night. The weather was cold and rainy,
and when I heard of their situation I offered them shelter. I gave them
the kitchen with plenty of wood, and there they spent the night in comfort.
"They went away the next day expressing
thanks for what I had done for them, and then I forgot all about the circumstance.
Some months after the man who played on the harp came to Milledgeville,
but he was alone. He hunted me up, and then told me of his misfortune.
The exposure to the weather had been too much for the young man, who had
not been long from his sunny Italy, and after leaving me, and while on
their way through the country trying to make a few pennies by playing their
music, the boy was taken with pneumonia and died in Washington, Wilkes
county. Before he died he told his old companion to bring me his violin.
It was his only earthly possession, and therefore the only thing he could
give me in return for giving shelter that miserable cold night to two utter
strangers who were penniless. The old man had tramped back to Milledgeville
to carry out the dying wish of his young companion.
"There are so few instances of gratitude,
that I value that violin highly, and while it may not be as valuable as
that Cremona in the widow, no amount of money can buy it from me."
January 26, 1911
Atlanta Constitution
Death of Miss Annie Ethridge
Macon, Ga., January 25. Miss Annie
Pearl Ethridge died last night late at the Macon hospital. She was
18 years of age, and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ethridge.
She is survived by four brothers and four sisters, besides her parents.
The remains were sent to Stevens Pottery this afternoon, where the funeral
and interment occurred.
January 29, 1911
The Macon Daily Telegraph
The body of Gilmer
Ethridge, the 6 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ethridge,
who died at the hospital Friday night at 9:30 o'clock, after a short illness,
was carried to Stevens' Pottery yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock for funeral
and interment.
February 10, 1911
H. Robinson, aged 26 years, died at Stevens Pottery Tuesday after a
lingering illness. Mr. Robinson was the step-son of Mr. Ira C. West
and was well known here. He had been in failing health for some time and
the end was not a surprise to those intimate with his condition.
Mr. Robinson is survived by his wife.
The furneral occurred at Cooperville cemetery Wednesday afternoon, Rev.
B. P. Searcy officiating.
March 20, 1911
The Macon Daily Telegraph
W. Ethridge,
aged 9 years, and son of W. H. Ethridge, died at
5:40 o'clock Sunday afternoon, at the residence, 505 Fort Hill street,
East Macon. Death was caused by malarial fever.
The body will be taken to Steven's
Pottery Cemetery, this morning at 11:30 o'clock, for funeral and interment.
April 6, 1911
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Prominent Milledgeville Lady is Alleged
Victim of Tampa Physican's Attempt to Relieve Violent Headache.
Milledgeville, Ga, April 5 -Mrs.
W. T. Conn, Jr., died suddenly last night in Tampa, Fla., from an overdose
of morphine, it is alleged, administered by a physician to relieve a nervous
headache. She and her husband were on a visit to relatives in Tampa, Mrs.
Conn's former home.
Her remains will be brought to Milledgeville
for burial.
29, 1911
The Macon Daily Telegraph
H. K. Byington,
formerly of this city, died yesterday at 1 o'clock
at his home at Whiteside, Ga., after a few days illness. Captain Byington
was 78 years of age, and is survived by four sons and one daughter, namely:
C. Byington, of Mississippi;
C. G. and H. A. Byington,
of Macon, and Gus Byington, of Florida; Mrs. Tim Bloodworth,
of Milledgeville
In the death of Captain Byington
a large circle of relatives and friends has sustained a severe loss as
he was regarded by all who knew him as one of Georgia's noblest and best
citizens. A devoted husband, kind father and unselfish friend, is the eulogy
paid to him by those who knew him best.
The remains will be carried to Coopersville,
Ga., this morning at 11:40, by the way of the Central of Georgia, where
the furneral will take place at Camp Creek Church, Mr. J. T. Heard officiating..
May 2, 1911
Union Recorder
Capt. H. K. Byington died at his
home in Bibb county, Friday, April 28th. His remains were buried at Camp
Creek cemetery in this county Saturday, Rev. Mr. Greene officiating. He
was the father of Mrs. J. T. Bloodworth, and grandfather of Mrs.
Byron Ivey and Fleming Bateman, of this county. He rendered
valiant service in the Confederate army, during the civil war. Mrs. Bloodworth
was with her father when he died.
7, 1911
Macon Daily Telegraph
Milledgeville, Ga. May 6 - Three veterans
have died since Memorial Day, April 26. They were Capt. H. K. Byington, William
C. Patterson and James Saunders.
May 14, 1911
The Columbus Ledger
Death of a Beloved Lady. Mrs. M. M. Minter
Breathes Her Last Friday Night After An Illness of About Six Weeks -Remains
Carried To Baldwin County.
Mrs. M. M. Minter,
beloved wife of Mr. M. M. Minter, superintendent
of the Southern Brick and Terra Cotta Company, breathed her last Friday
night, at 10 o'clock, at the family residence, near Muscogee Junction,
after an illness of about six weeks from complications brought on by an
attack of measles, with which she had previously suffered.
Mrs. Minter was 39 years of
age and moved to Columbus about the first of January. She was a devout
member of Camp Clark (Creek) Primitive Baptist church and a Christian lady
in every sense. She was greatly esteemed and beloved by a very large coterie
of friends, among whom her death will cause genuine sorrow.
Besides her husband, Mrs. Minter
is survived by nine children, as follows: Misses Vivian, Mildred, Martha,
Anna and
Dorothy Minter. Mesers. Millard, James, Gibson
Minter; three sisters, Mrs. Smith of Dublin, Ga., Mrs. Hatfield
McIntyre, Ga., and Mrs. Council, of Dodge County; also one
brother Mr. W. E. Gibson, of this city.
The remains were taken yesterday
to Baldwin county, where the funeral and interment will be held today at
Camp Creek church, near Stevens' Pottery, Ga.
March 21, 1911
Union Recorder
Shot and Killed Phillip Lamar
Eastern Part of the County.
Abe Wise shot and killed Philip
Lamar Sunday afternoon, on the Shinholser place in East Baldwin.
Wise and Eugene Steel were
discussing the question as to which one of them could raise the largest
amount of money, when Lamar broke into the argument with the remark that
stee could get as much money as Wise. This angered the latter, sho cursed
Lamar. Lamar repeated the statement and Wise caught him in the lapel of
the coat. Lamar told him to turn him lose, and tried to pull away. Wise
pulled his pistol and shot Lamar five times, the wounds causing death.
Wise then made his escape and Sheriff
Terry, who went to the scene of the killing failed to locate him.
(Note: Was found guilty and sentenced to
life imprisonment in Nov. term of court 1911.)
May 2, 1911
Union Recorder
Being Wounded Lew Humphrey shot Joe Stephens in the Head.
Lewis Humphreys shot and killed Joe
last Friday night on Mrs. J. D. Myrick's plantation in the
northwestern part of the county.
The killing occurred at a gathering
of negroes. Before firing the fatal shot Humphreys was shot by Stephens,
in the side, but was not dangerously wounded. The bullet from Humphreys
pistol struck Stephens in the forehead, producing almost instant death.
Stephens reports say, was a bad negro,
and had been in trouble before.
May 5, 1911
Milledgeville News
The death angel visited
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Woodall, formerly of Milledgeville,
but now Columbus, last Friday morning and took away their little Baby Dell
from them. She was suffering from measles and though everything that loving
hands and best medical attention could do was resorted to she passed
away. She was the flower of earth to the family and at the time of her
death was five years and six months old. The funeral was held at Riverside
cemetery in Columbus and to the sorrowing parents a host of friends here
in Milledgeville and in Columbus extend heart felt sympathy.
May 5, 1911
Milledgeville News
The announcement is made by
Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Dumas of their daughter, Florrie
Estelle, to Mr. Morgan Huffman, of Dublin, the wedding to take
place May 10, next at 7:30 o'clock in the evening at the home of the bride's
parents on North Wayne street.
The many friends of the young
couple jointly extending them best wishes in advance for a long and happy
May 26, 1911
Union Recorder
Last Sunday afternoon at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Massey in South Baldwin, Miss Marie
Winn and Mr. Gray Lockhart were quietly married by Rev. Mr.
Miss Winn is well known here and
over the county and for the past term taught school in the neighborhood.
Mr. Lockhart was formerly located in this city, but is now farming. Friends
of the young couple wish them all success and happiness.
30, 1911
Union Recorder
James Sanders died at his home in East Baldwin May 1st. He was a member
of the company of Capt. W. T. Conn in the Confederate army, and
was a brave soldier. He attended the memorial exercises in the city the
26th of April, and was present at a meeting of Camp Doles in the morning
of that date. He will be missed from the ranks of the old Veterans.
June 4, 1911
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Milledgeville. A pretty June
wedding was that of Miss Mary
Roberta Jarratt
Bulow M. Campbell, of Bainbridge. The wedding
took place a the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Roxie Jarratt, on the
hill, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The house was beautifully decorated
in white and pink hydrangea and beautifully lighted with tapers in silver
candlesticks. The bride was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Roxie Jarratt
gave her away. Mrs. Will T. Hines, matron of honor, and Miss Annie
McComb, maid of honor, were gowned in dresses of soft blue material.
The bride was pretty and petite in a gown of of white material elaborately
trimmed in lace. She stood in front of a beautifully improvised altar of
white hydrangea, where she was joined by the groom and his best man, Will
T. Hines.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell left for Florida
and will also visit the groom's parents at Bainbridge, after which they
will be at home to their friends in Cuthbert.
The bride, one of Milledgeville's
sweetest and prettiest young women, was the recipient of numerous handsome
presents at the wedding.
June 11, 1912
June 13, 1911
Macon Weekly Telegraph
ARRESTED, BUT HEY CONTINUE TO LOVE. Police Await Arrival of Train From
Milledgeville and a Four-Year Dream of Bliss is Rudely Shattered.
Two Macon policemen yesterday played
havoc with the plans of Dan Cupid, for when they arrested Dan Collins
Lucy Howard, one a negro man of more than 25 and the other a yellow
damsel just turning into 16 summers they stopped an elopement. Dan and
Lucy are now making love to each other behind steel bars and in separate
cells at the police barracks, and this morning an officer from Milledgeville
will carry the would-be bride back to her mother in the one-time capital
city of Georgia.
Dan and Lucy's love affairs it seems
had run along for nigh on to four years, and the only thing that stood
in the way of completing their happiness was strenuous objection of Lucy's
mother. She had told Dan that the girl was too young and had also told
him to wait awhile.
While sitting on the front plaza
of Lucy's home Sunday night, while the mother prayed in the amen corner
of a Milledgeville church, the prospective bride and groom decided that
they had waited just about long enough and made things up to beat it to
Macon on the first train and have the knot tied. The first train pulled
out from the Milledgeville depot early yesterday morning, and the young
couple made the fatal mistake of standing on the rear platform. Mother
was on her way to gather the week's washing, it seems, and unluckily for
her daughter and prospective son-in-law, passed by the depot just as the
train pulled slowly away.
The telegraph wires were put in action
and when the couple stepped from the Central train yesterday morning, there
stood two big "cops" and right then their dreams of four long years faded
Lucy declares that she loves Dan
better now than ever and a Macon justice of the peace may yet perform the
marriage ceremony that the Macon "coppers" interfered with.
June 13, 1911
Union Recorder
Edith Miller and Mr. Charles Gibson were united in marriage
Monday afternoon, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
W. Miller, Rev. D. W. Brannen officiating.
The bride is the oldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Miller, and is an attractive young lady. Mr. Gibson
is well known in the city, and is receiving the congraulations of his friends.
June 13, 1911
Union Recorder
Eb Hester died at her home in the northern part of the County, near
Rock Spring School house, Wednesday, May 31st. She was a good woman, and
has gone to her reward, after a long life. Her funeral services were conducted
by Rev. J. A. Little the following Sunday.
June 20, 1911
Union Recorder
Miss Mamie
Cormanni of the county and Col. A. P. Wood, of Fitzpatrick,
were united in marriage Wednesday afternoon at the East Macon Baptist church.
The marriage was witnessed by only
a few relatives and friends among whom were Mr. G. B. Cormanni,
Miss Frances Bigham and Miss Sarah Gilman, of the county.
The bride is an attractive young
woman, and posses many traits of character which have won for her the love
and esteem of all who know her.
Col. Wood is a rising attorney, and
stands well in the community in which he resides.
July 4, 1911
Union Recorder
Mr. D. C. Bowdoin and Miss Laura
Maybelle Hubbard were united in marriage, June 29th, Judge W. H.
Stembridge officiating. There was a tinge of romance about this marriage,
owing to the fact that this was the second time they had been made man
and wife. They were married several years ago, and later esparated and
Secured a divorce.
July 7, 1911
Milledgeville News.
Georgia Robinson and Mr. John Roberts were married last Sunday
morning at the home of Mr. Edward Barnes in this city, Dr. D.
W. Brannen performing the ceremony.
July 14, 1911
Union Recorder
GUARD. Prisoner From Laurens County Instantly Killed While Trying to Make
Escape From Prison Farm.
Tuesday afternoon L.
H. (W.H.) O'Neal, a white prisoner at the state prison farm, was shot
and instantly killed by a guard while attempting to escape. O'Neal was
warned to halt and one shot was fired at random to frighten him, but he
kept on going when the second shot stopped him. The bullet entered just
below the left shoulder from the rear, penetrated his heart and killed
him isntatly. The tragedy occurred about 5 o'clock in the afternoon.
O'Neal was 57 years of age and was
sent up for three years from Laurens county for stabbing his wife and had
been here for a year. No blame is officially attched to the guard for his
action in carrying out his trust.
(Note: the guard was C. R. Jenkins)
July 18, 1911
Union Recorder
W. L. Janes died at her home on the State Prison Farm last Friday morning
at one o'clock, after a long illness. Her remains were carried to Ivey
Station for burial.
~excerpt~ Mary
Julia Humphries. This lovely child of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Humphries
asleep on July 3, 1911, after a brief illness.
Little Mary Julia was a most winsome
and lovable child from her earliest years. Though a sufferer from rheumatism
for several years........
The little body was laid away in
the family burying plot, admid the sympathizing tears of neighbors and
friends, Rev. D. W. Brannen conducting the exercises, assisted by
B. P. Searcy.
August 15, 1911
Union Recorder
Collins Kills Anderson Fraley
at St. Mary's Church in East Baldwin.
Anderson Fraley was shot and killed
by Charlie Collins, at St. Mary's Church, near the line of Hancock and
Baldwin Counties last Sunday afternoon.
Fraley and a relative of Collins
were fussing and the latter joined in. The interference of Collins resulted
in shooting and killing Fraley.
Sheriff Terry was notified and he
and Coroner Caraker went to the scene of the killing early Monday morning.
A Jury was summoned and an inquest held.
Collins had made his escape and and
was not arrested.
See November 3, 1911
August 15, 1911
Union Recorder
Rachel Trapp died in Jones county last Friday afternoon, and her remains
wre buried in the cemetery at Hopewell church in this county, Saturday
afternoon at three o'clock, Rev. Mr. Hawks officiating.
Mrs. Trapp was a Miss Harrington
her marriage to Mr. Trapp and was a native of the county. She was eighty-seven
years of age, and is survived by a large circle of relatives.
Mrs. Trapp joined the Methodist church
at Hopewell in 1879, and was a good christian woman.
September 1, 1911
Milledgeville News
Key Fearfully Cut up by Joe Henry Clements at Sanitarium last
In one of the most gruesome
affairs imaginable George Key, a negro employe at the sanitarium was slashed
to death by Joe Henry Clements, a negro cook at the negro building of the
instiution. It seems that Key and Clements quarreled over a hat, one claiming
the other had stolen the head piece and the clenched in a fight in which
Key is reported to have worsted Clements.
It was at this juncture that Clements
fled for the kichen where his work was done and seizing a butcher knife
he attacked Key, cutting a frightful gash about six inches long, cuting
the liver in half, then inflicting several fearful scalp wounds from which
the negro later died. Clements fled and was not captured during the day.
The affray was one of the first in many years to occur at the sanitarium,
but caused no unusual disorder as the discipline and system of the institution
was so well maintained until one would have ordinarily guessed nothing
bad occurred.
September 5, 1911
Union Recorder
Key is Cut to Death by Henry Clements, at the State Sanitarium.
Geo. Key and Joe Henry Clements,
two negroes employed at the Georia State Sanitarium, had a fight, Monday
28th which resulted in Key being so severely cut with a knife in the hands
of Clements that he died the following day.
The fight between the men was caused
by one accusing the other of stealing his hat. Words soon led to blows,
and in the fith which followed Key got the better of Clements. Clements,
who was a cook at the building for the negroes, rushed to the kitchen and
secured a butcher knife, and used it with deadly effect upon his adversary.
Key died Tuesday, about noon.
The two negroes were cousins, and
had been raised together.
After cutting Key, Clements made
his escape, but Sheriff Terry, with his usual alertness, was quickly on
his trail. He saw the father of the negro, who promised to surrender his
son. Saturday afternoon the elder Clements brought his boy to the city
and turned him over to the officer, who placed him in the county jail.
17, 1911
The Columbus Enquirer- Sun
Be Taken to Milledgeville Today for Interment.
Dr. T. B. Moore died at his home, No. 825 Second avenue, at 10:30 o'clock
last night, of paralysis, after an illness of about two year. He was an
old Confederate veteran and a member of Camp Benning. Dr. Moore was 66
years of age, and is survived by his wife. He also leaves several nephews
residing in Milledgeville, to which place his remains will be taken today
for interment. Dr. Moore was a consistent member of St. Luke Methodist
church of this city, and had many friends here who deeply regret his death.
Funeral services will be held at the residence at 10 o'clock this morning,
and will be conducted by Rev. Dr. L. R. Christie.
September 19, 1911
Union Recorder
Meminger Was Shot at Morgan's Chapel Near City Sunday Afternoon
Meminger, a young negro, was shot and killed Sunday afternoon at Morgan's
Chapel north of this city.
The killing was reported to Coroner
Caraker and he commenced an investigation. He, however, has not yet secured
enough evidence to fasten the guilty on anyone.
It is currently reported that Meminger
was shot and killed by Crowley Thomas.
September 26, 1911
Union Recorder
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Brooks
the engagement of their daughter, Mary
Lee, to Mr. Charles J. Hunt, of Washignton, D. C., the marriage
to take place this winter.
September 26, 1911
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ Last Thursday night at the home
of Captain T. H. DeSaussure, one of the most brilliam weddings of
recent years was solemized. The contracting parties
were Miss Millicent
DeSaussure and Dr. William Baker Furman, of Edisto Island, S.
The happy pair were united
by Rev. D. W. Brannen. Miss Leila Lamar charming
rendered Lohengrin's wedding march...
The bride is the oldest daughter
of Captain T. H. DeSaussure, the Engineer of the State anitarium.....The
groom is a well known physician from lower South Carolina.
September 26, 1911
Union Recorder
ROBINSON-MYRICK. The announcement
of the approaching marriage of Miss
Lena Russell Robison, of Sandersville, and Mr. James D. Myrick
was heard with great interest in this city and county.
Mr. Myrick is the eldest
son of Mrs. James D. Myrick, of this city, and has many friends
and acquaintances here who will join in congratulations.
The marriage will take place
in November.
October 3, 1911
Macon Weekly Telegraph
H. Burkett,
aged 50 years and for many years a resident of Macon, died
at his home, 419 Duncan avenue, yesterday afternoon at 12:15 o'clock, from
He was connected with the Mansfield
dray line and had hundreds of friends in this city. His widow survives.
The body will be taken to Milledgeville
this morning at 8 o'clock, over the Georgia road, and the funeral and interment
will be held this afternoon.
October 15, 1911
The Augusta Chronicle
NEW ICE PLANT. Modern Equipment of Fifty
Ton Capacity for Milledgeville. Milledgeville, Ga., Oct 14, Special
A long needed laundry and a modern ice plant
of 50 tons capacity is now a certainty for Milledgeville. Application has
been filed for a charter for the new concern which is capitalized at $30,000
and construction of the new building will begin within the next few weeks.
The present ice plant in Milledgeville has been wholly inadequate to supply
the local demands to say nothing of the outside trade and the new company
proposes to meet all demands The city has heretofore been without a laundry.
The incorporators of the new company
are: T. L. McComb, Julius A. Horne, W. L. Ritchie, Adolph Joseph, W.
T. Hines, Mrs. H. T. Baisden, Mrs. Edward R. Lawrence, J. W. Daniels, W.S.
Myrick, A. L. Ellison, M.A. McCraw, J. C. Cooper, H. D. Allen, Joseph E.
Pottle, J. C. McAuliffe, A. M. McKinley, Jr., J. M. Burke, Manle (?) B.
Jones, F. W. Hendrickson and John T. Allen
18, 1911
Macon Daily Telegraph
Sandy Parks, One of Macon's Oldest Negro
Citizens, Dies at Age of 106.
There was buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery
yesterday one of Macon's oldest negro citizens, who died Sunday night at
his home on Cotton avenue, at the ripe old age of 106 years.
This was Sandy
Parks,who had served in the Mexican war as a drummer, and in the same
capacity for the Baldwin Blues when that company went to the front to do
battle for the Confederacy, and served later as a duly enlisted soldier
in the Federal army.
It was when Sandy was captured near
Petersburg that he took the oath of allegiance to the United States government
and became one of the enemy. He remained in the arm until the close of
the war, and has been receiving a pension for his services ever since.
He was well known in Milledgeville and in Macon.
When Sandy was wearing the
blue uniform of the Federal soldier, his son, William, went to Virginia,
with his young master, Wm. A. Williams, now living in Cartersville, as
a body servant, and it is said never was there a more loyal servant. For
all he knows, William may have confronted his father in battle, for the
son never left his master's side, in camp or in battle. Master and servant
were about the same age, and the devotion of one to the other is as strong
now as in the old days. William lives in Muscogee, Okla., and his old master
has long been a resident of Cartersvillle, and they often hear from one
William Parks, the son heard of the
approaching death of his father and reached Macon a few days ago. He has
all the necessary documents to prove the great age of his father, the date
of his departure from Milledgeville for the Mexican war, the date of leaving
with the Baldwin Blues, the date of his capture and enlistment in the Federal
army and his age at the time, much of the data being necessary before the
pension was allowed.
There have been instances of
father and son fighting in opposing armies, but it was among white people.
This is probably the only case among negroes.
02, 1911
The Washington Post
Both Were Members of Famous Band of Mosby's
Thomas Bivins and Andrew J. Hobson Dead - Former was Chief Clerk
of Internal Revenue Bureau
Two former members of the famous band
of Mosby Rangers, which terrorized the outposts of the Union army
during the civil war, died in their homes in Washington in the last two
days. John Thomas Bivins, 65 years old, chief clerk of the internal
revenue bureau, and Andrew J. Hobson, 67 years old, are the latest
members of this band of Confederate soldiers to pass away.
Mr. Bivins died Tuesday afternoon
at his home, 912 Kenyon street northwest. He was born in Milledgeville,
Ga., and enlisted as a telegrapher at the beginning of the civil war. In
the last years of the war he was transferred to Mosby's Rangers, and participated
in many of the attacks of the guerrillas. At the close of the war he came
to Washington and was a reporter for the National Republican. He
was later manager of Albaugh's Theater, now Chase's. He was appointed clerk
in the Treasury Department in May, 1877.
He is survived by his wife, one son,
Bivins, of Albany, N.Y., an inspector in the internal revenue service'
one daughter,
Mrs. LeRoy Taylor, of New York; his mother, who lives
in Milledgeville, Ga., and a brother, William Bivins, of Savannah,
Note: John Thomas Bivins was the son of
Ann A. Prestwood Bivins and William R. Bivins.
November 3,
Union Recorder
The strong arms of the law reached
out amd encircling gloom Wednesday night and gather in Charles Collins,
fugitive from justice, who killed Anderson Fraley at a church frolic
last august and made good his escape. Both were negroes.
Collins now reposes peacefully, so
far as the world may know, in a cell at the jail, and the guardians of
people and property will pass upon his right to do the killing at the next
term of court, which convenes Monday week.
November 10, 1911
Milledgeville News
Trilby Trifles. Aunt Riney
Glenn, an old colored woman of the good old ante-bellum type, supposed
to be more than 100 years of age, died here last Sunday morning..
November 24, 1911
Milledgeville News
Death of Mrs. J. R. Collins Occurred Last Sunday.
Mrs. J. R. Collins died at the home of Mr. C. B. Sullivan
just south of the city early Sunday morning. Mrs. Collins had been in very
feeble health for some time and had come to spend some time with her daughter
with the hope of being improved in health. Her death was not unexpected,
though it was a shock to her many friends who were unaware of her condition.
She was 58 years of age.
The remains were interred in the family cemetery near her old
home in the northeastern section of the county. She is survived by
several children, as follows: Messrs. E. R., W. H. and Tim Collins, Mrs. Will Chapman of Powellton, Miss Mattie Collins, Mrs. C. C. Hawkins and a sister, Miss Mattie Babb.
Mrs. Collins, before her marriage, was a Miss Josephine Babb and was a woman that possessed those qualities which command the respect and admiration of all who knew her.
November 25, 1911
Macon Daily Telegraph
Mary E. Hunnicutt,
aged 64 years and for many years a resident of Macon,
died at her home, 217 Clinton street, East Macon, yesterday afternoon at
6 o'clock, after an illness of several weeks.
Mrs. Hunnicutt was the widow
of the late
Seth Hunnicutt,
of Baldwin county, and was a devoted
member of the Christian church. She leaves four sons, W. T. Hunnicutt,
of Columbus;
J. W., L. H. and E. R. Hunnicutt, of Macon, and two
daughters, Mrs. H. E. Davis and
Mrs. Z. A. Brookins, of Macon.
The funeral will be held at the residence
this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Rev. J. D. Reynolds, pastor of the First
Christian church, officiating, and the body will be laid to rest in Fort
Hill cemetery.
November 27, 1911
Union Recorder
Eva Medlin and Mr. Thomas Grimes were united in marriage, Wednesday,
Nov. 15th.
The marriage of these young people
was performed by Judge J. P. Park, at the Court House. They came to the
city with the expectation of being married by Judge W. H. Stembridge,
but when they reached the court house, he was a dinner. Clerk of Court
of the presence of the couple at the court huose, went to
Judge Park
and secured his consent to perform the ceremony. The Judge in a most impressive
manner made them man and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Grimes have many friends who
join in wishing them unalloyed happiness.
November 27, 1911
Union Recorder
Mr. Henry
Coats died at the home of his mother, Mrs. N. L. Coats, Saturday
night, after a long illness.
The funeral services were held
Monday morning, Rev. J. F. Singleton, officiating. The remains were
buried in the city cemetery.
November 27, 1911
Union Recorder
Death of Mr. F. M. Bone. Mr. Frank M. Bone,
one of Baldwin county's aged and most respected citizens, died at his home
at Steven's Pottery, last Wednesday morning. His remains were buried at the
cemetery at Stevens Pottery, Thursday.
Mr. Bone was 75 years of age and had been in failing health
for several months. Death came to him, however, unexpected. He is survived
by his wife and two sons, Messrs. J. S. Bone and Wm. Bone and a number of grandchildren and other relatives.
The sympathy of their many friends is extended to those who have been made to sorrow.
December 10, 1911
Atlanta Constitution
Tom Pugh Fatally Shoots E.
M. Osborn at Milledgeville. Running Fight Occurs in Business District
and Is Witnessed by Throngs of People. Pugh's Son, Newt, Also Takes
Part in Fray.
Milledgeville, Gs. (Special)
In a street duel here today at 3:30 o'clock, M. Osburn was shot through
the lungs and fatally wounded by Tom Pugh and his son Newt. The cause of
the trouble is said to be a dispute about a dog.
The shooting took place in the open
street, in the business section, crowded with people. It was a running
duel, all three shooting. It caused great excitement and much fear for
the lives of the bystanders.
Luckily, no person except Osburn
was hit. A horse hitched to a dray was shot through the body.
The wounded man ran into Horne
Andrew's store, where medical attention was given.
Tom Pugh and his son gave bond both
to the city and sheriff.
All parties live in the eastern part
of the county, and are neighbors. Mr. Pugh is a prominent planter, and
is a well known raiser and owner of fine horses in this section. He keeps
up a race track on his farm about 6 miles from Milledgeville, where many
fast horses have been trained.
This shoots coming, as it did, late
Saturday afternoon, when the streets were crowed, was witnessed by large
throngs. Business was suspended for half an hour, and great apprehension
was felt that trouble might crop out some place else in the excited mob
that gathered. Everything is now quiet.
26, 1911
H. H. Patterson died at his home in the southwestern portion of the
county last, Monday morning. The funeral services were held Tuesday and
the remains interred in the Noel (Neal?) burying grounds.
Mr. Patterson was a Confederate veteran
and rendered the South land valient service during the civil war. Since
then he has been a prosperous farmer. He is survived by Mrs. Patterson
who has the deepest sympathy of her friends.
January 23, 1912
Union Recorder
Mr. John
Napier met a tragic death at his plantation in the north-western part
of the county last Thursday.
Mr. Napier while riding horseback
attempted to cross a gully, and the horse he was riding slipped throwing
Mr. Napier against the bank breaking his neck.
Mr. Napier went to the home of Mr.
Stiles Thursday morning, and left there about eleven o'clock to return
to his home. The was the last seen of him alive. about nine o'clock Friday
morning two negro boys found him in the gully dead. Near him was his horse,
the animal not having been able to get out of the gully. It was evident
that Mr. Napier had been dead for several hours as his clothing had been
drenched by a rain, which had fallen the night before, and were covering
with mud. He was in a half mile of his home when the accident occurred.
Mr. Napier was a son of the late
Mr. Skelton Napier, a successful planter of Putnam county. He is
survived by his wife and three children, his mother, a sister and brother.
January 25, 1912
Union Recorder
Milledgeville, Jan. 24. The local order
of Red men held their regular, semi-annual meeting here Tuesday night and
elected officers as follows:
J. C. McAuliffe, prophet; O. L.
Tanner, sachen;
A. J. Skinner, senior sagamore; Eddie Walls,junior
C. L. Morris, chief of records; David T. Butts, keeper
of wampum; E. A. Butts, collector of wampum; W. A. N. Bass,
guard wigwam;
C. B. Sullivan, guard of forest.
30, 1912
Union Recorder
Mr. Thos.
J. Digby died at his home near Brown's crossing last Saturday, after
a long illness with dropsy.
The funeral services were held Sunday
at Mount Pleasant church, Rev. S. H. Dimon officiating. A large
number of neighbors and friends were present to pay tribute to the memory
of the deceased. The remains were interred in the family burying grounds
by the side of those of Mrs. Digby, who died about fifteen years ago.
Mr. Digby was a native of Baldwin
county and was about seventy-four years of age. He was a member of Capt.
W. T. Conn's company during the war between the states and was a brave
and true soldier. He was loyal and true to the cause for which he
He is survived by five daughters
and wo sons. They have the sympathy of friends and acquaintances.
27, 1912
Union Recorder
Mr. Mansfield
Hubbard, one of Baldwin county's oldest citizen's died at his home
at Midway the 17th inst., after an illness of only a few days.
His remains were buried the following
day, at Snow Hill Cemetery, in Wilkinson county.
Mr. Hubbard was a native of Baldwin,
and his long life was spent on his farm between this city and Stevens Pottery,
with the exception of only a few years. Mr. Hubbard enlisted under the
Confederate flag, soon after the war between the States commenced and served
during the four years. His record was one of bravery and devotion to the
just cause.
He was an industrious, quiet citizen,
and was eighty-two years old at the time of his death.
He is survived by his aged wife,
and several sons and daughters.
February 27, 1912
Union Recorder
Henry Taylor, a negro, is
in jail charged with murder.
Taylor shot and killed Charlie
Bonner, another negro, last Wednesday on the place of Mr.D. P. Myrick,
near Meriwether. The negroes were engaged in a row, which resulted in Taylor
pulling a pistol and shooting Bonner, death following in a short time.
Taylor endeavored to make his
escape from the scene of the tragedy, but was pursued by a number of negroes,
headed by Charlie Huff, and he was finally captured. He was brought
back to the scene of the killing and turned over to Mr. Ben Harper,
placed him under charge of Constable Frank Watson, who at once brought
him to the city, and sheriff Terry took him in charge and placed him in
jail. He will be tried on the charge of murder at the July term of the
superior court.
(Taylor was found killed and sentenced to
be hanged Sept. 27. An appeal in November Term of the Georgia Supreme
court sustained the sentence and he was resenced to hang January 30, 1913.
In January Gov. Brown commuted the death sentence to life imprisonment.)
March 17, 1912
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville, Ga, March 16 (Special) The
Oconee river here has risen thirty-three feet and is still rising, though
slowly. Two trestles on the Milledgeville railroad, leading to the Oconee
River Mills have been washed out and the 200 yards of embankment placed
by the city through the lowlands on the city side of the iron bridge over
the river has been washed away. Great alarm is felt in this locality, but
many think the water has reached its crest.
News has just reached
here that three men - Ed Folds, Seward Edwards and S. C. Harris-who
were aboard a boat, loaded with lumber headed for Milledgeville, are in
distress about two miles below the city. Men in bateaus have been sent
by the city to their rescue. Their signals of distress were heard by C.
B. Sullivan, who lives near the river where the boat is supposed to
be stranded, and telephoned into the city.
It is known that this boat was due
here yesterday and it was seen by parties to pass a point three miles below.
The river is narrow and dangerous at this point, and owing to the rapid
rise of water the boat was unable to make the trip and much anxiety is
felt for its safety.
March 26, 1912
Union Recorder
Mr. Roy Forshee and Miss Nannie
Weaver were united in marriage last Monday. The young couple have the
best wishes of their friends.
March 26, 1912
Union Recorder
Hattie Lewis shot and killed her
husband, Mack Lewis, last Sunday
about twelve o'clocl,
The killing took place on Mr, J.
W. Hooten's place in East Baldwin, and Mr. Hooten arrested the woman, brought
her to this city and turned her over to Sheriff Terry, who placed her in
Coroner Caraker was notified
and went out Monday morning and held an inquest.
The shooting occurred at the
home of the negroes, and there were no eye witnesses to the tragedy. The
evidence gathered, however, showed that the killing was without provocatian,
and the coroner's jury returned a verdict of murder.
The woman will be tried
at the July term of court on the charge of murder.
(Found guilty of murder, sentenced 5 years
in pentitenary.)
April 17, 1912
The Augusta Chronicle
Cotton Company Formed. Buyers and Exporters
Firm Will Begin Business Next Season
Special to the Chronicle. Milledgeville,
Ga., April 6
The Baldwin County
Cotton Company has been formally launched here as cotton merchants and
exporters. The organization was perfected last week by electing J. C.
J. C. McAuliffe secretary and treasurer;
and the following directors:
E. P. Collins, Jno. G. Thomas, J. M. Patterson,
most of whom are leading farmers of the county, though a few are businessmen
of Milledgeville.
The company is capitalized
at $10,000 and will begin business with the opening of the new cotton season.
A new manager will be named later to direct the handling of cotton. Milledgeville
is one of the largest cotton markets in the state and the company expects
to do a good business here.
April 17, 1912
The Augusta Chronicle
Special to the Chronicle. Milledgeville,
Ga, April 6
Judge D. B. Sanford,
president of Milledgeville Banking Company, one of the best known
capitalist in middle Georgia, a captain in the Civil War and 'well known'
throughout the state, is critically ill at his home here. He has been confined
to his room for several weeks and his condition is gradually growing worse.
But little hopes are entertained
for his recovery. He came to Milledgeville just after the war, being a
native of Greene county, and he has exceeded in making a record,
having served in the state Legislature, ordinary of the county, judge of
the county court, and prominent in judicial circles,.
April 20, 1912
The Augusta Chronicle
Mr. William G. McAdoo, the constructor
of the Hudson river tunnel, is a Georgia boy. He was born at Milledgeville,
but his family moved to Marietta when he was a lad. Mr. McAdoo was at one
time stationed in this city, having had charge of the construction of the
Aiken and Augusta trolley line, representing the contracting firm of Blair
& Co. He comes from a race of people of big action, one of his ancestors
having built the big suspension bridge over the Niagara river, below the
falls. He is 47 years of age and just now in the heyday of his usefulness.
There are some big enterprises in Georgia awaiting development, which we
would like to see rise under his guidance.
April 22, 1912
The Augusta Chronicle
Timber Lands Sold. Milledgeville,
Ga, April 21 (Special) A large land and timber deal has been consummated
here, the property being located in the southern part of the county on
the Oconee river. The property was owned by Messrs. Ennis
E. Pottle and was sold to W. B. Richardson, who, as part of
the deal, sold the land to
G. W. Hollinshead and the timber to A.
H. Hostetter, of Mitchell, Ind. and B. F. Fuquay,
of LaGrange,
Ky. Messres Hostetter and Fuquay have been in the hardwood business for
years and they will put in a large plant to handle and manufacture the
May 10, 1912
Milledgeville News.
Funeral Held in Milledgeville Wednesday. Was a Former Citizen of This County.
The many friends of Mr.
Augustus W. Moran will be grieved to learn of his death which occurred
Tuesday morning at 7:05 o'clock, at the residence, 1424 Broad street, Augusta,
Ga., at the age of 62 years.
The funeral service
was conducted from the Broadway Methodist church Tuesday afternoon at 6
o'clock. Rev. C. M. Verdell officiated. The body was shipped
to Milledgeville Wednesday morning over the Georgia road for interment.
He is survived by his wife,
Beulah E. Moran, three sons, Warren C., Otis A. and
H.. Moran, one daughter Hattie Moran.
The following gentlemen acted
as pallbearers: Messrs. Irvin Alexander, L. F. Goodrich, J. S. Davidson,
John Vivian, John Simms, H. C. Bush and O. H. Musgrove.
Mr. Moran had been living in
Augusta for 30 years, was a steward in the Broadway Methodist church and
a perfect gentleman. He held a very prominent position at the Riverside
Manufacturing Company, and the mill suspended work at 5 o'clock Tuesday
afternoon in respect to him.
Mr. Moran was formerly a citizen
of Baldwin county and was related to the Moran's of this county.
May 28, 1912
Union Recorder
Emma Sanders died suddenly at her home in East Baldwin last Thursday
afternoon. She was in the field chopping cotton when she suddenly fell,
and died within a few seconds. Her death was supposed to be due to the
bursting of a blood vessel.
Her remains were buried Saturday
afternoon at Black Springs Cemetery, Rev. J. C. Little officiating.
She was the daughter of the late
Mr. James Sanders.
May 30, 1912
Atlanta Constitution
Coca-Cola at Milledgeville. Milledgeville,
Ga., May 29. (Special) The Macon Coca-Cola Company will establish a manufacturing
plant in this city, the name of the enterprise to be the Milledgeville
Coca-Cola Company.
G.M. Israel, of Macon,
will be in charge of the plant here and expects to have it in operation
by the 1st of June. Hubert F. Haley will be general manager. Bottled
coca-cola will be manufactured and sold in this and surrounding territory.
June 11, 1912
Union Recorder.
AN ATTRACTIVE YOUNG LADY DIED THURSDAY. Miss Lillian Underwood Passes Away After a Short Illness With Typhoid Fever.
Miss Lillian Underwood died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Underwood, in
the northeastern part of Baldwin County Th.ursday morning, June 6th, about
four o'clock after an illness of several weks with typhoid fever.
The funeral services were conducted Friday morning, at Black Spring church, by Rev. J. F. Singleton, in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives of the family and of the deceased.
Miss Underwood was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Underwood,
and was an attractive and sweet young woman, who was loved by all who knew
her. She graduated from the Georgia Military College two years ago, and has
many friends in this city. She was idolized by her parents, and was a dutiful
daughter, fillng her place in the home with a spirit of cheerfulness and
happiness that gave joy to the fahter and mother and brothers. Her young
life has ended, but her memory will always be cherished by those who loved
her. The sympathy of our entire people goes out to the broken hearted parents
and the four brothers.
June 16, 1912
The Macon Daily Telegraph
The most brilliant event of the week
in Milledgeville was the marriage of Miss Elizabeth
Case and W. L. Richie, which took place Wednesday afternoon
at half past four o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Dr. and Mrs.
Geo. D. Case. The whole house was thrown open to the guests. Messrs.
Sibley, Charlie Brown, Russell Bone, and Arch McKinley were
ushers. Miss Nettie Cone presided at the piano, and Miss Helen
Maxwell sang beautiful love strains. The room where the ceremony was
performed was artistic in its decorations of white roses, maidenhair ferns
and candles. As Miss Nettie Cone rendered Lohengrin's "Wedding March"
an aisle of tulle was formed by little Misses Winifred Fowler andOtella
Flemister, through which the bridal party entered. Misses
Conn and Leila Lamar, Miss Mamie Whitehead, maid of honor,
the groom and his brother, H. M. Richie, the bride with her father,
G. D. Case. At a beautiful improvised kneeling altar of white
roses the bride was given to the groom, Dr. D. W. Brannen
them one with impressive ceremony. The bride wore a becoming tan traveling
gown and carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley.
Mrs. Jas
Ingram, Mrs. Clarke Case, and Miss Helen Maxwell served punch.
In cutting the bride's cake, Miss Floride Allen cut the ring, Miss
Conn, the dime. Mr. and Mrs. Richie left for Macon in an automobile
amid showers of rice and good wishes.
June 25, 1912
Union Recorder
Elizabeth M. Smith died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert
Brake in Savannah last Sunday morning. Mrs. Smith had been in feeble
health for some months, but death came to her suddenly and was a great
shock to her loved ones.
The remains were brought to this
city Monday morning and were met upon their arrival by a large number of
relatives and friends of Mrs. Smith and the family, and carried to the
hone of her sister, Mrs. M. V. Tanner.
The burial took place this
morning at the Black Spring cemetery in East Baldwin, the services being
conducted by Rev. J. F. Singleton.
Mrs. Smith was a daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Francis Minor and was born and reared in Hancock
county near the line of Baldwin.
A re-union of this well known family
was recently held in and near this city. Mrs. Smith came from her home
in Savannah and met her brothers and sisters and other relatives. She remained
here until about a week ago, when she returned home.
The intelligence of her death reached
her relatives here Sunday morning, and came as a surprise.
Mrs. Smith was a lifelong member
of the Baptist church, and her life was that of a consistent Christian.
She was a devoted daughter, sister and mother and was loved devotedly by
those to who she bore these relations. Death came to her suddenly, but
found her prepared for summons because she had lived a life of Christian
Her remains were accompanied to the
city by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brake and son, Rev. C. W. Minor,
Mr. Frank Minor and other relatives. The bereaved family have the sympathy
of their host of friends.
July 2, 1912
Union Recorder
Death of Faithful Negro. Cornelius
Burke, Colored, died Monday afternoon. Burke had been porter at the
store of Chandler Bros., during the entire six years they have been in
business, and was with Mr. J. B. O'Quinn before they purchased the
business from him. Mr. W. J. Chandler in speaking of the negro said
that he was faithful in the performance of his duties, and was always interested
in his business.
July 5, 1912
The Macon Daily Telegraph
GATHERS AT OLD GEORGIA HOME. Over Two Hundred Relatives, Representing,
Four Generations of Large Baldwin County Family Present.
Milledgeville, July 4 - One of the most
notable family gatherings ever held in Georgia was the reunion of the Minor
held in Baldwin county recently, in which six brothers and five sisters,
together with nearly two hundred other relatives participated. The meeting
was one of more than general interest in view of the fact that the reunion
is an annual affair, and this year it was more extensive that ever before,
all members of the family throughout the south being present.
The brothers in the family
are Walter H., Frank L., Rev. Carl W., John F., Charles S., and
E. Minor, and the sisters are Mrs. M. E. Owens, of Texas;
Sarah M. Oxford, of Ocilla, Ga.; Mrs. Martha J. Tanner, of Milledgeville;
Fannie Simpson, of Hancock county, and Mrs. Elizabeth E. Smith,
of Savannah. These are all children of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Miner (sic), of Baldwin county, both of whom were well-known throughout
this section of Georgia.
Among the older members of the four
generations present were doctors, lawyers, government employees, farmers
and others, all of whom are doing well in their chosen work.
July 9, 1912
Atlanta Constitution
Julia Lee Dies - Julia
Lee, 50 years old, one of the highest respected negroes of the city,
died Sunday night at 11 o'clock in Milledgeville, after an extended illness.
She was the wife of Lucius L. Lee, the negro undertaker, who is
a leader among the members of his race in this city. The funeral will be
held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the residence, 224 Fraser street.
July 12, 1912
The Augusta Chronicle
LITTLE MAGNET Is In Jail. Special
To The Chronicle
Macon, Ga, July 11 - Mrs.
Dixie Jarrett, world famous as "The Little Dixie Magnet" , a woman
with a strange magnetic power, is in the Bibb County jail, charged with
lunacy, as a result of a warrant issued by a man named Fred Haygood,
who says he is her son. Mrs. Jarrett was in vaudeville for years and traveled
the world over. One of her prized possessions is an engraved gold
bracelet given her by the late King Edward.
Mrs. Jarrett talks rationally,
and claims that Haygood, whom is only an adopted son, is persecuting her
because she omitted him from her will when she drew up that instrument
recently. She is quite wealthy. Her husband is dead.
Under the law, she must remain
in jail ten days before given a hearing to determine her sanity.
July 21, 1912
Atlanta Constitution
TOLBERT - COOPER. Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson
D. Tolbert, of Brinson, Ga., announce the engagement of their daughter,
Hattie Ellen, to Mr. Joseph Cleveland Cooper, of Milledgeville,
Ga., the wedding to occur August 7th.
July 23, 1912
Atlanta Constitution
IS KILLED. Milledgeville, Ga, July 22 (Special)Campbell
Swann, aged 16 years, son of S. O. Swann, employed at the state
farm, who was on a Sunday excursion to Tybee, fell off near Tennille. His
neck was broken. No one knew him and he was identified by a ticket bought
at Milledgeville, when the authorities telephoned here. He was a bright
boy, and worked on
The Milledgeville News. His father left for Tennille
August 6, 1912
Union Recorder
Mr. Marion Allen, of
this city, and Miss Jeanette
DuBose, of Athens, were married this afternoon. Judge John T. Allen
received a telegram to that effect late this afternoon from Madison.
Mr. Allen is the only son of Judge
John T. Allen, and is a splendid young man. He has been a student at
the State University. The young lady he has won for his bride is the daughter
of Col. DuBose, representative of Clarke County.
9, 1912
Atlanta Constitution
Long and Active Career of Prominent Citizen-Held Many Offices
The funeral of Captain T. F. Newell one
of the state's most highly honored citizens, will be held this afternoon
at his old home in Milledgeville. The interment will be in the family lot
at that place.
Captain T. F. Newell was born in
1838 and lived for nearly seventy years in the same residence in Milledgeville,
erected by the same contractors who came out from Connecticut to construct
the governor's hall when that town was made capital of the state. He graduated
at Oglethorpe university. Here he was roommate and intimate companion of
Lanier, the poet. Afterwards he graduated in law from the State University
at Athens, taking his degree under Judge Howell Cobb, immediately
before the outbreak of the civil war.
He was among the first to enlist,
and went out as a lieutenant in Captain Charles Conn's company,
Forty-fifth Georgia regiment of infantry. When Captain Conn was killed
in battle he succeeded to command. His regiment was attached to General
Thomas' brigade. A.P. Hill's division, and Stonewall Jackson's corps. He
was in all the famous fights with this famous fighting body. At Chancellorsville
he was wounded in the knee.
During the second day's fight at
the battle of Gettysburg he received a wound which necessitated the amputation
of his left foot. In this condition he was left on the field of battle
and was taken prisoner by the federals. For seventeen months he was a prisoner
of war and Fort McHenry and Fort Delaware. He was released by exchange
of prisoners, arriving at Milledgeville just prior to the entrance to that
town of Sherman on his march to the sea. Out of a family of eight before
the war, one years after its close only himself and his eldest sister survived.
This sister is now Mrs. Mary McCorkie, known throughout Georgia
as "Big Auntie".
Captain Newell became the reconstruction
mayor of the old state capital. For a time he continued the practice of
law, but later gave this up to look after large plantations in central
and south Georgia. In 1868 he married Ann Lane Colquitt, daughter
of General Alfred H. Colquitt, for many years governor and United States
senator. She died in 1898.
Captain Newell was member of the
state constitutional convention of 1877. He was for a number of years president
of the board of trustees of the state sanitarium. He also served as one
of the first trustees of the Girl's Normal and Industrial college. he was
for thirty years a steward of the Milledgeville Methodist church.
Surviving Captain Newell are the
following children:
Alfred C. Newell, of Atlanta; Captain Isaac
Newell, United States army, now stationed at West Point, N.Y.; Tomlinson
F. Newell, Jr., of Atlanta; Fred T. Newell, Albany, Ga.; Miss
Mary Newell, Columbus, Ga; Mrs. William Schultz, of Washington,
D.C.; and Miss Colquitt Newell, now taking post-graduate work at
Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, Md.
August 13, 1912
Miss Sarah
Burnie Hootten and Mr. Marvin Emory Pennington were united in
marriage Tuesday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. Hooten, in East Baldwin, Rev. J. F. Singleton officiating.
The bride is an attractive and sweet
young lady and has many friends. Mr. Pennington is engaged in the insurance
business, and is well and favorably known here.
They commence life together with
the best wishes of many friends.
August 13, 1912
Almira Elizabeth Thomas and Mr. W. H. Underwood were united
in marriage last Wednesday.
The bride is an attractive young
lady of Macon, and has a host of friends. Mr. Underwood is the son of Mr.
and Mrs.
Geo. W. Underwood of this county
and is a young man of worth. The Union Recorder joins in congratulations.
August 13, 1912
Union Recorder
Miss Hattie
Ellen Talbert and Mr. J. C. Cooper were united in marriage last
Wednesday morning at Brinson. The marriage was a beautiful church affair,
and was witnessed by a large circle of friends.
The bride is a bright and cultured
young lady, and is a member of one of South Georgia's most prominent families.
Mr. Cooper is Baldwin County's popular
clerk of court, and is a young man who is held in esteem and confidence
on account of his sterling character and manly worth.
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper arrived in the
city Friday evening and received a cordial welcome. They were the recipients
of many handsome presents.
August 13, 1912
Union Recorder
Mrs. Iverson
Harris Hall announces the engagement of her daughter, Sarah
Powell, to Mr. Laurence Bright, of Pittsburg, Penn., the marriage
to take place Wednesday, Sept. 18th.
Miss Hall is a talented and accomplished
young lady and is the daughter of the late Dr. Harris Hall and a
grand-daughter of Mrs. and the late Dr. W. H. Hall.
Mr. Bright is a prominent banker
of Pittsburg.
September 11, 1912
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville, Ga. September 10 (Special)
A cablegram received in this city this morning from Kioto, Japan, announcing
the serious illness of Miss Corinne
was followed immediately by another message telling of her
death. The news comes as a sad shock to her many friends here in her hometown
and the deepest sympathy of everyone goes out to the bereaved family.
Miss Crawford is the daughter of
the late C.P. Crawford, of Milledgeville. Sometime over a year ago
she went to Japan in company with the Rev. and Mrs. Callahan, Methodist
missionaries to that country, who were then returning to their field of
work after a vacation spent in the United States.
She was devoting her time while
in Japan to the study of art, in which she was particularly gifted. A more
attractive, popular and brilliant young woman than Miss Crawford has not
lived in this city, nor, indeed, in the entire state.
She is survived
by her mother,
Mrs. C.P. Crawford, of Milledgeville, and three sisters,
H.C. Hinton, of Macon; Mrs. George Milton, of Knoxville, Tenn.,
and Miss Mabel Crawford, of Columbia university, New York; also
relatives in Atlanta.
The funeral will take place
in Kioto, Japan, and the body will be laid to rest there.
September 17, 1912
Union Recorder
Richardson and Mr. John Lawson Lawrence were married last Thursday
The marriage of these young people
came as a great surprise to their relatives and friends, and the ceremony
was performed by a minister of Putnam county, where they went from this
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. B. Richardson and is pretty and attractive. Mr. Lawrence
is a Baptist minister and graduated at Mercer University in 1911. He is
a native of Putnam county. He will teach school in East Baldwin county
with the opening of the school term in October. He will also preach at
one or two churches in the country.
Miss Addie
Caraker and Mr. Henry Lawrence were united in marriage Saturday
evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lawrence, Rev. J. F. Singleton
The marriage was given a tinge of
romance due to the fact of objection to the marriage on account of objection
on the part of the parents of the bride.
The bride is the eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Caraker, and is an attractive young lady.
Mr. Lawrence is the eldest
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lawrence and is well known to all our
people. He has the confidence and esteem of a large number of friends.
September 17, 1912
Union Recorder
Bessie Fair Sims and Rev. C. W. Minor were united in marriage
this evening at half-past eight o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fair.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
J. F. Singleton in the presence of a few relatives and friends.
Immediately after the ceremony
Mr. and Mrs. Minor left for Bainbridge, where Mr. Minor is pastor of the
First Baptist church.
The bride is the only daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Fair, and is an attractive woman.
Mr. Minor is well known here, having
spent the greater portion of his life in and near this city. He is a son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Francis Minor of Hancock County. He is
one of the most prominent Baptist ministers in the State.
September 24. 1912
Union Recorder
Wright, a Hackman, shot White Citizen and Made His Escape.
S. E. Blackwell was shot and killed Sunday evening about seven
o'clock by Major Wright, a negro hackman. The shooting occurred
at the intersection of North Jefferson and McIntosh streets.
Mr. Blackwell was shot twice both
bullets striking him in the head just above the ear within a few inches
of each other. One of the bullets inflicted of scalp wound, the other penetrated
the brain, causing almost instant death
At the time he was shot
Mr. Blackwell and his brother, Mr. J. P. Blackwell were together,
and the negro also shot three times at the latter.
Immediately after the shooting the
negro ran off, going down East McIntosh street.
The news of the shooting spread rapidly
over the city and soon a large crowd of citizens gathered and commenced
a determined hunt to capture Wright. Excitement was quite intense
and bloodhounds were secured from the State Farm, but were unable to follow
the trail any great distance. Crowds of citizens scattered in al directions
and hunted the negro several hours but were unable to locate him.
Coroner Caraker was early
on the scene, and had the body examined by Drs. Compton and Ellison
placed the remains in charge of D. W. Brown Co., for preparation for burial.
At the inquest held Monday morning, the following witnesses were examined:
Nisbet, J. P. Blackwell, J. W. Seals, Dr. W. A. Ellison, J. A. Horne and
A. Cash.
Messrs. S. E. and
J. P. Blackwell went to the Central depot Sunday afternoon an drove
their horse and buggy up near the depot.
A few minutes afterwards Major
Wright came up in his hack and wanted to stop where the buggy of the
Messrs. Blackwell as. In a manner to which the latter took offense he asked
them to move their buggy. This led to the exchange of words and they struck
the negro several blows, following him some distance from where the fuss
started. The negro finally jumped into his hack and left the depot, the
men got into their buggy and pursued him.
The negro came through the
business portion of the city, and seeing Policeman Seals told him
about the fuss, and continued on his way turning down Jefferson street.
A few minutes later the Messrs. Blackwell passed by driving at rapid rate.
At the intersection of McIntosh
and Jefferson streets the men overtook Wright, and he jumped from his hack.
After scuffling for a few seconds, the negro shot five times, twice in
rapid succession, and after a short interval three times more. Mr. J.
P. Blackwell stated that they pursued Wright for the purpose of arresting
him and turning him over to the officers for creating a disturbance at
the depot.
The verdict of the jury was
that S. E. Blackwell came to his death from wounds inflicted by a
pistol in the hands of Major Wright.
Mr. S. E. Blackwell
came to this city with his family from Jasper county about a year ago,
and accepted a position with the Purchase & Sale Co. At the time of
his death he held a position with the Limeola Bottling Works. He resided
with his family on North Wayne street.
Mr. Blackwell was thirty-seven
years of age, and was born and reared in Jasper county. He was a hard working,
industrious man and was liked by those of our people who knew him. He is
survived by his wife and six children, his father, one brother, Mr.
J. P. Blackwell, and two sisters, Mrs. Hale and Mrs.
Spier, of Greenesboro.
His remains were carried to
Shady Dale, in Jasper county Tuesday morning for burial.
The sympathy of our people go out
to the sorrowing family.
September 31, 1912
Atlanta Constitution
George Edwards, Milledgeville, Sept.
29 - (Special) The death occurred here last night of George
Edwards, one of Milledgeville's prominent citizens. His death was due
to heart failure. Mr. Edwards belonged to an old family of this section.
He is survived by a wife and one daughter.
October 15, 1912
Union Recorder
Elizabeth Hubbard, widow of the late Mr. Mansfield Hubbard,
died at her home in Midway last Thursday morning, after a long illness.
The funeral services were held at
the home Friday morning, at ten o'clock and the remains were buried in
the Snow Hill cemetery in Wilkinson county.
Mrs. Hubbard was one of the oldest
residents of the county, being eighty years of age. She was a faithful
member of the Methodist church for a long number of years, and has gone
to her reward after a long and useful life.
She is survived by four sons
and five daughters and a number of grandchildren.
November 5, 1912
Union Recorder
Mrs. Morris Martin died
at her home in this county Sunday morning, Nov. 3rd, at one o'clock, after
a short ilness.
The funeral services were held
Monday afternoon at one o'clock, Rev. O. P. McDermont officiating. The
remains were buried at Hopewell school house cemetery.
Mrs. Morris before her marriage
was Miss Elizabeth Vinson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Vinson, and was born October 4th,
1876. At thirteen years of age she joined the Methodist church at Matilda
chapel, and in 1884 transferred her membership to Hopewell church. She
was a faithful Christian, and a devoted wife and mother.
She is survied by Mr. Martin and
five children, her parents, four sisters and one brother.
Those who have been bereaved have
the deepest sympathy of thier friends.
November 5, 1912
Union Recorder
Mr and Mrs. James Longstreet Sibley,
of Milledgeville, Ga., announce the engagement of their daughter, Josie
King, to Mr. Henry Burritt Jennings, of Spartanburg, S. C.,
the wedding to take place early in January.
November 5, 1912
Union Recorder
Maggie Tanner Thompson, wife of Mr. Homer E. Thompson, died
at the home of her parents in this city last Saturday evening after an
illness of only a few days.
The funeral services were held at
the residence Monday morning, at half-past ten o'clock, Rev. Mr. Stevens,
Atlanta, officiating. ....the remains were interred in the city cemetery.
Mrs. Thompson was the only daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Tanner, and was reared in this city. After
her marriage to Mr. Thompson she continuted to make her home with them.......
She is survived by Mr. Thompson,
and five small children, her parents, and three brothers, Dr. Will Tanner,
and Harvey Tanner, and a number of other relatives.
November 12, 1912
Union Recorder
J. N. Lyster died at his home in Baldwin County, near Stevens Pottery
last Sunday morning. His remains were buried at Salem Monday afternoon
at half-past one o'clock.
Mr. Lyster was 46 years of age, and
engaged in farming. He was held in high esteem by his neighbors and friend.
He is survived by his wife, two sons, Messrs. J. T. and W. T.,
of Macon, and six daughters.
The family have the sympathy
of their friends.
November 19, 1912
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ Mrs.
Geo. R. Kemp died at her home in Midway Sunday morning about half past
eleven o'clock after a long illness.
The funeral services were held
at the Midway Methodist Church Monday afternoon, Rev. O, P, McDerment
The remains were buried in the city cemetery.
Mrs. Kemp was seventy years
of age and had been a member of the Methodist church a long number of years.
She is survived ny Mr. Kemp
and three sons, Messrs. George, Charles and James Kemp, and
one daughter, Mrs. Gore.....
December 17, 1912
Union Recorder
Mr. Warren
A. Moseley died at his home in Macon Monday night, as the result of
an attack of grippe. He was a member of the police force of Macon at the
time of his death, and had a record of bravery.
Mr. Moseley was a citizen of this
county for a long number of years, being employed at the State Sanitarium.
The little village of Moseleyville is named for him.
He was a brave Confederate soldier.
His friends and acquaintances here regret to learn of his death.
December 24, 1912
Union Recorder
Mr. Olin Echols, of Stevens
Pottery, and Miss Carrie
Gresham, of Griffin, were married Sunday at the home of the bride.
Miss Gresham is one of Griffin's
most popular and attractive young ladies and has been teaching in that
Mr. Echols is a book-keeper for Steven's
Bros. Co. and a man of splendid business ability and upright character.
December 24, 1912
Union Recorder
Mr. Harry Ennis
and Miss Maggie Kitchens
united in marriage Tuesday the 17th, inst., Judge W. H. Stembridge
The bride is a pretty and attractive
young lady, and is popular with a large circle of friends.
Mr. Ennis is one of East Baldwin's
successful young farmers and is held in confidence by all who know him.
The Union Recorder joins in
December 27, 1912
Milledgeville News
Boy, Six Years Old, Shot by Coleman Ward on Plantation of Mr.
W. F. Little.
Wednesday, while practicing
target shooting on the plantation of Mr. W. F. Little, about twelve
miles north of this city, Coleman Ward, a negro, shot and accidentally
killed his 6-year-old nephew. He was shot through the head and lived two
From all accounts, of
course, the shooting was entirely accidental, and no blame other that that
attached to careless use of firearms is claimed against the negro.
December 29, 1912
Macon Telegraph
~excerpt~BURNETT-PRICE. The marriage of Miss
Frances Burnett and Dr. James Addison Price, of Milledgeville
ocurred Friday evening at the First Methodist church in Athens....J.
D. Price, father of the groom was best man...
January 7, 1913
Atlanta Constitution
John H. McComb,
Milledgeville, Ga., January 6 - (Special)
Hunter McComb, who died Sunday night at 10 o'clock, was buried this
afternoon, the Elks conducting the last rites over the body of their deceased
brother. Mr. McComb was one of the prominent citizens of Baldwin county,
having held the office of tax collector. Surviving are his widow who was
Sykes, of Hancock county, and two brothers, A.M. McComb
McComb, both of Milledgeville..
January 10, 1913
Milledgeville News
`excerpt~SIBLEY-JENNINGS. A wedding of much social interest in this city
was solemnized Wednesday evening at the Presbyterian church, when Mr. Henry B. Jennings led
Miss Josie Sibley to the altar, Dr. D. W. Brannen being the officiating clergyman....
The attendants were Mrs. Clark Case, sister of the bride, maid of honor and Misses Mary Sibley, Lottie Jennings, Emma Gardner, Alice Davison, Constance Cooper and
Miss Catherine Bowen, bridesmaids.
Mr. Grange Jennings was best man, and the groomsmen were Messrs. John, Erwin and James Sibley, Mr. David Jennings, Mr. Daniels and Mr. Gamble........
The bridal couple left Wednesday evening for points unknown, to spend
a honeymoon of ten days, after which they will go to Spartanburg, S. C.,
their future home.................
Jan 19, 1913
Atlanta Constitution
Important Timber Deal
Milledgeville, Ga., January 18 - (Special)
An important timber deal was made this week when John Matthews,
of Mitchell, Ind., purchased the half interest of B.F. Fuqua in
the sawmill firm of Fuqua & Hostetler, this firm having made
extensive preparations for the sawing of all kinds of hardwood timber at
their mill, located near Trilby, on the Oconee river swamp. After closing
the deal Mr. Matthews left for Indiana, where he will make arrangements
for brining large quantities of supplies south for use in connection with
the work.
February 28, 1913
Macon Daily Telegraph
Milledgeville, Feb. 27 - At least thirteen
persons were injured here today when the worst storm in years swept over
this section of the state. The downpour of rain was blinding, the wind
had the violence of a tornado.
Wire service is paralyzed but
from persons coming into this place from various parts of the country the
extent of the damage grows with every new arrival.
At Hopewell school, five miles west
of here, the tornado crumbled the little frame school building into kindling
wood in a fraction of a second.
There were thirty-five children in
the school building at the time. How any of them escaped alive savors of
the unbelievable. It has not been explained yet, and cannot be explained
tonight because of the inability to get into communication with that district.
One little girl, whose name is given
as Daly, was the only one to be seriously injured in this crash.
But others were bruised it is stated. The collapse of the building came
so suddenly that there wasn't time for a panic at the time. Children with
their teacher, the latter's name not obtainable tonight, found themselves
without shelter in a downpour of rain that resembled a cloudburst. Tonight
those who had narrow escapes are feeling the effects of the shock.
Farmers nearby heard the screams
of the children, and rushed to their aid, getting them into shelter until
the storm had passed.
February 28, 1913
Atlanta Constitution
(tornado damage)
Twelve female prisoners
were injured at Milledgeville when the female building at the prison collapsed.
In Baldwin county also a schoolhouse was completely destroyed. The Hopewell
school, 4 miles from Milledgeville, was blown over the heads of the
twenty five scholars, but only a few were bruised. Among the other buildings
destroyed near Milledgeville were the sanitarium of Dr. H.D. Allen,
the home of G. W. Hollingshead, and four negroe houses.
March 4, 1913
Atlanta Constitution
Athens, Ga. March 3 (Special) Willis
A. Jones, a colored preacher, who passed his ninety-ninth birthday
on Friday, died this evening here thanking God "he had seen his hundredth
He was born in Milledgeville and
remembered the falling of the stars in 1833, the three "cold days" in 1835,
the taking of the Indians out of Georgia by General Anderson and Lafayette's
visit to Milledgeville in 1824. He was a minister and one of the most thoroughly
beloved negroes of this part of the state.
March 7, 1913
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville, Ga. March 6 (Special) Miss May
Belle McMullen, an attractive young woman of Milledgeville got ahead
of Uncle Sam by continuing in his civil service employ, although she had
been married eighteen months. Miss McMullen was married to F. H. Shelladay,of
Springfield, Mo., in August of 1911, while she was in the civil service
work in Washington. The young man was in college at the time, and it was
thought best to keep the marriage a secret until he had concluded his course.
Having remained at her work in the
census department in Washington for a year, Mrs. Shelladay returned to
Milledgeville and resumed her work in the post office, being the ranking
member of the civil service outside the old regular employees. On March
1 she gave up her position, in the post office, announced her marriage
of months ago and went to Springfield to join her husband. The announcement
caused quiet a sensation here among the many friends of the bride.
(Note: Frederick Shelledy died in Arizona
in 1976, May Shellady died in California in 1981)
March 8, 1913
Atlanta Constitution
Many Trees Blown Down and Stores Flooded
Milledgeville, Ga., March 7 (Special) A
hard hailstorm with strong, damaging wind and a torrential downpour of
rain occurred in Milledgeville this afternoon. Dr. W. A. Ellison's
residence in the city was damaged by a falling tree. Many other trees were
blown down in the city. The storm was so violent that water beat through
roofs and windows and damaged goods in many of the stores. There was an
overflow of the surface sewers and cellars, and business houses were flooded.
At the state sanitarium the storm
was fierce, blowing out several windows in the center building. No loss
of life has been reported. The storm came from the northwest. All telephone
connections with the county are cut off. The Oconee river is rising very
March 15, 1913
Atlanta Constitution
Oconee River Rising Twelve Inches Hourly
Milledgeville, Ga, March 14 (Special) Almost
three inches of rain fell here today, causing a rapid rise in the river,
which will produce a freshet on lowlands of the Oconee river, rising more
than one foot per hour. There is a bad washout on the Georgia railroad
at Brown's crossing, which delays all trains out or into Macon on that
March 21, 1913
Milledgeville News
After suffering for over two years,
primarily from the effects of typhoid fever, Mr.
T. T. Carmani, aged 26 years, died at his home near Scottsboro Saturday
He is survived by his mother, Mrs.
A. Carmani, and two sisters, Mrs. W. C. Tennille and Mrs.
B. L. Kennon. The interment occurred at the family burying grunds Sunday
afternoon at 4 o'clock, Rev. O. P. McDerment conducting the funeral
services. The sympathy of many friends is extended the family in this hour
of bereavement.
April 18, 1913
Milledgeville News
John Martin Died Near Salem On Monday, Well Beloved Woman Passed Away,
Leaving Husband and Children to Mourn Her Loss.
Mrs. John Martin, of
near Salem, died Monday after an illness of some time, and the news caused
a shock in the community where she was so well known and generally beloved.
The funeral occurred Tuesday, the services being conducted by Rev. W. S.
Duell, and the following acting as pallbearers:
J. E. Chandler, Guss Huff, John
C. Ivey, N. H. Bullard, L. D. Ebanks, H. P. Emerson. She is survived
by three children of her first marriage, Miessrs. John and Joel Goddard
Mamie Huff, and three by her last marriage, Charles, Bob
Miss Irene Martin, together with her husband to whom the sympathy
of a large circle of friends is extended.
April 19, 1913
Atlanta Constitution
Big Club Organized For Underwood
A splendid Underwood organization
has been formed in Milledgeville, Baldwin county, and with the list of
club members sent in to Underwood headquarters Thursday, came empathic
assurances that the county would give Underwood a good majority.
The Underwood forces are in splendid
shape in Baldwin, as they are, in fact, throughout the entire sixth congressional
Here is the list of members of Milledgeville
Underwood club:
John Conn, Leo Stubbs, T. J. Hughes,
C. C. Hurt, M. M. Flemister, L. C. Hall, Dixie duBignon, B. D. Posey, M.
A. McGraw, George W. Garrison, T. R. Cline, H. G. Lawrence, W. I. Ritchie,
T. C. Carr, E. D. Smith, J. S. Crawford, W. Q. Johnson, T. J. Athon, E.
D. Burnett, C. W. Spear, H. P. Parker, C. J. Conn, D. T. Butts, Samuel
Evans, K. C. Bullard, Otto M.Cline, G. C. McKinley, Ben Bass, F. E. Shealey,
Adolph Joseph, Reid Mathis, J. P. Lingold, Leo Joseph, C. W. Hatfield,
W. L. Graham, Robert H. Greene, Charles E. Barrett, Walter Childeers, W.
H. Leonard, W. H. Troutman, T. J. Lafferty, R. H. Wooten, J. Cleveland
Cooper, C. L. Moran, J.D. Wilkinson, W. A. Hall, R. H. Bloodworth,
C. M. Bales, W. S. Wood, H. E. McAuliffe, L. L. Lord, N. M. Jordan, John
T. Allen, John J. Wooten, Sr., M. A. Gladin, L. D. Coggin, W. L. Robertson,
W. J. Brake, Charles L. Moore, G. G. Reid, George W. Watkins, R. A. McCall,
T. B. Perry, J. D. Willis, J. C. Ingram, C. H. Whitfield, A. C. McKinley,
Emmet L. Barnes, C. E. Greene, T. E. Tanse, G. W. Wilkinson, D. P.
Myrick, E. A. Butts, C. M. Gibson, Jr., H. H. Lawrence, W. H. Hall, I.
W. Seal, R. E. Stembridge, R. B. Trapp, N. H. Bullard, B. L. Kennon, B.
P. Schooler, A. W. Watkins, E. D. Wallace, John W. Gholson, Bardy L. Tante,
W. H. Blanks, A. J. Carr, Jr., W. P. Broach, L. M. Jones, Jr., J. T. Ivey,
C. C. Cook, W. C. Finney, A. N. S. Thompson, R. B. Adams, Jr, L. L. (L.B.?)
Babb, George H. Tunnell, E. A. Tigner, J. H. McComb, J. R. Malpass, B.
T. Bethune, H. L. Brown, E. C. miller, B. I. Fraley, J. T. Ray, R. H. McComb,
J. H. Shurley, E. S. Vinson, E. L. Patterson, C. B. Humphries, C. R. Torrence,
J. G. Gholston, T. H. Caraker, A. J. Skinner, J. W. Daniel, A. M. Bloodrth,
J. H. Braxley, H. T. Fraley, S. D. Stembridge, Charles H. Brown, John T.
Day, O. W. Stembridge, S. L. Terry, H. Goodman, A. J. Carr, F. M. Finney,
O. E. Finney, T. F. callaway, W. R. Brake, J. L. Ivey, W. T. Little, F.
G. Pearce, C. B. Ivey, J. A. Leonard, O. P. Hawkins, Dixon Williams, W.
T. Conn, Sr., J. E. Myrick, John G. Thomas, M. S. Barnes, C. W. Horton,
H. A. Smith, S. S. Sanders, J. H. Ezell, W. A. Walker, Sam Lary, E. M.
Howard, George R. Kemp, C. P. Shell, L. C. Brooks, S. B. Fowler, J. D.
Howard, G. A. Lawrence, Ed Athon, A. C. Lugand, Joseph R. Pottle, H. D.
Allen, Carl Vinson, J. C. McAuliffe, George D. Case, J. A. Buck, John W.
Mobley, W. J. Cranston, C. M. Wright, W. F. Tanner, H. T. Bothwell, W.
S. Myrick, Peter J. Cline, B. McR Cline, Livingston Kenan, R. L. Cross,
Lamar Ham, W. W. Lane, G. H. Youngblood, M. D. Hobby, C. Meeks, C. L. Wooten,
J. J. Waller, E. C. Trice, T. H. Gilman, E. E. Polk, W. I. Simpson, H.
L. Osborn, F. Thompson, J. T. Hollis, Grover C. May, I. A. Smith, T. R.
Summers, J. P. Gholston, R. McMichal, W. R. Combes, A. B. Berry, T. B.
Underwood, D. H. Hollis, A. H. Brnan, Sam Turner. W. C. McDade, F. C. Batson,
J. T. Wilson, H. T. Brake, T. B. Byrd, O. Lacken, I. C. Jenkins, C. E.
Couch, L. H. Willis, C. F. Humphrey, C. W. Gholston, J. D. Hawkins, W.
W. Doke, J. A. Seals, J. E. Babb, C. W. Robson, W. W. Miller, George W.
Underwood, Richmond Brown, William Webb.
May 9, 1913
Milledgeville News
IVEY - WATSON. The numerous friends
of Miss Mamie Ivey and Mr.
Watson of the Meriwether district will learn with interest of their
marriage, which occurred last Sunday afternoon,
Rev. S. H. Dimon
officiating. The wedding ceremony was performed at the Methodist parsonage
occupied by Mr. Dimon.
Their many friends join in
wishing them all the happiness and pleasure of life.
May 9, 1913
Milledgeville News
and Mrs. John W. Gilman announce the marriage of their daughter, Bertha
Ninetta, and Mr. Jesse Pope Mahaffey of Valdosta, Ga., Thursday,
May 1, 1913.
May 9, 1913
Milledgeville News
SMITH - McWATERS. Much interest will be
centered in the announcement of the marriage of Miss
Julia Smith of this city to Mr. H. E. McWaters, the wedding
occuring at Fitzgerald Thursday morning.
Both young people are well known
here, and have a host of friend who join in wishing them a long and happy
May 13, 1913
Atlanta Constitution
Baldwin Delegates. Milledgeville, Ga., May
12. (Special) the following citizens have been selected by the leaders
of the Underwood club as delegates to the state convention from Baldwin
county, and they will be sumitted to the executive committee at the next
meting for ratification: L. C. Hall, J. D. Howard, J. E. Kidd, Walter W.
Childers, W. A. Walter, T. R. Underwood, W. L. Ritchie, Ed Lawrene, A.
J. Carr, Sr., C. W. Robson, Thomas Callaway, John Conn, Joseph E. Pottle,
R. H. McComb, S. B. Fowler, Dr. E. A. Tigner, Carl Vinson, J. H. Ennis,
John T. Allen, C. H. Bonner, Henry Wootten, R. L. Wall, W. H. Hunter, W.
B. Richardson, Frank Johnson, Morgan Thompson, George Hattaway, T. H. Gilman,
Charlies Smith, Dr. H. D. Allen, T. J. Cooper, Charlie Torrance, Ira O.
West, Jesse McCullar, Richard Ivey, E. P. Berry, Farris Wood, W. A. Webb,
J. F. Miller, D. M. Smith, C. T. Snead, John Scoggin, Ben Myrick, A. S.
Brown, Z. T. Ward, Jesse Simmerson, Archie McKinley, Charlie Ennis, T.
E. Pugh, L. B. Babb, W. D. Giles, W. S. Wood, L. F. Palmer, Richmond Brown,
J. P. Roberson, George Underwood and W. H. Collins. Dr. E. A. Tigner, president
of Baldwin County Underwood Club, will be chairman of the delegation..
June 6, 1913
Union Recorder
BRAKE - THOMPSON. Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Naomi Brake of Culverton to Mr. Homer E. Thompson of this city, the wedding occurring at Culverton Thursday afternoon last.
The many friends of Mr. Thompson here, toegether with those
of the bride, take occasion to wish them a happy life, with all the attendant
good wishes therewith.
June 20, 1913
Union Recorder
Bridget Lyons of Midway aged 83 years, died at the home of her daughter,
G. W. Clark, early Friday night with a sudden attack of hemorrhage
of the lungs.
Mrs. (Lyons) Clark was a native of
Ireland and spent a number of the last years of her life at Midway,
and had made many friends there to join her relatives in their bereavement.
The funeral services were held from
the Catholic church Saturday morning, interment being held at the city
July 3, 1913
Macon Daily Telegraph
The funeral ofIvey
Bateman, of Macon, who was drowned while trying to swim the Oconee
river at Milledgeville yesterday at Milledgeville Tuesday morning, was
held yesterday at Milledgeville. The interment took place in the family
burying ground near Milledgeville.
Gilbert C. Bateman, of Macon,
a brother of the young man, went to Milledgeville Tuesday in response to
a long distance telephone message telling of the drowning, and attended
the funeral yesterday.
July 17, 1913
Atlanta Constitution
Bridge Completed Over Little River
Milledgeville, Ga., July 26 (Special) The
new bridge being between Baldwin and Putnam counties is now completed.
This will cause satisfaction to a large number of people, as there is a
great deal of transportation on this road. The bridge was constructed by
the two counties of Baldwin and Putnam, and it is claimed to be securely
built as to stand against all high water.
July 18, 1913
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ At the home of the bride's
parents in Midway last Thursday evening occurred the marriage of MissEstelle
and Mr. J. D. Willis, Dr. D. W. Brannen performing
the ceremony. It was a quiet home wedding, only intimate friends and relatives
being present.
July 18 1913
Union Recorder
Miss May
Miesse, and Mr. Harry Sidney Jones were quietly married at the
Dempsey hotel in Macon last Sunday afternoon, Dr. W. N. Ainsworth, pastor
of Mulberry Street Methodist church, conducting the ceremony.
The wedding came as a surprise to
many friends of the contracting parties here, but there were also many
expecting it. Both parties have held high positions at the state sanitarium
here for some time, the bride being director of the training school at
the sanitarium and the groom the esteemed secretary of the institution.
Best wishes are extended them for along and happy life.
July 18 1913
Union Recorder
The engagement of Miss Tillie
F. Smith of Montezuma to Mr. E. Culver Kidd of this city is
announced, the wedding to occur at the First Baptist church of that place
Wednesday, July 23.
Both parties are well known here.
Miss Smith being a graduate of the Georgia Normal and Industrial College
and afterward teacher in the same institution, ,where she distinguished
herself and made many friends in the city. Mr. Kidd is the son of Dr.
and Mrs. J. E. Kidd and a young man of enterprise and worth, numbering
his friends here by the hundreds.
21, 1913
Atlanta Constitution
John S.
Roberts, aged 75 years, died at the Confederate Soldiers' home at 7
o'clock Sunday morning. He was a member of the famous Baldwin Blues, company
H, Fourth Georgia volunteers. He enlisted in Cook's brigade in April,.
1861, and served with distinction until the close of the civil war. He
is survived by his wife, Mrs. Nancy C. Roberts. The body was taken
to Poole's funeral chapel. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
August 15, 1913
Milledgeville News
Wednesday morning early Mrs.
Charles Winter(s), aged 18 years, accidentally shot and killed her
husband's brother's wife, Mrs.
Will Winter(s), in the yard of her home at Stevens Pottery, near here.
According to the best information obtainable the young woman was taking
home a gun borrowed by her husband the day previous by his bride and finding
her sister in law in the yard slipped up to her with the gun in a spirit
of mischief thinking to frighten her, and when she raised the gun it fired,
virtually tearing off the head of Mrs. Will Winter(s), who was only a few
feet away. Death was instantaneous.
The young woman is prostrated.
She is only an inexperienced young country girl and was not cognizant
of the danger, and did not think the weapon was loaded. The deceased leaves
a husband and five children, some of them being witness to the terrible
affair. The two women, as well as the brothers, have always been on the
best of terms in every way and the accident is regarded as a fearful calamity
for the family.
September 9, 1913
The Augusta Chronicle
Funeral of Bill
Miner In Milledgeville Sunday
Special to The Chronicle
Milledgeville, Ga. Sept. 8 - Failing to
hear from any relatives the citizens of Milledgeville yesterday afternoon
buried old man Bill Miner, America's most famous train robber in
the city cemetery here. Prominent citizens acted as pallbearers and after
his seventy years of adventure he lies sleeping quietly in one of the most
picturesque cities of the dead in the state, surrounded by the graves of
men who have played as important as advancing humanity's cause as he did
to bring terror to scores in the days when he ranged in the west.
It seems that Bill Miner cherished
the thought that his relatives were still living though it develops that
he has not heard from them in probably a quarter of a century. But so far
as can be ascertained the last chapter in his life has been written and
his record is one solely in the past.
October 17, 1913
Milledgeville News
M. Slaton Offers One Hundred and Fifty Dollars for Capture of John Jackson.
Charged with the murder of Dave
Sanford, and now a fugitive from justice, John Jackson has a
reward of $150 for his capture offered by the state of Georgia. Gov., Slaton
has issued a proclamation to this effect.
The crime was committed last Sunday
afternoon on ht efarm of Robson & Evans, about nine miles from the
city. According to the reports, the act was purely a cold-blooded affair
and the coroner's verdict was in accordance therewith.
Jackson made good his escape and
the reward offered by the governor will probably cause considerable effort
to apprehend.
September 28, 1913
The Augusta Chronicle
Special to The Chronicle. Milledgeville,
Ga. Sept. 27 - Protracted services will begin at Stevens Pottery Methodist
Church, near here, Sunday and Rev. S.H. Dimon, pastor, expects a
great meeting.
Rev. Elam F. Dempsey, pastor of the First Methodist
Church here, and Rev. B.H. Clark, of Columbus, will assist in conducting
the services.
Rev. Stephen H. Dimon biography up to 1911 here)
October 26, 1913
The Augusta Chronicle
Park Burke Sustains Slight Flesh Wound.
His Assailant Fled
Special to the Chronicle
Milledgeville, Oct. 25 - Just
as the shades of night deepened over Milledgeville Friday night, Park
Burke, a well-known young white man, formerly of Screven County, but
now employed with a local grocery firm., was met in a secluded spot on
Greene Street near the Central depot, and held up by a supposed highwayman.
The young man was shot in the arm, only a slight flesh wound resulting.
No other cause than robbery
is surmised, and the assaulting party hastily fled when he fired. Timely
medical attention prevented loss of blood and consequent complications.
November 2, 1913
Atlanta Constitution
Mrs. Benj. Gause, Milledgeville
Milledgeville, Ga. November 1 - (Special)
The funeral of Mrs. Benjamin
Gause was held this afternoon from the Baptist church. The death of
Mrs. Gause, which occurred Thursday morning after an illness of less than
an hour, came as a great shock to everyone here. Acute indigestion is ascribed
as the cause. Mrs. Gause was the wife of one of the best known business
men of this city. Surviving her, also, is her daughter, Miss Mabel Gause;
three sisters, Mrs. James Long of Jewell, Mrs. William Coleman
Devereaux and
Mrs. W.A. Bass of Devereaux, also one brother,
John Amoss,
of this city.
November 9, 1913
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Miss Cora Bateman Dies At Milledgeville.
Death of Former Instructor at Georgia Industrial Home Brings Sorrow To
Many Children Who Know Her There.
Friends in Macon and
the children at the Georgia Industrial Home were grieved yesterday to learn
of the death early yesterday morning of Miss Cora
Bateman, 31 years of age, at the home of her father, W. T. Bateman,
Milledgeville. She is survived by her father, three sisters and three brothers.
Her sisters are Mrs. L. L. Parker and Mrs. Hattie Herring,
of Columbus, and Miss Anna Bateman, of Milledgeville. Her brothers
are G. C. Bateman, of Macon; J. H. Bateman of Stilmore, and
A. Bateman, of Alabama.
Miss Bateman was formerly an instructor
at the Georgia Industrial Home, of Macon, and was beloved by the children
and the officers of the home, besides having many friends throughout Macon.
The funeral will be held
this morning at 9 o'clock from the family residence, near Milledgeville,
Rev. Harold Major, pastor of the First Baptist church, of Milledgeville,
officiating. Interment will follow at the family burying ground, near Ivy
November 27, 1913
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville, Ga., November 26 (Special)
The marriage of MissAnne
Ansley McKinley to Mr. Russell Glenn Bone took place last evening
at the suburban home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. McKinley.
Miss Pauline McKinley, sister of the bride, acted as maid of honor,
and Mr. Jesse Bone, the groom's father, as best man.
The bride is the youngest daughter
of her parents, and is pretty and attractive and popular. The groom is
a well-liked young business man of Stevens Pottery, where the young couple
will make their home.
November 28, 1913
Union Recorder
After being confined at Rawling's
Sanitarium at Sandersville for seven weeks, Mr. A.
R. Bloodworth, one of Baldwin county's most prominent farmers, died
Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock, after having undergone an operation
for appendicitis.
The operation was made immediately
upon Mr. Bloodworth's arrival at the sanitarium and it was soon learned
that there was fear of complication which finally resulted in his death.
The deceased citizen was well and
favorably known throughout Baldwin county and this section of Georgia and
the said news of his death will be heard with sadness.
Many friends of the family of Mr.
Bloodworth will extend to them their genuine sympathy in learning of the
said death.
Mr. Bloodworth was 66 years old ,
leaves a wife, two sons, Messrs. Grover and Perry Bloodworth,
of Perry Fla., one daughter, Mrs. J. F. Ivey, of this county, and
two brothers Messrs. J. H. and L. F. Bloodworth, of Wilkinson county.
The funeral was held from Union Hill
Methodist church Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock and his remains were interred
in the cemetery at that place.
December 25, 1913
Atlanta Constitution
Son of Professor In Oglethorpe Aids The
Father of Superintendent Thomas, of West Point, Was Teacher in Old College.
One of the latest subscriptions
to the Oglethorpe fund comes from W.P. Thomas, superintendent of the public
schools of West Point, Ga., and a son of one of the professors in the old
Oglethorpe university.
Mr. Thomas subscribes
not only to help build the new university, but also because of the intimate
relation of his life to those who have always been close to the Oglethorpe
"I send you herewith
my subscription of $25 to the Oglethorpe university fund.
"I am inspired to do this for
two reasons: First, to give my little mite to the aid of the university,
and, second, on account of the sentiment connected with said school and
my family.
"Before Dr.
Nathan Beman
established his celebrated school at Mount Zion, Hancock
county, Georgia, my grandfather was a farmer living on Shoulderbone creek,
three miles from this little village.
"When Dr. Beman,
who was a celebrated Presbyterian minister, about 6 feet tall, and big
all the way up, established his school at Mount Zion my grandfather Thomas
moved into Mount Zion to educate his children under Dr. Beman.
"My father, Dr.
Francis Anderson Thomas, and his brother, Dr. James E. Thomas,
who was for fourteen years president of Emory college, and their sisters
were prepared for college by Dr. Beman.
"After my father
graduated in Virginia, Dr. Carlyle P. Beman, brother of Dr. Nathan
Beman, came to Georgia also to teach school, his brother Nathan having
returned to the north.
"Just about this
time, Oglethrope university was established and located at Midway, near
Milledgeville. Dr. Carlyle P. Beman was elected its first president, and
my father was elected on of its first professors.
"After my father
had taught several years in the school, he attended the medical colleges
of Augusta and charleston, where he graduated in the same class with Dr.
Willis Westmoreland, Sr. He afterwards located in Culloden, where he
practiced his profession.
"I mention these
matters because my father often talked to me about them. The fact that
his earliest young manhood was connected with the infant Oglethorpe university,
inspires me to want to do a little something for the rehabilitation of
this grand school."
January 22, 1914
Macon Daily Telegraph
Mrs E. P. Byington. Relatives
in Bibb county were yesterday notified of the death early yesterday morning
in Baldwin county of Mrs. Elizabeth
P. Byington, formerly of this county. She was residing with her daughter,
Mrs. J. T. Bloodworth, in Baldwin county, near Milledgeville.
Mrs. Byington is survived by
one daughter, Mrs. J. T. Bloodworth, of Baldwin county, and four
sons, C. G. and H. A. Byington, of Bibb county; W. A.
Byington of Arkansas, and
J. A. Byington, of Florida. She is
also survived by one sister,
Mrs. A. H. Rice of Macon, and one brother,
L. Ivey, of Milledgeville. The funeral will be held this morning at
11 o'clock from Camp Creek church, in Baldwin county, Elder Walter Heard,
Interment will follow at the church cemetery.
February 6, 1914
Milledgeville News
Quiet a surprise of Tuesday
evening was the wedding of Miss
Margaret Florence Stembridge and Mr. Charles Maxwell Crisler,
which was announced for the evening of February 25. The nuptials were celebrated
at the home of the bride's parents, Dr. Elam F. Dempsey conducting
the ceremonies.
The final consummation of the wedding
resulted from a visit by Mr. Crisler, who is in the mercantile business
in Canton, made the past week-end, and he argued that he saw no use in
putting off the ceremony, and finally his persuavise powers resulted in
a quiet family wedding, to which several friends and relatives were invited.
Mrs. Crisler was regarded as
one of the city's most beautiful and talented young ladies and Mr. Crisler,
a graduate of the Georgia Military College, is a successful young business
man. Warmest congratulations are extended by their host of friends.
February 20, 1914
Milledgeville News
A Card of Thanks. We take this method
of expresssing our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Jones, Dr. Swint and
Greene, and all the physicians of the state sanitarium who laborered
so faithfully to save the life of our beloved daughter and sister, Roberta
Wood, who died with typhoid fever. We do especially appreciate the
good nursing and attention by her class of trained nurses and the courtesy
shown us by them, namely, Mrs. S. H. Jones, Miss Mary Bedkerdite, Miss
Chloea Cornelius, Miss Emily Edwards, Miss Ada Nelso, Miss Minnie Seymour,
Miss Dovie Thurmond, Miss Nan Howard, Miss Mary Huff, Miss Ethel Howard
and all others whose names we cannot remember. May the Grand Master of
the Universe bless these good people. R. L. Wood and Wife. J. F. Wood.
Mrs. J. E. Etheridge. February 15, 1914.
April 3, 1914
Milledgeville News.
L. J. Smith, well known here as one of the oldest employes of the state
sanitarium, died last Monday night. While he had been in ill health some
time, his death was unexpected and came as a shock to the family and friends.
He leaves several children
and other relatives to whom sympathy is extended. The funeral was held
Wednesday morning.
April 14, 1914
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville, Ga., April 29 (Special) The
death of Miss Hattie Keil occurred
here this morning. Miss Keil had been ill for some days, and her death
was not unexpected. Miss Keil is well known in this section, having lived
in Milledgeville all her life. The funeral services will be held Thursday
afternoon. She is survived by four sisters, Mrs. J. L. Ivey
Misses Mary and Mattie Keil, of this city, and Mrs. H. H. Green,
of West Point.
April 19, 1914
Atlanta Constitution
Milledgeville, Ga. MissMattie
Buck was married to Dr. O. F. Moran on Tuesday of this
week at the home of her parents in Midway. A number of friends were present.
On Thursday afternoon of last
week, Miss Bessie Moran and Mr.
N. Chandler were married at the home of the bride in East Baldwin.
The happy couple left immediately for a trip to Florida.
May 5, 1914
Macon Daily Telegraph
After a brief illness,
Mrs.Mattie Batson 54 years of age, died
at midnight Sunday night a the home of her daughter on Pio Nono avenue.
She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Endie O. Johnson, Mrs.
Georgia Peters, and Miss Arrie Batson, and three sons, John
W., Jodie W. and Charles I. Batson, of Macon.
The body was taken yesterday afternoon
to Stevens Pottery, where the funeral and interment took place upon arrival.
22, 1914
Milledgeville News
J. A. Snipes, well known in Milledgeville and over all Baldwin county
died at his home in East Baldwin last Sunday morning. He was 75 year old,
a soldier of the Confederacy and otherwise well known.
The funeral was held from the undertaking
parlors of Mr. Jos. A. Moore, Interment being in the city cemetery.
22, 1914
Milledgeville News
Asa Simpson, aged 77 years, died at his home in Midway Wednesday after
a prolonged illness. Mr. Simpson came to this county from Hancock and lived
here virtuall all his life.
Surviving him are ten children, all
of whom are well nown in Milledeville and Baldwin county. Mr. Simpson was
a veteran of the civil war, a member of the Baptist church and a stable
citizen who will be missed. To the family many friends extend sympathy.
The funeral was held at the
residence and the interment was at Harrison cemetery in Hancock county.
May 29, 1914
Milledgeville News
FRIDAY. Well Known Young Man Shot In Deplorable Tragedy by Charles Couch
State Sanitarium.
Last Friday night, about 9
o'clock, Earnest A. Handley,
a well known young man of Milledgeville, with a splendid reputation, was
shot and mortally wounded by Charles Couch, an employe of the state Sanitarium.
The tragedy occurred just in front of the main building of the institution
and was a shock to this entire section, especially in view of the record
young Handley was making as an industrious boy, a member of the which was
given him immediately at Sunday school worker. He was a strong, robust
youth, just 22 years old, leaves father and mother and one brother and
three sisters, all younger than he.
Handley died Saturday afternoon,
despite the best medical attention, which was given him immediately at
the sanitarium.
Couch made his escape
and has not yet been apprehended, though it is understood that every effort
is being made to located him. Three other men with arrested Monday charged
with having part in the affair, George Edwards, C. E. Ledbetter and
Snow. Edwards and Snow were released Wednesday.
According to a report of the
affair it, appears that Handley had spent the evening at the Sanitarium
upon the invitation of a young lady to whom Ledbeter had been paying some
attention and after the crowd had dispersed for the evening a few boon
companions approached Handley and advised him to leave the sanitarium grounds
and stay away. Handle remonstrated, according to the story, declaring that
unless authoritative restrictions were thrown around him he would continue
to visit the place whereupon Ledbetter quarreled with him and in this be
was backed up by Couch who carried the affair to blows.
Handley, it is stated threw
him don, and just about this juncture and auto driven by Roger Montgomery,
Handley had engaged to bring him back to the city, arrived on the scene
and Handley got up and apparently started toward the car. Witnesses stated
that Couch then again grabbed Handley, who caught him and held his head
under his arm. In this position Couch reached back, seized his pistol,
placed it against Handley's stomach and fired.
Handley staggered, exclaiming
he was shot, and there was an immediate dispersion of the crowd, but medical
aid was summoned at once and Handley taken to the operation room where
the most skilled physicians worked with him declaring from the first he
had but little chance of recovery and Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock he
died. Coroner C. Newton held an inquest Saturday might, the jury
charging Couch with murder and C. E. Ledbetter as accessory before the
After the funeral
Sunday afternoon, which was conducted by Rev. Elam F. Dempsey, the remains
were taken to the old family home at Cairo Georgia, where the interment
took place. To the family scores of friends have extended sincere
sympathy, and the entire affair is greatly deployed here and at the state
July 24, 1914
Milledgeville News
Liquor And Pistols Play Havoc With Colored
Brothers In Fight Last Sunday Morning.
As the result of a pistol fight in
the western part of Baldwin county last Sunday morning, about 2 o'clock,
one negro, Henry Finney is dead,
Hill is in jail, and Sam Richardson is expected to die. Six
brothers, three on a side, were engaged in the difficulty, which according
to the evidence, was occasioned by a dispute over ten cents change in a
liquor trade.
Coroner C. I. Newton empaneled
a jury which laid the blame for the killing of Henry Finney on Tom Hill
and he is now behind the bars. According to the evidence a small war was
engaged in by the participants, about thirty shots being fired. It is alleged
that the liquor was sold by Sam Richardson to George Finney, but it now
seems as if Sam Hill will sell no more.
July 31, 1914
Milledgeville News
WEST - WATKINS. Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. W. D. West, occurred the wedding of Miss Julia Wade West and Mr. George Washington Watkins, Dr. D. W. Brannen performing the wedding ceremony.
Both the young folks are well known here and have hundreds of
friends who join in extending them best wishes on the journey through life.
After a short bridal trip they will return to Milledgeville and make this
city their home.
August 1, 1914
Atlanta Constitution
Ga., July 31. (Special) W. C. Stevens, one of middle Georgia's wealthiest
citizens and head of the Stevens pottery in Baldwin county, sustained a
broken collar bone at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. M. M. Stapler,
today when the chain of a swing in which he was seated broke.
Mr. Stevens has been in poor health
for some time, and because of his advanced age some concern is felt as
to the outcome of his injury.
August 14, 1914
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Following an illness
of several months, J. W. Etheridge,
80 years of age, died yesterday at the Macon hospital. He is survived by
two sons, J. E. Etheridge, of Macon, and I. W. Etheridge,
of St. Louis, Mo., besides his two daughters, Mrs. L. Pierce and
Miss Fannie Etheridge. The family came to Macon about four years
ago from Milledgeville.
The body was taken yesterday afternoon
to Coopersville, where the funeral and interment will take place today.
October 3, 1914
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Mrs. Sallie
Temple, 55 years of age, died yesterday
afternoon at 5:30 o'clock at the home of her sister,
Mrs. W. H. Burkett,
521 Oak street, from a stroke of paralysis sustained early yesterday morning.
While she had been in ill health for several years her death was unexpected.
She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Burkett, but no other members of her
immediate family.
About twenty years ago Mrs. Temple
came to Macon from Milledgeville and since that time had made her home
here. She was a member of the Tabernacle Baptist church and had many friends
who will learn with sincere regret of her death.
The body will be taken this
afternoon at 1:30 o'clock to Milledgeville, where the funeral and interment
will take place.
October 18, 1914
Macon Telegraph
The wedding of Miss
Clifford Williamson and Joseph Fullbright was beautifully solemized
Thursday evening, October 15, at the Methodist church, Browns, Ga. ..wedding
march was rendered by Miss Ethel Brown, of Milledgeville...Rev.
S. H. Dimon performing the ceremony. The bride was attended by her
sister, Miss Berta Williamson, as maid of honor; Misses Martha
Scogin and Mary Williamson as bridesmaids. Willard Williamson,
brother of the bride and W. V. Morrow, of Camak, were groomsmen.
Brown and Milton Webb were ushers
The bride entered with her sister,
meeting the groom and his best man, Fred Chandler, at the altar.........The
attractive bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
P. W. Williamson ..groom is one of
the best known railroad men on the Georgia road....happy couple left for
their future home in Atlanta.
Among the wedding guests were
Cecil Allen, of Hardeeville, S.C.; Mrs. D. P. Jordan, of Camak;
W. Darden, of Union Point, and E. S. Epps, of Augusta.
October 30, 1914
Milledgeville News
R. D. Smith, aged 73 years died at the home of her son, Mr. R. G.
Smith, just across the river, Tuesday night after a prolonged illness,
which, however was not deemed serious for the time being. Her death removes
one of the best known and highly estimable ladies of the old regime and
sympathy is extended to the entire family by many friends.
She is survived by four sons, Messrs.
G. Smith, L. D. Smith, Will Smith and C. C. Smith, and one daughter
Mrs. Nannie Hardy. The funeral was held from the residence,
S. H. Dimon conducting the ceremonies, and interment was in the city
cemetery Wednesday afternoon.
November 6, 1914
Milledgeville News
T. Cook well known in Milledgeville and Baldwin county, died at this
home in east Baldwin Saturday night.
Mr. Cook was one of this county's
most prominent farmers and scores of friends will learn with sadness of
his death and join the family in their sorrow.
The funeral services were held in
Milledgeville, Rev. D. W. Brannen officiating. The remains were interred
in the city cemetery.
November 6, 1914
Milledgeville News
Mr. Goodloe
Beck, well known here, died at his home in Midway Wednesday and the
remains were taken to Ivey, Georgia for interment yesterday morning, interment
being in the family burial ground there. Rev. Harold Major conducting
the services.
Mr. Beck was abaout 45
years of age, and is survived by his wife, father and mother, and several
other near relatives to whom sincere sympathy is extended.
December 11, 1914
Milledgeville News
M. A. Barnes, age 73 years, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Hiram Johns, in Wilkinson county, Saturday morning.
While Mrs. Barnes had been in feeble
health for several months her death came somewhat unexpected and was on
a visit to her
daughter at the time she died. She had lived
at Midway for many years and was well known in Milledgeville and Baldwin
Mrs. Barnes is survived by three
daughters, Mrs. W. B. Richardson of this county, Mrs. Joe Dunham,
Midway, and Mrs. Hiram
Johns, of Wilkinson county, also
one son, Mr. Homer Barnes, residing in east Baldwin.
The remains were interred in the
city cemetery in Milledgeville Sunday afternoon. Rev. Harold Major conducted
the funeral service
December 31, 1914
The Augusta Chronicle
J. Carr, Aged Fifty, Attacked Wife and Sister, and Was Shot to Death by
His Son, George Carr. Special to
The Chronicle. Milledgeville, Ga., Dec. 30. - J. J. Carr,
fifty years of age, and merchant at Carrs Station, twelve miles from Milledgeville,
was shot and instantly killed, about 3 o'clock this afternoon by his son,
Carr, in defense of his mother and widowed sister, Mr. Goodloe Beck,
according to information received here tonight.
Mrs. Beck, who lives in Milledgeville,
left here this afternoon at 2 o'clock to visit her parents and a little
twelve year old son of Mrs. Beck returned on train reaching here at 5:40
to report killing to relatives, stating that the grandfather of child attacked
his and grandmother immediately upon their arrival and that his son, George
Carr, came to the defense of them both by killing his own father.
J. J. Carr, the dead man, is well
known in this section. He was a man of considerable means. According to
information received here, Carr was drinking heavily at the time he was
January 21, 1915
Macon Telegraph
Milledgeville Man Brought Here to
Escape Violence.
In a closed automobile in the
custody of Deputy Sheriffs Clifford E. Polk, an employe of the state
sanitarium at Milledgeville, who murdered his wife Tuesday, was rushed
to Macon yesterday morning and placed in the county jail. This step was
taken as a precauction against violence being done the prisioner, since
there is considerable feeling in the matter in Baldwin county.
Polk is said to have had a
dispute with his wife over certain domestic affairs which led to the shooting.
He fired three shots at his wife, two of them taking effect. She died instantly.
Polk is said to have attempted to kill himself after the trafedy, but was
prevented from doing so by his two brothers. Polk is 35 years of age.
When place in the Bibb
county jail yesterday he had no statement to make relative to the shooting,
but appeared to be greatly relieved over being away from the angered people
of Baldin county.
See November 30,
January 29, 1915
The Macon Daily Telegraph
George S. Carpenter
died at her home at Cooperville January 26, following
an extended illness. Besides her father, five brothers and four sisters,
she is survived by three children. They are Miss Beulah Branan, Robert
Branan and George S. Carpenter. The interment was made at the
family burying ground.
February 25, 1915
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Shocked To Death When He Touches Foundry
Drop Cord. Prominent Young Man of Baldwin County Is Killed Instantly at
Milledgeville. James Stembridge, the Victim.
Had Been Married Only a Year - Funeral To
Be Today.
Milledgeville, Feb. 24. James
W. Stembridge, age 24 years, and one of the best-known young men of
Baldwin county, was accidentally electrocuted this morning at 10 o'clock
while handling a drop cord in the electric lighting system of Bolin's iron
foundry. His death was instant. Several hours were spent in an effort to
resuscitate the man, but failed.
Stembridge, who is proprietor of
the Stembridge Electric company, of this city, was called to the foundry
this morning to inspect and repair some of the lights. While handling one
of the drop cords he received the shock that caused his death.
The death of Mr. Stembridge is deplored
throughout this section. He was a member of one of the most prominent families
here and had been married less than one year. His wife is a daughter of
Chief Track Inspector West, of the Georgia railroad. The uncle of
the dead man is ordinary of Baldwin county.
The funeral will be held Thursday
afternoon from the Stembridge home, Rev. R. A. Edmondson, pastor
of the First Methodist church, officiating. Interment will be at the family
burying ground here.
March 7, 1915
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Little Girl Had Fallen From Coupling Pole.
Milledgeville, March 6 - Rebecca
Edwards, 8- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Edwards, was
run over and crushed to death this evening at 6:10 o'clock by a heavily
loaded cotton truck, when she attempted to ride on the coupling pole between
the first and second of five trucks being drawn by a traction engine. Her
neck was broken and the body was badly mangled.
The traction engine was moving slowly
through the streets, near the Georgia depot, pulling five trucks on which
was a total of forty bales of cotton. The little Edwards girl was at the
depot with a party of young people and seeing the truck and engine ran
out alone and jumped on the coupling pole. She lost her balance and fell,
two wheels of the truck passing over her body. Her death was instant.
The truck and engine are owned by
the R. H. McComb Transfer company. No blame is placed on them for
the accident.
The funeral and interment will take
place this afternoon at the Milledgeville cemetery. Besides her parents,
the child is survived by two brothers and one sister.
March 9, 1915
Union Recorder
Death of Mrs. Mattie A. Tennille. Mrs. Mattie A. Tennille died at her home in Midway, near this city, on Thursday, March 4th. She was the wife of Mr. A. S. Tennille
and was well known and greatly loved by a large circle of friends. The interment
took place in the city cemetery Saturday morning, the funeral services being
conducted by Rev. O. P. McDerment.
She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Leila E. Lockhart, of Jacksonville, Fla., Mrs. Addie Mason and Mrs. James Hawkins, of this county, three sons, W. B. Tennille, of Cooperville, R. M. Tennille, of Savannah and C. M. Tennille, of Mayo, Fla., two brothers, Mr. B. C. and John Simpson, and one sister, Mrs. Emma Russell, of Macon.
April 6, 1915
Union Recorder
Folsom was shot and killed by Stevemore Mason, Jr., last Sunday
afternoon. Mason used a hot gun, the shot taking effect in Folsom's stomach.
He lived until Monday morning. Mason has not been arrested, having fled
from the shooting.
April 13, 1915
Union Recorder
Mr. Elbert Cheatham of Macon
and Miss Lucille Blackwell
of this city were united in marriage late Saturday afternoon in this city,
Harold Major performing the ceremony. Mr. Cheatham is the son of Dr.
A. T. Cheatam of Macon, and is a former student of G. M. C. Miss Blackwell
is the daughter of Mr. J. P. Blackwell. The contracting parties
have many friends in this city who wish them all happiness.
May 9, 1915
Atlanta Constitution
Mr. and Mrs. John Easter Minter,
of Columbus, Ga., announce the engagement of their only daughter, Winnifred
Bradley, to Dr. Robert Lee Crawford, U.S.N., of Washington,
D.C., the wedding to take place in the early fall. Dr. Crawford is a son
of the late E.A. Crawford, of Tallahassee, Fla., and a descendant of a
long line of physicians and surgeons, among them being Dr. Crawford Long,
who discovered anesthesia. After a brilliant record of three years at Vanderbilt
university, and later at the Army and Navy Medical college, at Washington,
Dr. Crawford received his first commission from the navy department at
the age of 24. Miss Minter's attractive personality and her musical and
literary accomplishments have won for her a large circle of friends who
will be interested in the announcement of her engagement.
Note: John Easter Minter, born in Baldwin
County, was the son of Charles Floyd and Martha Jane (Chambers) Minter.
May 25, 1915
Union Recorder
Coroner's Jury Holds Inquest and Renders
a Verdict of Justifyable Homice.
G. Gates a young white man, 24 years old, in the employ of the Oconee
Brick and Tile Co. was shot and killed by his wife Saturday night about
10:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Gates was before
her marriage 5 years ago, Miss Lester Shores and lived near Gordon,
Young Gates and his wife
were uptown Saturday night in the best of spirits and attended the picture
show. After the show they went to the store of Mr. B. N. Morrison
where they made a number of purchases. Mr. Morrison carried them to their
home near the Brick plant in his automobile abut 10:00. After reaching
their home Gates became enraged with one of his children, a little girl
about three years old, because she was crying for candy, and struck the
child several blows with his fist bruising her face and losing her front
teeth. When Mrs. Gates attempted to interpose he threatened to kill her,
and started for a Colt pistol, which was lying on the bed. Mrs. Gates beat
her husband to the pistol and shot him twice, one shot taking effect in
the left of his back the other passing through the left arm, in which Gates
was holding his child and entering the left side.
Dr. Hall was summoned
to the scene reaching the house a short while before Gates died. Just before
his death he in a statement justified his wife to taking his life.
A Coroner's jury composed
of B. B. Adams, L. D. Smith, W. F. Baumgertel, J. W. Roberts, T. J.
Thomas and J. L. Barnes was secured by Coroner Newton early
Sunday morning. After hearing the evidence the jury rendered a verdic of
justifiable homicide.
The body of young Gates was
taken in charge by Jos. A. Moore, undertaker and carried to Stevens'
Pottery at 11:40 over the Central Railroad Sunday morning. Mrs. Gates and
her two children accompanied the remains. The funeral services of Mr. Gates
were conducted by Rev. Mr. Butler Monday at 11 o'clock and the burial
took place at Camp Creek cemetery.
May 25, 1915
Macon Telegraph
S. B. Faulkner, 44 years old, died at her home in Milledgeville yesterday
at 3 o'clock. The body arrived in Macon last night and was carried to Hart's
undertaking parlors. The body will be carried to Towns, Ga., today at 10:30
over the Southern Railroad, where interment will take place.
June 26, 1915
Macon Daily Telegraph
Mrs F.
P. Ivey, aged 47 years died yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock at her
residence 264 Washington avenue, following an illness of two or three months.
Besides her husband, Mrs. Ivey is
survived by one son and two daughters.
The body will be taken to D(P)ancras
at 6:45 o'clock this morning over the Central of Georgia railway and the
funeral and interment will be held there.
June 29, 1915
Union Recorder
The friends of Mr. W. H. Hall of
this city will be interested in the announcement that he will be married
to Miss Kate Green of Beuna
Vista, Ga., on June 21. Mr. Hall left Tuesday for Buena Vista, in an auto.
He was accompanied by his brothers, Mr. L. C. Hall and Dr. T.
M. Hall.
The wedding will take place at 9
a.m., the ceremony being performed by Rev. J. B. McGehee of Beuna
Mr. and Mrs. Hall will return to
this city after their marriage.
July 2, 1915
Atlanta Constitution
DIED THURSDAY AFTERNOON. Funeral Services of Mother of Joel Hurt Will Be
Held This Afternoon
Mrs. Lucy Apperson Hurt, aged
94, and one of Atlanta's best loved women, died at the residence of her
son, Joel Hurt, 85 Elizabeth street, Inman Park, Thursday afternoon
at 12:30 o'clock. She is survived by her son, one brother, N. E. W.
Long, of Hurtsboro, Ala., and one sister, Mrs. M.A. Jackson,
of Montgomery,Ala.
Mrs. Hurt was the daughter of Colonel
N.W. Long of Baldwin county, Georgia. She was born May 11, 1822, six
miles from Milledgeville, Ga.
She married the late Joel Hurt when
but sixteen years old. at the time of her marriage she was living with
her parents on Uchee creek. Mr. Hurt was attending a Baptist revival near
the Long plantation and after a courtship which lasted a little over two
months the marriage took place.
Mother of Eleven Children
Mrs Hurt was the mother of eleven
children, all of whom are dead but her son in Atlanta. They were Nimrod,
Charles, Emma, Elisha, Sarah, Joel, Louise, George, James, Frances
and an infant who was never named.
Her eldest son, Nimrod, served in
the civil war under General Bragg and was killed in a battle at Tupelo,
Elisha, the second son, was in the
Forty-fifth Alabama regiment and was wounded July 22, 1864, at Atlanta.
Following her marriage Mrs. Hurt
lived at her father's plantation on Uchee creek for ten years. After that
they moved to Olivet, where they lived eight years and later Hurt established
At the time the war broke out Mr.
Hurt was strongly opposed to secession. He held that the differences between
the north and the south should be settled in legislative halls and not
by the sword.
Sends Sons to War
When Alabama seceded be sent his two sons
to enlist, stating that he would in all probability follow them.
He was seriously injured in a buggy
accident after that and within a short time died.
Mrs. Hurt, living to the age of 94,
lives up to a characteristic of her family. She had two aunts who equaled
her in longevity and one aunt who lived to be 96 years old.
Both the Hurt and the Long families
were prominently connected in the states of Alabama and Georgia. Mrs. Hurt
was one of the best known women of Atlanta and enjoyed a host of friends
throughout the south. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at
4 o'clock at the residence of Joel Hurt on Elizabeth street, Dr. W. F. Glenn
Interment will take place in Oakland
July 11, 1915
Macon Telegraph
Milledgeville, July 10....and Grover Brookins will be tried for
cutting Frank Devereux to
death at Stevens Pottery about six weeks ago....
See July 27, 1915
July 20, 1915
Union Recorder
J. T.Burnley died at his home in Midway this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock.
He was 75 years of age. He leaves a widow, three sons and two daughters.
Mr. Burnley had been sick for only a few days and his death is quite a
shock to his relatives and friends.
He has lived in this city for
a number of years and has a large circle of friends in the city and county
who extend their sympathy to the family in their grief.
July 21, 1915
Macon Telegraph
SHOOTS WOMAN, THEN SELF. Henry Curtis, Milledgeville
Negro, Fatally Wounds Negress, Then Kills Himself.
July 20. One negro is dead and a negress is fatally wounded as the result
of a shooting which occurred in a negro settlement here, when Henry
Curtis shot and fatally wounded Sylvia
Pearson and then turned the gun on himself, inflicting wounds from
which he died instantly.
July 27, 1915
Union Recorder
Death of Jack Brooks. Jack
Brooks, an old, ante-bellum and one of Baldwin county's best known
negroes, died at his home in Midway last Friday night. His funeral services
were held Saturday afternoon and burial took place at the Midway cemetery.
The following white citizens acted as pall bearers: Messrs. D. S. Sanford,
W. W. Stembridge, Joe Wooten, Dan Sanford, Oscar Stembridge and B.
B. Adams, Jr.
Jack served all during the civil
war with the Confederate army, going war with his young "massa" and was
always true and loyal to the people of the South. He loved a Confederate
officer with a devotion that was seldom been seen. He was always ready
to serve them. He frequently attended the re-unions of the old soldiers
and none of them enjoyed living over the scenes of the war as did he. During
recent years he was the janitor at the city hall.
Jack had many white friends who respected
him on account of his loyalty to them. He never missed an opportunity to
place flowers on the grave of a Confederate dead who had no one else to
pay tribute to his memory.
July 27, 1915
Union Recorder
~excerpt~Two Busy Weeks For Superior Court
Reconvenes Aug. 2. Many Civil and Criminal Cases Were Disposdd of During
The July Term of Court.....
State vs. Grover Brookins, murder
verdict of voluntary manslaughter to fifteen years in penitenary.
August 11, 1915
Columbus Ledger
Mrs.Emma Smith,
27 years, died at her residence, seven miles east of the city, at one o'clock
Tuesday after an illness of nine weeks. Her health had been declining for
about two years. Besides her husband, Mr. E. Smith, she is survived
by two sons and one daughter, Curtis and Heyward Smith and
Smith; her father, Mr. Marshall Youngblood, of Baldwin county,
Ga.; two sisters, Mrs. June Chambers, of Milledgeville; Mrs. Sallie
Watson, of Dublin, Ga.; three brothers,William, Charles and
Youngblood, of Baldwin County, Ga. The interment took place at New
Prospect church this afternoon at one o'clock. The funeral services will
take place later, according to the old custom of holding funerals.
August 12, 1915
Atlanta Constitution
Mrs. Myrick, Milledgeville. Milledgeville,
Ga. August 11 - (Special) The death of Mrs.
J. E. Myrick occurred at her home in this city on Monday evening and
was a great shock to her family and friends. She was a native of Alabama
and was closely connected with some of the old and prominent families of
that state. She leaves a husband, J. E. Myrick; three daughters, Miss Annie
Myrick,of this city; Mrs. W. H. Barron, of Round Oak; Mrs.
J. E. Connell,
of Albany, and Messrs. D.P., W. S., and T.
A. Myrick, of this city. The funeral services were held here yesterday.
August 15, 1915
Macon Daily Telegraph
Joseph A. Moore, president of the
Funeral Directors' Association of Georgia, is one of the most progressive
and well-liked citizens of Milledgeville. Born at Sharon, December 18,
1888, he attended the public schools in that little city, later attending
the Southern College of Embalming at Augusta, from which institution he
graduated in 1905. He commenced his active business career at Sharon, but
moved to Milledgeville in 1909.
Mr. Moore is a member of the Baptist
church, Knight Templar, head of the Masonic lodge, and in addition, is
an officer in other Masonic lodges.
August 20, 1915
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Stevens' Pottery Girl Weds. Eugene
W. Etheridge, of Atlanta, and Miss Addie
Lee Echols, of Stevens' Pottery, were united in marriage at 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon by Dr. W. M. Ainsworth, pastor of the Mulberry Street
Methodist church, at his home on Mulberry street. The couple was
Mrs. Etheridge is the daughter of F.
A. Echols, of Stevens' Pottery, and is an attractive young woman.
The couple left for Atlanta on the
5 o'clock train and will make their home in that city.
August 28, 1915
Savannah Tribune
Milledgeville, Ga. August 24 - The morning hour made a most pleasing picture
for the wedding of Miss Genie
E. James and Mr. Arthur J. Andrews, which occurred Tuesday,
August 24th at the home of the bride's parents. The affair was one of the
most brilliant functions of the season. The entire house, which was beautifully
decorated with ferns and garden flowers, was given over to the guest.
At 10 o'clock Miss Annie E. James
the parlor escorting Miss Alice H. West to the piano. Then to the
strains of Mendelsshon's Wedding March, the party entered.
First appeared the bridegroom, accompanied
by the best man, Mr. W. H. Norman of Savannah. Then came the bride,
with her sister, Miss Roberta James. The four formed a semi-circle
amid ferns and flowers after which the strains of the wedding march died
away and Lange's "Flower Song" was heard faintly during the impressive
ring ceremony which was performed by Rev. E. W. Walker, pastor to
the bride.
Delicious refreshments were served
before the couple donned their traveling clothes and left for their East
Anderson street home in Savannah.
The bride was remarkably charming
in a gown of white taffeta, beautifully combined with silk lace and tulle.
Her tulle veil which was held in place by a bandeau of flowers fell softly
over it. The gown worn by Miss Roberta James was of soft white silk,
very artistically trimmed with silk shadow and tiny frills of liberty satin
Miss Alice West was attractive
as she appeared in a gown of while silk crepe de chine with silk shadow
lace and frills of satin taffeta ribbon. A very stunning picture was presented
by Miss Annie James in a costume of baby silk crep de chine, with a fichu
of silk lace and a short sash of blue satin ribbon.
Those from Savannah who attended
the wedding were Miss Mabel Durden and her sister, Mrs. H. G.
Young, Messrs. W. H. Norman and Richard Wright.
The bride is one of the leading young
women of Milledgeville and a graduate of Atlanta University. For a number
of years she has taught in the city schools of Rome. The bridegroom is
an efficient mail carrier of Savannah.
January 7, 1916
Atlanta Constitution
Mrs. Wheeler, Scottsboro
Milledgeville, Ga., January 6 - (Special) Mrs.
Simon Wheeler died at her home in Scottsboro, near this city, Thursday
She was the grandmother
of F. W. Hendrickson, a well known peach grower of that section,
and had lived here several years, coming here from Indiana with her husband,
who died several years ago.
She was 91 years of age.
She was buried in the cemetery here.
January 25, 1916
Union Recorder
~excerpt~IN MEMORIAM. On the morning of
Jan. 22, 1916, the Death Angel visited the quiet home of Mrs. E. P.
Gibson's and bore away the spirit of our
Dear Caro.
Although she had been in bad health for a long, long time she bore her
suffer with with patience and seemed perfectly willing to go when her Savior
She was a bright and cheerful girl,
always good and kind to everyone, and be it truthfully said, no one knew
her but to love her..............
Written by one who loved her Mrs. W.
H. Baumgartel.................
January 25, 1916
Union Recorder
The remains of Mrs.
Henrietta (Bat) White will be brought to this city Wednesday from Washington
city, where she died Saturday night.
Mrs. White was a native
of this city and was formerly Miss Henrietta Kenan, being a member
of one of Milledgeville's oldest antebellum families.
She has frequently visted here
after gping elsewhere to make her home and is known by a large number of
our people.
She is survived by one daughter Mrs.
Lula Locke with whom she made her home in Washington.
The funeral will be held at St. Stephen's
Episcopal Church Wednesday.
February 1, 1916
Union Recorder
Tom Warren, Another Negro, Who Did the Shooting Was Justitied by Coroner's
Bowen, a negro, was shot and killed by Tom Warren another negro,
in the northern portion of the city last Saturday night. Immediately after
the shooting, Warren surrendered to Sheriff Terry, claiming that he was
justifable in wha he had dne.
Coroner Newton held the inquest
and sas there was no witnesses, Warren made a statement. he claimed that
he heard some one at one of the windows and called out to the intruder
and asked who he was. He made the demand three times and receiving not
answer he shot the negro with a thirty-eight colts pistol.
The jury rendered a verdict
justifying Warren.
February 24, 1916
Atlanta Constitution
Dr. Mark Johnston, age 67 years, died last
night at 10 o'clock at the residence, 65 Ontario avenue.
Dr. Johnston is survived
by his wife,
Mrs. Kate Johnston; one sister, Mrs. Oliver White,
of Atlanta; a brother,
Malcolm Johnston, of Marietta, and a brother-in-law,
of Atlanta.
Dr. Johnston was
born in Alabama and had lived in Atlanta since about 1902. For the past
fifteen years he had not been actively engaged in the practice of his profession.
When Dr. Johnston
was quite young the family moved to Georgia and settled in Milledgeville,
where Dr. Johnston grew up and practiced medicine for a number of years.
He entered politics in the early eighties and during 1884 and 1886 was
representative to the legislature. For several years he was field superintendent
of the Empire Life Insurance Company of Atlanta. He had many friends throughout
the state.
February 25, 1916
The Atlanta Constitution
friends of
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Johnston, Mrs. O. T. White, Mr.
Malcolm Johnston, of Marietta, GA and Mr. W. S. Myrick are invited
to attend the funeral of Dr. Mark Johnston this (Friday) morning at 10:30
o'clock from the residence, 85 E. Ontario avenue, West End Park. The interment
will take place in Milledgeville, Ga. the funeral party leaving the Terminal
station at 12:30 PM via the Central of Georgia railway. Barclay and
Brandon Co., funeral directors in charge.
(submitted by Paula
Girouard )
February 29, 1916
The Atlanta Constitution
Ga. February 28 (Special) Peter J.
Cline, age 70, ex-mayor of Milledgeville, died early Monday morning
at his residence after a short illness of pneumonia.
His funeral will be held from
the Catholic church tomorrow at 10 o'clock.
Mr. Cline for a number
of years was the leading dry goods merchant of this city and was one of
the city's most public-spirited citizens. No man in this community had
a wider acquaintance or more friends.
He is survived by twelve children:
Theodore, John, Lewis, Herbert, Misses Mary, Kate, Regina, Agnes, of
Milledgeville;Peter J. Kline, of Atlanta; Frank Cline, of
Elberton, and Dr. Bernard Cline, of the medical staff of the Georgia
State sanitarium.
March 8, 1916
Atlanta Constitution
Many Trees Blown Down and Stores Flooded
Milledgeville, Ga., March 7 (Special) A
hard hailstorm with strong, damaging wind and a torrential downpour of
rain occurred in Milledgeville this afternoon. Dr. W. A. Ellison'sresidence
in the city was damaged by a falling tree. Many other trees were blown
down in the city. The storm was so violent that water beat through roofs
and windows and damaged goods in many of the stores. There was an overflow
of the surface sewers and cellars, and business houses were flooded.
At the state sanitarium the storm
was fierce, blowing out several windows in the center building. No loss
of life has been reported. The storm came from the northwest. All telephone
connections with the county are cut off. The Oconee river is rising very
April 11, 1916
Union Recorder
MARRIED - Mr. Frank Moore, of Baldwin
County and Miss Nina Newsome of
Jones County, were united in Marriage Sunday by Mr. J. R. Andrews. The
marriage took place at the home of Mr. Andrews. They commence life with
the best wishes of many friends.
April 25, 1916
Union Recorder
J. T. Ellis did at his home in East Baldwin, at about 5 o'clock last
Wednesday afternoon. He was 72 years of age, and was one of the best known
and most successful farmers of the county.
The funeral services took place
at the residence Thursday afternoon. Rev. Harold Major officiating,
and the interment took place in the family cemetery.
May 23, 1916
Union Recorder
A Negro Killed. Alonzo
Goddard, a negro from Haddock Station, was shot and killed by Robt.
Christian, a white man on last Thursday afternoon about six o'clock
in this city. Christian claimed that the negro was advancing on him with
a knifre when he was shot. Two shots were fired both taking effect and
killing Goddard immediately.
Coroner Newton held
an inquest the jury bringing in a verdict of justifable homicide.
Christian who had been arrested
was released Friday morning.
June 18, 1916
The Macon Daily Telegraph
The wedding of Miss Ruby
Stevens and Mr. Charles Hurt Cone, of Atlanta, was solemnized
at the First Methodist church, Griffin, Thursday evening at 8:30 o'clock.
The church was beautifully decorated in Easter lilies and southern smilax,
together with numbers of white tapers. Just before the ceremony, Mr.
Solon Druken Miller sang the "Heart of You," and "I Love Thee," Miss
Aline Cumming presided at the organ.
To strains of the wedding march,
the bridal party entered from the rear, the bride with her father, Mr.
John H. Stevens. The bridegroom entered with his best man, Mr. Wesley
Cone, of Augusta. Miss Mary Davis, of Decatur, was maid-of-honor, and Mrs.
Lee C. Manley, matron of honor. The briesmaids were Miss Oliva Brown,
of Griffin; Miss Kate Cone, of Atlanta; Miss Valeria Allen, of Elberta,
and Mrs. T. O. Tabor, of Elberton.
The ushers were Mr. Frank Leavett,
of Atlanta; Mr Emmett Barnes, of Macon; Mr. Frank Fraser, of Nashville,
and Col. O. R. Horton, of Milledgeville. Miss Mary Alice Thomas and Miss
Marian Gresham were ribbon girls, and Miss Alice Searcy, the flower girl.
They entered with John Stevens Manley and Benjamin Brown. Hillary Wynne
was the ring bearer. The ceremony was performed by Dr. W. N. Ainsworth,
of Macon.
A large and beautiful reception followed
immediately after the ceremony at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Manley.
Receiving with Mr. and Mrs. Manley were the bridal party, together with
Mrs. J. H. Stevens, mother of the bride. Those assisting he hostess were
Mrs. Augustus C. Buise, Mrs. Benjamine R. Brown, Mrs. T. Hillary Wynne,
Mrs. Augustus Oxford, Mrs. John V. Chunn, Mrs. Richard Deane, Miss Marjorahays
Wolcott, Miss Margarett Blakely, Miss Mary Bass and Miss Marianna Sears.
Mr. and Mrs. Cone left for their bridal trip to the east and north Friday
June 20 1916
Union Recorder
Mr. Leroy
W. Tinsley died at his home in Macon Thursday morning at 7:45 o'clock,
and the funeral services were held Friday afternoon.
Mr. Tinsley was a son of the
late Capt. Howard Tinsley and was born and reared in Milledgeville.
He removed from this city to Macon more that twenty yearss ago. He is well
remembered here by a large number of friends who regret his death.
June 20 1916
Union Recorder
Mrs. Elizabeth E. Hardy, of
Milledgeville, Ga., announces the engagement of her daughter, Bessie
Marie Ennis, to Mr. William Jordan Marshall, of College
Park, Ga., formerly of Ninety-six S. C., the wedding to talke place in
August at the house of the bride's brother.
July 4, 1916
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ Wild Bill Williams, of
moonshine fame, will be tried on an indictment charging hime with the murder
of a negro by the name of Eli Wells,
the killing took place some months ago on the place of Mr. E. E. Bass
the East side of the river.
July 18, 1916
Union Recorder
Wild Bill Williams Found Not Guilty.
Wild Bill Williams, was tried on
the charge of murder in the Superior Court last week, and the verdict of
the jury was not guilty.
Williams was charged with shooting
and killing a negro b the name of Eli Mills (Wells) last year. The
case was called Wednesday morning, and was concluded during the day. Williams
was defended by Col. Hunt of Sparta, and the pros and the prosecution
was conducted by Solictor Campbell.
September 9, 1916
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Prominent Farmer Suddenly Expires Near
Butler While He Is at Work in the Field. Sixty-five Years old.
Butler, Sept. 8 - C.
A. Ivey, a citizen of Butler, 65 years old, was stricken while in the
field hauling hay this morning and died this afternoon. He came from Baldwin
county several years ago and was an upright, honest citizen. Funeral arrangements
have not yet been made A wife and several children survive him.
(Note: 66 years old and buried Salem Baptist
Churchyard, Baldwin County)
September 5, 1916
Macon Daily Telegraph
W. J. Hysler expired suddenly yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock at her
home, 209 Reid street. She was 66 years of age and besides her husband
leaves two sons
C. E. and W. F. Hysler; two daughters, Mrs. G.
L. Hay and
Mrs. J. O. McKinney, also one brother and one sister.
Member of Second Baptist church. Lived Macon eight years, coming from Milledgeville,
where body taken for funeral and interment.
(Note - son Edgar, age 19, died Jan.
1914, buried Fort Hill cemetery, Macon)
September 10, 1916
The Columbus Enquirer-Sun
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Wellborne
left yesterday for Milledgeville, being called there on account of the
death of Mrs. Russell Bone, a sister of Mrs. Wellborn.
Mrs. Bone was formerly Miss Annie
McKinley and was the daughter of Mr. Grey C. McKinley of Milledgeville.
She has often visited here as the guest of her sister, when she was a young
lady and on these occasions she made many friends.
She was a lovely, attractive young
woman who drew friends to her among young and old. She has been married
only a short while.
Her illness has been prolonged for
some weeks and she made a brave struggle for life. Her said death occurred
yesterday morning, she having given her young life for the little babe
which preceded her to the grave.
Mrs. Wellborn returned Friday morning
from the bedside of her sister who was pronounced better, but was recalled
to Milledgeville yesterday morning, stating that she had passed away.
The sorrowing relatives of this beautiful
character have the sincere sympathy of their many friends in Columbus in
the death of this beloved member of the family.
October 31, 1916
Union Recorder
Chauncey Medlin whose home was near the Georgia State Sanitarium, was
found dead in her bed about dark Sunday evening by Mr. Medlin, when he
returned from his work at the Sanitarium. On the pillow near her head was
found a bottle of chloroform about two-thirds empty.
An inquest was held by Coroner
Newton, and the verdict of the jury was that Mrs. Medlin's death was
due to the execissive use of chloroform. She had previously used the medicine
for the relief of headache and it is presumed that on this occasion she
had fallen asleep, leaving the bottle uncorked and had inhaled an excess
of the drug.
Mrs. Medlin, before her marriage
was Miss Florence Wood. She is survived by her husband and two small
November 8, 1916
The Augusta Chronicle
DEAD AT MILLEDGEVILLE HOME. Gentleman Who Was Well Known Throughout Middle
Georgia. Special to The Chronicle
Milledgeville, Ga. Nov. 7. S. D. Maxwell,
age sixty, well known throughout middle Georgia, died at his home here
Saturday night. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon with Masonic rites.
The interment was in the City Cemetery.
November 14, 1916
Union Recorder
Mr. Frank Anderson and Miss Annie
Smith were united in Marriage last Tuesday evening Nov. 7th.
The wedding took place at the Midway
parsonage, Rev. Mr. Sanborn, performed of the Midway church officiating.
Mr. Anderson is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. B. B. Anderson of this county and is employed at the State
Miss Smith is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. L. M. Smith of this county....
....make their home in Midway near the
December 5, 1916
Union Recorder
The daily papers of the state carried
the following announcement:
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Stembridge
Milledgeville, announce the engagement of their daughter,
Mae, to Mr. F. D. Holsenbeck, the marriage to take place at
home, December 26th, 1916.
December 5, 1916
Union Recorder
Mr. John T. Brown and Miss Dora
Bell Stroud were quietly married at the manse of the Presbyterian church,
Saturday afternoon, Nov. 25th, Dr. D. W. Brannen officiating.
Both of these young people have a
large circle of friends who wish for them a long and happy life in the
new relation into which they have entered. Both bride and groom are natives
of this county, having resided near Brown's Crossing.
December 5, 1916
Union Recorder
~excerpt~ Miss
Kate Braxley and Rev. George Adolphus, of Atlanta, were united
in marriage Thursday morning at half-past ten o'clock. Dr. D. W. Brannen
officiating...at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Miller.
...future home in Atlanta.
December 16,1916
Atlanta Constitution
Macon, Ga., December 15 - (Special) Walter
Crawford Stevens, of Stevens Pottery, Ga., died at the home of Dr.
Stapler, on High street, yesterday morning, following an extended illness,
his death brining to an end the career of one of Georgia's most substantial
business men.
Mr. Stevens was a pioneer manufacturer
of clay products and was one of the organizers of Stevens Bros. & Co;,
of Stevens Pottery, Ga.; of H. Stevens Sons Co., and of the Citizens National
Bank of Macon, and served as president of these organizations. Desiring
to devote all of his time to Stevens Pottery, he resigned the other presidencies.
Death came on the forty-sixth anniversary
of his wedding. He was 71 years of age. His wife, who survives him, was
Emmie Davis, of Covington. He also leaves two daughters, Mrs. M.
M. Stapler and Mrs. B. Sanders Walker, of Macon; two brothers,
H. Stevens, of Stevens Pottery, and W. P. Stevens, of Macon,
and three sisters.
The interment was at
Riverside cemetery this morning at 10 o'clock. The funeral was private.
February 23, 1917
Milledgeville News
Mariah King, one of the most widely and favorable known women
in Milledgeville, died at her home on South Wayne street at eight o'clock
Tuesday night from pneumonia.
Before her death, Mrs. King
had been seriously ill but just a few days and it was not until Monday
that her condition was considered serious by her attending physicians,
her illness at that time having reached an acute stage.
Mrs. King was 51 years of age
at the time of her death, having been born and reared in Baldwin county
where she has resided all of her life. Before her marriage to Dr.
King, deceased, she was Miss Mariah Vinson, of the Montpelier
church community. She is survived ny four children, Mrs. J. O. Bloodworth,
Miss Julia Belle Kings, Mr. Wesley King, of this city, Mr. Cosby
King, of Detroit, Michigan, and Mr. Vance King, of Macon, and
also one brother and one sister, Mr. Thomas Vinson, of Cochran,
and Mrs. C. B. Scott, of this city.
The many friends of the family
will extend their heartfelt sympathy in the passing away of Mrs. King,
loved and admiried by her many acquaintances.
The funeral will be held from the
residence this morning at 10 o'clock, conducted by Dr. T. R. Kindall,
interment taking place in the city cemetery.
March 29, 1917
Macon Weekly Telegraph
The Baldwin Blues had to leave eight men
at the base hospital on leaving the border. They were Cook Babb, Corp.
Harrison, Privates Carnes, Bradbury, F. H. Mills, Stallings and Wood.
April 12, 1917
The Augusta Chronicle
Special to the Chronicle. Milledgeville,
Ga. April 11. Mr. W. H. Hunter, storekeeper
for the Georgia State Sanitarium, one of the leading citizens of this city,
and one of the most favorable known families in Georgia, died suddenly
late this afternoon of apoplexy. He was 56 years old, and one of the leading
masons of the state.
April 22, 1917
The Augusta Chronicle
Services Tuesday Morning at 10 O'clock
Thomas Wall, a machinist at the United States Arsenal here for the
past sixteen years and one of Augusta's staunchest citizens, died
yesterday morning at 1 o'clock, at his residence, 1855 Starnes Street.
He was 62 years of age, and had been ill about two weeks.
Mr. Wall was born in Milledgeville,
but has spent the last sixteen years in Augusta. He was a member of Woodlawn
Lodge No. 81, I.O.O.F., and the Masonic Star Lodge No. 99 of Graniteville,
S.C. He was also a member of the Woodmen of the World.
Funeral services will be held from
the Crawford Avenue Baptist Church, Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev.
Thomas Walker officiating. Interment will be made at Graniteville.
The following gentlemen have been
requested to act as pallbearers: Messrs J. R. Goldman, J. F. Holmes,
W. L. Rearden, J. L. Quincy, Jr, W. O. Scott and
J. M. Tyce.
Besides his wife, Mrs Mary Catherine
Wall, the deceased is survived by five sons, W. W., and W. A. Wall
Augusta; W. E. Wall, of Baths, S.C.; T. A. Wall, of Langley,
and J. B. Wall, of Aurora, Ill; one daughter, Mrs. C. A. Smith,
of Columbia, S.C.; one brother, Mr. Lafayette
Wall, of Hephzipah, and one sister, Mrs. Lucy Ergle,
of this city. He also leaves eleven grandchildren.
The automobile funeral procession
will leave for Graniteville for interment immediately after the funeral
April 24, 1917
Macon Telegraph
- excerpt
Twenty-two soldiers of the Second Georgia
infantry who were left at the base hospital at Fort Bliss when the troops
returned home, arrived in Macon last night. The were in charge of Sergeant
LeRoy F. Smith, of Company D. Every man in the party was glad to be back
home again. They arrived in a special car attached to a regular train.
The men had supper at the Metropolitan
restaurant, where they were met a short time after their arrival by Col.
Thomas, Capt. Wall, Lieutenant Butler and Sergeant Sheehan. Transportation
furnished to each man to his home and each will be given time to recuperate.
Those in the party were:
Clifton Babb, Thomas W. Bachelter, Doss
Wood, Thomas S. Mills, Frank Harrison, Company E, Milledgeville.
May 6, 1917
The Augusta Chronicle
Baldwin County To Raise Food. Meetings
Will Be Held in Every Section of the Country This Afternoon to Arouse Interest
of Farmers.
Special to The Chronicle
Milledgeville, Ga, May 5. In order to bring
about a combined effort to combat the prospective food shortage, a movement
has been launched in Milledgeville and Baldwin County to arouse the interest
of every farmer and business man to the extent of directly awakening them
to the exact state of affairs confronting the people at this time.
Meetings will be held in every
section of Baldwin County Sunday afternoon to secure concerted action on
the part of the farmers to raise more food crops, the meetings will begin
at 3:30 p.m and will be held at the following places, with the list of
Bethel - G. C. McKinley, M.M. Parks,
E. A. Tigner, A. A. Tilley
Brown's - M. S. Bell; W. S. Myrick, K.T.
Trilby - J. D. Howard, J. H. Ennis, Rev.
J. C. Wilkinson, T. S. Jeanes
Scottsboro - J. A. Sibley, O. M. Conn,
J. A Horne, Rev. T. E. Kendall
Black Springs - J. E. Pottle, L. C. Hall,
Rev. D. W. Brannen, J. B. O'Quinn
Cooperville - J. T. Allen, J. F.
Bell, L. H. Andrews
It is further expected
that these men and others interested will see to it that every farmer,
white and colored, shall be present at the meeting in his district Sunday
It is known that the progressive farmers
of the county, without exception, are enthusiastically for the movement
of raising more food crops. Among these are Messrs. George W. Underwood,
W. W. Moran, Dr. T. F. Brown, C. W. Ennis, G. A. Collins, A. N. Torrance,
C. R. Torrance, W. B. Richardson, J. L. Bloodworth, W. A. Huff, G. D. Myrick
and many others.
June 15, 1917
Milledgeville News
Mr Lewis McCullar,
age 71, and one of Baldwin county's most widely known farmers, died at his
home in the Camp Creek neighborhood Friday afternoon, after a spell of illness
lasting several months.
In the passing away of Mr. McCullar, Baldwin county loses
another member of the few remaining Confederate veterans.
Mr. McCullar was a native of this county and after serving
throughout the Civil War he returned to Baldwin county and settled down on
his little farm, where he reared a large family. During the past half century
he has been a constant visitor to Milledgeville where he transacted most
of his business during these many years, becoming well known to the people
Mr. McCullar is survived by his wife and eight children, as follows: Mrs. W. R. Weaver, Mrs. H. E. Hall, Miss Jessie McCullar, Messrs. Harvey, J. W., E. L. and J. Smith McCullar, all of this county, who will have the deep sympathy of scores of friends througout this section.
The funeral was held Saturday afternoon, the remains being interred in the Camp Creek cemetery..
August 17, 1917
Milledgeville News
Victim Believed to Have Fired Shot Monday Night that Resulted in Jos.
L. Simms' Death Next Night.
Alva Turner, a
white man about 27 years of age, was shot and almost instantly killed near
Deepstep, in Washington county, by Sheriff Terry, of Baldwin county,
about 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon.
At the time Turner was shot
he was resisting arrest on a warrant sworn for him, charging him with carrying
a concealed weapon.
While it is said no direct
evidence had been obtained identifying Turner as the guilt party, he was
strongly suspected as being the man wanted for the crime of shooting Joe
Simms, a country merchant operating a small store about 3 miles east of
Milledgeville, it being known that he had made it his business to remain
in the particular community for several days.
It is said Simms made a habit
of carrying several hundred dollars about his place.
This crime with which Turner
was suspected as being the guilty party was committed at 8 o'clock Monday
night. From the best information obtainable, it seems that the person went
to the front door of Simms' store Monday night after the place had been
closed and called for the merchant to open the door. Simms responded to
the call and when the door was half opened the man leveled a single-barrel
gun. Simms slamming the door back shut. At this juncture the party fired
the gun through the door, the short inflicting wounds in the left side
of Simms' body, from which he died at 1 o'clock Wednesday morning. The
purpose of the criminal was to rob the merchant, it is presumed.
Turner, who served a
year sentence on the chaingang in Baldwin county about two years ago for
theft, was considered a dangerous character and had been noticed about
the premises of Simms during the last two or three days. Monday morning
he went to a negro house about two miles from Simms' store and ate breakfast.
Later during the day, it is said, he stole the negro's gun, presumably
to commit the crime.
At the time Turner was
shot he was at the home of his father. Sheriff Terry, accompanied by two
deputies got out of his automobile a few hundred yards away from the place
and slipped upon the accused man. Sheriff Terry approached the back side
of the Turner home just before the deputies walked up to the front. Turner,
recognizing the deputies ran into the house, grabbed his pistol and attempted
to escape though the back. Being approached by the sheriff as he reached
the back door, he drew his pistol on the officer while attempting to flee.
At this point the sheriff ordered Turner to halt. Turner advanced a few
yards further and turned on the sheriff again with his pistol and
as he did so the officer opened fire on him with a Winchester rifle, one
shot entering the man's arm and another through the head.
Simms, who was shot Monday
night, lived less that thirty hours after the difficulty took place. Simms
was a native of Stewart county, having moved to Baldwin county about seven
years ago.
October 23, 1917
Union Recorder
Miss Mae
Berry died at the home of her father, Dr. E. P. Berry, at Cooperville,
at noon today after an illness of several days with typhoid fever.
The funeral will be held at the residence
Wednesday, and the remains will be buried in the cemetery in Milledgeville.
Miss Berry was the youngest daughter
of Dr. Berry, and is a sister of Mrs. John C. Ivey, of this city.
She was about twenty years of age, and was popular with a large circle
of friends who loved her on account of her lovable nature, and sweet character.
Her death has caused profound sorrow among those who knew her.
November 23, 1917
Union Recorder
Cline Lingold Passed Away Wednesday After Having Accidentally Shot
Peter Cline Lingold, age fourteen,
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lingold, residing seven miles south of
Milledgeville on the Irwinton Road, died Wednesday afternoon at one o'clock
of blood poison. This was caused by an accidental gun shot wound which
he received two weeks ago. Late one afternoon - it was November the second
- young Lingold was returning home from squirrel hunting and on his way
stopped for a few moments at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Mary Akeridge.
he picked up his gun to leave, the weapon slipped from his hand dropping
on the steps, and discharging, wounded his ankle. Only three hours before
his death was his condition considered serious. The sympathies of all who
know of this sad occurrence go out to the bereaved parents.
November 27, 1917
Union Recorder
Martin, a negro, was shot and killed by Mr. Adams, in the southern
part of Baldwin county last Wednesday.
Coroner Newton was notified
of the killing and held and inquest with the following jurors, Messrs.
Ivey, foreman; W. E. Brown, J. W. Ivey, B. W. Wilkinson, W. R. Ivey
and W. H. Hall.
The evidence showed that the
negro was advancing on Mr. Adams with an axe when he was shot, and the
jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide.
November 30, 1917
Union Recorder
A marriage of cordial interest in
Macon will be that of Miss Louise
Oberly, of McRae, and Mr. Hugh Andrews, of Milledgeville, lieutenant
U. S. A.
The pretty ceremony will take
place Saturday, December 1 at 4 p.m., at the home of the bride's uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell King, on College street.
The attractive bride
will be attended by Miss Elizabeth Cornell, of Birmingham, Miss Hattie
Tracy and little Louise Harris, of McRae.
Both Miss Oberlly and Lieutenant
Andrews enjoy a wide popularity in Macon and their many friends will be
interested in the above announcement of their approaching marriage.
Jane Folds, age 84 years, died Friday night at the home of her daughter,
H. P. Parker, after an illness of several weeks.
Mrs. Folds, besides, being one of
the oldest women in Milledgeville, was well and favorable known throughout
this section and the news of her death will be learned with much sorrow
by those who have known her for so many years, especially, as she was always
recognized as one possessing a true and loving disposition.
The funeral services of Mrs. Folds
were held from the residence Saturday afternoon at three o'clock. Dr.
T. R. Kendall, pastor of the Methodist church, conducting the sad occasion.
Interment took place in the city
December 4, 1917
Union Recorder
Willie Wall, of Murfersboro, Tenn., and Lieut. J. F. Bell, Jr.,
were united in marriage Wednesday, Nov. 28, at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Wall.
The marriage had been planned to
take place some time during the month of December, but was consumated a
month earlier as Lieut. Bell had received orders from the Department transferring
him from Camp Gordon to Fort Sill, Oklahoma. He was selected from the 328th
regiment as special instructor in Bayonet drill, and was ordered to Fort
Sill, where he will receive special instructions for several weeks.
Lieut. Bell is the eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bell of this city, and graduated at G. M. College
as Captain of one of the Companies. He entered the officers training camp
at Camp Gordon las summer, and was commissioned as a lieutenant. It is
reported that his ne assignment will bring to him a new and higher commission.
The young lady he has won for his
bride in known in Milledgeville, having visited Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Robinson.
She is an attractive and sweet young lady.
The friends of Lieut. Bell
extend congratulations and best wishes.
December 4, 1917
Union Recorder
Miss Mattie
Leaptrott and Mr. Roger Smith were united in marriage November
22nd, Judge W. H. Stembridge officiating. The cermony took place at the
home of Judge Stembridge. Both the groom and his bride have been
nurses at the State Sanitarium, and are popular with a large circle of friends.
They will make their home with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson at
December 4, 1917
Union Recorder
Mr. Homer Thompson and Miss Marie
Dominy were united in marriage last Thursday at half past twelve o'clock,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Tanney, Rev. J. C. Wilkinson
December 4, 1917
Union Recorder
FOR MURDER. Ike Nelson Dies as a Result of Pistol Wounds. Henry
White, Bill Stokes and Frank Dumas Chaged With Crime.
Henry White, Bill Stokes
and Frank Dumas, three negroes are now in jail, charged with the crime
of murder.
Nelson, who was shot at a negro frolick Saturday night, Nov. 17th,
at a house a Mr. Warren Edwards' place near this city, died Thursday
night. Nelson was shot seven times, six of the bullets lodging in his body,
and one striking his watch. The three negroes named were accused of the
shooting and were arrested and lodged in jail several days prior to the
death of Nelson.
Coroner Newton held
an inquest Friday, with the following jurors; A. L. Ellison, Foreman;
E. Bazemore, J. R. Smith, C. L. Moore, B. B. Adams, Jr. and C. C.
Dooly. After hearing the evidence of several witnesses, the jury returned
a verdict charging White, Stokes and Nelson with the crime, and a warrant
was sworn out against them charging murder.
December 18, 1917
Union Recorder
Annie May Simpson and Darwin Brake were united in marriage Wednesday
afternoon, at the Methodist parsonage, Dr. T. R. Kendall officiating,
the ceremony being witnessed by only a few relatives and friends of the
The bride is a young
woman of striking personality, and is loved and admired by a large circle
of friends. She recently graduated from the Nurses Training School of the
State Sanitarium.
Mr. Brake is the youngest
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brake, and has just served a second
enlistment in the United States Navy, and has obtained the raik of a first-class
electrician. He has again re-enlisted and will resume his duties on the
battleship Utah.
Mrs. Brake accompanied him
to Philadelphia, and will take a post graduate course as a trained nurse.
December 18, 1917
Union Recorder
Janie Etta Wright and Mr. D. H. Hollis were united in marriage
Friday morning, December 14th at 10:30 o'clock at the Methodist parsonage,
T. R. Kendall officiating.
The bride is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. S. E. Wright, of Hardwick and is a young woman of most admirable
traits of character
Mr. Hollis holds. a splendid
position at the Georgia State Sanitarium, and is help in the highest confidence
by all who know him. Both are popular with a large circle of friends who
join in wishing them much happiness.
December 18, 1917
Union Recorder
Miss Emma
Blackwell and Mr. Wm. J. Barnes will be united in marriage Thursday,
December 20th, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Blackwell. The ceremony will be a quiet home affair, and will be witnessed
by only the relatives and a few friends of the contracting parties.
Miss Blackwell is an attractive
young lady, possessing a striking personality, which has won for her many
Mr. Barnes is the oldest son of Mr.
H. H. Barnes. For the past several months he has made his home in Danville,
Va., but will return to Milledgeville to reside, having accepted a position
with Mr. E. L. Barnes.
December 18, 1917
Union Recorder
Jordan Brown died Saturday, after an illness of several weeks. The
burial took places Sunday afternoon at Camp Creek church, Rev. Z. Speer
Mr. Brown was one of Baldwin county's oldest citizens, and engaged in farming
until the first of this year, when he went to Florida, and spent several
months. He recently returned to Baldwin county. He is survived by several
sons and daughters,
December 18, 1917
Union Recorder
Durden and Mr. T. E. Posey were united in marriage Thursday
evening at seven o'clock, at the home of the bride in Hardwick, Rev.
J. H. Lawrence officiating.
The bride has a number of friends
who love and admire her on account of her pleasant manner and attractive
Mr. Posey is a former resident of
this city, but now holds a splendid position with Atlantic Ice and Coal
Co. operation of Columbus.
Mr. and Mrs. Posey have gone to Columbus
to make their home.
December 18, 1917
Union Recorder
MARRIED, Mr. Eddie Beck and Miss
Clary Beck, of South Baldwin were united in marriage Sunday. Mr. J.
O. Etheridge Notary Public officiating..
December 18, 1917
Union Recorder
Mr. Morris
Youngblood died at his home in Wilkinson county last Friday. The funeral
services were held at Hopewell church in Baldwin county Sunday morning,
Rev. Z. Speer officiating.
Mr. Youngblood was a son of the late
Mr. Cornelius Youngblood and was a native of Baldwin county. He
is survived by a number of relatives.
December 18, 1917
Union Recorder
Miss Gussie
Renfroe and Mr. Walter Terry were united in marriage Monday
evening, December 10th at the Midway Circuit parsonage, Rev. Z. Speer
Both of these young people are popular with a lare circle of friends.
December 18, 1917
Union- Recorder
The most prominent and interest social
event of the week will be the wedding of Mr. G. E. McWhorter and
Miss May DeSaussure, which
is to be solemnized at the home of the bride Thursday morning, December
20th, at 10:30 o'clock.
The bride is the lovely and cultured
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Desaussure, of this city. She is
rich in all of those endowments of mind and character that go to make noble
The groom is a young man of ability
and is held in the highest esteem by all who know him. He occupied a responsible
official position at the State Sanitarium until recently, when he resigned
to become instructor in the Tenth District A & M School, at Sparta,
Georgia. A large circle of friends bid God speed to the happy young couple
as united they face the unknown future.
December 25, 1917
Union Recorder
Claine Walton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hawkins, and Sergt.
R. G. Freeman, of the U. S. Army, were united in marriage at Rossville,
Ga., December 14th, Judge David H. Hixon officiating.
Sergt. and Mrs. Freeman
are in the city visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins.
December 26, 1917
The Augusta Chronicle
Special to The Chronicle. Milledgeville,
Ga., Dec. 25. Julius A. Horne, age
57, mayor of this city from 1900 to 1907, president of the First National
Bank financier and philantropist died here at 2 o'clock today. The deceased
was an alderman of this city four years prior to his election to the mayoralty.
He is survived by his widow and the following children:
Mrs. John W.
Hutchinson, Mr. Capt. Y.A. Little, Miss Mary Horne, Adrian and Lewis, all
of this city.
December 28, 1917
Union Recorder
much interest in the Salem community was that of Miss
Ione Folendore to Mr. Lawrence Harrington, which took place
at three o'clock Sunday afternoon, Rev. J. T. Pettigrew officiating.
Miss Folendore was one
of the most popular young ladies in the community in which she lived in
Jones county, while Mr. Harrington's friends are numbered by the score
in his home place near Salen, being the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Harrington.
January 19, 1918
Macon Daily Telegraph
DYING TREES IN MILLEDGEVILLE ARE USED. Fuel Situation Relieved by Prompt
Action of Authorities -
College Supplied With Many Cords From Unsightly
Milledgeville, Jan. 18 - The extreme and
continued cold together with the scarcity of coal, has served to prove
the old adage - "necessity is the mother of invention." For it has been
discovered that quite a lot of fuel is hard-by here in the old and
dying trees standing on the streets of the city, masking the beauty of
thrifty shade trees - just doing nothing but cumbering the ground.
Acting on the idea that these could
be in the furnaces, furnishing heat and never be missed, Dr. Parks,
of the G.N. and I. College, is providing the institution with a lot of
wood in this way. Besides, he is having delivered fifty cords of wood,
fearing the college's supply of coal might be delayed in transit.
Also the city is using many of the
old trees and having those that were blown down in the recent windstorms
cut up into fine wood.
Milledgeville has felt the coal famine
acutely, though neighborly spirit has prevailed among the people, making
borrowing, lending and giving the order of the day. By this plan they are
succeeding very well in relieving all absolute sufferers.
While it is inconvenient and has
badly disorganized homes, schools, churches and business, people are philosophic
and are resorting to all manners of means to cope with the situation.
January 27, 1918
Macon Telegraph
Jan. 26. John Brown, a negro residing in the eastern section of
Baldwin County, has been ordered held for action by the grand jury as a
result of the killing of Tom Young,
a negro a few days ago. Brown claimed he acted in self-defense, alleging
that Young was threatening him. Only one shot was fired.
February 20, 1918
Atlanta Constitution
Miss Lizzie
Prescott Napier, 64 years old, died Tuesday night at the residence,
53 Kelley street. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. R. M. Rogers,
and two cousins, Miss Alice Napier, of Milledgeville, and George
M. Napier, of Decatur.
Miss Napier was well
known and loved by hundreds of former students of the Georgia Normal
and Industrial college at Milledgeville, where she was housekeeper of the
Mansion dormitory for eighteen years.
The body will be sent today
by H. M. Patterson & Son to Milledgeville for funeral and interment.
Funeral services will be held from the Milledgeville Episcopal church,
where Miss Napier's membership had been since early girlhood.
March 13,1918
Union Recorder
Easly Was Shot Five Times by Otho Landrum Early Sunday Morning, and Dies
Wafe Easley
shot and killed by Otho Landrum, another negro, about four o'clock
Sunday morning at Easley's home just South-west of the Central Railroad
From what can be learned
it seems that the two negroes with others had been gambling during Saturday
night, and Landrum had lost, and in order to get a state had pawned his
pistol to Easly for $1.25. Along in the night, Easley had gone to sleep,
and Landrum took the pistol from him. When Easley waked up he missed the
weapon, and demaned his money or the pistol. Landrum refused to give up
either, and Easley went into and adjoining room and returned with a butcher
knife, catching Landrum by the coat collare he again made the demand of
him, with the weapon drawn; at this time Landrum began shooting, firing
the pistol the first time from his coat pocket. Easly was shot five times,
and his death was instantaeous.
Immediately after the shooting
Landrum left, and has not yet been apprehended.
April 10, 1918
Union Recorder
The remains of Mr. Wm. Brookins will be brought to Hardwick this evening from River Junction Fla, where he died Monday night, April 8th.
Mr. Brookins was until a few months ago a resident of Hardwick,
when he moved to Florida to accept a position. About two weeks ago he came
home on a visit, and spent a short time. A few days after his return to Florida,
Mrs. Brookins, who had continued to make her home at Hardwick, received
a telegraphic message that he was desperatly ill, she left for Florida, and
was with him when he died.
Mr. Brookins was for a long number of years an employee
at the State Sanitarium. He was a member of the Benevolent Lodge No. 3. F
& A. M. and was held in the hightest esteem by his brethren.
His death is deeply regretted by a large number of friends
and acquantances, who knew him as a clever and genial man.
June 5, 1918
The Ledger
Brothers Ready for War. McKinleys, of Milledgeville, Have Three Boys in
Trim for a Fight on the Kaiser.
Mr. Lee C. McKinley, of Milledgeville,
passed through Columbus last night on his way to Camp McArthur, at Waco,
Tex. Major McKinley (as he is called) is not yet 21 years old, but he was
so proficient in military tactics that he made commandant of the cadets
after the withdrawal, at the beginning of the war, of the officer who had
been assigned to this office. At the time of his leaving home he was commanding
the cadets of the Georgia Military college.
Major McKinley was very anxious to
enlist, and when at last he prevailed upon his father to let him go into
the service he was selected by the government from the Milledgeville school
for special training as an aviator, and has been sent to Waco. His bother,
First Lieutenant Guy C. McKinley, is already there under assignment.
He entered Camp Gordon and had his training and received his commission
there and is for the present at the Waco camp. A third brother, Mr. Archie
McKinley, though married, has volunteered and is only awaiting the
summons to join his brothers or go if assigned elsewhere.
A local interest is given these facts
because the three are brothers of Mrs. Marshall Wellborn, of this
city, who is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Goetchius, and before
her marriage was Miss Mary G. McKinley.
Major McKinley spent last night in
Columbus with his relatives, and left for New Orleans this morning at 7:15
June 13, 1918
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Mrs. J.
A. Gunn, aged 54 years, died yesterday at 12 o'clock after a lingering
illness of three years. Mrs. Gunn was born in South Carolina, and lived
in Macon. Surviving, besides her husband, are two daughters, Mrs. Mattie
Ryals, of Scottsboro;Mrs. Stella O'Pry, of Macon. The remains
will be carried to Cooperville, where the funeral and interment will take
June 26, 1918
Union Recorder
the oldest daughtr of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lester, died at the home
of her grand-mother, Mrs. Carrold Smith, in East Baldwin, Friday
afternoon at four o'clock, after an illness of five weeks. She was fourteen
years of age, and was a member of the Baptist church. A sweet christian
girl has gone to meet her sister and brother who had been laid to rest
just four weeks before.
.....She leaves a father and mother, a brother
and a sister, and other relatives and friends who are said without her...........
June 26, 1918
Union Recorder
CARL ALLEN KILLS SELF ACCIDENTALLY. While at Home on Furlough From Camp Hancock Soldier Meets Death From Discharge of Shot Gun.
Carl Allen, member of the
eleventh Machine Gun Company of Camp Hancock, Augusta, accidently shot and
killed himself Monday night, at the home of his mother, Mrs. Louise C. Allen, near Cooperville, in Baldwin County.
Allen came home on a furlough a few days since to visit his
mother, and expected to return to Camp Hancock last night. He was inducted
into the service last September, being among the first drafted men from this
county, and was sent to Camp Gordon. He was later transferred to Camp Wheeler.
He was then sent to Camp Hancock for training in the machine organization.
He was a first class private.
Immediately after the shooting Coroner Newton was notified,
and held an inquest. From the evidence given, the jury rendered a erdict
that the shooting was accidental. The nature of the wound was such as to
show that the gun was discharged while being taken from a rack in which it
had been placed. The evidence was that Allen had gone into the room to secure
the gun only a few minutes before to accompany his grand-father, Mr. J. S. Pearce, out into the field.
Allen was about twenty-five years of age, and before
going into the army, engaged in farming in this county. He is survived by
his wife, who before her marriage last January was Miss Bertha Leslie, of Macon. He also has to brothers and a sister living in Macon.
Immediately after hearing of Allen's death Clerk Cooper notified the officers at Camp Hancock of the accident.
August 14, 1918
Union Recorder
Cooper, was shot Saturday night by Geo. Clay, another negro.
Newton held and inquest Tuesday.
The shooting took place in
the Northern part of the city, near the electric light plant. The evidence
was that Cooper was cursing a negro woman, when Clay entered a protest.
This angered Cooper who followed Clay some distance with a razor in his
hand. Finally Clay shot him. The Coroner's jury rendered a verdict of justifiable
August 21, 1918
Union Recorder
Coroner C. I. Newton was called to Stevens Pottery last Thursday to hold an inquest over the remains of Rich Finney, who died suddenly. The jury returned a verdict that his death was due to natural causes.
August 22, 1918
Augusta Chronicle
The Death of S. W. Roberts.
The other day - last Thursday to be exact - Sterling
W. Roberts died in Milledgeville after having rounded out 74 years
of life, most of which was active and all of it certainly useful to his
fellowman. During the last few years of his life he had been in failing
health and the end came peacefully and quietly at the home of his nephew,
with whom he has resided most of the time since the death of his wife several
years ago.
The history of service
which surrounds the life of Mr. Roberts was one of singular worth and ability.
He was the first president of the Georgia Press Association, organized
thirty-odd years ago, and his guiding hand had much to do with shaping
the course of the organization which has made it such an important factor
in the affairs of the state through all the years and during the entire
career of the association he has watched its progress with increasing solicitude
and interest down to the present time.
In politics he
sought no distinction and yet he had honors bestowed upon him, being the
delegated authority to cast the electoral vote of Georgia when Grover Cleveland
was first named president. He also held an important appointive office
under the president at that time. Most of his newspaper career was in Sparta,
during a part of the time associated with the lamented Sidney Lewis
the publication of the Sparta Ishmaelite, which was one of the best
known of Georgia weeklies.
The passing away of Mr. Roberts
is greatly regretted by hundreds of friends throughout Georgia and those
who knew him best realize the state has lost a valued citizen.
August 28, 1918
Union Recorder
Fraley, of Milledgeville, and Mr. Godfrey Osterman, of Saline,
Kansas, were united in marriage Monday evening, at the Baptist church,
Rev. J. C. Wilkinson officiating. The marriage was a very quite affair,
and was witnessed by only the immediate relatives of the bride.
The bride is the youngest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. Fraley, and is popular with a large circle
of friends, who love and admire her on account of her lovable disposition.
Mr. Osterman has been a member of
the faculty of G. M. C. the past two years as Band Instructor, and teacher,
and is held in the highest confidence by all who know him.
Immediately after the ceremony Mr.
and Mrs. Osterman left for Kansas City and other points West before going
to Salina, Kansas, to make their home.
They have the best wishes of their
many friends.
August 28, 1918
Union Recorder
Baldwin County Has Lost Another Confederate Veteran and Respected Citizen. Mr. Wm. A. Chambers
an old and respected citizen of Baldwin county died at his home near Hopewell
church, Sunday morning, August 25th, at two o'clock.
Mr. Chambers had been in feeble health for a number of years,
having never full recovered from a stroke of paralysis, he had several years
ago. About a week prior to his death he suffered another stroke, which was
the cause of his death.
The funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon by Rev. Z. Speer, and the remains interred in the Sand Hill cemetery, near Hopewell church.
Mr. Chambers is survived by Mrs. Chambers, and three daughters, Mrs. J. S. McCullar, Mrs. Wesley Bloodworth and Mrs. W. C. Evans, and four sons, Messrs. Jim, Rambant, Thomas Chambers of Baldwin and Wm. Chambers of Jones County.
Mr. Chambers was seventy years of age, and, after the civil
war, having served in the Confederate army bravely, he returned home, and
has been engaged in farming. He was known as an honest up-right man and citizen.
He served his generation faithfully.
October 24, 1918
Macon Daily Telegraph
H. Breedlove, well known young Macon man died yesterday afternoon after
an illness of one week of pneumonia. Young Breedlove was born in
Baldwin county, but lived in Macon practically all of his life. For several
years he was with the Southern Express Company. . At the time of his death
he was connected with the Odom Ice Cream Company. Besides his wife and
little boy, he leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Breedlove and
one sister, Miss Josie Breedlove. The funeral services will be held
this (Thursday) afternoon from Jesse B. Hart & Bro's chapel at 2:30
o'clock. Rev. H. M. Fugate officiating. Interment at Riverside cemetery.
November 30, 1918
Macon Telegraph
Polk Hanged at Milledgeville for Murder of Wife in 1914 - Wanted Execution
Hurried. Last Statement Was Thought He Did Right - Father and Brothers
in Crowd Around Jail.
Nov. 30.Clifford F. Polk was
hanged here today in the county jail by Sheriff S. T. Terry, John W.
Burke, J. H. Lawrence and Dr. G. L. Chapman, county physician,
being present. There was no demonstration, though a small crowd assembled
around the jail, among them being the doomed man's father, Berry Polk,
and three brothers. The execution took place at 1 p.m., and the body was
taken down after twenty-six minutes and turned over to Undertaker Persons,
of Monticello, and taken to a local undertaking establishment. It will
be shipped to Monticello for burial in Jasper county.
On January 19, 1914, Polk,
then an employe at the State Sanitarium, murdered his wife in the residence
of J. O. Cooper, who operates a store adjoining his home, near the
sanitarium. At the July term of Baldwin Superior Court, 1914, he was tried
on a writ of lunacy and found sane. The case was appealed to the Court
of Appeals and was reversed. He was again tried and found sane. The case
was again appealed and the verdict sustained.
Convicted in 1917.
Polk was place on trial for
murder in July, 1917, convicted and sentenced to hang. The case was appealed
from this trial and another verdict was sustained by the Supreme Court.
According to those present,
Polk went to his death as stoically as an Indian, voluntarily placing his
hands behine him and his feet together to be bound preparatory to the execution.
His last statement was that he felt he was right in what he did and was
ready to pay the penalty and meet God. At 11 o'clock his father and brothers
visited him in his cell and remained with him for some time. Polk talked
with them, holding religious services and leading in prayer.
At noon, when the sheriff served
his dinner, he requested to be hung right then, but when told things were
not ready, he calmly sat down and ate his dinner.
December 12, 1918
Macon Daily Telegraph
MissMary Batson,
aged 57 years, died at her home, 960 Hazel street, early Thursday morning.
She was ill for some time and the news of her death was not unexpected.
She was born and reared in Baldwin county and has lived in Macon Several
years. She is survived by two sisters and one brother, Misses Alice
Batson, of Macon and W. O. Batson, of East St. Louis, Ill. The
body was carried to Stevens Pottery early this morning for funeral and
Janauary 21 1919
Union Recorder
E. Callaway (Richard Eugene) died at his home on South Jefferson
street Monday night, a few minutes after seven o'clock, after an illness
of a few days with pneumonia. Mr. Callaway is survived by Mrs. Callaway
and six children. At the time of his death Mr. Callaway was employed as
night watchman at the plant of the Oconee Brick and Tile Co. He rendered
faithful service and was known as a quiet and peaceful citizen. For a number
of years he was an employee of the State Sanitarium. He has a number of
friends who regret his death. Arrangements for the funeral services have
not been completed, but will take place Thursday.
Obit provided by Scott
O. Fraser
January 23, 1919
Macon Daily Telegraph
Miss Annie
Jeanes died at the Macon Hospital Wednesday morning at 5:45 o'clock.
Miss Jeanes was a well known and popular young lady and the news of her
death is sadly learned by her many friends. She was born in Baldwin county
and was 24 years of age. She was stricken with pneumonia several days ago
which caused her death. She leaves her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jeanes,
brothers, L. B., and George; two sisters, Mrs. Fountain,
Twiggs county, and Mrs. J. Snipes of Milledgeville, to mourn her
death. The remains will be carried to Ivey Station, Ga., for funeral
and interment.
January 23, 1919
Macon Daily Telegraph
G. E.
Bloodworth, aged 39 years, died at his home, 724 Anderson street, Wednesday
morning at one-fifty o'clock. He was employed by the Central of Georgia
Railroad Company, and was well known here. He was a native of Milledgeville,
Ga., and had been a resident of Macon thirteen years. Mr. Bloodworth died
of pneumonia and was ill only five days. Besides his wife he leaves three
children, Albert, Logan
andG. E., Jr. The remains will be
carried to Milledgeville this (Thursday) morning at seven o'clock. The
funeral and interment will take place from Salem church, near there, this
(Thursday) afternoon at four o'clock. Rev. T. W. Callaway, of the Baptist
Tabernacle, will officiate. The interment will be in the church graveyard.
January 28, 1919
Macon Daily Telegraph
Stephens Pottery, Jan. 27 - The funeral
ofMrs. John H. Stevens, who
died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lee C. Manly, in Griffin,
was held here yesterday. She was 67 years old and had been in feeble health
for several months. She was the central figure in her home and was most
generous and delightful in her hospitality to her many friends and relatives.
For a number of years Mr. and Mrs. Stevens spent much time in Griffin,
where they made many close friends. The deceased was before marriage Miss
Antoinnette Webb, of Newton county, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Webb.
Mrs. Stevens is survived by her husband,
H. Stevens of Stevens Pottery; two daughters, Mrs. Lee C. Manly,
of Griffin, and Mrs. Charles H. Cone, of Atlanta; one grandson,
Stevens Manly, of Griffin, two sisters, Mrs. J. A. Timmerman,
of Atlanta, and T. G. Manley, of Spalding county, two brothers,
J. F. Webb, of Whigham; W. B. Webb, of Atlanta, and several
neices and nephews, among them, Mrs. Benjamin B. Brown and Mrs.
Augustus Buise, of Griffin.
February 19, 1919
Macon Daily Telegraph
Feb. 9 - Mr. J. W. Layfield,
75, died at his home Wednesday morning about 8 o'clock, after a lingering
illness of five years.
He bore his suffering with
all patience and was ready to meet every one with a smiling face.
The funeral took place at 3
o'clock Friday afternoon at the Methodist church, of which he has been
a consistent member for a number of years.
Surviving him are his
wife, Mrs. J. W. Layfield,
and twelve children, Mr. O. D. Layfield,
of Macon, Mrs. McMillian,
Mrs. A. F. Sanford,
of G. S.S.; Mr. R. G. Layfield, of G. S.S.; Mr.
J. C. Layfield,
of Great Lakes, Ill., and seven smaller, who are dependent on their mother.
March 10 1919
Atlanta Constitution
CALLOWAY - The remains of Miss Aquilla
will be taken this (Monday) morning at 6 o'clock to Milledgeville,
Ga. for funeral services and interment. Barclay & Branden Co. funeral
March 25, 1919
Union Recorder
Joe Easton
Sunday night, a few hours after receiving a stab in the abdomen with a
In the early part of the night,
six or seven negro boys, of the age of twelve or fourteen years were going
from their homes to church, and were playing along the Ga. Railroad. Joe
Easton, one of the boys would lag behind and jump upon the back of the
others. Thos. Adams, another one of the boys, opened his pocket
knife and held it with the end of the handle against his back, and when
Easton jumped on hin, the blade stuck in his abdomen.
Coroner Newton held an inquest
Monday, and the jury did not hold Adams responsible for the death.
31, 1919
Augusta Chronicle
to The Chronicle.
Savannah, Ga. March 30 - The body of Capt.
Tomlinson Fort Johnson arrived here Saturday afternoon from Pineora,
where his death occurred Friday morning, and the funeral services were
conducted from the Central of Georgia station, the interment being in Bonaventure
He is the son of the late former
Herschel V. Johnson. He was born near Milledgeville, and his mother,
was Mrs. Mary Polk Johnson, a niece of President Polk.
For years, when a resident of Savannah,
he was owner and manager of the Savannah theater and was widely known to
theatrical people of the nation for many years. He was 74 years of age.
Tallulah Horn, of Augusta, was a sister of Capt. Johnson.
May 6, 1919
Union Recorder
Hill, a negro, was shot and killed Sunday afternoon at Pine Ridge,
in the western portion of the county. Coroner New had an inquest, but it
was difficult for him to secure an evidence concerning the shooting from
the three or four witnesses exaimed. It is believed however, that the shooting
was done by another negro, Charlie Vinson, who recently returned
from the army.
May 11, 1919
Union Recorder
George Hogan
and killed Andrew King
afternoon at the County Line church, in the western part of the county.
King was shot twice,
one of the bullets entering his abdomen, and the othr the left side just
above the heart. The wounded negro was brought to the office of Dr.
Boddie in this city, where he died a few hours later.
Coroner Newton summoned a
jury and held an inquest Monday morning. After the investigation the jury
returned a verdicet of murder against Hogan. Hogan left the place immediately
and has not yet been apprehended.
July 20, 1921
May 24, 1919
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Louis McCullough,
8 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. McCullough,
died last night at the family residence, 279 Elm street. Besides the parents,
two sisters survive. The body will be shipped to Coopers, Ga., this morning
at 5:45 o'clock.
May 27 1919
Atlanta Constitution
Stewart M. Barnett
M. Barnett, aged 62 years, of 146 South Pryor street, died Monday morning
at 8:30 o'clock at a private hospital. He is survived by a sister, Mrs.
E. N. Anderson, of Orange, Texas. Mr. Barnett was born at Milledgeville,
Ga., but had lived many years in Atlanta, having connected with the firm
of J. Regenstien Co. for thirty years. The body has been taken to the chapel
of Greenberg & Bond.
May 28, 1919
Atlanta Constitution
BARNETT - The friends and relatives
of Mr. Stewart M. Barnett are invited to attend the funeral of Mr.
Stewart M. Barnett at the home of Mr. Meyer Regenstein, no. 14 Walker Terrace,
this (Wednesday) afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial Thursday morning at Milledgeville,
Ga. Greeberry & Bond in charge of funeral. Milledgeville papers please
copy. The following gentlemen will act as pallbearers: Z. Webb, Meyer Regenstein,
L. P. Rosser, Sr., Louis Regenstein, T. J. Bryan, J. T. Busbee, Pinkie
Brown and C. W. Heery.
(note: son of Nathan C. Barnett, buried
in unmarked grave, Memory Hill Cemetery)
July 8, 1919
Union Recorder
A death that brought profound sorrow
to the community was that of Mr. G.
A. Gentry, who passed away at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cook,
Monday night, June 30th. The funeral services were conducted by
R. G. Smith, of Milledgeville, and the body was laid to rest in the
Black Springs Cemetery by that of his wife and little daughter.
Mr. Gentry was born and reared in
Greene County, but moved to Baldwin county after the death of his wife,
who was Miss Annie Champion, some twenty years ago. He is survived
by his two brothers, John and Bill Gentry, of White Plains and numerous
friends who mourn his death.
July 18, 1919
Macon Weekly Telegraph
MYRICK KILLED AT MILL. No Details of Death
of Baldwin County Man Known at Milledgeville.
Milledgeville, July 17 - Information was
received here this afternoon that B. B Myrick,
years of age, was killed this afternoon at a sawmill near Gordon.
Myrick is a member of a well-known
Baldwin county family. He is survived by his father, three brothers and
one sister. His father is
J. E. Myrick; his sister is Miss Annie
Myrick, and his three brothers are W. S., Dudley P. and
Myrick. B. B. Myrick lived at Meriweather, which is near Milledgeville.
No details of how he met his death
had been received here tonight.
July 22, 1919
Union Recorder
Charley Foster shot
and killed Bennie Brown Wednesday
at a house on Oconee Heights Ave. in the city. Brown was shot with a pistol,
and his death was instantaneous. Thursday Foster came into the ___and surrendered
to Sheriff Terry that he had killed Brown in self defence.
Thursday afternoon ___summoned a
jury inquest over the remains. There was only one witness, (a__negro woman)
to the shooting and she was located. An investigation __ and the jury from
___ discover decided that he was sitting in a chair when the gun was fired,
and that he ___after falling to the ground.
They returned a verdict ___fect
that Foster was____.
Later the negro woman ___and her
testimony did ___decision of the jury,
(January 20, 1920, Union Recorder.
"Foster was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter, and the
jury recommened that the maximum sentence be fifteen years, and the minimum
one year. The means a sentence of one year in the penitentiary.")
August 3, 1919
Augusta Chronicle
Mr. and Mrs. Miller Stephens
Bell announces the engagement of their daughter Olive
Rebecca to Mr. Charles Milton Davis, the wedding to occur August
27th, 1918.
Miss Bell is a most chrming
and attractive young woman. She is the daughter of the mayor of Milledgeville.
Mr. Davis is a popular young man who has a host of friends.
August 26, 1919
Union Recorder
The body of a man was discoverd
lodged against a raft in the Oconee River about three quarters of a mile
below the bridge, Friday morning, Aug. 21st, by Mr. Adrian Horne
and Burle Briscoe, a negro, who had gone to the river fishing.
the discovery was reported
to Coroner Newton, who with others went to the scene and the body
which was in a partly decomposed condition was gotten to the south bank
of the river. An investigation revealed the fact that there was a bullet
wound through the throat and that the skull had been fractured, there was
nothing on the body by which it could be identified.
Later the body was carried to the
cemetery for burial, the shoes and trousers being kept for the purpse of
ascertaining if possible the identity of the body.
Early in the day it began to be rumored
that Carl Watson, a young white man who resided at a boarding house in
Midway had been missing since Saturday, Aug. 16th, and that there was no
one who knew anything of his whereabouts. An investigation which followed
this rumor found it to be true and establised the fact that the trousers
and shoes were those worn by Watson when he left his home Saturday morning,
stating that the was coming to Milledgeville to go to work.
It is stated that he spent the day
in the city and was here early after dark on that day. It is know that
Watson had a sum of money given him with which to purchase whiskey and
that he left the city in an automobile soom after dark for that purpose.
It is not know what led to the killing
of Watson, whether it was for the purpose of robbing or whether it followed
a disagreement between im and the parties who accompained him on the trip.
However it is believed that Watson was killed and his body thrown in the
river to hide the crime.
Watson came to this city
several months ago from Andalusia, Ala. and since reaching here has worked
at the State Sanitarium, for the Coca-Cola Bottling Co. and for the Milledgeville
Milling Co. About two weeks ago he was married to Miss Lillian Jones,
a nurse at the Sanitarium. She became so worried over her husand's disapperance
that frieds notified her bother in Atlanta of her condition, and he came
after her and carried her to that city Monday of last week.
August 30, 1919
Macon Weekly Telegraph
Milledgeville, Aug. 29 - The highest price
that has ever been paid for farm lands in Baldwin county was a trade in
which H. P. Tucker,
of East Baldwin, bought from Terrance Treanor,
fifty acres at $200 per acre known as the Brook's place just a mile and
a half east of town over the river. The trade was made through J. O.
Bloodworth, the local real estate man.
September 2, 1919
Union Recorder
Mrs. Iverson Golden, of Wilkinson
county, died at the Hall-Little Sanitarium Tuesday morning at one o'clock.
The funeral services were held Tuesday
afternoon, and the interment was in the Camp Creek Cemetery.
Mrs. Golden was, before her marriage,
Miss Hattie Farmer, of
this County. She is survived by her husband and six small children, mother
and several sisters and brothers. Her death is keenly felt by her relatives
and friends.
September 13, 1919
The Macon Daily Telegraph
Loses Fight for White Prisoner. Milledeville, Sept. 12 - A commitment trial
involving some interesting legal phases was heard here today before Judge
Ellison. In the month of July, Henry Amerson and Johan
Abbaglin, a Swede, both citizens of Wilkinson county, near the line
of Baldwin, had a quarrel about a farm road and Amerson shot Abbaglin in
the thigh, the latter bleeding to death from the wound. There was no witenss
to the shooting. The coroner of Baldwin held an inquest and about ten days
afterwards Amerson was arrested in Griffin by Sheriff Terry of Baldwin
county and lodged in jail here, charged with the crime of murder.
Today a demand was made by the authorities
of Wilkinson county in behalf of Amerson to have Amerson transferred from
Baldwin county to Wilkinson county jail and the further legal procedure
in the case be in the latter county, it being contended that the crime
was committed in Wilkinson county. This brought up the discussion of the
line between the two counties, Attorney Erwin Sibley acting for the state.
It was contended by him that everybody reported that the crime had been
committed over in Baldwin and Wilkinson authorities made an effort to act
in the case and Amerson had been captured and lodged in jail to answer
for the murder of the Swede by Baldwin's sheriff and that there was no
definite proof showing in which county the crime was committed, therefore,
the prisoner was in proper custody.
The decision of the judge denied
the motion of Attorney George Carswell and ordered Amerson held
in Baldwin county jail.
Much interest was shown in the trail
of the case and quite a number of citizens from adjoining communities of
both counties were witnesses and spectators.
October 7, 1919
Union Recorder
Spencer was shot by Ed Little Sunday afternoon. The shooting
took place on North Wayne street, about a block south of the Georgia railroad,
a few minutes after the arrival of the train from Macon.
A number of negroes from this city
returned o the train from Haddocks, and it is reported that some of them
were rowing. After reaching the city, Charley Spencer and Johnnie Reeves
the train together. They were followed by Ed Little, who was after
Reeves to shoot him. When Reeves saw him coming he rain, leaving Spencer
Little when he came up turned the pistol on Spencer and shot him. After
doing the shooting Little ran off, but was later captured by Policeman
Bryan and others, and turned over to Sheriff Terry and locked in jail.
Spencer died Monday morning. Blind tiger liquor was at the bottom of the
trouble as all of the parties were drinking.
November 4, 1919
Union Recorder
Miss Gertrude Burt,
a member of the student body of the Georgia Normal and Industrial College,
died Tuesday night about one o'clock. Miss Burt had been ill
several days, and was carried a few days prior to her death to the Hall-Little
Sanitarium , where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. Herparents
were with her at the time. She never rallied, and continued to grow weaker
until her death. Her remains were carried to her home in Tate, Ga.,
for burial. The death caused profound sorrow among the faculty and student
body as Miss Tate (Burt) was a bright and sweet young woman.
December 8, 1919
Union Recorder
Mattie Wood wife of Mr. Homer Wood, died at her home in Macon
Mrs. Wood, was a daughter of the
late Milton Webb of this county, and a sister of Mr. W. A. Webb,
Mrs. John Scoggin and Mrs. Fannie Cowan, of Baldwin County.
They have the sympathy of their friends
on account of the death of their youngest sister.
December 26, 1919
Macon Telegraph
TWO INJURED BY FIREWORKS. Explosion in Milledgeville
Store Burns Harry Bass and Boy.
Milledgeville, Dec. 26. As the result of
the accidental discharge of a quantify of fireworks in the store of Emmett
L. Barnes here today
Harry Bass, aged 22, a clerk in the store,
is in a hospital here suffering from severe burns about the face and hands.
The 16-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Minor is suffering from
badly turn-up hands caused by the sudden explosion of the fireworks.
Young Bass also received
injuries to the eyes and at present the physicians are unable to foresee
the outcome of this particular injury. When the fireworks exploded the
fire department here was immediately called out and the situation was handled
with the spreading of the flames.
December 30, 1919
Union Recorder
Mr. Andrew Gorley shot and
killed a negro by the name of Tom Mims
seven o'clock last Friday night, Dec. 2th.
The shooting was done with
a rifle and took place about a block east of the campus of the Georgia
Military College on Washington St. Immediately after the killing Mr. Gorley
came to the business section of the city, and reported the matter to the
police, bringing with him a pistol which he stated was the negro's, and
that Mims had shot at him. Several chambers of the pistol were empty.
Coroner Newton held an inquest
Saturday morning, the following acting as jurors: Messrs. W. A. N. Bass,
J. R. Stanley, J. R. Black, B. B. Adams, Jr., E. C. Ryles and
C. G. Brown. There were no witnesses to the killing, and Mr. Gorley
in a statement, said that he met the negro who with an oath said he was
going to kill him, and began shooting . He then shot the negro several
times, killing him instantly.
The jury rendered a verdict of justifiable