SMITH, Laura E. - 24 Nov 1893 - 24 Jan 1957 Our darling Laura; beloved wife of T. M. Smith. Inscription on granite
slab which is enclosed by old rusted ornate wrought iron fence with a gate. Slab is sunken/broken in the middle.
ANDREWS, None - No dates. Child sized concrete slab set apart from other grave sites.
BARNES, Irvie - 4 Nov 1879 Aged 9 years and 5 months. Only son of Ensign Barnes. No slab. Ornate granite headstone
adjacent to Bertha Barnes.
BARNES, Bertha - 1 Nov 1882 Aged 16 yr. Dau. of Ensign & Elizabeth Barnes. No slab. Ornate Granite headstone
adjacent to Irvie Barnes.
MILSTEAD, Royal S. - 1896-1978. Amm1 U. S. Navy, WWI & II Government Headstone. Adjacent to Ann Fell Milsted.
Inside 10x50 chain-linked area SW corner of cemetery.
MILSTED, Ann Fell - 10 August 1860 - 8 April 1956. Adjacent to Royal S. Milstead on the left side and an unmarked
child sized cement slab on the right. Inside 10x50 chain-linked area, SW corner of Cemetery.
MILSTED, Leon Willard - 27 May 1891 - 4 December 1958. Florida; PVT BTRY B 321 Field ARTY; WWI. Bronze
turned patina head stone. Immediately to the right are the slabs and name markers for George, Walter, and Swift Milsted.
Inside 10x50 chain-linked are, SW corner of cemetery.
MILSTED, George - Adult sized slab with name marker only. Slab located between Leon and Walter Milsted. Inside
10x50 chain-linked area, SW corner of cemetery.
MILSTED, Walter - Adult sized slab with name marker only. Slab located between George and Swift Milsted. Inside
10x50 chain-linked area, SW corner of cemetery.
MILSTED, Swift - Adult sized slab with name marker only. Slab located to the right of Walter Milsted, the last grave on
the right side of the 10x50 chain-linked area, SW corner of cemetery.
COLE, E. A - 1830 - 1903. Mother. Grave closest to the road (Lillian Hwy.) Near a large oak tree. Granite headstone,
looks new.
RICHMOND, Wm. H. - 4 August 1882 - 14 April 1919. Woodmen of the World Granite Memorial headstone, tall and
elegant headstone.
NELSON, Tommy L. - 5 May 1937- 23 July 1974. Broken concrete headstone has death 24 July 1973; wrought-iron
stand with a hanging sign, has name, DOB, Date of death painted on that lists DOD as 23 July 1974. (Discrepancy in Dates
of Death). Wrought iron sign appears fairly new.
REEVES, Rex Breaton - 27 February 1900 - 3 April 1982. Wifes inscription is below his (Ether Purcell Reeves) as if
buried in the same grave site. There is a large grave stone with Reeves on it, separate and just above the slab.
REEVES, Ether Purcell - 22 March 1885 - 9 October 1961. Wife of Rex Breaton Reeves. Inscription appears just below
the inscription of Rex Breaton Reeves.
PURCELL, Sam T. - 16 October 1882 - 26 March 1954. Grave site is adjacent (to the right) to the Reeves grave site.
UNMARKED: Sunken grave site with 3 small wooden stakes marking 3 corners. Site located just above Irvie Barness
grave site.
UNMARKED: Child sized cement slab to the right of Ann Fell Milsted, inside the 10x50 chain-linked area SW corner of
UNMARKED: Child sized cement slab with cement headstone. No inscription is evident. Grave site is second one to the
right of Ann Fell Milsted in the 10x50 chain-linked area SW corner of cemetery.
UNMARKED: Infant sized cement slab, third grave site to the right of Ann Fell Milsted. Located inside the 10x50 chain-linked area SW corner of cemetery.
UNMARKED: Child or young adult sized cement slab to the right of Sam T. Purcell.
UNMARKED: Sunken grave site with no headstone, slab, or marker of any kind. Located to the left and down from Rex
and Ether Reeves grave site.
UNMARKED: Grave site marked with a rock and small stand of flowers to the left of the unmarked sunken grave site to
the left and down from Rex and Ether Reeves.
UNMARKED: Immediately to the right of the driveway, 1st grave site, no slab, wooden cross appears to be recently
UNMARKED: Immediately to the right of the driveway, 2nd grave site had a slab and flowers at the head.
UNMARKED: Immediately on the right of the driveway, the 3rd grave site is a child sized slab with a wooden cross that
appears to be recently erected. There is a large oak tree to the right of the grave site.
UNMARKED: Immediately on the right of the driveway, the 4th grave site is an infant sized slab with a wooden cross and
small bunch of flowers, the cross appears to have been recently erected.
UNMARKED: Immediately on the right of the driveway, the 5th grave site is a child sized slab with a wooden cross that
appears to be recently erected.
UNMARKED: Immediately on the right of the driveway, the 6th grave site is an adult sized slab with a wooden cross that
appears to be recently erected.
UNMARKED: Immediately on the right side of the driveway, the 7th grave site is a child sized slab with a wooden cross
that appears to be of recent vintage.
UNMARKED: Immediately on the right side of the driveway, second row, is an adult sized slab on the right side, closest to
Lillian Hwy. It has flowers and a wooden cross which appears to be of recent vintage.
UNMARKED: Immediately on the right side of the driveway, there is a grave site second from the right with a wooden
cross with flowers intertwined on it that appears to be of recent vintage.
UNMARKED: Immediately on the right side of the driveway, second row, third site from the right, with one empty space
between the 2nd and 3rd site, is a grave site with a wooden cross of recent vintage with a bunch of flowers on either side of
the cross.