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St. Augustine, 16 March 1860
City of St. Augustine vs. Sam (slave of V Sanchez) violation of city ordinance in carrying a club in the street of said City on the 14 August 1859. The following witness were severally sworn: Albert Pacetti, Jos Irvin, Jas R. Sanchez Sen Jas R Sanchez Jun.
The Court decided the complaint was sustained and fined the defendant in the sum of five dollars and costs, and stand committed until said fine and costs are paid.
Friday 24 Feby 1860
Mayor's Court
Present Paul Arnau, Mayor
City of St. Augustine vs. Sonny Lang (col'd) disturbing the peace
Complaint made and entered by J L Phillips against defendant for disturbing peace of the City on the night of the 23 Feb 1860 and also for making use of improper language.
Upon hearing of evidence produced the def was ordered to receive 20 lashes on his bare back and stand committed until costs are paid. Paul Arnau, Mayor.
Mayors Court
29 May 1860 present Paul Arnau, Mayor
City of St Augustine vs. Sam (slave) belonging to Venancio
Sanchez fighting and disturbing the peace of the City
Defendant appeared and plead guilty to the charge of fighting in the streets of the city on Sunday the 20 inst
Wherefore it was ordered, that the said Sam be punished by immediately receiving 20 stripes, and stand committed until the cost be paid.
City of St Augustine vs. Powel (slave) belonging to Petron? Lopez Fighting and disturbing the peace of the city
Defendant appeared and plead "Guilty" to the charge of fighting in the Streets of the City on Sunday the 20th Inst. Whereupon it is ordered that said Powel be punished by immediately receiving 20 stripes on his back and stand committed until his case be paid. Paul Arnau, Mayor
Mayor Court 23 July 1860
City of St. Augustine vs. Abraham Lancaster (col'd)
Complaint made and entered by City Marshal that said Defendant disturbed the peace of the City on the 21 July 1860 by striking Mary Rody and by beating her.
The Defendant appeared through his Guardian Rafael B Canova whereupon came the following witness by Order of the Court Elizabeth Terrel whose evidence sustained the complaint made.
Whereupon His Honor sentenced the Defendant to be whipped by receiving on his bare back "Twenty Lashes” and stand committed until the cost be paid.
The Prisoner having duly received on his bareback the sentence of the Court, and paid all costs in the case, was discharged.
29 Oct 1860
City of St Augustine vs. Taylor Cobb, slave of Est Nathan Cobb
violation of City Ordinance Fast Riding through the Streets of the City on the 27th Oct 1860
The said Taylor Cobb through James Allen appeared and the complaint having been substantiated, he was fined in the sum of Ten dollars and costs and stand committed until said fine and costs be paid. The said James Allen agent having asked until Saturday evening next to pay said fine and cost, and having become security for the same. It was ordered that he have the said time allotted him, otherwise the ordinance relating to the said offence be put in force --- fine paid.
City of St. Augustine vs. Powell, slave of Wm Lopez
From Breaking Jail
The said slave having been placed in Jail by the patrol having been found in the streets at night on the 28 October 1860. It is Ordered that a warrant be issue for the immediate apprehension of the same, and that he be placed in prison to wait the further order of the court.
29 Nove 1860
City of St Augustine vs. John slave of Estate of T Llambas
Violation of City Ordinance
On this day came G E Llambas agent of T Llambas in answer to complaint made and entered against John, slave belonging to said est for violation of City ordinance by said slave in throwing stones in the streets of he city on the 28 Nov 1860.
The said agent appeared for said John and in answer to said complaint entered plea guilty.
Whereupon his Honor ordered the said John to be punished by receiving 18 lashes and stand committed until said punishment be inflicted and costs to be paid James R. Sanchez Mayor pro tem.
3 Dec 1860
City of St. Augustine vs. Powell, slave of P Lope
Found without a pass
On this day appeared Lope owner of said slave Powell and denied that his said slave was taken in the streets of the City on the night of the 28 October 1860.
And thereupon came Lewis Bricher one of the Patrol who testified that the said Powel was not taken in the streets, but taken out of a house near the Barracks, having no pass and that the said Powel had provoked the Patrol by laughing at them.
Whereupon His Honor decided that the Patrol was justified by the circumstances in taking the said Slave and placing him in jail and ordered that the Marshal inflict on the said Powell 15 lashes and that the costs for the same be paid by the City Treasurer
R B Canova Mayor
City of St Augustine vs. Powell slave of P Lopez
Breaking jail
On this day appeared J Lopez in answer to warrant issued on the 29th day of October 1860 for the apprehension of his slave Powell for breaking the lock of the City Jail on the night of the 28th Oct 1860, and thereby escaping there upon.
The defendant plead "Guilty" to the charge. Whereupon His Honor sentenced the said Powel to receive on his bare back "twenty four lashes" and stand committed until the costs be paid.
R B Canova Mayor
17 Dec 1860
City of St Augustine vs. Hannah Bravo (a slave)
Selling bread contrary to lawful assise
The Defendant though her owner C Bravo fined in the sum of five dollars and confiscation of sixteen loaves of bread at 5 cents per loaf.
It is therefore ordered, that the said defendant pay the said fine and forfeiture amount to five dollars and eighty cents and that in default thereof execution be issue for the recover of the same.
R B Canova Mayor