Welcome to Putnam County Genealogy

E-Mail Lists and Message Boards

The FLGenWeb Project utilizes Google Groups as our E-mail List, Message Board and Query medium. We also provide links to other Boards and Lists as a courtesy to our visitors.

Please limit requests for look-ups to one or two items per e-mail and be specific by providing as much information as possible to the volunteer. There is no charge for these look ups, however you may be asked to reimburse copy fees or other expenses if any are incurred. Any arrangements between you and a volunteer should be made prior to the volunteer incurring any expenses on your behalf. These arrangements are strictly between you and the individual volunteer. The USGenWeb Project, The FLGenWeb and the County Coordinator will not be responsible for any disputes arising from these PRIVATE arrangements.

If you know of a Message Board, E-Mail List, or Group related to Putnam County Genealogy and/or History, please send the link (URL)to the County Coordinator for inclusion on this page.

Putnam County Google Group

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