Pasco County Genealogical Society Virus Info

Pasco County Genealogical Society, Inc.
P.O. Box 2072, Dade City, Florida 33526-2072

Computer Assistance

Keeping up with all the changes in the computer world can be challenging. This page is here to help with a variety of technology issues.

Scanning Tips - scanning secrets and tips to copying and restoring photos and documents. Since we have many pictures and other documents to scan and share with the family, one very good site is listed to help with learning how to get a great scan of these important items.

ZD Net - computer information,tech news, and especially product reviews that are useful when comparison shopping and when you have the product and can't get it to work as advertised. Use the 'search' feature to find something specific you are looking for.

Computer Virus Information

Hoaxes and Scams

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