Pasco County Genealogical Society Queries
Pasco County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box
2072, Dade City, Florida 33526-2072
Please remember, when posting a query or sending a written request that following guidelines can greatly assist you in receiving a response.
- Always include a name, a locality, and a time period.
- Surname should be in CAPS (John FYFE) and in the body of the query, even if you placed it in the subject line. If other spellings have been found they should also be included (John FYFE/FIFE/PHYFE) .
- Clearly state the information you are seeking. For example: Need information on parents of John FYFE. Or, need information on wife of John FYFE. NOT "need all information on John FYFE". People do not usually respond to that kind of request.
- Include enough information to identify your ancestor but not so much it is confusing. For example: If you need a maiden name for the wife of your ancestor, your query could be; Seeking maiden name and parents for Janet, wife of John FYFE who lived in Gillespie, Macoupin Co. IL, 1900-1920. Children of Janet and John were; Janet, David, Arthur, Mary, and Michael.
- Limit your query to one problem and one family at a time.
- Always proofread BEFORE posting.
The following message board is offsite. If you have a problem please contact the message board administrator. To do that, while on the message board site, click on the link that says "Links & Announcements", type an e-mail using the address that shows up in the administrator box.
- Make your letters concise and to the point.
- Provide complete information on an individual and an event for which you need documents. Include all alternate spellings that may have been used.(John FYFE/FIFE/PHYFE)
- List dates and type of event as completely and accurately as possible. If you don't know the exact date, specify the span of years. A two (2) to five (5) year span is usually appropriate.
- Always provide an S.A.S.E., (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope).
- Remember that County offices have limited personnel and Genealogical queries are done as a service outside their realm of responsibility. Be patient and courteous in your transactions with government offices.
Some states require pre-printed forms to be sent with payment and request for records. Florida is one of those states. For information, cost and forms for ordering Vital Records from Florida
go to Dept. of Health and Rehabilitative Services
Pasco County birth and death certificates:
13941 15th Street, Rm 212
Dade City, FL 33525
(352) 521-1450, Ext. 360
Our e-mail address is NOT for queries,query questions will not be answered.
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