If you can survey a cemetery or have any information please email Betty Smith.
WPA Cemetery List
These WPA directions were done in late 1930's and early 1940's, so names
of roads have changed. If you find the starting point it is possible to find
the cemetery from these directons. (I know, I found the Bruner Cemetery
with these directions.) Betty
There is only ONE list for all cemeteries in Jackson Co., FL
The information on Churches has been moved to Church Page
Soil Survey Maps - These can help locate "lost" cemeteries. This sample by Frances Keith
Graveyard census-takers document the forgotten (A story about James Williams and Lon Everett and the surveying of Cemeteries in Holmes, Washington and Jackson Counties Florida.)
Cemetery Committee, Sneads
President: Margaret Zeigher
meets: 3rd Tuesday of each month
place: American Legion Hall, Post 241
2101 Legion Road, Sneads 32460
For information call Patty Sheffield 850-593-5108 after 5pm
Cemeteries that have been destroyed or
If you can add to this list please e-mail.
1. Rocky Creek - African - American - County may have paved over part of this cemetery. Then a mobil home has been put beside of it and part of the yard is the old cemetery. Now a wood lot is being put on top of the rest of it. This Cemetery has at lest one headstone. Last name of POOSER, first name unknown, female. (Check Pooser Cemetery below)
2. Hawley's Cemetery - White - Hawley Cemetery is not under water. But was destroyed. I talked with an elderly Sneads resident who saw the cemetery. It was a family cemetery with an old iron fence around it. It was located on high ground where Seminole Lodge is today. Before Seminole Lodge area was built the area was bulldozed and stuff pushed down to the lower land. When the boat area was dredged that's how the headstones were found. The Hawley Cemetery probably has buildings over it now. The Hawley's at one time owned sections 23 and 24 land. Today the State prison Dairy Farm and Seminole Lodge is on this land. There is a Hawley Street in Sneads today named after the old ones. Wayne N Carpenter
3. Compass Lake - African - American , all headstones stolen. (This happened in Polk Co Fl and years later a house was torn down and the blocks under the house turned out to be headstones.)
4. Greensboro - White, Dr Goddard was buried there and had a big beautiful marble headstone, the owner bulldozed it away.
5. Miles Family Cemetery - White - all heastones were bulldozed
in 1940's. Graves were later moved to Springhill.
Judge Robert McCrary wrote letter to Phillip Farris telling
him to the fence Miles Cemetery, which was on his property and Phillip
Farris was credited with destroying the headstones.
6. Crutchfield Cemetery - White - all headstones were cleared and a field is there now. One headstone has been recently put by the road CSA headstone.
7. The Byrd (Bird) Cemetery - White - on River Road north of Sneads was destroyed during the late 1970s. The cemetery was bulldozed and what remains of the iron fence that surrounded it can now be seen under a pile of rocks.
8. Shores Mill Cemetery - White - Section 7 Township 3 North Range 11 West, located in the South West Quadrant of Jackson County. This is cemetery #175 from the WPA survey. Directions from WPA: From the Atlanta and St Andrews Bay Depot in the town of Round Lake, go north on US 231 for one mile, turn right (northeast) on dirt road and go 1 5/10 miles to cemetery which lies 40 feet on right (east) of road. This cemetery is apparently gone; the location is now planted pines. The cemetery was in existence during the 1940s.
9. Scurlock Cemetery - White - all headstones bulldozed.
10. Cook and Beauchamp Family Cemetery - White - plowed under - not headstones found.
11. Simpson Cemetery - White - Not found today.
Cemetery Search, Jackson Co
If you have a problem finding a ancestor in Jackson Co FL check with
Denise (Kirkland)
Denise has the database with lots of information not on the internet.
Franklin Cemetery Survey : commissioned
Mr. Albert T Franklin, 2963 Woodward St. Marianna, FL 32446.
Mr Albert Franklin
You are the [an error occurred while processing this directive] Visitor
(Since 28 Jul 2001)
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Web Page by
Betty James Smith
27 Oct 1999
Updated by: James L. Edenfield
23 Sep 2008