September 10, 2007


Board meeting called to order by Vice President Chuck McPherson.  President Terri Ohr unable to attend.


Members present included: Dean Robinson, Joe Turner Jr., Joan Turner, Shirley Galatas, Bettie Mease, Chuck McPherson, Helen Wilcox, Bill Wallace John Tsacrios, Pat Moore,  and Lorelei Keif.

Guest present included Guy Balson from the St. Pete/ CLW Film Commission.  He was welcomed by Chuck on behalf of the board.


Mr. Balson made a quick presentation to the board regarding using the Plumb House Museum in commercials and film.  Mr. Balson receives many requests for historical settings and will recommend us if we are interested.  Dean Robinson made a motion that CHS consider opportunities as they arise.  Motion seconded by Pat Moore.  Motion passed.


Minutes of the June 4, 2007 meeting were corrected and approved.


Treasurer’s report given in writing.  Balance as of 6-4-07 was $10060.61.  Letter from Brink’s was read.  It was decided to continue with our contract for now with Bill Wallace looking into other options, to be discussed at a future meeting.




A. Membership Committee- Bettie Mease

Bettie again asked for help in updating addresses.  It was suggested that Mike Sanders include a note in the November newsletter asking for help from the general membership.  CHS could use docents, financial donations, and also help in overall maintenance and cleaning of the museum.


B. Program Committee- Jay Rhodes

Next fish fry is November 3, 2007.  All is set for this.


C. Public Relations Committee- Dean Robinson

Dean presented copies of recent articles featuring CHS. Briefly discussed our yearbook collection.  It was decided that we should continue with this collection.  Bill Justice said he had some volumes to donate.  It was suggested that we contact Verna Daniel at the Pinellas County Historical Society and ask about trading duplicate volumes with them.


D. Museum Committee- Dave Perkins and Mike Sanders

Chuck reported on a recent donation.  Bob and Linda Green donated 2 chairs from the 1880’s.  They made their donation in memory of Winifred Coachman.  This will be noted in the November newsletter and we will look into a brass name plate.

Shirley Galatas shared that her daughter Ruth Ann recently donated an original Plumb House dining room chair.  Shirley’s husband Bob refinished the chair. 

Lorelei reported that her husband Mike was given a covered casserole dish by a customer in his bike shop, Clearwater Cycling.  Customer did not want recognition.  Thank you to all who made recent donations.

Bill updated the board on recent acts of vandalism.  Four windows were broken with multiple panes broken in each window.  Police investigated.  Several railings and spindles were also recently broken.  Bill is re-enforcing the outside woodwork as he replaces it.


E. Artifacts and Documents Committee- Joan Turner

Lorelei shared concern raised by Mike Sanders.  A resident of Harbor Oaks is requesting a variance on renovations and the prescribed setback from the road.  The board approved Mike writing a letter on behalf of CHS opposing this request.  The Harbor Oaks neighborhood association is backing our position.


F. Historical Research Committee- Pat Moore

No report.


G. Fund Raising Committee- Helen Wilcox

Joe Turner stated that prices continue to rise in connection to the fish fry.  He suggested we consider raising the ticket price.  It was decided to keep the price the same for now.  A note will be placed in the November newsletter regarding our decision.  Lorelei asked if anyone knew of a raffle item for the November fish fry.  Pat Moore may know of an item and will report back.


H. Homestead Committee- Anne Epling and Lorelei Keif

Lorelei asked board members to be prepared at the October board meeting to sign up for Saturday shifts for our season.



It was decided that we need a work day before the Tea in October.  Date to be decided at next meeting.  Bill looking into renting a belt sander to repaint our porch floor.




Nomination Committee report shared.  See attached.  Report from committee is a motion.  Bettie seconded the report.  Motion carried.  Position of secretary still open.  A special election will be held for this position with members volunteering to fill in until someone is found.


Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by John.  Motion seconded by Pat.  Meeting adjourned at 9:30pm.


Respectfully submitted,




Lorelei Keif, Secretary