Clearwater Historical Society: Minutes Page

June 7, 2004

Meeting called to order by Bill Wallace at 7:30P.M.

Members present included Joe Turner, Joan Turner, James Coachman, Buddy Gross, Dean Robinson, Mike Sanders, Chuck McPherson, Marvin Moore, Bob Delack, Jay Rhodes, Kathleen Moore, John Tsacrios, Helen Wilcox, Shirley Galatas, Bill Justice, Bill Wallace, Pat Moore, and Terri Ohr. First time attendees were Joe Critchley and Bob Valentine.

Minutes of April 5, 2004, approved as corrected.

Treasurer's Report presented by Buddy Gross. Bank balance as of June 2004, is $3,570.02. Profit from Fish Fry was $2,022.05


1. Membership Committee - Bettie Mease -No report.
2. Program Committee - Jay Rhodes - Class reunions sent thanks to the Historical Society for the fish fry. They thought it was great. Still in need of different location for November Fish Fry. Jay will contact City of Clearwater for any options they might offer.
3. Public Relations - Dean Robinson -All publicity is continuing.
4. Museum Committee - Jim Coachman - Roof replacement has begun by Harlan Johnson. Additional plywood and siding was needed as more repairs were needed than originally expected. This increased the cost to $11,300. The cost of the new roof was covered by the funds in our treasury. No bank loan was required. Helen Wilcox moved and Dean Robinson seconded the approval for the additional expense of the roofing repairs. Dean Robinson moved for sincere thanks to Bill Wallace, Jim Coachman, and Dave Perkins for overseeing the roof replacement and deciding course of action to take as different problems arose.
5. Artifacts and Documents Committee -Joan Turner - Donation of C.H.S. 1916 and 1917 yearbooks. Joan suggestion donations of C.H.S. class rings would be a nice display for the Plumb House. John Tsacrios said that St. Pete High has a case display of their rings and he would like to see Clearwater High have something similar
6. Historical Research - Pat Moore - Mike Sanders has found that the State of Florida does not reflect evidence of the Plumb House past 1982. He will send information to bring records up to date. Mike will also make contact concerning the Plumb House being listed with the National Historic Registry. Pat Moore needs exact date of opening of the original Clearwater High School on Greenwood. Bill, Mike or John will get the date for her.
7. Fund Raising - Helen Wilcox - Novelties sold well at the fish fry. She will continue to work on negative of map drawn by Kathleen Plumb to have printed in matte finish for sale in the future.
8. Homestead Committee - Anne Epling - No report.

Mike Sanders and Bob Delack set up the displays for the Historical Society at the new Clearwater Library. The displays are on the fourth floor for all to see.

Laddie Irion created a banner with the Clearwater Historical Society's logo that was used at the fish fry by the cooking area. Our thanks go to Laddie for this donation.

John Tsacrios is still checking on grant possibilities for the Plumb House.

There is still a need for volunteers to help complete the repairs and painting on the Plumb House. Dates are to be determined and members notified.


Nomination Committee for next year's Board of Directors will be John Tsacrios to head the committee of Dean Robinson, Jim Coachman, and Chuck McPherson.

The Ducros House is back on the selling block. Costs to move and set up became astronomical and Jill Heath was unable to proceed. Mike is pursuing all options to prevent demolition. City says they do not have funds to help on this venture. The City tends to feel it is up to the private sector to resolve. Joe Critchley is interested in seeing it enjoyed by the public. He has a lot on Woodlawn that could be used if that was an option. Bill Wallace has asked the city if it can be moved to the same land that the Plumb House is located on. Bill and Mike will continue to pursue options.

Motion made to adjourn by Helen Wilcox and second by John Tsacrios at 8:50.

Pat Moore, Secretary Pro Tem