Clearwater Historical Society: Minutes Page

April 7, 2003

Meeting called to order by Bill Wallace at 7:35P.M.

Members present included Buddy Gross, Joe Turner, Mike Sanders, Kathleen Moore, Bettie Mease, James Coachman, Marvin Moore, Lorelei Keif, Shirley Galatas, Anne Epling, Beanie Korosy, Bob Delack, Dean Robinson, Jay Rhodes, Sarah Lynn White, Bill Justice, Everett Daniel, Bill Wallace, and Terri Ohr.

Minutes of March 3, 2003, minutes approved as read. Motion to approve made by Dean Robinson, second by Bettie Mease.

Treasurer's Report presented by Buddy Gross. Bank balance as of April 7, 2003, is $7,904.04. Donations have been received from Rev. and Mrs. Robert Galatas, Bennie Greshan, and Molly Justice Wainscott. Motion made to approve report by Bill Wallace, second by Dean Robinson.


1. Membership Committee - Bettie Mease -Some returned mail from membership notices. Asking for help locating members that have moved.
2. Program Committee - Jay Rhodes -Everything set for Fish Fry in May.
3. Public Relations - Dean Robinson -Any suggestions for other avenues for publication, please contact Dean. Art Council has requested information about the Historical Society from Bill Wallace. Katie Moore is always adding information and updating our website. Take a look at it-
4. Museum Committee - Jim Coachman -Two roofing companies have been out to make estimates for the roof. Dave will get back to us with that information.
5. Artifacts and Documents Committee -Joan Turner -Heritage Village donated a 1934 City of Clearwater directory.
6. Historical Research - Pat Moore -No report.
7. Fund Raising - Helen Wilcox - Joan Turner has order for new polo shirts and new hats for the Fish Fry under control. Mike Sanders will create a visual reminder of the need for roof contributions at the Fish Fry.
8. Homestead Committee - Anne Epling - Still need volunteers for Sat. hours in April for the Plumb House. Please contact Bill or Anne if you are able to be there.

The Clearwater Library is meeting with Bill Wallace on April 17 to discuss the possibilities for displays by the Clearwater Historical Society at the library.
The request for a change in development codes for the train station has been withdrawn for the present time. Mr. Thomas is reevaluating the options.


Bill introduced Sarah Lynn White as a new member of the advisory board. Sarah's mother is Scarlett Meyer.
The city is still undecided on the name for the "Town Pond".

Motion to adjourn meeting made by Jay Rhodes at 8:30. Second by Dean Robinson.

Terri Ohr