Charlotte Harbor Cemetery History

Charlotte Harbor Cemetery


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The oldest known grave in the Charlotte Harbor Cemetery is that of Joel Knight who died 18 September 1879. Louisa Curry, who died on the 15th of November 1883, is also buried there. These are the two oldest known graves in this cemetery and both were buried when the Charlotte Harbor area was in Manatee Co.  In 1887, Manatee County was subdivided and the cemetery became part of the newly formed Desoto County. On May 1st 1908, Matthew F. Giddens and his wife Mary E. deeded the land that the cemetery now occupies to the Trustees of the First Methodist Church of Charlotte Harbor for the specific use as a cemetery. This church, known today as the Trinity United Methodist Church, is thought to be to oldest church organization in this area.  Actually in 1870 when the church was established, Charlotte Harbor was called Hickory Bluff.  The cemetery is well maintained and its records are currently in the possession of Calvin and Karen Hall.

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