Hatchet Creek / Pons Cemetery Alachua County FL
Hatchet Creek / Pons Cemetery
Data gathered by Paul & Dot Cox  and James & Susie Bonnell, Smith, Holt  on 30 Sept. 1999
Additional information on this Cemetery by Jonnie Silas Ownbey
From Gainesville, go north on SR 24 (Waldo Rd.) toward Fairbanks.  Turn right at N.E. 73rd Ave. Go to end of road (about 3.7 miles) to gate.  Cemeteries are about another half mile down this trail.

Note:  These cemeteries are on private property and a key must be obtained to enter.
There seems to be four or more small cemeteries dotted through this area of woods.   Susie Bonnell, Smith, Holt grew up on the adjoining land.  Her father was once plowing in one of his fields and plowed up human bones.  Susie remembers that when she was a girl there was another small cemetery about 75 ft. to the south of the Hatchet Creek / Pons Cemetery and there were several wooden markers in this area.  There is no trace of these markers today.

This Information may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons, without consent from Dot and Paul Cox 
Surname  Given Name  Birth Date  Death Date  Comments 
Smith  Dennis Berry Pete  9/3/1934  3/21/1993  From paper Funeral Home marker
Pons    1925  1925  infant of Robert & P.M. Pons 
Pons  Robert Wilbert  6/3/1920  1/21/1921   
Smith  James W.  1936  1991   
Smith  James N.       
Scanlon  Rosa Bell  2/7/1895  5/11/1957   
Padgett  Clyde Lee Sr  7/25/1920  1/21/1987  US Navy WWII 
Padgett  George  5/25/1895  11/12/1978  US Army WWI 
Padgett  Gertrude  12/24/1897  6/20/1962   
Smith        Infant of Perry & Willie Mae Smith 
Fowler  Harrison H.  2/5/1911 1/6/1979   
Fowler  Lannie Nobles  5/8/1914  1/26/1941   
Nobles  Alvin Oscar  8/15/1882  7/25/1948   
Nobles  Carrie  4/23/1893  5/29/1935   
Nobles  Alvin Harold  7/17/1930  11/18/1931   
Nobles  Baby  1915  1915   
Ponds  Sim (Simeon)  1/8/1882  9/8/1937   
Ponds  Louise  8/4/1887  4/12/1929   
Ponds  May Louise  5/16/1915  3/16/1917   
Warren  Albert D.  4/12/1927  10/5/1947  Fla. Pvt. Infantry 1st Div. WWII 
Parker  Ruth Pons Cox  8/14/1909  2/27/1989   
Warren  Ottis Elmer  4/28/1902  3/16/1936   
Warren  Ruth Virginia  11/12/1934  2/2/1935   
Cox  Josephine Jane 3/16/1937  3/28/1938  Infant of Joe & Ruth Cox 
Silas  Rachel Christeen  1/6/1945  6/?/1945   
Pons  Thurman Pete  10/6/1929 5/11/1952  
Taylor  Baby  10/12/1935  10/12/1935   
Pons  Avery M.  6/30/1908  5/30/1948   
Pons  Salome  2/13/1920     
Pons  Thurman P.  1909  1950   
Pons  Peter  12/7/1875  2/4/1911   
Pons  Susie  1858  1916   
Pons  Jacob  1850  1927   
Note:  There are about 25 graves with only a cinder block on each.  1 grave marked with a brick and an old vase.
About 60 feet form the East of the Pons Cemetery is another small cemetery surrounded by an old falling wooden fence.  There are several unmarked sunken graves, some have seashells on them.
Surname  Given Name  Birth Date  Death Date  Comments 
Donaldson  W.F.  2/10/1875  12/17/1901   
Donaldson  W.H.  7/9/1837  7/24/1902   
Kite  Mattie S.  4/10/1877  6/16/1901   
Sparkman  H.P.A. Prevatt  5/16/1816  8/25/1896  w/o John Sparkman 
Sparkman  John  1/31/1812  6/27/1863   
Sparkman  A.J.  12/28/1851  11/?/1861   
Massey  Kisiah Sparkman  3/4/1849  5/?/1882  w/o A.C. Massey 
There is an area enclosed by a chain link fence.  In it are 3 small markers with no information on them, and 4 sunken graves with seashells on them.  Also in this fenced area are the following.
Raulerson  Gennie Spurlock    8/19/1900  
Raulerson  Cornelia  3/31/1900 9/29/1900  
Raulerson  Peter E.  8/29/1870 10/3/1871  
Raulerson  Hardee  5/21/1832 11/21/1884  
Raulerson  Hardy M.  8/19/1874  7/22/1932   
Sparkman  Peter    11/?/1870  54 yrs. 5 mos. 29 days 
Sparkman  Mary Clement    11/2/1898   
Massey  J.H.  8/28/1844  12/7/1884  Behind the chain link fence 
From the northwest corner of the Pons Cemetery go north about 110 feet to another cemetery.  We found 2 cement slabs under years of pine needles and leaves.
Gatlin  Lucy F.  3/11/1862  9/29/1906   
Gatlin  Ezekiel  6/10/1853  6/24/1919   
Notes on Hatchet Creek Cemetery by Jonnie Silas Ownbey.   
          My Mother was Ruth Parker.  Her maiden name was Ponds.  Her and her parents are buried in the Pons Cemetery.  Her parents were: Sim (Simeon) Ponds  and  Louise Conway Ponds.  Note that her parents name is spelled PONDS.  Therefore Ruth Parker's maiden name was also spelled Ponds.

          Ruth Parker was also married to John F. Silas.  They had two children.  I am their daughter.  The second child is buried in the Pons Cemetery.  Her name was Rachel Christine Silas.  I have a copy of her birth certificate and the spelling of her middle name should be Christine not Christeen.  Rachel Christine was the infant daughter of John and Ruth Ponds Parker Silas.

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