The word "colcannon" comes from the Irish-Gaelic word cal ceannan
literally meaning: white headed cabbage.
1 lb 10 oz. green cabbage
1 lb. 2 oz. potatoes.
Small bunch spring onions.
6 fl.oz.milk.
1/8 teaspoon mace.
Salt, and freshly ground black pepper.
2 to 3 oz. butter.
Cut the cabbage into quarters and cook in salted, boiling water until
just tender. Drain and let cool. Boil the potatoes until tender, drain
and mash them. Dice the spring onions, discarding the green. Simmer the
white part in milk until tender. Add to the mashed potato, beat until
smooth. Dice the cabbage and add to the potato. Season. Put into serving
dish, make a well in the centre and add the butter. Serve immediately.
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