How to Turn Off HTML in email
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Newsgroups and email lists are plagued by folks who don't seem to know that they can turn off the HTML in their email programs. Lovely to look at, indeed, if you have a matching program and want to spend all that extra space! But very ugly when seen as code instead of the beautiful thing you think you've sent!!

Check it out! How to TURN OFF HTML!  which list etiquette requires :) Details here. Quick fixes below:
Reconfiguring Microsoft Internet Email Program:

Open Microsoft Internet Browser;
Click: "Mail" Icon;
Select:  "Read Mail";
Click: "Mail" along the top of the email screen;
Click: "Options"
Select the: "Send" tab;
Go to: "Mail Sending Format";
Select: "Plain Text";
Click: "Settings"
Select: "Uuencode";
Click: "OK";
Click: "Apply";
Click: "OK"

Reconfiguring Microsoft Outlook Express Email Program:

Open Microsoft Outlook Express;
Click: "Tools"
Click: "Options"
Select the: "Send" tab;
Go to: "Mail Sending Format";
Select: "Plain Text";
Click: "Settings" opposite "Plain Text"
Select: "Uuencode";
Click: "OK";
Click: "Apply";
Click: "OK"

Using Netscape Communicator (Netscape 4.x),
from the menu select "edit"
then from that menu select "preferences."
From that screen select "mail & groups" then "messages."
Under '"messages properties" make sure the
box "by default, send HTML message" is NOT selected.

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