Error Codes and Dealing with Them
What Error Codes Mean
and tricks to handle them!
400 Bad Request -- Server doesn't recognize the URL. Double check to
see that you've typed it correctly. Usually there's no colon after
the "http" or only one slash after it, things like that.
403 Forbidden Pages -- You're not being allowed access, for whatever
404 Not Found -- It could be that the page you're searching for has
been deleted, or its name has been changed or modified on the server.
You can try deleting portions of the URL, starting at the end, and
see what comes up.
File Contains No Data -- There are many reasons you could get this,
including the fact that there's nothing there. Try again later.
Failed DNS Lookup -- This could mean that you've incorrectly typed
the URL or that the server you're trying to reach is down or too
busy. Check the URL and try again!
503 Service Unavailable -- Similar to the message above. The page is
there, but isn't accessible at the moment. Hitting Reload or Refresh
a few times may solve the problem.
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