County Armagh
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County Armagh
Armagh Branch Library, Market Square, Armagh
Irish Studies Library in Armagh which has 20,000 volumes
including a pamplet collection from the late 18th and early 19th century and
the Francis Crossle Manuscript collection on the Newry area -- it has
200 notebooks the doctor compiled containing HISTORIES OF FAMILIES IN
The Armagh Diocesan Archive
is open by appointment only. It contains the records of the Roman Catholic
diocese. Papers up to 1900 have been indexed. It has the papers of the
Roman Catholic archbishops from the late 1700's. Cardinal
O Fiaich Library houses this
collection. The diocese also operates the Armagh Records Centre. It prefers
requests by mail. Has computerized database but not currently accessible
to public. It is computerizing pre 1900 Catholic parish records from the arch-
diocese of Armagh. It covers 60 Catholic parishes in Armagh, a large part of
Tyrone, and all of Louth. It has a brochure you can write for explaining
Armagh County Museum
The Mall East
Armagh BT61 9BE
N. Ireland
Irish and Local Studies Dept.
Central Library
Royal Avenue, Belfast
Southern Library Board Headquarters
Brownlow Road
Craigavon, Co. Armagh
County Armagh Ancestry
42 English Street, Armagh, BT61 7BA
Journal of the Craigavon Historical Society (annual)
The Hon. Secretary, Craigavon, Co. Armagh
Seanchas Ard Mhacha: Journal of the Armagh Diocesan Historical Society
(annual), Charles Dillon, Moyard, Dungannon
Co. Armagh
Protestant (Church of Ireland)
Loughgilly records start in 1804,Seagoe in 1683 and Shankill in 1874. All of
these are under 'LC' or Local Custody but there might be some at SLC.
Catholic records for Loughgilly start in 1825,Seagoe in 1836 and Shankill in
1822. These are available at SLC.
For Co. Armagh during the period 1837-1847 there is the Tithe Applotment
Survey...The Armagh Freeholders List,SLC film # 1279330. Both are available
at the SLC...There are other records but they are only available in Ireland.
Outside your paramiters there is a 'County Armagh-Persons entitled to vote'
period 1851-1873, SLC film # 1279325.
For 1852 there is"Registry of Voters in Armagh,Lower
Fews,Tiranny,O'Neiland East and W.etc. SLC film # 1279235 (same as above).
County Armagh On Line
Co Armagh Data
Co Armagh Church Records
FHLC Film Numbers for the 1911 census index
Armagh Church of Ireland Records 
Armagh Methodist Church Records 
Armagh Miscellaneous Genealogical Records 
Armagh Presbyterian Records 
Armagh County Roman Catholic Records 
Other Sources
IGW, NIGW - Co Armagh
Mailing List:[email protected]
Northern Ireland References
The web site for the
Scotch-Irish-L mail list from Rootsweb.
NIR - County Armagh
Ulster American Folk Park
Civil Parishes of County Armagh
Armagh Family Heritage Centre
computerizing parish records
Provides search service for a fee.
See TIARA for customer comments
Records - available for purchase
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Fianna Thanks Dianna Hanson for her donated materials.
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