The George Nelson Marshall Line

The George Nelson Marshall Line

The picture below is from Bob and Leigh Glazier of the Adgate Marshall line. It contains: (Granddad) George Marshall b. 1840 and son of Robert W. Marshall the immigrant; wife Emma Edgerton Marshall (Grandma) b. 1847; unknown, but she looks like a family member so maybe it's daughter Minnie Rater; daughter (Aunt) Maggie Marshall; son (Uncle) Frank Marshall. Bob: "Aunt Maggie and Uncle Frank were their children (Leigh's Aunt and Uncle) not the civil war veteran. Emma did have a brother Frank in the war but this is not him." From the dress and hairstyles this must have been taken before World War I. Notice what looks like a scar above George Marshall's right eye; this seems to match one of the pictures on the Marshall Mystery Pix page.

The Emma Edgerton Marshall above was the half-cousin of my ancestress Laura Cordelia Edgerton as shown in this descendant chart:

Philip Edgerton
+ Mary Hall (first wife)
  Hiram Edgerton
    Laura Cordelia Edgerton
    + Robert William Marshall
+ Narcissa Osborne (second wife)
  Benjamin Edgerton
    Emma Louise Edgerton
    + George Nelson Marshall

And George Nelson Marshall was the brother of Robert William Marshall. As well as being the father of Adgate Marshall:

Adgate Marshall

Mary Catherine Spacht (Mrs. Adgate Marshall) at High School Graduation in NE

And here's another picture of Emma Edgerton Marshall, daughter of Benjamin Edgerton, courtesy of Bob and Leigh Glazier: