The Fay Family: Lucia Fay Greenwood

Letter from L. A. Greenwood
to her brother Lucius Fay
From the archives of Pat Freese
Return to John 1777 and Lucius
[to: Mr. Lucious Fay Woodhull, Henry Co. Ill.]
Springfield Feb 12
Dear brother and Sister
You will be surprised to learn I am out here in Illinois after all these years. I am surprised myself. I will tell you how it is. Lucia and her husband have lived out here about four years. He, Mr. Watts is Superintendent of the Woolen Mill. Paul my youngest Son lives here. He came a year ago last December. They wanted we should come out last summer, and we were getting ready to come last August when about the Tenth of the Month I met with a sad misfortune. I fell and broke my hip. I stept up on the lounge to kill some flies on an oil painting and when I went to step down I caught my foot in my dress and fell. it is now Six months since and I get round some on crutches. The Dr. said I would do well if I walked in one year. It seems pretty hard. I still suffer a good deal of pain. We have been out here about two months.
I received a paper from you that had been East and they sent it here. I was so sorry to hear of your Mother's death.* I had been hoping if she were still living I should see her again, but we are all growing old and passing away.
And now dear brother and sister how has it been with you in all these years. I suppose them children are all grone up and got married by this time. how I wish I could come and see you and I should if I had the use of my limbs. if you have any pictures of any of the family I wish you would let me see them.
I sent you a paper as soon as I received the one from you. I think I directed as I use to to Woodhull. So if you get this I shall expect to hear from you. How about Norman and his family. Tell me about the. and please tell me about all the folks that I use to know. When did Aunt Rhoda die? and George where is he?
Well, I wont write any more till I know you get this. Oh is there any one here at the legislature from your place that you know.
Lucia sends love
with much love from
your sister
L A Greenwood

direct box 305
Notes: Lucia (Fay) Greenwood was an older sister of Lucious and Norman Fay.

* "Your mother" probably refers to Eliza (Woolley) Cone, mother of Emeline (Mrs. Lucious) Fay. Eliza W. Cone died November 9, 1882 at Woodhull, IL., making 1883 the probable year of the above letter, but neither the letter nor the postmark give the year.)

The Lucia mentioned in "Lucia sends love" is Lucia Watts, Lucia Greenwood's daughter.