Jerome Fay (1837 - 1912) And his Descendants |
John Fay John (OPF #2) (11/30/1669 - 1/5/1747) son of John and Mary Brigham Stephen (OPF #35) (5/5/1715? - 5/17/1781) son of John and Elizabeth Wellington Stephen married Ruth Child (1704 - 1802) on 5/7/1734. They had 11 children. An outline descendant tree for Stephen may be found here. |
John (OPF #117) (12/23/1734 - 8/16/1777) son of Stephen and Ruth Nathan (OPF #592) (11/15/1750 - 2/18/1838) son of John and Mary Fisk Truman (OPF #1748) (b. 1/29/1806) son of Nathan and Mary Safford |
The identification of Jerome the guide and mountaineer in California with Jerome the son of Truman is based on census data. Further material will be added here as found. |
California, 1856, by J.H.Colton (detail) |
image copyright � 2002 by Cartography Associates used with permission |