The Fay Family: Elon Phay

Elon Phay
And his Descendants
Contributed by Claire McDonald and Lynn Brud
Descendants of Elon and Lydia Phay: Overview
The Search for Elon
and the Phay brick wall
Seldom has a line been so well researched for so long a time without someone's being able to break through the 'brick wall' and reach the previous generation. Both Lynn and Claire have worked on this line extensively, but the best they have been able to do so far is to say who his parents are NOT. Records in Vermont and in New York have been searched for clues, with no positive results. Perhaps someone will see this now, and be able to help.
The following summary was sent to me by Claire, but it may well owe part of its detail to Lynn. I believe that the two have worked together and compared notes from time to time. I am not going to give all the details of the documentation or of the search here. Both Claire (Claire's tree) and Lynn (Lynn's tree) have published the results of their searches and findings to RootsWeb. Their sources are given and many entries have full discussions. What I will do here is to give a summary of the results.
The census lists Elon's birth in NY from 1790 (1860 census) to 1794 (1850 census)
  • Wife #1 Lydia _____ per Deeds Grantor index from Huron County, OH, mother of his children, in deeds dated from 1821 to 1844
  • Wife # 2 Flavilla (Disney Snair) from above source
  • Wife #3 Lorraine (Rowley Foote) above source
Children whose marriages are recorded in Huron County:
  • Lydia, 1815 (Jacob DeHaven 1836)
  • Eliza, 1817 (Solomon Dell 1835)
  • Charles, ca 1822 (Hannah Winn 1846; Sarah Newman 1854 not in Huron)
  • Joshua, ca 1824/25 (Sarah Ann Phenix 1845)
  • Stephen Rowley 1827 (Rebecca Crawford 1844)
  • Malinda, 1830 (Aaron McKinzie 1847)
  • Daughter Laura, 1820 was married in Sandusky County (Allen McKinzie)
First known census:
1820 Lyme, Huron, OH Elow Phay 000010-30010
Elon, Lydia, Lydia, Eliza, Laura
Elon first bought land in Huron Co in 1819. In his 20's had $200 to pay for land (inheritance?) He bought and sold land in Huron Co with names on deeds Fay and Phay, Elon, Elun, Elan, Eben. He died in Porter County, IN, no record available because of a courthouse fire there. But he was in the 1860 census and partition papers are dated 1861--so between census in 1860, dated 19 Sept, and 16 Sept 1861 when partition papers were filed.
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