Adam and Asa Walker Fay Census Data |
Adam Fay (1770 - 1843) Asa Walker Fay (1838 - 1915) Benjamin Chapman Fay (1867 - 1954) Harrington Brainard Fay (1898 - 1969) |
1820 census |
Adam Fay married Elizabeth Hastings and was living in Barre in 1820. Adam was 50; Elizabeth was 56. They had 7 children, of whom Arad, b. 1803, a. 17, Daniel, b. 1805, a. 15, and Adam, b. 1808, a. 12, were living in 1820. The census lists his household as follows: males: two 10-16; one 16-26; one 45+ females: one 45+ |
1830 census | ||||||
The 1830 census has mysteries. Two of Adam's sons now have their own households. David (Orlin calls him Daniel, but the census records call him David)(age 25) had married Isabella Upton Walker, who was born in 1804 and was 26 in 1830. males: 15-20; one 20-30; females: one 15-20; one 20-30 Who is living with David? one male and one female, both 15-20. It can't be Adam Howe; he is 22 in 1830. He is probably living with his father still; but the census page for Adam b. 1770 has not yet been found. | | Arad is now the head of his own household. The census records the household as follows: | males: one under 5; one 30-40; females: two under 5; one 5-10; one 30-40 In the census of 1850, Arad is said to be 50 and Mary, his wife, 55; that would agree with the ages here. The three girls are Betsey, 5; Alice, 4; Alunia, 3. The name of the son is not known; he is not living with them in 1850. He must have been born between 1828 and 1830, and died in infancy. | |
1840 census |
Listed under "Adam" as head of house, we find: one male in each category: under five; 10-15; 15-20; 30-40; 70-80 one female in each category: under five; 5-10; 40-50; 50-60 It looks as if we have Adam b. 1770 and Arad living in the same household here. The males would be Asa Walker (3); Arad (40); Adam (70); and the females would be Sarah (8), Alunia (13), Alice (14), Betsey (15), Mary (45) and Esther (46). This does not agree at all with the census count, however. ******************* [Arad: 40; Mary 45; possibly a son 5-10; female one 5-10 (Sarah); three ten-15 (betsey, alice, alunia)] ******************** David is listed separately: males one 10-15; one 30-40; one 40-50; females one 10-15; one 30-40 If David (35) is the male 30-40, and Isabella (36) the female in the same category, who are the other three in the household? The 1840 census entry for Arad has not yet been found. [Arad: 40; Mary 45; possibly a son 5-10; female one 5-10 (Sarah); three ten-15 (betsey, alice, alunia)] Adam Howe is also listed separately. Note that there is a boy between 10 and 15 who does not appear later. Adam's exact age is uncertain. males: one under 5 (Charles, 1); one 10-15; one 30-40 (Adam, 31); females: two under 5 (Sarah, 3; Harriet 4); one 20-30 (Julia, 27) |
1850 census |
Adam Howe and David are still living in Barre. Adam is 39 [41?], Julia 37, children Harriet 15, Sarah 13, Charles 10, John 6. Next door to Adam Howe is the household of David, 45, Isabella (born Walker), 46, Esther, 56, Asa, 13, Eliza 14. It is clear that Esther, after the death of Adam in 1843, has moved in with David and her younger sister Isabella. |
Arad's family is now living in Springfield, Hampden County. Arad is 50; Mary is 55; Betsey, 25; Alice, 24; Alunia(?), 23; Sarah, 18. |
1880 census |
Census Place: Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts Source: FHL Film 1254536 National Archives Film T9-0536 Page 28A Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Asa W. FAY Self M M W 41 MA Occ: Trav. Salesman Fa: MA Mo: MA Anna S. FAY Wife F M W 41 MA Occ: Keeping House Fa: MA Mo: MA Lillian G. FAY Dau F S W 16 MA Occ: At School Fa: MA Mo: MA Benj. C. FAY Son M S W 13 MA Occ: At School Fa: MA Mo: MA D. Edwin FAY Son M S W 3 MA Fa: MA Mo: MA |
Census Place: Barre, Worcester, Massachusetts Source: FHL Film 1254562 National Archives Film T9-0562 Page 57B Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Isabella U. FAY Self F W W 77 MA Occ: Keeping House Fa: MA Mo: MA Harriet GATES Other F W W 44 MA Occ: Boarding Fa: MA Mo: MA Gilbert H. GATES Other M S W 14 MA Occ: At School Fa: MA Mo: MA |
Isabella Upton Fay, the widow of David. |
Census Place: Fitchburg, Worcester, Massachusetts Source: FHL Film 1254567 National Archives Film T9-0567 Page 520C Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace John H. FAY Self M M W 36 MA Occ: Carpenter Fa: MA Mo: VT Georgie A. FAY Wife F M W 35 MA Occ: Keeping House Fa: MA Mo: MA Winfred H. FAY Son M S W 13 MA Occ: At School Fa: MA Mo: MA Clifton H. FAY Son M S W 11 MA Occ: At School Fa: MA Mo: MA Herbert C. FAY Son M S W 2 MA Fa: MA Mo: MA |
This is the John H. on page 337 of Orlin, son of Adam Howe, with his wife. Also in this household are three of their children; according to the 1900 census, they had four and three were living still in 1900. |
1900 census |
Asa W. is living with wife Anna and son David E. in Deerfield, MA. He is 62, born Aug. 1838; she is 61, born Sept. 1838; David is 23, born March 1877. They have been married 38 years. She has borne three children, all born in MA and all living. |
Asa's son Benjamin Chapman is head of his own household in Holyoke, with his wife Mary, born Feb 1870, son Harrington, born March 1898, and daughter Lilian, born Oct. 1899. (7 months at census). He's a machinist, they have been married for three years. |
John H. and Georgania A., together with Alice M. Fay, their daughter-in-law. |