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FAY (Faye), Abigail and Israel Janes, May 2, 1765.(*)
Abigail and Amariah Holbrook of Sturbridge, Oct. 1, 1815
[dup. in later handwriting, in B.].(*) [Abigal of B. and Amaziah Holbrook of Sturbridge, C.R.]
Cyrus and Sarah Chapwell, Dec. 23 [1778].(*) [Dec. 23, 1778, C.R.]
Elijah and Lucy Allen, May 31, 1775.(*)
Esther and Joel Barrows, Sept. 29, 1791.(*)
Jabez and [int. Mrs.] Mary Parker of B., Feb. 1, 1835.
Jude and Sarah Fairbanks, Jan. 30, 1777.(*)
Lucy and Rufus Bates, Dec. 24 [1789].(*) [Dec. 24, 1789, C.R.]
Lucy and Levi Thompson of S. B., Apr. 19, 1814 [dup. in
later handwriting, in B.].(*)
Matilda and Jonathan Chapin, Dec. 18 [1794].(*) [Dec. 18, 1794, C.R.]
Matilda C., 20, of B., b. B., d. William and Mary, and Horace Green, 28, farmer, of Wales,
b. Wales, s. Jonas and
Sophia, June 3, 1847, in B.
Nathan (Faye) and Tirzah Nichols, Jan. 9, 1812.(*) [This entry
in later handwriting.]
Olive and Solomon Munger Jr. of S. B., May 29, 1823.(*)
Thankful and Amos Fuller, (???) [Dec. --, 1778, T.C.].(*)
[Dec. [23], 1778, C.R.]
(*) Intention not recorded.
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FAY, Thomas and Esther Chapwell, Jan. 14, 1779.(*)