[NF23234] Allen, Elizabeth married Ford, Allen on 14 Jun 1846 in Cedar County, Iowa
Name: �tab�John Wesley Ford
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�20 Dec 1870
Event Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Marriage Date Note: �tab�Date of license 19 Dec 1870
Spouse: �tab�Lydda C. Ayres
Reference Number: �tab�pg 328, cn 1626
Film Number: �tab�295229
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016261
Image Number: �tab�687
[NF23245] FORD, LEVI A GRIMM, MARY J 1895-01-23 2 /215 1471 DOUGLAS
Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900
Name: �tab�CLARK, WARREN
Spouse: �tab�FORD, SUSAN D.
Marriage Date: �tab�4 Oct 1860
County: �tab�Hancock
State: �tab�OH
Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900
Name: �tab�FORD, WILLETTE L.
Spouse: �tab�MOREY, MARY C.
Marriage Date: �tab�6 Aug 1893
County: �tab�Auglaize
State: �tab�OH
Urbana Citizen and Gazette October 30, 1908
Abstracted News From Mechanicsburg by Fifty-Seven
Mr and Mrs P J Burnham gave a reception Friday evening in honor of Miss Lois Neer, who will leave next Saturday for San Francisco to wed Mr Vincent Burnhan
Name: �tab�Vincent H Burnham
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�04 Nov 1908
Event Place: �tab�, Los Angeles, California
Gender: �tab�Male
Age: �tab�22
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Father: �tab�P J
Mother: �tab�Laura B Hunter
Spouse: �tab�Lois E Neer
Spouse's Gender: �tab�Female
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Spouse's Father: �tab�Fred
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Sallie Wilson
Reference Number: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�1033214
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4540562
Image Number: �tab�00319
Name: �tab�Hubert O Brecount
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Birth Year: �tab�abt 1884
Birth Place: �tab�Ohio
Marriage Date: �tab�22 Dec 1917
Marriage Place: �tab�Detroit, Michigan, USA
Age: �tab�33
Residence Place: �tab�Detroit, Michigan
Father: �tab�Stonage
Mother: �tab�Emma
Spouse: �tab�Andrey A Brodbeck
Spouse Gender: �tab�Female
Spouse Race: �tab�White
Spouse Age: �tab�23
Spouse Birth Place: �tab�Ohio
Spouse Residence Place: �tab�Detroit, Michigan
Spouse Father: �tab�Mathias
Spouse Mother: �tab�Abrenda
Record Number: �tab�157163
Film: �tab�138
Film Description: �tab�1917 Wayne - 1918 Eaton
name: �tab�Otto Brown
event: �tab�Marriage
event place (standardized): �tab�Mercer, Ohio, United States
event place (other): �tab�
age: �tab�36 on April 29 1918, clerk
estimated birth year: �tab�1883
birth date: �tab�
birthplace: �tab�St Paris, OH
father: �tab�David E Brown
father's titles & terms: �tab�
mother: �tab�Elnora Sromley
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse: �tab�Iva House Heistan
spouse's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse's age: �tab�24 on Aug 24, 1918 , divorced, married name House
spouse's estimated birth year: �tab�1895
spouse's birthplace: �tab�Mercer Co, OH
spouse's father: �tab�John Heistan
spouse's father's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse's mother: �tab�Lula Harris
spouse's mother's titles & terms: �tab�
reference number: �tab�
film number: �tab�2366954
digital folder number: �tab�004017778
image number: �tab�01252
Citing this Record "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images,
FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/K3LY-VPK : accessed 29 Oct 2012),
Otto Brown and Iva House Heistan, 1919; citing reference , FHL microfilm 2366954.
Name: �tab�Jerry E. Devore
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�19 Jul 1899
Event Place: �tab�Warren County, Ohio
Age: �tab�24
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1875
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�John M. Devore
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Alice Clapp
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Etta Bolmer
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1880
Spouse's Father: �tab�Isaac Bolmer
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Jennie Earnhart
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�CN 4174
Film Number: �tab�384269
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016618
Image Number: �tab�479
Name: �tab�Albert F. Finney
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�01 Nov 1922
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�34
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1888
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Wm. C. Finney
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Nancy C. King
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Mary Richeson
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�34
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1888
Spouse's Father: �tab�Samuel D. Richeson
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Mary E. Stransburg
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�508
Film Number: �tab�545417
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016846
Image Number: �tab�176
Name: �tab�Martin L. Leamman
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�05 Apr 1928
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�74
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1854
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Daniel G. Leamman
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Elizabeth Miller
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Emma V. Sayler
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�65
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1863
Spouse's Father: �tab�John Prince
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Rekcca Flowers
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�89
Film Number: �tab�545417
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016846
Image Number: �tab�448
Groom's Name �tab�Ora S. Spain
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1904
Groom's Birthplace �tab�North Lewisburg, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�20
Bride's Name �tab�Roma D. Evans
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1905
Bride's Birthplace �tab�, Cable, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�19
Marriage Date �tab�01 Aug 1924
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�C. H. Spain
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Zella Lane
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Jasper Evans
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Murtie Durnell
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Clarence W. Cartmell
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Mabel L. Millner
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1896
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�26
Marriage Date: �tab�22 Feb 1922
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Minor Cartmell
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Nancy Wilson
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�C. D. Millner
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Nellie Rowsom
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M86852-8
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0545417
Reference Number: �tab�2:3VPV674
Mar 21 1867
Md in Mechanicsburg, 26th Feb by Rev J W Mason, Azel (sic) A Freeman and Miss Anne Curl
6/11/1884 Min bk 41 pg 141
Elizabeth Freeman vs Aelxander Freeman for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted, minor child, $300 alimony
Concord Items January9, 1879
Midway between the beautiful villages of St. Paris and Millerstown, near the site of the old Dutch meeting house, stands one of the handsomest and most pleasantly situated country residences in the west end. Not only does the external appearance of the building attract the attention of the traveler, but all the surroundings are marked for their convenience and general comfort. It stands at the top of the many hills that skirt the southern boundary of the Nettle creek valley and commands one of the most lovely landscapes to be found in that locality. It is the home of our life-long friend, Mr. Lemuel Pence, a former citizen of Concord township. Having received a very cordial invitation to be present on New Year*s day, we went thither and found near one hundred persons assembled to witness the marriage of his only daughter and niece. We found the interior of this elegant home duly arranged for the occasion. Soon after our arrival we were assigned the care of the many presents donated to the happy pairs. Promptly at half-past two o*clock the organ sent fortha beautiful wedding march, under the direction of Mrs. Dr B. F. Baker. Meantime the brides and grooms, under the direction of their attendants, were wending their way through the various rooms to the spacious parlor, where Rev. J. Steiner, assisted by Dr. J. F. Marlay, officiated, and Mr. J. W. Byler of Kingston, and Miss Allie Pence and Mr. Rush R. Clawson, of Butler county, and Miss Colon C. Hair were united in holy bonds of matrimony. Attendants, Mr. B. F. Miller, of West Liberty, and Sallie Powell, of Concord, and Mr. Henry Kurtz, of Wayne county, and Miss Ella Vail, of Hamilton. Among the presents we noticed a very fine silver butter dish to Mr. Byler by Messrs. Miller brothers, Weirman, Gerrard, Mast, Winters and Conrey; two fruit dishes by Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Snapp; two glass pitchers by Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Arrowsmith; one family Bible by Mr. Henry Byler; one clock by B. D. Byler and F. Knippenberg; two wall pockets, donors unknown; two silver butter knives by Sylvester Pence; silver spoons by M. Kurt; two fascinators by Mr. and Mrs. S. T McMorran; two dozen napkins each by Mr. and Mrs. I. Arrowsmith and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Brubaker; one castor each by Allie to Colon and Colon to Allie, Immediately after the conclusion of the ceremony the parties repaired to an adjoining room, where the presents were presented by T.S. McFarland with appropriate remarks, assisted by Maj. T S. McMorran. Then came one of the most excellent dinners that it has been our pleasure to look upon. The day was as pleasant as heart could wish, and every one present enjoyed the occasion to the fullest extent. New Year's day, 1879, will long be remembered as one of the most pleasant in the history of those participated. The reception was given at the residence of Mr. Henry Byler, near Kingston, on the eve of the 2nd. .
Groom's Name: �tab�M. Will Haymaker
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�05 Dec 1869
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�West Lebanon, Pa.
Groom's Age: �tab�49
Bride's Name: �tab�Victoria Steinberger
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�04 Sep 1879
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Donnelsville, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�39
Marriage Date: �tab�24 Aug 1918
Marriage Place: �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�O. H. Haymaker
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Narcissa Hazlett
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Lafayette Steinberger
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Ellen Sides
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�Ziegler
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M02314-4
Marriage records-book 12, page 456 Clark County, Ohio
Andrew J. MILLER to Rose CURTIS
Andrew J. MILLER, 50 years old, resides at Springfield, Ohio. #2, County of Clark, state of Ohio, was born at Springfield, Ohio on 1 March 1856, occupation is laborer, fathers name David MILLER, mother Mary BURNETT, he had been married once.
Rose CURTIS, 28 years old, resides at Springfield, was born at Springfield, Ohio on 7 March 1868, father Jacob A. CURTIS, mother Nancy TOLAND.
Marriage solemnized on 25 Oct 1906 by Reverend Leonard
Groom's Name: �tab�Charles W. Cookston
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1879
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Adams Tp.
Groom's Age: �tab�26
Bride's Name: �tab�Mary Birkhold
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1885
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Adams Tp.
Bride's Age: �tab�20
Marriage Date: �tab�12 Oct 1905
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�John Cookston
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Eliz. Huffman
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John Birkhold
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Katherine Jenkins
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Marion Herman Hostetler
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1895
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�22
Bride's Name: �tab�Ima Christine Hoffman
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1894
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�23
Marriage Date: �tab�25 Apr 1917
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�D. S. Hostetler
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Emma S. Zook
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�J. E. Hoffman
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Florence Dorsey
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Ann Porter Hunter died August 15, 1819. Nathaniel Hunter married for his second wife. Mrs. Mary Ward, whose maiden name was Hunter. To this un-
ion two children were born, viz: Maria and Hester Ann Hunter.
Groom's Name: �tab�Harvey Swisher
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Salem, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Jennie Irene Johnson
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�6-29-1882 Champaign Co, OH
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Salem, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�42
Marriage Date: �tab�12 Jun 1925
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�J. H. Swisher
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Tabithia Dunlap
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�J. E. Mast
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Minnie Stonebreaker
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�widow
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�Johnson
Name: �tab�Robert G. Duncan
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�04 Apr 1906
Event Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Age: �tab�21
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1885
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�James Duncan
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mary Given
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Ruth Instine
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1888
Spouse's Father: �tab�Wm. Instine
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Elizabeth Moyer
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�P-285 # 1669
Film Number: �tab�530190
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016811
Image Number: �tab�181
Groom name: Howard M. Griffith
Groom race or color (on document):
Groom age: 19 years
Groom birth year: 1901
Groom birth place: Alma, Michigan
Bride name: Myrna Fern Wheeler
Bride race or color (on document):
Bride age: 19 years
Bride birth year: 1901
Bride birth place: Posenkill, N.Y.
Marriage type:
Marriage date: 12 Jun 1920
Marriage place: Lansing, Ingham, Michigan
Father of groom name: Stephen Griff...
Mother of groom name: Mary Evikze
Father of bride name: Wm. E. Wheeler
Mother of bride name: Lillie E. Osborn
Marital status:
Groom previous wife name:
Bride marital status:
Bride previous husband name:
Additional relatives:
Film number: 2342737
Frame number:
Digital GS number: 4032390
Image number: 245
Reference number: v 3 p 245 rn 1700
Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925
record title:�tab�Ohio, County Marriages, 1790-1950
name:�tab�Warren Arthur Plumer
event date:�tab�21 Apr 1917
event place:�tab�Franklin County, Ohio
estimated birth year:�tab�1887
father:�tab�Samuel O. Plumer
mother:�tab�Clare E. Hill
spouse:�tab�Agnes L. Mott
spouse's age:�tab�33
spouse's estimated birth year:�tab�1884
spouse's father:�tab�Cyrus W. Mott
spouse's mother:�tab�Miranda J. Kennard
digital folder number:�tab�4017592
[NF23393] Ohio marriages Albert D Smith 7-Sep-1926 to Ethel A Body Sexauer Clark Co Ohio he is the s/o John B Smith and Sarah Baynard. She is the d/o William O Bodey & Allie Anspaug
room's Name: �tab�Joseph M. Zimmerman
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Julia Poorman
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1855
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�46
Marriage Date: �tab�02 Sep 1901
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Isaac Zimmerman
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Eliza Miller
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John Poorman
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Nancy Nichols
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Name: �tab�Charles A. Magovern
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�02 Mar 1917
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�24
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1893
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Andrew E. Magovern
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Della Carpenter
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Winnie Wilson
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1895
Spouse's Father: �tab�George Wilson
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Emma Pence
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p277
Film Number: �tab�545416
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016845
Image Number: �tab�179
Groom's Name: �tab�Everett E. Thornton
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1893
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Lawrence Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�24
Bride's Name: �tab�Florence E. Cost
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1893
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Elizabeth Tp., M., O.
Bride's Age: �tab�24
Marriage Date: �tab�20 Mar 1917
Marriage Place: �tab�Troy, Miami, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�George W. Thornton
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Mahaska Massie
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�S. P. Cost
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Lily Mumford
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Name: �tab�Orland Everett Ryman
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�05 Jun 1920
Event Place: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Age: �tab�20
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1900
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�John W Ryman
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Lydia Getz
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Catharine Louise Gebhart
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�17
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1903
Spouse's Father: �tab�Oliver W Gebhart
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Ada Beakler
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�13479
Film Number: �tab�465401
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016781
Image Number: �tab�156
Name: �tab�Chester Lewis
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�21 Mar 1916
Event Place: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Age: �tab�22
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1894
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�David Lewis
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Lillie Porter
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Margaret Hallan
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1897
Spouse's Father: �tab�Daniel Hallan
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Caroline Haner
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�V26, CN 10316
Film Number: �tab�465399
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016783
Champaign County, Ohio Newspaper Abstracts "The Ohio State Democrat", "The Urbana Citizen and Gazette" and the "Urbana Free Press" May 1855 to 1871 (March 2000 Champaign Co Genealogical Society P O Box 682, Urbana, OH). Ohio State Democrat, The Urbana Citizen and Gazette, and Urbana Free Press
Pg 147 Oct 4, 1866
Md Wayne Twp 27th ult by W Hunter, George R Wade, 66th OVI and Miss Sarah E Wren.
Champaign County, Ohio Newspaper Abstracts "The Ohio State Democrat", "The Urbana Citizen and Gazette" and the "Urbana Free Press" May 1855 to 1871 (March 2000 Champaign Co Genealogical Society P O Box 682, Urbana, OH). Ohio State Democrat, The Urbana Citizen and Gazette, and Urbana Free Press
Pg 149 Nov 15 1866
Md 8th Nov by N Rhodes, Esq, Thomas Berry and Miss Louisa Wren
Name: �tab�Simeon Wren
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�13 Feb 1873
Event Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�Date of License 11 Feb 1873
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Fannie Jane Houdyshelt
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Spouse's Father: �tab�
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�pg 421, cn 10296
Film Number: �tab�295229
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016261
Image Number: �tab�734
[NF23435] Gideon and brother Lawrence married on the same day
Name: �tab�Mr. Nick Nimsgern
Marriage Date: �tab�22 Nov 1896
Marriage Location: �tab�Ozark, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�Ozark
Spouse Name: �tab�Miss Victoria Bonol
Father's Name: �tab�N Nimsgern
Name: �tab�Iva E Nemsgern
Age: �tab�21
Birth Date: �tab�abt 1901
Marriage Date: �tab�6 Nov 1922
Marriage Location: �tab�Jackson, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�Jackson
Spouse Name: �tab�Lee Jennings Crider
Spouse Age: �tab�22
Spouse Birth Date: �tab�abt 1900
Name: �tab�Miss Emma Nemsgern
Age: �tab�23
Birth Date: �tab�abt 1874
Marriage Date: �tab�23 Dec 1897
Marriage Location: �tab�Howell, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�Howell
Spouse Name: �tab�Mr. Ison Wilson
Spouse Age: �tab�21
Spouse Birth Date: �tab�abt 1876
Name: �tab�John E Nemsgern
Marriage Date: �tab�17 Mar 1916
Marriage Location: �tab�West Plains, Howell, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�Howell
Spouse Name: �tab�Miss. Alta M Fox
[NF23457] A wedding trip was taken in a new spring wagon.
Groom's Name: �tab�Ben H. Clem
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1892
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Johnson Twp.
Groom's Age: �tab�40
Bride's Name: �tab�Nancie V. Clark
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1900
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Wayne Twp.
Bride's Age: �tab�32
Marriage Date: �tab�20 Jul 1932
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Malcolm Clem
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Ida Yarm
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Will C. Clark
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Clara Swesher
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
[NF23466] Lawrence and brother Gideon married on the same day
Gideon Landaker
Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994
marriage:�tab�22 Jan 1885�tab�Greene, Ohio, United States
spouse:�tab�Kate Ekin
Groom's Name �tab�Thomas A. Winters
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1874
Groom's Birthplace �tab�, Putnam, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�27
Bride's Name �tab�Lizzie Crow
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1875
Bride's Birthplace �tab�, Wood, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�26
Marriage Date �tab�09 Dec 1901
Marriage Place �tab�Hancock, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Eli Winters
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Martha Prickins
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Alvin Crow
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Rebecca Evilsiger
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Parker
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02367-4
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1299108
Reference Number
name: �tab�Homer F. Mitchell
titles & terms: �tab�9/21/1929
event: �tab�Marriage
event place (standardized): �tab�Champaign, Ohio, United States
event place (other): �tab�
age: �tab�32
estimated birth year: �tab�1897
birth date: �tab�
birthplace: �tab�Johnston Twp.
father: �tab�Frank Mitchell
father's titles & terms: �tab�
mother: �tab�Addia Feaster
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse: �tab�Edrie Marie Beaty
spouse's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse's age: �tab�22
spouse's estimated birth year: �tab�1907
spouse's birthplace: �tab�Jackson Twp.
spouse's father: �tab�John Beaty
spouse's father's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse's mother: �tab�Hattie Jenkins
spouse's mother's titles & terms: �tab�
reference number: �tab�112
film number: �tab�545417
digital folder number: �tab�004016846
image number: �tab�00504
Citing this Record "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X8C2-PB6 : accessed 23 Oct 2012), Homer F. Mitchell and Edrie Marie Beaty, 1929; citing reference 112, FHL microfilm 545417.
Name: �tab�Harry Emmett Russell
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�14 Jul 1917
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�35
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1882
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Leonard Russell
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Eveline Smith
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Myrtle O. Richeson
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�31
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1886
Spouse's Father: �tab�Charles Pond
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Martha Sills
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p321
Film Number: �tab�545416
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016845
Image Number: �tab�202
Name: �tab�Harvey James Gates
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�30 Sep 1919
Event Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio, United States
Age: �tab�28
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�3-17-1891 Logan Co, OH
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Daniel Gates
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Retta Slusser
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Maggie A. Irwin
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�16
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�2-10-1903 Champaign Co, Concord, OH
Spouse's Father: �tab�Ira Irwin
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Martha Jervis
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�1030
Film Number: �tab�545416
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016845
Image Number: �tab�303
Name: �tab�Carlton G. Johnson
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�27 Apr 1921
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�19
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1902
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�William H. Johnson
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Rose M. Lippencott
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Ruth Pauline Taylor
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1903
Spouse's Father: �tab�Asa Allen Taylor
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Lillian Dowel
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�257
Film Number: �tab�545417
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016846
Image Number: �tab�111
Groom's Name �tab�Lawrence O. Snapp
Groom's Birth Date �tab�07 Mar 1896
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Quincy, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�30
Bride's Name �tab�Lillian M. Swisshelm
Bride's Birth Date �tab�05 Nov 1893
Bride's Birthplace �tab�So. Charleston, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�32
Marriage Date �tab�16 Oct 1926
Marriage Place �tab�Clark Couty, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�William H. Snapp
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Cora Belle Leach
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Mahlon Swisshelm
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Susan Bennett
Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including
Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg57 Nov 11 1867 Minute book 29 pg 243 Mary E Dunlap vs Loren B McFarland for bastardy. $500 bond, case continued, dismissed cost of plaintiff
[NF23518] License issued but not returned
Groom's Name: �tab�Thomas H. Knull
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1875
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�31
Bride's Name: �tab�Lola Jenkins
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1888
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Johnson Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�16 Aug 1906
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�George Knull
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Anna Johnson
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Lewis Jenkins
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Emma Castle
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Lawrence Bair
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1892
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Shelby Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�20
Bride's Name: �tab�Anna Hirsch
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1887
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�West Charleston, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�25
Marriage Date: �tab�05 Oct 1912
Marriage Place: �tab�Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Amos Bair
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Williamson
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�David Hirsch
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Baily
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Russell Allen
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1874
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�35
Bride's Name: �tab�Bird Anderson
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1874
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�35
Marriage Date: �tab�28 Apr 1909
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�John Allen
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Belle Howdyshell
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Nath Leathley
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Emmeline Fitch
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�Anderson
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M02317-2
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�530190
Reference Number: �tab�p 63 # 125
Groom's Name: �tab�Russell Reed Allen
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Miami Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Glendora Ginn
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1870
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�32
Marriage Date: �tab�11 May 1902
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�John Allen
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Belle Howdishellis
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John Abbott
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Ellen Kiser
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M00002-6
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0530189
Reference Number: �tab�2:3LL5G09
Groom's Name: �tab�William Perry Cooper
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Hagenbaughs, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Nancy Belle Hamilton
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1885
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Mad River Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�16
Marriage Date: �tab�03 Apr 1901
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�D.J. Cooper
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Pry
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�George Hamilton
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Lavina Idle
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
[NF23544] Knoop, Andrew �tab�M �tab�1867 �tab�Marr �tab�Lic# �tab�10776 �tab�Shaffer, Eliza �tab�Mi
Name: �tab�John F. Howard
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�24 May 1924
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�65
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1859
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Peter Howard
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Sara Hassett
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Elizabeth N. Wheeler
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�53
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1871
Spouse's Father: �tab�Daniel Neff
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Nancy Fitzpatrick
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�770
Film Number: �tab�545417
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016846
Image Number: �tab�243
Name: �tab�Carl H. Mcdonald
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�29 May 1926
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�22
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1904
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Ed Mcdonald
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Lora Pence
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Elizabeth Howard
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1904
Spouse's Father: �tab�Patrick Howard
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Elizabeth Leddy
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�1067
Film Number: �tab�545417
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016846
Image Number: �tab�319
Name: �tab�Patrick Joseph Howard
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�26 Nov 1902
Event Place: �tab�Cincinnati, Ohio
Age: �tab�37
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1865
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Peter Howard
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Sarah Hassetts
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Elizabeth Agnes Liddy
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�29
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1873
Spouse's Father: �tab�Michael Liddy
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Mary Mack
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�cn M-927
Film Number: �tab�530189
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016810
Image Number: �tab�701
Name: �tab�James W. Offenbacker
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�26 Jul 1896
Event Place: �tab�Miami, Ohio
Age: �tab�20
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1876
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Clara May Hartman
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�17
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1879
Spouse's Father: �tab�
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p100 cn21032
Film Number: �tab�550151
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016851
Image Number: �tab�52
Name: �tab�William H. Rhynard
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�07 May 1912
Event Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Age: �tab�70
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1842
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Peter Rhynard
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mary Martindale
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Emily Coleman
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�67
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1845
Spouse's Father: �tab�William Mustard
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Maria Newman
Groom's Name: �tab�Evan W. Shank
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1880
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�26
Bride's Name: �tab�Anna V. Myers
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1886
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Union County, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�20
Marriage Date: �tab�23 Oct 1906
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Henry Shank
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Ella Batdorf
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Charlie Myers
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Lena Frank
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M02317-2
Name: �tab�Leo L Urban
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�16 Jun 1921
Event Place: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Age: �tab�26
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1895
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Isaac Urban
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Anna Cone
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Corrine Cone
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�24
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1897
Spouse's Father: �tab�Henry Cone
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Jennie Patrick
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�14325
Film Number: �tab�465401
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016781
Image Number: �tab�418
Champaign Co- Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 2 3/26/1884 Minute Book 41 Pg 72
Martha Ann Adams vs George Washington Adams for divorce on willful absence; and adultery; they were married 3/13/1854. Divorce granted, $300 alimony; and minor children to mother.
Name: �tab�Daniel P. F. Flook
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�28 Feb 1864
Event Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�Date of license 15 Feb 1864
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Elizabeth M. Heck
[NF23613] Champaign County, Ohio Newspaper Abstracts "The Urbana Citizen & Gazette" 1871-1884 (Champaign County Genealogical Society (CCGS) by Pat Stickley Dec 2000 P O Box 682, Urbana, OH 43078), pg67. 4/15/1875 Md 5th Apr by Rev T E Fidler near Mingo, Simon C Brinnon and Miss Maggie Breedlove, all of Champ Co
Name: �tab�Wilbur V. Siegenthaler
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�16 Sep 1930
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�23
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1907
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Go. B. Siegenthaler
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Maude Stembel
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Ethel May Casto
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1912
Spouse's Father: �tab�Eddy O. Casto
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Maude G. Horn
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�77
Film Number: �tab�545417
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016846
Name: �tab�Walter Clarence Overholser
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�17 Oct 1907
Event Place: �tab�Clark, Ohio
Age: �tab�28 married once previous
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1879
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Adam Oliver Clarence
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Nancy Jane Stover
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Fannie Marion Gueth
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�5/7/1888
Spouse's Father: �tab�Otto J. Gueth
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Amanda Endter
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�CN 5028
Film Number: �tab�465397
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016785
Image Number: �tab�468
[NF23653] 6/15/1874 bk 33 pg 216 Nelson Downey vs Belinda Downey for divorce; case settled by defendant paid
3/26/1864 bk 28 pg 81
James Glendenning vs Mary Glendenning for divorce on gross neglect; they were md Jan 1859 in Champaign County. ON 9 Mar 1865 the marriage was dissolved
Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 79 July 5
1876 Minute book 34 pg 451 Florence Hall vs Jasper hall for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce grante d; children to the mother
Name: �tab�Thomas L Breedlove
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�20 Oct 1879
Event Place: �tab�Montgomery, Ohio
Spouse: �tab�Emma Arnold
Reference Number: �tab�1876-1879 p562
Film Number: �tab�1030839
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017457
Image Number: �tab�978
Name: �tab�John H Hess
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�30 Oct 1875
Event Place: �tab�Greene County, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Hannah Smith
Groom's Name: �tab�Chester A. Faulder
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1888
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Sidney, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�21
Bride's Name: �tab�Floy E. Rooch
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1887
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Maplewood, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�22
Marriage Date: �tab�08 Sep 1909
Marriage Place: �tab�Logan, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�George Faulder
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Caroline Fergus
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John Rooch
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Martha Bland
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Name: �tab�Andrew Jackson Roberts
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�11 Sep 1929
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�29
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1900
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Andrew Jackson Roberts
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Frances Brown
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Edith N. Lumburnes
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�21
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1908
Spouse's Father: �tab�J. O. Lumburnes
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Lola Pence
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�103
Film Number: �tab�545417
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016846
Image Number: �tab�502
Groom's Name: �tab�Charles A. Spahr
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�18 Feb 1879
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Boston, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�28
Bride's Name: �tab�Margaret Beach
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�07 Jan 1877
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�30
Marriage Date: �tab�15 Jan 1908
Marriage Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Martin Spahr
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Barbara Craver
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Nicholas Beach
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Miller
Groom's Race:
[NF23736] Groom's Name Christian Spahr Groom's Birth Date 11 Jan 1865 Groom's Birthplace Batavia, Ohio Groom's Age 40 Bride's Name Mary A. Doyle Bride's Birth Date 01 Apr 1885 Bride's Birthplace Springfield, Ohio Bride's Age 30 Marriage Date 21 Apr 1915 Marriage Place Clark County, Ohio Groom's Father's Name Martin Spahr Groom's Mother's Name Barbara Craver Bride's Father's Name John Doyle Bride's Mother's Name Julia O'Brien
Groom's Name: �tab�Harley Larry
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1888
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champagne County, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�22
Bride's Name: �tab�Alice Reams
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1892
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Logan County, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�25 May 1910
Marriage Place: �tab�Hamilton County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�William Larry
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Ellen Buck
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Jordan Reams
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Susan Dikus
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M02281-0
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�365180
Reference Number: �tab�bk222, pg194
Groom's Name: �tab�Benj. F. Madden
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Ann E. Igou
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�
Marriage Date: �tab�05 Sep 1854
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Name: �tab�Isaiah Offenbacker
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�10 Mar 1857
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�license 10 Mar 1857
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Mary E. Chapman
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Spouse's Father: �tab�
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p 54 cn 6608
Film Number: �tab�295229
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016261
Image Number: �tab�288
[NF23798] Poss md Eliz King in Perry Co, OH 4/1/1832
Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941 about John W. Gentis
Name: �tab�John W. Gentis
Spouse Name: �tab�Elisabeth French
Marriage Date: �tab�27 Dec 1886
Marriage County: �tab�Wells
Source Title 1: �tab�Wells County, Indiana
Source Title 2: �tab�Index to Marriage Record 1837 - 1920 Inclusive Vol
Source Title 3: �tab�W. P. A. Original Record Located: County Clerk's O
Book: �tab�C- 7
OS Page: �tab�15
Groom's Name �tab�Ezra Clyde Zirkle
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1882
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Terrehaute, Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Ollie Etta Shaffer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1882
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Terrehaute, Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�21
Marriage Date �tab�25 Nov 1903
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�David J. Zirkle
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Amanda Lutz
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Geo. W. Shaffer
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Laura Evilsizer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530190
Reference Number �tab�p 14 # 1130
Name: �tab�John Calvin Walker
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�24 Dec 1917
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�34
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1883
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�James Walker
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Emma Metz
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Gertrude Allen
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�26
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1891
Spouse's Father: �tab�Ben H. Allen
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Sarah V. Vest
Name: �tab�B.M. Curl
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�25 Jul 1895
Event Place: �tab�Logan, Ohio
Age: �tab�21
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1874
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Clara E. Myers
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1877
Spouse's Father: �tab�
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�Vol. H - p.35
Name: �tab�Virden M. Curl
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�23 May 1921
Event Place: �tab�Union, Ohio
Age: �tab�18
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1903
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�Applied for in Union County, Ohio
Father: �tab�B. M. Curl
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Clara Myers
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Verna Holycross
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�17
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1904
Spouse's Father: �tab�D. C. Holycross
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Clara Spain
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p 182
Film Number: �tab�1954079
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017650
Image Number: �tab�383
Groom's Name: �tab�Grover C. Frantz
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1885
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Springhill, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�21
Bride's Name: �tab�Bessie Garver
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1885
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Logan County, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�21
Marriage Date: �tab�10 May 1906
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�S.D. Frantz
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Kent
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Perry Garver
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Lou Norse
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Name: �tab�Harry Wren
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�11 Nov 1902
Event Place: �tab�West Liberty, Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�22
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1880
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Joseph L. Wren
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Martha Cooper
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Gersalia Marshall
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1882
Spouse's Father: �tab�William Marshall
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Luella Seibert
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�cn M-920
Film Number: �tab�530189
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016810
Image Number: �tab�699
Name: �tab�Paschal Y. Spain
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�08 May 1862
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�license 7 May 1862
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Martha E. Gray
Groom's Name: �tab�Randall Price Pence
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Rachel Ellen Allison
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1885
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�17
Marriage Date: �tab�19 Aug 1902
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Jason Pence
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Rosa Kite
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Nathan Allison
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Allen
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Name: �tab�Orla L. Zirkle
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�20 Aug 1913
Event Place: �tab�Logan County, Ohio
Age: �tab�23
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1890
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Dallas Zirkle
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Minnie Jenkins
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Josephine M. Popps
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1895
Spouse's Father: �tab�William Hulezer
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Elizabeth Popps
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�pn339 cn672
Film Number: �tab�534841
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4260459
Image Number: �tab�259
Name: �tab� Allen Moore Perry
Event Type: �tab� Marriage
Event Date: �tab� 29 Jun 1914
Event Place: �tab� Champaign, Ohio, United States
Age: �tab� 26
Birth Year (Estimated): �tab� 1888
Birthplace: �tab� Union Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Father's Name: �tab� James Perry
Mother's Name: �tab� Viola Yocum
Spouse's Name: �tab� Pauline Lucile Weatherhead
Spouse's Age: �tab� 17
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): �tab� 1897
Spouse's Birthplace: �tab� Woodstock, Ohio
Spouse's Father's Name: �tab� Harvey Weatherhead
Spouse's Mother's Name: �tab� Callie Mcadow
Reference ID: p557 cn1114 , GS Film Number: 530190 , Digital Folder Number: 004016811 , Image Number:
Name: �tab� Bert Hayes
Event Type: �tab� Marriage
Event Date: �tab� 18 Mar 1901
Event Place: �tab� Champaign, Ohio, United States
Age: �tab� 26
Birth Year (Estimated): �tab� 1875
Birthplace: �tab� Champaign Co., Ohio
Father's Name: �tab� Andrew Hayes
Mother's Name: �tab� Rebecca Winnon
Spouse's Name: �tab� Nellie May Perry
Spouse's Age: �tab� 19
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): �tab� 1882
Spouse's Birthplace: �tab� Champaign Co., Ohio
Spouse's Father's Name: �tab� James Perry
Spouse's Mother's Name: �tab� Vida Yocom
Reference ID: M489 , GS Film Number: 530189 , Digital Folder Number: 004016810 , Image Number: 00588
Groom's Name: �tab�John W. Best
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Sarah J. James
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�
Marriage Date: �tab�19 Oct 1890
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Name: �tab�Samuel Linvill Yocom
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1886
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Wayne Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�21
Bride's Name: �tab�Laura Elsie Cooper
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1889
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Union Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�25 Sep 1907
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Wm. Raper Yocom
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Hannah Margaret Linville
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John Henry Cooper
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Martha Ellen Roberts
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�William H. Yocom
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Cable, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Margaret Perry
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1902
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Cable, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�21
Marriage Date: �tab�07 Jun 1923
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Jason C. Yocom
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Johnson
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Evan Perry
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Lenora Crim
Groom's Name: �tab�Charles Yocom
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1886
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Union Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�22
Bride's Name: �tab�Eva Marie Cushman
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1890
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Chicago, Illinois
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�02 Aug 1908
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�John Yocom
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Lilly Reams
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Cushman
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M02317-2
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�530190
Reference Number: �tab�p 532 cn 2173
Name: �tab�John P. Cost
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�24 Dec 1920
Event Place: �tab�Miami County, Ohio
Age: �tab�21
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1899
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�S. P. Cost
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Lily Mumford
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Alice Francis
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1902
Spouse's Father: �tab�Ellsworth Francis
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Bertha Huffman
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�cn 30865
Film Number: �tab�550155
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016854
Image Number: �tab�363
Groom's Name: �tab�Elza Waugh
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�01 Jun 1890
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Gallis Furnace, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Doris Rust
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�09 Jan 1891
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Lawrenceville, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�24
Marriage Date: �tab�30 Jun 1915
Marriage Place: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�John Waugh
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Rhoda Lee
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Lewis Rust
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Alecia Littrell
Groom's Race:
Groom's Name: �tab�John W Slusser
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Cassie C Armstrong
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�
Marriage Date: �tab�01 Jan 1879
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Name: �tab�John Heaton Sinvill
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1878
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Wayne Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�26
Bride's Name: �tab�Bertha May Runyan
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1880
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Union Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�24
Marriage Date: �tab�01 Nov 1904
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�J. Q. A. Sinvill
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Elma Gennette Wierman
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Samuel Runyan
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Liddia Bayless
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M02317-2
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�530190
Reference Number: �tab�p 105 # 1311
12/20/1895 Minute book 50 page 169
Name: �tab�William F. B. Fay
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�22 Feb 1878
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Sarah C. Milligan
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Spouse's Father: �tab�
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�bk H p 104
Film Number: �tab�295230
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016262
Image Number: �tab�83
William B Fay vs Sarah C Fay, for divorce, case dismissed, cost to plaintiff
John H. Davis
Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994
marriage:�tab�19 Nov 1874�tab�Champaign, Ohio, United States
spouse:�tab�Clara R. Owens
Name: �tab�Absalom Alonzo Curl
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�25 Apr 1901
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�44
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1857
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�William N. Curl
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Nancy Ann Chambers
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Emma Victoria White
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�32
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1869
Spouse's Father: �tab�Jonathan Frank
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Eliza Ann Browning
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�M513
Film Number: �tab�530189
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016810
Image Number: �tab�594
10/6/1887 book 43 pg 275
Ida Mason vs Oscar mason for divorce on gross neglect; marriage dissolved; child Maude R Mason
Name: �tab�William R. Mccarty
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�15 Feb 1872
Event Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�Date of license 7 Feb 1872
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Carrie B.J.E. Black
Name: �tab�Albert R. Sayler
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�22 Aug 1881
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�19
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1862
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Emma Prince
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1863
Spouse's Father: �tab�
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�bk I p 145
Film Number: �tab�295230
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016262
Image Number: �tab�244
Name: �tab�Charles N Brown
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�05 Oct 1876
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Mertie E Swisher (also seen as Madula Swisher)
Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg24 12 May 1883 Minute book 40 pg 303 Eli F Brennon for bastardy, see---Mattie E Ropp
5/12/1883 Minute book 40 pg 303
Mattie Ropp vs Eli Brinnon for bastardy; sale of his small holdings for support. On page 311, it was settled and dismissed by agreement.
Name: �tab�Samuel H. White
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�09 Dec 1880
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�20
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1860
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Cora Ammon
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�17
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1863
Groom's Name: �tab�John Long
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Susie C. Jenkins
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�
Marriage Date: �tab�02 Oct 1873
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
The Urbana Citizen & Gazette
October 3, 1872
Married 26th September at the residence of the brides mother by Rev JF Conrey, Charles F Conrey and Katie V, daughter of the late Joseph B Stansbury.
1/25/1876 bk 34 pg 330
Maggie haines vs James H Haines for divorce on adultery; they were md on 20 Dec 1874; On 5 April 1876 the divorce was granted; he had gone to PA; her name restored to Maggie Wilson
Groom's Name: �tab�Ervin D. Yoder
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1883
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�West Liberty, Logan, Ohio. R.F.D. #2
Groom's Age: �tab�26
Bride's Name: �tab�Ella D. Kanagy
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1884
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�, Logan, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�25
Marriage Date: �tab�24 Oct 1909
Marriage Place: �tab�Logan, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�I.J. Yoder
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Saloma Zook
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Levi Kanagy
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Rebecca Knapp
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Name: �tab�Frank Houston
Event: �tab�Intended marriage
Event Date: �tab�Apr 1864
Event Place: �tab�Jefferson, Ohio
Age: �tab�21
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1843
Marriage Date Note: �tab�Application not issued, not signed by Judge
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Mary Tappan
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1846
Spouse's Father: �tab�
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�Vol.1, Pg.228
Film Number: �tab�900070
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017033
Image Number: �tab�403
Groom's Name: �tab�Oden Clyde Bright
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Miami Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Chloe Meda Sise
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1885
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Johnson Twp.
Bride's Age: �tab�16
Marriage Date: �tab�03 May 1901
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Adam Bright
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Lida Davis
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Isaiah Sise
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Groves
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Name: �tab�Emerson Smith Clem
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�10 Aug 1909
Event Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Age: �tab�27
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1882
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Isaac Clem
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Sarah Ann Shloneker
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Eva Mae Norman
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�24
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1885
Spouse's Father: �tab�George Norman
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Jane Barger
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p 86 # 171
Film Number: �tab�530190
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016811
Image Number: �tab�406
Groom's Name: �tab�George Willard Mumford
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1869
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�35
Bride's Name: �tab�Jossie Evalyne Stephens
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1881
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Christiansburg, Champaign Co;Unty, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�23
Marriage Date: �tab�13 Mar 1904
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�James A. Mumford
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Nancy E. Cunningham
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�A. L. Stephens
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Lillie M. Balch
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Name: �tab� Earl Louis Kleiman
Event: �tab� Marriage
Event Date: �tab� 27 Jun 1910
Event Place: �tab� Clark County, Ohio
Age: �tab� 20
Estimated Birth Year: �tab� 1890
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab� William B. Kliman
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab� Clara Massmann
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab� Zelma Alice Devore
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab� 20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab� 1890
Spouse's Father: �tab� John M. Devore
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab� Alice M. Klapp
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab� 6514
Film Number: �tab� 465398
Digital Folder Number: �tab� 4016784
Image Number: �tab� 208
Groom's Name: �tab�James L. Brokaw
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Olive Mae Rhoades
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1888
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Dayton, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�21
Marriage Date: �tab�12 Jan 1909
Marriage Place: �tab�Montgomery County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Martha Briggs
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Elias Rhoades
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Hannah Rhoades
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Forest Clay Geny
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Rosewood, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Lillian Pauline Beaty
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1909
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Concord, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�19
Marriage Date: �tab�04 Sep 1928
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�George W. Geny
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Etna Pine
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�James Beaty
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Nellie Buroker
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
California Marriage Index, 1960-1985
about Mabel F Evelsizer
Name: �tab�Mabel F Evelsizer
Age: �tab�63
Est. Birth: �tab�abt 1904
Spouse Name: �tab�James S Bryant
Spouse Age: �tab�40
Est. Spouse Birth: �tab�abt 1927
Date: �tab�12 Aug 1967
Location: �tab�Orange
California Marriage Index, 1960-1985
about Hazel E Evelsizer
Name: �tab�Hazel E Evelsizer
Age: �tab�71
Est. Birth: �tab�abt 1896
Spouse Name: �tab�Joseph C Holzknecht
Spouse Age: �tab�70
Est. Spouse Birth: �tab�abt 1897
Date: �tab�27 Mar 1967
Location: �tab�Los Angeles City
Mary L Evilsizer (18) and William W Hanville (20) applied for a marriage license in Chicago, IL.
Chicago Daily Tribune (1872-1963)
Chicago, Illinois
11 Feb 1902
Groom �tab�William W. Hanvill
Groom's Titles & Terms (Original) �tab�
Groom's Race (Original) �tab�
Groom's Race (Standardized) �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�26
Groom's Estimated Birth Year �tab�1876
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1876
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Bride �tab�Mary L. Evelsizer
Bride's Titles & Original) �tab�
Bride's Race (Original) �tab�
Bride's Race (Standardized) �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�18
Bride's Estimated Birth Year �tab�1884
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1884
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Marriage Type �tab�Marriage
Marriage Date �tab�11 Feb 1902
Marriage Place �tab�Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Intended Marriage Date �tab�
Intended Marriage Place �tab�
Groom's Father �tab�
Groom's Father's Titles & Terms (Original) �tab�
Groom's Mother �tab�
Groom's Mother's Titles & Terms (Original) �tab�
Bride's Father �tab�
Bride's Father's Titles & Terms (Original) �tab�
Bride's Mother �tab�
Bride's Mother's Titles & Terms (Original) �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband �tab�
Groom's Paternal Grandfather �tab�
Groom's Paternal Grandmother �tab�
Groom's Maternal Grandfather �tab�
Groom's Maternal Grandmother �tab�
Bride's Paternal Grandfather �tab�
Bride's Paternal Grandmother �tab�
Bride's Maternal Grandfather �tab�
Bride's Maternal Grandmother �tab�
Additional Relatives �tab�
Film Number �tab�1030334
Frame Number �tab�
Digital Film Number �tab�4270727
Image Number �tab�484
Reference Number �tab�340640
name: �tab�Leo Delbert Zerkle
event: �tab�Marriage 12/19/1917
event place (standardized): �tab�Miami, Ohio, United States
event place (other): �tab�
age: �tab�23
estimated birth year: �tab�1894
birth date: �tab�
birthplace: �tab�Shelby Co., Ohio
father: �tab�Wm. Zerkle
father's titles & terms: �tab�
mother: �tab�
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse: �tab�Gladys Marie Studebaker
spouse's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse's age: �tab�19
spouse's estimated birth year: �tab�1898
spouse's birthplace: �tab�Lostcreek Tp., Miami County, Ohio
spouse's father: �tab�Alva Studebaker
spouse's father's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse's mother: �tab�Minnie Bright
spouse's mother's titles & terms: �tab�
reference number: �tab�cn 29545
film number: �tab�550155
digital folder number: �tab�004016854
image number: �tab�00015
Citing this Record
WILLIAM FESSER began his trade of carpenter in Woodstock, became acquainted with MISS NORA SMITH, orphan girl about 18 yr, d/o ROSALOO SMITH. Told her he had been md and div in MD; Monday MISS SMITH filed charges of bastardy, constable said he was an old hand at this, had done same in Marysville; he may be vindicated because she miscarried at the time.
The end of the FESSER bastardy case was reached Fri when MISS NORA SMITH, the young lady who had FEESER arrested went to the jail and made arrangements for marriage; all parties were agreeable to the arrangement; license obtained from probate judge and the ceremony performed by Rev A J Imhoff. The groom produced a paper showing that he was divorced from his Pa wife and there was nothing to prevent his alliance with Miss Smith.
Name: �tab�William E. Fuser
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�18 Apr 1884
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�over 21
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Nora A. Smith
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�over 18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Spouse's Father: �tab�
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�bk I p 378
Film Number: �tab�295230
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016262
Image Number: �tab�362
Groom's Name �tab�Elmer Birt Cheney
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1871
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Missouri
Groom's Age �tab�36
Bride's Name �tab�Sarah E. Purkeypile
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1873
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Careysvills Champaign Conty, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�34
Marriage Date �tab�21 Mar 1907
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Ebenezer Cheney
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Harriet South
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Levi Purkeypile
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Emeline Klinger
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
GUTHRIDGE of Mingo were md at home of the bride�sup�t�/sup�s
mother on College Aye, Indianapolis; 27th May by Rev
Dr Marine. Newspaper dated 6/4/1885
Groom's Name: �tab�Edgar Evans
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�27 Jan 1875
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�27
Bride's Name: �tab�Nina Ritchie
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�08 Jan 1877
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�25
Marriage Date: �tab�09 Apr 1902
Marriage Place: �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�John W. Evans
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Melissa J. Roberts
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Edward H. Ritchie
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Lucinda Curl
Groom's Name: �tab�Ray Henry Cooper
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1890
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Union Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�21
Bride's Name: �tab�Blanche Knull
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1893
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�06 Jun 1911
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�John H. Cooper
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Martha E. Roberts
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Edward R. Knull
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Marilla A. Huston
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Name: �tab�Adley Roy
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�07 Jan 1918
Event Place: �tab�Highland County, Ohio
Age: �tab�21
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1897
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Z. C. Roy
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Lizzie
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Bessie Penwell
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1898
Spouse's Father: �tab�Noble Purdin
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Mary E. Snider
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�217 no 12106
Film Number: �tab�2129844
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4254779
Image Number: �tab�535
Name: �tab�Fred Moffitt
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�06 Feb 1902
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�28
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1874
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�James Moffitt
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Eliza Ritten
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Gertrude Grimes
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1880
Spouse's Father: �tab�John Grimes
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Hulsizer
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�cn M-738 P369
Film Number: �tab�530189
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016810
Image Number: �tab�651
Groom's Name: �tab�Stephen Ward
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Hanah Charlotte Wilkinson
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�
Marriage Date: �tab�18 Oct 1860
Marriage Place: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
5/4/1908 bk 57 pg 573
David W Yeazell vs Bertha D Yeazell for divorce on willful absence. Divorce granted; he control of children
Groom's Name �tab�David Warnock Yeazell
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1870
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Goshen Tp. Of Said County
Groom's Age �tab�38
Bride's Name �tab�Ida Mcbride
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1883
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Wayne Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�25
Marriage Date �tab�01 Sep 1908
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�William A. Yeazell
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Louiza Yocum
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Lance Mcbride
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Martha Williams
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941
about Miles Rider
Name: �tab�Miles Rider
Spouse Name: �tab�Armanda Rants
Marriage Date: �tab�18 Feb 1904
Marriage County: �tab�Jay
Source Title 1: �tab�Jay County, Indiana
Source Title 2: �tab�Index to Marriage Records 1850 - 1920 Inclusive Vo
Source Title 3: �tab�W. P. A Original Record Located County Clerk's Off
Book: �tab�C-J
OS Page: �tab�16
Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941
about Miles Rider
Name: �tab�Miles Rider
Marriage Date: �tab�18 Feb 1904
Marriage County: �tab�Jay
Estimated birth year: �tab�1831
Age: �tab�73
Gender: �tab�Male
Father Name: �tab�Jos
Mother Name: �tab�P.
Source Title 1: �tab�Jay County, Indiana
Source Title 2: �tab�Index to Supplemental Records Marriage Transcript
Source Title 3: �tab�W. P. A Original Record Located County Clerks Offi
Book: �tab�MT5
OS Page: �tab�33
Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941
about Cora Rider
Name: �tab�Cora Rider
Spouse Name: �tab�William B Knepper
Marriage Date: �tab�18 Nov 1894
Marriage County: �tab�Jay
Source Title 1: �tab�Jay County, Indiana
Source Title 2: �tab�Index to Marriage Records 1850 - 1920 Inclusive Vo
Source Title 3: �tab�W. P. A Original Record Located County Clerk's Off
Book: �tab�C-G
OS Page: �tab�530
John Reeder
Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994
marriage:�tab�06 Jul 1894�tab�Marion, Ohio, United States
spouse:�tab�Etta Mcgown
pg116 Laura Eata Reeder granted divorce from John M Reeder for extreme cruelty, and gross neglect of duty. Domestic Realtions book has John W Reeded, recorded Min Bk 52 pg 460 2/17/1899
Name: �tab�Harry Hess
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�24 Dec 1906
Event Place: �tab�Franklin, Ohio
Age: �tab�28
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1878
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�J. W. Hess
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Owens
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Ina C. Munsey
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�21
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1885
Spouse's Father: �tab�N. O. Munsey
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Reed
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�v44 p12 cn16871
Film Number: �tab�285164
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016232
Image Number: �tab�42
Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002
about Emanuel R Zimmer
Name: �tab�Emanuel R Zimmer of Wayne Co, Greenfield, MO over age 21
Marriage Date: �tab�13 Jun 1911
Marriage Location: �tab�St Charles, St Charles, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�St Charles
Spouse Name: �tab�Emma E Baier of St Louis MO oer age 18
Groom's Name �tab�James A Hensley
Groom's Birth Date �tab�17 Jul 1881
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Colton, Kentucky
Groom's Age �tab�47
Bride's Name �tab�Phoebe E Shaffer Rice Cody
Bride's Birth Date �tab�03 Mar 1880
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�48
Marriage Date �tab�25 Feb 1929
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�George Hensley
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth J Kirkendall
Bride's Father's Name �tab�George W Shaffer
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Laura A Evilsizor
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02313-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�466638
Reference Number �tab�Clk, OH Vol33CN19210
[NF24216] Meredith Evilsizer of Linn Co, Brookfield, MO under the age of 18 married Albert Lee Shoemaker of Linn Co, Brookfield, MO June 10, 1929. By J W Thomas Minister of the Gospel.
Date: �tab�19 Sep 1914
Place: �tab�New Cumberland, Hancock, West Virginia
�tab�Bride �tab�Groom
Name: �tab�Lois E. Severs �tab� �tab�Oscar Fenton Ring
Birth Date: �tab��tab�
Birth Place: �tab��tab�
Age at Marriage: �tab�20y �tab�22y
Oregon Marriages, 1906-1920
about Rosie Morrison
Name: �tab�Rosie Morrison
County: �tab�Jackson
Marriage Date: �tab�15 Apr 1920
Name: �tab�George E Evensizer
County: �tab�Jackson
Marriage Date: �tab�15 Apr 1920
Name: �tab�A. S. Piatt
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�29 May 1902
Event Place: �tab�Logan, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Benjamin M. Piatt
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Barnett
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Belle Murry
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�29
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1873
Spouse's Father: �tab�Geo. Murry
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�vol I p 437 cn 873
Film Number: �tab�534839
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016821
Image Number: �tab�476
Name: �tab�Marion Curl
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�19 Feb 1916
Event Place: �tab�Logan County, Ohio
Age: �tab�24
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1892
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Samuel Curl
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Etta Maier
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Stella Dague
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�21
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1895
Spouse's Father: �tab�Peter Dague
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Cora Brackney
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�pg 72 cn1290
Film Number: �tab�534841
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4260459
Image Number: �tab�471
Groom's Name �tab�Charles H. Curl
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1872
Groom's Birthplace �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�31
Bride's Name �tab�Estelle C. Craig
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1872
Bride's Birthplace �tab�, Logan, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�31
Marriage Date �tab�25 Nov 1903
Marriage Place �tab�Logan, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Lewis M. Curl
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Caroline Offenbacha
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Dan S. Spellman
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Minute book 68 Pg 70
Lulu Detrick vs Theodore Detrick for divorce on gross neglect and extreme cruelty. Divorce granted, minor child to temporary court custody. On Sept 10, 1928 Min Bk 69 pg340 Lulu Detrick vs Theodore Detrick for custody; minor child Joseph Age 9 years to the father.
Groom's Name �tab�Cary F. Deweese
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1884
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Darki County Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Estella E. Pond
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1883
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Jackson Tp
Bride's Age �tab�22
Marriage Date �tab�30 Dec 1905
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John Deweese
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Laura Brown
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Charles Pond
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mattie Sills
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
7/18/1910 Bk 59 pg 110 Estella E DeWeese vs Carry F DeWeese for divorce on gross neglect and extreme cruelty. Divorce granted, her name restored to Estella Pond
[NF24255] 5/4/1887 Md last Tues at the home of Mrs William H MUmma on Scioto St, Louis D Johnson and Miss Rebecca Glenn/ d.o I D Glenn by Rev J H Davey
Groom's Name �tab�Homer Alfred Dolan
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1882
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Logan County, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Addline Erwin
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1886
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Union Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�17
Marriage Date �tab�05 Nov 1903
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John C. Dolan
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Emma Windhan
Bride's Father's Name �tab�E. H. Erwin
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth P. Wallace
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
5/29/1913 Minute bk 60 pg524
Adeline Dolan vs Homer Dolan for custody; child Edith Frances to the mother; temporarily to grandparents Hiram and Elizabeth Ervin of Union twp; two weeks support.
[NF24264] Invitations are out for the wedding party to be given at the residence of Wm. NEWCOMB, county clerk, this evening at which time the marriage of his daughter, Mary [NEWCOMB], to James C. BEERY, will take place. 7/8/1882, Sat. (Rochester Indiana Sentenial)
[NF24265] Newcomb, Isabel to William A. Hall May 27, 1866 B 348 (Fulton Co, IN Marriages)
Groom's Name: �tab�Harvey Gebhart Haddix
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�10 Jun 1898
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Osborn, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�21
Bride's Name: �tab�Nellie May Greider
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�26 Jun 1900
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�New Carlisle, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�19
Marriage Date: �tab�04 Mar 1920
Marriage Place: �tab�, Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Frank Haddix
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Amelia Gebhart
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Benjamin Greider
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�El...Ira F Musser
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M02314-2
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
[NF24280] Champaign Co, Dissolution Vol 07094 agreed both parties Fred and Patsy Evilsizor married 16 years, no minor children.
Groom's Name: �tab�William W. Hart
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�22 Dec 1901
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Lena M. Swartzbaugh
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�17 Jun 1906
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�19
Marriage Date: �tab�24 Dec 1925
Marriage Place: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Charles F. Hart
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Emma Kees
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Walter I. Swartzbaugh
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Grace W. Hausbarger
Groom's Name: �tab�Orva Swartzbaugh
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�06 Jan 1883
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Dayton, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�21
Bride's Name: �tab�Myrtle Steinbarger
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�09 Oct 1886
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Dayton, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�23 Nov 1904
Marriage Place: �tab�Montgomery County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�J. E. Swartzbaugh
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Nancy Overpeck
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Elmer Steinbarger
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M02365-5
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�1030847
Reference Number: �tab�p 251 cn 23097
+Myrtle B. Steinbarger b: October 09, 1886 in Vandalia, Ohio d: March 14, 1952 in Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio Burial: March 17, 1952 Memorial Park Cemetery, Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio Father: Elmer Steinbarger Mother: Mary Chaney
Groom's Name: �tab�John C. Swartzbaugh
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1868
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�North Star, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�32
Bride's Name: �tab�Mary C. Dershem
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1877
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�North Star, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�23
Marriage Date: �tab�10 May 1900
Marriage Place: �tab�Montgomery County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�J.E. Swartzbaugh
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Nancy Overfreck
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Brazil Dershem
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Fannie Martin
Name: �tab�Wilbert Swartzbaugh
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�11 Jun 1902
Event Place: �tab�Montgomery, Ohio
Age: �tab�32
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1870
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�J E. Swartzbaugh
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�N. A Overpack
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�C. Catharine Burns
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�26
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1876
Spouse's Father: �tab�Wm Burns
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Mary Coleman
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p 287 cn 19622
Film Number: �tab�1030846
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017464
Image Number: �tab�184
Name: �tab�Fred B. Heaston
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�31 May 1919
Event Place: �tab�Clark, Ohio
Age: �tab�22
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1897
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�O. H. Heaston
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Anna Berkshire
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Kathryn Leffel
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1900
Spouse's Father: �tab�C. N. Leffel
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Pearl Mitchell
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�v28 p440 no12603
Film Number: �tab�465400
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016782
Image Number: �tab�605
Groom's Name: �tab�Jacob Karg
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�18 Aug 1898
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�24
Bride's Name: �tab�Lillian Donohue
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�19 Jun 1902
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Marson Co., W. Va.
Bride's Age: �tab�20
Marriage Date: �tab�28 Nov 1922
Marriage Place: �tab�, Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Samuel Karg
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Effie Geron
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Otho Donohue
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Arrena Smith
Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941
about John E Huff
Name: �tab�John E Huff
Spouse Name: �tab�Ada M Keely
Marriage Date: �tab�29 Nov 1877
Marriage County: �tab�Marion
Estimated birth year: �tab�1862
Age: �tab�15
Source Title 1: �tab�Marion County, Indiana
Source Title 2: �tab�Index to Marriage Record 1876 - 1880 Inclusive Vol
Source Title 3: �tab�Original Record Located: County Clerk's Office Ind
Book: �tab�97
Groom's Name �tab�Paul Andrew Evilsiger
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1903
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�32
Bride's Name �tab�Margart Thomas
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1916
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�19
Marriage Date �tab�10 Jun 1935
Marriage Place �tab�Coinjock, Crawford Township, Currituck, North Carolina
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Ben Evilsiger
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Pearl May Evilsizer
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John Thomas
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Thomas
Groom's Race �tab�White
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�White
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M75239-8
System Origin �tab�North Carolina-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�260434
Reference Number �tab�v. 2 p. 283
�b�Ohio Marriage record to William Floyd Arnett 30 May 1901 in St. Paris, Champaign County Ohio he was the son of Edward Arnett & Mary Elizabeth Davis but her parents are listed as Peter Wilson & Emma Pence
Groom's Name: �tab�William Henry Russell
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1893
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Union Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�20
Bride's Name: �tab�Myrtle Mae Long
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1894
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Johnson Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�19
Marriage Date: �tab�23 Aug 1913
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Aaron Henry Russell
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Tillie Urton
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John Long
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Pearl Halterman
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Name: �tab�Frank Joseph Prince
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�29 May 1912
Event Place: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Age: �tab�39
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1873
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Joseph Prince
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Amanda Diffenbach
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Carrie E. Showalter
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�40
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1872
Spouse's Father: �tab�Absolaum Lenganecher
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Almira Jackson
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�7759
Film Number: �tab�465398
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016784
Image Number: �tab�571
Name: �tab�Dick A. Eloyet
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�11 Aug 1894
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Nathan D. Eloyet
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Emma Grove
Groom's Name �tab�Ray W. Sidesinger
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1893
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Logan Co., Oh
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Agnes R. Strayer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1896
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Champaign Co., Oh
Bride's Age �tab�18
Marriage Date �tab�05 Nov 1914
Marriage Place �tab�Logan County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Emery Sidesinger
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Margaret Horn
Bride's Father's Name �tab�J. F. Strayer
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Victoria Jenkins ( her step mother who raised her). her real mom Charlotte (lnu) died in childbirth with Ivy
Groom's Race �tab�White
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Name: �tab�Ben Richardson
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�10 Aug 1929
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�43
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1886
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Samuel Richardson
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mary Stransburg
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Agnes Sidesinger
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�33
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1896
Spouse's Father: �tab�Franklin Strayer
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Charlotte Campbell
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�84
Film Number: �tab�545417
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016846
Image Number: �tab�497
9/17/1932 Minute book 72 pg 44
Agnes Richeson vs Benjamin Richeson for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted'; her name restored to Agnes Sidesinger.
Name: �tab�Ross Arnold Hanson
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�28 Jun 1915
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�28
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1887
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�E. A. Hanson
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Jane Miriam Dimmich
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Asenath Pauline Kizer
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�23
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1892
Spouse's Father: �tab�C. O. Kizer
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Mary Elizabeth Snapp
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p102
Film Number: �tab�545416
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016845
Image Number: �tab�91
Jonathan Darrow
Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994
marriage:�tab�04 Oct 1868�tab�Champaign, Ohio, United States
spouse:�tab�Mary A. C. Jacobs
Groom's Name �tab�Samuel Roberts
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Eliza J. Elliott
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�01 Oct 1868
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Bk 46 pg 394
Eliza J roberts vs Samuel Roberts for alimony; $40 support during case
7/6/1892 bk 47 pg 276
Eliza J Roberts vs Samuel Roberts for divorce and alimony on gross neglect. Divorce granted; $225 alimony; she restored her real estate and she her title in his property
Groom's Name: �tab�Walter E. Blue
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1868
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Piqua, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�34
Bride's Name: �tab�Marie Lenora Mcclain
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1885
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Bloom Center, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�17
Marriage Date: �tab�13 Jun 1902
Marriage Place: �tab�Quincy, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Gabriel Blue
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Lydia Ann Purk
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Jacob Mcclain
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Elva Devaid
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Name: �tab�James Edward Price (??)
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�05 Jul 1884
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�21
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1863
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Rebecca A. Blue
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1866
Name: �tab�William Henry Tingley
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�08 Mar 1919
Event Place: �tab�Clark, Ohio
Age: �tab�50
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1869
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Isaac Tingley
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Nancy E. Shroades
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Jeanetta Jenkines
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�55
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1864
Spouse's Father: �tab�William Shafer
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Sarah Ellis
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�v28 p368 no12459
Film Number: �tab�465400
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016782
Image Number: �tab�567
[NF24414] Ohio marriage Champaign Co OH Atto Arnold to Leonard Williams Grooms birth place Pittsburg, PA s/o Elisha Williams & Nellie McCord
Pg13 3/15/1889 Married at the rs of Elder Marsh , W C Happersett and Miss Nellie Jennings, last evening, will live in Bellefontaine.
Name: �tab�George F. Everingham
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�09 Oct 1883
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�21
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1862
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Martha A. Maxson
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1865
Spouse's Father: �tab�
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�bk I p 328
Film Number: �tab�295230
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016262
Image Number: �tab�337
Name: �tab�Orva E. Everingham
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�25 Mar 1905
Event Place: �tab�Miami, Ohio
Age: �tab�20
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1885
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�G. T. Everingham
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Martha Maxon
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Mary J. Michael
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�17
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1888
Spouse's Father: �tab�John W. Michael
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Emily J. Wolcott
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�550152
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016852
Image Number: �tab�304
Groom's Name: �tab�Frank Showers
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Louisa Cralle
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�
Marriage Date: �tab�18 Sep 1878
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Willson, Amanda Spouse : Johnston, Robert
Marriage date : Nov 2, 1837
County of record : Champaign Co.
Sex : F
Name: �tab�Farmer M. Zimmerman
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�17 Aug 1905
Event Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Age: �tab�21
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1884
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Joseph Zimmerman
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mary J. Maggert
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Otie M. Dovel
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�16
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1889
Spouse's Father: �tab�Russel Dovel
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Elitha Offenbacker
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p 197 #1494
Film Number: �tab�530190
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016811
Image Number: �tab�137
Groom's Name: �tab�William Jacob Berrey
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1879
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Johnson Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�32
Bride's Name: �tab�Nettie Sweigert
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1891
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Westville, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�20
Marriage Date: �tab�12 Sep 1911
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Elisha Berrey
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Poorman
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�George Sweigert
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Almeda King
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
[NF24441] (Champaign County Ohio Newspaper Abstracts 1889-1894 Vol 4; Urbana Daily Citizen, Champaign Democart Weekly, Gazette Weekly' Citizen & Gazette Daily: Pat Stickley, Typed and Edited by Nelson T Smith @ July 2009 CCGS, P O Box 682, Urbana, OH 43078), pg46. 10/10/1889 Married at Colfax IA 6th Oct, Miss Emma Lemen and H W Bliss of Colfax Iowa; also Miss Lizzie Lemen and M A Bloggett of Colfax Iowa. The girls are daughters of J H Lemen formerly of Harrison Twp and nieces of E F Lemen
10/10/1888 bk 44 pg 137
Andrew Hullinger vs Lena W Hullinger for divorce ; case dismissed cost of plaintill
10/22/1885 Urabana Daily Citizen
Abram (sic) Hullinger vs Lena W Hullinger for divorce for fraudulent contract
Groom �tab�Horace Carlisle
Groom's Titles & Terms (Original) �tab�
Groom's Race (Original) �tab�
Groom's Race (Standardized) �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�41
Groom's Estimated Birth Year �tab�1873
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1873
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Bride �tab�Susan L Evelsizer
Bride's Titles & Original) �tab�
Bride's Race (Original) �tab�
Bride's Race (Standardized) �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�30
Bride's Estimated Birth Year �tab�1884
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1884
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Marriage Type �tab�Marriage
Marriage Date �tab�25 Aug 1914
Marriage Place �tab�Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Intended Marriage Date �tab�
Intended Marriage Place �tab�
Groom's Father �tab�
Groom's Father's Titles & Terms (Original) �tab�
Groom's Mother �tab�
Groom's Mother's Titles & Terms (Original) �tab�
Bride's Father �tab�
Bride's Father's Titles & Terms (Original) �tab�
Bride's Mother �tab�
Bride's Mother's Titles & Terms (Original) �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband �tab�
Groom's Paternal Grandfather �tab�
Groom's Paternal Grandmother �tab�
Groom's Maternal Grandfather �tab�
Groom's Maternal Grandmother �tab�
Bride's Paternal Grandfather �tab�
Bride's Paternal Grandmother �tab�
Bride's Maternal Grandfather �tab�
Bride's Maternal Grandmother �tab�
Additional Relatives �tab�
Film Number �tab�1030579
Frame Number �tab�
Digital Film Number �tab�4272236
Image Number �tab�439
Reference Number �tab�673746
Groom's Name �tab�Charles H. Evilsizer
Groom's Birth Date �tab�06 Mar 1904
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Winchester, Ind.
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Harriett Reed
Bride's Birth Date �tab�01 Feb 1907
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Matthews, Ind.
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�29 Dec 1928
Marriage Place �tab�Delaware County, Indiana
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Benj. D. Evilsizer
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Pearl May Slagle
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Frank Reed
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Lilly Dragoo
Groom's Race �tab�White
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�White
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M00443-9
System Origin �tab�Indiana-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�2069415
Reference Number �tab�362
Groom's Name �tab�Elmer Warneck
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Susie L. Evelsizer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�14 May 1911
Marriage Place �tab�La Porte, Indiana
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Henry Warneck
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Minnie Warneck Dratch
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Amos A. Evelsizer
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Martha M. Culbertson
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M01158-3
System Origin �tab�Indiana-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1673917
Reference Number �tab�560
Groom's Name �tab�Lauren Lowell Vincent
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Mabel Stout
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�21 Aug 1920
Marriage Place �tab�, Marion, Indiana
Groom's Father's Name �tab�David Calvin Vincent
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Evelsizer
Bride's Father's Name �tab�William Stout
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Eliza Cook
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M01474-6
System Origin �tab�Indiana-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�499421
Reference Number �tab�355
Groom's Name �tab�Lawrence H. Vincent
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1887
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Albany, Indiana
Groom's Age �tab�33
Bride's Name �tab�Mabel Stout
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1894
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Portland, Indiana
Bride's Age �tab�26
Marriage Date �tab�21 Aug 1920
Marriage Place �tab�Muncie, Marion, Indiana
Groom's Father's Name �tab�D. C. Vincent
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Esilsizer
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Wm. Stout
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Eliza Cook
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M00589-0
System Origin �tab�Indiana-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�413548
Reference Number �tab�p 160
Met while inmates at the Indiana Soldier and Sailors Orphans home. Both are inmates here also in 1900 Census
Groom �tab�Palmer M Miner
Groom's Race �tab�White
Groom's Date of Birth �tab�
Groom's Place of Birth �tab�Marshall Kansas
Groom's Residence �tab�Chicago
Groom's Number of Marriage �tab�
Groom's Father �tab�E W Miner
Groom's Mother �tab�Ellen Chaffee
Bride �tab�Susan F Evilsizer
Bride's Race �tab�White
Bride's Date of Birth �tab�03 Jan 1889
Bride's Place of Birth �tab�Jay
Bride's Residence �tab�Knightstown
Bride's Number of Marriage �tab�
Bride's Father �tab�Minor Evilsizer
Bride's Mother �tab�Eliza J Barber
Informant Name �tab�
Date of License �tab�
County of License �tab�Henry
Date of Marriage �tab�01 Jan 1912
Place of Marriage �tab�, Henry,
Official �tab�
Record Number �tab�827
GSU Film Number �tab�1887599
Digital GS Number �tab�4171282
Digital Image Number �tab�00454
Number of Images �tab�1
Groom �tab�Palmer U Miner
Groom's Race �tab�W
Groom's Date of Birth �tab�
Groom's Place of Birth �tab�, , Kansas
Groom's Residence �tab�Chicago, ,
Groom's Number of Marriage �tab�1st
Groom's Father �tab�E W Miner
Groom's Mother �tab�Ellen Chaffee
Bride �tab�Susan F Evilsizer
Bride's Race �tab�W
Bride's Date of Birth �tab�
Bride's Place of Birth �tab�Portland, , Indiana
Bride's Residence �tab�Knightstown, ,
Bride's Number of Marriage �tab�1
Bride's Father �tab�Minor Evilsizer
Bride's Mother �tab�Elizabeth Barber
Informant Name �tab�
Date of License �tab�
County of License �tab�
Date of Marriage �tab�01 Jan 1912
Place of Marriage �tab�Knightstown, ,
Official �tab�Graham
Record Number �tab�8462
GSU Film Number �tab�1887974
Digital GS Number �tab�4171288
Digital Image Number �tab�00415
Number of Images �tab�3
Groom �tab�Lemuel Evilsizer
Groom's Race �tab�White
Groom's Date of Birth �tab�31 Oct 1861
Groom's Place of Birth �tab�, , Ohio
Groom's Residence �tab�Springfield, , Ohio
Groom's Number of Marriage �tab�2
Groom's Father �tab�Eddon Evilsizer
Groom's Mother �tab�Emily Low
Bride �tab�Matilda J Wine
Bride's Race �tab�White
Bride's Date of Birth �tab�02 Jul 1869
Bride's Place of Birth �tab�, Madison, Indiana
Bride's Residence �tab�Hartford City, Blackford, Indiana
Bride's Number of Marriage �tab�3
Bride's Father �tab�John Barnhouse
Bride's Mother �tab�Christina Powell
Informant Name �tab�
Date of License �tab�07 Dec 1923
County of License �tab�Blackford
Date of Marriage �tab�07 Dec 1923
Place of Marriage �tab�, Blackford, Indiana
Official �tab�
Record Number �tab�862
GSU Film Number �tab�1672566
Digital GS Number �tab�4202704
Digital Image Number �tab�00454
Number of Images �tab�1
Groom's Name �tab�L.R Dent
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1888
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Hannibal, Nev.
Groom's Age �tab�34
Bride's Name �tab�Bessie Wells Parkin
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1889
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Baston Co., Iowa
Bride's Age �tab�33
Marriage Date �tab�08 Jun 1922
Marriage Place �tab�Davenport, Iowa
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Edward Dent
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Christina Esict
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John Wells
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Evilsizer
Groom's Race �tab�White
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�White
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02241-6
System Origin �tab�Iowa-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1479414
Reference Number �tab�29619
Groom's Name �tab�Frank Richards
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1880
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Muscatine, Iowa
Groom's Age �tab�26
Bride's Name �tab�Ella Zuber
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1880
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Illinois
Bride's Age �tab�26
Marriage Date �tab�13 Feb 1906
Marriage Place �tab�, Adams, Iowa
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Lewis Richards
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Lucretia Edginton
Bride's Father's Name �tab�William Zuber
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Laura Evelsizer
Groom's Race �tab�White
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�White
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02565-4
System Origin �tab�Iowa-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1035098
Reference Number �tab�p 431 lic 2812
Groom's Name �tab�James Wells
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1881
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Barton County, Mo.
Groom's Age �tab�29
Bride's Name �tab�Elsie Jansen
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1891
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Davenport, Iowa
Bride's Age �tab�19
Marriage Date �tab�01 Dec 1910
Marriage Place �tab�Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John Wells
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Lizzie Evelsizer
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Julius Jansen
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Gerta Rodler
Groom's Race �tab�White
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�White
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02716-6
System Origin �tab�Iowa-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1831742
Reference Number �tab�20282
Groom's Name �tab�Callaway Harvey
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1862
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Tennessee
Groom's Age �tab�28
Bride's Name �tab�Mattie Holmes
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1872
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Ind.
Bride's Age �tab�18
Marriage Date �tab�10 Jul 1890
Marriage Place �tab�Coffeyville, Montgomery, Kansas
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Elija Harvey
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Hedrick
Bride's Father's Name �tab�J.H. Holmes
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Evilsizer
Groom's Race �tab�White
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M54490-8
System Origin �tab�Kansas-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1404666
Reference Number �tab�pg 153
Groom's Name �tab�Benj. D. Glenn
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1863
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Louise Arbogast
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1866
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�18
Marriage Date �tab�15 May 1884
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
1/18/1895 bk 49 pg 241
Louise Glenn vs Benjamin D Glenn for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted, minor children
Name: �tab�Freeman Davis
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�16 Jul 1913
Event Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Age: �tab�41, general merchant, once prev married
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1872
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�David N. Davis
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mahala Pence
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Dessa Elesta Landenburg
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�27
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�7-4-1886 Champaign co, stenographer
Spouse's Father: �tab�Marion Landenburg
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Harriet Alexander
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p465 cn928
Film Number: �tab�530190
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016811
Image Number: �tab�595
Name: �tab�Freeman Davis
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�30 Sep 1925
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�54 prev married, a widower
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1871
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�David M. Davis
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mabala Pence
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Mary Long
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�36, practical nurse, once prev married, a widow
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1889
Spouse's Father: �tab�John Tomlin
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Emma Kite
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�972
Film Number: �tab�545417
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016846
Image Number: �tab�295
Name: �tab�Carl D. Brown
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�27 May 1915
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�31
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1884
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�John A. Brown
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mary C. Shaffer
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Opal Dodge
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�26
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1889
Spouse's Father: �tab�George Lyons Dodge
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Sarah Loouise Tibbs
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p87
Film Number: �tab�545416
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016845
Image Number: �tab�82
Name: �tab�John H. Stickley
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�16 Nov 1886
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Carrie B. Lambert
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Spouse's Father: �tab�
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�Pg. 150 Vol. J
Film Number: �tab�530188
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016809
Groom's Name �tab�Robert C. Snodgrass
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1851
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�68
Bride's Name �tab�Annie C. Roberts
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1864
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�55
Marriage Date �tab�25 Feb 1919
Marriage Place �tab�Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky
Groom's Father's Name �tab�George Snodgrass
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Evilsizer
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John Hessian
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Margaret Burke
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�I01685-3
System Origin �tab�Kentucky-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�2024991
Reference Number �tab�20
I believe Ezra Ringle marriage 7/26/1883 in same location is an error and is actually Hezekiah
Groom's Name �tab�Hezekiah Ringle
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1852
Groom's Birthplace �tab�, , Oh
Groom's Age �tab�30
Bride's Name �tab�Ann Evilozer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1866
Bride's Birthplace �tab�, , Oh
Bride's Age �tab�16
Marriage Date �tab�26 Jul 1882
Marriage Place �tab�North Star, Gratiot, Michigan
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M51841-3
System Origin �tab�Michigan-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�985694
Reference Number
Groom's Name �tab�George Dutcher
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1872
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Michigan
Groom's Age �tab�23
Bride's Name �tab�Myrtie I. Worthington
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1879
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Michigan
Bride's Age �tab�16
Marriage Date �tab�03 Jul 1895
Marriage Place �tab�St Louis, Michigan
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Joseph Dutcher
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Benj. Worthington
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Ellin J. Evilsinger
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M51841-3
System Origin �tab�Michigan-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�985694
Groom's Name �tab�Herbert Everson
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�42 years
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1882
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Michigan
Bride's Name �tab�Rosie Evelsezer Cole
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�48 years
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1876
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Marriage Type �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�28 Mar 1924
Marriage Place �tab�Alma, Gratiot, Michigan
Groom's Father �tab�L.R. Everson
Groom's Mother �tab�Prisilla Beals
Bride's Father �tab�Seth Evelsezer
Bride's Mother �tab�Samantha Mccolry
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband
Groom's Name �tab�Thomas J. Cody
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1883
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�29
Bride's Name �tab�Phoebe Rice
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1881
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�31
Marriage Date �tab�20 Nov 1912
Marriage Place �tab�Orange, New York
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Thomas Cody
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Margaret Carey
Bride's Father's Name �tab�George H. Shaffer
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Larua Evlsizor
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�I00304-4
System Origin �tab�New York-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�829654
Reference Number �tab�pg870/cn4350
Groom's Name �tab�John Ransom
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1895
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�23 on Feb 3 1918
Bride's Name �tab�Nettie Earley
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1902
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�16 on 9/11/1918
Marriage Date �tab�21 Dec 1918
Marriage Place �tab�Guernsey Co, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Frank Ransom
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Rosa Simpson
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Geo. Earley
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Maggie Evilsizer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M01964-3
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�2166588
Reference Number �tab�RN804 V13 P405
Groom's Name �tab�Harry K. Bascom
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1884
Groom's Birthplace St Louis MO
res Philadelphia, PA�tab�, actor
Groom's Age �tab�34 on Aug 4 1918
Bride's Name �tab�Iva May Fitzgerald
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1891
Bride's Birthplace Cambridge, OH., actress
married once, name Iva May McCullough�tab�
Bride's Age �tab�28 on 3/21/1918
Marriage Date �tab�10 Jan 1919
Marriage Place �tab�Guernsey Co, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Silas Henry Bascom
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Stella Bond
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Finley Fitzgerald
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Martha Evilsizer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M01964-3
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�2166588
Reference Number �tab�RN826 V13 P416
Groom's Name �tab�Clement E. Leslie
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Perry Twp., Wood Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21on 9/2/1921
Bride's Name �tab�Etta Simon
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1876
Bride's Birthplace Bloom Twp., Wood Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�24 (no date)
Marriage Date �tab�02 Sep 1900
Marriage Place �tab�Wood, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Levi Leslie
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Eva Evilsizer
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Jacob Simon
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Rhodes
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02309-3
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�409704
Reference Number �tab�p 331 no 9185
Groom's Name �tab�Banjamin Sutherland
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1875
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Bloom Center, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�25
Bride's Name �tab�Vic Whitney
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1882
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Eagleville, Wood Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�18
Marriage Date �tab�24 Nov 1900
Marriage Place �tab�Wood, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Benjamin Sutherland
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Eva Evilsizer
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Bert Whitney
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Nancy Davis
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02309-3
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�409704
Reference Number �tab�p 386 no 9296
Groom's Name �tab�H. R. Conn
Groom's Birth Date �tab�25 Jul 1888
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Mc Clure, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�23
Bride's Name �tab�Florence Evilsizer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�19 Sep 1892
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Eagleville, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�20
Marriage Date �tab�27 Apr 1912
Marriage Place �tab�Wood County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�W. M. Conn
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Ida Stoner
Bride's Father's Name �tab�J. A. Evilsizer
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Laura Richard
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02309-4
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�409706
Reference Number �tab�v 337
Groom's Name �tab�Harry Mallas
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1889
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Greece
Groom's Age �tab�30
Bride's Name �tab�Alberta Ferguson
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1886
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Bairdstown, O.
Bride's Age �tab�33
Marriage Date �tab�12 Jun 1919
Marriage Place �tab�Wood County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Peter Mallas
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Annie Mallas
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Benjamin Simon
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Rebecca Evilsizer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Ferguson
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02309-5
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�409707
Reference Number �tab�bk 18 p 378 cn 755
Groom's Name �tab�Jesse Brown
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1874
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Paulding Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�36 on 2/11/1909
born/res Paulding Co, OH
farmer, never married
Bride's Name �tab�Alice Condon
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1875
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Mercer Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�35 on 8/8/1909
once married, divorced, name Alice Condon
Marriage Date �tab�20 Jan 1910
Marriage Place �tab�Mercer Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Jacob Brown
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Comadoll
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Samuel Flowers
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Eliz. Evilsizer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Condon
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02342-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�914959
Reference Number �tab�CN 9 p 5
Groom's Name �tab�Andrew Hermon
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1884
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Guernsey Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Pearl Jules
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1889
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Noble County, O.
Bride's Age �tab�16
Marriage Date �tab�17 Aug 1905
Marriage Place �tab�Guernsey, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John Hermon
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Susan Hommon
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Finley Jules
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Martha Evilsizer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02332-6
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�894941
Reference Number �tab�p 98 cn 196
Groom's Name �tab�Andrew Hermon
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1884
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Guernsey Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Pearl Jules
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1889
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Noble County, O.
Bride's Age �tab�16
Marriage Date �tab�17 Aug 1905
Marriage Place �tab�Guernsey, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John Hermon
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Susan Hommon
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Finley Jules
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Martha Evilsizer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02332-6
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�894941
Reference Number �tab�p 98 cn 196
Groom's Name �tab�Edward Creighton
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1882
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Marietta, Oh
Groom's Age �tab�22
Bride's Name �tab�Jeanette Plummer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1885
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Athens Co., Oh
Bride's Age �tab�19
Marriage Date �tab�07 Sep 1904
Marriage Place �tab�Washington, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Isaac Creighton
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Amy Evilsizer
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Granville Plummer
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Ella Grimes
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02353-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�946202
Reference Number �tab�p 150
Groom's Name �tab�George M. Snodgrass
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1868
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Wash. Co., Oh
Groom's Age �tab�40
Bride's Name �tab�Jennie Bell Swaney
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1879
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Monroe Co., Oh
Bride's Age �tab�29
Marriage Date �tab�06 Apr 1908
Marriage Place �tab�Washington, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Geo. Snodgrass
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Evilsizer
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Levi Bly
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Luella Crawford
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Married
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Swaney
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02353-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�946202
Reference Number �tab�p 416
Groom's Name �tab�Claude S. Winters
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1885
Groom's Birthplace �tab�W. Va.
Groom's Age �tab�23
Bride's Name �tab�Ethel A. Creighton
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1889
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Marietta, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�19
Marriage Date �tab�24 Dec 1908
Marriage Place �tab�Washington, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Wm. Winters
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Rosa Moats
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Issac Creighton
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Amy Evilsizer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02353-8
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�946203
Reference Number �tab�p 22 cn 44
Groom's Name �tab�William M. Hughes
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1871
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Alliance, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�42
Bride's Name �tab�Lora A. Mccroskey
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1883
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Spencer, W. Va.
Bride's Age �tab�30
Marriage Date �tab�09 Jan 1913
Marriage Place �tab�Washington, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Alonzo Hughes
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Lawilda Seevers
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Chas. Atkinson
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Evilsizer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02353-8
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�946203
Reference Number �tab�p 225 cn 449
Groom's Name �tab�Raymond Boltz
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1889
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Jersy City, Wood, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�19
Bride's Name �tab�Katie M. Leslie
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1892
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Jersy City, Wood, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�16
Marriage Date �tab�10 Oct 1908
Marriage Place �tab�Bowling Green, Wood, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John Boltz
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Phobe Vosburg
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Levi Leslie
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Eva Evilsizer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02309-1
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�409705
Reference Number �tab�p 329
Groom's Name �tab�John M. Fenton
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1879
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�27
Bride's Name �tab�Mary A. Young
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1888
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Athens Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�18
Marriage Date �tab�21 Feb 1906
Marriage Place �tab�Athens County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John Fenton
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Emaline Evilsi...Or
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Spencer Young
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Hall
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02290-9
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�311597
Reference Number �tab�V 14 p 396 cn 2573
Groom's Name �tab�Elwood C Greene
Groom's Birth Date �tab�10 Sep 1904
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Hamilton, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�23
Bride's Name �tab�Dorothy M Rust
Bride's Birth Date �tab�13 Jul 1910
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Springfield, Clark County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�17
Marriage Date �tab�24 Sep 1927
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�William I Greene
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Ollie E Evilsizor
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John Rust
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Clara Bascom
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02313-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�466638
Reference Number �tab�Clk, OHVol33CN 18362
Groom's Name �tab�J Elwood Hupp
Groom's Birth Date �tab�29 Oct 1904
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�26
Bride's Name �tab�Dorothy M Strome
Bride's Birth Date �tab�04 Sep 1908
Bride's Birthplace �tab�New Carlisle, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�21
Marriage Date �tab�16 Apr 1930
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Worden Hupp
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Carrie Evilsizor
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Charles Strome
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Grace Crosby
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02313-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�466638
Reference Number �tab�Clk, OH Vol34CN19897
Groom's Name �tab�Charles Rosien
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1877
Groom's Birthplace �tab�New York, occ-assembler
Groom's Age �tab�28 on 11/12/1904
Bride's Name �tab�Mary K. Huttenbrock
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1887
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Portland, Indiana
Bride's Age �tab�18 on 1/16/1905
Marriage Date �tab�01 Aug 1905
Marriage Place �tab�Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Frederick Rosien
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Lizzie Luther
Bride's Father's Name �tab�William H. Huttenbrock
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Elanora Evelsizer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02365-6
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1030848
Reference Number �tab�24382
Groom's Name �tab�David Wert
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1842
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�76
Bride's Name �tab�Henrietta Barnes
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1846
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Salem, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�72
Marriage Date �tab�25 Jul 1918
Marriage Place �tab�Hamilton, Butler Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�James Wert
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Sophia Evelseizer
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Albert G. Hadder
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Henrietta Miller
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Married
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Barnes
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02279-3
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�355792
Reference Number �tab�pg373 cn2728
Groom's Name �tab�Arthur J. Porter
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1894
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Cygnet, O.
Groom's Age �tab�24
Bride's Name �tab�Josephine E. Leslie
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1901
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Jerry City, O.
Bride's Age �tab�17
Marriage Date �tab�25 Dec 1918
Marriage Place �tab�Wood County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�A. M. Porter
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Sadie Sankey
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Levi Leslie
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Eveline Evelsiver
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02309-5
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�409707
Reference Number �tab�bk 18 p 310 cn 619
Groom's Name �tab�Armstrong Johnson
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1842
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Caldwell, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�64
Bride's Name �tab�Martha J Eavelsizer Ball
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1849
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Sarahsville
Bride's Age �tab�57
Marriage Date �tab�20 Sep 1906
Marriage Place �tab�Noble, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�George R Johnson
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Delila Col
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Rainer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�J Eavelsizer
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02352-5
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�930096
Reference Number �tab�P241B
Groom's Name �tab�Arthur C Moore
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1885
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Whigville
Groom's Age �tab�22
Bride's Name �tab�Hannah E Knox
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1889
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Sarahsville
Bride's Age �tab�18
Marriage Date �tab�03 Jul 1907
Marriage Place �tab�Noble, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�James P Moore
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Jane Sares
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Tamas Knox
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Harriet Eavelsiser
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02352-5
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�930096
Reference Number �tab�P324B
Groom's Name �tab�Edwin R. Trammel
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1867
Groom's Birthplace �tab�, Preble, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�38
Bride's Name �tab�Fannie M. Ellig
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1879
Bride's Birthplace �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�26
Marriage Date �tab�14 Jan 1905
Marriage Place �tab�Logan, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�James Trammel
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Martha Alexander
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Michael Ellig
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Precilla Evileizer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-5
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�534840
Reference Number �tab�cn 480 (application)
Groom's Name �tab�John T. Ingersoll
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1864
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Oakland Co., Michigan
Groom's Age �tab�41 married once
Bride's Name �tab�Sarah Illig
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1874
Bride's Birthplace �tab�West Liberty, Oh
Bride's Age �tab�32 in June 1905
never married
Marriage Date �tab�20 Sep 1905
Marriage Place �tab�Lucas, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Orson Ingersoll
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Harriett Smith
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Michael Illig
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Priscilla Evilsejer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02335-3
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�909011
Reference Number �tab�PG 60 CN 8824
Groom's Name �tab�John Thomas Radcliffe
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1885
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Buchtel, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�25
Bride's Name �tab�Mabel Huttenbrock
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1892
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Illinois
Bride's Age �tab�18
Marriage Date �tab�23 Sep 1910
Marriage Place �tab�Hamilton County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Henry Radcliffe
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Jennie Squire
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Henry Huttenbrock
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Elianora Evilseiser
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02281-1
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�365181
Reference Number �tab�491
Groom's Name �tab�Simeon N. Flowers
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1855
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�49
Bride's Name �tab�Hannah J. Harris
Bride's Birth Date �tab�3-30-1867
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Independence, Indiana
Bride's Age �tab�36
Marriage Date �tab�25 Jan 1904
Marriage Place �tab�Montgomery, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Samuel Flowers
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Evilsisor
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Anthony Harris
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Hannah Coffett
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02365-3
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1030846
Reference Number �tab�p 259 cn 21938
Groom's Name �tab�Charles W. Evilsizor
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1862
Groom's Birthplace �tab�, Champaign, O.
Groom's Age �tab�65
Bride's Name �tab�Nellie Boulton
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1866
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Delaware, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�61
Marriage Date �tab�14 Dec 1927
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Allen Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Isabel Sifers
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Edward Defner
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Harrietta Rokets
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Boulton
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02319-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545417
Reference Number �tab�39
Groom's Name �tab�Danl Evelseiser
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Martha A. Duncan
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�02 Dec 1895
Marriage Place �tab�Miami, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02319-3
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�550150
Reference Number �tab�p586
Groom's Name �tab�Karol Meeks
Groom's Birth Date �tab�10 Mar 1895
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Mary Enochs
Bride's Birth Date �tab�13 Oct 1899
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�17
Marriage Date �tab�27 Nov 1916
Marriage Place �tab�Lisbon, Columbiana, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Lemuel Meeks
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Harriett Evilsider
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Geo. Enochs
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Josephine Battin
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02353-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�931581
Reference Number �tab�Vol25 P110 CN219
Groom's Name �tab�Clifford L. Dear
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1904
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Springfield, O.
Groom's Age �tab�20
Bride's Name �tab�Delee L. Engelke
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1904
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Columbus, O.
Bride's Age �tab�20
Marriage Date �tab�14 Jun 1924
Marriage Place �tab�Franklin, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Curtis L. Dear
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Anna F. Evilsizor
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Frank Engleke
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Alice B. Mcfall
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02369-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1854978
Reference Number �tab�p428 cn68659
Groom's Name �tab�Charles Almond Castillo
Groom's Birth Date �tab�24 Dec 1884
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�34
Bride's Name �tab�Alice May Ballentine
Bride's Birth Date �tab�06 Feb 1892
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�27
Marriage Date �tab�18 Aug 1919
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Thomas Castillo
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Clara Bumgardner
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Horace M. Ballentine
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Nannie Evilsizor
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02314-4
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�465400
Reference Number �tab�v 28 p 525 no 12773
Groom's Name �tab�Clarence H. Leslie
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1883
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Gratiot Co., Mich.
Groom's Age �tab�26
Bride's Name �tab�Nellie Lash Howell
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1886
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Clyde
Bride's Age �tab�23
Marriage Date �tab�21 Jun 1909
Marriage Place �tab�Sandusky, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Levi Leslie
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Evaline Avelsizer
Bride's Father's Name �tab�O.P. Howell
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Lash
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02316-3
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�506648
Reference Number �tab�v 17, cn 2735
Groom's Name �tab�V. R. Agener
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1880
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Putman Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�22
Bride's Name �tab�Myrtie Bortmas
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1882
Bride's Birthplace �tab�North Baltimore
Bride's Age �tab�20
Marriage Date �tab�15 Feb 1902
Marriage Place �tab�Seneca County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�W. W. Agener
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Mohanabal Hazelton
Bride's Father's Name �tab�B. F. Simon
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Rebecca Evilsezer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Bortmas
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02305-5
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�388641
Reference Number �tab�p542 cn1083
Groom's Name �tab�Ebenzer Knox
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1891
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Center Tp.
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Martha Kirkbride
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1894
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Center Tp., Noble O.
Bride's Age �tab�18
Marriage Date �tab�05 Dec 1912
Marriage Place �tab�Noble, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Thomas Knox
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Harriet Evesizer
Bride's Father's Name �tab�M. L. Kirkbride
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Emma Van Dyne
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02352-4
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�930097
Reference Number �tab�V 11 p 211
Groom's Name �tab�Alexander Smith
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1849
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Ironton, O.
Groom's Age �tab�59
Bride's Name �tab�Lillie A. Or H. Martin
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1867
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Lawrence Co., O.
Bride's Age �tab�41
Marriage Date �tab�29 Dec 1908
Marriage Place �tab�Lawrence, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Elias Smith
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Evelsize
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Ira Woods
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Skaggs
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02369-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�317724
Reference Number �tab�p224 cn5409
Groom's Name �tab�John G. Heinrich
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1865
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Wapakoneta, O.
Groom's Age �tab�37
Bride's Name �tab�Mary E. Shaffer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1875
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�27
Marriage Date �tab�28 Dec 1902
Marriage Place �tab�Auglaize, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Wm. Heinrich
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Catharine Herbst
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Andrew Shaffer
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Evilsiser
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02355-4
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�963059
Reference Number �tab�v 9 p 13
Groom's Name �tab�J. R. Reading
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1871
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�40
Bride's Name �tab�Lizzie M. Evilsizer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1890
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�21
Marriage Date �tab�07 Oct 1911
Marriage Place �tab�Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M01211-4
System Origin �tab�Utah-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�429303
Reference Number �tab�13276 V14 p139
Groom's Name �tab�J. R. Reading
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1871
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Of St. Louis, Mo.
Groom's Age �tab�40
Bride's Name �tab�Lizzie M. Evilsizer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1890
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Of Cripple Creek, ..., Colo.
Bride's Age �tab�21
Marriage Date �tab�07 Oct 1911
Marriage Place �tab�Salt Lake, Utah
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M74329-6
System Origin �tab�Utah-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�429078
Reference Number �tab�13276
Paul Dean Conkle of Hancock Co, WV
Elizabeth Pauline Evilsizer of Hancock Co, WV
Paul age 20 yrs born in Beaver Penn.
Elizabeth age 18 born Hancock Co, WV consent of parents
Paul res Chester WV
Elizabeth residence Chester WV
Minister John H whiteman, MG Free Methodist Church 7/11/1922
Groom's Name: �tab�George Hamilton
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�15 Sep 1888
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Alice Mckinney
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�20 Jun 1894
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Green Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�20
Marriage Date: �tab�09 Sep 1914
Marriage Place: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�George Hamilton
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Vina Idyle
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Frank Mckinney
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Hayes
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M86851-9
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0465399
Reference Number: �tab�2:3JNQ3ZS
Groom's Name: �tab�Edward Hamilton
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1879
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Madriver Tp., County Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�29 on July 4, 1908, occ: section hand, once previously married
Bride's Name: �tab�Blanche Hazlett
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1889
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Mad River Tp. Of This County
Bride's Age: �tab�19 on 7-2-1908 never married
Marriage Date: �tab�19 Jul 1908
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�George Hamilton
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Idle
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Elijah Hazlett
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Lillian Hunter
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Daniel Wiltz
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Margaret E. Black
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�
Marriage Date: �tab�27 Sep 1886
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Champaign Co- Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg218. Minute book 47 pg 460 12/19/1892 Margaret Etta Wilt vs Daniel Wilt for divorce ; case dismissed.
12/5/1908 Minute book 58 pg 148
Margaret Wilt vs Daniel Wilt for divorce on gross neglect; divorce granted, her name restore to Maragret E BUCK
Groom's Name �tab�Albert R. Carpenter
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1877
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Cadmus, Gallia, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�34
Bride's Name �tab�Elizabeth Fauver
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�26 Oct 1911
Marriage Place �tab�Summit, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John Carpenter
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Minerva Loucks
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Simeon N. Flowers
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Susan Conner
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�1. Deeter 2. Wahl 3. ...
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02346-8
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�902059
Reference Number
1920 Census Albert living at home, divorced
John Carpenter �tab�67
Minerva L Carpenter �tab�64
Albert R Carpenter �tab�43
Perry R Carpenter �tab�15
Groom's Name �tab�George W. Huff
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Washington County, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Katie Morningstar
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1873
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Washington County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�28
Marriage Date �tab�31 Oct 1901
Marriage Place �tab�Washington County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Hiram Huff
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Evilsizer
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Jacob Morningstar
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Lizzie Weinstock
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M86982-9
System Origin �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number �tab�0946201
Reference Number �tab�2:3LJPSGW
Name: �tab�Swan Patterson
Event Type: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�11 Sep 1883
Event Place: �tab�Washington, Ohio, United States
Mother's Name: �tab�Lucinda Evilsizer
Spouse's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Pegg age 16
Spouse's Father's Name: �tab�John Pegg
consent of father William Patterson
consent of father John Pegg
Groom's Name �tab�Glen Anderson
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�24 years
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1893
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Indiana
Bride's Name �tab�Marie Evielsizer Euelsizer
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�22 years
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1895
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Illinois
Marriage Type �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�12 May 1917
Marriage Place �tab�Detroit, Wayne, Michigan
Groom's Father �tab�Louis
Groom's Mother �tab�Annie
Bride's Father �tab�Amos
Bride's Mother �tab�Martha
Witness was sister Mary Genrich and husband W H Genrich
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband �tab�
Film Number �tab�2342724
Frame Number �tab�
Digital Folder Number �tab�4210014
Image Number �tab�34
Reference Number �tab�v 7 p 422 rn 146853
Groom's Name �tab�Bert Spidle
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1868
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Niles
Groom's Age �tab�29
Bride's Name �tab�Minnie M. Cameron
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1873
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Jackson
Bride's Age �tab�24
Marriage Date �tab�01 Nov 1897
Marriage Place �tab�Muir, Ionia, Michigan
Groom's Father's Name �tab�C. A. Spidle
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Louisa Evalsizer
Bride's Father's Name �tab�D. Cameron
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�White
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�White
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M73797-4
System Origin �tab�Michigan-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�960510
Reference Number �tab�270 p217
Groom's Name �tab�Melvin K. Merrick
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�22 years
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1900
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Ottowa Co., Michigan
Bride's Name �tab�Edith Taylor
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�20 years
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1902
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Ionia Co., Michigan
Marriage Type �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�16 Sep 1922
Marriage Place �tab�Cadillac, Wexford, Michigan
Groom's Father �tab�James H. Merrick
Groom's Mother �tab�Anna M. Clinton
Bride's Father �tab�Norman A. Taylor
Bride's Mother �tab�May Evilsizer
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband �tab�
Film Number �tab�2342751
Frame Number �tab�
Digital Folder Number �tab�4210110
Image Number �tab�527
Reference Number �tab�v 7 rn 135
Groom's Name �tab�Harry Edward Sherer
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Eva May Shultz
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�25 Aug 1919
Marriage Place �tab�Marion County, Indiana
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Frank P. Sherer
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Smith
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Martin Shultz
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Eva May Evilsizer (nee Niece) now Mrs md to Albert
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M01404-4
System Origin �tab�Indiana-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�499417
Reference Number �tab�Page 606
Groom's Name �tab�Carl L. Mc Cormick
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1882
Groom's Birthplace �tab�New Castle
Groom's Age �tab�31
Bride's Name �tab�Jennie Walker
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1883
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Virginia
Bride's Age �tab�30
Marriage Date �tab�07 Oct 1913
Marriage Place �tab�Logansport, Cass County, Indiana
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Martin Mc Cormick
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Ada Kern
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Wells Walker
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Caroline Evilsizer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M00598-8
System Origin �tab�Indiana-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1993183
Reference Number �tab�54
Groom's Name �tab�James Hilton
Groom's Birth Date �tab�15 Dec 1880
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Sue Mccormack
Bride's Birth Date �tab�23 Dec 1883
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�12 Sep 1918
Marriage Place �tab�Wayne Co., Indiana
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Henry Hilton
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Jane Sturgeon
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Wm. W. Walker
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Caroline Evilsizer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M01159-9
System Origin �tab�Indiana-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1839238
Reference Number �tab�146
Groom's Name �tab�John Ubelshauser
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Barbara Schenacker
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�12 Jul 1875
Marriage Place �tab�Cass County, Indiana
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M00469-7
System Origin �tab�Indiana-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1987535
Reference Number �tab�pg97
Groom's Name �tab�Charles Thomas Bennett
Groom's Birth Date �tab�27 Jun 1890
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Chicago, Illinois
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Victoria Ella Scheuy
Bride's Birth Date �tab�17 Apr 1890
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Logansport, Indiana
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�04 Apr 1910
Marriage Place �tab�Cass, Indiana
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Charles R. Bennett
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Joanna Graham
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John Scheuy
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Martha Elizabeth Evilsizer
Groom's Race �tab�White
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�White
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M00630-5
System Origin �tab�Indiana-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1987544
Reference Number �tab�P 178-179
Groom's Name �tab�John A. Settles
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1883
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Logansport, Indiana
Groom's Age �tab�39
Bride's Name �tab�Pearl Bertha Painter
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1886
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Attica, Indiana
Bride's Age �tab�36
Marriage Date �tab�20 May 1922
Marriage Place �tab�Logansport, Indiana
Groom's Father's Name �tab�N. H. Settles
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Annie Crawford
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John Painter
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Martha E. Ubelhauser
Groom's Race �tab�White
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�White
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M00598-7
System Origin �tab�Indiana-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1993183
Reference Number �tab�P 56
Groom's Name �tab�William E. Ubelhauser
Groom's Birth Date �tab�30 Mar 1882
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Royal Center, Cass Co., Indiana
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Laura B. Porter
Bride's Birth Date �tab�22 Oct 1886
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Royal Center, Cass Co., Indiana
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�28 Aug 1905
Marriage Place �tab�Cass, Indiana
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John Ubelhauser
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Barbara Schanacker
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John Porter
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Smith
Groom's Race �tab�White
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�White
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M00460-0
System Origin �tab�Indiana-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1987542
Reference Number �tab�bk22, p182,183
Groom's Name �tab�Wm. A. Willhauser
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1884
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Ind
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Laura B. Porter
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1885
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Ind
Bride's Age �tab�20
Marriage Date �tab�28 Aug 1905
Marriage Place �tab�Royal Center, Cass, Indiana
Groom's Father's Name �tab�J. Willhauser
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�B. Shoemacher
Bride's Father's Name �tab�J. Porter
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�M. Smith
Groom's Race �tab�White
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�White
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M00422-7
System Origin �tab�Indiana-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1993182
Reference Number �tab�P 49, No 39
Groom's Name �tab�John Ubelhauser
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Lillian Werwahn
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�10 Nov 1899
Marriage Place �tab�Cass, Indiana
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M00563-9
System Origin �tab�Indiana-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1987540
Reference Number �tab�
Groom's Name �tab�James L. Thomas
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Ella M. Ublehauser
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�02 Mar 1891
Marriage Place �tab�Cass, Indiana
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M00442-4
System Origin �tab�Indiana-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1987538
Reference Number �tab�Vol 13 pg 144
Groom's Name �tab�Otto Bundy
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Myrtle May Ubelhauser
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�08 Oct 1901
Marriage Place �tab�Cass, Indiana
Marriage not confirmed, but only candidate.
In 1920 Phillip and Iva Palmer Gruensfelder were in McLean Co, Bloomfield. Sarah B Palmer was in the home named as mother in law a widow. This indicates she must have married an Evelsizer 1920-1930. Possibly John (1854-1931) who lost his wife in 1919. However he claims he is a widower living with his son Vernon in 1930.
Groom's Name: �tab�Benjamin Madden
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1871
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Union Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�39
Bride's Name: �tab�Jennie Brown
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1872
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Wayne Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�38
Marriage Date: �tab�25 Apr 1910
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Benj. F. Madden
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Annie E. Purtlebaugh
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�William R. Shaul
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Annie Mcmahill
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�Brown
5/14/1866 and June 28 1866 Minute Book 28 Pg 402
Benjamin Adams vs Charlotte Adams for divorce. They were married 20 July 1864 at Seneca Co, NY- the marriage dissolved; she Charlotte Knight was married before and not divorced.
Minute book 68 pg 57
Katherine Baldwin vs John Baldwin for divorce on gross neglect, by next best friend, Charles Ropp, divorce granted, her name restored to Katherine Ropp
Name: �tab�Theodore Bates
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�04 Jun 1919
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�51
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1868
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Daniel Bates
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mary Burnham
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Dora Wilson
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�43
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1876
Spouse's Father: �tab�Samuel Humes
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Maddie Sarenson
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p484
Film Number: �tab�545416
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016845
Image Number: �tab�287
[NF24631] Minute bk 65 pg 582 Clara Beker vs George Becker for divorce on gross neglect. They were md July 8 1921, no children, divorce granted
5/10/1926 Min bk 68 pg 194
Forest G Nerry vs Mildred L Merry for divorce on gorss neglect. Divorce granted, chld Mary Oleta to the father
Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg24 17 May 1912 Urbana Daily Citizen Ethel Lippencott by father Andrew Lippencott vs Oren Brigner on maternity charge. Ethel is 13 years old and lives with her father on farm of James Hodge near Catawba. Brigner young man 22 years of age and working on Dan Daley farm in Madison County, Ohio; her worked for Lippencott last fall and boarded at the Lippencott home. His brothers wife is the sister of Ethel Lippencott; $300 bond.
Aunt Jane claimed that Oren was innocent. I guess that's because she liked him.
Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg116 May 17 1912 Urbana Daily Citizen - Ethel Lippencott for bastardy --see Oren Brigner
Groom's Name �tab�Calvin Ensminger
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1907
Groom's Birthplace �tab�York County, Penna.
Groom's Age �tab�24
Bride's Name �tab�Emma Buckles
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1911
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Northumberland Co., Penna.
Bride's Age �tab�20
Marriage Date �tab�27 Aug 1931
Marriage Place �tab�Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Calvin Ensminger
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Nettie Miller
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Alvin Buckles
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mabel Troutman
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02319-9
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�550157
Reference Number �tab�Vol 17 cn 34627
Groom's Name �tab�Pearl J. Burnham
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Nina Morgan
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1864
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�18
Marriage Date �tab�21 Jun 1882
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
12/7/1883 Book 40 pg 479 Nina Burnham vs Peral J Burnham, for divorce on extreme cruelty. Divorce granted, her name restored to Nina Morgan
Groom's Name �tab�Cecil Carey
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1890
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�26
Bride's Name �tab�Lettie Bell Phillips
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1891
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�25
Marriage Date �tab�21 Apr 1916
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Charles Carey
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Margaret Nighswwander
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John Phillips
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Andrews
6/3/1922 Minute book 66 pg 49
Cecil Carey vs Lettie Carey for divorce, they were married April 22, 1916; she cross-petitioned; he was found guilty of gross neglect, she got the divorce; children Charles Richard age 5 and Maynard Lee age 4 yrs to the mother
Groom's Name �tab�Edmund B. Coffman
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1889
Groom's Birthplace �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�33
Bride's Name �tab�Lucy H. Coffman
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1888
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�34
Marriage Date �tab�27 Oct 1922
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Jno. L. Coffman
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Martha Price
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Geo. C. Murphy
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Margaret Clearty
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Coffman
[NF24638] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 38 21 Feb 1920 Minute book 64 pg 486 Orla Colbert vs Bertha L Colbert for divorce on willful absense and gro ss neglect. They were married in Feb 1916. ON 2 Oct 1915, Minute book 62 p g237, divorce granted, no children
Groom's Name �tab�Harley William Crabb
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1879
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Urbana Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�31
Bride's Name �tab�Mollie Elizabeth Roher
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1873
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Pennsylvania
Bride's Age �tab�37
Marriage Date �tab�11 Jan 1910
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John Crabb
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Martz
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John Roher
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Locker
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530190
Reference Number �tab�P 128 # 255
Groom's Name �tab�Harley W. Crabb
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Urmah Maggie Troye
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�02 Jun 1897
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah A. Barr
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
1/5/1910 book 58 pg 516 Emma Crabb vs Harley Crabb for divorce gross neglect. Divorce granted, children to the mother
9/29/1928 Bk 69 pg 364
Mary Crabb vs harley W Crabb for divorce extreme cruelty. Divorce granted, her names restored to Mary Locker
Name: �tab�John F Craig
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�03 Mar 1920
Event Place: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Age: �tab�52
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1868
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Aaron Craig
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Martha Cox
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Catherine Elizabeth Smith
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�52
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1868
Spouse's Father: �tab�John Schaffer
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Margaret Frank
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�13244
Film Number: �tab�465401
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016781
Image Number: �tab�96
1/17/1928 bk 67 pg 340 John F Craig vs Catherine Craig for divorce on extreme cruelty and gross neglect. Divorce granted
Groom's Name �tab�Hubert E. Cranston
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1891
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�28
Bride's Name �tab�Rachel M. Steinberger
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1897
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�22
Marriage Date �tab�14 Jun 1919
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Chas. Cranston
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Maud Riley
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Warren Steinberger
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Lorena M. Booram
[NF24648] 12/8/1917 bk 63 pg 353 Hazel Cranston vs Hubert Earl Cranston for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted, her name restored to Hazel Glendenning
Groom's Name �tab�Ernest Deaton
Groom's Birth Date �tab�19 Apr 1882
Groom's Birthplace �tab�St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Edith May Circle
Bride's Birth Date �tab�12 Aug 1886
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�17
Marriage Date �tab�03 Apr 1904
Marriage Place �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Willis Deaton
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Proctor
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Perry Circle
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Sour
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Name �tab�Albert R. Devore
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1872
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Jackson, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�53
Bride's Name �tab�Mana N. Warner
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1886
Bride's Birthplace �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�39
Marriage Date �tab�25 Nov 1925
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Thomas Devore
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Catherine Nicholas
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John Warner
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Minerva Jacobs
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Name �tab�Louis M. Domigan
Groom's Birth Date �tab�18 Jan 1869
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Dalaware, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�37
Bride's Name �tab�Anna Stacie Harrigan
Bride's Birth Date �tab�29 Oct 1885
Bride's Birthplace �tab�St. Paris, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�20
Marriage Date �tab�28 Jun 1906
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Jeremiah Domigan
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Harriet Jecogus
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Daniel Harrigan
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Halland
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Married
[NF24653] 7/26/1901 bk 54 pg 181 Lewis Marion Domigan vs Della Domigan for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted
Groom's Name �tab�Phylander Downs
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Cynthia Ann Clark
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�29 Nov 1871
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
11/15/1900 bk 53 pg 485 Cynthia A Downs vs Philander Downs for divorce on willful absence. Divorce granted, child James E ag e17
Groom's Name �tab�Charles Robert Dunlap
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1871
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Union Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�30
Bride's Name �tab�Flora Grimes
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1863
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Logan Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�38
Marriage Date �tab�09 Oct 1901
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Samuel Dunlap
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Nancy Johnson
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Solomon Praider
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Matilda Moody
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
3/24/1905 bk 56 pg 158
Charles R Dunlap vs Flora Dunlap for divorce on adultery and gross neglect. Divorce granted
5/31/1895 bk 49 pg 446
Elizabeth Eleyet vs William B Eleyet for divorce, not sufficient evidence; case dismissed cost to plaintiff
Groom's Name �tab�Levi Fay
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1846
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�56
Bride's Name �tab�Sarah C. Morris Snow
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1858
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Van Wert Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�44
Marriage Date �tab�15 Jun 1902
Marriage Place �tab�Auglaize, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�W. P. Fay
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Olive Bright
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Morris
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Snow
Groom's Name �tab�Henry Eugene Foust
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1889
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�32
Bride's Name �tab�Ollie May Brandyberry
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1899
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Indiana
Bride's Age �tab�22
Marriage Date �tab�13 Jul 1921
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Emanuel Foust
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Lidy Ellen Banta
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Luman Brandyberry
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Harriet Johnson
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Name �tab�Kenneth Earl Glendenning
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1905
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Bellefontaine, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�19
Bride's Name �tab�Leoua May Myers
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1907
Bride's Birthplace �tab�North Lewisburg, Champaign, Ohi
Bride's Age �tab�17
Marriage Date �tab�12 Mar 1924
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Earl Glendenning
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Grace Durnell
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Ora D. Myers
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Sophia Danison
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
19 Feb 1927 Minute Book 68, page 440
LEONA GLENDENING vs KENNETH GLENDENING for divorce on extreme cruelty [a minor by ORA D MYERS her next friend). Divorce granted; children to her exclusively. On 24 Oct 1932 in Minute Book 72, page 84, LEONA GLENDENING vs KENNETH E GLENDENING for divorce; by ORA and SOPHIA MYERS [next of friend]; custody of minor children ROGER ARTHUR and LOWELL EDWARD to the MYERS [grand parents] mother may visit. Her maiden name was McLEOD.
Groom's Name �tab�Benjamin D. Glenn
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1876
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Ina Mccullough
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1878
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�19
Marriage Date �tab�15 Jul 1897
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Name �tab�Augustus Melville Glessner
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1871
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Norwich, Washington, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�55
Bride's Name �tab�Margaret Cumming Jennings
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1880
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Salem, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�46
Marriage Date �tab�21 Oct 1926
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Abraham Monison Glessner
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Clara Simons
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Edward Pratt Jennings
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Rennick Mcmaden
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Name �tab�Herbert Grimes
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1908
Groom's Birthplace �tab�West Liberty, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�20
Bride's Name �tab�Mary Frost
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1911
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Kennard, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�17
Marriage Date �tab�17 Jul 1928
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John Grimes
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Bessie Allen
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Emery Frost
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Minnie Scott
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
12/20/1930 bk 70 pg 588
Mary Grimes vs Herbert Grimes for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted; no children
Groom's Name �tab�Clifford Instine
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�, Pike, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Margaret Brown
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1901
Bride's Birthplace �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�25
Marriage Date �tab�03 Feb 1926
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Samuel Instine
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Wilholland
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Moffit Brown
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Clara Legge
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Boston Moots
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M86852-8
System Origin �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number �tab�0545417
Reference Number �tab�2:3VPVWCK
Groom's Name �tab�Thomas Wilson Jenkins
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1850
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�64
Bride's Name �tab�Elizabeth Ann Rue
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1854
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�60
Marriage Date �tab�16 Jul 1914
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Barnett Jenkins
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Christina Barger
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Samuel Oran
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Catherine Schaffer
Groom's Name �tab�Harry John Merritt
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1891
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Jackson Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Hazel Mae Johnson
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1894
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Jackson Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�18
Marriage Date �tab�05 Oct 1912
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Lawson Aaron Merritt
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Emma Downey
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Albert Elsworth Johnson
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Katie Lee Smith
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Name �tab�Don Kesler
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1886
Groom's Birthplace �tab�St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Bertha Anderson
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1888
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Marion, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�19
Marriage Date �tab�13 Aug 1907
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�George Kesler
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Belle Loudenback
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John Anderson
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Kennie
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
2/5/1929 Bertha Kessler vs Don Kessler for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted. Child Martha to the mother and household goods from home on Miami St to her
Groom's Name �tab�James Leroy King
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1893
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Gertrude May Blue
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1890
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�24
Marriage Date �tab�11 Nov 1914
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Joshua King
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Anna Mason
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John Blue
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Ida Leonard
Groom's Race
Groom's Name �tab�Clifford D. Landenburg
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1903
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Johnson, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�24
Bride's Name �tab�Mary E. Zerkel
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1910
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Jackson, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�17
Marriage Date �tab�02 Apr 1927
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Silvester M. Landenburg
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Minnie S. Rhinard
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Lewis Zerkel
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Gertrude Neese
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
11/17/1928 book 69 pg 421
Mary E Landenburg vs Clifford Landenburg for divorce on extreme cruelty. divorce granted child Jerald to the mother
Groom's Name �tab�Grover Cleveland Sandy
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1888
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Urbana Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�22
Bride's Name �tab�Viola Mae Zerkle
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1886
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Concord Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�24
Marriage Date �tab�11 May 1910
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Benjamin A. Sandy
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Amanda Powell
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Abraham Zerkle
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Rebecca Buck
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Lantz
Groom's Name �tab�David W. Lantz
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1877
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Champaign Co, O
Groom's Age �tab�25
Bride's Name �tab�May Jerkle
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1882
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�20
Marriage Date �tab�10 Aug 1902
Marriage Place �tab�Logan, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Oriat Lantz
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Zook
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Abram Jerkle
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Buck
7/10/1909 Bk 58 pg 374
Viola M Lantz vs David W lantz for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted; her name restorred to Viola M Zerkle
Groom's Name �tab�Felix Layton
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1886
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�32
Bride's Name �tab�Gladys Ropp
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1900
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�18
Marriage Date �tab�07 Aug 1918
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�C. D. Layton
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Anna Davis
Bride's Father's Name �tab�William Ropp
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Hartman
9/17/1921 bk 65 pg 382
Galdys R Layton vs Felix Layton for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted, child Fontabell, age 21 months
Groom's Name �tab�C. Oscar Lemmon
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1875
Groom's Birthplace �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�53
Bride's Name �tab�Rebecca A. Emmel
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1885
Bride's Birthplace �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�43
Marriage Date �tab�04 Feb 1928
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�J. W. Lemmon
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Ann Flowers
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Benj. F. Milligan
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mary M. Mccaughy
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Groom's Name �tab�Clemeth Oscar Lemmon
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1902
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Piqua, O.
Groom's Age �tab�22
Bride's Name �tab�Nellie Stump
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1907
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Paulding County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�17
Marriage Date �tab�05 Jul 1924
Marriage Place �tab�Miami, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Cory Lemmon
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Connor
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Myron Stump
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Hattie Bennett
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Name �tab�Royal A. Loudenback
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Carrie M. Pence
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�12 Aug 1896
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Name �tab�Royal A Loudenbeck
Groom's Birth Date �tab�30 Jul 1875
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�44
Bride's Name �tab�Ruth Collins
Bride's Birth Date �tab�14 Aug 1895
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�24
Marriage Date �tab�01 May 1920
Marriage Place �tab�, Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Abram P Loudenbeck
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Chappel
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Chas Pullins
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Allie Rhodes
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Collins
Name: �tab�Charley Pullins
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�31 Jul 1890
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Allie C. Grove
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age:
Groom's Name �tab�William Elmer Lung
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1870
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�25
Bride's Name �tab�Rachel Cora Birkhold
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1874
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�21
Marriage Date �tab�18 Mar 1895
Marriage Place �tab�Shelby, Ohio
3/4/1897 bk 51 pg 170 Rachel C Lung vs William E Lung for divorce on extreme cruelty. Divorce granted; her name restored to Rachel C Birkhold
6/10/1880 bk 38 pg 306
Lemmon E Marshall vs mary Belle Marshall for divorce on sillful absence. divorce granted
11/10 1881 Lemmon E Marshall for bastardy- Anna Stern
Groom's Name �tab�Charles Glen Martz
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1877
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Cureysville, Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�33
Bride's Name �tab�Minnie May Mathers
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1882
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Logan Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�28
Marriage Date �tab�28 Mar 1910
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Michael Jacob Martz
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Frances Mahan
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John C. Dolan
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Emma C. Woolenham
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Mathers
4/5/1913 bk 60 pg 466
Minnie M Martz vs Charles G Martz for divorce on gross neglect and extreme cruelty. Divorce granted
Groom's Name �tab�Truman B Mathers
Groom's Birth Date �tab�24 May 1900
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Marie G Sparrow
Bride's Birth Date �tab�15 Jul 1897
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�24
Marriage Date �tab�15 Apr 1922
Marriage Place �tab�, Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Samuel Mathers
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Minnie Dolan
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Abiga Sparrow
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Este
4/13/1925 book 67 page 431
Truman B Mathers vs Marie Mathers for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted
4/26/1904 bk 55 pg429
Anna E Meeks vs Washington R Meeks for divorce on willful absence. Divorce granted, her name restored to Anna R Thompson
Groom's Name �tab�Charles O. Middleton
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1867
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�58
Bride's Name �tab�Sadie A. Nincehelser
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1875
Bride's Birthplace �tab�York County, Pennsylvania
Bride's Age �tab�50
Marriage Date �tab�08 Feb 1925
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�William W. Middleton
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah R. Murphy
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John H. Stouffer
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Eliza J. Lambert
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Nincehelser
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02319-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545417
Reference Number �tab�878
Groom's Name �tab�John E. Nincehelser
Groom's Birth Date �tab�23 Sep 1873
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Cable, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�41
Bride's Name �tab�Mattie Brown
Bride's Birth Date �tab�13 Jan 1868
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Mechanicsburg, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�47
Marriage Date �tab�08 Jun 1915
Marriage Place �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�George A. Nincehelser
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Rachel Diltz
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Richard Lowe
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Penina Moore
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Brown
2/22/1919 Bk 64 pg 154
Mattie Brown Nincehelsor vs John E Nincehelsor for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted, her name restored to Mattie Brown
Groom's Name �tab�John E. Nincehelser
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1874
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Cable, O.
Groom's Age �tab�45
Bride's Name �tab�Goldie Radford
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1898
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Sheridan, O.
Bride's Age �tab�21
Marriage Date �tab�28 Feb 1919
Marriage Place �tab�Franklin County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Geo. H. Nincehelser
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Rachel Dills
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Dennis L. Radford
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Anna O. Hatcher
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Name �tab�John E. Nincehelser
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1877
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Champaign Co., O.
Groom's Age �tab�52
Bride's Name �tab�Gertrude Keyes
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1875
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Hessville, O.
Bride's Age �tab�54
Marriage Date �tab�02 Dec 1929
Marriage Place �tab�Franklin County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�George H. Nincehelser
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Rachel C. Dills
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Wm. Hartgrove
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Kate Hoffmann
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Groom's Name �tab�John J. Nincehelser
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1854
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Cable, O.
Groom's Age �tab�52
Bride's Name �tab�Sadie Jones
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1873
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Urbaus, O
Bride's Age �tab�33
Marriage Date �tab�07 Jul 1906
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Henry Nincehelser
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Eliaz Strohl
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John Stauffer
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Eliza Lauebert
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Name �tab�Grant Nincehelser
Groom's Birth Date �tab�10/1/1871
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Cable, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�27
Bride's Name �tab�Rachel L. Patrick
Bride's Birth Date �tab�9/15/1864
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�34
Marriage Date �tab�30 Aug 1899
Marriage Place �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Henry Nincehelser
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Eliza Straw
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Alexander Patrick
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Catherine Stewart
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
2/21/1902 Bk 54 pg 368
Annie R Miller vs Utah S Miller for divorce on gross neglect; alimony $100; case continued. On 13 June 1902 pg 448 the divorce granted; her name restored to Annie R Rettberg
Groom's Name �tab�Utah San Francisco Miller
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Bertha Harvey
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1877
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Salem Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�25
Marriage Date �tab�14 Sep 1902
Marriage Place �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Joseph Miller
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Fannie Herr
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John Harvey
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Martha Hoppock
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
1/29/1916 Min bk 62 pg 352
Sarah E Miller vs Alfred S Miller for divorce on gross neglect.Divorce granted
Groom's Name �tab�Homer Eugene Moffitt
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1884
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�23
Bride's Name �tab�Elizabeth C. Thornton
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1882
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�25
Marriage Date �tab�01 Jan 1907
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John Moffitt
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Jennie Longley
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Jonas Thornton
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Cummins
1/6/1912 bk 60 pg 45
Elizabeth C Moffitt vs Homer E Moffitt for divorce ongross neglect. Divorce granted, children to the mother
Groom's Name �tab�Homer E. Moffitt
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1885
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�35
Bride's Name �tab�Clara E. White
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1886
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Sugar Valley, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�34
Marriage Date �tab�10 Feb 1920
Marriage Place �tab�Butler County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John Moffitt
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Jennie Longley
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Calvin White
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Malinda Shinn
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Name �tab�Ralph Linville Moody
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1893
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�23
Bride's Name �tab�Minnie Mae Fox
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1889
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�27
Marriage Date �tab�06 Sep 1916
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Albert Chan Moody
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Cora Morris
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Michael Fox
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Robinson
9/2/1933 bk 72 pg 410
Minnie M Moody vs Ralph L Moody for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted, minor child
room's Name �tab�Erle Ellsworth Morris
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1891
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Kansas
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Harriet Josephine Mitchell
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1894
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Johnson Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�18
Marriage Date �tab�30 Oct 1912
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Wilbur E. Morris
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Strube
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Charles Franklin Mitchell
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Addie Feaster
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
6/5/1915 bk 62 pg 160
Harriet J Mitchell vs Earl E Morris for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted-child Olive age 2 yrs to her; alimony $6 month
Groom's Name �tab�George W. Spain
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1851
Groom's Birthplace �tab�North Lewisburg
Groom's Age �tab�64
Bride's Name �tab�Amanda Mcmillen
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1858
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Summerville, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�57
Marriage Date �tab�05 May 1915
Marriage Place �tab�Union, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Lemuel Spain
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Mellice
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Absolam Hedges
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Wingfield
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Mcmillen
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02360-6
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1954079
Reference Number �tab�p 157
Groom's Name �tab�Verl Garver
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1878
Groom's Birthplace �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�27
Bride's Name �tab�Alta Mccrosky
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1887
Bride's Birthplace �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�18
Marriage Date �tab�05 Mar 1905
Marriage Place �tab�Logan, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Chas Garver
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Eliza Hill
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Peter Mccrosky
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Maggie Butcher
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-5
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�534840
Reference Number �tab�cn 517 (application)
Groom's Name �tab�Isaac Milton Neer
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1853
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�58
Bride's Name �tab�Anna Elizabeth Nicols
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1866
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Union Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�45
Marriage Date �tab�06 Nov 1911
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John Neer
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Anna Tucker
Bride's Father's Name �tab�James Nichols
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Jane Wren
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Henry
10/2/1920 bk 65 pg 61
Cecelia Owen vs Harry E Owen for divorce on willful absence. Divorce granted
Groom's Name �tab�Charles Emerson Owens
Groom's Birth Date �tab�10 Jan 1913
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Champagne Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�48
Bride's Name �tab�Viola Fuller
Bride's Birth Date �tab�23 Jul 1913
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Greene Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�35
Marriage Date �tab�11 Aug 1913
Marriage Place �tab�Greene, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Ira V. Owens
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Martha Loudenback
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Henry Funffrock
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Harriet M. Paxton
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�George Edward Fuller
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-9
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�535129
Reference Number �tab�P 490
Groom's Name �tab�Clifford Pullins
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1888
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Union Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Myrtle Dunham
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1887
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Pike County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�22
Marriage Date �tab�11 Mar 1909
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�William Pullins
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Nora Lane
Bride's Father's Name �tab�James Dunham
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Sylvia
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
10/20/1917 bk 63 pg 310
Myrtle Pullins vs Clifford Pullins for divorce on extreme cruelty. Divorce granted; children to the mother
Groom's Name �tab�Joseph Franklin Strayer
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1870
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Harrison Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�33
Bride's Name �tab�Iva Victory Alice Jenkins
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1885
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Concord Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�18
Marriage Date �tab�16 Dec 1903
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Joseph W. Strayer
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Emma Pidler
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Elijah Jenkins
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Matilda Campbell
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530190
Reference Number �tab�p 20 # 1141
Groom's Name �tab�Guy Ropp
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1890
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Hammond Lake Co., Ind.
Groom's Age �tab�23
Bride's Name �tab�Charlotte Young
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1890
Bride's Birthplace �tab�New Moorefield, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�23
Marriage Date �tab�27 Aug 1913
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Horatio Ropp
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Barbara Jane Morris
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Louis Young
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Detrick
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
11/20/1920 bk 65 pg 112
Charlotte Ropp vs Guy Ropp for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted, child to the mother
11/16/1846 bk 19 pg503
Maria Runyon vs Abraham Runyon for divorce; they were md 7 Feb 1839 and lived in Clark County, Ohio; he left four years ago. In record bk 21 pg 470 the marriage was dissolved; he to pay cost; one child, Willima; her husband Abraham mentally deranged. she did not know this when married
Groom's Name �tab�Warren William Scoby
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1898
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Sylvia M. Grube
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1900
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�19
Marriage Date �tab�12 Apr 1919
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�C. W. Scoby
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Pearl E. Comer
Bride's Father's Name �tab�James E. Grube
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Ellen Apple
10/6/1922 bk 66 pg 151
Sylvia Scoby vs Warren Scoby for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted; infant child James to the mother
Groom's Name �tab�Elza Shaffer
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1898
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Johnson, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�27
Bride's Name �tab�Lucile Cremeens
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1909
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Gallipolis, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�16
Marriage Date �tab�10 Oct 1925
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Jeremiah Shaffer
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth J. Taylor
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Wm. Cremeens
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Rosa Martin
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
6/13/1887 bk 43 pg 195
Nancy SHaul vs martin L Shaul for divorce on gross neglect, marriage dissolved; her name restored to Nancy Reed
3/16/1877 bk 35 pg 360
Pamela Shockey vs Abraham Shockey for divorce and alimony; case continued; on pg 391 case continued; on 1 Feb 1878 in min bk 36 pg170 Pamela Shockey vs Abraham Shockey for divorce on extreme cruelty; divorce granted; her name restored to Pamela Gates; $1200 alimony
Groom's Name �tab�William Wilson Corbet
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1898
Groom's Birthplace �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�22
Bride's Name �tab�Nellie Esther Spain
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1897
Bride's Birthplace �tab�, Union, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�23
Marriage Date �tab�24 Dec 1920
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�D. A. Corbet
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Ella Orahood
Bride's Father's Name �tab�O. O. Spain
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Lulu Cox
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02319-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545417
Reference Number �tab�181
Groom's Name �tab�Granville Watkins
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1904
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Mingo, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�19
Bride's Name �tab�Bernice Spain
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1905
Bride's Birthplace �tab�N. Lewisburg, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�18
Marriage Date �tab�27 Mar 1923
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Sherman Watkins
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Eva Roberts
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Frank Spain
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Alice Shirk
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
5/1/1926 Bk 68 pg 185
Bernice Watkins vs Granville Watkins for divorce on gross neglect' divorce granted; child Bobby Jack two years of age to mother
Groom's Name �tab�George B. Black
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1844
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Wayne Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�66
Bride's Name �tab�Hester Ann Spain
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1867
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Union Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�43
Marriage Date �tab�13 Mar 1910
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Isaac Black
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Maxson
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Clemens Spain
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Jane Tobey
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Name �tab�Ed E. Spain
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1868
Groom's Birthplace �tab�North Lewisburg, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�31
Bride's Name �tab�Cora B. Smith
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1877
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Woodstock, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�22
Marriage Date �tab�06 Jun 1899
Marriage Place �tab�North Lewisburg, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Paschel G. Spain
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Martha E. Ewing
Bride's Father's Name �tab�D.P. Smith
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Amantha Dix
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
11/29/1904 bk 56 pg 43
Cora B Spain vs Edward E Spain for divorce on habitual druk, willful absence, gross neglect and adultery; divorce granted; her name restored to Cora B Smith
11/22/1881 bk 39 pg 373
Sarah E Ward vs John M Ward for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted; child Edward Ward.
Groom's Name �tab�Ed E. Spain
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1868
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�50
Bride's Name �tab�Ada V. Mclaughlin
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1880
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�38
Marriage Date �tab�17 Aug 1918
Marriage Place �tab�Mansfield, Richland, Ohio
10/15/1932 bk 72
Edwin Wingfield, vs Bernice Perry Wingfield for divorce on gross neglect; they were md 24 Sept 1931 in Covington, KY. Defendant defaults hearing; one child Norma Jeanne age 7 and one half months to the father
Groom's Name �tab�Clarence R. Wood
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1893
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�24
Bride's Name �tab�Nellie T. Pickering
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1897
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�20
Marriage Date �tab�10 Jul 1917
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Charles Wood
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Lucille Bales
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John H. Pickering
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Lola Davis
12/21/1918 bk 64 pg 93
Nellie F Wood vs Clarence F Wood for divorce on gross neglect. Divorc granted; her name restored to Nellie F Pickering
Groom's Name �tab�Cleadis Zukle
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Terre Haute, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�9/19/1904 Terre Haute OH
Bride's Name �tab�Marie Brubaker
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1904
Bride's Birthplace �tab�St. Paris, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�21 8/22/1904
Marriage Date �tab�19 Sep 1925
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Ezra Zukle
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Ollie Shaffer
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Gifford Brubaker
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Frances Woods
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Name: �tab�Charles E. Pullins
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�26 Apr 1906
Event Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Age: �tab�48
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1858
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Joseph Pullins
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Catherine Ropp
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Eliza Jane Bussard
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�30
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1876
Spouse's Father: �tab�Peter A. Bussard
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Mary Anna Celare
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�P- 292 # 1683
Film Number: �tab�530190
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016811
Image Number: �tab�185
Groom's Name �tab�Joseph E. Blas
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1868
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Miami Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�42
Bride's Name �tab�Calanthe Long
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1882
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Marion Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�28
Marriage Date �tab�30 Apr 1910
Marriage Place �tab�Miami, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Geo. Blas
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Gertrude Ballard
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John Kail
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mamie L. Hurley
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02319-6
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�550153
Reference Number �tab�Vol. 10 p32 cn 26437
Groom's Name �tab�Marion Glen Corbet
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1887
Groom's Birthplace �tab�North Lewisburg, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�22
Bride's Name �tab�Minnie Odessa Evans
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1887
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Goshen Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�22
Marriage Date �tab�17 Nov 1909
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Charles G. Corbet
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Belle Willet
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Philander H. Evans
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Eliza C. Harsh
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Name �tab�Carl Martz
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1888
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Adams Twp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Roxie Dell Clark
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1888
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Adams Twp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�21
Marriage Date �tab�14 Aug 1909
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Michael J. Martz
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Frances C. Mahan
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Lemuel V. Clark
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Anna Van Horn
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Name �tab�George Clark
Groom's Birth Date �tab�23 Jun 1851
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Harrison Twp., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�64
Bride's Name �tab�Lodemia Jane Mcalexander
Bride's Birth Date �tab�16 Sep 1862
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Adams Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�52
Marriage Date �tab�06 Sep 1915
Marriage Place �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John H. Clark
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Mary A. Terrel
Bride's Father's Name �tab�James Mcalexander
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Naomie Shepherd
Groom's Name �tab�Frank Winegardner
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1901
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Marion, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Margaret Snapp
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1900
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Rosewood, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�22
Marriage Date �tab�26 Dec 1922
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Frank Winegardner
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Leona Halfhill
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Thomas
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Carbin
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
4/18/1925 bk 67 pg 431
Margarer Winegardner vs Frank Winegardner for gross neglect; divorce granted; her name resotred to Margaret Snapp
Name: �tab�Ira Rust
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�27 Dec 1868
Event Place: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Adaline Sturgeon
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age:
Groom's Name �tab�Otis Ross Rust
Groom's Birth Date �tab�05 Jul 1877
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Dialton, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�23
Bride's Name �tab�Phyliss N. Snapp
Bride's Birth Date �tab�11 Apr 1881
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�19
Marriage Date �tab�26 Sep 1900
Marriage Place �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Ira Rust
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Amelia A. Sturgeon
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Thos. Snapp
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mary A. Tumlin
[NF24751] Dau of John Sigler
[NF24755] Groom's Name John W. Crowl Groom's Birth Date 1849 Groom's Birthplace Champaign County, Ohio Groom's Age 67 Bride's Name Margaret E. Martin Bride's Birth Date 1853 Bride's Birthplace West Liberty, Ohio Bride's Age 63 Marriage Date 29 Nov 1916 Marriage Place Logan County, Ohio Groom's Father's Name William Crowl Groom's Mother's Name Ruth Chew Bride's Father's Name J. L. Skeen Bride's Mother's Name Mary R. Hoar Groom's Race Groom's Marital Status Unknown Groom's Previous Wife's Name Bride's Race Bride's Marital Status Divorced Bride's Previous Husband's Name Indexing Project (Batch) Number M01468-8 System Origin Ohio-EASy Source Film Number 534841 Reference Number pg159, cn1464
[NF24756] Groom's Name Don Purkepile Groom's Birth Date 1872 Groom's Birthplace Groom's Age 36 Bride's Name Marian B. Wilson Bride's Birth Date 1879 Bride's Birthplace Bride's Age 29 Marriage Date 13 Apr 1908 Marriage Place Lucas County, Ohio Groom's Father's Name Isaac Purkepile Groom's Mother's Name Harriett M. Valentine Bride's Father's Name Chas M. Furman Bride's Mother's Name Clara Summer
4/7/1892 Miss Clara Teague filed breach of promise suit against O T Boulton last Thursday. He lived in Mechanicsburg, but now lives in Chicago. Miss Teague lives near Covington, Miami County; the wedding day arrived, all preparations were made and Boulton sent messenger with word that how would not come, he had married another woman. The Jury awarded he $4300 (she had sued for 5,000). The defendant's letters were very strong against him
Groom's Name: �tab�Orrin T Boulton
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1875
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�21
Bride's Name: �tab�Clara C. Teague
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1878
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�16 Jan 1896
Marriage Place: �tab�Miami, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M02319-4
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�550151
Reference Number: �tab�P 42 CN 20858
[NF24763] 10/10/1895 Min Bk 49 Pg 536 Rebecca E Boulton vs Orrin T Boulton for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted, her name restore to Rebecca E Cheney
Name: �tab�Ralph F. Kauffman
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�20 Oct 1917
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�21, carpenter never md
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�6-14-1896 Columbus, OH
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Chas. Kauffman
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Alverna Parker
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Marie D. Berry
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�20, never md
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�7-29-1897 Cable, OH
Spouse's Father: �tab�Frank C. Berry
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Mary Turner
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p345
Film Number: �tab�545416
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016845
Image Number: �tab�214
[NF24769] John Deer, md Mary haines, dau of Joseph Longfellow
[NF24783] According to the 1900 Census of Clark County, Pike Twp., it appears that James Alexander Mumford m2 about 1893 Survilla Elizabeth Shook, daughter of Isaac Shook and Susanna Scufford. Survilla died in the village of Casstown, Miami county, Mar 17, 1933 as per her death certificate #17536; James Alexander Mumford died in Elizabeth Twp., Miami County, Ohio Re: Death Certificate Miami County File #22610
Groom's Name: �tab�Andrew F. Mumford
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�04 Aug 1861
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Shelby Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Ida Dibert
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�26 Jun 1871
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Fremont, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�30
Marriage Date: �tab�22 Dec 1901
Marriage Place: �tab�Christiansburg, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�James A. Mumford
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Nancy Cunningham
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Abraham Dibert
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Pence
Groom's Name: �tab�William C. Swisher
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Wayne Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Hulda Jane Mitchell
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1875
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�26
Marriage Date: �tab�08 Dec 1901
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�John Swisher
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Julia Hess
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Robert Mitchell
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Minerva J. Posch
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�James Lawrence Frantz
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1883
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Harrison Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�28
Bride's Name: �tab�Maud Cecil Garver
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1889
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Logan County, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�22
Marriage Date: �tab�13 Apr 1911
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Samuel Detrick Frantz
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Martha Elizabeth Kent
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Oliver Perry Garver
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Lucy Norris
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Clarance T. Powell
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1883
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Logan County, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�22
Bride's Name: �tab�Mary E. Cooper
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1884
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Union Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�21
Marriage Date: �tab�25 Oct 1905
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Eliza Ann Clark
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John Cooper
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Martha E. Roberts
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�John Powell
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Groom's Name: �tab�William Ruper Procter
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1859
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Wright County, Minnesota
Groom's Age: �tab�48
Bride's Name: �tab�Effie Myrle Powell
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1881
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Miami County
Bride's Age: �tab�26
Marriage Date: �tab�10 Jan 1907
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�William M. Procter
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Nancy Shockey
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Augutus Powell
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Clara Shields
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Clarence Ross Powell
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1880
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�32
Bride's Name: �tab�Fannie Marie Hecker
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1892
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Madriver Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�20
Marriage Date: �tab�05 Dec 1912
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Albert G. Powell
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Artie Amelia Conrad
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Henry E. Hecker
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Ida May Colbert
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Wesley C. Powell
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1877
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�28
Bride's Name: �tab�Lulu M. James
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1880
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana Tp.
Bride's Age: �tab�25
Marriage Date: �tab�24 Dec 1905
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Benji T. Powell
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Higbee
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Daniel James
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Pence
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�James C. Smith
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Lilley Belle Blue
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�
Marriage Date: �tab�01 Nov 1891
Marriage Place: �tab�Delaware Co, Ohio
Groom's Name: �tab�Rufus Sherman
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Piqua Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Rebecca Ann Pine
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1865
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Logan County, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�43
Marriage Date: �tab�14 Oct 1908
Marriage Place: �tab�Lima, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Henry Sherman
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Gensel
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�GAbe Blue
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Ellis
Groom's Race: �tab�White
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�White
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�Edward Pine
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M86839-5
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0901420
Reference Number: �tab�2:3H7WZRB
Groom's Name: �tab�Harold Eston Medick
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1898
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�18
Bride's Name: �tab�Emma Frances Collins
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1898
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�01 Mar 1916
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�John Eston Medick
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Emma Armestraut
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John Franklin Collins
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Maud Garver
Name: �tab�Oliver P. Hedges
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�15 Aug 1883
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�21
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1862
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Mary Delphena Eaton
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1865
Spouse's Father: �tab�
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�bk I p 315
Film Number: �tab�295230
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016262
Image Number: �tab�330
Groom's Name: �tab�Tully Mcclellan Wiant
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1864
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Madriver Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�50
Bride's Name: �tab�Martha Pera Arrowsmith
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1881
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Madriver Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�33
Marriage Date: �tab�25 Jun 1914
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Brightberry Wiant
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Jerusha Ward
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�George Pool Arrowsmith
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Ellen Austin
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Charles E. Stadler
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Oma Abbott
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�
Marriage Date: �tab�20 May 1896
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Name: �tab�William Francis Harvey
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Margaret Emma Barger
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1880
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�22
Marriage Date: �tab�04 Sep 1902
Marriage Place: �tab�Westville, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�John Harvey
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Martha Hoppock
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John Barger
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Craem
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Emmett Turnmire
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1888
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Indiana
Groom's Age: �tab�23
Bride's Name: �tab�Flossie Elizabeth Mayberry
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1894
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Concord Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�17
Marriage Date: �tab�25 Mar 1911
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Lewis Sidney Turnmire
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Josephine Wildman
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John Elmer Mayberry
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Jennie Kiser
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Groom's Name: �tab�Russell Daniel Bates
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�25 Feb 1897
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�23
Bride's Name: �tab�Phyllis Mae Heaton
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�01 May 1895
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�24
Marriage Date: �tab�10 Apr 1920
Marriage Place: �tab�, Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Andrew T Bates
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Clara Smail
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�James K Heaton
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Louise Keppla
Groom's Name: �tab�Joseph R Bumgardner
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Mary E. Earnhart
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�
Marriage Date: �tab�25 Dec 1876
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Name: �tab�Barton L. Minturn
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1888
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Mutual, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�18
Bride's Name: �tab�Anna P. Burley
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�4/18/1884
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Blue Creek, Adams County, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�22
Marriage Date: �tab�19 May 1906
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Smith Minturn
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Florence Long
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Nelson H. Burley
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Rebecca Ellis
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Groom's Name: �tab�John Waldo Thomas
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1890
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Jackson Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�23
Bride's Name: �tab�Gertrude Louise Berry
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1891
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�22
Marriage Date: �tab�15 May 1913
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Marion W. Thomas
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Ida L. Boyer
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�William E. Berry
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Lulu Chance
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Charles Farnham Johnson
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1910
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�24
Bride's Name: �tab�Dorothy Loretta Thomas
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1914
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�20
Marriage Date: �tab�01 Mar 1934
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Charles F. Johnson
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Alberta Smyson
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John W. Thomas
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Gertrude L. Berry
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Samuel N. Harris
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�29 Aug 1869
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Rockingham Co., Va.
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Anna M. Athy Hampton
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�19 May 1879
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�47
Marriage Date: �tab�04 Sep 1926
Marriage Place: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�William S. Harris
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Ellen Berry
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Charles F. Mason
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Anna C. Hennessy
Groom's Race: �tab�White
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�White
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Groom's Name: �tab�Frank Ross Talbott
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Ola Mae Berry
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1882
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�20
Marriage Date: �tab�08 Feb 1902
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�George A. Talbott
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Julia Ross
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�William Berry
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Lieda B. Blose
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Kenneth Kay Knight
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1904
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�24
Bride's Name: �tab�Irva Mildred Hart
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1904
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�24
Marriage Date: �tab�20 Oct 1928
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Harley E. Knight
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Fannie Clark
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John W. Hart
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Anna Biddle
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�W Harold Hart
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�21 Jun 1906
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�21
Bride's Name: �tab�Thelma M Kibbinger
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�05 Jun 1908
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�19
Marriage Date: �tab�25 Feb 1928
Marriage Place: �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�John Hart
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Anna M Biddle
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Scott Kibbinger
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Estella Blanche Griest
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Harold A. Knight
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Bessie Floy Biddle
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1899
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�, Clark, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�25
Marriage Date: �tab�13 Oct 1924
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Harley Knight
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Fannie Clark
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Samuel H. Biddle
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Effie Stout
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Frank Earl Wilson
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Edna Craig
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1878
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�22
Marriage Date: �tab�01 Mar 1900
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�H. Page Wilson
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Harriet E. Couchman
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�E. Clay Craig
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Lois Smith
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�James Luther Hewling
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1877
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�24
Bride's Name: �tab�Bessie Lee
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1883
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�14 Aug 1901
Marriage Place: �tab�Westville, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Quincy E. Hewling
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Nancy Couchman
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Henry Lee
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Martha Wilson
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Herman Siegenthaler
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1893
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�23
Bride's Name: �tab�Blanche Frye
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1898
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Shelby County, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�15 Mar 1916
Marriage Place: �tab�Logan County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�John Siegenthaler
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Benton
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Daniel Frye
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Jennie Covault
Groom's Race: �tab�White
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�White
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M01468-8
Groom's Name: �tab�Ezra Barlow
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�20 Nov 1876
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Antanetta Zerkle
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�03 Dec 1867
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Allen Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�35
Marriage Date: �tab�28 Nov 1901
Marriage Place: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�William Barlow
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Ellen R. Loudenback
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Joseph Zerkle
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Jane Zerkle
Groom's Name: �tab�Jonathan M. Sidders
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Amanda Sandy
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1862
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�59
Marriage Date: �tab�30 Jun 1921
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�James Sidders
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Robbins
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Ambroes Hullinger
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Susan Anderson
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�Sandy
Married 2nd:
Name: �tab�Teras Dorothea Wones
Death Date: �tab�15 Oct 1945
Death Place: �tab�Springfield Twp, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�01 Sep 1886
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ogden, Iowa
Death Age: �tab�59 years 1 month 14 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Wilbur Wones
Father's Name: �tab�Gustaf Stub
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Ida Peterson
Mother's �tab�
She buried Plesant Hill Cemetery 1886-1945
Groom's Name: �tab�Clifford Baker
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Mary Julia Downey
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1875
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�27
Marriage Date: �tab�02 Nov 1902
Marriage Place: �tab�Christiansburgh, Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Edward Baker
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Morris
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Jasper Downey
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Anna Swisher
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Groom's Name: �tab�Leroy R. Gabriel
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Myrtle Bissett
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1887
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Clark, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�22
Marriage Date: �tab�20 Nov 1909
Marriage Place: �tab�Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Samuel Gabriel
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Katie Stapleton
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Joseph Bissett
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Johnson
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M86928-8
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0550153
Groom's Name: �tab�George T. Shroyer
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1884
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Miami Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�22
Bride's Name: �tab�Mattie Ellen Deweese
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1887
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Miami Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�19
Marriage Date: �tab�10 Jun 1906
Marriage Place: �tab�Miami, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Henry Shroyer
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Emeline Booker
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�F. A. Deweese
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Lucreta Small
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�James L. Mcelwain
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�, Cable, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Lucile Miller
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1909
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Eris, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�04 Aug 1927
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�James L. Mcelwain
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Laura A. Bodey
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Henry L. Miller
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Laura Buckles
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Lelan S. Middleton
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Wayne, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Margaretha Johnson
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1902
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Wayne, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�25
Marriage Date: �tab�20 Oct 1927
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�S. E. Middleton
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Euola Jane Best
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Ivan T. Johnson
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Iona Igon
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Robert Purk
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1913
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Adams Twp.
Groom's Age: �tab�21
Bride's Name: �tab�Phyllis Buck
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1914
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Rosewood, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�20
Marriage Date: �tab�12 Feb 1934
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Frank Purk
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Cloe Harmon
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Glenn Buck
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Zelia Buroker
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Charles Elmer Hines
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Logan Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Louanna Tabitha Swisher
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1877
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Salem Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�25
Marriage Date: �tab�19 Oct 1902
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Lewis Hines
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Anna Hunt
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John H. Swisher
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Anna T. Dunlap
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Groom's Name: �tab�Burleigh M. Swisher
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1884
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Salem
Groom's Age: �tab�21
Bride's Name: �tab�Mattie D. Harvey
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1887
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Kings Creek
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�21 Dec 1905
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�John H. Swisher
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Anna T. Dunlap
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�James P. Harvey
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Louiza Taylor
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�C.C. Hines
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1877
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�28
Bride's Name: �tab�Purdie H. Cookston
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1881
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�, Union, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�24
Marriage Date: �tab�20 Dec 1905
Marriage Place: �tab�Logan, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Lewis Hines
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Hannah A. Hunt
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Joseph Cookston
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Ruba A. Hunter
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M02317-5
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�534840
Reference Number: �tab�cn 676 (application)
Groom's Name: �tab�Leroy Marshall
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1858
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Christianburg, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�50
Bride's Name: �tab�Eva Madden
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1863
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�45
Marriage Date: �tab�15 Jul 1908
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Lindsey Alfred Marshall
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Hanna Raymond
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John Lee
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Haines
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�Madden
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M02317-2
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�530190
Reference Number: �tab�p 529 cn 2167
Groom's Name: �tab�Samuel W. Madden
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Eva Z. Lee
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�
Marriage Date: �tab�18 Oct 1896
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Unknown
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M86852-5
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0530189
Reference Number: �tab�2:3LJG77K
Groom's Name: �tab�Clifford H. Darnell
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�11/5/1865, married once
Bride's Name: �tab�Della N. Norton
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1886
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�, Logan, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�37 4/1/1886
Marriage Date: �tab�03 Dec 1923
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Lysander Darnell
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth G. Talbott
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�O. W. Norton
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Alma F. Steinberger
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Jason C. Yocom
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1877
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�41
Bride's Name: �tab�Edith K. Williams
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1893
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�25
Marriage Date: �tab�29 Sep 1918
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Wm. R. Yocom
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Hannah M. Linville
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Wm. L. Boyer
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Ada Pullins
Groom's Name: �tab�Robert Yocom
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Alta Pence
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1901
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�25
Marriage Date: �tab�03 Jun 1926
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Jason Yocom
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Elva Johnson
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Levie Pence
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Henrietta Ammon
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Marion Emery Allison
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Fern Elizabeth Allison
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1881
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Mutual, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�20
Marriage Date: �tab�18 Dec 1901
Marriage Place: �tab�Kings Creek, Champaign, Ohioio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Nathan Allison
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Allen
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Samuel K. Allison
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Catharine Jones
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Groom's Name: �tab�Herman T. Mckinley
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1896
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�22
Bride's Name: �tab�Sarah R. Seibert
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1897
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�21
Marriage Date: �tab�15 Mar 1918
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�A. W. Mckinley
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Emma Toomer
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Wm. P. Seibert
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Effie Baker
Groom's Race:
Groom's Name: �tab�Oscar Thatcher
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1853
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champain Co.
Groom's Age: �tab�59
Bride's Name: �tab�Sarah T. Heller
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1848
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Champain Co.
Bride's Age: �tab�64
Marriage Date: �tab�31 Mar 1912
Marriage Place: �tab�Union County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Samuel Thatcher
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Walker
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�William Wooley
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Catherine Ford
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Groom's Name: �tab�Levin H. Thomas
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�18 Sep 1873
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�New Carlisle, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�37
Bride's Name: �tab�Nellie M. Seitz
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�12 May 1883
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�27
Marriage Date: �tab�28 Feb 1911
Marriage Place: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Geo D Thomas
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Martha Lamar
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Henry Seitz
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�M. Hester Recton
Groom's Name: �tab�William Walter Clark
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1884
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Adams Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�27
Bride's Name: �tab�Bessie Fern Hoffman
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1883
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Harrison Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�28
Marriage Date: �tab�19 Mar 1911
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Reuben Clark
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Nancy Harris
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�James Hoffman
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Flora Dorsey
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Groom's Name: �tab�Darius Lipencoot
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Eliza Ann Painter
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�
Marriage Date: �tab�07 Jan 1872
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Name: �tab�Charles E. Davis
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�05 Jun 1892
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�North Hampton, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Ruth Wones
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�05 Feb 1895
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�20
Marriage Date: �tab�24 Feb 1915
Marriage Place: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Oscar Davis
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Estella Lippincott
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Charles Wones
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Bertha Rust
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Name: �tab�Benjamin F. Ward
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Darke Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Etta L. Lewis
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1868
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Wyandotte Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�39
Marriage Date: �tab�30 Jun 1907
Marriage Place: �tab�Marion, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�David Ward
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Catharine Miller
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�L. P. Lewis
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Maria Dutton
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�Rheads
Groom's Name: �tab�Homer E Hamilton
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�23 Jun 1897
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�24
Bride's Name: �tab�Lillian E Doughman
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�08 Nov 1903
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�14 Jan 1922
Marriage Place: �tab�, Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Edward Hamilton
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Anna M Rupert
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Clifford Doughman
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Stella B Nawman
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M02314-2
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�465401
Reference Number: �tab�14752
Groom's Name: �tab�Howard Near
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1893
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Mutual, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�37
Bride's Name: �tab�Ruth Reed
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1906
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Westville, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�24
Marriage Date: �tab�25 Mar 1930
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�C. W. Neer
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Hanna Mason
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Edward Hamilton
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Anna Rupert
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�Reed
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M02319-0
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�545417
Reference Number: �tab�193
Groom's Name: �tab�Clemeth Conner
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�8-19-1883
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Rosewood, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�23,c carpenter
Bride's Name: �tab�Maggie Mcguire
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�12-18-1882
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Salem Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�23
Marriage Date: �tab�31 Oct 1906
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Michael Conner
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Nora Smith
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�James Mcguire
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Shaffer
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�George V. Ream
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Theresa V. Mcguire
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1898
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�22
Marriage Date: �tab�07 Jun 1920
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Perry G. Ream
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Emma E. Morgan
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�James Mcguire
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Shafer
Groom's Name: �tab�Orris Dresher
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�10 Mar 1884
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�22
Bride's Name: �tab�Ida May Lorton
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�20 May 1888
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�17
Marriage Date: �tab�28 Mar 1906
Marriage Place: �tab�North Hampton, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Peter Dresher
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Alma Swartzbaugh
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�L. U. Lorton
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Louisa Dibert
Groom's Race: �tab�White
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�White
Bride's Marital Status:
Groom's Name: �tab�Edgar L. Reynolds
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�11 May 1878
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Lawrenceville, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Ada F. Cook
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�30 Oct 1881
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�21
Marriage Date: �tab�18 Dec 1902
Marriage Place: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�John H. Reynolds
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah J. Ballentine
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Elbert Cook
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Nancy A. Stephenson
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Name: �tab�Herbert E. Callison
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�, Clark, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Lenora P. Nickels
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1913
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Johnson Twp.
Bride's Age: �tab�20
Marriage Date: �tab�30 Nov 1933
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Jessie Callison
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Eunice Kieffer
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Archie Nickels
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Viola Pond
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Walter Pence
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�06 Feb 1885
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Millerstown, Indiana
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Nellie Scott
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�20 May 1883
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Millerstown, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�
Marriage Date: �tab�26 Oct 1914
Marriage Place: �tab�Cass Co., Indiana
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Antrim Pence
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Nettie Alberts
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Sylvanus Scott
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Laura Miller
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�White
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M00456-4
System Origin: �tab�Indiana-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�1987739
Reference Number: �tab�217
Groom's Name: �tab�Robert O. Neer
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Darkest E. Hill
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1878
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�01 Oct 1896
Marriage Place: �tab�Logan Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M86927-1
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0534839
Reference Number: �tab�2:3WTTWLC
Groom's Name: �tab�James H. Mccrosky
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1870
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�35
Bride's Name: �tab�Maud B. Pickering
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1879
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana
Bride's Age: �tab�26
Marriage Date: �tab�25 Dec 1905
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Dennis Mccrosky
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Jennette Duncan
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�B.W. Pickering
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Alice Licklicher
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M02317-2
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�530190
Reference Number: �tab�P 251# 1603
Groom's Name: �tab�P.H. Mccrosky
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1850
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co, Oh
Groom's Age: �tab�51
Bride's Name: �tab�Phebe Kuder
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1851
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Hinckley Twp, Medina, Oh
Bride's Age: �tab�50
Marriage Date: �tab�22 May 1901
Marriage Place: �tab�Medina, County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Samuel Mccrosky
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Lovina Halterman
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M02362-1
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�423824
Reference Number: �tab�p219 cn437
Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002
about Noah Johnson
Name: �tab�Noah Johnson
Marriage Date: �tab�15 Jul 1913
Marriage Location: �tab�Greenville, Wayne, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�Wayne
Spouse Name: �tab�Nellie B Scowden
Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002
about Eva Looney
Name: �tab�Eva Looney
Marriage Date: �tab�8 Mar 1908
Marriage Location: �tab�Tipsy, Bollinger, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�Bollinger
Spouse Name: �tab�Charles Scowden
Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002
about Laura Sconden
Name: �tab�Laura Sconden
Marriage Date: �tab�8 Oct 1905
Marriage Location: �tab�Bollinger, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�Bollinger
Spouse Name: �tab�Nelson Sipes
Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002
about May Hutchins
Name: �tab�May Hutchins
Marriage Date: �tab�7 Feb 1915
Marriage Location: �tab�Cartherville, Pemiscot, Missouri
Spouse Name: �tab�William Way
Groom's Name: �tab�William O. Organ
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�, Union, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Mary M. Holydross
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1868
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�, Union, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�63
Marriage Date: �tab�18 Jul 1931
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Mathew Organ
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Spain
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John N. Bryon
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Martha A. Cooper
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�Holycross
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M86852-8
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0545417
Reference Number: �tab�2:3VPWV3V
Groom's Name: �tab�David E. Organ
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1884
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Logan County Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�21
Bride's Name: �tab�Minnie Poland
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1887
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Hardin County Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�07 Jan 1905
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�M. Organ
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Eliz Spain
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John Poland
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Laura Page
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M02317-2
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�530190
Reference Number: �tab�P-254 # 1608
Name:�tab�Samuel K. Alexander
Titles and Terms:�tab�
Event Type:�tab�Marriage
Event Date:�tab�12 Nov 1892
Event Place:�tab�Washington, Ohio, United States
Spouse's Name:�tab�Lucinda Evilsizer
Reference ID:�tab�bk 10 cn 827
GS Film Number:�tab�941961
Digital Folder Number:�tab�004017366
Image Number:�tab�00654
Citing this Record:
"Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X8D5-5LX : accessed 11 Jul 2014), Samuel K. Alexander and Lucinda Evilsizer, 12 Nov 1892; citing Washington, Ohio, United States, reference bk 10 cn 827; FHL microfilm 941961.
[NF24930] pg188 5/29/1888 Md Monday at Mechanicsburg, John M Lafferty, 65 yrs old and a wealthy respected farmer and the bride is the widow of the late Washington Allen, age 70 yrs. (May 29th is the publish date. The marriage occurred on Monday, May 28th, 1888.)
Groom's Name: �tab�Donald M. Carr
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1899
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Sparta, White, Tennessee
Groom's Age: �tab�21
Bride's Name: �tab�Mary E. Deal
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1902
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�07 Sep 1920
Marriage Place: �tab�Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Wm. Carr
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Vitia Britt
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Otto Deal
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Luvina Taylor
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�William Edgar Vanness
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Union Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Lucy Saxbe
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1876
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�25
Marriage Date: �tab�21 Mar 1901
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Jacob C. Vanness
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Brown
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�William Saxbe
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Bamberger
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�V. J. O'Roark
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., O.
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Virgie Stanley
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1879
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Logan Co, O.
Bride's Age: �tab�23
Marriage Date: �tab�30 Jan 1902
Marriage Place: �tab�Logan, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Thos J O'Roark
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Bryant
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Townsend Stanley
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Groom's Name: �tab�Versaillious O'Roark
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Della Greenbank
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�
Marriage Date: �tab�27 Mar 1895
Marriage Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Unknown
at home of brides father, George Greenbank
[NF24946] Capt Ben G Grafton who md 5/21/1868 to Virginia Dorrell of Washin gton City, OH
Groom's Name: �tab�Joseph G. Neer
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�27 Aug 1886
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Mutual, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Ruth Baldwin
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�18 Sep 1886
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�New Moorefield, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�23
Marriage Date: �tab�24 Dec 1909
Marriage Place: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Charles Neer
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Hannah Mason
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Frank Baldwin
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Jane Nagley
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M86851-8
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�465398
Reference Number: �tab�2:3JGPL5N
Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941
about Sue Holloway
Name: �tab�Sue Holloway
Spouse Name: �tab�Volney D Carmony
Marriage Date: �tab�28 Nov 1894
Marriage County: �tab�Jay
Source Title 1: �tab�Jay County, Indiana
Source Title 2: �tab�Index to Marriage Records 1850 - 1920 Inclusive Vo
Source Title 3: �tab�W. P. A Original Record Located County Clerk's Off
Book: �tab�C-G
OS Page: �tab�538
Name: �tab�V. D. Carmony
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�22 Oct 1881
Event Place: �tab�Miami, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Lizzie Layman
Name: �tab�John C. Tullis
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�04 Nov 1913
Event Place: �tab�Franklin County, Ohio
Age: �tab�65
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1848
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�David L. Tullis
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Nancy Cartmell
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Mary F. Thomas
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�60
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1853
Spouse's Father: �tab�Nathan M. Mcconkey
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Mary J. Cartmell
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�pg 150 #32103
Film Number: �tab�1854963
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017582
Image Number: �tab�486
Groom's Name: �tab�William James Printz
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Emma Elma Jenkins
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1877
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Page Co., Va.
Bride's Age: �tab�24
Marriage Date: �tab�24 Oct 1901
Marriage Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Edward T. Printz
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Caroline I. Printz
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Daniel Jenkins
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Barbara Ann Printz
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M00002-6
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0530189
Reference Number: �tab�2:3LL58KR
Groom's Name: �tab�Charles M. Apple
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Martha E. Prince
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1912
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Ottawa, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�22
Marriage Date: �tab�13 Jan 1934
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Marion Apple
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Clara Stephenson
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John Prince
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Anna Hahn
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Loyd Curl
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Lillie E. Bushong
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�, Logan, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�
Marriage Date: �tab�28 Jan 1904
Marriage Place: �tab�, Logan, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�James Curl
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Temperance Dunson
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�George Bushong
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Wirick
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�John Weller Slusser
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Clarke Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Margaret Ellen Mccrasky
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1857
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Hardin Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�43
Marriage Date: �tab�20 Dec 1900
Marriage Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Daniel Slusser
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Hannah Runyan
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Albert Butcher
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Castor
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M00002-6
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0530189
Reference Number: �tab�2:3LL518P
Name: �tab�Scott Shroyer
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�26 Sep 1905
Event Place: �tab�Logan, Ohio
Age: �tab�22
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1883
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�John L. Shroyer
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Ida Staley
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Minnie Looney
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1887
Spouse's Father: �tab�Marshall Looney
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Caroline Leffel
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�cn 628 (application)
Film Number: �tab�534840
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016822
Image Number: �tab�219
Name: �tab�Faunt Elmer Kress
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�12 Apr 1906
Event Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Age: �tab�22
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1884
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Matt E. Kress
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Jennie Vandermark
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Mary F. Huston
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�21
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1885
Spouse's Father: �tab�George S. Huston
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Bunker
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�P-288 # 1676
Film Number: �tab�530190
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016811
Image Number: �tab�183
Groom's Name: �tab�Charles Jacob Moore
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Clara Edna Kress
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1886
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Shelby Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�17
Marriage Date: �tab�06 May 1903
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�William Moore
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Ida Baker
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Martin E. Kress
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Jennie Van Demark
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Clarence L Idle
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Margaret Eleanor Kress
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1894
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Logan Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�17
Marriage Date: �tab�21 Mar 1911
Marriage Place: �tab�Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Henry Idle
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Nancy M Houseman
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Martin E Kress
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Jennie M Vandemark
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Name: �tab�Omer C. Motter
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Miami Co., O.
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Gladys M. Freeze
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1906
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Miami Co., O.
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�19 Jan 1924
Marriage Place: �tab�Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Alonzo Motter
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Annie Raui
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Charles Freeze
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Myrtle Carmon
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M86933-3
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0550156
Reference Number: �tab�2:3LD76L9
Groom �tab�C A Evilsizer
Groom's Age �tab�25
Groom's Estimated Birth Year �tab�1916
Groom's Residence �tab�Batesville, Independence, Arkansas
Bride �tab�Mildred Irene Reaves
Bride's Age �tab�23
Bride's Estimated Birth Year �tab�1918
Bride's Residence �tab�Batesville, Independence, Arkansas
Marriage Date �tab�17 Jan 1941
Marriage License Date �tab�16 Jan 1941
Marriage Place �tab�, Independence, Arkansas, United States
Film Number �tab�2209906
Digital Folder Number �tab�4309423
Image Number �tab�00720
Page Number �tab�559
Source �tab�Arkansas County Marriage Records, 1837-1957
Groom's Name: �tab�Steven Jr. Barnes
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1886
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�25
Bride's Name: �tab�Elmina Board
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1893
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�21 Nov 1911
Marriage Place: �tab�Caldwell, Kentucky
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Steven Sr. Barnes
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah C. Barnes
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�B. M. Board
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�D... Board
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�I01743-9
System Origin: �tab�Kentucky-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�546389
Reference Number: �tab�p 230-231
Name: Wallace Reves
Gender: Male
County: Independence
Spouse: Irene Pate
License Date: 17 Feb 1934
Certificate Number: 12980 Volume Number: 0002
Groom �tab�C A Evilsizer
Groom's Age �tab�25
Groom's Estimated Birth Year �tab�1916
Groom's Residence �tab�Batesville, Independence, Arkansas
Bride �tab�Mildred Irene Reaves
Bride's Name �tab�23
Bride's Estimated Birth Year �tab�1918
Bride's Residence �tab�Batesville, Independence, Arkansas
Marriage Date �tab�17 Jan 1941
Marriage License Date �tab�16 Jan 1941
Marriage Place �tab�, Independence, Arkansas, United States
Film number �tab�2209906
Digital Folder Number �tab�4309423
Image number �tab�00720
Page number �tab�559
Source �tab�Arkansas County Marriage Records, 1837-1957
[NF27643] On his marriage papers in 1820, Stephen's mother Sary gives her permission for her son Stephen to marry Penelope Cowan, a widow. Spencer Wood's name was also on the marriage papers securing the marriage. Stephen's brother John had married Nancy Wood in 1818. Nancy was the daughter of William and Anna Spencer Wood from Lincoln Co, NC and a sister to Spencer Wood. On the actual marriage certificate, the clerk put information down wrong and had Penelope marrying Spencer instead of Stephen.
Groom's Name: �tab�Steven Barns
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Terressa Nichols
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�
Marriage Date: �tab�20 Dec 1855
Marriage Place: �tab�Caldwell,Kentucky
Groom's Father's Name:
[NF27647] Marriage record shows Nancy Ann Barnes, 16, married August 9, 1854, born Caldwell County, Kentucky, to James Littlefield, 21. Actual ages were 14 and 20.
[NF27654] Richard Hesser of Mariatta has info on this marriage I need to get phone n umber 567-7770 Name of Yancy for Zezih is from his resource.
[NF27659] Bertha states that she deeded her dower rights to John in the year of 1824 .
[NF27661] 26 Sept 1785 Nathaniel Nuckolds and Henrietta Garland, 21 years of age, d au of Robert Garland. Sur John Nuckolls. Wit: Robert Garland Jr. pg 29
Register of Marriages Louisa County, Virginia page 95, Date of Bond 7 Oc tober 1800 Nathaniel Nuckolls and Patsy Towler/Patsy Toler (register pa ge has her name listed both ways), her age-over 21 years, Security and Wit ness: James Hughson. Married Oct 9 by Rev William Cooke. Consent for Pa tsy Towler to marry was given 5 Oct. 1800
(Have actual copies of the marriage, consent and bond, and there are no da tes of October 9th. Marriage is dated October 7th, 1800)
"26 February 1789. Samuel NUCKOLLS and Sarah Garland. Sur. John Nuckolls .
Married 29 February by Rev. William Douglas who says Nichols. p. 44 (1789
was not a 'Leap Year'--This should probably be 28 February. However '29
February is in The Douglas Register on page 25)."
According to Nuckolls, William Carrico, Sr. was an early settler, on the w est side of New River. Wm. was a Methodist minister and performed the marr iage of Capt. Nuckolls and Mar. Swift in 1805. Also see, Descendants of Pe ter Carico (C283) in Grayson Hist. Soc. There are many deeds and tax recor ds in the early 1800s for this family. Also note that Wm. had a brother Si meon who married Rebekah Hanks; brother Peter; brother Joseph who marri ed (2nd wife) Patsy Isom. A sister Nancy married William Hanks in 1820. W m. Carrico, Sr. was married to Jane Taylor.
THE NEW RIVER FRONTIER SETTLEMENT ON THE VIRGINIA-NORTH CAROLINA BORDER 17 60-1820 by Paula Hathaway Anderson-Green* Published in the Virginia Magazi ne of History and Biography, V86: pgs. 413-431 (1978).
[NF27672] by Melverd Halteman JP
Marriage by consent of father William Valentine
Her father found out about the marriage and locked her up and would not al low the marriage to be consumated (I guess). She later married someone els e,
Nuckolls, Caswell
Gender: The gender of Caswell Nuckolls is male.
Spouse: Susan Lear
Marriage Date: Jun 18, 1871
County: Crittenden
More About: This record can be found at the Family History Library, Sa lt Lake City, UT, Film # 0558428 - 0558430, 0559304 - 0559312, 19149 20