

[NF7363] Name: «tab»Charles Lincoln Weaver
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»21 Feb 1901
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»40
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1861
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Joseph E. Weaver
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary A. Gugenham
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Martha Luretta Towler
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»28
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1873
Spouse's Father: «tab»Robert Towler
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Mary C. Dingledine
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»M472
Film Number: «tab»530189
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016810
Image Number: «tab»583

[NF7364] Md ages 20 and 18

[NF7366] Groom's Name: «tab»Emerick N. Weaver
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»15 Apr 1906
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Lincoln Co., W. Va.
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Beulah J. Shaffer
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»23 Apr 1907
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»18
Marriage Date: «tab»06 Mar 1926
Marriage Place: «tab»Clark Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Benjamin F. Weaver
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Lydia Priestley
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Jacob W. Shaffer
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Artie Leonard

[NF7376] Research and notes of Bob and Flossie Hulsizer
MARRIAGE: Recorded in Springfield, Clark Co., Ohio Probate Court records Book 3 Page 277 Peter Sager to Magdalene Printz Married 7 August 18 51 by Samuel Betchtel, Justice of the Peace.
Although Peter Sager's wife is listed as MAGDALENE PRINTZ on their marriage record, in the 1860, 1870, & 1880 Census records, obituary, and cemetery records she is called Mary.

[NF7378] ????
Groom's Name: «tab»John Shank
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Martha Tolbert
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»
Marriage Date: «tab»24 Feb 1842
Marriage Place: «tab»Montgomery, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name:

[NF7379] Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts, Book II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900), Pg4. 1/2/1879 Double wedding at the home of Mr and Mrs Lemuel Pence on New Years Day, two miles north of St Paris by Rev Dr Marley of Urbana, Alice, youngest dau of Mr and Mrs Pence to J W Byler of Kingston . Also niece of Mr and Mrs Pence, Miss Colon C Hair to Rush C Clauson of Butler Co, OH

Concord Items January9, 1879
Midway between the beautiful villages of St. Paris and Millerstown, near the site of the old Dutch meeting house, stands one of the handsomest and most pleasantly situated country residences in the west end. Not only does the external appearance of the building attract the attention of the traveler, but all the surroundings are marked for their convenience and general comfort. It stands at the top of the many hills that skirt the southern boundary of the Nettle creek valley and commands one of the most lovely landscapes to be found in that locality. It is the home of our life-long friend, Mr. Lemuel Pence, a former citizen of Concord township. Having received a very cordial invitation to be present on New Year*s day, we went thither and found near one hundred persons assembled to witness the marriage of his only daughter and niece. We found the interior of this elegant home duly arranged for the occasion. Soon after our arrival we were assigned the care of the many presents donated to the happy pairs. Promptly at half-past two o*clock the organ sent fortha beautiful wedding march, under the direction of Mrs. Dr B. F. Baker. Meantime the brides and grooms, under the direction of their attendants, were wending their way through the various rooms to the spacious parlor, where Rev. J. Steiner, assisted by Dr. J. F. Marlay, officiated, and Mr. J. W. Byler of Kingston, and Miss Allie Pence and Mr. Rush R. Clawson, of Butler county, and Miss Colon C. Hair were united in holy bonds of matrimony. Attendants, Mr. B. F. Miller, of West Liberty, and Sallie Powell, of Concord, and Mr. Henry Kurtz, of Wayne county, and Miss Ella Vail, of Hamilton. Among the presents we noticed a very fine silver butter dish to Mr. Byler by Messrs. Miller brothers, Weirman, Gerrard, Mast, Winters and Conrey; two fruit dishes by Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Snapp; two glass pitchers by Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Arrowsmith; one family Bible by Mr. Henry Byler; one clock by B. D. Byler and F. Knippenberg; two wall pockets, donors unknown; two silver butter knives by Sylvester Pence; silver spoons by M. Kurt; two fascinators by Mr. and Mrs. S. T McMorran; two dozen napkins each by Mr. and Mrs. I. Arrowsmith and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Brubaker; one castor each by Allie to Colon and Colon to Allie, Immediately after the conclusion of the ceremony the parties repaired to an adjoining room, where the presents were presented by T.S. McFarland with appropriate remarks, assisted by Maj. T S. McMorran. Then came one of the most excellent dinners that it has been our pleasure to look upon. The day was as pleasant as heart could wish, and every one present enjoyed the occasion to the fullest extent. New Year's day, 1879, will long be remembered as one of the most pleasant in the history of those participated. The reception was given at the residence of Mr. Henry Byler, near Kingston, on the eve of the 2nd. .

[NF7389] Name: «tab»Samuel W. Brubaker
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»07 Dec 1892
Event Place: «tab»West Liberty, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Addie E. Stemble

[NF7411] Marriage Records, Probate Court, Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio 1805 to 18 65 In Volumes A, B, C, D, E, F & G, Compiled Under the Direction of The Ur bana Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution in 1934 & 1935 Vol F Jo nathan Thatcher & Sarah Jane Hall, 20 Aug 1863 by William Simmons MG

Champaign County, Ohio Newspaper Abstracts, 'The Ohio State Democrat', 'T he Urbana Citizen and Gazette' and 'The Urbana Free Press.' May 1855 to 1 871, by Pat Stickley, March 2000, Champaign County Genealogical Society Ch apter O. G. S., P. O. Box 682, Urbana, Ohio 43078-0682 Page 97 3 September 1863, Champaign Democrat Married 20th inst. by Rev. William Simmons, Jonathan Thatcher & Sarah Ja ne Hall, all of Champaign County

[NF7427] Name: «tab»Fremont Bixler
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»26 Feb 1924
Event Place: «tab», Logan, Ohio
Age: «tab»65
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1859
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»John Bixler
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Isabel Bodkin
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Ellen Wenrick
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»56
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1868
Spouse's Father: «tab»Durias Glick
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Ellen Ware
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»VolN, p397, cn3653
Film Number: «tab»534842
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016823
Image Number: «tab»251

[NF7428] Calvin Morris
Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994
marriage:«tab»23 Jun 1842«tab»Hamilton, Ohio, United States
spouse:«tab»Achsah Nicholls

[NF7434] Marriage record names Elizabeth Crabb in Champaign Co, News Abstracts
Marriage Record in DAR record is also Elizabeth Crabb

[NF7441] Name: «tab»Lowell K. Jones
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»10 Oct 1920
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»24
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1896
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Caleb Jones
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Julia Goodin
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Thelma E. Kite
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»23
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1897
Spouse's Father: «tab»James E. Kite
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Alta Kizer
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»137
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»80

[NF7447] name: «tab»Homer F. Mitchell
event: «tab»Marriage 9/4/1919
event place (standardized): «tab»Miami, Ohio, United States
event place (other): «tab»
age: «tab»22 on 12/18/1918
estimated birth year: «tab»1897
birth date: «tab»
birthplace: «tab»Millerstown, Ohio
father: «tab»Frank Mitchell
father's titles & terms: «tab»
mother: «tab»Olive Feaster
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
spouse: «tab»Gladys Margene Miller
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
spouse's age: «tab»18 on 3/9/1919
spouse's estimated birth year: «tab»1901
spouse's birthplace: «tab»Hillsboro, Ohio
spouse's father: «tab»Joseph W. Miller
spouse's father's titles & terms: «tab»
spouse's mother: «tab»Dora Elliott
spouse's mother's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»cn 30206
film number: «tab»550155
digital folder number: «tab»004016854
image number: «tab»00183
Citing this Record "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 Oct 2012), Homer F. Mitchell and Gladys Margene Miller, 1919; citing reference cn 30206, FHL microfilm 550155.

[NF7450] Marriage record Mrs Mary Jones

[NF7451] Groom's Name: «tab»John William Heck
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1871
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»39
Bride's Name: «tab»Virtu Agusta Jenkins
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1883
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Concord Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»27
Marriage Date: «tab»10 Nov 1910
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Samuel Heck
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Ponce
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Elijah Jenkins
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Matilda Campbell
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:

[NF7452] Groom's Name: «tab»Grover O. Jenkins
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab», Madison, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Elsie May Fairchild
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1903
Bride's Birthplace: «tab», Lancaster, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»18
Marriage Date: «tab»10 Mar 1921
Marriage Place: «tab», Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Elijah W. Jenkins
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Matilda Campbell
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Channcey Fairchild
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Ina Johnson
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF7455] Groom's Name: «tab»Lloyd A. Blue
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1894
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Rosewood, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»22
Bride's Name: «tab»Helen Wonders
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1895
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Zanesfield, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»21
Marriage Date: «tab»01 Jun 1916
Marriage Place: «tab»Logan County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»D. K. Blue
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Amanda Mcintire
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Frank Wonders
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Mccormick
Groom's Race: «tab»White
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»White
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF7456] Md ages 21 and 16

[NF7457] Have copy of license

[NF7462] Groom's Name: «tab»Laurence F. Diltz
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Logan Co. Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Marjorie B. Talbot
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1899
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Union Twp., Champaign Co. Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»21
Marriage Date: «tab»27 Feb 1920
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Jos. Diltz
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Emma Hurd
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Warren Talbot
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Maud Goul
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status:

[NF7463] Groom's Name: «tab»Carlton Lee Shank
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Glenna Stella Poorman
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1885
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»18
Marriage Date: «tab»12 Jul 1903
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Henry Shank
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Ella Batdorf
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Daniel Poorman
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Amanda Maggert
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M00002-6
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-VR

[NF7469] Groom's Name: «tab»Wilber M. Beaty
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab», Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Bessie E. Hamilton
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1901
Bride's Birthplace: «tab», Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»22
Marriage Date: «tab»10 Nov 1923
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Perry F. Beaty
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth M. Burcker
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»E. F. Hamilton
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary A. Dodson
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF7470] ame: «tab»Earl Dent Sexton
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»16 Apr 1924
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»37
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1887
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Joseph A. Sexton
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Alice L. Fisher
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Cecile Grace Buroker
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»32
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1892
Spouse's Father: «tab»Noah Smith Buroker
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Emma Londenback
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»751
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»238

[NF7471] Wedding announcement in Urbana Daily Citizen, undated article

Groom's Name «tab»Robert Stapleton
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1903
Groom's Birthplace «tab»Jackson, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age «tab»20
Bride's Name «tab»Edith Brelsford
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1904
Bride's Birthplace «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»19
Marriage Date «tab»19 Dec 1923
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»J. D. Stapleton
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Elizabeth Furrow
Bride's Father's Name «tab»D. O. Brelsford
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Minnie Slack
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Single

[NF7484] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 39 19 Aug 1932 Minute book 72 pg 19 Helen May Conover vs Eldon L Conover for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted, no children, her name restored to Helen Mae Dibert

[NF7485] Md ages 22 and 18

[NF7490] Name: «tab»Charles Stephen Greer
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»05 Jan 1915
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»23
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1892
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Samuel Greer
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary Knepp
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Hazel Mae Blue
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1896
Spouse's Father: «tab»J. I. Blue
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Ida Nitchman
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p54
Film Number: «tab»545416

[NF7494] !MARRIAGE: to Solomon Sager as recorded in the Clark Co., OH Probate Cour t Marriage Record book 3 Page 260 on 24 Apr. 1851 and gives Margaret's surna me as Marquart and Marquat, but her death record says her father was DAV ID MAGGART and her mother was Margaret Venice.

[NF7497] There is a marriage record in Probate Court, Springfield, Clark Co., OH B ook 3 Page 290 of a Lydia Sager to Thomas D. Castle on 30 Oct. 1851 by Sa muel Betchtel, Justice of the Peace.
Her father's will names a daughter Lydia LAFON. A page of research in t he Clark County Historical Museum by a Mrs. Skardon, now deceased, lists t he abstract of Peter Sager's will. Mrs. Skardon, who lived at 5632 Upp er Valley Pike just north of Tremont City, wrote Lydia's last name as LAPH ON. I have found no death record in Clark County for Thomas D. Castle, any Lafon or L aphon of any first name, nor a marriage record of a LYDIA CASTLE.
The death records in Probate Court go only up to 1907, but I called t he Clark County Health Department, Vital Statistics, and they had no dea th record in their files after 1907 by the name of Lydia Lafon or Laphon.

[NF7501] Groom's Name: «tab»Warren Steinbarger
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1885
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Mad River Tp. Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»23
Bride's Name: «tab»Josie Dear
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1890
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»18
Marriage Date: «tab»05 Nov 1908
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Rolander Steinbarger
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Kessler
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Theodore Dear
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Martha Long
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF7502] Name: «tab»Joseph Garfield Steinbarger
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»09 Jan 1914
Event Place: «tab»Hamilton County, Ohio
Age: «tab»30
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1884
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Landus Steinbarger
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Marriette Kessler
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Eva Evelyn Dear
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1894
Spouse's Father: «tab»Theodore Dear
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Martha Long
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»v 254 cn 412
Film Number: «tab»365195
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016508
Image Number: «tab»551

[NF7520] ame: «tab»George W. Mott
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»28 Feb 1905
Event Place: «tab»Miami, Ohio
Age: «tab»24
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1881
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Quinn Mott
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Bette Schlonicker
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Eva Pearl Kerns
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»23
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1882
Spouse's Father: «tab»Lorenzo Kerns
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Lizzie Beard
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»550152
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016852
Image Number: «tab»293

[NF7532] Groom's Name: «tab»Ward F. Dobbins
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»19 Apr 1899
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Elizabeth N. Davis
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»25 Dec 1904
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Troy, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»21
Marriage Date: «tab»20 May 1926
Marriage Place: «tab»Clark Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Andrew F. Dobbins
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Eva G. Reed
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Charles L. Davis
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Mellie Walpole
Groom's Race: «tab»White
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»White

[NF7533] Groom's Name «tab»Carl W. M. Chambers
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1909
Groom's Birthplace «tab»Adams, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age «tab»21
Bride's Name «tab»Kathyrn Irene Morgan
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1914
Bride's Birthplace «tab»Christiansburg, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»16
Marriage Date «tab»15 Nov 1930
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»John D. Chambers
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Lula Mae Jenkins
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Jacob H. Morgan
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Thurse Pence
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Single

[NF7544] Groom's Name «tab»Thomas W. Jenkins
Groom's Birth Date «tab»28 May 1850
Groom's Birthplace «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age «tab»65
Bride's Name «tab»Barbara S. Rankin
Bride's Birth Date «tab»09 Mar 1840
Bride's Birthplace «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»75
Marriage Date «tab»12 Aug 1915
Marriage Place «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»Barnett Jenkins
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Christina Barger
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Joseph Prince
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Ameila Sibert
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»
Bride's Previous Husband's Name «tab»Rankin

[NF7545] Urbana Daily Citizen 1/13/1887 Thomas W Jenkins has filed for divorce from Eusebia S Jenkins, grounds adu ltry

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg99 Feb 8 1887 Minute book 43 pg 61 Thomas W Jenkins vs Eusebia Jenkins for divorce, continued on page 103; co ntinued again.

[NF7546] CCGS, Book III, August 2002 by Dorothy Shaffer, Champaign Co, Ohio St Par is Newspaper Abstracts Jan 1900-1916. pg 85 7/2/1908 Maggie M Jenkins su ed Thomas W Jenkins for a divorce in Montgomery County.

[NF7547] Groom's Name «tab»Thomas W. Jenkins
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1853
Groom's Birthplace «tab»Millerstown Ohio
Groom's Age «tab»55
Bride's Name «tab»Hannah J. Pierce
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1856
Bride's Birthplace «tab»Of St. Paris, Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»52
Marriage Date «tab»15 Aug 1908
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»Barnet Jenkins
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Christine Barger
Bride's Father's Name «tab»
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»Was Married Twice Before
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»
Bride's Previous Husband's Name «tab»Pierce

[NF7548] Groom's Name «tab»Thomas Wilson Jenkins
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1851
Groom's Birthplace «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age «tab»69
Bride's Name «tab»Amanda Jenkins
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1843
Bride's Birthplace «tab»Adams Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»77
Marriage Date «tab»04 Mar 1920
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»Barnet Jenkins
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Christina Barger
Bride's Father's Name «tab»T Alton
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Catherine Draper

[NF7554] Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900), pg 34 names groom Clem Ri chardson

[NF7567] Groom's Name «tab»J. Mac Gearhart
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1880
Groom's Birthplace «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age «tab»30
Bride's Name «tab»Grace E. Apple
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1886
Bride's Birthplace «tab»St. Paris, Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»24
Marriage Date «tab»06 Apr 1910
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»F.J. Gearhart
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Liza Mcmorran
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Benjamin Apple
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Amanda Prince
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Single

7/18/1914 bk 61 pg 403
J Mac Gearhart vs Grace Gearhart for divorce on willful absence. Divorce granted, her name restored to Garce E Apple

[NF7585] Champaign Co- Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 2 5/12/1884 Minute Book 41 Pg 95
Catherine J Aker, vs George S Aker for divorce on willful absence. Divorce granted and her name restored to Catherine J Loudenback.

[NF7586] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg108 Dec 15 1893 Minute book 48 pg 264 Martha A Kitchen vs James Kitchen for divorce on habitual drunk and adultr y. Divorce granted; her name restoed to Martha A Bodey.

[NF7587] Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900), pg 68. 1/3/1890 - Marri ed on New Year's Eve by Rev P H Murray at the Baptist Parsonage, Mr E M Re eder of Shelby Co, to Miss Lottie Bodey, of Johnson. Twp

[NF7589] Name: «tab»Carl Bodey
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»29 Mar 1906
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»32
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1874
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Henry Bodey
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Elizebeth Vincent
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Maud Counts
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»32
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1874
Spouse's Father: «tab»Ephraim Buroker
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Tessie Ammon

[NF7591] Name: «tab»George W. Auspeck
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»14 Dec 1868
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»Date of license 14 Dec 1868
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Sallie A. Stugdel
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»pg 230, cn 1139
Film Number: «tab»295229
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016261
Image Number: «tab»638

[NF7605] Name: «tab»Elden Reed
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»30 Aug 1903
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»29
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1874
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Thomas Reed
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Louise Laudenbach
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Lottie May Zirkle
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1885
Spouse's Father: «tab»Oscar Zirkle
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Tallie A. Maggart
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn 1071
Film Number: «tab»530189
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016810
Image Number: «tab»739

[NF7609] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg154 Sep 19 1914 Minute book 61 pg 452 Emma Pence vs Jerome S Pence for divorce on willful absence. Divorce granted.

[NF7616] Groom's Name «tab»Lowell Slack Brelsford
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1895
Groom's Birthplace «tab»
Groom's Age «tab»22
Bride's Name «tab»Helen Lucile Stradling
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1897
Bride's Birthplace «tab»
Bride's Age «tab»20
Marriage Date «tab»05 Dec 1917
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»D. O. Brelsford
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Minnie Slack
Bride's Father's Name «tab»S. M. Stradling
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Elizabeth Bridlestetter

[NF7618] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg154 April 10 1901 Minute book 54 pg 88 Julia A Pence vs James H Pence for divorce on extreme cruelty. Divorce gra nted; her name restored to Julia A Poorman, alimony $20

[NF7624] History of Clark Co, pg 551 says his first wife was Mary Susser. Six child ren. Only one living Margaret Ann (Poorman)

[NF7625] Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900 Name: POORMAN, WILLIAM Spouse: RIDER, CLARA Marriage Date: 24 Jun 1877 County: Shelby State: OH

Shelbiana Oct 1992 p 10 7/6/1877 Married 28 June in Careysville, William Poorman of St Paris and M iss Clara Rider of Pemberton

[NF7626] Laura Sanderson when married

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg155 June 16 1930 Minute book 70 pg 394 Marion Pence vs Laura Pence for divorce on willful absence; they were md J uly 22 1908. Divorce granted no children

[NF7627] Eliza Ward
Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994
marriage:«tab»21 Nov 1844«tab»Champaign, Ohio, United States
spouse:«tab»Jonathan W. Thomas

[NF7633] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 209 Nov 8 1881 Minute book 39 pg 342 Mary Catherine Ward vs Lewis Ward for divorce- case dismissed.

[NF7636] Marrried ages 31 and 25

[NF7644] Groom's Name: «tab»James Franklin Poorman
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Johnson Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Lola Blanche Smith
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1882
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Johnson Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»20
Marriage Date: «tab»24 Dec 1902
Marriage Place: «tab»St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»David Poorman
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Margaret Leffel
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Henry Smith
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah Kite
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF7647] Newspaper article on married in file

[NF7651] Name: «tab»John H. Andspaw
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»16 Apr 1874
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»Date of License 15 Apr 1874
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Rebecca Jane Snyder

[NF7658] Andrew and Clarissa had been seperated a few years when she died.

Record Book 32, Page 395- Filed 29 May 1867- Divorce Clarissa D. Bod Andrew F. Bodey They were married on 4 March 185... in Champaign County. There were children born of the union: Susanna Bodey, 14 years; Sarah Ellen Bodev. 10yrs, C larissa Alice Bodey, 6 yrs, Laura Ann Bodey 4 yrs, George W Bodey 2 y rs 3 months and an infant not named. Andrew owned 140 acres located in Champaign Co, Ohio. She charged him with extreme cruelty. In March of 18 67 he put her out of the house in a snow storm; had fired a gun at her a nd the children; he was a drunkard and in October 1867 committed adultry with Catherine Deal. The divorce was granted.

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper).pg17 May 29, 1867 MINUTE BOOK 29 PG 284 Clarissa Bodey vs Andrew Bodey for divorce of adultry with Catherine Deal and habitual drunk. They were married Mar 4 1852 in Champaign County. On 21 Nov 1867 in Record Book 32 pg 395 the divorce was granted, childr en Susanna age 14, Sarah Ellen age 10, Clarissa Alice age 6, Laura Ann age 4, George W age 2 and an unborn child.

[NF7660] Ohio Marriages, 1803-1900 Record Name: BODEY, ANDREW F. Spouse: MALT, MARY A. Marriage Date: 16 Jan 1879 County: Shelby State: OH

[NF7666] Shelby County Divorce Records 1819-1900, Compiled by Barbara Admas Publish ed 1996 by the Shelby Co Gen Society, pg4. Counts, Melissa vs Henry Counts; April 1894. Couple md 7/4/1870, deft guil ty of extreme cruelty, often struck her and once tore her hat, also of gro ss neglect of duty, divorce granted and pltf restored to maiden name, Mali ssa LeFevre.

[NF7669] Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co Oh-Newspaper Abstracts M ay 1855-1871, (March 2000), pg152. 1/10/1867 Md at res of bride's fath er in Mad River Twp 1st inst, by Rev J B Tuttle, John W Russell to Miss Cl ara Zimmerman, all of Champ Co.

[NF7671] Groom's Name: «tab»Autrum Wait Loudenback
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Mamie Lavender
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»
Marriage Date: «tab»26 Dec 1888
Marriage Place: «tab»Union, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M02322-1

[NF7673] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg148 July 16 1902 Minute book 54 pg 471 Lemuel M Norman vs Kate G Norman for divorce on willful absence; her resid ence in Sidney Ohio. Divorce granted.

[NF7700] Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, by Pat Stickley and Denise Kay Moor e, Champaign Co Ohio-Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888, (Urbana Daily Citiz en 1/1884-12/1888), pg1. 1/3/1884 Robert S Reid and Jane Winn Bishop were md 19 Dec 1833 at res of bride's p arents on Pretty Prarie by Rev Joshua Boucher; about 8 years ago they remo ved to McLean Co, IL where they have since resided. Mr and Mrs Reic have c ompleted the 50th year of the celebrate including 2 sons, John and Willia m; 4 daughters, Annie, Charlotte, Cora and Tilla. A son and 2 dau residi ng in the far west were unable to be present

[NF7701] Groom's Name: «tab»Ralph Klapp
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»St. Paris, O.
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Ruth Berry
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1898
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., O.
Bride's Age: «tab»27
Marriage Date: «tab»03 Dec 1925
Marriage Place: «tab»Franklin County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Emmett Klapp
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Retta Toomlre
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»J. P. Berry
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Alice Gumpert
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF7702] Groom's Name: «tab»Ralph Klapp
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Martha Taylor
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1902
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»London, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»29
Marriage Date: «tab»15 Aug 1931
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Emmett Klopp
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Retta Toomire
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Burton Taylor
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Ada Allen
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF7708] Name: «tab»George Frank Keller
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»19 Aug 1912
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»42
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1870
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»William Aaron Keller
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Elizabeth Mahan
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Iva Imo Reed
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1890
Spouse's Father: «tab»James William Curl
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Mary Belle Barker
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»P 370 Cn 738
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»548

[NF7709] Groom's Name: «tab»James Roy Ward
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1897
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»21
Bride's Name: «tab»Ora Irene Bishop
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1901
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»17
Marriage Date: «tab»19 Mar 1918
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Franklin Ward
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Susan A. Clark
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Joseph Bishop
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Allie Ovesholser

[NF7712] Name: «tab»William Hunter
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»21 Oct 1901
Event Place: «tab»Madison, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1880
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»John Hunter
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary Stratenberger
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Effie Williams
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1882
Spouse's Father: «tab»James Williams
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Lucinda Skeers
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p250 cn497
Film Number: «tab»522860
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016808
Image Number: «tab»589

[NF7713] Groom's Name: «tab»Charles Morgan Bishop
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1877
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Terre Haute, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»25
Bride's Name: «tab»Sella Leona Dingledine
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1882
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Madrivec Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»20
Marriage Date: «tab»24 Dec 1902
Marriage Place: «tab»Westville, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Samuel Bishop
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Melvina Jenkins
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»A.E. Dingledine
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Margaret Brown
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF7729] Md first times age 34 and 23

[NF7733] Mrs Margaret Wirick married Alvin Mattoon 1/22/1877 at her home by Rev S G Good, but a search of the 1880 Census shows Alvin Mattoon a widower .

[NF7743] Groom's Name: «tab»Arthur Monroe Jenkins
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1893
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»23
Bride's Name: «tab»Laura Marie Beekman
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1899
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»17
Marriage Date: «tab»31 May 1916
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Willis P. Jenkins
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Minnich
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»H.N. Beekman
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Nannie Wills
Groom's Race:

[NF7745] name: «tab»William W. Trout
titles & terms: «tab»5/10/1906
event: «tab»Marriage
event place (standardized): «tab»Greene, Ohio, United States
event place (other): «tab»
age: «tab»22
estimated birth year: «tab»1884
birth date: «tab»04 Oct 1906
birthplace: «tab»Springfield, Ohio
father: «tab»Philip Trout
father's titles & terms: «tab»
mother: «tab»Elizabeth West
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
spouse: «tab»Dena May Alexander
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
spouse's age: «tab»22
spouse's estimated birth year: «tab»1884
spouse's birthplace: «tab»Spring Valley, Greene County, O.
spouse's father: «tab»Charles F. Alexander
spouse's father's titles & terms: «tab»
spouse's mother: «tab»Sadie Compton
spouse's mother's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»P. 190
film number: «tab»535129
digital folder number: «tab»004016827
image number: «tab»00171
Citing this Record

"Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 Nov 2012), William W. Trout and Dena May Alexander, 1906; citing reference P. 190, FHL microfilm 535129.

[NF7748] Name: «tab»Frank Meclen Offenbacker
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»26 Sep 1914
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»24, roof builder
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»2-23-1890 Urbana, OH
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Robert Offenbacker
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Emma Ream
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Ethel Marie Miller
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»21
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»8-16-1893 Rush Co, IN
once prev married, name Ethel Marie Simons
Spouse's Father: «tab»Samuel Miller
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Alice Hill
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p19
Film Number: «tab»545416
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016845
Image Number: «tab»47

[NF7750] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg9 April 5, 1876 Minute Book 45 pg 353 Sarah A Barnes vs Edward L Barnes for divorce on gross neglect and adult ry with Rebecca Fitzpatrick. Divorce granted, child Charles Austin Barn es age 4 yrs given to mother

[NF7752] Name: «tab»Clarence L. Pence
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»07 Feb 1907
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»32
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1875
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»John E. Pence
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary Norman
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Belle Jenkins
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»25
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1882
Spouse's Father: «tab»Elijah Jenkins
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Tilda Campbell
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 394 # 1887
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»237

[NF7755] Groom's Name: «tab»Joseph Furrow
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Jane Babcock
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»
Marriage Date: «tab»25 Oct 1824
Marriage Place: «tab»Miami County, Ohio

[NF7759] room's Name: «tab»Claude M. Apple
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»08 Apr 1882
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»21
Bride's Name: «tab»Lizzie S. Baker
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»19 Dec 1881
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Springfield, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»21
Marriage Date: «tab»01 Oct 1903
Marriage Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Peter Apple
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Jane Jenkins
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Mathew Baker
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Letitia Metz
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF7762] Name: «tab»Jay B. Dooley
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»31 Dec 1930
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»25
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1905
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Levi Dooley
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Nancy Wallace
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Ilo Dapple
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»27
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1903
Spouse's Father: «tab»Lee Apple
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Mary Stevens
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»125
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»557

[NF7764] Name: «tab»William Albert Yinger
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»05 Sep 1900
Event Place: «tab»Rosewood, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»23
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1877
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»William H. Yinger
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary J. Clark
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Minnie Arvilla Cisco
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»23
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1877
Spouse's Father: «tab»Joseph Cisco
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Charlotte Barnes
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»M338
Film Number: «tab»530189
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016810
Image Number: «tab»548

[NF7765] Name: «tab»James Della Pence
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»18 Dec 1902
Event Place: «tab»St Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»28
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1874
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Jason P. Pence
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Sarah Colbert
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Louise Ethel Hook
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»29
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1873
Spouse's Father: «tab»John Hook
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Viola Talbott
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn M-949
Film Number: «tab»530189
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016810
Image Number: «tab»706

[NF7770] Name: «tab»Forest Barger
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»03 Feb 1909
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»18
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1891
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»George W. Barger
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Rebecca J. Comer
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Cleta Fern Barger
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»16
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1893
Spouse's Father: «tab»J. M. Barger
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Mary Francis Lauderback
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 41 # 81
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»383

[NF7771] Groom's Name «tab»Forry Wilson
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1860
Groom's Birthplace «tab»
Groom's Age «tab»57
Bride's Name «tab»Allie Gertrude Loudenback
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1867
Bride's Birthplace «tab»
Bride's Age «tab»50
Marriage Date «tab»01 Nov 1917
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»John D. Wilson
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Sarah Forry
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Jos. Loudenback
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Louisa J. Kizer

[NF7773] Groom's Name: «tab»Wilber E. Rhodes
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Addie Neese
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1881
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»18
Marriage Date: «tab»02 Mar 1899
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Jacob E. Rhodes
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Cook
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»John Neese
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Ellen Hullinger
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»

[NF7775] Groom's Name: «tab»Ray F. Michael
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1883
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»31
Bride's Name: «tab»Laura M. Putnam
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1883
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»31
Marriage Date: «tab»24 Sep 1914
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»John W. Michael
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Emily Wolcott
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»James B. Putnam
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Alice Prince

[NF7776] Groom's Name: «tab»Otto Pence
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1881
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»24
Bride's Name: «tab»Lulu Blanche Berry
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1888
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Millerstown, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»17
Marriage Date: «tab»02 Feb 1905
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Isaac Pence
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Rebecca Offenbacker
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Geo. B. Mccleland Berry
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Loretta Bodey
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF7782] Groom's Name Homer Claudius Leonard«i»ntbl Groom's Birth Date 22 Aug 1897ntbl Groom's Birthplace Brooklyn, Ohiontbl Groom's Age 20ntbl Bride's Name Valma Dorotha Laughbaumntbl Bride's Birth Date 10 Apr 1896ntbl Bride's Birthplace Whetstone, Crawford, Ohiontbl Bride's Age 22ntbl Marriage Date 21 Jun 1918ntbl Marriage Place , Crawford, Ohio, Usantbl Groom's Father's Name Albert Leonardntbl Groom's Mother's Name Emma Shafferntbl Bride's Father's Name Isaac Laughbaumntbl Bride's Mother's Name Susanna Sheasgentbl Groom's Racentbl Groom's Marital Status Singlentbl Groom's Previous Wife's Namentbl Bride's Racentbl Bride's Marital Status Singlentbl Bride's Previous Husband's Namentbl Indexing Project (Batch) Number M02306-9ntbl System Origin Ohio-EASyntbl Source Film Number 388690ntbl Reference Number v 19 cn 348 «/i»

[NF7785] Groom's Name: «tab»Bert R. Richeson
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1890
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Christiansburg, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»23
Bride's Name: «tab»Ruth Baker
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1893
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Casstown, Miami, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»20
Marriage Date: «tab»30 Aug 1913
Marriage Place: «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»J. C. Richeson
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Allie Baker
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»W.W.. Baker
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Leonora Reynolds
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF7791] Marriage date could be 1834 not 1839

[NF7796] Daughter of Michael

[NF7797] Marriage Index: Selected Counties of Ohio, 1789-1850 Married: May 20, 1843 in: Champaign Co., OH Spouse: Perkopilo, Sarah Gender: M More: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT, Fi lm #s 0295228-0295229.

[NF7800] 1/22/1923 Book 66 pg 260
William H Brooks vs Bertha Brooks for divorce on gross neglect and ectreme cruelty. Divorce granted; ch Ethel age 12, Emerson age 8 and Lucille age 4 yrs remain until court decides what to do with them

[NF7803] !MARRIAGE: married 16 Dec 1891, Champaing Co Marriage Records, OH [co py in file]; 'The Kit e Family of Champaign Co, OH' by Denise Kay Mahan Mo ore, 3rd Edition, Sep 1989, found in St P aris Library, Champaign C o, OH on 8/14/1999 states she married on 4 Dec 1891

[NF7804] !MARRIAGE: Richland Co Marriage Records, vol 8, pg 245: Jacob S Stroup & E liza Neff were marr ied 5 Feb 1860 by S Fenner, Minister of the Gospel [ copy in file]

[NF7807] Groom's Name: «tab»Emerson D. Shaffer
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Mad River, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Elsie May Beaty
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1902
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»18
Marriage Date: «tab»24 Feb 1920
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Perry Shaffer
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Alma Leonard
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Daniel Beaty
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Kessar

[NF7808] Md age 19 and 21

[NF7820] Name: «tab»Ernest Morris Linvill
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»20 Jun 1913
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1-11-1892
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Thomas M. Linvill
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Sarah E. Ford
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Katie Black
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»9-7-1890
Spouse's Father: «tab»Edward Black
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Jennie Swisher
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»P 456 Cn 911
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»591

[NF7826] Name: «tab»Bert Earnest Gingledine
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»23 Dec 1911
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»27
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1884
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Esli Dingledine
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Maggie Brown
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Grace Myral Jenkins
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1889
Spouse's Father: «tab»John W. Jenkins
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Lucy Neese
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 314 cn 627
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»520

[NF7828] Champaign County, Ohio Newspaper Abstracts, ‘The Urbana Citizen and Gazett e' 1871-1884, by Pat Stickley, December 2000, Champaign County Genealogic al Society, P. O. Box 682, Urbana, Ohio 43078-0682 Page 161 - Urbana Citiz en & Gazette - 12 February 1880 Married 8th inst by S. H. Stockto n, JP at residence of William Deal in Jackson Township, B. F. Jenkins & Mi ss Sarah Deal.

[NF7829] St Paris Era Dispatch Dec 23, 1887 Sarah E Frank, of Millerstown, has been divorced from T S P Frank, willfull absense

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana
Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg67 Dec 19 1887 Minute book 43 pg 377 T J Price Frank vs Sarah Ellen Frank for divorce on wilful absence; marriage dissolved.

[NF7831] Name: «tab»Andrew Smith
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»07 Apr 1917
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1896
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Philip Smith
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Emma Davis
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Susie Lois Shaffer
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1897
Spouse's Father: «tab»Perry Shaffer
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Alam Leonard
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p287
Film Number: «tab»545416
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016845
Image Number: «tab»185

[NF7833] Name: «tab»Homer Clyde Jenkins
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»06 Feb 1910
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»24
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1886
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»John Jenkins
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Lucy Neese
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Ruby Lutz
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1890
Spouse's Father: «tab»Ezra Lutz
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Ellen Blue
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»P 131 # 262
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»428

[NF7840] When married to Thomas Collins, was Mrs Margaret A Barr from Clark Co, O H.

[NF7843] Groom's Name: «tab»Louis Young Glessner
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Anna Ward
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1876
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»24
Marriage Date: «tab»29 May 1900
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»C.F. Glessner
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Jane Hadden
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF7847] 1930 census ages 59 and 58 married at ages 32 and 31

[NF7850] Name: «tab»William Smith
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»20 Dec 1922
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»30
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1892
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Charles A. Smith
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Laura Buroker
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Elizabeth Beck
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»23
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1899
Spouse's Father: «tab»John W. Beck
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Pearle Warner
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»534
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»183

[NF7854] Name: «tab»Clarence H. Reed
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»07 Jun 1906
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»28
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1878
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Jacob P. Reed
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Susie Blue
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Iva Imo Curl
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»16
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1890
Spouse's Father: «tab»James W. Curl
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Mary Barker
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»P- 304 # 1707
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»191

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). July 20 1912 Minute Book 60 page 236 Imo Reid vs Clarence Reid for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted; c hild Maxwell; $15 month child support

[NF7858] Groom's Name: «tab»Benjamin Thurman Apple
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Ruth Estherville Mitchell
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1895
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»27
Marriage Date: «tab»15 Feb 1922
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Benjamin Franklin Apple
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Amanda Alice Reince
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Oliver R. Mitchell
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Estella Mcmoreson
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF7859] Name: «tab»Guy Lorn Apple
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»23 Mar 1915
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1894
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Ben Apple
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Amanda May
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Opal May Bennett
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1895
Spouse's Father: «tab»Elwood Bennett
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Rosa Cain
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p72
Film Number: «tab»545416
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016845
Image Number: «tab»75

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg5. 20 Oct 1928 Opal Apple vs Guy Apple for Divorce on wilful absence. Divorce granted; child Margaret Ethel given to mother.

[NF7864] Clark Co, marriage records have her last name as Wagner, but cemetery reco rds call her Elizabeth Rust

Lorton, John E.Spouse : Wagoner, Elizabeth Marriage date : Sep 13, 1849 County of record : Clark Co. Sex : M

[NF7870] Name: «tab»Emory H. Smith
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»28 Oct 1903
Event Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Age: «tab»33
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1870
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»John W. Smith
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Martha E. Goddard
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Minerva F. Zerkle
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»25
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1878
Spouse's Father: «tab»David G. Zerkle
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Ellen Peck
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»bk 20 p 138 cn 2604
Film Number: «tab»465396
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016786
Image Number: «tab»445

[NF7880] Marriage Records of Shelby Co 1819-70 by Adams & Mozley says marriage w as performed by C. W. Miller, Minister of the Gospel.

[NF7887] Name: «tab»Wilbur F. Deremer
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»25 Jun 1919
Event Place: «tab»Logan County, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1898
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Andrew Deremer
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Jennie Offenbacher
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Alice Holdren
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1901
Spouse's Father: «tab»James Holdren
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Adda Hupp
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn1947, pg442
Film Number: «tab»534841
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4260459
Image Number: «tab»667

[NF7893] 1930 census ages 70 and 65 married at age 25 and 20

[NF7894] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg109 July 23 1932 Minute book 71 pg 592 Don C Klapp vs Bessie Klapp for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted.

[NF7897] Name: «tab»Charles Maxson
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»27 Apr 1912
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»23
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1889
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Silas Maxson
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary Kollar
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Maggie Kincade
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»23
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1889
Spouse's Father: «tab»William Kincade
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Ann Buck
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»P 344 Cn 687
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»535

[NF7902] Groom's Name: «tab»Elber Ira Apple
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Daisy Mae Kite
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1879
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»23
Marriage Date: «tab»15 Oct 1902
Marriage Place: «tab»St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Adam Apple
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Artemisa Flowers
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Scott Kite
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Ellen Pence
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:

[NF7907] Name: «tab»Lawrence H. Barger
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»29 Sep 1917
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»26
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1891
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Samuel J. Barger
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Celesta E. Looker
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Ida Marie De Remer
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1897
Spouse's Father: «tab»John B. De Remer
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Della Paxon
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p339
Film Number: «tab»545416
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016845
Image Number: «tab»211

[NF7908] January 10, 1920 Volume P page 552 Champaign County, Ohio marriage records, Georgia ARGABRIGHT married Lyman BARGER.

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg9 Nov 5 1921 Minute book 65 pg 439 Lyman Barger vs Georgia B Barger for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce gra nted.

[NF7910] Groom's Name: «tab»W. Lloyd Putnam
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Verda Klapp
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1890
Bride's Birthplace: «tab», Athens, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»35
Marriage Date: «tab»07 Jul 1925
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»James B. Putnam
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Alice Prince
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»E. M. Klapp
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Retta Toomire
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M86852-8
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: «tab»0545417
Reference Number: «tab»2:3VPVSXK

[NF7915] Groom's Name «tab»William Harley Pince
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1905
Groom's Birthplace «tab», Logan, Ohio
Groom's Age «tab»25
Bride's Name «tab»Ruby Opal Shiltz
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1912
Bride's Birthplace «tab»Troy, Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»18
Marriage Date «tab»09 Apr 1930
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»Ira Pince
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Charlotte J. Erwin
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Cameron Shiltz
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Bessie Grass
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Single

2/2/1932 bk 71 pg 411
Ruby Pence vs Harley Pence for divorce on extreme cruelty. Divorce granted; child William Hurlough Pence to the mother

Because son was born 1937, can this date be wrongly transcribed?

[NF7918] «b»Ohio marriages Ethel A Bodey d/o W.Oliver Bodey & Ella Anspaugh to Willard Elden Pence s/o Isaac S Pence & Rebecca Offenbacker on 19-Jun-1915 Champaign Co Oh

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg154 Sep 18 1920 Minute book 65 pg 47 Ethel Pence vs Willard E Pence for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted; her name restored to Ethel Bodey

[NF7919] Md age 30 and 25

[NF7950] Name: «tab»Thomas J. Frank
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»10 Jul 1873
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»Date of License 5 Jul 1873
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Ella F.D. Helmick
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»pg 436, cn 10373
Film Number: «tab»295229
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016261
Image Number: «tab»742

[NF7967] Name: «tab»Homer E. Ceyler
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»29 Apr 1925
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»23
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1902
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Thomas Ceyler
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Martha E. Carney
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Margaret Lucile Baker
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1907
Spouse's Father: «tab»Geo. W. Baker
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Susanna Snyder
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»907
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846

[NF7987] Shelby Co marriage record names parents as David McAlexander and Lucy Beav er, but David and Lucy did not marry until 1868. Other sources as we ll as census name her parents as James and Naomi Sheppard McAlexander. Nam ed as an heir of James in Chauncery Record

[NF7994] Groom's Name: «tab»Wm. D. Berry
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Viola Mitchell
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»
Marriage Date: «tab»16 Apr 1891
Marriage Place: «tab»Paulding County, Ohio

[NF7995] Eleven Children from this marriage

[NF7996] Groom's Name: «tab»Emmett Isaac Lemmon
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Adams Twp. Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Gertrude Colon Kite
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1899
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Johnston Twp, Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»21
Marriage Date: «tab»03 Mar 1920
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Chas. Lemmon
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Jane Halterman
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Carey Kite
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Lydia Dovel
Groom's Race:

[NF7999] Name: «tab»Charles C. Kibler
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»26 Oct 1933
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»23
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»4-2-1910
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Joseph Kibler
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Laura Mckee
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Kathryn Ann Cooper
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»21
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»5-11-1912 Urbana
Spouse's Father: «tab»Roy H. Cooper
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Blanche Knull
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»69
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»642

[NF8015] Groom's Name: «tab»John A. Bower
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»15 Mar 1858
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Crawford Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Susanna E. Kline
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»20 Aug 1854
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Champayne Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»64
Marriage Date: «tab»19 Oct 1918
Marriage Place: «tab»Hancock Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Jacob Bower
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Eve Stickler
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Andrew Jackson Bodey
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Clarisse Empie
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Widowed md 2 times previous
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»Kline
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M86961-9
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: «tab»1299111
Reference Number: «tab»2:3VQSWLT

[NF8019] Name: «tab»Anson Earl Allen
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»22 Aug 1918
Event Place: «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Age: «tab»27
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1891
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Isaiah Allen
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Catherine Clem
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Sadie Leona Pence
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1900
Spouse's Father: «tab»Chas. F. Pence
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Sarah F. Baker
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn 29797
Film Number: «tab»550155
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016854
Image Number: «tab»80

[NF8027] Name: «tab»Howard Morgan Shaul
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»07 Nov 1901
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»25
Birth Date: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Mechanicsburg, Ohio
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1876
Father: «tab»Jasper N. Shaul
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mira Joiner
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Blanche Woodward
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»27
Spouse's Birth Date: «tab»
Spouse's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1874
Spouse's Father: «tab»William B. Woodward
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Elizabeth N. Hunter
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn M-653 P327
Film Number: «tab»530189
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016810
Image Number: «tab»629

[NF8029] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg151 June 1832 Supreme Court records John Owen vs Phoebe Owen for divorce for adultery with Oliver Lillard of W estville, Ohio, where Phoebe now lives. They were married 27 Feb 1823; fi ve children, 2 sons and 3 daughters one deceased. She left 3 years ago.

[NF8036] Name: «tab»Samuel L. Crowl
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»04 May 1882
Event Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Lizzie Schaumleffel
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 183
Film Number: «tab»466403
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4260646
Image Number: «tab»535

[NF8037] Groom's Name: «tab»Wilbur L. Pence
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Johnson, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Ruth Anderson
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1902
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Mad River, Chamaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»21
Marriage Date: «tab»21 Apr 1923
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»A. J. Pence
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Ada O. Snapp
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Chas. E. Anderson
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary E. Brown
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF8038] Md ages 28 and 23

[NF8044] Groom's Name «tab»Earl Corwin Pickering
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1884
Groom's Birthplace «tab»Rosewood, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age «tab»21
Bride's Name «tab»Daisy Mc Croskey
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1885
Bride's Birthplace «tab»Adams Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»20
Marriage Date «tab»21 Jan 1905
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»James W. Pickering
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Mary C. Baker
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Peter Mc Croskey
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Margaret Butch
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Single

[NF8045] Groom's Name «tab»Peter H. Mccroskey
Groom's Birth Date «tab»
Groom's Birthplace «tab»
Groom's Age «tab»
Bride's Name «tab»Margaret Obrian
Bride's Birth Date «tab»
Bride's Birthplace «tab»
Bride's Age «tab»
Marriage Date «tab»25 Jul 1872
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign County, Ohio

9/21/1900 Margaret McCrosky, divorced from Peter McCrosky, Margaret giv en custody of three children.

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg139 Sept 14 1900 Minute book 53 pg 427 Margaret McCrosky vs Peter H McCrosky for divorce on willful absence. Divo rce granted, minor child Samuel B , Daisy and Allie May

Unable to locate Peter in1900, but Maggie servant and her children not wi th her. Not able to find minor children in the 1910 census

[NF8046] What I have indicates that Henrietta Yearyean first married an Ammon, th en PENCE. Champaign Marriage Book J, p. 393, shows Levi Pence to Henriet ta Ammon on 23 Jan 1890. Ammon would be her married name in this case,

[NF8068] Name: «tab»John West Ropp
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»19 Oct 1911
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1890
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Emanuel Ropp
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Elizabeth Rillins
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Eva Grace Kibler
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1893
Spouse's Father: «tab»Joseph Kibler
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Laura Mcbee
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 290 cn 578
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»508

[NF8077] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). 6/1/1906 Minute Book 56 page 541 Jennie Bailey vs Frank M Bailey for divorce on willful absence. Thery marr ied Aug 9 1888. Children Blanche and Ralph given to her. Divorce granted.

[NF8082] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg17. Oct 30, 1894 Minute Book 49 pg 111 Maude Bodey vs Miles Bodey for divorce on wilful absence and gross neglec t. Divorce granted, child John Warren Bodey was given to the mother.

Divorce Record of Miles Bodey and Maude Norman. It appears she was so angry she buried him as a Norman.Probably a really good story there. Since he turned around and married Jennie Michael

[NF8084] Groom's Name: «tab»John Pearl Coleman
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1884
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»21
Bride's Name: «tab»Myrtle Agnes Ward
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1887
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Mad River Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»18
Marriage Date: «tab»08 Feb 1905
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»James Coleman
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Ida Bruner
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Franklin Ward
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Susan Clark
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF8086] Md age 21 and 22

[NF8090] Ezekial Martin found in: - - Marriage Index: Selected Counties of Ohio, 1789-1850 - - Married: March 11, 1824 in: Champaign Co., OH - - Spouse: Mahala Fitzpatrick - - Source: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT, Film #s 0295228-02 95229.

[NF8092] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg106 Nov 18 1873 Chauncery Book 36 pg 389 Anna Kessler vs Jacob Kessler for alimony; absence

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg106 Nov 14 1877 Minute book 35 pg 587 Jacob Kessler vs Anna Kesler for divorce, case continued. On pg 598 the ca se was dismissed.

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg106 Jan 15 1878 Minute book 36 pg 35 Anna Kessler vs jacob Kessler and Isaac Clem for alimony and injunctio n; he to pay $25 and 15 days in jail for non support.

[NF8104] Groom's Name: «tab»Nicholas O. Mcguire
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1887
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»32
Bride's Name: «tab»Ruth Bodey
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1897
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»22
Marriage Date: «tab»24 Apr 1919
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»James Mcguire
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Shaffer
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Carl Bodey
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Minnie Ammon
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»I08948-0
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»545416
Reference Number: «tab»p474

[NF8105] Groom's Name: «tab»Clarence E. Cotrell
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1898
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»21
Bride's Name: «tab»Ilo Bodey
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1899
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»20
Marriage Date: «tab»14 Aug 1919
Marriage Place: «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Joseph Cotrell
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Clara Williams
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Carl Bodey
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Minnie Ammon
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF8106] Age 26 and 25 when married as per 1930 census

[NF8115] Groom's Name «tab»Leona Orville Bodey
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1906
Groom's Birthplace «tab», Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age «tab»22
Bride's Name «tab»Annabelle Hiltebran
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1911
Bride's Birthplace «tab», Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»17
Marriage Date «tab»14 Apr 1928
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»Samuel Bodey
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Daisy Zirkle
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Thomas Hiltebran
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Clarabelle Yeazell
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Single

[NF8118] Name: «tab»Walter Cleveland Bodey
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»04 Jan 1913
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»27
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1886
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Valentine Bodey
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Rosa Ward
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Leota Christinia Taylor
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»17
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1896
Spouse's Father: «tab»John Wesley Taylor
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Bernice Lippencott
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»P 412 Cn 823
Film Number: «tab»530190

[NF8120] Name: «tab»William Ray Bodey
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»13 Jul 1912
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»26
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1886
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Valentine Bodey
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Rosie D. Ward
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mirtie Ethel Smith
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1892
Spouse's Father: «tab»Cory Lee Smith
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Emma Maggert
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»P 364 Cn 726
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»545

[NF8122] Groom's Name: «tab»Thurman C. Shaffer
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»18 Sep 1888
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Glenna Ballentine
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»06 Jun 1892
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Springfield, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»23
Marriage Date: «tab»14 Oct 1915
Marriage Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Perry Shaffer
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Alma Leonard
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»M.C. Ballentine
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Ida Michael

[NF8125] Name: «tab»Oren Franklin Snapp
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»27 Nov 1912
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»25
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1887
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Samuel Jason Snapp
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Cyth. Smith
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mary Myrtle Shaffer
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1894
Spouse's Father: «tab»Perry Shaffer
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Alma Leonard
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»P 398 Cn 794
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»562

[NF8148] Name: «tab»Enos F. Pattison
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»09 Jan 1908
Event Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Age: «tab»22
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1886
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Geo. I Pattison
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Ella Hughes
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Ossie May Baker
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1888
Spouse's Father: «tab»David Baker
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Rachel Buckles
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»CN 5161
Film Number: «tab»465397
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016785
Image Number: «tab»502

[NF8149] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg164 Oct 12 1899 Minute book 53 pg 177 Nettie E Reed vs Philip Reed for divorce; rest order not to sell or mortga ge property

[NF8156] Groom's Name: «tab»John Hallan
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»25 Feb 1867
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Mary E. Donnelly
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»09 Feb 1868
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Springfield, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»35
Marriage Date: «tab»12 Nov 1903
Marriage Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»James Hallan
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Catherine Liddy
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Thos. Donnelly
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Catherine Hannaker
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF8168] Marriage record to light ink to read... last name for Phoebe could begin with H Hurst?? too bad to make out

[NF8204] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg159 July 12 1898 Minute book 52 pg 204 Belle G Prince vs John E Prince for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted; two children Ora M age 8 and Maud E age 5 to the mother; all of her l ands restored to her

June 9 1896 Minute book 50 pg 413 Isabelle G Prince vs john E Prince for divorce; case dismissed at plainti ff cost

6/2/1898 Belle Jo Prince, divorce against John E Prince, Thursday married 1888 and have 5 ch. She sharged gross neglect and failure to provide and he left a year ago.

[NF8205] Name: «tab»Charles Terrel
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»30 Apr 1900
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»38
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1862
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Jonathan Terrel
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary M. Chambers
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Rosa Belle Pence
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»24
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1876
Spouse's Father: «tab»John W. Pence
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Sarah Kizer
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn M-264
Film Number: «tab»530189
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016810
Image Number: «tab»530

[NF8212] Name: «tab»William E. Crabill
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»28 Jan 1909
Event Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Age: «tab»42
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1867
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»William Crabill
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Sarah E. Wise
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Lanie Easter
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»33
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1876
Spouse's Father: «tab»John Easter
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Laura B. Gregg
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»CN 5720
Film Number: «tab»465397
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016785
Image Number: «tab»649

[NF8223] Groom's Name «tab»Robert Newton Reedy
Groom's Birth Date «tab»4/17/1907
Groom's Birthplace «tab»Ada, Ohio, res Springfield, occ musician
Groom's Age «tab»21
Bride's Name «tab»Marjorie Ward
Bride's Birth Date «tab»9/12/1905
Bride's Birthplace «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, asst cashier
Bride's Age «tab»23
Marriage Date «tab»19 Jan 1929
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»Albert Reedy
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Pearl Hall
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Edwin J. Ward
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Josephine Boulton
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Single

10/7/1933 Minute book 72 pg433
Marjorie Reedy, vs Robert N Reedy for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted; her name restored to Marjorie Ward

[NF8225] Groom's Name: «tab»Walter Pence
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1887
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Johnson Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»22
Bride's Name: «tab»Carrie Alice Jenkins
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1889
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Johnson Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»20
Marriage Date: «tab»03 Nov 1909
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Isaac Pence
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Rebecca Offenbucker
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Stephen Jenkins
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Alice Sturm
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF8232] Name: «tab»Joseph S. Rhodes
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»23 Nov 1910
Event Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Age: «tab»57
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1853
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Noah Rhodes
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Catharine Stover
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Almeda A Kesler
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»41
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1869
Spouse's Father: «tab»David Buckles
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Jeminia Hesselgesser
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»6779
Film Number: «tab»465398
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016784
Image Number: «tab»284

[NF8241] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg23 8 Oct 1904 Minute book 55 pg 574 Harry A Bright vs Bertha M Bright for divorce , she cross petitioned on cr uelty and gross neglect. Divorce granted to her, $500 alimony.

[NF8244] Divorced

[NF8245] Groom's Name: «tab»Harry Claude Zerkle
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1894
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»18
Bride's Name: «tab»Goldie Esta Lutz
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1895
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Madriver Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»17
Marriage Date: «tab»15 Oct 1912
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»David Andrew Zerkle
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Elsie Belle Ireland
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»John Aden Lutz
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah Owen
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF8248] Age 30 and 26 when married

[NF8251] Name: «tab»Samuel R Smith
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»28 Mar 1876
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Olive Klapp
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»bk H p 4
Film Number: «tab»295230
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016262
Image Number: «tab»33

[NF8253] Md age 30 and 30

[NF8255] Groom's Name «tab»Frank T. Speece
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1893
Groom's Birthplace «tab»Harrison, Ohio
Groom's Age «tab»30
Bride's Name «tab»Virgia Long
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1892
Bride's Birthplace «tab»Johnson, Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»31
Marriage Date «tab»29 Aug 1923
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»David S. Speece
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Margaret Dewees
Bride's Father's Name «tab»William Long
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Alice Shanely
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Single

[NF8257] Both md age 30

[NF8258] Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941 about David Shanely
Name: «tab»David Shanely
Spouse Name: «tab»Lydia Wright
Marriage Date: «tab»23 Jan 1875
Marriage County: «tab»Delaware
Source Title 1: «tab»Delaware County, Indiana
Source Title 2: «tab»Index to Marriage Record 1827 - 1920 Inclusive Vol
Source Title 3: «tab»W. P. A. Original Record Located: County Clerk's O
Book: «tab»C-6
OS Page: «tab»297

[NF8259] Name: «tab»Charles F Aldrich
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»13 Dec 1920
Event Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Age: «tab»59
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1861
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Robert Aldrich
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary Pemberton
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mary V Kelley
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»42
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1878
Spouse's Father: «tab»Jackson Mcinturff
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Jane Jenkins
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»13983
Film Number: «tab»465401
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016781
Image Number: «tab»287
md once and divorced, name Kelly

[NF8264] NEWS ITEM (transcribed Aug 2000 by Phyllis Henry, Kettering, OH, from the "Shelby County Democrat", Sidney, OH, Friday, May 17, 1918) AAmos Library Newspaper Microfilm A-42 Celebrated Golden Wedding Sunday, May 12th was an occasion of great joy at the home of Isaac Shanle y, it being the 50th marriage anniversary of Isaac Shanley and Barbara (Sh affer) Shanely, aged respectively 86 and 70 years. Owing to failing health of Mr. Shanely, a general invitation was not exten ded to all the relatives and friends, yet regardless of the inclement weat her about thirty-seven assembled at the beautiful country residence where a bounteous repast was served at the noon hour. The bri de and groom of fifty years were seated in the spacious living room whe re congratulations were tendered them and many beautiful and useful gif ts were presented as a token of the high esteem in which they are he ld by their friends. The guests departed in the early evening wishing for the dear old couple m any more years of wedded bliss.

[NF8269] 1930 Census age 63 and 53 married ar age 32 and 22

[NF8270] Name: «tab»Rolley M. Coffinbarger
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»14 Aug 1853
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»license 12 Aug 1853
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Rachel Blumincoon
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 249 cn 5766
Film Number: «tab»295229
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016261
Image Number: «tab»158

[NF8280] Name: «tab»John W. Tracy
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»24 Aug 1882
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1861
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mary S. Spain
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1864
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»bk I p 231
Film Number: «tab»295230
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016262
Image Number: «tab»288

[NF8283] Marriage record was to Mrs Elizabeth Colwell

[NF8289] Name: «tab»Ralph Glenn Johnson
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»29 May 1916
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»26
Occ Teacher
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»12-14-1889
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»John Wesley Johnson
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Sepha M. Wooley
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Alice Black
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»4-5-1894
Spouse's Father: «tab»Henry Edgar Black
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Jennie Swisher
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p190
Film Number: «tab»545416
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016845
Image Number: «tab»136

[NF8300] Groom's Name «tab»Martin Frank
Groom's Birth Date «tab»
Groom's Birthplace «tab»
Groom's Age «tab»
Bride's Name «tab»Mary Ann Curry
Bride's Birth Date «tab»
Bride's Birthplace «tab»
Bride's Age «tab»
Marriage Date «tab»26 Dec 1855
Marriage Place «tab»Delaware, Ohio

[NF8301] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg67 Nov 16 1881 Minute book 39 pg 360 Zipporah Frank vs Martin S Frank for divorce on habitual drunk. Divorce granted; daughter Laura M Frank to the mother.

[NF8306] Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, by Pat Stickley and Denise Kay Moor e, Champaign Co Ohio-Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888, (Urbana Daily Citiz en 1/1884-12/1888). pg 164 William H Jenkins and Miss Kate P Voke we re md on 27th Dec by Rev Rishell

( Census record names her mother as "Ward")

[NF8314] Groom's Name «tab»Thompson P. Ward
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1868
Groom's Birthplace «tab»Mad River, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age «tab»56
Bride's Name «tab»Ida May Hecker
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1869
Bride's Birthplace «tab»Mad River, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»55
Marriage Date «tab»16 Feb 1924
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»Sylvanus Ward
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Percilla Smith
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Peter Colbert
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Angeline Fitzpatrick
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name «tab»Hecker

[NF8315] Groom's Name «tab»Thompson Pence Ward
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1868
Groom's Birthplace «tab»Magrew, Ohio
Groom's Age «tab»40
Bride's Name «tab»Carrie L. Crippen
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1882
Bride's Birthplace «tab»Athens County, Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»26
Marriage Date «tab»29 Jan 1908
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»Sylvanus S. Ward
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Priscilla Smith
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Dell Crippen
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Almeda Wyre
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Single

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 209 Dec 14 1920 Minute book 65 pg 135 Carrie Ward vs T P Ward for divorce; he cross-petitioned; he guilty of gross neglect; divorce granted to her. Children Thomas P, Woodrow, Chubby, all sent to the Children's home, neither person proper to care for them

[NF8316] Stephen Steinbarger - - Married: Sep 29, 1836 in: Champaign Co., OH - - Spouse: Lucinda Smith - - Source: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT, Film #s 0295228-0 295229.

[NF8332] Groom's Name: «tab»Franklin Emerson Wiant
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1861
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»39
Bride's Name: «tab»Maude Foltz
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1875
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»25
Marriage Date: «tab»23 Dec 1900
Marriage Place: «tab»Springfield, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Isaiah Wiant
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Nancy Smith
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Noah Foltz
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Josephine Loudenback
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:

[NF8342] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). 0g 210 Feb 2 1858 Minute book 24 pg 105 Sarah Jane Ward vs Joseph S Ward for divorce; case dismissed

[NF8343] William W. Taylor married Eliza Ann Colbert, 19 March 1863 by J. T. Tuttl e, MG - Champaign County

[NF8354] 2/7/1895 Urbana Daily citizen
Runetta Heck vs Elesha Heck for dicorve oh willful absence; his residenc unknown

[NF8375] Name: «tab»Jacob K. Bosler
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»31 Oct 1908
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»35
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1873
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Benj. F. Bosler
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Ruth Randall
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Anna Hanna
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»34
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1874
Spouse's Father: «tab»E. J. Hanna
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Margaret Crim
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 6 # 11
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»366

[NF8376] name: «tab»Charles Goldsberry
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Marriage
event place (standardized): «tab»Champaign, Ohio, United States
event place (other): «tab»
age: «tab»43, on
estimated birth year: 12/20/1913«tab», liveryman, once prev married
birth date: «tab»
birthplace: Union Co, OH«tab»
father: «tab»William Goldsberry
father's titles & terms: «tab»
mother: «tab»Lucinda Sayres
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
spouse: «tab»Mary Catherine Gentes
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
spouse's age: «tab»38 on 4/27/1914 , twice married, now divorced.
spouse's estimated birth year: «tab»1876
spouse's birthplace: «tab»Logan Co, OH
spouse's father: «tab»Solomon Buck
spouse's father's titles & terms: «tab»
spouse's mother: «tab»Mary Elizabeth Castle
spouse's mother's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»p11
film number: «tab»545416
digital folder number: «tab»004016845
image number: «tab»00043
Citing this Record "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 Oct 2012), Charles Goldsberry and Mary Catherine Gentes, 1914; citing reference p11, FHL microfilm 545416.

[NF8378] Name: «tab»Granville Black
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»12 Nov 1882
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1861
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mary E. Freeman
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1864
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»bk I p 249
Film Number: «tab»295230
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016262
Image Number: «tab»297

[NF8384] Name: «tab»Pearl T. Newell
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»16 Nov 1905
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1884
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Frank M. Newell
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Laura E. Lamar
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Sadie A. Seibert
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1885
Spouse's Father: «tab»Charles Seibert
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Mary Engle
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p-234 # 1568
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»156

[NF8393] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg47 April 4 1826 Supreme Court Vol 4 pg 26 Abraham Custer vs Rhoda Custer for divoce. they were married 12 years ag o; she left July 1825 with Charles Timberlake. Marriage dissolved in Ju ly 1827

[NF8399] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper).pg206 1/22/1901 Lizzie Haney vs Oscar Underwood for bastardy. He a married man w ith family, living in Mad River, Twp 2/11/1902 Book 54 pg 358 Annice Underwood vs Oscar L Underwood for alimony $50

[NF8400] Groom's Name: «tab»Asbury T. Underwood
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»London Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Jennie Mcfarland
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1871
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»29
Marriage Date: «tab»25 Mar 1900
Marriage Place: «tab»Mutual, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Joseph Underwood
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Harriett Scott
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»T.S. Mcfarland
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Catharine Evans
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:

[NF8401] Name: «tab» Joseph Underwood
Spouse: «tab» Harriett Scott
Marriage: «tab» Loudoun County
Civil: «tab» 12 Jan 1844

[NF8410] Md ages 28 and 24

[NF8416] Name: «tab»William F. Furrow
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»01 Sep 1904
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»68
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1836
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»David B. Furrow
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Amelia Fletcher
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Madora S. Klapp
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»41
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1863
Spouse's Father: «tab»Geo. Klapp
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Amanda Briggs
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 83 # 1267
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»80

[NF8418] Groom's Name: «tab»John W. Kiser
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Suzzie W. Furrow
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1866
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»18
Marriage Date: «tab»18 Sep 1884
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»

[NF8423] Groom's Name: «tab»Harry C. Loudenback
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1875
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»20
Bride's Name: «tab»Carrie W. Cannon
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»
Marriage Date: «tab»02 Jun 1895
Marriage Place: «tab»Portage, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name:
at home of Bride in Portage OH

[NF8431] Md ages 27 and 19

[NF8432] Marriage record gives parents and George and Ella Wert. but the name is We st

[NF8444] Groom's Name: «tab»William C. Wright
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Jennie Barger
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»
Marriage Date: «tab»02 Apr 1890
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Champaign, Ohio

[NF8452] Groom's Name: «tab»Garland M Jenkins
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»19 Nov 1895
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Luray, Virginia
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Hazel G Weiss Sellards
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»01 Aug 1902
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Ross County, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»25
Marriage Date: «tab»24 Dec 1927
Marriage Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»William Jenkins
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Lulu Rogers
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Jacob Weiss
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Reccie Reed
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M86852-3
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: «tab»466638
Reference Number: «tab»2:3K5ZPSC

[NF8456] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg999 May 4 1918 Minute book 63 pg 496 Myrtle R Jenkins vs John E Jenkins for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce g ranted

[NF8474] *************
Name: «tab»Clement Paden
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»26 Nov 1927
Event Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Age: «tab»58
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1869
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»David Paden
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Louise Dolbur
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Cora M Hardin Wones Simpson
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»47
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1880
Spouse's Father: «tab»Samuel H Hardin
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Rebecca Heath
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»Clk, OH Vol33CN18481
Film Number: «tab»466638
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016778
Image Number: «tab»124

[NF8476] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg161 July 3 1892 Emeline Purkeypile vs Levi Purkeypile for divorce on willful absence ; ca se continued. On pg 450 the divorce was granted; children Stephen A, Ali ce V and John W Purkeypile, she to have real estate in Adams twp and l ot in Caryeville, Ohio

Mar 24 1871 Minute book 31 pg 358 Emeline Purkeypile vs Levi Purkeypile for alimony ; he ordered to pay $2 5, attorney fee and court cost.

[NF8482] Groom's Name: «tab»Lewis G. Purke
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co. Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Emma A. Poorman
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1872
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co. Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»35
Marriage Date: «tab»22 May 1907
Marriage Place: «tab»Allen, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Levi Purke
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Emaline Klinger
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Lewis Ward
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Catherine Jurnell
Groom's Race: «tab»White
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»White
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»George Poorman

[NF8491] Groom's Name: «tab»Richard Mcdermott
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab», Concord, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Margaret A. Rinaker
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1863
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Woodstock, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»58
Marriage Date: «tab»08 Jul 1921
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Thomas M. Mcdemott
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Foy
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Swieon Rinaker
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Angelina Dagger
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M86852-8
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: «tab»0545417
Reference Number: «tab»2:3VPV3DM

[NF8503] Name: «tab»Frank Eipper
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»01 Jan 1899
Event Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Age: «tab»46
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1853
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Henry Eipper
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary M. Hachamer
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Bessie D. Nisenauer
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»27
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1872
Spouse's Father: «tab»Thos. H. Nisenauer
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Nancy H. Ellsworth
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»v 18 p 14
Film Number: «tab»465395
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4254626
Image Number: «tab»319

[NF8505] Name: «tab»Karl F. Eipper
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»16 Oct 1909
Event Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Age: «tab»22
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1887
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Charles W. Eipper
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Elizabeth Bauer
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Millie I. Sinclair
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»24
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1885
Spouse's Father: «tab»P. S. Sinclair
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Carrie Flowers
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»6102
Film Number: «tab»465398
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016784
Image Number: «tab»104

[NF8523] Name: «tab»Juston R. Fansler
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»02 Oct 1902
Event Place: «tab»Darke County, Ohio
Age: «tab»25
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1877
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Samuel Fansler
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Ellen Neese
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Blanche Reed
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1880
Spouse's Father: «tab»Tayor Reed
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Isabel Miller
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 178 cn 355
Film Number: «tab»1030775
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4017447
Image Number: «tab»444

[NF8533] Name: «tab»Archie Mckinney
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»21 Nov 1894
Event Place: «tab»Miami, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Alice I. Conard
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p453
Film Number: «tab»550150
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016850
Image Number: «tab»639
Name: «tab»James H. Conard
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»13 Feb 1887
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Alice I. Proter

[NF8537] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 86 Dec 20 1869 Minute book 30 pg 316 Amanda Allison vs Samuel Hesselgesser of Clark County on bastardy; $350 maintenance and costs

[NF8557] bondsman was Christian Fomer.

[NF8562] Groom's Name «tab»John H. Wilt
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1852
Groom's Birthplace «tab»Preble Co., O.
Groom's Age «tab»56
Bride's Name «tab»Anna Belle Burnham
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1858
Bride's Birthplace «tab»Johnson Township
Bride's Age «tab»50
Marriage Date «tab»31 Jan 1908
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»Samuel Wilt
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Susan Winters
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Rapel
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name «tab»Burnham

[NF8563] 9/9/1904 bk 55 pg 537
Catherine Wilt vs John H Wilt for divorce on habitual drunk; they were md 24 Aug 1878. Divorce granted; children David, Goldie, Monnie and GeorgeW to th mother

[NF8568] Name: «tab»Mose Curl
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»16 Feb 1908
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»22
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1886
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»G. W. Curl
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Elizabeth Stout
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Emma Tucker
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1890
Spouse's Father: «tab»John Tucker
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Phoebe Buck
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 495 cn 2089
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»288

[NF8574] Name: «tab»Harry Wren
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»05 Sep 1931
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»51, married once, divorced
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»11-23-1880
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Joseph L. Wren
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Martha Cooper
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Cora E. Black
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»34, never married
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1897
Spouse's Father: «tab»Granville Black
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Elsie Freeman
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»16
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»580

[NF8601] The Saint Paris News-Dispatch June 24, 1909 The marriage of David P KIZER and Margaret HULING took place last eveni ng in the home of the bride near Rosewood. Rev. J.W. HAMILTON of Rosewoo d, officiated. Mr Kizer is one of Johnson township's most highly respect ed young men and holds a good position as a mail clerk on the Pennsylvan ia lines. Miss Huling is from Adams township and is a popular young lad y. The couple will presently make their home in St Paris on the property which Mr Kizer recen tly purchased from Frank BERRY.

[NF8610] Groom's Name «tab»James T. Neal
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1865
Groom's Birthplace «tab»
Groom's Age «tab»52
Bride's Name «tab»Margaret Draper
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1867
Bride's Birthplace «tab»
Bride's Age «tab»50
Marriage Date «tab»16 Aug 1917
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»James R. Neal
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Barbara Taylor
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Harvey Dockum
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Margaret Reed

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg144. May 7 1921 Minute book 65 pg 280 James T Ne al vs Margaret Neal for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted.

[NF8620] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg104 April 11 1836 Supreme Court Record Bo ok 5 pg 36 Jemima Kelly vs Abraham Kelly for alimony; the were married June 4 18 35 in Champaign County; her father Jesse Harbour gave her 80 acres in W 1 /2 of NW 1/4 S18T3R12. Abraham left her 5 or 6 months ago; daughter bo rn April 11 1836.

Kelly, AbrahamSpouse : Harbor, Mimah Marriage date : Jun 4, 1835 County of record : Champaign Co. Sex : M

[NF8631] Groom's Name: «tab»Joseph A. Vince
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Cynthiana, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Harriet M. Freshour
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1884
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Summit, Ross, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»19
Marriage Date: «tab»23 Dec 1903
Marriage Place: «tab»Ross, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»David Vince
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Brunny
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»John Freshour
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Louisa D. Cochenour
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF8635] Name: «tab»James Oscar Limburner
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»24 Dec 1906
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»20
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1886
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»James William Limburner
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Nettie Lindall
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Lola Mahala Pence
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1887
Spouse's Father: «tab»Perry Pence
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Nancy M. Baryer
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 379 # 1857
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»229

[NF8638] Record Book 34, Page 428 - Filed 19 August 1871 - Petition for Divorce Rebecca Grafton vs Ambrose M. Grafton They were married in July 1852 in Champaign County. There were three children: Lillie Grafton; Harry B. Grafton, 15 years and George B. Grafton, 9 years.

Record book 34 pg 428 Filed 19 Aug 1871 Petition for Divorce Rebecca Grafton vs Ambrose M Grafton They were married in July 1852 in Champaign Co. There were three childre n; Lillie Grafton; Harry B Grafton 15 yrs and George B Grafton 9 years. Re becca charged Ambrose with absence from the home and that in July 18 70 in Springfield Missouri, he had married .....Cecil. On Oct 17 1871
Ambrose could file a despostition at the court house in Springfield, Green Co, MO

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including
Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg 75 Dec 8 1871 Minute book 31 pg 484 Rebecca Grafton vs Ambrose Grafton for divorce on absence; they were married July 1852. Divorce was granted, children to plaintiff, $800 support and he no claim on real estate; children Lulu, Harry age 15 and George age 9 years

[NF8652] Name: «tab»Robert E. Stradling
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»23 Jul 1882
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1861
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Clara Arnold
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1864

[NF8653] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 3 July 26 1901 Minute Book 54 pg181 Laura All en vs Russell Allen for divorce, he cross-petitioned on gross neglec t, he got the divorce; child Hazel to grandmother Mrs Timothy Stradling

[NF8660] Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, by Pat Stickley and Denise Kay Moor e, Champaign Co Ohio-Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888, (Urbana Daily Citiz en 1/1884-12/1888), pg54. Samuel Studebaker, a dashing youth of 77 yrs liv ing just across the line of Miami County and the bride Mra Fanny Knul l, a blooming widow of 47 yrs living in St Paris , were md by Esq Galligh er Tues at probate court. The groom has 2 children and is said to be the p ossessor of 3 farms in Miami County.

[NF8673] CCGS, Book III, August 2002 by Dorothy Shaffer, Champaign Co, Ohio St Par is Newspaper Abstracts Jan 1900-1916. pg107 2/12/1914 Mary E Kelley of Jackson Twp filed for divorce Thursday again st her husband Clarence L Kelley. They were married Sept 25, 1878 (sic) a nd have two children, Sylvia age 18 yrs and Ferry aged 20 years.


Name: «tab»John Biddle
Event: «tab»Intended marriage
Event Date: «tab»04 Dec 1852
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»No marriage date recorded
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Lucinda Lyon
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 209 cn 5615
Film Number: «tab»295229
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016261

Image Number: «tab»138 Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, by Pat Stickley and Denise Kay Moor e, Champaign Co Ohio-Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888, (Urbana Daily Citizen 1/1884-12/1888). pg 118 12/7/1886 John Biddle, formerly of St Paris and father in law of O H Kelly, has filed for divorce in Auglaize County from Lucinda Biddle

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg14 Dec 7 1886 Newspaper John Biddle vs Lucinda Biddle for divorce filed in Auglaize County, OH

[NF8679] Edward Runkle - - Married: October 19, 1853 in champaign County, Ohio - - Spouse: Mary Lucinda Death - - Source: Champaign County, Ohio Marriage Records - - Volume: E Page: 266 Entry: 5832

[NF8692] Groom's Name: «tab»George G. Leonard
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Lottie Mrs. Slack
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»
Marriage Date: «tab»21 Aug 1890
Marriage Place: «tab»Licking, Ohio

[NF8694] 4/30/1888 Urbana Daily Citizen John P Snyder filed for divorce from Carolina Snyder, wilfull absence

[NF8698] Groom's Name: «tab»Robert Enos Johnston
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Mary Ann Snyder
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»
Marriage Date: «tab»29 Sep 1863
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name:

[NF8700] Name: «tab»John S. Kerby
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»28 Jun 1924
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»25
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1899
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Harry N. Kerby
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Maude Loudenback
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Helen A. Mumper
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»30
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1894
Spouse's Father: «tab»John J. Mumper
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Augusta Gest
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»790
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»248

[NF8701] Name: «tab»Marvin W. Underwood
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»25 Dec 1920
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»28
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1892
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»A. Underwood
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Eunice Kizer
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Gladys Marie Stevens
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1900
Spouse's Father: «tab»T.V. Stevens
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Tessora Campbell
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»187
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»93

[NF8713] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including
Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg101 July 21 1893 Minute book 48 pg 95 Wesley johnson vs Mary Ann Johnson for divorce; settled, case dismissed.

[NF8715] Eliza Ruden has now shared pension application of Rebecca for Thomas's service in War 1812 and states that neither one had been m. before.

[NF8717] Groom's Name «tab»Clarke Hamilton Gregg
Groom's Birth Date «tab»
Groom's Birthplace «tab»
Groom's Age «tab»
Bride's Name «tab»Carrie Young Chonse
Bride's Birth Date «tab»
Bride's Birthplace «tab»
Bride's Age «tab»
Marriage Date «tab»03 Nov 1896
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»
Bride's Father's Name «tab»
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Unknown

10/9/1922 bk 66 pg 154
Carrie Y Gregg vs Clark H Gregg for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted; child Francis Y Gregg, now 18 yeras of age

[NF8721] Groom's Name: «tab»Levernon W. Russell
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1895
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»22
Bride's Name: «tab»Bictoria Bell
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1898
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»19
Marriage Date: «tab»08 Nov 1917
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Samuel Russell
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Catherine Ford
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»John F. Bell
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Margaret Bowen

[NF8729] Groom's Name Clay W. Leonard Groom's Birth Date 28 Nov 1892 Groom's Birthplace Champaign Co., Ohio Groom's Age 21 Bride's Name Nelly F. Ray Bride's Birth Date 11 Oct 1891 Bride's Birthplace Champaign Co., Ohio Bride's Age 22 Marriage Date 22 Sep 1914 Marriage Place Clark County, Ohio Groom's Father's Name Albert Leonard Groom's Mother's Name Emma Shaffer Bride's Father's Name Elmer Ray Bride's Mother's Name Sarah Zerkle

[NF8730] Groom's Name: «tab»William Grant Faulkner
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Mad River Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Myrta Dibert
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1884
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Mad River Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»19
Marriage Date: «tab»18 Mar 1903
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Geo. W. Faulkner
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Martha Cutler
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Jessie Dibert
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Neese
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF8731] Groom's Name: «tab»Harold W. Rence
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Marguerite Iris Lee
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1900
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»21
Marriage Date: «tab»09 Nov 1921
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Carel D. Rence
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Irene D. Ward
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»W. F. Lee
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Effee M. Adams
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF8732] Name: «tab»William F. Lee
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»04 Sep 1899
Event Place: «tab»Ross, Ohio
Age: «tab»27
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1872
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»T.J. Lee
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Perry Mendenhall
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Effie M. Adams
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1880
Spouse's Father: «tab»Abner A. Adams
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Samantha Burton
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 141
Film Number: «tab»281644
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016203
Image Number: «tab»471

[NF8733] Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941 about Abmer A. Adams
Name: «tab»Abmer A. Adams
Spouse Name: «tab»Hannah S. Burton
Marriage Date: «tab»23 Dec 1873
Marriage County: «tab»Howard
Source Title 1: «tab»Howard County, Indiana
Source Title 2: «tab»Index to Marriage Records 1844 - 1920 Inclusive Vo
Source Title 3: «tab»W. P. A. Original Record Located: County Clerk's O
Book: «tab»C- D
OS Page: «tab»549

[NF8741] name: «tab»John Wesley Taylor
titles & terms: «tab»res; Millerstown, OH
event: «tab»Marriage
event place (standardized): «tab»Champaign, Ohio, United States
event place (other): «tab»
age: «tab»27 on 10/18/1900, laborer, never married
estimated birth year: «tab»1873
birth date: «tab»
birthplace: «tab»Allen Co., Indiana
father: «tab»Silas Taylor
father's titles & terms: «tab»
mother: «tab»Ellen Buck
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
spouse: «tab»Ora May Maggart
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
spouse's age: «tab»20 on Oct 4, 1900 , res Rosewood, OH, prev married once, now divorced.
spouse's estimated birth year: «tab»1880
spouse's birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
spouse's father: «tab»Emanuel Jenkins
spouse's father's titles & terms: «tab»
spouse's mother: «tab»Irene M. Alexander
spouse's mother's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»M425
film number: «tab»530189
digital folder number: «tab»004016810
image number: «tab»00571
Citing this Record "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 26 Sep 2012), John Wesley Taylor and Ora May Maggart, 1900; citing reference M425, FHL microfilm 530189.

[NF8743] Name: «tab»Lawrence R. Taylor
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»30 Nov 1922
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»30
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1892
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»John W. Taylor
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Ara Mae Jenkins
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Katherine Elizabeth Dugan
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»32
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1890
Spouse's Father: «tab»James Dugan
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Anna Breslin
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»522
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»180

[NF8747] Ezekial Martin found in: - - Marriage Index: Selected Counties of Ohio, 1789-1850 - - Married: December 11, 1842 in: Champaign Co., OH - - Spouse: Lucinda Pence - - Source: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT, Film #s 0295228-02 95229.

[NF8753] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg212. 6/11/1880 Minute Book 38 Pg 310 Laura E Wells, vs Noah B Wells for divorce on willful absence; divorce gra nted; child

[NF8759] Record book 32 pg 145 Filed 24 Oct 1865 Petition for Dower Eunice McFarland vs Thomas S McFarland Eunice married Robert McFarland on 23 Aug 1821. Robert died c 28 Dec 18 63 and was seized of 77 acres located in the east half of the SW 1/4 of S ec 14 Twp 4 Range 12 Concord.

[NF8761] Name: «tab»Charles E. Wingfield
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»10 Apr 1906
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»19
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1887
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Lonzo Wingfield
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Emma F. Deming
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Zella E. Legge
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1888
Spouse's Father: «tab»Clinton Legge
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Elva Winner
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»P 287 No. 1673
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»182

[NF8764] 26 Jan 1887 Married at the residence of the bride on 16 Jan, B.F. ANDRE WS and Miss Sallie BLUE, both of Mad River Twp.

[NF8769] Name: «tab»Alan Cross Squire
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»25 May 1927
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»22
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1905
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Carlton W. Squire
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Marie Rowe
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Lillian Juanita Pond
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1905
Spouse's Father: «tab»Wm. Pond
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Emma Zimmerman
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»122
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»409

[NF8772] Groom's Name: «tab»John Emmet Faulkner
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Carrie Cutler
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1868
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»32
Marriage Date: «tab»20 Dec 1900
Marriage Place: «tab»Dialton, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»George W. Faulkner
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary West
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Joseph N. Cutler
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Martha Shaffer
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF8774] Groom's Name: «tab»Clinton Adelbert Neese
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Terre Haute, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Lottie Belle Faulkner
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1870
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Mad River Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»29
Marriage Date: «tab»12 Sep 1899
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Reuben Neese
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Laura Weaver
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Geo. W. Faulkner
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary West
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF8777] Groom's Name: «tab»Ripley Francis Exline
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Jackson Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Fanny Florence Faulkner
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1876
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Mad River Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»23
Marriage Date: «tab»09 Nov 1899
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»James Cornelius Exline
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Emma Bolar
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»George W. Faulkner
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary West
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:

[NF8782] Groom's Name «tab»George Morgan Leonard
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1878
Groom's Birthplace «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age «tab»22
Bride's Name «tab»Tressie May Wildason
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1884
Bride's Birthplace «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»16
Marriage Date «tab»10 Jun 1900
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»Abraham Leonard
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Mary Jane Jenkins
Bride's Father's Name «tab»John B. Wildason
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Emma Evilsizer
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»M02316-9
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»530189

[NF8785] Genealogical Records: Early Kentucky Settlers, 1700s-1800s Listed in: Kentucky Marriage Records Page number: 78

[NF8790] Name: «tab»James May
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»10 Jun 1902
Event Place: «tab»Belmont, Ohio
Age: «tab»35
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1867
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»James May
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Susan Dade
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Belle Faulkner
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»35
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1867
Spouse's Father: «tab»James Faulkner
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Celia Green
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 71
Film Number: «tab»902150
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4017139
Image Number: «tab»74

[NF8805] Groom's Name: «tab»J.I. Faulkner
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Allen County, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Valliere Breedlove
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1885
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»26
Marriage Date: «tab»08 May 1911
Marriage Place: «tab»Hardin County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Wm. H. Faulkner
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Elmiria Irwin
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»T.B. Breedlove
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Emma Stroble

[NF8806] Name: «tab»Herbert G. Craig
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»08 Aug 1918
Event Place: «tab»West Liberty, Logan, Ohio
Age: «tab»41
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1877
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»John H. Craig
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Sarah Ropp
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Blanche L. Detweiler
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»33
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1885
Spouse's Father: «tab»L. E. Snook
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Laura Hanger
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn1831, pg344
Film Number: «tab»534841
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4260459
Image Number: «tab»616

[NF8808] Groom's Name: «tab»Curtis Moore Bay
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1846
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Goshen Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»67
Bride's Name: «tab»Sarah J. Neer
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1853
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Louden County, Virginia
Bride's Age: «tab»60
Marriage Date: «tab»13 Dec 1913
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Curtis Moore Bay
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Anna Savage
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»William L. Jones
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary H. Evans
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»Neer
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M02317-2

[NF8812] Groom's Name: «tab»Arthur Nichols
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1876
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Clark Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»32
Bride's Name: «tab»Hanna Ethel Beaty
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1884
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Lower Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»24
Marriage Date: «tab»13 Jun 1908
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Wm. H. Nichols
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Fidiciat J. Wilson
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Elias Beaty
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Mary Mccrackeu
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF8820] Groom's Name: «tab»Garnurd G. Jones
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1884
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»St. Paris, Ohio, Jackson Tp.
Groom's Age: «tab»22
Bride's Name: «tab»Mary Faulkner
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1884
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»St.Paris, Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»22
Marriage Date: «tab»12 Dec 1906
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»William Jones
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Mcmorran
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»L.W. Faulkner
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Armetta Groves
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF8833] 12/16/1914 MISS ADELAIDE FROMME, daughter ofMR and MRS F A FROMME, marri ed MR H W AL TER F AULKNER. The bride was 21 years of age on Dec 16th a nd was married today.

[NF8838] Name: «tab»Clarence Noble Dye
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»15 Sep 1927
Event Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Age: «tab»39
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1888
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Clarence C Dye
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Anna L Eckard
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Ruth Marie Crist
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1905
Spouse's Father: «tab»William L Crist
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Rosa May Swartzbaugh
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»Clk, OHVol33CN 18348
Film Number: «tab»466638
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016778
Image Number: «tab»91

[NF8845] From Ancestry Message Boards Date: 6 Nov 2003 10:06 PM The Margaret Maver Sanders and M. M. Cecil that you have are the same pers on. She was margaret Maver Sanders Ridge Cecil when she married Ambros e. I don't think they were married but a year or less before they divorce d. Nancy Brown

[NF8846] DIVORCE: Court of Common Pleas, Chancery Records, Record Book 34, Page 413 - Fil ed 14 August 1871 - Petition for Divorce, Isabella O. Wolgamood vs Harris on Wolgamood They were married on 18 November 1852 in Champaign County. No children were mentioned in the case. Isabella charged Harrison with extreme cruelt y. He countersued and charged her with adultery with Ambrose Grafton in Indianapolis or Vincenne, Indiana; William McCullough in Champaign County a nd later, Dallas Deaton. She was found to be guilty of the charges. December 1871, Minute Book 31, Page 495; Isabelle O. Walgamood vs Harrison Walga mood for divorce; they were married 18 November 1852; he counter sued, adultery with Dallas Deaton and «u»Ambrose Grafton«/u». In Chancery Book 34, page 4 13 the divorce granted to him. Isabel was mentioned in her father's 1886 P robate as; Isabel Saunders/Sanders of St. Paris. . Court of Common Pleas, "Chancery Records" (Urbana, Champaign County, OH ), Record Book 34, page 413; 14 August 1871.

Jim Johnson has him also married to Isabelle Barnes d/o Benoni Barnes, b ut I have not been able to document that yet.

[NF8847] Name: GRAFTON, AMBROSE M. Spouse: TABLER, LAURA E. Marriage Date: 7 Dec 1871 County: McDonough State: IL

McDonough Co Illinois Marriages Vol II 1864-1871 McDonough Co, P O Box 20 2, Macomb, IL 61455Gen Society Feb 1983 by Libby Grimm and Mary Hartmann Court License # 4371 Mr Ambrose M Grafton and Miss Laura E Tabler 12/7/18 71 by J Twidwell

[NF8851] Shelby County Divorce Records 1819-1900, Compiled by Barbara Admas Publish ed 1996 by the Shelby Co Gen Society, pg9. J C Grafton vs Mary Grafton; Jan 1883. Deft guilty of wilful absence more than 3 years, supposed to be at Whitley Co, Columbia City, IN, divorce granted.

[NF8869] Name: «tab»Wallace Sheldon Clem
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»11 Feb 1910
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»23
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1887
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Malcolm Clem
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Ida Yohn
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Sarah Victoria Blue
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»17
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1893
Spouse's Father: «tab»Benjamin F. Blue
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Sarah Jane Hiltabran
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»P 132 # 263
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»429

[NF8881] William R. Sagers
Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994
marriage:«tab»09 Dec 1869«tab»Champaign, Ohio, United States
spouse:«tab»Martha Wouk

[NF8885] Name: «tab»John William Hanna
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»31 Dec 1899
Event Place: «tab»St Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»22
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1877
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Elijah J. Hanna
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Margaret Crim
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Ella Fitzpatrick
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1881
Spouse's Father: «tab»Charles Fitzpatrick
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Delilah Jones
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn M-202
Film Number: «tab»530189
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016810
Image Number: «tab»514

[NF8891] In Clark Co, there is a record of Elizabeth A Wirick to Montgomery O Sho pp 2/28/1864 pg 72 No record found in 1880 or 1870

[NF8892] Champaign County OH marriage Book Entry G-102.

[NF8910] GARD, EDMUND S WATTS, MARY E 1882-05-24 005/0395 SANGAMON

[NF8911] Name: «tab»Emanuel Rockel
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»24 Feb 1921
Event Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Age: «tab»26
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1895
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Oscar J Rockel
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Laura Hause
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Merle Jenkins
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»21
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1900
Spouse's Father: «tab»Harry Jenkins
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Minnie Dibert
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»14130
Film Number: «tab»465401
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016781
Image Number: «tab»335

[NF8916] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg145 Oct 31 1895 Minute book 50 pg 76 Nannie K Neff vs Daniel W Neff for divorce on gross neglect and willful a bsence of six years. Divorce granted.

[NF8922] Name: «tab»Guy Pritchard
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»02 Aug 1919
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio, United States
Age: «tab»27
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1892
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Wm. Pritchard
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Anna
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Maud Phillips
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1901
Spouse's Father: «tab»John Phillips
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Martha Hammond
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»992
Film Number: «tab»545416
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016845
Image Number: «tab»293

[NF8923] No children

[NF8929] Name: «tab»John T. Blue
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»07 Aug 1920
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»20
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1900
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Benj. M. F. Blue
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Sarah J. Hiltebrau
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Myrtle D. Mccomehea
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1902
Spouse's Father: «tab»Benji. Mconneha
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Joicy Punk
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»96
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»70

[NF8931] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg108 Sep 30 1895 Minute book 50 pg 5 Clara Kite vs Charles W Kite for divorce and kinunction to keep him from s elling property. On 25 Oct 1895 in Minute book 50 pg 68; $300 alimony, a ll household furnishings; custody of two children; when eldest chi ld is 6 yrs old the court will decide custody

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg108 April 29 1903 Clara Kite vs Charles Kite for divorce on willful absence; he now resident of Kalamazoo, Michigan. On June 26, 1903 on pg 188, divorce granted; children ; $485 alimony

[NF8944] Name: «tab»Charles Volney Sprague
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»25 Dec 1901
Event Place: «tab»Mentano, Indiana
Age: «tab»26
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1875
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Harry Henry Sprague
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mattie Flowers
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Rebecca E. Clem
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1879
Spouse's Father: «tab»John Clem
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Esther Eicher
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn M-696 P348
Film Number: «tab»530189
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016810
Image Number: «tab»640

[NF8950] Md on Feb 3, 1884, at the Lutheran parsonage, by Rev M H Heckman, CHARL ES WHITE and MISS EMMA V F~ both of this county.

CCGS, Book III, August 2002 by Dorothy Shaffer, Champaign Co, Ohio St Par is Newspaper Abstracts Jan 1900-1916. pg 17 10/26/1900 Mrs Victoria Whi te was granted a divorce from Charles White on grounds of willful negle ct of duty. Her maidenname was Frank.

Champaign Co- Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), Pg213. 12/3/1900 Bk 53 Pg503 Emma V White vs Charles F White for divorce on gross neglect and failu re to support her and child Ruby Mae White. Divorce granted; $15 per ye ar support for child till 18 years of age.

[NF8962] Groom's Name: «tab»George B. Licklider
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1868
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Adam Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»38
Bride's Name: «tab»Emma A. Maurice
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1883
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Adams Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»23
Marriage Date: «tab»10 Apr 1906
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Wm. H. Licklider
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Margaret Struble
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Joseph Maurice
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Eliza Neece
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF8967] Concord Items March 27, 1879

One of the most agreeable events of the past week in the west end was the marriage of Mr. Wm. H. Neal of Palestine, Ohio, and Miss Mary L. Gibbs, the youngest daughter of
Mr. Samuel Gibbs of St Paris, Ohio. March «b»19th «/b»the day set apart for the nuptials was everything that heart could wish for, as far as the weather was concemed. As the sun began to hide herself behind the western hills, the guests to the number of fifty began to assemble. By 7 o*clock the large parlor was densely packed, everything being duly arranged, the organ sent forth a beautiful wedding march, under the direction of Miss Lizzie McFarland, at the conclusion of which the contracting parties attended by Mr. Clay Furrow and Miss Edwina White, appeared upon the scene and were pronounced husband and wife by Rev. M. Dustin, of the M. E. church. The congratulations over the parties repaired to the dining room, where they found one of Cynthia*s best in readiness. After the inner man had been replenished, a general rush was made for the parlor, where the presents, which up to this time had been hidden away, were now brought forth, consisting of the following: a fine lamp, by Clay Furrow; double pickle castor and fork, by Mrs. A.. A. Worrell and Mrs. Geo. Kelly; fruit stand, by Mrs. J. J. Gibbs; knives and forks, by Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wiant; spoon holder, Clyde Gibbs; cake stand, by Jos. Gibbs, glass pitcher, by Mrs. C. A. Gibbs pair fine shoes each, by Samuel Gibbs, fine pin cushion, by Miss Hattie Norris, of Franklin county; steel engraving, by Miss Mary Dustin; pickle castor, by T. S. McFarland; four table mats, by George Worrall; fancy night cap, by Mrs. Isaac Brubaker; unmentionable, by H. C. Gibbs. The presents were formally presented with accompanying remarks by T. S. McFarland, and the response on the part of the recipients was made by the Rev. M. Dustin; after which the doxology was sung and the benediction pronounced by the officiating clergyman. The program having been placed under the writers control by the wedded pair, we take this occasion to say thank you, and shall ever, as long as life shall last, remain your uncle Tom.

[NF8980] Dorothy Shaffer, Champaign Coounty, Ohio St Paris Newspaper Abstracts St Pris New Era, St Paris Disptch, St Paris Independent, St Paris Era Dispatch, St Paris News Dispatch Jan 1877 to 1911 (June 2000 By Champaign Co Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH P O Box 682 Urbana, OH 43078), Pg101. 1/3/1889
Dick Knull and Miss Rillia Huston was md at the bride's home in Concord Twp by Rev H C Middleton on Dec 20th

[NF8986] 8/27/1892 Book 47 pg 387 Araell Murke vs Frances M Burke for divorce on willful absence. Divorce granted, child Violet Burke, alimont $500

[NF8990] Married after death of Emma:
Groom's Name: «tab»Joseph T. Bull
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1891
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., O.
Groom's Age: «tab»28
Bride's Name: «tab»Catherine Dorschel
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1876
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Titusville, Pa.
Bride's Age: «tab»43
Marriage Date: «tab»31 Dec 1919
Marriage Place: «tab»Franklin, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Isaac Bull
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Jane Pence
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Stephen Dorschel
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Catherine Schwendman
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:

[NF8994] 4/1/1904 Mrs Allie Kite was granted a divorce from William I Kite Wednesda y. Mrs Kite got the home in St paris.

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg108 Jan 4 1904 Minute book 55 pg 328 Allie L Kite vs William I Kite on rest order ; temporary alimony; not to d ispose of property. On 30 Mar 1904 , on page 406, adultry with Maggie Nich olis; divorce granted; he to convey deed in St Paris property and all hous ehold goods to her; $800 alimony; she relinquished her dower in other prop erty.

[NF9002] Groom's Name: «tab»Erastus O. Blose
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1855
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Madriver Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»52
Bride's Name: «tab»Dora M. Brunk
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1879
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»28
Marriage Date: «tab»27 Jun 1907
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Henry C. Blose
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah Hess
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Joseph W. Brunk
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Elizabeth Englehart
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF9006] CCGS, Book III, August 2002 by Dorothy Shaffer, Champaign Co, Ohio St Par is Newspaper Abstracts Jan 1900-1916, pg 46. says marriage was 4/10/1885

[NF9015] Groom's Name: «tab»Charles Lyman Boyer
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1884
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Union Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»25
Bride's Name: «tab»Susan Lutz
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1880
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Mad River Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»29
Marriage Date: «tab»27 Aug 1909
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»George Boyer
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Lucy Hudson
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Josiah Lutz
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Margaret Lee
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF9019] Name: «tab»Elroy Taylor
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»23 Apr 1921
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»24
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1897
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»John Wesley Taylor
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Bernice Lippencott
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Celia Jenkins
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1902
Spouse's Father: «tab»Orla Jenkins
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Ada Reed
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»255
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»111

[NF9025] The Centennial Biographical History of Champaign Co, Ohio lists this marri age date as Feb 24, 1853? Marriage Records of Shelby Co by Adams & Mozl ey also list Feb 24, 1853 as marriage date. Marriage was performed by Dav id Moore, Minister of the Gospel.

[NF9029] Groom's Name: «tab»Jason P. Birkhold
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1881
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Millerstown, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»22
Bride's Name: «tab»Cora Alma Neal
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1882
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Millertown, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»21
Marriage Date: «tab»26 Nov 1903
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»John M. Birkhold
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Rebecca Jenkins
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»John T. Neal
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Debora Wooley
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF9036] Name: «tab»Wilbur Ross Gard
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»06 Sep 1899
Event Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Age: «tab»32
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1867
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Silas H. Gard
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary E. Ross
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Anna Grace Lemmon
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»29
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1870
Spouse's Father: «tab»John F. Lemmon
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Ellis Bosorworth
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»v 18 p 135
Film Number: «tab»465395
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4254626
Image Number: «tab»380

[NF9051] Concord Items
March 6, 1879

Three score and ten years ago, standing upon a gravel knoll just west of the point where the Urbana and Piqua turnpike crosses Anderson's creek, could be seen an old-fashioned log cabin just south of and adjacent to the present traveled road. The cabin was destined to be occupied by one of that class of men noted, as most of the early settlers were, for their frankness and generous, social qualifications. But time has erased the cabin, and the occupants have passed from the stage of action. ln its stead stands one of the most beautiful and commodious farm houses to be found anywhere. Instead of the property passing out of the hands of the original settler's family into the hands of strangers, it has been handed down to an honored grandson, and is today known as the beautiful and happy home of our lifelong friend, Mr. Lemuel Magrew. Having received an invitation to be present, we found our way down to this beautiful home on Friday evening, Feb 28th «b» «/b»and there found a very large collection of people who had assembled to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary, or silver wedding, of Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Magrew. The large and capacious rooms filled to overflowing, not only with the aged veterans of three score and ten, but the middle aged and young of both sexes, all striving to make the occasion one of rare interest. After an hour or two spent in social intercourse supper was announced, and the divine blessing was invoked by Rev. S. P. Carleton. Those to whom the duty was assigned now began to dispense one of the finest repasts that it has ever been our privilege to look upon.

Our position being somewhat remote from the headquarters of the commissary department, we shuffled over to a more favorable position, and finding a good messmate in the person of Mr. Ham. Magrew, we proceeded to put out of sight more of the substantial's of life than falls to the lot of men ordinarily. Supper over, the audience was entertained by some soul-stirring music, in which we noticed Miss Minnie McLaughlin, Miss Eva Pence and Miss Mary Nichols were the principal actors. The host and hostess were now conducted to the main room and seated by a table which contained the following magnificent presents: A superb ice pitcher, by Mr. And Mrs. H. Magrew; cake stand, by Mr. and Mrs. L. Magrew; spoon holder, by Mrs. D. Loudenback; butter dish, by Mrs. Jacob Aulabaugh; sugar spoon, by Mrs. John Richardson; butter knife and sugar spoon by Mrs. T. E. Harwood, of Springfield; syrup pitcher, by Mrs. I. H. Colbert, Mrs. Simeon Taylor, Mrs. W. J. Harwood, Mrs. P. L. Stickley, Mrs. F. B. Sayers and Mr. B. F. Colbert; one-half dozen fruit knives, by Mrs. D. Clement; card basket, by Miss Callie Johnson; flower globe! ~by Mrs. I. E. Herman, of Columbus; napkin rings, by Mrs. Simon Berry and Mrs. D. W. Journell; pickle castor, by Mrs. G. H. Humphreys; spoon holder, by Mrs. M. Harwood; fruit dish, by Miss Minnie McLaughlin, Miss Mary Nicholas, Mr. Jacob Houk and Mrs. Wm. R. Taylor; vase, by Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Ring, set teaspoons, by Miss Osborne. A list of the presents with the names of the donors being read by the writer, they were formally presented by Rev. S. P. Carleton in a very neat and appropriate address. The response on the part of the recipients was made by Mr. W. R. Taylor. Then followed brief addresses by John Richardson, Simeon Taylor, M. F. Pence, Dr. H. Ring and Specs, Jr. A list of five names who were present at the marriage of the above parties twenty-five years ago and who were now present was then read, consisting of Mrs. Jacob Aulabaugh, Mr. Harrison Miller, Mr. D. Clement and wife and father Miller. The wedding took place on the Miller farm, near Irwin Station, between Mechanicsburg and Milford Center, on the evening of Feb. 28, 1854, the marriage ceremony being performed by Rev. Cyrus Wait After a vote of thanks for the very hospitable entertainment and announcement of the golden wedding quarter of a century hence, the vast company dispersed, feeling it was "good to be there." The ceremonies being placed under control, we take this occasion to return our thanks to the host for his manifestation of confidence in us. The little indiscretion shown by one or two will be overlooked by the masses, and attributed to their lack of knowledge to appreciate the situation.

[NF9096] Name: «tab»Jesse Harbert
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»06 Sep 1844
Event Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Catharine Demory

[NF9109] Date: «tab»23Dec1802
Place: «tab»Greenbrier, West Virginia
«tab»Bride «tab»Groom
Name: «tab»Alice McCoy «tab» «tab»Nathan Hannah

[NF9110] Name: «tab»Kenneth W. Harbour
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»30 Sep 1915
Event Place: «tab»Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio
Age: «tab»25
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1890
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Elmer E. Harbour
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Fay Wilkinson
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Effie Steinberger
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1893
Spouse's Father: «tab»A. G. Steinberger
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Mary E. Smith
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn1195, pg24
Film Number: «tab»534841
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4260459
Image Number: «tab»445

[NF9126] Md ages 21 and 22

[NF9132] Name: «tab»Marion N. Bodey
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»24 Mar 1917
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1896
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»I.N. Bodey
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Pearlie A. Barger
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mae I. Newell
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1899
Spouse's Father: «tab»Frank M. Newell
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Laura Lamar
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p282
Film Number: «tab»545416
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016845
Image Number: «tab»183

[NF9138] Name: «tab»Ferman Jacobs
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»30 Dec 1920
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»24
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1896
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Harry Jacobs
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Elizabeth Stanley
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Gladys Newland
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1902
Spouse's Father: «tab»Rufus Newland
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Minnie Focht
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»189
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»93

[NF9143] Record book 32 pg 84 Filed 21 Jan 1865 Alimony Catherine Ropp vs Andrew Ropp They were married in Dec 1849 and seven children were of this union; Hen ry Ropp, 14 yrs; Barbara Ann Ropp 12 yrs; Emanuel Ropp, 10 yrs; Andrew Ro pp 8 yrs; James Harrison Ropp, 5 years; Horatio Ropp, 2 yrs and Charles Ro pp, 11 months. She charged that Andrew had failed to provide for his famil y, even though he received an inheritance from his father, Simon Ropp. T he inheritance was 1/8 of 438 acres located in Military Survey # 4181, 41 59 and 4186. The court granted $1,100.00 alimony was to be paid to her wit hin 10 days

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 170 Jan 21 1865 Minute book 28 pg 174 Catherine Ropp vs Andrew Ropp for alimony; child; they were md in Dec 184 9. On Jun 8 1865 in Chauncery book 32 pg 84 on gross neglect; he to pay $1 100, children Henry age 14, Barbara age 12, Emmanuel age 10, Andrew a ge 8, james Harrison age 5 Horatio age 3 and Charles age 11 months

[NF9146] Name: «tab»Wm. J. Huffman
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»15 Dec 1927
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»69
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1858
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Jacob Huffman
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Malinda Suapp
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Alice Bishop
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»65
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1862
Spouse's Father: «tab»Ephraim Overhulser
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Dorinda Shaffer
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»38
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»435

[NF9150] Groom's Name: «tab»Lewis Broshes
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1894
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»25
Bride's Name: «tab»Lula Belle Randall
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1900
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»19
Marriage Date: «tab»25 Feb 1919
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Rufus Calvin Broshes
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Minnie Bell Cooper
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Edward Randall
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Della May Fenton

[NF9163] Groom's Name: «tab»James Edward Stradling
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Della Emma Beaty
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1879
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Jackson Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»20
Marriage Date: «tab»02 Nov 1899
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»E.B. Stradling
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Laura Ina Brown
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»David Beaty
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Charity Davis
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 196 Aug 11 1903 Minute book 55 pg 213 Della E Stradling vs james Edward Stradling for divorce on gross neglect a nd extreme cruelty. Divorce granted her name restored to Della E Beaty.

[NF9177] Name: «tab»Ronald J. Alexander
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»08 Feb 1923
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»20
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1903
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»P. S. Alexander
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Victoria Bronson
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Florence Parmenter
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»24
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1899
Spouse's Father: «tab»G. A. Parmenter
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Alice Eastep
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»557
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»189
Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 2- Oct 2, 1926 Minute Book 68 Pg 296 Ronald Alexander vs Florence P Alexander for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted, her maiden name resotred to Florence Parmenter

[NF9179] Name: «tab»Harry C Bollinger
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»31 Jan 1911
Event Place: «tab»Miami, Ohio
Age: «tab»19
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1-16-1892 Champaign Co, OH
never married. , Benj L Bollinger, father of Harry C freel;y consents to his marriage
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Benj.L Bollinger
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Malissa Burnsides
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Carrie I White
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»17
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»2-26-1893 Miami Co, Conover OH
Spouse's Father: «tab»S. H White, consents feely to her marriage
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Cora Ammon
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»Vol.10 p197 cn 26766
Film Number: «tab»550153
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016853
Image Number: «tab»386

[NF9184] Champaign Co, Genealogical Society Dorothy Shaffer, Champaign County, Ohio St Paris Newspapaer Abstracts Book II St Paris Enterprise, St Paris Examiner, St Paris New Era, The Holiday Reporter, The Quiver, St Paris News Sept 6, 1878 to 1900 (CGCS- Champaign County Genealogical Society P O Box 682 Urbana, OH 43078 July 200), pg 225. 12/22/1899 Md by J W Yeisley in his study, Charles BurtonJenkins of MIllerstown and Miss Maude Runkle of St Paris

[NF9185] Groom's Name: «tab»Walter Edward Apple
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Johnson Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Lillie Arena Beaver
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1881
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Adams Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»20
Marriage Date: «tab»16 Oct 1901
Marriage Place: «tab»St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Abraham Apple
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Phoebe Jane Sise
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»James Beaver
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Eunice Evans
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF9192] Groom's Name «tab»Chester Raymond Zirkle
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1891
Groom's Birthplace «tab»Jackson Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age «tab»20
Bride's Name «tab»Lois Myrtle Clem
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1892
Bride's Birthplace «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»19
Marriage Date «tab»03 Aug 1911
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»William D. Zirkle
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Alice Apple
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Peter C. Clem
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Nancy Ann Snapp
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Single

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 223 Aug 13 1931 Minute book 71 pg 241 Lois Zerkle vs Chester Zerkle for divorce on gross neglect; divorce grante d; child Kermit to the mother

[NF9195] Name: «tab»David Eldon Furrow
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»06 Oct 1901
Event Place: «tab»Christiansburg, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»24
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1877
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Joshua B. Furrow
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary A. Runyon
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Viola Gabriel
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»27
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1874
Spouse's Father: «tab»Elijah Gabriel
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Isabel Swartz
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn M-617 P309
Film Number: «tab»530189
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016810
Image Number: «tab»620

[NF9197] Name: «tab»William H. Zerkel
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»29 Nov 1900
Event Place: «tab»Shelby, Ohio
Age: «tab»30
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1870
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»John Zerkel
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»May Apple
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Lizzie Loretta Curl
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»24
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1876
Spouse's Father: «tab»B. D. Brown
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Susan Cramer
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»P. 194
Film Number: «tab»562862
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016865
Image Number: «tab»453

[NF9221] Name: «tab»Robert J. Seal
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»15 Mar 1924
Event Place: «tab»Clark Couty, Ohio
Age: «tab»22
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1902
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Thomas Seal
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Lucy Lowe
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»M. Lois Dibert
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»23
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1901
Spouse's Father: «tab»Samuel Dibert
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Alta Mae Bishop
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 313 16184
Film Number: «tab»466637
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016779
Image Number: «tab»191

[NF9224] Groom's Name: «tab»Virgil Lutz
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1900
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»23
Bride's Name: «tab»Sarah Dibert
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1893
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Mad River, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»30
Marriage Date: «tab»02 Oct 1923
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»John A. Lutz
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah Owens
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Jessie Dibert
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Neese
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF9225] Groom's Name: «tab»Willie Clifford Bishop
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1889
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Madriver Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»21
Bride's Name: «tab»Grace Blanch Jenkins
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1891
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Johnson Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»19
Marriage Date: «tab»10 Mar 1910
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Joseph Bishop
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Alice Overhulzer
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Perry Jenkins
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Amanda Apple
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M02317-2
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»530190
Reference Number: «tab»P 141 # 280

[NF9227] Name: «tab»Russell Ephriam Bishop
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»16 Jun 1910
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»19
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1891
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Joseph Bishop
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Allie Overhulser
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Goldie Jenkins
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1892
Spouse's Father: «tab»Perry Jenkins
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Mandy Apple
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p. 164 # 326
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»445

[NF9228] Name: «tab»Mcclellan Ellsworth Bishop
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»28 May 1914
Event Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Age: «tab»20
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1894
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Joseph Bishop
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Allie Overholser
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Myrtle Blanche Flath
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1896
Spouse's Father: «tab»Benjamine Flath
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Anna Reltig
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»V25, CN 9170
Film Number: «tab»465399
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016783

[NF9231] om's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Myrl Baker
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1907
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»19
Marriage Date: «tab»21 Jan 1926
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Cornelius Bodey
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Veloria Zimmerman
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Sylvan Baker
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Alice Bray
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF9236] North, SarahSpouse : Means, Robert Marriage date : May 29, 1834 County of record : Champaign Co. Sex : F

[NF9246] Name: «tab»Cory Mcclellan Heck
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»27 Sep 1910
Event Place: «tab»Miami, Ohio
Age: «tab»26
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1884
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Samuel Heck
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Elizabeth Pence
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Callie C Roh
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»21
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1889
Spouse's Father: «tab»Charles Roh
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Catherine Bauman
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»Vol.10 p114 cn 26601
Film Number: «tab»550153
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016853
Image Number: «tab»345

[NF9251] Groom's Name «tab»Charles Bertrean Zircle
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1880
Groom's Birthplace «tab»German Tp., Clark Co., Ohio
Groom's Age «tab»30
Bride's Name «tab»Thurza Elizabeth Pence
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1890
Bride's Birthplace «tab»Johnson Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»20
Marriage Date «tab»23 Feb 1910
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»Joshua Zircle
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Rebecca Evilsizer
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Perry Pence
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Nancy Ann Barger
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»M02317-2
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»530190
Reference Number «tab»P 136 # 271

[NF9252] Groom's Name «tab»Charles Bertram Zirkle
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1879
Groom's Birthplace «tab»German Tp., Clark County
Groom's Age «tab»27
Bride's Name «tab»Letha Etta Furrow
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1879
Bride's Birthplace «tab»Madriver Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»27
Marriage Date «tab»05 Dec 1906
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»Joshua Zirkle
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Rebecca Evilsizor
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Joshua Furrow
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Mary A. Runyan
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»M02317-2
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»530190
Reference Number «tab»P-369 3 1838

[NF9257] Name: «tab»John Wesley Fritz
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»19 Feb 1912
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»76
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1836
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Harvey Fritz
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Sarah Evans
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Artimisha E. Levi
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»51
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1861
Spouse's Father: «tab»Jacob Piatt
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Christina C. Burnsides
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 329 cn 657
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»527

Married after the death of his first wife and divorced in 1914

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg68 Mar 21 1914 Minute book 61 pg 282 John W Fritz vs Artimisha Fritz for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted.

[NF9259] Name: «tab»Charles Ray Burkimer
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»26 Oct 1910
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»24
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1886
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Grant Burkimer
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Anna Cromwell
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mary Francis Clem
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1888
Spouse's Father: «tab»Peter C. Clem
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Nancy Snapp
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»P 199 # 396
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»462

[NF9265] Groom's Name: «tab»Willis Orvey Jenkins
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1875
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Pike Tp., Clark Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»29
Bride's Name: «tab»Lillie Florence Marshall
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1882
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Jackson Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»22
Marriage Date: «tab»20 Oct 1904
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»George Jenkins
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary E. Freeze
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Randolph Marshall
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Alfretta Marshall
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF9266] Name: «tab»Frank Wirick
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»22 Mar 1908
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1887
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Frank Wirick
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Matilda Biddles
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mary Iva Borton
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»21
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1887
Spouse's Father: «tab»John Henry Borton
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Martha Borton
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 503 cn 2106
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»292

[NF9267] Groom's Name: «tab»Edward Everly Allison
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Terre Haute, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Retta May Jenkins
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1872
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Concord Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»29
Marriage Date: «tab»20 Feb 1901
Marriage Place: «tab»Westville, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Nathan Allison
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah Allen
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Mont Jenkins
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Malinda Kite
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:

[NF9271] Groom's Name «tab»Samuel H. Fritz
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1862
Groom's Birthplace «tab»
Groom's Age «tab»20
Bride's Name «tab»Jennie Jenkins
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1867
Bride's Birthplace «tab»
Bride's Age «tab»15
Marriage Date «tab»14 Jul 1882
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign, Ohio

Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, by Pat Stickley and Denise Kay Moor e, Champaign Co Ohio-Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888, (Urbana Daily Citiz en 1/1884-12/1888). pg116 11/27/1886 R W Pickering of Millerstown filed for divorce suit for Mrs Jannie Fritz f rom Samuel C H Fritz, willfull absence of 3 years.

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg68 Feb 5 1887 Minute book 43 pg 59 Jennie Fritz vs Samuel C H Fritz for divorce on gross neglect; they we re md 14 July 1882. Marriage dissolved, one child Harry age 4.

[NF9280] Groom's Name: «tab»Dallas Mccrery
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1889
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»East Liberty, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»20
Bride's Name: «tab»Marie Luxima Berry
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1889
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»20
Marriage Date: «tab»18 Feb 1909
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»George Mccrery
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Harriet Arthur
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»William E. Berry
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Lula Chance
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF9291] Md age 25 and 20

[NF9297] Name: «tab»Daniel Stone (sic) Stover
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»10 Mar 1877
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Ella Stapleton
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»bk H p 53
Film Number: «tab»295230
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016262
Image Number: «tab»57

[NF9309] Name: «tab»Charles Gabriel
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»01 Apr 1922
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»45
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1877
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Joshua Gabriel
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Malinda Loudenback
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Anne E. Browning
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»36
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1886
Spouse's Father: «tab»Jason Browning
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Caroline Mccarty
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»400
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»147

[NF9311] Name: «tab»George Washington Rice
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»17 Oct 1900
Event Place: «tab»St Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»27
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1873
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»George W. Rice
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Hannah Burner
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Angie Della Cook
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1878
Spouse's Father: «tab»George Cook
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Ola Neese
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»M371
Film Number: «tab»530189
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016810
Image Number: «tab»557

[NF9322] Putman, Frances Married: Jan 08, 1829 in: Champaign Co., OH Spouse: COLLINS, HUMPHREY Gender: F More: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT, Fi lm #s 0295228-0295229.

[NF9327] Name: «tab»Miller J. Dibert
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»08 Mar 1933
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»42
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1891
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Jessie Dibert
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Marian Neese
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Bonnie Flemming
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»33
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1900
Spouse's Father: «tab»J. H. Knave
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Elizabeth Laffuby
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»179
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»621

[NF9328] Md age 23 and 19

[NF9330] Groom's Name: «tab»Tandy B. Collins
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»22 Oct 1889
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Near Tremont City, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Laura Jean Hutchinson
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»22 Sep 1890
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Ostrander, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»20
Marriage Date: «tab»27 Dec 1910
Marriage Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»C. K. Collins
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Ollie Blose
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»L M Hutchinson
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Louisa Mccampbell
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF9331] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 52 29 Sept 1898 Minute book 52 pg 268 Jennie Dibert vs Isaac Dibert for restraining order and divorce; not to se ll or mortgage property. On 14 Oct 1898 on pg 282 ; Alimony $150, on 9 N ov 1898, page 341 divorce granted on extreme cruelty; children Gracie M ay age 13, Harry E age 4 and one adult; she gets real estate in Mad Riv er Twp, 65 acres and furniture.

10/6/1898 pg 102
Jennie Dibert filed for divorce against Isaac Dibert for extreme cruelty. He owns 185 acres and they were married Oct 29, 1874 and they have three children; Mrs Minnie jenkins, Grace and Harry. She is suffering from paralysis

[NF9334] Groom's Name: «tab»Charles C. Steinberger
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1880
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Magrew, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»32
Bride's Name: «tab»Ethel May Finlay
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1890
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Coshacton County Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»22
Marriage Date: «tab»17 Mar 1912
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Aden Steinberger
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Catherine Ward
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»A. L. Finlay
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Nora Leighininger
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF9340] Groom's Name Samuel H. Blue Groom's Birth Date 1896 Groom's Birthplace Groom's Age 21 Bride's Name Retha R. Larry Bride's Birth Date 1901 Bride's Birthplace Bride's Age 16 Marriage Date 06 Mar 1917 Marriage Place Champaign, Ohio Groom's Father's Name Benj. F. Blue Groom's Mother's Name Jennie Hildebrand Bride's Father's Name Harrison S. Larry Bride's Mother's Name Emma Bricker Groom's Race Groom's Marital Status Groom's Previous Wife's Name Bride's Race Bride's Marital Status Bride's Previous Husband's Name Indexing Project (Batch) Number I08947-9 System Origin Ohio-EASy Source Film Number 545416 Reference Number p278

[NF9345] Marriages 1805-1820, Champ Date posted: Wednesday, June 5, 1817 James RUSSEL marries Mary KENTON on 6/5/1817 by Sampson Talbott; pg 460 fr om "The History of Champaign and Logan Counties" by Joshua Antrim, 1872; E xtracted by Linda Moeller, 1997.

[NF9348] Guy, CharlesSpouse : Bunker, Eliza Marriage date : Mar 22, 1832 County of record : Champaign Co. Sex : M

[NF9351] Groom's Name «tab»Romanus Cox
Groom's Birth Date «tab»
Groom's Birthplace «tab»
Groom's Age «tab»
Bride's Name «tab»Margaret Ellen Blue
Bride's Birth Date «tab»
Bride's Birthplace «tab»
Bride's Age «tab»
Marriage Date «tab»12 Feb 1880
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»
Bride's Father's Name «tab»
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Married

[NF9355] Groom's Name: «tab»David K. Blue
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1869
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Concord Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»44
Bride's Name: «tab»Laura Belle Yeasel
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1890
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»23
Marriage Date: «tab»16 Jun 1913
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»William Blue
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Jossie Kelley
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Michael Dyke
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Etta Seigel
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»Yeasel
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M02317-2

[NF9357] Groom's Name: «tab»Jacob K Mcintire
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Sophia Raigner
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»
Marriage Date: «tab»10 Oct 1867
Marriage Place: «tab»Shelby County, Ohio

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg142 June 12 1891 Minute book 46 pg 26 Zilpha McIntire vs jacob McIntire for divorce' case dismissed cost of t he defendant

[NF9366] * ollection

Groom's Name: «tab»Warden Jenkins
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Jackson, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Lucile Beaty
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1904
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Jackson, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»19
Marriage Date: «tab»20 Dec 1923
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Wm. D. Jenkins
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Ann Beck
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»John W. Beaty
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Hattie L. Jenkins
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M86852-8
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: «tab»0545417
Reference Number: «tab»2:3VPVJCN

[NF9370] Groom's Name: «tab»John P. Neer
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»27 Apr 1842
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»56
Bride's Name: «tab»Ida M. Goble
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»03 Jun 1866
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Brooklyn, N. Y.
Bride's Age: «tab»34
Marriage Date: «tab»30 Mar 1899
Marriage Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Joseph Neer
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Margaret S. ...
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Ira P. Goble
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Catherine ...
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status:

[NF9375] Lippincott, Delila A. «tab»Ray, Henry «tab»05/19/1870 «tab»pg353

[NF9390] Name: «tab»Walter Guss Huffman
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»15 Jun 1932
Event Place: «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Age: «tab»59
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1873
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Salmon Huffman
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Elanora Guss
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Clara Mae Getz
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»39
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1893
Spouse's Father: «tab»Grant Davis
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Thirza Miller
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»Vol 18 cn 34798
Film Number: «tab»550157
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016856
Image Number: «tab»345

[NF9391] Groom's Name: «tab»Walter Guss Huffman
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Leah S. Ireland
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1862
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Jackson Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»38
Marriage Date: «tab»11 Jul 1900
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Solomon Huffman
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Elenora Guss
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»William R. Thomas
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Emily E. Watts
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Widowed

[NF9397] Name: «tab»Winferd N. Boitnott
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»21 Jun 1915
Event Place: «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Age: «tab»25
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1890
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Josiah Boitnott
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mollie Abshire
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Ona Offenbacker
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1897
Spouse's Father: «tab»James W. Offenbacker
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Clara M. Hartman
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»it 28521 p 32
Film Number: «tab»550154
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4260995
Image Number: «tab»294

[NF9400] Name: «tab»Lester Neal
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»28 Feb 1907
Event Place: «tab»Ross County, Ohio
Age: «tab»24
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1883
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»J. W. Neal
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary Lee
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Bessie Clark
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1888
Spouse's Father: «tab»T. Clark
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Martha Graham
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p381 cn759
Film Number: «tab»281645
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016204
Image Number: «tab»584

[NF9401] Name: «tab»George Simpson Detweiler
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»23 Nov 1904
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»22
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1882
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Elie Benjamin Detweiler
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Rachel Sofia Greer
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Blanche Leona Snook
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1886
Spouse's Father: «tab»Levi E. Snook
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Laura Hanger
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 110 # 1322
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»94

[NF9404] Name: «tab»Perry Middleton
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»29 Dec 1875
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»Date of License 27 Dec 1875
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Zef Reppetoe
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»pg 556, cn 10973
Film Number: «tab»295229
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016261
Image Number: «tab»802

[NF9405] Md at the res of the brides mother in Kingston

[NF9408] Groom's Name: «tab»Clay Rutan
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1884
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Mechanicsburg, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»21
Bride's Name: «tab»Effie Robinson
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1886
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Mechanicsburg, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»19
Marriage Date: «tab»20 Sep 1905
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Arnoldus Rutan
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Molly Ferguson
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Samuel Robinson
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Minnie Owen
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF9458] Groom's Name: «tab»George Arthur Maurice
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Clark Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Maudie May Bowers
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1880
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Adams Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»22
Marriage Date: «tab»05 Mar 1902
Marriage Place: «tab»Rosewood, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Joseph Maurice
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Isabel Neese
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»John Bowers
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Ann Evans
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:

[NF9459] Groom's Name: «tab»Arthur L. Hullinger
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»21 Aug 1874
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Terre Haute, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»33
Bride's Name: «tab»Mary E. Myers
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»26 Sep 1878
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Lawrenceville, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»29
Marriage Date: «tab»19 Aug 1908
Marriage Place: «tab»Marion, Indiana
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Lemuel Hullinger
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Lydia E. Clark
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»D. A. Myers
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Martha Overholser
Groom's Race: «tab»

[NF9463] Grrom age 28 of Plattsville, bride age 23 of Ballou

[NF9465] Groom's Name: «tab»Carl Apple
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1880
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»24
Bride's Name: «tab»Pearl Fahnestock
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1879
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Perry Tp., Shelby Co., O.
Bride's Age: «tab»25
Marriage Date: «tab»24 Feb 1904
Marriage Place: «tab»Shelby, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»F. W. Apple
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Ella Weavel
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»William Fahnestock
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Jennie Slagle
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M02320-2
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»562861
Reference Number: «tab»533

[NF9467] groom age 23 of Pemberton bride age 20 of Pasco

[NF9475] Groom's Name: «tab»Charles Albert Leonard
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Covington, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Margaret Annabell Staley
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1906
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Sidney, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»22
Marriage Date: «tab»10 Jul 1928
Marriage Place: «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Charles Leonard
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Minnie Grubb
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Salmon Staley
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Margaret Sanders
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF9494] CCGS, Book III, August 2002 by Dorothy Shaffer, Champaign Co- Newspaper A bstracts St Paris Jan 1900-1916, Pg114. 3/19/1914 Daniel H Howard, age 26 years an engineer and Ethel S Stephenson, age 2 0, dau of William Stephenson of Union Twp were married on Mar 14 1914

Champaign Co- Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg91. 10/15/1927 Minute Book 69 pg 54 Ethel Howard vs Don Howard for divorce; they were married on 14 Mar 191 4; he is in the Onio penetentiary. Divorce granted; children Gladys a ge 13 years and Howard age 8 years to mother.

[NF9496] room's Name: «tab»Harry W. Stephenson
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab», Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Mystie R. Keagey
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1907
Bride's Birthplace: «tab», Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»17
Marriage Date: «tab»02 Sep 1924
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Alex Stephenson
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Laura Mccarty
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Sam Keagey
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Nora Strickland Stephenson
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»

[NF9504] Celebrated 56th Wedding anniversay 7/4/1888

[NF9507] Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, by Pat Stickley and Denise Kay Moor e, Champaign Co Ohio-Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888, (Urbana Daily Citiz en 1/1884-12/1888), pg96. 5/12/1886 On the 10th day of May 1836 the marriage of Richard D Williams and Jane Cl aggett of Marylnad was celebrated near this place and now the 50th Anniver sary of that event has come. "Unckle Dick" as he is familiary called is pr esident of the Farmers Bank in Mechanicsburg. The brothers and sisters pre sent in order of their respective ages: Hon Samuel Williams, nearly 80 yea rs of Chicago; Rev William Williams, retired minister of the M E Church; R ichard D Williams, the groom; Mrs Emily Morgan and Husband Thomas Morga n; Dr James Williams, former auditor of the state.

[NF9509] Pg 5 5/11/1871 Md 4«sup»th«/sup» inst byRev David Warnock, Jacob B Happersett of Urbana and Miss Maggie Dye, d/o Col Dye of Madison Co.

[NF9510] Pg 115 10/27/1864 Md 25«sup»th«/sup» Oct by Rev W L Hypes, D W Happersett of this place and Miss laura Minturn, d/o Edward Minturn of Union Twp

[NF9511] The Urbana Citizen & Gazette
June 27, 1872
Married at the residence of brides parents by Rev Charles Ferguson, 25th June, Charles A Ross and Miss Ella Brand, daughter of Hon Joseph C Brand, all of this city.

[NF9512] Name: «tab»Charles Alanson Ross
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»04 Jun 1907
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»24
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1883
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Charles Alanson Ross
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Ella Brand
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Gertrude Mary Ring
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»24
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1883
Spouse's Father: «tab»William F. Ring
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Louella Magrew
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»P-427 # 1953
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»253

[NF9513] Groom's Name: «tab»Thomas Talbott Brand Jr.
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Bessie Marmon
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1880
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Marysville, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»19
Marriage Date: «tab»10 Oct 1899
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Thomas T. Brand
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Eliza O. Warnock
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Leander Marmon
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Martha Young
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M00002-6
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: «tab»0530189
Reference Number: «tab»2:3LL4PX5

[NF9516] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg39. 12/19/1872 Elizabeth Colwell Vs Oliver Colwe ll for divorce. Defendant has since died. Case dismissed.

[NF9517] Groom's Name: «tab»James Cranston
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Viola A. Corey
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»
Marriage Date: «tab»15 Mar 1866
Marriage Place: «tab»Union, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name:

[NF9519] ame: «tab»Charles Henry Happenett
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»20 Mar 1895
Event Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»May Belle Shumatt
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»CN 4644
Film Number: «tab»530189
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016810
Image Number: «tab»176

[NF9520] 3/16/1859 Urbana Free Press
Md in Hillsboro, IL on the 2«sup»nd«/sup» inst by Rev R M Roberts, William C Happersett, of Urbana and Miss M P Webb of the former place.

[NF9522] Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, by Pat Stickley and Denise Kay Moore, Champaign Co Ohio-Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888, (Urbana Daily Citiz en 1/1884-12/1888).pg111 Miss Edna Bassett and Harry C Happersett of the N YP&O Railway Freight Office, were md this morning at the res of Mrs J C Bassett on Scioto St; her only daughter.

[NF9523] Name: «tab»Albert J. Happersette
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»22 Aug 1907
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»35, prev md once
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1872
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Owen B. Happersette
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Ann Hyatt
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mary B. Tullis
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»33 never md
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1874
Spouse's Father: «tab»Henry Tullis
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Mary Cartmell
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»P- 447 # 1993
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»263

[NF9524] Pg 43 1/4/1860 Md 29«sup»th«/sup» ult by Rev John C Bonham, John B Happersett and Miss mary A Patrick , all of Urbana

[NF9526] Name: «tab»Odus C. Bright
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»24 Aug 1906
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»26
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1880
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Adam Bright
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Lida Davis
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Lizzie L. Blue
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»21
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1885
Spouse's Father: «tab»P. T. Blue
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Emma
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»P334 #1767
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811

[NF9542] Marriages 1805-1820, Champ Date posted: Wednesday, May 5, 1808 Allen MINTURN marries Sallie CLARK on 5/5/1808 by John Thomas; pg 460 fr om "The History of Champaign and Logan Counties" by Joshua Antrim, 1872; E xtracted by Linda Moeller, 1997.

[NF9544] Groom's Name: «tab»Rolly Dewitt Dagger
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1891
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»24
Bride's Name: «tab»Piccolia Elizabeth Johnson
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1893
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»22
Marriage Date: «tab»03 Nov 1915
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Jacob Dagger
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Ida Norman
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Ivan T. Johnson
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Iona Igou

[NF9545] Groom's Name: «tab»Jacob Baugh
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Margaret Bickel
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»
Marriage Date: «tab»09 Oct 1855
Marriage Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name:

[NF9551] Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1855-1871, Champaign County, Ohio Newspaper Abstracts "The Ohio State Democrat", "The Urbana Citizen and Gazette" and the "Urbana Free Press" May 1855 to 1871 (March 2000 Champaign Co Genealogical Society P O Box 682, Urbana, OH). Ohio State Democrat, The Urbana Citizen and Gazette, and Urbana Free Press
Pg 2 11/1/51855 Md on the morn of the 31«sup»st«/sup» ult, by Rev J F Chalfant, Isaac B Happersett and Miss Martha F Sampson all of this place.

[NF9552] Mason County to wit This day came Joseph Forde before me a Justice of the Peace of said county and made Oath that Mary Forde is twenty one years old Given under my hand this 24th Day of Dec. 1800. (Signed by) Benj Baylor (with an 'm' above the small letters - placed in the same position as is the th up above - if it holds its position during transmittal, anyhow you know what I mean). This was copied from Marriage Records of Mason Co., Kentucky - 1797-1803, Vol. 1 - Page 18.

[NF9561] Groom's Name: «tab»Godlip B. Siegenthaler
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Germany
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Maude Stembrough
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1883
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»18
Marriage Date: «tab»12 Oct 1901
Marriage Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»John Siegenthaler
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Lucy Droschler
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»John Stembrough
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Luanda Barger
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M00002-6
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: «tab»0530189
Reference Number: «tab»2:3LL587P

[NF9566] 1930 census ages 58 and 57 married at age 21 and 20

[NF9581] Name: «tab»Charles W. Foley
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»03 May 1900
Event Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Age: «tab»27
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1873
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»H. C. Foley
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Anne V. Ernst
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Nora M. Ruyon
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»24
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1876
Spouse's Father: «tab»Lafayette Ruyon
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Eliza Yeazell
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»v 18 p 308
Film Number: «tab»465395
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4254626
Image Number: «tab»469

[NF9588] Groom's Name: «tab»Lewis Nelson Powell
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Salem Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Bessie Bates
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1880
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»22
Marriage Date: «tab»01 Jan 1902
Marriage Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Benjamin F. Powell
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary E. Higbee
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Joseph Bates
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Englehart
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF9602] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg99 Sep 9 1933 Minute book 72 pg 415 Petronella j enkins vs Paul Ray Jenkins for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted-c hild

[NF9603] Groom's Name «tab»Eli Kesler
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1860
Groom's Birthplace «tab»
Groom's Age «tab»21
Bride's Name «tab»Betty Blose
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1864
Bride's Birthplace «tab»
Bride's Age «tab»17
Marriage Date «tab»24 Dec 1881
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign, Ohio

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg106 Nov 21 1914 Minute book 61 pg 515 Eli Kessler vs Betty L Kessler for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted

[NF9604] Groom's Name «tab»James Kessler
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1848
Groom's Birthplace «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Age «tab»61 on May 28 married twice
Bride's Name «tab»Sallie Ewing
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1864
Bride's Birthplace «tab»West Liberty, Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»45 on Dec 16 1908, single, not a widow or divorced
Marriage Date «tab»03 Nov 1909
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»Israel Kessler
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Druzilla Grafton
Bride's Father's Name «tab»John Ewing
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Fannie Applin
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Single

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg106 Jan 20 1917 Minute book 63 pg 70 James N Kessler vs Sallie Kessler for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted.

[NF9605] FUSON, THOMAS J SHIELDS, MARTHA E 1865-04-21 00D/0055 00000106 FULTON

[NF9607] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg104 June 23 1905 Minute book 56 pg 247 Georgia A Keller vs Frank Keller for divorce on habitual drunk and gross b eglect. Divorce granted; children ; $15 per month. On 22 June 1907 in Minu te book 57, pg 296 Georgia A Keller vs Frank Keller for custody. Custo dy of children Harold and Beatrice Keller to F A Fromme and W H Walbor n. Georgia filed for divorce on Mar 1 1905 and granted 23 June 1905 groun ds habitual drunk; she custody of children; soon after she remarried to Ja mes R Miller and left for Pittsburgh , PA, to live, lived there a short ti me and moved to Brooklyn, New York; then returned poor, indigent and unab le to care for children and now has moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin and who lly abandonded said children. F A Fromme and W H Walborn are proper and re sponsible parties to have care of the children. Neither plaintiff, defenda nt nor the relatives shall have any prioviledges with them. On 16 Sept 191 5, Minute book 62 pg 222, Georgia Keller vs Frank Keller on order of ca re Beatrice Keller and Plaintiff Georgia Keller now Georgia Miller, moth er of Beatrice, be permitted to visit her at suitable and proper times a nd place in St Paris and may correspond with her mother as long as chi ld in custody of B F Fromme.

[NF9608] Name: «tab»James R. Todd
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»06 Oct 1892
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Katherine Angeline Preston
Spouse's «tab»

[NF9620] Name: «tab»Harry E. Helfrich
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»12 Oct 1902
Event Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Age: «tab»22
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1880
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»John E. Helfrich
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Emma Miranda
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Katie Xanders
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1882
Spouse's Father: «tab»John H. Xanders
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Alice Snyder
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»bk 19 p 392 cn 1927
Film Number: «tab»465396
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016786
Image Number: «tab»241

[NF9622] Name: «tab»Burt Harrison Craig
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»28 Jul 1902
Event Place: «tab»Mechanicsburg, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»20
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1882
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Robert Craig
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Agnes Bailey
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Florence Edith Owen
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»23
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1879
Spouse's Father: «tab»Frank Owen
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Mary Hayes
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn M-850 P425
Film Number: «tab»530189
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016810
Image Number: «tab»681

[NF9636] Name: «tab»Vernon C. Nelson
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»29 Nov 1911
Event Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1890
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Benjm. M. Nelson
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Alice Munday
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Esther Overholser
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1891
Spouse's Father: «tab»Charles F. Overholser
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Ellen Leflie
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»7471
Film Number: «tab»465398
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016784
Image Number: «tab»494

[NF9649] Groom's Name: «tab»Arthur J. Freeze
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»08 Mar 1892
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Dayton, O.
Groom's Age: «tab»28
Bride's Name: «tab»Myrtle A. Norris
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»11 Jun 1901
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Ross Co., O.
Bride's Age: «tab»19
Marriage Date: «tab»19 Jun 1920
Marriage Place: «tab»Franklin, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Silas A. Freeze
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary J. Detrick
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»John W. Norris
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Ada B. Bowdle
Groom's Race: «tab»White
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»White
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:

[NF9658] Name: «tab»William Henry Cheney
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»18 Jun 1902
Event Place: «tab»Mechanicsburg, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»26
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1876
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»J.H. Cheney
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Beatrice Tullis
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Agnes Alberta Hodge
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»26
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1876
Spouse's Father: «tab»Samuel M. Hodge
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Amanda Roberts
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn M-831 P416
Film Number: «tab»530189
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016810
Image Number: «tab»677

[NF9660] 11/13/1896 bk 50 pg 574
Hattie D Sherwood vs John C Sherwood for divorce; temporary restrain order; defendant to take one half apples (35 bushels) , one half potatoes (30 bushels) and one third canned fruit (100 cans) in cellar of house. On 21 Sept 1898 in bk 52pg 260 they have resumed marital relationship; judgment vacated
5/20/1897 Hattie Sherwood vs john Sherwood divorce. She charged husband with adultery and extreme cruelty. She asks for divorce and custody of child. Sherwood answered her by charging her with adultery with Charles Ewing. Judge found no evidence of guilt and did not grant the divorce.

[NF9662] Name: «tab»S. M. Knoop
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»01 Jan 1930
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»60
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1870
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»John Knoop
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Margarit Martin
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Zola Jenkins
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»59
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1871
Spouse's Father: «tab»Hiram Pickering
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Eliza Ann Hall
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»156
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»515

[NF9665] Name: «tab»Claude C. Craig
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»14 Jun 1899
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»25
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1874
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Harrison Craig
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary M. Baker
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Stella R. Talbott
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1880
Spouse's Father: «tab»George A. Talbott
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Julia C. Ross
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn M-58
Film Number: «tab»530189
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016810
Image Number: «tab»476

[NF9668] Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, by Pat Stickley and Denise Kay Moor e, Champaign Co Ohio-Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888, (Urbana Daily Citiz en 1/1884-12/1888). pg 141 7/5/1887 Charles Black who was arrested on complaint of Minnie Guyton for a serio us offense came in Monday and obtained a marriage license and on the four th celebrated a wedding.

[NF9682] Groom's Name: «tab»Harrison S. Leary
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Emma Wilson
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»
Marriage Date: «tab»27 Aug 1885
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
(Possibly md George Wilson in 1882)

[NF9684] Groom's Name «tab»James Frank Reed
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1884
Groom's Birthplace «tab»
Groom's Age «tab»34
Bride's Name «tab»Nellie Grace Stradling
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1891
Bride's Birthplace «tab»
Bride's Age «tab»27
Marriage Date «tab»23 Feb 1918
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»Philip Reed
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Nettie Frank
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Silas Stradling
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Elizabeth Bridestetter

[NF9691] Md 14th inst by Rev T R Collett, Dr H R Quinn of Jamestown and Miss Ruth E Ford, d/o William Ford of Springfield

[NF9704] Groom's Name: «tab»Howard Francis Jenks
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1888
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Johnson Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»25
Bride's Name: «tab»Besse Goldie Graves
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1887
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Pluski County, Indiania
Bride's Age: «tab»26
Marriage Date: «tab»08 Feb 1913
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Samuel H. Jenks
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Rebecca Harnot
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Aaron D. Graves
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Florence Gertrudge Jenkins
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:

[NF9705] Groom's Name: «tab»S.H. Jenks
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Lizzie R. Harner
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1863
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»18
Marriage Date: «tab»09 Jul 1881
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio

[NF9708] Name: «tab»Grover C. Kump
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»03 Jul 1914
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»23
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1891
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Charles Edmund Kump
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Hattie Neher
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Myrtle Niswanger
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»23
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1891
Spouse's Father: «tab»William Niswanger
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Effie Hageman
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p560 cn1119
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»644

[NF9730] Groom's Name: «tab»Ernest Vinton Ballentine
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»22 Aug 1889
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Clark Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»28
Bride's Name: «tab»Ruth Esther Collins
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»27 Mar 1893
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»25
Marriage Date: «tab»06 Jun 1918
Marriage Place: «tab»West Liberty, Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Mcclellan Ballentine
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Ida Ann Michael
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»C. K. Collins
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Ollie Blose
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M02314-4
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»465400
Reference Number: «tab»v28 p136 no11994

[NF9738] Name: «tab»Chester B. Leedom
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»10 Jan 1906
Event Place: «tab»Logan, Ohio
Age: «tab»27
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1879
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Byron N. Leedom
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Princes D. Berry
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mary M. Stoker
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»26
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1880
Spouse's Father: «tab»James Stoker
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Mary J. Heath
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn 702 (application)
Film Number: «tab»534840
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016822
Image Number: «tab»246

[NF9752] Name: «tab»Joseph C. Jr. Brand
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»20 Nov 1890
Event Place: «tab»Logan, , Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Anna Evans Taylor

[NF9758] 10/17/1887 Minute Book 43 pg297 Effie Egnor vs Lucius C Egnor for divorce on extreme vruelty; marriage dis sovled $300 support; children.

[NF9760] Groom's Name: «tab»Amos Heller
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Mary Jane Johnson
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»
Marriage Date: «tab»16 Dec 1858
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M75302-1
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: «tab»0295229
Reference Number: «tab»2:3PBCMNH

[NF9774] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg156 June 25 1890 Minute book 45 pg 354 John C Piatt vs Clara Etta Piatt for divorce; she cross petitioned on extr eme cruelty; she was granted the divorce , minor child 4 years old

Unknown why marrige date is after divorce date...

[NF9776] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg 74 Jan 4 1890 Minute book 45 pg 93 Ohio on complaint Minnie Grafton vs Edward Houdyshell for bastardy; case c ontinued he failed to appear. On April 1, 1890, pg 230, he was found guil ty by jury; $500 support

[NF9779] Groom's Name: «tab»Momolu Ray Allison
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1894
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»23
Bride's Name: «tab»Madge Geraldine Colbert
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1896
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»21
Marriage Date: «tab»29 Nov 1917
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Miles E. Allison
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Mattie Lippincott
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Gerald Colbert
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Laura Taylor

[NF9781] Possibly married in Hartford MD but no proof. We have documented that Blanches two sisters were married in Hartford.

[NF9787] Name: «tab»Edwin Bruce Mccullough
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»19 Sep 1906
Event Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Age: «tab»24 lives Cedar Rapids, Iowa, upholsterer
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»6-13-1882 Xenia, OH
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Geo. Mccullough
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary A. Poling
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Harriett E. Runyan
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»23, stenographer
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1883
Spouse's Father: «tab»Chas. Runyan
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Beatrice Martin
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn4327
Film Number: «tab»465397
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016785
Image Number: «tab»252

[NF9788] Name: «tab»James William Saunders
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»01 Oct 1903
Event Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1882
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»George W. Saunders
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Aloshia Funston
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Ethel Runyan
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1884
Spouse's Father: «tab»Charles Runyan
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Ella Mcclintock
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»bk 20 p 102 cn 2532
Film Number: «tab»465396
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016786
Image Number: «tab»427

[NF9795] Groom's Name: «tab»Roy Ream
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»17 Jul 1877
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»North Hampton, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»26
Bride's Name: «tab»Florence Baker
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»11 Mar 1881
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»North Hampton, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»23
Marriage Date: «tab»09 Jun 1904
Marriage Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Anthony Ream
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Amanda Wolf
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Thomas Baker
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Ebersole
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF9800] Name: «tab»A. Vernon Curl
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»03 Feb 1923
Event Place: «tab», Logan, Ohio
Age: «tab»31
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1892
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»C. H. Curl
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»May Knight
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mrs Vertie B. Castle
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»35
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»3/15/1887
Spouse's Father: «tab»George Rhoades
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Olive O. Pense
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»VolN, p295, cn3448
Film Number: «tab»534842
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016823
Image Number: «tab»198

[NF9801] Name: «tab»Abel Walter Hewlings
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»17 Dec 1901
Event Place: «tab»DeGraff, Ohio
Age: «tab»26
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1875
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Abel Hewlings
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Euphemia Ross
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Anna Jane Sweet
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1882
Spouse's Father: «tab»Sanford H. Sweet
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Sarah V. Sager
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn M-688 P344
Film Number: «tab»530189
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016810
Image Number: «tab»638

[NF9802] Name: «tab»Cleveland H. Michael
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»28 Jun 1909
Event Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Age: «tab»24
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1885
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Fred. Michael
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Jane Overholser
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Beatrice Bechtell
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»24
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1885
Spouse's Father: «tab»Andrew Bechtell
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Effie Nee Funkhouser
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»5939
Film Number: «tab»465398
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016784
Image Number: «tab»62

[NF9803] Name: «tab»Leonard F. Brigner
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»20 Jun 1921
Event Place: «tab»Greene County, Ohio
Age: «tab»38
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1883
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Martin Brigner
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Clarinda Southworth
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Minnie Huston
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»27
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1894
Spouse's Father: «tab»Sherman Huston
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Edith Webster
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»vol16, pg433
Film Number: «tab»535130
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016828
Image Number: «tab»602

[NF9804] Name: «tab»William M. Stephenson
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»17 Jun 1906
Event Place: «tab»Logan, Ohio
Age: «tab»22
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1884
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Lewis A. Stephenson
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Margaret A. Halterman
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Carrie Journell
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»17
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1889
Spouse's Father: «tab»Grant Journell
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Olive Reynolds
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn 824 (application)
Film Number: «tab»534840
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016822
Image Number: «tab»278

[NF9805] Name: «tab»David J. Hartzler
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»23 Jan 1907
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»26
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1881
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Johnathan Hartzler
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Esther Hooley
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mary A. Detwiler
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»26
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1881
Spouse's Father: «tab»Joel K. Detwiler
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Sallie Plank
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 387 # 1874
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»233

[NF9806] Name: «tab»Erastus Clide Karg
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»06 Dec 1903
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»27
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1876
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Leonard Karg
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Elizabeth Benedict
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Icelona Estella Stovers
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1883
Spouse's Father: «tab»Arthur Stovers
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Lydia Pusman
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 18 # 1137
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811

[NF9807] 7/18/1908 Min Bk 58 Pg 48
Mery Mirrell vs Pearl Mirrel for divorce on extreme cruelty. Divorce granted; adopted child; her name restored to Mary Gentis

[NF9808] Name: «tab»Clinton Williams
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»11 Feb 1911
Event Place: «tab»Union County, Ohio
Age: «tab»39
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1872
Marriage Date Note: «tab»Lic., 11 Feb 1911
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»A. J. Williams
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary Romina
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Sophia Houser
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»43
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1868
Spouse's Father: «tab»Salim Adams
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Sarah Wooley
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 448
Film Number: «tab»1954078
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4017649
Image Number: «tab»793

[NF9810] Groom's Name: «tab»Orville Michael
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»20 Dec 1886
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Lawrenceville, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»22
Bride's Name: «tab»Hazel Mccreary
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»06 Jun 1889
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Springfield, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»19
Marriage Date: «tab»14 Apr 1909
Marriage Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Frederick Michael
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah Overholser
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Walter Mccreary
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Riddle

[NF9811] Groom's Name: «tab»Clarance Leonard Frantz
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Logan Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Anna Belle Siegenthaler
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1877
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Switzerland
Bride's Age: «tab»23
Marriage Date: «tab»18 Jul 1900
Marriage Place: «tab»De Graff, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»George Frantz
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Frances Carr
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Gotlieb Siegenthaler
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Anna Moser
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

[NF9820] Jacob Leffel
Ohio, Marriages, 1800-1958
marriage:«tab»15 Nov 1846«tab»Miami,Ohio
spouse:«tab»Mary Cain

[NF9822] Name: «tab»Samuel D Xander
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»01 Sep 1921
Event Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Age: «tab»36
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1885
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»J. H Xander
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Alice Snyder
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Viola Fern Athy
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»36
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1885
Spouse's Father: «tab»Oliver F Athy
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Dora C Shank
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»14481
Film Number: «tab»465401
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016781
Image Number: «tab»459

[NF9823] Groom's Name: «tab»Earl E. Callison
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»17 Mar 1877
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»New Carlisle, Clark, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Hettie Stephenson
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»27 Nov 1873
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Rural Route #2, Clark Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»28
Marriage Date: «tab»24 Oct 1901
Marriage Place: «tab»Clark Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»David F. Callison
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Mila Burns
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Harvey G. Stephenson
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Anna Dillahunt

Vol 19 page 116 Earl E. CALLISON and Hettie STEPHENSON. Earl is age 24 resided Springfiel d, born New Carlisle on March 17, 1877, a dairyman. son of David F. Calli son and Mila BURNS. Hettie is age 28 resides Rural Route no 2 born Rur al Route No 2, Clark Co on Nov 27, 1873. daughter of Harvey G. Stephens on and Anna DILLAHUNT. Oct 24, 1901 J. L. Dalby, Minister of the Gospel

[NF9824] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg8 25 May 1929 Minute book 70 pg 13 Ida Baker vs Lewis Baker for divorce gross neglect. Divorce granted, No children, her name restored to Ida Mays.

[NF9825] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records,
Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg164 Mar 18 1916 Minute book 62 pg 399 James F Reed vs Lulu A Reed for divorce on gross neglect ; they were married Jan 4 1912; no children, divorce granted

3/23/1916 St Paris Dispatch
James Reed was divorced from Mrs Nettie Reed; they md in Oklahoma City, OK in 1912. His wife confessed intimacy with other men

[NF9827] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg167 Minute book 63 pg 222 Ora Richeson vs Oscar Richeson for divorce and habitual drunk. Divorce gra nted, child Harry in control temporarily of Charles L and Martha Pond, gra ndparents.

[NF9840] Name: «tab»William Smith
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»06 Jun 1858
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»license 4 Jun 1858
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mary Harvey
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age:

[NF9851] Groom's Name: «tab»Charles E. Mumford
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1885
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Montgomery Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»19
Bride's Name: «tab»Nioma Myrtle Myers
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1887
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»17
Marriage Date: «tab»06 Mar 1904
Marriage Place: «tab»Miami, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»H. F. Mumford
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Malinda Jordan
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»O. P. Myers
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary H. Tiffel

[NF9853] Groom's Name: «tab»E.B. Pheneger
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Bellefontain, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Cora Rush
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1878
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Dark Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»23
Marriage Date: «tab»20 Jan 1901
Marriage Place: «tab»Allen County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Jacob Pheneger
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Gray
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»William F. Rush
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Jemimah Sheffel
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M00049-0
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: «tab»0901417
Reference Number: «tab»2:3L4C3SQ

[NF9856] Groom's Name: «tab»Fred Robert Russell
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Concord, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Bonita Harris
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1904
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Harrison, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»17
Marriage Date: «tab»12 Jan 1921
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»John F. Russell
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Amanda Caldwell
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Walter Harris
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Kate Kiser
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:

[NF9861] Groom's Name: «tab»Emmet L. Morris
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1880
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Pickaway Co., O.
Groom's Age: «tab»25
Bride's Name: «tab»Artha M. Runyan
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1884
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Idaho, Pike, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»21
Marriage Date: «tab»24 Dec 1905
Marriage Place: «tab»Pike County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Isaac G. Morris
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Lutz
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»George Runyan
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Kate
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M86974-3
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»292751
Reference Number: «tab»CN 87

[NF9866] Name: «tab»Irvin Overholser
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»23 Apr 1932
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»56
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1876
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Abraham Overholser
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Jane Kesler
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Ella Moodispaugh
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»35
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1897
Spouse's Father: «tab»Frank Moodispaugh
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Mary E. Siders
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»92
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»599

[NF9870] Name: «tab»Joseph B. Engle
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»01 Mar 1906
Event Place: «tab»North Hampton, Ohio
Age: «tab»23
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1883
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»John H. Engle
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Margaret M. Davis
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Cora S. Baker
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»26
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1880
Spouse's Father: «tab»Ed. M. Baker
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Eliza A. Morris
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn3991
Film Number: «tab»465397
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016785
Image Number: «tab»159

[NF9872] Groom's Name: «tab»Roger Bair
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Conover, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Thelma Park
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1905
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Sidney, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»19
Marriage Date: «tab»24 Nov 1924
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Jassie Bair
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Hattie Moore
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Wm. Park
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Anna Brant
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg7. 6 April 1929 Minute book 69 pg 563 Thelma Bair vs Roger Bair for divirce on gross neglect. Divorce granted. Her name was restored to Thelma Purk

[NF9873] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg7. July 20 1926 Minute book 68 pg 257 Hazel Bailes vs Ervin Bailes for divorce. They were married Nov 11 192 2, no children. he is in the Ohio Penetentiary. Divorce granted.

[NF9875] Name: «tab»Rhuben Mcconnehea
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»29 Nov 1899
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»24
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1875
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»George Mcconnehea
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary Jane Hess
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Bessie Ropp
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1881
Spouse's Father: «tab»Emanuel Ropp
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Lizzie Pullings
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn M-180
Film Number: «tab»530189
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016810
Image Number: «tab»509

[NF9879] Name: «tab»Frd Guy Flowers
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»25 Dec 1906
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»19
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1887
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Theodore Flowers
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Debra Mahan
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Vacie May Harness
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»17
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1889
Spouse's Father: «tab»Frank Harness
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Cynthia G. Hardy
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»P-377 # 1854
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»228

[NF9897] Groom's Name: «tab»Emmett Leonard
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»10 Mar 1883
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Terre Haute, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»22
Bride's Name: «tab»Anna K. Rader
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»17 Nov 1882
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»North Hampton, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»22
Marriage Date: «tab»14 Sep 1905
Marriage Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»J. P. Leonard
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Rose Long
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Philip Rader
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Margaret Sultz

[NF9902] There is a record of Charles F Smith md Martha May Brenner Clark Co, OH 7/ 2/1889

[NF9910] name: «tab»William Y. Mahar
event: «tab»Marriage 10/3/1912
event place (standardized): «tab»Clark, Ohio, United States
event place (other): «tab»
age: «tab»41
estimated birth year: «tab»1871
birth date: «tab»31 Aug 1871
birthplace: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
father: «tab»Martin M. Mahar
father's titles & terms: «tab»
mother: «tab»Caroline M Yeazell
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
spouse: «tab»Ada Irene Crabill
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
spouse's age: «tab»38
spouse's estimated birth year: «tab»1874
spouse's birthplace: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
spouse's father: «tab»John Crabill
spouse's father's titles & terms: «tab»
spouse's mother: «tab»Barbra E. Zimmerman
spouse's mother's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»8042
film number: «tab»465398
digital folder number: «tab»004016784
image number: «tab»00645
Citing this Record "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images,
FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 Oct 2012),
William Y. Mahar and Ada Irene Crabill, 1912; citing reference 8042, FHL microfilm 465398.

[NF9911] Groom's Name: «tab»Irvin Winzlow Everett
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Mary Lewis Motter
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1891
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Miami, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»18
Marriage Date: «tab»23 Mar 1909
Marriage Place: «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Epinetus Everett
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah Mahan
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Alonzo Motter
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Anna Rain
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M86928-8
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: «tab»0550153
Reference Number: «tab»2:3S9RRNX

[NF9912] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 170 Nov 18 1924 Minute book 67 pg 272 Emma B Rock vs Frank E Rock for divorce on gross neglect; no children. Div orce granted; alimony settled between parties; her sons Eugene McCollock a nd Rowland McCollock owes the defendant money; she will settle for that

[NF9913] Groom's Name «tab»Scott Stapleton
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1878
Groom's Birthplace «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age «tab»25
Bride's Name «tab»Mrs. Ona Yost
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1883
Bride's Birthplace «tab»Troy, Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»20
Marriage Date «tab»19 Oct 1903
Marriage Place «tab»Miami, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»Asa Stapleton
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Mary Maggers
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Wm. Morgan
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Rena Stapleton
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Unknown
Bride's Previous Husband's Name «tab»Yost

CCGS, Book III, August 2002 by Dorothy Shaffer, Champaign Co, Ohio St Par is Newspaper Abstracts Jan 1900-1916. pg 151 3/23/1916 On last Saturday, S cott Stapleton of Christianburg was divorced from his wife, Ona Stapleton on the grounds of undue intimacy with other men. Lindsey Marshall was n amed. She also beat and injured him with a crutch

On March 30th Lindsey Lemon Marshall aged 30 years of Christianburg once p reviously married and Ona May Stapleton aged 32 years of Jackson Twp, twice previously married. They were married by Dr W J Dempster officiating.

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper).pg 192 Mar 18 1916 Minute book 62 pg 399 Scott Stapleton vs Ona N Stapleton for divorce on gross neglect; divorce granted; children Leslie Irvin age 5 and Ruby Pearl age 1 yr. On 31 May 19 21 in Minute book 65 pg 304, Scott Stapleton vs Ona M Stapleton for divorce; he refused to obey court order to pay support for Ruby Pearl Stapleton.

3/23/1916 St Paris News Dispatch
Scott Stapleton of Christianburg, Ohio vs his wife Ona Stapleton on the grounds of undue intimacy with other men, Lindsey Marshall was named. She also beat and injured him with a crutch. He within one month went to Covington Kentucky and married Miss Nora F Gabriel

[NF9914] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 196 Mar 31 1893 Minute book 47 pg 603 Ella Stover vs Elmus Stover for divorce on gross neglect; she has liv ed on charity for 7 years. Divorce granted; her name restored to Ella Hain es; $250 alimony

[NF9915] Groom's Name «tab»Charles Alvan Walborn
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1891
Groom's Birthplace «tab»Jay County, Ind.
Groom's Age «tab»20
Bride's Name «tab»Blanche Bailey
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1890
Bride's Birthplace «tab»Mad River Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»21
Marriage Date «tab»23 Dec 1911
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»Thomas Edward Walborn
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Mary Jane Brighton
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Francis Marion Bailey
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Jennie Loudenback
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Single

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 207 Oct 9 1933 Minute book 72 pg 445 Blanche B Walborn vs Charles A Walborn for divorce and gross neglect; th ey were md Mar 18 1913. Divorce granted; children Ralph age 20, Herman a ge 19, Evan age 15, Jean age 12 and Mildred age 10

[NF9916] Name: «tab»Mathew Wones
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»14 Nov 1897
Event Place: «tab»Logan, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1876
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Floy Turner
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1879
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»Vol. H, p225
Film Number: «tab»534839
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016821
Image Number: «tab»152

[NF9917] Signature of Simon Wones, Martin was not age 21

[NF9922] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 219 Dec 28 1897 Minute book 51 pg 524 Rosella A Wones vs Matthew Wones for divorce on extreme cruelty and restra int order from selling property. On 2 July 1898 the divorce was granted

[NF9924] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 210 April 27 1866 Minute book 28 pg 360 Sarah C Ward vs James W Ward for divorce; alimony $20; case continue d. On pg 516 the case was settled at cost of plaintiff

Feb 1 1867 Minute book 29 pg 14 Sarah C Ward vs james W Ward for divorce; divorce granted; $100 alimon y. On 21 May 1868 in Minute book 29 pg 474 Sarah C Ward vs james W Ward f or divorce and alimony on extreme cruelty; they were md Dec 25, 1864. On J uly 24 1858 the divorce was granted

[NF9925] Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, by Pat Stickley and Denise Kay Moor e, Champaign Co Ohio-Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888, (Urbana Daily Citiz en 1/1884-12/1888).pg 77 12/10/1885 Rebecca Russell filed for divorce from Chalres K Russell- grounds of gross neglect. (Adams Twp)

Pg183 4/30/1888 Rebecca J Russell granted divorce from Charles Russell, 3 year absense.

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 174 April 30 1888 Minute book 43 pg 539 Rebecca J Russell vs Charles K Russell for divorce on willful absence. Divorce granted; child Mary Blanche

[NF9926] Name: «tab»George James Hurd
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»01 Sep 1921
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»28
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1893
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»James D. Hurd
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Ellen Davis
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Estella Louise Offenbacher
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»21
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1900
Spouse's Father: «tab»Arthur K. Offenbacher
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Anna Leonard
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»323
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»128

Groom's Name: «tab»Abraham Spain
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Cora Cook
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»
Marriage Date: «tab»25 Nov 1886
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, OhioChampaign Democrat, 12/1/1904 Abstracted by Pat Stickley in CCGS News O ct Pg 76 Tuesday was divorce day in the court of common please. Judge Middleton al so granted Cora B Spain, a divorce from her husband Edward (sic) on the gr ound of gross neglect of duty and drunkeness. Both reside at Woodstock. Pl aintiff was restored to her maiden name of Smith.

[NF9940] Name: «tab»Harley Josiah Mott
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»08 Feb 1908
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»23
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1885
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Henry Q. Mott
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Belle Sloneker
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Alta E. Baker
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»26
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1882
Spouse's Father: «tab»William Baker
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Abbie Wilson
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 494 cn 2087
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»288

[NF9946] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg102 April 1 1911 Minute book 59 pg 344 Lucile E Jones vs Caleb G Gones for divorce on gross neglect and extreme cruelty. Divorce granted; her name restored to Lucile E Gray

[NF9947] Groom's Name «tab»Harley E. Instine
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1898
Groom's Birthplace «tab»
Groom's Age «tab»21
Bride's Name «tab»Marie I. Mason
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1901
Bride's Birthplace «tab»
Bride's Age «tab»18
Marriage Date «tab»05 Jul 1919
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»Henry Instine
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Emma Pryke
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Joseph H. Mason
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Bertie E. Moore

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg97 Harley E Instine vs Ida Marie Instine for div orce on adultry. Divorce granted; child to Mrs Bertie (Joseph) Mason

[NF9948] Groom's Name: «tab»Wilbur Clinton Jenkins
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1887
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Millerstown, Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»25
Bride's Name: «tab»Bertha Bessie Grube
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1881
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Johnson Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»31
Marriage Date: «tab»24 Dec 1912
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Benjamin F. Jenkins
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Catherine Deul
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Ira Oliver Grube
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Mattie Apple
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»Foster

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg98 July 2 1914 Bertha Jenkins vs Wilbur Jenki ns for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted; child Helen Mae to the m other, $50 alimony. On 10 Sept 1927 Minute book 69 pg 14, Bertha jenki ns vs Wilbur Jenkins; modify; minor Helen mae jenkins to the mother

[NF9949] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 94 Oct 6 1917 Minute book 63 pg 297 Minne E Hulsizer vs Alfred M Hulsizer for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted; children Gretchen O, Lucile B, Rheba V and Kenneth to the moth er

[NF9950] Groom's Name: «tab»Mark C. Yoder
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1896
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»21
Bride's Name: «tab»Lucile D. Hulsizer
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1900
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»17
Marriage Date: «tab»05 Nov 1917
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Isaac P. Yoder
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Martha Kauffman
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Alfred Hulsizer
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Minerva Keith

[NF9951] Groom's Name «tab»Claude D. Hauser
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1893
Groom's Birthplace «tab»
Groom's Age «tab»24
Bride's Name «tab»Carrie A. Miller
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1896
Bride's Birthplace «tab»
Bride's Age «tab»21
Marriage Date «tab»26 Nov 1917
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»Lewis Hauser
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Elnora Dovel
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Henry Miller
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Ella Buckles

[NF9952] Groom's Name «tab»Freeman Perkeypile
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1865
Groom's Birthplace «tab»Rosewood, Ohio
Groom's Age «tab»61
Bride's Name «tab»Della B. Harter
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1881
Bride's Birthplace «tab»Greenville, Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»45
Marriage Date «tab»30 Sep 1926
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»Jeremiah Perkeypile
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Louisa Dely
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Robert Martin
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Florence Judy
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name «tab»Dely

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg155 Apr 7 1928 Minute book 69 pg 216 Della B Perkeypile vs Freeman Perkeypile for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted; her name restored to Della B Harter

[NF9954] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg153 Oct 1 1895 Minute book 50 pg 7 Nora P Patrick vs William M Patrick for divorce on extreme cruelty and gro ss neglect. Divorce granted. Child Ralph C Patrick to the mother; $300 ali mony

[NF9955] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg1445 Nov 11 1899 Minute book 53 pg 206 Mart ha V Neer vs Levi W Neer for divorce on extreme curelty and adultery; th ey were married July 20 1875, Divorce granted; she got household goods fr om house on Lafayette Ave, Urbana, Ohio and the house,.

[NF9957] Groom's Name «tab»John B. Couchman
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1874
Groom's Birthplace «tab»
Groom's Age «tab»43
Bride's Name «tab»Minerva E. Hulsizer
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1874
Bride's Birthplace «tab»
Bride's Age «tab»43
Marriage Date «tab»28 Oct 1917
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»George W., Sr. Couchman
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Mary E. Craig
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Walter A. Keith
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Sarah E. Miller

[NF9958] Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg137 Nov 23 1928 Minute book 69 pg 394 Minnie McBeth vs Taylor McBeth for divorce on gross neglect and extreme cr uelty. Divorce granted; child Joan to the mother. On Sep 2 1930, Minute bo ok 70, page 466, Minnie McBeth vs Taylor McBeth modify; decision of 23 O ct 1928, he now allowed to visit child at the mothers home and custody o ne day per week.

[NF9959] Groom's Name «tab»Edgar L. Mast
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1867
Groom's Birthplace «tab»
Groom's Age «tab»52
Bride's Name «tab»Ella M. Edinger
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1879
Bride's Birthplace «tab»
Bride's Age «tab»40
Marriage Date «tab»02 Mar 1919
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»Ephriam Mast
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Sallie J. Brown
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Wm. F. Mitchell
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Lyda Hatcher

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 125 April 18 1925 Minute book 67 pg 431 Ella M Mast vs Edgar L Mast for divorce on willful absence. Divorce grante d. her name restored to Ella M Edinger, she to have all her lands and tene ments; he no dower

[NF9960] Groom's Name «tab»Charles Lewis Marshall
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1877
Groom's Birthplace «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Age «tab»34
Bride's Name «tab»Mary Stapleton
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1891
Bride's Birthplace «tab»St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»20
Marriage Date «tab»01 Nov 1911
Marriage Place «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»Lewis Marshall
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Sarah E. Butler
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Elias Stapleton
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Laura Catharine Yiortz
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Single

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 123Oct 16 1920 Minute book 65 pg 78 Mary Marshall vs Charles L Marshall for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted; children Catherine Elizabeth and Elias Ralph

[NF9961] Groom's Name «tab»Lindsey Marshall
Groom's Birth Date «tab»1886
Groom's Birthplace «tab»Christianburg, Ohio
Groom's Age «tab»23
Bride's Name «tab»Zella Rudy
Bride's Birth Date «tab»1890
Bride's Birthplace «tab»Clark, Ohio
Bride's Age «tab»19
Marriage Date «tab»29 Jul 1909
Marriage Place «tab»Miami, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name «tab»R. R. Marshall
Groom's Mother's Name «tab»Retta Marshall
Bride's Father's Name «tab»Wilber Rudy
Bride's Mother's Name «tab»Alta Nuinger
Groom's Race «tab»
Groom's Marital Status «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name «tab»
Bride's Race «tab»
Bride's Marital Status «tab»Single

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 123 June 5 1915 Minute book 62 pg 160 Lindsey L Marshall vs Zella Marshall for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted.

[NF9962] Name: «tab»Joseph V. Longfellow
Event Type: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»24 Aug 1903
Event Place: «tab»Hamilton, Ohio, United States
Age: «tab»45
Birth Year (Estimated): «tab»1858
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Father's Name: «tab»S. N. Longfellow
Mother's Name: «tab»Minerva A. Russell
Spouse's Name: «tab»Villette W. Hopkins
Spouse's Age: «tab»40, divorced
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): «tab»1863
Spouse's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, O.
Spouse's Father's Name: «tab»E. Ward
Spouse's Mother's Name: «tab»Nancy Stevens
Reference ID: v 168 cn 284 , GS Film Number: 355070 , Digital Folder Number: 004016429 , Image Number: 00186

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg118 Dec 4 1909 Minute book 58 pg 483 Joseph Longfellow vs Villette W Longfellow for divorce on gross beglect. Divorce granted.

[NF9980] Name: «tab»George W. Florida
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»29 Nov 1883
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1862
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Carrie L. Fennimore
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1865
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»bk I p 343
Film Number: «tab»295230
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016262
Image Number: «tab»344

[NF9983] Posted by Belinda Kent I was in an antique store in Mutual Ohio and ran across and old Sally Stei nberger Andrews Bible. It is hand written in this Bible. (Marriage dat e) I bought the Bible. The Steinberger mill was located near one of my hom es near Mad River. I have coresponded with the Steinberger family with oth er neat things I have found on their family. I just looked at the Bibl e, it is written in the back.

[NF9991] Groom's Name: «tab»Bundy Oyler
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»24 Mar 1882
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Chillicothe, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»22
Bride's Name: «tab»Effie Geron
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»19 Jul 1886
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Germany
Bride's Age: «tab»19
Marriage Date: «tab»16 Oct 1905
Marriage Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»James R. Oyler
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Rebecca Hannas
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Jacob Geron
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Catherine Gantz
Groom's Race:

[NF10012] Name: «tab»Hiram Durnell
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»16 Oct 1887
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mrs Maude A. Blue
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»Vol J P 224
Film Number: «tab»530188
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016809
Image Number: «tab»146

[NF10016] Name: «tab»Larrence O. Stover
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»23 Aug 1930
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»47
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»2-7-1882 Champaign Co, res Greene Co
Marriage Date Note: «tab» widower md once prev
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Arthur P. Stover
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Lydia Furman
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Lora Blue
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»49, widow, md once previosly
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»5/5/1881 Clark Co, res Chamapign
Spouse's Father: «tab»Harvey Sowers
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Elizabeth Smith
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»58
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»540

[NF10023] Name: «tab»Gabe Albin
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»18 Dec 1902
Event Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Age: «tab»24
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1878
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Gabriel Albin
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Lydia Click
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mabel Shealor
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1880
Spouse's Father: «tab»Morgan Shealor
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Carrie Herrick
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»bk 19 p 446 cn 2035
Film Number: «tab»465396
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016786
Image Number: «tab»268

[NF10031] Another source from Oct CCGS Oct 1995 pg 83 names spouse Joseph W McConn

[NF10036] Name: «tab»William Alexander Craig
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»27 Nov 1912
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»20
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1892
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Robert Craig
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Agnes Bailey
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Celia Mae Kerns
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1894
Spouse's Father: «tab»Israel Kerns
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Lenora Reynolds
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»P 396 Cn 790
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»561

[NF10038] Name: «tab»Daniel W. Pickering
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»02 Aug 1902
Event Place: «tab»Miami, Ohio
Age: «tab»57, laborer, married once before
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»12-10-1844 Champaign Co OH
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Jacob Pickering
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Susan Cowien
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mrs. Catharine S. Briggs
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»37, washwoman, widow, prev Catherine Blakely
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»4-12-1865 Darke Co, OH
Spouse's Father: «tab»James Davidson
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Elizabeth Gates
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»550152
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016852
Image Number: «tab»29

[NF10042] Howell, ManoahSpouse : Ruffner, Anna Marriage date : Feb 18, 1834 County of record : Champaign Co. Sex : M

[NF10056] Name: «tab»Wendell Homer Baker
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»25 Oct 1916
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»32
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1884
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Wilson M. Baker
Father's «tab»
Mother: «tab»Lottie M. Pence
Mother's «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Besse Virginia Swimley
Spouse's «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»28
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1888
Spouse's Father: «tab»John H. Swimley
Spouse's Father's «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Linda Willett
Spouse's Mother's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p236
Film Number: «tab»545416
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016845
Image Number: «tab»159

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg8. 22 Feb 1919 Minute Book 64 pg 154 Bessie Virg inia Baker vs Wendell H Baker for divorce on extreme cruelty and gross neg lect. Divorce granted. One child Virgina Swimley Baker age 16 months was g iven to mother


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