(Research):Rebecca does not appear in the houseold of Isiah Offenbacker in 18 60 as a 3 yr old child. Further research needed. Also does not appear in 1 870.
The 1870 census of Johnson Township 81/82 With Allen & Elizabeth (Bodey) Long Rebecca Offenbacker 15 F Domestic OH
(Research):BARNET JENKINS, farmer ; P. O. Westville. One of the most interesting biog raphies will be that of Barnet Jenkins, not only from the fact of his bei ng one of the prominent men of the township, but also that his reminiscenc es of incidents related by his ancestors and others of the occurrences tak ing place in the early settlement of Champaign County, can be correctly gi ven. Among the earliest settlers of this county were Thomas Jenkins and h is wife, Nelly Sisk. They were natives of Virginia, emigrating from that S tate in 1806. He entered a quarter-section on Owen's Creek, in this townsh ip, and was one of the first to erect a cabin. There were only a few settl ers, with cabins miles apart. Dense woods, wild deer and Indians were plen ty. Indians would frequently pass the cabins in squads, and sometimes wou ld show signs of committing depredations, although they never did any actu al violence. Somewhere about the year 1812, a number of the settlers fr om this locality were called to do duty at the blockhouse that was bui lt at Defiance, to which many of the people had taken their wives and chil dren for safety. Horses running loose in the woods during that winter beca me almost famished for want of food, and, when squirrels were killed and t heir skins thrown away, they were greedily eaten by them. This is remarkab le, but could be vouched for by numbers of men whose veracity was beyond q uestion. One of the first churches built was known as the Nettle Creek Bap tist Church. The children of Thomas and Nelly Jenkins were nine in number- Philip, Elijah, Jesse, the father of our subject, Edin, Thomas and Russel l, Milly, Ellen and Dica. All of these children are numbered with those th at sleep the sleep that knows no waking. Jesse was married in 1815, to Ann ie Pence. The Pence family were numerous, and will be spoken of at leng th in this history. Jesse was next to the youngest child, and, during t he lifetime of his parents, lived on the home farm and cared for them. Sho rtly before their death, he purchased a farm in Jackson Township. They h ad seven children-Barnet, Presley, Elijah, Thomas, Rhoda, Elizabeth and Re becca. The three eldest were born in Mad River Township. The death of Thom as, the grandfather of Barnet, occurred in 1830, and his wife, Nelly, lo ng before that period. Jesse died in 1869, and his wife in September, 186 8. They had done much toward the development of this county, and lived lo ng and useful lives. Six of the children are yet living, the four so ns in Champaign Co., and they well represent the name of the man who fir st settled in the beautiful valley of Mad River. Barnet is one of the infl uential and wealthy men of this township, and resides near Westville. Thom as Jenkins, after the death of his first wife, married Mrs. Susannah Magge rt. Her maiden name was Pence.
PG 225 BARNETT JENKINSPROBATED 1 FEB 1898 MAD RIVER TWP [DIED 20 JAN 1898 ] Heirs-Christina Jenkins-widoW William Jesse Jenkins-son-St Paris; Thom as W Jenkins-son-ThaCkerY Sarah S Jenkins-dauWestville; Rebecca Shotwell�d au-WestVille. Wife all personal property her lifetime; at her death balanc to Willi am J Jenkins, Rebecca J Shotwell, Sarah S Jenkins, and Maggie N Jenkins. William Jesse Jenkins administrator Witness:Isaac Neff [now dec d] Antrim Berry will signed 8 May 1893
Son of John Beatty Sr
Champaign Co- Early Settlers Vol 3, Champaign Co- Early Settlers Vol 3 (by CCGS April 2004 Researched and Copied by Pat Stickley; Typed by Diane Piper, Dorothy Shaffer & Teresa Terry), pg133.
(Research):Public Records of Champaign Co, OH, Chancery Records of the Court of Comm on Pleas Record Book 12, Pg 311 Filed 9 April 1832-Petition for Partition William H and Jane Beaty vs John Beaty and Clarisssa Beaty Samuel Beaty, together with his brothers, John Beaty and William Beaty, pu rchased land in the northeast quarter of section 9 Township 3 range 11 (Ja ckson Twp). This land had now descended to John Beaty (who holds 2/ 3s as he purchased the part of William Beaty and the heirs of Samuel beat y: Clarissa Beaty, widow and children William Henry Beaty and Jane Beat y. Daniel Voorhies was appointed as the guradian ad litem. On 28 Spet 18 32 the appraisers, John West, Zachariah Putnam and John Johnson, filed the ir report. The south 2/3 of the property was given to John Beaty; 17 acr es off the north east corner was given as a dower to Clarissa and 53 acr es and 3 quarters and 13 poles was given to the minor children
Vol 3 Early settlers names his father also as John native of Ireland.
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 184
Delmar T Whitney 40 W Ohio Allen, Lima City 1910 Wife Fannie B 32 Ohio Son Dewey T 12 Ohio Daughter Bernita A 10 Ohio Son Rerkl F 04 Indiana Mother-in-law Mazie Mann 51 Ohio Grandmother Elizabth Duckworth 81 Ohio
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Albert G Powell
Name: �tab�Albert G Powell
Birth Date: �tab�1866
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Champaign
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�14 Mar 1962
Hospital of Death: �tab�Home
City of Death: �tab�Champaign County
County of Death: �tab�Champaign
Certificate: �tab�16666
Age at Death: �tab�96
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, not used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
(Research):Married five times
10/1914 Thomas W jenkins, sued for a divorce from his wife. He syas aft er the honeymoon of only two days he was forced to leave and the hired han d, William Reams would stay with her. Jenkins says her conduct has caus ed him a lot of mental distress.
JENKINS THOMAS U County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 11/25/1922 Volume Number: 3993 Certificate Number: 56870
(Research):CCGS Newsletter June 1998 Pg 60 1905 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY CENTENNIAL Relics and Curios Under the direction of this committee the relics and curios were sho wn at the Central Ward School building. This was one of the interesting fe atures of the Centennial celebration. The following are the exhibitors a nd list of relics and curios displayed: Mrs. Frances Chance: tea pot
Francis Chance
Age: 63 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0021
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0009
County: Champaign, Urbana City
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Daughter Blanch 33 Ohio Son-in-law Lawrence Fulton 38 New York
(Research):Improvements in the City 7/10/1879 from Urbana Citizen and Gazette Gen J H Young has substituted an iron for the old wood fence around his ma nsion on High Street, setting the fence far enough back for a side wa lk on that street, which is a good improvement.
Champaign Co- A Centennial Biographical History of Champaign Co, Ohio - 1902, (New York and Chicago The Lewis Publishing Co, 1902), pg311
Champaign Co, Beers History JOHN H. YOUNG. Few men have the good fortune to win the honest regard a nd kindly sympathy of the community in which they live as has John H. You ng among the people of Champaign Co. He was born at Franklin, Warren Co ., Ohio, Sept. 15, 1813. His father was Gen. Robert Young, a native of Dau phin Co., Penn., who settled in what is now Warren Co., Ohio, in 179 6. He was an officer in the American army in the war of 1812, and, subsequ ently, an early resident, prominent citizen and attorney of Piqua, Miami County., Ohio, filling many important public trusts, among others that of Sta te Senator. John H., when about 15 years of age, began life in a printi ng office, but afterward received a collegiate course, completing his stud ies at Oxford, in 1835. He read law in Urbana, with Gen. Israel Hamilto n, and was admitted to the bar in 1837, since which time he his continu ed in the successful practice of his profession. He was married in 183 8, to Elizabeth J., daughter of Joseph White, a pioneer of the Miami Valle y, and afterward a resident of Urbana. They have three children living, vi z.: Frances, the wife of Frank Chance, a leading attorney of Urbana ; Carrie, the wife of M. E. Barber, of New Haven, Conn ., and Robert, who resides in Urbana. In July, 1844, he was admitted to pr actice in the United States Courts for Ohio, and, the same fall, was the D emocratic candidate for Congress in this district, his opponent being Ex-G ov. Joseph Vance. Some years afterward he was again a candidate for Congre ss, Moses B. Corwin being his opponent. The popularity of Mr. Young c an be judged from the fact that he always ran far ahead of his party ticke t. He was a member of the Ohio Constitutional Convention of 1873, and bo re a prominent and important part in its debates and deliberations, bei ng a member of the three most important committees, and Chairman of the Co mmittee on Amendments. He has been a Presidential Elector several times, a nd has filled many local offices devolving on men of known character and a bility. During the rebellion, he was an active supporter of the Governmen t, and favored all measures for the vigorous prosecution of the war. He h as been the honored and trusted President of the Third National Bank sin ce its organization. Mr. Young is a member of the Presbyterian Church, bu t, while giving his active support and sympathy to that denominatio n, is a generous supporter of all organizations and efforts for advanci ng the public welfare. He is a man of modest, unassuming character, urba ne and pleasant in his social relations, slow to arrive at a conclusion, b ut firm as a rock in adhering to the result of his deliberations. As a law yer, he stands deservedly high, and, being well versed in legal lore, h is law points are always well taken, and his advice can be safely relied u pon by his clients. He is an impressive speaker, a successful advocate a nd safe counselor, and has a well-merited reputation for skill and integri ty in his profession
Enumeration taken by W W Helmick, of citizens aged 70 years or more who we re residing in Urbana City and Urbana Township. Found in the 21 May 1889 I ssue of the Urbana Daily Citizen page 3 Col 3&4 Young, General John H (or K); born at Franklin, Ohio 9/15/1813; 76
CCGS Newsletter Fall 1994 pg 85 Residents of Urbana; When and Where Born General John H Young, lawyer, Warren Co, OH 1813
[HI83384] (Research):Beers bio pg732 OBADIAH BAKER, farmer; P. O. St. Paris; was born in Clark Co., Ohio, Mar ch 1, 1833; his parents, John and Barbara Baker, were both natives of Virg inia, but came to Ohio before they were married, and were early settle rs in Clark County, where he still resides at the age of 85; as near ly as is known, there is no record of his birth; his wife's decease occurr ed Nov. 6, 1876, at the age of 72 years. They were the parents of nine chi ldren; one died in infancy, the other eight are all living and have famili es, ex cept the youngest. Obadiah was raised on the farm; his education co nsisted mainly in learning to handle the ax, the maul and the plow; althou gh he has, by his own efforts, succeeded in getting a sufficient knowled ge from books to transact business successfully; he owns 80 acres of la nd in Jackson Township, which be took from the green woods, and on whi ch he has spent many a hard day's work in the twenty-one years of his occu pancy. On the 25th of August, 1859, he married Elizabeth Bowers, a nati ve of this county; she was born Feb. 2, 1842. To this union seven childr en have been given; six are still living-William, Alma, Jacob, Sarah, Irv in and Harry. Mr. and Mrs. Baker have been members of the Evangelical Luth eran Church from their youth.
(Research):Name of Newspaper is Springfield (O.) Times on Monday, March 13, 1911 PIONEER RESIDENT ANSWERS FINAL CALL Silas BAKER Aged 87 Years, Dies at H is Home, East of Lawrenceville. By the death of Silas BAKER, at the ho me of his daughter, Mrs. Alice RYMAN, just east of Lawrenceville, O., Sund ay morning, German township loses one of her old pioneers, who has be en a resident of the township for nearly ninety years. Mr. BAKER, was bo rn February 6th, 1824, on the same premises where his father landed wh en he came to the neighborhood, and what is now known as the Elias BAKER f arm situated but a short distance from the village of Lawrenceville. He w as the oldest son of Samuel' and Mary (NAWMAN) BAKER of Virginia, comi ng to Springfield in 1811, about one hundred years ago. They lived there f or several years prior to moving to the Elias BAKER farm, which was purcha sed by them in an early day for probably not to exceed two or three dolla rs per acre. Mr. BAKER is survived by one sister, Mrs. Mary Ann PATTISO N, Portland, Ind., and the following children: Dr. W. W. BAKER, of Casstow n, O.; Emery BAKER and Mrs. Thomas REAM, of Springfield, O., and Mrs. Ali ce RYMAN, of near Lawrenceville, O. Jerry and Joanna BAKER, preceded the ir father. Mrs. Elizabeth BAKER, his wife, died about two years ago, and h is brother Elias BAKER, died several years ago. Held Offices of Trust T he decedent served as township clerk of his township for fourteen consecut ive years. He also was township trustee for at least six years or mor e. He was in former years a member of Tremont City Grange, and held offi ce in this order which was discharged with honor to himself and the commun ity. He lived upon his farm near Lawrenceville until about seven years a go when he retired and purchased a beautiful home in the village, where th ey lived until the death of Mrs. BAKER. After her death he made his home w ith the daughter, Mrs. RYMAN. Mr. BAKER grew up with the township affair s, he having excellent judgment and was consulted about the many affai rs of the running of the township. The decedent was one of the promote rs of the Lawrenceville high school, for years he being a member of the bo ard of education, and was a strong advocator of education of the young m en and women of the neighborhood. He was prominent in church work at Lawre nceville, being a life-long member of the of the Reformed church at his na tive town, holding many positions in the church and was regarded as o ne of the peers of the church society at that place. His last birthday, wh ich was but a few weeks ago was celebrated by his friends and acquaintanc es giving him a postcard shower with greetings to the number of near 150 c ards. They were greatly appreciated by him and many hours were spent in re ading these greetings and tokens of love and respect which they bore. Notw ithstanding his age and the many infirmatives that he had to battle agains t, it was pleasant for him to mingle with his friends and have pleasant ta lks together, but his work was done. He was called to his reward. Uncle Si las BAKER, as he was every where known and called, will be missed, not on ly at Lawrenceville, but in the entire neighborhood and wherever he was kn own. The funeral of Mr. Silas BAKER will be held at the Reformed chur ch in Lawrenceville, Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Interment at the L awrenceville cemetery.
From the hisotryof Clark Co, OH SILAS BAKER, a well known resident of the pleasant village of Lawrencevill e, and the owner of 103 acres of valuable farmingland in German Townshi p, was born in Clark County, Ohio, on land he still owns, February 16, 182 4-. His parents were Samuel and Mary (Nawman) Baker. Samuel Baker was born in Virginia and in young manhood, in 1811- - ca me to Springfield, Ohio, and participated in the War of 1812. He was a bl acksmith by' trade and after he returned to civil life he built a sh op in the woods, in German Town-ship, Clark County, where he had ac-quir ed a small farm. He married Mary Nawman, who had accompanied her paren ts to German Township from Virginia, and they lived out their quiet, usef ul lives on their farm in this township. Samuel Baker died at the a ge of seventy-one years, and his wife at that of seventy-nine. Silas Baker grew to manhood on the home farm, attending the district schoo ls for three months during the winter seasons in his boyhood, but from you th assisting in his; duties pertaining to the raising of stock and cultiva ting the land. For many years he gave his whole atten-tion to his farmi ng interests and has owned his present property since the death of his par ents. In the spring of 1906 he bought his comfortable cottage in Lawrence ville, where- he and wife are passing their declining years. in - 1849 Mr. Baker was- married to Elizabeth Frierrnood, who was bo rn in German Township,- a daughter of Reuben' Friermood, who came to Cla rk County from Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Baker have four chi3dren living, fo ur 'others being deceased. The former are: Alice, who is the widow of Har ry Ryman; William Wesley, who is in the optical business at Troy, Ohio; Em ory, who resides at Springfield; and Marthaa Ellen, who married Thom as B. Ream,.a leading grocery merchant at Springfield. Politically Mr. Ba ker is a Democrat. During his residence in the county he served fourteen s uccessive years as clerk of German Township and frequently as township tr ustee.
The 1880 Census shows a grandaughter age 11 living inhousehold named Orp ha Rust. As she is too old to be their granddaughter, this needs to be cl arified.
[HI83387] (Research):Name: JACOB P BAKER Gender: Male Date of Death: January 29, 1960 Volume: 16012 Certificate: 00692 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 90
(Research):The name is Pauline M Baker, daughter of Wm Baker & Rosetta Ballentin e, & wife of Sturley Archer. Her father and my great grandfather (Har ry O Baker) were brothers. Andrew Baker 1633 Larch Ave Cincinnati, OH [email protected]
Name: HARRY O BAKER Gender: Male Date of Death: April 24, 1965 Volume: 18023 Certificate: 25669 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: , Champaign County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 87
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 Christian McMorran .74
Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 Christian McMorran
CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 Poll Book St Paris Precinct Johnson Twp 11/2/1 880 C McMorran
CHRISTIAN McMORRAN, farmer; P. O. St. Paris; is a son of Samuel McMorra n, Sr., who was of Scotch parentage. They came to America before the w ar of Independence. Samuel, Sr., was born in 1.785, in Pennsylvania. Aft er spending his minor years in his native State, he became a resident of N ew York State until 1813, when lie came West, locating in Montgomery Co ., Ohio. One year later he removed to Johnson Township, purchasing eigh ty acres of land, now owned by William Apple. This, in connection with t wo other farms, he took from its wilds during life. While a resident of Mo ntgomery Co., Ohio, he married Barbara Heaston, born in Virginia in 178 9. She came to Ohio with her parents when but a child. Mr. and Mrs. Samue l, Sr., had six children, and each of them received a liberal heirship. Sa muel, Sr., died in 1863, and Barbara in 1864. Our subject was born in 182 3, in Jackson Township, Champaign Co., Ohio, and raised to farm life. He e njoyed the usual common schools of the day. In 1848, he married Sarah Loud enback, and commenced the channel of life for himself as a farmer, which i re has since continued. His first and only location was on a part of his p resent firm, but he now owns 520 acres under a good state of cultivatio n. This lie conducts on a good principle, and shows himself as an enterpri sing farmer. His wife was born in 1825, in Mad River Township, Champaign County., Ohio, and, after a companionship of ten years, she was called hence. H is second wife was a younger surer, Susan Loudenback, born in 1830. Four c hildren were born to each union; all are now living, eight in number. M r. McMorran's wives were daughters of Reuben and Mary Loudenback, who we re early settlers in the county; but have long since passed away.
Source: Prather & Stickley, "Book of Wiant Biographies," 1969, p. 71 Christian McMorran had "two families," for his two wives were the Loudenba ck sisters, Sarah and Susan, daughters of Reuben and Mary Ann (Wiant) Loud enback. The McMorran name was familiar to the Wiants, for two of John Wia nt (the tanner's) sons had previously married into the family. Sara and Su san's marriages to Christian McMorran followed, with a fifth to come wh en David McMorran's daughter married a Wiant. The McMorran family is list ed as "connected with the Clan MacKinnon" in the index of a book titled, " The Scottish Tartan" published in Edinburgh and London. Families in Scotla nd for centuries found it necessary to unite into Clans for protection. T he book states that "the MacKinnon Clan has supplied many soldiers of dist inction and one of the Chiefs was long imprisoned in the Tower (of London ). The coat of arms is pictured in color as also is the Tartan, or plai ds which the McMorrans are entitled to wear. The latter is an interesti ng combination of green, red, black and white. McMorran ancestors in Ameri ca are known to have lived in Bucks Co, PA, then in NY state, coming to t he Dayton, OH area about 1812. One of the sons Samuel (1785-1863), marri ed to Barbara Heaston, arrived in the St. Paris community about 1813. A souvenir of the McMorran emigration to Ohio is the old tar bucket used f or the covered wagon in which they traveled. Samuel bought land in Johns on and Jackson Townships, the latter just east of Evergreen Cemetery. After serving in World War I, Sam McMorran attended for six months a colle ge in Scotland while awaiting passage to the US. In Edinburgh a guide, aft er learning Sam's name, took him to an ancient, rock-hewn mansion with a c rest on an outside wall, where he was shown by the landlady, a huge seco nd floor banquet hall. This had been the home of John McMorran, Baylie a nd merchant, a magistrate in King James Vl court. A wooden plaque in the c eiling stated that John McMorran had lost his life in 1595 while defendi ng his sovereign from street rioters. In 1657, on one of his numerous freighter voyages, Sam met a Donald McKinn on, ships first officer of the vessel on which he was sailing, whose moth er and sisters were then living in their castle "Dunard" on the Isle of Ba rra, between the shores of Northern Ireland and the Highlands of Scotland. Christian and Sarah (Loudenback) McMorran's home in Johnson Twp was a mi le north and slightly west of St. Paris where in a log house, their childr en, Ellen, David, Barbara and Simeon were born. From wool produced on t he farm, Sarah wove coverlets including one for each of her children. Aft er many years of service, Simeon's heirloom coverlet still is attractive a nd demonstrates her skill. It is a treasured possession, for Sarah di ed at 33 years of age, leaving her four young children motherless. In the next year (1859), Christian married Sarah's younger sister, Susan L oudenback. Susan thus became step-mother to her two nieces and two nephew s, in addition to becoming the mother of five children of her own. A larg er house was built on Apple Road. Only bits of broken pottery, plow ed up in a field, mark the place where the old log house stood. In 1970 t he McMorran homestead was still standing on Apple Road, NW of St. Paris. Christian McMorran raised sheep, then purchased enough more to drive 10 00 head to market in Cincinnati. Christian rode and directed the boys, m en and dogs. All walked but he (so his son John enjoyed relating). The gir ls gathered the tufts of wool that clung to the rails of the pens, then wa shed and rinsed them in tubs of warm cistern water. The wool was careful ly separated and spread to dry. A part of it may have been used for comfo rt "bats" but homespun yarns still were used in many families for knitti ng hose, mittens and hoods. By this time, however, most coverlets were ma de by professional weavers, whose names and the date were woven in a corne r. Most of the McMorrans were Baptists, and the Baptist Church in St. Paris w as built on a lot donated by Christian McMorran.
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 David McMorran .26
St. Paris E? Dispatch Friday, March 11, 1887 Trustee Meeting The tp. Trustees met Monday, March 7, and paid the following bills: D. McMORRAN, gravel, $1.50
CCGS Newsletter June 1998 Pg 66 POLL BOOK, Millerstoen Precincts, Johnson Township, Champaign County Novem ber 4, 1890 Judges: Solomon Snapp, John O Jenkins and David McMorran Clerk s: S D Corwin and G E Huntoon. Names of Electors: David McMorran
[HI83405] (Research):SCHOOLER SARAH J County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 5/5/1918 Volume Number: 2584 Certificate Number: 29683
(Research):Biography and ancestry in Champaign Co History by Beers Pg 765 Bio mentions only three children, but in the Evergreen Cemetery is a chi ld Rachel O Schooler Heath, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Schooler 1880-197 5
CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 J T Schooler .19
Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 J T Schooler
St Paris Precinct Toll Book Nov 2 1880 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 J T Schooler
(Research):134th OVI Co I Enlisted 2 May 1864 age 19 mustered out 31 Aug 1864
CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 Poll Book St Paris Precinct Johnson Twp 11/2/1 880 S F McMorran
[XI83407] (40-7-10)
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11To wn of St Paris (St Paris located in Sec 18) Lot ? 2/23/1871 Quitclaim from Jacob McMorran to David Strock, 5 acres a nd 1.55 acres Bk 43 Pg323 4/7/1874 An addition to St Paris by E H Furrow & D Strock Bk B Pg67 Lot? 3/2/1888 David Strock to Charles S Bollinger, 1.55 acres and 5 acr es except platted Bk68 Pg290
St Paris Precinct Toll Book Nov 2 1880 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 David Strock
I found a burial record for 1910 labeled
Apple unnamed permit #20 date of internment 11-Mar-1910 cause of death excessive manipulation/inertia uterine. Fromme & Nixon were the undertakersI checked the Ohio Death certs online and found a daughter of Otto and Susan I think they had another daughter
[HI83414] (Research):Champaign Newspaper names Lydia McMorran Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 224
[HI83415] (Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign Co, OH ta ken July 28, 1892 Mack Gearhart age 13
Spring Grove Burial records
Frances Mahala Geahart permit # 40 date of internment 28-Jun-1910
Ohio Death Cert- Frances Mahala Gearhart born 7-Jan-1910 death 25-Jun-1910
d/o Ernest Gearhart & Ota Apple
[HI83428] (Research):Two boys and two girls
[HI83436] (Research):Bio on Pg 744 Beers 1881 History of Champaign Co 732 - BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: JACKSON TOWNSHIP.CASPER M. ZERKEL, farme r; P. O. St. Paris; was born in Shenandoah Co., Va., May 27, 18 38 ; he is a son of Michael and Susannah (Pence) Zerkel, both natives of t he above-named State and county. C. M. was left motherless at the a ge of 6 months, and his only brother died in youth. His father afterward m arried for his second wife, Elizabeth Pence. Casper M. was raised by his g randfather, Lewis Zerkel with whom he lived till nearly 21 years of age, w hen he came to his present residence, and lived with his father, who di ed in 1870. He, being the only child, now owns the farm of 214 acres, exce pt the widow's dower. In 1863, June 25, he was united in marriage with Ma ry Angeline Kesler. She was born in Clark County, July 20, 1845. To this u nion three children have been given-Sarah C., born Aug. 18, 1866; Lewis I ., born March 13, 1869; and John F., born Jan. 12, 1879.Mr. and Mrs. Zerk el are members of the German Reformed Church.
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, & 1958-2007 about Mildred B Darnell
Name: �tab�Mildred B Darnell
[Mildred B Ross]
Birth Date: �tab�1 Oct 1905
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Hispanic Origin: �tab�Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence City: �tab�Huber Heights
Residence County: �tab�Montgomery
Residence State: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�11 Jul 1991
Death Time: �tab�08:21 PM
Hospital of Death: �tab�Grandview Hospital
City of Death: �tab�Dayton
County of Death: �tab�Montgomery
Certificate: �tab�053633
Age at Death: �tab�85
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Referred to Coroner: �tab�Referred to Coroner
Autopsy: �tab�No Autopsy performed
Filing Date: �tab�22 Jul 1991
Hospital Status: �tab�Hospital/ER-Outpatient
Injury in Ohio: �tab�Yes
Type Place of Injury: �tab�Unspecified Place
Social Security Number: �tab�289-07-3660
Father's Surname: �tab�Ross
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Education: �tab�4 years college
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Construction
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Civil engineers
Census Tract: �tab�1001
Primary Registration District: �tab�5701
[HI83439] (Research):1910 household, Edward/Edmund Vrabill, step son age 14, Cleata Crabill, st ep dau, age 11, Ernest Crabill, step son, age 7
(Research):[Champaign Co. Estate Packet A-769: David Smith was administrator of Berry' s estate; Inv entory, appraisal and sale bill 18 Apr. 1836; accounting April Term 1838 .]
Champaign County Guardian bonds Book 1 pg 241 April 18 1836 Mary berry g dn of Solomon Berry 8yr, last Christmas, Elisha Berry 5 yr last Septembe r, Anchory Berry 3 yr last Feb, Peter Berry 10 months, children and min or heirs of Elisha Berry dec'd. Surities Isaac Smith and Peter Smith MB 15 -210
BERRY WILLIAM D County Name: ALLEN Date of Death: 12/14/1934 Volume Number: 7674 Certificate Number: 70285
Name : Wm. Douglas Berry
Death date : 14 Dec 1934
Death place : Lima, Allen, Ohio
Birth date : 09 Jul 1860
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Champaign Co., O.
Age at death : 74 years 5 months 5 days
Gender : Male
Marital status : Married
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address : 611 West Elm St.
Occupation : Building Contractor
Burial date : 16 Dec 1934
Burial place : Millerstown, O.
Cemetery name : Spring Grove
Spouse name : Viola Berry
Father name : Peter Berry
Father titles :
Father birth place : Ohio
Mother name : Elizabeth Jenkins
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : Ohio
Informant-Mrs Ella Offenhauer
GSU film number : 2022232
Digital GS number : 4001913
Image number : 2544
Certificate number : fn 70285
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Obits names children, Ella, Cora Plumer and Charles (of Lakeland Fl) and that he died at home of dau Ella. Names sister Mrs John Norman, althoughhis sister was deceased and married to Joseph Norman and sister Mrs Charles Haulsing which we determin to be Charles Huling. This Ella Offenhauer was the informant on his death cert. The Ella Offenhauer is found in Allen Co, Lima OH in 1920 and 1930 born @1884. No marriage record found, she to Roy Offenhauser who was Pres of Bowling Green College and died in 1938. A birth record was found in 1905 for a Ruth Offenhour to Roy E Offenhour and Emma �u�Smith�/u�. 1905. More research needed. Their childrens death records name mother maiden as Smith.. My suggestion is that Emma was adopted by Wm sister in law Mary Custar Smith and gave her the name. They are found together in the 1900 census Mercer Co, O
Name : Laura Amanda Shaffer
Death date : 13 Jul 1932
Death place : Madriver, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date : 14 Dec 1863
Birth place : Champaign Co., O.
Age at death : 68 years 6 months 29 days
Gender : Female Marital status : Widowed Race or color : American
Street address : R. D. Occupation : Housekeeper
Residence : Urbana, O. Burial date : 15 Jul 1932
Burial place : Terrehoute, O. Cemetery name :
Spouse name : George Shoffer
Father name : Wm. Evilsizor Father birth place : O.
Mother name : Julia Lee Mother birth place : O.
Informant-Mrs Ezra Zerkle COD-Cerebral hemorrage
GSU film number : 1992663 Digital GS number : 4001629 Image number : 2667 Certificate number : fn 40321 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Spring Grove Burial Record for 1938
Norman, Margaret Mae permit #50 age 72 cause of death cerebral hemorrhage internment date 22-Feb-1938 undertaker Ira Frank.
No picture of Margaret or Joseph as of June 2010. No listing in 1982 book by Denise Moore(note daughter Dolly M Norman-Barger is buried in section 1 lot 33)
Ohio Death Cert-all information matches above
[HI83451] (Research):Teachers Term Report Johnson Twp Dist #6 Winter Term 9/20/1884-3/6//18 85 R M Pickering- Teacher (From CCGS Newsletter Summer 1992 pg 59) Joseph Berry age 14
(Research):Champaign Co Wills Book A pg 206 Wife margaret Bodey; Sons Lewis, Levi and Peter Body. daughters Sarah, Mar ia, Eliza, and Catherine Bodey. Wife Margaret exec. Wit; Christian Heasto n, Samuel Brubaker, Henry Merica. signed 1/29/1838
A monument has been erected also in the Spring Grove Cem., Johnson Tp. " d. 1 Sept 1839 55y 6m 27d". He m. #1, 16 Jan 1812 (date of marriage bond) in Rockingham Co.VA, Elizabeth Pence. Elizabeth b. 6 September 1778 Rockingham County, VA (parish register of St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Ch urch, Shenandoah Co. VA), daughter of William Pence and his wife,Elizabeth. Lewis and Elizabeth Bodey had at least one child, Sarah Bodey Frysinger. Lewis' second wife was Margaret Rebecca "Peggy" Frysinger/Frisinger, da ughter of Peter and Catherine, whom he probably married by 1816 and befo re his migration to Champaign County. Margaret b. 28 Mar 1802 VA; d. 10 F eb 1891, 88y 10m 12d; bur. Bodey Cem., CH Co. OH; m. #2, 13 Oct 1870 CH Co ., William Kite (b. 1800; d. 1873, son of Adam Kite & Elizabeth Runkle). A ccording to the 1881 CH Co. history, Lewis was the father of eight children, with four children living in 1881. Lewis, his wife and daughter, migra ed to Champaign County, Ohio circa 1816 probably in the ccompany with his b rother, Christian Bodey, and his wife. Both of the wives are believ ed to be daughters of Peter Frisinger/Frysinger and his wife, Catharine Ak er. After Peter Frisinger died, circa 1814, Catharine relocated her family in Champaign County, in the year 1816. It is highly probable that a ll of the families traveled together. Lewis purchased 80 acres in the nor th half of the northwest quarter of Section 3 in Johnson Township. A purch ase deed is not to be found in Champaign County, however, the deed of sale is on file. Margaret was named as executrix by Lewis in his will and on 28 May 1846 she sold this land to her brother, Peter Frysinger.
1858 Johnson Twp, Champaign County Landowner Twp 3 Heirs of Lewis Bodey S ec 3 R 12
Memorial erected in Spring Grove
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 Lewis Body .09
John Lewis Bodey, went by Lewis Champaign Beers History pg 744 - BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES.JOHNSON TOWNSHIP. LEWIS BODEY, farmer; P. O. Millerstown ; is a grandson of Fredrick Bode y, and a son of Lewis Bodey, who was born in Virginia where he grew to maj ority and married. His wife died, and he married for his second wife Marga ret Frisinger, also of Virginia. They emigrated West about 1,816, locati ng in Champaign Co., and were among the first white settlers, enduring ma ny things that only those who passed through can describe. He entered 1 60 acres of land, which he greatly improved. He died in September, 1839, b ut his wife now survives at nearly fourscore years of age. Their childr en were eight in number, of whom four are now living, our subject being t he seventh. He was born in Johnson Township in 1830, and raised to farm li fe. His education was obtained in the subscription schools. When but a b oy he commenced life for himself by engaging as farm laborer, and, in 185 7, he married Martha A. Bradley, a native of Virginia, but raised in Champ aign Co. They have resided on their present farm of 86 acres Sec. 3, Johns on Township, since marriage, except four years. Mr. Bodey is a man of publ ic spirit and feeling. Mr. and Mrs. Bodey are the parents of eleven childr en, of whom three are now deceased.
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 Margh Body .17
Buried in Bodey Cemetery, but also listed in Spring Grove
[XI83456] 88Y10m12d
[HI83457] (Research):Will Abstracts, Champaign County, Ohio Vil II Book G-L 1889-1911 Pg 505 Will of Jonathan SHAFFER probated 7/31/1905, Mad River Twp, died 7/ 27/1905 Heirs, Hannah Shaffer, widow, Urbana; Reuben Shaffer, brother, Mad Rive r; Rebecca Zerkle-sister, Mad River Twp; Catherine Hillsis, Mad River Tw p; Perry Shaffer, nephew, Mad River Twp; Jesse E Shaffer, nephew, Mad Riv er Twp; Emma Leonard, niece, Jackson Twp; George W Shaffer, nephew, Mad Ri ver Twp; Joshua Zerkle, nephew, mad River Twp; Samuel Zerkle, nephew, m ad River Twp; Jane Shaffer, niece; Hannah Evilsizor, niece. To wife Hann ah Shaffer, what she legally entitled to; to niece Bertha Wales $100 and r esidue of estate to nephew Perry Shaffer. Cyrus Miller-Executor Witness: D C Jenkins and Cyrus Miller Will signed 8/18/1896 long testimony- Court finds above instrument not the last will and testame nt of Jonahtan Shaffer dec'd and at the time of making and signing sa me he was not of sound mind and memory- Probate rejected
[HI83460] (Research):DEATH: Washington Death Index 1940-1996 Name: Henrietta Pence Place of Death: Skagit Date of Death: 24 Feb 1942 Age: 76 Gender: F Certificate: 90
(Research):IGI CARLTON V. BODEY Event(s): Birth: 22 AUG 1872 , Champaign, Ohio Parents:
Father: HENRY C. BODEY Family
Name: CARL BODEY Gender: Male Date of Death: December 04, 1964 Volume: 17885 Certificate: 87921 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: , Clark County Race: White Residence: , Clark County Age: 91
(Research):Teachers Term Report Johnson Twp Dist #6 Winter Term 9/20/1884-3/6//18 85 R M Pickering- Teacher (From CCGS Newsletter Summer 1992 pg 59) Lydia Anspaw age 6
Name: Lydia V Bodey Gender: Female Date of Death: 14 January 1970 Volume: 19954 Certificate: 005967 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Piqua, Miami County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 89 Years
[XI83463] From burial record, stone not located Dec 2007
(Research):Sometime in 1904 Anna took her son Leo to Washington and then to Californi a. SHe was married to Edward Rockwell Shaw in Victoria Canada in 1906 a nd married Ben Price about 1915
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 Harrison Body .17
CCGS Newsletter June 1998 Pg 66 POLL BOOK, Millerstown Precincts, Johnson Township, Champaign County Novem ber 4, 1890 Judges: Solomon Snapp, John O Jenkins and David McMorran Clerk s: S D Corwin and G E Huntoon. Names of Electors: Harrison Bodey
Biography Beers 1881 Pg 748 In 1850 all of their children were living with Israel and Anna Minnich. Champaign Beers History pg 744 - BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES.JOHNSON TOWNSHIP. HARRISON BODEY, retired farmer ; P. O. Millerstown ; is a grandson of Fred erick Bodey, who came with his father from their native country, German y, during the war of Independence, in which they participated. The elde st Mr. Bodey, being seriously wounded in the bead, returned to his nati ve country, Frederick continuing through the war to its close, after whi ch he settled in the Shenandoah Valley, in Virginia, where be lived and di ed, at about threescore years of age. During life he was twice married, t he second wife surviving at his death, but she has long since passed awa y. Christian Bodey, the father of our subject, was born in Virginia in 179 6, where he passed through many difficulties in the pioneer days of his na tive State, and endured many hardships as a patriot in the war of 1812, af ter which be married Elizabeth Frisinger, of Virginia, born in 1800. In 18 16, they emigrated West, entering what is now the old farm, in See. 3, Joh nson Township, Champaign Co., Ohio. After a stay of three years in the dee p, unsettled wilds, the severe illness of Frederick, his father, called th em to their native State, where he died. While Christian and his family we re in Virginia, our subject was born, Oct. 18, 1819. Christian and fami ly remained, to settle up the estate, and, in 1821, again came West, taki ng up their abode on the previously entered farm. This they took from i ts wilds to a good degree of improvement and cultivation. Their first neig hbors were Indians, who were at times troublesome; many wild animals at th at time roamed the woods, but these have long since disappeared. He liv ed through the rise and progress of Champaign Co., until his death in 18 68 ; one year later his wife, too, passed away. They were the parents of t welve children, of whom five are now living, Harrison being the eldes t; he was raised during the early days of the county, and endured many thi ngs that only those who have passed through can describe. He married Nan cy A. Long in 1839, after which he engaged in cultivating his father's far m, where he remained until after the death of Christian (above given). So on after, he received his heirship, on which he has erected a comfortab le farm residence, and is well situated for life. Mr. Bodey is a man of so cial feeling, and a much-respected citizen. Mr. and Mrs. Bodey are the par ents of ten children-Agnes, Elizabeth, Christian, Harriet, Benjamin, Marga ret A., Harrison, Jr., Eliza E., Thomas J. and Vallandingham.
"1870 Champaign Co., OH census (Johnson township) at P. O. St. Paris, O H, pp. 289A & B (Geo. Snyder household adjacent): as �Harrison�, age 18, b orn OH; Champaign Co., OH Probate Court �Letters of Administration� [21 & 26-XII-1891]; �Final Distribution� [13-III-1895]: be neficiary, at �Millerstown, OH�; D. K. M. Moore research (p. 15):
Newspaper article dated 12/20/1883 in obit books of Denise K Mahan Moore Poysell & Offenbacker removed Eva, mother of Barney Pence from the David K ite farm and reinterred at the Spring Grove Cemetery. The remains had be en buried 62 years and were still in good condition. They also removed t wo children for Gabriel and Rebecca Norman, to the same place; also one ch ild for John Norman. They also removed a large monument standing 22 fe et high for Mrs Susan Norman from her farm to the Spring Run Cemetery; al so removed the father and mother and sister of Lemuel Norman and two child ren of Lemuel Norman and Susan Norman. They have another monument and a fa mily to remove for Mr Weller, in the same neighborhood. The Spring Run cem etery has only been opened since last spring and has already began to lo ok like they were going to have a very fine place of it soon. It is very n icely located about half way between St Paris and Millerstown. Poysell a nd Offenbacker have two very nice monuments sold to go in the same cemeter y. One for Gabriel Norman, to cost $625 and a nice cottage monument for Ha rrison Bodey.
1850 Champaign Co., OH census (Johnson township) p. 354B ~1l. 8-14] : age 4, born OH; listed with family of Isaac Minnich, blacksmi th � why?; Champaign Co., OH Probate Court �Letters or Administration� [ 21 & 26�X1I�1891] : beneficiary, at �Lamar, MO� � absent from �Final Distribution� [13�111�18951; 0. K. N. Moore resear ch (pp. 15, 25) : �b. ca. 1846; probably married 8 Mar 1868 Champaign Co ., OH to Nary J. McGee� (confirmed by citing county marriage record); �His tory of Champaign Co., 011� (1881: W. H. Beers, 1881) pp. 747�748: artic le on Harrison Podey
1850 Johnson Township, Champaign county, family #25 Head of Household Isaac Minnich The children of Harrison is living with them Agnes Bodey age 10 Elizabeth age 8 Christian age 7 Harriet age 6 Benjam.in age 4 Isabella age 1 Margaret ago 5 months
family #8 is Harrison Body age 29 farmer born in VA and Nancy age 27 fr om born .ln PA
1860 Johnson Township, Champaign County page 7 family # 365 Body Harrison Body Nancy Body Agnes age 19 Body S age 18 Body Chris 17 Body H age 15 Body Ben age 14 Body Mary age 10 Body Harry age 8 Body S S age 5 Body Thomas age 4
[HI83470] (Research):Agnes R. Bodey, daughter of Harrison and Nancy Bodey, was born November 2 2, 1840, in Johnson township, where she spent most of her life. She answer ed the summons of death November 7, 1916, aged 75 years, 11 months, 16 day s. Like the good samaritan, it was never too stormy or bad for her to go a nd assist in sickness. Her ambition was at all times for the welfare of h er family. She was united in marriage to Baily Snapp September 8th, 185 8. To this union was born two sons and three daughters, they being Willi am H. Snapp, of Finleyson, Ga.; J. T. Snapp, of Rosewood; Mrs. George Bate s, Mrs. Jack Pence, of St. Paris; Emma J. Snapp, now deceased. In early li fe she, with her companion, joined the Lutheran church and later the Zi on Reform church. In 1870 they moved to Hartford, Kansas. They attend ed a church called the Church of God. It always seemed like home to th em in the Reform church. They endured the hardships of the west for sev en years. Mrs. Snapp suffered much the last year of her life. She endur ed her suffering patiently until the end. Among her last words we re "I am trusting in Jesus." Though we miss her loving face from the home we hope to some day meet h er just beyond the vale so sweet be her rest till Gabriel's trumpet sha ll sound when the dead in Christ shall rise to life immortal. The deceased leaves a husband, four children, twenty grand children, sixte en great grandchildren, two sisters, three brothers, Mrs. Adam Reed, Mr s. John Reed, of Kossuth, Ohio; Mr. Harrison Bodey, of Pierceton, Ind .; T. J. Bodey, of Careysville; Dr. V. Bodey, of Dayton, and a host of fri ends to mourn their loss. She is gone but not forgotten.
(Research):Living with Christian Bodye and Ellen in 1870 William McAlexander 12 Lodema McAlexander 6 Evelina McAlexander 3 Perry McAlexander 1/m
Record Book 32 pg 179 Field 13 Feb 1866 Petition Christian Bodey, guardian of the heirs of James McAlexander vs David Askern, et al James McAlexander died circa Augst 21 1864 and was the owner by inheritance from his father, John McAlexander, and his brother, John B McAlexande r, the undivided half of the SW 1/4 and 54 acres located in the west half of the NW 1/4 of Sec 36 Twp 4 Range 12 (Harrison twp) James heirs were; Naomi Ellen McAlexander, widow; who later married Christian Body; Willi am Henry McAlexander and Lodema jane McAlexander. Charlotte McAlexander, w ife of David Askern, was probably a sister of James and John B McAlexander
Record book 32 pg 306 Filed 11 July 1866 Dower Christian Boday & his wife Naomi Ellen Bodey vs William Emery McAlexander et al Naomi was the widow of James McAlexander, who died circa 6 Dec 1864, aft er his death, she married Christian Bodey. James was seized of 54 acres lo cated in the west half of the NW 1/4 of Sec 11 Twp 3 Range 12 (Adams Twp ). James heirs were; William Emery McAlexander, Lodema jane McAlexander a nd Charlotte Aksern
Champaign Co Ohio Guardianship Bonds pg 395-396 Oct 19 1865 Christian Bodey gdn of Emory McAlexander 7yr 18 Jul 1865; Lodema Jane Mc Alexander 3 yr 16 Sep 1865; heirs of James McAlexander dec'd. Surities John Rush and H F Smith
[XI83472] Sec 1 Lot 61
(Research):129. Harriet Bodey. Born in 1844 in OH. Harriet died in ?Mercer Co., O H, in 1932; she was 88. Buried in Fletcher Cemetery, Miami co., OH.
? Harriet married Cornelius Slack White, son of George White & Ma ry �, in ?OH. Born on 8 Jun 1836 in ?OH. Cornelius Slack died in ?Mercer County., OH, on 11 Feb 1903; he was 66.
They had one child: 423i.Hatta C. (1872-?)
1880 Census Place:Dublin, Mercer, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1255048 National Archives Film T9-1048 Page 38 9A Cornelius S. WHITESelfMMW44OHOcc:FarmerFa: NJMo: PA Sarah E. WHITEWifeFMW36OHFa: OHMo: OH Hatta C. WHITEDauFSW8OHFa: OHMo: PA Hatta BRUBAKERSisterFSW23ILOcc:House WorkFa: OHMo: PA Lew Ellingham [email protected] file on Frederick Bodey 6/2003.
Notes: 'Ron Brelsford �Descendants of Friedrich Bode� [Aug 2000]: �1844-1 932� & marriage; 1850 Champaign Co., OH census (Johnson township) p. 35 4B [ll. 8-14]: age 6, born OH; listed with family of Isaac Minnich, blacksmith � why?; 1870 Champaign Co., OH census (Johns on township) at P. O. St. Paris, OH, pp. 289A & B (Geo. Snyder househo ld adjacent): age 24, born OH; 1880 Champaign Co., OH census (D. K. M. Mo ore, ref. p. 17) 10/20 Millerstown District: age 34; Champaign Co., OH Pr obate Court �Letters of Administration� [21 & 26-XII-1891]; �Final Distri bution� [13-III-1895]: beneficiary, at �Millerstown, OH�; D. K. M. Moore research (p. 15): �Harriett Bodey, b. ca. 1844 � living at home in 188 0�; �Descendants of Frederick Bodey� by Becky Leamy (2002) #47: born �a bt 1846� & died �1932�, buried in Fletcher Cemetery, Miami Co., OH�; �res ident in 1880 at Dublin, Mercer Co., OH�
[XI83473] Also I have her buried next to her parents in Spring Grove Cemetery in section 2 lot 24.Lot record for Section 2 lot 28 lists Harrison and Nancy & Harriet Minnich she is in grave 1 Harrison in 2 and Nancy in 3 However there is no grave marker for Harriet in the section I checked my burial records and could not find a burial record for her, but with a death in 1897 . I also looked thru a copy of a book transcribed on the cemetery and could not find her under either name. I also looked thru my photos of Fletcher and did not find a marker there either.The only thing I have in concrete is the lot record for burial with her name as grave 1. No visible marker as of June 2010
(Research):1870 Lebannon, Laclede, Missouri page 24 family #168 Bodey, Benjamin age 24 occupation minister Bodey Mary Jane age 28 horn PA Bodey Jenette M age 3 born Ohio
1880 Lamar, Barton County Missouri page 3 family # 22 Bodey Benjamin age 33 farmer Bodey Mary Jane wife age 37 Bodey Jennetey age 13 dan Bodey Alice age 11 daug Bodey John age S son Bodey Daisy age 1 dan
1900 McElroy Township, Pawnee County, Oklahoma Territory page 20A fami. ly #332 Bodey, Benjamin age 54 Bodey, Mary I age 58states 5 children born 5 alive
[HI83475] (Research):REED MARGARE County Name: AUGLAIZE Date of Death: 9/21/1926 Volume Number: 5133 Certificate Number: 53941
[HI83476] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 A H Body .09
[HI83477] (Research):REED ELIZA E County Name: AUGLAIZE Date of Death: 10/1/1925 Volume Number: 4847 Certificate Number: 55164
(Research):CCGS Newsletter June 1998 Pg 66 POLL BOOK, Millerstown Precincts, Johnson Township, Champaign County Novem ber 4, 1890 Judges: Solomon Snapp, John O Jenkins and David McMorran Clerk s: S D Corwin and G E Huntoon. Names of Electors: T J Bodey
Thomas Bodey
Age: 52 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0001
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0148
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Mary Ellen 65 Ohio
BODEY THOMAS County Name: MONTGOMERY Date of Death: 7/28/1927 Volume Number: 5409 Certificate Number: 42718
(Research):Teachers Term Report Johnson Twp Dist # 10 Winter Term 9/15/1884-2/28/18 85 (From CCGS Newsletter Summer 1992 pg 59) Vanllandingham Bodey age 21
Ohio 1910 Census Miracode Index Name: Van Bodey Birthplace: Ohio State: OH Age: 46 Color: W Enumeration District: 0121 Visit: 0185 County: Montgomery, Dayton Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Nancy 46 Indiana Daughter Wilda O Lefler 21 Ohio Son Lawrence Bodeny 19 Ohio Son-in-law Len Lefler 25 Ohio
BODEY, Valland Death date: 3/23/1920, Montgomery County
Volume #3248, Certificate #24564
Nasnui E Bodey
Age: 77 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0008
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0174
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Daug
hter Loderia Mcalexander 47 Ohio
[DI83481] ST. PARIS NEWS-DISPATCH, Thurs, 20 June 1910 Mrs. Naomi BODEY, widow of the late Christian BODEY, died at her home in this village Wednesday morning at 3 o'clock. The deceased was born in Cosho cton County, Ohio, October 18, 1832. When about eighteen years of age she came to this county where she lived almost coutinually the balance of her life. She was united in marriage to James McALEXANDER, who died duri ng the Civil War, leaving two children, Wm. E. McALEXANDER and Miss Lodina who made her home with her mother. Christian BODEY became her second husband, who died in December, 1907. To this union three children were bor n, E. L. BODEY and Samuel O. BODEY, of Urbana, and Perry BODEY, of Spencerville, Ohio. Mrs. BODEY was a most estimable lady and loved by a wide circle of friends. The funeral will be held tomorrow, Friday, in the Lutheran church at this place at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the Rev. HAMILTON, of Rosewood, officiating. Interment will be made in Evergreen Cemetery
[XI83481] Sec 1 Lot 61 (Burial record date of birth 1833)
(Research):Champaign County Ohio Land Deed Indices by Pat Stickley and Denise Moore pg 6 Sec12 Twp 3 R 11 Jackson Twp, SE 1/4 E 1/2 Oct 5 1824 US to Abram Magger t, Assigneee of John D Caldwell, Daniel Hullinger and John Hullinger, 77. 83 acres, recorded 25 Dec 1861 Book 33 pg 14
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 12 Twp 3 Range 11 ( SE 1/4) 14 Jul 1830 Abram Maggert to Daniel Snapp, 13 acres south of road, E 1/2 B kN Pg581 26 Aug 1867 Abram Maggert to Daniel Snapp et al, agreement for .25 acr es Bk 38 Pg 592
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 208
Record Book 21 pg 285 Filed 2 Jan 1845 Trespass Samuel Batdorf, Jonathan Riegel & George Walborn, Trustees of the Salem C hurch in Johnson Twp, Champaign County vs John Hoffman, Joel Maggert, Abraham maggert The 3 men were charged with "breaking down doors and windows of the meeti ng house" which was used in common by the Lutheran Church and the German R eform Church. John Pence was the regualr minister. The men pleaded not gui lty. On 2 April 1846 the case was dismissed at the costs of the plaintiffs .
Name: �tab�Elden Reed
Death Date: �tab�12 Nov 1952
Death Place: �tab�Fletcher, Miami, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�03 Dec 1873
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�78 years
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Thomas Reed
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Louisa Loudenbach
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2246396
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109441
Image Number: �tab�02820
Certificate Number: �tab�73092
Wilma L. Garlough, 95, of Pitchin, passed away on Thursday, December 30, 2010. She was born on March 5, 1915 in Springfield, the daughter of Cloyd C. and Marian E. (Cleaveland) Smallwood. She was preceded in death by her beloved husband, Preston in 1967 and never remarried. Wilma graduated from Springfield High School, class of 1933 and then graduated from Wittenberg University with a teaching degree. She taught for over twenty years at Pitchin School and Possum Elementary. She was an avid reader and enjoyed sewing and quilting. In her later years she traveled to Kelleys Island to a family home where she cherished time with family and friends.
She is survived by three daughters and a son-in-law: Barbara Mattern of Tallmadge, Ohio; Marilyn and Claude Saum of North Carolina; and Judith Nickras of Troy; three sons and daughters-in-law: James and Mary Garlough of Michigan; Charles and Lisa Garlough of Xenia; and John and Lynn Garlough of Willard, Ohio; twelve grandchildren, four great grandchildren, one sister, Dottie Bussey of Pitchin, and several nieces and nephews. She was also preceded in death by two sisters: Lois Engle and Helen Fedak; and one brother, Charles Smallwood.
A gathering of family and friends will be held Sunday, January 2, 2011 from 4-6 p.m. in the LITTLETON & RUE FUNERAL HOME where a celebration of her life will be held Monday at 10:30 a.m. Burial will be in Garlough Cemetery.
The family would like to express their appreciation to caregivers from Comfort Keepers and Hospice of Dayton for enabling Wilma to remain at her longtime family home during her last days.
Memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of Dayton, 324 Wilmington Ave., Dayton, OH 45420.
Champaign County Ohio Biographies
BENJAMIN NORMAN, retired farmer; P. 0. Millerstown. Another of the pioneers of Champaign Co. is Benjamin Norman, a grandson of John Norman, who was of German parentage; he lived through many of the wild days of Virginia, where he died. Our subject is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Norman; Mr. Norman was born in Virginia, and she in Maryland; they married in Virginia, early in the. nineteenth century, and, in 1805, they emigrated to Ohio, locating on the present site of Millerstown. They were among the first white settlers in what is now Concord Township. He entered a half-section of land, which was all in the unbroken forest. He lived through nearly half a century in Champaign Co., when death seized him and severed him from his wife, who, twelve years later, also passed away. They were the parents of nine children, of whom four are now living, our subject being the eldest. He was born in what is now Concord Township July 16, 1806. He has since resided in the county, and is one among if not its oldest native. He lived through the pioneer days of the country, and watched its rise and progress, step by step, for three-fourths of a century. Mr. Norman is worthy of having a complete outline of his life, which we here record, on the pages of the Champaign Co: history, His earliest recollections are of the deep, unbroken forest that surrounded his father's lone log cabin, now supplanted by waving fields of grain. Their first visitors were the troublesome Indians, who have long been exterminated, and the Wild animals that roamed the woods, now driven by advancing civilization to seek a home in the Far West. Fine buildings have taken the place of the rude log huts, and many things could here be given that properly belong in the body of this history. At the age of 25, he married Barbara Ward, born in Virginia in 1811; after the marriage, he engaged in farming, and, one year later, his father gave him a quarter-section of land, a part of which he yet owns. His first land purchase was made in 1840, since which many changes have been made, and he has nobly assisted his children, six of whom have married, and one remains at home and dutifully assists her parents, Mr. Norman is located on Sec. 7, Johnson Township, where he has devoted considerable attention to the raising of fine stock, which he made a success. Mr. and Mrs. Norman have for many years been consistent members of the Baptist Church, and raised their family in the faith of the same
[HI83497] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 Benjamin Norman .78
Urbana Citizen & Gazette
May 29, 1884
Benjamin Norman, esteemed citizen of Johnson Twp, died 19th inst; he was the oldest son of Christian Norman, one of the early settlers of Concord Twp and was born 16th July, 1806, at the old homestead on Nettle Creek. In 1831, he married the daughter of George Ward of Mad River Twp, who died a short time since. Buried Myrtle Tree Cemetery.
Name: Nancy Ann Pence
Death date: 02 Sep 1913
Death place: Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date: 08 Mar 1826
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Ohio
Age at death: 87 years 5 months 24 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Burial date: 04 Sep 1913
Burial place: Urbana, Ohio
Cemetery name:
Spouse name:
Father name: Thomas Jeffras
Father titles:
Father birth place: Md.
Mother name: Jane Morris
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Ohio
GSU film number: 1953757
Digital GS number: 4025081
Image number: 1901
Reference number: fn 50537
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):Springfield Daily News, Saturday, July 5, 1980, Pg10 Alpha Faulkner, Ex_Commissioner, Dead at 88 Alpha C Faulkner,88, of 4222 Ohio 55 died at 4:05 P.M. Friday in Mercy Mem orial Hospital. Faulkner, a Champaign County farmer who served as a Champa ign County commissioner between 1952 and 1960, was born in Mad River Towns hip on June 11, 1892, the son f Charles and Joanna Jenkins Faulkner. He w as a member of the Terre Haute United Methodist Church and had serv ed as a member of the Mad River township board of education. Survivors inc lude his wife, Lolita Randall Faulkner; five daughters; Mrs Lester (Edn a) Shaffer, Mrs Russell (Zelpha) Arnold and Mrs Charles (Frances) Laughma n, all of Urbana; and Mrs Leah Ludlow and Mrs Guy (Lillian) Parrott, bo th of St Paris; five sons, Elden, Herbert, Richard, Donald and Nelson, a ll of Urbana; four sisters, Mrs Goldie Neer of Torrance, CA, Mrs Teresa Du ncan of Kalamazoo, Mich; Mrs Harold (Mildred) Neer of Urbana and Mrs Clare nce (Nellie) Urb of Springfield; three brothers, Lloyd of Lima,O; Geor ge of Bellefontaine, and Howard of Urbana; three step-sons, George Randa ll of Belle Center, Harold Randall of Delaware, O., and Jay Randall. He al so leaves 32 grandchildren, 22 great grandchildren, eight step-grandchildr en and nine step-great grandchildren. His first wife, Edith Evilsizor, di ed in July 1967; a brother, a grandchild and a step grandchild also are de ceased. Friends may call from 3-9 P.M. Monday in the Walter Funeral Hom e. Services will be conducted at 1:30 P.M. Tuesday in the Terre Haute Unit ed Methodist Church by the Rev Albert Briggs, pastor, and the Rev Elton Mo ose. Burial will be in Terre Haute Cemetery. The family has requested th at memorials in his name may be made to the Urbana Lions Club or the Lee L udlow Memorial Fund in St Paris.
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS- Biography Pg 136
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 6 Twp 3 Range 11 NW 1/4 Perry Pence, Anna Pence, Levi Pence, Marion Pence, Jasper Pence a nd Mahala Pence to Amanda E Caldwell and Squire Caldwell, 41,85 acres S 1 /2 Feb 3 1887 Bk 67 Pg 180 SW 1/4 Feb 1887 Perry Pence, Amande E Pence, Squire Caldwell, Isabella Pen ce and Mahala Pence, N 1/2 of SW 1/4 80 acres Bk 67 Pg161 SW 1/4 Jul 11 1895 Quitclaim from Mahala Pence to Perry Pence, undivided 1 /6 of 80 acres, N 1/2 Bk77Pg504 SW 1/4 Jul 18 1895 Quitclaim from Mahala Pence to Marion Pence and Jasp er Pence, N 1/2 of SW 1/4 (80 acres) except undivided 1/3 Bk77 Pg502 SW 1/4 Nov 2 1898 Mahala Pence to Perry Pence, undivided 1/6 of 80 acre s, N 1/2 Bk81 Pg513 SE 1/4 11 July 1885 Quitclaim from Mahala Pence to Perry Pence, undivid ed 1/6 of 16.10 ac. Bk 77 Pg50 SE 1/4 Feb 1887 Quitclaim from Perry Pence etal to Mahala Pence et al, 16. 10 ac, part of E 1.2 Bk 67 Pg160 SE 1/4 Jul 18, 1895 Quitclaim from Mahala Pence to Marion & Jasper Penc e, 16.10 ac part of E 1/2 Bk77pg502 SE 1/4 Nov 21 1898 Mahala Pence to Perry Pence, undivided 1/6 of 16.10 acr es Bk81Pg513
1910 Champaign Co, Urbana, OH Ward 4 HH286/63 4/16/1920 Matilda Pence, head, 76, widow, 4/4 NY GER GER Perry, son, 56, s, NY Levi, son, 53 s, NY Marion, son, 50, s, NY Amanda Caldwell, dau, 49, md 2/0 Matilda Printz, grdau, 17, s, OH
This is the correct family since dau Amanda married Squire Caldwell a nd is also enumerated in this census with her husband. Also dau Isable di ed 4/12/1900, 4 days prior to this census who married John Printz. Grandau ghter was Maud, born 1893, but same age. As per Richard Pence input in to this situation, he explains better than I what probably happened:
As for the 1910 census involving "Matilda," I have this vision of a confus ed old lady dealing with an enumerator who was haphazardly taking notes f or transcription after he got home later that day. After a coulple of dos es of grog and a hearty meal hf filled out the sheet.Obviously something h appened, for it can be easily shown that none of her four children were n ot living with her even though the census says they are. I checked Marion 's listing and find he was livin with his wife Laura and find that the enu meration was taken the same day as that for Mahala/Matilda.When you che ck and see that Mahala/Matilda had 4 children living at the time you can c reate a conversation through which the actual fact that 4 of her childr en were living into a scenario under which that are not only living but li ving with her.I have no explanation for New York. I had though Mahala's mo ther was born there, but the other census records I looked at didn't suppo rt that. I guess you have to chalk it up to the second cup of grog! My conclusion is that the "mystery" is actually errors that can be attribu ted to old age on one hand and sloppy work on the other.
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship and Indentures Vol 1 pg 313 Jan 21, 1845 Mary A nn Pence, gdn of Jacob Pence; Sarah Jane Pence, Susannah Pence; Elizabe th Pence, minor heirs of Samuel Pence, dec'd. Surities John Hower , Andr ew Hower
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 247
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Lowell Brelsford age 11 parent D.O.
(Research):Record Court Book 10, Page 504 - Filed 20 Nov 1828 Lewis Sroufe, Adm. of G eorge Sroufe dec'd Vs Adam Maggart & Sarah, his wife Sarah, widow of George Sroufe, now marri ed to Adam Maggart. Sarah took her share of estate, plus more, and now th ere is not enough money to pay the debts. No children mentioned.
(Research):Teachers Term Report Johnson Twp Dist # 9 Winter Term 9/15/1884-3/9//18 85 William Rhymard- Teacher (From CCGS Newsletter Summer 1992 pg 59) Dora Apple age 15
(Research):HANBACH MARY E County Name: MIAMI Date of Death: 4/25/1925 Volume Number: 4724 Certificate Number: 24355
Spring Grove Burial record for 1925
WWI Registration-listed as Victor Augustus Pence serial # 2281 had blue
(Research):Teachers Term Report Johnson Twp Dist #6 Winter Term 9/20/1884-3/6//18 85 R M Pickering- Teacher (From CCGS Newsletter Summer 1992 pg 59) Victor Pence age 10
Victor A . Pence born 7-Feb-1874 Millerstown OH death
Death Notice-Piqua Daily Call 23-Mar-1933 pg 2
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Ottis Nicholis age 9 parent Rob
1897-1944 (Otis Carol)
(Research):Had 4 sons, 3 preceded him to death
(Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900). pg108 Nov 4 1892 Mrs Sarah Long, widow of John Long, died very suddenly Tuesday at the ho me of her granddaughter, Mrs David Poorman, three miles northwest of St Pa ris. She died from heart failure, age 78 yrs. She was the mother of Fred L effel, of New Carlisle, and Mrs L Clayton of Culaski, OH
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 David Poorman .22
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 William Poorman .14
(Research):St Paris Precinct Toll Book Nov 2 1880 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 Allen Poorman
(Research):GEORGE N. POORMAN George N. Poorman of Carysville, who was spending the winter with his daug hter, Mrs. Wallace Neal in Lima, died last Thursday morning, after abo ut a week's illness with liver trouble. Mr. Poorman was 68 years of age and was the son of Jacob and Nancy Poorma n. He was united in marriage to Emma Ward. For many years he conducted a b lacksmith shop in Carysville. He is survived by his daughter, Mrs. Neal, t hree brothers, Allen of Sidney; Alfred of Lima; David of St. Paris, also t wo sisters, Mrs. Julia Zimmer of Eris and Mrs. Barbara Apple of Fletche r. Funeral services were held form the Christian church in Carysville, Sat urday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev. Cline in charge. Burial was ma de in Rosedale Cemetery at Carysville. (Undated obit from unnamed newspape r: George N. Poorman born 1861; died 1930; buried in Rosedale Cemetery)
Name: �tab�Geo. N. Poorman
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign Co, OH ta ken July 28, 1892 Carrie Jones age 18 (Male)
(Research):Name: EVAN T SCHOOLER Gender: Male Date of Death: March 02, 1959 Volume: 15702 Certificate: 15297 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 86
Name: Elizabeth Viola Schooler
(Research):Found in Rockingham Co, Deeds- Not proven if this family,
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 6 Twp 3 Range 11 ( SE 1/4) Feb 23, 1935 First National & Central National Bank to Russell P Faulkne r, 16.93 ac. Bk122Pg561 Mar 17, 1937 Russell P Faulkner etux to Dayton Power & Light Co, pole li ne right-of-way. Bk 128 pg184
Charles N Gullett
(Research):Beers, Champaign Co, History Pg 791, Biography
(Research):Bull School No 2, Mad River, Twp 1898 records from Everett Snapp abstracted by Norma Leisure published in CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 V ol 14 # 3 pg 54 Teachers from 1898 through 1900 school years was John Leonard, 1900-1904 w as Ada Belden. In Jan of 1903 several children were out with whooping cough. Alpha Evilsizor age 9 attended 1898-1900
Cleveland Plain Dealer 11/21/1925
23121 �tab�EVILSIZOR �tab�ALPHA �tab��tab�00/00/0000 �tab�CHAMPAIGN CO., O �tab�11/19/1925 �tab�11/23/1925 �tab�P �tab�Lot 53 �tab�SubLot 0 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 3
�u��i�From Sandi Evilsizer Koscak personal memories
(Medical):Rheumatiod arthritis- in wheel chair for 15 years before death
Arnold was born in Muskogee, Oklahoma. His parents went back to Missouri which is where he grew up. He married Bell Louisa Deaton on October 15, 1935. They had three children all girls. The first, Dolores June born June 13, 1937. The next were twin girls born February 28, 1939, named Josephine Joan (Jackie) and Kathleen Jeanette (Kathy). When the twins were three or four days old, Bell died. The twins were brought up by grandparents, Mr and Mrs Deaton. Arnold kept daughter Dolores with him and married Irene Pate in 1941. She had a boy Prentice Reaves from a former marriage.
Arlington Citizen Journal, August 29, 1980 Clarence Arnold Evilsizer, 65, of Arlington, passed away Sunday. He had been an Arlington resident most of his life. Graveside services were at 10: 30 A.M. at Emerald Hills Cemetery. Evilsizer is survived by his wife, Mild red Evilsizer, Arlington; daughters, Delores Clark, Gorman, Cheryl Haile, Arlington and two daughters of Missouri; stepson, E P Reaves; sons, D on Evilsizer, Fort Worth and Charles Evilsizer, Richard and Lewis Evilsizer, all of Arlington.; 13 grandchildren and two great granddaughters.
Charles served in WWII in the US Air Force. He spent many years in and around Arlington, Texas as a carpenter contractor and built many houses in that area. In the early Sixties, Charles left Texas and bought a dairy farm near Solo, Missouri. When his wife Helen died in 1968, shortly after, he sold the farm. He worked with an insurance company for about eleven years. He then retired and lived near Raymondville, Missouri where he died. He was always very active in the American Legion.
(Research):Charles served in WWII in the US Air Force. He spent many years in and around Arlington, Texas as a carpenter contractor and built many houses in that area. In the early Sixties, Charles left Texas and bought a dairy farm near Solo, Missouri. When his wife Helen died in 1968, shortly after, he sold the farm. He worked with an insurance company for about eleven years. He then retired and lived near Raymondville, Missouri where he died. He was always very active in the American Legion.
�u�Springfield News & Leader Nov 19, 2006�/u�
Always called Minnie as a child growing up , so when she applied for her f irst job in a grocery store and they asked her name, she told them HELEN, and went by that from then on
Birth record shows "baby girl"
(Research):Family could not be found in this town or county (or anywhere) in 1920. A search of the names of the 1930 neighbors also was negative . A search of first names only was also negative.
(Medical):Pulmonary Hemorrage 2/26/1939, acute nephritis 2/28/1939 then death on 3/2/1939
Helen and Palmer Evilsizer information from family members give a da te of birth 3/17/1917. I would think that since her mom was the informant on her death cert, that she would know her own daughters date of bir th so I am using the death certificate date.
Informant on death certificate was her mother Mrs Rube Deathon
Delores does not work, but she cooks for hunters during hunting season. One year on the first day of Dove season, she fed 300 people.
Dolores June Clark, 73, died Tuesday, March 29, 2011. Funeral: 11 a.m. Friday at Gorman Church of Christ. Interment: Oaklawn Cemetery. Survivors: Children, Darren Clark, Linda Lynch, Nancy Tatum and Donna Roberts; three brothers; 13 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren.
Aunt Delores Evilsizer funeral is set for Friday, April 1st at 11am at the Higgenbotham Funeral Home in Gorman Texas
(Medical):Twin to Jacqueline
(Research):Did Irene marry before Uncle Arnold ?
Fort Worth Star Telegram July 14, 1994
Donald Arnold Evilsizer Sr. �tab��tab�
Name: Richard Patrick Evilsizer Date of Birth: 17 Mar 1952 Gender: Male Birth County: Tarrant Father's name: Clarence Arnold Evilsizer Mother's name: Mildred Irene Pate Roll Number: 1952_0005
Longview News-Journal (TX) - December 17, 2005 Deceased Name: Richard Patrick Evilsizer: Man dies after crashing into flower shop A Gladewater man died Thursday night after the truck he was driving plowed through the office of a local flower shop, police say. Richard Patrick Evilsizer, 53, was driving a 1998 black International wrecker truck that suddenly started drifting across east lane traffic and into the small office building of The Flower Peddler, Sgt. Carlos Samples with the Longview Police Department said.The office in the 500 block of East Marshall was almost completely demolished. Glass, wood and other debris was piled in to a corner Friday morning, where the office used to be. "It could have been worse," said Terry Rice, the owner of the business. The office is adjacent to the rest of the business where all the merchandise is kept. The main building was not damaged "I just really feel for the man's family," Rice said. The cause of the accident is still being investigated.
(Research):Name: Cheryl Ann Evilsizer Date of Birth: 6 Jun 1955 Gender: Female Birth County: Tarrant Father's name: Clarence Arnold Evilsizer Mother's name: Mildred Irene Pate Roll Number: 1955_0005
Fort Worth Star Telegram
Prentice is living with a Widow woman, Sherrie Montgomery in Whitehouse, Texas.
Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997
Name: �tab�Georgia Ann Reves
�u��i�From "The Evilsizer Heritage" written by Ivan P Evilsizer 1978�/u��/i�
(Research):In Jan of 2013 it was discovered in a new database called "US Border Crossings from US to Canada" that grandpa went to Canada in 1921. No one in the family seems to recall this ever mentioned while Clarence and Ora were living. My father Ivan, never wrote about it in his books, "Evilsizer Heritage" and "Mt Life and Times". Questions arise of if Ora traveled with him, which is doubtful as Arnold was only 6. I would expect the travel document to have told if others were crossing with him. The name Pomeroy rang a bell in the memory of Dee Ann, who responded: "The name Pomroy, under "Destined to Employer" (which sort of sounds like slavery! ha) rings a bell. I thought it was spelled Pomeroy, but that's just a guess based on how I remember it eing pronounced(Palm-uh-Roy). I remember Daddy talking about the Pomroys, and hink we even visited them in St. Louis or Illinois at one time when I was too small to even "care"! ha I think they were horse ranchers, but there was also truck driver (car carrier) mentioned back then too. Just a piece of my vague memories!! lol Seems we were somehow related, maybe through Grandma's side of the family?"
Died in his sleep while visiting his son Charles in Solo, MO
Burial location Moore Memorial Gardens (aka White Chapel Memorial Gardens) Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas N. Davis Street Arlington TX P.O. Box 638, Arlington, Texas 76010, (806) 275-2711. Lat: 32�45'17"N, Lon: 97�07'11"W Cemetery is located off Davis and Randall Mill Rd in Arlington, Texas. A very large cemetery that is exceptionally very well taken care of. It's beauty and care reflects the peaceful atmosphere. This was very close to where your grandarents lived, and not too far from their church. When I looked up where the church was, I immediately remembered it, I drive by it when I teach at the local university. Let me know if I can do anything else, and thank you again for looking up the graves of my relatives. Cam [email protected]
Search for his death certificate turned up nothing.
(Research):Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Bolo, Washington, Illinois; Rol l: T623 349; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 132. Carolin Martin 52 AR KY IL 10/8 George M Martin 28 Harvey W Martin 23 Bosie E Martin 16 John E Martin 10 Ora B Martin 8
Nashville, IL-April 6, 1911 Mrs Sarah C Sanders Martin died Wednesday April 4th at 8:15 A.M. from t he effects of burns suffered two weeks ago by her dress igniting while s he was poking fire in her cook stove. She was Born Aug 7, 1847 in Green Co unty, Arkansas. In Aug 1865 came to Illinois with a mother, one brother a nd two sisters. Was married to Monroe martin of Nashville, IL, Sept 187 0. To them eleven children were born, five of whom preceded Mrs. Mart in in death. Her husband died in September 1899. Surviving children are Ge orge M Martin of Nashville, IL, Chas M Martin, Elza Martin, Mrs Ora Evilsi zer of Muskogee, Okla, Mrs. H L Hoene of Jackson Co, Kansas City, MO, Mr s. Lottie C Metcalf of Twin Falls, ID. She leaves two grandchildren. One s ister, Mrs Malinda Morris of Duguoin, ILL. Mrs Martin was a faithful wi fe and loving mother. Her loss is mourned by many relatives and friends. F uneral Services held at residence Thursday morning 11:00 was buried at Dar ter Cemetery beside her husband.
Elmina and her brother, Andrew, were the only two of Benjamin Morrison Board's children who lived long lives. After Stephen died, Elmina moved back to Princeton, Kentucky to be near relatives. Later, she moved to Madisonville, Kentucky.
(Research):Elmina and her brother, Andrew, were the only two of Benjamin Morrison Boa rd's children who lived long lives.
(Research):1870 Independence Co, Batesville, AR pg 3 9/28/1870 Mary Reaves, 50 KY Mary 31 KY prob married Richard Montgomery 12/13/1870 Miles 27 KY (1880 census) married 4 children. Md R N Cavenar 9/29/1870 John A 22 AR md Samantha Haley 2/15/1874 Josephine 17 AR (md S B Campbell, living her with family and brother Hen ry in 1880) George 14 AR
He was estranged from the family after Bertha Lou passed away and left Minnieveal (Helen) , Leo and Cleo to be raised by their maternal grandmother, Miley Vianne Smith Cawvey in Hulbert, OK.
(Research):he was estranged from the family after Bertha Lou passed away and left Min nieveal (Helen) , Leo and Cleo to be raised by their maternal grandmothe r, Miley Vianne Smith Cawvey in Hulbert, OK.
(Research):Fort Worth Star Telegram, Jan 12, 1983 Carl L Calrk, 86, Arlington, passed away Thursday, January 6. Survivors: s ons, thomas R Clark, Richland Hills, Odie J Clark, Arlington, Stanley D Cl ark, Gorman, Cilly A Clark, Grand Prairie, daughter, Meredith King, Arling ton; sisters Ruby Anderson, Kopperl, Myrtle Padgett, Fort Worth; 10 grandc hildren; 25 great grandchildren. Services were held 10 a.m. Saturday Nor th Davis Church of Christ, Guy Saskey and Charles Heron , ministers, offic iating. Interment Moore Memorial gardens. Arrangements Hugh M Moore and So ns, Arlington.
(Research):Death records in Texas indicate she was single at the time of her death. T his is not accurate Fort Worth Star Telegram December 12, 1972 Mrs Etta Lavenia Clark, 46, 1805 Sesco, Arlington, passed away Mond ay in a local hospital. Born in Rockdale, Texas. Member of Randol Mill Chu rch of Christ. Survivors; Husband, Carl L Clark; sons, Thomas R, Odie J Cl ark and Standley, all of Arlington, Bill, Grand Prairie; daughters, M rs E N Harris, Arlington, Mrs Roy King, Ft Bragg, North Carolina; brothe rs B H Standley, Bonham, L T Standley, Abeline; 16 grandchildren; five gre at grandchildren. Services 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Moore Funeral Chapel, Arli ngton. Chester Hill and Charles Mickle, ministers, officiating. Interme nt in Moore Memorial gardens.
Father: Joseph Hunter Deaton b: 31 AUG 1859 in Alton, Missouri
Name: �tab�Ruben Deaton
Social Security Death Index
California Death Index, 1940-1997
Daughter of
(Research):A thorough search of the 1870 census in Illinios and in Missouri turned up no family with George as head of house and Mary as wife and Mary M child of 5. Parents names came from personal family history remembered by Ivan Evilsizer. A Melissa Graham age 5 was found in Merimec, St Louis in 1870, the daughter of a Seth and Martha. Her obit named her parents also as George and Mary. The Missouri state census for 1874 and 1876 was also checked. However, this marriage found which fits.:Name: �tab�George Graham Spouse: Mary Pfaff
Nashville Journal July 23, 1942-Washington Co, Nashville, IL Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 in the Hahne and Hilema Funeral Home for Mrs John Evilsizer, who died at her home Wednesday ni ght at 9:20 P.M. of a heart ailment. She had reached the age of 77 years, 11 months and 1 day. Rev W E Lamp officiated at the rites and interment was made in the Masonic Cemetery. Mrs George Cruse and Harry Sternberg sang and the pallbearers were: Charles Anderson, Booth Cross, J E Trout, George Arnsmeyer, Frank Kowalsik and Harry Sternberg. Miss Melissa Graham was born in St Louis August 14, 1864, the daughter of George and Mary E Graham. She was married Nov 4, 1878, to John Evilsizer. They lived at Elkton for a short time and then moved to Nashville where they had since made their home. Nine children were born to this union, 2 of whom died in infancy and one son Walter died in 1925. Those surviving are: Mrs Delilah Stellman, who made her home with her mother, Clarence E Evilsizer of Muskogee, OK, Mrs Mae Folker of St Louis, Charles Evilsizer and John are of here and Mrs Agnes Catsigian of University City; 13 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren also survive. She was a member of the Form an Memorial Church. Those who attended the services from out of town wer : Mr and Mrs James Catsigian of university City, Mr and Mrs Ray Folkers, Mr and Mrs O B Kelly and Mr and Mrs Elmer Bereuter of St Louis, Mr and Mrs Clarence Evilsizer and sons Charles and Palmer and Mr and Mrs Arnold Evilsizer of Muskogee, OK, Pvt James Evilsizer of Scott Field and Mrs James Evilsizer of Alton, Mr and Mrs Clyde Sanders of West Frankfort and Mrs Edna Borchelt of Johnston city.
1850 United States Federal Census Coahoma Co, MIss
Story from Helen Marie Barnes Evilsizer
Father:�tab�William John Perry b. 1807 in Tennessee
From the 1830 and 1840 Caldwell County, Kentucky census, it appears that David and Mary Ann had two sons and two daughters. In 1850 they were in Christian County where David was 68 and Mary was 58. There were no children living at home with them at that time.
Stephen evidently dies about 1845 as Penelope marries again in 1846.
Daughter of William Wood and Anna Spencer
Nancy's marriage bond was secured by James Baines, her father.
Nancy b 1808-1809 was buried in the Acadia Hill Cemetery located in Dawson Springs, Hopkins County, Kentucky. She was 84 years old.
Complete Stallings, Stallions, anecstery in Caldwell and Trigg and Christian Co, KY is found at www.gencircles.com- Daughter of Moses Stallings, Jt. She married first Ephriam Cowan 1/8/1815 Christian Co, KY, After Stephen died she married Turner Carter 7/7/1846 Caldwell Co, KY
Livingston Co. Kentucky Deeds, Book A-C 1800-1817 Vol 1. Abstracted and Compiled by Brenda Joyce Jerome 1991
Gave her permission for her son Stephen to marry in 1820
Sarah last found in the home of son David in Caldwell Co. Female 70-79. Other trees have Sarah Barnes, wife of Bartholomew Barnes born about same time, and dying in Livingston Co KY in 1831. However I can find no other Sarah Barnes as head of house, and no other female this age in 1830 census.
Feb 1, 2001
Stephen's middle name of "Cumberland" was given to me by Karen Barnes Knight in 2011 as in her notes told to her by E B. This information was never passed on to either my mother or grandmother, or to any of the direct relatives of Karen Barnes Knight to my family.
John N. and his wife, Mariah Susan (Barnes) Littlefield were cousins.
parents, Freeman Nichols (1792-1850) & Penelope Stallins
Bartus was shown as Robartus in the 1850 Christian County, Kentucky Census. He was also shown as Bartus in another place in the same census. He was probably always called Bartus as his name was given as " Bartus" on a death certificate as the father of David Bradley Barnes.
This could be a step-son of John and Nancy.John's half-sister Elizabeth married Wesley Jenkins.When Prudy Barnes gave me the names John's boys, Wesley was not named.Wesley J. was last on the list with Nancy in the 1850 census. John was not with her and the children then, evidently had died as she is listed as a widow in later census.[Barnes.FTW]
James was listed in the 1850 Christian County, Ky. census as James Bane Barnes. He was with his mother, Nancy (Baynes) and the rest of his brothers and sisters except Bartis. In another census he was shown as James A. Barnes and I know it was the same James because in the 1900 census his daughter, Josephine, was staying with Stephen, his brother, and Sarah, and in that census Josephine was shown as Stephen's niece.
The letter also says that Lucy Janes parents were Jonathan and Nancy Gilkey. I have assumed
Complete ancestry of Cullen Stallings is found at www.gencircles.com
James Littlefield had brother named Solomon Littlefield, who was married Nancy Barnes daughter of David . My Nancy Barnes was the sister of my Grandfather Stephen Barnes. The Nancy married to Solomon was a cousin of the Nancy Ann who married James Littlefield
In 1880 Nancy's mother was living with Nancy and James.
Name: �tab�Mrs Nancy Littlefield
(Research):From: [email protected]
1705 - John Bunch, "a Mulatto," and Sarah Slayden, a white woman, petitioned the Council of Virginia on 16 August 1705 to allow them to be married because the Minister of Blisland Parish had refused to marry them (McIlwaine, Executive Journals of the Council, III:28). The Council was undecided on the issue since "the intent of the Law was to prevent Negros and White Persons intermarrying," and John Bunch was a "Mulatto." The matter was referred to the Court to decide (Ibid., 31).
Mr. John Smith , Paul Harrelson , son of Paul Harrelson , decd. leases to Henry Power , land which his father purchased of James Nuckels the 29th Dec. 1725 , adj. Mr. John Smith . Mar. 5, 1734 .
Husbands will Probate Record 1767 - LOUISA CO, VA SOURCE Dennis J. Yancey
Hanover Co, VA
Land Processioning Records Nov 17 1755
17 Mar 1810, Will of James Nuckolls. Mentions daughters Mary Nuckolls, Sarah Gunnel and Lucy Henson, sons Thomas, Charles, John, Nathaniel and Samuel. Grandchildren, Sally (Dau. of Charles) and Asa and Ezra (children of John). Executors, son Samuel Nuckolls and Robert Harris. Bk 5 p 349.
Murdered by Tories for his devotion to liberty, Dec 11, 1780 buried on Wh ig Hill SC He and his son had travelled to McKown's Mill and while his s on slept, he was murdered.
Was the successor of the land in Louisa Co VA.
Although many marriages took place at age 14. I found a birth date for Aga tha c1727 on WFT Vol 7 Tree#3244
A William H Henderson made a family record dated (on his 59th birthda y) 16 Nov 1852. He wrote that his paternal grandfather was William Henderson who was born, lived and died on Taylor's Creek, Hanover County Virginia and was married to Elizabeth. Their children were William, Thomas, Barbara, Mary, Elizabeth, Jane, John, Christopher, and Rollins. He wrote
Date 1793 Description August 20 Grayson Co, Plat Map
(Research):Found in undocumented database at ancestry
Nuckolls Cemetery, Judge Matthews Farm, Old Town, VA
February 1812 Grayson Co, Court
Nathaniel appears in the First Virginia Nuckolls & Kindred Book II on pa ge 62 number 33. Many descendants of his second wife Martha Toler (Towler) have been documented since the last book was published
Died without a will. Said to have died while away from home.
Wythe Co, Deed Bk 2 pg 228
Martha's consent to marry Nathaniel was signed by Patsy Toler, so she mu st have been named after her mother.
Terry, James Will Book 2, Page 493 Recorded Aug 1783
Mary Garland was a member of the episcopal Church and her prayer book, whi ch was printed MDCCLXI(1761) has been handed down to her children and gran dchildren. The children are listed in the book. (Source "The Nuckolls Fami ly Vol 1 Part 2 of the History of the Bobbitts", compiled and Published 19 73 by Clyde Goddard, Rt 1 New Boston, MO 63557)
Clark County, Illinois
Charles Nuckolls, Flower Swift and Philip Gains agree to give 100 acr es of land to establish a county seat and town. June 24, 1794 (Oldtown) Va .(Grayson Co.,Heritage Book) One I found as follows ' Oldtown as the princ ipal village and trading center and the county seat of Grayson which at th at time also included present day Carroll Co.. There were well built and s pacious old Virginia homes and a wholesome happy village life dominat ed by families of wealth and culture. The Nuckolls family from Louisa C o. made up one of the largest family groups at the early county seat. Ezr a, Creed and Clarke Nuckolls, sons of Capt. Robert Clarke Nuckolls, we re early merchants. They were in the mercantile business with branch hous es at Elk Creek and Bridle Creek." Pg. 105 (
aged 67y 7m 27d
Peter Nuckolls was the fourth son of John Nuckolls and Mary Garland. He w as born on the 18th of June, in 1784 in Louisa County, Virginia. He mov ed with his family to Greyson County, Virginia about 1790. He spent h is growing up years in Greyson County. In adulthood he appears on a tax l ist dated 27 March 1810, still in Grayson County. Shortly after this he m oved to Warren County, TN. (I have never found any indication that he we nt to Kentucky, accept in Pioneer Settlers of Grayson County, Virgini a, by Benjamin Floyd Nuckolls, which was then picked up by Bertha Nuckol ls in The First Virginia Nuckolls and Kindred).
Lived in KY and TN but no record has ever been found in census.
1826 Grayson Co Court Minutes
Moved to Tennessee according to Bertha's book. but no census records ev er found.
Never Married
No date on stone
(Grayson Co. A History in Words and Pictures) Grayson Co. Historical Society.
Will of Ezra Nuckolls, dated 15 December 1855, Atchison County, Missouri.
I visited the Cemetary in Rock Port, MO. I found the grave of Ezra and Lucinda Nuckolls who died in May of 1857. The grave site is still well main tained. It has a five foot tall headstone which states that Ezra Nuckolls was born in Grayson County, VA. This is different than previously reported. A number of Nuckolls and inlaws are buried in the Cemetary.
There is no indication Margaret lived as long as she did, as she has nev er been found in any census records.
Name: �tab�Margaret Nuckolls
aged 91yrs
1 Reuben Roberts, Sr.+ Mary Asher
Warren County, Tennessee 1854 Tax List Gribbles Civil Dist 3
Descendants of James Nuckolls and Altha Susan Black submitted by
Caswell appears in the First Virginia Nuckolls and Kindred Book II on pa ge 186 number 396. Much more has been documented on his line including his many wives and the correct maiden name of Julia which we incorrectly thought for years was Van Duzen. The only line with significant additons are the children of his first marriage, which are included in this publication.
Julia died when her daughter Dora was born. The baby, Dora, was given to Andrew Aldridge to raise and Caswell married Susan Lear and he and Susan raised the three boys. It is believed that Andrew was a brother to a David Aldridge who was a second husband of Julia's mother, also named Julia. Told by Elmina Board, (daughter of Dora) to her daughter Helen Marie Barnes Evilsizer. No burial place was ever found for Julia.
1900 Census shows Susan as a widow having 7 children and 5 still living
Kentucky Death Records, 1852-1953
60Y 9M
Maj. James Anderson of Albemarle Co., VA, who came to the New River, marri ed Martha (Patsy) Nuckolls, daughter of John Nuckolls, an early settl er in the Grayson area. James might be a brother to Jacob and John; fami ly journeys often started from PA/NJ on the Wagon Road with stop-ove rs in counties along the way, such as Albemarle. Patsy and James A. rear ed a family near Galax and are buried in the Anderson cemetery there (Nuck olls, 67). Family discussed in Nuckolls text. THE NEW RIVER FRONTIER SETTL EMENT ON THE VIRGINIA-NORTH CAROLINA BORDER 1760-1820
(Research):In all probability, James lived until after the formation of Hanover County in 1720 and the separation of St Paul's Parish from St Peter's. He was probably in comfortable circumstances as he was taxed on 300 acres in these Parishes
A Loyalist Claim: The Will of James Nuckolls of Hanover County and Other Papers
Susannah was not mentioned in the will of James.
5 Sept 1723 Land Patent Samuel NUCKOLS , 400 acres on north side of the S outh Anna at Holly Branch
(Research):Most trees start with James Nuckolls, born 1670, the son of this James Nuckolls or Nuccol. He is sometimes also called "James Nuckolls, the immigrant ancestor" to indicate that he is the first of the line to come to the U .S. Various family trees speculate that he may have had an illustrious background and ancestral lines, but no references have been given for those statements.
There is a ref to his death in 1783, but this would make him over 100
Name appears also as Asher and Eshare
Buried In Shiloh Cemetery, west of Bedford, IN by the side of her parent s, James and Mary "Polly" Boyd Skeen
This Garland connection to the Nuckolls family from
Parentage Not proven but evidence supports
Son of John Cosby II and Sarah. This line , too long to be included in this book, can be traced back to Robert Cossibey of England born 1283. Lineage can be found at the Nuckolls Official Website.
Another source gives wife as Elizabeth Coles
At a later time, Taylor's Creek, which straddled Hanover and Louisa Co. w as the watercourse cited in a patent of Daniel Williams (d. 1759 in Granvi lle Co., NC), an older brother of Joseph Williams, Nathaniel William s, of Mary Wiliams Graves, of Elizabeth Williams Henderson, and of Ann Wi lliams Daniel. * Others who had owned land on Taylor's Creek ca 1733 we re John Nuckolls of St. Martains [sic] Par., Hanover Co. A son of Nuckoll s, or perhaps John Nuckolls himself, was probably married to a sister of M ary (Womack) Williams, wife of John Williams II of Goochland Co. Ref er to 1762 will of William Womack, Goochland Co.
Found on internet by : Susan (sparks) Gnades [email protected]
In 1790, Anthony Pouncey is found in Cheraws District, St Thoma s, SC pg 45 ( 1-2-2 )
1860 Census Louisa Co, Fredericks Hall Va pg 779
Caswell Nuckolls, Laura Jane's father married Janetta.Her father found out about the marriage and locked her up and would not allow the marriage to be consumated (I guess). She later married someone else, and remained a friend of my grandmother's. Her father left Illinois at that time and went back to Kentucky or Tennessee. Never to return. My grandmother was left with her grandfather and never knew about her father's later marriage to (I guess) your Great Grandmother. I have no idea how old and I never knew my Great Grandfather. But I
HENRY RANDOLPH was probably born ca 1710-1720 in Virginia. He died in Al bemarle County, Virginia in 1778. In his will dated May 5, he gave his t wo youngest daughters, Elizabeth and Susannah two feather beds and furnitu re. All the rest went to his wife Mary during her natural life and at h er death, the property, including 200 acres of land, was to be sold at pub lic auction and divided among his children. Two of his sons, Thomas a nd John, were named as executors. The fact that his Will stated the proc eeds from the sale of his land was to be divided among ALL his children wo uld indicate there were children other than just the four named (younge st daughters Elizabeth and Susanna and sons Thomas and John) Two of h is children, James and Dolly had married and moved with their famili es to North Carolina (later Tennessee) two years prior to his death. W hy Milly wasn't named in the Will is not known and it could even be that M illy wasn�t one of his daughters but was a daughter of one of his sons (s he married about 10 years after his two youngest daughters), however, no ne of the children received specific bequests except his two youngest, pl us his wife. His wife, at the time of his death was Mary; her maiden na me is unknown.
I believe with all my heart that this is the William, one of the origin al 3 immigrants, who settled in Warren Co, NC.
At a later time, Taylor's Creek, which straddled Hanover and Louisa Co. w as the watercourse cited in a patent of Daniel Williams (d. 1759 in Granvi lle Co., NC), an older brother of Joseph Williams, Nathaniel William s, of Mary Wiliams Graves, of Elizabeth Williams Henderson, and of Ann Wil liams Daniel. * Others who had owned land on Taylor's Creek ca 1733 were J ohn Nuckolls of St. Martains [sic] Par., Hanover Co. A son of Nuckoll s, or perhaps John Nuckolls himself, was probably married to a sister of M ary (Womack) Williams, wife of John Williams II of Goochland Co. Ref er to 1762 will of William Womack, Goochland Co.
Louisa County Wills Will Book I pg 23- 4 March 1747 Susannah Nucholls. Recorded 1751
Name: �tab�Arthur R. Curl
Igou, John W.Spouse : Thomas, Hannah Marriage date : Aug 29, 1849 County of record : Champaign Co. Sex : M
Name: �tab�Leroy L. Blose
Martin is found signing a marriage bond 6 Nov 1798 in Fincastle, Botetou rt Co, VA for Betsy and Henry Evilsizer. This Martin signed with the old spelling Eitel.
Marriage Bonds, August Co, VA 1799-Dec 25, William Ham and John Armstrong, surety. William Ham and Ma ry Evelsizer, daughter of Jacob Evilsizer (Ubelsauftzer). Teste: John Lee
Rockingham County Marriage-John Evelyezer to Mary Peters, consent by Abrah am Peters, Jr. Abraham could not write, so Dan Zirkle witnessed his mark.
Sent for copy of marriage. Only pastors entry. The bonds were destroyed in the civil war, so no copy of the bond signed by father Jacob can be found.
CD 228 Illinois marriage names groom as David Evilsoer. It could be a midd le name for Jefferson.
Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002
Name: �tab�James P Catsigian
Name: �tab�John Evelser
QUICK, MICHAEL B LEATHERMAN, LUCY E 1869-04-06 00A/0013 00000393 FORD
Name:�tab�R. M. Board
Name:�tab�James A. Board
Name:�tab�Joseph Board
Groom's Name �tab� George L. Carson
Name: �tab� John Edward Leritz
Name: �tab�Valentine E Ferryman
Name: �tab�Valentine E. Ferryman
Nashville News, April 30, 1970 Twenty Years Ago Weddings- Miss Jeanette Evilsizer of Nashville and Russell William of Odin
Groom's Name �tab�Lewis William Redman
Ten children born
Illinois Marriage Index. TATE, WILLIAM LYDICK, ELLEN A (MR S) MARION 07/15/1885 Vol 00D/0177pg 1880 Census Place:Raccoon, Marion, Illinois Source:FHL Film 1254234 National Archives Film T9-0234 Page 7 Martin ADAMSSelfMMW59VAFa: VAMo: VA Alvira ADAMSWifeFMW55TNFa: TNMo: TN Emily J. ADAMSDauFSW26ILFa: VAMo: TN Mahala ADAMSDauFSW18ILFa: VAMo: TN John M. ADAMSSonMWW30ILFa: VAMo: TN Ellen S. LYDICKDauFWW23ILFa: VAMo: TN Rufus ADAMSGSonMSW10ILFa: ILMo: IL Clarry ADAMSGDauFSW6ILFa: ILMo: IL A. U. ADAMSGSonMSW3ILFa: ILMo: IL
Md ages 21 and 19
Arthur Mitchell, age 27, born Willis Spring, resident of Nashville, occup ation tailor, father Elza C Mitchell, mother Hanna Presly, second marriag e, married Catherine Evilsizer, age 21, born Nashville, resident of sam e, first marriage, father's name Hy Evilsizer, mother's name Kate Whitten berg. Witnesses: Loretta Wehmeyer, Gorma? Parks. E.H. Wehmeyer, J.P., N ashville, IL.
Name: �tab�Miss Katel e Evilsizer
Name: �tab�W J Evilsizer
Name: �tab�Ed Evilsizer
Name: �tab�Norma Lee Evilsizer
Name: �tab�Marvin H Evilsizer
Name: �tab�Nancy Mildred Evilsizer
Name �tab�Newton E Wonacott
Name �tab�Richard Leroy Burkitt
Hanna's Father present when license issued
Elby Blue was the name given on the marriage record.
Evilizer, SarahSpouse : Jinkins, Edward Marriage date : Mar 17, 1830 County of record : Champaign Co. Sex : F
Edward Jenkins, brother of said nancy made oath that his father gave his c onsent. Wm. over legal age
Groom's Name �tab�William Evilsizer
Groom's Name �tab�Johnathan Evilsizer
Groom's Name �tab�Jonathan Evilsizer
Allen and Elizabeth's children are questionable. There were many orphan ed children living in this area unaccounted for. We have documented pro of for some.
Marriage by J Botkin, MG Some sources record as Abigail Lennon
State of Ohio Champaign County I Moses Frazee a licenses minister of the gospel, of the baptist chur ch do hereby certify that by virtue of a license issued from the Cle rk of Champaign County I joined together in the holy state of Matrimony Sq uire Evilsizer and Christiana Comer on the 24th day of May, 1835
Andy & Sarah Schaffer were the witnesses to the marriage of Isaac & Eff ie R. Lippencott of Clark Co. married Feb. 20, 1873 at Lawrenceville Oh io by Squire Michael.
Married by George Michael, JP, Lawrenceville, OH
Married at the home of Rev Gard, Urbana, OH
Springfield Daily News, Saturday, April 30, 1904 A Wedding of Popular Tremont City People We cheerfully record the beautiful wedding that was solemnized last Wednesday evening at the country home of Isaac Evilsizor, north of Tremont Cit y. Jacob Geron and Miss Etta Evilsizor were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed by Rev W A Harp of Springfield. There were almost 130 invited guests and a large number were from Springfield. The bride is well known, as hundreds of Pythians in Clark and other counties met her while she was assistant matron at the State Pythian home. She was esteemed by the inmates of the home as well as the many visitors. Her devotion to the many duties assigned her was acknowledged by the state board of managers as well as all the local lodges that ever had had the privilege of meeting her. The bride was beautifully gowned in white Lansdowne and carried bride's roses. A beautiful wedding march was played on the piano by Miss Nora Flarida, of Springfield, as the bridal couple took their position before the minister. An elaborate wedding supper was served and many were the congratulations that were showered upon the happy pair. A large
Married at the home of Claude's parents at Tremont City, Mr and Mrs J C Brown
Married at the home of Rev Byers, Springfield, OH. Jack Wilmuth and Nell ie Plantz, Witnesses and Mrs Byers.
Groom's Name �tab�Oren Evilsizer
Groom's Name �tab�William H. Evilsizor
No children of this marriage
Groom's Name �tab�Cletis Evilsizor
Groom's Name �tab� Robert F Evilsizor
Groom's Name �tab�Virgel Evilsizor
Groom's Name �tab�John Evilsizer
Groom's Name �tab�William Evilsizer
Groom's Name �tab�William Evilsiser
State of Ohio, Noble Co Personally appeared before me the subscriber T W Morris, Dep. Clerk Jud ge of the Court of Probate in and for the said County , Joshua Evilsize r, and made oath that Ebenezer Finley Thompson is over the age of 21 year s, unmarried, and not nearer akin to Elizabeth baker that first cousins, a nd that Elizabeth baker is over the age of fourteen (14) years, unmarri ed and resident of said county, and that Elizabeth's mother is satisfi ed to said marriage and that I, Joshua Evilsizer, step father is also sati sfied to said marriage. signed, Joshua Evilsizer Sworn to and subscribed before me this 18 day of February, 1860. signed Samuel McGarry, Probate Judge and T W Morris, Dep Clerk
Groom's Name �tab�Ebenezer Evilsizer
Name: �tab�Elroy Harvey Evilsizer
Groom's Name �tab�Benjamin Worthington
Evilsizer, Mary Gender: The gender of Mary Evilsizer is female. Spouse: James Dye Marriage Date: Mar 11, 1855 County: Miami County, OH More About: The record can be found at the County Court Records, Film # 0 549804, 0550177 and 0550149-0550151
Marriage Index: Ohio, 1851-1900 Evensizer, Rebecca Spouse : Bissett, Jeremiah Marriage date : Jan 16, 1862 County : Miami County Gender : Female Source : County Court Records Microfilm Number : 0549804, 0550177 and 0550149-0550151 (It seems strange the name is spelled Evensizer. None of Squires descendan ts used this spelling.)
Joshua Benton Zerkel
Groom's Name �tab�John Fanning
Groom's Name �tab�John T. Evilsizer
Groom's Name �tab�Andrew Shafer
Groom's Name �tab�Thomas H. Nitchman
Name: �tab�Morris Lellis
Groom's Name �tab�T. C. Evilsizer
Groom's Name �tab�Jonah Evilsizer
Name: �tab�Miss Annie Evilsizer
Mr. John Evilsizer, of Ray County, and Miss Estel Cummins, of Carroll County, were married at New Hope Church September 14, 1881. A large number of friends and relatives assembled to witness the ceremony. The bride was attired in a wine colored dress trimmed in satin, cream colored lace, and white ribbons, white satin bonnet trimmed in cream colored veil and gloves of snowy whiteness, looking as fresh and beautiful as a flower.
Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 95 Feb 16 1904 Minute book 55 pg 369 James Hurd vs Ella Hurd for divorce on adultry and gross neglect. Divorce granted; children to james
Stewart, JohnSpouse : Taylor, Catharine O. Marriage date : Feb 6, 1840 County of record : Champaign Co. Sex : M
Stewart, JohnSpouse : Gutridge, Martha Marriage date : Nov 20, 1849 County of record : Champaign Co. Sex : M
Benjamin B Bradley J.P.
Allison, SamuelSpouse : Reed, Julia Marriage date : Oct 24, 1850 County of record : Champaign Co. Sex : M
Jay County Newspaper Clippings May 19 1887-April 25, 1889 Vol II 2006 by R ex Bertram The Portland Commercial, Thur Jan 24 1889 Miss Katie Stauffer, who has been visiting Albert Evilsizer and family a nd other relatives and friends in this city for some time, returned to h er home at Dayton, Ohio Wednesday morning.
name: �tab�Charley Galate
Groom's Name �tab�Allan Evilsizer
Groom's Name �tab�George T. Ebbert Or Ebert
by Rev L H Long
Groom's Name �tab�Philande Lee
According to family legend "Annie", a pretty and lively girl of 16 used to climb out of the upstairs window at night to meet Tommy Burns.
Name: �tab�William Peter Hecker
Groom's Name �tab�Joshua Clark
Groom �tab�Jesse O Evilsizer
Groom's Name �tab�Kenneth L Bryant
room's Name �tab�William A. Nixon
This marriage is not proven. A collection of the facts and location of dea ths indicate a strong possibility these two person were married.
Groom's Name �tab�Charles W. Evilsizer
Groom's Name �tab�Thomas H. Ballentine
Pat Stickley from the urbana Library looked for a marriage for Issac and Flora and could not locate it. This suggests they were married in another county
Groom's Name �tab�John Fenton
Groom's Name �tab�Joseph Evilsiger
9/24/1891 Jasper Evilsizor and Miss Emma Hamilton of Mad River Twp married by Rev J E Lee Thursday
County record Marriage Book Vol K Pg 239
Groom's Name �tab�Albert Evilsizer
Name: �tab� Irvin Elvilsizor
Springfield Ohio Daily News Saturday, March 13, 1915 LEGAL NOTICE Lemuel Evilsizer, whose place of residence is unknown, will take notice th at on the 23rd day of January A.D. 1915, Rene Belle Evilsizer filed her pe tition against him for divorce, alimony and restoration to her former na me in Case No. 19677 of the Court of Common Pleas of Clark Co, Ohio on t he grounds of gross neglect of duty and willful absence for more than thr ee years, and that said cause will be for hearing on or after March 15, 19 15. Zimmerman & Zimmerman; Attorneys for Plaintiff
Groom's Name �tab�John P. Wildasin
Groom's Name �tab�Edon J. Evilsizer
Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg61 Jan 22 1906 (??1926?)Minute book 56 pg 420 Louisa Evilsizor vs Edon J Evilsizor for divorce on habitual drunk. Divorce grante d; $300 alimony.
Groom's Name �tab�Joseph Evilsizer
Groom's Name �tab�Joseph Evilsizor
Groom's Name �tab�Ezra Evilsizer
Florence Edith Evilsizor married Walter Leroy Morris on August 26, 1913.
Groom's Name �tab�Edward H. Evilsizer
Also a record of Marriage in Clark County Records
Groom's Name �tab� William Bennett Engle
Circle, NoahSpouse : Shaffer, Lydia Marriage date : Jun 20, 1844 County of record : Champaign Co. Sex : M
Name: �tab�Clem Benedic
!MARRIAGE: recorded in the Probate Court office, Springfield, Clark Co ., OH. It states that Milton P. Morris and Sarah Sager were married by Jesse Godd ard, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church on the 9th day of Augu st 1846. The parties were of age. Marriage Book 3 Page 39
Groom's Name �tab�Henry Evilsizer
Groom's Name �tab�Orval L. Harris
Carl Williams age 23 res-1857 S 50th St Springfield Oh
February 22, 1902 The marriage of one of our former townsmen, Clem Evilsizor, to Miss Urba Walker, occurred at the home of the bride's parents near South Urbana, Ohio, on last Wednesday evening, February 19th. The Rev Wren officiated. Many handsome presents were received. After the ceremony, those presents were served at a beautiful wedding breakfast. The following were present: Mr and Mrs Lewis Evilsizor, Mr and Mrs Charles Wright, Mr and Mrs William Wright, Mr and Mrs John Geron, Mr and Mrs Isaac Evilsizor, Robert Traylor of South Dakota, Mr and Mrs John Evilsizor, and Misses Etta Evilsizor, Alma Evilsizor, assistant matron at the Pythian home, Carrie Evilsizor; Amelia Evilsizor, Nellie Geron,Maude Brown, Ezra Rooney, Florence Dallis, Mary Walker, Marley Evilsizor, Jacob Geron, Charles W Evilsizor, Joshua Rooney, John Printz, Mannie Evilsizor, Warden Hupp, Walter Evilsizor, Clarence Evilsizor, Willie Geron, Herbert Evilsizor, Marshall Evilsizor, James Dallis.
Groom's Name �tab�Lloyd Warren Stratton
Fred Bryant
Springfield Daily News, March 2, year not known. Residing on Petre Rd- Mr and Mrs Norman E Evilsizor, who were married Marc h2, -----(not legible), in Dayton, are making their home on the Petre Roa d. Mrs Evilsizor, formerly was mary Virginia Scott, daughter of C P Sco tt of the Blee Rd. Mr Evilsizor is the son of Mr and Mrs Clem Evilsiz or of near Springfield. Attendants at the wedding were Mr and Mrs Kennth B ryant, brother-in-law and sister of the bridegroom.
Groom's Name: �tab�Clifford P. Scott
Groom's Name �tab�Frank L. Crabill
Springfield News Feb 28, 1903
Groom's Name �tab�Earl E Gentis
Groom's Name �tab�Marion Leo Evilsiser
Groom's Name: �tab�Samuel L. Powell
Groom's Name �tab�Alpha B. Evilsizer
Groom's Name �tab�Julius Holl
Groom's Name �tab�William I. Greene
First Baptist Church, by Rev. H. N. Quissenbury, Hamilton, Butler Co
Name: �tab�Byron H. Green
Groom's Name: �tab�William T. Hulsizer
Groom's Name �tab�Marshall Evilsizor
Married January 18, 1930, by Rev. I. J. Kreider of West Milton Ohio. Dad a ged 38, mom age 27, marriage license application and certificate number 34 129 recorded in Miami county Ohio.
Name: �tab�Charles W. Foose
Springfield News December 27, 1901 Christmas Day at the home of the officiating minister was the scene of t he marriage of Miss Mabel Dear to Frank Evilsizor.
Groom's Name �tab�Philip Geron
Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg 70 Sept 15, 1930 Glada Geron vs Charles H Geron for divorce on gross neglect; contempt; non support of her and minor child. On 20 Sept 1930 in Minute book 70 pg 486 divorce granted , child Harold Norman to the mother
Marriage record spelling James L. Evelsezer
Groom's Name �tab�Forrest R. Geron
June 19, 1902 At the home of the bride's parents, south of Urbana, last Wednesday evening was the occasion of the marriage of Miss Carrie Evilsizor to Worden Hupp, of this place. One hundred and fifty persons were present to witness the beautiful ceremony. Many valuable presents were given the newly made man and wife. The wedding feast was bounteous and the occasion will be remembered pleasantly by the host of friends.
Groom's Name �tab� Walter Raymond Evilsizor
Groom's Name �tab�Fred Joe Weimer
Groom's Name �tab�Clarence Evilaizor
Groom's Name �tab�Christopher Hugh Evilsizor
Genevieve married Minard Evilsizer on April 7, 1934. Grandma was attendi ng a secretarial schooling in Columbus, Ohio at the Business College. H er roommate, Vivian was dating Russell VanScoy - who was a friend of Minar d's. (Do you see my family's future paths crossing here!? Russell is my D ad's father's brother!- and I just saw him last month at a family reunio n) Vivian and Russell played matchmaker, introducing Minard to Geneviev e. As it turned our Vivian and Russell broke up.However, Minard and Genev ieve were dating by now, so Minard introduced Vivian to another frie nd of his, Charles Cook. Charles and Vivian married even before Minard a nd Genevieve! Grandma always had a personal license plate with her apartm ent number on it as a gift from MInard in their years together (76VW).
Married at the First Church of God, Maiden Lane, by Rev C E Byers, 7 P M, reception YMCA
Married at the First Church of God, Maiden Lane, by Rev CE Byers, 7:45 p.m ., Reception, Rustic Inn
Name: �tab�Cyrus H. Griest
William E. Blue
Groom's Name �tab�Willard W. Nitchman
Name: �tab�Edward J. Litreal
Groom's Name �tab�William A. Nixon
Groom's Name �tab�Joshua Rooney
Groom's Name �tab�Jesse E. Roach
Groom's Name �tab�Clyde W. Nitchman
Groom's Name �tab�Charles Nitchman
Groom's Name �tab�Edward Hyrum Runyan
Groom's Name �tab�Harvey Monroe Londenback
Groom's Name: �tab�John M. Curl
Marriage on this CD spelling was Evensizer, however, we know no one in th is family ever used this spelling, so I am assuming it was transcribed wro ng. Some people just cant believe this could be a name!
Name: �tab�James W. Dick
Sarah Lutz
name: �tab�Wesley W. Decker
Chancey Hedges
pg120 4/6/1899 Effie B Moyer, won a breach of promise suit against Amos B Swisher. Thursday, Feb 6, 1893 they were to be wed, but October 18 he married another woman. She was awarded $5,000 and he failed to appear.
Name: �tab�Lawson Evilsizer
By Richard Wolfe, JP, Denver, CO No ages on cert
No ages given. By A T Orahood, JP Denver, CO
Name: �tab�Perle Leroy Evelsizer
Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941 about Emma Teucke
BLACKMAN, JOHN EVELSIZER, ETTA 1898-03-29 00K/0238 00012997 MC LEAN
Groom �tab�Stephen A Evelsizer
Groom's Name �tab�Charles W. Evilsizer
Intended marriage, consent of mother of groom Isabella Derr
Groom's Name �tab�Richard M Strawsburg
Groom's Name �tab�George Edw. Schaefer
Groom's Name �tab�Horace V. Evilsizor
Groom's Name �tab�Walter R. Evilsizor
Groom's Name �tab�Walter R Evilsizor
Groom's Name �tab�John W. Evidsizer
Groom's Name �tab� Alpha Claud Faulkner
Groom's Name �tab�Otis Carol Nicholas
Groom's Name �tab�Russell Paul Faulkner
Groom's Name �tab�Alpha Evilsizor
Groom's Name �tab�Edson G Dingledine
Groom's Name �tab�Emery T. Evilsizer
Groom's Name �tab�Herman J. Evilsizor
Groom's Name �tab�Marley E. Evelsizer
Groom's Name �tab�Clair E. Evilsizor
name: �tab�Eldon Zerkle
6/23/1983 Divorce granted Champaign Co, Vol 05080 to Zella of Urbana from Roland of Urbana married 36 years, no minor chilren.
Groom's Name: �tab�John H. Turner
Groom's Name �tab�Coral Emery Evilsizor
Md age 24 and 16
JOURNELL�tab�MAX�tab�E�tab�Logan County�tab�43�tab� �tab�
Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg61 Oct 21 1922 Minuted Book 66 pg 168 Claude E Evilsizor vs Esta M Evilsizor for divorce on wilful absence. Divo rce granted
Married at the home of Mr and Mrs Marley Evilsizor near Terre Haute by Cha rles W Sultzbach, Tremont City Methodist Episcopal Church
Groom's Name �tab�Vernon A. Evilsizer
Urbana Daily Citizen, Wednesday, October 1,1980 Christianburg-William F and Grace Evilsizor of 7 S Monroe St., Christianbu rg, will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary, Sunday with an open hou se from 2 to 5 p.m. at their home, hosted by their children. They were mar ried October 7, 1920 in Springfield by the Rev. Wiant.Mr Evilsizor retir ed from farming in 1973. He is a part-time employee of the Village of Chri stianburg and Producers Livestock, Inc, Urbana. Mrs. Evilsizor has be en a volunteer at Dettmer Hospital since 1961. They have four children; Ke nneth of Casstown, Dorothy Vankirk of Piqua, Peggy Markley of New Carlisl e, and Gary of Troy/ One son, Othello "Bud" is deceased. The couple reque st that gifts be omitted.
At the time of their marriage, she lived at 215 Penn Road, Troy. She sa id they were married in her parents home. She now lives at 210 Penn Roa d, (10/2002)
Name: �tab�Elmer L. Arthur
Groom's Name �tab�Loren Harold Evilsizor
name: �tab�Benami Hebble
Name: �tab�John Achatz
Name: �tab�Paul Archer Moore
both age 20 when married
By Champaign Co Genealogical Society, Champaign Co, OH-St Paris Newpaper A bstracts-1877-1911, (June 2000). pg 79 July 15, 1887 Albert Neese md Miss Mattie Briggs by Rev E D Smith on Sat July 2 1887.
Name: �tab�Wm. C. Mott
Name: �tab�W. Frank Williams
Groom's Name: �tab�William F. Runkle
Groom's Name: �tab�Earl Gatten
Name: �tab�Harley M. Terrell
Groom's Name �tab�William H. Bumgardner
Groom's Name �tab�Archie Blaine Harvey
Groom's Name �tab�Wiley Evilsizer
Groom's Name �tab�Elmer Evilsizer
Groom's Name �tab�Aurthur Evilsizor
Groom's Name �tab�Willard Clarence Evilsizor
Name: �tab�Gilbert A. Birt
Unable to find a marriage record in either Clark or Champaign County.
MARRIAGE: License issued 23 May 1857 to Reuben Sager and Nancy Smith. "H er father present and says all right." Married 28 May 1857 by Philip Come r, J.P. Recorded in Volume F Page 62 of the Champaign County Probate Cou rt Records, Urbana, OH.
Groom's Name �tab�Orlando Clinton Hope
Groom's Name �tab�William Theodore Frazer
Urbana Daily Citizen, February 23,1914 A marriage license was issued in probate court late Saturday afterno on to Clarence and Miss Ruth Ellen Evilsizor, both of Urbana Township. T he couple was married by Reverend Fred G. Arnold, pastor of the First Bapt ist Church.
Groom's Name �tab� Elzie Mcconnaughey
Groom's Name �tab�Grover R. Evilsizor
Previous marriage was Harriet Wright Evilsizor, deceased.
Name: Harold L Evensizer Age: 59 Est. Birth: abt 1913 Spouse Name: Alma C Kitchell Spouse Age: 52 Est. Spouse Birth: abt 1920 Date: 22 Nov 1972 Location: Solano
Groom's Name �tab�Ralph Evilsizor
Name: �tab�Robert Good
Groom's Name: �tab�Omer Clark Powell
Groom's Name �tab�Clyde Evilsizor
Groom's Name: �tab�William Russell
Groom's Name �tab�Emil Irvin Evilsizor
Name: �tab�Charles Edward Turnmire
Transcript from Record of Marriages Washington Co., OH
Transcript from Record of Marriages Washington Co., OH
Groom's Name �tab�George W. Huff
Groom's Name �tab�Josiah Evelsizer
CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 Eli Pence .27
Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 Eli Pence
St Paris Precinct Toll Book Nov 2 1880 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 Eli Pence
ELI PENCE, farmer; P. O. St. Paris; is a son of Samuel Pence, born in Cham paign Co., where he was raised through the early part of the nineteenth ce ntury, many deprivations being connected with his life. He married about 1 825, to Mary A. Howard, a native of this State. After a companionship of s ome years, he died and left nine children. Mary A. still survives; has mar ried and buried her second husband [Adam Apple], by whom she had four chil dren. Eight of her thirteen children now survive. Eli was born in Johns on Township Jan. 20, 1842, and was left fatherless when but a child; he th en fell into the hands of some of his relatives, by whom he was properly c ared for until Aug. 4, 1862. At this time the great crisis of our count ry was raging, and he entered Co. H, 45th O.V.I., serving to the clo se of the war, when he was honorably discharged at Columbus, Ohio. Duri ng his military life, he participated in the battles of Knoxville, Tenn .; London, Tenn.; the battle of Resaca, Ga., where he was slightly wound ed in the right shoulder, and many other battles of minor importance. On M arch 4, 1866, after his return from the service, he married Rachel A. Srou fe. One year later he located on what is now his farm. This he has since p urchased by degrees, and now owns a well-improved grain farm. The childr en of Mr. and Mrs. Pence are Orlando, William F., Samuel C., Mary E. and E mma A. Mrs. Pence was born on their present farm, and is bus a daught er of George O. Sroufe, who was a prominent pioneer of this township [John son].
From Richard Pence Web Site Eli Pence was the last surviving Civil War veteran in Champaign County, Oh io, where he was born on January 20, 1842 and died on January 23, 1941, s hortly after turning 99. He was also the only soldier from the 45th O VI to attend the regiment's 60th and last reunion, in August 1933, and w as almost certainly its last survivor.
Born the son of Samuel Pence, whose father Daniel had come to Champaign Co unty from Virginia, Eli was sixth of nine children. His father died at t he age of 35 in 1845, when Eli was only three years old. His mother remar ried a year later to Adam Apple, also of Champaign County, by whom she h ad four more children. Eli, however, was raised by relatives, undergoi ng what his biography in the History of Champaign County (W. H. Beers & County, Chicago, 1881, pg. 761) describes as "many deprivations." On August 4, 1862, at the age of twenty, he enlisted as a private in the 45 th OVI and was mustered into Company H, which was largely raised from Cha mpaign County.
Eli was promoted to corporal on May 1, 1864 and was mustered out on June 1 2, 1865 at Camp Harker, Tennessee. His company suffered heavy losses in ki lled, wounded and captured, particularly in the siege of Knoxville and t he battles at Philadelphia and Holston River, but Eli escaped with on ly a slight wound to his right shoulder at the Battle of Resaca.
After the war, Eli returned to Ohio and, on March 4,1866, married Rach el A. Shroufe, the daughter of a prominent Champaign County family. A ye ar later he settled on the farm in St. Paris that was his wife's birthpla ce and was to be their home for many years. The couple had six childre n: Orlando, William, Samuel, Mary Ellen, Emma and Thirza Ann. Rachel di ed at the age of 72 in 1918 and on September 2, 1921, Eli remarried, to El len Walker, a widow from Plain City, Ohio, aged 62. This match betwe en an elderly widower and widow was unusual enough to warrant an artic le in the local newspaper, The Champaign Democrat, on September, 27 1921:
St Paris Man Weds at 78 A widow of 62
An event of more than usual interest occurred last week at Pla in City when Eli Pence, aged 78, retired farmer, of St. Paris, was unit ed in marriage to Mrs. Ellen Walker, aged 62, of Plain City.The marriage c eremony was performed by Rev. Sprouce, Baptist minister of Plain City a nd the couple went to housekeeping in the bride's home in th at place. Both have been married before and have families. Mr. Pence is o ne of the best known residents of St. Paris and Mrs. Pence is well kno wn in Madison and Union counties.
Eli took an active role in G.A.R. and regimental reunion affairs, becomi ng the reunion organization's last president. On August 16, 1933, he was t he sole remaining 45th OVI veteran at the regiment's 60th reunion, he ld in Urbana, Ohio. (For a fuller account of this reunion see the Reuni on page
Eli's older brother, Isaiah, also served in the Union army, enlisting in t he 13th Ohio Volunteer Infantry in April 1861 and mustering out in Augu st of the same year. Four of Eli's cousins, Elijah, John, John Dugan and W illiam Pence, served in the 45th OVI. Elijah enlisted as a private on Ju ly 28, 1862, at the age of 25, and mustered into Company E. He was captur ed at Philadelphia, Tennessee on October 20, 1863 and died a prisoner at R ichmond, Virginia on March 4, 1864. John enlisted as private on August 1 1, 1862, at the age of 26, and mustered into Company C. He was mustered o ut on June 12, 1865 at Camp Harker, Tennessee. John Dugan enlisted as a co rporal on August 8, 1862 and mustered into Company H. He died of typhoid f ever at Covington, Kentucky on October 8, 1862. William enlisted as a priv ate on July 5, 1862, at the age of 24, and mustered into Company E. He mus tered out on June 12, 1865.
Champaign County Guardianships Book 2 pg 18-19 17 Jan 1859 Daniel Death gdn of Elizabeth Pence 15 yr Dec 1858; and Eli Pen ce 17 yr 20 Jan, 1859 minor heirs of Samuel pence, dec'd. Surities Adam Ap ple and Daniel Apple
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 247
U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 Name: Lowell Slack Brelsford Birth Date: 27 Mar 1895 Residence: Dayton, Ohio Birth: St Paris, Ohio Race: White Roll: WWII_2371722 age 47 employed by United Aircraft in Dayton Ohio
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2002 Name: Lowell S Brelsford Birth Date: Est. 1895 Gender: Male Race: White Residence County: Montgomery Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 10 Apr 1959 Hospital of Death: Miami Valley Hospital City of Death: Dayton County of Death: Montgomery Certificate: 28477 Age at Death: 64 Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy Marital Status: Married
Name: LOWELL S BRELSFORD Gender: Male Date of Death: April 10, 1959 Volume: 15754 Certificate: 28477 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Dayton, Montgomery County Race: White Residence: , Montgomery County Age: 64
Record Book 10 page 243 Heard 1 Nov 1828 Andrew Shroufe vs Heirs of George Shroufe Andrew Shroufe of Shelby Co, Ohio, on 19 October 1821 paid George Shrou fe of Champaign County now deceased $80 and received a bond to execute a d eed in fee simple as soon as George received his patent for 40 acres locat ed in the south-west corner of north-west quarter section 21 township 3 r ange 12 (Johnson Twp). George died about Feb 1 1825 intestate and left t he following children; Jefferson Shroufe; george, Joseph, Aaron, Susanna h, Louisa and Nicholas Shroufe. Andrew Shroufe dismissed his own bi ll on 17 November 1828
Record Book 13, Page 170 - Filed 15 July 1832 - Petition for Dower Sarah M aggart, late Sarah Shroufe Vs Joseph B. Shroufe et al, Heirs of George Shroufe George Shroufe owned@ land in the north-west quarter of Section 21 Townsh ip 3 Range 11 (Jackson Tp.); a log cabin was erected on 30 acres of improv ed land. Sarah Maggart was the widow of George Shroufe (died February 182 6) and later married Adam Maggart. George Shroufe also left the followi ng heirs: George Shroufe Jr. was 23 years on 9 April 1832; Joseph B. Shrou fe was 21 years on 10 May 1832 and lived in Montgomery County, Ohio; Aar on Shroufe was 16 years on 18 December 1831; Sarah Ann Shroufe was 11 yea rs on 25 July 1831; Louisa Jane Shroufe was 9 years on 25 December 1831 a nd Nicholas Sebastian Shroufe was 7 years on 25 January 1832. The case w as discontinued on October 1833 but no reason was given.
PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Record Book 14, Page 565- Filed 19 September 1834 Lewis Shrouffe and Sarah Shrouffe, widow, Administrators of George Shrouf fe deceased vs Aaron Shrouffe et al George Shrouffe died owning 30 acres in the north-west corner of the south -east quarter of Section 21 Township 3 Range 12 (Johnson Tp.). Lewis and S arah were appointed as administrators on 23 January 1826. George Shrouf fe left the following heirs: Sarah Shrouffe, widow, married Adam Maggar t; George Shrouffe of Champaign County; Joseph Shrouffe of Shelby Count y; Aaron Shrouffe age 18 years; Sarah Ann Shrouffe of Butler County, a ge 13 years; Louisa Shrouffe. age 11 years and Nicholas S. Shrouffe, a ge 9 years. Moses B. Corwin was appointed the guardian ad litem. The cou rt appointed appraisers: David Berry, Christian Lyon and David Pence fil ed their report on 7 March 1836 and rated the land at $150. On 25 Februa ry 1837 Daniel Grove purchased the 30 acres for $100.
4/5/1837 SE1/4 S21 T3 R12 Johnson Twp, Champaign Co, OH Adminsiter of Geo rge Sroufe (lewis Sroufe and Sarah Sroufe maggert) to daniel Groves, 30 ac res in the west corner. Book O Pg 27
Record Book 16 Pg 89 Filed April 18 1839 Petition to sell land Nicholas Shrouffe by guardian vs The widow and heirs of George Shrouffe, deceased Nicholas Shrouffe, a minor, age 14 years last January (1839) was a wa rd of George O Shrouffe. Sarah, the widow of Goerge Shrouffe Sr, remarri ed Adam Maggart. Children of George and Sarah Shrouffe: George O Shrouff e, Joseph Shrouffe, Aaron Shrouffe, Sarah Ann Shrouffe Lung, wife of Abe l; Louisa Jane Shrouffe and Nicholas Schrouffe.
Death cert says born 10/29/1870 Tombstone says 1870 Champaign Birth record 3/29/1871
Birth record of son Frank names mother as Barbary Pence
Burial Record-Hanback, Mary Elizabeth permit#91 cause of acute nephritis internment date 28-Apr-1925 undertaker-Cron of Piqua
No section, lot or grave #.
no visable marker as of June 2010
Husband Lewis is buried in section 2
eyes, light brown hair, medium build, medium height registered 12-Sep-1918
to Miami County, Ohio, in 1900 and living there at census with no childrn e, mother-in-law, Eliza Cramer; in Osceola, Mississippi County, Arkansa s, in 1910 with wife and son
21-Mar-1933 Piqua, Miami County, OH cause of death Pneumonia(Lobar)
Aged 59y 1m 14d occupation traffic mgr spouse listed as Amy Cramer
Lives at 421 Riverside Drive. Interment Forest Hill Cemetery 24-Mar-1933
Death Cert file #17561 registration district 873 primary registration
district 8379 registered No 63
Masonic Notice of interment by O. Forrest Reed, W.M.
1910 Champaign, St Paris, OH- ED# 0009 Otto C Nicholas Grandson W 12 Oh io living with Martin L Leamman
NICHOLS, Ottis C. Death date: 5/31/1944, Champaign County Cert ificate #35330
CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 E J Schooler .05
Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 E J Schooler
St Paris Precinct Toll Book Nov 2 1880 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 E J Schooler
CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 Poll Book St Paris Precinct Johnson Twp 11/2/1 880 David Poorman
Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 William Poorman
Death Date: �tab�16 Jan 1930
Death Place: �tab�Lima, Allen, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�01 Nov 1861
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�68 years 2 months
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Jacob Poorman
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Pa.
Mother's Name: �tab�Nancy Nickles
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Pa.
Death date: 29 Nov 1952
Death place: Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, United States
Birth date: 12 May 1875
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: St. Paris, Ohio
Age at death: 77 years 6 months 17 days
Gender: Female
Marital status:
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Burial date:
Burial place:
Cemetery name:
Spouse name:
Father name: Eli Everett
Father titles:
Father birth place:
Mother name: unk Ayers
Mother titles:
Mother birth place:
GSU film number: 2246396
Digital GS number: 4109441
Image number: 00202
Reference number: 70782
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Jacob P. Slusser & wife to W.S. Slusser Deed of B & S Recorded in Deed Book No 25 pages 56 & 7 (?) (could be 5,6,& 7)
This Deed made the 16th day of July in the year 1884, By Jacob P. Sluss er and Christena Slusser his Wife of the County of Rockingham, and Sta te of Virginia, party of the first and W.S. Slusser, of the County and St ate aforesaid, party of the second part: Witnesseth that for and in consi deration of the sum of One Hundred and fifty Dollars cash paid in hand t he receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and for the further su ms of Fifty Dollars each to be paid on the 1st day of March in the yea rs 1885, 1886, and 1887, For which deferred payments the said W.S. Sluss er has executed his Bonds, and as security for said Bonds a Lien is hereby expressly retained upon the pro perty hereby conveyed.
They, the said Jacob P. Slusser a nd Christena Slusser his Wife party of the first part have this day gra nted, bargained and sold to the said W.S. Slusser party of the second par t, a certain Lot of Land, lying and being in the aforesaid County of Roc kingham and State of Virginia and being a part of the intere st of Wm B. Slusser in his fathers land and conveyed to the said Jac ob P. Slusser by the Said Wm B. Slusser ad Wife by Deed bearing da te of ______1832, and the said Lot of Land is bounded as follows, Beginni ng at a Stone on a hill side in a line of Samuel Slusser's land, and runn ing with said line S. 79 3/4 degrees E 75.35 poles to a large White Oa k, Samuel Slusser's and Argabright's corner, thence with Argabright's li ne S. 31 1/2 degree W. 27.75 poles to a stone at the turning of a land, t hence S. 58 1/2 degrees W. 70 poles to the beginning. Containi ng 6 A. 1 R. and 23 Poles of Land
And the said Grantors hereby release to the said Grantee a ll their claim or claims to the said Lot of Land, that the said Granto rs have a right to convey the said Land to the said Grantees that they h ave done no act to encumber the said Land and that said Grantee shall ha ve quiet possession of said Land, free from all encumbrances whateve r. Witness the following signatures and seals.
Witness his M J Meyerhoeffer Jacob P X Slusser (Sea
Witness her M J Meyerhoeffer Christena X Slusser (Sea
County of Rockingham) State of Virginia ) To wit
I, M.H. Meyerhoeffer a Notary Public for said coun ty do certify that Jacob P. Slusser and Christena Slusser his wife who se names are signed to the above Deed bearing date July 16th 1884 perso nally appeared and acknowledged the same, and the said Christena Sluss er being examined by me privily and apart from her said husband and havi ng the said Deed fully explained to her, she the said Christena Sluss er declared that she has willingly executed the same and did not wi retract it. Given under my hand and seal this 16th day of July 188
M.J. Meyerhoeffer N.P. (Seal) Virginia
In the Clerk's office of the County Court of Rockingham Cou nty July 21, 1884, This Deed from Jacob P. Slusser & wife to W.S. Sluss er was this day presented in the office aforesaid and is together with the certificate of acknowledgment thereon endorsed admitted to reco rd.
Champaign Co, Ohio Chancery Records Court of Common Pleas Record book 24 pg 418 filed 12 Jan 1853 Petition to Partition Aaron Offenbacker vs Mary Slusser et al Peter Slusser died seized of 86 acres of land in the north half of t he NW 1/4 section 32 Twp 3 Range 12 (Johnson Twp). Peter left , Mary Sluss er, widow and the following children: Charlotte, Samuel, Mary Ellen and Da vid Slusser
Springfield (O.) Daily News" Thursday, June 3, 1971: RUSSELL P. FAULKNER ST. PARIS -- Russell P. Faulkner, 76, of 8920 U. S. 36 West, St. Paris, d ied at 5:20 p.m. Wednesday in Urbana Care Center, where he had been a pati ent for the past five weeks. A retired farmer, he had been in failing hea lth for the past five months. Mr. Faulkner had lived for the past year wi th his son, Paul of 347 Apple rd. He was a member of Terre Haute United M ethodist Church and the Junior Order of United American Mechanics. A li fe resident of Champaign county, he was born Feb. 3, 1895, the son of Char les and Joanna Jenkins Faulkner. He attended Westville schools and was ma rried in 1917 to the former Ethel Evilsizor, who died in 1961. Survivo rs other than his son include three grandchildren, Marvin of Washington, D .C,. Robert at home and Mrs. James (Nancy) Virts of Mechanicsburg; two gre at-grandchildren; four brothers, Lloyd of Lima, George of Bellefontaine, a nd Alpha and Howard of Urbana; four sisters, Mrs. Thersa Duncan of Michiga n, Mrs. Nellie Erbe of Springfield and Mrs. Goldie Neer and Mrs. Mildred N eer of Urbana. Friends may call in the Baker funeral Home after 7 p.m. Th ursday, Friday afternoon and evening and until services at 2 p.m. Saturda y. The Rev. William Turner of the Terre Haute church will officiate and b urial will be in Terre Haute Cemetery."
Ohio, Deaths and Burials, 1854-1997
birth:�tab�1887�tab�Mad River Tp
death:�tab�24 Feb 1887�tab�Mad River Tp, Champaign, Ohio
residence:�tab�1887�tab�Mad River Tp.
1920 Census has mother-in-law Anna Foster age 61
WWI Draft Registration 6/5/1917
Clark co, Lawrenceville, OH
Alpha Evilsizor age 27 born 8/19/1889 in Champaign Co, mad River, OH
Lives RR#7 Springfield, OH
self employed farmer
Kin-wife and mother in law
Med Build, Stout frame, Blue eyes, Dk Brwn Hair
Ohio Grain Dealer is Killed
Springfield, OH, Nov 20-AP
Struck by the hopper doors of a coal car when the doors suddenly gave way as he was supervising the unloading of the car in Tremont City yesterday, Alpha Evilsizor, 35, died in the city hospital of his injuries last night.
Name : Alpha Evilsizor Death date : 19 Nov 1925
Death place : Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth date : 19 Aug 1889 Birth place : Champaign So., Ohio
Age at death : 36 years 3 months Gender : Male
Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian
Occupation : Grain Merchant-Proprietor
Residence : Fremont, Ohio Burial date : 23 Nov 1925
Burial place : Clark Co Cemetery name : Ferncliff
Spouse name : Nellie
Father name : John W. Evilsizor
Father birth place : Ohio
Mother name : Amanda Gentes
Mother birth place : Ohio
Informant- Mrs Nellie Evilsizor
COD-Accident-Fractured Skull
GSU film number : 1992682 Digital GS number : 4001701
Image number : 3004 Certificate number : fn 61465 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
�/u��/i�My grandma became crippled with rheumatoid arthritis the year after I was born, and I only have memories of her in a wheel chair. My grandpa was so loving and kind to her and treated her like a queen. I remember the first TV set they purchased and granpa would watch his wrestling matches every day. One day a commercial came on the TV advertizing a laxative and my grandma banned the TV from her home forever. Granpa moved the TV out to the back screened porch to watch his wrestling from that day forward. She was a strong Christian woman whom everyone loved who ever met her. She and I would cook bisquits and gravy every time we visited. I still use her recipe to this day.
�u��i�Poem written by her friend Mabel Howard, also her next door neighbor in Arlington, TX
�/u��/i�(Dedicated to Mrs Evilsizer, a wonderful Christian lasy, who lices at 711 North Oak Street. She has been confined to a wheel chair for many years. She has a lovely smile and a word of encouragement for all)
If you do not know her
You have missed a gracious treat.
She has the sweetest smile
Of anyone you will ever meet.
She has long since learned to live with pain
And keep the smile upon her face;
For though her health she can't regain
Her heart is filled with heavenly grace.
Oft time in church on Sunday morn
We see her in her chair;
Her presence adds a reverent depth
To every song and prayer.
Her husband is so very kind
He loves her, oh so much!
And as he waits upon her
It is with a tender, loving touch.
Sometimes when I am passing by
I stop to say hello;
But I am the one who has been blessed
As on my way I go.
No matter how she feels
A praiseful song she sings;
For though her chair has wheels
Her faith has golden wings.
Mrs Ora Bell Evilsizer, 72, residence 711 N Oak Street, Arlington, passed away Saturday after a long illness. Born in Nashville, IL, a resident of Arlington since 1949, member of Fender Rd Baptist Church. Survivor s, husband C E Evilsizer; 3 sons, C A Evilsizer, Arlington, Charles Evilsizer, Solo Missouri, I P Evilsizer, Jacksonville, FL, 13 grandchildren, 5 great grandchildren. Services pending. Hugh M Moore & Sons, 1219 N Davis Drive
Name �tab�Ora Belle Evilsizer
Death Date �tab�12 Dec 1964
Death Place �tab�Arlington, Tarrant, Texas
Gender �tab�Female
Race �tab�White
Death Age �tab�72 years
Estimated Birth Date �tab�
Birth Date �tab�01 Feb 1892
Birthplace �tab�Nashville, Illinois
Marital Status �tab�Married
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�Roe Martin
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�dont know
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Occupation �tab�Housewife
res- 711 North Oak St, Arlington, TX
Place of Residence �tab�Arlington, Tarrant, Texas
Cemetery �tab�Moore Memorial Gardens
Burial Place �tab�Arlington, Texas
Burial Date �tab�14 Dec 1964
INformant, C E Evilsizer
COD pneumonia 24 hours, influenza 5 days
Additional Relatives �tab�X
Film Number �tab�2117654
Digital Film Number �tab�4028378
Image Number �tab�1765
Reference Number �tab�CN80620
Throughout the years, Arnold and Irene had six more children, five boys and one girl. We traveled a lot when I was young, sometimes from construction jobs to cherry harvests in Idaho. I remember we lived in Colorado and Del Rio, Texas, too. Arnold's dad settled in Arlington, Texas so we moved there also. The construction work was good and the year was 1949. Arnold was a carpenter by trade, but his real love was mechanics, working on all makes and models of cars and trucks. There wasn't much he could not fix, especially Volkswagons. I can remember when I was 9 or 10 my dad had a Packard car, and was he ever proud of it. I can also remember he had a deep teal-green, pin-striped, double breasted suit. He sure was handsome in it. He had two strokes in the last year of his life, but was disabled four year before that with heart trouble. He could still get around and sit in his chair. He could no longer tend his garden or wok on cars. He w as only in the hospital two days with collapsed lungs when he suddenly had a heart attack and died. I was at the hospital with him when it happened. It was during one of the worst heat waves in Texas History. by Dolores June (Evilsizer) Clark
Texas Death Index, 1903-2000 Name: Clarence Evilsizer Death Date: 24 Aug 1980 Death County: Tarrant Gender: Male
Name: Charles E. Evilsizer SSN: 462-22-3505 Last Residence: 65536 Lebanon, Laclede, Missouri Born: 6 Jul 1924 Died: 17 Nov 2006 State (Year) SSN issued: Texas (Before 1951 )
Springfield News & Leader Nov 19, 2006 Charles Elmer Evilsizer, 82, of St James, formerly of Raymondville, died Friday, Nov 17, 2006, at the Phelps County Regional Hospital of Rolla. He was born July 6, 1924 in Sullivan (sic), Mo to Clarence Elmer and Ora Belle (Martin) Evilsizer. On April 16, 1943 he married Helen M Smith, who pre ceded him. He was a licensed Baptist Minister and pastored small community churches in the area. He was a member of American Legion Post No 890 a nd served many years as Commander of Post No 41 and was also a Distrct Commander. Survivors include a son Kevin Evilsizer, of Raymondville; daughters, Carolyn D Delaney of Lebanon; Dee Ann Barr and husband Michael of Bella Vista, AR and Sharon Joy Branson and husband Kenneth, of Colleyville, TX; eight grandchildren, and five great grandchildren. Services for Charles Elmer Evilsizer will be held at Evans Funeral Chapel in Houston with the Rev Bob White officiating. Burial will be in Central Baptist Cemetery, under the direction of Evans Funeral Home of Houston.
Charles Elmer Evilsizer, 82,formerly of Raymondville, passed away Friday, Nov. 17, 2006, at Phelps County Regional Medical Center of Rolla, after spending the last few years at the Missouri Veterans Home of St. James.Charles was born July 6,1924,in Sullivan, to Clarence Elmer and Ora Belle Martin Evilsizer. He married Helen M. Smith on April 16, 1943. To this union four children were born. Charles had many trades: He was a carpenter, built homes and Cabinets and did remodeling work. He spent a few years in the insurance business and was also a dairy farmer. He also enjoyed working on cars and liked to judge at various car shows. He loved to talk politics and was active on the Democrat committee. He was also a licensed Baptist minister and pastored small community churches in the area. Charles was always trying to help veterans any way he could. He served with the American Legion Post #890 and served many years as commander of Post #41 and was also a district commander. He wanted to do whatever he could to help his fellow veterans. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Helen; two brothers, Arnold and Ivan Evilsizer;one grandson, Tony Dean Hebblethwaite; and one greatgranddaughter, Sophie Rushing. Charles is survived by one son, Kevin Evilsizer of Raymondville, three daughters, Carolyn C. Delaney of Lebanon, Dee Ann Barr and husband, Michael, of Bella Vista, Ark., and Sharon Joy Branson and husband, Kenneth/ of Colleyville, Texas; eight grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Charles will be greatly missed by his family and friends. Services were Tuesday, Nov. 21, at Evans Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Bob White officiating. Burial was in Central Baptist Cemetery under the direction of Evans Funeral Home. Memorial contributions may be made to Central Baptist Cemetery.
Charles Elmer Evilsizer, 82, of St James, formerly of Raymondville, died Friday, Nov 17, 2006, at the Phelps County Regional Hospital of Rolla. He was born July 6, 1924 in Sullivan (sic), Mo to Clarence Elmer and Ora Belle (Martin) Evilsizer. On April 16, 1943 he married Helen M Smith, who preceded him. He was a licensed Baptist Minister and pastored small community churches in the area. He was a member of American Legion Post No 890 and served many years as Commander of Post No 41 and was also a Distrct Commander. Survivors include a son Kevin Evilsizer, of Raymondville; daughters, Carolyn D Delaney of Lebanon; Dee Ann Barr and husband Michael of Bella Vista, AR and Sharon Joy Branson and husband Kenneth, of Colleyville, TX; eight grandchildren, and five great grandchildren. Services for Charles Elmer Evilsizer will be held at Evans Funeral Chapel in Houston with the Rev Bob White officiating. Burial will be in Central Baptist Cemetery, under the direction of Evans Funeral Home of Houston.
Name: Charles E. Evilsizer SSN: 462-22-3505
Last Residence: 65536 Lebanon, Laclede, Missouri
Born: 6 Jul 1924 Died: 17 Nov 2006 State (Year) SSN issued: Texas (Before 1951
�tab�DATE OF BIRTH: 07/06/1924
�tab�DATE OF DEATH: 11/17/2006
�tab�HOUSTON, MO 65483
�tab�(417) 967-3355
Complications of childbirth
Published in Star-Telegram on April 1, 2011
At the funeral the preacher held up a jar of peach jelly he had gotten out of my brothers refridgerator and proceeded to talk about how much love she had put into making this for her friends and family. He also claimed he was not giving it back and the room came to life with laughter. (From Linda Clark Lynch)
Name: Mildred Pate Gender: Female
County: Union Spouse: B H Ward
License Date: 16 Dec 1938
Certificate Number: 28307 Volume Number: 0002
Mansfield- Mildred Irene Evilsizer, a nurse's aide, died Wednesday at a Gl adewater Nursing Home. She was 77. Funeral will be at 10:30 A.M. Saturda y. Burial will be in Emerald Hills Memorial Park. Emerald Hills Funeral Ho me is in charge of arrangements. Mrs Evilsizer was born in Batesville, Ark ansas. Survivors, six sons, Albert Wayne Reeves of Kansas City, Missour i, and E P Reeves, Donald A Evilsizer, Charles W Evilsizer, Richard P Evil sizer and Lewis G Evilsizer, all of Gladewater; two daughters, Cheryl Ha le of Mansfield and Delores Clark of Carbon; two sisters; three brother s; 19 grandchildren, 33 great grandchildren and three great-great grandchi ldren.
BROWNSBORO - Services for Donald Arnold Evilsizer Sr., 68, Brownsboro, were held Thursday at Chandler Memorial Funeral Hom.Burial is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. Monday at Dallas/Fort Worth National Cemetery.Mr. Evilsizer died March 6, 2010, in Shreveport, La. He was born May 21, 1941, in Batesville, Ark.Survivors include his wife, Lillie Yolanda Evilsizer; sons, Donald Arnold Jr. and Richard Allen Evilsizer; daughter, LaDon-na Thornton; brothers, Albert Wayne and Elbert Prentice Reeves, Charles Wayne and Lewis Glen Evilsizer; sister, DeLores Clark; seven grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.
Published in the Tyler Morning Telegraph on 3/12/2010
�tab�DATE OF BIRTH: 05/21/1941
�tab�DATE OF DEATH: 03/06/2010
�tab�BURIED AT: SECTION 107 SITE 360 Click to view the cemetery map
�tab�(214) 467-3374
Never had children
Ft Worth Star Telegram, March 30, 2001 Cheryl A. Peters ARLINGTON - Cheryl A. Peters, 45, an independent contract or for Trader Publishing, died Tuesday, March 27, 2001, at her residence. Funeral: 2 p.m. Friday at Emerald Hills Memorial Chapel. Burial: Emerald H ills Memorial Park. Visitation: was 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, at Emerald Hil ls Funeral Home. Cheryl was born June 6, 1955, in Arlington. She was raised in the Arlingto n-Fort Worth area all her life and attended grade and high school in Arlin gton. She was employed as an independent contractor for Trader Publishi ng for over four years. She loved being outdoors, camping and four-wheeli ng in her jeep, and animals, especially her pet dogs she had growing up. C heryl will be deeply missed and always loved by her family, friends and a ll who knew her. She was preceded in death by her parents, Clarence and Mi ldred Evilsizer of Kennedale. Survivors: Husband of six years, Chris Pete rs of Arlington; stepdaughter, Makelle Peters of Fort Worth; brothers, E. P. Reeves of Gladewater, Albert Wayne Reeves of Missouri, Donald Evilsiz er of Cisco and Charles, Richard and Lewis Evilsizer, all of Gladewater; s ister, Dolores Clark of Corbin; mother-in-law, Wilma Shouver and her husba nd, Edd, of Fayette, Ala.; father-in-law, Thomas Peters III of Fayette, Al a.; brother-in-law, Duane Peters and his wife, Judy; and numerous niece s, nephews and other relatives. Emerald Hills Funeral Home Kennedale, (81 7) 572-1681
Standley Clark, 75, died Sunday, Dec. 27, 2009.
Funeral: 2 p.m. Wednesday at Gorman Church of Christ. Burial: Oaklawn Cemetery. Visitation: 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Higginbotham Funeral Home, Gorman. Survivors: Wife, Dolores; one son; three daughters; 13 grandchildren.
Standley Delna Clark, age 75 of Carbon, passed away Sunday, December 27, 2009 in an Abilene hospital. Services will be 2:00 P.M. Wednesday, December 30, 2009 at the Gorman Church of Christ with Bill Clark, Cory Clark and Bo Jessie Roberts officiating. Burial will be in Oaklawn Cemetery. Standley was born December 10, 1934 in Arlington, Texas to Carl Lee Clark and Etta Standley Clark. He married Delores June Evilsizer on April 26, 1953 in Rockwall, Texas. He was a retired carpenter and a member of the Church of Christ. Survivors include his wife of 56 years, Dolores Clark of Carbon; one son, Darren Clark and wife, Julie of Gorman; three daughters, Linda Lynch and husband, Kenneth of Carbon, Nancy Tatum of Carbon, and Donna Roberts and husband, David of Cleburne; two brothers, Odie Clark of Arlington and Billy Clark of Grand Prairie; one sister, Meredith King of Arlington; thirteen grandchildren and eleven great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, three brothers, Tommy, Buddy and Lonnie and one sister, Ruth
Parents obituaries. Fort Worth Star Telegram, Jan 12, 1983 Carl L Calrk, 86, Arlington, passed away Thursday, January 6. Survivors: s ons, Thomas R Clark, Richland Hills, Odie J Clark, Arlington, Stanley D Cl ark, Gorman, Cilly A Clark, Grand Prairie, daughter, Meredith King, Arling ton; sisters Ruby Anderson, Kopperl, Myrtle Padgett, Fort Worth; 10 grandc hildren; 25 great grandchildren. Services were held 10 A.M. Saturday Nor th Davis Church of Christ, Guy Saskey and Charles Heron , ministers, offic iating. Interment Moore Memorial gardens. Arrangements Hugh M Moore and So ns, Arlington.
Fort Worth Star Telegram December 12, 1972 Mrs Etta Lavenia Clark, 46, 1805 Sesco, Arlington, passed away Mond ay in a local hospital. Born in Rockdale, Texas. Member of Randol Mill Chu rch of Christ. Survivors; Husband, Carl L Clark; sons, Thomas R, Odie J Cl ark and Standley, all of Arlington, Bill, Grand Prairie; daughters, M rs E N Harris, Arlington, Mrs Roy King, Ft Bragg, North Carolina; brothe rs B H Standley, Bonham, L T Standley, Abeline; 16 grandchildren; five gre at grandchildren. Services 1:30 P.M. Wednesday, Moore Funeral Chapel, Arli ngton. Chester Hill and Charles Mickle, ministers, officiating. Interme nt in Moore Memorial gardens.�b�
From:�/b� Sharon Branson
�b�To:�/b� [email protected]
�b�Sent:�/b� Tue, December 29, 2009 10:29:16 AM
Telephone call to him April 2011 says they are considering marriage. Have several head of cattle and 3 daschunds dogs.
903-752-1852 (cell)
�b�13723 CR283 North�/b�
�b�Whitehouse, Tx 75791�/b�
named spelled Reaves but before Ann died, Prentice had it changed to Reve s. All of his boys and their offsprings still has the Reaves spelling.
about Georgia Ann Milam
Name: �tab�Georgia Ann Milam
Date of Birth: �tab�18 Jun 1938
Gender: �tab�Female
Birth County: �tab�Tarrant
Father's Name: �tab�George Valley Milam
Mother's Name: �tab�Lucille Ann Gregg
Roll Number: �tab�1938_0006
Title: �tab�
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�25 Jun 1998
Death County: �tab�Gregg
Death Place: �tab�Gregg, Texas, United States
Clarence went to school for six years and then got his first job in 1900 when he was twelve years old. His first job was working on a farm and he made $8.00 per month. When he was about thirteen years old he went to work in the coal mines near Nashville, Illinois where he continued to work until after his marriage in 1908. Soon after his marriage to Ora Belle Martin they moved to Pueblo, Colorado where Clarence worked as a fireman on the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad. After several years and an extended trip into the Northwest they moved to Muskogee, Oklahoma where Clarence operated a wholesale grocery supply house. His next move was to Franklin County, Missouri where he took up farming and this is where they spent the depression years of the 1930s. In 1937 he and his family moved to Marble Falls,Texas. During World War II, Clarence worked as a carpenter, helping to build Army Bases in several locations in Texas. He and his family then returned to Missouri for about four years at which time they again returned to Texas. Clarence and his wife eventually settled in Arlington, Texas about 1949. Here they spent their remaining years together in a little white house under a large Texas Pecan tree. Clarence's wife, Ora, passed away in 1964 and Clarence went to Florida with his youngest son, Ivan, and spent a month visiting with Ivan and his wife, Helen, in Jacksonville, Florida. At the end of this month, he decided to spend a few days with his second son, Charles, on his farm near Solo, Missouri. After arriving in Solo, Missouri he passed away within two or three days, having attained the age of 77 years.
During the days when Clarence worked in the coal mines, the coal was loaded into hopper cars with a large scoop shovel. Clarence and his brother John set a record for the amount of coal loaded in a seven hour shift- forty one tons.
John L Lewis, who later became a powerful political figure as the President of the United Mine Workers of America was a minor Union official in the early days of the union and was working out of the St Louis office. During a visit to the mines where Clarence and his brothers were working, Mr Lewis took it upon himself to critisize some work being performed, at which time Clarence's brother James Walter, picked up a shovel and hit him over the head with it and knocked him out cold.
In his younger day, Clarence had to untilize a common means of transportation in those days known as "riding the rails'. During one such occasion in Colorado, Clarence was riding on top of a boxcar situated only four or five cars back from the engine. Suddenly Clarence noticed a tunnel directly ahead. There was no time to do anything except lie flat on top of the boxcar. As the train passed through the tunnel, the hot cinders from the engine blew back on top of Clarence and he bore the scars of the burns all of his life.
�u��i�Personal memories from Sandi Koscak.
�/u��/i�Although I was 16 when my grandpa died, I was fortunate to be able to spend a lot of time with my grandparents. We visted once each year, and grandpa came to visit us in Jacksonville, Flordia the month he died while on his way to see my Uncle Charley in Missouri. The main thing I remember about him was how he drank his coffee. He would pour a little out of his cup into the saucer so it would cool enough to drink, then he would sip from the saucer. I understand this was handed to him down from his grandpa Elliott Rains.
From Memory of Carolyn Evilsizer Delaney:
The Pomroy side is who I knewin St Louis.I Stayed with a great aunt when Tony was in the hospital in St Louis. Her daughter lived across the river in Ill and had horses.
Looks like this is the Fred W Pomeroy married to Charlotte Martin, the sister of Ora Belle Martin Evilsizer.
Just returned from the Masonic Cemetery here in Nashville, Illinois. After going through the entire book of records I found no mention of a John Calvin Evilsizer Sr., only John C. Evilsizer Jr. Sorry I wasn't able to help more. The only other thing I can suggest is to contact Mr. J. R. Baldwin, 509 West Lebanon, Nashville, Illinois 62263 Phone # 618-327-8106. Mr Baldwin is the keeper of the cemetery for the local Masonic Temple and was instrumental in setting up a plat book.
Larry A. Clark
Nashville, IL-April 6, 1911 Mrs Sarah C Sanders Martin died Wednesday April 4th at 8:15 A.M. from t he effects of burns suffered two weeks ago by her dress igniting while s he was poking fire in her cook stove. She was Born Aug 7, 1847 in Green Co unty, Arkansas. In Aug 1865 came to Illinois with a mother, one brother a nd two sisters. Was married to Monroe martin of Nashville, IL, Sept 187 0. To them eleven children were born, five of whom preceded Mrs. Mart in in death. Her husband died in September 1899. Surviving children are Ge orge M Martin of Nashville, IL, Chas M Martin, Elza Martin, Mrs Ora Evilsi zer of Muskogee, Okla, Mrs. H L Hoene of Jackson Co, Kansas City, MO, Mr s. Lottie C Metcalf of Twin Falls, ID. She leaves two grandchildren. One s ister, Mrs Malinda Morris of Duguoin, ILL. Mrs Martin was a faithful wi fe and loving mother. Her loss is mourned by many relatives and friends. F uneral Services held at residence Thursday morning 11:00 was buried at Dar ter Cemetery beside her husband.
Fonest memory of Sandi Koscak, granddaughter, was picking blueberries for pie. One year I got into a bed of chiggars and scratched all night. I was sleeping with grandma and she made me get out of bed and sleep on the couch.
After Stephen died, Elmina moved back to Princeton, Kentucky to be near re latives. Later, she moved to Madisonville, Kentucky.
1880 Independence Co,Ashley AR pg133 M J Reves, head, TN SC VA Dind, son 20 This is George Dempsie even though age is off.) First chi ld born Sept 1881 indicating concluding his marrige 9/1880
Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: Ashley, Independence, Arkansa s; Roll: T625_66; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 24; Image: 9. HH65 Name Age G D Reeves 62 head, widower, AR KY KY Prentiss A Reeves 32 son, widower, AR AR AR Dean Reeves 16 son, single, AR AR AR Wallace Reeves 6 grandson, AR AR AR
HH68 John A Reeves, head, 71 AR KY KY own home free Elizabeth, wife, 65 KY KY KY Roe, son, 28, single AR
HH72 George D Reeves, Jr, head, 37, AR AR AR Ora, wife, 38, AR TN AR Vedie, dau, 15, AR Effie, dau, 13, AR Irvin, son. 12 AR Eugene, brother, 21, single, AR
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 Name: Wallace Reves Birth Year: 1913 Race: White, citizen (White) Nativity State or Country: Arkansas State: Arkansas County or City: Inde pendence Enlistment Date: 20 Jul 1942 Enlistment State: Arkansas Enlistment City: Little Rock Branch: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA Branch Code: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA Grade: Private Grade Code: Private Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emerge ncy, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherw ise according to law Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men) Source: Civil Life Education: 3 years of high school Marital Status: Divorced, with dependents Height: 67 Weight: 147
Mother: Isabelle "Belle" Ellen Gay b: 1859 in Indiana
Joseph mD Keziah 1881
SSN: �tab�499-03-4695
Last Residence: �tab�63077 Saint Clair, Franklin, Missouri,
Born: �tab�10 Jun 1891
Died: �tab�Dec 1969
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Missouri (Before 1951)
about Amata Deaton
Name: �tab�Amata Deaton
SSN: �tab�490-68-3243
Last Residence: �tab�63077 Saint Clair, Franklin, Missouri,
Born: �tab�12 Dec 1897
Died: �tab�Apr 1978
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Missouri (1973)
Daniel Pate
1855 �
Mary Jane Totty
about James A Pate
Name: �tab�James A Pate
Social Security #: �tab�446148878
Sex: �tab�Male
Birth Date: �tab�22 May 1897
Birthplace: �tab�Arkansas
Death Date: �tab�3 Aug 1976
Death Place: �tab�Los Angeles
James Maxwell Hankins / Mary Pierce
Marriage Date: �tab�26 Apr 1863 Location: �tab�St. Louis State: �tab�Missouri. This fits with the birth date of Mary. But last name not Woods as family remembers. Mary's date of birth fits perfect with this marriage, and the location of burth for Mary Melissa.
She does not appear in the census with husband in 1880 in Elkton, IL, although they married in 1878. John is living with his brother Henry and says he is married.
Name �tab�Mary Millissa Evilsizer
Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Death Date �tab�15 Jul 1942
Death Place �tab�Nashville, Washington, Illinois
Gender �tab�Female
Marital Status �tab�
Race or Color �tab�
Age �tab�77
Estimated Birth Year �tab�1865
Birth Date �tab�14 Aug 1864
Birthplace �tab�St. Louis, Mo.
Father �tab�George Graham
Father's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Father's Birth Place �tab�Illinois
Mother �tab�Mary E. Woods
Mother's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Mother's Birth Place �tab�Kentucky
Occupation �tab�Housewife
Residence �tab�
Street Address �tab�
Spouse �tab�John C. Evilsizer
Spouse's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Spouse's Birthplace �tab�
Burial Date �tab�18 Jul 1942
Burial Place �tab�Nashville, Washington, Illinois
Cemetery �tab�Masonic
Informant �tab�
Additional Relatives �tab�
Digital Folder Number �tab�4008605
Image Number �tab�257
Film Number �tab�1851928
Volume/Page/Certificate Number �tab�29261
Social Security Death Index about James Hebblethwait
Name: �tab�James Hebblethwait �tab�
SSN: �tab�500-09-8026
Last Residence: �tab�65483 Houston, Texas, Missouri,
Born: �tab�19 Oct 1910
Died: �tab�Feb 1975
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Missouri (Before 1951)
about James Baynes
Name: �tab�James Baynes
Age: �tab�33
Birth Year: �tab�abt 1817
Birthplace: �tab�Kentucky
Home in 1850: �tab�Coahoma, Mississippi
Gender: �tab�Male
Family Number: �tab�53
Household Members: �tab�
Name �tab�Age
James Baynes �tab�33
Elvina Baynes �tab�26
Mary J Baynes �tab�11
Eliza Baynes �tab�7
Josephine Baynes �tab�3
Jeremiah Baynes �tab�1
John Carter �tab�32
William Mullins �tab�15
John Barnes was born between 1794 and 1796. I was given the names of Stephen, David, Thomas and Elizabeth by Robert Barnes McGill as being brothers and a sister to John. John was my great grandfather and his great great grandfather. He said they all came from North Carolina. He was also researching this line. Robert Barnes McGill's great-great grandmother was Nancy Wood, John's first wife, whom he married in 1818, and my great grandmother was Nancy Baynes, whom he married in 1829. John's first marriage to Nancy Wood was secured by Spencer Wood. John's second marriage to Nancy Baynes was secured by James Baines. (From the Book, "Caldwell County Kentucky History", among the first settlers to Caldwell County were two men by the name of William and Spencer Wood.)
In the 1850 Christian County Kentucky census, Wesley J. was the youngest child listed with Nancy. This may not have been her child, but may have been the child of John's daughter Elizabeth by his first wife. His name on the census sheet was shown as "Wesley J. Wiley Barnes", but he was shown as a son. Elizabeth had married Wesley Jenkins, but she may have died and Nancy (Baynes) may have been taking care of the child. Prudy Barnes gave me the names of John's sons. They were: Bartus, Stephen, John, David and James. The name, Wesley, was not included among these sons. Note* Prudy Barnes is elderly and have found her memory to err on some facts.
Mother:�tab�Irenia Hubbard b. 23 DEC 1818 in Kentucky
There was a Kentucky land grant of eighty acres issued to David in Livingston Co, Ky; June 7, 1834 on the waters of Sandy Creek. The grant was not registered until June 3, 1850. This may be David the son of Thomas, brother of Robert and Thomas, unrelated to our family.
1850 Hopkins Co, KY
Samuel Almon �tab�65
Elizabeth Almon �tab�58
Larkin E Almon �tab�20
Samuel W Almon �tab�17
Emerson C Almon �tab�14
Caroline Almon �tab�14
No John or Elizabeth Baynes in any nearby county for 1850
Nancy Woods' brother, Spencer, married Rhoda Smith January 21, 1821.
Left no heirs to reach maturity. Spencer also had three sisters.
A Bertie Co NC Connection to Wood and Barnes in in 1724 Heirs of John Barnes (et ux) granted land to Edmund/Edward Wood Deed book A pg 361 and BkC pg222
This is Nancy Wood's mother's tree. I found a marriage bond for Anna Spencer with a bondsman of Zacariah Spence (r). In searching I found her family, site above in my tree for Anna. Check it out when you are on Ancestry.com
In the 1850 Kentucky census, Wesley J. was the youngest child listed with Nancy. This may not have been her child, but may have been the child of John's daughter, Elizabeth, by his first wife, Nancy Wood. His name on the census sheet was shown, Wesley J. Wiley Barnes.
Page 91 Deed Book C 64 March 3, 1815 James Frazier and Thomas Frazier to James Hodge and Thomas Barnes, east one-fourth part of lot #25 in Salem for $25
Page 114 DBC:236 Sept. 2, 1816 Thomas Barnes Witness for sale of 170 ac. from Christopher Haynes to Henry Hodge Jr.
Page 128 DB C: 331 Thomas Barnes testimony given in sale from John Puckett to James Hodge 3 1/4 acres near Salem for $50 rec. 16 Feb. 1818
Page 128 DB C: 332 11 February 1818 Thomas Barnes to James Hodge 13 acres near Salem being part of land formerly deeded by Samuel Easley, Attorney for W M Cade to Robert Hodge, David Rice heirs, and William Thompson for $144
Livingston Co. Kentucky Deeds Book D-E 1818-1822
Vol 11 and Miscellaneous Loose Papers 1799-1804 Abstracted and Compiled by Brenda Joyce Jerome 300 West Water St. Newburgh, IN 47630 1991
Page 3 D: 13 - 1 0 Feb. 1818 Robert Hodge to Thomas Barnes, 197 Acres on Clay Lick Creek being part of a tract sold by Samuel Easley, attorney for William Cade to Robert Hodge.
Page 35 D:214 24 Jan. 1820 'Thomas Barnes to Henry Hodge 154 Acres on Waters of Clay Lick Creek for $1848. Lucy relinquishes right of dower.
Page 38 d:260 Thomas Barnes to James Frazer eastern half of lot #7 in
Salem for $800 rec: 14 March 1820
Thomas was married and had two girls listed in the 1830 Caldwell County, Kentucky census.
I believe this particular Thomas was in Livingston County, Kentucky in 1850. In later census, some children are shown to have been born first in Kentucky, then some in Missouri, then later, others to be born again in Kentucky. This shows that he left Kentucky and then came back later. This Thomas also had a son named Thomas, and the Thomas name seems to have followed through on this line. My mother said that my father had a cousin named Tommy Barnes. Most of his cousins were older than him because my father was the youngest child born to Sarah and Stephen.
My sister Dorothy told me that our father told her that his grandfather had a brother who went west to seek his fortune. This sounds like it may have been Thomas and this was the Thomas who left but then came back. Another brother, David, was in Kentucky in censuses of 1830, 1840 and 1850. In 1850 he was 68 years old, which was too old to take off to seek his fortune. David had probably died before 1860 as I did not find him in the 1860 census. That leaves the other brother Stephen, but Stephen had evidently died c1845 as his wife Penelope marries again in 1846 to Turner Carter.
My father's grandfather was John Barnes, born about 1794 to 1796, married to Nancy Baynes. He had brothers, David, Thomas and Stephen and a sister named Elizabeth.
Livingston Co. Kentucky Deeds, Book A-C 1800-1817 Vol 1. Abstracted and Compiled by Brenda Joyce Jerome 1991
Thomas Barnes will, but do not know who he is. Will need further research to tie in this Thomas. This may be a will of his father.
Thomas Barnes Will 27 July 1782 Gates County North Carolina, Book#?, page29,30,31
in the name of God Amen I Thomas Barnes of Hertford County North Carolina being weak and
Sick of body but of sound and perfect mind and memory blesed be for the same and calling to mind
the uncertainty of this mortal life do make and publish this my Last Will and Testament in manner
and forme following that is to say First I Commit my Soule unto the hands of God that gave it and
my body to the Earth to be Humbly buried--?--s the order and Discretion of my Executors
I have given and bequeathed unto my Eldest Daughter Milley Parker one Negro girl named Lusey
she and her Increase one feather bed and furniture and twenty Silver dollars one womans Saddle four ewes and Sundry other house hold goods I say to my Eldest Daughter Milley Parker To she and her Heirs Lawfully begotten of her body forever all Reddy Rived but twenty Dollars before my Death
I do also give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Barnes one Negro girl Names Cate she and
all her Increase & one feather bed and furniture to her and her Heirs forever I do also give and bequeath unto my Daughter Beathaney Goodman one Negro girl named Milley she and her Increase one feather bed and furniture to her and her Heirs forever
I do also give and Bequeath unto my Son Benjamin Barnes part of a tract of land I had of William Barnes part of a tract of land I had of William Hunter and part of a tract of Richard Barnes and half of a tract of Land of a new Survey and part of a tract of Land that Richard Barnes Bought of Triddell Keefe line on the east sife of the pine swamp and one Negro Boy named Jo and one negro boy named Sam and one cow and calf and the third part of my Hogs and my Long gun and Blacksmith tools and one mare and colt I do also give and Bequeath unto my Sun Thomas Barnes my manor Plantation all the Rest of my Land but what I have given my Sun Benjamin Barnes and one Negro boy named Arthes and one negro boy named Jacob & one feather bed and furniture one cow and calf one pot and my Coopers tools and Carpenters tools one negro boy named Jokey and the third parte of my Hogs and my old hunting gun
I do also give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Barnes one negro girl named Easter to
her and her Heirs forever and if any of her Brothers and Sisters interrupts her in the Rite of the said negro for them to allow her fifty pounds of money out of my Estate I give each of them that claim s _____?_____?_____ one feather bed and furniture one cow and calf
I do give and Bequeath to my Son Richard Barnes one hundred pounds of Silver or Gold by waite to be paid to him at year of Twenty one or day of marriage and two negro boys named Ned and Stephen one cow and Calf and one feather bed and furniture and the third parte of my Hogs and one gun
I also give and bequeath unto my Daughter Lottie Barnes one Negro girl named Sue to her and
her heirs forever one Cow and Calf and one feather bed and furniture
I do also give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Catey Barnes one Negro girl named Cris to her and
her heirs forever and one cow and calf and one feather bed and furniture
I likewise Desire if arey one of my Sons shuld die before tha have any Heirs that thare shall fall to thare other Brothers and if arey one of my Daughter shuld die before tha have any heirs Lawfully begotten of their bodys thare Estate to fall to thare sisters to be Equally Divided
And also I desire that the three first children my Negro wench haner has shall be Equally divided among my three youngest Dauters Bety Lotey and Catey then for hur to be Equally
Divided among them all And allso I give my Negro boy named bob to my Sun Richard Barnes
I leave my two old Negros Peg and Minger to the use of my Plantation as long as Benjamin
mooves from the Plantation then for him to take Minger with him and I also Desire that my Sun
Benjamin shall take Care of his Brother Richard and give him Sufficant scooling to read Rite and
Siffer out of his gane money for the Labor of his brother
And I also desire that my Daughter Sarah shall bring her Sister Lotey up and give her scooling to Read and Rite for her Labor And I also desire that my Daughter Betey shuld take her Sister Catey and Bring her up and give her Scooling for her work
And Lastly I do ordane and apoint my well be-loved Son Benjamin my hole and Soly Executor
and Jese Barnes of this my Last Will and Testament as Witness amy hand and Seale this
twenty Seventh day of July one Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Two Thomas Barnes Seal
Signed Sealed and Delivered in the Presants of us by the said Thomas Barnes in the Presants of us
the Sub-scribers Edward Warren Juret Jese Vann Juret Jese Barnes
State of North Carolina Gates County August Court___?____?___ Quarter Sep_?-1782
The within will was exhibited into Court by Benjamin Barnes Jese Barnes the Executors there
in appointed and was proved by the oath of Edward Warren & Jese Vann Two of the Subscribing
Witnesses thereto then the said will was ordered to be recorded at the same time the said
Executors came into Court and Qualified themselves for that office and prayed an order
for ____?____ Testamentory there on which was accordingly Granted Teste Law Baker Clk
Email 11/24/2003
According to some e mails from out of Ft. WorthTexas, Thomas and Harriet were brother and sister, and they were the children of Sarah Cotton Barnes(the widow of Elder Bartholemew Barnes) who married Henry Hodge as his second wife. Not sure on this but I think the Barnes that married Lucy was Named Thomas Bartholemew Barnes, This is the same Thomas, I have asked Ft. Worth where they got the info that Thomas Barnes and Harriet who married Thomas Hodge were brother and sister and they were children of Sarah Cotton Barnes who married one of my grandfathers,-Henry Hodge who came from Edgecomb Co. This Thomas dad was Elder Bartholomew Barnes, and he died before 1796, because that is the year my Grandfather married her. Angel, we found the two children
of Susan Barnes that were borned in Mo. living with another family, not their Mother in one of the census. I had previously found an abstract where Henry Hodge and wife Sarah (widow of Bartholomew Barnes) petitioned the court for her dower part of B. Barnes estate and mentioned that it was the "plantation on which I now live." (Henry lived). But no indication of a suit. This is what the record shows: Allotment of dower ordered to Henry Hodges and Sarah, wife Aug. 1795 (which means they were married earlier than I thought) - allotted Aug. 1707. Said Hodges brought suit against the admrs of the decd and James Barnes [gdn of the heirs of the decd] Feb 1798. Alexander Session apptd gdn of Charlotte Jones Barnes, Thomas Barnes and Harriet Barnes (orphans of the decd) May 1798. Account current Nov. 1798. Account of sale of Negroes May 1800. Don [email protected]
A tree at ancestry has a photo of Thomas B Barnes and he does not resemble our family and shows many Indian traits. Many trees have this Thomas married to a Matilda in 1840 and going to MS, but this not the same Thomas.
[email protected] (Kelley Chapman)
I have a letter that was given to me by my grandmother, it is dated July 1961, it is from a great granddaughter of Bartis, she had collected information from her grandmother which was Adeline Barnes, the only clues in the letter are that there were at least 4 Barnes boys..John, William, David, and Robartis.
BARNES WILLIAM & MYERS BETSY 12-9-1807 married Caldwell Co, KY
Detailed analysis of the tax records and census for the William who married Betsy Myers eliminated him as belonging to our tree. Born 1777 in VA his father was George and he is in the early Christain Co, Tax lists, and 1810 thru 1850 census.
It must be just mere coincidence this William on Beachy Fork same time as Cader Barnes and Thomas Barnes, yet not associated with our family line.
There was a second William Barnes we expect might be this one who married Sarah Lawrence in Caldwell Co, KY 4/2/1808, meaning both Williams lived here 1808, but only one on tax list.
This one not around in 1810.
(This story does not have Stephen or Elizabeth mentioned.) The only thing that makes any sense would be 2 children between David and Thomas, rather than a ten year gap between David and Thomas
Stephen fought in the Civil War on the Union side. His brother, Bartus, was with the Confederates. This caused enmity between the two families.
Stephen and Sarah took care of Tessa and Stephen's three children, Pennie, John Freeman, and William. After Pennie died, she and Stephen raised Pennie's three children, Stevie Lamb, and the twins, Osie And Offie Lamb.
Stephen raised race horses and was killed when thrown from a horse and buggy. Sarah, his wife, died in a house fire. They were both buried in the Perry Graveyard in Caldwell County, Kentucky.
In the 1870 Census for Christian Co, KY there is a David Barnes age 48 living with the family. Placing time of birth at c1822, I find no record of this man.
Bartus fought in the Civil War for the South and was killed at the Battle of Nashville in 1863. He was buried in the Nashville Military Cemetery in Nashville, Tennessee. His son, David Bradley, never did see his father as David was born in August and Bartus was killed in March.
This information came from my cousin, Ruth, the daughter of David Bradley and Annie Mariah Barnes.
I am the gt.gt.gt.gt.granddaughter of Bartis Barnes. I have some information that may be of some use to you. Bartis Barnes died March 22, 1864. He was a private in Co.E of the 17th Kentucky Infantry, he died of smallpox while his regiment was at Knoxville, Tennessee. Bartis is burried there at the Knoxville
National Cemetery. I hope this information helps you in your search, I would be glad to share any other
information that I have that might be of use to you. I can be reached [email protected]. Kelly Chapman
I have a letter that was given to me by my grandmother, it is dated July 1961, it is from a great granddaughter of Bartis, she had collected information from her grandmother which was Adeline Barnes, the only clues in the letter are that there were at least 4 Barnes boys..John, William, David, and Robartis. The father of these boys is supposed to be named William Barnes from Scotland they
first settled in Spartenburg, South Carolina.
June 2002
Although your history is quite good, one fact you have wrong about Bartis Barnes concerns the Civil War. He fought on the side of the Union; 17th Kentucky Volunteers, company E. He died at the hospital in Nashville of smallpox, not in combat. He is buried in the military cemetary in Knoxville. I have copies of his Civil War records which give some information about the family. As child in the 1950's and 1960's our family would drive each summer from our home in Quincy IL to visit relatives in Hopkinville KY. Most of the relatives were Cook family members, but we also visited Dewey and Hazel Barnes. Dewey was my grandmother cousin although I haven't yet figured out where to put him on the family tree
John Cook
[email protected]
This could be a step-son of John and Nancy.John's half-sister Elizabeth married Wesley Jenkins.When Prudy Barnes gave me the names John's boys, Wesley was not named.Wesley J. was last on the list with Nancy in the 1850 cenus.John was not with her and the children then, evidently had died as she is listed as a widow in later census.
James was listed in the 1850 Christian County, Ky. census as James Bane Barnes. He was with his mother, Nancy (Baynes) and the rest of his brothers and sisters except Bartis.
In another census he was shown as James A. Barnes and I know it was the same James because in the 1900 census his daughter, Josephine, was staying with Stephen, his brother, and Sarah, and in that census Josephine was shown as Stephen's niece.
that this Jonathan is the son of James Gilkey. I don't believe that Mary Ratley could have been Lucys mother since she would have been 50 years old when Lucy was born. I n comparing Lucys year of birth with the Christian County census for 1840 there was a female child listed that would have been in the same age range as Lucy. So far I have not been able to find proof that Jonathan and Nancy were actually Lucy's parents. Everything in the letter so far has been accurate so I believe the part about Lucy's parents to be accurate too
According to her, Lucy Jane had a sister that married Ely Matheny and, according to Christian county marriage records her name was Elizabeth Gilkey--married 12/3/1848. The letter also lists another sister that married Milton Littlefield her name was Lucretia--this is listed in rootsweb. Lucretia and Elizabeth were both daughters of Jonathan and Nancy Gilkey. Jonathan's signature is also on Lucy and Bartis's marriage certificate. Just in case you should need it, my mailing address is: 15689 Old Palestine Road, Crofton,KY 42217
From John Cook, June 2002
State of Kentucky, County of Christian
This day formally appeared before the undersigned authority written and for the county and State aforesaid Lucy J. Barnes of lawful age and a resident of the said county and state who being duly sworn according to law says that she is the identical Lucy J. Barnes, widow of Robartis Barnes (otherwise known as "Bartis" Barnes deceased, who was a private Company E, 17th Regiment of the Kentucky infantry volunteers, whose claim for a pension as widow of a deceased soldier, and on behalf of the minor children of herself and the deceased soldier, No. 60741, is now pending in the office of the War Commissioner of Pensions-----She further states that at the time when she made her original declaration for a pension, which was forwarded to the War Commissioner of Pensions by my attorney, John P. Ritter, esq. On the 6th day of August 1864 she was required by her said attorney to give the names and ages of the childreenof herself and the said deceased soldier. (page break)
And not being very attentive at the time in the recollection of the precise dates of the birth of all her children, she was informed by her said attorney that it was not necessary to be accurate as to the precise dates of their birth, and she accordingly gave the age of each of them, as she remembered, as of the birthdays next exceeding the the time of making said original declaration. She further says that she is an uneducated woman, and theat at the time she was required to give the names and ages of her children as above stated, having been informed that accuracy was not required as to their ages, she was impressed with the belief that all that was really necessary was to give their names. She now says, however, that the dates of the birth of the said children as giving in her supplementary affidavit, which was forwarded to the War Commissioner of Pensions on the 19th day of February 1867 are correct except that the date of birth of David Bradley Barnes the youngest who was born on the 15th day of (page break)
August 1863 instead of the year 1864. that his father, the said deceased soldier died in March 1864 and the said David Bradley was born the previous August on the 15th day. She states that she gave the date of the birth of the said David Bradley Barnes as August 15th, 1863 and that it was erroneously written in the said supplementary affidavit "1864" not however by her fault. She states that she can give no further explanation of the discrepancies in the dates of the birth of her said children as they appear in in the said original declaration and her said supplementary affidavit-but she says that none of the said discrepancies are the result of any effort or desire or design on her part or on the part of anyone else known to her to deprive the government of the United States. She further states that she was misled by her attorney at the time of making the said original declaration as above stated and believing that she and her children should not be made to suffer on account of his mistakes she respectfully requests that her pension certificate be issued without any other delay tan may be absolutely necessary.
Signed Lucy J. Barnes (her mark) Witnesses Cullen Barnes, J. G. Landis
Also at the same time and place formally appeared before me Cullen Barnes of lawful age and a resident of said county, who being by me duly sworn as the law requires states that he is well acquainted with Mrs. Lucy J. Barnes who made and subscribed the foregoing affidavit in his presence and that he is well acquainted with all of the children of the said Lucy J. Barnes and the deceased Robartis ( otherwise known as Bartis) Barnes and whose names are Martha Adeline, Radley Radford, Mary Helen, John Peyton, Nancy Jane, and David Bradley Barnes who are the only children of the said parties now living and that said Robartis Barnes had never married (page break)
Previous to his inter marriage with the said Lucy J. Barnes whose name before marriage was Lucy J. Gilkey. He further says that he was not present at the birth of any of the said children, but believes of his own knowledge that the last named of said children, to wit; David Bradley Barnes was born in the month of August 1863. And that his said father died in the month of March following, to wit March 1864. He further states that in addition to his own personal recollection of the facts stated, he knows that the said deceased soldier wrote to his wife, the said Lucy J. Barnes and to himself � in relation to said child while he was in the army before his death. That he wrote said wife to name the child "David Bradley Barnes". He states that he had often seen him write and that he knew his handwriting and that he, affiant, read the letter above referred to. He states further that the said children are still living and that the (page break)
said Lucy J. Barnes has not abandoned the support of any one of the said children, nor permitted any one of the same to be adopted by any other person where as as his, her or their child or children and that the said Lucy J. has not remarried since the death of her said husband but still remains a widow. He further states that he is no way, either directly or indirectly interested in the prosecution of the claim of the said Lucy J. Barnes for appearing in behalf of herself or her said children.
Signed Cullen Barnes
State of Kentucky
Christian County Sct.
On this the seventh day of February 1867, personally appeared before the undersigned clerk of the County Court within and for the County and State aforesaid Lucy J. Barnes of said county resident and who being by me duly sworn according to law doth on her oath make the following supplementary affidavit in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made in the act of Congress increasing the Pensions of widows and orphans approved July 25, 1866.
That she is the widow of Robartis Barnes (commonly known as Bartis Barnes) who was a private of Co, "E" of the 17th Regiment of the Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, that her claim for a Pension under the Act of July 14, 1862 No. 60741 due her by reason of the death of her said husband in the service of the United States, is now pending in the office of the War Commissioner of Pensions in Washington D. C. that her postoffice address was at the time she filed said claim and is now (page break)
Woolridge's Store, Christian County, Kentucky. She further swears that she has the following named children of herself and her deceased husband under sixteen years of age who are now living, the dates of whose birth were as given below to wit.
Martha Adeline Barnes born January 20th, 1851 (who is consequently at this time over 16 years of age, but was not of that age at the time of the passage of said Act of Congress)
Radly Radford Barnes, born December 12th, 1855, Mary Helen Barnes, born July 15th, 1859, Nancy Jane Barnes born April 25th, 1861, and David Bradley Barnes born August 15th, 1864.
She further declares that she has not remarried since the death of her husband, nor has she abandoned the support of any one of the children above named, nor has permitted any one of the same to be adopted by any other person or persons as hi, her, or their child. She (page break)
Further swears that her said husband was never married previously to his marriage with her and that the above named children are the only legitimate children of herself and her said deceased husband now living.
I certify on honor, that Bartis Barnes a private of Captain Lindman (sp?) Company E, 17th regiment of infantry Volunteers, of the State of Kentucky, born in Livingston, County, State of Kentucky, aged 31 years; 5 feet 6 inches high; light complexion, Brown eyes, Brown hair, and by occupation a farmer, having joined the company on its original organization at Ashbysburg, Ky., and enrolled in it at the muster into the service of the United States at Calhoun Ky., on the first day of January, 1862 ( or was mustered in service as a recruit, by Captain Anthony, at Ashbysburg on the 5th day of November 1861 to serve in the regiment for the term of three years or during the war and having served honestly and faithfully with his company in the 17th Ky. Vol. Inft. To the present date, is now entitled to a discharge by reason of Death. Died 22nd March 1864 of small pox.
The said Bartis Barnes was last paid by Paymaster Maj. Davis to include 31st day of August, 1862 and has pay due him from that time to the present date; he is entitled to pay and subsistence for travelling to place of enrollment, and whatever other allowances are authorized to volunteer soldiers, drafted men. Or militia, so discharged. He has received from the United States clothing amounting to $64.85 dollars, since 5th day of November, 1861 his clothing account has not been settled since enlistment.
Said soldier deserted his company and regiment in the month of October 1862 and did remain absent until 18 November 1863 and was under charge for the same at the time of his death.
Given in duplicate at McDarrals Station, Tenn, this 25th day of April, 1864.
Signed William G. Lindman, Captain
Son of Moses Stallins and nancy jenkins
1880 Census Place: Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky
Source: FHL Film 1254409 National Archives Film T9-0409 Page 1A
James LITTLEFIELD Self M M W 47 KYOcc: FarmerFa: SCMo: SC
Nancy A. LITTLEFIELD Wife F M W 42 KY Fa: NCMo: KY
Eliza Ann LITTLEFIELD Dau F S W 24 KY Fa: KYMo: KY
Johnnie LITTLEFIELD Dau F S W 19 KY Fa: KYMo: KY
William W. LITTLEFIELD Son M S W 13 KY Fa: KYMo: KY
Nancy BARNES MotherL F W W 72 KY Fa: KY Mo: KY
[Mrs Nancy Barnes]
Death Date: �tab�6 Mar 1922
Death Location: �tab�Christian
Age: �tab�83
Gender: �tab�Female, widow
Ethnicity: �tab�White
Birth Date: �tab�8 Jun 1838
Birth Location: �tab�Caldwell, Kentucky
Father's Name: �tab�John Barnes
Father's Birth Location: �tab�North Carolina
Mother's Name: �tab�Nancy Baidres
Mother's Birth Location: �tab�North Carolina
Informant E Stuteville, Western State hospital
Burial 3/8/1922 Hopkinsville, KY
COD general paralysis of the insane
: James Yancey BAYNES & Nancy children
Here is my BAYNES inf , James Yancey BAYNES son of John BAYNES/BANES/BAINS Sr and Mary YANCEY I believe John BAYNES Sr is the son of Nathan BANE and Mary COX/COCK/COOK the Philadelphia BANE/BANES. Nathan BANE and Mary COX/COCK had a son (d) John BANE the right age looks like as my John BAYNES that went to Mecklenburg CO VA and lived in Granville CO NC across from Mecklenburg CO VA . Nathan BANE son of Mordecai BANE and 1st wife Naomi SMEDLEY. I seen on your BANE information these BANES was in Augusta CO VA, and Botetourt -Fincastle which later became Kentucky CO VA and Montgomery CO VA is one of the counties that form out of Kentucky CO VA, James BANE brother of Nathan BANE and his sister Mary BANE,BURK was here so Nathan so my John BAYNES/BAINES went to Mecklenburg Co VA married Mary YANCEY one of their sons James Yancey BAYNES here the prove , see BAINS John Senior to James Yancey Bains his son --- girl Judy which this is a personal Tax record for Mecklenburg CO VA 1790 John Sr gave his son James Yancey BAINS a slave girl Judy.
John BAYNES/BAINS Sr was in Granville CO NC than later his son James Yancey BAYNES came to Kentucky when it was still VA like maybe Lincoln which to Livingston CO Ky came out of this land maybe follow his BANES/BAINES family and SMEDLEY a John , Hiram and William (Bill) SMEDLEY was in Livingston CO Ky. Yancey BAINES/BAYNES son of James Yancey BAYNES was on a estate record of Alfred WOODYARD and so was the John SMEDLEY
Maybe Naomi SMEDLEY family was in Livingston CO ky r bef it form out of VA lands Naomi you know married Mordecia BANE which also had a son name Joseph BANE I found a Joseph BANES in Livingston CO KY 1801 receive 200 acres land also this Joseph BANES could be son of James BANE son of Mordecia and brother of John BANE that I believe to be my John BAINS/BAYNES/BANES Sr.
This is James Yancey BAYNES and Nancy children they was the parents of Comfort BAYNES that married Robert WADLEY. Caldwell CO Ky. 1 record of Yancey BAYNES to James BAYNES giving him land I think this was his father James Yancey BAYNES record 1826 the next three is marriage record and bond of Elizabeth BAYNES to Williamson BOYAKIN 1810 father James Yancey BAYNES was bondsman. gave consent, the next three is of John BAYNES and Elizabeth BARNES father James BAYNES was bondsman parents of the 2 gave consent. The last one is the record of Yancey BAYNES dec d could not see good in the e mail so I post if some of you have some of these record but other do not . I share other records I have of BAYNES and WADLEY later with those ppl I still working on.
John Bunch and Sarah Slayden petition the Virginia Council, requesting that the minister of Blissland Parish be ordered to publish their marriage banns. The minister had refused based on a statute circumscribing the marriage of "Negros" (including mulattoes) and "White Persons." John Bunch claims the law does not apply to him as he is a mustee (at least second generation mixed), not a mulatto (first generation mixed). About the middle of page 28 in the proceedings of the Council session on 16 Aug 1705, the petition of John Bunch and Sarah Slayden is considered by the Council and referred to the Attorney General to present his opinion at the next Council session. The next session is held 4 Sep 1705. Starting on the last line of page 30 through the top half of page 31, the petition comes back to consideration. The Attorney General's opinion is that the statute in question is penal in nature and consequently not to be applied beyond the letter of the law -- by implication, he supports the petition, although he temporizes to some extent on semantic grounds. The case is referred to the next General Court for the Attorney General to argue his opinion before the Governor and Council. There is no (known) subsequent record of whether the Attorney General's opinion held sway. From a 1702 militia roll which refers to a "John Bunch, Sr." and possibly to a "John Bunch, Jr.", there were probably (at least) 2 John Bunches in New Kent County (Blissland Parish) in 1705. There's no indication from the Council record whether it was the elder John Bunch (presumably seeking a second marriage) or the younger John Bunch who was involved in the petition. The ancestry documents tracing the line of President Obama claims this petition was by the younger John Bunch III.
August 16th 1705... The Petition of John Bunch and Sarah Slayden praying that the minister of Blissland Parish may be ordered to publish the Banns between the Petrs in order to their marriage, wch he hath hitherto refused on pretence of the sd Bunch's being a Mulatto, was read, and referred to Mr Attorney General to report his opinion whether the Petitioners case be within the intent of the Law to prevent Negros & White Persons intermarrying to ye next meeting of the Council... At a Council held at her Majesty's Royal Capitol the 4th day of September 1705... In obedience to an order of this Board dated the 16th of August last, Mr Attorney Genll reported his opinion on the Petition of Jno Bunch & Sarah Slayden as followeth: September ye 4th 1705. "Upon perusal of a Petition of John Bunch & Sarah Slayden to his Excellcy Edwd Nott Esqr &c and upon perusal of an Act of Assembly of this Colony entituled an Act for suppressing Outlying Slaves; I am of opinion & do conceive that ye sd Act being Penal is Coercive or restrictive no further then the very letter thereof, and being wholly unacquainted with the Appellations given to ye issue of such mixtures, cannot resolve whether the issue begotten on a White woman by a Mulatto man can properly be called a Mulatto, that name as I conceive being only appropriated to the Child of a Negro man begotten upon a white woman, or by a white man upon a negro woman, and as I am told the issue of a Mulatto by or upon a white Person has another name viz that of, Mustee; wch if so, I conceive it wholly out of the Letter (tho it may be conjectured to be within ye intent) of the sd act, The which (as abovesd being Penal) is, as I conceive not to be construed beyond ye letter thereof." S. Thomson, A G. Upon consideration of which Report, and that the Petitionrs Case is matter of Law, It is therefore ordered that the Petition of the said Bunch and Slayden be referred till next General Court for Mr Attorney to argue the reasons of his opinion before his Excellcy and ye Council.....
From Mark Bunch 12/2011
I found a copy of McIlwaine's Executive Journals at Google Books some time ago, and copied/pasted the pertinent pages into a jpeg document, which I posted up to my Ancestry.com tree (it's been attached to 50 other trees to date!). The actual issue was that John Bunch claimed the law didn't apply to him since he was a mustee (2nd generation mixed or later), not a mulatto (1st generation mixed -- the law prevented Negros and mulattoes from marrying whites, but said nothing about mustees and whites marrying). John & Sarah's petition was brought to the attention of the Virginia Council, which punted it to the Attorney General. The Attorney General came back to the next Council session and opined that since the law was penal in nature it had to be followed to the letter rather than its perceived intent -- in other words he supported John & Sarah's petition. He waffled a little bit due to his unfamiliarity with the precise definition of "mustee", and the Council punted it again to the courts. I have not yet been able to find any subsequent record of the issue, but approximately 6 months after the Attorney General's opinion, I'm told that a new anti-miscegenation law was enacted which spelled out in exacting detail who could marry who. I still need to find documentation of that, though.
There's some question of whether the John Bunch who petitioned the Council was an older John Bunch II (born about 1660) seeking to marry a second wife or a younger John Bunch III (born perhaps as early as 1684) seeking to marry his first wife. The mother of John Bunch III's children was named Rebecca (usually identified as Rebecca Harrison), which, with other considerations inclines me to believe it was the older John Bunch II who was the petitioner. No doubt you noticed that this whole issue came up in the same Blisland Parish where Jame Nuccol signed the Blisland Complaint in 1676. :-)
John Bunch III obtained several land patents in Hanover and Louisa Counties, Virginia, and died testate not long before 1742. John Bunch III was styled "Jr." in his patent dated 18 February 1722
/3 which suggests that his father, John Bunch II was still alive at this time. John Bunch II is first
mentioned in 1704, when he was taxed on 100 acres of land in New Kent County, Virginia. This John Bunch was on the land processioning records with Susannah Nuckolls and her brother Samuel Nuckolls. This John Bunch also named a son Samuel. The Vestry Book of Petsworth Parish, Gloucester County, Virginia, 1677� 1793 (Richmond : Library Board, Division
of Purchase and Printing, 1933 shows John Bunch I and II owned land in Blissland and St John's Parish, as did James Nuckolls. There is good reason to conclude that Paul and John II 's father was a free man of color named John Bunch (herein styled John Bunch I) who patented 450 acr
es on both sides of Richahock Path in New Kent County on 18 March 1662/3, which bordered
land owned by Richard Barnhouse in what became Blisland Parish.
Ancestry's theory is (that John Punch was the father of John Bunch I), at least, and they're not the first ones to propose it. As a theory, It's plausible and the Ancestry researchers did a pretty good job of supporting it, but it's still just a theory with some definite holes (or weaknesses at least). Obama's link to the Bunches (same John Punch) is through his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, not through his father. The original Ancestry research documents are at www.ancestry.com/obama.
The common origin of these two related Bunch families points to an early African progenitor, a man brought (as an indentured servant or as a slave) to Virginia from Africa in the colony's early days. Their case hinges on the President's genealogy (which connects to the E1b1a Bunch line through his mother).
Some members of this Bunch family passed for white and stayed in Virginia. This Virginia
branch intermarried with local white families and, for all intents and purposes, was eventually perceived to be white.They initially resided in Virginia's York and New Kent counties (same as Nuckolls), moved to what became Hanover County, (same as Nuckolls) and then relocated
further upstream to Louisa County, Virginia. (same as Nuckolls) President Obama's Bunch ancestors eventually migrated to Tennessee.
Decades ago, early attempts to trace the Bunch family origins led descendants to jump to
wildly speculative claims that the progenitor of the family was a man who emigrated from
Scotland to Gloucester County, Virginia, as a headright of Gervase Dodson, and then settled in
York County. There is no factual foundation for any claim that John (or any Bunch immigrant)
hailed from Scotland. Further, the Gloucester County , Virginia immigrant named John Bunch
died early, so he was not the man of this name who lived in York or New Kent counties.
Land Processionings 19 ___ 1731
Jonathan Ashworth, James Brewer, Samuel Bumpass, William Clopton's Orphans, Cornelius Dabney, Thomas Dickenson, Mary Englis widow, David Gwin overseer, John Haden, William Hanes, Charles Hudson, James Nuckles overseer, Anthony Pate, Adam Rutherford, Benjamin Whealer
1735 Asked that the precint be divided: Jonathan Ashworth, James Brewer, Widdow Broadhurst (Thomas Massie appeared), William Clopton's orphans, Corn elius Dabney, Thomas Dickenson, Mary English, David Gwin, William Hains, J ohn Hanes, Gent Charles Hudson, Edmund Massie, Danile Maupin, William Meridith, James Nuchols, Anthony Pate (Rowland Blackthorn appeared), Adam Rutherford, Benjamin Whealer
The Valentine Papers, Vol 1-4, 1864-1908
Crenshaw Family
Hanover County Records
David Crenshaw , Witness, to lease from James Nuckolls to James Overton, Gent. of 414 acres on both sides of Elk Creek . July 3d, 1735 . Vol. 1, p. 268.
1744 Land Processioning
Martin Baker, Rowland Blackthorne, James Brewer, Samuel Bumpass, William Clopton's orphans, Cornelius Dabney, Thomas Kickinson, John England's orphans, Jeremiah Frazier, David Gwin overseer, William Hains, John Harper, John Haynes, Maj Kimbrough, Edmund Moses, Thomas Moses, James Nuckolds overseer, Edward Pate, Adam Rutherford, Robert Wathen.
3/23/1744/45? Land Processioning
James Ashworth, James Brewer, Widdow Broadhurst, Samuel Bumpass, William C lopton's orphans, Cornelius Dabney, Thomas Dickson, Mary English, David Gw in overseer, John Hayden, Charles Hudson, William Haynes, Edmund Massie, James Nuckolds overseer, Anthony Pate, Adam Rutherford, Benjamin Whealer. A sked that the precinct be divided and that land of: Martin Baker, Samule Bumpass, William Clopton's orphans, John English orphans, John Hayden, Maj Kimbrough, Edmund Massie , Thomas Massie, James Nuckolds.
Acquired Land on the Little River, then in St Paul's Parish, later in St. Martin's Parish, still later in Frederickville Parish, still later in T rinity Parish, all because of shifting parish boundaries, not by changing of residence. Shifting county boundaries also put his property eventually in Louisa Co.
Hanover Co, VA
Bk A p157 Deed 8 Oct 1744 James Nuckolls Sr.of Hanover Co. "unto my loving son James Nuckolls Jr." my plantation and 200ac in Louisa Co.", lyi ng in the fork of the Little River joining on the south fork of the River (James). Witnesses, Abraham Gedells(?), ? Kimbrough, Charles Nuckolls.
David Earl McKercher in his web page states that James II was repor ed to be of Welsh descent and that he served as a surgeon in General Staring's army. There is no source given for this.
1777- Lists of tithes from Trinity Parish: Keziah Nuckols....7
(History of Louisa Co, VA pg 170)
From Order Books & Chauncery Records of Mecklenburg County:
Chuncery Court 19 June 1810 - Mecklenburg County
Absalom Yancey, Robert Yancey, Zachariah Yancey, Thomas Yancey, William
Nuckolls, Richard Nuckolls, Lewis Nuckolls, Mary Armstrong, John Thomps on &
Elizabeth his wife, Austin Hancock & Ann his wife, Keziah Nuckolls, Patsy Nuckolls, Patsy Watkins, Anne Watkins, James Green & Ann his wife, Abel Gregory & Elizabeth his wife, William Overby & Susannah his wife, Charles Yancey, Dolly Yancey, Anthony Lumpkin & wife Mary, Abby Yancey, William Beadles & wife Ann, Richard Davenport, Bazel Thompson, (Kitty, Rhoda, Mary, John, Yancey, Francis & William Thompson) - infants sue by William Beadles, (Charles, Dolly & Abby [above mentioned] are infants and sue by Zachariah their next friend).
Lewis Tapp & wife Jane, Martha, Ann, Keziah, Mary, Absalom, Charles, Willi am &
Elijah Yancey - rep. of Charles Yancey decd.
The defts. not appearing in court it appears they are not inhabitants of t his
commonwealth - ord. to be here 3rd Monday in October next. Which to be published in Newspaper in town Richmond for 8 weeks successively & posted at court days at front door courthouse.
20 November 1810
In this suit Thompson infants sue by William Thompson, published notice has been given. It is ordered that of the 432 acres mentioned in complainents bill & which was patented to Charles dec and conveyed by a former decr ee of this court to John Lewis together with 425A pat. to William Yancey to be sold to highest bidder for cash & credit. William, Thomas, Charl es & his representatives to be reimbursed for taxes.Bal proceeds to be divided into 8 [eight] parts. 1( One] each to:
[1/8 part to: ] Absalom Yancey
[1/8 part to: ] Robert Yancey
[1/8 part to: ] Zachariah Yancey
[1/8 part to: ] Thomas Yancey
1/8 part to be paid to representatives of Keziah Nuckolls decd - Richard, Lewis & William Nuckolls, Mary Armstrong, John Thompson & wife Elizabeth, Austin Hancock & wife Ann, Keziah Nuckolls, remaining 1/8 of same part to be divided between Pasty & Ann Watkins.
1/8 part to be paid representatives of Lewis Yancey decd - divided into four parts: To William Beadle & wife Ann, Richard Davenport, Bazel Thompson, & infant children of Sarah Thompson decd - 1/7th to each - Kitty, Mary, Rhoda, John, Yancey, Francis, & William Thompson.
1/8 part to be paid to representatives of Richard Yancey, the younger, decd - in seven equal parts to: James Green & wife Ann, Abel Gregory & Elizabeth, William Overby & Susannah, Anthony Lumpkin & Mary, Charles, Abby & Dolly Yancey.
Remaining 1/8 part to be divided among defendants: 8 equal parts: Lewis Tapp & wife, Martha, Ann, Keziah, Mary, Absalom, Charles, and Elijah Yancey.
Taxes & Cost to be paid first.
[NOTE BY COMPILER: Although it is uncertain under what circumstances these court proceedings and legal actions were taken - the records show the proceeds being distributed in eight equal parts among eight children of Richard and Mary Yancey - or in those cases where the child was deceased - among the grandchildren of Richard and Mary. This is one of the few documents that pretty much proves that Richard had eight children who lived to adulthood and left children and also lists those grandchildren living (in 1810) that descend from four of his deceased children: Keziah, Lewis, Richard Jr. & Charles. At least two other of Richard's children: Joseph & Hezekiah Yancey had died prior to this date without leaving any descendants.
Order Book 8 page 525 - 1795
John Lewis
Edmund Taylor, Charles Yancey Exr & son of Richard Yancey, Absalom Yanc ey - son of sd. decedent, William Yancey - eldest son of sd decedent, Robert Yancey and Richard Yancey also sons of said decedent, and Zachariah Yancey, Keziah Nuckolls daughter of sd decedent. The subpoena against the deft.
Complainants wants clear title of land bought of Edmund Taylor - wants tit le from
Yancey heirs.
[Note from Compiler: In the above record William Yancey is referr ed to as the
eldest son. One should be careful in interpreting this - it is thoug ht by some that this might have meant that he was the eldest 'living' s on - but that his brother Lewis may actually have been the oldest son of R ichard.]
History fo Louisa Co, VA pg170
list of tithes in 1777 from Trinity Parish, Keziah Nuckols....7
Louisa Co, VA
Book: F, Page: 451, Grantor: Nuckolls, Keziah, Grantee: Nuckolls, Willia m, Date: 13-Jul-1759
[no abstract]
Book: H, Page: 93, Grantor: William Shelton and Mary, his wife, Grantee: R ichard Anderson, Date: 19-Nov-1779
William Shelton and Mary, his wife, of Louisa to Richard Anderson of same �295 on Rockey Branch by survey of William Pettit containing 1521/2 acres, 70 acres of which William Shelton bought of Benjamin Cook and 82 1/6 acres he bought of Vincent Tullock adjoining Capt. Nathaniel Pope, John Bullock, James Terry, Charles Colley, Kezeah Nuckolls with appurtenances. Sig. William Shelton and Mary (x) Shelton. wit. Robert Goodwin, Thomas Davis, Cyrus Davis, Robert Wilson.
Early Descendants of William Overton & Elizabeth Waters of Virginia by W P Anderson, Cincinnati, OH 1938 pg-
Robert Harris (d 1799 Louise Co W B 4 Pg109-MHH) lived near Little Riv er in Louisa, m about 1775 Mezapina (1) Walton will prob Sept 1811 (dau of John Walton of Hanover). Issue:
Benj Harris
Amelia Harris m Duke Cosby
Martha Burnett Harris b 10/12/1782 m Ricahrd Mantlo
Joseph Harris
Richard Harris m Miss Nuckolls
Robert Harris
Thomas Harris
Nancy Rice Harris
(1) B.B. "j" pg80 Dec 8, 1800. Deed between Richard Nuckolls of Tennessee and his attorney William Cook, to Mezzipina, "widow and relect of Robert Harris, dec'd" and the said Amelia, wife of Duke Cosby, Benjamin Harris, Robert Harris, Martha Burnett, wife of Richard Mantlo, Joseph, Thoma s, Richard, Nancy Rice Harris, all children and distributees of said Robert Harris, land on Little River N & S side of Beach Branch. Richard Nuckol ls had sold this land to Robert Harris but never deeded it. His mother, Kiziah Nuckolls had resided there. Louisa Co, VA Court notes by my sister, Jessie Penfleton Spencer-JSA
Bk2 p29 5 Jan 1767 Will of Charles Nuckolls VA
I, CHARLES NUCKOLLS, of Louisa County do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form following Imprimis I lend unto my beloved wife, KEZIAH all my estate, both real and personal during her widowhood and in case she should marry, my will and desire is that she may peaceably possess of my land and two of my slaves names Paul and Lucy during her natural life. Then I give and bequeath unto my two son JAMES and WILLIAM after the decease of wife KEZIAH, all my land to be equally divided between them and to their heirs and assigns forever, amy will and desire is that if either of the above mentioned sons should die without lawful issue, or before they attain to the age of twenty-one years, that then his part of the land shall descend to my son RICHARD his heirs and assigns forever and in case either of my above mentioned sons should die without lawful issue , or before they attain to the age of twenty-one years and that then his part shall descend to my son LEWIS and to his heirs and assigns forever. For this my will and desire is that at the marriage or death of my widow, that the remainder of my estate shall be equally divided amongst those of my children that are not possess of my land and further my will and desire is that in case wife should die before my children have got sufficient schooling, that then there shall be a sum sufficient raised out of my estate to maintain and school them and at age fifteen my will and desire is that my sons shall be bound'out to good trades till they attain the age of twenty years and I appoint CAPT.WADDY THOMPSON, SAMU EL NUCKOLLS and JOHN BULLOCK Executors of this my last will and Testament as witnessed by my hand and seal this fifth day of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand and Seven Hundred and Sixty Seven.
Sealed & delivered in the presence of: WILLIAM SHELTON JOHANN WATKINS JAMES BULLOCK CHARLES NUCKOLLS. At the court held for Louisa County, November 9th, 1767. This will was this day proved in open court by the oath of WILLIAM SHELTON, JOHANN WATKINS and JAMES BULLOCK witnessed the reto by the court and deemed to be recorded JOHN NELSON CC
Bk A pg 127-128 13 Feb 1743 John Foster of Fredericksville Par. Louisa Co, and Ann his wife, to Shirwood Harris of same 15 pounds currt money. 1 04 acres and plantation on both sides of Cubb Creek in Fredericksville Par ....Wm Harris' line; purchased by sd Foster by Indenture of Feoffment 13 F eb 1742 of Laurence Redman and acknowledged in Louisa Co. Wit: Jeremiah Glen, Charles Nuckolls
June 1745 Book A pg 188 Benjamin Brown of St Martin's Par, Hanover Co ., to Charles Nuckolls of St Paul's Par., Hanover Co..80 Pounds currt. mon ey. 29 acres in Fredericksville Par.... James Nuckold's corner...Charles B arrett's corner..to Little River, down same to mouth of Billeys Branch. Wi t: James Yancy, John Lane.
Louisa Co, Deed Book B, Page 82,Book B, Page 82 1 Jul 1755 Benjamin Bibb of Louisa Co. to Charles Nuckols for L40 currt money.Negro manslave Isa ac ....If sd Bibb do pay $40 pounds on or before 28 Dec. next, deed here in to be void. Wit: Charles Beckley, Saml Winston, Charles Barrett
W.B. 2 p 29 Will of Charles Nuckolls. Wife Sarah Keziah. Sons: Jas., Wm ., Richard, Lewis. To sons James and William, all my land equally. Excors .: Capt. Waddy Thompson, Saml. Nuckolls, John Bullock. Dated 5 January 175 7. Signed: Charles Nuckolls. Wit.:Wm. Shelton, Isham Watkins, James Philip s. Rcd. 9 November 1767
Book B pg117-118 April 24, 1761 Richard Bullock of Granville Co, North Carolina to Charles Nuckolls of Fredericksville Par, Louisa Co; 610 Pounds cu rrt. money; 44 acres in Fredericksville...(partial)
W.B.2 p 30 Bond of James Bullock, Exor. of Charles Nuckoll's est. Bondsmen: Jas. Bullock, Frederick Harris. Amount L 1000 Dated and rcd. 9 Nov 17 67 Signed John Bullock, James Bullock, Fred K Harris
Louisa Co Guardian Bonds p115-116-GDN BOND
John Nuckols Gdn to Lewis and Keziah Nuckols, orphans of Charles Nuckolls Dec'd; L1200 currt. money; Sec. James Nuckols. 10-12-1783
Richmond Enquirer 11-17-1812 pg 4
Virginia- At rules holden in the Clerk's Office of the Superior Court of C hancery for the Richmond District, the 12th day of October 1812. Richard Nuckolls, Lewis Nuckolls, Mary Armstrong, James Watkins and Nancy his wife, Austin Hancock and Ann his wife, John Thompson and Elizabeth his wife, Keziah Nuckolls, which said Richard, Lewis, Mary Nancy, Ann, Elizabeth and Keziah, with William Nuckolls, are children, heirs at law and distributees of Charles Nuckolls, deceased, who was a son of James Nuckolls, the elder deceased, Charles Nuckolls, Thomas, John, Nathaniel, Samuel and Mary Nuckolls, Sarah Grunnell and John Hughson and Lucy his wife, which said Charles, Thomas, John, Nathaniel, Samuel, Mary, Sarah and Lucy, are children, heirs at law and distributees of James Nuckolls dec'd who was also a son of James Nuckolls, the elder, deceased.
William Nuckolls, John Nuckolls, Henrietta Harris, Ann Mallory, Lucy Duke, Marston Duke, John Duke and James Duke, children of Elizabeth Duke, Marietta Thompson, an infant under the age of twenty-one years, by Braxton Bird and Mary his wife, their guardians; Mary T Anderson and Elizabeth Anderson, the only children of Lucy Anderson dec'd who was Lucy Thompson, sister to John Thompson and wife to Alexander Anderson, by the said Alexander Anderson their father and next friend, John Kilby and Elizabeth his wife, who was Elizabeth Thompson, another sister to the said John and Nathaniel Thompson, which said John, Nathaniel, Elizabeth and Lucy were the children of Mary Thompson, who was Mary Nuckolls, Christopher Wingfield and Elizabeth his wife, and Nancy Hix by her father and guardian Joseph Hix, which said Elizabeth and Nancy are children of Nancy Hix, wife of Joseph Hix, who was Nancy Nuckolls, Defendants. The defendants John Nuckolls and Henrietta Harris , not having entered their appearance and given security according to the set of assembly and the rules of this court, and it ap pearing by satisfactory evidence that they are not inhabitants of this country ---- It is ordered that the sadi defendants do appear here on the
first day of the next term and answer the bill of the plaintiffs and that a copy of this order be forthwith inserted in some newspaper published in the city of Richmond for two months successively and posted at the front door of the capitol in the said city. A copy Teste, Wm W Henning, C.C
John Anthony, Page Blunt overseer (appeared for haden orphans), Samuel Bum pass, John Darrocott, John Hayden orphan's, John Hill, Maj Kimbrough, Jam es Nucholls overseer, Cornelius Tinsley Jr, Harry Tomkins
11/19/1759 # 8 Precinct
John Anthony,Page Blunt overseer, Samuel Bumpass, John Darrocortt, John Hi ll, Maj Kimbrough, James Nuchols overseer, Cornelius Tinsley Jr, Harry Tom kins
James III moved to the South Fork of the Little River onto 200 acres la nd the he received the deed to. This land was near what was called Charl es Nuckolls Corner, after his brother Charles. Records also indicate th at he was granted 200 acres of land by William Henderson and his wife, w ho resided in Albemarle CO VA.
According to Bertha Nuckolls, in her book, William is thought to be Jam es III's wife's father. Bertha work also sites some records that are avail able on James III.
(no date) right before entry for Nov 13, 1769
-The Last Will and Testament of John Watkins, Deceased was exhibited in Court by
Isham Watkins one of the Executors therein named, who made oath thereto as the Law Directs, and the same being also duly proved by the oaths of William Rice and Thomas Jackson, two of the Witnesses thereto is admitted to record, and on the said motion of the said Isham Watkins and his performing what the Law in such cases require, a Certificate is granted him for obtaining thereof in due form.
Louisa County Court 13th November 1769
Ordered that Thomas Jackson, William Rice, James Nucholls and Cornelious McCoy
or any three of them being first duly sworn appraise in current Money the slaves (if any) and personal Estate of John Watkins, Deceased and return the appraisment thereof to Court.
3-13-1780 Will Book II pg366 History Co Louisa Co, VA pg61
Louisa delt firmly with her British foes. In the year 1780 in Februa ry at the late dwelling of John Marshall, deceased, before William Hugh es of the said County of Louisa. Executor, lawfully constituted by Willi am Pettus, Frederick harris, Aaron Fontaine, Robert Armistead, Charles Yan cey, William Lipscomb, James Burnley, John Whitton, John Smith, James Nuck ols, John Saunders, Elias Thomason, William Garrett and others beign elect ed , tried and sworn on oath do say that John Husdon is a Bristish subje ct and his property was confiscated at the inquiry, Mar 13, 1780.
From "Louisa County Public Service Claims" by Chisholm:
April Court 1782, JAMES NUCKOLS is credited with 24 barrells of flour, imp ressed for the use of the public in April, 1781. One gun, impressed for t he use of the public, May 1781 "October 30, 1780, Recd of MR. JAMES NUCKOL LS for the use of the state, 10 bushels of wheat at twenty pounds per bush el. Amt. 200 pounds----Two hundred Pounds Signed GARRITT MINOR CPS for Lou isa. ...."Louisa County, Nov. 1, 1781, No. 4 400 wt be @ 3d, 1.5 ... I her eby certify that JAMES NIJCKOLLS has furnished for public use two beeves g ross wt four hundred pounds... .40 lbs.. Five Pounds WILL ANDERSON
Publick in May, 1781; 3 pounds for 29 flour barrell April,1781220 flo ur barrels April, 1781James Nuchols by Garrett Minor March 27, 1781 als o3 pounds for 24 flour barrels rec'd of said Nucholls by said Minor. He ap peared on Louisa County Tax Rolls 1782, 1784/5, 1788, 1789, 1790, 1791, 17 92, 1793, 1794, 1795. He died in Louisa County in 1810. The Inventory a nd Appraisal of his estate by RICHARD HARRIS, BENJAMIN HARRIS, WILLIAM MIL LS, SAMUEL NIJCHOLLS and ROBERT HARRIS was recorded 1 Dec 1810. The sale t ook place December, 1810. (Louisa Co Wills 1801� 1817 p 357, 358, 484, 59 4, 356.
"The Louisa County records reflect a deed from James Nuckolls, "Sr." of Ha nover County, to James Nuckolls, "Jr." of 200 acres in Louisa County on t he fork of the Little River. The deed was dated October 12, 1744. (Th is is assumed to be from James II to James III). This was near a place cal led Charles Nuckolls Corner, which was his brother's place. His wife's fat her, William Henderson, also granted him 200 acres of land, which appea rs to be a gift.
There are also the following articles in the National Archives.
Photostat 39416 Virginia Revolutionary War Records of Court of Louisa Coun ty Virginia: "James Nuckolls, April 1782, received pay for flour Barrel s" Photostat 39376
"James Nuckolls, April 12 1782 received pay for gun. Louisa County, N ov 1, 1781. No 4.. 400 wt. of beef at L5 3d. I hereby certify that James N uckolls has Furnished for public use two beeves, gross wt. 400 lb. Will A nderson "
WILL OF JAMES NUCKOLLS , dated 17 March 1810, Louisa County, Virginia, fr om Will Book S, Page 349.
I James Nuckolls of the County of Louisa do hereby make my Last Will and T estament in manner and form following: that is today, First. It is my Wi ll and desire that all my just debts be paid.
Item I give and devise to my daughter ----Mary Nuckolls--- one Fair thi rd of the Tract of Land whereon I reside to include the Houses, during h er natural life, and after her decease to go to my son ---Thomas--- to h im and to his Heirs and asigns forever.
Item I give and devise to my said Son Thomas the other two thirds of the a bove land to him and to his Heirs and asigns forever - -
Item I give and bequeath to my son ----Charles---- two Negroes, Harry a nd Peter, to him to his Heirs
forever. - -
Item I give and bequeathe to my Grand daughter -----Sally Nuckolls--- daug hter of my said Son Charles Ten pounds to her and to her Heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeathe to my son John Ten dollars to him and to his Hei rs forever. - -
Item I give and bequeathe to my Son Nathaniel two negroes John and Jenny w ith her future increase to him & to his Heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeathe to my daughter Sarah Gunnel my negroe woman Fan ny & her two children Maria &Ann with their future increase to her a nd to her Heirs forever. - -
Item I give and bequeathe to my daughter--- Lucey Hewson--- my negro wom an Juda & her two children Edward & Garland with the future increase of Ju da to her and to the Heirs lawfully begotten of her body forever.
Item I give and bequeathe to my two grand sons--- Asa & Ezra--- so ns of my son John or to the Survivors, a negro girl named Martha with h er future increase to them or to the Survivors their or his Heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeathe to my daughter Mary, over and above the one thi rd of my land devised above, four negroes, First Abraham & Bob and Din ah & Letty with the future increase of the two latter: also one equal pa rt of all my Household & Kitchen furniture stock of Horses, cattle she ep & hogs together with my
plantation utensils to her and her Heirs forever - -
Item I give and bequeathe to my son Samuel the following negroes namely Ne d, Will, Caroline, Nanny, Mima & her daughter, Betty, with the Increa se of the females, also the other two thirds of all my Household and Kitch en furniture, my stock of every kind together with my plantation utensi ls the other third having in the furegoing clause been given to my daught er Mary, to him the said Samuel Nuckolls to him and to his heirs forever.
Item It is my will and desire that my negro woman Nanny shall not be forc ed from her Husband, and hereby require of my son Samuel to whom she is le ft in the foregoing clause, never to suffer a forcible separation; from h er husband, if he can by any reasonable means prevent it.
Item It is my will and desire that my son ---Samuel--- is consequen ce of my having given him an over proportion of my personal Estate sha ll be responsible for all just demands that may be brought against me.
Lastly I appoint my friend Robert Harris & my son Samuel Executors of th is last Will & Testament - hereby revoking all others by me heretofore mad e. In Testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand and affixed my se al this Seventeenth day of March in the year one thousand Eight hundred a nd Ten.
James Nuckolls
Signed Sealed and published in the presence of - -
Peter S. Barret
Geo Mc Gehee
Charles Nuckolls
Benjamin Harris
(Written on the right hand side of second page .)
At a Court held for Louisa County on the 9th day of July 1810 This will w as this day in open Court exhibited by Robert Harris & Samuel Nuckols t he executors therein named and was proved by the oathes of Peter S. Barre t, Geo Mc Gehee, Charles Nickols and Benjamin Harris Witnesses there to & by the Court ordered to be recorded and the said execution having ma de oath thereto and entered into bond with approved security condition ed as the law directs. A certificate is granted them for obtaining a prob ate thereof in due form.
History of Louisa Co, VA
p. 61 - dealing with the Revolutionary history: "Louisa delt (sic) firm ly with her British foes. In the year 1780, in February, "at the late dwel ling of John Marshall, dec'd, before William Hughes of the said coun ty of Louisa, Executor, lawfully constituted by William Pettus, Frederi ck Harris, Aaron Fontaine, Robert Armistead, Charles Yancey, William Lipsc omb, James Burnley, John Whitton, John Smith, James Nuckols, John Saunder s, Elias Thomason, William Garrett and others being elected, tried and swo rn on oath do say that John Hudson is a British subject," and his proper ty was confiscated, at the inquiry, March 13, 1780." This is from the Loui sa Records, Will Book ii, p. 366, per footnote.
Grant dated Nov. 22, 1779, THOMAS JEFFERSON to William Phillips Son and h eir at Law of Richard Phillips dec'd. �6.5 sterling paid by William Philli ps into the Treasury of this Commonwealth by survey dated 11th June 17 52 re 1201 acres in Louisa County on both sides Cross Swamp located WILLI AM HALEY'S Corner Pine by WILLIAM HALEY'S from a Glade of Cross Swamp h is Corner Pine in FRANCIS CLARK'S line . . . *********James NUCKOLS Corn er large pine on Watsons line . . . *********
James Hall, born 1757, was the son of Susanna Hall, who died, 180 4, Louisa Co., Va. (Will Book 5, p. 165) James Mar. 1788, Nancy Pet tit, dau. of William,III, and Susanna Ballard Pettit. (Lousia Co ., Va., Mar. Register, 1, p. 42). Witnesses to the wedding we re : Richmond Harris, James Nuckolls and Henreitta Terry. (Jam es Hall's birth date confirmed by his Revlotionary War Record).
Richmond Enquirer 11-16-1810 pg 4
On Friday the 7th day of November next, will be sold to the highest bidd er on twelve months credit (on the premises), the tract of land on which N athaniel Nuckolls dec'd lately resided, lying in the county of Hanov er on the South Anna River about eight miles above the Court House, contai ning by estimation about 247 acres - Bond with approved security will be r equired of the purchaser with a deed of trust on the land to secure the pa yment - The sale will be made in pursuance of the last will and testime nt of Jas. Nuckolls dec'd of Hanover County. William Nuckolls , Heir at L aw Nov 9 1810
Richmond Enquirer 11-17-1812 pg 4
Virginia- At rules holden in the Clerk's Office of the Superior Court of C hancery for the Richmond District, the 12th day of October 1812. Richard N uckolls, Lewis Nuckolls, Mary Armstrong, James Watkins and Nancy his wif e, Austin Hancock and Ann his wife, John Thompson and Elizabeth his wif e, Keziah Nuckolls, which said Richard, Lewis, Mary Nancy, Ann, Elizabe th and Keziah, with William Nuckolls, are children, heirs at law and distr ibutees of Charles Nuckolls, deceased, who was a son of James Nuckolls, t he elder deceased, Charles Nuckolls, Thomas, John, Nathaniel, Samuel and M ary Nuckolls, Sarah Grunnell and John Hughson and Lucy his wife, which sa id Charles, Thomas, John, Nathaniel, Samuel, Mary, Sarah and Lucy, are chi ldren, heirs at law and distributees of James Nuckolls dec'd who was al so a son of James Nuckolls, the elder, deceased.AgainstWilliam Nuckolls, J ohn Nuckolls, Henrietta Harris, Ann Mallory, Lucy Duke, Marston Duke, Jo hn Duke and James Duke, children of Elizabeth Duke, Marietta Thompso n, an infant under the age of twenty-one years, by Braxton Bird and Mary h is wife, their guardians; Mary T Anderson and Elizabeth Anderson, the on ly children of Lucy Anderson dec'd who was Lucy Thompson, sister to John T hompson and wife to Alexander Anderson, by the said Alexander Anderson the ir father and next friend, John Kilby and Elizabeth his wife, who was Eliz abeth Thompson, another sister to the said John and Nathaniel Thompson, wh ich said John, Nathaniel, Elizabeth and Lucy were the children of Mary Tho mpson, who was Mary Nuckolls, Christopher Wingfield and Elizabeth his wif e, and Nancy Hix by her father and guardian Joseph Hix, which said Elizabe th and Nancy are children of Nancy Hix, wife of Joseph Hix, who was Nan cy Nuckolls, Defendants. The defendants John Nuckolls and Henrietta Ha rris , not having entered their appearance and given security accordi ng to the set of assembly and the rules of this court, and it appeari ng by satisfactory evidence that they are not inhabitants of this count ry ---- It is ordered that the sadi defendants do appear here on the fir st day of the next term and answer the bill of the plaintiffs and that a c opy of this order be forthwith inserted in some newspaper published in t he city of Richmond for two months successively and posted at the front do or of the capitol in the said city. A copy Teste, Wm W Henning, C.C
Found at ancestry with no proof:
Family Data Collection - Individual Records about James Nuckolls
Name: �tab�James Nuckolls
Spouse: �tab�Isabelle Boss
Parents: �tab�James Nuckolls
Birth Place: �tab�Hanover Co, VA
Birth Date: �tab�1720
Marriage Date: �tab�1768
Death Place: �tab�Louisa Co, VA
Death Date: �tab�1810
In 1767, John Nuckolls, Sr, bade farewell to his Virginia home, put wif e, children, and all their belongings on horses and turned their faces tow ard Carolina. Arriving at Kings Mountain they ascended to the summit of t hat noted peak, and made a cup of tea. The cups, saucers, and spoons us ed are now in possession of Samuel Littlejohn, Jonesville, S. C., w ho is a great-grandson. While here at Kings Mt. their daughter Susan w as born, who afterward married Charles Littlejohn. As soon as circumstanc es would permit the journey was continued until Whig Hill was reached, whe re a halt and settlement was made. The famous white rose was brought alo ng and we suspect that not many days elapsed until it was planted whe re it was destined to grow for three quarters of a century. It grew at di fferent places until the time of the civil war, when it became extinct, ( at least in South Carolina, but is still believed to be growing in Virgin ia). Whenever a member of the Nuckolls Family went out to build a home f or themselves, scion or cutting was taken from this rose bush and with t he most scrupulous care it was planted and cultivated as a precious heirlo om of ancestry.
John Nuckolls Sr was Commissioner of Election in 1776; The natural inferen ce is that as rapidly as conditions would allow, comfortable buildings we re erected, the forest felled, and converted into fruitful field s. In a short time, considerable property was accumulated, including sever al negros. Thus by indomitable energy and industry, John Nuckolls was ma king his Carolina domain more and more productive and beautiful, when t he storm of the American Revolution burst upon the country.
Though of English descent, John at once threw himself wholly intothe cau se of Independence; in fact he became such an unflinching and uncompromi sing Whig, that the hill on which he lived was called Whig Hill.
Whether the name was given by friend or foe, we know not, but be that as it may, it was a compliment that lives to this day. As to the battl es he was in and the service he rendered, unfortunately, we know nothin g; but we feel safe in saying that whenever and wherever, duty demanded i t, John Nuckolls was equal to the occasion.
The greatest suffering inflicted on the Whig settlement was by thievi ng Tories, with which the country was infested. One of these gangs, comm anded by Patrick Moore, made their headquarters at Fort Anderson, or Thick ety Fort,on Goucher Creek. Another was down on the Enoree. From these poi nts, they would sally out and seize what they wanted to carry off, and d estroy the balance. Whig Hill was not immune to these depredations.
A number of these raids were made, but perhaps the most noted one was ma de in 1780. They made a clean sweep. The only bed left for the younge st child was a sheep-skin used for a saddle blanket. It was, probably at t his time when they were shooting stock, breaking up furniture, and rippi ng open feather, that Mrs. Nuckolls, woman-like, began tongue lashing th em. One of the dastardly scoundrels struck at her head with a sabre, and t hrowing up her arm to ward off the blow, received a wound, which le ft a scar that she carried to her grave. On another occasion the raiders c ame and "Aunt Agathy", an old colored slave, grabbed the axe, and placi ng herself behind the front door, threatened to kill the first one who t ried to enter. Not one of the contemptible cowards made the effor t. It is said that there is a bond between the descendants of Mrs. Nucko lls and those of "Aunt Agathy" that grows as the years go by.
Owing to the nature of the service in upper Carolina, the patriot soldi ers could get off and visit their homes until necessity arose when they w ould come together again at some appointed place. Early in December, 178 0, John Nuckolls thus visited his home at Whig Hill. Finding the meal t ub empty, he,in company with his little son, John, went to McKown's mi ll on Broad River at, or near the Ninety-nine Islands. It is said th at in those days, millers provided a room, either in the mill, or in the ir own house, to accommodate customers when they were detained over nigh t. McKown was a Tory, and being acquainted with Nuckolls, saw his opportun ity. Pretending that he could not grind for him until the next day, with a pparent kindness, he gave him the room for a lodging place.
Night coming on, McKown went out and gathered a band of his ilk, and t hey came to the room where Nuckolls was quietly sleeping. Arousing hi m, they said, "We've come for you." He knew what that meant. he asked per mission to awake his son, so he could give some messages for his peop le at home. They refused and said that if he awoke him, they would kill h im also. They took Nuckolls a short distance from the mill, and prepar ed to shoot him. He asked that they would give him five minutes in whi ch to pray. This was granted, and he prayed aloud. After he had utter ed a few petitions, a villain by the name of Davis said: "If he continu es praying that way much longer we will not be able to kill him," and fi red a ball through his head. The body was thrown into a hole where a tr ee had blown up and some brush was placed over it.
Some months afterwards, an old woman in the neighborhood found his bone s. They were gathered up by his family and taken to Whig Hill and burie d, The grave is encased in hewn granite slabs three feet high, and is enti rely covered with a marble slab, three feet by six. The slab contains t he following inscription: 'In memory of John Nuckolls, Sr., who was murder ed by the Tories for his devotion to liberty, the 11th day of December, 17 80, in the 49th year of his age. Rest noble patriot, Rest in peace The pr ize you sought Your county won'
Some years later, a speech was delivered on Whig Hill, saying something l ike this; 'After all, who would not covet such a death? Dying for the cau se of liberty; dying addressing the Creator in such pathetic tones as to t ouch the feelings of a heartless murderer. O, John Nuckolls, dost thy sain ted spirit hover about us? Noble husband, father, hero, martyr; we have as sembled on this place of thine earthly habitation to honor thee,' etc.
Not many months after Nuckolls' death, Davis, his murderer, with some o thers, were lurking in Thickety bottoms, near Whig Hill, where they were s ecreting plundered booty, consisting of cattle, horses, valuables, etc. So me alert Whigs caught them and to Davis and a few others, their just deser ts were soon meted out to them. Going to the house of Mrs. Nuckolls, the W higs asked for pick and shovel, saying that they were going to settle h er some new neighbors. She said she "hoped they would be good neighbors ." They told her that they "would guarantee them to be quiet ones." Dav is reaped what he sowed. He deliberately shot Nuckolls and soon after w as shot in the like manner, and both are buried near the same spot.
John Nuckolls has been described as a martyr to the cause of American Fr eedom. He was of dark complexion and very curly hair, and is said to ha ve had an unusually large skull."
These records are from Pioneer Settlers of Grayson County, Virginia, by Re v. B. F. Nuckolls, I9I4, Galax, Virginia; and History of Grindal Shoa ls , by Rev. J. D. Bailey, I92I, Coupens, South Carolina.
North Carolina Land Grants in South Carolina, Grants Issued from Mecklenbu rg County, Page 100
Nuckols, John File No 2375 Grant No 135; Bk 23;pg205
Plat Aug 8, 1767 surveyed for John Nuckols, 400A on both sides Thickety... Stephen Jones line...David Roberson's line...Zachariah Bullock, Joab Mitch ell, Stephen Jones, CB Issued 4/28/1768
North Carolina Land Grants in South Carolina, Grants Issued from Tryon Cou nty, Page 137
Hogan, John, File No 433, Grant No 59, Bk 22 pg 16
Plat- April 8/1772 surveyed for John Hogan 300A...on McBee's fork of Thick etty Creek between Vandry McBee's and Hannah's Cabin...P William Sims, Jo hn Nuckols, Richard Nuckols, S C Bearers. Grant issued May 15, 1772
North Carolina Land Grants in South Carolina, Grants Issued from Tryon Cou nty, Page 147
Thomas Nicholas File No 555; Grant No 431; Bk 22, pg 102
Plat surveyed for Thomas Nicklas 400 A on both side of Thicketty Creek, Jo hn Steen's corner...James Wilkey's line...Robert Moore's line...25 mar 177 1; JnoKirkconnel surveyor. John Sneed and Geo Heyd(?) CB Grant issued M ay 2, 1772
Ozburn, Adlai File No 445 Grant No 61; Bk 22 pg 16;
Plat - April 7/1772 surveyed for Adlai Ozburn 300 A on a branch of Thicket ty Creek near the road that leads from Vardry McBee's to the Cherokee Fo rd on Broad River...P William Sims, John Nuckols, Richard Nuckols, SC Bear ers Grant Issued May 15/1772
Early North Carolina Settlers, pg129-Grants Issued from Tyrone Co.
Tyrone Co, NC Zachariah Bullock, File # 132, Grant No 361, Bk 20, Pg479
Plat surveyed for Zachariah Bullock for 298A on both sides of Gilkey Cre ek of Thickety....his other line..Zachariah Bullock, John Nuckols, David B rown (CB) Grant issued 5/5/1769
Early North Carolina Settlers, pg143-Grants Issued from Tyrone Co.
Plat, October 8, 1771, surveyed for Adam Luny 300A on North side of Paklet t, Zachariah Bullock, D S John Nuckoles and William Marchbanks, Cha bearer s/Grant issued 11/25/1771
McBee, Vardry File No 741(950); Grant No 453; Bk 22; pg 312; (bk 24 pg 27)
Plat surveyed for Vardry McBee 300A on Thickety Creek including Swoffor ds Camp, John Steens corner,Zachariah Bullock, John Nuckols, William March banks, Chain Bearers. Grant issued 11/25/1771
Early North Carolina Settlers, pg135-Grants Issued from Tyrone Co.
Gowdilock, Adam; File No 394(725); Grant No 434; Bk 24, pg 24 (bk 22, pg30 9)
Plat, November, 1 1770, surveyed for Adam Gowdilock 300 A on the ridge bet ween the Packlett and Thicketty...Zachariah Bullock, John Nuckoles, CB. Gr ant issued 11/25/1771
NUCKOLS Land grants before the Revolution.
(#2) John NUCKOLS, 289a & 211a on Pacolet River in 96 Dist. S.C. 28 June 1 774.
" , 300a on Pacolet River in 96 Dist. SC 23 June 1774.
" , 400a on Thicketty Creek, Craven Co. SC 23 June 1774.
This 400 was a renewal of a former grant in NC.
(#3) John NUCKOLLS, after the Revolution (son of John Sr.) had a gra nt of 136 a on Thicketty Creek 4 July 1785.
(#4) Council Journal dated 6 April 1773.....James NUCKLOR appears and as ks for a land grant of 800a of land, being a married man with 13 dependant s.
(#4a) Now whether all of these were his children, I am unable to stat e. I do know at the time, land was allowed according to the size of the fa mily and 100a for the husband, 50a for the wife and 50a more for each depe ndent child or other persons residing in the house......also often a man r eceived extra land in payment for some service to the Crown..I have data t hat John NUCKOLLS was a Justice of the Peace and some of the land may n ot have been for dependents but as payment for service.
(#4b) James NUCKLOR is evidently a mistake and an error in the Council Jou rnal...Each plat for John NUCKOLS refers to his asking for a grant of 80 0a on 6 April 1773....I have checked every entry in the Council Journal f or that date and the dates preceding and after and James NUCKLOR is the on ly semblance to the name and it was for 800a, hence I decided the cle rk in making the entry made an error.
(professional researcher notes)
(#5) John NUCKOLS, a plat for 289a of land surveyed by James WOFFORD 20 th day of April 1773 according to a warrant for 800a of land made to Jo hn NUCKOLS in the Council and this was all the free land to be found he re and surveyed 289a on Mitchell Creek of the Fairforest on a line sa id to be the NC line and adjacent to the land of William PLUMMER.
(#5a) John NUCKOLS, a plat for 211a land surveyed 23rd April 1773 by Jam es WOFFORD upon a warrant for 800a issued to John NUCKOLS by Council dat ed 6 April 1873 and his being all the vacant land to be found here, 21 1a on south Pacolet River adjacent to the land of Martin Fifer, John Lyo n, & David McDowell...said plat delivered to Richard Langston.
(#5b) John NUCKOLLS a plat for 300a surveyed by James WOFFORD 23 May 17 73 and all sides by vacant land and on north side of pacolet River below t he Doctor's Bottom...same plats above about warrant etc.
(#6) John NUCKOLS made in Charleston SC on 28th Nov. 1774 a Tax retu rn on all these three grants of land in #5, 5a & 5b....Book 13 pg. 128
(#6a) John NUCKOLLS Book 13, page 484 a memorial tax return on 400a of la nd on Thicketty Creek and granted to him 28 April 1768 by William TRYON, t he Governor of NC and surveyed by Zachariah BULLOCK and adjacent to the la nds of Stephen JONES and David ROBERTSON....But now that the state line be tween NC & SC had been run, this 400a of land was found to be in SC...T ax return made by John NUCKOLS in person in Charleston 10 July 1775.
It seems that John NUCKOLLS decided to have Zachariah BULLOCK, run this la nd a second time and took a new grant from SC for the 400a ....in the T ax return stated...Plat delivered 10 July 1775 and run by Zachariah BULLO CK 17 May 1775 and run by Zachariah BULLOCK 17 May 1775 for the grant f or 400a, 9 Nov. 1774.
(#7) This land grant in what was supposed to have been NC in 1768 definite ly places the time when John NUCKOLLS came to SC.
(8*) The Plat and grant in (#3) was to son of John NUCKOLLS Sr.
(#9) John NUCKOLLS signed some papers as J.P. before 1780 which places h im as a Justice of the Peach...I checked to find when he received his comm ission as Justice of the Peace but did not find it....This service as a J. P. before 1780 gives Colonial Dames service and membership.
(#10) SC Council Journal of the General Assembly dated 24 Sept. 1776...I q uote in part..."Commissioners (Election..Andrea) for the Spartan or upp er district my be absent at the time election. It is recommended that L t. Col. WOFFORD and Mr. John NUCCOLS be added to the same."
(#11) John NUCKOLLS was elected to the General Assembly (I was unable to f ind the reference and location of the data) which was to meet at Jacksonbo ro during the Revolution and in 1782. He was elected from the Spartan Dist rict...The Tories killed John NUCKOLLS' before he could take his seat.
(#11a) His serving in the Rev. Assembly would make his descendents eligib le to membership in D.A.R.
(#12) Page 118 of Accounts for 1801-1802....paid 24th Nov. 1802 to John NU CKOLLS, Sheriff of Union Dist...for serving warrants...This John was the S ON of the elder John...the accounts were paid for the service the year bef ore.
(#17a) File of Joel HEMBRY or HEMBREE as noted in some spellings...In t he claim of Joel Hembry, he is asking for pay for a Horse lost....In Spart anburg Co. of 96 District and sworn to be before Samuel Lancaster J.P., Jo el Hembry states...# Ralph Smith J.P. of Spartanburg Co. in 96 Dist. in M ay 1779 took a signed statement of my Horse lost and the Cathcart sign t he appraisal) and said horse WAS PRESSED BY JOHN NUCKELS into service f or the Stono Expedition and was lost...etc." ....From the foregoing statem ent, it would seem the John NUCKOLS was one of the leaders to the Stono a nd that battle there.
(#17b) In the file of Nathan GRIMES...Natham Grimes furnished supplies a nd one receipt for these supplies was signed by Col. Thomas BRANDON...anot her receipts was signed by Jno. NUCKOLS (A photostat can be had of his sig nature of John NUCKOLS)....9th day of April 1779, I received of Natham Gri mes three hundred six pounds of flower, one bushel and a half of corn & fo ur days of rations for Public Use"....signed John NUCKOLS.
(#18) John NUCKOLS name is also supposed to be in the file of the Esta te of William SAVAGE with Mrs. Martha SAVAGE as Adams....Prisoners of W ar at the Sugar House...this claim was dated 26 Nov. 1787 and somewhe re in the file, the name of John NUCKOLS is supposed to appear. I was unab le to find it and it was likely also a receipt signed by him.
(#22) John NUCKOLLS decided to settle on a hill on Thicketty Creek a nd on this hill he built a fine plantation house the ruins of which are st ill seen with the old chimneys (1925) ...he had abut 500a of fine meadow L and. He named his plantation Whig Hill.
(#23) John NUCKOLLS was an ardent Patriot and played a prominent part in t he Revolution...Bailey does not state where not in what capacity that Jo hn NUCKOLS served.
(#24) John NUCKOLLS went on an expedition to McKown's Mill and took alo ng his young son, John NUCKOLLS, Jr....The young son was quietly sleepi ng when a band of Tories surrounded the Mill, young John NUCKOLLS escap ed in the confusion but John NUCKOLLS Sr. was cruelly murdered and the fat al blow was delivered by a man named DAVIS.
(#25) The body of John NUCKOLLS Sr. was brought back to Whig Hill his ho me and buried in the family graveyard...
(#26) Some tombstone Inscriptions for the Old Whig Hill Graveyard...
In memory of John NUCKOLLS Sr. / Who was murdered by the Tories for his de votion to Liberty/ on the 11th day of Dec. 1780/ In the 29th year of his a ge... A long further inscription is on the stone.
30-31 Jul 1778: Lease and release whereby John Steen of Ninety-Six District SC conveys to David Stockton of NC, " ... 1010 acres on Thicketty Creek adj. Capt. James Steen... " Witnessed by John Nuckolls, Robert Wilkins. Proved in Ninety-Six District by the oath of John Nuckolls before Robert Lusk, J. P. 23 Aug 1779,. Recorded 24 Nov 1779. [See State of SC Deed Books B-5, Pages 537-539.]
Agnes (Agatha) Petty / Relicit of John Nuckols Sr / wife of Josua Pet ty / Died 6th Feb. 1816 / Aged in 65th year.
(#27) Bailey gives a description of when the Tories invaded the plantati on house of John NUCKOLLS at Whig Hill.
(#28) Bailey lists the children and who they married...according to recor ds found.
Nuckolls, John RevWar M Undetermined Private Killed in Acti on A ??/??/1780
John Mayfield - John Nuckolls Connection In a Charleston Court of Common Pleas record (filed 15 Jan 1773, plea made 2 Feb 1773), Thomas Fletchall and John Mayfield were jointly sued in a plea of trespass by a certain John Nuckolls. The plea basically concerned John Mayfield's arrest of Nuckolls, John being a constable operating under the orders of the local magistrate (justice of the peace), Thomas Fletchall. Nuckolls's argument was that he had been apprehended in NC, where a warrant issued by a SC magistrate had no legal standing. It would appear that Nuckolls was apprehended in that part of SC which SC historians refer to as the "New Acquisition Territory ." This area had previously been considered part of NC; however, in 1772, the dividing line between NC and SC was finally surveyed as far as the Cherokee Indian Line. The result was that much land previously thought to have been in NC was found to be actually in SC. In fact, the 300-acre tract acquired by John Mayfield from Jacob Brown in 1770 was also in this area, as Brown had obtained title to the land by patent issued by the Province of North Carolina in 1754.
15 January 1773: A plea is filed by John Nuckolls in the Charleston Court of Common Pleas record (plea actually made on 02 February 1773). John Mayfield and a certain Thomas Fletchall were jointly sued in a plea of trespass by a this same John Nuckolls. The plea basically concerned John Mayfield's arrest of Nuckolls, John being a constable operating under the orders of the local magistrate (Justice of the Peace), Thomas Fletchall. Nuckolls's argument was that he had been apprehended in North Carolina, where a warrant issued by a South Carolina magistrate had no legal standing. It is interesting to note that the attorney representing Mayfield and Fletchall in this matter was Edward Rutledge, the same Rutledge who, three years later, would sign the Declaration of Independence! [See Charleston Court of Common Pleas Book 99, page 345] John Nuckolls was a prominent planter in the Thicketty Creek area and probably lived quite near to John Mayfield's 100-acre tract on Broad River
Nathan Nuckuls 54 acres in survey of Amherst Co, VA pg 200 in 1768.
Amherst Co, Records
17 Jan 1774 Nathan Nuckols (Signed Nuckolls) AC, to Henry Trent, AC f or 10 pounds attachment- stock, furniture, tobacco now on Trent's Plantation; one knife. Wit: Thos LUMPKIN, Rich SHELTON
29 October 1779 NATHANIEL NUCKOLLS and JOHN HILL appointed to oversee processioning for Precinct No. 26 The Lands of WM KIMBROUGH, HARRY TOMPKINS DEC'D, JOHN HILL, NATHANL NUCKOLDS, SAML BUMPASS, JNO FERGUSON, JN. EUMPASS, WM GRYMES, FORTUNATUS SYDNOR DEC'D. And that WILLIAM 0. WINSTON & WM DARRACOTT do see the said processioning performed and return their proceedings according to Law. (No return recorded)
Richmond Enquirer 11-16-1810 pg 4
On Friday the 7th day of November next, will be sold to the highest bidder on twelve months credit (on the premises), the tract of land on which Nathaniel Nuckolls dec'd lately resided, lying in the county of Hanover on the South Anna River about eight miles above the Court House, contai ning by estimation about 247 acres - Bond with approved security will be
required of the purchaser with a deed of trust on the land to secure the payment - The sale will be made in pursuance of the last will and testiment of Jas. Nuckolls dec'd of Hanover County. William Nuckolls , Heir at L aw Nov 9 1810
Agatha was an ancestor of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt
I have a Aggatha Nuckolls daughter of Richard Bullock, but it is in his wi ll and it is dated about 1766. But it is in NC I have another from NC th at moved to Shelby Co Richard H. Bullock B. 1803, in 1860 he lived at Low er Yellow Leaf Creek, that empties into the Coosa River at Wilsonville, Al .But on mine since he was a ggggreatCousin I do not have who he married. H is parents were Edward Sr. Bullock and Sarah Dalby. This Nuckulls may ev en be just a cousin of yours. But it does seem to go back aways where the
Nuckulls and Bullocks are related. I will look further. Jan Canfield-Bullo ck [email protected]
Between 1782 and 1785, Mrs Nuckolls married Joshua Petty b 1751 died 2-6-1 816 "He was as much loved by the children as if he had been their own fath er.. He managed the farm so as to increase the value of the property and g ave the children the best education possible" (Source Pionerr Settle rs od Grayson County Va by Rev Ben F Nuckolls, 1914 Galax, VA
that his "aunt Jane married Samuel Shelton and had seven children- Peter, El izabeth, Mary, David, Nancy, Thomas, and John.
Tennessee Cousins pg 415 by Worth S Ray
William Henderson did not remain in Grange County TN long, apparently on May 30 1755 he sold his land to James Nuckols of Louisa County and was th en living in Albemarle, where a son, Thomas Henderson, John Henderson (w ho had married one of the Bennetts from King and Queen County) had settl ed a short time before buying land from Dr Arthur Hopkins. By this time, evidently, William Henderson's wife was deceased, and it is believed that some of his children remained in Orange or Culpepper.
Surveyed John Phillips, assignee of Michael Ryan assignee of Charles Nucke ls of P. Hines by virture of a land office treasury warrant of 200 acres N o. 17912 and dated the 19th day of July 1783 enter 100 acres of land on bo th sides of Meadow Creek, Beginning at a White Oak by Meadow Creek corn er to his survey, thense So. 58E66 poles up the creek to the mouth of a br anch & up sd. branch No. 12E138 to a White Oak, thence a straight cour se to a Hickory & 2 White oak sapplings corner to Parker's Land and with t he line thence So. 67W152 crossing the creek to a large white oak, then jo ining Willoby Blevins' land & to the beginning for quantity.
October 3d Minitree Jones, asee of James Newell, asee, etc., by virt ue of a certificate from the principal surveyor of Montgomery County, f or part of a land office treasury warrant for 1000 acres No. 21093 dated t he _________ day of _____________ enters 1000 acres of land adjoining h is own land & that of Charles Nuckles, thence to the waggon road then ce in a direct course to George Holland's line thence different courses f or quantity to adjoint the lines of John Baker and himself.
October 3 Flower Swift asee of P. Gaines Asee of William Kidd by virt ue of a Land Office Treasury Warrant for 2510 acres No. 16464 dated the 17 th day of May 1783 enters 75 acres of land on Meadow Creek beginni ng in a Crab Orchard on Parker's line thence with his line and the li ne of Charles Denny, Lazarus Denny, Willoby Blevins & Charles Nuckles to i nclude the vacant land thereabouts for quantity.
Grayson Co, VA Transportation and Roads
1793. Minitree Jones survey the road from the mouth of Elk Creek to the ri ver at the dividing line between Nuckolls and Jones; William Blevins fr om thence to the top of the ridge beyond Mae's Branch; Abraham Hardwick fr om thence to the Carolina line.
(Source "The Nuckolls Family Vol 1 Part 2 of the History of the Bobbitts ", compiled and Published 1973 by Clyde Goddard, Rt 1 New Boston, MO 63557 )
In 1780 Charles Nuckolls moved to Southwest Virginia and entered one thous and acres of land on New River and Cripple Creek and others of the Nuckol ls family followed him. About the year 1790 Charles moved from Cripple Cre ek to Meadow Creek near Greenville. The land entered by Charles Nuckol ls on Cripple Creek is now owned by John P Simmerman and others. Nathani al Nuckolls, son of John Nuckolls, owned a part of this land, lived the re , brought up his family, and died in Wythe County.
(Grayson Co. A History in Words and Pictures) Grayson Co. Historical Soci ety.
: Charles Nuckolls, Flower Swift and Philip Gaines, Gent., in Court agr ee that they will Convey to trustee for the use of the Courts,100 Acr es of land at the seat of the public building, one-half thereof to be in to Lots and Streets, and establish a Town; the balance to be Common, Reser ving three half-acre Lotts at their choice after the Lotts were laid o ff ( ca. 1793)On moti on of Robert Nuckolls, who having produced the receipt of this Clerk of th is Court for the sum of Twelve Dollars and fifty Cents, a license is grant ed him to keep an Ordinary at his house in Greenville. One year from the f irst of May last, Whereupon he entered into bond with Security accordingl y. Also I found this Charles Nuckolls and Robert Nuckolls listed as (Pion eer Freeholders) prior to 1800. Minitree Jones survey t he road from the mouth of Elk Creek to the river at the dividing line betw een Nuckolls and Jones; William Blevins from thence to the top of the rid ge beyond Mae's Branch; Abraham Hardwick from thence to the Carolina lin e. (1793) The quarters of two hundred fifty dollars each had to be giv en by two other persons; therefore, Philip Gains procured Robert Nuckol ls and George Currin to go these quarter bonds for him. The court declar ed that the bond of one thousand dollars would be considered void if Phil ip Gains came into the next term and answered to the charges. approx (1807 ).
Early Fashions displayed by Katye Dickenson Nuckolls approx 8 to 10 yea
rs of age. A house is shone on part of 2000 acres bought by Charles Nuckol ls in 1783. The house was built in 1874 by William Swift (Bud) Nuckolls a nd is occupied today by Mrs. Heath Nuckolls.(Grayson Co. A History in Wor ds and Pictures) Grayson Co. Historical Society.
February 1812 Grayson Co, Court
A deed from Robert Nuckolls to Charles Nuckolls was proven in court by Jo hn Nuckolls and Abner Jones subscribing witnesses & ordered to be recorded .
The 1813 Grayson County, Virginia Court Order Book Feburary 1813
At a court begun and held for the county of Grayson on Tuesday the 23rd d ay of February 1813.
Present: John Robinson, Joshua Hanks, Charles Nuckolls, & John A. Grigg} G ent. Justices
Grayson County Court Minutes March Term 1826 Pg14
On motion of William OGLESBY & John A. CLEMENTS administrators of Charl es NUCKOLLS dec'd it is ordered that John ROBERSON & Abner JONES after bei ng sworn for purpose examine state and settle their accounts & make repo rt thereof to court.
Summers, Lewis Preston, [View Citation] [Table of Contents]
Annals of southwest Virginia, 1769-1800
Abingdon, Va.: L.P. Summers, 1929, 1799 pgs.
pg 1359
Charles Nuckols appointed appriaser under the Execution law Aug 24 1790
Family Data Collection - Individual Records about Charles Nuckolls
Name: �tab�Charles Nuckolls
Spouse: �tab�Elizabeth Hightower
Parents: �tab�James Nuckolls Henderson
Birth Place: �tab�VA
Birth Date: �tab�1745
Marriage Date: �tab�1795
Death Date: �tab�1820
A deed from Robert Nuckolls to Charles Nuckolls was proven in court by Jo hn Nuckolls and Abner Jones subscribing witnesses & ordered to be recorded .
May 1812
This day came the parties by their attornies and thereupon came a ju ry to wit: James Clark, Aaron Lundy, Nicholas Robinson, Robert Warden, Jos hua Sumner, Jesse Wells, Samuel Cox, John Snider, Samuel Lundy, John Nucko lls, Minitree Jones and John Simcock who being sworn to try the issue join ed and having heard the evidence retired and after some time returned in to court and said they cannot agree whereupon juror was withdrawn by conse nt and the rest from rendering verdict, were discharged, & the cause conti nued till next court.
Aug 1812
Indictment for assault. This day came the prosecution for the Commonweal th and thereupon came a jury towit: Thomas A. Ward, John Durnell, Bennet R ector, Esau Worrell, Edward Moore, William Ward, William Wyatt, Levi Jone s, Timothy Dalton, William Hanks, John Nuckolls & John Cunningham, who bei ng sworn to assess the fine returned their verdict in the following wor ds to wit: "We of the jury find assess the commonwealth's fine to fifty ce nts whereupon it is considered by the court that the defendant forfeit a nd pay the fine aforesaid by the jurors assessed and the cost of this pros ecution and may be taken.
11/19/1759 # 8 Precinct Land Processioning New Kent Co, VA
John Bumpass, Robert Bumpass, Samule Bumpass, William Grimes, John Hill ov erseer, William Kimbrough, Nathaniel Nucholls overseer, Fortunatus Snyde r, Harry Tompkins.
11/12/1779 # 8 Precinct Land Processioning New Kent Co, VA
John Bumpass, Samuel Bumpass, William Darrocott overseer, John Ferguson, W illiam Grymes, John Hill, William Kimbrough, Nathaniel Nucholds, Fortunat us Snyder Dec'd, Harry Tomkins Dec'd and William O Windon overseer
Wythe Co, VA-21010-320010-15slaves 1810 Census
Some 1810 Census records reflect recodings of males and females in reverse .
1810 Census Wythe Co., VA Nathaniel Nuckles/ Nuckolls Family. Image 24/ 39 at Ancestry.
1 female 10-15 probably Alley/Allie Nuckolls
Another Census record shows :
1810 Wythe Co VA Nathaniel Nuckles 32001-21010-15
(Source "The Nuckolls Family Vol 1 Part 2 of the History of the Bobbitts ", compiled and Published 1973 by Clyde Goddard, Rt 1 New Boston, MO 63557 )
In 1780 Charles Nuckolls moved to Southwest Virginia and entered one thous and acres of land on New River and Cripple Creek and others of the Nuckol ls family followed him. About the year 1790 Charles moved from Cripple Cre ek to Meadow Creek near Greenville. The land entered by Charles Nuckol ls on Cripple Creek is now owned by John P Simmerman and others. Nathani al Nuckolls, son of John Nuckolls, owned a part of this land, lived the re , brought up his family, and died in Wythe County.
Bertha states that Nathaniel was followed by his younger brother Samuel due to the fact that a Samuel Nuckolls is shown in a transfer of 568 acres of land adjoining Nathaniel Nuckolls. This was in 1797 and it was in the Wythe County Deed Book.
Wythe County, Virginia Will Book 3, Pages 108-110
Wythe County, Verginia Crippel Creek eighth March Eighteen hundred and twenty three
I Natthannial Nuckels of the County and State above written, do in a Sollom manner make this for my last Will and Testament, as followeth__
first that all my Just debts and Funarel Charges be paid__
2nd I give to my eldist Daughter Alphey Chaney the wife of Hessakiah Ch aney, the sum of two hundred & fifty dollars in money, to be paid ov er to her by and threw the hands of my under named Executors, at and by di fferrenl gales or payments in sutch a manner as may seem to sute or meet h er needz not more than fifty dollars at a time, this to be Jud gd of by my Executors; As to Hessakiah Chaney her Husband as abo ve it is my wish that he may not have any part of the above sd money at h is Command nor the power to draw it from my Executors, as I have here tofo re given him a Negroe girl and sundreys of other property which is all th at I do intend to give him the sd Hessakiah Chaney__
3 ly I give to my son Lee Nuckels two Negroes Slaves namely Aron & Charlo tty
Aron he has had possession for Some years past__
4th I give to my Daughter Alley Engeldow and her Husband Randoll Engeld ow two Negroe slaves namely Israel and Martha both now in their possession __
5th I give to my son Garlen Nuckels two Negroe Slaves Namely George and Jo mimah George he has had in possession for some time past__
6th I give to my Daughter Seeney Sheffey and Henry Le Sheffey her Husba nd two Negroe slaves by name (Levisa or Luisa ?) and Eliza__
7th As to my wife Martha I give to her one Negroe girl Narssissa by na me to have and to hold forever and also I give to her one full ha lf of my hous hold furnature and farming tools and two other Negroe slav es namely Fealdon (Feilding) and Caty during her lifetime and al so it is my will for her to keep sutch of the live stock say of the hors es Cattel hoggs sheap & (e ?) as she may think proppar during her Wi ddowhood, and if in Case that shee should git married it is my will th at shee shall have and hold one full half of the above sd stock during h er life time and for the other half to be sold agreeabel to Law in sut ch Cases and for the proceed of sutch sail to be equally divided betwe en my six youngest Children that will be here after namd and in Case th at my wife should remain and not marry till death she may Keep all the Rem ander of the Negroes or hire some of them out as it may seem to sute be st for the rasing and educateing of the six youngest Children last Spoke o f, this to be dun through the advice and counsel of my Executors here aft er to be naimed; but and in Case that my wife should marrey aga in it is my will that it be left to my Executors after vewing the sittuati on of the then familey whitch and how many of the remainder as above menti oned of the Negroes may remain with her and her husband with out hire a nd sutch as they may think proper to hire to be dun agreeabel to Law in su tch Cases and the moneys ariseing from sutch hire to be equally devided be tween my six youngest Children which will be hereafter naimed or appli ed in part to their edducation if need should require it
It is also my will that my foar youngest sons namely John..Andrew..C alvin.. and Loransey recieve from the proceeds of my Estate after they m ay arrive to a Lawfull age one Negroe each togeather with a horz bridel a nd saddel; and also that my two youngest daughterz Recive from the same fu nds one Negroe each and a horz bridel and side saddel also one feather b ed and furnature the names of those two girls is Nancy & Elizabith I me an for them to recieve the above property after they may become of Lawfu ll age or git married and not beforss__
As to the Land that I bot of my brother Sammuel Nuckels ( A Passing ?)
that which I now live on it is my will that it and the other remai ns of my Estate be equally devided between my six last named Children S ay John.. Andrew.. Calvin Loransey�. Nancy and Elizabeth, after they a ll become of Lawfull age in any way that thay may think proper amungst th em selves after ariveing to sutch age __ as to the plantation that I n ow live on it is my will that my Wife Martha have and holde it in possessi on during her life; and after her death it is my will for all and everry p art of property as above willd to her for during life to fall to my six la st named Children togeather with the last mentioned plantation for th em to recive and devide amugst them selves as they may think proper aft er all of them haveing ariven to a Lawfull age these as they are to do wi th the above sd Lands & property; but and if it should so happen th at my wife Martha shoul [d] die before those six Children last mention ed become of Lawfull age (then or them) and [Due to wear on the orgini al document, this line can no longer be seen.] �.Land(s) and hire out t he Negroes and make sail of sutch other property as may deem proper to the m, the proceeds of sutch rent hire and sale to be equally devided betwe en the six last mentioned Lygettees__ It is also my Will th at if in case aney or some more or less of the six last named leggettees s hould die before they becom of Lawfull age that every and all parts of the ir Estate as above willd to them may fall to the Remaining survivoring on es of the last six as above mentioned__
Lastly I appoint My Trusty friendz. Jamez Gleeves, and William Thorn burgh as my Executory both of the County & State as above written to manna ge and transact the affairs of my Estate agreeabel to the above written wi ll.
Witness whereunto I have set my hand and Efixed my seal the day and ye ar as above written__ Nathaniel Nukolls atttest William Saul Thomas High ly
Will recorded 3/10/1824
Wythe Co, Deed Bk 2 pg 228
1797- George Ewing and his wife of Wythe county conveyed to Samuel Nuckol ls two tracts on waters of the New River, containing 568 acres adjoining N athaniel Nuckolls.
Samuel as a son of James III but data provided by Carrie Pfender does supp ort this Samuel as well as other children. Samuel supposedly accompanied his brother to Wythe Co, VA
Wythe Co, Will Book 3 pg 108
Mentions his wife Martha, his eldest daughter Alphey Chaney, his sons L ee and Garland, and his youngest sons John, Andrew, Calvin and Lorenzo.
Wythe County, Virginia Courthouse Deed Book 11, Page 612
20 January 1831 Jno. Nuckolls & wife to Deed And. Nuckolls Ex d
This Indenture made this twentieth day of January in the year of our Lo rd one thousand eight hundred and thirty one, between John Nuckolls & Mart ha his wife of the County of Wythe and State of Virginia of the one par t, and Andrew Nuckolls of the County & state aforesaid of the other part W itnesseth, that the said John Nuckolls & Martha his wife for and in consid eration of the sum of five hundred & thirty Dollars current money of the U nited States, to them in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowle dged do grant bargain and sell unto the said Andrew Nuckolls, all the righ t, title, claim and Interest of the said John Nuckolls in and to the re al estate devised to him by the last Will & Testament of his father Nathan iel Nuckolls deed lying and being in the said County of Wythe, the same be ing one undivided sixth part of the lands devised to the said John Nuckol ls together with the said Andrew Nuckolls and Calvin Nuckolls, Lorenzo Nuc kolls, Nancy Nuckolls & Elizabeth Nuckolls by their father the said Nathan iel Nuckolls deed with all the appurtenances. To have and to hold the sa id undivided interest in the said lands with all the appurtenances unto t he said Andrew Nuckolls and his heirs, to the sole use and behoof of him t he said Andrew Nuckolls and his heirs forever. And said John Nuckolls f or himself and his heirs doth covenant with the said Andrew Nuckolls and h is heirs that he the said John Nuckolls and his heirs the said Undivided i nterest in the real estate aforesaid with all the appurtenances unto the s aid Andrew Nuckolls and his heirs against the claims of all persons whomso ever, shall warrant and will forever defend. In Witness whereof, the sa id John Nuckolls & Martha his wife have hereunto subscribed their names, a nd affixed their seals, the day and year first above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of
John Nuckolls seal
Martha x (her mark) Nuckolls seal
Wythe County, to wit: We Shepherd Brown and W.H. Spiller Justices of the P eace in the county aforesaid, in the state of Virginia, do hereby certi fy that John Nuckolls party to a certain deed bearing date on the 20th d ay of January 1831, and hereto annexed, personally appeared before u s, in our county aforesaid, and acknowledged the same to be his act and de ed, and desired us to certify the said acknowledgement to the Clerk of t he County Court of Wythe in order that the said deed may be recorded. Giv en under our hands and seals this 20th day of January 1831.
S. Brown seal
W .H. Spiller se al
1830 Census with sons Andrew, John and Lee was a Mathew Nuckolls pg 3 45 1m20-30, 1m5-10,1m15-20; 1f10-15, 1f 15-20, 1f 20-30. Can this be anoth er son? born c 1807 However Matthew never appears again in the census rec ords.
My ggg grandmother was Elizabeth Nuckolls, dau. of Nathaniel Nuckolls a nd Mary or Martha Towler who resided in Wythe Co., VA. I have informati on to share on this Elizabeth Nuckolls Pope if you are intereste d. Martha Williams [email protected]
Amherst Co, Records
17 Jan 1774 Nathan Nuckols (Signed Nuckolls) AC, to Henry Trent, AC f or 10 pounds attachment- stock, furniture, tobacco now on Trent's Plantati on; one knife. Wit: Thos LUMPKIN, Rich SHELTON
29 October 1779 NATHANIEL NUCKOLLS and JOHN HILL appointed to oversee proc essioning for Precinct No. 26 The Lands of WM KIMBROuGH, HARRY TOMPKINS DE C'D, JOHN HILL, NATHANL NUCKOLDS, SAML BUMPASS, JNO FERGUSON, JN. BUMPAS S, WM GRYMES, FORTUNATUS SYDNOR DEC'D. And that WILLIAM 0. WINSTON & WM DA RRACOTT do see the said processioning performed and return their proceedin gs according to Law. (No return recorded)
Louisa Co Court records Admin & Inventory of Estate. People who bought fr om the sale include John Burrus, Ann Nuckolls, Thomas Duke, John Nuckoll s, James Duke Nuckolls, Stephen Terry Nuckolls. James Duke and Stephen T w ere exec of the estate. He owned a good many slaves and household goods. A fter the debt was settled, the estate totaled $312.79. His funeral expen se was $5
The Village of Fredericks Hall
Contributed by Claudia A. Chisholm
Another home, the COSBY HOUSE along with its owners and residents, is note worthy in the continuing narration regarding the Village of Fredericks Hal l. This property is located in an area known as Cedar Hill, off Route 65 6, in a rather remote section between Fredericks Hall and Cuckoo. The dwe lling house has been uninhabited for some time, therefore the overall pano rama appears unkept. Within view of the dwelling house is a lone chimn ey which is reported to have been a part of a slave cabin. The overgro wn cemetery is the only other reminder of some of the people who resided t here. Quaint in design by today's standards, there are indications the fra me story-and-a half house was built some time in the early 1800's. Upon v isiting the COSBY HOUSE in 1979, this researcher noted the dwelling hou se in relatively good condition; however, the circumstances are quite different today. As one approached the property, an eye-catching feature of t he old home was the large stepped twin chimneys which embraced most of t he north end of the house. A single and less noticeable chimney was on t he southern exposure. Apparently the COSBY HOUSE was modernized during t he 1900's. Dormer windows are believed to have been removed when the ro of was replaced. The front porch shows evidence of change in style and size. A small addition appears to have added to accommodate for modem conveniences.
In reviewing the records of earlier years, we find once again a parc el of land being owned by a descendant of the original Harris family of Fr edericks Hall. In 1817, Frederick Harris, Jr., sold to Thomas Nuckolls 249 acres on the south fork of Little River,, After purchasing the property, Thomas Nuckolls allowed his son, James Duke Nuckolls, to take up resid ence on the land without benefit of title. Shortly before his death in the mid 1820's, Thomas Nuckolls conveyed the COSBY HOUSE property to his so n. The deed in part reads..."on which he the said James D. Nuckolls at pr esent resides lying on the south fork of Little River"(2)This would certai nly indicate a dwelling house either before 1817 or shortly thereafter. Thomas Nuckolls was a man of considerable means. He married Ann Terry, daughter of James and Henrietta Terry on March 4, 1785. Thomas Nuckolls died without a will; therefore, the following children are recorded in unpub lished family papers. The oldest son, James Duke Nuckolls, was born Febru ary 26, 1886 of whom there will be additional comments later. Other child ren were: George Byars Nuckolls who married October 1, 1828, Myra R. Boxley, daughter of Pallison and Susanna Dickinson Boxley; Mary Nuckolls, believed to have been unmarried; Stephen Terry Nuckolls who married November 16, 1827, Maria Trice, daughter of Anderson and Martha Sandidge Trice; Alex ander married November 17, 1817 Ann Burruss; Samuel; Nathaniel; Lucinda married John Burruss Oct. 6, 1817; Nancy; Jane who married Richard Harris
Adrian's Addition to this article!
[ As you all know, I found marriage record of Nancy to Joseph Harris Janua ry 03, 1805]
Robert S. Cosby married Frances A. Hughes in 1821. Her parents were Charl es and Polly Hughes and her grandmother was Elizabeth Terrell, all of Hano ver County, Virginia. In 1825 Charles Hughes gave his daughter two slave s, Maria and Hannah. There are a number of letters written by Frances Hug hes
Cosby's family in the archives of the Louisa County Historical Society Mus eum. These documents tell of the state of affairs within the Hughes fami ly as well as happenings in the areas in which they lived.
Robert S. Cosby was the son of Duke Cosby and Amelia Harris. (Amelia Harr is was the daughter of Robert Harris and Mezpina Walton who are believ ed to have inherited a part of the Grand Patent at Fredericks Hall of Will iam Harris, Jr. in 1725). In the Louisa Museum there are documents and le tters pertaining to the business and personal life of Robert S. Cosby and the Co sby family. There are a number of interesting letters written from Robert 's brothers, Austin M. and Charles Rufus Cosby from various locations, mos tly from the state of Georgia Robert Cosby, like his father Duke Cosby, w as a farmer and tavern keeper. Louisa records show that Duke Cosby operat ed a Tavern from 1807 to his death around 1819. In his will and the divis ion of his estate, there is no mention of a Tavern; however, he left his h ome place and all adjoining parcels to his wife, Amelia D. Cosby. The rec ords show Duke Cosby's license ceased in 1819; at which time Robert S. beg an applying for a license. In the late 1830's, the licenses were issu ed to both Robert S. and Amelia D. Cosby. After 1842 and the death of Ame lia D., the license was issued to only Robert S. "...in his house for priv ate entertainment."10
Whether the Cosby's made their own beer for dispersion in the Tavern is n ot known; however, the following recipe was found among the family papers:
11 To Make 15 Galls of Beer
2 114 Galls. good molasses
112 Bushel wheat Brans, to be clean sifted
1 peck Hops
The above to be all well mixed with 18 gals. water and boiled about two ho urs and when milk warm, add about 1 1/2 coffee cups of yeast. Let the ca sk be filled quite full-as soon as it works and the foam falls, l et it be well-stopped and it will be fit for use in eight days and not soo ner. If the molasses is not very good it will not be amiss to add I qt. m ore. I forgot to mention that after boiling it is to be strained- The yea st is to be put into the cask before the Beer is put in."
In 1856, it was ordered that "Alfred M. Goodwin, Oscar Herring, George Gar dner, Atwood Wash and William G. Barrett five freeholders of this county a re hereby appointed Commissioners (any two or more whom being first duly s worn may act) to supentend (sic) the general Election of County and Distri ct Officers of the County of Louisa at Cosby's Tavern a place of voti ng in the 5th District of this County on the 4th Thursday of the present m onth May 1856 (being 22 day May.) Nelson Lipscomb is appointed the Offic er to conduct the election at Cosby's Tavern as being a voting place unt il 1860." The records of Louisa County for 1861 to 1867 appear to be missi ng; therefore, we do not know how long the Tavern was a voting place.
Three known children were born at the COSBY HOUSE to Robert S. and Franc es H. Cosby. Their son, Charles T., married Sarah H. Hancock and they app ear to have lived on Rock Creek for a time. Mary Virginia, the only daugh ter, never married. In 1837, she attended school at the home of Joseph W.
Pendleton. He was paid $75 for her "board and tuition". The second so n, Joseph T. Cosby, was also unmarried. This son lived at home with his p arents for a time. In the fall of 1854 he moved to Chesterfield Coun ty to work at the Steam Saw Mill. He wrote the following letter in Septem ber to
his parents at Fredericks Hall.
"My Dear Father,
I take my pen this evening to write you and Mother a few lines but hard ly know what to write. Your letter you wrote me by Andrew was very good b ut I received one by mail a few hours after that hurt me very much. De ar Pa and Ma did I not have your consent to go to F Hall to Live? & aft er that to come here? did I not suffer many hardships there? did I not suf fer many here? and was I not sick and surrounded by Cholera here? W as I at anytime more than halfpaid by my rich masters? Have I not liv ed a single life long enough? did you not give me permission to court a nd I loved? and seek the welfare and happiness of us both? Could I be hap py and-be unhappy? did I not want business of my own or at least such as w ould give me Sunday and a church to meet with? All this did not produce su ch a letter as this before me. Pa is perplexed and Ma is in tears! I wi sh I had been with you to have cried too, you think I am going to sett le so far from you, it will be 100 miles. Pa says, you seem to have forgo tten me and your best of Mothers. Dear Pa I may seem to be forgetful b ut cannot forget you and Ma. I have a great many more things to atte nd to now than when I lived with you and besides a great many real trouble s. I will tell you some. I have spent very little money since I came he re my trip to Hampton cost me $14. and what money I have now and what Mr D unnington owes me will make only about $35. My clothes I ware every day h ave been so dirty that they are nearly all washed away and what are good a re so stained with the chestnut saw dust that they are hardly fit to war e. I shall have to spend some of my money to get me some more. A nd Mr D. has not paid me and he may take his time for it for what I kno w. he did not come down last Monday as he promised and when he will come is more than any o ne can tell. Andrew will want me in L next week and I shall want to be th ere myself but if Mr D. wishes to disappoint me again he can do it and wh at can I do. If I go to see you as I would gladly do my business wou ld be put back a week later and I cannot ride on the Va.C.R.R. free now a nd would have come back to Richmond again rather than be killed in a sta ge going over the mountains. Besides all this I received a letter 4th fr om Hampton stating that the writer had given out an anticipated trip to Ly nchburg so that stretches out 300 miles between us, but they were wel l. If Mr D. does not come b Saturday night I shall be in Louisa Sunday I t hink and If he does not pay me and my money gives out I will walk to L. a nd if times get too hard for merchants I can get $1.50 a day for hewing ti mber But Ma thinks that fanners are so much defendant on God that I oug ht to think of that and be one. I expect to feel my dependence on H im no matter where I go or what I do. A farmer does not always think of a nd feel his dependence on God as he should. I need only refer you to fo ur of your nearest neighbors R.T. Bibb, E.T. Harris, N.W. Harris & M. Bak er I shall now close for my paper is getting short by saying I remain yo ur affectionate son.
Joseph T Cosby
By October of 1854 we find Joseph T. and Andrew (?) in Lynchburg, Virgin ia where they are operating a store. He tells about Lynchburg and the var ious railroad constructions taking place there. Then he relates what happ ened to him when he came to Louisa (11)..."I thought I had seen trouble b ut did not see any till during some three weeks after I saw you last. My affai rs in Louisa I thought obliged me to go there. If I got married and to ret urn with a lady that was poor and what I might own have to be made ov er to somebody else pressed on my mind so that I almost went deranged. I w rote to the lady about some things I had heard about her which put h er in the highest sort of a passion and she wrote to me denying the repo rt and telling me to return or burn her letters and not to write to her ag ain and in the future we must be as strangers. It was a task not hard to p erform. I sent them to her with the request she would send mine to F. Ha ll if she mailed them, for I intended to have gone west before now, but ca nnot get my business right here yet and think it probable I shall not ti ll Christmas. I do not know where I shall go yet but think I shall go to A rkansas though I may go back to Louisa. Concerning the ladies affairs it t urns out that her mother left about $10,000 worth of property to her husba nd during his lifetime and the lady was to have her expenses paid from t he income of that property and at the death of her husband (Mr. Nowland)t he lady was to have it all."
Apparently the first wife of Charles Rufus Cosby, (brother of ?Robert S .) had died sometime prior to 1857. In a letter written the latter pa rt of that year, Charles relates the following to Robert S. at Frederic ks hall
"�he had married last may most a year ago to Eizabeth Lester aged 34 in go od health but I don't think I shall have to rock the cradle-only when so me of my married daughters come to see me."
Robert S. Cosby took his Amnesty Oath on 15 May, 1865.(17) His will was wr itten in 1868 and probated in 1880. He was survived by his wife, Frances a nd their three children. The COSBY HOUSE was left to his wife for life, th en to his unmarried daughter, Mary Virginia Cosby. Robert S. Cosby had a s pinster sister, Louisa B., who lived on a parcel of his land to which s he was given life rights. After the death of Mary Virginia and Louisa B ., the property was bequeathed to Joseph T. Cosby, brother of Mary Virgini a.
In the early 1900's, Joseph T. conveyed all his personal and real proper ty to his two nephews, Walter R. and Thomas H. Cosby. These were the so ns of his brother, Charles T. Cosby. Walter never married and before his d eath his interest was deeded to his brother, Thomas Hancock Cosby.
Thomas Hancock Cosby married a widow, Minnie Maria Gentry Strong on Septem ber 23, 1933. She was the daughter of Abner C. and Bettie M. Davis Gentr y. By her first marriage, to Nattie T. Strong, Minnie had the following ch ildren: Abner Eugene Strong who married Mary Brooks Shiflett; Clifton Morr is who married Eva Butler; John who married Thelma Sprouse; McKinley who m arried twice, Juanita ? and Janie ?; Non-nan who died at the age of 7 wi th leukemia; and Catherine who married Martin Sharp. Minnie also adopted M arshall (Moses) Tate and Willie Humphry. Thomas H. Cosby and Minnie h ad no children.
Thomas H. Cosby died September 5, 1957, and Minnie died January 16, 196 1. Her heirs sold the COSBY HOUSE to Henry L. Lam in 1966. The most rece nt conveyance was to Wall and King Construction, Inc. and others. It is re ported the property is presently being used for a wildlife refuge.
In 1817, Frederick Harris, Jr., sold to Thomas Nuckolls 249 acres on the s outh fork of Little River,, )'After purchasing the property, Thomas Nuckol ls allowed his son, James Duke Nuckolls, to take up residence on the la nd without benefit of title. Shortly before his death in the mid 1823, Th omas Nuckolls conveyed the COSBY HOUSE property to his son.
The deed in part reads..."on which he the said James D. Nuckolls at prese nt resides lying on the south fork of Little River" This would certain ly indicate a dwelling house either before 1817 or shortly thereafter.
Records indicate James's first wife had died by the time Thomas actually c onveyed the land on Little River to his son, James Duke.
This sketch is written mainly from facts learned from my father, Nathani el Nuckolls. By Elizabeth Ann Nuckolls. (Copies Aug 31, 1957 by Bertha Nuc kolls, Galax, VA
My grandfather, Thomas Nuckolls, was born in Louisa County, Virginia, about the year 1767. He was of Scotch descent. His ancestors came from Dunfer mline, Scotland, and settled in Virginia. He married Anne terry, she w as of Scoth-Irish descent. I suppose they were both Baptists, as all the ir children were. My father said that they were both strict Christians. Th ere was no dissipation of any kind in the family. I was personally acquain ted with all of his sons and daughters, all of them having come to Georg ia except the oldest son, Duke, and I knew him in Virginia; he and his who le family were excellent Baptist people. Grandfather was a very dignified, quiet man, but unflinching in what he considered was his duty to his fa mily. He was very particular in all business transactions, honesty and jus tice was his creed. He was a farmer, raised corn, small grain and tobacco. His sons worked on the farm unless they showed a decided talent for som ething else. I suppose he must have been a carpenter as well as farm er as three of his sons were fine artisans. He raised six sons and two dau ghters; these last were trained to do all kinds of domestic work, were fi ne weavers of nice goods for wearing apparel, sould do any kind of sewin g, plain and ornamental. Indeed for ingenuity, the whole family were prove rbial. The girls got more education than the oldest boys, the two younge st boys were very well educated. One of the girls married and raised sever al children, the other died as an old maid. When his sons came of ag e, he would tell them that they were free, give them what he felt able to give, and exhort them to shunn dissipation of all kinds, and to be industrious and saving. He died about 1825. His wife died first (his children took care of him till he died)
The list of children was taken from estate records and also mentioned in the article "The Village of Frederick Hall" which detailed Thomas & Ann & their children.
1797- George Ewing and his wife of Wythe county conveyed to Samuel Nuckol ls two tracts on waters of the New River, containing 568 acres adjoining N athaniel Nuckolls.
Samuel supposedly accompanied his brother to Wythe Co, VA
WILL of Samuel Nuckolls Goochland Co, VA
Bk 6 p387 21 Feb 1822 Will of Samuel Nuckolls of Louisa Co. Mentions si ster Mary Nuckolls "all the land called Cat-Tail." Daughter Elizabeth McGehee in her widowhood, her dec. husband George, and their children. Execut or Charles Nuckolls, witnesses, Fred Harris and Robert Barret.
Witnessed by Samuel NUCKOLLS
5. Will of Charles Rice of Louisa, Will Book 5, pages 365 and 366
In the name of God Amen. I Charles Rice of the County of Louisa, bei ng sick and weak in body, but Sound sense and memory, thanks be to God f or the same, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, my so ul I surrender unto God who gave it humbly, hoping through the meri ts of my dear Redeemer Forgiveness of all my sins, my body I commit to t he ground to be buried in a christian manner at the discreetion (sic) of my surviving friends, and as to what worldly Estate it has pleased G od to bless me with I dispose of in manner and form as followeth, in the f irst place I will that all my just debts be paid. Then lend to my loving w ife Sarah three negroes namely Dick, Niney, and Stephen, and all my Stock, and household furniture during her natural life, and after her dea th to go to my two Daughters hereafter named divided equally Item. I gi ve and bequeth (sic) unto my Daughter Nancy Garland Rice Three negroes nam ed Morning, Tulip, and Fillis, which I give to her and the heirs of her body forever if she has any, but if she dies without an heir I will that my other Daughter Mary Ann Rice should possess if, Item I give and beq ueath unto my Daughter Mary Ann Rice three negroes named Winney, Eliza and Lewis, which I give to her and the heirs of her body forever if she h as any, but if she dies without and heir I will that my Daughter Nancy Garland Rice should possess it, and lastly I appoint my friend Thomas W. Clabrook and my loving wife Sarah Executors to this my last will and Testamen t. I witness where if have hereunto set my hand and seal this Twenty second day of March one thousand eight hundred eleven.
Signed sealed & pronounced in the present of Charles Rice
us to be his last will Testament
Benjamin Sims, Charles Harris and Samuel Nuckolls
At a Court held for Louisa County on 8th day of July 1811 This will was th is day in open Court exhibited and was proved by the oathes of Benjamin Sims, Charles Harris and Samuel Nuckolls the witnesses thereto and by the Co urt ordered to be recorded. Teste
Wythe Co., VA Deed Book 13 24 January 1836
Martha [Towler] Nuckolls sells a Negro boy, Fielding to Andrew Nuckolls a nd William Pope [husband of Elizabeth Nuckolls] for the sum of $200.00. Fi elding was devised to Martha Nuckolls during her life by Nathaniel Nuckoll s, now deceased.
1830 NUCKOLLS, MATHEW Wythe Co, VA -pg 345 010110-00111
(Should this be Martha, not Mathew?) Children fit, but Martha not in ho me
1m 5-10 (Probable Senas son Ezra Nuckolls Sheffy)
1m 15-20 Calvin born 1816 md1837
1m 20-30 Lorenzo Dow born 1809 age 21 md 1833
1f 10-15 Nancy age 14 md Abner Thompson after 1830
1f 15-20 Elizabeth bc1811 age 19 md Pope 1834
1f 20-30 Sena b1803 age 27 md Sheffy who died in 1824, moved back with fa mily, then remarried 1834
Louisa County, wife Henretta; daughter Jane Bullock, son Stephen;..... . .. divided amongst Jane Bullock, Mary Terry, Henritta Nuckols, A??? Terr y, Sarah Terry, Elizabeth Terry, Francis Terry, James Terry, William Terr y, Barbary Terry, and Joseph Terry. To Jane a Negro named Crease, To daugh ter Henritta Nuckols a Negro named Hester, To wife Henritta Negros named j ack, Lucy, Amy, Tom, Sarah, and Di[??]. Executors are Robert Goodwin and J ames Nuckols
This will ties Ann Terry to her father. He died before she married Jam es Alexander Nuckolls in 1785. Henretta was present at her wedding, I ha ve the documentation where a license was issued.
Nuckols, Ann State : VA
County : Louisa Co.
Year : 1830
Page # : 045
Ann Nuckolls (Widow of Thomas Nuckolls)
1 Female 60-70 years old
1 Female 30-40 years old
2 Males Slaves 10-24 years old
1 Male Slave 36-55 years old
1 Male Slave Under 10
2 Female Slaves 36-55 Years old
March 11, 1835 List of Appraisement of Anna Terry Nuckolls
There is also a record given of the births of fifteen negros belongi ng to John Nuckolls and twelve negroes belonging to Mary Garland. Of th is number, none were sold out of the Nuckolls family, except 2 men who we re sodl to men who owned the wives of these two negro men. Several of t he descendants of these negroes are now living with and working for the de scendants of John Nuckolls and Mary Garland.
(Source "The Nuckolls Family Vol 1 Part 2 of the History of the Bobbitts ", compiled and Published 1973 by Clyde Goddard, Rt 1 New Boston, MO 63557 )
A Firm Foundation
Charles garland, brother of Mary garland Nuckolls was a Biptist Ministe r. There is a story that he got upon a barrel one day to preach and in t he course of his remarks, he said that the faith of the Baptists w as on a firm foundation, that they would never fall; he stamped his fo ot to emphasize the remark and the head of the barrell fell through, a nd he fell with it. This circumstance, of course, broke up the meeting, b ut he, no doubt, continued to preach about the firm foundation of the Bapt ist faith. He was a good man, died with consumption about 1830 near Grays on County Virginia.
Rhodes Nucholls died ca 7 September 1845, intestate.
Probate Court on 15 September, 1845, pp. 369, 370, and 423. Vol. 3 wid ow relinquished her right to administer to Esry Nuchols.
On 15 November, 1845, the widow received all personal property, goods a nd chattels. She received $114.01 1/4 was signed by T. Davis, Daniel Willis, John Davis and Ezra Nuchols, Adm.
a copy of an order (?) signed by all his children(?) and spouses, along with Elizabeth Nuckolls and Jacob Hackler signed deeding property to Dixon Cobb in Lawrence County, Indiana. This was ordered by the Clerk of Lawrence County Court dated 22 May 1850
�u�[email protected]
�/u�Just found a note of a John Nucholls and his wife Anna of Sangamon Co., IL and William Connolly of Lawrence signed the undivided seventh part of some land in Lawrence County, IN. �u�[email protected] �/u�
line from James III is John who married Mary Garland
Rhodes who married Elizabeth Skeen
Martha (Patsy) who married Julius Nicholas Sims
Levi Sims who married Matilda Baker
Mary Jane Sims married Mansel Hitchcock
Odes Hitchcock married Mary Ethel Faris
Clarice Hitchcock married Harold
Clarice Mitchell (Me) [email protected]
Grayson County Transportation and Roads "You Cain't Git Thar Frum Here"
March 25, 1808. Ordered that Robert Hill, Daniel Keith, John Patton, and C aptain Robert Nuckolls view the ground proposed for a wagon road from Gray son Courthouse to low gap in Iron Mountain. Ordered that Solomon Landre th be appointed overseer of the road from Point Hope Furnace to the road l eading from Cox's Ford to Fox Creek Gap.
October 29, 1809. John Poole overseers of the road from the mouth of Elk C reek to the Lead Mines as far as Robert Nuckolls' for being out of repair.
The 1811 Grayson County, Virginia Court Order Book
William Cook, Pltf v Minitree Jones and Robert Nuckolls, Deft.
Upon a bond taken for the forthcoming of property at the day of sale up on an Execution sent out of this court by the plantiff against the defenda nt Minitree Jones. This day came the plantiff by his attorney and appeari ng by the oath of James Anderson that the defendants had legal notice of h is motion, they were solemnly called but not appearing. Therefore it is co nsidered by the Court that the plantiff recover against the Defendants t he three hundred and sixty-two dollars and fifty-eight cents the penal ty of the said bond, but this judgment is to be discharged by the payme nt of one hundred and eighty-one dollars and twenty-nine cents with intere st to be computed after the rate of six percentum per annum from the twen ty second day of January one thousand eight hundred and eleven till paid a nd the cost.
Minitree Jones, Matthew Dickey & George Currin, commissioners for the coun ty of Grayson, Plts v Greenberry G. McKenzie, William Bobbett, John Welc h, Esau Worrel, David Pierce, William Evans, Defts
Upon a motion for the balance the county levy of Grayson for the year 18 09 collected by G. G. McKenzie, as sheriff of said county, This day came t he plaintiffs in their proper person and it appearing to this court by t he oath of John Nuckolls that the defendants had legal notice of their ind ictment. The Defendants were solemnly called and none of them except the D efendant David Pierce appearing, who was here in his defense.... It is Con sider by the Court that the plaintiffs receive against the defendants t he sum of one hundred and fifty seven dollars and thirty-five and half cen ts being the balance of the county levy collected by the defendan ts G. G. McKenzie as sheriff of the County of Grayson for the year 1809 wi th interest to be computed after the rate of six percentum per annum fr om the first day of October one thousand eight hundred and nine till pa id & costs.
James Ogle, & Timothy Dalton, Pltf v William Short, Deft. The defendant be ing in custory confined judgement by consent of the plantiff for the s um of Fifty- five dollars forty-five cents with interest from the ninth d ay of July one thousand eight hundred and ten till payment and costs and t he plantiff releases the Deft. Out of custody. Present William Bobbett, Jo hn Comer, John Grigg, George Currin, Charles Nuckolls, John Fielder, and W illiam Hail, Gent. Justices. James Ogle to William Short in covenant Robe rt Nuckolls, Thomas Wilkenson, and Daniel Cody enteres special bail for t he defendant and surrendered him in court and the plantiff by his attorn ey prayed him in custody.
April 1811 At a court begun and held for the county of Grayson on the 2 3d day of April, 1811 Present: George Curren, John Blair, James Anders on & Samuel McClure} G Justices
Ordered that Robert Nuckolls be appointed to Justice of this county in t he place of John Trimble. An account of all expenses incurred by the cou rt under the authority of any law chargable to the county stateing there s ame due and all credits owing to said county, towit:
Robert Nuckolls for [illegible] and candles $6.75
Robert Nuckolls Candles, locks, &c. $3.30
1811 James Anderson, Captain of the Rifle company in the 1st battali on in place of Robert Nuckolls resigned.
On motion of Robert Nuckolls was proven in court the receipt of the cle rk of this court for the sum of twelve dollars and fifty cents, a licen se is granted him to keep an ordinary at his house in Greenville, One ye ar from the first day of May last whereupon he entered into bond with secu rity accordingly.
Ordered that Court be adjouned till Court in Course
J. Robinson
July 1811 At a court begun and held in the County of Grayson on the 24th d ay of July 1811 Present: George Curran, William Hail, James Anderson, & Ch arles Nuckolls} Gen. Justices
Ordered that James Anderson be appointed overseer of the road in pla ce of Robert Nuckolls resigned and that he with the usual hands keep the s ame in repair accordingly.
Nathan Chaffin, Plantiff, v Aaron Simcock, George Currin, & Robert Nuckoll s, Defendants
Motion in a forthcoming case taken upon in execution issued from this cou rt by the plantiff against the said defendant Aaron Simcock. This day ca me the plantiff by his attorney and at appearing to the court by the oa th of Abner Jones that the defendants had ten days previous notice of h is motion and he defendants and appearing. Judgment is granted the planti ff against the defendants for the sum on one hundred and thirty-two dolla rs thirty-four cents. The finally penalty of the forthcoming bond to be di scharged with the payment of sixty-six dollars seventeen cents with intere st to be computed after the rate of six percentum per annum from the 17 th day of May 1811, till paid and costs, and execution awarded and the pla ntiff's attorney directs a credit of $44.50 paid on the 25th day of Octob er 1810.
September 1811 At a Court held at Grayson Courthouse the 21st day of Septe mber, 1811for the
examination of Stephen Brown charged with having on the 13th day of this m onth feloniously stolen taken and carried away six dollars the proper ty of Richard Stokes of this county. Present, Joshua Hanks, Charles Nuckol ls, William Ballard, James Anderson and John A. Grigg} Gen. Justices
November 1811 At a Court begun and held for the county of Grayson Tuesd ay the 26th day of November, 1811
A deed from Stephen Coleman to Philip Kerby was proven in Court by James A nderson and Robert Nuckolls subscribing witness. A deed from Samuel Ca ry to George Moore was proven in court by three subscribing witnesses a nd ordered to be recorded. An account was exhibited in Court by Robert Nuc kolls jailor amounting $16.90 cents which was examined and allowed and ord ered to be certified to the Auditor of Public Accounts.
September Term 1809 At a court begun and held for the County of Grays on on the 4th day September 1809.
Present William Brockenbrough, Judge.
An indenture of bargain and sale between Zachairah Stanley of the one pa rt and William Bourn of the other part was proven by the oaths of Abner Jo nes, Robert Nuckolls, and John Kelly subscribing witnesses thereto and t he same is ordered to be recorded.
February 1812 Grayson Co, Court
A deed from Robert Nuckolls to Charles Nuckolls was proven in court by Jo hn Nuckolls and Abner Jones subscribing witnesses & ordered to be recorded .
Mar 24 1812
On motion of Matthew Dickey, sheriff, Robert Nuckolls is appointed justic e, whereupon he qualified according to law.
A deed from Daniel Coley and Elizabeth his wife to Martin Dickenson was pr oven in court by John Trimble, James Anderson & Robert Nuckolls subscribi ng witnesses thereto, and ordered to be recorded and Elizabeth being priva tely examined as the law directs, consented thereto
Mar 25 1812
Thomas Patton enters special bail for the defendant and surrenders h im in Court, and Robert Nuckolls, Archibald Moseman, John Trimble, John Nu ckolls, and Robert Porter enteres Special bail for the defendant
May 1812
An account of all expenses incurred by the Court under the authority of (i llegible) law chargable to the county stating thereon the sums due to wh om due and all accounts owing to said county viz:
Robert Nuckolls, keeping jail from 11th April 1811 up to this day 27
Robert Nuckolls came into court and undertook for the defendant that th ey shall satisfy and pay the judgment of the courts in case they are ca st or render their bodies to prison in execution for the same or that he t he said Robert Nuckolls will pay for them (illegible) set aside & payme nt issued.
June 1812
On motion of Robert Nuckols who produced in court the receipt of the cle rk for the sum of twelve dollars and fifty cents a license was granted h im to keep an ordinary at his house in Greensville one year from the 1st d ay of May last whereupon he entered into bond with Abraham Noblett his sec urity accordingly.
Oct 1812
An account was exhibited in court by Robert Nuckolls, jailor amounti ng to twenty-two dollars eighty-two cents which was examined allowed up on by the oath of the said Robert Nuckolls and ordered to be certifi ed to the auditor of public accounts.
Oct 29 1812
Robert Nuckolls is allowed the sun of seventy-five cents for irons p ut on Daniel Bedsal committed for horse stealing and ordered to be certifi ed.
The 1813 Grayson County, Virginia Court Order Book
Feburary 1813
At a court begun and held for the county of Grayson on Tuesday the 23rd d ay of February 1813.
William Lounsberry, John Trimble, George Keith, Robert Nuckolls and Benjam in Cooley came into court and acknowledged themselves indebted to the comm onwealth of Virginia in the sum of one hundred dollars each to be levi ed of their respective lands and tenaments, good and chattels but to be vo id on condition that they make their personal appearance before the Judg es of the next Superior Court to be held in Grayson County on the first d ay of next term and give evidence in behalf of the commonwealth aginst Wil liam Smith and not depart withour leave of this court.
Grayson Co, VA Page 28�June 1826
David Pierce vs Robert NUCKOLLS in case. This day came the parties by the ir attornies and thereupon came a jury to wit: Philip BALLARD, Hosa PATTER N, James DAVIS, James WRIGHT, John W. COLLUM, Thomas POPE, John LUNDY, Jes se ANDERSON, Charles LEWIS, Stephen BOURN, James CARSON and Grigs HAMPT ON who being to try the issue joined and having heard the evidence but n ot agreeing by consent a juror was withdrawn and the rest from renderi ng a verdict were discharged and the cause continued.
Pg 30 June 1826
David PIERCE vs Robert NUCKOLLS in case memorandum. The plaintiff and t he defendant by their attornies filed bills & exceptions to the opini on of the court which was sealed and made part of the record
Page 54�November 1826
agriable to the within direction and report as follows that we think the n earest and best way from the Volunteer Gap towards Poplar Camp is for t he road to come on the ways that is cut out from the Gap through the lan ds of William HARRELL, John HIATT, Daniel GOODYROONTZ and a disperted tra ct between James WEBB and Samuel AMBURN and through the lands of Jacob AMB URN, Thomas QUESBERRY, Henry WEBB Jr, Harvey WEBB Sr, Joseph HORTON leavi ng the open way a short distance to John QUESENBERRY land thence through t he land of Abner JONES, Robert NUCKOLLS, Jesse BROWN, Jesse DEHAVENS, Will iam GARDNER leaving the open way to the Wards Gap road near William HIL LS whereupon it is ordered that the several persons through whose land t he said road is proposed to run be summoned to appear of next court and sh ow cause if any they have why the same should not be opened.
Peter Nuckolls was credited with having been instrumental in the establis hment of the first school in Warren County. A Mr. Thoss came to Rock Isla nd, Tennessee, in Warren County, with Peter and boarded in his home f or a few years. It was during this time that Mr. Thoss organized a scho ol at what was known then as Boiling Spring. (This spring is located on t he north side of Grissom Road, in Civil District #3 of Warren County .) The school closed sometime after 1812, when Mr. Thoss, the teache r, went into military service upon the declaration of war by the United St ates against England in 1812.
Sometime during 1814, word came to the settlement that General Andrew Jac kson and his troops were running low on powder. Reuben Roberts (who wou ld become Peter's father-in-law) organized a group of neighbors, of whi ch Peter is listed by name, who gathered materials from places in the coun ty . From this they made a large quantity of powder, which they packed i nto barrels and then onto wagons drawn by oxen . They cut a new and dire ct road as they went west-northwest through Rutherford and Davidson Counti es to Nashville. There they loaded the powder onto flat boats and se nt it to New Orleans and General Jackson. It arrived in time to supply t he troops for the Battle of New Orleans on January 8, 1815.
In 1821, when Reuben Roberts had lost his Revolutionary War pension , Pet er testified to the legitimacy of Reuben's claim for recovery of that pens ion.
Peter Nuckolls married Millie Emily Roberts in Warren County, Tennessee a bout 1826. She was the seventh child of Reuben Roberts and Mary Millie As her. She had been born near Elizabethton, in 1796, the same year that Eli zabethton became the county seat for Carter County, Tennessee.
On September 12, 1832, Peter Nuckolls appears in the Warren County, Tenne ssee deed records when he sells his share from his uncle Charles Garland 's estate to his brother-in-law, James Anderson, Sr. in Grayson County, Vi rginia. This being a common practice of the time when the inheritance w as far away from the heir. Peter received $35 from James Anderson, and Ja mes and his wife Patsy would receive two shares of the inheritance le ft by Charles Garland.
Peter again appears in the county records on October 4, 1841, when he pur chased items from the estate sale of his father-in-law, Reuben Roberts (Ja nuary 4,1744-August 2, 1841). Peter was a witness to his brother-in-la w, James Roberts' will which was made in March of 1844. And Peter again a ppears in Warren County records on June 5, 1847, when purchasing from t he estate sale of Mary Millie Roberts (1759-March 14, 1847)
Peter and Millie raise a family of three sons. Ezra, born about 1828; Ja mes Elisha born December 27, 1831; and Caswell Cobb born about 1833. Th is family appears in the 1850 Census of Warren County, Tennessee in Civ il District #3.
Peter probably died within the next year because his sons appear on t he real estate tax list with acreage. Millie Nuckolls death can only be es timated by her appearance in 1850 census and her lack of appearance in t he 1860 census. Peter and his wife Millie are probably buried at Asbury C emetery, off of Mason Road, just south of Randall Hitchcock Road. (T he graves may have once been marked, the name Nuccles appears on a cemete ry reading done by the WPA in the 1930's but time and people carrying t he stones away to use as foundation rocks has left a lot of unmarked grav es at Asbury Cemetery).
On the 1851 tax list of Warren County, Tennessee, Ezra is listed with 1 00 acres, and Caswell appears with 15 acres.13 James seems to be left o ut of the inheritance, but March 30, 1854 Ezra and James purchase land tog ether. The land description starts at the Nuckolls' stable and incloses 1 00 acres. In later years James' widow and children have full title to th is property when they sell it. (I assume that by having Ezra pay for ha lf of this property, the division of inheritance from Peter was evened out .)
On November 17, 1853, James and Caswell attend the estate sale of Mart ha Stone, James purchased a grindstone,a bureau, a trundle bedstead & cov er,and a candle stand. Caswell purchased 2 empty salt tubs, a long barre l, a clock, and three chairs. (I have been unable to locate Ezra or Caswe ll in any Warren County records from this point on.)
Book titled "Tombstone Inscriptions and Manuscripts", compiled by Jeannet te Tillotson Acklen, article written by Mrs. Blanche Bentley titled, "O ld Burial Grounds Of Warren County, Tennessee.
Some small excerpts from the article:
"The movement, inaugurated by the Daughters of the American Revolutio n, to preserve the names of the men and women buried in the early graveya rds of the country is a most notable and worthy one, and as the yea rs go by will became increasingly distinguished and historic."...."In t he earliest days of the county there stood on "the Old Kentucky Road" t wo miles south of Rock Island a log church known as Asbury's Meeting Hous e. The men who built the church were Reuben Roberts, a Revolutionary soldi er,
his sons and son-in-laws, their neighbors and friends; and if the da te is correct of their coming to this section -1796- given in the dia ry of one of them, they formed one of the oldest settlements."....
"According to very responsible tradition the pioneers of Asbury Settleme nt honored and collect the history of Warren County as known to them up on their first arrival."...." One of the diaries was kept by a young Virgi nian, a school teacher, who came west with Peter Nuckolls, went to New Orl eans under Jackson and never returned....." Sometime while Jackson and h is army were at New Orleans word came to the settlement that the General 's powder was running low. Immediately Reuben Roberts, Elijah Drake, Pet er Buren, Peter Nuckoll, George Sanders, and others from material gotten f rom the Big Bone Cave and other places, made a large quantity of powder, p acked it in wagons drawn by oxen and cutting a new and direct route as th ey went, by Short Mountain, Rutherford and Davidson Counties to Nashvill e, loaded the powder on flat boats and sent it to New Orleans to General J ackson."...." The church now seems to have disappeared, nor can the grav es of those who built it be found. So completely, apparently, have the for est and earth recalled them to themselves."
1. Pioneer Settlers of Grayson County, Virginia, by Benjamin Floyd Nuckol ls. @ 1914, 1972, 1975,1982. pp 65-67.
2. A Supplement to the 1810 Census of Virginia, Tax Lists of the Counties for which the Census is Missing , transcribed and edited by Netti Schrein er Yantis, @ 1971. Section: 1810 Tax List of VA G-2.
3. McMinnville at a Milestone, 1810-1960, by Walter Womack. @ 1960 p p. 226, 327
4. Tennessee Records: Tombstones, Inscriptions and Manuscripts, compil ed by Jeannette Tillotson Acklin @1967. "Old Burial Grounds of Warren Cou nty, Tennessee" by Mrs Blanche Bentley, p. 415
5. Reuben Roberts Sr. Revolutionary War Records, National Archives, Ca se Number # 1492.
6. The Generations of Reuben Roberts, Sr. by Laney James Roberts. p. 20 1
7. Warranty Deed Book H. Warren County, Tennessee. pp 153-154
8. Inventory & Will Book # 1, Warren County, Tennessee. p. 408
9. Inventory & Will Book #2, Warren County, Tennessee. pp. 1-2
10 Inventory & Will Book #2, Warren County, Tennessee. pp 210-211
11. Federal Census, 1850, Warren County, Tennessee. Civil Dist. #3 p. 5 0. family # 331, Peter Nuccles
12. Warren County Cemeteries, Readings done by the WPA in the 1930's. Asb ury Cemetery, located in Rowland Station, Warren County, Tennessee.
(McMinnville Public Library, McMinnville, Tennessee)
Notes from Ed Reynolds, June, 2000
Present William Brockenbrough, a judge.
An indenture of bargain and sale between John Sturdivan of the one part a nd Stephen Bourn of the other part was proven in Court by John Kelly, Robe rt Nuckolls and James Anderson subscribing witnesses and the same is order ed to be recorded.
Nathaniel Nuckolls, plantiff
(Grayson Co. A History in Words and Pictures) Grayson Co. Historical Soci ety. Nathaniel Nuckolls vs. Phil ip Gains in debt. This trial was by jury which returned the following verd ict: The plaintiff to recover L14..7s..11p..1/2 penny with interest from M ay, 1808
This is probably the Nathaniel Nuckolls found in the 1840 Grayson Co, VA c ensus
00112001-0001011. (We know he was alive in 1826) He does not sh ow up in the 1850 Census anywhere in Virginia. As old as he was, he mo st likely died, but as he has older sons in the census, we wonder where th ey went. In 1840 were Nathaniel, his brother Ezra, Creed and Clark. Cre ed and Clark are the only ones who remained in Grayson Co beyond 184 0.
1840 Census
1 males 10-15 b 1826-1830
1 male 15-20 b 1821-1825
2 males 20-30 b 1811-1820
Oldtown principal farmers S.N. Nuckolls & B.F. Nuckolls. (no dates given) Hale Nuckolls was pictured with several other W.W.1 solders. W.S. Nuckolls listed as a private in Civil War. The greatest County men were John Blair, Joshua Habks, Major Anderson, Sam'l McCammet, Col. Stephen Hale, Ezra Nuckolls, Hon Stephen F. Nuckolls, Shadrack Greer, Joseph Phipps, William Young, Ezekial Young, H.H. Cox, George W. Reeves, David Cox and others.
Ezra Nuckolls, b. Mar. 28, I798, Louisa Co., d. May 4, 1857. He and his brothers were much help in the formation of Grayson Co., Va.; they had been well educated and good family training in Eastern Virginia. The men and women were tall in stature, a number of them 7 ft. in height and well proportioned. Ezra served as Sheriff of Grayson Co., Va.; he and his nephews Creed and Clarke Nuckolls with William Oglesby were the first merchants at Grayson Court House, Va., until after the close of the War 186I-1865; then the firm was Nuckolls and Jennings. A branch store was opened at Independence, Va. Ezra built the first storehouse there, also the first hotel; he continued in business until he sold out and moved to Missouri about 1853, bringing their children and their slaves. Took up Gov't land where Rock Port, Mo., is now. After locating, they said that some day a burying ground would be needed, and they selected a beautiful site on a little hill that overlooked the countryside. Ezra Nuckolls died first, and in three weeks his wife died of a broken heart. They were buried in that plot, which has aIways been known as the Nuckolls Burying Ground; though now it adjoins or is a part of the Rock Port Cemetery. It has a good iron fence, well kept, and a nice granite monument is at the grave of Ezra and Lucinda Nuckolls. Many of the Nuckolls family are buried there. In this Nuckolls Burying Ground, there is a flowering shrub) -a Deep Rose Peony -still blooming yearly, that Stephen Friel Nuckolls sent and had planted when he was a Congressman, in Washington, D. C., 1859----- 98 years ago.
From family history written by Harlan Yager Smith "I Am Because They Were" The Virginia Ancestors of Elisabeth Leona Borchers by her granddaughter. (Elisabeth Leona Borchers Sweetser) By 1853 several of the children had gone west to Missouri, Iowa or Nebraska with other relatives and neighbors from Virginia catching the spirit of the Western movement. Ezra decided to sell out and move west. It has been stated and "handed down" that Ezra obtained a large tract of land in Missouri and at the age of 55 moved to Missouri to develope it. He settled in Rockport, MO. No further children were born after the move. The youngest child at that time was Elisabeth who was seven years old. Elisabeth was only six years older than her niece, Elisabeth Borchers, so it was that my grandmother was always very close in friendship to her Aunt Betty when grandmother lived in Hamburg Iowa, and also when they both moved to Calif. I remeber aunt Betty well and going to her home many times in Ocean Park Calif. She was really the closest that we children had to the "early past" as her father was born in 1798 (Ezra) and brought history from frontier life in Virginia through Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and on to Calif. She was tall, thin, and of soft speech, a very lovely person to see and talk with. One you would be proud to have as a friend and relative. Ezra and Lucinda brought some of their slaves out to Rockport with them. The children, had all been brought up in the Virginia custom of slavery and so, had a rather strong leaning in that direction. It was fortunate that they moved out to Missouri when they did to escape the ravages of the Civil War. Though Ezra died four years before war was declared, some of his sons had slaves also, and had a more sympathetic view of the cause of the South than many others in the west. Missouri was pretty much of a border-line state during the Civil War and the life of the Nuckols family is rather typical of that situation. An instance can be noted to the mixed feelings of the family. As noted elsewhere, Rosamond, the fourth child of the thirteen, went west from Vriginia and married Augustus Borchers, a German immigarnt who had no use for slavery. Their household was brough up strongly "Northern". Another branch of the family, accordingly, was strongly "Southern". Rosamond's favorite brother, Stephen Friel, in the fall of 1854 brought four negroes to Nebraska City. Two were girls and two, boys. The two girls ran away and Stephen posted a reward of $200 for their return. The difficulties encountered in the return of the two girls is a rather long interesting story covered in newspaper articles. (transcribed in notes for Stephen). Ezra's life in his new invironment was rather short. He was 55 years of age when he came to Rockport. He had established this cemetery some time before and many of the family are buried there. Three weeks after Ezra died, his wife Lucinda died also. It was said she died of a broken heart at the age of 50 years on May 25, 1857. My grandmother, his granddaughter, Elisabeth Borchers, was five years old at the time.
Below is a copy of a letter, as best as I can interpret the old hand writi ng, sent to Ezra Nuckolls from Martin Hail, Ezra's brother in law in 1855. This original letter is on file in Lincoln, Nebraska at the Nebraska Historical Society. I find interesting how in several of these old lette rs that they tried to hide or under state the excitement of important news and state they didn't have any important news etc. Usually stated by " oh by the way I almost forgot to tell you that my wife (your sister) h ad a baby".
Read the letter and see (children born and deaths). Also, this letter
was written a few years before the Civil War - little did they know how life in the South would change .
The envelope shows Leesburg, Alabama, Nov 30th as return address. Stamp is three cents.
It is addressed to: Ezra Nuckolls, Esq.
Atchinson County, Missouri
In the interpretation of the letter, I place ??? marks where I could not make out the word or letter. Blank line indicates new page. Also, the letter is faded so punctuation did not show - so it looks like a lot of
run on sentences but I didn't want to add anything that I could not
see in the letter.
The letter:
Leesburg, Cherokee County, Ala, Nov 4, 55
My Dear Brother & Sister
Your kind forward of 15th Sept was duly received & found ??? all in the enjoyment of good health. I have delayed writing until now
thinking I would have something of some interest but have not and can't think of waiting any longer as I am very anxious to hear from you all. Brother Clarke started to Va 10th Sept. went to Knoxville by Rail Road and then to Wytheville by stage six days trip from home to Grayson settled our business. This and arrived home the 6th October came home by publich conveyance also, coughing He was sick all the time he was gone ??? give very little information on satisfaction of matters & things in that County did not go to old town nor no where else but to Elk Creek and once to Independence seemed to be
rather ?unlish since his return probably from the fact that it is hard
times here about money matters, I received a letter from Brother Fielden of he Death of Sister
Evalina on the 10th Oct which you doubtys have heard before this in the same letter he wrote that Eli & Mother had advertised to sell off all Mothers property except slaves and to live them out on 25th Oct that is the last and all I have heard of it If they had have wanted to sold the negroes without my presence they had better have sold them this fall provided I live not that I ever expect to make enough by being their to pay my expenses but I like to see even handed Justice to all. I have 5 negroes to sell this fall as Executer three boys & 2 girls. The sale comes on 22 this instant I want to buy one of the boys 22 years old and his wife 16 years old if they don't go too high but they are very likely and I am determined to make them bring the last Dollar I can whether I get them or not. This is the property of ???(Hemae) Sullen married a daughter of James Hail died three ye ars ago with consumption made a will and appointed me his Executer his widow died in July last with Consumption leaving 5 children 2 boys & 3 daugh ters the oldest a boy 12 years old Youngest a girl 4 years old I shall have to raise two of the children if no ??? their had been nothing done with the property so it Will all be to sell. Now Sir you sometimes speak of tall bidding if you could be here at that time you should see some as them children has no one to look too but myself for Justice & protection and I am determined the property shall bring the last possible Dollar. I have a particular anxiety to make them negroes at Mothers have that Country a bring a price. I acknowledge that negroes are flesh & blood and should be treated humane but
have come to the conclusion it is not best to consult a negroes notions t oo much Particularly when they are tankered with by un???? while ?? ?. I think my Cousin Wm Dickenson made my boy Gilbert some promises mo re than he ought best as it has turned out I ??? very well with him g ot a girl that is start
& likely about grown some 14 or 15 years old ??? me to give Lucinda which I done when I returned from Virginia who was worth more than the girls I give Martin & Sarah but I have paid them $100 a piece in cash to make them equal had like to have forgot Sarah had a fine daughter 3 weeks old today both doing well Sarah has improved very much since you saw her. Jestain (or Je steris?) had son born 12th of September weighed 10 lb when first born bo th well & hearty their has been a good deal of Fever & Agne and Home Fever in our County this season my family and the most of the ??? have enjoyed good health. I have a great desire to visit you at your new home and intend doing so next summer or fall if not prevented by some unforeseen
occurance. I have no expectation of moving from where I am in fact I think it would be folly in me to move I have so much land here as I ever will want all paid for and am making money slowly we enjoy good health all my children are here and have been raised in the South. I haven't any idea we would be as healthy in Mo. As we are in Ala Our Climate is mild and pleasant Winter and summer and if we try we can live as well here as any place in the world, I have no Idea our Country is any thing in comparison with Mo as to fertility ??? but we can make plenty I made from 50 to 60 Bushels of corn to the acre off some of my land this season and I have sold 140 Bushels of Wheat Of my own raising this season for $140 Cash in hand and could have sold more but believe it will be higher Agents are travelling through the Country picking up every Bushel they are buying for the
Eu opean armies and every thing we make will sell for Cash at fair prices corn is worth from the high ??? 30 to 37 � cts for bushel this season we are convenient to market wi th any thing we make I bought my dry goods in New York this fall the freight from New York to my door was about 1.75 cts for Hundred Insurance included and only 10 or 12 days from the time they were shipped until I receive. I can
go from home to New York in 4 days can go from here to St. Louis Mo in 4 days in 12 or 18 months more can go from home to almost any part of the United States in a week or 10 days. In a short time can go from home to Wytheville in 24 to 30 hours - upon the whole I think we live in a convenient Country. I have sold about $10,000 worth goods this season which is plenty to sell a country place have sold at a fair Profit I am selling all goods but groceries at home 75 to 100 percent on first cost & the business is improving with me from the fact that the population is improving & also from the fact that Centre & service other places in the Country are not doing a great deal. Their have not been a Cart load of new goods received at Centre this fall in 4 stores they are trying to raise a little wind but I don't know how they will come out. I don't care to sell any more there I am selling them being scarce give me better chance for profits and a chance to pick my customers please write to me upon the reception of this send write often & give me all the information you can with regard to yern Country E. N. write me when you expect to visit Grayson as we expect you then to visit ours if not sooner. If I was situated as you are I would take my rest the balance of my life Remember my love to all the cor???xion and particularly to cousin Lafayette. Martin & Jestain Hail
letter provided by [email protected] (CHARLES R NUCKOLLS)
EARLY BUSINESS (STORES) Ezra Nuckolls opened the first store and hotel in Independence. In 1853, he sold out his businesss here and moved to Missouri. Stephen M Dickey took over the hotel building, apparently as an ordinary. Ezra, Creed, and Charles Nuckolls, sons of Robert G. Nuckolls formed a partnership with William Oglesby, and went into the merchantile business. They were the first merchants at the Grayson County seat. They had branch houses at Bridle Creek and Elk Creek. They, except Ezra, continued in business here until after the Civil War, when the business became
that of Nuckolls and Dickenson. Another early firm to locate here was that of Nuckolls and Jennings. Theirs was a branch house of their business in Oldtown.(Grayson County: A History in Words and Pictures) by Grayson Co. Historical Society, Va. 1976 pg. 307
This typed copy of handwritten original.
Will of Ezra Nuckolls
I Ezra Nuckolls of the County of Atchison and State of Missouri being in usual health and of sound and disposing mind and memory; but taking into consideration the uncertainty of human life and the instability of all earthly matters and things, do make constitute and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form as follows, to wit It is my Will and desire and I direct the same according that in case of my Death my whole Estate shall be placed in th3e hands of Richard Rupe & my son Stephen F. Nuckolls whom I constitute and appoint Sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament to be disposed of as hereinafter as directed; and if it should be the case that neither Richard Rupe or my Son Stephen F. Nuckolls could not nor does not act as my Executors, then, and in that event other person or persons Shall be appointed by the Court to act on the Recommendation of either my Son Stephen F. Nuckolls or my wife Lucinda Nuckolls; It is my Will and desire that the Lands 740 Acres that I own in Virginia be Sold by my Executor or Executors as soon as they may think best and the proceeds applied when sold towards the payment of a Debt that I o we Griggs Hampton of Virginia: My Executor or Executors may sell, provided my Son S. F. Nuckolls should think best to do so 30, or 40 or 50 Acr s of my Lands adjoining of the Village of Rockport either in Lots or otherwise as my son S. F. Nuckolls may think best all of the aforesaid lands may be sold on sutch credit as my son S. F. Nuckolls may think best.
It is also my Will and desire that all of my just ??? Debts be paid, and
that my wife Lucinda Nuckolls shall have one third of my whole Estate during her natural life
It is also my Will and desire that all of my Children except my son
Heath Nuckolls shall receive equal portions of my Estate, after making a deduction for that amount which have heretofore been advanced to a portion of them and also a deduction for that which I may hereafter
advance to them before my Death; And account of which will be found in a Book Marked letter A
It is also my Will and desire, that the portion which may be due from my Estate after my Death to my daughter Polly D. Schooler shall be paid to her in full from my Land or in Lands, and those lands shall remain and be hers during her natural life and after her Death they are to descend to her Children and be equally divided between her Children
It is also my Will and desire that my daughters Sena & Elizabeth & my son Emit each get out of my lands ful ... three fourths of the amount; th at may be due to them; It is also my Will and desire that the amount which may be due from my Estate at my Death to my son Houston Nuckolls that it shall be placed in the hands of my son Stephen F. Nuckolls and managed by him in the way that he may think the most adviseable, until Houston Nuckolls Arrives to the age of 22 years old, and when he arrives to the age of 22 years old, If Stephen F. Nuckolls considers him Houst n to be a young man of good habits & morals & not addicted to gambling nor drinking Spiritous liquors then he may & shall surrender the Estate up to him, otherwise he may invest it for the benefit of Houston Children if he has any as otherwise it is to be divided between all my heirs Heath Nuckolls & Houston Nuckolls excepted.
It is my will and desire that five Dollars more be paid to my son Heath Nuckolls and no more.
It is my will and desire that in the division of my Slaves that they shall not be distributed, sold, or hired out to any other person except some of my heirs, unless sutch Slaves as may be of bad character
It is my will and desire that my Executor or Executors make Deed or Deeds of those lands that I have desire to be sold.
It is my will and desire that Wrice D. Schooler should have two tracts of land In Virginia unless I convey the same back to him before my dea th which ...now belongs to him he having conveyed one of them to me by deed & the other he entered in my name, He done so in order that I might make Sale of the land for his his (sic) benefit; one tract lyes on Ches� Creek in Grayson County, Virginia & Contains 340 Acres and the other on Crooked Creek in Carroll County, Virginia contains 250 Acres and it was entered by Sd
Schooler in my name.
I hereby Revoke and annul all former Wills by me , and hereby publish
this and declare this writing as and for my only true and Last Will and Testament - -
In testamoney whereof, I have to this my Last Will and Testament set my hand and offered my Seal. This the fifteenth day of December One thousand eight hundred and fifty five. The 15th day of December In the year 1855
Signed, Sealed, published and Ezra Nuckolls
Declared, by the testator Ezra Nuckolls (Seal)
In and for his Last Will and Testament In the presence signed our
names as Witnesses thereto
I. N. White
Samuel Scamman
Wm C. Sipple
State of Missouri ) In vacation of the county court County of Atchison) SS Be it remembered that on this 5th day of May A.D. one thousand
eight hundred and fifty Seven personally appeared before me Janus M. Templet on Clerk of the County court within and for the County of Atchison aforesaid Isaac N. White and Samuel Scammon the Subscribing witness to the within and foregoing Will of Ezra Nuckolls and being by me first duly Sworn depose and Say that the Said Ezra Nuckolls the testator declared in their presence that he had Subscribed and published the said Will or instrument of writing as his Last will that he the said testator was at the time of publishing his said will of sound mind and more than twenty one years of age and that they the said deponents attested the said Will as witne ss thereto by they the said deponents attested the said Will as witness thereto by they the said deponents attested the said Will as witness there to by subscribing their names to the Same in the presence of said testator .
Sworn and subscribed before me
I. N. White Samuel Scamman
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of said Court done at Office in the Town of Rock Port in Said County this
5 th day of May A.D. 1857.
Janus M. Templeton
Charles Nuckolls, June, 2000
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�08 Mar 1875
Death Place: �tab�Carroll, Virginia
Age: �tab�93
Birth Date: �tab�1782
Birthplace: �tab�, Carroll, Virginia
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Klower Swift
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B02466-1
System Origin: �tab�Virginia-EASY
Source Film Number: �tab�2056976
Reference Number: �tab�p44c27
Source Citation
"Virginia Deaths and Burials, 1853-1912," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X5RV-HS9 : accessed 7 April 2012), Margaret Nuckolls (1782).
2 Reuben Roberts, Jr. + Letitia Randolph, sister of John M. Randolph,
Jr.(This is the TN:Warren Co.-VA:Albemarle Co. DNA group.)
2 Emily Roberts + Peter Nuckolls
3 Caswell Benjamin Nuckolls + Julia A. Randolph
CAswell Nuckles
Ezra Nuckles
J B Nuckles
April Nuckolls Jeanneret
RR3, Box 36,
Valley Center, Kansas, 67147
[email protected]
When James Elisha Nuckolls appears in the deed books of Warren Count y, on March 8, 1859 he sells 15 acres of land in Civil District #3 of Warr en County, Tennessee for $230. The deed states that James is "lawfully se ized of said land--have a good right to convey it and that the same is une ncumbered." (I think this is the inheritance of Caswell Nuckolls, but wh at brought it to this circumstance I do not know.)
James Elisha and Altha Susan appear in the 1860 Census in Civil Distri ct #3 of Warren County, Tennessee. They are listed with two of their chil dren, Elen Elizabeth Bellvora and Artimisha Permela. John Hershel wi ll be born 11 December of that census year.
J. E. Nuckolls enlisted in the Confederate Army on November 18, 1862 in Mc Minnville, Tennessee He was a private in Company B of the 22nd Tenness ee Infantry Battalion. His military career was unfortunately very shor t. The battalion left Warren County and joined the Army of Tennessee, arr iving after the the Battle of Murfreesboro, which took place on December 3 1, 1862. They marched through Coffee County and into Bedford County, t hen on to Shelbyville. On January 10, 1863 James was listed as absent fr om roll call, with the remark on a later roll call that he had died in a h ospital on February 20, 1863.
James never participated in anything except a very long walk.
The years of the Civil War were hard. Warren County and McMinnville, t he county seat were occupied first by the Union, and then by the Confeder ate forces, and then they would switch again. An un substituted story, Re na Chloe Frederick (a great-granddaughter of James and Altha) tells of Alt ha and her children hiding in a cave when Union troops came through the c ounty. The troops were looking for horses and apparently James had rais ed horses. A black women named Chloe helped to hid the family, bringing t hem food and water, while her husband hid the horses in another cave. Som ehow the horses were discovered and the black man was shot. (The story im plies that the man died, but that was never said.) [ Rena believed that t he black woman Chloe remained with Altha until her death. Rena has only o ne memory of Altha, as a very tiny OLD woman lying on a high bed wi th a very tall black woman standing beside the bed. Rena remarked that th at was the first time she had seen a black person, and that really impress ed her. (Rena would have been 1 month short of 3 years of age when Alt ha died). But Rena said she had been told she was named for the woman w ho had kept the family safe in the cave.]
After the Civil War ended, Altha Susan remarried on November 11, 1866 to W yatt T Perry. Wyatt's family had come from Ashe County, North Caroli na to Warren County, Tennessee, prior to the 1850 Census. Altha and Wya tt have five children: William Madison, Charles Ezra, Darthula, Mary Ja ne "Molly", and Hortence.
Altha Susan and Wyatt continued living on the land that James had p urchased. Hog production was the main source of income and the family liv ed with some degree of comfort. But hog cholera struck in Warren Count y, taking their income away. In 1886 the land was sold and the family
migrated west to Arkansas.
1. Federal Census, 1850, Warren County, Tennessee. Civil Dist. #3 p. 50.
family # 331, Peter Nuccles
2. Tax list of Warren County, Tennessee for 1851
3. Warranty Deed Book S, Warren County, Tennessee. pp 333-334
4. Warranty Deed Book 17, Warren County, Tennessee. p151
Warranty Deed Book 18, Warren County, Tennessee pp 214-216
5. Will, Inventory & Estate Book # 3. Warren County, Tennessee. pp 264-2 66
6. Warren County, Tennessee Marriage Records Book A pp. 16-
James E Knuckoles to Altha Susan Black
7. Federal Census, 1850, Warren County, Tennessee. Civil Dist #3 p 56
family # 373 Robert Black
8. Obituary of Altha Susan Black Nuckolls Perry. Original in possession
of Lola Reif-Fayetteville, AR
9. Warranty Deed Book 1, Warren County, Tennessee. pp 428-429
10. Federal Census, 1860, Warren County, Tennessee. Civil Dist #3 p 113
dwelling 832/463 Elisha
11. Tennessee State Archives, Nashville, Tennessee. Civil War Records. J
E Nuckolls
12. Tennesseans in the Civil War in Two Parts Published by The Civil War
Centennial Commission, Nashville, Tennessee. @ 1964 Part I, pp 166-1 67 22nd (Murray's) Tennessee Infantry Battalion
13. Note written by Artimisha P Nuckolls Perry, in possession of OB Chapma n,
Flower Mound, TX. 1988
14. Federal Census, 1870, Warren County, Tennessee. Civil Dist. #3 p 46
family 21 Wyatt Perry
15. Warren County, Tennessee Marriage Records Book 1 pp 56-5 W T Perry t o
A S Nuckles
16. Research by April Nuckolls Jeanneret on Perry family, consisting of
Census, Family Bibles, Cemetery Records, Birth and Death Certificates, and
personal interviews.
17. Federal Census, 1880, Warren County, Tennessee Civil dist #3 p 316
family 60 Wiatt T Perry
Written by April Nuckolls Jeanneret, on December 31, 1999
LDS IGI File No 8003802 Sheet 55 gives full name as Caswell Benjamin Cobb Nuckolls. This is verified by Irene Nuckols Moore who remembers his name having "Cobb" included. Irene's father was Thomas Edward Nuckolls who was the son of Caswell and his second wife, Susan Lear.
According to Lillian, Uncle Luther's daughter by Martha, Uncle Luther had own brothers named; John, Jim and Carr. I was given this information by Irene Moore. In the 1870 Kentucky census, I found James E., Luther, and Charles A.
Caswell's occupation was a shoemaker. He was also a farmer.
According to the 1870 Crittenden County, Kentucky census, Caswell Nuckols and his wife, Julia, and sons, J. E. and Luther were born in Tennessee. Jim was born in 1866 and Luther was born in 1868. His next child, Charles, was born in Kentucky in 1869. Dora was also born in Kentucky. Caswell and Julia moved to Kentucky from Tennessee about 1869.
Caswell Nuckols died between 1889 and 1900 as his last child, Sallie, was born in 1889 and was listed with her mother, Susan, and brother. Sallie was ten years old in 1900, and Susan was shown as a widow.
There is no record of the original 100 acres in the deed books of Warren Co. TN, but the 15 acres mentioned as Caswell's are sold by James on March 8, 1859 (Deed Book 3, pp428-429)and the right to sell this land is explained with the line "I am lawfully seized of said land-have a good right to convey it and that the same is unencumbered."
Caswell Nuckolls (First_Last)
Regiment Name 47 Missouri Infantry.
Side Union
Company F
Soldier's Rank_In Pvt.
Soldier's Rank_Out Pvt.
Alternate Name
Film Number M390 roll 36
([email protected]) Maria
Descendants of Caswell from:
Sandi Evilsizer Koscak
[email protected]
The LDS records show another daughter Hannah born in 1878 and died in 1878. But the date of birth for daughter Minta is also in 1878. So she might have been a twin. So far, not documented.
He would have had to marry Van Duzen after Julia Randolph, and Julia Randolf may have also died in childbirth . On Luthers death certificate names Caswell as father and unknown mother, he born 1868. Doras death cert the same, Caswell and unknown mother. A marriage cert has never been located for Julia Ann VanDuzen, nor any other documentation provided for this connection.
Widows Pension filed 7/15/1890
1860 Crittenden Co, marion, KY Pg 362
David Lear 49 b IL
Rebecca 48 b VA
John 25, KY
Francis 17
Susan 9
Name: �tab�Susan A Nuckles
[Susan A Lean]
Death Date: �tab�15 Apr 1914
Death Location: �tab�Lyon
Residence Location: �tab�Lyon
Gender: �tab�Female
Ethnicity: �tab�White
Birth Location: �tab�Crittenden
Father's Name: �tab�Jno Lean
Father's Birth Location: �tab�Virginia
Mother's Name: �tab�Remica
Mother's Birth Location: �tab�Virginia
by Paula Hathaway Anderson-Green*
Published in the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, V86: pgs. 413 -431 (1978).
This electronic version prepared by Paul B. Anderson FCCS (USN, Retired ), Norfolk, Virginia
Major Anderson--whose wife was a Miss Nuckolls--resided in the count y. He was a prominent citizen of Grayson county. Their sons were Robert, O rville, and Garland. Robert and family moved to Atchison Co., Mo. They we re pious members of the M.E. Church South in the county, Major Orville And erson was one of the best clerks in southwestern Virginia. His bright inte llect, devoted Christian, and example still live. Garland Anderson was a q uiet good citizen.
I would like to know more about Martha Nuckolls and if she and James had c hildren. If you prefer a fast response, I suggest that you email me direct ly at [email protected].
1. John ANDERSON was born in NJ. John married May. They had the followi ng children:
+ 2 F i. Rebecca ANDERSON was born 1720 and died 1872.
3 M ii. James ANDERSON. James married Martha NUCKOLLS.
4 M iii. John ANDERSON.
5 M iv. Jacob Paul ANDERSON. Jacob married Susanna BUCHANAN.
Major Anderson--whose wife was a Miss Nuckolls--resided in the count y. He was a prominent citizen of Grayson county. Their sons were Robert, O rville, and Garland. Robert and family moved to Atchison Co., Mo. They we re pious members of the M.E. Church South in the county, Major Orville And erson was one of the best clerks in southwestern Virginia. His bright inte llect, devoted christian, and example still live. Garland Anderson was a q uiet good citizen. (Foot Prints on the Sands of Time: A History of Southwe stern Virginia and Northwestern North Carolina by Dr. A. B. Cox Original ly published by The Star Pub. Co. Print, Sparta, N.C)
Anderson, James Captain Oct. 26, 1811
Anderson, James Captain, Rifle Co., 2nd Battn. May 21, 1793-Aug. 25, 17
James was living in New Kent County, Virginia, in 1695. The evidence supporting this is the baptism of his son James, in St. Peter's Parish
By subdivision of counties and parishes, and without changing his place of residence, his place would now be in the parish of St. Paul in the County of Hanover. After 1727, his daughter, Susannah appears as his successor in the land records, thus setting the approximate date of his death. (Source-"First Virginia Nuckolls and Kindred" by Bertha Nuckolls and Sally Tongren) At the time of the printing of that book up until 10/11/2011 it was believed that this was Susannah Pouncey, wife of James. We now know it was his daughter.
"The books in the State Land Office in Richmond show that, as early as 1720, the settlers were taking up tracts of land in the territory now forming Louisa.................
Abstracted by Susan B Chiarello[i]
These land records are found in the Colonial Records Project records at the Library of Virginia.[ii] The claim was for Samuel Gist, a British loyalist who was trying to reclaim his considerable fortune. This land claim is in Hanover.Howerer, it originally la , in New Kent, Most importantly, Coldham [iii]in his work transcribes the purchase from Chiles as Nicol (Nichols) which was the waythis is written in the land assigninent from Chiles. However, in all documents thereafter, including the release of' dower of' Mary Chiles, John Chile's 's wife', the surname is most certainly Nuckols or a variation. Since these are original signatures attested to by clerks, � of the court; the surname should most probably be read as Nuckols.
While many of the documents that pertain to this parcel of land are copies from the court, the patent (recorded in Virginia Land Office Patent Book 8, p. 97), Mary Chiles's dower release and John Chiles assignment of the patent appear to be original documents with original signatures
In the name Of God Amen, I James Nuckolls of Hanover County thanks be to God being of sound and perfect memory have thought fitt to constitute and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following lmprimis I give my Soul in the hands of almighty, god my heavenly maker in hopes through the meritorious death and passion of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ to Receive free pardon and remission of all my Sins and my Body I commit to the ground to be buried at the discretion of my executrix hearin after named and as to at Real [tear] personal effects which God hath been pleased to bless me with I give and bequeath in manner and Form following-
Item -I give and bequeath to my Son John Nuckolls and his heirs forever the plantation whereon he now Lives and all the Land belonging to it from my upper Line down to a Run Commonly known by the name of Basseds Run"
Item - I give and bequeath to my �u��b�Daughter Susannah Nuckols �/u��/b�the plantation whereon I now Live and all the land belonging to it from the aforesaid Basseds Run down to the Lower end of my land which joyneth on M’ Ralph Hunts Land to be and Remain to the us of my Sd* daughter during her natural life and after her decease to �u��b�her son William Nuckols �/u��/b�and his heirs forever
Item -I give and bequeath to my son �u��b�Sam' Nuckoll�/u��/b�s one Shilling
Item - I give and bequeath to my son �u��b�James Nuckolls �/u��/b�one Shilling
Item - I give and bequeath to my daughter �b�Isbel Rattlef�/b� one Shilling
Item - � I give and bequeath to my�u��b� daughter Susannah Nuckoll�/u��/b�s all my household goods and all my stock of Cattle and hoggs and all the Remainder of my Estate be it what nature or Quality forever I give to her and her heirs forever-
Lastly I appoint my daughter Susannah Nuckolls Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament us witness my hand and seal this 21 day of December 1730
James } Nuckols Seal
Phill Joyner
Elizabeth Joyner
At a court held for I Hanover County the fifth day of February 1730
This last Will and Testament James Nuckolls dec’d was this day proved in open Court by the oaths of Phillip Joyner and, Elizabeth Joyner the witnesses hereto and admitted to record
Teste Arth'r. Clayton CC
Copia Test Bartelot Anderson
Henry Robinson Clerk
[ii] Loyalist Claims, Series 11, Virginia Claims, AO 13/30,, folder G II, (Colonial Records Project, Survey Report 2246, microfilm roll 252, Library of Virginia, Richmond,
[i] Richmond, Va, Ms Chiarello is a VGS board member with ancestors from a number of burned record counties.
[iii] A brief synopsis can be found in Peter Wilson Coldham, American Loyalist Claims, Vol 1 Abstracted from the Public Record Office Series 13, Bundles 1-35 and 37 (Washington, D.C., National Genealogical Society, 1980, 183
[1V] Abbreviation for aforesaid�
Special thanks to Frederick (Pete ) Nuckols who found this document. For 300 years no one has located it because it was indexed at the courthouse as NICHOLS. I suppose people did not wish to take the time to pull all of the Nichols to verify spelling accuracy.
Susannah's brother Anthony Pouncey sold out in Hanover about 1750 and migrated to SC where he established several Baptist churches.
Found John Pounce has 1000 acres on Matadaguin Creek in 1672 with David
Craford grantee.If we can show that Susannah Pounce is John Pounce's granddaughter then
all of Susannah's descendants can go for the Colonial Dames.
2-12- 1742
Samuel Nuckolls named in adjoining land deed of Phillip Poindexter Goochland Co
5 March 1747
Phillip Poindexter, 400 acres in Goochland County at the head of Muddy Creek, adjoining the lans of Jacob Winfrey, William May and Samuel Nuckolls; granted Feb 12, 1742 to Francis Stegar, and by him assign ed to Foliot Power and by him assigned to said Poindexter, to whom it is now granted, March 5, 1747
1 July 1757, Louisa VA
In the name of God Amen I Samuel Nuckolls of St. Martin's Parish in Louisa County being in my perfect senses and memory do make this my Last Wi ll and Testament first I give my Soul to God my heavenly Maker hoping thro ugh the Death and passion of my blessed Savior to receive .... pardon a nd remission of all my Sins. As to my Worldly Estate I dispose of it as
Item I lend to my wife's Daughter Ann Brown during her natural life four h undred acres of Land lying and being on Muddy Creek in Cumberland County w ith a plantation thereon to run down the ...... to the mouth of the spri ng branch so up to the back line . The sd: four hundred acres of land .. .. during her natural life. Four slaves, Viz. York, Lucy, Dinah, and Litt le Lucy and their increases to her and her heirs and after her decea se my will and desire is that the above sd: land together with the sd: sla ves and their increases to be equally divided amongst the children of t he sd: Ann Brown. But in case the sd: Ann Brown should depart this life w ithout issues of her body then and in that case my will and desire is th at the sd: land and slaves and their increases be equally divided among st all the rest of her sisters or the survivors of them to them and the ir heirs forever.
Item I lend to my wife's Daughter Elizabeth Parker during her natural li fe four hundred acres of land with a plantation thereon commonly called Di ck's lying and being on Muddy Creek in Cumberland County to be .......on. .........on the back line as on the crook & also Lend her during her Natu ral Life three slaves, Viz: Peter, Jack(?) and Patt and all their increas es to her and her heirs and after her decease my will and desire is that t he above sd: four hundred acres of land together with the sd: three slav es and their increases to be equally divided amongst all the children of s d: Elizabeth Parker to them and their heirs forever.
Item I lend to my wife's Daughter Susanna Brown during her Natural Life fo ur hundred and seventy five acres of Land lying and being on Deep Cre ek in Cumberland County with a plantation thereon ...........the ......... ........house. I also lend her during her Natural Life three slaves Vi z: Daniel Christian and Will and all their increases to her and her hei rs and after her decease my will and desire is that the above sd: four hun dred and seventy five acres of land together with the sd: slaves and the ir increases to be equally divided amongst all the children of the sd: Susanna Brown to them and their heirs forever. But in case the sd Susanna Br own should depart this life without issues of her body then and in that ca se my will and desire is that the above sd: four hundred and seventy fi ve acres of land together with the sd: three slaves and their increas es be equally divided amongst all the rest of her sisters and the survivo rs of them to them and their heirs forever.
Item I lend to my daughter Sarah Powel (?) during her Natural Life thr ee slaves Viz: Dick Nanny and Sarah and their increases to her and her hei rs and after her Decease my will and desire that the above sd: three slav es and their increases be equally divided amongst all the children of t he sd: Sarah Powel(?) to them and their heirs forever.
Item I lend to my beloved daughter Judith Nuckolls during her natural li fe five hundred and twenty five acres of land Lying and being in Cumberla nd County and joining the other lands mentioned ............... .......... ... I also lend her during her Natural Life the three following slav es Viz: ............and Will and their increases. ........and after her de cease my will and desire is that the above sd: five hundred and twenty fi ve acres of land together with the sd: slaves and all their increase be eq ually divided amongstall the children of the sd: Judith Nuckolls to th em and their heirs forever. But in case the sd: Judith Nuckolls should de part this life without issue of her body then and in that case my will a nd desire is that the above sd: five hundred and twenty five acres of la nd together with the sd: three slaves and their increases be equally divid ed amongst all the rest of her sisters or the survivors of them to them a nd their heirs forever.
Item I lend to my daughter Frances Shelton upon the acco.................. ..given up her Right and Title to any of my negroes the two plantations wh ereon I now live Containing by Estimate six hundred and thirteen acres dur ing her Natural Life. I also Lend her during her Natural Life one neg ro of the name Tom and one old negro of the name Jonny to her and her hei rs and after her Decease my will and desire is that the above sd: six hund red and thirteen acres of land with the sd: slaves Tom and Jonny be equal ly divided amongst the children of the sd: Frances Shelton to them and the ir heirs forever. But in case the sd: Frances Shelton should depart th is life without issues of her body then and in that case my will and desi re is that the above sd: six hundred and thirteen acres of land togeth er with the sd: slaves Tom and Jonny and their increases to be equally div ided amongst all the rest of her sisters or the survivors of them to th em and their heirs forever.
Item My will and desire is that after..................................... ..............the rest of my estate not lent or given before be it of wh at quality or nature soever to...............................ving perso ns Viz: Ann Brown Elizabeth Parker Susanna Brown Sarah Powel Judith Nu ckolls and Frances Shelton to them and their heirs forever. But the cr op as is made on my plantation as I now live upon to be .................. .........three girls as live with me Viz: Ann Susanna and Judi th as is made this ongoing year .....................every one a sha re of my Estate may contribute. So much as will find clothing for old Jon ny ....................and to find eatables for her. I Desire my Estate n ot be appraised and I Likewise Constitute and appoint my son-in-law Pet er Shelton and my Loving Brother James Nuckolls to be Sole executors of th is my Last will and Testament....................................as witne ss my hand and seal this first day of July one thousand seven hundred a nd fifty seven.
Item...........................that my daughters Susanna Brown and Judi th Nuckolls may have liberty of working their negroes on the land and plan tations ...................for the term of three years as witness my ha nd and seal this first day of July one thousand seven hundred and fif..... ....en.
Samuel Nucko lls (Wax Seal)
At a Court for Louisa C................August 1757
This Will was this day...............the oaths of all the w itnesses thereto and admitted to
....................Recorded. .......Jas. Littlepa ge Clr. Cor.
Signed in the presence
Andrew Hunter
the mark of
Gorge (mark) Hunter
Pouncey Anderson
Notes of the transcriber (Neil Shelton):
i) This is transcription from a copy of a copy. The original is probab ly in a dusty box somewhere in the Louisa clerk's office. Probably almo st all of this will could be recovered by referring to the original, and m ost by simply referring to the first copy.
ii) There were two other pages which I did not copy. They were photogra phs of the front and the back of the will in the folded state. These had w riting identifying the will and its date.
iii) If you should go look for this will the the book "Wills not Fully Pr oven 1757-1902" please note that cover page (photograph of the front of t he will in folded form) is out of place and is at the end of the other pag es while it should be the first. This makes the will hard to find.
iv) **Sarah Powel may not be a Powel. I had trouble with this surname.
v) I had trouble with the part about Clothing for old Jonny, etc.
vi)The handwriting of the last item (working the slaves) see ms to me to be slightly different.
** Email from Ann Avery Hunter 11/18/2011 [email protected]
Powell is correct. Sarah married Samuel Powell who died in Goochland Co, VA in 1798. Samuel's legal documents name him as Powell, but he used the name Samuel Hunter in daily life, and his two sons took the Hunter name after he died. I believe that Samuel was an illegitimate son of Andrew Hunter of Louisa Co., and Andrew and his son George Hunter were witnesses of Samuel Nuckolls' will.
Book on Frances Shelton Nuckolls:
"Lloyd House" This quaint little saddlebag house, located at the intersec tion of Routes 715 & 610 on the north side of the South Anna River (th is is in the Jackson District of Louisa Co.--I think this would be the sou theast part of the County. I know Green Springs District and Louisa Distr icts which are on the way to Albemarle County), stands on land which was p atented in 1723 by Samuel Nuckolls. When Samuel died, he left this la nd to his daughter, Frances, who married Peter Shelton around 1758. A lie utenant in the Revolutionary War, Peter Shelton died in 1803. In the divi sion of his estate, his daughter, Elizabeth, who in 1778 had married Jo hn Atkinson, received the Lloyd House property. In 1813 the Atkinsons so ld her inheritance of 451 1/2 acres of land to John Shelton, Jr. In 184 5, after the latter's death, the property ended up in a lengthy law suit a nd was finally sold in 1857 to Mtthew Lloyd. No more mention of Nuchols.
Bk 3 p204 Indenture 10 May 1739 Samuel Nuckolls of Hanover Co. sells to
Richard Stain of Carrolind(?) Co. for the sum of 30pds 400ac "on the Sou th side of James River and upon Muddy Creek." Witnesses, William Woodso n, John Sorrell and William T. Wadlow.
Nuckols Bond for Administration of Nuckols Estate/ Aug. 23, 1757/ Aug. 23,
1757 - 1,000 pounds British currency
James Nuckols, Peter Shelton, James Nuckols Junior, Thomas Shelton/ Jam es Nuckols, Peter Shelton, James Nuckols Junior, Thomas Shelton, Thomas Pa ulet, John Petus, William Johnson Condition: James Nuckols and Peter Shel ton as Executors of the will of Samuel Nuckols-(Source-"Louisa County Reco rds You Probably Never Saw of 18th Century Virginia" Compiled By John C. B ell)
Hanover Co, VA
Inventory Bk 1743-1766 p47 Inventory of Samuel Nuckols of Louisa Co. 3 M ay 1758, done by James Nuckols, Peter Shelton. Witnesses, Daniel Targerso n, John Dorbel Sr.
Genealogies of Virginia Families IV, The Poindexter Family - pg 837
Phillip Poindexter, 400 acres in Goochland County at the head of Muddy Cre ek, adjoining lands of Jacob Winfrey, William May and Samuel Nuckolls; gr anted February 12, 1742 to Francis Stegar, and by him assigned to Foli ot Power and by him assigned to said Poindexter, to whom it is now grante d; March 5, 1747
History of Louisa Co, VA pg 6
Land patents , Samuel Nuckolls, 5 September 1723, 400 acres on north si de of the South Anna at Holly Branch
Thomas Shelton and his wife Ann, parents of Peter who married Francis Nuck olls, lived at the Head of Long Creek, Trinity Parish, Louisa Co Va. The ir neighbors were James and Charles Nuckolls. Jane's father Samuel, thou gh he may not have lived in the particular area, was related and Jane a nd Peter may have met during visitation of the Nuckolls. Samuel Nuckolls d id own land on the North Anna River, near Long Creek. (From Cavaliers a nd Pioneers, Patent Book No 12 p140 dated 22 Feb 1724) Samuel Nuckolls w as granted 400A on the North side of the South Anna River at the Mou th of Holly Creek in Hanover county. In part, this would later become Loui sa County.
Goochland County
Page 563 May 14, 1745 from James Bleavin Sr of Brunswick County, to Robe rt Duglis of Goochland fo 30 (pounds) a certain tract of 295 acres of la nd in Goochland and both sides of Little Muddy Cr, and bounded by Richa rd Taylor, said James Bleavin, Ashford Hughes, William Walton, Samuel Nuck ols, which said land was granted to the said James Bleavins by patent dat ed Aug 15, 1737. Signed James his mark Bleavens Wit- Henry Dillon, Eleze be her mark Thyro, Henry Webb, John his mark Blevings.
Observations of this family made by Neil Shelton June 19, 1998 SMTP:Shelto [email protected]
In my overly fertile imagination, I see Samuel Nuckolls marrying a young w idow with three young daughters about 1730-1735. I then see that Samuel a nd Elizabeth have three additional daughters of their own. (Of course t he other possibility is that Samuel could have had his three daughte rs by a previous wife who died.) On July 1 1757 three of the girls are mar ried and three are not. daughter Elizabeth Parker is married and has a chi ld or children. I believe she had at least one child since Samuel did n ot include the contingency clause about ---"But in the cas---should depa rt this life without issues of her body". The other two daughters, Ann Bro wn and Susanna Brown are unmarried and so earn the "issue" clause. Clear ly this Elizabeth was married to a man named Brown before her marria ge to Samuel Nuckolls. Two of the Nuckolls girls, Sarah and Frances, are m arried, Sarah is married to a man named Powell and Frances married to Pet er Shelton. Sarah had at least one child (she is exempt from the issue cla use) and Frances has none (she gets the issue clause; actually, we know in dependently that the first child of Frances Nuckolls and Peter Shelton w as born later in November 1758 and was named after Samuel. Judith Nuckol ls is not married and so gets the issue clause. The three unmarried girl s, Ann, Susanna and Judith are living with Samuel. His wife Elizabeth h as died. I imagine that Judith is the daughter who looks after his person al needs, summons the doctor, etc since he refers to her as "my beloved da ughter Judith Nuckolls". I see Frances Shelton receiving the best proper ty (since it is where Samuel was living) "Nuckolls Neck" in Louisa Count y. At sic hundred and thirteen acres, it was also the largest plot. He com pensated somewhat by giving her only one slave plus another "Old Jonny", w ho was probably too old to work and was just a burden. Samuel was obvious ly fond of Old Jonny, as he wanted to make sure she was provided for wi th respect to clothing and "eatables". I think he gave the best proper ty to Frances since she had recently married Peter Shelton and this coup le was available to move in and take care of the home place. It may be th at Frances and Peter were already managing the plantation and were in cont rol of all of the salves, since Frances is to receive her land "upon the a cco....gave up her Right and Title to any of my negroes.". This phrase wou ld appear to have been inserted to accomodate the concerns fo the other da ughters about some special status Frances had with respect to the slave s. The last sentence of the will which was added as an afterthought may ha ve had something to do with this. It does not make sense that Susanna Bro wn and Judith Nuckolls meed to get permission to work their own negroes f or a term of three years. They have these megroes for life. Something stra nge is going on here. It would appear that Samuel's daughter Sarah Powe ll has already been provided for with respect to land (probably 400-600 ac res) since she is to receive only 3 slaves. The fact that Samuel lent h is land and negroes to these six women for the terms of their lives so th at only the grandchildren would be able to sell any of it upon the dea th of their mother is interesting. This is a two-edged sword. During th is period the men pretty much controlled the wife's property, so Samuel, h as given complete protection to his daughter's property against unscrupulo us husbands who might seize upon it and cast the daughter aside. On the ot her hand, it restricts the daughters to either live on and work the la nd or else rent it out. They cannot sell the land in order to avail themse lves of opportunities to acquire better properties, etc. If they marry m en who are already established on other land, there is likely to be an eco nomic penalty. The will reflects something about the character of Samuel N uckolls. It is clear that Samuel Nuckolls took his wife's three daughte rs and raised them even as his own. He places these three women first in h is will. They receive properties comparable to those given to his own natu ral daughters. The last sentence refers to "my daughters Susann Brown a nd Judith Nuckolls". He has to be admired for this. He is obviously on go od terms with his brother James as he refers to james as "my loving broth er James Nuckolls" and made him executor along with Peter Shelton. The dea th of Samuel Nuckolls must have generated a considerable amount of turmo il and stress in the lives of the three daughters who were living with hi m. They needed to take their negroes and move down to Cumberland Count y. Of course these properties in Cumberland may have been under the direct ion of overseers and the negroes may have already been inplace. I wonder h ow the fared on their own.
"Biographical Dictionary of Early Virginia 1607 -1660"
Kunckles James Subject of a headright 1657 York County
It is my understanding that headright was generally a grant of 50 acres of land for settling in America paid for by the individual or by someone else in his stay. "
(This takes place too early for James born c1650 indicating his fathers name was possibly James also)
James may have been indentured to acquire land. It appears that he was so far from Jamestown, that his inland neighbor could have been Chief Powhatan.
For over three hundred years, there have been Nuckols families in Scotland, so James could have very well been from there. Whatever his roots, James was a yeoman, a man who worked for years to earn the right to a piece of land. A small piece, by the standards of the James River planters, but land of his own, that may still be in the possession of his descendants, some three hundred years later. A letter coped Aug 31, 1957 by Bertha Nuckolls, written by Ann Elizabeth Nuckolls, daughter of Nathaniel Nuckolls, granddaughter of Thomas Nuckolls " ....his ancestors came from Dunfermline, Scotland, and settled in Virginia."" (The author of this biography was a grandaughter of Thomas Nuckolls who married Anne Terry, told to her by her father Nathanial Nuckolls)
History of Ohio, American Historical Society, Chigaco, 1925. Section V pg 302
"While analysis of the surname Nuckols seems to indicate a remote German origin, the American branch of the family traces its lineage to a sturdy Scotchman, who was a substansial shipbuilder in Scotland, where he maintained his home in the City of Glasgow. According to well established family tradition there were nine Nuckols brothers who came from Scotland to America, and their posterity is now scattered about in different states of the union. Investigation made by respresentatives of later generations of the family all seem to indicate a common ancestor, the Glasgow shipbuilder. "
From a self published book by Frances C Griffin, 1313 Butts Station Road, Chesapeake, VA 23320 entitled "Nuckles of Virginia"
"It says by tradition in the Nuckles family that three brothers came from York England. They were merchants. Their names were John, James and William. They came to Jamestown Virginia. They, with the colonists came over and established the first permanent English colony in America....." Further support of this story is found in THE NEW RIVER FRONTIER SETTLEMENT ON THE VIRGINIA-NORTH CAROLINA BORDER 1760-1820 by Paula Hathaway Anderson-Green* Published in the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, V86: pgs. 413-431 ,1978. In Pioneer Settlers, Nuckolls states that according to family tradition three Nuckolls brothers from York, England, came to Jamestown, VA; their descendants spread out in Virginia. From the brother John came a line into Louisa Co., with a John who m. Mary Garland circa 1776. Then circa 1790 John and Mary's family moved from Louisa to New River on Meadow Creek, following a cousin Charles Nuckolls, who came in 1780. Eventually John and Mary returned to Louisa, but several sons remained in the Grayson area, as did descendants (some moved on to TN and KY) see Nuckolls, Ch. III.
From Steven Knuckles
I have heard from other sources that the surname James first used in the states, Nuccol, is the way it was written when he arrived. Lowland Scottish Gaelic pronounces what we would say as "I" as an "uh" sound, thus "Nuccol" vs. "Niccol" as it was probably written when he left Scotland. That being said, he could have possibly been a Nicol which, through the ages, probably had the "Mac", or "son of Nicol" dropped. The Anglicized version of this name is Nicholson (also son of Nichol). A Clan MacNicol existed in the early middle ages (1300s-1500s-ish) in Ross and on the Isle of Skye (Scottish Highlands and the Hebrides). If my reading memory serves, something happened with the paternal hierarchy of the clan and some merging occurred with Clan MacLeod. I would have to read up on this again for better accuracy.
Letter written in 1935 by Samuel Nuckolls from a letter written by Elizabeth Ann Terry Nuckolls Ware from Waco Texas before she died.
About the close of the Revolution, two Nuckolls brothers came and settled in Jamestown, VA. The eldest had married while in England a daughter of Dr Duke who after a while came over too and settled here. The younger brother married late in life and reared a large family which scattered about in Kentucky. The eldest who settled in louisa Co, VA was the father of thomas Nuckolls who married Anne Terry
Bill Pouncey of Monroe GA wrote in 1990 a couple of pages on "the origination in Virginia." He mentions records of John Pounsey (Pouncey) as early as 1651, acquiring land in an area commonly called Hoggpen Neck on the Yorke River. He acquired more land in that area in 1654 and in 1658 sold 1,000 acres of land called Lewis Island, in New Kent County, bounced on the south by Pouncies Creek.
After that, Bill found no other references to the Pouncey name until 173 4, when the name of Anthony Pouncey first appeared in Virginia. He found 4 references to Anthony Pouncey in land records in 1734 and '35. He assumed that Anthony was a man of some wealth and stature and served either as a bondsman or placed his wealth behind bonds given by others. By the 1790 census, no Pounceys remained in the state of Virginia, he wrote. Only in South Carolina did the Pouncey name appear, with a single listing of Anthony Pouncey, undoubtedly a descendent of the original Anthony. That is the extent of Viriginia mentions in his Pouncey history.
Temple Pouncey, Plano, Texas
[email protected]
Mrs. James O Mathis
3778 Summer Lane
Huntsville, TX 77340-8945
Facts show :
Virginia State Land Office Grants
From 1679-1709 #7
Samuel NUCKOLLS 150 acres page 146
Virginia Colonial Abstracts Vol 16
Richmond Co, Records, 1692-1704
"Attachment issued to Sam'll Nuckolls, Merchant of London against the esta te of John Bennett for 919 lb of Tobacco by Bill. Returned attached in t he hands of John Henderson, 772 of Tobacco being the proper estate of Jo hn Bennett this 10th day of 10'br 1699 per James Phillips"
Land Processioning Records 1719
Robert Bumpas, land no process as tenant is sick, George Cox, Thomas Jacks on, Robert Jennings overseer, John Kimbrough, Samuel Nuchels in beha lf of Mr John Perkins, Andrew Spraddling, Cornelius Tinsley, George Vau gh overseer, Watson, Winston.
On 10th of February 1719, The Vestry Book of Saint Paul's Parish (1704-178 6), page 191, "Returns of processioning of land in 1719. At a Vestry he ld at the Lower Church for St. Paul's Parish ye 8bery 10th 1719."
Precinct 27
Page 204, "The lands of Robert Jennings, Geo: Vaughn, Anth: Winston's orph ans Robert Bumpass and Spraddling, John Kimbrough, John Perkins, John Baco n, John Sladding, Thomas Jackson, Cornelius Tinsley, and Wattson, being ma de one precinct, of which Robert Jennings and Geo: Vaughn were overseer s, who made this return, March 30th 1720. We subscribers having compiled w ith our processioning according to the Order of the Vestry quietly witho ut disturbance, accordingly Andrew Spraddling, Geo: Cox, Samuel Nuckle s, in behalf of John Perkins, Cornelius Tinsley, John Sladding, Geo: Vaugh n, Robert Jennings, the land of Robert Bumpass being not processioned by r eason that his tenant was sick, the lands of Thomas Jackson, Anthony Winst on, and Wattson, by reason we could not give them timely notice. Sign ed by Robert Jennings and George Vaughn."
Land Processioning Records 3/2/1721 Ordered that Samuel Knuckles clear a r oad from the upper end of Matlock's road to the upper inhabitants on the n orth side of the South River and he have to assist him: John Bostick, Jo hn Bunch, Isaac John, Mr Thomas Johnson, David Meriwether, Mr Richard Phil lips
Another source gives wife as Joan Wilson
WLLLIAM AND MARY QUARTERLY 47RECORDS OF HANOVER COUNTY.There are on ly two old books in the clerk's Office ofHanover county, Va The oldest, d esignated the "Small Book" in thesenotes, covers the years 1734 and 173 5, and contains orders,wills, deeds, etc. The other, "The Larger Boo k" of these notes is adeed book for 1780-1790.
THE SMALL BOOK, 1734-1735.Jany.,1733.-John Cartcr, Secty of Virginia, comm ission to Augustine Graham, as Clerk of Hanover, July 17 1733.John Henr y, app't Guardian of Elizbeth Bobby, orphan ofThos. Bobby. Thos. Pross er & Benj. Walke, securityfor John Henry. Mary Clayton, widow of Arthur C layton, "being in illhealth" relinquishments. Witness Nat: Anderson & Bartollat Auderson.
Jany 1733
John Nickols (or Nuckals) of St Martin Parish to Pouncy Anderson 188 a. East-side Taylor's Creek, witness Nelson Anderson, Hardin Burnley & Anthony Metcalf.
July 3 1735.-Hugh X Hagan to Wm Nuckols of Caroline Co.
July 3, 1735.-James Numkaes, St. Paul's, to James Qverton St -Martin's E lk Creck.
Patricia Topolski (one of Marvel's great-great-great granddaughters). pato [email protected]
In 1800 Anthony (40010-21000) and brothers James (20010-10100) and Samu el (30010-10010) are located in Marlboro Co, SC pg 56
Anthony Pouncey sold out his property about 1840 to migrate to SC whe re he established several Baptist Churches.
His descendants had not had information about his VA origins and showed t hese children as being born in SC. I had an interesting time with these L DS folks till they began to accept that the family came from VA. I am n ot clear on what FamilySearch information has been corrected to show th at Anthony came from VA after having lived adjacent to his sister Susann ah Pouncey Nuckols.
From Margaret Miller 4/2007 [email protected]
My line is Eliza Vinnie Pouncey>Samuel>Samuel>Roger>Anthony.
Pounceys in SC long before 1790. Don't know when they arrived but during t he 1760's they were living near my ancestor. In 1769 Anthony, Jr., purchas ed the Brown property that was adjacent to my ancestor. [Anthony, Sr., h ad died in 1767 I think it was.] I have them there as early as 1750
I'd have to get into the file for Samuel, Sr., the first to Montgomery Co ., AL., grandson in-law to give you definitive dates...in the late 18tee ns to sometime in the early part of 1820's, he was selling property to t he man believed to have been the father-in-law of Eliza Vinnie Pouncey.
From Norman Nuckols Dec 2013
"Anthony Pouncey, b. ca. 1700 - 1710, d. 1767, was a planter and landowner in Virginia until 1748, when he moved to S.C. He had to be the reason for the naming of Pouncey Tract Road (SR 271) form Short Pump north through Glen Allen. We do not know exactly what tract of land he owned in that area, nor do we know how he related to the Bunch family; we do not know his wife's Lucy's maiden name. The Pounceys did not return to Virginia after Anthony left but had a presence in Marlboro and Darlington Counties, S.C., 1748-1830s.
Next to Leighton Nuckolls
Robert Garland age 93
Clara 59
Malvina 59
Rebecca 49
remember when I was a little girl, Grandma and Janetta were at our hometown Home Coming and Grandma intruduced Janetta to me and said that she had once been her mother....and they both laughed. I was probably only about 6 or 8 years old, don't know exactly, maybe younger, but I doubt it. G randma was then in her 70's. Virginia Valente : VALVIR @aol.com
Henry Randolph is shown twice in the Fredericksville Parish, Albemarle Cou nty during the county's early formation, having had church services in h is home for which he was paid in tobacco. In 1758 Henry, along with a Ja mes Randle (Randolph?) are shown as serving in the Albemarle Company of t he Militia for defense and protection of the frontier against Indians, 15 th VA Regiment #3888, for 3 years. It is not known if Henry was relat ed to James. On May 12, 1769 he received a deed to 200 acres on the head waters of Ivy Creek, having purchased the land from James and Sarah Kerr f or 35 pounds current money, part of a 200 acre tract granted to Charles Hu dson. Robert Gentry (his son, James' future in-laws) also owned proper ty at the headwaters of Ivy Creek, making them neighbors, until the Gentr ys sold the land and moved to North Carolina with their family and James R andolph and others.
Here's a brief chronology of what is known about the family:
1748-50 Henry is shown in Fredericksville Parish as having had church serv ices in his home.
1764 - Thomas (his son) is indebted to Micijah and Robert Clark and refus ed payment.
1769 - Henry bought 200 acres on the headwaters of Ivy Creek
1773 - Mary and their children are founding members of the Albemarle Bapti st Church
1775 - Thomas (his son) bought 50 acres of land on Ivy Creek which he aban doned when he left the county.
1775/6 - James Randolph (Henry's son) and others leave for North Carolin a, later Tennessee
1778 - Henry died and left a Will. Soon thereafter his son Thomas left f or North Carolina/Tennessee.
1789 - Sept. 7. St. Anne's Vestry, Albemarle County, SW District, Mary R andolph is shown as one of the "poor" and financial assistance provid ed by Tarlton Woodson who received monies to help the poor.
1792 - Nov. 15. Daughter Elizabeth married Robert Lane and daughter Susa nnah married Henry Oaks
1795 - Son James died in Tennessee.
1801 - An attempt was made to sell the 200 acres of Henry Randolph (Possib ly Mary had died by this time.)
1817 - Land finally sold
1. Thomas Randolph Jr. (Thomas�son)
(1) Thomas Randolph III, son of Thomas Jr and grandson of Thomas.
A. Thomas Randolph IV, son of Thomas III, grandson of Thomas Jr, and gre at grandson of Thomas
a. Thomas Randolph V, son of Thomas IV, grandson of Thomas III, great-gran dson of Thomas Jr and gr-gr-grandson of Thomas.
B. John Randolph, son of Thomas III, grandson of Thomas Jr. and gr-grands on of Thomas
a. John Randolph JR, son of John, grandson of Thomas III, gr-grandson of T homas Jr. and gr-great grandson of Thomas.
The oldest reference I have in North Carolina is for Wm. Nuckolls 17 15 in Warren Co. (he was a juror in 1715;
(The age is perfect for this William)
He was possibly the father of Charles who appeared in Warren Co, NC
Warren Co, NC Tax list
1771 Charles Nuckles (Col Will Johnson list of ta xables)
1779 Charles Nuckles (married -worth under $100)
1780 Charles Nuckles (assessment 120 lbs)
1786 Charles Nuckles (1 free poll)
Silvester and John NUCHOLS have been proven by DNA to be brothers. They b oth appear
in the 1810 Census and 1811 Tax List for Warren County, NC suggesting the y
are sons of Charles and grandsons of William. Futher DNA testing may gi ve us more indication to the immigrant ancestor.
WLLLIAM AND MARY QUARTERLY 47RECORDS OF HANOVER COUNTY.There are only t wo old books in the clerk's Office ofHanover county, Va The oldest, design ated the "Small Book" in thesenotes, covers the years 1734 and 1735, and c ontains orders,wills, deeds, etc. The other, "The Larger Book" of these no tes is adeed book for 1780-1790.
THE SMALL BOOK, 1734-1735.Jany.,1733.-John Cartcr, Secty of Virginia, comm ission to Augustine Graham, as Clerk of Hanover, July 17 1733.John Henr y, app't Guardian of Elizbeth Bobby, orphan ofThos. Bobby. Thos. Pross er & Benj. Walke, securityfor John Henry. Mary Clayton, widow of Arthur Cl ayton, "being in illhealth" relinquishments. Witness Nat: Anderson & Barto llat Auderson.
Jany 1733
John Nickols (or Nuckals) of St Martin Parish to Pouncy Anderson 188 a. Ea st-side Taylor's Creek, wit-ness Nelson Anderson, Hardin Burnley & Anthony Nickols.
July 3 1735.-Hugh X Hagan to Wm Nuckols of Caroline Co.
July 3, 1735.-James Nuckolss, St. Paul's, to James Qverton St -Martin's E lk Creck.
Requested copy of will 8/2008-�u�[email protected] �/u�I heard from the Louisa County Court House this morning. They sent my check back and said that the information we both wanted and needed was not there.The clerk suggested that we try the Louisa County Historical Society. I just wanted you to know that the info was not found in the courthouse.Have a happy day. I will call or write the Louisa County Historical Society...hopefully, they will know something. 9/6/2008 The members of the Louisa County Historical Society responded this morning but the will has the wrong name.. Someone copied Will Book 1 Page 23... they will check again. Seems this copy of will cannot be found.
Louisa County Wills Will Book I pg 23- 4 March 1747 Susannah Nucholls. Recorded 1751
this quote came from the First Virginia Nuckolls and Kindred by Bertha Nuckolls and we have been searching for years. Pete (Fred) Nuckols finally found the document which is in our source records n the CD. She was actually only a witness on the will of Benjamin Spencer October of 1751 in Loisa Co, VA
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�20 Sep 1919
Event Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio, United States
Age: �tab�23
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1896
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Edwin D. Curl
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Ada Graham
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Frances Gertrude. Lee
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�24
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1895
Spouse's Father: �tab�Noble R. Lee
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Hannah Higby
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�1024
Film Number: �tab�545416
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016845
Image Number: �tab�301
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�06 Jul 1907
Event Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Age: �tab�51
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1856
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Daniel Blose
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Louisa Colbert
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Olive C. Hupp
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�39
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1868
Spouse's Father: �tab�Daniel Hefbbower
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Frances Colwell
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�P-436 # 1972
Film Number: �tab�530190
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016811
Image Number: �tab�258
Feb 10, 1799- By Rev Wm King. Dec 27th. William Hand (Hamd) and Mary Evils iger.
about Raymond P Folkers
Name: �tab�Raymond P Folkers of St Louis MO
Age: �tab�24
Birth Date: �tab�abt 1898
Marriage Date: �tab�29 Aug 1922
Marriage Location: �tab�Clayton, St Louis, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�St Louis
Spouse Name: �tab�Etta May Kelly of St Louis, MO
Spouse Age: �tab�29
Age: �tab�29
Birth Date: �tab�abt 1889
Marriage Date: �tab�28 Aug 1918
Marriage Location: �tab�Claytn, St Louis, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�St Louis
Spouse Name: �tab�Helen Steffer
Spouse Age: �tab�27
Spouse Birth Date: �tab�abt 1891
Marriage Date: �tab�23 Jun 1902
Marriage Location: �tab�Janther, Barton, MO
Marriage County: �tab�Barton
Spouse Name: �tab�Miss Mary E Quick
Birth Date:�tab�
Spouse's Name:�tab�Mary S. Mcgrigor
Spouse's Birth Date:�tab�
Spouse's Birthplace:�tab�
Spouse's Age:�tab�
Event Date:�tab�21 May 1871
Event Place:�tab�Princeton, Caldwell, Kentucky
Father's Name:�tab�
Mother's Name:�tab�
Spouse's Father's Name:�tab�
Spouse's Mother's Name:�tab�
Marital Status:�tab�
Previous Wife's Name:�tab�
Spouse's Race:�tab�
Spouse's Marital Status:�tab�
Spouse's Previous Husband's Name:�tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number:�tab�M01593-1
System Origin:�tab�Kentucky-EASy
GS Film number:�tab�1929335
Reference ID:�tab�Citing this Record:
"Kentucky Marriages, 1785-1979," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/FWB1-J4B : accessed 29 Oct 2014), R. M. Board and Mary S. Mcgrigor, 21 May 1871; citing Princeton, Caldwell, Kentucky, reference ; FHL microfilm 1929335.
Birth Date:�tab�1851
Spouse's Name:�tab�Maggie Wade
Spouse's Birth Date:�tab�1857
Spouse's Birthplace:�tab�Marion Co., Ky.
Spouse's Age:�tab�19
Event Date:�tab�18 May 1876
Event Place:�tab�, Marion, Kentucky
Father's Name:�tab�
Mother's Name:�tab�
Spouse's Father's Name:�tab�
Spouse's Mother's Name:�tab�
Marital Status:�tab�
Previous Wife's Name:�tab�
Spouse's Race:�tab�
Spouse's Marital Status:�tab�
Spouse's Previous Husband's Name:�tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number:�tab�M51771-5
System Origin:�tab�Kentucky-EASy
GS Film number:�tab�174937
Reference ID:�tab�Citing this Record:
"Kentucky Marriages, 1785-1979," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/F473-3PN : accessed 29 Oct 2014), James A. Board and Maggie Wade, 18 May 1876; citing , Marion, Kentucky, reference ; FHL microfilm 174937.
Birth Date:�tab�
Birthplace:�tab�Lebonon, Ky
Spouse's Name:�tab�Nellie Crows
Spouse's Birth Date:�tab�1886
Spouse's Birthplace:�tab�Miltonville, Ohio
Spouse's Age:�tab�27
Event Date:�tab�03 Jul 1913
Event Place:�tab�Butler County, Ohio
Father's Name:�tab�Alfred Board
Mother's Name:�tab�Margaret Wade
Spouse's Father's Name:�tab�Charles Crows
Spouse's Mother's Name:�tab�Anna Whitaker
Marital Status:�tab�
Previous Wife's Name:�tab�
Spouse's Race:�tab�
Spouse's Marital Status:�tab�
Spouse's Previous Husband's Name:�tab�X
Indexing Project (Batch) Number:�tab�M86854-9
System Origin:�tab�Ohio-VR
GS Film number:�tab�0355789
Reference ID:�tab�2:3Z1G3HQCiting this Record:
"Ohio, Marriages, 1800-1958," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XD6Z-YD9 : accessed 29 Oct 2014), Alfred Board in entry for Joseph Board and Nellie Crows, 03 Jul 1913; citing Butler County, Ohio, reference 2:3Z1G3HQ; FHL microfilm 0355789.
Groom's Birth Date �tab� 5/18/1859
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab� 56
Once previously married
Bride's Name �tab� Ella Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab� 9/9/1860
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab� 55
Marriage Date �tab� 10 Feb 1916
Marriage Place �tab� Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab� William Carson
Groom's Mother's Name �tab� Eliza Pearson
Bride's Father's Name �tab� Noah Zerkle
Bride's Mother's Name �tab� Lydia Shaffer
Once married, widow, previous husband Evilsizor
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab� I08947-9
System Origin �tab� Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab� 545416
Birth Date: �tab� 19 Jan 1938
Birth County: �tab� Ramsey
Birth State: �tab� Minnesota
Father: �tab� Matt S. Leritz
Mother: �tab� Dorothy B. Ebilsisor
File Number: �tab� 1938-MN-017448
Event Type: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�29 Dec 1928
Event Place: �tab�Clark, Ohio, United States
Age: �tab�67
Birth Date: �tab�25 Nov 1861
Birth Year (Estimated): �tab�1861
Birthplace: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Father's Name: �tab�Abram Ferryman
Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Wenrick
Spouse's Name: �tab�Lulu Lytle Pendergraft Woods
Spouse's Age: �tab�39
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): �tab�8/1889
married 2 times widowed and divorced,
Pendergraft and Woods
Spouse's Birthplace: �tab�Ross County, Ohio
Spouse's Father's Name: �tab�James Lytle
Spouse's Mother's Name: �tab�Margaret Shockey
Reference ID: Clk, OH Vol33CN19137 , GS Film Number: 466638 , Digital Folder Number: 004016778 , Image Number: 00302
Event Type: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�09 Feb 1909
Event Place: �tab�Lawrence, Ohio, United States
Age: �tab�47
Birth Year (Estimated): �tab�1862
Birthplace: �tab�Boyd Co., Ky.
Father's Name: �tab�Abraham Ferryman
Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Winrick
Spouse's Name: �tab�Lucy Moore
Spouse's Age: �tab�24
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): �tab�1885
divorced from Pope
Spouse's Birthplace: �tab�Lawrence Co., Ky.
Spouse's Father's Name: �tab�Harvey Moore
Spouse's Mother's Name: �tab�Fannie Thompson
Reference ID: p246 cn5452 , GS Film Number: 317724 , Digital Folder Number: 004016338 , Image Number: 00466
Groom �tab�Russell D Williams
Groom's Age �tab�26
Groom's Estimated Birth Year �tab�1924
Groom's Residence �tab�Odin, Marion, Illinois
Bride �tab�Jeanetta Evilsizer
Bride's Name �tab�19
Bride's Estimated Birth Year �tab�1931
Bride's Residence �tab�Nashville, Washington, Illinois
Marriage Date �tab�22 Apr 1950
Marriage License Date �tab�22 Apr 1950
Marriage Place �tab�, Randolph, Arkansas, United States
by Oscar Price, Judge
Film number �tab�2200848
Digital Folder Number �tab�4309480
Image number �tab�00602
Page number �tab�425 book 38
Source �tab�Arkansas County Marriage Records, 1837-1957
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1882
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Mutual, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�25
Bride's Name �tab�Winifred Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1885
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Terre Hauts, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�22
Marriage Date �tab�27 Nov 1907
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�William Redman
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Mary J. Clup
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Isaac Evilsizor
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Amanda Cook
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530190
Reference Number �tab�p 475 cn 2050
Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002
about Miss. Emma Evilsizer
Name: �tab�Miss. Emma Evilsizer
Marriage Date: �tab�30 Dec 1880
Marriage County: �tab�Barton
Spouse Name: �tab�Mr. George Witteman
Marriage Date: �tab�14 Feb 1909
Marriage Location: �tab�Lamar, Barton, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�Barton
Spouse Name: �tab�Charles R Richardson
Marriage Date: �tab�Jul 1900
Marriage Location: �tab�??, Barton, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�Barton
Spouse Name: �tab�Miss. Callie Tucke
Marriage Date: �tab�7 Feb 1922
Marriage Location: �tab�Lamar, Barton, MO
Marriage County: �tab�Jasper
Spouse Name: �tab�Buelah Oehring
Age: �tab�20
Birth Date: �tab�abt 1904
Marriage Date: �tab�14 Nov 1924
Marriage Location: �tab�Jackson, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�Jackson
Spouse Name: �tab�Wallen Cook
Spouse Age: �tab�22
Spouse Birth Date: �tab�abt 1902
Age: �tab�31
Birth Date: �tab�abt 1907
Marriage Date: �tab�24 Feb 1938
Marriage Location: �tab�Jackson, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�Jackson
Spouse Name: �tab�Mildred E Cahill
Spouse Age: �tab�21
Spouse Birth Date: �tab�abt 1917
Age: �tab�21
Birth Date: �tab�abt 1911
Marriage Date: �tab�18 Oct 1932
Marriage Location: �tab�Clay, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�Clay
Spouse Name: �tab�Dudley L Garrett
Spouse Age: �tab�25
Spouse Birth Date: �tab�abt 1907
Titles & Terms �tab�
Event �tab�Marriage
Event Date �tab�28 May 1926
Event Place �tab�Gooding, Idaho
Age �tab�
Estimated Birth Year �tab�
Father �tab�
Father's Titles & Terms �tab�
Mother �tab�
Mother's Titles & Terms �tab�
Spouse �tab�Opal Marie Evilsizer
Spouse's Titles & Terms �tab�
Spouse's Age �tab�
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year �tab�
Spouse's Father �tab�
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms �tab�
Spouse's Mother �tab�
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms �tab�
Reference Number �tab�
Film Number �tab�1433001
Digital Folder Number �tab�4533316
Image Number �tab�00138
Event �tab�Marriage
Event Date �tab�15 Nov 1930
Event Place �tab�Gooding, Idaho
Age �tab�
Estimated Birth Year �tab�
Father �tab�
Father's Titles & Terms �tab�
Mother �tab�
Mother's Titles & Terms �tab�
Spouse �tab�Mary Frances Evilsizer
in the presence of H H Evilsizer
Spouse's Titles & Terms �tab�
Spouse's Age �tab�
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year �tab�
Spouse's Father �tab�
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms �tab�
Spouse's Mother �tab�
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms �tab�
Reference Number �tab�
Film Number �tab�1433001
Digital Folder Number �tab�4533316
Image Number �tab�00265
This marriage not listed in the Marriage Indexes through 1820 fro Champaign County. However according to sources by Mark Carey, these are the sources he found it in:
1) Jean Nathan, �u�Ohio Marriages Recorded in County Courts Throuh 1820: An Index,�/u� The Ohio Genealogical Society (1996).
Volume B, Entry 935, recorded 7 April 1819 of the origninal courthouse records. The Urbana Library looked it up for me on the microfilm of the orignial records.
Evilizor, WilliamSpouse : Jenkins, Nancy Marriage date : Dec 10, 1829 County of record : Champaign Co. Sex : M
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Frances Jane Allison
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�26 May 1859
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02273-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295229
Reference Number �tab�p 148 cn 7156
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Sarah Sheely
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M01901-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�894935
Reference Number �tab�pg 389
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Lucinda Patterson
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�21 Oct 1875
Marriage Place �tab�Washington, Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02354-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�946209
Reference Number �tab�cn4462
Groom's Name �tab�Jonathan Evilsizer
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Lucinda Patterson
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�21 Oct 1875
Marriage Place �tab�, Washington, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M51405-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number �tab�941959
Reference Number �tab�2:25DNLMF
Evilsizer, Allen Gender: The gender of Allen Evilsizer is male. Spouse: Abagail Lennon Marriage Date: Apr 21, 1851 County: Miami County, OH More About: The record can be found at the County Court Records, Film # 0 549804, 0550177 and 0550149-0550151
Groom's Name �tab�Allen Evilsizer
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Abagail Lennon
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�21 Apr 1851
Marriage Place �tab�Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M01093-8
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Springfield News, march 23, 1908 Mrs John Spahr pleasantly entertained at her home in honor of her siste r, Miss Rose Spahr, who became the bride of Irvin Evilsizor at high noon W ednesday, March 18, with a kitchen shower. There were many useful articl es in evidence as tokens of friendship for their life-long friend. The aft ernoon was most pleasantly spent, and at a proper time a delicious lunche on was served.
Groom's Name �tab�Charles I. Evilsizor
Groom's Birth Date �tab�31 Jan 1876
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Bowersville, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�32
Bride's Name �tab�Rosa Spahr
Bride's Birth Date �tab�06 Jun 1878
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Perrintown, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�39
Marriage Date �tab�18 Mar 1908
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Isaac Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Effie Lippincott
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Martin Spahr
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Barbara Craver
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02314-9
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�465397
Reference Number �tab�CN 5235
number of presents were received by Mr and Mrs Geron. Mrs Geron has a host of friends in Tremont City who congratulate both her and her husband in this new adventure, and may their future life be long and happy.
Groom's Name �tab�Jacob Geron
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1877
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Enon, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�27
Bride's Name �tab�Etta Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1879
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�25
Marriage Date �tab�27 Apr 1904
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Adam Geron
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Pettick
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Isaac Evilsizor
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Effie Lippencott
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530190
Reference Number �tab�p 54 # 1210
Groom's Name �tab�Claud Henry Brown
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1880
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Washington, C.H
Groom's Age �tab�29
Bride's Name �tab�Almira Jane Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1881
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Urbana Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�28
Marriage Date �tab�30 Mar 1909
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Calvin Brown
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Mechlin
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Isaac Evilsizor
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Effie Lippencott
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530190
Reference Number �tab�p 58 # 116
Groom's Name �tab�Herbert Ellsworth Evilsizor
Groom's Birth Date �tab�20 Jul 1896
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�22
Bride's Name �tab�Bessie Marie Plantz
Bride's Birth Date �tab�13 Dec 1894
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�23
Marriage Date �tab�05 Sep 1918
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Isaac Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Effie Lippincott
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Charles Plantz
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Arabelle Noel
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02314-4
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�465400
Reference Number �tab�v28 p222 no12167
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Lillie Linebaugh
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�26 May 1895
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02315-1
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�465394
Reference Number �tab�MAR - Page 25
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1896
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Mary L. Grube
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1895
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�22
Marriage Date �tab�16 Jun 1917
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Oren W. Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Lillie Linebaugh
Bride's Father's Name �tab�James E. Grube
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Apple
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�I08948-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545416
Reference Number �tab�p314
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1904
Groom's Birthplace �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�19
Bride's Name �tab�Eva Baker
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1904
Bride's Birthplace �tab�, Camden, Ind.
Bride's Age �tab�19
Marriage Date �tab�14 Aug 1923
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�O. W. Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Lillie Linebough
Bride's Father's Name �tab�William D. Baker
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Rosetta Ballentine
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02319-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545417
Reference Number �tab�636
Groom's Birth Date �tab� 16 Dec 1906
Groom's Birthplace �tab� St Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab� 22
Bride's Name �tab� Mabel W Carnahan
Bride's Birth Date �tab� 06 Mar 1911
Bride's Birthplace �tab� Springfield, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab� 18
Marriage Date �tab� 28 Nov 1929
Marriage Place �tab� Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab� Oren W Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab� Lillie Linebaugh
Bride's Father's Name �tab� James W Carnahan
Bride's Mother's Name �tab� Amelia E Ryder
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab� Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab� Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab� M02313-7
System Origin �tab� Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab� 466638
Reference Number �tab� Clk, OH Vol34CN19698
Groom's Birth Date �tab�13 Dec 1908
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�22
Bride's Name �tab�Savannah Williams
Bride's Birth Date �tab�12 Aug 1909
Bride's Birthplace �tab�New Carlisle, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�21
Marriage Date �tab�03 Jul 1931
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�O W Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Lilly Linebaugh
Bride's Father's Name �tab�William F Williams
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Edna Ellis
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02313-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�466638
Reference Number �tab�Clk, OH Vol34CN20523
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Mary Arnold
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�04 Jan 1838
Marriage Place �tab�, Guernsey, Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M01901-9
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�894935
Reference Number �tab�pg 224
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Hester Johnston
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�26 Aug 1838
Marriage Place �tab�, Guernsey, Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M01901-9
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�894935
Reference Number �tab�pg 244
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Mary Elisabeth Kale
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�24 Mar 1879
Marriage Place �tab�, Wood, Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M01109-9
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�409700
Reference Number �tab�P. 467
Mr Ebenezer F T Evilsizer Miss Elizabeth Baker I hereby certify that on the 23 day of February, 1860, I joined in marriag e, Mr Ebenezer F T Evilsizer and Miss Elizabeth baker. Joshua Cecil, V D M Filed and recorded this 28 day of May 1860 Record of Marriages Vol 1 & 2 , Page 384
Groom's Name �tab�Ebenezer Timley Thompson Evilsizer
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Elizabeth Baker
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�23 Feb 1860
Marriage Place �tab�Noble County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M01110-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�930092
Reference Number �tab�it 1 P. 384
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Susanna Hardesty
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�26 Apr 1890
Marriage Place �tab�Noble County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M01056-8
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�930095
Reference Number �tab�v 7 p76
Marriage Date: �tab�14 Nov 1933
Marriage Location: �tab�Linneus, Linn, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�Linn
Spouse Name: �tab�Julia Lee Littrell
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�21 or over
Bride's Name �tab�Ellen Evilsizer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�18 or over
Marriage Date �tab�25 Jun 1874
Marriage Place �tab�, Wood, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M01109-9
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Ohio marriages site his name as Nathan Dye age 21 in 1855
Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994
marriage:�tab�14 Oct 1869�tab�Champaign, Ohio, United States
spouse:�tab�Rebecca Bissett
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1846
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�20
Bride's Name �tab�Eliza Jane Evilsizer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1848
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�18
Marriage Date �tab�05 Sep 1866
Marriage Place �tab�Miami, Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�I01462-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1954036
Reference Number
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Penette Metts
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�31 Jul 1874
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02272-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295229
Reference Number �tab�pg 485, cn 10617
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Sarah Evilsizer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�03 Dec 1871
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02272-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295229
Reference Number �tab�pg 366a, cn 10021
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Rosetta Evilsizer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�06 Sep 1874
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02272-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295229
Reference Number �tab�pg 488, cn 10632
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�05 Nov 1917
Event Place: �tab�Clark, Ohio
Age: �tab�19
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1898
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�John Lellis
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Annie Tucker
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Gladys Neer
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1895
Spouse's Father: �tab�Luther Neer
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Mollie Loveless
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�v27 p523 no11569
Film Number: �tab�465400
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016782
Image Number: �tab�297
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1863
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�22
Bride's Name �tab�Effie Watts
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1863
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�22
Marriage Date �tab�28 Jun 1885
Marriage Place �tab�,White, Arkansas
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M75088-3
System Origin �tab�Arkansas-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1024568
Reference Number �tab�p 240
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1890
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Sarahsville, O.
Groom's Age �tab�21 on 9/9/1910
Occ- Tinnier plumber
Bride's Name �tab�Ada Sanford
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1894
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Dexter City, O.
Bride's Age �tab�17 on 8/29/1910
Marriage Date �tab�22 Mar 1911
Marriage Place �tab�Noble, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Joshua Evilsizer
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Elmina Balis
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Edward B. Sanford
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Loudeker
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02352-4
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�930097
Reference Number �tab�v 11 p 77
Marriage Date: �tab�2 Mar 1882
Marriage Location: �tab�Richmond, Ray, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�Ray
Spouse Name: �tab�John Amey
The bridegroom was attired in a suit of solid black, which added greatly to his appearance. The bridesmaid, Miss Dellie Evilsizer was dressed in lavender, trimmed in satin which was very becoming. Alvah Cummins, brother of the bride, groomsman, was dressed in black. Congratulations.
The party prepared to the home of the bridegroom's father, where a bountiful repast was awaiting their arrival. John is the youngest son of Mr. Evilsizer, one of the old settlers of Ray County. Wishing them a long, happy and prosperous life, uncrowded by sorrow are the sentiments of an OLD FRIEND.
I tried to get information about my grandparents' divorce by writing the
county clerk at Greenwood County, Ks. My letter was given to the Kansas Greenwood Historical Society, where a very nice volunteer checked all the records and wrote to me that she could find nothing. She suggested I write to Elk County, explaining that that Severy was so close to the county line that the couple might have obtained a divorce in Elk County, even though they were residents of Severy in Greenwood County.Unfortunately when I wrote to Elk County, the reply was that Elk County has no divorce records before 1906 because their courthouse burned in 1905 and they lost all the county school records and a lot of probate court records too. (Source Marion Kelliher)
Name: �tab�John Evelsizer
Marriage Date: �tab�4 Sep 1881
Marriage Location: �tab�Ray, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�Ray
Spouse Name: �tab�Estella Cummins
(I suggest this date is actually 1881, before they married)
event: �tab�Intended Marriage 9/3/1919
event place (standardized): �tab�Marion, Ohio, United States
event place (other): �tab�
age: �tab�22 on Nov 8 1918
estimated birth year: �tab�1897
birth date: �tab�
birthplace: �tab�Italy
father: �tab�Tony Galate
father's titles & terms: �tab�
mother: �tab�Angela Telnia
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse: �tab�Rosa Hamilton
spouse's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse's age: �tab�18 on Feb 4, 1919
spouse's estimated birth year: �tab�1901
spouse's birthplace: �tab�Westville Ohio
spouse's father: �tab�Charles E Hamilton
spouse's father's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse's mother: �tab�Blanch Hazlet
spouse's mother's titles & terms: �tab�
reference number: �tab�
film number: �tab�384248
digital folder number: �tab�004016609
image number: �tab�00625
Citing this Record "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images,
FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XZ2T-JXZ : accessed 01 Nov 2012), Charley Galate and Rosa Hamilton, 1919; citing reference , FHL microfilm 384248.
She married second, before 1940
name: �tab�William Wesley Bonham
event: �tab�Death
event date: �tab�27 Oct 1944
event place: �tab�Marion, Marion, Ohio
residence: �tab�Marion, Marion, OH
street address: �tab�
gender: �tab�Male
death age: �tab�76
marital status: �tab�Married
race: �tab�w
occupation: �tab�section laborer
birth date: �tab�05 Sep 1868
birthplace: �tab�, Union, OH
estimated birth year: �tab�1868
burial date: �tab�31 Oct 1944
burial place: �tab�, Union, OH
cemetery: �tab�Price
father: �tab�Elross Bonham
father's titles & terms: �tab�
father's birthplace: �tab�, Marion, OH
mother: �tab�Elizabeth Cheney
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
mother's birthplace: �tab�, Marion, OH
spouse: �tab�Rose Hamilton
spouse's titles & terms: �tab�
reference number: �tab�fn 63400
film number: �tab�2032407
digital folder number: �tab�4057841
image number: �tab�1446
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XZTD-MQ8 : accessed 01 Nov 2012), William Wesley Bonham, 1944; citing reference fn 63400, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Isabel Sifers
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�19 Dec 1852
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
ndexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02272-8
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295229
Reference Number �tab�p 211 cn 5624
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Elizabeth Evilsizer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�04 Sep 1853
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02272-8
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295229
Reference Number �tab�p 254 cn 5785
Groom's Name �tab�Edon Evilsizer
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Emily J. Low
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�24 Sep 1857
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02272-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295229
Reference Number �tab�p 74 cn 6702
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Maria Evilsizer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�14 Aug 1859
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02273-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295229
Reference Number �tab�p 155 cn 7187
Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg30 Oct 23 1866 Minute book 28 pg 484 Thomas Burns vs Luaner Burnes for divorce on adultry, they were married 17 Sep 1857 in Champaign County. ON 14 Dec 1866 the marriage was dissolved, her maiden name was Luaner Evilsizer, the adultery was with Henry Ashenfelter in Indiana. She was accused of living with him in Park Co, IN f or a period of 6 months. No children were mentioned.
Groom's Name �tab�Thomas A. Burns
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Luanna Evilsizer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�17 Sep 1857
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02272-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295229
Reference Number �tab�p 73 cn 6701
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�01 Apr 1909
Event Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Age: �tab�21
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1888
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Henry Hecker
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Ida May Colbert
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Mabel Alta Neese
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1891
Spouse's Father: �tab�R. B. Neese
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Laura Weaver
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p 59 # 117
Film Number: �tab�530190
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016811
Image Number: �tab�392
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Mary Margaret Evilsizer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�22 Jan 1861
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02273-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295229
Reference Number �tab�p 223 cn 7508
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Date of Birth �tab�
Groom's Place of Birth �tab�
Groom's Residence �tab�
Groom's Number of Marriage �tab�
Groom's Father �tab�
Groom's Mother �tab�
Bride �tab�Mary M Gannon
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Date of Birth �tab�
Bride's Place of Birth �tab�
Bride's Residence �tab�
Bride's Number of Marriage �tab�
Bride's Father �tab�
Bride's Mother �tab�
Informant Name �tab�
Date of License �tab�08 Jan 1900
County of License �tab�Blackford
Date of Marriage �tab�10 Jan 1900
Place of Marriage �tab�, Blackford, Indiana
Official �tab�
Record Number �tab�2304
GSU Film Number �tab�1672563
Digital GS Number �tab�4201886
Digital Image Number �tab�00650
Number of Images �tab�1
Groom's Birth Date �tab�05 Nov 1906
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Esther G Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab�31 Jul 1907
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�21
Marriage Date �tab�14 Oct 1928
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Fred Bryant
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Blanche A Reed
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Clem Evilsizor
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Urba Walker
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02313-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�466638
Reference Number �tab�Clk, OH Vol33CN19015
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1854
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Boothville, West Va.
Groom's Age �tab�53
Bride's Name �tab�Susan M. Mitchman
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1879
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Mad River Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�28
Marriage Date �tab�22 Sep 1907
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Robert P. Nixon
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Catharine C. Hayhurst
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Thomas Mitchman
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Rosetta Evilsizor
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530190
Reference Number �tab�p 454 cn 2008
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Ida L. Edministon
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�07 Oct 1893
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02316-8
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530189
Reference Number �tab�CN 4069
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Mary W. Evilsizer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�14 Nov 1894
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02316-8
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530189
Reference Number �tab�CN 4495
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Emitine Evilsizer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�19 Jul 1866
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02272-6
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295229
Reference Number �tab�pg 99, cn ..
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Hannah L. Zerkle
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�24 May 1871
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02272-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295229
Reference Number �tab�pg 344, cn 9903
Groom's Name �tab�Jasper Evilsizer
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Emma L. Hamilton
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�17 Sep 1891
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
ndexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02316-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530188
Reference Number �tab�Pg. 511 Vol. J
Groom's Name �tab�William H. Sagers
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Fannie Evilsizer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�20 Dec 1894
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02316-8
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530189
Reference Number �tab�CN 4544
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Anna Hamilton
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�21 Dec 1892
Marriage Place �tab�Urbana Township, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02316-8
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530189
Reference Number �tab�CN 3788
Event Type: �tab� Marriage
Event Date: �tab� 28 Nov 1889
Event Place: �tab� Champaign, Ohio, United States
Spouse's Name: �tab� Essie Haney
Reference ID: Pg. 379 Vol. J , GS Film Number: 530188 , Digital Folder Number: 004016809 , Image Number: 00227
Groom's Name �tab�Lemuel Evilsizor
Groom's Birth Date �tab�31 Oct 1869
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Bowlesville, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�33
Bride's Name �tab�Rena Hiestand
Bride's Birth Date �tab�10 Jan 1883
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Husted, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�19
Marriage Date �tab�28 Aug 1902
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Edward Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Emily J. Low
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Henry Hiestand
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Lavina Meese
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02315-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�465396
Reference Number �tab�bk 19 p 356 cn 1856
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1859
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�21 or over
Bride's Name �tab�Emma Evilsizer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1862
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�18
Marriage Date �tab�25 Nov 1880
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02273-5
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Louisa Smith
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�11 Apr 1894
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02316-8
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530189
Reference Number �tab�CN 4269
Groom's Name �tab�Edwin Jason Evilsizer
(signed his name Edwin)
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1870
Groom's Birthplace �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�53 on 12/16/1922
Bride's Name �tab�Alice Evilsizer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1884
Bride's Birthplace �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�39 on 4/30/1923
Marriage Date �tab�21 Jul 1923
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Ed Evilsizer
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Emma J. Lowe
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Charles True
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Ross Englebart
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Evilsizer
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02319-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545417
Reference Number �tab�619
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Elizabeth Place
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�25 Dec 1893
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02316-8
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530189
Reference Number �tab�CN 4173
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1878
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Bowlusville, Clark Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�32
Bride's Name �tab�Elnora Sheets
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1882
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Danbury, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�28
Marriage Date �tab�06 Apr 1910
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Eddon Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Emma Lowe
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John Teet
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Lucy Rino Witter
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Sheets
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530190
Reference Number �tab�P 148 # 294
Groom's Birth Date �tab�30 Jul 1877
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�22
Bride's Name �tab�Lydia R. Hughes
Bride's Birth Date �tab�Apr 1882
Bride's Birthplace �tab�???, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�17
Consent by father William Hughes
Marriage Date �tab�27 Jul 1899
Marriage Place �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Edw. Evilsizer
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Emily J. ...
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Wm. Hughes
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Anne Goodson
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M01498-1
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�465395
Reference Number �tab�bk1896-98 p115
He was never called or known by Walter, always "Roy" or "Leroy."
Source-Sherry McKinney [email protected] (X)
Groom's Name �tab�Walter Leroy Morris
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1892
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�22
Bride's Name �tab�Florence Edith Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1895
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�19
Marriage Date �tab�26 Aug 1914
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Edward Morris
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Taylor
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Jason Evilsizor
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Eliza Smith
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�I08947-9
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545416
Reference Number �tab�p12
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1876
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�29 on July 20, 1905
Bride's Name �tab�Bertha May King
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1887
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Urbana Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�18 on 11/22/1905
Marriage Date �tab�12 Dec 1905
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Solomen Evilsizer
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Lippencott
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Joshua King
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Anabel Mason
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530190
Reference Number �tab�P 243# 1586
by Rev Isaac Evilsizer
Groom's Birth Date �tab� 1872
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab� 43
Bride's Name �tab� Carrie Ester Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab� 1880
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab� 35
Marriage Date �tab� 30 Dec 1915
Marriage Place �tab� Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab� John H. Engle
Groom's Mother's Name �tab� Margaret M. Davis
Bride's Father's Name �tab� Solomon Evilsizor
Bride's Mother's Name �tab� Mary Lippencott
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab� I08947-9
System Origin �tab� Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab� 545416
Reference Number �tab� p154
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�14 Jan 1892
Event Place: �tab�Clark, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Viola Circle
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Spouse's Father: �tab�
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�MAR - Page 103
Film Number: �tab�465394
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016787
Image Number: �tab�91
I have a four generation photo with Sarah as the great, great, grandmoth er and my husband's mother as the infant (b. 1 Apr. 1910). The photo was tak en on Sarah's 88th birthday, 14 March 1911, in Springfield at the ho me of their daughter Ida (Morris) Baylor.
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Louisa Eipper
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�31 Oct 1897
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Groom's Birth Date �tab�26 Apr 1902
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Logan Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Bertha Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab�20 Oct 1903
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�20
Marriage Date �tab�24 Oct 1923
Marriage Place �tab�Clark Couty, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Ira L. Harris
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah E. Baldwin
Bride's Father's Name �tab�H. A. Evilsizor
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Louisa Eipper
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02313-8
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�466637
Reference Number �tab�p 198 15955
Occ-pressman Father : Walton Mother-AliceBiggle
First marriage
Geneva Evilsizer age 23 res-1900E 57th st Springfield
Father- Henry Evilsizer, Mother-Louise Eipper
Married once, married name Palmer , div 336644 C P Ct
by Charles DeBow app#251778 12/21/1929 married 12/23/1929
Groom's Name �tab�Clemen Ellsworth Evilsizor
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1873
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�29
Bride's Name �tab�Urba May Walker
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1881
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�21
Marriage Date �tab�19 Feb 1902
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Lewis Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Morris
Bride's Father's Name �tab�James Walker
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Emma Metz
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02316-9
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530189
Reference Number �tab�cn M-747 P374
Groom's Birth Date �tab�02 Aug 1902
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Nellie Estella Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab�09 Feb 1903
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�21
Marriage Date �tab�15 Jul 1924
Marriage Place �tab�Clark Couty, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John H. Stratton
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�May Crabill
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Clem Evilsizor
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Urba Walker
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02313-8
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�466637
Reference Number �tab�p 427 16413
Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994
birth:�tab�1874�tab�West Lancaster, Ohio
marriage:�tab�15 Oct 1899�tab�Greene, Ohio, United States
parents:�tab�Amos Bryant, Eliza Allen
spouse:�tab�Blanch Reed
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�19 Jul 1892
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Mccarthy, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Helen L. Zerkel
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�21 Aug 1892
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Dayton, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�22
Marriage Date: �tab�27 Jun 1915
Marriage Place: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Abraham Scott
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Cassie Anthony
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Mcclelland Zerkel
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Limbaugh
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M86851-9
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0465399
Reference Number: �tab�2:3JNQN4K
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1869
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Indiana
Groom's Age �tab�52
Bride's Name �tab�Lydia Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1878
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�43
Marriage Date �tab�29 Mar 1921
Marriage Place �tab�Hamilton County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�N. A. Crabill
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Harriet Musselman
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Louis Evilsizor
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Jane Morris
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Gentis
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02286-6
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�384172
Reference Number �tab�v 316 cn 6
At the parsonage of the M E church at Westville, OH, the Rev A D Maddox tied the marriage knot last Wednesday afternoon binding Earl Gentis and Miss Lydia Evilsizor. The happy couple have our congratulations. May their future lives be happy to each.
Groom's Name �tab�Earl Gentis
Groom's Birth Date �tab�24 Oct 1878
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Bowlusville, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�24
Bride's Name �tab�Lydia Evilsiser
Bride's Birth Date �tab�25 Dec 1877
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Tremont City, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�25
Marriage Date �tab�25 Feb 1903
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�David Gentis
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Jennie Wolf
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Ronis Evilsiser
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah E. Morris
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02315-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�465396
Reference Number �tab�bk 19 p 495 cn 2134
Groom's Birth Date �tab�12 Nov 1879
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�42
Bride's Name �tab�Mary Jane Tihah Thompson
Bride's Birth Date �tab�04 Aug 1882
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Madison County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�39
Marriage Date �tab�20 Oct 1921
Marriage Place �tab�, Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�David Gentis
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Jennie Wolfe
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Dennis Tehan
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Quirk
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�Thompson
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02314-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�465401
Reference Number �tab�14586
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1880
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Fairmont City, Clark,
Groom's Age �tab�23
Bride's Name �tab�Viola May Wolfe
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1880
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Circleville, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�23
Marriage Date �tab�04 Aug 1903
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Lewis Evilsiser
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Morse
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John D. Wolfe
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Catherine Critts
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02316-9
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530189
Reference Number �tab�cn 1059
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Houtz
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1862
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�13 May 1880
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1881
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�34
Bride's Name �tab�Rosa B. Steinmetz
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1875
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�40
Marriage Date �tab�29 Dec 1915
Marriage Place �tab�Franklin, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Louis Evilsizer
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Morris
Bride's Father's Name �tab�William Barber
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Ella Jones
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02359-5
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1854966
Reference Number �tab�p 575
Groom's Birth Date �tab�12 May 1886
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�28
Bride's Name �tab�Amelia M. Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab�17 Sep 1887
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Tremont City, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�27
Marriage Date �tab�26 Nov 1914
Marriage Place �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Jacob Holl
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Anna Heil
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Lewis Evilsizor
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Morris
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02314-6
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�465399
Reference Number �tab�V26, CN 9530
Groom's Birth Date �tab�06 May 1879
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Butler County, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�29
Bride's Name �tab�Ollie Edna Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab�28 Jul 1889
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Tremont, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�20
Marriage Date �tab�25 Feb 1909
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�B. H. Greene
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Rebecca Wykoff
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Louis Evilsizor
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah E. Morris
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Married
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02314-9
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�465397
Reference Number �tab�CN 5760
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�01 Jun 1876
Event Place: �tab�Hamilton, Butler, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Jennie R. Hykoff
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�21 Jan 1874
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Logan County, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�26
Bride's Name: �tab�V. Gertrude Ludlow
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�02 Nov 1875
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�25
Marriage Date: �tab�27 Jun 1900
Marriage Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�George W. Hulsizer
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Anna Lyle
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�James W. Ludlow
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Margaret A. Mead
Groom's Race:
Groom's Birth Date �tab�07 May 1890
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�26
Bride's Name �tab�Lida Maude Foose
Bride's Birth Date �tab�13 Feb 1891
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Athens Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�25
Marriage Date �tab�25 Dec 1916
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Lewis Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Maurice
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Charles Foose
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Frances Adams
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02314-3
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�465400
Reference Number �tab�v 27 p 174 # 10870
Groom's Name �tab�Marshall Evilsizor
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1892
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Tremont City, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�38
Bride's Name �tab�Lela Barnhart
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1903
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Illinois
Bride's Age �tab�27
Marriage Date �tab�18 Jan 1930
Marriage Place �tab�Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Louis Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Morris
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Walter Barnhart
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Fager
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02319-9
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�550157
Reference Number �tab�Vol 17 cn 34129
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�18 Sep 1883
Event Place: �tab�Licking County, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Fannie C. Adams
Maraige application ays born in 1875, but that is too close to sister Id a, so either he was born in 1874 or sister Ida was born in 1877
Groom's Name �tab�Frank Evilsizor
Groom's Birth Date �tab�27 Dec 1873
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�26
Bride's Name �tab�Mable Dear
Bride's Birth Date �tab�11 Mar 1879
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Bowlusville, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�22
Marriage Date �tab�25 Dec 1901
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�P...Netta Metz
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John Dear
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Vides
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02315-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�465396
Reference Number �tab�bk 19 p 174 cn 1491
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Lottie Evilsizer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�27 May 1897
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530189
Reference Number �tab�cn 5479
Groom's Birth Date �tab�27 Feb 1900
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�25
Bride's Name �tab�Gertrude W. Stiner
Bride's Birth Date �tab�05 May 1904
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�22
Marriage Date �tab�08 Sep 1926
Marriage Place �tab�Clark Couty, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Phillip Geron
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Lottie E. Evilsizor
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Lee Stiner
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Winnie Jaggers
Groom's Race �tab�White
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�White
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02313-8
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�466637
Reference Number �tab�p 440 17715
Groom's Name �tab�Worden Jacob Michael Hupp
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1880
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Fremont City, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�22
Bride's Name �tab�Carrie Adell Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1882
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Urbana Twp.
Bride's Age �tab�20
Marriage Date �tab�11 Jun 1902
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John T. Hupp
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Alice K. Zirkle
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John Evilsizor
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Benetto Metz
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02316-9
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530189
Reference Number �tab�cn M-819 P410
Groom's Birth Date �tab� 1884
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab� 31
Bride's Name �tab� Mary Esther Jones
Bride's Birth Date �tab� 1884
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab� 31
Marriage Date �tab� 31 Dec 1915
Marriage Place �tab� Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab� John T. Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab� Pernetta Metz
Bride's Father's Name �tab� George Wesley Jones
Bride's Mother's Name �tab� Fannie T. Ray
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab� I08947-9
System Origin �tab� Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab� 545416
Reference Number �tab� p155
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1887
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Brown County, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Ethel Mary Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1888
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Urbana Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�20
Marriage Date �tab�26 Feb 1908
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Philip Weimer
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Anna Walters
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John T. Evilsizor
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Nettie Metz
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530190
Reference Number �tab�p 498 cn 2095
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1891
Groom's Birthplace �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�29
Bride's Name �tab�Cleo Stevens
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1895
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Mad River, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�25
Marriage Date �tab�03 Nov 1920
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John T. Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Pernette Aleshire
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Hamilton Stevens
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Ruth Baker
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02319-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545417
Reference Number �tab�155
Groom's Birth Date �tab�23 Sep 1894
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�23
Bride's Name �tab�Lola Leona Thomas
Bride's Birth Date �tab�06 Mar 1898
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�19
Marriage Date �tab�24 Jan 1918
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Pernetta Metz
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Grant Thomas
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Ina Knedler
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02314-4
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�465400
Reference Number �tab�v 28 p 13 no 11748
by Karen Walker
Wednesday, OTHOE BAKER and MARY MERRITT were quietly md by the grooms Uncle REV. WATKINS, at his home in Greenville, Darke Co., OH. For a while they will reside with the bride's parents, BYRON MERRITT'S, south of Conover
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�30 Oct 1919
Event Place: �tab�Clark, Ohio
Age: �tab�31
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1888
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Nathan Griest
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Emeline Getz
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Edna Steincamp
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�27
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1892
Spouse's Father: �tab�Edward Steincamp
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Carrie Summerville
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�v28 p612 #12946
Film Number: �tab�465400
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016782
Image Number: �tab�692
Ohio, Marriages, 1800-1958
marriage:�tab�15 Dec 1898�tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
spouse:�tab�Flora B. Develvis
Groom's Birth Date �tab�04 Jan 1878
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Terre Haute, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�25
Bride's Name �tab�Alice Overholser
Bride's Birth Date �tab�26 Sep 1883
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Tremont City, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�20
Marriage Date �tab�24 Dec 1903
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Thomas H. Nitchman
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Rosetta Evilsizor
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Abram Overholser
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Hesther J. Kessler
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02315-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�465396
Reference Number �tab�bk 20 p 196 cn 2719
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�12 Apr 1921
Event Place: �tab�Adams, Ohio
Age: �tab�22
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1899
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�J. N. Litreal
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mahala Marenen
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Etta Ethel Monroe
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�16
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1905
Spouse's Father: �tab�Marcus M. Monroe
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Myrtel Stephenson
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�Vol 3 p
Film Number: �tab�545188
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016844
Image Number: �tab�124
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1854
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Boothville, West Va.
Groom's Age �tab�53
Bride's Name �tab�Susan M. Mitchman
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1879
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Mad River Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�28
Marriage Date �tab�22 Sep 1907
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Robert P. Nixon
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Catharine C. Hayhurst
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Thomas Mitchman
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Rosetta Evilsizor
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530190
Reference Number �tab�p 454 cn 2008
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1874
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Ireland
Groom's Age �tab�33
Bride's Name �tab�Olo Nitchman
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1883
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Madriver Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�24
Marriage Date �tab�24 Dec 1907
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Barnerd Rooney
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Harrison
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Thomas Nitchman
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Rosetta Evilsizor
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530190
Reference Number �tab�p 485 cn 2069
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1888
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�25
Bride's Name �tab�Lola Nitchman
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1885
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Madriver Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�28
Marriage Date �tab�23 Mar 1913
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�William Roach
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Overholser
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Thomas Nitchman
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Rosetta Evilsizer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530190
Reference Number �tab�P 434 Cn 866
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1887
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Mad River Twp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�22
Bride's Name �tab�Mary Davis
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1888
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Mercer Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�21
Marriage Date �tab�18 Jan 1909
Marriage Place �tab�Auglaize Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Thomas Nitchman
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Rosetta Evilrizer
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Horace M. Davis
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mary E. Lehman
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02355-5
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1889
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Madriver Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�24
Bride's Name �tab�Edith W. Shaffer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1892
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Mad River, Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�21
Marriage Date �tab�05 Jun 1913
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Thomas H. Nitchman
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Rosetta Evilsizor
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Hulda A. Shaffer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530190
Reference Number �tab�P 450 Cn 899
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1881
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Pike County, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�30
Bride's Name �tab�Mary Catharine Nitchman
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1891
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Madriver Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�20
Marriage Date �tab�31 Dec 1911
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�George Runyan
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Catharine Groves
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Thomas H. Nitchman
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Rosetta Evilager
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530190
Reference Number �tab�p 319 cn 636
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1894
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Jackson, Jackson, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�27
Bride's Name �tab�Christina Nitchman
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1894
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Mad River, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�27
Marriage Date �tab�26 Jun 1921
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Miles Londenback
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Dora Merica
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Thomas Nitchman
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Rosetta Evilsizor
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02319-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545417
Reference Number �tab�289
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Tabitha A. Longbrake
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�
Marriage Date: �tab�16 Feb 1871
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M75302-4
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0295229
Reference Number: �tab�2:3QJBR6T
Married second
CURL, JOHN M -CRAMER, MAY CHRISTINA 1882-01-01 �tab�D �tab�51 �tab�656 �tab�JASPER Co IL
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�23 Jun 1906
Event Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Age: �tab�50
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1856
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�John P. Dick
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Diana Marshall
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Mary E. Idle
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�34
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1872
Spouse's Father: �tab�Ross Barger
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�P313 #1725
Film Number: �tab�530190
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016811
Image Number: �tab�195
Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994
marriage:�tab�26 Dec 1850�tab�Clark, Ohio, United States
spouse:�tab�Ambrose Neese
event: �tab�Marriage 3/30/1899
event place (standardized): �tab�Champaign, Ohio, United States
event place (other): �tab�
age: �tab�60 on 7/4/1899, married 3 times
estimated birth year: �tab�1839
birth date: �tab�
birthplace: �tab�Union Co., Ohio
father: �tab�Elisha Decker
father's titles & terms: �tab�
mother: �tab�Margaret Duval
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse: �tab�Loretta F. Hudson
spouse's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse's age: �tab�52 on 3/16/1899, married 3 times, divorced.
spouse's estimated birth year: �tab�1847
spouse's birthplace: �tab�Mechanicsburg, Ohio
spouse's father: �tab�Joseph Woodward
spouse's father's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse's mother: �tab�Elizabeth A. Stafford
spouse's mother's titles & terms: �tab�
reference number: �tab�cn M-23
film number: �tab�530189
digital folder number: �tab�004016810
image number: �tab�00468
Citing this Record "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XDLL-4MN : accessed 25 Nov 2012), Wesley W. Decker and Loretta F. Hudson, 1899; citing reference cn M-23, FHL microfilm 530189.
Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994
marriage:�tab�19 Nov 1896�tab�Champaign, Ohio, United States
spouse:�tab�Allie Connor
Indiana, Marriage Collection, 1800-1941 about Mary Delany
Name: �tab�Mary Delany �tab�
Spouse Name: �tab�Eli Blue
Marriage Date: �tab�Jan 1846
Marriage County: �tab�Kosciusko
Titles and Terms: �tab�
Event Type: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�27 May 1896
Event Place: �tab�Buena Vista, Chaffee, Colorado, United States
Age: �tab�24
Birth Year (Estimated): �tab�1872
Spouse's Name: �tab�Clara B Rogers
Spouse's Titles and Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�20
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): �tab�1876
Page: �tab�1013
GS Film number: �tab�001690074
Digital Folder Number: �tab�005203123
Image Number: �tab�03123
by Henry Harbst, Minister Buena Vista, CO
Ohio Divorce Index, 1962-1963, 1967-1971, 1973-2007 about Waldo Pence
Name: �tab�Waldo Pence
Birth Year: �tab�1925
Times Married: �tab�1
Residence: �tab�Sidney, Shelby
Spouse's Name: �tab�Betty J Pence
Spouse's Birth Year: �tab�1928
Spouse - Times Married: �tab�1
Spouse's Residence: �tab�Out of State
Marriage Duration (Years): �tab�32
Number of Minor Children: �tab�0
Grounds for Divorce: �tab�Gross Neglect/Extreme Cruelty
To Whom Decree Granted: �tab�Husband
County of Decree: �tab�Shelby
Decree Date: �tab�30 Dec 1980
Cerificate Number: �tab�56749
Volume Number: �tab�4475
Marriage Date: �tab�27 Apr 1939
Marriage Location: �tab�Paris, Monroe, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�Monroe
Spouse Name: �tab�Margaret Walsh
Spouse Age: �tab�18
Spouse Birth Date: �tab�abt 1921
Name: �tab�Emma Teucke
Spouse Name: �tab�Claude M. Evelsizer
Marriage Date: �tab�12 Sep 1911
Marriage County: �tab�Lake
Source Title 1: �tab�Lake County, Indiana
Source Title 2: �tab�Index to Marriage Record 1850 - 1920 Inclusive Vol
Source Title 3: �tab�W. P. A. Original Record Located: County Clerk's O
Book: �tab�R
OS Page: �tab�515
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Date of Birth �tab�
Groom's Place of Birth �tab�
Groom's Residence �tab�
Groom's Number of Marriage �tab�
Groom's Father �tab�
Groom's Mother �tab�
Bride �tab�Mary E Isenhart
Date of License �tab�01 Dec 1888
County of License �tab�Blackford
Date of Marriage �tab�01 Dec 1888
Place of Marriage �tab�, Blackford, Indiana
Official �tab�
Record Number �tab�635
GSU Film Number �tab�1672563
Digital GS Number �tab�4201886
Digital Image Number �tab�00193
Number of Images �tab�1
Groom �tab�Stephen D Evelsizer
Groom's Race �tab�White
Groom's Date of Birth �tab�
Groom's Place of Birth �tab�, , Indiana
Groom's Residence �tab�Red Key, Jay, Indiana
Groom's Number of Marriage �tab�One
Groom's Father �tab�Thomas B Evelsizer
Groom's Mother �tab�Mary Evelsizer
Bride �tab�Mary E Isenhart
Bride's Race �tab�W
Bride's Date of Birth �tab�
Bride's Place of Birth �tab�, Blackford, Indiana
Bride's Residence �tab�Trenton, , Indiana
Bride's Number of Marriage �tab�First
Bride's Father �tab�Isaac Isenhart
Bride's Mother �tab�Charlott Markle
Informant Name �tab�
Date of License �tab�01 Dec 1888
County of License �tab�
Date of Marriage �tab�01 Dec 1888
Place of Marriage �tab�Trenton, , Indiana
Official �tab�
Record Number �tab�1665
GSU Film Number �tab�1672566
Digital GS Number �tab�4202704
Digital Image Number �tab�00576
Number of Images �tab�1
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1863
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Lilly Cutler
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1866
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�18
Marriage Date �tab�25 May 1884
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02273-5
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�295230
Reference Number �tab�bk I p 382
Groom's Name �tab�Simeon A. Evilsizer
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�less than 21 but more than 19
Bride's Name �tab�Aldy Arnold
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�22 Sep 1882
Marriage Place �tab�Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Isabella Derr
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M01076-5
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1954037
Reference Number �tab�p 271 No.1291
Groom's Birth Date �tab�02 Jan 1864
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�63
Bride's Name �tab�Alta Z Arnold Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab�27 Aug 1864
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Miame County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�62
Marriage Date �tab�07 Jun 1927
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Benjamin Strawsburg
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Jane Bailey
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Edward S Arnold
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Malinda Michael
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02313-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�466638
Reference Number �tab�Clk, OH Vol33CN18148
Groom's Birth Date �tab�01 Sep 1883
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Troy, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Glenna Mae Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab�24 Jun 1884
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Casstown, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�20
Marriage Date �tab�17 May 1905
Marriage Place �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Michael Schaefer
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Anna Boyer
Bride's Father's Name �tab�S. A. Evilsizor
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Alice Anold
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02315-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�465396
Reference Number �tab�bk 20 p 581 cn 3489
Groom's Birth Date �tab�02 Nov 1887
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�27
Bride's Name �tab�Hazel Biser
Bride's Birth Date �tab�17 Feb 1889
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�25
Marriage Date �tab�25 Feb 1914
Marriage Place �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Simeon Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Altia Arnold
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Alfred A. Biser
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mary E. Snook
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02314-6
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�465399
Reference Number �tab�V25, CN 9039
Groom's Birth Date �tab�11 Oct 1889
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Near Urbana, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�19
Bride's Name �tab�Hettie Shepard
Bride's Birth Date �tab�15 Dec 1889
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Osborn, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�19
Marriage Date �tab�30 Dec 1908
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�S. A. Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Altie Arnold
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Wm Shepard
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Olive Eshelman
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02314-9
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�465397
Reference Number �tab�cn5688
Groom's Birth Date �tab�11 Oct 1889
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�39
Bride's Name �tab�Grace L Brant Moore
Bride's Birth Date �tab�30 Aug 1894
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�34
Marriage Date �tab�06 Dec 1928
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�S A Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Alta Z Arnold
Bride's Father's Name �tab�R C Brant
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Theodocia Smith
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02313-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�466638
Reference Number �tab�Clk, OH Vol33CN19103
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Amanda Gentis
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�12 Sep 1888
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Birth Date �tab� 1893
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab� 23
Bride's Name �tab� Edith Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab� 1895
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab� 21
Marriage Date �tab� 08 Feb 1916
Marriage Place �tab� Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab� Charles E. Faulkner
Groom's Mother's Name �tab� Joanna Jenkins
Bride's Father's Name �tab� John W. Evilsizor
Bride's Mother's Name �tab� Amanda Gentis
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab� I08947-9
System Origin �tab� Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab� 545416
Reference Number �tab� p166
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1898
Groom's Birthplace �tab�St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�23
Bride's Name �tab�Ada Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1902
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�19
Marriage Date �tab�12 Jan 1921
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�R. L. Nicholas
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Viola May Leamman
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John W. Evilsizor
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Amanda Gentiss
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02319-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545417
Reference Number �tab�201
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1895
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�22
Bride's Name �tab�Ethel Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1896
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�21
Marriage Date �tab�14 Nov 1917
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Chas. E. Faulkner
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Joanna Jenkins
Bride's Father's Name �tab�John W. Evilsizor
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Amanda Gentiss
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�I08948-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545416
Reference Number �tab�p355
Groom's Birth Date �tab�19 Aug 1889
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�27
Bride's Name �tab�Nellie Hazel Foster
Bride's Birth Date �tab�31 May 1891
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�25
Marriage Date �tab�27 Dec 1916
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John W. Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Omanda Gentis
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Mac Foster
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Anna Hyer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02314-3
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�465400
Reference Number �tab�v 27 p 181 # 10884
Groom's Birth Date �tab�10 Jun 1885
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�45
Bride's Name �tab�Nellie H Foster Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab�31 May 1891
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�39
Marriage Date �tab�29 Nov 1930
Marriage Place �tab�Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Samuel Dingledine
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Anna Myers
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Mcdowell Foster
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Anna Hyer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02313-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�466638
Reference Number �tab�Clk, OH Vol34CN20261
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Martha L. Kite
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�24 Aug 1893
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02316-8
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530189
Reference Number �tab�CN 4022
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1900
Groom's Birthplace �tab�St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Virgie R. Brown
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1901
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Thackery, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�20
Marriage Date �tab�17 Aug 1921
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Emery G. Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Martha Kite
Bride's Father's Name �tab�E. R. Brown
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Oda Belle Zirkle
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02319-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545417
Reference Number �tab�313
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Mary E. Pence
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�29 Jul 1891
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02316-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530188
Reference Number �tab�Pg. 502 Vol. J
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1894
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�24
Bride's Name �tab�Stella Zerkle
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1899
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�19
Marriage Date �tab�25 Jun 1918
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Marley Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Vince
Bride's Father's Name �tab�W. J. Zerkle
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Alsena Loudenbach
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�I08948-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545416
Reference Number �tab�p409
titles & terms: �tab�
event: �tab�Marriage 1/12/1917
event place (standardized): �tab�Champaign, Ohio, United States
event place (other): �tab�
age: �tab�38 on 7-14,1916 never married
estimated birth year: �tab�1879
birth date: �tab�
birthplace: �tab�
father: �tab�Abram Zerkle
father's titles & terms: �tab�
mother: �tab�Rebecca Buck
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse: �tab�Marjorie Linville
spouse's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse's age: �tab�20 on June 16, 1916 never married
spouse's estimated birth year: �tab�1897
spouse's birthplace: �tab�
spouse's father: �tab�William S. Linville
spouse's father's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse's mother: �tab�Della Collins
spouse's mother's titles & terms: �tab�
reference number: �tab�p265
film number: �tab�545416
digital folder number: �tab�004016845
image number: �tab�00173
Citing this Record "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images,
FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XZV5-FY6 : accessed 02 Oct 2012),
William S. Linville in entry for Eldon Zerkle and Marjorie Linville, 1917; citing reference p265, FHL microfilm 545416.
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1880
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Union County, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�23
Bride's Name: �tab�Minnie E. Blue
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1880
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Union County, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�23
Marriage Date: �tab�04 Feb 1903
Marriage Place: �tab�Union County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Henderson Turner
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Maria Pa...R
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�William W. Blue
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Cora Knotts
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M02321-9
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�574664
Reference Number: �tab�Vol G, P 311 cn 841
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1892
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Madriver Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�20
Bride's Name �tab�Myrtle Agnes Medick
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1895
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Bloomville, Seneca Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�17
Marriage Date �tab�25 Dec 1912
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Marley Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Pence
Bride's Father's Name �tab�J. E. Medick
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Emma Amertrout
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530190
Reference Number �tab�P 409 Cn 817
CRAIG�tab�NITABEL�tab�E�tab�Champaign County�tab�46�tab� �tab�
Champaign County�tab�08/25/72�tab�06964�tab�Cert No. 049845
Groom's Name �tab�Claude E. Evilsizor
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1896
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Esta Myrtle Jenkins
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1900
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�17
Marriage Date �tab�07 Nov 1917
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Marley Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Pence
Bride's Father's Name �tab�C. V. Jenkins
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Jennie Crabill
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�I08948-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545416
Reference Number �tab�p352
room's Name �tab�Claude E. Evilsizor
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1898
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Tesse Haute, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�27
Bride's Name �tab�Carrie M. Caldwell
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1904
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Piketon, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�21
Marriage Date �tab�18 Mar 1925
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Marley Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Pence
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Chas. Caldwell
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Addie Brigner
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02319-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545417
Reference Number �tab�897
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Elizabeth Crabille
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�06 Oct 1892
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02316-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530188
Groom's Name �tab�William F. Evilsizor
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1899
Groom's Birthplace �tab�St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Dorothy Grace Kite
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1902
Bride's Birthplace �tab�St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�18
Marriage Date �tab�07 Oct 1920
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Vernie Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Lizzie Crabill
Bride's Father's Name �tab�L. W. Kite
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Bertha Warner
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02319-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545417
Reference Number �tab�134
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�30 Apr 1921
Event Place: �tab�Miami County, Ohio
Age: �tab�22
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1899
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Samuel Arthur
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Gerty Brown
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Helen Cruea
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1903
Spouse's Father: �tab�Austin A. Cruea
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Jennie Brelsford
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�cn 31001
Film Number: �tab�550155
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016854
Image Number: �tab�397
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1902
Groom's Birthplace �tab�St. Paris, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�19
Bride's Name �tab�Eunice Marie Groves
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1901
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Terra Haute, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�20
Marriage Date �tab�01 Nov 1921
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Verna Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Lizzie Crabill
Bride's Father's Name �tab�W. E. Groves
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Emma Toller
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02319-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545417
Reference Number �tab�349
titles & terms: �tab�
event: �tab�Marriage 11/24/1903
event place (standardized): �tab�Greene, Ohio, United States
event place (other): �tab�
age: �tab�25
estimated birth year: �tab�1878
birth date: �tab�none given
birthplace: �tab�Greene County, Ohio
father: �tab�John E. Hebble
father's titles & terms: �tab�
mother: �tab�Henrietta Baker
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse: �tab�Caroline Bousman
spouse's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse's age: �tab�20
spouse's estimated birth year: �tab�1883
spouse's birthplace: �tab�Greene County, Ohio
spouse's father: �tab�William F. Bousman
spouse's father's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse's mother: �tab�Caroline Smith
spouse's mother's titles & terms: �tab�
reference number: �tab�p68 c134
film number: �tab�535128
digital folder number: �tab�004016826
image number: �tab�00725
Citing this Record "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X8MW-WYF : accessed 12 Nov 2012), Benami Hebble and Caroline Bousman, 1903; citing reference p68 c134, FHL microfilm 535128.
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�10 Aug 1915
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�23
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1892
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Wentcel Achatz
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Anna Weaver
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Margaret Mary Costigan
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�24
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1891
Spouse's Father: �tab�James Costigan
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Katherine Moran
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p112
Film Number: �tab�545416
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016845
Image Number: �tab�96
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�08 Jun 1923
Event Place: �tab�, Logan, Ohio
Age: �tab�23
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1900
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Charles Moore
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Vera Mc Millen
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Mary Marie Buroker
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�24
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1899
Spouse's Father: �tab�John H. Buroker
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Anna Grube
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�VolN, p325, cn3509
Film Number: �tab�534842
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�09 Mar 1905
Event Place: �tab�Miami, Ohio
Age: �tab�18
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1887
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�H.Q. Mott
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Bell Stonaki
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Estella Harshbarger
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1887
Spouse's Father: �tab�Harshbarger
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Sarah
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�550152
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016852
Image Number: �tab�296
father consents to marriage of William c Mott
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�08 Sep 1901
Event Place: �tab�Eaton, Ohio
Age: �tab�27
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1874
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�H. H. Williams
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mary Evans
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Edna Ellis
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1882
Spouse's Father: �tab�Benjamin Ellis
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Ann Russell
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�bk 19 p 72 cn 1289
Film Number: �tab�465396
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016786
Image Number: �tab�70
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�St.Paris, O.
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Myrtle L. Ward
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1884
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Columbus, O.
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�05 Sep 1902
Marriage Place: �tab�Franklin County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Hosea Runkle
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Queen Journell
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Alfred Ward
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary E. Purk
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1879
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Reno County, Kansas
Groom's Age: �tab�21
Bride's Name: �tab�Lillie Mcclave
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1880
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Greenup Co., Kentucky
Bride's Age: �tab�20
Marriage Date: �tab�27 Sep 1900
Marriage Place: �tab�Scioto, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�William Gatten
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Emma Dean
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�George Mcclave
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Julia I. James
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�22 Dec 1904
Event Place: �tab�Logan, Ohio
Age: �tab�20
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1884
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Milton Terrell
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�F. Anna Pie
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Pearl Loffer
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�17
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1887
Spouse's Father: �tab�Eugene Loffer
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Bertha Wolfe
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�cn 478 (application)
Film Number: �tab�534840
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016822
Image Number: �tab�159
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Ida W. Evilsizer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�13 Apr 1892
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02316-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530188
Reference Number �tab�Pg. 564 Vol. J
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Kings Creek, Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�25 on 2/7/1910
Occ- Telegraph operator
Bride's Name �tab�Ethel Margaret Evilsizer
Bride's Birthplace Mad River, Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�20 on 11/2/1909
Marriage Date �tab�03 Apr 1910
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�James P. Harvey
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Louise Taylor
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Wiley Evilsizer
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Anna Shaffer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530190
Reference Number �tab�P 146 # 291
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Anna Schaffer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�04 Jul 1888
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02316-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530188
Reference Number �tab�pg. 278 Vol. J
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Tillie Fay
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�24 Mar 1894
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Unknown
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02316-8
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530189
Reference Number �tab�cn 4246
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1895
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�22
Bride's Name �tab�Sarah Jones
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1897
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�20
Marriage Date �tab�19 Apr 1917
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Jasper Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Emma Hamilton
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Geo. Jones
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Fannie Ray
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�I08948-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545416
Reference Number �tab�p292
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1904
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Olive Lillian Birt
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1908
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Park County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�17
Marriage Date �tab�24 Mar 1925
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Jasper Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Emma Hamilton
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Gilbert Birt
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Margaret Patton
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02319-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545417
Reference Number �tab�896
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�08 Dec 1906
Event Place: �tab�, Darke County, Ohio
Age: �tab�21
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1885
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Chester Birt
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Salley Stoke
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Margaret E. Patten
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�26
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1880
Spouse's Father: �tab�George Patten
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Ellen Coridor
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�80
Film Number: �tab�1030776
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017448
Image Number: �tab�305
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1870
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Irvin Station, Union Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�40
Bride's Name �tab�Edith Frances Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1891
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Mad River Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�19
Marriage Date �tab�02 Jan 1910
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John Henry Hope
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Turner
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Irvin Evilsizor
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Essie Haney
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530190
Reference Number �tab�P 124 # 248
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1890
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Coshocton, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�21
Bride's Name �tab�Nancy Ethel Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1892
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Mad River Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�19
Marriage Date �tab�03 Dec 1911
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�John Theodore Frazer
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Irvin Evilsizor
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Mary E. Haney
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02317-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530190
Reference Number �tab�p 308 cn 615
Md ages 24 and 21
Groom's Birth Date �tab� 1896
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab� 19
Bride's Name �tab� Elva Irene Evilsizor
Bride's Birth Date �tab� 1896
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab� 19
Marriage Date �tab� 15 Sep 1915
Marriage Place �tab� Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab� David Mcconnaughey
Groom's Mother's Name �tab� Lizzie Mcconnaughey
Bride's Father's Name �tab� Irvin Evilsizor
Bride's Mother's Name �tab� Mary Estella Haney
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab� I08947-9
System Origin �tab� Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab� 545416
Reference Number �tab� p122
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1898
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�23
Bride's Name �tab�Dorothy Leona Mcconnehay
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1903
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�18
Marriage Date �tab�16 Jul 1921
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Irvin Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Haney
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Andrew Mcconnehay
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Edna White
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02319-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545417
Reference Number �tab�303
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1905
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�26
Bride's Name �tab�Harriett Walke
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1915
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Irwin, Union County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�16
Marriage Date �tab�31 Dec 1931
Marriage Place �tab�Union, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Irvin Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Haney
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Walter Walke
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Katie Pifer
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M86967-4
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1954079
Reference Number �tab�P 411
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�12 Apr 1921
Event Place: �tab�Auglaize, Ohio
Age: �tab�25
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1896
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�A. D. Good
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Alice Kiser
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Marcella Herzog
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1902
Spouse's Father: �tab�Henry Herzog
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Elenora Santel
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p570
Film Number: �tab�963061
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017422
Image Number: �tab�665
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1888
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Harper Co., Kansas
Groom's Age: �tab�21
Bride's Name: �tab�Ella May Mattox
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1889
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�20
Marriage Date: �tab�21 Mar 1909
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�John Powell
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Eliza Clark
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Frank Mattox
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Offenbacker
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1910
Groom's Birthplace �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�19
Bride's Name �tab�Iva Russell
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1911
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Rush, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�18
Marriage Date �tab�05 Jun 1929
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Irvin Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Haney
Bride's Father's Name �tab�William Russell
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Samantha Lee
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02319-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545417
Reference Number �tab�52
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Coopersville, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Samantha Jane Lee
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1877
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Coopersville, Pike, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�26
Marriage Date: �tab�01 Jun 1903
Marriage Place: �tab�Pike County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Eli Russell
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary M. Lockhart
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�James Lee
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�D. Ellen Russell
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�Burnhammer
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M86974-2
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0292750
Reference Number: �tab�2:3P74NQS
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1912
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�17
Bride's Name �tab�Ida Josephine Turnmire
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1912
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Spring Hills, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�17
Marriage Date �tab�23 Apr 1929
Marriage Place �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Irvin Evilsizor
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Mary Honey
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Chas Turnmire
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Grace Chester
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02319-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�545417
Reference Number �tab�34
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�18 Jul 1910
Event Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Age: �tab�32, never married
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�11-3-1877 Indianapolis, IN
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Sidney Turnmire
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�Josephine Wildman
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Grace Katherine Chester
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1-31-1890
Spouse's Father: �tab�Joseph Chester
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Ida Dickerson
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p. 171 # 340
Film Number: �tab�530190
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016811
Image Number: �tab�448
...Record of Marriages, vol. 2, page 435... This is to certify, that on the 22nd day of April A.D. 1852 I joined in ma rriage George Snodgrass of Lawrance Twp. and Mary Evilsizer of Lawrance Tw p. by virtue of a license for that purpose.
Alexander Clark, Justice of the Peace.
Groom's Name �tab�George Snodgrass
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Nancy Evilsizer
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�21 Apr 1852
Marriage Place �tab�Washington, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Hiram Snodgrass
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Jonathan Evilsizer
ndexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02354-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�946205
Reference Number
...Record of Marriages, vol. 6, no. 4250 ... I do hereby certify th at on the 18th day of February A.D. 1875 I joined in matrimony Mr. Eli as Congleton and Mrs. Mary Snodgrass.
John Congleton, J.P.
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1870
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Washington County, Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�31
Bride's Name �tab�Katie Morningstar
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1873
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Washington County, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�28
Marriage Date �tab�31 Oct 1901
Marriage Place �tab�Washington, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Hiram Huff
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Evilsizer
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Jacob Morningstar
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Lizzie Weinstock
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�M02353-6
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�946201
Reference Number �tab�Bk 14 p 67 cn 132
Groom's Birth Date �tab�
Groom's Birthplace �tab�
Groom's Age �tab�
Bride's Name �tab�Margaret E. Templeton
Bride's Birth Date �tab�
Bride's Birthplace �tab�
Bride's Age �tab�
Marriage Date �tab�26 Oct 1865
Marriage Place �tab�, Washington, Ohio
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