Name: «tab»Kittie Drake
Death Date: «tab»15 Feb 1923
Death Place: «tab»Jackson, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»27 Oct 1864
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»58 years 3 months 16 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Housekeeper
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»17 Feb 1923
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Corstown Cemetery
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Ezra Drake
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Deaton
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1992183
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4000557
Image Number: «tab»2494
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 8021
Name: «tab»Judson W. Drake
Death Date: «tab»13 Mar 1939
Death Place: «tab»Wayne, Montgomery, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»27 Jun 1874
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»64 years 8 months 16 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»R.D.1
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Residence: «tab»New Carlisle, O.
Burial Date: «tab»15 Mar 1939
Burial Place: «tab»Bellbrook, Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Laura Drake
Father's Name: «tab»Ezra Drake
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Unknown
Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Deaton
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Film Number: «tab»2023765
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4027277
Image Number: «tab»678
Name: «tab»Susia Frances Mumford
Death Date: «tab»10 Jan 1949
Death Place: «tab»Elizabeth Twp, Miami, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»02 Aug 1872
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Miami Co., Ohio
Death Age: «tab»76 years 5 months 8 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Ezra Drake
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Deaton
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2246585
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4109136
Image Number: «tab»02005
Certificate Number: «tab»11080
Name: «tab»Catharine M. Drake
Death Date: «tab»07 Mar 1920
Death Place: «tab»Jackson, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»03 May 1849
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»70 years 10 months 4 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»10 Mar 1920
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Honey Creek Cemetery
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Wm. Leffell
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Susan
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1991132
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4157167
Image Number: «tab»1345
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 33337
(Research):At the time of her divorce, in 1916 she only named her son Willis. However she is buried in Honey Creek Cemetery betwen Willis D Helvie and Margaret E Helvie. Margaret 1911-1917 suggesting she had another child.
Name: Grace Rust Age at Death: 89 Date of Death: 11 Aug 1973 City of Death: Urbana County of Death: Champaign Volume: 21381 Certificate: 058700 Date of Birth: Est. 1884 Gender: Female Marital Status: Widowed Race: White County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Long-Term Care Facilities Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Unknown
Name: Grace Rust SSN: 302-20-4476 Last Residence: 43072 Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio, United States of Amer ica Born: 2 May 1884 Died: Aug 1973 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[HI64451] (Research):Suber-Shively Funeral Home 201 W. Main Street P.O. Box 307 Fletcher, Oh io 45326 Business #: (937) 368-2212 Fax #: (937) 368-2579 Bart A. Shively, Funer al Director Obituary Notice Donald E. Niswonger, age 72, of Troy, passed away in his residence on Dece mber 7, 2005 at 3:00 p.m. He was born on October 31, 1933 in New Carlisl e, Ohio, the son of the late Harold and Isophene Marie (Warman) Niswonge r. He married Rachel Artz on June 25, 1955 and she preceded him in dea th on October 21, 1982. He married Sharon (Miller) Elliott on November 1 0, 1984 and she survives. He is also survived by 5 children and their spou ses: Rita and Bruce Burnside of Troy; Ron and Julie Niswonger, of Troy; D an and Sarah Niswonger of Potsdam; Dale and Lori Niswonger of Prattvill e, Alabama; Philip and Denise Niswonger of Urbana; three step children a nd their spouses: Debra and Keith Layman of Napoleon, Ohio; Jeff and Dia ne Elliott of Anna, Ohio; Mark and Darleen Elliott of Columbus, Ohio; 8 gr andchildren 19 great grandchildren; 13 step grandchildren; one brother a nd sister-in-law: Leroy and Reba Niswonger of Springfield, Ohio; brother-i n-law, Don (Mary Katherine) Severs of New Carlisle; and a sister-in-law, D oris (Bud) Ehlinger of Defiance, Ohio. Don was preceded in death by his pa rents, first wife, Rachel and sister Estel Faye Severs. Donald was a memb er of the Union Baptist Church, Troy and a 1951 graduate of Northwestern H igh School, Springfield. He was a dairy farmer for 28 years and retir ed in 1997 from Hobart Brothers of Troy. Funeral services will be he ld on Monday, December 12, 2005 at 10:30 a.m. in the Union Baptist Churc h, 1833 Peterson Road, Troy with Reverend Ben Peers presiding. Burial wi ll be in Casstown Cemetery, Casstown, Ohio. Visitation for family and frie nds will be held on Sunday from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the Suber-Shively Fun eral Home, 201 W. Main Street, Fletcher, Ohio. Memorial contributions m ay be made to the Union Baptist Church Building Fund. Envelopes will be av ailable in the funeral home.
[HI64452] (Research):Name: Rachel Niswonger Age at Death: 48 Date of Death: 21 Oct 1982 City of Death: Miami County County of Death: Miami Volume: 25005 Certificate: 074472 Date of Birth: Est. 1934 State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Gender: Female Marital Status: Married Race: White Social Security Number: 283-32-4384 County of Residence: Miami State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Home Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
[HI64460] (Research):Name: Estel Faye Severs Age at Death: 59 Date of Death: 21 Apr 1994 County of Death: Clark Volume: 29778 Certificate: 026420 Date of Birth: 5 Mar 1935 County of Birth: Clark State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Father's Surname: Niswonger Mother's Maiden Name: Warman Gender: Female Marital Status: Married Race: White Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic Years of Schooling: 12 Social Security Number: 283-32-4575 Industry: U.S. Postal Service Occupation: Postmasters and mail superintendents Primary Registration District: 1200 Hospital of Death: Home Hospital Status: Other/Residence Time of Death: 5:50 AM
(Research):Name: Everett P Beatty Age at Death: 48 Date of Death: 19 Jul 1962 City of Death: Urbana County of Death: Champaign Volume: 16954 Certificate: 48797 Date of Birth: Est. 1914 Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Mercy Memorial Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, not used for certification
Name: Everett Beaty SSN: 281-10-6010 Born: 22 Jan 1914 Died: Jul 1962 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
Groom's Name: «tab»Asa Langstaff
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Muskingum Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Mary Emma Lafferty
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1845
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Mechanicsburg, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»56
Marriage Date: «tab»04 Apr 1901
Marriage Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»James H. Langstaff
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Catharine Dixon
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»John Morgan Lafferty
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Rebecca B. Lansdale
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M00002-6
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: «tab»0530189
Reference Number: «tab»2:3LL540K
Name: «tab»Emma Langstaff
Event: «tab»Death
Event Date: «tab»30 Mar 1924
Event Place: «tab»Mechanicsburg, Champaign, Ohio
Residence: «tab»
Street Address: «tab»
Gender: «tab»Female
Death Age: «tab»78y 3m 3d
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race: «tab»White
Occupation: «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1846
Burial Date: «tab»01 Apr 1924
Burial Place: «tab»Mechanicsburg, Ohio
Cemetery: «tab»
Father: «tab»John M. Lafferty
Father's «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother: «tab»Rebeckah
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Lundstown, Ohio
Spouse: «tab»Langstaff
Spouse's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»fn 13288
Film Number: «tab»1992492
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4000602
Image Number: «tab»2055
Name: «tab»Jacob Lafferty
Event: «tab»Death
Event Date: «tab»11 Feb 1948
Event Place: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Street Address: «tab»
Gender: «tab»Male
Death Age: «tab»92y 8m 16d
Marital Status: «tab»
Race: «tab»White
Occupation: «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»25 May 1855
Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co. Ohio
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1856
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery: «tab»
Father: «tab»John Lafferty
Father's «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Rencoa Lansdale
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»
Spouse's «tab»Unknown
Reference Number: «tab»certificate
Film Number: «tab»2246455
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4109084
Image Number: «tab»00866
[NI64466] Md William Runkle, he born 1845, no ch 1900 Wabash co, IN
Harriet A Lafferty (1848 - 1851)*
Catherine A Lafferty (1849 - 1851)*
Shepard B Lafferty (1851 - 1928)*
Martha B Lafferty (1853 - 1854)*
Emma Lafferty (1854 - 1872)*
Charles G Lafferty (1857 - 1884)*
Isabelle Lafferty Black (1860 - 1947)*
Ida Lafferty Beery (1864 - 1938)*
The Urbana Daily Citizen
June 17, 1886
The remains of Joseph Lafferty arrived from Akron, taken to son-in-laws, William Black, residence on W Court St.
Name: «tab»Ida Lafferty Beery
Death Date: «tab»03 Oct 1938
Death Place: «tab»Mad River, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»01 Jan 1864
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Kingscreek, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»74 years 9 months 3 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»RD. 2
Occupation: «tab»At Home
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»05 Oct 1938
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Oak Dale
Spouse's Name: «tab»George Beery
Father's Name: «tab»Joseph Lafferty
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Va
Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Grove
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Va
Film Number: «tab»2023615
Digital Folder Number: «tab»
Image Number: «tab»2382
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 55853
[HI64473] (Research):Davenport Daily Leader Davenport, Scott Co., Iowa - June 10, 1894 -------- Incendiarism and murder are charged against Marshal Boyer and William Blac k, of Urbana, Ohio. It is thought that they burned a saloon building for t he insurance, and that they fled William Sims crushed glass
Name: «tab»William M. Black
Death Date: «tab»27 Nov 1928
Death Place: «tab»Newton Falls, Trumbull, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1844
Birthplace: «tab»
Death Age: «tab»84 years 10 months 26 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Bell Laffirty Black
Father's Name: «tab»Benjamian Black
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Susanah
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»1991606
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4022222
Image Number: «tab»1181
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 70070
[HI64474] (Research):1880 Census Place:Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 41 2C Saml. J. LAFFERTYSelf MMW58OHOcc:Boarding HousekeepFa: VAMo: VA E. M. LAFFERTYWife FMW56VAOcc:Keeping HouseFa: VAMo: VA Charles LAFFERTYSon MSW23OHOcc:Harness Maker Fa: OHMo: VA Ida LAFFERTYDau FSW17OHOcc:Attending SchoolFa: OH Mo: VA William BLACKSonL MMW32OH Occ:Bridge Builder Fa: MD Mo: MD Isabella BLACKDauFMW19OHFa: OH
Name: «tab»Isabel Black
Death Date: «tab»01 Jul 1947
Death Place: «tab»Newton Falls Village, Trumbull, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»18 Sep 1860
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Kingscreek Salem Twp, O
Death Age: «tab»86 years 9 months 13 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»William
Father's Name: «tab»Joseph Lafferty
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Grove
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2372988
Name: Malissa Jane Lafferty
Death date: 22 Sep 1931
Death place: Goshen, Champaign, Ohio
Birthdate: 12 Feb 1846
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Madison Co., Ohio
Age at death: 85 years 7 months 10 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: R.D.
Occupation: House Wife
Residence: Mechanicsburg, Ohio
Burial date: 24 Sep 1931
Burial place: Maple Grove
Cemetery name:
Spouse's name:
Father's name: James Brown
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: N.Y.
Mother's name: Mary Ann Burnsides
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Va.
GSU film number: 1992473
Digital GS number: 4000613
Image number: 814
Reference number: fn 52417
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: Elizabeth Smith
Death date: 27 Jun 1938
Death place: Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birthdate: 28 Feb 1862
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Urbana Twp., Champaign, O.
Age at death: 76 years 3 months 29 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 217 College St.
Burial date: 30 Jun 1938
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Oak Dale Cem.
Spouse's name: Achory C. Smith
Father's name: Henry Wagner
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: Clark, Ohio
Mother's name: Elizabeth Kiser
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Clark, Ohio
GSU film number: 2023610
Digital GS number: 4121803
Image number: 63
Reference number: fn 33050
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI64486] (Research):1896 of New York City
(Research):1880 Census Place Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Family History Library Fi lm 1254998
NA Film Number T9-0998 Page Number 374A W. B. SIBERT Self S Male W 22 VA Farm Labor Sarah SIBERT Mother W Female W 52 VA Keeping Hou se VA VA Charles SIBERT Brother S Male W 23 VA Farm Labor er VA VA
SARAB A SEIBERTPROBATED 6 JUL 1896 SALEM TWP [DIED 26 JUN 1896] Heirs—Harrjett N Kreglow-dau-westvjl1e; Mary C Barley-dauWestvi].le; Jo hn N Selbert—son-oh; Charles H Seibert-sonUrbana; William B Seibert-son-ti rbana; Edgar H Seibert-sonJeffersonvjlle. TO above ch the farm of 40 acres in Fayette Co now occupied by son Edgar S eibert; farm to be rented long enough to pay my debts and then sold and pr oceeds divided equally; daus Harriett Kreglow and Mary Barley my wearing a pparel and other household goods divided equally among ch. Charles H Seibert and William B Seibert executors Witness:Fred D A Anderson C R Stonebrakerwill signed 7 Apr 1896
[NI64496] Son of George W Fuller
[DI64496] Will Book H pg 49 James R Fuller Urbana Twp, died 9/11/1893 probated 9/18 /1893 Heirs Elizabeth Y Fuller, widow, Urbana; DeWeese Fuller, son, Urbana; Jam es Robert Fuller, son, Urbana; Wife $4500, the amount received from her sh are of the estate of Samuel W Hitt deceased; in lieu of her dower, 1 /3 of the estate; the other 2/3 to sons Deweese and Robert Fuller equal y. Wife Lizzie Y Fuller and friend William R Warnock, Execs. Wit: G W Rhod ehamel, J E Kenaga will signed 9/10/1893
Urbana Citizen & Gazette
July 24, 1884
Carrie Bell, 8 year old daughter of Thomas D Fuller, died Saturday after an illness of three weeks with scarlet fever.
[HI64508] (Research):Name: Ruth Glick SSN: 301-26-1584 Last Residence: 85201 Mesa, Maricopa, Arizona, United States of America Born: 1 Dec 1904 Died: Sep 1977 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
Urbana Citizen & Gazette Newspaper Abstract
May 1, 1857
Died 21st April of lung fever, Mrs Frances Funk, wife of Daniel Funk of Salem township, aged 72 years
Inscription: Wife of Daniel Funk -- Aged 72y, 11m, 13d
"A faithful wife and mother dear"
[NI64519] Mary Francis Funk was born April 10, 1846, and married Edward Lemen (a soldier of the Civil war) December 31, 1868. She is now a widow and lives in Urbana, Ohio. Two children were born to them, Bertha M., born November 19, 1869, died October 21, 1870. Charles Orlando Lemen, born November 28, 1877. He married September 10, 1902, Elizabeth A. Funk, daughter of Theo. Funk, of Portsmouth, Ohio. They have one child. Charles Edward Lemen, born October 14, 1903.
[HI64520] (Research):Mention in her fathers will 8/19/1901 equal share of estate and $300
[NI64521] Charles Funk, born August 17, 1855. Now lives in Chicago. Manager Illinois Vinegar Company.
[NI64522] Efiie Funk, born June 5, 1863, and now lives in Chicago, Illinois. Single. (1905)
[HI64523] (Research):1897 of Aubindale, FL
Thomas B Shaffer (1844 - 1922)*
Frank McLain Shaffer (1878 - 1880)*
[HI64525] (Research):1897 of Rockville, PA
(Research):Researcher- Paul Stadler [email protected]
Moses Stadler is listed in the 1860 Federal census, white, male, age 36, b orn Germany, wife Cecelia, age 26, born Germany, his occupation Dry Goo ds Merchant. Real Estate value $6,000. Personal Estate value $8,000. S on Aaron age 8, daughter Caroline age 5, son Gabriel age 2 and daughter Fa nny age 8/12. Living in Cincinnati 2nd ward. According to the Cincinna ti City Directory, Moses Stadler made his home at 64 Longworth from 18 60 to 1864; at 202 W. 4th Street in 1865 and 1866 and at 359 W. 4th Stre et from 1867 to 1869. His business was located at 62 W. Pearl from 18 60 to 1869. Series M653, Roll 970, Page 120.
Moses Stadler is listed in the 1870 Federal census, white, male, age 46, b orn Bavaria, wife Lena, age 42, born Badin, his occupation Clothing Mercha nt. Real Estate value $20,000. Personal Estate value $5,000. Son Aar on age 18 clerking, daughter Carrie age 16, son Gabriel age 12, daughter F anny age 10 and son Harry age 6. Living in the Northern half of Cincinna ti 6th ward. Series M593, Roll 1210, Page 492.
Moses Stadler is listed in the 1880 Federal census, white, male, age 56, b orn Bavaria, wife Ellie, age 52, born Badin, his occupation Clothier. S on Gabriel age 21 Clothier and son Harry age 16 Student. Living in Urban a, Champaign County, Ohio. FHL Film 1254998. National Archives Film T9-0 998, Page 413B.
Moses Stadler immigrated about 1839 living for a while in New York City, t hen Cincinnati, finally Urbana.
Information from Paul George Stadler research [email protected] There were at least 3 prominent Cincinnati area Stadler families in the ni neteenth century: The Agriculture Stadlers, The Jewish Stadlers and The Ho spitality Stadlers. The Agriculture Stadlers and the Hosptiality Stadle rs were largely German Catholics. The Agriculture Stadlers settled in Colerain Township and worked the la nd as farmers. Their patriarch was Franz Anton Stadler born August 12, 18 12 in Bavaria who married Joanna Hipoltsteiner on October 26, 1847 at S t. Johannes Kirche in Over-The-Rhine. Two brothers, both born in Bavaria, were the patriarchs of the Jewish Stad lers: Mayer Martin Stadler born 1816 and Moses Stadler born 1824. This fam ily achieved some success in the wholesale dry goods business with operati ons in both Cincinnati and New York City. During the American Civil War th ey received a series of contracts to supply uniforms for the Union forces. Descended from a line of wine-makers, Gabriel Stadler born January 19, 18 39 in Deidesheim in the Pfalz region was the patriarch of the Hospitali ty Stadlers. He married Barbara Weishahn on June 18, 1867 at St. Marien Ki rche in Over-The-Rhine. Paul George Stadler is a descendant of Gabriel Stadler of the Hospitali ty Stadlers. Moses Stadler is listed in the 1870 Federal census, white, male, age 46, w ife Lena, occupation Wholesale Clothing Merchant, living in Cincinnati wi th children Aaron age 18, Carrie age 16, Gabriel age 12, Fanny age 10 a nd Harry age 6. Roll 12xx.
Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900), pg195, Remains taken to C incinnati. Mar 4 1898 Moses Stadler, whose name has long been known on the list of Urbana pionee rs, died last Thursday, aged 74 years. His funeral took place Sunday. T he remians were taken to Cincinnati.
Moses Stadler is listed in the 1880 Federal census, married, white, mal e, age 56, occupation Clothier, living in Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio.
Moses Stadler immigrated about 1839 living for a while in New York City, t hen Cincinnati,
Son of Aaron and Barbara Stadler
Champaign County death index has one death I am not able to identify. Abr aham W Stadler died 12/14/1911 and does ot appear in any census record s. Using the naming patterns of biblical names, I suggest this child mu st belong to this lineage. Poss a son of Gaby
Heirs-Lena Stadler-widow Aaron M stadler-son-Nt Vernon; Carrie Henley-daU- PhiladelPhia~ Pa; Gabriel M Stadler-sonUrbana; Fannie C Stadler-dau-Urbanl a; Harry M Stadler-sonUrbana. Son G M Stadler 1/3 mt in business of M Stadler & Sons in Urbana of whi ch he already owns another 1/3; son Harry N Stadler has his own 1/3 intere st. House & real estate in Urbana, household goods to sons G M Stadler, Ha rry N Stadler, dau Fannie C Stadler and wife Lena Stadler; money from paym ent of life insurance policies $10,000 Connecticut Mutual Life, $300 Nor th Western Life, $1000 Mutual Benefit Assoc-- $2000 of it to wife; to ch C arrie Henly, G M, Harry M and Fannie Stadler and grch Celia, Blanch, Beatr ice and Miles [ch of my son Aaron] the remainder of my property and remain der of life insurance. I have given to son Aaron Stadler $2800, $100 and $ 1800 already. H M Stadler and G N Stadler executor Witness:George W Poland Jasper Pence [now dec d] will signed 14 Apr 1896
pg80 3/3/1898
Moses STADLER, prominent pioneer merchant, died at his home on North Main Street. Born Bavaria December 1823, and came to this country and located in Urbana in the clothing business. He married in 1850 to Miss Celia STURM and they had 8 children, 5 survive: Aaron, Mt. Vernon, Ohio; Carrie HENLY, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Gabriel M., Miss Frances and Harry of Urbana; Mrs. STADLER died in 1866. In 1869 he remarried to Mrs. Lina LONDHEIMER. Buried in Walnut Hills, Cincinnati.
[HI64529] (Research):Beers HISTORY OF KNOX COUNTY.OH - 793 STADLER, A. M., clothier, Kirk block, corner of public square and Main str eet, Mt. Vernon. This firm was established in 1877 in Kirk s block. Mr. Stadler is a native of Champaign county, Ohio, born August 28, 1852. H is first business engagement was with Max Stadler, wholesale and retail cl othier in New York, where he had charge of the manufacturing departmen t, in which position he was retained five years. After this he came to M t. Vernon and established the present firm. He carries a large stock, cons isting of ready-made clothing, hats, trunks, valises, and gents' furnishi ng goods. This stock is one of the best in the city, and is conducted stri ctly on the one price system.
[NI64530] 1898 of Philly
[HI64531] (Research):
Name: «tab»Jesse J. Hunter
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»15 Apr 1900
Event Place: «tab»Delaware Co., Ohio
Age: «tab»22
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1878
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»F. M. Hunter
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Margaret Phillips
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Stella Blanvelt
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1878
Spouse's Father: «tab»A. L. Blanvelt
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Rhoda Dixon
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 135 cn 267
Film Number: «tab»391399
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016692
Image Number: «tab»421
Name: «tab»Harry T. Hunter
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»17 Jun 1906
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»23
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1883
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»F.M. Hunter
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Margaret S. Philips
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Marion Bowen
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»23
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1883
Spouse's Father: «tab»G.E. Bowen
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Rachael Morris
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»P-306 # 1714
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»192
[HI64555] (Research):See attached sources.
[HI64556] (Research):2 dates in Maple Grove Cemetery of death. Another 2/1/1881 age 87
name: «tab»John M Stephens
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»11 Nov 1940
event place: «tab»Concord, Miami, Ohio
residence: «tab»Christianburg, O.
street address: «tab»
gender: «tab»Male
death age: «tab»87y 17d
marital status: «tab»Widowed
race: «tab»W
occupation: «tab»Painter
birth date: «tab»24 Oct 1854
birthplace: «tab»Christianburg, O.
estimated birth year: «tab»1853
burial date: «tab»14 Nov 1940
burial place: «tab»Honey Creek
cemetery: «tab»
father: «tab»Joseph Stephens
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»German Twp., Clark, Ohio
mother: «tab»Catherine E. S. Donovan
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»German Twp., Clark, Ohio
spouse: «tab»Emma Stephens
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»fn 69549
film number: «tab»2023885
digital folder number: «tab»4035633
image number: «tab»713
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XZBZ-4PP : accessed 28 Sep 2012), John M Stephens, 1940; citing reference fn 69549, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
[HI64560] (Research):Will Book I pg 332 Caroline Davis, Mechanicsburg, Hoshen Twp died 7/20/18 98 probated 7/26/1898 Heirs Orrie Davis, son, Afton, IA To Elizabeth Davis, widow of Martin V B Davis, the house and lot I now occ upy in Mechanicsburg; to Milly, Sarah and Clay Bishop $500 divided betwe en them; son Orris E Davis $1000; Walter B and Marshall F Davis the remain der of money in estate and proceeds from sale of real estate. John C Sce va Exec. Wit: C L McCorkle, C S Panghorn Will signed 23 Feb 1897 widow of Nathan C Davis
(Research):Name: Ruth L Troyer Age at Death: 87 Date of Death: 4 Apr 1983 City of Death: Urbana County of Death: Champaign Volume: 25197 Certificate: 022876 Date of Birth: Est. 1896 State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Gender: Female Marital Status: Married Race: White Social Security Number: 277-03-4815 County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Mercy Memorial Hospital Certifier: Physician
Name: Ruth Troyer SSN: 270-62-7316 Last Residence: 43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States of America Born: 28 Aug 1895 Died: Apr 1983 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1973 )
[HI64566] (Research):Name: Warren B Troyer Age at Death: 77 Date of Death: 7 Sep 1999 City of Death: Springfield County of Death: Clark Volume: 32095 Certificate: 071617 Date of Birth: 9 Nov 1921 County of Birth: Ashtabula State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Father's Surname: Troyer Mother's Maiden Name: Bailey Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic Years of Schooling: 12 Social Security Number: 277-26-3270 Whether in Armed Forces: Yes Branch of Service: Army City of Residence: Springfield County of Residence: Clark State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Residence Zip Code: 45503 Primary Registration District: 1201
[HI64567] (Research):Name: Donald E Troyer Age at Death: 61 Date of Death: 19 Jun 1988 City of Death: Urbana County of Death: Champaign Volume: 27318 Certificate: 041315 Date of Birth: Est. 1927 State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Gender: Male Marital Status: Divorced Race: White Social Security Number: 298-16-3124 Industry: Automotive repair shops Occupation: Automobile mechanics City of Residence: Urbana County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Mercy Memorial Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
[HI64568] (Research):The Troyer family seemed to move from Holmes Co, OH
[HI64583] (Research):Will Book I pg 393 Mary Ellsworth, Rush Twp died 10/31/1898 probated 11/13 /1898 Heirs Emma Maud Middleton, grdau, Fountain Park. All property to grdau Em ma maud Middleton; if I should die before she is 21 years of age, s he is to have $40 per year till 21 years of age; if she dies without heir s, estate used for improvement of Treacles Creek Cemetery where my childr en buried. Joseph F McAfee Exec Wit: Clara McAfee (now Ropp) N J Corbet, A T Corbet Will signed (x) 2/9/1897
Name: «tab»Jacob Herr
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»19 Feb 1886
Death Place: «tab»Bethel, Clark, Ohio
Age: «tab»62
Birth Date: «tab»1824
Birthplace: «tab»Lanc. Co., Pa
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Race: «tab»White
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Name: «tab»David Herr
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»19 May 1905
Death Place: «tab»Salem Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»71
Birth Date: «tab»1834
Birthplace: «tab»Lancaster, Pa.
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07024-2
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 225
A few days ago, Mrs A North of Kingston eloped with Frank Jones. They were followed to Springfield by the husband and overtaken. When Mr North came into the presence with revolver in his hand, Jones suddenly disappeared. Mrs North returned home with husband.
Name: «tab»Nancy Jane Beatley
Death Date: «tab»03 Nov 1930
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»18 May 1855
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Death Age: «tab»74 years 5 months 15 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»At Home
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»05 Nov 1930
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»King Creek
Spouse's Name: «tab»Alden Beatley
Father's Name: «tab»Abraham Herr
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Pennsylvania
Mother's Name: «tab»Maria Bates
Name: «tab»Wilbur F. Conrey
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»22 Feb 1882
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1861
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Alma B. Herr
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1864
Source http://www.archive.org/stream/hunterfamilyhist00hunt/hunterfamilyhist00hunt_djvu.txt
Here I copy a short memorial written by his pastor, Henry Miller, pastor at Mt. Tabor at that time. In the year 1870, under the labors of David Whitmore, he was converted and joined the church at Mt. Tabor. In the rich soil of a pure heart bloomed and blossomed the graces of a christian life, shedding its fragrance on all around. Conscious to the last he stepped out boldly into the merky current, saying "Come Lord Jesus, take me. Oh! take me quickly."
Then he was not; for God had taken him. Though young he had the welfare of the church at heart. Over one year before his death while confined to his bed he sent for me. He told me that as he was no longer able, to attend the services of the church and Sabbath School of which he was a member, and render himself useful in that way, he greatly desired to give some expression of Love for the cause and society with which he was connected. Being a great lover of music and a fine musician himself, he wished to present to the Mt. Tabor society and Sabbath School, an organ for the use of the congregation and Sabbath School hoping thereby to stimulate and encourage his young friends and the congregation to rebuild and keep up this old time honored place. He then gave me a letter to read to the membership of the church asking for the privilege of so doing. The letter was filled with love and devotion was read to the whole congregation. They arose and with tears and visible emo-
tion gratefully accepted the gift of the young Christian. From this came the inspiration to build the new and beautiful house of worship at Mt. Tabor. What a beautiful illustration of the scriptures: * 'Their works do follow them." His remains were brought home from San Antonia, Texas, attended by his ever faithful father, and on the 12th of January, 1882, in the presence of a large congregation of sympathising friends and relatives, at his old Forest Home, the
solemn funeral services were held, the church being unfinished. The remains of this brilliant life were laid to rest by the side of his sainted mother, who had preceeded him two years, under the shadow of the new church
Name: «tab»Charles White
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»21 Dec 1902
Event Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Age: «tab»23
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1879
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Frank White
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Edith Venrick
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Edith Parlet
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1883
Spouse's Father: «tab»Reubin Parlet
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Edna Miller
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»bk 19 p 448 cn 2040
Film Number: «tab»465396
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016786
Image Number: «tab»269
[DI64617] pg23 11/13/1895 Died Friday evening Nov 8, Mr ISaac Madt, 87 years of age. Funeral from his residence on North Court St in Ottumwa Iowa. He was born Berks Co, PA 5/3/1809, md Miss Ann Gehman of Berks Co. After marriage they moved to Clark Co, Oh then to Champ Co Oh and finally to Ottumwa, Iowa. Six children were born to this couple, three survive in Iowa
Iowa Cemetery Records about Isaac Mast
Name: «tab»Isaac Mast
Death Date: «tab»1895
Page #: «tab»144
Birth Date: «tab»1803
Cemetery: «tab»Ottumwa
Town: «tab»Ottumwa
Level Info: «tab»Grave Stone Records of Wapello County, Iowa
The Urbana Daily Citizen
February 20, 1888
Mrs Sophia Stonebraker, wife of AS Stonebraker, died at her home in Kingscreek Sunday, age of 77 years. Buried Oak Dale Cemetery.
Frances Minerva Stonebraker (1862 - 1940)*
name: «tab»Charles Robinson Stonebraker
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»14 Feb 1928
event place: «tab»Salem, Champaign, Ohio
residence: «tab»
street address: «tab»
gender: «tab»Male
death age: «tab»91y 3m
marital status: «tab»Widowed
race: «tab»White
occupation: «tab»Retired Carpenter
birth date: «tab»14 Nov 1836
birthplace: «tab»Va.
estimated birth year: «tab»1837
burial date: «tab»16 Feb 1928
burial place: «tab»
cemetery: «tab»Kingscreek Cemetery
father: «tab»Arnold Stonebraker
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»Maryland
mother: «tab»Sophia Remsburg
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»Maryland
spouse: «tab»
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»fn 7210
film number: «tab»1991144
digital folder number: «tab»4022069
image number: «tab»1047
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X6HN-W95 : accessed 30 Nov 2012), Charles Robinson Stonebraker, 14 Feb 1928; citing Salem, Champaign, Ohio, reference fn 7210; FHL microfilm 1991144.
(Research):Record Book 24, Page 18 Filed 8 May 1849 Bill in Chancery John Lafferty vs Sarah Lafferty et al John Lafferty died seized of 243 acres located in Military Survey Number 3 450 which he had purchased from Joseph Kean, Elizabeth White and Nancy Pow ell, all of children and heirs of John Kean deceased. The heirs of John La fferty: Sarah Lafferty, widow; Jane Lafferty, wife of Francis A. Morriso n; Thomas Lafferty of Illinois; William Lafferty of Champaign County; Hol ly or Mary Lafferty, wife of John Jones; David Lafferty of Indiana; Cathar ine Lafferty deceased left no issue; Wesley Lafferty of Texas; Hester A nn Lafferty and John Lafferty.
Record Book 9, Page 107 — Heard June Term 1826 — Petition to Sell Land Adm inistrator de bonis non of John Lafferty vs The heirs of John Lafferty William Woods was de bonis non administratis. After paying the debts of t he estate there was a deficiency of assets amounting between $200 and $50 0. Sarah Lafferty received the dower and the rest of the landed esta te is 127½ acres in Military Survey #4157 (Union Tp.). The heirs of John L afferty: Sarah, widow; Jane, wife of Frances Asbury Morrison; Thomas Lafferty (of a ge); William Lafferty; Molly Lafferty; John Lafferty; David Lafferty; Wesl ey Lafferty; Catharine Lafferty; Sarah Lafferty and Hester Ann Lafferty. J ohn Wallace was appointed guardian ad litem. The land was valued at $3. 00 an acre and ordered to be sold with the payments as such: 1/4 at ti me of sale, 1/4 in 6 months, 1/4 in 12 months and 1/4 in 18 month s. On 20 May 1827 the 127 1/2 acres was purchased for $255 by Joseph McCla in
[HI64632] (Research):1849 of Illinois
[HI64636] (Research):1849 of Indiana
[HI64639] (Research):1849 of Texas
Record Book 11, Page 50 — Filed 20 October 1829 — In arbritration Samuel T aylor & Others vs William Taylor & Others The arbritrators appointed to settle the dispute were: John Thompson, Samu el NcCord, John Reynolds, W. H. Fyffe, Adam Mosgrove, Col. John Thomas, Wi lliam Woods, John King, Edward Bates, Thomas Parker, Jesse C. Philips a nd Joel Reed. It would be necessary for eight of the abritrators to agr ee for a settlement. The parties met at the house of Allen N. Poff in Urba na. The panel arrived at the following settlement: Samuel Taylor was to ta ke the mills on Kings Creek and the appertenances that were sold to h im on 30 September 1829. Samuel was to pay $1800 ($600 in hand and the re st in notes) to William Lewis and Thomas Taylor ($400 notes due 30 Septemb er 1830, 30 September 1831 and 30 September 1832). Samuel was to pay 1 /5 of the legacy left to Isaac Enoch by John Taylor deceased when Isaac be came 21 years of age; 1/5 of $35 to Ruhama Taylor yearly as long as she re mained unmarried, payable to William Cent. Thomas Taylor was to be dischar ged on the amount that was paid by Samuel to William Hunter in liquidati on of a claim against John Taylor and Samuel was to pay the notes. Willi am Taylor, Levi Taylor and Thomas Taylor were to give Samuel Taylor a tit le bond for a future deed. William Taylor, Levi Taylor and Thomas Taylor w ere to deliver to Samuel Taylor and the heirs of David Taylor a deed and r elease from the estate of John Taylor deceased and Samuel receives the he ad race and dam of 20 acres through the lands of Levi Taylor and Thomas Ta ylor. The widow of David Taylor, Ann, and the children, William, Susan a nd Ann Taylor were mentioned. The defendants were to pay the court costs.
[HI64644] (Research):Record Book 23, Page 330 — Filed 1 May 1849 — Petition for a County Road E dward L. Morgan et al vs The Commissioners of Champaign County The petition in front of the commissioners, dated 6 December 1847, was f or a new road in Salem Township. Samuel Lippincott, Edward Bates, Joel Fun k, the reviewers and James B. Armstrong, the surveyor, met on 3 January 18 48 but did not reach a decision. The road would concern the lands of: Edwa rd L. Morgan, Matthew Mason, Matthew Stewart, Henry Hagenbuck, Samuel D. K irkpatrick, the Baptist Church on Kings Creek, Thomas Taylor, Reuben Hagen buck and Levi Taylor. The settlement for the property owners was reach ed on 29 April 1850.
Record Book 11, Page 50 — Filed 20 October 1829 — In arbritration Samuel T aylor & Others vs William Taylor & Others The arbritrators appointed to settle the dispute were: John Thompson, Samu el NcCord, John Reynolds, W. H. Fyffe, Adam Mosgrove, Col. John Thomas, Wi lliam Woods, John King, Edward Bates, Thomas Parker, Jesse C. Philips a nd Joel Reed. It would be necessary for eight of the abritrators to agr ee for a settlement. The parties met at the house of Allen N. Poff in Urba na. The panel arrived at the following settlement: Samuel Taylor was to ta ke the mills on Kings Creek and the appertenances that were sold to h im on 30 September 1829. Samuel was to pay $1800 ($600 in hand and the re st in notes) to William Lewis and Thomas Taylor ($400 notes due 30 Septemb er 1830, 30 September 1831 and 30 September 1832). Samuel was to pay 1 /5 of the legacy left to Isaac Enoch by John Taylor deceased when Isaac be came 21 years of age; 1/5 of $35 to Ruhama Taylor yearly as long as she re mained unmarried, payable to William Cent. Thomas Taylor was to be dischar ged on the amount that was paid by Samuel to William Hunter in liquidati on of a claim against John Taylor and Samuel was to pay the notes. Willi am Taylor, Levi Taylor and Thomas Taylor were to give Samuel Taylor a tit le bond for a future deed. William Taylor, Levi Taylor and Thomas Taylor w ere to deliver to Samuel Taylor and the heirs of David Taylor a deed and r elease from the estate of John Taylor deceased and Samuel receives the he ad race and dam of 20 acres through the lands of Levi Taylor and Thomas Ta ylor. The widow of David Taylor, Ann, and the children, William, Susan a nd Ann Taylor were mentioned. The defendants were to pay the court costs.
[NI64654] Md James Duff
Social Security Death Index about Naomi B. Duff
Name: «tab»Naomi B. Duff
SSN: «tab»271-30-8041
Last Residence: «tab»33860 Mulberry, Polk, Florida,
Born: «tab»21 Feb 1919
Died: «tab»13 Mar 2000
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (1951)
(Research): Record Book 8, Page 371 Filed 29 March 1824 — Petition to Sell Land
Ann Taylor, guardian of William Taylor & Susan Ann Taylor Dav id Taylor died seized of a tanyard located on 3/4 of an acre (no locati on given) and stock thereof, worth about $800. Samuel Taylor was his joi nt partner. The court appointed appraisers, William Comegys, Edward L~ Mo rgan and John McAdams on 7 April 1824, valued one half of the tanyard a nd one half of the stock to be $1100. Samuel Taylor purchased David~s ha lf on 18 June 1824 for $900,12½. The petitioner was ordered to pay the co sts of $3.73.
Possibly married John Taylor Taylor, AnnSpouse : Taylor, John Marriage date : Jun 10, 1830 County of record : Champaign Co.
(Research):Record book 2 pg 415 Aug 10 1813 Trespass Quare Claussum Fregit Samuel McCord vs Phillip Jarbow Samuel McCord chared Phillip Jarboe with trespass on his land and cutti ng down and carrying away 100 trees worht $100.
Record Book 9 pg231 12/24/1819 ...Before 1812, Joseph C Vance, director of Urbana, conveyed In-L ot 24 to Phillip Jarboe, now of Clark Co, , who later conveyed to Samuel M cCord.
[HI64660] (Research):Elizabeth Cleland married Stephen Jarboe, who was the grandfather of the l ate William Talbott, of Illinois, son of Sampson Talbott. Their children-T homas, married, now dead ; dates and names not known. Phillip, married Eli zabeth Richards ; they were the parents of the late Rev. Thomas Clelan d, a prominent minister in the Presbyterian Church ; he resides in Kentuck y, and is the father of two sons who are ministers -P. S. Cleland, of Tope ka, Kan., and F. H. Cleland, of Lebanon, Ky. Thomas was also the fath er of Anna Wilson, mother of James Wilson, who married Elizabeth, daught er of Elisha and Catharine Harbour. Catharine Harbour was a sister of Ezek iel Arrowsmith.
*Index Card Info
Son of William B & Mary E Moore
Grandson of George & Christina Moore
Died of scarlet fever
Urbana Newspaper Abstract
June 21, 1855
Helen Clara, daughter of John H & Elizabeth A Bryan, died on the 14th inst, aged 1 year and 2 months
Name: «tab»Harmanus M. Durnell
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»26 Sep 1907
Death Place: «tab»Cable, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»59
Birth Date: «tab»1848
Birthplace: «tab»Wayne Tp.
Occupation: «tab»Carpenter
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07024-8
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 119
Newspaper Abstract
Urbana Citizen & Gazette
Died Monday last, Cornelea, infant daughter of Joel and Emma Read, aged 4 months
[XI64676] No stone found in Oak Dale
Son of David Wynant.
Francis M Wynant (1864 - 1876)*
Name: «tab»John Wyant
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»15 Feb 1899
Death Place: «tab»Paris Tp., Ohio
Age: «tab»63
Birth Date: «tab»1836
Birthplace: «tab»Paris Twp.
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Race: «tab»White
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Geo. Wyant
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah Rhodes
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07103-8
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»897621
Reference Number: «tab»v 3 p 598
Newspaper Abstract
May 7, 1858
Died 4th May at Buffalo, NY of typhoid fever, WA Fox of Hagensville, Illinois, son of Judge Absalom Fox of Champaign County, will be buried in Champaign County.
[HI64692] (Research):No record in 1850-1860 census
Susannah Long Bryant (1856 - 1932)*
Elvira Corwin Bryant (1860 - 1866)*
James L Bryant (1862 - 1864)*
Wilson Gard Bryant (1864 - 1934)*
Ichabod Corwin Bryant (1868 - 1929)*
Eliza Bryant (1871 - 1887)*
Newspaper Abstract
February 22, 1866
Died 1st inst of diptheria, Elvira Corwin, daughter of JC and Tempie Bryant of this place, aged 5 years 8 months
Inscription: Aged 75 years
"Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord"
[DI64696] pg81 8/14/1890 Mrs Elvira Corwin Bryant, wido of Rev Daniel Bryant pioneer of Ohio, died at the res of dau Mrs J G Wallace on Morth Main St 13 Aug, 85 years of age; buried Oak Dale. Leaves son Dr G W Bryant of Springfield
[XI64696] *Index Card Info, no tombstone found
[NI64697] CCGS Newsletter June 1998 Pg 60 1905 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY CENTENNIAL Relics and Curios Under the direction of this committee the relics and curios were sho wn at the Central Ward School building. This was one of the interesting fe atures of the Centennial celebration. The following are the exhibitors a nd list of relics and curios displayed: This account of activity during the 1905 Champaign County Centennial was f ound in the attic of the home of Miss Alice L. Gaumer, Uthana, OH in the y ear 1966 Mrs. J. G. Wallace (mother of Julia Wallace Jennings): daguerreotype of Sa rah Corwin, daguerreotype of' Elvira Corwin, 100 year old pitcher from gra ndmother of J.G. Wallace, embroidered picture made by Mm Elvira Corwin Bry ant in 1820, representing the old.Corwin home at Lebanon, Warren Cø., Ohi o. The tomb to the right is Hon. Thomas Corwin, Governor of Ohio. The la dy by the tomb is the grandmother of Mrs. Thomas Frank, Urbana, OH. The la dy to the left is Mrs. Bnyant, mother of Mrs. Wallace. The lady and gentle man together are Mr. and Mrs. Corwin, grandparents of Mrs. Wallace, who bu ilt the first log cabin in Warren County in 1795, lchabod and Sarah Corwi n. (This item is now on display at Glendower, Warren County [1905]).
Name: «tab»Sarah Catherine Wallace
Death Date: «tab»01 Sep 1910
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»24 Feb 1836
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1837
Birthplace: «tab»Middletown, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»73 years 6 months 8 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»None
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»03 Sep 1910
Burial Place: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Daniel Bryant
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»New Jersey
Mother's Name: «tab»Elvira Erwin
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Warren Co., Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1952495
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4024509
Image Number: «tab»2141
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 47924
Name : Amanda Herr
Death date : 06 Jan 1924
Death place : Salem, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date : 10 Jun 1844
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Dolphin Co., Pa.
Age at death : 79 years 6 months 10 days
Gender : Female
Marital status : Widowed
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address :
Occupation : At Home
Residence :
Burial date : 09 Jan 1924
Burial place : Kingscare, Ohio
Cemetery name :
Spouse name : David Herr
Father name : Jacob Mumma
Father titles :
Father birth place : Pa
Mother name : Hettie Diffenbaugh
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : Pa
GSU film number : 1992399
Digital GS number : 4000576
Image number : 636
Reference number : fn 534
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI64706] (Research):Sister of A C Deuel
Newspaper Abstract
Urbana Citizen & Gazette
July 13, 1860
Died 6th inst at Chicago, Ill, Ida M, infant daughter of Theodore W and Sarah Cooke, 3 years; buried Oak Dale Cemetery; Mrs Cooke is a sister of AC Deuel of Urbana
[XI64707] No cemetery records or tombstone found, this information is from her obit.
Wife of Benjamin Tappen
Wife of Francis Wright
Nancy Tappen Houston (1843 - 1921)*
Lucy Norma Tappan (1847 - 1919)*
(Research):There is a marriage in Clark Co, OH 11/22/1832 of James W Chidester to mary Overpeck.
Also in Corbett Cemetery, Champaign County is this burial:
CHIDESTER, N. James, Jr. s/o Holdridge & Mary died Sep 11, 1837 aged ____
1850 Champaign Co, Wayne, OH
Mary Chidester, 46, VA
Worthington, 23, VA farmer
Margaret J 18 OH
Mary 16 OH
Martha 9 OH
Olive 2 OH
[HI64726] (Research):There is another Mary Chidester who married on the same date 11/27/18 52 in Champ Co by same minister, John Holly
[HI64728] (Research):Name : John Franklin Pogue Titles : Death date : 19 Aug 1941 Death place : Troy, Miami, Ohio Birth date : 30 Oct 1868 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Brown Twp., Miami Co., Ohio Age at death : 72 years 9 months 19 days Gender : Male Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : 803 Drury Lane Occupation : Retired Assembler Residence : Burial date : 21 Aug 1941 Burial place : Fletcher, O. Cemetery name : Spouse name : Clara Belle Pogue Father name : Cyrus Pogue Father titles : Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Caroline Covault Mother titles : Mother birth place : Ohio GSU film number : 2023922 Digital GS number : 4046418 Image number : 1067 Certificate number : fn 50573 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI64744] (Research):One sister livng as mentioned in obit of Timothy Newton Covault.
(Research):Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Liberty, Logan, Ohio; Roll: T62 4_1204; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 134; Image: 902. Charles M Miller 42 head m2x m3y Mahala Miller 36 wife md2x m3y 3ch 3 living Cecil Prater 16 step dau OH OH OH Kenneth Prater 10 stepson OH OH OH Florence Miller 11 dau
Name: Cecile Barger SSN: 295-22-5187 Last Residence: 74106 Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States of America Born: 19 Jun 1893 Died: Sep 1975 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
Ohio Obituary Index, 1830s-2009, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center about Cecile J Barger
Name: «tab»Cecile J Barger
[Cecile J Prater]
Death Date: «tab»9 Sep 1975
Death Place: «tab»Tulsa, Oklahoma
Spouse: «tab»Harry
Marriage Date: «tab»13 Jan 1915
Parents: «tab»John
Newspaper: «tab»Bellefontaine Examiner, Bellefontaine, Ohio
Newspaper Date: «tab»12 Sep 1975
Newspaper Page: «tab»p. 7, col. 3
Years Indexed: «tab»1956-58,1964-1967, 1969-1970, 1972, 1974- current
Newspaper Repository: «tab»Logan County District Library -Bellefontaine, Oh; Logan County District Library -Bellefontaine, Oh
Library Link: «tab»Order Copy
Married Clarence Stoker
Ohio Obituary Index, 1830s-2009, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center
about Clarence C Stoker
Name: «tab»Clarence C Stoker
Nickname: «tab»Bud
Birth Date: «tab»1916
Death Date: «tab»29 Jul 1984
Age at Death: «tab»67
Death Place: «tab»Bellefontaine, Ohio
Spouse: «tab»Betty Barger
Marriage Date: «tab»23 Jun 1939
Parents: «tab»Emanuel
Newspaper: «tab»Bellefontaine Examiner, Bellefontaine, Ohio
Newspaper Date: «tab»30 Jul 1984
Newspaper Page: «tab»p. 7, col. 1
Years Indexed: «tab»1956-58,1964-1967, 1969-1970, 1972, 1974- current
Newspaper Repository: «tab»Logan County District Library -Bellefontaine, Oh; Logan County District Library -Bellefontaine, Oh
Library Link: «tab»Order Copy
Ohio Obituary Index, 1830s-2009, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center about Betty R Stoker
Name: «tab»Betty R Stoker
[Betty R Barger]
Birth Date: «tab»7 Jun 1921
Death Date: «tab»12 Mar 1992
Age at Death: «tab»70
Death Place: «tab»Tulsa, Oklahoma
Spouse: «tab»Clarence Stoker
Parents: «tab»Harry
Newspaper: «tab»Bellefontaine Examiner, Bellefontaine, Ohio
Newspaper Date: «tab»13 Mar 1992
Newspaper Page: «tab»p. 8, col. 1
Years Indexed: «tab»1956-58,1964-1967, 1969-1970, 1972, 1974- current
Newspaper Repository: «tab»Logan County District Library -Bellefontaine, Oh; Logan County District Library -Bellefontaine, Oh
Library Link: «tab»Order Copy
[HI64749] (Research):Name: Howard R. Barger SSN: 302-18-7817 Last Residence: 74014 Broken Arrow, Wagoner, Oklahoma Born: 22 Apr 1928 Died: 25 Jan 2005 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
(Research):Name: Rachel Karus SSN: 272-28-9210 Born: 15 Dec 1931 Last Benefit: 43311 Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio, United States of Ameri Died: Jan 1979 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
Name: Rachel E Karus Birth Date: Est. 1932 Birth State: Ohio Birth Country: United States Gender: Female Race: White Residence County: Logan Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 6 Jan 1979 Hospital of Death: Mary Rutan Hospital City of Death: Bellefontaine County of Death: Logan Certificate: 003780 Age at Death: 47 Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy Social Security Number: 272-28-9210 Marital Status: Widowed
[DI64763] Passed away peacefully at age 76 in Phoenix, Arizona on October 29th, 2012. He was born July 10, 1936, to wonderful parents, Reinhold and Margaret (McPhee) Ericson in Minneapolis, MN. John graduated from Wayzata High School (Minnesota) in 1954 where he was voted class clown his senior year. He played many sports and loved watching them throughout his life. Before graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Arizona State University in 1959, he attended the University of Colorado for one year where he roomed with Robert Redford (not famous yet). Later, at the University of MN, John pledged the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity and met the love of his life, Jan Kromer. They married in 1959 in Minneapolis. Three children soon followed with a relocation to Phoenix, AZ in 1970. John and Jan were members of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church and grew to love the Lord Jesus together. Although John owned restaurants for a time, most of his career life was spent as a recruiter for pharmaceutical companies. Being gifted with his hands, he was an accomplished wood carver & carpenter. He also loved gardening, fishing, cooking, music, and singing. John was easy-going, fun-loving, considerate, and very generous. He is preceded in death by his parents and wife. He is survived by his sister Babby (John Schwarz), son Greg, his daughters Tracy (Jeff Evilsizor), Lynn (Ben Bayko), and 4 granddaughters, Candace, Danielle, Margo Evilsizor, and Sadie Bayko. Services were arranged by Green Acres Mortuary, 401 North Hayden Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85257. (Arizona Replublic 11/3/2012)
Name: «tab»C.H. Williams
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»21 Apr 1914
Event Place: «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Age: «tab»22
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1892
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Chas. Williams
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Idora Russell
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Helen Minnie Oblinger
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1896
Spouse's Father: «tab»W.W. Oblinger
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Mattie Shade
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»it 28045 p318
Film Number: «tab»550154
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4260995
Image Number: «tab»168
[HI64777] (Research):Bull School No 2, Mad River, Twp 1903 records from Everett Snapp abstract ed by Norma Leisure published in CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 V ol 14 # 3 pg 54 Teachers from 1898 through 1900 school years was John Leonard, 1900-1904 w as Ada Belden. In Jan of 1903 several children were out with whooping coug h. Charles Williams age 11 attended 1903-1904
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Charles H Williams
Name: «tab»Charles H Williams
Birth Date: «tab»1892
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Franklin
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»1 Dec 1972
Hospital of Death: «tab»MT Carmel Hospital-East
City of Death: «tab»Columbus (Pt)
County of Death: «tab»Franklin
Certificate: «tab»093916
Age at Death: «tab»80
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Census Tract: «tab»0739
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Howard K Moffitt
Name: «tab»Howard K Moffitt
Birth Date: «tab»1910
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»21 Aug 1963
Hospital of Death: «tab»Community Hospital of Springfield
City of Death: «tab»Springfield
County of Death: «tab»Clark
Certificate: «tab»58487
Age at Death: «tab»53
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: «tab»Married
[NI64781] Md Rodney Herron
[DI64781] HERRON, Vivian Ann (Moffitt) formerly Vivian Smouse, 66, of Mechanicsbu rg passed away December 9, 2005 in her residence following a long battle w ith cancer. She was born June 25, 1939 in Dayton, the daughter of Howard a nd Alma (Sidders) Moffitt. Vivian enjoyed bowling and car racing. She is s urvived by her husband, Rodney Herron; six daughters, Cheryl (Tyrone) Art is of London, Ohio, Kimberly (Tino) Martinez III of Lansing, Michigan, Dia na Smouse of Columbus, Ohio, Brenda Rooks of Columbus, Ohio, Trisha Smou se of Rosedale, Ohio and Tiffiny (Ryan) Dillinger of Havelock, North Carol ina; four sons, Howard Smouse III of Lansing, Michigan, John Herron of Lon don, Ohio, Jessie Smouse of Columbus, Ohio and Richard Smouse, Jr. of Colu mbus, Ohio; one brother, Donald Moffitt of West Liberty, Ohio. Vivian is t he proud grandmother and great-grandmother to many. She was preceded in de ath by her parents, Howard and Alma Moffitt; her first husband, Richard Smouse; her daughter, Linda Cain. A gathering of family and friends wi ll be held on Tuesday, December 13, 2005 from 5-8 p.m. in Mechanicsburg Ch ristian Fellowship Church. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday at 1 1a.m. at the church, Pastor Linden Good officiating. Burial will foll ow in Maple Grove Cemetery, Mechanicsburg. Memorial contributions to he lp defray expenses may be sent to Rodney Herron, 8889 Davisson Rd, Mechani csburg, OH 43044. THE SKILLMAN, MCDONALD & VERNON Funeral Home of Mechanic sburg is serving the family. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 12/11/2005.
[HI64784] (Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1912 Mary Clay Mabry
[HI64785] (Research):GRAUMAN, Maxine V. 86, of Springfield died at 4:25 a.m. Sunday, December 1 1, 2005 in Community Hospital. She was born June 19, 1919 in Champaign Cou nty, Ohio , a daughter of Claude and Mary (Clay) Mabry. Maxine was a gradu ate of Cable High School Class of 1938, an active member of Maiden Chur ch of God where she and her husband taught a Sunday School Children's Cla ss for many years and was an avid button collector, having one the large st in the state of Ohio. Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, Varn alee and Leroy Smith of Springfield; two sons and daughters in -law, Re v. Roland L. "Rollie" and Bonnie Grauman of Nashville, Tennessee, Ben L. a nd Bertha Grauman on of Farmersville, Ohio; eight grandchildren; three gre at grandchildren; brother, Fred (Louise) Mabry, Springfield, Ohio . She w as preceded in death by her husband, Roland Grauman on August 14, 199 5; a sister, Betty and a brother, Fremont. Funeral services will be he ld at 10:30 a.m. December 15, 2005 in the Maiden Land Church of God, 12 01 Maiden Lane ,Springfield with Rev. Randall W. Spence officiating. She w ill lie in state in the church one hour prior to the service. Burial wi ll follow in Ferncliff Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 5 -8 p.m. on Wednesday, December 14, 2005 in the WALTER SCHOEDINGER FUNER AL HOME, 642 South Main Street, Urbana, Ohio. Contributions to the Maid en Lane Church of God, 1201 Maiden Lane, Springfield in Maxine's memory. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 12/13/2005.
[HI64787] (Research):Champaign County Genealogy Society Newsetter Winter 2006 Vol 22 No 4 pg 11 4 Enumerated of all Unmarried Youth between 5 and 18 years of age , Cable, C hampaign Co, Ohio 1923 Freemont Mabry, age 5 child of Claude Mabry
[HI64788] (Research):RUST, Melvin Charles 88, of Springfield, went home to be with the Lo rd on December 11, 2005 following a courageous battle with cancer. He w as born in Lawrenceville, Ohio September 15, 1917 to Charles and Minnie (K reglow) Rust. He graduated from Lawrenceville High School and Springfie ld Business School and worked in the automotive trade until his retireme nt in 1986. He is survived by his loving wife of 65 years, Elizabeth (Full on); four children, Linda Beach of Seattle, WA, Carol (John) McCarty, Ri ck (Donna) Rust and Kathy (Phil) Anderson all of Springfield; grandchildre n, Kimberly (John) Betts, Curtis (Jessica) Beach, Timothy McCarty, Rand al (Michelle) Rust, Christopher McCarty, Debbie (Steve) Osmond, Kambe (Tre y) Nichols, Kelly (Jerrad) Allen and Joe Rust; several nieces, nephews a nd a cousin, Sarah Hathaway. Melvin loved animals of all kinds, history, w orking with wood, photography and growing flowers. He was a special lovi ng and caring husband, father and grandfather who always put the nee ds of others before his own. A memorial service to celebrate Melvin's li fe will be conducted by Pastor Walter Mock at Tremont United Methodist Chu rch at the convenience of the family. In lieu of flowers, memorial contrib utions may be made to Tremont United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 129, Tremo nt City, Ohio 45272. The family is being served by the CONROY FUNERAL HOM E. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 12/13/2005.
(Research):William Rountree was a follower of Daniel Boone. In 1816 he moved to wh at we call Elkhorn Bottoms. In 1818 he moved to the town of Elkton, Ill. H is house was erected by himself and a friend, David Wells, and 6 Shawnee I ndians. In 1831 he sold his property to Matthew Forrest and moved to anoth er house in Elkton where he eventually died. Wells and Rountree were Baptist Minist ers prior to 1870.
MARRIAGES OF WARREN COUNTY KENTUCKY 11 July 1800, William Rountree and Judith Webb. Security: Martin Webb
1810 CENSUS WARREN COUNTY, KENTUCKY Wm Rountree 4 males under 10 3 females under 10 1 male 26 - 45 1 female 26 - 45
KENTUCKY LAND GRANTS - SOUTH OF GREEN RIVER 1May 1810, William Rountree - 40 acres - Warren County - Big Beaver Dam C reek. Bk 12, pg 201.
LAND RECORDS OF WARREN COUNTY KENTUCKY 4 March 1813 - John Dixon to WilliamRountree - $400.00 - 200 acres on B ig Beaver Dam and Will's Branch - Warren Co., KY Deed Bk A., pg 243.
16 Sept 1817 - William Rountree & wfie Judith to Phebe Edwards - $300. 00 - 40 acres - beginning on military line of William Forkner's east corn er to John Dixon's. Test: J. C. Rountree and John B. Brown. Bk A., pg 2 79
20 Oct. 1817 - William Rountree and Judah his wife of Warren county to Jo hn Rountree of the same county. For sum of $200.00 sell 80 acres on a bra nch of Big Beaver dam creek....which was entered in the name of Thomas Rou ntree... Deed Book 8, page 276 & 277.
21 Oct 1817 - William Rountree & Judith his wife, to Phebe Edwards - $200. 00 - 100 acres on Branch of Big Beaver Dam Creek, part of John Dixon's 2 00 acre survey, to Anney Eliza McCrow's military line. Warren Co., KY De ed Bk. A, pg 279.
1818 CENSUS OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS William Rountree - 1 male over 21; 11 others
1820 CENSUS OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS Wm. Rountree: 1 male over 21; 4 males under 21; 6 females
1830 CENSUS WASHINGTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS Pg 181, Ln 22 Rountree, William Males Females 1 between 5 & 10 1 between 15 & 20 1 between 10 & 15 1 between 50 & 60 1 between 15 & 20 1 between 50 & 60
1840 CENSUS WASHINGTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS PG 232, LN 12 - Rountree, William Males Females 1 between 10 & 15 1 between 10 & 15 1 between 20 & 30 1 between 60 & 70 1 between 60 & 70
1850 CENSUS WASHINGTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS 776/776 - Rountree, William 74 farmer b. VA Judith 40 b. SC
1879 HISTORY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS pg 17: Wm Rountree, Sr., moved from Shoal Creek, now Clinton County to t he timber on the west side of Elkhorn Creek, a little south east of the pr esent site of the Village of Elkton in 1818. Mr. Rountree had emigrated f rom Kentucky and settled at the time on Shoal Creek. He was unfortunat e. His family had a great deal of sickness, three members died in a sho rt time after his location; and this together with the loss of nearly a ll his stock from "milk sickness" discouraged him so much, he decid ed to go back to Kentucky. He was on his return journey when family sickn ess compelled him to stop at a place near the present site of Elkton. Her e, together with one white man - David Wells - and half a dozen Shawnee In dians, he erected a log house to protect him from the cold winter, expecti ng to continue on to Kentucky with the return of warm weather. He ga ve up his return to Kentucky and lived on this place until 1831; sold to M athew Forrest and moved about 1 mile north. Lived there until he died.
Pg 18: William Rountree, minister of the Baptist faith, preached to settl ers previous to 1820.
William Rountree elected to 1st Board of Commissioners 1819
Pg. 25: William Rountree elected to 10th Board of Commissioners 1832
Pg 39: First Baptist Church organized at hom of Benj. Chesney, west e nd of County, By William Rountree & David Badgely- Elders prior to 1824. T ook name of Grand Prairie Church.
Pg 69: William Rountree settled near Elkton in 1823. Six years previo us to this he was in Clinton County. A native of Virginia. Died at old h omestead 1859. (Note by Kay Jetton: this is incorrect. See probate reco rds and tombstone record)
WASHINGTON COUNTY ILLINOIS PROBATE RECORDS File Box 24 - William Rountree - L. Rountree, Adm.
[HI64810] (Research):Not in 1910 census, but in 1920 census as daughter age 15
[HI64811] (Research):Not in 1910 census, but in 1920 census, named dau age 10. same age as brot her
[HI64812] (Research):BUCK, Patricia A. 68, of Springfield, died Friday morning, December 16, 20 05 in Mercy Medical Center following several years of failing health. S he was born in Springfield on September 5, 1937 the daughter of Everett a nd Audrey (Rolison) Yoakum. Survivors include her daughter and son-in-la w, Lorri and Steve Lawson, of Springfield; a son, Thomas Buck, of Dayto n; two brothers and sisters-in-law, Richard and Jerry Lou Yoakum, of Colum bus and Steve and Teresa Yoakum, of Huron, Ohio; a granddaughter, Amy (Chr is) Branham, of Springfield; a great granddaughter, Olivia Branham; and se veral nieces and nephews. Her parents and her husband of 44 years, Woodr ow G. "Kapie" Buck preceded her in death. A memorial service will be he ld at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the LITTLETON & RUE FUNERAL HOME with Pastor Jim W elch officiating. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be ma de to the ALS Association, 1810 MacKenzie Drive, Suite 120, Columbus, Ohi o, 43220. You may express condolences to the family at www.littletonandrue .com Published in the Springfield News-Sun from 12/17/2005 - 12/18/2005.
[HI64815] (Research):Name: Woodrow G. Buck SSN: 299-30-7768 Last Residence: 45504 Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States of Ameri Born: 22 Jan 1936 Died: 11 Mar 2001 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1952 )
(Research):Spring Grove Cemetery Burial Card #164819 Catherine E Evilsizer Place of Birth: Cincinnati, OH Late Residence: 1719 Chase Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45223 Place of Death: Villa Hope, 625 Probasco Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45220 Date of Birth: Aug 27 1886 Date of Decease Dec 1 1972 Date in Interment Monday Dec 4 1972 Parents Names: Louis Hahn and Elizabeth Schihl Lot Owner: Louis Hahn Sec 73 Lot 129 Type and Size of Grave: Con Vlt 7-9-x36 Funeral Director: Miller Informant:, Fun Dir Miller and George P Hahn, nephew, 223 Palm Islan d, NW Clearwater, FL Widowed wife of Lee Evilsizer Relationship to Lot Owner: Daughter Opening: $125.00 Next to # 9 Louise M Hahn, per Funeral Director
Have on file all this family Hahn Cemetery records of the Hahn's who liv ed in Hamilton County and buried in Spring Grove Cemetery
(Research):First generation that I have found. (From [email protected]) 1. Frederich Tiedge, born in Germany - married to Carolina Flemeling –Germ any Carolina’s parents: Joachim and Maria (Wahls) Femelilng From Mecklenbur g, Germany Frederich Tiedge served in the civil war. Son John born New York md Lucie Witter
Name: Frederic Teitge , Enlistment Date: 18 May 1861 Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Side Served: Union State Served: New York Unit Numbers: 1495 1495 Service Record: Promoted to Full Corporal Enlisted as a Private on 18 May 1861 at the age of 40 Enlisted in Company I, 29th Infantry Regiment New York on 04 June 1861. Received a disability discharge Company I, 29th Infantry Regiment New Yo rk on 20 June 1862 in Wheeling, WV
Death Cert of Elnora says father born Danbury, OH
John Teet Meets his Death while Duck Hunting on the Bay Bridge On Thursday morning of last week The engineer of the express train going W est saw the body of a man lying upon The timbers of the bay bridge about 1 00 yards east of the draw. At Danbury he formed the station agent who se nt for Justie of the Pease Albert Pettibone, who came and viewed the bod y, acting as Cornoner. The Body was found to be John Teet, for Many yea rs a tender at the bay bridge But for the past two years a fisherman Who left his home in Danbury townSh ip at 5’ o’clock in the morning on a Duck hunting expedition. It was supp osed that he had stumbled and fell on The bridge and his gun discharged, t he Contents of both barrels entering his Hip and passing into his abdome n. The Force of the recoil threw his gun fully Twenty feet away, where it was fou nd On the ice under the bridge. Mr Teet Had dragged himself about twen ty Feet from the spot where he had received the wond, and then fell over E xhausted and rapidly bled to death. When discovered the corpse was part Frozen. The deceased was about thirty-five Years of age and was rais ed in Danbury Township by his widowed mother. He Leaves a wife and two chi ldren. A Peculiar coincidence is found in the Fact that a brother of Tee t, while huntIng near Oak Harbor last summer, ascidently shot and kill ed a companion, George Weichel, Jr., with the same gun Which terminated his brother’s life .
[HI64823] (Research):Sandusky Daily Register 7/18/1930 p8c4 Death Claims Mrs Lucy Reno. Resident of Race-rd Taken after Long Illness. The death of Mrs Lucy Reno, the widow of Frank Reno, occuring at the resid enc eof her daughter Mrs Gabriel Brunner on the Race-rd near Castalia at 9 :50 pm Thursday after several months of illness. She was aged 69 y one mon th, and six days. Surving are 3 daughters, Mrs John Evilsizer, Urbana, O H, Mrs Vera Witcher, Toledo and Mrs Gabriel Brunner of Sactalia; two so ns Ralph Reno, Bay Bridge and Herbert J Teet of Toledo; 17 grandchildren a nd seven gr grandchildren, two sisters Mrs Minnie Grieser of TRiffin and M rs John Burns of Tiffin. One daughter Mrs Harry Myrice preceded her in dea th seven years ago and her husband died 5/1/1926.
[HI64824] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Jan 1997 pg 32 Extract of Selected Pages from the Bapti sm Register St Mary's Catholic Church, Urbana, OH Sept 20, 1859 Baptized Catherine born 2/2/1859, dau of John Lynch and Ma ry O'Neal Godparents Edward McNeiny and Catherine Lynch. Rev J F Kearney
[HI64826] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Jan 1997 pg 32 Extract of Selected Pages from the Bapti sm Register St Mary's Catholic Church, Urbana, OH 8/12/1860 Baptized Marga ret born Aug 2 dau of Patrick Quinn and Bridget Lynch. Godparents James Re ily and Mary Quinlan . Rev J F Kearney
[HI64835] (Research):ARMSTRONG JAMES W County Name: MONTGOMERY Date of Death: 4/19/1925 Volume Number: 4725 Certificate Number: 24579
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Stanley J Erter
Name: «tab»Stanley J Erter
Birth Date: «tab»1899
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Springfield
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»16 Jan 1974
Hospital of Death: «tab»Mercy Medical Center
City of Death: «tab»Springfield
County of Death: «tab»Clark
Certificate: «tab»000624
Age at Death: «tab»75
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
[HI64841] (Research):ROBERT NEESE ERTER 80, of Springfield, died Thursday, November 8, 20 01 in Heartland of Springfield. He was born March 10, 1921, in Springfiel d, Ohio, the son of Stanley and Florence (Neese) Erter. Mr. Erter began wo rking at Robbins & Meyers during World War II. He then entered into automo tive parts and accessories sales in 1948 and ultimately formed Erter Au to Sales, which he operated until his retirement in 1998. Survivors inclu de a son, Stanley Erter of Springfield; a step-son, George Slack, of Warre nton, Virginia; two brothers and sisters-in-law, Donald and Beverly Ert er and Richard and Naomi Erter, all of Springfield; two grandchildren, Eli zabeth (Brian) Snyder and Anastasia Slack, all of Virginia; one great-gran dchild, Olivia Snyder; and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in dea th by his parents and his wife, Mary (Comer) Erter, who died in 1996. A ga thering of family and friends will be held Monday from 6-8 p.m. in the LIT TLETON & RUE FUNERAL HOME, SPRINGFIELD. Funeral services will be held in t he funeral home on Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. with the Reverend Cecil McCarty o fficiating. Burial will be in Ferncliff Cemetery. You may express condolen ces to the family at www.littletonandrue.com .
[DI64843] RICHARD STANLEY ERTER, 80, of Springfield, died Friday morning, June 4, 2010 in Heartland of Springfield. He was born in Springfield on February 19, 1930 the son of the late Stanley and Florence (Neese) Erter. In 1992, Dick retired from Ohio Edison following 29 years at the Springfield plant and later 15 years at the H.W. Sammis plant in Wellsville. He was a member of F.O.E. Aerie 397, the Union Club, and V.F.W. Post 1031. He is survived by his wife of nearly 64 years, Naomi Ruth (Ater) Erter; two children, Jim (Betty) Erter of Urbana and Phyllis Bageant of Springfield; a brother, Donald Erter of Springfield; five grandchildren, Tammy Erter, Eric Erter, Katie (Jason) Bishop, Chris (Heather) Erter, and Matt (Melissa) Erter; and four great grandchildren, Brynn, Brock, Samuel, and Maleah. He was preceded in death by a son, John Erter; brother and sisters-in-law, Robert and Mary Erter and Beverly Erter; and son-in-law, Steve Bageant. The family wishes to extend a special thanks to Katie Buchanan of Community Mercy Hospice for her devoted care during Dick's illness. A time to gather and celebrate Dick's life will be held from 5-7 p.m. Tuesday in the LITTLETON & RUE FUNERAL HOME.
Name : Laura Jane Erter
Death date : 21 Oct 1942
Death place : Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth date : 07 Nov 1857
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Clark, Ohio
Age at death : 84 years 11 months 14 days
Gender : Female
Marital status : Widowed
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address : R. #3
Occupation :
Residence : Spfld, Ohio
Burial date : 23 Oct 1942
Burial place :
Cemetery name : Ferncliff Cem.
Spouse name : Frank Erter
Father name : Cowan (Hugh)
Father titles :
Father birth place : Clark, Ohio
Mother name : Elder (Arminta)
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : Clark, Ohio
GSU film number : 2024037
Digital GS number : 4030161
Image number : 765
Certificate number : fn 63211
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI64845] (Research):Name: Mary F Erter Age at Death: 73 Date of Death: 7 Feb 1996 City of Death: Springfield County of Death: Clark Volume: 30559 Certificate: 008422 Date of Birth: 8 Jun 1922 County of Birth: Perry State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Father's Surname: Comer Mother's Maiden Name: Hawthorn Gender: Female Marital Status: Married Race: White Years of Schooling: 11 Social Security Number: 297-18-6813 Industry: Not specified retail trade Occupation: Sales workers, other commodities Whether in Armed Forces: No Primary Registration District: 1201 Hospital of Death: Community Hosp. of Springfield Hospital Status: Hospital/Inpatient Time of Death: 7:59 AM
[HI64847] (Research):Name: William S Delong Age at Death: 68 Date of Death: 19 May 1996 City of Death: Springfield County of Death: Clark Volume: 30667 Certificate: 035402 Date of Birth: 9 Jul 1927 City of Birth: Springfield County of Birth: Clark State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Father's Surname: Delong Mother's Maiden Name: Ours Gender: Male Marital Status: Divorced Race: White Years of Schooling: 10 Social Security Number: 302-20-3355 Industry: Railroads Occupation: Dispatchers Whether in Armed Forces: No Primary Registration District: 1201 Hospital of Death: Long-Term Care Facilities Hospital Status: Other/Nursing Home Time of Death: 7:50 AM
[HI64865] (Research):Name: Carrie M Richardson Age at Death: 89 Date of Death: 4 Jan 1995 County of Death: Shelby Volume: 30117 Certificate: 006078 Date of Birth: 16 May 1905 County of Birth: Miami State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Father's Surname: Wiles Mother's Maiden Name: Everett Gender: Female Marital Status: Widowed Race: White Years of Schooling: 11 Social Security Number: 287-32-8822 Industry: Sporting goods, bicycles, and hobby stores Occupation: Supervisors and proprietors, sales occupations Whether in Armed Forces: No
[HI64868] (Research):Urbana Daily Citizen October 14, 2005 Ronald Rowe, 60, of Cincinnati, Ohio and formerly of Urbana, died Tuesda y, Oct. 11, 2005.He was born Nov. 1, 1944 in Champaign County, the s on of Lawrence and Mary Ellen Dibert Rowe.He was employed by John Zidian County., and was the former manager of Stockdale s Markets of Urbana, Ohio. Ron ald was past president of the Urbana Chamber of Commerce, former memb er of the Urbana County Club and the Urbana United Methodist Church.He w as the beloved husband and best friend for 43 years of Barbara L. (Stou t) Rowe, devoted father of John M. (Karen) Rowe, Libby E. (Jack) Greeley a nd Jenny L. Rowe; beloved son of Mary Ellen Rowe and the late Lawren ce V. Rowe; loving grandfather of Michael and Daniel Rowe and Travis and J oe Greeley; dear brother of Larry V. (Peggy), T~~y (Jo) and Randy (Mitc h) Rowe, Sue (Jim) Clemens and Tammy (Earl) Walter; nephew of Charles (Mar y) Dibert; as well as many nieces and nephew, sister in-law Judy (Tom) Fin nerty and brother in-law Philip and Sue Stout, cousins and golf buddies.Vi sitation will be held at Paul R. Young Funeral Home, 7345 Hamilton Ave., M t. Healthy on Saturday, Oct. 15, 2005 from 3 to 6 p.m.
Social Security Death Index about Roy H. Gross
Name: «tab»Roy H. Gross
SSN: «tab»286-12-9376
Last Residence: «tab»45356 Piqua, Miami, Ohio,
Born: «tab»16 Sep 1915
Died: «tab»5 Sep 2003
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Roy H Gross
Name: «tab»Roy H Gross
Birth Date: «tab»16 Sep 1915
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Hispanic Origin: «tab»Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence City: «tab»Miami
Residence County: «tab»Miami
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Zip Code: «tab»45356
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»5 Sep 2003
Death Time: «tab»11:00 AM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Private Residence
City of Death: «tab»Miami
County of Death: «tab»Miami
Certificate: «tab»72817
Age at Death: «tab»87
Registrar's Certificate Number: «tab»000437
Certifier: «tab»Coroner
Referred to Coroner: «tab»Referred to Coroner
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Method of Disposition: «tab»Burial
Filing Date: «tab»16 Sep 2003
Hospital Status: «tab»Other/residence
Injury at Work: «tab»Unclassifiable
Type Place of Injury: «tab»Home
Social Security Number: «tab»286-12-9376
Father's Surname: «tab»Gross
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Wildermuth
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Education: «tab»12
Armed Forces Indicator: «tab»Yes
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Industry Not Classifiable
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Industry Not Classifiable
Primary Registration District: «tab»5500
Social Security Death Index about Leo M. King
Name: «tab»Leo M. King
SSN: «tab»277-03-6397
Last Residence: «tab»43311 Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio,
Born: «tab»23 Sep 1908
Died: «tab»26 Jun 1989
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
[HI64880] (Research):Name: Jack Allen Age at Death: 52 Date of Death: 9 Jan 1974 City of Death: Urbana County of Death: Champaign Volume: 21555 Certificate: 000581 Date of Birth: Est. 1922 Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White City of Residence: Urbana County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Mercy Memorial Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy
Name: «tab»Berman Powell Wilkins
Birth Date: «tab»29 Jan 1919
Birth County: «tab»Champaign
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States«tab»
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White«tab»
Death Date: «tab»9 Sep 1996
Death Time: «tab»6:45 AM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Long-Term Care Facilities
County of Death: «tab»Champaign
Certificate: «tab»067275
Age at Death: «tab»77
Hospital Status: «tab»Other/Nursing Home«tab»
Social Security Number: «tab»300-34-7644
FATHER'S SURNAME: «tab»Wilkins
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Powell
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Education: «tab»12
Armed Forces Indicator: «tab»No
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Agricultural production, crops
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Farmers, except horticultural
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Leona E Yoder
Name: «tab»Leona E Yoder
Birth Date: «tab»1895
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Logan
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»22 Aug 1987
Hospital of Death: «tab»Mary Rutan Hospital
City of Death: «tab»Bellefontaine
County of Death: «tab»Logan
Certificate: «tab»060641
Age at Death: «tab»92
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: «tab»888-02-9009
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Homemaker, student, unemployed volunteer
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Homemaker
(Research):Name: Harold Yoder SSN: 283-18-8267 Born: 14 Jul 1917 Died: Oct 1979 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
Name: Harold E Yoder Age at Death: 62 Date of Death: 15 Oct 1979 City of Death: Franklin County County of Death: Franklin Volume: 23810 Certificate: 071013 Date of Birth: Est. 1917 State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White Social Security Number: 283-18-8267 County of Residence: Logan State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Doctors Hospital-West Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
[HI64895] (Research):Logan Co, Ohio Hisotry Beers 1881 Monroe Twp pg 679 REV. JAMES RANDLE, West Liberty; was born Feb. 21, 1838, on the farm now o wned by his uncle, Err Randel; James was the eldest child of a fami ly of a family of three born to Elliot and Nancy Ann (Kelly) Randel; she w as a daughter of Col. Kelly of Champaign Co., who married Nancy Ann Gillau d, both of whom came from Virginia. Elliot Randle was born in this townsh ip Oct. 5, 1810, and his wife, Nancy Ann, in Champaign Co., Aug. 26, 182 0. Her father, Col. David Kelly, was born Jan. 9, 1783, and his wife, Nan cy Ann, June 25, 17 85. They raised a family of seven children. Elliot Ran dle, from his birth, was a constant resident of this township until 186 5, when he moved to Lewisburg, where he died two years afterward, on No v. 27, 1867, his consort having passed over on Feb. 6, 1841. James was rai sed to farming having had only the usual common school advantages afford ed him. At the age of 22 he was united by marriage to Emily Willits, who w as born in this township, Feb. 2, 1832, and was a daughter of Charles a nd Elizabeth (Jones) Willits. Upon arriving at manhood, our subject havi ng been converted, became deeply impressed that it was his duty to procla im the glad tidings of salvation to his fellow-man, and, actuated by th is feeling in 1862 he engaged in the ministry, and two years later he w as regularly ordained, since which time he has labored faithfully in his M aster's vineyard, and through his instrumentality many souls have been l ed to turn from the error of their ways and find consolation through the a toning merits of the Saviour. He is connected with the Mad River Associati on, his field of labor being mostly in Champaign Co. He has charge of o ne of the largest churches in the association. Brother Randle, with but t he meager advantages before spoken of, has, by close study and applicatio n, risen from a farmer s boy to one among the ablest and most effective mi nisters in the association. He has two children, Nancy A., born in 1861, a nd Mary E., born in 1867. The farm of 100 acres he carries on in connecti on with his ministerial labors. He is a member of Mad River Lodge, A ., F. & A. M., No. 161.
[HI64897] (Research):BOWERS, Oscar Death date: 11/16/1926, Champaign County Volu me #5187, Certificate #66057
[HI64902] (Research): BOWERS, James A. Death date: 1/1/1931, Champaign County Volu me #6492, Certificate #532
[HI64908] (Research):Name: Carl L Pearson Birth Date: 16 Apr 1910 Birth State: Indiana Birth Country: United States Gender: Male Race: White Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic Death Date: 26 Dec 1994 Death Time: 7:22 AM Hospital of Death: Long-Term Care Facilities County of Death: Champaign Certificate: 100734 Age at Death: 84 Hospital Status: Other/Nursing Home Social Security Number: 308-10-4245 Father's Surname: Pearson Mother's Maiden Name: Stinger Marital Status: Married Education: 12 Industry of Decedent: Railroads Occupation of Decedent: Laborers, except construction Primary Registration District: 1100
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, & 1958-2007 about Clara A Eichelberger
Name: «tab»Clara A Eichelberger
Birth Date: «tab»1897
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence State: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»12 Aug 1987
Hospital of Death: «tab»Community Hospital of Springfield
City of Death: «tab»Springfield
County of Death: «tab»Clark
Certificate: «tab»056798
Age at Death: «tab»90
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Social Security Number: «tab»301-09-8619
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Homemaker, student, unemployed volunteer
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Homemaker
Jeremiah M Gilliam (1881 - 1951)
Rosa Dell Adkins Gilliam (1880 - 1962)
(Research):1900 Census, b 7/1882 servant in Bailar Snapp Household age 17
John Eaton
Age: 26 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0001
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0322
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Flornece 21 Ohio Son Harry NR Ohio Father David 53 Ohio
[NI64949] Children Mary Quinn F 1838 in [city], [county], OH, James Quinn M 1840 in [city], [county], OH, Othanile M Quinn M 1842 in [city], [county], OH, Henry Quinn M 1844 in [city], [county], OH, Susan Quinn F 1845 in [city], [county], OH, Catherine Quinn F 1849 in [city], [county], IN, A Quinn F 1853 in [city], [county], IN, Amanda Quinn F 1857 in [city], [county], IN,
(Research):1840 Clark Co, German, OH Census Henry Enoch - . 1 1 1 . . 1 . . . . . . 2 1 1 . .1 . . . . .
ENOCH, Henry Died Dec. 10, 1866 AGE 66 Yrs. 7 Mos. 4 Ds.
[HI64955] (Research):1852 Residents of SPringfield Enoch John student boards with T. Harrison
Name: «tab»John Enoch
Death Date: «tab»07 Jun 1913
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»27 Jul 1830
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1841
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»72 years 10 months 10 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Retired
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»09 Jun 1913
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Ferncliff Cem
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Henry Enoch
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Va
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Jones
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Va
Film Number: «tab»1953649
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021247
Image Number: «tab»916
[HI64957] (Research):Hester's obituary says they went from Logan County to Redding, Shasta Coun ty, California, by emigrant train in 1876, then by wagon train to Jacks on County.
DAVID ENOCH. An attractive rural home in Clark Coun ty is owned by David ENOCH, who is one of the Trustees of German Townshi p, now serving his second year in that capacity. He resides on secti on 4, where he owns sixty acres of well-tilled land. He was born in th is county, January 31, 1825, and has lived in this State the greater pa rt of his life. Twenty years were spent in Illinois, but he returned he re determined to make this his abiding place during the remainder of his l ife. He was reared to manhood amid the pioneer scenes of the first ha lf of the century, bearing such a part as was possible to one of his yea rs in the improvement of the country, and in the meantime taking advanta ge of the opportunities afforded by the public schools to acquire an educa tion.
The schools of that early day did not embrace, the curriculum taug ht at this period of time, but in them a solid foundation could general ly be laid, upon which a lover of knowledge could build a more extensive s tructure. This was done by our subject, who has endeavored to keep abrea st of the times in his knowledge of current events and general topic s. He has ever been interested in the growth of his native county in mate rial prosperity and the higher civilization, and willing to aid the enterp rises which promise to effect those ends. He is a Democrat and a memb er of the Reformed Church.
Mr. ENOCH has been twice married, the first alliance being consummat ed in 1850. His bride was Miss Elizabeth MORRIS, who shared his fortun es until November 28, 1876, when she passed through the valley of the shad ow of death. She left two sons, John and William. The second wife of o ur subject was Mrs. Susan STALEY, widow of the late Hugh STALEY, of this c ounty. She departed this life December 1, 1889.
The parents of our subject were Henry and Mary (JONES) ENOCH, nativ es respectively of Pennsylvania and Virginia. Henry ENOCH came to this co unty with his parents about 1812, and was here reared to manhood amid pion eer scenes. The family settled on Chapman’s Creek, in the woods of Germ an Township, where they endured some of the hardships to which the early s ettlers were subjected, Henry ENOCH, who became well known throughout th is part of the county by the familiar title of “Colonel,” was a public-spi rited, energetic and reliable citizen, whose death was mourned by many fri ends. He was a member of the Democratic party. To him and his good wi fe nine children were born, of whom the following survive: David, Mary, J ohn, Esther and Henry, mostly residents of this State
Daily News, Springfield, OH on Monday, March 8, 1915 Page 2. The Funeral of David ENOCH , aged 90 years, a retired farmer, w ho died Sunday morning at the home of his son, William L. ENOCH , 119 Linc oln avenue, of a complication of diseases, will be held at Tremont City Tu esday afternoonat 2 o'clock from the Reformed church, and the burial wi ll be made in Calvary cemetery of Tremont City. The funeral party will lea ve the residence in thiscity at 12:30 o'clock. Mr. ENOCH was the son of He nry and Mary ENOCH , and was born at Chapman creek, west of Tremont, in 18 25. He was a member of the Reformed church for a numberof years and leav es to mourn his loss two sons, John H. ENOCH , of Quincy, Illinios, and Wi lliam L. ENOCH , of this city; a brother, Henry ENOCH of this city, a nd a sister, Mrs. Henry PENCE of Oregon. Five grandchildren andone great g randchild also survive him."
ENOCH, David Death date: 3/7/1915, Clark County Volume #158 8, Certificate #13071
[HI64960] (Research):Rector Gard Cemetery ENOCH, Rachael daughter of Henry & Mary Enoch Died May 5, 1839 AGED 1 YEAR 2 MO. & 22 DAYS
(Research):Father Henry Enoch B: 12 May 1732 D: 12 Sep 1797
Mother Elizabeth Teagard B: 1771 D: 1809
Rector gard Cemetery ENOCH, William Died Aug. 29, 1836 AGED 73 YEARS 10 mo. & 29 days (Revolutionary War marker here)
Name: «tab»Catherine Enoch
Death Date: «tab»07 Apr 1921
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»24 Mar 1837
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Pa
Death Age: «tab»84 years 14 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»414 N Jackson St
Occupation: «tab»At Home
Residence: «tab»Springfield, Clark, OH
Burial Date: «tab»09 Apr 1921
Burial Place: «tab»Spinrgfield, Clark, Oh
Cemetery Name: «tab»Ferncliff
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»John Peck
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Pa
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Powers
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Pa
Film Number: «tab»1991589
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4022203
Image Number: «tab»2507
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 19762
[HI64963] (Research):Rector Gard Cemetery ENOCH, Emma Florence dau. of John & Catharine Enoch Died Dec. 16, 1860 Age 2 yrs. 8 mo. 14 d's.
[HI64966] (Research):1852 Springfieled Residents Enoch Geo. T. carpenter Mound st bet township road and Cherry sts
Groom's Name: «tab»Hugh Staley
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Susan Venis
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»
Marriage Date: «tab»22 Nov 1859
Marriage Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
(Research):Mt Calvary Cemetery, Clark Co, OH
wife of David ENOCH aged 58 yrs., 3 mos., 20 days note: buried with STALEY Plot
Name: «tab»Clara A Enoch
Death Date: «tab»29 Jul 1923
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»About 1861
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Fremont City, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»About 61 years
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»127 Fostora Ave
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»01 Aug 1923
Burial Place: «tab»Fremont City
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»W. L. Enoch
Father's Name: «tab»Daniel Thomas
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah S...Itis
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1992387
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4000587
Image Number: «tab»1849
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 42205
[HI64972] (Research):From Richard Pence 1/2006 William was the son of David Pence. David, in turn, was the son of Samu el Pence, the son of Henry (Sr.). Samuel died young, leaving three small c hildren: Tabitha, David and John Pence. Tabitha married a Morse and the mother remarried to a Donahue. It is possible - b ut not proved - that Tabitha and the mother went to Logan County, Illinoi s, with her brothers in the 1830s. In 1876, most of this branch of the Pe nce Family who lived in Logan County went to Oregon on a immigrant trai n. (Henry Pence (Jr.) also had a son - Joseph - who went to Logan County; most of h is Pence descendants went to Nebraska. Joseph Pence - not the one mention ed immediately above, but the son of Henry Sr. also had land in Logan Coun ty and at various times his daughters lived there, although they seem ed to have returned to Champaign.
[HI64973] (Research):Only personfound close to this is in 1870 Allen Co, Perry, Lima T wp OH is Williamand Margaret Stephenson with child Alwida age 3
[HI64976] (Research):Name: HUNTOON, NELLIE Maiden Name: PRESTON Spouse's Name: ROY L. Date of Birth: Wednesday, January 17, 1894 Place of Birth: VANWERT, OH Date of Death: Wednesday, November 3, 1982 Place of Death: SAGINAW, MI Miscellaneous Cemetery: OAKWOOD
(Research):1870 Logan Co, OH lw Andrew Bodey family Daniel Preston, age 18 (Cannot be Andrews nephew Daniel J Pressler, because his nephew died in 18 61)
Children Calvin Preston M 1 Apr 1880 in Ridge, Van Wert, OH, Viola Preston F 29 Oct 1882 in Ridge, Van Wert, OH, Elizabeth Preston F 21 Jun 1891 in Ridge, Van Wert, OH, Harry Preston M 28 May 1894 in Ridge, Van Wert, OH, Pearl Preston F 14 Mar 1898 in Ridge, Van Wert, OH, Charles E Preston M 14 Jan 1903 in [city], Paulding, OH, Clarence E Preston M 26 Jan 1904 in [city], Paulding, OH,
(Research):Name: Wilhelmina Stephens Preston
Death date: 15 Mar 1923
Death place: Findlay, Hancock, Ohio
Birth date: 01 Feb 1859
Birth place: Bowersville, Green Co, Ohio
Age at death: 64 years 1 month 14 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 1524 Blanchard Ave
Occupation: Housewife
Residence: Findlay, Hancock, Ohio
Burial date: 18 Mar 1923
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Maple Grove Cem
Spouse name: Daniel J. Preston
Father name: Joshua Stephens
Father titles:
Father birth place: Ohio
Mother name:
Mother titles:
Mother birth place:
GSU film number: 1992264
Digital GS number: 4000553
Image number: 2070
Reference number: fn 19381
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI64981] (Research):Index: SAGINAW NEWS Monday, January 10, 1966 (B7) Name: HUNTOON, ROY L. Spouse's Name: NELLIE PRESTON Married: 09/14/1916 Age: 74 Date of Birth: Tuesday, September 15, 1891 Place of Birth: POMPEIL, MI Date of Death: Sunday, January 9, 1966 Place of Death: SAGINAW, MI Miscellaneous Year moved to US/Saginaw: SAGINAW 1924 Cemetery: OAKWOOD Misc: EMPLOYED BY SAGINAW BOARD OF EDUCATION Funeral Home: CASE
[NI64987] Son of G Durham and Jane Masters
Name:«tab»Lucinda M Musselman
Titles and Terms:«tab»
Event Type:«tab»Death
Event Date:«tab»20 Sep 1920
Event Place:«tab»Rushsylvania, Logan, Ohio
Residence Place:«tab»
Marital Status:«tab»
Birth Date:«tab»
Birth Year (Estimated):«tab»1846
Burial Date:«tab»
Burial Place:«tab»
Father's Name:«tab»Samuel Douglass
Father's Titles and Terms:«tab»
Father's Birthplace:«tab»
Mother's Name:«tab»Martha Cannon
Mother's Titles and Terms:«tab»
Mother's Birthplace:«tab»
Spouse's Name:«tab»John Musselman
Spouse's Titles and Terms:«tab»
File Number:«tab»fn 59458
GS Film number:«tab»1991307
Digital Folder Number:«tab»004096421
Image Number:«tab»00630
Citing this Record:
"Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X66R-BLM : accessed 19 January 2015), Lucinda M Musselman, 20 Sep 1920; citing Rushsylvania, Logan, Ohio, reference fn 59458; FHL microfilm 1,991,307.
[HI64997] (Research):While at play in the barn, accidentally hung herself on a swing.
Name: «tab»Ellis Mahan
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»31 Jan 1909
Event Place: «tab»Miami, Ohio
Age: «tab»22
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1887
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Charles A. Mahan
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Sarah Moon
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Marie English
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1891
Spouse's Father: «tab»Stephen English
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Hannah Ervin
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»Vol. 9 p290 cn25916
Film Number: «tab»550153
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016853
Image Number: «tab»160
Name: «tab»Lester K Ely
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»12 Oct 1910
Event Place: «tab»Miami, Ohio
Age: «tab»20
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1890
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Bernard Ely
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Sarah C Hopping
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Leota E Mahan
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1892
Spouse's Father: «tab»Chas A Mahan
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Sarah E Moon
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»Vol.10 p126 cn 26624
Film Number: «tab»550153
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016853
Image Number: «tab»351
Name: «tab»Naxos Lake
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»24 Oct 1925
Event Place: «tab»Miami, Ohio
Age: «tab»29
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1896
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Leman Lake
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Eva Belcher
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Leota Ely
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»32
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1893
Spouse's Father: «tab»Charles Alexander Mahan
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Sarah Moon
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»V.15, P.522, N.32645
Film Number: «tab»550156
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016855
Image Number: «tab»273
[HI65003] (Research):1930 Champaign Co, OH Jesse B Cretors Minnetta B Cretors Saint Paris, Champaign, OH abt 1872 Il linois Head Minnetta B Cretors Wife Ellsworth R Cretors John T Cretors Son R Kenton Cretors Son
Name : Jesse Boner Cretors
Death date : 16 Jan 1946
Death place : St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth date : 08 Apr 1872
Estimated birth year :
Birth place :
Age at death : 73 years 9 months 8 days
Gender : Male
Marital status : Married
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address :
Occupation :
Residence :
Burial date : 1-20-1946
Burial place : Evergreen
Cemetery name :
Spouse name : Minnette B.
Father name : Clarence W. Cretors
Father titles :
Father birth place :
Mother name : Addicea D Beamer
Mother titles :
Mother birth place :
Informant Ellsworth Cretors
GSU film number : 2372649
Digital GS number : 4072624
Image number : 00650
Certificate number : 578
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[XI65003] Sec 1 Lot 65
[HI65004] (Research):Obit in June 1898 says husband died by a falling tree and three daughte rs died, all in last four years
Name: Nanna Pearl May
Death date: 23 Jan 1939
Death place: Van Wert, Van Wert, Ohio
Birth date: 12 Feb 1876
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Champaign Co., Ohio
Age at death: 62 years 11 months 3 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Single
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: Cor. Frothingham and Vine, 4 Ward
Occupation: Wpa Worker
Residence: Van Wert, Van Wert, Ohio
Burial date: 25 Jan 1939
Burial place: Van Wert
Cemetery name:
Spouse name:
Father name: Benjamin F. May
Father titles:
Father birth place: Champaign Co., Ohio
Mother name: Margaret Zerkle
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Champaign Co., Ohio
GSU film number: 2023676
Digital GS number: 4122482
Image number: 1149
Reference number: fn 7017
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):Died aged 77y2m13d. Moved to Cass Co, IN 1859, moved to Miami Co 4/12/186 6. Four children, all boys, one died as infant. Leaves wife and 3 sons
1860 Census shows Mary Merritt age 60 born VA
(Research):Merritt, Elwood Age: 41 Year: 1920 Birthplace: Ohio Roll: T625_14 18 Race: White Page: 7A
State: Ohio ED: 157 County: Miami Image: 0756 Township: Conco rd Occ Engineer Mary, wife, 31, Solomon?, son age 15 or 16, born Washington
Name: Elwood Merritt
Death date: 05 Jun 1930
Death place: Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio
Birthdate: 17 Aug 1879
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Conover, Ohio
Age at death: 51 years 9 months 18 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Divorced
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 202 Linwood Ave.
Occupation: Engineer
Burial date: 09 Jun 1930
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Cantown
Spouse's name:
Father's name: George Merritt
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: Unknown
Mother's name: Unknown
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Unknown
GSU film number: 1992171
Digital GS number: 4000546
Image number: 1989
Reference number: fn 38048
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI65016] (Research):MERRITT, Bertha Death date: 6/3/1938, Champaign County Certifi cate #33057
Spring Grove Burial record for 1933
Date of internment 12-Jan-1933
No picture in cemetery. No listing in 1982 Denise Moore Book
Ohio Death Cert-listed as Ella Worthington Merritt. States burial in Spring Grove (70-7-19)
[HI65020] (Research):Md Rev Harry Manning 8/22/1911 he survived her. He died 9/7/1985
Spring Grove Burial records have Martha E interned 8-Nov-1931 cause of death pueyseral convulsions preganancy toxemia
There is another record for a Leah F Fitzpatrick interned on 8-Nov-1931. Cause of death cpueseral convulsions of mother
aged (32-11-22)
[HI65023] (Research):Obit says he was a cousin of Mrs L W Gibbs. (Virginia Wolcott)
[HI65027] (Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900). 10/28/1898 Mr and Mrs Fu lk of Adams Co, IN came here last Friday to visit her aunts, Mrs Lucinda R unkle and Catherine Flowers. They got word of Ezra Cowans young daughter h ad died from typhoid fever, and they returned home to attend the funeral
[HI65049] (Research):McMillen L.H Brice Mary Cowan F W Sept 13 1920 H-18 39 McMillen M.C Brice Mary Cowan F W May 26 1917 H-17 64
[HI65052] (Research):Cowan Estella M Wm S Townsend W June 8 1904 H 485
(Research):Cowan James W Sarah Ford F W July 2 1884 H-1 126
Cowan Edith E Wilbur Alexander W Aug 24 1905 I 25
[HI65059] (Research):Steele Jesse H Neffie Cowan M W May 29 1893 H-3 12
[HI65060] (Research):1900 Census household is father Henry Steele 5/1832 and mother Sarah A 3/1 834 m53y 4/1
[HI65061] (Research):Steele P H Tupple Cowan F W Feb 19 1889 H-1 310
[HI65062] (Research):Steele Jesse Cowan F W Mar 20 1900 H-6 37
[HI65063] (Research):Steele Jess Cowan F W Jan 2 1903 H-7 43
[HI65064] (Research):Steele Jesse Cowan F W Dec 15 1906 H-8 12
[HI65071] (Research):Cowan John -- Sawers F W July 31 1891 H-2 27
Social Security Death Index about Leolo Clara Hawes
Name: «tab»Leolo Clara Hawes
SSN: «tab»301-14-3535
Last Residence: «tab»28388 Southern Pines, Moore, North Carolina,
Born: «tab»5 Feb 1910
Died: «tab»20 Jun 2006
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
[DI65077] U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules for 1880 lists David Hawse, age 37, deceased in Urbana, Champaign Co., Ohio. That was probably David Jr. who would actually have been 34 years old.
[HI65084] (Research):1850 Jacob and family living in household of Elizabeth Swain, age 56
[HI65091] (Research):1850 Rockingham Co, Dist 56 VA Christian Haws 66 PA Susannah 63 PA Mary Whisler, 30, VA John 1 VA David Reedy, 24, VA Ann, 24, VA Elizaberth Mathias, 7 Isaac Barker, 18 VA Christian Haws, 98, PA
(Research):Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Family History Library Film 1254998
NA Film Number T9-0998 Page Number 420C Christian EMERICK Self M Male W 40 OH Book Agent --- - -- Allie EMERICK Wife M Female W 27 OH Keeping Hou se VA PA Christie EMERICK Son S Male W 3 OH OH OH Grace EMERICK Dau S Female W 7M OH OH OH Nancy BOWERS Other W Female W 75 VA Keeping Hou se VA VA
Champaign Co OH-Urbana Citizen & Gazette Abstracts 1871-1884-by CCGS, P at Stickley, pg180. 5/19/1881 Mrs nancy Bowers, widow of late Philip Bowe rs of this city died in Springfield; 77yrs, bur Oak Dale Cemetery
[HI65110] (Research):Bowers, Virginia D 1902 CemRec Cem# 402 age62 B:Ohio Mi Jun 13 1902 Bowers, Virginia 62 Ohio 061 0 05
[HI65111] (Research):Pos born 12/3/1833 per WFT
[HI65113] (Research):Chauncery Records Champ Co Book 26 pg 339 Field June 26 1856 Divorce Leanna McClurg vs John E McClurg. Leanna Dye married John E McClurg on 18 April 1852. The on ly child of this union was Charles McClurg age 2 years. In August 1852 Jo hn E McClurg left the county with Nancy Bowers
[HI65115] (Research): Baptisms: at Danbury Lutheran Church, Ottawa County, Ohio Sponsor: Mrs. John Bauman, Clara Reno, Mrs. Reno Sheets, Reynold Charles, born 13 Feb. 1901, Toledo, Bapt. 16 Aug. 1905
Name: «tab»Reynold R Sheets
Birth Date: «tab»Est. 1910
Birth State: «tab»Texas
Birth Country: «tab»United States«tab»
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White«tab»
Residence City: «tab»Delphos
Residence County: «tab»Van Wert
Residence State: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States«tab»
Death Date: «tab»27 Nov 1987
Hospital of Death: «tab»Home
City of Death: «tab»Delphos
County of Death: «tab»Allen
Certificate: «tab»080164
Age at Death: «tab»77
Certifier: «tab»Physician«tab»
Social Security Number: «tab»376-01-9598
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Trucking service
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Truck drivers, heavy
(Research):From_ [email protected] Elnore Teet was my grandfather Herbert Teet 's sister. Elnore would have been my father Roland Leroy Teet's aunt.
Name: Herbert J Teet Age at Death: 82 Date of Death: 16 Apr 1967 City of Death: Oregon County of Death: Lucas Volume: 18836 Certificate: 30382 Date of Birth: Est. 1885 Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White City of Residence: Oregon County of Residence: Lucas State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Census Tract: 1000 Hospital of Death: St Charles Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
[HI65119] (Research):Tombstone should probably be 68 yrs, as in 1880 she is age 40, probably n ot the mother of Admiral J. 1900 Census she is born in 1840 suggesting ina ccuracy of tombstone reading
Name: «tab»William Anderson
Death Date: «tab»28 Sep 1933
Death Place: «tab»Mechanicsburg, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»14 Feb 1847
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Pennsylvania
Death Age: «tab»86 years 3 months 14 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Retired
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»30 Sep 1933
Burial Place: «tab»Mechanicsburg
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Isaac Anderson
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Pa.
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Unknown
Film Number: «tab»1992881
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4001884
Image Number: «tab»2089
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 49118
Name: «tab»Anna Mae Anderson
Death Date: «tab»26 Apr 1925
Death Place: «tab»Madriver Township, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»02 Jan 1850
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»York County, Pa.
Death Age: «tab»75 years 3 months 24 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»28 Apr 1925
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Evergreen Cemetery
Spouse's Name: «tab»William Anderson
Father's Name: «tab»Daniel Sloat
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»York County, Pa.
Mother's Name: «tab»Katherine Keller
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»York County, Pa.
[XI65121] Section 1 Lot 88 wife of William Anderson
[XI65129] 1899-1941
Name: «tab»Elmer E. Davis
Death Date: «tab»15 Feb 1941
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»18 May 1871
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»69 years 8 months 27 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Retired Farmer
Residence: «tab»Dialton
Burial Date: «tab»18 Feb 1941
Burial Place: «tab»Trem...City
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Marie Davis
Father's Name: «tab»Edward Davis
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah Roach
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»2023893
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4057799
Image Number: «tab»3071
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 14326
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Maud M Dovel
Name: «tab»Maud M Dovel
Birth Date: «tab»1887
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Champaign
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»7 Nov 1987
Hospital of Death: «tab»Mercy Memorial Hospital
City of Death: «tab»Urbana
County of Death: «tab»Champaign
Certificate: «tab»080698
Age at Death: «tab»100
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Social Security Number: «tab»278-42-8306
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Homemaker, student, unemployed volunteer
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Homemaker
[XI65135] 1884-__ no death date on stone
Social Security Death Index about Leroy B. Dovel
Name: «tab»Leroy B. Dovel
SSN: «tab»277-01-9808
Last Residence: «tab»43072 Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Born: «tab»6 Feb 1912
Died: «tab»2 Apr 2010
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
Name «tab»Ira Leo Pence
Titles & Terms «tab»
Death Date «tab»05 May 1940
Death Place «tab»St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date «tab»19 Nov 1937
Estimated Birth Year «tab»
Birthplace «tab»Oh
Death Age «tab»2 years 5 months 16 days
Gender «tab»Male
Marital Status «tab»Single
Race or Color «tab»Caucasian
Street Address «tab»
Occupation «tab»
Residence «tab»
Burial Date «tab»07 May 1940
Burial Place «tab»
Cemetery Name «tab»Spring Grove
Spouse's Name «tab»
Father's Name «tab»Harley Pence
Father's Title & Terms «tab»
Father's Birthplace «tab»Oh
Mother's Name «tab»Ruby Shiltz
Name: «tab»Mary Effie Duer
Death Date: «tab»20 Nov 1952
Death Place: «tab»Piqua, Miami, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»17 Dec 1867
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Conover, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»84 years
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»George W. White
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Lucinda Mckinley
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2246396
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4109441
Image Number: «tab»02783
Certificate Number: «tab»73061
[HI65144] (Research):d/o J J Dungan born IN and Alice Halfacker b IN
Name: «tab»Le Roy Max Deremer
Death Date: «tab»18 Mar 1910
Death Place: «tab»Defiance, Defiance, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»01 May 1909
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»10 months 18 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»None
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»21 Mar 1910
Burial Place: «tab»... Liberty, O
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»J. C. Deremer
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Margaret Nason Deremer
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Pa.
Film Number: «tab»1927357
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021014
Image Number: «tab»702
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 13435
(Research):MYRICE, Clara L. Death date: 9/6/1923, Erie County Volume #425 7, Certificate #53945
MYRICE, Harry Death date: 5/10/1924, Lucas County Volume #446 3, Certificate #29508
(Research):Ohio 1910 Census Miracode Index Record Name: George Stadler Birthplace: Ohio State: OH Age: 48 Color: W Enumeration District: 0022 Visit: 0126 County: Champaign, Urbana City Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Catherine 48 Ohio
1920 Census names in household a Floy Mires, age 30 , single, she never ap peared in this family census records. Could be dau Alice F born 1889
(Research):I am inclined to think this Lewis does not belong to the line of Moses Sta dler wqho also settled in Champaign County, because all the other Jewi sh Stadlers were in the clothing business and Lewis was a farmer. Also a ll the other Jewish Stadlers named their children with Biblical/Jewish nam es and Lewis did not.
1910 Champaign Co, OH He is enumerated as LOUIS age 82 widower b. Germa ny living with single dau Emma age 50 b. Ohio and single son William a ge 44 b. Ohio and Alice F. Stadler, granddaughter age 20 single.
Name: «tab»Lewis Stradler
Death Date: «tab»27 Nov 1910
Death Place: «tab»Concord, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»21 Dec 1827
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Hanover, Germany
Death Age: «tab»82 years 11 months 6 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»unknown
Occupation: «tab»Retired Farmer
Residence: «tab»Concord, Champaign, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»30 Nov 1910
Burial Place: «tab»Concord, Champaign, Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»Oak Dale Cemetery
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Stadler
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Germany
Mother's Name: «tab»Unknown
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Germany
Film Number: «tab»1952610
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021036
Image Number: «tab»2122
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 59054
Name: «tab»Carrie Dena Stadler
Death Date: «tab»19 Nov 1909
Death Place: «tab»Concord, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»18 Dec 1833
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Germany
Death Age: «tab»75 years 11 months 1 day
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»21 Nov 1909
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Oak Dale Cemetery
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»George Klickow
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Germany
Mother's Name: «tab»Uk
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Germany
Film Number: «tab»1927188
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4020915
Image Number: «tab»2027
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 54944
(Research):Funeral home records, charged to brother William Stadler
STADLER, Emma Death date: 7/22/1935, Champaign County
Volume #7867, Certificate #41112
[HI65153] (Research):Biography of JT Sommers Family in Champaign County History pg294 ..."Mar ch 1920 saw the family move to what was then the Fitzgiven farm at 1747 Ri ver Road now owned by William R Stadler."
[HI65161] (Research):STADLER, Catherine Death date: 3/11/1940, Champaign County Cer tificate #15078
Name: «tab»Catherine Stadler
Death Date: «tab»11 Mar 1940
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»14 Apr 1861
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Baltimore, Maryland
Death Age: «tab»78 years 10 months 27 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»223 College St.
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»Urbana
Burial Date: «tab»14 Mar 1940
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Oak Dale Cem.
Spouse's Name: «tab»George Stadler
Father's Name: «tab»William Winters
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Germany
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Germany
[HI65167] (Research):Name: Carey C Dovel Age at Death: 75 Date of Death: 25 Feb 1958 City of Death: Urbana County of Death: Champaign Volume: 15307 Certificate: 08377 Date of Birth: Est. 1883 Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Mercy Memorial Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy
(Research):Wolcott, William J. Xt 1860 Deeds Brown Twp Mi Wolcott, William J. es 1885 ProbCt Case 07501 Estate Mi Wolcott, William J. Wr 1869 Will 003 261 Mi Wolcott, William J. fc 1850 Cen 422a Brown Twp Mi Wolcott, William J. fc 1880 Cen 032C Brown Twp. Mi
CCGS, Book III, August 2002 by Dorothy Shaffer, Champaign Co, Ohio St Par is Newspaper Abstracts Jan 1900-1916, pg100. 12/10/1908 38 years ago toda y- William Wolcott of Lena killed 250 rats last week
WILLIAM J. WOLCOTT, retired farmer and grain dealer; P.O. Allen's; was bo rn in Warren Co., Ohio, Feb. 26, 1816, and is a son of John H. Wolcott, wh ose name will be seen in the sketch of George L. Wolcott. William J. was r aised to agricultural pursuits, and received a limited education; after h is majority, he improved his education to a degree sufficient for teachin g, which he followed at intervals twenty years; during this time, he atten ded to the duties of his farm of 80 acres in Brown Township, Sec. 6, To wn 2, Range 11, where he located in 1838; from 1860 to 1873, his entire at tention was directed to his farm; in March, 1873, he began to handle gra in near Conover, on the Cincinnati, Columbus & Indiana Central Railroad, w here he did a good business in his line; this he continued until the spri ng of 1880, when he retired from its duties, and now lives retires on h is farm. Aug. 23, 1838, he married Miss Rachel Merritt, who was born in Wa rren Co., Ohio, and is six years his junior; they have three childre, of w hom all are living, viz., John, Mary A., now Mrs. S.C. Nixon, and Isaac; M rs. Wolcott is a daughter of Isaac and Margaret Merritt (both deceased).
Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900), pg20. 1024/1884 William J Wolcott died on Tuesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs S C Nix on. He was born in Warren Co OH Feb 26 1819 to John H and Sarah Wolcot t. He married Rachel Merritt and had three children, two sons John and Isa ac, one dau May Ann Nixon. He was in his 68th year of age. He was interr ed in the Fletcher Cemetery, the funeral at Lena, OH
[HI65170] (Research):By Champaign Co Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH- Newpaper Abstracts- St Paris-1877-1911, (June 2000), pg34. 4/13/1882 Mrs Wolcott mother of M rs S C Nixon was buried Wednesday
[HI65171] (Research):Mrs S C Nixon Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900), pg22. 12/12/1884 M rs S C Nixon dau of William J and Rachel Wolcott, born near Lena, who h as suffered much, quietly passed away to her last sleep on Thursday. She w as 44 yeas of age. The funeral service was at Lena on Sat Dec 11 1884. Int erment in Fletcher Cemetery She leaves to moune her loss a husbandm two br others and two children.
[HI65172] (Research):Wolcott, I.M. Map 1894 Atlas 414 010 Brown Twp Mi Wolcott, Isaac M. M 1871 Marr Lic# 12133 Cox, Araminta O.J. Mi Wolcott, Isaac M. fc 1880 Cen 032C Brown Twp. Mi Wolcott, Isaac M. M 1896 Lic# 20848 Buckles, Clara Yates M Mi
(Research):BENJAMIN L. WOLCOTT, retired farmer; P.O.Conover; is a son of John H. Wolc ott, whose history will be seen in the sketch of George L. Wolcott in so me part of this enterprise. Our subject was born in Warren Co., Ohio, M ay 18, 1819; was raised to farm labor in Brown Township, Miami Co., and ob tained a common education; after his majority, he followed carpentering f or a period of twenty years; in 1844, his present farm of 80 acres was dee ded to him by his father, where he has since chiefly resided; this has alw ays undergone his supervision. Oct. 22, 1846, he married Jane Boyd, who w as a native of Bucks Co., Penn.; born Feb. 20, 1827, and died in Brown Tow nship, Nov. 27, 1866. They had five children, of who, William died at t he age of 3 years, 7 months, and 14 days; four are now living, viz., Jo hn G., born Feb. 20, 1851; Lewis F., born Jan. 2, 1853; Emma J., Aug. 2 2, 1855, now Mrs. John Michaels; and Jared, born Jan. 31, 1858; John G. a nd Lewis F. were raised ont eh farm, and (as well as Jared) assisted the ir father in opening and cultivating it. They procured a common-school edu cation, and are now fond of books. Dec. 3, 1876, John G. married Hann ah L. Wells, who was born in Champaign Co., Ohio, Jan. 1, 1855; one chil d, Maudie D., was born to them, Jan. 7, 1878. Hannah is a daughter of Mart in and Pamelia (Flowers) Wells; they emigrated from Pennsylvania it Champa ign Co., Ohio, about the middle of the nineteenth century. Lewis F., the s econd son, born Nov. 7, 1878, married Rachel C. Evans, who is a daught er of John and Catherine (Kiser) Evans, both deceased; their children we re five in number, three sons and two daughters, of whom two sons and o ne daughter are now living.
Benjamin L. Wolcott was born in Warren County, Ohio, and was about two yea rs old when brought by his parents to Miami County. He was reared in Bro wn Township, where he attended the public schools, and during his early bu siness career engaged in car pentering. About 1861 or 1862, be turned h is attention to farming on the old home place, and there continued witho ut interruption until his death at the age of eighty-two years. He was mar ried to Jane E. Boyd, who was born in Champaign County, Ohio, and di ed at the early age of thirty-iiine years. The following children were t he off spring of their marriage: William, who died young; John G., who liv es in Champaign County; Lewis F.; Emily Jane, who is the wife of John Mich ael and lives in Shelby County, Ohio; and Jerrod, who lives on the old ho me place in Brown Township. Benjamin L. Wolcott was the owner of eighty ac res at the time of his death.
Wolcott, B.L. Map 1894 Atlas 414 010 Brown Twp Mi Wolcott, Benjamin L. Wr 1869 Will 003 261 Mi
(Research):1900 Census in household is granddaughter Lula DeWeese 4/1876, 24, singl e, daugher of his daughter Sarah
JOHN WOLCOTT, farmer; P.O. Conover; who was born in Brown Township, Mia mi Co., March 19, 1821, and is a son of John H. Wolcott, whose history wi ll be seen under the sketch of George L. Wolcott, in some part of this vol ume. Our subject was reared on the farm and obtained a common education; h e, in his earlier years, duly assisted his father in clearing up his fa rm and in the cultivation of fruit trees, which are now yielding fruit a ll over our own and the surrounding counties. Mr. Wolcott remained at ho me until May 17, 1846, when his nuptials were celebrated with Ann Graha m, who was born in Bucks Co., Penn., in 1820; they have three children, vi z., Sarah M., Louisa and Joseph G. Mr. Wolcott, since his marriage, throu gh his own industry and the assistance of his family, has accumulated a nd hired 120 acres of good land, of which 40 acres lie in Sec. 12, a nd 80 acres, on which he lives, in Sec. 6, Brown Township, Miami Co. Mr s. Wolcott is a daughter of Joseph and Maria (Duer) Graham; they were bo th natives of Pennsylvania, and immigrated West to Ohio in 1833, and settl ed in Champaign Co., where they both died.
CCGS, Book III, August 2002 by Dorothy Shaffer, Champaign Co, Ohio St Par is Newspaper Abstracts Jan 1900-1916, pg75. 2/27/1908 John Wolcott, ag ed 87 years died at his home near Conover Tuesday. The funeral services we re conducted at the family home today. Interment was in Fletcher Cemeter y. Mr Wolcott was a highly respected citizen and father of Jo Wolcott, a m ember of the firm of Brecount, Wolcott and Co, grain dealers of Conover.
[HI65177] (Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900), pg212. 3/31/1899 Mrs Isa ac Short and dau of St Louis, Mo who were called here to attend the funer al of the former's sister, Mrs John Wolcott.
(Research):1880 Census Place Brown, Miami, Ohio Family History Library Film 1255 049
NA Film Number T9-1049 Page Number 32A John WOLCOTT Self M Male W 59 OH Farmer PA PA Ann WOLCOTT Wife M Female W 59 PA Housekeep Sarah M DEWERS Dau W Female W 32 OH OH OH Louisa WOLCOTT Dau S Female W 30 OH At Home OH OH Charles DEWERS Son S Male W 9 OH At Home OH OH John F DEWERS Son S Male W 6 OH At Home OH OH Lulu DEWERS Dau S Female W 4 OH At Home OH OH John BROWN Other S Male W 23 OH Laborer OH OH
[HI65179] (Research):WOLCOTT, Louisa G. Death date: 5/5/1913, Miami County Volume # 1083, Certificate #29993
(Research):1860 census is Sarah M Frazee age 18 Wolcott, John Wr 1869 Will 003 261 Mi Wolcott, John fc 1850 Cen 422a Brown Twp Mi Wolcott, John GI 1812 Gene 501 190 Capt Maltbie's Co Mi Wolcott, John es 1888 ProbCt Case 08385 Estate Mi Wolcott, John H. W 1869 Will 003 261 Mi Wolcott, John H. es 1869 ProbCt Case 04601 Estate Mi Wolcott, John H. fc 1850 Cen 422b Brown Twp Mi Wolcott, John H. Xr 1836 Deeds 13 671 Brown Twp. Mi Wolcott, John H. sc 1827 Cen Brown Twp Mi Wolcott, John H. M 1813 Marr Lic# 0634 James, Sarah Wr Wolcott, John H. sc 1835 Cen Brown Twp Mi
John H. Wolcott, who was born in New Jersey, March 6, 1786, where he was r aised on a farm and received a liberal education; in 1807, he emigrat ed to Ohio, and settled in Butler Co., remaining a few years, after whi ch he removed to Warren Co., Ohio. He was one of the patriots of the strug gle of 1812, under Capt. Maltbie. In 1820, came to Miami Co., and in 18 21 settled on the farm above stated. During life he was honored witht he m ost prominent offices of the counties and townships in which he resided, w hich he filled with credit and honor to himself, and benefit to the commun ity in which he labored. Early in the nineteenth century he married Sar ah James, who was born in Berkeley Co., Va., July 26, 1786. Their childr en were seven in number, of whom, two died in early life, and five are n ow living. John Wolcott during life, by good business habits, industry a nd economy, accumulated considerable wealth. Dec. 19, 1866, he departed th is life, having been a masterwheel in the communities where he resided; h is wife survived him until July 18, 1879, when she, too, passed away
John H. Wolcott came to Miami County, Ohio, from Warren County, Ohio, so me years after his marriage, and became prominent among the early citize ns and farmers of Brown Township. He was one of the county's early surveyo rs and served for a time as county surveyor; he also was among the fir st to conduct a nursery in the county. His death occurred here at the a ge of eighty-two years, and his wife, who was Sarah James in maiden lif e, died at the advanced age of ninety-three years. They were parents of se ven children
(Research):GEORGE L. WOLCOTT, farmer; P.O. Allen's; one of the early pioneers of Mia mi Co.; he was born March 15, 1823, on the farm he now owns in Sec. 5, Bro wn Township; he is a son of John H. Wolcott, who was born in New Jersey, M arch 6, 1786, where he was raised on a farm and received a liberal educati on; in 1807, he emigrated to Ohio, and settled in Butler Co., remaini ng a few years, after which he removed to Warren Co., Ohio. He was o ne of the patriots of the struggle of 1812, under Capt. Maltbie. In 182 0, came to Miami Co., and in 1821 settled on the farm above stated. Duri ng life he was honored witht he most prominent offices of the counties a nd townships in which he resided, which he filled with credit and hon or to himself, and benefit to the community in which he labored. Ear ly in the nineteenth century he married Sarah James, who was born in Berke ley Co., Va., July 26, 1786. Their children were seven in number, of who m, two died in early life, and five are now living. John Wolcott during li fe, by good business habits, industry and economy, accumulated considerab le wealth. Dec. 19, 1866, he departed this life, having been a masterwhe el in the communities where he resided; his wife survived him until July 1 8, 1879, when she, too, passed away. Our subject was brought up to farmi ng and the culture of fruit trees. In early life he received a common educ ation, and has always resided on the farm he now owns, which he hired at h is mother's death; he lived up to the example of his father, and has had p ublic transactions of the township and community entrusted to his care. M ay 27, 1849, he married Garthary Merritt, who was born in Warren Co., Dece mber, 1822. three children have been born to them.
Wolcott, G.L. Map 1894 Atlas 414 010 Brown Twp Mi Wolcott, George L. es 1895 ProbCt Case 10863 Estate Mi Wolcott, George L. M 1849 Marr WPA Merritt, Garthary Mi Wolcott, George L. fc 1850 Cen 422b Brown Twp Mi Wolcott, George L. Wr 1869 Will 003 261 Mi Wolcott, George L. fc 1880 Cen 032C Brown Twp. Mi
[HI65184] (Research):Cannot determine this relationship. Must be some error in names. Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900). pg 195 2/24/1910 Funeral services over the remains of Mrs Rebecca J Everingham in Lena on F ri. She was 82y7m5d and was one of a family of 11 ch, only one survives, M rs Gertrude Wolcott of Lena. Death resulted from a stroke of apoplexy. T he deceased was the aunt of Mrs L W Gibbs
(Research):Wolcott, J.G. Map 1894 Atlas 414 010 Brown Twp Mi Wolcott, John G. gu 1868 ProbCt Case 04573 Guardianship Mi Wolcott, John G. fc 1880 Cen 031B Brown Twp. Mi Wolcott, John G. M 1885 Marr Lic# 16577 Hewitt, Rosetta M. Mi
WOLCOTT, John G. Death date: 7/16/1917, Champaign County Volu me #2312, Certificate #43847
(Research):Wolcott, L.F. Map 1894 Atlas 414 010 Brown Twp Mi Wolcott, Lewis F. fc 1880 Cen 031B Brown Twp. Mi WOLCOTT, Lewis F. Death date: 9/22/1924, Miami County Volume # 4549, Certificate #51053
bio of father Benjamin: their children were five in number, three sons and two daughters, of wh om two sons and one daughter are now living.
(Never found any children in the census records thru 1900)
LEWIS F. WOLCOTT, owner of 105 acres lying south of Conover, in Brown Town ship, has one of the best improve farms in that part of the county. He com es of an old and respected family of Miami County, and was born on the fa rm lying on the opposite side of the road from his present. place, Janua ry 2, 1883. He is a son of Benjamin L. and Jane E. (Boyd) Wolcott, and a g randson of John H. and Sarah (James) Wolcott. Lewis F. Wolcott attended the public schools of his home community, aft er which he worked on his father's farm. In 1873 he purchased his prese nt farm, but did not move on it until 1880, some two years after his marri age. He erected the splendid home which adorns the place, and the other su bstantial farm buildings, converting it into one of the best improved plac es in the community. He has followed general farming and stock raising alo ng modern and approved lines, and has been more than ordinarily successfu l. Mr. Wolcott was first married in 1878 to Miss Rachael Evans, who died w ithout issue on October 20 1880. In 1883 he formed a second union with Mi ss Susan Kinsey of Montgomery County, Ohio. Religiously they are membe rs of the Baptist Church at Lena. Mr.Wolcott is a Republican in politic s, and fraternally is affiliated with the Masonic lodge at Lena.
[HI65188] (Research):Wolcott, Jarred B. gu 1868 ProbCt Case 04573 Guardianship Mi WOLCOTT, Jarred Death date: 11/11/1927, Miami County Volume #5 499, Certificate #65039
[HI65189] (Research):Wolcott, Joseph G. fc 1880 Cen 032C Brown Twp. Mi WOLCOTT, Joseph G. Death date: 8/5/1919, Miami County Volume # 3053, Certificate #49612
[HI65191] (Research):Wolcott, O.P. Map 1894 Atlas 414 010 Brown Twp Mi Wolcott, Oliver P. fc 1880 Cen 032C Brown Twp. Mi WOLCOTT, Olive Perry Death date: 8/19/1941, Miami County Certi ficate #50600
(Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900), pg139. 8/3/1894 Di ed at her home near Conover, Miami Co on Aug 3 1894 of a long illness, M rs Arminta a dau of L M Wolcott aged 40y5m6d. The funeral was Sunday A ug 5 1894 at the home of Rev C E Wren of the Baptist Church. Interment w as in Fletcher Cemetery
(This incorrecty states she was a daughter, when in fact she was his wife)
[HI65198] (Research):WOLCOTT, Mary A. Death date: 4/22/1935, Miami County Volume #7 805, Certificate #25748
[HI65201] (Research):D/o George White
Name: «tab»Nora Estella Wolcott
Death Date: «tab»08 Dec 1909
Death Place: «tab»Brown Twp., Miami, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»22 Dec 1869
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Miami Co, O
Death Age: «tab»39 years 11 months 16 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»Brown Twp., Miami, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»10 Dec 1909
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Fletcher
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Geo W. White
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co, O
Mother's Name: «tab»Lucinda Mckinley
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co, Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1927276
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4020917
Image Number: «tab»2256
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 63261
[HI65202] (Research):WOLCOTT, Clara A. Death date: 9/19/1920, Miami County Volume # 3390, Certificate #60098
[HI65203] (Research):Wolcott, Susan Map 1894 Atlas 414 010 Brown Twp Mi WOLCOTT, Susan K. Death date: 2/23/1922, Miami County Volume # 3809, Certificate #10764
[HI65204] (Research):Mothers funeral record charged to Millard Wolcott
[HI65205] (Research):WOLCOTT, Carl M. Death date: 9/26/1936, Clark County Certifica te #55405
[HI65207] (Research):Wolcott, James Xt 1826 Deeds Staunton Twp Mi Wolcott, James M 1846 Marr Phillips, Eliza Jane Ck Wolcott, James H. 1838 ProbCt Case 00926 Surveyor's Bond Mi
[NI65215] The location of the old camp ground of '43 and '44 was pointed out Those who were present at the meeting of 1844 will remember the great storm that passed over the ground on Sabbath afternoon. The writer was among the number and well remembers the panic created by the storm, when the people fled to the open fields, and on their return found a valuable horse belonging to the father of the late Joseph Graham had been killed by a falling tree. (Concord items Feb 20, 1879)
[HI65220] (Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900), pg160. father of James w ho married Clara yates
[HI65221] (Research):NOTE: Guardian named after .death of her father, Files #1418/1452,Miami Co .OH Cthse.,1 April 1846; name also spelled 'Dulcina' Centennial History of Miami Co.,OH (pub.1909), pp.602-3.Troy CulturalCent er - note error; her grandfather was Rev. Moses Frazee, not David.
[HI65224] (Research):According to the 1900 Census of Clark County, Pike Twp., it appears that James Alexander Mumford m2 about 1893 Survilla Elizabeth Shook, daughter of Isaac Shook and Susanna Scufford. Survilla died in the village of Casstown, Miami county, Mar 17, 1933 as per her death certificate #17536; James Alexander Mumford died in Elizabeth Twp., Miami County, Ohio Re: Death Certificate Miami County File #22610
[HI65225] (Research):MUMFORD Nancy w/o J.A. Mumford May 26, 1888 48y 8m 26d
[HI65226] (Research):MUMFORD A. F. Feb 25, 1908 47y 6m 21d
(Research):Confusing family. Marriage to Dora Line/Lyon in 1897, but 1900 Census wi fe name is Rose. 2 daughters born within one month. One to Franklin Mumford and Dora and t he other to Franklin Mumford and Rose.
the death certificate for John Franklin Mumford d. 2 Mar 1943 names his parents as John (A.) and Mary (Feris?). I found John and Mary listed in 1880 Shelby County Census listed with their children Minnie 11 (bn 1869), Frank (John Franklin?) age 9 (bn 1871); and Charles age 7 (bn. 1873).
[HI65231] (Research):MUMFORD Lora E. d/o J.A. & Nancy Mumford Aug 16, 1892 20y 6m 10d
Name: «tab»Lillie V. Cost
Death Date: «tab»04 Apr 1911
Death Place: «tab»Jackson, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»20 Apr 1874
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»36 years 11 months 14 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»07 Apr 1911
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Casstown
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»J. A. Mumford
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Nancy Cunningham
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1952820
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021057
Image Number: «tab»3045
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 19449
[HI65234] (Research):MUMFORD Millard E. s/o J.A. & Nancy Mumford Feb 27, 1882 4y 5m 13d
Groom's Name: «tab»Elmer L Mumford
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Goldia Helena Kinzer
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1892
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Ross, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»19
Marriage Date: «tab»20 Sep 1911
Marriage Place: «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Alex Mumford
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Nancy Cunningham
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Jacob Kinzer
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Ella Winters
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Name: «tab»Elmer L Mumford
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»13 Apr 1882
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»New Carlisle, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»40
Bride's Name: «tab»Nancy Viola Everett
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»24 Jan 1882
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Osborn, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»41
Marriage Date: «tab»08 Feb 1923
Marriage Place: «tab», Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»James A Mumford
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Nancy Cunningham
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Andrew J Strome
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Margaret Longstreath
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Married
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»Everett
[HI65237] (Research):1900 Census born 1864 Funeral home records born 1861
Name: «tab»Ida May Lacey
Death Date: «tab»30 Sep 1912
Death Place: «tab»Pike, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»01 Aug 1866
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»46 years 1 month 29 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»02 Oct 1912
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Newson Cemetary
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»... Henderson
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»1953425
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021203
Image Number: «tab»3145
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 47410
Name: «tab»Herman Clifford Lacy
Death Date: «tab»25 Mar 1919
Death Place: «tab»Pike Twp, Clarke Co., Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»08 Apr 1884
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Springfield, Clark Co., Oh
Death Age: «tab»34 years 11 months 17 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Engineer
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»27 Mar 1919
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Newson Chapel
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Harry Lacy
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Oh
Mother's Name: «tab»Ida Henderson
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Oh
Film Number: «tab»1984640
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4024452
Image Number: «tab»1758
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 16179
Name: «tab»William Lacey
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»24 Mar 1917
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»23
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»5-28-1893
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Lonego Lacey
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Ida May Henderson
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Nancy Wray
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»5-20-1898 Mason Co, WV
Spouse's Father: «tab»James Wray
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Elizabeth Hobbs
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p281
Film Number: «tab»545416
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016845
Image Number: «tab»181
[NI65245] Dewitt and Elizabeth also had a son Peter per research of Karen Heber
Groom's Name: «tab»William B. Thomas
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»31 Jul 1860
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»47
Bride's Name: «tab»Sarah E. Schoby
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»23 Nov 1859
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Miami City, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»48
Marriage Date: «tab»22 Oct 1907
Marriage Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»George B. Thomas
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Martha L. Lamar
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Samuel Schoby
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Lucinda Sterrett
Groom's Name: «tab»Franklin D. Thomas
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»01 Nov 1879
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»New Carlisle, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Carol L. Hutchison
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1886
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Deleware, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»23
Marriage Date: «tab»25 Apr 1909
Marriage Place: «tab»Clark Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»George D. Thomas
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Martha L. Lamar
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Mason L. Hutchison
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Margart Mccambell
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
(Research):1900 Census Lawrence Co, Mason, OH
Name: Walter Massie Birth Date: Est. 1892 Gender: Male Race: White Residence County: Champaign Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 27 Jul 1958 Hospital of Death: Home City of Death: Champaign County County of Death: Champaign Certificate: 46726 Age at Death: 66 Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification Marital Status: Married
Name: Elva J Massie Birth Date: Est. 1896 Birth State: Ohio Birth Country: United States Gender: Female Race: White Residence County: Champaign Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 25 Aug 1987 Hospital of Death: Long-Term Care Facilities City of Death: Champaign County County of Death: Champaign Certificate: 056727 Age at Death: 91 Certifier: Physician Social Security Number: 271-48-0917 Marital Status: Widowed Industry of Decedent: Homemaker, student, unemployed volunteer Occupation of Decedent: Homemaker
Name: Elva Massie SSN: 271-48-0917 Last Residence: 43072 Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio, United States of Amer ica Born: 17 May 1896 Died: 25 Aug 1987 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1965 )
[DI65277] Marcella R. Mahan, age 91, of St. Paris passed away at 9:40 p.m. on Friday, August 16, 2013 in Hearth and Home of Urbana. Born on April 7, 1922 in South Charleston, Ohio, she was a daughter of the late Walter and Elva (Slagle) Massie. She married Roger Jason Mahan on April 25, 1943 and he preceded her in death on May 11, 1988. Mrs. Mahan is survived by two children: David (Marjorie) Mahan of St. Paris and Sheryl Lee of Columbus; two grandchildren: Jamey (Karen) Mahan, of St. Paris and Kristy (Mark) Lightner of Huber Heights; and five great grandchildren: Derek, Lindsey and Logan Mahan, and Josh and Hayley Lightner. She is also survived by four sisters: Agnes Lemmon, Eleanora Schneider, Rosella Lee and Mary Lee; and two brothers: Jerry (Gloria) Massie and Roger (Sandy) Massie and many nieces, nephews and extended family members. In addition to her parents and husband she was preceded in death by a sister, Eloise Putnam and two brothers, Raymond and Francis Massie. Mrs. Mahan was a graduate of Westville High School and attended Bowling Green University. She loved playing basketball and was proud to play on the high school and college teams. She retired from Hirchfeld Agri Service in Degraff and she was a member of the First Baptist Church of St. Paris. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday, August 21, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. in the First Baptist Church, St. Paris with Reverend Dr. James VanZile and Reverend Paul Mitchell presiding. Burial will follow in Rosedale Cemetery, Conover. Visitation for family and friends will be held on Tuesday, August 20, 2013 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Atkins-Shively Funeral Home, 216 S. Springfield Street, Saint Paris. Memorial contributions in Mrs. Mahan's name may be made to the First Baptist Church, P.O. Box 584, St. Paris, Ohio 43072. Condolences to the family may be sent to www.shivelyfuneralhomes.com.
[HI65284] (Research):Name: Charles Stephenson SSN: 276-12-5229 Last Residence: 29440 Georgetown, Georgetown, South Carolina, United Stat es of America Born: 14 Jul 1917 Died: Feb 1976 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
Name: «tab»Paul M. Shepard
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»20 Dec 1928
Event Place: «tab»Franklin Co., Ohio
Age: «tab»27
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1901
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Geo. W. Shepard
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Emma K. Leffel
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Regina E. Gilchrist
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»24
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1904
Spouse's Father: «tab»Harvey A. Gilchrist
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Ethel Winters
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»vol 102, p 320,
Film Number: «tab»1862034
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4017599
Image Number: «tab»724
[HI65286] (Research):Name: Ottis M Shepard Age at Death: 75 Date of Death: 10 Aug 1964 City of Death: Champaign County County of Death: Champaign Volume: 17760 Certificate: 56583 Date of Birth: Est. 1889 Gender: Male Marital Status: Widowed Race: White County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Home Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, not used for certification
[HI65287] (Research):BOWERS, Lydia Jane Death date: 2/3/1944, Champaign County Cert ificate #9016
[HI65290] (Research):Name: Sylvia S Westerman Age at Death: 77 Date of Death: 16 Jan 1965 City of Death: Cleveland County of Death: Cuyahoga Volume: 17926 Certificate: 01491 Date of Birth: Est. 1888 Gender: Female Marital Status: Widowed Race: White City of Residence: Lyndhurst County of Residence: Cuyahoga State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Census Tract: 0932 Hospital of Death: Public/Other Certifier: Coroner Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
name: «tab»Ruth Olive Nicholas
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»09 Dec 1918
event place: «tab»Lost Creek Twp., Miami, Ohio
residence: «tab»
street address: «tab»
gender: «tab»Female
death age: «tab»22y 7m 13d
marital status: «tab»Married
race: «tab»white
occupation: «tab»housewife
birth date: «tab»26 Apr 1896
birthplace: «tab»Ohio
estimated birth year: «tab»1896
burial date: «tab»11 Dec 1918
burial place: «tab»Casstown, Ohio
cemetery: «tab»Casstown Cemetery
father: «tab»George Shepard
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
mother: «tab»Emma Liffel
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
spouse: «tab»
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»fn 93034
film number: «tab»1984542
digital folder number: «tab»4021862
image number: «tab»1986
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X8V1-LY3 : accessed 21 Oct 2012), Ruth Olive Nicholas, 1918; citing reference fn 93034, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
(Research):Name: Carl F Bowers Age at Death: 63 Date of Death: 1 Oct 1968 City of Death: Springfield County of Death: Clark Volume: 19415 Certificate: 075493 Date of Birth: Est. 1905 Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White County of Residence: Clark State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Mercy Medical Center Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Unknown
Name: Carl Bowers SSN: 274-34-2478 Born: 15 Nov 1904 Died: Oct 1968 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1954-1955 )
[HI65297] (Research):Name: Lulu Fern Bowers Age at Death: 86 Date of Death: 18 Dec 1994 County of Death: Clark Volume: 30044 Certificate: 092819 Date of Birth: 5 Sep 1908 County of Birth: Champaign State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Father's Surname: Stott Mother's Maiden Name: Schaffer Gender: Female Marital Status: Widowed Race: White Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic Years of Schooling: 9 Social Security Number: 280-44-1244 Industry: Own Home/At Home Occupation: Housewife/Homemaker Primary Registration District: 1200 Hospital of Death: Long-Term Care Facilities Hospital Status: Other/Nursing Home Time of Death: 5:45 AM
[HI65300] (Research):marriage record Elizabeth Cook. Birth record of child Elizabeth Staley
Name: Matilda J. Shoffer
Death date: 10 May 1940
Death place: Adams, Champaign, Ohio
Birthdate: 10 Jun 1859
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Shelby Co., Oh
Age at death: 80 years 11 months
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Housekeeper
Burial date: 12 May 1940
Burial place: Conysville, Oh
Cemetery name:
Spouse's name: Geo. Shoffer
Father's name: Wm. Scobey
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace:
Mother's name: Mary Moore
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace:
GSU film number: 2023835
Digital GS number: 4027515
Image number: 697
Reference number: fn 29090
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[XI65306] no visible marker as of June 2010
[HI65307] (Research):Name: Howard C Dovel Age at Death: 53 Date of Death: 30 Aug 1959 City of Death: Piqua County of Death: Miami Volume: 15874 Certificate: 58400 Date of Birth: Est. 1906 Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Piqua Mem Med Center - Closed Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
(Research):Name: Evelyn Marie Dovel
Age at Death: 78
Date of Death: 7 Feb 1993
City of Death: Urbana
County of Death: Champaign
Volume: 29281 Certificate: 007181
Date of Birth: 9 Apr 1915
County of Birth: Clark
State of Birth: Ohio
Country of Birth: United States
Father's Surname: Toland
Mother's Maiden Name: Sanders
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Widowed
Race: White Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic
Years of Schooling: 8
Social Security Number: 270-32-8203
Industry: Own Home/At Home Occupation: Housewife/Homemaker Primary Registration District: 1101
Hospital of Death: Mercy Memorial Hospital Hospital Status: Hospital/ER-Outpatient Time of Death: 2:04 PM
[HI65311] (Research):Nov 01 1929 Hamilton, William J. 77 Virginia 712 010c
Name: «tab»William J. Hamilton
Death Date: «tab»30 Oct 1929
Death Place: «tab»Piqua, Miami, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»19 Sep 1852
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Appomatex, Va.
Death Age: «tab»77 years 1 month 1 day
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Retired
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»02 Nov 1929
Burial Place: «tab»Piqua, O.
Cemetery Name: «tab»Forest Hill
Spouse's Name: «tab»Susie Hamilton
Father's Name: «tab»Wm. S. Hamilton
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»N. Carolina
Mother's Name: «tab»Susan Loray
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Va.
Film Number: «tab»1992018
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4022359
Image Number: «tab»3418
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 66397
Groom's Name: «tab»Carl R. Hamilton
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1887
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Yorkshire, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»34
Bride's Name: «tab»Jennie Beck
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1897
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Miami Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»24
Marriage Date: «tab»01 Jan 1921
Marriage Place: «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Wm. J. Hamilton
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Susie E. Richardson
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Wm. H. Beck
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Drury
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Name: «tab»Leonard L Hamilton
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Piqua, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Mary Ethel Hughes
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1891
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Lima, Miami Co., O.
Bride's Age: «tab»20
Marriage Date: «tab»27 May 1911
Marriage Place: «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Wm Hamilton
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Susanna Richardson
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Samuel Hughes
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Catherine Hamilton
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Name: «tab»Leonard L. Hamilton
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1890
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Piqua, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»25
Bride's Name: «tab»Gladys Gaunt
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1891
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Tina, Missouri
Bride's Age: «tab»24
Marriage Date: «tab»22 Jan 1915
Marriage Place: «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Wm. J. Hamilton
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Susie Richardson
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»John A. Gaunt
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Clell Coliver
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Name: «tab»Oscer Earl Overholser
Death Date: «tab»03 Jan 1949
Death Place: «tab»Brown Twp, Miami, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»08 Dec 1895
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»53 years 26 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Margaret West Overholser
Father's Name: «tab»Clark Overholser
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah Ellen Zinor
[HI65321] (Research):d/o Elwart West and Mary Katherine Faudrey? (Fun home records pg87)
[HI65328] (Research):Ohio Soldiers in WWI, 1917-1918 Record Name: William L. Stadler Age: 20 9/12 Years Race: White Birth Location: Lima, Ohio, USA Enlistment Date: 22 May 1918 Enlistment County: C Enlistment State: Ohio Enlistment Division: National Army Comments: 319 Co Tank Corps to 21 Aug 1918; Co B 333 Battalion Tank to 1 O ct 1918; 815 Motor Transport Company to Discharge Corporal 17 Oct 1918. Am erican Expeditionary Forces 19 Oct 1918 to 9 Aug 1919. Honorable dischar ge 15 Aug 1919.
(Research):WWI Draft Reg Card 9/12/1918 Ralph Abbott Atadler Res 323 Atlantic, Allen Co, Lima, OH Age 18 born 3/22/1900 Student at Ann Arbor College Next of kin Charles E Stadler, same address Blue eyes, brown hair, med height, slender
Ohio Soldiers in WWI, 1917-1918 Record Name: Ralph A. Stadler Race: White Birth Date: 22 Mar 1900 Birth Location: West Cairo, Ohio, USA Enlistment Date: 29 Oct 1918 Enlistment County: Lima Enlistment State: Ohio Enlistment Division: National Army Decorations and Awards: View Image Rank: View Image Advancement: View Image Comments: Students' Army Training Corps University of Michigan Ann Arbor M ich to Discharge Private Honorable discharge 13 Dec 1918.
Name: Ralph A. Stadler SSN: 274-12-0180 Last Residence: 34205 Bradenton, Manatee, Florida, United States of Ameri ca Born: 22 Mar 1900 Died: 16 May 1998 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[HI65330] (Research):Name: Lois M Stadler Age at Death: 90 Date of Death: 6 Apr 1994 City of Death: Urbana County of Death: Champaign Volume: 29812 Certificate: 034779 Date of Birth: 14 Mar 1904 County of Birth: Allen State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Father's Surname: Stadler Mother's Maiden Name: Abbott Gender: Female Marital Status: Never Married Race: White Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic Years of Schooling: 16 Social Security Number: 302-40-4065 Industry: Elementary and secondary schools Occupation: Teachers, elementary school Primary Registration District: 1101 Hospital of Death: Long-Term Care Facilities Hospital Status: Other/Nursing Home Time of Death: 4:00 PM
[HI65334] (Research):Name: Donald Purk SSN: 274-12-6471 Last Residence: 43072 Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio, United States of Amer ica Born: 22 Feb 1921 Died: Oct 1985 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[HI65337] (Research):d/o Kirby S Sale and Ernie Newman
[HI65359] (Research):d/o Hans Videbeck and Marie Moller
CLARENCE ELWOOD "WOODY" STURM III, 60, of Sidney, passed away Monday, August 11, 2014. He was born on December 31, 1953 in Sidney, Ohio, the son of the late Clarence and Maybelle (Videbeck) Sturm II. On July 22, 1983, he was married to Kathleen Bornhorst, who survives along with their two daughters; Leslie (Ethan) Schemmel of Sidney, and Kristy Sturm of Columbus, OH, one grandson, Holden Lane Schemmel, three siblings; John (Ruth) Sturm of Greensboro, NC, Joe (Bonnie) Sturm of Sidney, and Elizabeth Sturm of Dublin, OH, several brothers and sisters-in-law, and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his mother-in-law, Rita Bornhorst, brother-in-law, Jim Boone and sister-in-law, Maria Bornhorst. Woody was well known as the owner and operator of North Dixie Drive-Thru in Sidney. His love and dedication to his job was evident, from his anticipating the order of his loyal customers, to the longstanding friendships he built over the years. Woody was a member of the Sidney Moose Lodge. He was also a member of the Sidney Epicureans, President of W.J. Karp Inc., and a proud member of the Sidney High School 30-0 Football Team. Woody enjoyed golfing, and always looked forward to his annual fishing trip with his large group of friends that earned him the "Mr. Perch" Award. He would light up whenever he got to see his grandson, Holden Lane, who brought joy to his life. Woody was a loving husband, father, grandfather, brother, and a friend to many.
A Memorial Mass will be celebrated on Friday, August 15, 2014 at 2:00 PM at Holy Angels Catholic Church, with Rev. Frank Amberger officiating. Burial will be at Graceland Cemetery. There will be no visitation prior to the service. All friends are welcome to a Celebration of Woody's Life on Friday, from 4:30 to 7:00 PM at the Moose Lodge in Sidney. Arrangements are in the care of Cromes Funeral Home, 302 S. Main Ave. The family respectfully requests that in lieu of flowers, contributions be made to Sidney VESPA Quarter Back Club, PO Box 417, Sidney, OH 45365. Envelopes will be available at the church and at the Moose. Guestbook condolences may be expressed to the Sturm family at our website, www.cromesfh.com
[HI65364] (Research):Living 1/6/2006
Social Security Death Index about Raymond A. Bell
Name: «tab»Raymond A. Bell
SSN: «tab»286-16-6527
Last Residence: «tab»45356 Piqua, Miami, Ohio,
Born: «tab»14 Jan 1913
Died: «tab»19 Apr 2007
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Raymond A Bell
Name: «tab»Raymond A Bell
Birth Date: «tab»14 Jan 1913
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Carroll
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Zip Code: «tab»45356-1450
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»19 Apr 2007
Death Time: «tab»11:45 AM
Certificate: «tab»030195
Age at Death: «tab»94
Registrar's Certificate Number: «tab»034137
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Method of Disposition: «tab»Burial
Hospital Status: «tab»Nursing Home/Long Term Care Facility
Social Security Number: «tab»286-16-6527
Father's Surname: «tab»Bell
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Education: «tab»8th grade or less
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Agriculture
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Farmer
Census Tract: «tab»39109315100
Name: «tab»Millard Bell
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»23 Oct 1928
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»23
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1905
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Oscar Bell
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Celia Cummins
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Flossie Nevers
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»23
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1905
Spouse's Father: «tab»Guy Nevers
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Ida Campbell
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»161
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»467
Social Security Death Index about Millard Bell
Name: «tab»Millard Bell
SSN: «tab»274-12-5837
Last Residence: «tab»45334 Jackson Center, Shelby, Ohio,
Born: «tab»26 Sep 1905
Died: «tab»Aug 1975
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
Name: «tab»Cecil Bell
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»01 Feb 1929
Event Place: «tab», Logan, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1908
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Oscar Bell
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Cecelia Cummins
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Gladys Mcfarland
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»21
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1908
Spouse's Father: «tab»Walter Mcfarland
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Belle Arthur
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»VolO, p300, cn9109
Film Number: «tab»534842
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016823
Image Number: «tab»537
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Cecil F Bell
Name: «tab»Cecil F Bell
Birth Date: «tab»1907
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Shelby
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»22 Jun 1988
Hospital of Death: «tab»Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: «tab»Sidney
County of Death: «tab»Shelby
Certificate: «tab»047747
Age at Death: «tab»81
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: «tab»281-07-7646
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Bakery products
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Bakers
Name: «tab»Luther Simpson
Event Date: «tab»06 Jan 1930
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»22
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1908
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Homer Simpson
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Maggie Cooper
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mabel Bell
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»21
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1909
Spouse's Father: «tab»Oscar Bell
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Celia Cummons
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»160
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»516
[HI65379] (Research):1920 Census name William Howard T Sturm
[HI65380] (Research):Name: Hobart Sturm SSN: 288-03-5966 Born: 18 Jan 1911 Died: Jun 1974 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[HI65383] (Research):d/o William Brockman and margaret Klindworth
Rosa E. Minnich
Ohio, County Births, 1856-1909
birth:«tab»14 Jun 1889«tab»Stokes Twp., Logan, Ohio
parents:«tab»I.B. Minnich, Eliza Jenkins
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, & 1958-2007 about Rose M Miller
Name: «tab»Rose M Miller
Birth Date: «tab»1888
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Cleveland
Residence County: «tab»Cuyahoga
Residence State: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»16 Mar 1971
Hospital of Death: «tab»Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: «tab»Cleveland
County of Death: «tab»Cuyahoga
Certificate: «tab»016515
Age at Death: «tab»83
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Census Tract: «tab»1109
Ohio, Births and Christenings Index, 1800-1962 about Levi Minnick
Name: «tab»Levi Minnick
Gender: «tab»Male
Birth Place: «tab»Stokes Township, Logan, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»13 Mar 1893
Father's Name: «tab»I.B. Minnick
Mother's name: «tab»Eliza Jenkins
FHL Film Number: «tab»534831
[HI65390] (Research):1930 Record Irven B Minnich Anna H Minnich Dayton, Montgomery, OH abt 19 00 Ohio Head Anna H Minnich Dayton, Montgomery, OH abt 1900 Wife James I Minnich Dayton, Montgomery, OH abt 1928 Son
[HI65391] (Research):Special friend Vera Buroker and fisher partner Gene Everingham
[HI65397] (Research):Name: Olive L Whitson Age at Death: 85 Date of Death: 3 Jan 2002 City of Death: Piqua County of Death: Miami Volume: 33219 Certificate: 005279 Date of Birth: 17 May 1916 County of Birth: Shelby State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Father's Surname: Coverstone Mother's Maiden Name: Strayer Gender: Female Marital Status: Widowed Race: White Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic Years of Schooling: 12 Social Security Number: 281-07-5227 Whether in Armed Forces: No City of Residence: Piqua County of Residence: Miami State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Whether Within City Limits: Yes Residence Zip Code: 45356 Primary Registration District: 5501
(Research):Name: Ivan L Coverstone Age at Death: 59 Date of Death: 12 Feb 1978 City of Death: Sidney County of Death: Shelby Volume: 23193 Certificate: 015288 Date of Birth: Est. 1919 Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White County of Residence: Shelby State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Wilson Memorial Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, unknown if used for certification
Name: Ivan Coverstone SSN: 281-07-6549 Born: 28 Dec 1918 Last Benefit: 45365 Sidney, Shelby, Ohio, United States of America Died: Feb 1978 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[HI65399] (Research):Name: B. Ross Coverstone SSN: 274-12-4665 Last Residence: 84790 Saint George, Washington, Utah, United States of Am erica Born: 9 May 1920 Died: 6 Aug 1999 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[HI65401] (Research):Name: Waldo C. Coverstone SSN: 279-22-4198 Last Residence: 45365 Sidney, Shelby, Ohio, United States of America Born: 28 Aug 1925 Died: 8 May 1996 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[HI65404] (Research):Name: Marlin L. Coverstone SSN: 270-32-8436 Last Residence: 45365 Sidney, Shelby, Ohio, United States of America Born: 17 May 1932 Died: 14 Jun 2003 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1952-1953 )
(Research):Name: Luella L Motter Age at Death: 66 Date of Death: 9 Jul 1979 City of Death: Sidney County of Death: Shelby Volume: 23732 Certificate: 051650 Date of Birth: Est. 1913 State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Gender: Female Marital Status: Widowed Race: White County of Residence: Shelby State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Wilson Memorial Hospital Certifier: Physician
Name: Luella Motter SSN: 274-18-8552 Born: 2 Feb 1913 Last Benefit: 45365 Sidney, Shelby, Ohio, United States of America Died: Jul 1979 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[HI65411] (Research):Named as half brother in obit of Max, deceased 1/2006
Name: «tab»Isadore M. Remer
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»05 Jun 1915
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»27
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1888
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Emanuel Remer
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mollie Fildstein
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Myrtle M. Urban
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»25
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1890
Spouse's Father: «tab»Isaac Urban
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Anna Cohen
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p88
Film Number: «tab»545416
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016845
Image Number: «tab»83
[HI65418] (Research):Name: Velma M Ely Age at Death: 63 Date of Death: 27 Sep 1973 City of Death: Miami County County of Death: Miami Volume: 21434 Certificate: 071806 Date of Birth: Est. 1910 Gender: Female Marital Status: Married Race: White County of Residence: Miami State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Home Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy
[HI65419] (Research):Name: Louise R Stahl Age at Death: 51 Date of Death: 26 Jul 1963 City of Death: Logan County County of Death: Logan Volume: 17358 Certificate: 54820 Date of Birth: Est. 1912 Gender: Female Marital Status: Married Race: White County of Residence: Logan State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Home Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
[HI65420] (Research):Poss death record Name: Eugene Pence SSN: 281-07-5812 Born: 27 May 1915 Died: Jan 1957 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[DI65424] Death record in Plattsville names parents Albert Arthur and Eutiena Lusher
(Research):Name: Edward A Pence Age at Death: 57 Date of Death: 15 Oct 1987 City of Death: Piqua County of Death: Miami Volume: 27044 Certificate: 077652 Date of Birth: Est. 1930 State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White Social Security Number: 290-26-0741 Industry: Lumber and construction materials Occupation: Buyers, wholesale and retail trade, except farm produc County of Residence: Miami State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States
Hospital of Death: Piqua Mem Med Center - Closed Certifier: Coroner Autopsy: No autopsy
[HI65427] (Research):Name: Raymond Paul Pence Age at Death: 66 Date of Death: 11 Oct 1992 County of Death: Shelby Volume: 29145 Certificate: 077957 Date of Birth: 9 Oct 1926 City of Birth: Sidney County of Birth: Shelby State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Father's Surname: Pence Mother's Maiden Name: Lauterber Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic Years of Schooling: 12 Social Security Number: 293-24-2731 Industry: Trucking service Occupation: Truck drivers, heavy County of Residence: Shelby State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Primary Registration District: 7500
[HI65428] (Research):Name: Lawrence L Pence Age at Death: 71 Date of Death: 19 Sep 1994 County of Death: Shelby Volume: 29968 Certificate: 073863 Date of Birth: 3 Apr 1923 City of Birth: Sidney County of Birth: Shelby State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Father's Surname: Pence Mother's Maiden Name: Lauterbur Gender: Male Marital Status: Widowed Race: White Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic Years of Schooling: 12 Social Security Number: 283-20-1430 Industry: Metalworking machinery Occupation: Machinists Primary Registration District: 7500 Hospital of Death: Long-Term Care Facilities Hospital Status: Other/Nursing Home Time of Death: 6:00 AM
[HI65430] (Research):BAKER, William Bion Death date: 6/15/1938, Shelby County Certi ficate #37129
Name: Sarah Jane Baker
Death date: 01 Jul 1919
Death place: Greene, Shelby, Ohio
Birthdate: 06 Aug 1860
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Champaign Co., Ohio
Age at death: 58 years 10 months 25 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Housewife
Residence: Greene, Ohio
Burial date: 03 Jul 1919
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Plattsville
Spouse's name: W. B. Baker
Father's name: Nickolas Chapman
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace:
Mother's name: Rebecca Moon
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Ohio
GSU film number: 1984824
Digital GS number: 4021992
Image number: 1737
Reference number: fn 45378
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI65433] (Research):d/o J T and Martha Pricehouse
[HI65435] (Research):D/o Dock Minnear and Kate Atkinson
Name: John Wesley Shopshire
Death date: 16 Mar 1930
Death place: Green Township, Shelby, Ohio
Birthdate: 07 Dec 1837
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Ohio
Age at death: 92 years 3 months 9 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Farmer
Burial date: 19 Mar 1930
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Plattsville Cemetery
Spouse's name: Margaret Mistarl Shopshire
Father's name: Thomas Shopshire
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: Ohio
Mother's name: Sarah Hawkins
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: New Jersey
GSU film number: 1992088
Digital GS number: 4000540
Image number: 1616
Reference number: fn 19146
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[NI65445] Dau of Wm Swiger and Ollie Bohlier
Name: «tab»James Moon
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»03 Mar 1899
Death Place: «tab»Green Twp., Shelby, Ohio
Age: «tab»74
Birth Date: «tab»1825
[HI65453] (Research):1900 census is bro in law David Buchanan
Name: «tab»Charles Francis Arbegast
Death Date: «tab»03 Aug 1945
Death Place: «tab»Green Twp, Shelby, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»21 Nov 1871
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ottawa, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»73 years 6 months 12 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Anna
Father's Name: «tab»Allen Arbegast
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Lydia Scoby
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2372582
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4072472
[XI65458] aged 1 y 6m
Name: «tab»Johnson Allen Arbogast
Death Date: «tab»25 Nov 1945
Death Place: «tab»Akron 3, Summit, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»30 Jun 1863
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Putnam Ct., Ohio
Death Age: «tab»82 years 4 months 25 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Lelia Badger
Father's Name: «tab»Allen Arbogast
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Lydia
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2372646
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4072479
Name: «tab»Margaret Osa Sturm
Death Date: «tab»02 Apr 1948
Death Place: «tab»Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»02 Sep 1890
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Shelby Co., Ohio
Death Age: «tab»57 years 5 months
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Carl Sturm
Father's Name: «tab»William Evans
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Ida Buirley
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2246460
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4109089
[HI65480] (Research):Name : Wm Madison Hagerman Titles : Death date : 04 Oct 1920 Death place : Lima, Allen, Ohio Birth date : Estimated birth year : 1875 Birth place : Age at death : 45 years 5 months Gender : Male Marital status : Married Race or color : Street address : Occupation : Residence : Burial date : Burial place : Cemetery name : Spouse name : Mrs. W.M. Hagerman Father name : John Hagerman Father titles : Father birth place : Mother name : Mary E. Covault Mother titles : Mother birth place : GSU film number : 1991307 Digital GS number : 4096421 Image number : 3233 Certificate number : fn 61829 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI65484] (Research):d/o Jacob Persinger and Margaret Reed
[HI65489] (Research):1850 Shelby Co, Perry, OH Jacob Niswonger 40 OH Charity 38 Mary J 12 Rebecca 10 Nancy 8 J L 6 (male) Martha 4 Samuel 2 Sarah 1
Social Security Death Index about Villa M. Wones
Name: «tab»Villa M. Wones «tab»
Last Residence: «tab»85018 Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona,
Born: «tab»16 Jul 1910
Died: «tab»9 Jul 2007
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
Social Security Death Index about Cyril Wones
Name: «tab»Cyril Wones «tab»
SSN: «tab»281-07-6551
Last Residence: «tab»85018 Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona,
Born: «tab»20 Dec 1901
Died: «tab»Feb 1970
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
[HI65493] (Research):birth record date 8/20/1906
[DI65501] Name: Mabel L Harvey Age at Death: 74 Date of Death: 21 Aug 1975 City of Death: Sidney County of Death: Shelby Volume: 22196 Certificate: 061558 Date of Birth: Est. 1901 Gender: Female Marital Status: Widowed Race: White City of Residence: Sidney County of Residence: Shelby State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States
Name: «tab»Lucy De Weese
Death Date: «tab»24 Feb 1920
Death Place: «tab»Sidney, Shelby, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»11 Dec 1856
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Darke Co., Oh
Death Age: «tab»63 years 2 months 13 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»803 S. Main Ave. 1 ward
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»Sidney, Shelby, OH
Burial Date: «tab»25 Feb 1920
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Glen
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Abraham Mowan
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
(Research):1880 Census Place Perry, Shelby, Ohio Family History Library Film 1255 066
NA Film Number T9-1066 Page Number 190A Patrick LUCAS Self M Male W 42 OH Farmer --- --- Therza LUCAS Wife M Female W 40 OH Keeping Hou se VA OH Marcelus LUCAS Son S Male W 13 OH Works On Fa Ethel LUCAS Dau S Female W 3 OH OH OH Nora DEWEESE Niece S Female W 10 OH OH OH
Name: Richard Francis Burley
Death date: 27 Nov 1922
Death place: Jackson Centre, Shelby, Ohio
Birth date: 09 Nov 1831
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Ohio
Age at death: 91 years 18 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Retired Farmer
Burial date: 29 Nov 1922
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Port Jefferson Cem.
Spouse name: Hariette Ann Buirley
Father name: Wm. Buirley
Father titles:
Father birth place: Penn.
Mother name: Keysor
Mother titles:
Mother birth place:
GSU film number: 1992072
Digital GS number: 4000534
Image number: 661
Reference number: fn 60736
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI65510] (Research):Name : Sarah Jane Hartman Titles : Death date : 14 Dec 1921 Death place : Lake Township, Logan County, Ohio Birth date : 25 Dec 1841 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Shelby Co., Ohio Age at death : 79 years 11 months 19 days Gender : Female Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Retired Residence : Lake Township, Logan County, Ohio Burial date : 16 Dec 1921 Burial place : Cemetery name : Port Jefferson, O., Cem. Spouse name : Peter Hartman Father name : Wm. Baker Father titles : Father birth place : Penn. Mother name : Loudenback Mother titles : Mother birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio GSU film number : 1991860 Digital GS number : 4022254 Image number : 2374 Certificate number : fn 69442 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):1880 Census Place Greene, Shelby, Ohio Family History Library Film 125 5066
NA Film Number T9-1066 Page Number 121A John H. MIDDLETON Self M Male W 66 OH Farmer I Lydia MIDDLETON Wife M Female W 61 PA Keeping Hou se PA PA William L. MIDDLETON Son S Male W 19 OH Farmi David MIDDLETON Brother S Male W 69 OH Farmer I Alonzo W. HAGERMAN SonL M Male W 31 OH Farmi Mary J. HAGERMAN Dau M Female W 34 OH At Ho Cory I. HAGERMAN GSon S Male W 7 OH OH OH Cary L. HAGERMAN GSon S Male W 4 OH OH OH Fred A. HAGERMAN GSon S Male W 4M OH OH OH Alice B. WILES Dau M Female W 23 OH At Home OH PA Clifford E. WILES GSon S Male
[NI65522] Dau of James and Mary E Graham
Groom's Name: «tab»James A. Kelley
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Jennie V. Bull
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»
Marriage Date: «tab»03 Feb 1886
Marriage Place: «tab»Shelby, Ohio
Name «tab»Cha... Bell Bull
Titles & Terms «tab»
Death Date «tab»31 May 1913
Death Place «tab»Johnson Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date «tab»14 Jul 1844
Estimated Birth Year «tab»
Birthplace «tab»Ohio
Death Age «tab»68 years 1 month 16 days
Gender «tab»Female
Marital Status «tab»Widowed
Race or Color «tab»Caucasian
Street Address «tab»
Occupation «tab»Housewife
Residence «tab»
Burial Date «tab»03 Jun 1913
Burial Place «tab»
Cemetery Name «tab»Orange Chapple Cemetery
Spouse's Name «tab»
Father's Name «tab»McNama
Father's Title & Terms «tab»
Father's Birthplace «tab»Scotland
Mother's Name «tab»
Mother's Titles & Terms «tab»
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Film Number «tab»1953647
Digital Folder Number «tab»4019443
Image Number «tab»678
Certificate Number «tab»fn 26319
[NI65542] Can this be Charlotte Peterson who married a Wm Jones in Hocking Co, OH 12/10/1845?
Name: «tab»Peter Holl
Death Date: «tab»25 Oct 1915
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»25 Dec 1842
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Germany
Death Age: «tab»72 years 10 months
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Peter Holl
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Germany
Mother's Name: «tab»Appolonia Schmidt
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Germany
Film Number: «tab»1983546
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4095908
[XI65551] 67344 «tab»HOLL «tab»PETER «tab»«tab»00/00/0000 «tab»«tab»00/00/0000 «tab»10/27/1915 «tab»H «tab»Lot 577 «tab»SubLot 1 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 5
Name: «tab»Mary Ann Holl
Death Date: «tab»14 Mar 1915
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»26 Jul 1849
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»65 years 7 months 20 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»1452 N Limestone
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»Springfield, Clark, OH
Burial Date: «tab»17 Mar 1915
Burial Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Oh
Cemetery Name: «tab»Ferncliff
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Frederick Hutzlar
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Germany
Mother's Name: «tab»U
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Germany
Film Number: «tab»1983342
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021313
Image Number: «tab»1894
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 13096
[XI65552] 67342 «tab»HOLL «tab»MARY «tab»A. «tab»00/00/0000 «tab»«tab»00/00/0000 «tab»03/17/1915 «tab»H «tab»Lot 577 «tab»SubLot 1 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 4
Name: «tab»John Holl
Death Date: «tab»27 Feb 1910
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»16 Jul 1875
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Springfield
Death Age: «tab»34 years 7 months 11 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»250 W. Cedar St.
Occupation: «tab»Hardware Clerk
Residence: «tab»Springfield
Burial Date: «tab»02 Mar 1910
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Ferncliff
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Peter Holl
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Germany
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Hutzlar
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Cincinnati
Film Number: «tab»1927280
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021002
[XI65553] 67341 «tab»HOLL «tab»JOHN «tab»«tab»00/00/0000 «tab»«tab»02/28/1910 «tab»03/02/1910 «tab»H «tab»Lot 577 «tab»SubLot 1 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 2
Name: «tab»Margaret Hall
Death Date: «tab»20 Feb 1945
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»04 Mar 1876
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Springfield, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»68 years 11 months 16 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Peter Holl
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Hutslar
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2372734
[XI65554] 67340 «tab»HOLL «tab»MARGARET «tab»«tab»00/00/0000 «tab»«tab»00/00/0000 «tab»00/00/0000 «tab»H «tab»Lot 577 «tab»SubLot 1 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 1
[NI65555] 38195 «tab»HOLL «tab»MINNIE «tab»«tab»00/00/0000 «tab»CITY «tab»03/26/1950 «tab»03/28/1950 «tab»L «tab»Lot 489 «tab»SubLot 0 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 6
Name: «tab»Philip Holl
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»07 Jul 1925
Event Place: «tab»Clark Couty, Ohio
Age: «tab»43
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1882
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Peter Holl
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary Hutsler
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mollie M. Nissley
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»38
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1887
Spouse's Father: «tab»S. G. Nissley
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Sarah Trimmer
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 93 17020
Film Number: «tab»466637
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016779
Image Number: «tab»445
[XI65556] 5512 «tab»HOLL «tab»PHILIP «tab»«tab»00/00/0000 «tab»SPR «tab»11/16/1957 «tab»11/19/1957 «tab»G «tab»Lot 254 «tab»SubLot 0 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 4
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Henry C Holl
Name: «tab»Henry C Holl
Birth Date: «tab»1882
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Springfield
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»13 Nov 1964
Hospital of Death: «tab»Home
City of Death: «tab»Springfield
County of Death: «tab»Clark
Certificate: «tab»79939
Age at Death: «tab»82
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
[XI65557] 33168 «tab»HOLL «tab»HENRY «tab»C. «tab»00/00/0000 «tab»SPR «tab»11/13/1964 «tab»11/16/1964 «tab»P «tab»Lot 95 «tab»SubLot 0 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 6
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Ida C Holl
Name: «tab»Ida C Holl
Birth Date: «tab»1885
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Springfield
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»10 Apr 1959
Hospital of Death: «tab»Home
City of Death: «tab»Springfield
County of Death: «tab»Clark
Certificate: «tab»23447
Age at Death: «tab»74
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: «tab»Married
[XI65559] 33169 «tab»HOLL «tab»IDA «tab»C. «tab»00/00/0000 «tab»COLUMBUS, OH. «tab»04/10/1959 «tab»04/13/1959 «tab»P «tab»Lot 95 «tab»SubLot 0 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 5
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Mildred L Holl
Name: «tab»Mildred L Holl
Birth Date: «tab»1910
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Springfield
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»6 Mar 1972
Hospital of Death: «tab»Mercy Medical Center
City of Death: «tab»Springfield
County of Death: «tab»Clark
Certificate: «tab»017727
Age at Death: «tab»62
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: «tab»Never Married (Single)
[XI65560] 33168 «tab»HOLL «tab»HENRY «tab»C. «tab»00/00/0000 «tab»SPR «tab»11/13/1964 «tab»11/16/1964 «tab»P «tab»Lot 95 «tab»SubLot 0 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 6
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Frances P Grischy
Name: «tab»Frances P Grischy
[Frances P Holl]
Birth Date: «tab»26 Dec 1914
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Hispanic Origin: «tab»Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence City: «tab»Clark
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Zip Code: «tab»45504
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»27 Apr 2005
Death Time: «tab»11:18 PM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Community Hospital of Springfield
Certificate: «tab»35946
Age at Death: «tab»90
Registrar's Certificate Number: «tab»000653
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Referred to Coroner: «tab»Not Referred to Coroner
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Method of Disposition: «tab»Burial
Filing Date: «tab»6 May 2005
Hospital Status: «tab»Hospital/Inpatient
Injury at Work: «tab»Unclassifiable
Social Security Number: «tab»277-03-2451
Father's Surname: «tab»Holl
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Horman
Marital Status: «tab»Divorced
Education: «tab»12
Armed Forces Indicator: «tab»No
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Occupation Not Classifiable
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Occupation Not Classifiable
Census Tract: «tab»9999
Primary Registration District: «tab»1201
[HI65562] (Research):HOLL, John H. 87, of Springfield, passed away on Friday, December 30, 20 05 in the Ohio Masonic Home. He was born on February 12, 1918 in Springfie ld, Ohio the son of Henry C. and Ida (Horman) Holl. He was a member of t he Grace United Methodist Church. He served his country during World W ar II in the United States Army Air Corps and was Active Reserve until 19 54 and retired from the Postal Service in 1978. John was also a memb er of the Anthony Lodge Free & Accepted Masons 455 for fifty year s. He is survived by his loving wife of fifty-four years, Kathleen "Kitt y" Holl, of Springfield; one daughter, Barbara Callison, of West Jefferso n; one sister, Rhea Sears, of Springfield; two grandchildren, Drayton Call ison and Christin and her husband, Tony Harris, and several nieces and nep hews. He was preceded in death by his parents; son, Michael Dixon; son-in- law, Dean Callison, and two sisters, Mildred Holl and Frances Grischy. Fun eral services will be held on Tuesday, January 3, 2006 at 11:30 am in t he LITTLETON & RUE FUNERAL HOME with one hour prior visitation to the ti me of service. Burial will be in Ferncliff Cemetery. Memorial contributio ns may be made to the Alzheimer's Association, 3797 Summit Glen Drive, Sui te G-100 Dayton, Ohio 45449 or the donor's favorite charity. You may expre ss condolences at www.littletonandrue.com Published in the Springfield News-Sun from 1/1/2006 - 1/2/2006.
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Rhea L Sears
Name: «tab»Rhea L Sears
[Rhea L Holl]
Birth Date: «tab»9 Mar 1922
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Allen
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Zip Code: «tab»45504-3676
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»22 Jan 2007
Death Time: «tab»07:45 PM
Certificate: «tab»004552
Age at Death: «tab»84
Registrar's Certificate Number: «tab»006578
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Method of Disposition: «tab»Burial
Hospital Status: «tab»Nursing Home/Long Term Care Facility
Social Security Number: «tab»286-16-6285
Father's Surname: «tab»Holl
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Education: «tab»High School Graduate or GED Completed
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Air Force Base
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Secretary
Census Tract: «tab»39023002100
[HI65567] (Research):GRUBE, Ruth E. 88, of South Charleston, went to be with the Lord Thursd ay March 1, 2007. She was born December 11, 1918 to Frank L. and Ali ce C. (Craig) Cherry in South Charleston, Ohio. Ruth is survived by one so n; Charles Grube of London, Ohio; grandson, Damian Grube and Keshia Side rs of London, Ohio; great grandchildren, Megan and Mel Mel Shaw, and Makay la, Madison and Wyatt Grube; sister, Dona (Norm) Armstrong. Ruth was prece ded in death by her husband, Charles Grube; parents; granddaughter, Tina M arie Grube; brother, Graig Cherry. Visitation will be held from 6-8 p.m. S unday, March 4, 2007 in the INGLING WILLIAMS Funeral Home, South Charlesto n, where service will be held 10 a.m. Monday, March 5, 2007 with Rev. Do ug Thompson officiating. Interment in Fletcher Chapel Cemetery. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 3/3/2007.
[HI65569] (Research):BENSON, Dorothy Holland Markley 83, of Springfield, passed away Saturda y, January 21, 2006. She was born December 22, 1922 in Springfield the dau ghter of Hugh and Hazel (Boyle) Holland. She graduated from Catawba High S chool in 1940 and retired from the Kissell Company in 1980. She is surviv ed by a son, Stephen (Debbie) Benson and a daughter, Cheryl Markley Jess ee of Springfield and a son, Jon David (Marie) Markley of Oklahoma City, O klahoma; three sisters, Hazel Jean Carl and Frances DaLalla of Springfiel d, Anne Roseberry of Colorado Springs, Colorado; and a brother, Hugh "Butc h" Holland, Jr. of Florida. She left three special grandchildren, Dori (Ge orge) Schuler Thornburg, Rob (Kim) Jessee and Christopher Benson all of Sp ringfield. She has 11 grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren and two great- great-grandchildren and some special nieces and nephews. She was a reside nt of North Hill Towers II for 23 years and there leaves many close friend s. She was preceded in death by her parents, a daughter Marilyn Markley Sc huler and two great-grandchildren Hayden and Emily Jessee. Funeral servic es will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday in the JONES-KENNEY-ZECHMAN FUNERAL H OME with Pastor Gary Noble officiating. Friends may call for one hour pri or to the services. Burial will follow in Sommerford Cemetery. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 1/24/2006.
(Research):died - Aug 1977 at the home of a daughter in Wilmington, New Castle Count y, Delaware; married Robin Purdy 26 Dec 1907 (she was born in 1888 in Wash ington, died in 1970); noted author and professor of English at DePauw Uni versity from 1916 until at least 1954; listed in Who's Who; he register ed for the WWI draft in Putnam County, Indiana.
Raymond W. Pence (1885-1977), 109 W. Hanna Street #3 - After earning B. A. and M.A. degrees from Ohio State University, Raymond Pence went on to t each at Oregon State, Washington State, and Denison universities. Pence ca me to DePauw in 1916 as the James Whitcomb Riley Professor of English Lite rature, teaching for 36 years a variety of writing courses, including fict ion, composition, grammar, and drama. The author of a dozen books on writi ng, Pence believed in “revision, revision, revision.” The professor told s cholars “accuracy of expression came only through practice,” and the self- discipline of good writing led to a successful life. In 1967, Pence's form er students named an Asbury Hall seminar room in honor of their beloved pr ofessor. Photo at web site http://www.depauw.edu/news/index.asp?id=14058
Archives of DePauw University and Indiana United Methodism DePauw's most revered teacher of writing, Raymond Woodbury Pence, ca me to the University in 1916 as a professor of English composition, only t he second person to hold that title at the institution. An Ohio native wi th both bachelor's and master's degrees from Ohio State University, he tau ght at state normal schools in Washington and Oregon and at Dennison Unive rsity. At DePauw he headed the department of English composition and rheto ric until 1931, when a merger with the department of English literature cr eated the English department, which he led until his retirement in 1952.
Name: «tab»George W. Cox
Death Date: «tab»31 May 1917
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign Co., Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»30 Jul 1856
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»60 years 10 months 1 day
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»131 East Waller
Occupation: «tab»Laborer
Residence: «tab»Urbana, Champaign Co., OH
Burial Date: «tab»02 Jun 1917
Burial Place: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Geo. Cox
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Oh
Mother's Name: «tab»Anna Luack
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Oh
Film Number: «tab»1984012
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021564
Image Number: «tab»3029
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 30936
[HI65575] (Research):CLARK, Minnie Rebecca Death date: 6/23/1937, Champaign Coun ty Certificate #41757
(Research):1910 Census is brother George Wyant age 28 and his wife Ina age 17
No Allen Wyants with a brother George have been found in the 1880 Census In Pike CO, Marion OH 1900 John Wyant 11/1843 OH OH OH Teamster Sarah J, wife, 10/1847 m33y 11/10 George, son 9/1881 Eliza J, dau, 8/1884 John L , son 1/1889 (This family not found in 1880 Census)
Terre haute Cemetery gives him title of Rev Allen Wyant, but no occupati on in the census showed he was a minister
Name: «tab»Allen Wyant
Death Date: «tab»17 May 1942
Death Place: «tab»Madriver, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»14 Sep 1875
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»66 years 7 months 3 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»Terre Haute
Occupation: «tab»Tinner
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»19 May 1942
Burial Place: «tab»Terrehaute
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Della Wyant
Father's Name: «tab»John Wyant
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah Nance
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»2024003
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4019470
Image Number: «tab»1152
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 27880
(Research):Name: Gladys Brandyberry Age at Death: 63 Date of Death: 14 Dec 1975 City of Death: Urbana County of Death: Champaign Volume: 22295 Certificate: 086495 Date of Birth: Est. 1912 Gender: Female Marital Status: Widowed Race: White City of Residence: Urbana County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Mercy Memorial Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Unknown
Name: Gladys Brandyberry SSN: 274-18-8307 Last Residence: 43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States of America Born: 10 Aug 1912 Died: Dec 1975 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
(Research):Name: Violet Brandyberry SSN: 277-28-3983 Last Residence: 45317 Conover, Miami, Ohio, United States of America Born: 30 Jun 1912 Died: Jan 1985 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
Name: Violet E Brandyberry Age at Death: 72 Date of Death: 29 Jan 1985 City of Death: Sidney County of Death: Shelby Volume: 25929 Certificate: 006638 Date of Birth: Est. 1913 State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Gender: Female Marital Status: Widowed Race: White Social Security Number: 277-28-3983 Industry: Homemaker, student, unemployed volunteer Occupation: Homemaker County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Wilson Memorial Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
(Research):Name: Herbert Brandyberry SSN: 274-30-9099 Born: 15 Aug 1935 Died: Aug 1975 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1951 )
Name: Herbert E Brandyberry Age at Death: 40 Date of Death: 27 Aug 1975 City of Death: Champaign County County of Death: Champaign Volume: 22172 Certificate: 055572 Date of Birth: Est. 1935 Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Public/Other Certifier: Coroner Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
[XI65598] Burial record listed Foust unknown, no stone located
[XI65602] no date on stone when this source written
[DI65608] Conjestion of Brain aged 1-10-27
(Research):Not found in Spring Grove Cemetery
d/o Laurel Best and Dorothy Corbett
Champaign County Funeral Home records incorrectly give date of death as 11/25/1960
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2002
about Ida M Jenkins
Name: «tab»Ida M Jenkins
Birth Date: «tab»Est. 1914«tab»
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White«tab»
Residence County: «tab»Champaign
Residence State: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States«tab»
Death Date: «tab»25 Oct 1960
Hospital of Death: «tab»Mercy Memorial Hospital
City of Death: «tab»Urbana
County of Death: «tab»Champaign
Certificate: «tab»69173
Age at Death: «tab»46
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»No autopsy«tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Burial Records for Spring Grove
Ida Mae Best-Jenkins born 16-Nov-1914 death 23-Oct-1960 date of internment 26-Oct-1960 section 9 lot 90 grave SW ¼-2 lot book page 42 Undertaker Carl Baker
Logan D Jenkins born 1917 death 19-Sep-1966 and internment date is listed as the same date section 9 lot 90 SW ¼-3 undertaker Robert Henry
[HI65612] (Research):Name : Marietta Stephenson Death date : 24 Aug 1939 Death place : Adams Township, Carroll Co., Ohio Birth date : 24 Sep 1855 Estimated birth year : Birth place : North Hampton, Oh Age at death : 83 years 11 months Gender : Female Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Housewife Residence : Burial date : 26 Aug 1939 Burial place : Pasco Cemetery name : Cedar Point Spouse name : Wm. Stephenson Father name : Micheal Hartman Father titles : Father birth place : Germany Mother name : Susana Zeiger Mother titles : Mother birth place : Pa GSU film number : 2023761 Digital GS number : Image number : 2168 Certificate number : fn 46735 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI65614] (Research):HOUSEMAN, Emma A. Death date: 8/17/1923, Logan County Volume # 4242, Certificate #51111
Name: Emma Alice Houseman
Death date: 17 Aug 1923
Death place: Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio
Birth date: 14 Mar 1864
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: State
Age at death: 59 years 5 months 3 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Housewife
Burial date: 19 Aug 1923
Burial place: Greenwood
Cemetery name:
Spouse name: C.F. Houseman
Father name: Wm A. Wilson
Father titles:
Father birth place: State
Mother name: Morinda Ford
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: State
GSU film number: 1992390
Digital GS number: 4000584
Image number: 699
Reference number: fn 50111
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):Some of these descendants info provided in an ancestor chart in CCGS Ne ws Mar 1988 by Richard L Johnson, 11860 Carter Hill Rd, Corry, PA 16407
Son of Jesse John b 1798 VA died 1829 Champaign Co, OH bur Union Chapel Ce m and Mellatiah Whittridge 1801-7/1/1863 remarried John Diltz
(Research):1880 Census Place Union, Champaign, Ohio Family History Library Film 1 254998
NA Film Number T9-0998 Page Number 464B James JOHNSON Self M Male W 50 OH Farmer OH MA Mary M. JOHNSON Wife M Female W 46 PA Keeping Hou se PA PA William JOHNSON Son S Male W 23 OH Farmer OH PA Olney JOHNSON Son S Male W 17 OH Works On Fa Charley JOHNSON Son S Male W 14 OH Works On Fa rm OH PA John W. JOHNSON Son M Male W 25 OH Farmer OH PA Sopha M. JOHNSON DauL M Female W 19 OH At Ho Harvy JOHNSON GSon S Male W 2 OH OH OH
[HI65621] (Research):s/o Samuel Crim and Amanda White
[HI65625] (Research):Name: Charles Lafayette Wren Age at Death: 84 Date of Death: 24 May 1993 City of Death: Urbana County of Death: Champaign Volume: 29384 Certificate: 032987 Date of Birth: 12 Sep 1908 County of Birth: Champaign State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Father's Surname: Wren Mother's Maiden Name: Garver Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic Years of Schooling: 12 Social Security Number: 270-01-1653 Industry: Construction Occupation: Construction inspectors Primary Registration District: 1101 Hospital of Death: Mercy Memorial Hospital Hospital Status: Hospital/Inpatient Time of Death: 5:40 AM
[HI65626] (Research):M 1) Harl Louden 1938 who died 1976. Divorced. Sons Phillip and Pete r. Md 2) Vernon Critzer 5/20/1967 he died 1992.
[HI65627] (Research):Name: William L Wren Age at Death: 44 Date of Death: 12 Dec 1960 City of Death: Dayton County of Death: Montgomery Volume: 16372 Certificate: 90571 Date of Birth: Est. 1916 Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White County of Residence: Logan State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Census Tract: 0000 Hospital of Death: Miami Valley Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy
[HI65628] (Research):Name: Donna C Collins Age at Death: 92 Date of Death: 4 Dec 1999 County of Death: Logan Volume: 32211 Certificate: 100743 Date of Birth: 23 Dec 1906 County of Birth: Champaign State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Father's Surname: Wren Mother's Maiden Name: Garver Gender: Female Marital Status: Widowed Race: White Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic Years of Schooling: 14 Social Security Number: 271-18-6107 Whether in Armed Forces: No County of Residence: Logan State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Residence Zip Code: 43357 Primary Registration District: 4600 Hospital of Death: Long-Term Care Facilities Hospital Status: Other/Nursing Home Time of Death: 11:20 PM Filing Date: 9 Dec 1999 Registrar's Certificate Number: 00368 Certifier: Physician Whether Referred to Coroner: No Autopsy: No Method of Disposition: Cremation Classification of Place of Injury: Unspecified Place Whether Injury Happened in Ohio: Yes
[HI65629] (Research):From Hardin Co, Buck, OH 1900 Census
Name: «tab»James Garfield Wren
Baptism/Christening Date: «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place: «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»15 Oct 1882
Birthplace: «tab»Union Township, Logan, Ohio
Death Date: «tab»
Name Note: «tab»
Race: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Joseph Lafayette Wren
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Father's Age: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Martha Ann Cooper
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Age: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»I08884-4
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»534831
Reference Number: «tab»p 132 rn 598
Name: «tab»Mildred Ruth Clark
Gender: «tab»Female
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»16 Mar 1904
Death Place: «tab»Adams Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»1
Birth Date: «tab»1903
Birthplace: «tab»Adams Tp.
Occupation: «tab»
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»L. V. Clark
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Anna Vanhorn
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07024-8
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 89
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Catherine L Purk
Name: «tab»Catherine L Purk
[Catherine L Helfinstine]
Birth Date: «tab»25 Mar 1923
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Hispanic Origin: «tab»Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence City: «tab»Dayton
Residence County: «tab»Montgomery
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Zip Code: «tab»45406
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»21 Dec 2006
Death Time: «tab»10:45 AM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Private Residence
Certificate: «tab»104728
Age at Death: «tab»83
Registrar's Certificate Number: «tab»006193
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Referred to Coroner: «tab»Not Referred to Coroner
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Method of Disposition: «tab»Burial
Filing Date: «tab»29 Dec 2006
Hospital Status: «tab»Other/residence
Injury at Work: «tab»Unclassifiable
Social Security Number: «tab»289-18-1102
Father's Surname: «tab»Helfinstine
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Evans
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Education: «tab»9
Armed Forces Indicator: «tab»No
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Occupation Not Classifiable
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Occupation Not Classifiable
Census Tract: «tab»9999
Primary Registration District: «tab»5701
Name: «tab»Gertrude Herbert
Gender: «tab»Female
Baptism/Christening Date: «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place: «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»13 Jan 1875
Birthplace: «tab»Pleasant Twp., Clark, Ohio
Death Date: «tab»
Name Note: «tab»
Race: «tab»White
Father's Name: «tab»Wm. M. Herbert
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Father's Age: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Miranda Clymer
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Age: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»C01963-8
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»466657
Reference Number: «tab»v 1 p 258
[HI65639] (Research):DAVIS, Helen M. Death date: 1/18/1927, Logan County Volume #52 54, Certificate #3881
Name: «tab»Samuel Knox Alexander
Death Date: «tab»19 Apr 1911
Death Place: «tab»Lawrence, Washington, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»19 Mar 1827
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Pa.
Death Age: «tab»84 years 1 month
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»21 Apr 1911
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Moss Run
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»James Alexander
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Pa.
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Crossin
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Pa.
Film Number: «tab»1952985
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021103
Image Number: «tab»2961
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 24871
(Research):Name: Irene Gundolf SSN: 278-62-0902 Last Residence: 43343 Quincy, Logan, Ohio, United States of America Born: 19 Aug 1901 Died: Feb 1973 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1972 )
Name: Irene M Gundolf Age at Death: 71 Date of Death: 14 Feb 1973 City of Death: Logan County County of Death: Logan Volume: 21198 Certificate: 012890 Date of Birth: Est. 1902 Gender: Female Marital Status: Widowed Race: White County of Residence: Logan State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Home Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy
[HI65646] (Research):Name: Jessie O Wert Age at Death: 82 Date of Death: 7 Oct 1993 City of Death: Troy County of Death: Miami Volume: 29568 Certificate: 078936 Date of Birth: 9 May 1911 County of Birth: Shelby State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Father's Surname: Wooley Mother's Maiden Name: Hughes Gender: Female Marital Status: Widowed Race: White Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic Years of Schooling: 8 Social Security Number: 298-16-1687 Industry: Own Home/At Home Occupation: Housewife/Homemaker Primary Registration District: 5502 Hospital of Death: Stouder Memorial - Closed 9/25/98 Hospital Status: Hospital/Inpatient Time of Death: 7:50 PM
[HI65649] (Research):Name: Floyd Wooley SSN: 274-12-4510 Born: 2 Jun 1913 Died: Mar 1974 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[HI65654] (Research):Reformed Cemetery date of death is June 8, but could be 1870 or 1876
[HI65664] (Research):Champaign County Ross & Barnd Families Pg 96 Champaign Democrat 2/25/1919 Jesse Arbogast and a young lady from Urbana by the name of Groves visit ed Freeman Park and Jess Armstrong and wife, Sunday forenoon.
Arbogast, Thomas A., died in Clark County, 23 October 1923, Ohio Death Certificate]
Thomas Arbogast who was employed at the A. R. Express Company in Springfield, died at the f twenty years, at the home of D. R. Comstock, following an illness of one week, from nonia, at 4:30 Tuesday morning.
Mr. Arbogast was born in Rosewood and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arbogast of that He is survived by his parents, three sisters, Mrs. Walter Weller of Napoleon; Jessie of fieId; Ladoma and one brother, Royer, at home.
Funeral services were held from the Christian church at Rosewood today, Thursday, at 1:30 Rev. Stephens in charge. Burial was made at Plattsville. The remains were brought to the funeral parlors of Bert R. Richeson Tuesday morning and ied in the evening to the home of his parents at Rosewood.
Name: «tab»Thomas A. Arbogast
Death Date: «tab»23 Oct 1923
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»23 Apr 1903
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»20 years 6 months
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»1065 Clifton St.
Occupation: «tab»Laborer
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»25 Oct 1923
Burial Place: «tab»R...Ood, Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»Plattsville Cem.
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Chas. Arbogast
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Anna Davis
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1992392
(Research):Name : Fredrick Beckwith
Death date : 21 Jan 1928
Death place : Urbana, Champaign Co., Ohio
Birth date : 12 Aug 1874
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Indiana
Age at death : 53 years 5 months 9 days
Gender : Male
Marital status : Married
Race or color : American
Street address :
Occupation : Shipping Clerk
Residence :
Burial date : 23 Jan 1928
Burial place : St Paris, Ohio
Cemetery name : Evergreen
Spouse name : Goldie Beckwith
Father name : H. M. Beckwith
Father titles :
Father birth place : New York
Mother name : Roxie Sharp
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : New York
GSU film number : 1991142
Digital GS number : 4022067
Image number : 610
Reference number : fn 545
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[BI65670] Burial record gives brth year 1870
[NI65671] Did housework for an Evilsizer family in the 1940's
Name: «tab»Margaret H. Beltz
Gender: «tab»Female
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»29 May 1906
Death Place: «tab»N. Lewisburg, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»87
Birth Date: «tab»1819
Birthplace: «tab»Virginia
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07023-8
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 49
Name: «tab»Andrew T Beltz
Death Date: «tab»22 Mar 1922
Death Place: «tab»Rush, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»26 Aug 1859
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»North Lewisburg, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»63 years 7 months 25 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Miller
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»24 Mar 1922
Burial Place: «tab»No. Lewisburg, O.
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Andrew Beltz
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Penn.
Mother's Name: «tab»Margaret Hutchson
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Va.
Film Number: «tab»1991913
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4022278
Image Number: «tab»1992
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 13382
[HI65679] (Research):SIDDERS, Charles L. 59, of Springfield, passed away January 28, 2006. He w as born August 23, 1946 in Springfield, the son of Clyde and Coleen (Ayer s) Sidders. Mr. Sidders loved his family and leaves to cherish his memo ry his loving companion of 21 years Judy Doty; his children, Charles Sidde rs, Jr., Dawn Taylor, Dennis Sidders, Cindy (Paul) Litteral, Jodie (Kenn y) Rose, Lucille Nier, Russel Doty and Paula and 11 grandchildren. Visitat ion will be held Thursday in the JONES-KENNEY-ZECHMAN FUNERAL HOME fr om 10 a.m. until the time of the ceremony at 11 a.m. Burial will foll ow in Ferncliff Cemetery. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 2/1/2006.
[HI65682] (Research):RUST, Eldon C. 66, of Tremont City, passed away peacefully in his sleep Tu esday, February 7, 2006 in Astor, Florida. He was born April 15, 1939 in S pringfield the son of Eldon W. and Thelma (Mingus) Rust. Mr. Rust was a pa st Tremont City Councilman, had been a volunteer on the Tremont City Fi re Department, was a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge, The Urbana Moose Lod ge, the Springfield Eagles Lodge, the American Legion in Urbana and the Ve teran Foreign or Wars. He was retired from Kelsey Hayes ((Speco) Divisio n) and was a Veteran of the United States Army. Survivors include a daught er Melissa (Gene) Rousculp, Catawba; a son, Charles (Kim) Rust, Tipp Cit y; five grandchildren, Megan, Hannah and Tori Rousculp, Collin and Oliv ia Rust; a step sister, Rita (Tom) Waddle, Springfield; a brother, Terry ( Cindy) Rust; numerous nieces and nephews and very special friends Billie a nd Roy Bradford, Cynthianna, Kentucky. He was preceded in death by wife, N ancy M. Rust on October 16, 2005 and his parents. Friends may call in t he JONES-KENNEY-ZECHMAN FUNERAL HOME from 4 until 8 p.m. Sunday. Funeral s ervices will be held at 11 a.m. Monday in the funeral home with Pastor T om Amlin officiating. Burial will follow in Vernon Asbury Cemetery. Published in the Springfield News-Sun from 2/10/2006 - 2/11/2006.
[HI65684] (Research):HEATON, Helen L. 71, of Conover, formerly of Springfield passed away Satur day, February 11, 2006 at 12:45 a.m. in her home near Kiser Lake. She w as born on April 7, 1934 in Springfield, Ohio, the daughter of the late Jo hn and Hazel (Heardman) Washburn. A son, Bryon D. Redmon; two brothers, B ob and John Washburn; and father-in-law, Roy Heaton, also preceded h er in death. Her loving husband, Roger L. Heaton whom she married on Apr il 25, 1985, survives Helen. She is also survived by one son and former da ughter-in-law, Donald E. Ferryman of Sidney and Pamela A. Ferryman; two da ughters: Lynn Wheaton of California and Cynthia Redmon of Sidney; seven gr andchildren: Blake Walters who is serving the in United States Marine Cor ps in North Carolina; Ben Ferland, Zach Ferryman and Jacob Ferryman, a ll of Christiansburg; Stephanie State of California; and Major Redmon a nd Shea Redmon of Sidney; three great grandchildren; brother and sister-in -law, Dick and MaryAnn Washburn and sister Dorothy Krupp all of Springfiel d; sister-in-law, Mrs. Jim (Marilyn) Smith of Medway; many nieces, nephe ws and friends. Helen was a 1952 graduate of Springfield High School, reti red from Robbins & Myers, and a member of the Eagles Lodge 397, Springfiel d. Helen was a great wife, mother and grandmother and she loved her fami ly very much. She will be greatly missed by all. A private graveside servi ce in Evergreen Cemetery, St. Paris will be held at the convenience of t he family with Pastor Kenneth Ellis officiating. In lieu of flowers, donat ions may be made to Wilson Hospice, 915 West Michigan St. Sidney, Ohio 453 65. ATKINS-SHIVELY FUNERAL HOME, 216 South Springfield Street, St. Pari s, Ohio is serving the family. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 2/13/2006.
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Thomas Nawman
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Alice Hinkle
[XI65686] NO death date on reading from this source
Name: «tab»Maud Organ
Death Date: «tab»09 Apr 1918
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»02 Jul 1887
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Springfield, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»30 years 9 months 7 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»24 E. Cassily St.
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»12 Apr 1918
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Evon Cem.
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Wm. Sheley
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Rose Hebble
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1984347
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021774
Image Number: «tab»1723
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 21969
(Research):Possible Second Wife
Name: Nellie T. Maughan
Death date: 24 Mar 1943
Death place: Urbana Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Birth date: 19 Jan 1873
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Urban, Ohio
Age at death: 69 years 2 months 5 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: American
Street address: 212 Louden St.
Burial date: 26 Mar 1943
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Oak Dale
Spouse name: Patrick Maughan
Father name: Michael Brennen
Father titles:
Father birth place: Ireland
Mother name: Elizabeth Neville
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Ireland
GSU film number: 2024047
Digital GS number: 4020872
Image number: 2868
Reference number: fn 14359
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
name: «tab»Patrick L Manghan
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»13 Apr 1941
event place: «tab»Moorefield, Clark, Ohio
residence: «tab»
street address: «tab»New Morefield Road RR 3
gender: «tab»Male
death age: «tab»74y 4m 19d
marital status: «tab»Widowed
race: «tab»W
occupation: «tab»Justice of Peace
birth date: «tab»24 Nov 1866
birthplace: «tab»Fremont City
estimated birth year: «tab»1867
burial date: «tab»16 Apr 1941
burial place: «tab»
cemetery: «tab»St Lenards Cem.
father: «tab»Patrick Manghan
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»Ireland
mother: «tab»Margaret Madden
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»Ireland
spouse: «tab»Emma
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»fn 21905
film number: «tab»2023896
digital folder number: «tab»4122041
image number: «tab»1682
Citing this Record Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch
(https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X8S5-BMT : accessed 30 Sep 2012),
Patrick L Manghan, 1941; citing reference fn 21905, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
Name: «tab»Nettie Jane Wirick
Death Date: «tab»02 Jul 1918
Death Place: «tab»Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»17 Sep 1887
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Dayton, Oh
Death Age: «tab»30 years 9 months 15 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»113 Perrine St.
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»Dayton, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»05 Jul 1918
Burial Place: «tab»Springfield, Oh
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Unknown
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Unknown
Mother's Name: «tab»Unknown
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Unknown
Film Number: «tab»1984381
[XI65701] 67067 «tab»WIRICK «tab»NETTIE «tab»J. «tab»00/00/0000 «tab»YELLOW SPRINGS, OH. «tab»07/02/1918 «tab»07/05/1918 «tab»H «tab»Lot 223 «tab»SubLot 1 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 2
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Flossie M Xander
Name: «tab»Flossie M Xander
Birth Date: «tab»1889
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Upper Arlington
Residence County: «tab»Franklin
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»23 Jul 1972
Hospital of Death: «tab»Riverside Meth. Hospital
City of Death: «tab»Columbus (Pt)
County of Death: «tab»Franklin
Certificate: «tab»052567
Age at Death: «tab»83
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Census Tract: «tab»0660
(Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900). pg 195 3/11/1898 A marri ed man McNeal took off with John Cron's daughter. His wife, daugher of Sam uel Miley and daughter were left to their fate.
Poss William McNeal in Fayette Co, OH 1900 born July 1871 OH VA VA md le ss than a year to a Viola B age 23 no ch
Name : William Lewis Mcneal
Death date : 30 Jan 1950
Death place : Twin Twp, Rural, Ross, Ohio, United States
Birth date : 12 Jul 1871
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Ohio
Age at death : 78 years 6 months 18 days
Gender : Male
Marital status :
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address :
Occupation :
Residence :
Burial date : 1/30/1950
Burial place : Chillicothe, OH
Cemetery name : Grandview Cemetery
Spouse name :
Father name : Samuel Mcneal
Father titles :
Father birth place :
Mother name : Eliza Jane Mccoy
Informant Mrs John Barnhart
GSU film number : 2372632
Digital GS number : 4109226
Image number : 02856
Certificate number : 05206
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI65714] (Research):Elven children. Seven sons and four daughters, one son and daughter pass ed on before 1893, leaves widow and nine children
Name: «tab»William M. Parlette
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»25 Jan 1917
Event Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Age: «tab»60
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1857
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»George W. Parlette
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Eliza Jane Wyerman
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Joanna Jenkins
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»56
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1861
Spouse's Father: «tab»Michael Shawver
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Harriet Rockel
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»v27 p202 no10927
Film Number: «tab»465400
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016782
Image Number: «tab»135
A record of a small child of William Parlett died age 11 weeks 8/31/1882,
Newspapers 1871-1884 pg 200 died of cholera
Name: «tab»William M. Parlette
Death Date: «tab»18 Aug 1933
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»27 Jul 1856
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»77 years 21 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»515 London
Occupation: «tab»Retired Carpenter
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»21 Aug 1933
Burial Place: «tab»Oak Dale
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»George Parlette
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Mother's Name: «tab»Eliza Weirman
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Film Number: «tab»1992879
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4001882
Image Number: «tab»2545
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 43732
[HI65719] (Research):Aug 28 1906 Urbana Daily Citizen Elmer PARLETT was in the city during the week ,having been called home by the death of his brother Carlyin PARLETT.
Name: «tab»Leslie Edward Mcminnis
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»18 Oct 1899
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»25
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1874
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Calvin C. Mcminnis
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Rena Light
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Anna Estella Parlette
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»26
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1873
Spouse's Father: «tab»George Parlette
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Eliza J. Weirman
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn M-140
Film Number: «tab»530189
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016810
Image Number: «tab»498
Name: «tab»Anna E. Mcminnis
Death Date: «tab»05 May 1937
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»25 Aug 1872
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»64 years 8 months 10 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»515 London
Occupation: «tab»At Home
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»07 May 1937
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Oak Dale
Spouse's Name: «tab»Leslie E. Mcminnis
Father's Name: «tab»Geo. W. Parlette
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Pennslyvania
Mother's Name: «tab»Eliza J. Weirman
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Pennslyvania
Film Number: «tab»2023497
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4020845
Image Number: «tab»570
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 30199
Name: «tab»Michael Scanlan
Death Date: «tab»19 Apr 1929
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark,Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»05 Apr 1874
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Green Co., Ohio
Death Age: «tab»55 years 14 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»621 Dibert
Occupation: «tab»Laborer
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»22 Apr 1929
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Concord Cemetery
Spouse's Name: «tab»Bessie M. Scanlan
Father's Name: «tab»Jonathan Scanlan
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ireland
Mother's Name: «tab»Un
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ireland
Film Number: «tab»1991767
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4022252
[HI65731] (Research):Funeral attended by Simeon Lyons. Buried inMutual
[HI65734] (Research):From Carl Rhodes Family Web Site In or about 1835 a few years after Joseph and Sarah were married, they mov ed with Sarah's father Michael Kite to Hamilton Co. IN. They did not st ay there long In the following year they relocated to Boone Co. near the v illage of Thorntown, IN. Eight out of the eleven known children of Jose ph and Sarah were born there. On March 5, 1852 Joseph H. (Rodes) purchas ed a farm in Marshall Co., IN, for $1,100.00 November of that year he bo ught swamp land from the state of Indiana at a $1.25 per acre. In prese nt day Walnut Twp. of Marshall Co., IN, Joseph laid out the village of Fre mont, on Nov. 6 1856. He named it in honor of Col. John C. Fremont who w as voted that day as the Republican candidate for President. Joseph la id the village of Fremont out along side the community of Sidney. The fol lowing year Joseph opened a small grocery store. In 1859 Joseph, along wi th seventeen others voted to join the two communities of Fremont and Sidn ey into the town of Argos. Joseph died on 18 Oct 1861 in Argos, Marshall County., IN. He was buried in Argos, Marshall Co., IN. After the death of Josep h, Sarah worked as a housekeeper. She also sold off lots in the town of A rgos, which were left to her by late husbands estate. The last land reco rd found on Sarah (Kite) Rhodes was on 17 Nov 1873, when she sold la nd in the town of Argos (recorded in Deed Book 8 pg. 395 in the Marsha ll Co. Courthouse at Plymouth IN). Her remaning property was later seiz ed by the county sheriff and sold for delinquent taxes.
[HI65749] (Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900), pg105. 9/2/1892 Dr Hunt a nd wife attended the funeral of their sister-in-law, Mrs Kate Loodom, of C onover, Sunday
[HI65750] (Research):1880 Census Place:New Palestine, Shelby, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1255066 National Archives Film T9-1066 Page 11 1A S. Kinsey LEEDOMSelfMMW28OHOcc:FarmerFa: PAMo: PA Catharine A. LEEDOMWifeFMW23OHFa: OHMo: OH Gertrude LEEDOMDauFSW3OHFa: OHMo: OH
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Gertrud L Wiant
Name: «tab»Gertrud L Wiant
Birth Date: «tab»1877
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Champaign
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»26 May 1960
Hospital of Death: «tab»Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: «tab»Springfield
County of Death: «tab»Clark
Certificate: «tab»33519
Age at Death: «tab»83
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Census Tract: «tab»0000
Name: «tab»Elmer Ellsworth Wert
Death Date: «tab»28 Feb 1939
Death Place: «tab»Casstown, Miami, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»27 Jan 1863
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Shelby Co, Oh
Death Age: «tab»76 years 1 month 1 day
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Steam Engineer
Residence: «tab»Casstown, OH
Burial Date: «tab»02 Mar 1939
Burial Place: «tab»Fletcher
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Eva Wert
Father's Name: «tab»Francis M. Wert
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Catherine Needles
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2023677
name: «tab»Cathern A Wert
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»21 Apr 1924
event place: «tab»Green, Shelby, Ohio
residence: «tab»
street address: «tab»
gender: «tab»Female
death age: «tab»83y 4m 15d
marital status: «tab»Widowed
race: «tab»W
occupation: «tab»Housework
birth date: «tab»06 Dec 1840
birthplace: «tab»Ohio
estimated birth year: «tab»1841
burial date: «tab»23 Apr 1924
burial place: «tab»Fletcher, Ohio
cemetery: «tab»
father: «tab»Joseph Needles
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
mother: «tab»
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»
spouse: «tab»
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»fn 24618
film number: «tab»1992496
digital folder number: «tab»4001422
image number: «tab»1524
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch
(https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X6MN-6MF : accessed 07 Nov 2012),
Cathern A Wert, 1924; citing reference fn 24618, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
[NI65757] Rev. Adolphus B. Nixon, minister; P. O. Casstown; born in Boothsville, Mar ion County, W. Va., August 6, 1846; is a son of Robert P. and Catharine Caroline (Hayhurst) Nixon, who were also born in W. Virginia; the grandparents coming from the same state; the ancestry originally from England; the g randfather (Hayhurst) is still living at the advanced age of 94 years; he was in the War of 1812, and passed through many conflicts with the Indians. Robert and Catharine are still residents of W. Virginia; he was in the Union army in the War of the Rebellion, through its entire service. Robert and Catharine were the parents of 13 children, of whom 10 are now living, viz., Sebastian C., Adolphus, Harman A.. (residing in Illinoi s, a minister of the Gospel), William A., Ella C. (now Mrs. Robinso n, of W. Virginia), Addie. M. (living in W. Virginia), Alice C. & Henry R ., twins (now living in West Virginia), and Wayland L. Rev. Nixon lived wi th his parents till 24 years of age; he engaged in the occupation of farmi ng; having obtained a good common-school education and one years cour se at the Academy at Pruntytown, he entered Denison University at Granville, Ohio, where he remained three years when, his health failing, he was obliged to desist from further prosecution of his studies; he came to Mia mi Co., engaged in the occupation of teaching, which he followed about o ne year and, during this time, was called to preach the Gospel, making h is first effort in Baptist church in Casstown. On Dec. 20, 1873, he was regularly ordained as a minister of the Gospel. March 26, 1874, was united in marriage with Sarah Alice S. Barnes, a daughter of Abel R. and Mary Barnes, who were born in Ohio, and are the parents of four children, of whom two are now living, viz., William Crozier and Sarah Alice. Samuel T., now deceased, was in the War of the Rebellion, where, from exposu re and hardships, he contracted desease which caused his death five mont hs after his return from the army; he was one of the many lives sacrafic ed in defense of our country. Rev. Nixon and wife have had one child, viz ., Mamie Pearl, now deceased. Soon after their marriage, they removed to C hicago where took a course of study at the Theological Seminary, being eng aged there one year. Having retained his pastorate of the church at Cassto wn, and also at Lena, he returned to Casstown and took charge of these chu rches; remaining their pastor to the present time. During his pastorate he re, the membership of the Casstown Church has increased from 68 to 140 mem bers, and that of the Lena Church from 70 to 250 members; this shows a rem arkable progress, and we may hope that, as he is still a young man in t he Master's Vineyard, that, as a watchman upon the walls of Zion, the gre at and good work that he has done may be but the beginning of a greater wo rk in the future and, at the last day, he may have "many stars in his cro wn of rejoicing."
[HI65758] (Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900), pg104. 8/19/1892 Mr Trum an Nixon, late of St Paris, but later of Wytheville, VA son of S C Nixo n, was md Wednesday
Name: «tab»Robert P./Nixon
Sex: «tab»Male
Death Date: «tab»29 Jun 1895
Death Place: «tab»Boothsville, Marion, West Virginia
Note: near
Age at Death: «tab»78y 5m 9d
Burial Place: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»03 Jul 1895
Cemetery: «tab»Family
Funeral Home: «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»
Birth Place: «tab»Boothsville, W.Va.
Note: near
Marital Status: «tab»M
Spouse: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Name: «tab» Harwon Ausborn Nixon
Event Type: «tab» Death
Event Date: «tab» 22 Mar 1916
Event Place: «tab» Granville, Licking, Ohio
Gender: «tab» Male
Age: «tab» 66
Marital Status: «tab» Married
Race: «tab» White
Occupation: «tab» Clergyman
Birth Date: «tab» 25 Mar 1849
Birthplace: «tab» Boothsville West Virginia
Birth Year (Estimated): «tab» 1850
Burial Date: «tab» 25 Mar 1916
Cemetery: «tab» Granville
Father's Name: «tab» Robert P. Nixon
Father's Birthplace: «tab» West Va.
Mother's Name: «tab» Kathleen Hayhierst
Mother's Birthplace: «tab» West Va.
File Number: cn 19293 , GS Film number: 1983646 , Digital Folder Number: 004021391 , Image Number: 02499
[NI65764] No futher record after marriage
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Anna Mae Eleyet
Name: «tab»Anna Mae Eleyet
[Anna Mae Harris]
Birth Date: «tab»22 Apr 1906
Birth State: «tab»Kentucky
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Hispanic Origin: «tab»Not Hispanic (Latino)
Death Date: «tab»29 Apr 1993
Death Time: «tab»12:35 AM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Piqua Mem Med Center - Closed
City of Death: «tab»Piqua
County of Death: «tab»Miami
Certificate: «tab»029701
Age at Death: «tab»87
Hospital Status: «tab»Hospital/Inpatient
Social Security Number: «tab»297-46-9302
Father's Surname: «tab»Harris
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Anderson
Marital Status: «tab»Divorced
Education: «tab»8
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Own Home/At Home
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Housewife/Homemaker
Primary Registration District: «tab»5501
[HI65773] (Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900), pg98. 4/29/1892 Allen a nd Sol Huffman returned from IN Wednesday. Their uncle Martin Miller di ed before they reached him, but they attended the funeral
Name: «tab»Mary Ann Strickland
Event: «tab»Death
Event Date: «tab»30 Mar 1921
Event Place: «tab»Pleasant, Logan, Ohio
Residence: «tab»
Street Address: «tab»
Gender: «tab»Female
Death Age: «tab»80y 3m 11d
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race: «tab»white
Occupation: «tab»House Keeper
Birth Date: «tab»19 Dec 1840
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1841
Burial Date: «tab»01 Apr 1921
Burial Place: «tab»Rosedale
Cemetery: «tab»
Father: «tab»David Clark
Father's «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Nancy Flowers
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Joseph Milton Strickland
Spouse's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»fn 16363
Film Number: «tab»1991490
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4022189
Image Number: «tab»1922
[NI65778] married a King prior to 1880.
Groom's Name: «tab»Robert F. Botkin
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»26 Jan 1880
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»New Carlisle, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Edna I Miller
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»05 Dec 1886
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»South Solon, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»23
Marriage Date: «tab»24 Dec 1909
Marriage Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Robert Botkin
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Ellen Sheets
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»James K Miller
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Laura Simmerman
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 12 Township 3 Range 11( NE 1/4) (St Paris located in Sec 18) 12 Mar 1862 Quitclaim from Noah Huffman to Fred Leffel, water privileg es Bk 33 pg202
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11 To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot ? 1/29/1863 James Breslin o Noah Huffman, 48 square poles Bk 34 Pg37 Lot # 1 11/9/1864 John C Clem to Noah Huffman et al, entire lot Bk 35 Pg4 59 Lot ? 11/29/1864 Noah Huffman to C B White, 1.55 acre Bk 35 Pg579 Lot # 1 3/24/1866 Quitclaim from Noah Huffman to Fred Leffel, 65 feet 7 i nches south side. Bk 37 Pg392 Lot # 1 3/24/1866 Quitclaim from Fred Leffel to Noah Huffman, 65 feet 7 in ches south side Bk 37 Pg188 Lot # 1 3/24/1866 Noah Huffman to Isaac Brubaker, 65 feet 7 inches south s ide Bk 37 Pg188 Lot # 1 9/17/1866 Quitclaim from Noah Huffman to Fred Leffel, entire l ot Bk 38 Pg 292 Lot ? 5/8/1868 Noah Huffman to Ben F Hance, 48 poles Bk 40 Pg553
[HI65783] (Research):Home in 1860: Jackson, Champaign, Ohio Gender: Male Post Office: St Paris Value of real estate: View image Household Members: Name Age John Huffman 55 Marg Huffman 46 Noah Huffman 19
[HI65784] (Research):World Family Tree at ancestry names mother of Noah Huffman as Mary Venic e, but name in census is margaret
[HI65785] (Research):Single never married
[XI65785] Burial record no stone located Dec 2007
[HI65794] (Research):OBit says buried in evergreen, but not found in the transcripts there
[NI65796] Md margaret Wirick 1/22/41877
[HI65796] (Research):44th OVI
[XI65796] 77y1m27d
[HI65803] (Research):Champaign Co- Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), Pg212.2/5/1897 Bk51 Pg133 Abigail A Wert vs Benjam in Wert for divorce on willful absence. Divorce granted, child Nellie A We rt
Name: Abigail Albina Strickland
Death date: 30 Jan 1934
Death place: Perry Township, Shelby, Ohio
Birth date: 04 Nov 1870
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Champaign Co., O.
Age at death: 63 years 2 months 26 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: American
Street address:
Occupation: Housewife
Burial date: 02 Feb 1934
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Rose Dale Cem.
Spouse's name: David Strickland
Father's name: Daniel S. Burnham
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: Usa
Mother's name: Martha Wilks
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Ill.
GSU film number: 1992988
Digital GS number: 4001892
Image number: 1080
Reference number: fn 6949
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[NI65806] Md Sarah Baer 3/19/1812 Union Co, OH
[HI65806] (Research):Record Book 10, Page 345 \emdash Filed 15 April 1829 (See Record Book 12, Page 2 63) Robert Cloud, Ezra Winget & William Winget vs Heirs of David Comer Charles Anthony and John H. James was the attorneys for the complainant s. George B. Bolt was the president, James Smith, William Runkle and Willi am Fithian were the associate judges. In 1817 the complainants and David C omer entered into an agreement to purchase land north of Treacles Creek a nd south of Proctors Run, belonging to Thomas Moore of Kentucky. The 15 00 acres was part of Military Survey Number 7491 (Rush Tp.) and the deed ( mortgage deed fl) was recorded in Champaign County Deed Book H, Page 20 4, under the name of Robert Cloud. Each man was to pay for and receive one \emdash fourth at $2.25 an acre. On 18 September 1817 the agreement was ma de as to shares and the land was surveyed into nine lots. Cloud and Com er sold lot number 2; 200 acres to Henry Fairchilds; William Winget so ld a portion to Ira Kimball; and all four men sold 950 acres to the Sprag ue Manufacturing Company on 7 September 1818. Later 493 acres was sold fr om the Winget portion and 457 acres from the Cloud and Comer portion to th e. Sprague Manufacturing Company.. Anson Howard was given the power of att orney on 9 July 1827 by the Sprague Manufacturing Company and has since sold portions of the land to: himself, Anson Howard; Andrew Kimball; Nathani el Riddle; Ella Burnhani; Elipas Buroham; Jacob Burnhaai and Thurman N. Ki ball. In order to pay the final note he sold more land to the Sprague Man ufacturing Company; 148 acres of Robert s land and 115 acres of Ezra Wing et s land • On 22 September 1827 Cloud received a deed of conveyance fr om Nary Moore, widow of Thomas Moore. Now, clear deeds are needed for. a ll of the purchasers. David Comer died in 1825, leaving the following heir s: Eliza Comer, Racheal Comer, Samuel B. Comer and Polly Comer with William B ayless being appointed guardian ad litem for this case. On 4 November 18 28 Robert Cloud and Anna, his wife, gave deeds to the Wingets and the hei rs of David Comer.
Name: «tab»Moses Rolph
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»09 May 1861
Event Place: «tab»Franklin County, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Eudora A. Heylin
Spouse's Titles & Terms:
The many friends of Mrs. Eudora Heylin Roiph will be pained to hear of her death. She passed away last Saturday at her home in Sparta, Vir-ginia. Mrs. Rolph will be remembered as Miss Eudora Heylin, being a cousin of Mrs. Stanshury and Miss McDonald in West Court Street.
St Paris Era Dispatch Sept 17 1902
Name: «tab»Joseph Ashton
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»09 Jan 1840
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mary Jane Heylin
Name: «tab»Samuel P. Burton
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»22 Aug 1824
Event Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Eliza Heylin
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»208
Film Number: «tab»295228
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016260
Image Number: «tab»108
(Research): Record Book 10, Page 73 — Filed 13 June 1825 — Partition
James R. Hughs
William Hughs & Others, heirs of James Hughs James Hughs Sr., up on his death, held lots in Urbana: In—Lots, 83, 84, 85, 86, •92, 93 and 9 4. The heirs of James Hughs: James R. Hughs of Oxford, Butler County O H; William Hughs of Oxford, Butler County, Ohio; Thomas Edgar Hughs of Can nonsburg, PA; Elizabeth Hughs, wife of William Ward of Urbana; Mary Hug hs of Urbana, minor; Hester Hughs of Oxford, minor; Joseph S. Hughs deceas ed left the following children, James Hughs, 5 years and Edgar Hughs, 3 ye ars both of Delaware County, Ohio (William Ward guardian ad litem). The ap praisers: Elisha C. Berry, William H. Fyffe and Matthew Magrew, decided th at the land could not be divided and valued the lots at $1000. The court o rdered the sheriff to sell the lots but no sale was recorded. On 14 Apr il 1828 the case was .discontinued.
(Research): Record Book 8, Page 139 Filed 19 October 1822 Partition
Jabez Lansdale & Nelson Lansdale
Heirs of Thomas L. Lansdale
Thomas L. Lansdale purchased 100 acres of John Cain in Military S urvey Number 4747 (surveyed by William Reynolds) and 35 acres of Alexand er McCorkle in Military Survey Number 8777 (surveyed by Duncan McArthu r, Goshen Tp.). The heirs of Thomas were: Elizabeth. Lansdale; Martin Lan sdale; Rebecca Lansdale; Jabez Lansdale; Nelson R. Lansdale; William Lans dale and Mary Ann Lansdale. Elisha C. Berry was appointed guardian for t he minors, William and Mary Ann Lansdale. The court gave 37 acres and t he manor house to the widow (unnamed) and valued the rest of the lan d, 98 acres, at $7.00 per acreS Jabez Lansdale agreed to pay the apprais al price and purchased the land.
Ms Sarah Paul
Promiscuous Record Book 7, Page 437 Filed 17 February 1818 In Chancery
Harvey Tullis & wife, Sarah, late Sarah Paul
Ann Paul & Others
William Paul deceased, father of Sarah, held a fractional of 625. 32 acres Section 26 ToT.Jnship 6 Range 11 (Union Tp., Champaign County) a nd land on Stoney Creek, which was in the south~east quarter of Secti on 20 Township 3 Range 14 (Union Tp., Logan County). At his death, Willi am Paul had paid the principal to the government. Ann Paul, widow, and Da niel Baker, have paid the remaining purchase price out of the estate mon ey so that a patent could be issued to the heirs. The heirs are: James P aul, Ann Paul, Sarah Paul Tullis, John Paul, Robert Paul, Mariah Paul, Sar ah Tullis and Ann Paul, widow. The dower portion, 200 11/16 acres was s et off from Section 26 and the rest of the land was valued at $8.00. T he land in Section 20 was valued at $2.50 an acre. Ann Paul, widow and Da niel Baker, Administrators were ordered to sell all but the dower porti on and divide the money among the heirs.
[HI65839] (Research):Name: Ezra Tullis , Enlistment Date: 19 September 1861 Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Side Served: Union State Served: Ohio Unit Numbers: 1870 1870 Service Record: Enlisted as a Sergeant 1st Class on 19 September 1861 at t he age of 30 Enlisted in Company C, 40th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 19 September 1861. Promoted to Full Lieutenant 2nd Class on 05 February 1863 Promoted to Full Lieutenant 1st Class on 19 March 1864 (Not Mustered) Mustered out Company C, 40th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 08 October 18 64 in Atlanta, GA
(Research):1880 Census Place Lost Creek, Miami, Ohio Family History Library Fi lm 1255049
NA Film Number T9-1049 Page Number 120B Hiraim N. LUKINS Self M Male W 66 PA Farm Labor er PA PA Sarah E. LUKINS Wife M Female W 60 PA Keeping Hou se PA PA Wm. A. LUKINS GSon S Male W 16 OH Farm Labor Thomas SEELER Other S Male W 20 MD Farm Labor
Lukens, Hiram M. Xr 1849 Deed 24 745 Lena Mi Lukens, Hiram M. Xr 1860 Deeds 35 472 Brown Twp Mi Lukens, Hiram M. es 1888 ProbCt Case 8345 Estate Mi Lukens, Hiram M., Deborah Xt 1861 Deeds 36 344 Staunton Twp. Mi Lukens, Hiran (estate) Map 1894 Atlas 414 8 Lostcreek Twp Mi Lukens, Hyram M. fc 1850 Cen Brown Twp Mi
[HI65852] (Research):Lukens, Mary E. M 1860 Marr Kephart, Henry J. Mi
(Research):Send by a direct descendant, Dan Ward 1. John Ward m. Mary Pollock 2. William m. Haines and had at least a son John E. 2. Robert, Dan's line, m. Margaret VanKirk 2. Martha Jane m. John Mefford
but conflicting info: Champ. Co. Guardianship book shows Wm. and Robert Ward guardianship in 18 38 with Layton POLLOCK as the guardian of Wm. Ward 6 years and Robert Wa rd 3 years. HEIRS OF JAMES WARD. James does not agree with earlier in fo as fa. of the boys
tombstone is clearly 1898 Who is this John Ward?
Name: «tab»John Ward
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»15 May 1899
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»34
Birth Date: «tab»1865
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Occupation: «tab»Laborer
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07023-7
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 581
[HI65858] (Research):Leaves, father, mother, wife and three children. Died of Cancer
[NI65860] There is a stone in Spring Grove Cemetery next to Charles M with Clinton T son of C M and CA who died 1885 with age caculating back to a brith date of May 1884. IN the Alabama 1900 Census with Charles and Clara is a son named Clinton also born May 1884. Quite a mystery.
[HI65862] (Research):Wdiow in 1885 for 28 years, but not found in the 1880 census of Champai gn County. Not the widow of Thomas Boole
name: «tab»Christie Davis
event: «tab»Marriage 10/10/1905
event place (standardized): «tab»Montgomery, Ohio, United States
event place (other): «tab»Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio, United States
age: «tab»25
estimated birth year: «tab»12/23/1879
birth date: «tab»
birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
father: «tab»Elias Davis
father's «tab»
mother: «tab»Maria Karg
mother's «tab»
spouse: «tab»Lillie Perks
spouse's «tab»
spouse's age: «tab»21
spouse's estimated birth year: «tab»1884
spouse's birthplace: «tab»Springfield, Ohio
spouse's father: «tab»Washington Perks
spouse's father's «tab»
spouse's mother: «tab»Emlie Macham
spouse's mother's «tab»
reference number: «tab»24699
film number: «tab»1030848
digital folder number: «tab»004017466
image number: «tab»00211
Citing this Record
"Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XZP4-22M : accessed 22 Oct 2012), Christie Davis and Lillie Perks, 1905; citing reference 24699, FHL microfilm 1030848.
[HI65865] (Research):wife of William C Wright. 12 children, five ded by 1884, six girls and o ne boy survive
[HI65866] (Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot? 12/20/1887 Administrator of E D Hawke to G P Shidler and J M Biddl e, corner of Jefferson and College Streets Bk69Pg455
Name «tab»Edward Hawk
Death Date «tab»14 Oct 1915
Death Place «tab»Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date «tab»14 Sep 1840
Estimated Birth Year «tab»
Birthplace «tab»Ohio
Death Age «tab»75 years 1 month
Gender «tab»Male
Marital Status «tab»Married
Race or Color «tab»
Street Address «tab»
Occupation «tab»
Residence «tab»Saint Paris, Johnson Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Burial Date «tab»
Burial Place «tab»
Cemetery Name «tab»
Spouse's Name «tab»
Father's Name «tab»Johnathan Hawk
Father's Title & Terms «tab»
Father's Birthplace «tab»Pennsylvania
Mother's Name «tab»Margaret
Mother's Titles & Terms «tab»
Mother's Birthplace «tab»Pennsylvania
Film Number «tab»1983546
Digital Folder Number «tab»4095908
Image Number «tab»1268
Certificate Number «tab»fn 53049
Name: «tab»Maude Hawk/Cox
Sex: «tab»Female
Death Date: «tab»30 Jun 1913
Death Place: «tab»Ohio County, West Virginia
Age at Death: «tab»36y 10m 6d
[XI65868] w/o Earl M Cox, burial record listed under Hawk no stone located