

[DI48745] Name: Albert Cheney
Death date: 20 Jun 1923
Death place: Mechanicsburg, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date: 08 Aug 1842
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Goshen Tp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Age at death: 82 years 10 months 12 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color:
Street address:
Burial date: 24 Jun 1923
Burial place:
Cemetery name:
Spouse's name:
Father's name: Johnathan Cheney
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: Champaign Co., Ohio
Mother's name: Rachel Williams
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Maryland
GSU film number: 1992270
Digital GS number: 4000573
Image number: 2437
Reference number: fn 36815
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[DI48746] Name: �tab�Clem
Gender: �tab�Unknown
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�27 May 1880
Death Place: �tab�Salem Tp, Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Salem Tp
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�David Clem
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Maretia Perry
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07024-7
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�v 1 p 124

[HI48748] (Research):Parentage not proven: Circumstantial Evidence to prove: 1. 1840 census shows a male child between 5 and 10 2. 1900 Census shows he was born 4/1832, fitting the time frame 3. 1900 Census he claims his father was born VA and mother in KY 4. No other brothers known other than Gatch who also appears in the 1840 C ensus age 15-20 5. He gives fathers place of birth as VA and Mother as KY, just like his p roven daughter Rebecaa Military History of Clark Co, OH pg 290 Private James Ambroseg, appointed 1st Lieutenant 2d O. V. I. (3 years): pr omoted Captain. FIRST LIEUTENANT, JAMES R. AMBROSE, late Captain U S. Vole., elected thr ee times. Service Record:
Enlisted as a Lieutenant 1st Class on 01 August 1861 at the age of 26 Enlisted in Company A, 2nd Infantry Regiment Ohio on 01 August 1861. Promoted to Full Captain on 02 December 1862 Mustered out Company A, 2nd Infantry Regiment Ohio on 10 October 1864

1880 Census Place:Springfield, Clarke, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254999 National Archives Film T9-0999 Page 28 8B James R. AMBROSESelfMMW47OHOcc:MoulderFa: PAMo: KY Mary A. AMBROSEWifeFMW43OHFa: PAMo: PA A. M. Cook AMBROSESonMSW15OHFa: OHMo: OH

Ambrose, James R. 1900 Lived in: 2 Ward Springfield, Clark County, Ohio Series: T623 Microfilm: 1246 Book: 1 Page: 295 James R Ambrose 4/1832, 68, OH VA KY, foreman foundry Mary A, wife, 6/1837, m37y 1/1 OH OH OH

[NI48750] Name: �tab�Anson Mccook Ambrose
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�29 Apr 1902
Event Place: �tab�Hamilton County, Ohio
Age: �tab�36
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1866
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�J. R. Ambrose
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mary A. Mccomsey
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Jennie Gilkison
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�37
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1865
Spouse's Father: �tab�Gilkison
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Newman
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�Vol 159, Pg. 25
Film Number: �tab�355065
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016424
Image Number: �tab�334

[BI48750] Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co Oh-Newspaper Abstracts May 1855-1871, (March 2000).pg 125 6/29/1865 Born 25th inst a son to Capt James R and Mollie Ambrose.

[HI48752] (Research):1848-Trustees, Joseph C. Brand, John Lafferty, Jonathan Cheney ; Cler k, S. C. Runyan ; Treasurer, William S. Taylor; Assessor, Samuel Williams.

1849-Trustees, Joseph C. Brand, John Lafferty, Jonathan Cheney ; Cler k, S. C. Runyan : Treasurer, William S. Taylor; Assessor, Samuel William s.

1850-Trustees, Joseph C. Brand, John Lafferty, Jonathan Cheney ; Cler k, D. V. Runyan ; Treasurer, William S. Taylor; Assessor, Samuel Williams.

Justices of the Peace-1849, Isaac W. Spencer ; 1851, Jonathan Cheney and J ohn Diltz 1854, Jonathan Cheney 1857, Jonathan Cheney

1853-Trustees, Jonathan Cheney, Isaac W. Spencer, J. C. Phillips ; Cler k, Benjamin Clark; Treasurer, W. S. Taylor; Assessor, Samuel Humes.

1854-Trustees, Jonathan Cheney, J. C. Phillips, James H. Buncutter; Cler k, Benjamin Clark; Treasurer, Isaac W. Spencer; Assessor, J. C. Phillip

1855-Trustees, Jonathan Cheney, James H. Buncutter, R. M. Woods ; Clerk, B enjamin Clark; Treasurer, Washington Allen; Assessor, A. Fox.

1856-Trustees, Jonathan Cheney, John H. Runyan, J. C. Phillips; Clerk, Ben jamin Clark: Treasurer, Isaac W. Spencer; Assessor, A. Fox.

Champaign Co, Wills Book D pg 398 signed 2/2/1864 probated 4/9/1864, Unio n, Twp Jonathan CHENEY, wife Rachel the real estate, ch: William B, John W, jam es H, Albert, Edwin, Rachel Ann, mary E, Jonathan M, Austin W and Miner va J Cheney. William B and James H Cheney, exec. Wit: W D Lowry, James Che ney

Champaign Co, Guardianship & Indentures Vol1 pg 256 13 April 1838 Jonath an Cheney gdn of John Cheney 13yr, Benjamin F Cheney 8 yr children and min or heirs of Benjamin Cheney, Dec'd. Surities James Cheney, William William s.

HISTORY OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY. - 585 GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. BY W. H. Beers The flouring-mill now called Hunter's Mill was built in 1823 by Jonathan C heney.

876 - BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. GOSHEN TOWNSHIP . JONATHAN CHENEY (deceased). To the subject of this sketch we are pleas ed to accord a place in the biographical album of this work. He was bo rn in August, 1816, in Union Township, Champaign Co., and was prominent ly identified with the history of the county. As far back as his patern al ancestors can be traced, they inhabited the Isle of Man. In about 177 0, Thomas Cheney and four sons-Thomas, William, Joseph and Ebenezer-emigra ted from the Isle of Man to America, locating in Massachusetts. The fath er and three sons were engaged in the battle of Bunker Hill, in which t he former, then a man of about 70 summers, was killed by a chain-shot. Tho mas, Jr., emigrated to Harrison Co., Va., where he reared a family of so ns and daughters, four sons of whom-William, Benjamin (the father of our s ubject), Jona than and Ebenezer-became pioneers to Champaign Co. Benjam in was married to Sarah Cochran, a native, also, of Harrison Co., Va., fr om where they immediately emigrate," to Ohio, locating in Champaign County. in about 1808. The journey was made on horseback, bringing all their me ager earthly possessions with them. Benjamin inherited nothing but an hone st name, good business habits and a vigorous intellect. His cabin was erec ted in the wilderness of Union Township, where his industry and perseveran ce soon carved out a farm and home. He was conspicuously identified with t he early political as well as pioneer history of the county. He served f or a number of years as Justice of the Peace, and his proceedings in his o fficial capacity are to be found among the early records of the count y. As a member of the State Legislature for twelve years, he discharged h is duties with fidelity and commendable zeal. He was possessed of more th an ordinary business sagacity, and accumulated, before his death, a lar ge landed estate, consisting of nearly 2,000 acres. He never moved from h is first location, his death occurring there in 1834, and that of his wi fe and one son about the same time, all dying of typhoid fever. In his dea th, the community recognized the loss of a valuable citizen and useful mem ber of society. He had seven sons and one daughter, of whom our subject w as the fifth child. His entire life was passed upon the farm on which he w as born. He was early taught the art and dignity of farming, and, as regar ds integrity, business habits and a vigorous intellect, his father's mant le fell upon him. In his life, he was honored as a good and useful memb er of society, ever found interested in whatever pertained to the common w elfare. He filled with the strictest integrity numerous offices of honor a nd trust; was two years a member of the State Legislature, and for twel ve or fifteen years Justice of the Peace. He possessed many sterling chara cteristics, his devotion to the right being fearless. His life was given p rincipally to farming and stock-raising. In 1836, he married Rachel, daugh ter of John W. and Eleanor (Duval) Williams, by whom be had eight sons a nd three daughters; one son and two daughters deceased. He died March 6, 1 864. lamented by all who knew him. His son, J. H. Cheney, was born De c. 1, 1839, in Union Township; was reared on a farm, and has made farmi ng his life occupation. Aug. 14, 1860, he married Beatrice Tullis, a nati ve of Goshen Township, and a descendant of early settlers; be lived in Uni on and Goshen Townships till about five years ago, when he moved to his pr esent place in Mechanicsburg. He served a time in the late civil war. M r. and Mrs. Cheney have three sons and one daughter.

PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF ThE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Record Book 24 Pg 313 Riled April 14 1851 Bill in Chancery Jonathan Cheney and Samuel Cheney vs John Wilson and Others On June 10 1841 the Cheney's sold 79 3/4 acres of land to George Wilson, h owever, Wilson died before the land was paid for. George's heirs: Mary Wil son, widow; Samuel D Wilson and his wife Catherine Wilson of Frankin Co, O hio; John Wilson of Champaign Co, OH and Sarah Wilson, wife of Benjamin Cl ark of Champaign Co, OH

[HI48753] (Research):Rachel Cheney Book E pg 226 Mechanicsburg Probated 10/13/1883 died 10/8/1883 Mechanicsburg, Heirs, William P Chene y, son Hutchinson, KS, John W Cheney, son, Mechanicsburg; J Henry Cheney-s on-Mechanicsburg; Albert Cheney-son-Mechanicsburg; Edwin Cheney-son-Mechan icsburg; Jonathan M Cheney-son-Mechanicsburg; Austin W Cheney-son- Mechani csburg; Minerva J Early-dau-Hutchinson, Ks; children of dau Rachel Rosega nt dec'd namely-Louisa Rosegant-grdau- South Charleston; Emma Rosegant-grd au-Bull City, Ks; Nellie Rosegant-grdau-Bull City, Ks; ch of dau Mary Kena ga dec'd namely-Edith Kenaga-grdau-Hutchinson, Ks; Ada Kenaga-grdau- Huthc inson, Ks; Fannle Cheney-gr dau. J Henry Cheney executor witness: William C Pangborn James Riddle will signed 9 Sep 1882

Champaign Co, Will Book A pg 172 Will of John W Williams, MEchanicsburg, p robated 4/25/1838 Children Samuel Willims, Ann Hammond, William William s, Richard Willisma, Rachel Cheney, Emily Williams, james Williams, Ell en Curl wife of james. Sons Samuel and William Williams, exec. Wit Abner C heney William Orange, will signed 2/27/1838

Daughter of John W and Elenore (Duval) Williams Champaign Co- A Centennial Biographical History of Champaign Co, Ohio - 1902, (New York and Chicago The Lewis Publishing Co, 1902), pg43

[HI48758] (Research):All four girls were placed in the Miami County Children�s Home when the ir mother died. The Miami County website has the Children�s Home�s recor ds which is where I found their names, birth dates and places. I didn�t e ven know Bessie had any sisters prior to finding that!

[HI48759] (Research):Family researcher [email protected]

[DI48759] Name: �tab�John C Vance
Death Date: �tab�03 Jul 1943
Death Place: �tab�Butler Twp., Montgomery, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�25 Dec 1859
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�83 years 6 months 8 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�RR1
Occupation: �tab�Retired Farmer
Residence: �tab�Vandalia
Burial Date: �tab�06 Jul 1943
Burial Place: �tab�Piqua, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�Forest Hill
Spouse's Name: �tab�Nettie Vance
Father's Name: �tab�Henry Vance (James Henry)
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Sipp (Mary Jane Sapp)
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Film Number: �tab�2024137
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4122075
Image Number: �tab�1821
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 45655

[HI48760] (Research):Was she md previously?
Groom's Name: �tab�Samuel S Chapman
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Emaline Julin
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�
Marriage Date: �tab�02 Nov 1876
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio

[HI48764] (Research):All four girls were placed in the Miami County Children�s Home when the ir mother died. The Miami County website has the Children�s Home�s recor ds which is where I found their names, birth dates and places. I didn�t e ven know Bessie had any sisters prior to finding that!

[HI48765] (Research):All four girls were placed in the Miami County Children�s Home when the ir mother died. The Miami County website has the Children�s Home�s recor ds which is where I found their names, birth dates and places. I didn�t e ven know Bessie had any sisters prior to finding that!

[HI48766] (Research):All four girls were placed in the Miami County Children�s Home when the ir mother died. The Miami County website has the Children�s Home�s recor ds which is where I found their names, birth dates and places. I didn�t e ven know Bessie had any sisters prior to finding that!

[HI48767] (Research): He is listed as living with Christian and Bessie Cook in the 1910 census at 13 years old. That would place his birth date at about 1897 therefore Nettie was probably his mother. Curt lived on the same road as we did (N. Montgomery County Line Rd.) as far back as I can remember and I know Dad bought our property from him. I believe one of his daughters is still living there. Curtis married Lyda Penny (b. 1897, OH d. 14 Jul 1965 T roy, Miami Co, OH) about 1917. I've lost track of how may children they had (it always seemed like a lot!). The only one I knew well was the oldest Carl (b. 28 Dec 1918 d. 10 Oct 1997). The 1930 census lists Earl H., John Clarence Jr., Pauline L, Dorothy H, and Robert E. I know Curt is no longer living but I haven't been able to find a death date. Jan says it was after 1987, but can't pin it down any closer. Lida Cook [email protected]

[DI48767] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Curtis Vance
Name: �tab�Curtis Vance
Birth Date: �tab�22 Sep 1896
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Hispanic Origin: �tab�Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence City: �tab�Troy
Residence County: �tab�Miami
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�6 Aug 1990
Death Time: �tab�08:10 AM
Hospital of Death: �tab�Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: �tab�Troy
County of Death: �tab�Miami
Certificate: �tab�061716
Age at Death: �tab�93
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Referred to Coroner: �tab�Not Referred to Coroner
Autopsy: �tab�No Autopsy performed
Filing Date: �tab�13 Aug 1990
Hospital Status: �tab�Other/Nursing Home
Injury in Ohio: �tab�Yes
Type Place of Injury: �tab�Unspecified Place
Social Security Number: �tab�283-20-3317
Father's Surname: �tab�Vance
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Agricultural production, crops
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Farmers, except horticultural
Primary Registration District: �tab�5502

[DI48768] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Lyda Vance
Name: �tab�Lyda Vance
Birth Date: �tab�1896
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Miami
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�14 Jul 1965
Hospital of Death: �tab�Stouder Memorial - Closed 9/25/98
City of Death: �tab�Troy
County of Death: �tab�Miami
Certificate: �tab�55017
Age at Death: �tab�69
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Married

[DI48769] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about James H Vance
Name: �tab�James H Vance
Birth Date: �tab�1899
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Montgomery
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�15 Feb 1966
Hospital of Death: �tab�Good Samaritan Hospital
City of Death: �tab�Dayton
County of Death: �tab�Montgomery
Certificate: �tab�13888
Age at Death: �tab�67
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Census Tract: �tab�0000

[HI48772] (Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1884-1900 submitted by Pat Stickley in CCGS Newsletter June 1996 pg 31 Louisa Vance-Brand Class of 1891

[DI48772] Name: �tab�Louise Vance Brand
Death Date: �tab�27 Aug 1948
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�13 Jul 1872
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�76 years 1 month 14 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Charles Brand
Father's Name: �tab�Alexander Franklin Vance
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�Jr.
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Jameson
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2246492
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109100
Image Number: �tab�00427
Certificate Number: �tab�47385

PROBATED 11 AUG 1891 PROB 18 JUL 1891 TEXAS TARRANT CO, TEXAS [DIED 10 JUN 1891] Heirs-Calvin F Vance-bro-Shelby Cc, T enn; Richard D Talbott- son-Ft Worth, Tx; Clara V Tucker [wife of John]-da u-Ft Worth, TX; Mary Louisa Stansberry-grdau-Ft Worth, Tx; Nanna McDona ld ca 17 yr and unmarried-grdau-Ft Worth, Tx; Gertrude Talbott McDonald-N ew Orleans, La; Mary Moore [wife of Jeff]-legatee-Champ Co, Oh. Son Richa rd D Talbott house and grounds of 40 acres I now live on in Birdville, Tar rant Co, Tx; to Richard D Talbott, Clara V Tucker, Mary Louisa Stansberr y, Nanna F McDonald [wife of Win) all residue of property. $500 to be plac ed in trust for my unfortunate dau Gertrude Talbott, also known as Gertru de McDonald [now divj. Mentions farm of 110 acres in Champaign Co. Mary Mo ore, colored woman $200. Calvin F Vance of Memphis, Tenn, executor Witness:C C Cummings, C McBride A J Williswill signed - Jan 1890

Codicil 13 Oct 1890--Grandaughter Nanna F McDonald the silverware and bala nce of turn to son Dr Richard D Talbott; to Mary Moore $200 at least.

[long testimony]

[HI48776] (Research):Census Place:Salem, Champaign, Ohio 1880 Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 35 6B Richard TALBOTSelfMMW61OHOcc:FarmerFa: MDMo: CAN Mary J. TALBOTWifeFMW52OHFa: KYMo: PA Gertrude MCDONOLD DauFSW34OHFa: OHMo: OH Clara MCDONOLDDauFSW25OHFa: OHMo: OH Richard MCDONOLD SonMSW19OHFa: OHMo: OH Nanno MCDONOLDGDauFSW7OHFa: OHMo: OH Cameron MCDONOLD GSonMSW3OHFa: OHMo: OH

[HI48777] (Research):At the age of nine went with his uncle to the first settlement of the vill age of Sheppherdstown, KY where he remained until 1812 when he moved to Gr eene Co, OH. Moved to Urbana in 1823

JOSIAH G. TALBOT, hats and caps. Mr. Talbot belongs to one of the old fami lies of Urbana. He is the son of Josiah G. Talbot, who was a native of Mar yland, and served as a Lieutenant in the war of 1812. He was a hatter a nd furrier, and removed from Xenia to Urbana, in 1823, for the purpo se of getting nearer the fur supply, and continued in business here unt il his decease, in 1854. His wife was a daughter of Capt. Forsythe, of Can ada. She could speak the French, English and Indian tongues. She once din ed with Tecumseh an Little Turtle at Ft. Wayne, and was present at Hull 's surrender, the Captain who was then in command having married her on ly sis ter. She afterward came to Dayton, where she met Lieut. Talbot. T he subject of this sketch was born April 26, 1828, while his mother, wi th other members of the family, was visiting her people at Thames, Canad a. He has been occupied in merchandising since 1851, with the excepti on of six years spent in farming. He engaged in the hat and cap busine ss in 1877, which business descended from his father through the han ds of several members of the family. The store is located at No. 35 Monume nt Square, and is the only exclusively hat and cap establishment in the ci ty. He married, in 1860, Mrs. Lavina Lapham, by whom he has three childre n, one son and two daughters. Ila is a member of the Grace Methodist Episc opal Church, and was the organizer of the Howard-Weaver Mission in 1866, a nd has had charge of it since. Mr. Talbot is an earnest Christian worker a nd an estimable and worthy citizen.

[DI48777] Ohio Democrat 9/13/1855 (CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg39) Died on the morning of the 12th inst, after protracted suffering, from ast hma, Capt Josiah G Talbott in the 71st year of his age. And thus has pass ed from among us, another of the venerable pioneers of the west, whose liv es have been devoted to our protection, our prosperity and happiness and w hose memories will be cherished throughout time. The deceased was born ne ar Fredericktown, Maryland on the 25th day of August in the year 1785, a nd with the care and of pious parents was, in his infancy, baptized in t he methodist Episcopal Church at the City of Baltimore, by the hands of t he Rev John Wesley. At the age of nine years, he was taken with the fami ly of his uncle, ----Groves, to the first settlement of the village of She ppardstown, Kentucky, where he remained , until arriving at years of matur ity, he determined upon the new state of Ohio as his future home, and so me time before the war of 1812, settled at Xenia, in Green County. Upon t he breaking of the war, he entered the service in the defense of his count ry, and his meritorious conduct at once secured for him the appointme nt of 1st Lieutenant, in a company which was afterwards attached to the re giment of militia commanded by his brother, Col Richard Talbott, with wh om he served actively until the close of the war. The only active engageme nt in which he was permitted to take part, was at Fort Defiance - his fi ne personal appearance, his savity of manner, and his gentlemanly and hono rable bearing having pointed him out to the superior officers, as valuab le in the recruiting service; and his great success and efficiency in th at department, caused him to be detained in that service until peace was d eclared, and further recruits were no longer needed. After the strugg le of his country was over, he returned to his home, and remained quiet ly in the pursuit of his trade, as a hatter, until the close of the year 1 815. He formed a matrimonial alliance at the then twon of Fayton, with Mi ss Forsythe, a daughter of Captain Forsyth, of the English Army, and a nie ce of Maj Forsyth, of the American Army, who was so well and so favorab ly known to all the old citizens of Urbana and of the Mad River Valle y. In 1823 he moved to this town of Urbana, where he has ever since reside d, and where he has died, leaving no enemy behind him, but a whole communi ty of devoted friends who have admired and loved him through life and w ho deeply and sincerely lourn with his bereaved and afflicted family at h is loss. A more extended notice will be given hereafter.

[XI48777] Note from Candy
**Not sure where Josiah Talbott is actually buried. He died in Urbana, so I am listing him here.

[HI48778] (Research):dau of Capt Forsythe of the English Army and niece of Maj Forsythe of t he American Army.

[HI48779] (Research):Graduates of Urbana Public Schools published in CCGS Newsletter March 19 96 pg 12 (Published by the class of 1915 in their Senior Year) William McK Vance class of 1876

Supt of Schools in Delaware OH

Masonic Directory 1902 Harmony Lodge No 8 F & AM Organized in 1810 Past Masters-Wm McK Vance 1892-1893

Amy Sutherland Vance (1859 - 1948)
Carl S Vance (1885 - 1885)*
Marjorie H Vance (1890 - 1972)*
Amy Louise Vance (1895 - 1895)*
Kenyon Sutherland Vance (1897 - 1971)*

[DI48779] Stricken by apoplexy on Christmas day and never recovered

[HI48780] (Research):Editor of Troy News in Miami Co

[DI48781] Died from inflamation of the bowels.
Urbana Citizen & Gazette
November 26, 1885
Infant son of Mr & Mrs W McK Vance died at Washington Court House. Buried Oak Dale Cemetery.

[DI48783] Name: �tab�Lillie Stephens
Death Date: �tab�13 Nov 1936
Death Place: �tab�Christiansburg, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�29 Sep 1864
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Newton, Ind
Death Age: �tab�72 years 1 month 14 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�Christiansburg, O
Burial Date: �tab�15 Nov 1936
Burial Place: �tab�Cosstown, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�A L Stephens
Father's Name: �tab�David Balch
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ind
Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ind
Film Number: �tab�2022734
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4028257
Image Number: �tab�87
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 73064

[HI48786] (Research):PG 316 JOSEPH STEPHENSPROBATED 13 JUN 1898 JACKSON TWP [DIED 8 JUN 1898] Heirs-Jiles Stephens-son-Pleasant Home, Or; Phoebe Cleggettdau�Pleasant Ho me, Or; Peter Stephens�son�Pleasant Home, Or;John Stephens-son-Christiansb urg; Elizabeth Simmons-dauChristiansburg; Eliza Bright-dau-Christiansbur g; A LStephens�son�Christiansburg; Evan Stephens�grson� Christiansburg; Wa rren Stephens�grson; Clarence Stephens� grson; Frank Stephens-grson; Jose ph Stephens-grson; Leut? Stephens-grson; Amy Stephens-grdau; Blanche Steph ens-grdau; Alice Stephens-grdau; ch of Evan D Stephens dec d and Jennie St ephens. Estate to be divided equally between Jiles Stephens, Phoebe Cleggett, Pet er Stephens, Jennie Stephens [wid of Evan] all of or in lieu of the shar es of John Stephens, Elizabeth Simmons, A L Stephens and Eliza Bright~ A L Stephens executor Witness:L R Howell, A B Hollis Ed C Holliswill signed 17 Jul 1896

[NI48789] Md James A Bell

[XI48790] No interment record listed in 1979 or 1980. Karen Heber has copy of her funeral card.

[HI48792] (Research):Name: Worden I Jenkins Age at Death: 80 Date of Death: 21 Aug 1985 City of Death: Champaign County County of Death: Champaign Volume: 26131 Certificate: 057001 Date of Birth: Est. 1905 State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White Social Security Number: 279-22-0808 Industry: Agricultural production, crops Occupation: Farmers, except horticultural County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Home Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification

Name: Worden Jenkins SSN: 279-22-0808 Last Residence: 43072 Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio, United States of Amer ica Born: 5 Jul 1905 Died: Aug 1985 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )

[HI48794] (Research):Champ Co Guardianship pg93 3/19/1860 Josiah C Talbott gdn of Darius Laph am age 9 yr, heir of Darius Lapham, dec'd. Sure- Ralphe E Runkle, Hatt ie M Lapham

1880 Census Place 1st Ward, Delaware, Delaware, Ohio Family History Libr ary Film 1255012
NA Film Number T9-1012 Page Number 486D Daruis LAPHAM Self M Male W 29 OH Hat Mercha Kate LAPHAM Wife M Female W 31 OH Keeping House MD . .. Carrie L. LAPHAM Dau S Female W 6 OH Attending Scho ol OH OH Eva E. LAPHAM Dau S Female W 5 OH Attending Scho ol OH OH Harry H. LAPHAM Son S Male W 3 OH OH OH Waldo TALBOT HBro S Male W 17 OH Clerk-Hat Store - -- VA Mary JENNINGS Other S Female W 17 OH Housekeeper IRE I RE

Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, by Pat Stickley and Denise Kay Moore, Champaign Co Ohio-Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888, (Urbana Daily Citizen 1/1884-12/1888).pg 152 9/26/1887 Miss Carrie Rannells, d/o S H Rannell s, died at the hoe of Darius Lapham on S Maint St this morning of measle s, then consumption. Several weeks ago she was brought here from Kansas a nd later to her aunts where her death occured; bur Oak Dale Cemetery

PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COURT OF CONNON PLEAS Record Book 28, Pages 378�382 � Filed 3 February 1860 � Petition for Dow er Rachel Lapham vs Harriet N. Lapham et al Seneca Lapham died circa 30 December 1853 in Champaign County, seized of s everal tracts of land; one tract adjoining the Mt. Tabor Meeting House l ot in Military Survey Number 4543. Senecas heirs were: his widow, Rache l, whom he married circa 3 August 1803; Harriet N. Lapham and Darius Lapha m, of whom Lavina Lapham was appointed his guardian.

[HI48797] (Research):Lived in Truth or Consequences, NM

[HI48799] (Research):Page LOWER Self M Male W 34 OH Laborer OH VA Eliza LOWER Wife M Female W 23 IN Keeping Hou William LOWER Son S Male W 6 IL At Home OH IN Prince LOWER Son S Male W 3 IL At Home OH IN Iniza LOWER Sister S Female W 22 OH Boarder OH VA Source Information: 1880 Census Place Minier, Tazewell, Illinois Fami ly History Library Film 1254253
NA Film Number T9-0253 Page Number 370B

[DI48799] Name: �tab�Robert Page Lower
Death Date: �tab�23 Jun 1913
Death Place: �tab�Mad River, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�22 May 1847
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�66 years 1 month 1 day
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�25 Jun 1913
Burial Place: �tab�Oak Dale
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Wm E. Lower
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Onio
Mother's Name: �tab�Lydia Isenberger
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1953649
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021247
Image Number: �tab�885
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 32230

[NI48800] Child birth record names mother as Ewing
Another child has mother name as Vernon
FAG has maiden Kuntz
Marriage of son Ben names mother Koontz

[DI48800] 3/12/1891 The reamins of Mrs Eliza jane Lower who died a few weeks ago in Mad River Twp were exhumed and examined by Coroner Imhoff and Dr Hunt-verdict death by abortion

Name: �tab�Eliza J. Lower
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�19 Feb 1891
Death Place: �tab�Mad River Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�37
Birth Date: �tab�1854
Birthplace: �tab�Jay Co., Ind.
Occupation: �tab�Housekeeper
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07024-5
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 299

[XI48800] *Index Card Info
Card states she was removed from Deer Cemetery & buried in Oakdale Cemetery on October 2, 1913

[HI48801] (Research):AFT 1840 Moved from Shelby Co. OH to Atlanta, Logan Co., IL 3 Note: Miami Co. Recorder's Index says Mar 3, 1817 Michael and Rebecca You ng sold land sec 28, town 1 range 12 to George Botkin "Shelby County," vo l. 3 p. 233. Mar 15, 1817 the same plot of land sold to Joseph Bennet vo l. 3 p. 234. Records extracted by Karl Weimer, Miami County Recorder's Ind ex,

Deed Vol D Page 274. Part of survey No 8333 entered & surveyed in the na me of George Colier. Now Pleasant twp. 8 Nov 1817 for $350 from Thom as Tunks and wife Anna

[HI48803] (Research):Mary Louise Botkin 1926 Father: Maurice Botkin Mother: Helen Yocum Champaign infant Mary Louise Botkin 8/11/1926 Bk 38 pg 122

[XI48803] *Cemetery Book Info
Daughter of Maurice & Helen Botkin
Born premature at 7 months
Removed from Grandview Cemetery on May 8, 1948

[HI48809] (Research):Name: Boniface P Reith Gender: Male Date of Death: 31 January 1993 Birth Date: 28 December 1898 Volume: 29255 Certificate: 000623 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 298072091 Father's Surname: Reith Time of Death: 6:26 PM Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Hospital/Inpatient Years of Schooling: 08 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Mother's Surname: Krug Race: White Birth Place: Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 94

[HI48810] (Research):1920 Clark Co, Springfield, OH Charles Hull , head, 41, OH OH OH Hilda L, 37 OH OH OH Adolphus C, son 18 Frederick U, 12, son Imogene E, 7 dau

IMOGENE E. REITH 91, of Springfield, died Friday morning, April 4, 20 03 in Castle Knoll following several years of failing health. She was bo rn in Clark County on March 26, 1912 the daughter of Charles and Hilda (We lker) Rust. She was a former member of First Lutheran Church. Survivors in clude a sister, Mary Maxine Gross of Springfield; niece, Jackie Rust of Oc ala, Florida; several other nieces and nephews including Charles and Kat hy Meyers of Vandalia, Ohio, and Marcella Heil and her family; cousins a nd caregivers, Mary Lou Steinman and Debra Taylor of Springfield. She w as preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Boniface Reith in 199 3; and brothers, Delphos and Fred Rust. The family wishes to express the ir thanks to the staff at Castle Knoll for Imogene's care these past fo ur years. Funeral services will be held at 3:00 p.m. Monday in the LITTLET ON & RUE FUNERAL HOME, SPRINGFIELD with Pastor Allen Deitz of First Luther an Church officiating. A gathering of family and friends will be held o ne hour prior to the service. Burial will be in Ferncliff Cemetery. You m ay express condolences to the family at

First Published in SPR Classifieds on Apr 6 2003

[DI48813] Name: �tab�Wm. Henry Xanders
Death Date: �tab�05 May 1948
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�28 Jan 1862
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�86 years 3 months 7 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: Tremont City�tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Calvary
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Jacob Xanders
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Anna Maria Rumler
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2246461
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109090
Image Number: �tab�03489
Certificate Number: �tab�28241

[HI48815] (Research):Census Place:Tremont, Clarke, Ohio 1880 Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 5 Walter M. MC KINLEYSelfMMW26OHOcc:Cabinet MakerFa: OH Ella MC KINLEYWifeFMW22OHOcc:Dress MakerFa: OHMo: MD Dono M. MC KINLEYOtherFSW4MOHFa: OHMo: OH Moriah HANDERSOtherFWW49MDOcc:Keeping HouseFa: ---Mo: ---

[DI48815] Name: �tab�Anna Maria Xanders
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�09 Feb 1908
Burial Place: �tab�Springfield, O.
Death Date: �tab�09 Feb 1908
Death Place: �tab�Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Age: �tab�77
Birth Date: �tab�1831
Birthplace: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07382-5
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�2032522
Reference Number: �tab�1908 fn 317

[DI48817] XANDERS, Samuel M. Death date: 7/17/1925, Clark County
Volume #4761, Certificate #38625 (unable to locate copy at LDS

[HI48818] (Research):Probably the John in Lawrenceville Cemetery dated 1832. Probably transcrib ed wrong, as he was alive in 1850. Probably died 1852

[HI48819] (Research):d/o J & M Baker

[DI48821] Name: �tab�Catherine Xander
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�02 Feb 1902
Death Place: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Age: �tab�73
Birth Date: �tab�1829
Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co.
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07056-9
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466665
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 547

[DI48822] Name: �tab�John Henry Xander
Death Date: �tab�28 Feb 1927
Death Place: �tab�German Twp, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�Jul 1854
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�72 years 7 months
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�02 Mar 1927
Burial Place: �tab�Lawrenceville, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Alice Xander
Father's Name: �tab�David Xander
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Catherine Baker
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1984703
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021976
Image Number: �tab�2465
Certificate Number: �tab�cn 7441

[DI48823] Name: �tab�Perry Xander
Death Date: �tab�22 Dec 1937
Death Place: �tab�Springfield Township, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�11 May 1857
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Lawrenceville, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�80 years 7 months 11 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�R. R. #1
Occupation: �tab�Moulder
Residence: �tab�Spfld.
Burial Date: �tab�24 Dec 1937
Burial Place: �tab�Ferncliff Cem.
Cemetery Name: �tab�Ferncliff
Spouse's Name: �tab�Sara Xander
Father's Name: �tab�David Xander
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Catherine Baker
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�2023550
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4121759
Image Number: �tab�1994
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 73661

[DI48824] Name: �tab�Josiah Xander
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�07 Nov 1882
Death Place: �tab�German Tp., Clark, Ohio
Age: �tab�23
Birth Date: �tab�1859
Birthplace: �tab�German Tp., Clark, Ohio
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07056-5
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466665
Reference Number: �tab�v 1 p 254

[HI48825] (Research):William Xanders
Age: 42 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0057
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0270
County: Clark, Springfield City
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Mary C 34 Ohio

There is a child born in Clark Co, to a William Xanders and Cleta Fenton 3 /21/1906 Grace L Xanders.

[BI48825] Name: �tab�Xander
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�15 Mar 1868
Birthplace: �tab�German, Clark, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�David Xander
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Catherine Xander
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C01963-5
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466657
Reference Number: �tab�v 1 p 14

[HI48828] (Research):Census Place:German, Clarke, Ohio 1880 Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 4 Susana HANDERSSelfFWW51OHOcc:Keeping HouseFa: VAMo:PA Mary HANDERSDauFSW23OHFa: OHMo: OH Enos W. HANDERSSonMSW18OHOcc:TeacherFa: OHMo: OH Emma HANDERSDauFSW16OHFa: OHMo: OH Susanna J. HANDERS DauFSW13OHFa: OHMo: OH

XANDER, Susanna Death date: 11/24/1913, Clark County
Volume #1212, Certificate #62087

[DI48829] Name: �tab�Sarah A. Siefert
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�22 Jan 1907
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Age: �tab�57
Birth Date: �tab�1850
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07055-8
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466665
Reference Number: �tab�v 3 p 207

[HI48834] (Research):FLICK SUSANNA J County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 1/13/1920 Volume Number: 3152 Certificate Number: 699

[HI48835] (Research):XANDERS JOHN County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 11/7/1920 Volume Number: 341 Certificate Number: 67836

[HI48840] (Research):XANDERS ALBERT County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 3/10/1935 Volume Number: 7761 Certificate Number: 14688

[DI48840] Name: �tab�Albert Xanders
Death Date: �tab�20 Mar 1935
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�12 Nov 1871 (this incorrect)
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�, Clark, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�63 years 4 months 8 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�441 E. Euclid Ave.
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�23 Mar 1935
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Lawrenceville
Spouse's Name: �tab�Emma Xanders
Father's Name: �tab�John Xanders
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�, Clark,
Mother's Name: �tab�Barbara Rust
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�, Clark,
Film Number: �tab�2022483
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4001921
Image Number: �tab�3162
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 14688

[HI48842] (Research):Daily News, Springfield, OH on Thursday, December 17, 1931 Page 12. Emanuel XANDERS, 79, native of Clark County, died at 5:30 p.m. Tu esday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Delmar TOLAND, three miles southea st of St. Paris. He was formerly a resident of Lawrenceville and had ma de his home with his daughter for the past several years. In addition to t he daughter at whose home he died, Mr. XANDERS leaves three sons, Wilbur a nd John XANDERS of Springfield, and Grover..(rest of obit cut off

[DI48843] Name: �tab�Sarah E. Xander
Death Date: �tab�21 Aug 1938
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�02 Aug 1861
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Pennsylvania
Death Age: �tab�77 years 3 months 19 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�R.R. 1
Occupation: �tab�Retired
Residence: �tab�Springfield
Burial Date: �tab�23 Aug 1938
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Ferncliff
Spouse's Name: �tab�Perry Xander
Father's Name: �tab�Anthony Kunkle
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Pa.
Mother's Name: �tab�Amelia Hildebrand
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Pa.
Film Number: �tab�2023611
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4121804
Image Number: �tab�3132
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 44534

[BI48844] Name: �tab�Ezra Xander
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�12 Mar 1880
Birthplace: �tab�German, Clark, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�Perry Xander
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah E. Kunkle
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C01944-1
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466657
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 62

[HI48845] (Research):1870 Clark Co, German, OH 7/7/1870 Rebecca Michael 64 OH Perry Michael 26 OH Eleanore Lorton 14, OH

1860 Search turns up no Eleanore, but found this: Clark Co, German Ohio Jonathan Lorton 24 Harriett 24 Alice 5 (Since Jonathan md Harriet in 1859, this is either a child out of wedloc k, or a child be a first wife. An Alice Lorton did not show up in the 18 70 census, so the age is right for this child. She may have been Alice Ele anore...... perhaps)

[HI48846] (Research):XANOERS CLETUS J County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 4/19/1931 Volume Number: 6578 Certificate Number: 22057

[DI48846] Name: �tab�Cletus J Xanders
Death Date: �tab�19 Apr 1931
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�04 Mar 1876
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�55 years 1 month 5 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�1701 Broadway St.
Occupation: �tab�Moulder
Residence: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�21 Apr 1931
Burial Place: �tab�Lawrenceville, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Grace
Father's Name: �tab�Emanuel Xanders
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Elnora Lorton
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1992427
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4000596
Image Number: �tab�411
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 22057

[BI48847] Name: �tab�Wm. C. Xander
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�17 Aug 1879
Birthplace: �tab�German, Clark, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�Emmanuel Xander
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Elnora Lorton
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C01944-1
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466657
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 26

[DI48849] Name: �tab�Lenetta Belle Xander
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�24 Jan 1882
Death Place: �tab�German Tp., Clark, Ohio
Age: �tab�6
Birth Date: �tab�1876
Birthplace: �tab�German Tp., Clark, Ohio
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Xander
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Lorton
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07056-5
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466665
Reference Number: �tab�v 1 p 234

[BI48850] Name: �tab�Chas E. Xander
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�06 Feb 1878
Birthplace: �tab�German, Clark, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�Mesley Xander
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Elmanda Lorton
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C01944-1
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466657
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 26

Name: �tab�Clarna E. Xander
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�06 Feb 1878
Birthplace: �tab�German Twp., Clark, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�twin
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�Wm. W. Xander
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Amanda Lorton
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C01963-8
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466657
Reference Number: �tab�v 1 p 350

[DI48851] Name: �tab�Mary Xanders
Death Date: �tab�07 Jan 1940
Death Place: �tab�Bethel Twp., Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�08 Jul 1854
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Tremont Cy., Clark, O.
Death Age: �tab�85 years 6 months
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�R.D. 1
Occupation: �tab�House Keeper
Residence: �tab�New Carlisle
Burial Date: �tab�10 Jan 1940
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Ferncliff
Spouse's Name: �tab�Samuel M. Xanders
Father's Name: �tab�Samuel Bare
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Va.
Mother's Name: �tab�Eliza Lock
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Va.
Film Number: �tab�2023773
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4121821
Image Number: �tab�703
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 610

[NI48854] Son of Henry Baker who died in Clark Co, OH

[HI48857] (Research):Name : Edward Pattison
Death date : 16 Mar 1938
Death place : Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth date : 11 May 1851
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : N. Hampton, Ohio
Age at death : 86 years 10 months 5 days
Gender : Male
Marital status : Widowed
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address :
Occupation : Retired Grocerman
Residence :
Burial date : 18 Mar 1938
Burial place : Lawrenceville, Ohio
Cemetery name :
Spouse name : Esabelle Pattison
Father name : Mathew Pattison
Father titles :
Father birth place : Ohio
Mother name : Abagail Lutz
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : Ohio
GSU film number : 2023557
Digital GS number : 4057868
Image number : 1902
Reference number : fn 13686
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI48858] (Research):Name : Daniel F. Schaeffer
Death date : 21 Jun 1939
Death place : Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth date : 22 Jun 1860
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Clark Co., Ohio
Age at death : 78 years 11 months 29 days
Gender : Male
Marital status : Widowed
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address :
Occupation : Farmer
Residence : R. R. Lawrenceville Pike
Burial date : 23 Jun 1939
Burial place : Lawrenceville, O.
Cemetery name :
Spouse name : Mary E. Schaeffer
Father name : Charles Schaeffer
Father titles :
Father birth place : Germany
Mother name :
Mother titles :
Mother birth place :
GSU film number : 2023717
Digital GS number : 4046409
Image number : 1512
Reference number : fn 40244
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI48860] (Research):FLICK ORRIS W County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 10/28/1918 Volume Number: 2701 Certificate Number: 58881

[HI48861] (Research):Anna does not appear in any census with her parents. She is named as a ch il dof James V and Rosanna Domer Ballentine in the biography of Enos Willi am Xanders on CD 450 History of Springfield.

In the 1880 census is Nancy Jane age 19 who must be this child, but transc ribed in error

[BI48862] Name: �tab�Ethel Blanche Xander
Gender: �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�19 Aug 1883
Birthplace: �tab�German Twp., Clark, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�Enos W. Xander
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Annie C. Ballentine
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C01996-9
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466657
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 224

[DI48862] Name: �tab�Ethyl Blanche Michael
Death Date: �tab�30 Dec 1933
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�19 Aug 1883
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Lawrenceville, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�50 years 4 months 11 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�33 W. Ward
Occupation: �tab�At Home
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�02 Jan 1934
Burial Place: �tab�Lawrenceville, O.
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Jerome Michael
Father's Name: �tab�Enon Xanders
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Anna Ballentine
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1992983
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4001889
Image Number: �tab�2058
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 66823

[HI48863] (Research):1910 Jerome L Michael
Age: 31 State: OH
Color: W Enumeration District: 0057
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0240
County: Clark, Springfield City
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Ethel B 26 Ohio Daughter Mabel A 10 Ohio Daughter Edith G 05 Ohio

[HI48864] (Research):Date of birth confilics with sister Minnie. 1900 census says 12/1894 whi ch also conflicts

[DI48865] Name: �tab�Gertrude Siefert
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�19 Aug 1900
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Age: �tab�26
Birth Date: �tab�1874
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Taylor Siefert
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Xander
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07056-1
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466665
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 437

[BI48866] Name: �tab�Enos Clyde Xander
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�21 Mar 1885
Birthplace: �tab�German Twp., Clark, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Enos W. Xander
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Annie C. Ballentine
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C01996-9
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466657
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 270

[HI48867] (Research):Moved to Bay City Texas

[BI48867] Name: �tab�Claude Venton Xander
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�01 Jun 1887
Birthplace: �tab�German, Clark, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�Enos W. Xander
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Anna Ballentine
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C00802-3
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466658
Reference Number: �tab�v 3 p 554

[DI48867] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Claude V Xander
Name: �tab�Claude V Xander
Birth Date: �tab�1887
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Springfield
Residence County: �tab�Clark
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�4 Dec 1973
Hospital of Death: �tab�Mercy Medical Center
City of Death: �tab�Springfield
County of Death: �tab�Clark
Certificate: �tab�091925
Age at Death: �tab�86
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Marital Status: �tab�Never Married (Single)

[BI48868] Name: �tab�Ruth Annie Xander
Gender: �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�20 Apr 1893
Birthplace: �tab�German, Clark, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�Enos W. Xander
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Annie C. Ballentine
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C00802-3
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466658
Reference Number: �tab�v 3 p 554

[DI48870] Name: �tab�Alice G Xanders
Death Date: �tab�18 Oct 1935
Death Place: �tab�German, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�05 Sep 1860
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Death Age: �tab�75 years 1 month 13 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�RD 7
Occupation: �tab�Housework
Residence: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�20 Oct 1935
Burial Place: �tab�Laurene...Vile, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�John Henry Xanders
Father's Name: �tab�Samuel Snyder
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Pa.
Mother's Name: �tab�Lydia Gunter
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Pa.
Film Number: �tab�2022565
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4001934
Image Number: �tab�2651
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 58340

[HI48871] (Research):Name: Lydia C Helfrich Age at Death: 79 Date of Death: 6 Jun 1961 City of Death: Clark County County of Death: Clark Volume: 16542 Certificate: 38910 Date of Birth: Est. 1882 Gender: Female Marital Status: Widowed Race: White County of Residence: Clark State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Home Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification

[BI48871] Name: �tab�Lydia E. Xander
Gender: �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�31 Mar 1882
Birthplace: �tab�German, Clark, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�John H. Xander
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Snyder Alis
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C01944-1
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466657
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 136

[HI48872] (Research):Feb 2, 1908 Springfield News Mardames D Benton Jenkins, Jacob Collison, D D Snyder, A J Miller, J T Xan ders, Harry Helfrich, Miss Effie Griest and Samuel L Xanders enjoyed a fi ne carpet rag sewing at the Jacksonville home of Mr Samuel and Laura Bake r. When the good dinner was ready to be divided up Mrs Baker was remoded t hat this time Thursday, Jan 20th was her 46th birthday anniversary.

[BI48872] Name: �tab�Samuel David Xander
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�10 Jan 1885
Birthplace: �tab�German Twp., Clark, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Jno. H. Xander
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Alice Snyder
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C01996-9
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466657
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 270

[DI48872] Name: �tab�Samuel D Xander
Death Date: �tab�13 Jun 1949
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�10 Nov 1885
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�63 years 7 months 3 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�John Henry Xander
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Alice Snyder
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2246592
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109159
Image Number: �tab�03051
Certificate Number: �tab�34478

[BI48873] Name: �tab�Walter Henry Xander
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�05 Jan 1888
Birthplace: �tab�German, Clark, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�Jno. H. Xander
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Alice Snyder
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C00802-3
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466658
Reference Number: �tab�v 3 p 554

[HI48874] (Research):Birth Record Middle name was Henry

[HI48879] (Research):XANDERS, Emma Death date: 8/17/1941, Logan County
Certificate #49893

[DI48879] Name: �tab�Emma Xanders
Death Date: �tab�17 Aug 1941
Death Place: �tab�Quincy, Logan, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�21 Jul 1866
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co.
Death Age: �tab�75 years 27 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�649 Oak St.
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�20 Aug 1941
Burial Place: �tab�...
Cemetery Name: �tab�...
Spouse's Name: �tab�Albert Xanders
Father's Name: �tab�Robert Ballentine
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ireland
Mother's Name: �tab�Kathrin Harter
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Fayett County, Ohio
Film Number: �tab�2023922
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4046418
Image Number: �tab�315
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 49893

[DI48880] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Ralph L Xander
Name: �tab�Ralph L Xander
Birth Date: �tab�1886
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Springfield
Residence County: �tab�Clark
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�26 Jul 1960
Hospital of Death: �tab�Home
City of Death: �tab�Springfield
County of Death: �tab�Clark
Certificate: �tab�47946
Age at Death: �tab�74
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Census Tract: �tab�0000

[BI48881] Name: �tab�Elmer Earl Xander
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�19 Feb 1889
Birthplace: �tab�German, Clark, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�Albert Xander
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Emma Xander
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C00802-3
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466658
Reference Number: �tab�v 3 p 554

[DI48882] Name: Rebecca Xanders
Death date: 19 Mar 1924
Death place: German, Clark, Ohio
Birth date: 28 Aug 1864
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Lawrenceville, O.
Age at death: 59 years 6 months 21 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Housewife
Residence: Lawrence, O.
Burial date: 22 Mar 1924
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Lawrenceville Cem.
Spouse name: Emanuel Xanders
Father name: A. J. Minnich
Father titles:
Father birth place: Lawrenceville, Ohio
Mother name: Rebecca Michael
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Pa.
GSU film number: 1992492
Digital GS number: 4000602
Image number: 2161
Reference number: fn 13389
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[BI48883] Name: �tab�Lela Gale Xander
Gender: �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�23 Jan 1891
Birthplace: �tab�German, Clark, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�Emanuel Xander
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Jane Minnich
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C00802-3
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466658
Reference Number: �tab�v 3 p 554

[BI48884] Name: �tab�Grover Cleveland Xander
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�20 Jan 1893
Birthplace: �tab�Lawrenceville, Clark, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�Emanuel Xander
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Jane Minnich
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C00802-3
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466658
Reference Number: �tab�v 3 p 554

[NI48885] Name: �tab�John E. Xanders
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�07 Sep 1912
Event Place: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Age: �tab�30
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1882
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Emanuel Xanders
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Elnora Lorton
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Catherine Shields
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�32
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1880
Spouse's Father: �tab�Michael Butler
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Ellen Dickson
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�7991
Film Number: �tab�465398
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016784
Image Number: �tab�631

[BI48885] Name: �tab�John Edgar Xander
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�10 Oct 1881
Birthplace: �tab�German, Clark, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�Emanuel Xander
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Eleonarah Lorton
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C01944-1
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466657
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 136

[HI48887] (Research):XANDERS EMMA A County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 9/12/1918 Volume Number: 2675 Certificate Number: 52429

[DI48887] Name: �tab�Emma A. Xanders
Death Date: �tab�12 Sep 1918
Death Place: �tab�German Twp., Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�06 Jul 1877
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co., Oh
Death Age: �tab�41 years 2 months 6 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�American
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�15 Sep 1918
Burial Place: �tab�Lawrenceville, Oh
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�David L. Baker
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Oh
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary E. Kunkle
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Pa
Film Number: �tab�1984383
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021900
Image Number: �tab�2597
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 52429

[HI48891] (Research):Name : Edward Earl Michael
Death date : 13 Apr 1942
Death place : Rocky River, Cuyahoga, Ohio
Birth date : 17 Jan 1884
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Hector, Ohio
Age at death : 58 years 2 months 27 days
Gender : Male
Marital status : Married
Race or color : American
Street address : 22300 West Lake Rd.
Occupation : General Traffic Engineer
Residence :
Burial date : 16 Apr 1942
Burial place : Lakewood
Cemetery name :
Spouse name : Maude W. Michael
Father name : William Michael
Father titles :
Father birth place : Unknown
Mother name : Hannah Buslong
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : Unknown
Informant Maud M Michaels
GSU film number : 2024001
Digital GS number : 4057874
Image number : 1259
Reference number : fn 21872
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI48897] (Research):He was a teenager when his mother died and he went to live with a coup le by the name of Bastin and Molly Bruce. His sister Katherine was worki ng there and they volunteered to "take him in". He lived there until he ma rried. He married Mary Louella Donaldson. Their children were Chester, Nellie, Ev erett, Nora, Lora, Bernice, Lester, Elsie, Mary. He died of pneumonia.

Andrew Jackson Boyles, age 74 years, 8 months and 27 days, died at h is farm home northwest of Bicknell at 7:35 o�clock this morning. His dea th came as a result of pneumonia fever. Mr. Boyles, known to his frien ds and associates as �Andy� was born April 23, 1861 in Davies County, t he son of Hiram and Elizabeth Dillon Boyles. He had lived at the farm wh ere he died for about twenty-six years. He was preceded in death by h is wife Mary, on March 22, 1928. One son Chester, also preceded him in death eighteen years ago. The following children survive: Nellie Boyle s, at home Everett Boyles, Bicknell Mrs. Earl (Nora) Anderson, Bickne ll Mrs. Walter (Lora) Shedd, Terre Haute Mrs. Charles (Bernice) Venabl e, Aliceville Lester Boyles, near Bicknell Mr. Louis (Elsie) Clark, Bru ceville Mrs. Virgil (Mary) Van Meter, Bruceville There are also 17 grandc hildren and 2 great-grandchildren who survive. When Mr. Boyles� health permitted he was a faithful member of a local Naz arene church. He was also a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge. The fami ly asks that friends and relatives please refrain from sending flower s. Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at ten o�clock at the h ome with the Rev. H.D. Kennedy in charge. Burial will be in the I.O.O. F. cemetery.

[HI48900] (Research):I�d like to mention that the Chester you have listed under Andrew and Ma ry Louella is my grandfather. He died while in a TB sanitarium in 191 7. My mom was about 4 or 5 mo. old. He was around 30 years old. We h ad grown up thinking (and even my mom thought this) that he had died of T B. But my aunt got of copy of his death certificate and it listed �hea rt attack�. About 4 years after Chester died my grandmother married Chest er�s younger brother, Lester. So my mom�s step-father was also her uncle! My great-aunt that I�ve mentioned is Chester & Lester�s �little sister�, M ary. Joyce Mackey [email protected])

[HI48911] (Research):Champaign Co, Oh 1991 - pg 71 Biography

[HI48921] (Research):Also a record of a license issued to a Sarah Jane Spry and John E Bradl ey 2/6/1850 Champaign County

In 1850 she lives with her mother Martha

[NI48938] Groom's Name: �tab�Charles H. Cotterel
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1889
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Idaho, Pike Co., O.
Groom's Age: �tab�21
Bride's Name: �tab�Blanche O. Marhoover
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1889
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Buchanan, Pike County, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�21
Marriage Date: �tab�25 Dec 1910
Marriage Place: �tab�Pike County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Albert Cotterel
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Clara Walls
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Jacob Marhoover
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary C. Eager
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single

[DI48938] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Charles H Cottrell
Name: �tab�Charles H Cottrell
Birth Date: �tab�1890
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Pike
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�10 Feb 1962
Hospital of Death: �tab�Home
City of Death: �tab�Pike County
County of Death: �tab�Pike
Certificate: �tab�14448
Age at Death: �tab�72
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Married

[NI48942] Groom's Name: �tab�Grant Cotrell
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�06 Mar 1904
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�22
Bride's Name: �tab�Edythe Payne
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�24 Apr 1909
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Columbus, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�17
Marriage Date: �tab�17 Jul 1926
Marriage Place: �tab�Clark Couty, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Joseph Cotrell
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Clara Williams
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Frank Payne
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Lola Warren

[DI48943] Social Security Death Index about Willard Cottrell
Name: �tab�Willard Cottrell
SSN: �tab�281-10-4132
Born: �tab�30 May 1907
Died: �tab�May 1954
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (Before 1951)

[HI48944] (Research):1900 Pike Co, OH Albert Cotrell 2/1861 OH VA OH Clara 6/1864,35, 4/4 Florence 3/1887 Charles H 10/1889 Corda , dau, 8/1892 mary 4/1895 nd/ Nancy Cotrell 3/1833 wd 5/5 OH WV WV

[DI48944] Name: �tab�Albert Cottrell
Death Date: �tab�09 Sep 1926
Death Place: �tab�Penn, Highland, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1861
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�65 years 5 months 16 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�12 Sep 1926
Burial Place: �tab�Pike County
Cemetery Name: �tab�Mount Latham
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Chas. Cottrell
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Virginia
Mother's Name: �tab�Nancy Stepp
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Virginia
Film Number: �tab�1984474
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021928

[NI48945] Groom's Name: �tab�George A. Paige
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1877
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Chilicothe, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�28
Bride's Name: �tab�Florence Cottrell
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1887
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Idaho, Pike, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�04 Oct 1905
Marriage Place: �tab�Pike County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Charles Paige
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Annie Beeman
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Albert Cottrell
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Clara Walls

[NI48947] Mother Sarah born 1788

[DI48947] Name: �tab�Nancy Emeline Cotrell
Death Date: �tab�08 Feb 1909
Death Place: �tab�Pebble, Pike, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1832
Birthplace: �tab�
Death Age: �tab�77 years 10 months 19 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Henry Stipp
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Stipp
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�1926955
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4024312
Image Number: �tab�2113
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 9647

[HI48951] (Research):1880 Census Place Adams, Champaign, Ohio Family History Library Film 1 254998
NA Film Number T9-0998 Page Number 188C Charles EVERETT Self M Male W 23 IN Laborer OH OH Margery EVERETT Wife M Female W 24 OH Keeping Hou se OH OH

No further record beyond birth of son in Shelby Co

[XI48952] Spring Grove Burial record for 1942
Robbins, Joseph Byron age 83 of Springfield, OH age 83 cause of death cancer internment 8-May-1942 section 3 undertaker Ira Frank
no visible marker June 2010
Ohio Death Cert-middle name listed as Byron

[HI48953] (Research):1900 census has David Ward, boarding, probably a brother of Charlotte? b7/ 1880

ROBBINS ALBERT C County Name: MIAMI Date of Death: 8/1/1935 Volume Number: 7903 Certificate Number: 50163

[HI48958] (Research):Name: Nathan Newman ROBBINS
Death date: 20 September 1951
Death place: Liberty Twp, Logan County, Ohio, United States
Birth date: 24 June 1866
Birth place: Champaign County, Ohio
Age at death: 85 years 2 months 24 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Occupation: Retired Farmer
Residence: West Liberty, Ohio
Burial date: September 22, 1951
Burial place: West Liberty, Logan County, Ohio
Cemetery name: Fairview
Father name: Isaac ROBBINS
Father birth place: Logan County, Ohio
Mother name: Margaret ARGABRIGHT
Mother birth place: Virginia
Cause of death: Myocardial failure
Informant: Harley E. ROBBINS of Urbana, Ohio
Reference number: 57695
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI48959] (Research):Possible parents Census Place:Wayne, Champaign, Ohio 1880 Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 47 9C Jno. W. MITCHELSelfMMW24PAOcc:R.R. LaborerFa: PAMo: PA Ada V. MITCHELWifeFMW22PAFa: PAMo: PA Ada F. MITCHELDauFSW3OHFa: PAMo: PA Eesther V. MITCHEL DauFSW1OHFa: PAMo: PA Catharine MOOREMotherLFWW49PAFa: PAMo: PA

[DI48964] Name: Sarah A. KISER
Death date: 20 December 1952
Death place: Clinton, Shelby, Ohio, United States
Birth date: 02 April 1869
Birth place: Ohio
Age at death: 83 years 8 months
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 212 Forest Avenue
Residence: Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio
Burial date: December 22, 1952
Burial place: Pasco
Cemetery name: Cedar Point
Father name: Isaac ROBBINS
Mother name: Marge ARGEBRIGHT
Cause of Death: Bronchopneumonia
Informant: William O. SHREVES
Reference number: 83734
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI48965] (Research):1920 census Champaign County, Johnson Twp., Ohio ED 9 Sheet 7 line 29 Charles ROBBINS age 46, rented home, he and father born Ohio, Mother bo rn Virginia, Drayman Cora B, wife, age 35, She and mother born Ohio, father born Virginia Orton E. son, age 6, born Ohio Elnora F, daughter, age 4 11/12 born Ohio (Not sure of wife and children's names but best I can make out)

1930 census Clinton Twp., Shelby County, Ohio ED 6 Sheet 13 line 98 C.C. ROBBINS, age 57, rented home $8, he and parents born Ohio, Caretaker/ Cemetery, Veteran/No Cora, wife, age 46, she and parents born Ohio Omer, son, age 15, born Ohio Zelma, daughter, age 15, born Ohio Ava A., daughter, age 10, born Ohio

[BI48966] tomstone DOB 1884

[HI48967] (Research):Sideny Daily News (date unknown) Piqua- Omer E Robbins, 91 of Piqua, formerly of Sidney, died at 6 a.m. Tue sday, Sept 28, 2004 in his home. He was born June 28, 1913 in Champaign Co unty to the late Isach and Mary Robbins. On Aug 9, 1959 he married Bert ha Nina Edwards Shreves who died Sept 9, 2002 Mr Robbins retired as a tool maker after 36 years of service in 1975 fr om the Monarch Machine Co. He was a member of Trinity Church of the Brethr en and American Legion Post 217, both in Sidney. He served in the US Ar my during WWII, in Tunisia, Sicily, Naples-Foggia, Romer-Arno, Rhinelan d, Southern France and Central Europe. Survivors include a step daughter S ue a (Donald) Smith of Piqua; a step daughter in law, Virginia Shrev es of Sidney, seven step grandchildren, several step great grandchildre n, several step great great gandchildre; and a sister Florence Baker of Si dney. He was preceded in death by a stepson, Marving G Chreves and a sist er Ada Todd. Memorial services will be held at 3:30 Monday in the Trini ty Church of the Brethren, Sidney, Pastor Brent Driver will officiate. Bur ial of cremated remains will follow in Pasco. Military graveside rites wi ll be conducted by American Legion Post 217. Memorial contributions m ay be made to the Trinity Church of the Brethren, 2220 N Main Ave, Siden y, OH 45365. Arrangements are by Bayliff and Son Funeral Home, Cridersvill e.

[HI48972] (Research):Research of Marilyn Hansen Arnold C. Argabright born 27 May 1844 (OHIO PER CENSUS); died 24 Jan 19 14 Champaign County, Ohio (Death Certificate VOLUME #: 1258 CERTIFICA TE #: 571); buried 26 Jan 1914 Graceland Cemetery, Sidney, Clinton Townshi p, Shelby County; married 23 Nov 1875 Shelby County,(VOLUME 6 PAGE 26) Ama nda Catharine Monroe (born 23 July 1842 Shelby County; died 24 Oct 1890 Fr anklin Township, Shelby County; buried Graceland Cemetery; married #1, Jo hn J. Boyd); married #2, ca., 1895, Mary E. Stevens born Dec 1842; di ed 31 Dec 1926 Champaign County (Death Record); buried Rosedale Cemeter y, Carysville, Adams Township, Champaign County, Ohio; probably the wid ow of Nicholas Speece). (SOURCE FOR BIRTH DATE FOR ARNOLD AND AMANDA -Memorial Records of Shelby C ounty, Ohio IDON'T HAVE SOURCE FOR LOCATIONS OF AMANDA'S BIRTH AND DEATH -- JUST DATES . FURTHER RESEARCH HAS SHOWN THAT (UMNARRIED )MARY SPEECE - NOT STEVENS- W AS THE SECOND WIFE OF ARNOLD. BIRTH DATE OF DEC. 2, 1842 OHIO AND DEATH IN FO TAKEN FROM DEATH CERTIFICATE - VOLUME #5236 Certificate # 78493 - NO IN FO WHERE THE STEVENS SURNAME CAME FROM NO MARRIAGE RECORD FOR ARNOLD AND MARY TO SOLIDIFY THIS. MARRIED ABOUT 18 95 PER 1900 CENSUS

[DI48972] Ohio Death Certificate ARGABRIGHT
Arnold C County Name: Champaign Date of Death: January 24, 19 14
Volume Number: 1258 Certificate Number: 571 Born May 27, 1844 Ohio
Parents: Joseph ARGABRIGHT born Virginia and Rebecca STEPHENSON born Ohio
Informant: Joseph ARGABRIGHT of Rosewood, Ohio Cause of Death: Apoplexy
Buried January 26, 1914 Graceland My note: Sidney, Shelby Co, OH

[HI48973] (Research):don't know the parents of Amanda C. Monroe but this family certainly see ms like a good possibility

1850 census Perry Twp., Shelby County, Ohio page 198 August 13, 1850 N. H. C MONROE, age 35, $1000, Virginia Mary, age 29, Ohio James M., age 9, Ohio Elizabeth C., age 7, Ohio Amanda C., age 5, Ohio Mary, age 1, Ohio

[DI48976] Name: �tab�Etta May Mcdargh
Event: �tab�Death
Event Date: �tab�01 Jan 1943
Event Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Residence: �tab�
Street Address: �tab�422 Storms Ave
Gender: �tab�Female
Death Age: �tab�69y 8m
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Race: �tab�White
Occupation: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�01 May 1873
Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1874
Burial Date: �tab�04 Jan 1943
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery: �tab�Oak Dale
Father: �tab�Charles Mcdargh
Father's �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Mother: �tab�Jennie Epley
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Spouse: �tab�
Spouse's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�fn 505
Film Number: �tab�2024043
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4057822
Image Number: �tab�529

[HI48977] (Research):Louis Cook Mcdargh
Age: 35 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0018
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0161
County: Champaign, Urbana
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Eliza F 33 Ohio Daughter Lara F 11 Ohio Son Ralph Cook 07 Ohio 1 non-relative

[HI48979] (Research):McDarr, Edward Age: 21 Gender: M Race: W Birthplace: OH S tate: Ohio County: CHAMPAIGN Locale: 3-WD URBANA Series: M593 Par t: 1 Page: 469A Yr 1870 boarding, aprentice to moulder

[DI48979] Name: �tab�Edward Mcdargh
Event: �tab�Death
Event Date: �tab�13 Aug 1930
Event Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Residence: �tab�
Street Address: �tab�
Gender: �tab�Male
Death Age: �tab�83y 3m 12d
Marital Status: divorced, spouse name not known�tab�
Race: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�retired plasterer
Birth Date: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Urbana
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1847
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery: �tab�
Father: �tab�Barney Mcdargh
Father's �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Eliz. Wolaver
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�no known
Inf_Charlotte Pool
Spouse's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�fn 46392
Film Number: �tab�1992174
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4020890
Image Number: �tab�665

[HI48982] (Research):McDarr, Henry Age: 41 Gender: M Race: W Birthplac e: PA State: Ohio County: CHAMPAIGN 1870 Locale: 1-WD URBA NA Series: M593 Roll: 1179 Part: 1 Page: 442A

Henry Mcdargh
Age: 85 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0018
Birth Place: PENN Visit: 0143
County: Champaign, Urbana
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place living alone

[HI48986] (Research):McDarr, Barney Age: 75 Gender: M Race: W Birthplac e: PA State: Ohio County: CHAMPAIGN Locale: 1-WD URBANA Series: M5 93 Roll: 1179 Part: 1 Page: 445A Census year 1870 Elizabeth 63 PA William 13 OH

When he died he was the second oldest man in Urbana, Her served in the 52 nd O Reg under Col Dan McCook

[DI48986] The Urbana Daily Citizen
May 24, 1886
Barney McDargh died Monday. He was born 22nd February, 1795, in Lancaster Co, PA, 91 years of age, a member of the 52nd OVI. Buried Oak Dale cemetery.

St Paris Newspaper Abstract
May 28, 1886
Barney McDargh, a soldier in the 52nd Ohio Regiment, under Col Daniel McCook, died at Urbana Monday, aged 91 years. He was the second oldest man in Urbana.

[HI48987] (Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, by Pat Stickley and Denise Kay Moore, Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888, (Urbana Daily Citizen 1/ 1884-12/1888), pg208. 10/4/1888 Elizabeth McDargh was born York Pa 20th D ec 1807, md Barney McGargh Lancaster PA 1826; emigrated to Miami Co 1831 a nd Champaign Co 1838. She is living with her son Henry McDargh. Barney McD argh died 24 May 1886, she is mother of 10 children and still does her o wn work.

[DI48987] The Urbana Daily Citizen
October 4, 1888
Elizabeth McDargh was born in York, PA, 20th December, 1807, and married Barney McDargh in Lancaster Co, PA, 1826. They emigrated to Miami Co, 1831, and Champaign Co in 1838. She is living with her son, Henry McDargh. Barney McDargh died 24th May, 1886. She is the mother of ten chidlren and still does her own work.

[XI48987] stone has DOB 1805, obit 1807

[NI48988] Groom's Name: �tab�Joseph Millard
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Mcdargh
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�
Marriage Date: �tab�13 May 1866
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name:

Md second Spouse:
James Pierson (1827 - 1892)*

[DI48993] Name: Glen Mcdargh
Death date: 15 Sep 1924
Death place: Scioto Twp, Pickaway, Ohio
Birthdate: 19 Jun 1907
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Urbana, Ohio
Age at death: 17 years 2 months 26 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Single
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Residence: Inst. for Feeble-Minded
Burial date: 16 Sep 1924
Burial place: Inst. Grounds
Cemetery name:
Spouse's name:
Father's name: George Mcdargh
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: Ohio
Mother's name: Mae Sargent
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Ohio
GSU film number: 1992604
Digital GS number: 4001573
Image number: 1729
Reference number: fn 51467
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[NI48996] Name: �tab�Russell Casebolt
Titles and Terms: �tab�Mr
Event Type: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�16 Jun 1940
Event Place: �tab�Logan, Ohio, United States
Age: �tab�22
Birth Date: �tab�
Birth Year (Estimated): �tab�1918
Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�R J Byer
Father's Titles and Terms: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Florence Sprague
Mother's Titles and Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Madge Nissley
Spouse's Titles and Terms: �tab�Miss
Spouse's Age: �tab�17
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): �tab�1923
Spouse's Birthplace: �tab�
Spouse's Father's Name: �tab�Harve Nissley
Spouse's Father's Titles and Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother's Name: �tab�Maude Nisewanger
Spouse's Mother's Titles and Terms: �tab�
Reference ID: �tab�
GS Film Number: �tab�000534843
Digital Folder Number: �tab�004752627
Image Number: �tab�00494
Sources "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 11 Nov 2013), Russell Casebolt and Madge Nissley, 16 Jun 1940; citing Logan, Ohio, United States, reference ; FHL microfilm 000534843.

[HI48997] (Research):They moved from Pennsylvania to Ohio 1880. Died of juandice, age 50 A devout member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.

1870 Jacob Moyer found in: Census Microfilm Records: Pennsylvania, 1870 Ag e: 37 Gender: M Race: W Birthplace: PA State: Pennsylvania County: MIFFLIN Lo cale: DECATUR TWP Series: M593 Roll: 1375 Part: 1 Page: 292A Jacob Moyer, age 37, farmer b PA Catherine 39 PA Anne E 10, PA Leah C, 8 PA Susanah M 6 PA Martin L 4, PA John D 2 PA Ida, 2m enumerated 8/18/1870

Census Place:Salem, Champaign, Ohio 1880 Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 36 3C Alfred S. MILLERSelfMMW23OHOcc:FarmerFa: VAMo: PA Sarah Luzzie MILLER WifeFMW21OHFa: OHMo: OH Edward R. MILLERSonMSW1OHFa: OHMo: OH Jacob MOYEROtherMMW21PAFa: PAMo: PA Margaret MOYEROtherFSW17PAFa: PAMo: PA (I believe this age to be incorrect, and that Jacob went ahead to Ohio bef ore the rest of the family with dau Margaret , as he is not in the 1880 ce nsus in Snyder Co, PA with Catherine and the rest of the children)

Family researcher: jane [email protected]

There is a lot of information about Jacob's grandfather's line. Especial ly two grandsons that were tried and convicted of murder. The historic al society in Snyder Co. has the gallows erected inside the building.

[DI48997] Urbana Citizen & Gazette
June 19, 1884
Jacob Moyer died Monday at his residence near Kingston of jaundice, aged 50 years. Buried Baptist Church Cemetery.

[HI48998] (Research):1880 Census Place:Adams, Snyder, Pennsylvania Source:FHL Film 1255194 National Archives Film T9-1194 Page 17 5D Catharine MOYERSelfFMW50PAOcc:Keeps HouseFa: PAMo: PA Elizabeth MOYERDauFSW19PAFa: PAMo: PA John MOYERSonMSW12PAFa: PAMo: PA Effie MOYERDauFSW10PAFa: PAMo: PA Ida MOYERDauFSW8PAFa: PAMo: PA Nora MOYERDauFSW6PAFa: PAMo: PA

[HI49000] (Research):1880 United States Federal Census about Frank Condit
Name: �tab�Frank Condit
Home in 1880: �tab�Tontogany, Wood, Ohio
Age: �tab�14
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�abt 1866
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Father's birthplace: �tab�New Jersey
Mother's birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Neighbors: �tab�View others on page
Occupation: �tab�Appothecary'S App.
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Race: �tab�White
Gender: �tab�Male
Cannot read/write:
Household Members: �tab�
Name �tab�Age
G. E. Bragdon �tab�29
C. E. Bragdon �tab�25
Frank Condit �tab�14

Condit, Francis M. Lived in: Salem, Champaign County, Ohio 1900 census Se ries: T623 Microfilm: 1245 Book: 1 Page: 163

Francis Condit
Age: 49 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0020
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0301
County: Champaign, Urbana City
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Leah 48 PENN Son Lester 17 Ohio Son Robert 15 Ohio Son Merz 13 Ohio Son Horace 10 Ohio Son Russell 08 Ohio

[DI49000] Name: �tab�Frank M. Condit
Death Date: �tab�14 Nov 1921
Death Place: �tab�Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1861
Birthplace: �tab�
Death Age: �tab�60 years
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Laborer
Residence: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�16 Nov 1921
Burial Place: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Unknown
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Unknown
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�1991749
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022249
Image Number: �tab�3069
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 61873

[NI49001] CCGS Newlsetter Dec 2008 Vol 24 No 4 Page 108-109
Alumni Directory for the Salem High School , Urbana, Ohio 1897-1947
1918- Paul South

[HI49002] (Research):Ida Mary said in the article that she was in possession of her great-grand father's baptismal certificate written in German. Since I am having troub le getting back further than her great-grandfather this family is importan t. I wonder if she might have given the certificate to an historical soci ety or one of her siblings children?

[HI49006] (Research):Moyer, John D. Lived in: Salem, Champaign County, Ohio 1900 Census Serie s: T623 Microfilm: 1245 Book: 1 Page: 160

[HI49007] (Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900). pg213 In 1893 Amos Swisher agreed to marry Effie Moyer, but no time was set f or the ceremony. The marriage agreement was postponed from time to time un til last October when Swisher married another. Miss Moyer sued Swisher f or $5000 damages and won.

4/6/1899 Champaign Democrat
Effie B Moyer vs Amos B Swisher for breach of promise; they were to be married 18 Oct 1898 but he married another woman. He failed to appear; $5000 settlement

Moyer, Effie B. Lived in: Darby Township, Madison County, Ohio 1900 Series: T623 Microfilm: 1299 Book: 2 Page: 18 born 8/1871, age 28, servant, PA PA PA living with Hirum Durrell family

[HI49008] (Research):Frank Nichols
Age: 49 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0015
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0028
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Margaret S 46 PENN Daughter Iva F 20 Ohio Son Frank 18 Ohio Son Charles M 15 Ohio Son Mckinley 13 Ohio Daughter Margaret M 05 Ohio

[HI49009] (Research):1880 Census Place:Greene, Shelby, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1255066 National Archives Film T9-1066 Page 11 9B William S. THURMAN SelfMMW46KYOcc:Farm LaborerFa: VAMo: KY Sarepta B. THURMANWifeFMW28OHFa: OHMo: OH Harvey L. THURMANSonMSW9OHFa: KYMo: OH Mary L. THURMANDauFSW4OHFa: KYMo: OH Floy A. THURMANDauFSW2OHFa: KYMo: OH

[NI49016] Children:
Leroy Thurman (1872 - 1873)*
Floy A Thurman Moyer (1878 - 1972)*
Charles B Thurman (1882 - 1950)*

[NI49017] Parents:
James Reynolds Dodson (1826 - 1864)
Martha Elizabeth Dorsey Dodson (1832 - 1917)

[HI49018] (Research):Census Place:Salem, Champaign, Ohio 1880 Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 36 1D John M. VANCESelfMMW24OHOcc:FarmerFa: OHMo: OH Maggie M. VANCEWifeFMW19OHFa: OHMo: OH Bertie VANCESonMSW1MOHFa: OHMo: OH Martin MOYEROtherMSW14PAFa: PAMo: OH Anna MOYEROtherFSW18PAFa: PAMo: OH

Martin L Moyer
Age: 44 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0015
Birth Place: PENN Visit: 0092
County: Champaign
Relation: Boarder
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Head of Household Frank H Kleindienst W

[HI49019] (Research):I am looking for a connection to the Neese family for Samuel Neese, bo rn 25 oct 1805, in Shenanoah Co. Va. He married a Catharine Lutz in Mt. Ja ckson, Shenandoah Co. Va. in 1828 or 1829. They eventually moved to In d. and then to Doniphan, Ks. He was my Great Garandfather.. My Grandmoth er was a Caroline Neese born in Ind.. Also looking for a connection to David Nee se and Alfred Neese ( Father of Georgia Neese Clark Gray. 1'st Women treas ure of the US. Jerry Schletzbaum

Samuel Neese, ( My Great Grandfather ) was born in Shenandoah Co, V a. on 25 oct 1805. He married Catharine Lutz, born on 23 mar 1808 in M t. Jackson, Va., in 1828 or early in 1829 At Mt. Jackson. Sometime therea fter they moved to Champaign Co, Oh., living there until 1843. They mov ed to Perkinsville, Madison Co., In. where they lived until 1855. At th at time they moved to Doniphan, Ks. where Samuel died 17 Sep 1873. Samu el had 8 Children. Frank Marion, born 5 Mar 1851; Caroline, born 1 Apr 18 48 in perkinsville, In.; Matilda E., born 14 Nov 1844; Sarah Jane, bo rn in Ind.; Amanda P., born 16 Feb 1834, she married a Smith; William who died in the Civil war on 2 J an 1863 at Fayetteville, Ak.; Joseph (we have no information on him); a nd David, born 18 Mar 1833 in Champaign Co., Oh. Note that David is Buri ed in the Pleasant Hill Cem in Richland, Ks. Along with 40 or more Zerkle s. ( Is this a part of your Zerkle family branch..? If you are not famil iar with this you can go to google, type in "David Neese, Richland Ks." a nd Pleasent Hill Cem., Neese / Zerkle listing will appear. I hope you m ay find this information useful. I have tried to contact a nelson Ted Smith w ho made an inquiry on one of the web pages about David Neese but my E ma il keeps comming back..I wonder if you have had any contact with h im or if you have a current E mail address.. Again thank you for you previ ous efforts in helping me. Jerry Schletzbaum..

Fran: I might be getting a little closer. Buried in Pleasent Hill Cem. n ear Richland Ks. is a Catherine Neese Born 10 Apr 1798, Died 1 Feb 187 5. Could this be Catherine Koch wife of george Neese??? She is buried n ext to David Neese ( my Grandmother's brother or 1'st cousin) we have lett ers from david which indicate either relation. David was born 18 Mar 1833 and died 31 J ul 1919. He married Mary Ellen Hullinger Born 9 Mar 1838 and died 30 Ap r. 1906. There is a Joram B. Neese born in 1837 and died 1931. ( I belie ve this may have been a brother to David. Also in this cemetery is Elizab eth Zirkle Born 1818 and died 1901 and a Jacob George Zirkle born 21 Nov 1816 and di ed 25 may 1896. Their are many other Zerkle's buried in this cemeter y. Is this family a part of the Henry Neese, Jacob Neese, Ruben Neese fam ily from Oh, to Perkinsville In. ?? My Grandmother Caroline Neese was bo rn in Perkinsville Madison Co., In. 1 Apr 1848. Thank you for your hel p. Jerry Schletzbaum

1880 Census Place: Wayne, Doniphan, Kansas Source: FHL Film 1254379 National Archives Film T9-0379 Page 55 1C Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Frank NEESE Self M S W 27 IN Occ: Farmer Fa: VA Mo: VA Catherine NEESE Mother F W W 63 VA Occ: Keeping House Fa: VA Mo: VA Caroline NEESE Sister F S W 29 VA Fa: VA Mo: VA Sarah SMITH Niece F S W 20 KS Fa: OH Mo: VA

Re: 1880 census Doniphan Co. Frank Neese is Frank Marion Neese a brother to my Grandmother. Catherine Neese is Catharine or "Sarah Lutz. She was really 73 years o ld at this time. She was Samuel Neese's wife. Caroline Neese is my Grandmother. Sarah Smith Neese is daughter of Amand P. Neese who married a Smith. Aman da died as a result of complications in the birth of Sarah.

1880 Census Place: Monmouth, Shawnee, Kansas Source: FHL Film 1254397 National Archives Film T9-0397 Page 24 4A Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace David NEESE Self M M W 41 OH Occ: Grocer Fa: VA Mo: VA Mary E. NEESE Wife F M W 42 OH Occ: Keeping House Fa: PA Mo: OH Frank NEESE Son M S W 18 OH Occ: Clerk In Store Fa: OH Mo: OH Laura NEESE Dau F S W 16 OH Fa: OH Mo: OH Nora NEESE Dau F S W 8 OH Fa: OH Mo: OH

David Neese is my Grandmother's 1'st cousin Frank Neese is david's son and the father of Georgia Neese Clark Gray Laura Neese is davids daughter. Nora neese is david daughter. we have pictures of frank and his family and correspondence between dav id and my Grandmother Caroline Neese.

Fran: I know that Catherine or " Sarah" Lutz had a brother by the Na me of William Lutz as we have a letter from him to his sister. I believe th at it was from Mt. Jackson, Va.

Shenandoah Co., VA NEESE, Samuel, LUTZ, Cathrine 17 Feb 1832

the marriage of Samuel Neese and Cathrine Lutz in 1832 is like ly to be my Great Grandmother and Grandfather; However, Catharine's Obi t. said that she married in her 20th year.. which would have been in 18 28 or 1829. David Neese, the 5th child of Johann George Neese Jr. is a de finite match. David died on 1 Feb 1875 and is burried with his wife Mary Ellen Hullinger, bo rn 9 mar 1838 and died on 30 Apr 1906. Also the birthdate for a Catheri ne born 10 Apr. 1798, buried beside David and Mary, matches your birth da te for Catherine Koch wife of Johann George Neese Jr. If the informati on that I have in correspondence between my Grandmother and David is corre ct, David was her 1'st cousin.. This would make my Great Grandfather Samu el Neese a brother of Johann George Neese Jr. I would appreciate it if y ou could pass this information along to others researching this bran ch of the neese, nehs family. Someone in the Zerkle family may be very in terested in the listings for the Pleasent Hill Cemetery, Richland, K s. It is located about 3 miles west of what was once Richland, Ks. Th is is about 15 miles south of Topeka, Ks. ~~~~~~~~

Some of you may be getting this more than once, and I'm also using some o ld addresses which may not be good. However, the Nehs/Zirkle lists have b een rather quiet so maybe we can get a discussion going again. So folks, l ook through your info and see if you can place Samuel. I think David Nee se is the s/o Catherine Koch and Johann George Neese. Thanks for your hel p.

TTYL, Fran Daniels [email protected]

==== ZIRKLE Mailing List ====

[HI49022] (Research):Census Microfilm Records: Ohio, 1910 Age: 40 Gender: M Rac e: W Birthplace: MO State: Ohio County: CHAMPAIGN Locale: 1-WD URBANA Series: T6 24 Roll: 1159 Part: 2 Page: 202A Arthur J Boyer, age 40 married 1 time, MO OH OH, laborer at ice company Ida M, wife, age 39 married 1 time, married 14 years, PA PA PA one child b orn, none living

[HI49023] (Research):1920 Mcnally, Joseph Birthplace: Ohio Roll: T625_1353 Race: White Pa ge: 8B State: Ohio ED: 23 County: Champaign Image: 0499 Township: Urbana

[HI49024] (Research):Earl South found in: Census Microfilm Records: Ohio, 1900 Lived in: Wayne Township, Champaign County, Ohio Series: T623 Microfi lm: 1245 Book: 1 Page: 272

Earl South
Age: 31 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0017
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0022
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Uma 34 PENN Son Paul 09 Ohio Son Raymond 07 Ohio 1 non-relative

[NI49025] CCGS Newlsetter Dec 2008 Vol 24 No 4 Page 108-109
Alumni Directory for the Salem High School , Urbana, Ohio 1897-1947
1907- Nichols, Iva (Hines)

[NI49026] CCGS Newlsetter Dec 2008 Vol 24 No 4 Page 108-109
Alumni Directory for the Salem High School , Urbana, Ohio 1897-1947
1908- Frank Nichols

Hazel Dallas Nichols Zerkle (1893 - 1960)

[HI49026] (Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1901-1916 Published by the class of 19 16 in their Senior Year submitted by Pat Stickley, July CCGS Newsletter pg 92 Class of 1909 Frank Nichols

[NI49027] CCGS Newlsetter Dec 2008 Vol 24 No 4 Page 108-109
Alumni Directory for the Salem High School , Urbana, Ohio 1897-1947
1911 Charles Nichols

[HI49031] (Research):JOHN J. ASTERINO 81, of 201 Taft Avenue, Urbana, Ohio, died Thursday, M ay 1, 2003 at 11 p.m. in Mercy Medical Center, Springfield, Ohio. He was b orn November 16, 1921 to Italian Immigrant parents, Carlo and Mary (Coliss imo) Asterino. He was a salesman and also served as Vice President f or 47 years for D. O�Connor & Sons. He was a four year veteran of the Unit ed States Marine Corps. Survivors include his wife of 57 years, Elizabe th "Betty" Costello Asterino; daughters, Theresa (John) Barile of Cypres s, California, Mary Ellen (David) Johnson, Mingo, Ohio, Margaret (Mike) Ev ilsizer of Springfield, Ohio; sons, Roger Asterino of Oakland, Californi a, Michael Asterino of Springfield, Ohio, Jim Asterino of Urbana, Ohio, Da vid (Robin) Asterino of Springfield, Ohio, Kevin (Vicki) Asterino of Urban a, Ohio; grandchildren, Mark and David Barile, Matthew Eckurd, Maria and M illie Johnson, Justin Goney, Jeremy Asterino, Ashley Timmons, James Charl es "J.C." Asterino, Megan Asterino, Brooke and Carly Evilsizer, Elizabe th and Kevin Asterino, Melissa Asterino; great-grandchildren, Angel, Chrys tal and Jackson Asterino and Emily Musick. He was preceded in death by h is parents; brothers, Tony, Thomas and Arnold; sisters, Anna Modaffari a nd Ibena Longo. He was with the Champaign Transit for eight years, and av id bowler and golfer, member of the American Legion. He was a member of S t. Mary�s Roman Catholic Church where a Mass of Christian Burial will be h eld on Tuesday, May 6, 2003 at 10:30 a.m. with Fr. Gregory Konerman as off iciant. The family will receive friends on Monday, May 5, 2003 from 5-8 p. m. in the WALTER-SCHOEDINGER FUNERAL HOME, A Dignity Memorial Provider, 6 42 South Main Street, Urbana, Ohio. Entombment in Oak Dale Cemetery. Donat ions may be made to St. Mary Church, 231 Washington Avenue, Urbana, Ohio 4 3078 or to the Kidney Foundation of Ohio, 61 B. South Main Street, Dayto n, Ohio 45458. You may send condolences to the family through

First Published in SPR Classifieds on May 3 2003

[HI49034] (Research):Probably the illigitimate son of Charles Leonard and Minne Rader born o ut of wedlock.

Obituary Springfield News Sun November 15, 1993

1900 Clark Co, Springfield, OH Phillip Rader, 3/1839, head, b GER Margaret, wife, 6/1843,56, M33y 10/10 GER Margaret, dau.5/1886 Phillip, grandson, 4/1899

Name: Phillip D Leonard Gender: Male Date of Death: 13 November 1993 Birth Date: 27 April 1899 Volume: 29581 Certificate: 082024 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 301094756 Father's Surname: Leonard Time of Death: 1:12 AM Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Residence Years of Schooling: 09 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Mother's Surname: Rader Race: White Birth Place: Clark County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 94

[HI49035] (Research):BETTY A. (LEONARD) WALDRON 72, of Springfield died Friday morning, April 2 5, 2003. She was born October 13, 1930 in Springfield, Ohio, the daught er of Phil D. and Gladys (Callison) Leonard. Mrs. Waldron was an employ ee of S. K. Gerson, M.D. for eighteen years, and retired from Vernay Labor atories in 1998 after nineteen years of service. She was a volunteer for m any local organizations including the Fortnightly Music Club, Young Women �s Mission, Performing Arts Center, Vintage Voices, Elderly United Springf ield, and the Animal Welfare League. She was also a member of Hope Luther an Church where she also sang in the choir. Betty was a great cook, an av id quilter, and loved to go on Volksmarches, she is now walking with Go d. She is survived by two sons and daughters-in-law, Eric and Linda Waldr on of Tremont City, Neal and Pamela Waldron of Springfield; five grandchil dren, Lynn (Timothy) Deady, Jason, Kyle, Katharine, and Molly Waldron; thr ee great-grandchildren, Jordan, Taylor, and Easton Deady; three sisters, J udith Leonard of Niles, Ohio, Glendora (Russell) Wessels of Watseka, Illin ois, and Karen Foy of Austintown, Ohio; and one aunt, Rosetta Bates of Spr ingfield. She is also survived by many wonderful nieces, nephews, cousin s, and friends including Georgia Stapleton. For those of us who knew and l oved her, she will remain in our hearts forever. She was preceded in dea th by her husband of 40 years, Roy R. Waldron in 1987; her parents; two br others, Kenneth and Jack Leonard; and two sisters, Peggy and Carol Leonar d. Her family would like to thank the Mercy Hospice Staff who were a tr ue blessing. A gathering of family and friends will be held in the LITTLET ON & RUE FUNERAL HOME, SPRINGFIELD Tuesday from 6-8 p.m. Memorial servic es will be held in Hope Lutheran Church, 1710 Damascus Avenue, Springfie ld Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. with Pastor Bruce Kramer officiating. In li eu of flowers, please make memorial gifts to the Clark County Animal Welfa re League, 701 Basswood Drive, Springfield, Ohio 45504 or Vintage Voice s, c/o Elderly United, 101 South Fountain Avenue, Springfield, Ohio 4550 2. You may express condolences to the family through www.littletonandrue.c om.

First Published in SPR Classifieds on Apr 26 2003

[HI49037] (Research):Champaign County Guardianship Books Vol 18 No 3 pg 362 9/25/1865 Henry M Todd, gdn of Mary Frances Osborn 11 yr 25 Spet 18 65; heir of James Osborn, dec'd. Surities James Rawlings & David Todd

[HI49038] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 230 Oral history says descendants came from two brothers, John and Henry

Possible name was Henry MUEHLEISEN Christian Milleisen landed in Philly 1 0/4/1747 from Rotterdam. His will proved in Lancaster Co, Pa names son Hen ry another variant is Meliza

Early Settler of Champaign Co, OH Vol 1 Researched and Copied by Pat Stick ley; Typed by June Kiser; Proofread by Eva Zoll-pg 42 The Churches of Mechanicsburg The roll of members was small at the start. William Woods, Michael Conn, H enry and Christopher Millice, Thomas and Richard Landsdale, John and Phill ip Wyant and Alexander McCorkle together with their wives and a few other s, made the membership.

pg 46 Henry Millice came to Goshen township from Pennsylvania in about 181 0. He prospected the territory thoroughly and finally selecting the la nd he wished to purchase, he returned to Virginia. Locating the owner, Cha rles Arbuckle, he purchased one thousand acres, known as Survey 3898. Th is survey is located on both sides of the Sorghum Corner road. It's sou th boundary was the Kane land and it extended north to state road 16 1. It was almost exactly one mile and a half square. Henry Millice and h is entire family occupied this sruvey. Upon his death a large part of t he survey went to his three sons, Henry Jr, Christopher and George Millic e. A part on the east side of the survey had been sold to Alexander McCork le and Davad Rutan, both pioneers. The presetn owners besides Ben Moore a nd Laura Oyer are C R Boulton, Russell Reed and Nora Bowen. Mrs Clifford Osborn and her sister Irene Hunter, who still own 206 acr es of the original Millice land, are descendants of Christopher Millice w ho was their great-grandfather. All of these farms are on the east si de of the road. On the west side are Will Sharp, Rowland Bowen and Charl es Brand farm.

Champaign Co, OH Beers 1881 pg593 FORMATION OF TOWNSHIP, ELECTIONS, ETC By the year 1815, a good many families had been added to the township a nd village. Living within the village of Mechanicsburg, or within a mi le or two of it, in 1815, in addition to those already mentioned, mig ht be named Will iam Woods, John and Philip Winans, Christopher, Henry a nd George Millice, Benjamin Griffin, Jonathan Doty, Thomas and Richard Lan dsdale, Alexander McCorkle, Insine Mitchell, Samuel Mars, John Sherry, Fer rel Baker, William Cheney, and perhaps others.

PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Record book 16 pg 126 Filed Jan 31 1839 Hiram Doty and wife vs Solomon McCorkle & Others Alexander McCorkle died in Sept of 1838, seized of 200 acres and a l ot in the town of Mechanicsburg. Alexander did not leave a widow, and h is other heirs were: Elizabeth wife of Hiram Doty; Nancy wife of Robe rt T. F. Miller; William McCorkle; Solomon McCorkle; Hester Ann wife of Ch arles Odle; Jane wife of William Davis and' a minor, Alexander McCorkle. T he land that Alexander McCorkle owned he had received through the followi ng persons: 200 acres patented to Charles Arbuckle who sold to Henry Milli ce who sold to Henry Millice Jr. and in turn he sold to Alexander McCorkl e; the lot in Mechanicsburg was patented to William Reynolds who sold to J ohn Hain who sold to Richard Landsdale who sold to Andrew Staley who so ld to Hudson Watt who in turn sold to Alexander McCorkle. The case was dis missed on 13 June 1839.

Sometimes family members become clearer to research when the records are p laced side by side: 1820 Champaign Co, OH Goshen, OH Christopher Millice 100010-10100 George Millice 000010-3010 Henry Millice Sr - 010001-00110 Henry Millice Jr - 40120-010201

1830 Champaign Co, Goshen OH Christopher Millice - 2100001-21000001 George Millice 0101001-1210010 John Millice 100010-00001 Henry Millice 00202001-02001001

1840 Champaign Co, OH Christopher Millice 11010001-0002001 George Millice 000001-00001 Samuel Millice 100010-00001 John Millice 121001-100001 George Millice 00000001-0000001 (Rush Twp)

Family researcher: Corwyn Arthurs 1598 Lark Lane Corona, CA 92882 909-737-7067 [email protected]

Robert E Arnold 284 E Sandusky St #3 Mechanicsberg, OH 43033-1063 [email protected] (email invalid )

Barb [email protected]

[HI49039] (Research):Beers History of Champaign Co, OH pg 876 J. N. MILLICE, farmer; P. O. Mechanicsburg; one of the few early native ci tizens of Goshen Township, was born within sight of his present place in 1 821, and is a son of Christopher and Magdalene Millice, whose biography oc curs under the sketch of G. W. Millice. Our subject is the third of a fami ly of four sons and three daughters. His life has been that of a farmer. H is boyhood was devoted to the duties of the farm in the summer, and scho ol in the winter, obtaining a limited education under difficulties in t he characteristic pioneer schoolhouse. His early experiences were tho se of the sons of the early settlers of this country. He remained at ho me till he grew up to maturity, and his first location after starting o ut on his own responsibility was on the homestead. The farm he now owns w as his first land purchase, which he improved and moved to in 1857. He re he has since resided. He married Susannah Coile, of Knox Co., Ohi o, in 1849. Two daughters, Clara and Olive, have been born to this unio n. In politics, Mr. M. is Republican, and has been identified with the par ty since its organization. He has held several offices of honor and trust.

1850 Champaign Co, Goshen OH pg235 204/204 John N Millice 28 OH Susannah 21 VA

1880 Census Place:Goshen, Champaign, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 21 9A John MILLICESelfMMW59OHOcc:FarmerFa: VAMo: VA Susanna MILLICEWifeFMW52OHFa: VAMo: VA Clara MILLICEDauFSW21OHFa: OHMo: OH Olive MILLICEDauFSW16OHFa: OHMo: OH

CCGS Newsletter Summer 2005 Vol 1 No 2 pg 19 Old People - A List of Resid ents of This City Whose Age is Over 70 Years. Mechanicsburg News Jan 23 18 96 John Millice born 1821

Will Book K pg603 John N Millice Goshen Twp died 6/30/1906 probated 7/7/19 06 Heirs Susanna Millice, widow, Mechanicsburg; Mary Olive Bailey, dau, Mecha nicsburg; Calvin R Boulton, grson, Covington; Wife Susanna all estate re al and personal; at her death the home farm ro dau Mary Olive Bailey V MS # 3898 of 100 acres; land of 63 acres purchased from Lewis Brittin to g rson Calvin R Boulton when he becomes 21 years of age. Thomas B Owen Exec Wit: John H Clark, John C Sceva Signed (x) 2/21/1898

[HI49040] (Research):Susan Millice
Age: 81 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0003
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0049
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place living alone

[HI49043] (Research):Beers History of Champaign Co, OH -pg 892 G. W. MILLICE, grocer, Mechanicsburg; one of the well-established busine ss men of Mechanicsburg, was born within one mile and a half of this pla ce in 1827. He is the son. of Christopher and Magdalene (Rhinehart) Millic e, the latter a native of Vir ginia, and the former of Pennsylvania, bo rn May 12, 1785. When five years old he immigrated to Virginia, and, in 18 13-14, immigrated to Ohio. Mrs. Millice came to the State about the same t ime. Christopher located in this township, where he passed the remaind er of his life, his death occurring in 1855. His devoted wife still surviv es, living on the homestead, at the advanced age of 87. Henry Millice, fat her of Christopher, was among the first to locate his family in the wil ds of Goshen Township, coming from Virginia. Christopher had four sons a nd three daughters, one dying in infancy; the others still reside in the c ounty. Our subject is the sixth of the family, and was reared on the far m, early becoming accustomed to its duties; was educated in the pioneer sc hool house, under the disadvantages of his day. He followed solely the pur suit of agriculture till ten years ago, when he moved to Mechanicsburg a nd embarked in the grocery and queensware trade. Last winter he added a me at-shop, and now the firm style is Millice & Co. The firm is one of the mo st reliable in the place, and a full and well-assorted stock is always ke pt on hand. Mr. Millice is an energetic, wide-awake business man, taki ng an interest in all things pertaining to the welfare of the communit y. In politics, he is a Republican, and has filled many offices of honor a nd trust. Has been Treasurer two years ; member of Town Council, and is n ow Township Trustee. For eight years he has been a worthy member of the Me thodist Episcopal Church. He was married, in 1856, to Melissa Coles, of Ch ampaign Co., by whom he had one son, and, in 1863, to Mary T. Gilbert, a n ative of Virginia. He has one son and three daughters by his second union.

BUSINESS REFERENCES. URBANA TOWNSHIP. URBANA. Millice, Geo. W., Dealer in Groceries and Queensware. Fresh Meat suppli ed to customers at lowest prices.

1880 Census Place:Mechanicsburg, Champaign, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 24 0B George W. MILLICESelfMMW52OHOcc:GrocerFa: VAMo: VA Mary L. MILLICEWifeFMW44VAFa: VAMo: VA Levi MILLICESonMSW22OHOcc:GrocerFa: OHMo: VA Eda MILLICEDauFSW14OHFa: OHMo: VA Thomas MILLICESonMSW12OHFa: OHMo: OH Amanda MILLICEDauFSW10OHFa: OHMo: OH Nelle MILLICEDauFSW3OHFa: OHMo: OH Nelle GILBERTOtherFSW30OHOcc:School TeacherFa: John BUFFINGTONOtherMSW23VAOcc:LaborerFa:

George W Millice
Age: 82 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0004
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0218
County: Champaign, Mechanicsburg
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Mary M 76 Virginia Daughter Eda NR Ohio (eda should be age 44)

Champaign Co, Guradian Bonds Vol 18 No 3 pg274 12/27/1863 George W Mallice gdn of Curtis Bay 17 yrs May 8 1863, beir of Curtis ba y, dec'd. Surities John H Ferryman, James W Yocum

[HI49044] (Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co Oh-Newspaper Abstracts M ay 1855-1871, (March 2000), pg51. 9/13/1860 Died 1st inst at the res of her father, Salmon Cole, Mrs Melissa Millic e, wife of George W Millice of Mechanicsburg, aged about 23 yrs.

Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co Oh-Newspaper Abstracts M ay 1855-1871, (March 2000), pg54 12/13/1860 Died on the 6th of Nov near L ewisburg, Mary Cole, wife of Salmon Cole, in her 61sy year; she had follow ed her dau, Mrs Millice, who died 1st Sept to the grave, making 3 of her f amily who has died.

[HI49045] (Research):1870 Census living with Frederick G England

Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 230

[DI49045] Name: �tab�Levi Millice
Death Date: �tab�24 Dec 1934
Death Place: �tab�No. Lewisburg Village, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�29 Dec 1857
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Mechanicsburg, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�76 years 11 months 25 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�N. Lewisburg, O.
Occupation: �tab�Carpenter
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�26 Dec 1934
Burial Place: �tab�Maysville, O.
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Arvilla Millice
Father's Name: �tab�Geo. Millice
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Mechanicsburg, Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�?
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2022232
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4001913
Image Number: �tab�3087
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 70739

[HI49049] (Research):She is called Susannah Millice in 1840 court record relating to her father 's estate

Champaign Co Guardianship Records Book 1 1805-1858 pg117 3/18/1821 Susann an Long gdn of Paul Long 12 yr; Noah Long 8 yr, David Long, Phillip Lon g, John Long heirs of John Long. Surities Daniel Pence, Andrew Haok

PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY. OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Record Book 13, Pages 395-400- Filed 27 April 1833 Paul Lung vs George Millice & wife et al In 1824 John Lung of Champaign County died owning the south-west quart er of Section 32 Township 4 Range 12 (Concord Tp.), worth $600 as 30 acr es of the land was improved. John Lung's heirs: Susannah Lung, widow (marr ied circa 1830, George Millice of Champaign County); Paul Lung; Noah Lu ng (about 20 years); David Lung; Philip Lung and John Lung. Susannah was t he guardian of the minors: David about 17; Philip about 14 and John abo ut 13. For the purpose of the suit, Frederick Ambrose was appointed guardi an ad litem.

PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Record Book 16, Pg 312 Fied Oct 15, 1839-Petition to Partition Phillip Pence vs Daniel Pence et al Daniel Pence died owning the west half of the NE 1/4 of Sec 23 Twp 4 Ran ge 11 (Mad River). Division was made to his heirs; (children) Susannah Mil lice, wife of George Millice; Elizabeth Jenkins, wife of Edwin Jenkins; Ph illip Pence; Daniel Pence; Joseph Pence deceased left children in Miami County, ohio; Levi Pence, Samuel pence, Mary Ann Pence and Delilah Ann Pence. d aniel Pence did not leave a widow. The court appointed appraisers were: Ar ichibald Magrew Jr, William Putnam and George Ward. David Loudenback was t he surveyor. The appraisement of $1250 was dated 28 April 1840 and Phill ip Pence purchased the property at value.

[HI49051] (Research):1870 Champaign Co, Goshen, OH -pg235 Benjamin Millice 34 OH Emily 22 OH Cora 2 OH Mary 77 VA lives with son

Census Place:Goshen, Champaign, Ohio 1880 Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 22 4D Benj. A. MILLICESelfMMW44OHOcc:FarmerFa: PAMo: VA Emily MILLICEWifeFMW32OHFa: KYMo: OH Cora MILLICEDauFSW12OHFa: OHMo: OH William W. MILLICE SonMSW6OHFa: OHMo: OH Magdaline MILLICEMotherFWW87VAFa: VAMo: VA Samuel A. MILLEROtherMW33PAOcc:Farm HandFa: PAMo: PA

Benjamine Millice
Age: 74 State: OH
Color: W Enumeration District: 0003
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0047
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Emely 62 Ohio

[HI49053] (Research):Champaign Co, Guradianship Bonds pg 237 5/25/1835 Jacob R Ware gdn of Nels on Millice 17 yr, minor heir of Henry Millice, dec'd Surities Nelson Lansd ale, Rezin Wilson

[HI49054] (Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co Oh-Newspaper Abstracts M ay 1855-1871, (March 2000), pg112 9/8/1864 Died 25th Aug of brain fever, Willis Canby, inf s/o George and mary L Mill ice, age 10m

[HI49055] (Research):Name: Emily Yocom Millice
Death date: 05 Dec 1921
Death place: Goshen, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date: 17 Aug 1847
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Cable, Champaign Co., Ohio
Age at death: 74 years 3 months 18 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Housewife
Residence: Machanicsburg
Burial date: 08 Dec 1921
Burial place: Maple Grove, Michby, O.
Cemetery name:
Spouse name: B.A. Millice
Father name: Wisley Yocom
Father titles:
Father birth place: Virginia
Mother name: Susannah Watson
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: London, Ohio
GSU film number: 1991859
Digital GS number: 4022253
Image number: 1986
Reference number: fn 66465
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI49057] (Research):Graduates of Mechanicsburg High School published in CCGS Newsletter March 1 996 pg 12 (Published by the class of 1915 in their Senior Year) William Millice Class of 1892

William Millice
Age: 37 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0003
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0046
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Lula 38 Ohio Daughter Margrette 09 Ohio Daughter Irene 07 Ohio 1 non-relative

[HI49058] (Research):1880Census Place:Mechanicsburg, Champaign, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 23 9C Samuel MILLICESelfMMW63OHFa: VAMo: VA Lucinda MILLICEWifeFMW60OHFa: VAMo: VA Mattie MILLICEDauFSW37OHFa: OHMo: OH

CCGS Newsletter Summer 2005 Vol 1 No 2 pg 19 Old People - A List of Resid ents of This City Whose Age is Over 70 Years. Mechanicsburg News Jan 23 18 96 Samuel Millice botn 1817

Maple Grove records say son of Joseph, but this cannot be proven.

[HI49059] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Summer 2005 Vol 1 No 2 pg 19 Old People - A List of Resid ents of This City Whose Age is Over 70 Years. Mechanicsburg News Jan 23 18 96 Mrs Samuel Millice born 1820

[HI49061] (Research):Mattie Millice
Age: 67 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0004
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0282
County: Champaign, Mechanicsburg
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place living alone

[HI49062] (Research):1880 Census Place:Goshen, Champaign, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 21 8C Joseph E. MILLICESelfMMW33OHOcc:FarmerFa: OHMo: OH Lucy M. MILLICEWifeFMW20OHFa: OHMo: OH Charles DOWDOtherMSW19OHOcc:Farm HandFa: IREMo: IRE

[NI49064] Name: �tab�George S. Kohler
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�27 Aug 1924
Event Place: �tab�Franklin, Ohio
Age: �tab�33
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1891
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Chas Kohler
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mary Pirman
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Nevada M. Eleyet
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�23
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1901
Spouse's Father: �tab�Frank Eleyet
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Emma Homey
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�53279
Film Number: �tab�1854972
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017588
Image Number: �tab�335

[HI49065] (Research):1870 Census living with Frederick G England

[HI49067] (Research):Graduates of Mechanicsburg High School 1896-1921 Submitted by Debbie You ng to CCGS Newsletter June 1996 pg32

Nellie G Millice Class of 1896

[HI49068] (Research):d/o C T Baxter

[HI49069] (Research):Graduates of Mechanicsburg High School published in CCGS Newsletter March 1 996 pg 12 (Published by the class of 1915 in their Senior Year) Lula Moody Millice Class of 1891

Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 151 Parents are named, ut the way the bio is worded, you cannot tell their nam es. It is in the Goul-Lutz Family Bio

[DI49069] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Lulu M Millice
Name: �tab�Lulu M Millice
Birth Date: �tab�1872
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Champaign
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�30 Nov 1961
Hospital of Death: �tab�Home
City of Death: �tab�Champaign County
County of Death: �tab�Champaign
Certificate: �tab�76019
Age at Death: �tab�89
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed

[DI49070] Will book C pg 443 probated 10/27/1865 Salmon Cowles Sons Salmon B and George Cowles 116 acres in Wayne Twp. Salmon B and Geor ge Exec Wit: William Audas, Aaron Winder signed no date

[HI49071] (Research):Graduates of Mechanicsburg High School 1896-1921 Submitted by Debbie You ng to CCGS Newsletter June 1996 pg32 Class of 1902 Carl Millice

[DI49071] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Paul S Millice
Name: �tab�Paul S Millice
Birth Date: �tab�1882
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Cincinnati
Residence County: �tab�Hamilton
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�3 Nov 1960
Hospital of Death: �tab�Good Samaritan Hospital
City of Death: �tab�Cincinnati
County of Death: �tab�Hamilton
Certificate: �tab�79461
Age at Death: �tab�78
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Census Tract: �tab�0000

[HI49072] (Research):Graduates of Mechanicsburg High School 1896-1921 Submitted by Debbie You ng to CCGS Newsletter June 1996 pg32 Class of 1912 Ben C Millice

[HI49075] (Research):Name: Irene M Hunter Gender: Female Date of Death: 13 January 1996 Birth Date: 23 June 1903 Volume: 30569 Certificate: 010795 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 291426990 Father's Surname: Millice Time of Death: 8:20 PM Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Nursing Home Years of Schooling: 14 Certifier: Coroner Referred to Coroner: Yes Method of Disposition: Cremation Mother's Surname: Moody Race: White Birth Place: Champaign County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 92

[HI49078] (Research):Deed Book G Indentures published CCGS Newsletter Summer 1991 pg360 Mar 25 1826 Jesse Frankelberger bound his 2 dau, Jane, 6yrs 6m 19 d, and Sophia 5y1m9d to Henry Millice

1880 Census Place Warsaw, Kosciusko, Indiana Family History Library Fi lm 1254290 NA Film Number T9-0290 Page Number 265C Henry MILLICE Self M Male W 67 OH Teamster VA VA Sarah J. MILLICE Wife M Female W 49 OH Keeping House I RE NJ

[HI49079] (Research):Chauncery Records of Champaign Co, OH Record Book 17 pg 522 Field 4 Sept 1 841 Polly Ann Harbert vs hiram M Gutridge et al In a battery case Hirams bond to Polly was secured by James Gutridge a nd George Millice Sr. The full amount had not been paid. For the court dat e, the men did not appear, and Polly received her judgement by default.

Record book 21 pg 491 Filed July 6 1846 Thomas Harbert, guardian of Esseker Harbert vs Hiram M Gutridge et al, Impleaded with James Gutridge In the court case of Polly Ann Harebert vs Hiram R Gutridge for bastard y, Polly was granted $150 for the support of Esseker Harbert. james Gutrid ge and George Millice were the surities for Hiram Gutridge. To date the re was still $66 which had not been paid. The defendant lost this su it by not appearing in court.

1850 Champaign Co, Mechanicburg, OH -pg 244 George Millice 40 OH Elizabeth 36 OH Rosannah Goode 16 OH William Goode 10 OH

Census Place:Grand Pass, Saline, Missouri 1880 Source:FHL Film 1254716 National Archives Film T9-0716 Page 36 3B George MILICESelfMMW71OHOcc:FarmerFa: VAMo: VA Elizabeth MILICEWifeFMW66OHFa: KYMo: OH Jull WHITESOtherFSMU9MOFa: MOMo: MO

[HI49080] (Research):Gutridge family info

[NI49085] Dau of Elias Hurchinson (1772-1846) and Jerusha (prob) Powers
Gradau of David Hutchinson 1732-1803 and Sybil Bill (1740-

[HI49087] (Research):guadian books pg 268 6/12/1839 George Hupp, gdn of Mary Millice age 16, d au and minor heir of George Millice dec'd

Champaign Co- A Centennial Biographical History of Champaign Co, Ohio - 1902, (New York and Chicago The Lewis Publishing Co, 1902), pg719

May have married again, Maple Grove has a Mrs Geo Hupp b 1845 died 2/7/190 7. No other George Hupp in county

[DI49087] ame: �tab�George W Hupp
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�19 Feb 1904
Death Place: �tab�Mechanicsburg, Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�90
Birth Date: �tab�1814
Birthplace: �tab�Harpers Ferry, Va
Occupation: �tab�Undertaker
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07024-2
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 223

[HI49088] (Research):guadian books pg 268 6/12/1839 George Hupp, gdn of Mary Millice age 16, d au and minor heir of George Millice dec'd

[HI49089] (Research):Parentage not proven appears the right age bracket in the household of Hen ry Jr for 1820 and 1830.

[DI49091] Name: �tab�Mrs G W Hupp
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�12 Jun 1888
Death Place: �tab�Goshen, Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�62
Birth Date: �tab�1826
Birthplace: �tab�Champ Co, O
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07024-6
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�p 203 #133

[HI49092] (Research):Susannah would be documented as a child of Henry since her brother Geor ge took her children after her death. Also she named a child after her mot her.

[HI49093] (Research):Will of John Goode pg 21 recorded 10/28/1813 mentions wife Mary; childre n, Robert, Samuel, Gardner, Thomas, Joseph, James, Frances and Sail Good e. Exec James Spain, Thomas Goode, Joshua Spain. Wit: John Stowe Thos Spai n, Daniel Spain. Signed 4/22/1813

?six children: Francis Fannie Crowder, Rosanna Cors/bet, Mary, Martha - tw ins, William/Wilim Raper and I have one other, George.( not verified)

[HI49094] (Research):1850 Champaign Co, Mechanicburg, OH -pg 244 George Millice 40 OH Elizabeth 36 OH Rosannah Goode 16 OH William Goode 10 OH

[HI49096] (Research):Champaign Co Guardianship Records Book 1 1805-1858 pg85-88 2/19/1818 Samu el Goode gdn of Thomas Goode 19 yr, Joseph Goode 16 yr, james goode 14 y r; Frances 13 yr, John Goode 10 yr, heirs of John Goode dec'd Surity Theod orick Spain

Will of John Goode pg 21 recorded 10/28/1813 mentions wife Mary; childre n, Robert, Samuel, Gardner, Thomas, Joseph, James, Frances and Sail Good e. Exec James Spain, Thomas Goode, Joshua Spain. Wit: John Stowe Thos Spai n, Daniel Spain. Signed 4/22/1813

[HI49099] (Research):History of Erie County Penn, Evidence this is the wife of David T. Jones.2 95 Submitter: Gaylene Kerr Banister. Message: DAVID T. JONES, manag er of the Union Oil Co., Erie, was born in Marion Co., Ohio, son of Thom as and Elizabeth (Thomas) Jones, natives of Wales, who came to Ameri ca in 1807, settling in Penn. Thomas Jones was a manufacturer during his l ifetime. Our subject attended the Ohio Wesleyan University, Del., took a s cientific course of three years and graduated in 1847. Subsequently, he en tered the hardware business in Champaign Co., Ohio, carrying it on from 18 48 till 1860, in which latter year he came to Erie City, and built the fir st oil refinery here, corner of French and Sixteenth streets. The firm w as then known as W. P. Murray & Co., of which Mr. Jones was manager for th irteen years. At another time the style of the firm was O. C. Thayer & Co ., our subject being manager four years; afterward merged into the prese nt Star Oil Company. Mr. Jones was married in 1847, to Mary, daughter of G eorge Millice, a native of Virginia, and of French and German descen t. To this union has been born one child -- Cassius E. Mr. Jones is memb er and Sunday School Superintendent of St. John's Episcopal Church, of whi ch he has been Vestryman seventeen years. He served two terms as May or of Erie City, and was Mayor of Mechanicsburg, Ohio, four years. Has be en a member of the Masonic order since he was twenty-one years of age, a nd is a Knight Templar. In politics, he is a Republican. Source: Samu el P. Bates, History of Erie County, Pennsylvania, (Warner, Beers & Co.: C hicago, 1884), Part V, Biographical Sketches, City of Erie, p. 913. Submi tter: Gaylene Kerr Banister

[NI49101] Possibly deceased by time of fathers will 6/17/1867 as six sons got equal shares

[HI49103] (Research):Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Mechanicsburg, Champaign, Ohi o; Roll: M653_942; Page: 196; Image: 393. Name Age Robert Jones 52 Druggist Nancy Jones 43 Cordelia Jones 19 Alando Jones 17 Mary Jones 14 Clyde Jones 1

CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 Robert R Jones ----

[HI49128] (Research):Record book 18 pg 463 Filed 21 Mar 1842 (Record Book 18,pg 513 filed 21 M ar 1842- Same info) Administrator of William Ward vs Widow and heirs Administrator : Ira Bean, William McDonald and A F Vance. William Ward di ed intestate and left no money to pay bills. Heirs; widow, Elizabeth War d, Mary Rebecca Vance, wife of A F Vance; Eliza Jane Ward and Harriet A nn Ward.

[HI49129] (Research):Record book 18 pg 463 Filed 21 Mar 1842 (Record Book 18,pg 513 filed 21 M ar 1842- Same info) Administrator of William Ward vs Widow and heirs Administrator : Ira Bean, William McDonald and A F Vance. William Ward di ed intestate and left no money to pay bills. Heirs; widow, Elizabeth War d, Mary Rebecca Vance, wife of A F Vance; Eliza Jane Ward and Harriet A nn Ward.

Will Book D pg 288 Urbana probated 4/12/1878 Dau harriett N Payne lot # 43 in Urbana Wit: J A P McGaw, N H Crane Signed 7/27/1870

[HI49130] (Research):Urbana Citizen and Gazette 9 Aug 1877 Mr Wm H Colwell is remodeling his residence on West Church St, and wi ll in a few weeks, have one of the handsomest homes on the street.

[DI49130] Urbana Daily Citizen 4/9/1885 William H Colwell died 29 Mar 1885 in his 66th year of age. He was the s /o A R and Electa Colwell, born 19 Dec 1819 and with exception of abo ut 4 years spent in Chicago and Danville, IL, lived in urbana. He md 15 J un 1843 Eliza J Ward, 2nd d/o late Col William Ward; leaves a wife, 2 son s, james and Frank F, and 2 dau, Miss Mayme and Hattie.

[HI49131] (Research):Graduates of Urbana Public Schools published in CCGS Newsletter March 19 96 pg 12 James M Colwell _Class of 1871

[NI49132] pg 84
married in Xenia, Miss Vennata Hornberger.

[HI49133] (Research):Name : Mary Frances Colwell
Titles :
Death date : 07 Aug 1926
Death place : Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Birth date : 1847
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Urbana, Ohio
Age at death : 79 years
Gender : Female
Marital status : Single
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address : 1268 Franklin Ave.
Occupation :
Residence : Urbana, Ohio
Burial date : 09 Aug 1926
Burial place : Urbana, Ohio
Cemetery name :
Spouse name :
Father name : Wm. H. Colwell
Father titles :
Father birth place : Urbana, O.
Mother name : Eliza Ward
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : Urbana, Ohio
GSU film number : 1984361
Digital GS number : 4021901
Image number : 3045
Reference number : fn 49751
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI49134] (Research):CCGS Newsletter June 1998 Pg 60 1905 CHAMPAIGN CoUNTY CENTENNIAL Relics and Curios Under the direction of this committee the relics and curios were sho wn at the Central Ward School building. This was one of the interesting fe atures of the Centennial celebration. The following are the exhibitors a nd list of relics and curios displayed: Miss Hattie Colwell: plate - Wm H enry Harrison's picture, stand, sword cane

[HI49135] (Research):Champaign Co Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 271 Oct 18, 1839 John We st gdn of Ludanne Lynn Baker c12yrs; Caroline Elizabeth Baker c11yrs; Jo hn Wilson Baker c9yrs; Sarah Jane Baker c7yrs; minor heirs of Abram S bake r, dec'd. Surities John W Davis, Cornelius Voorhies.

[HI49136] (Research):Champaign Co Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 271 Oct 18, 1839 John We st gdn of Ludanne Lynn Baker c12yrs; Caroline Elizabeth Baker c11yrs; Jo hn Wilson Baker c9yrs; Sarah Jane Baker c7yrs; minor heirs of Abram S bake r, dec'd. Surities John W Davis, Cornelius Voorhies.

[HI49137] (Research):Champaign Co Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 271 Oct 18, 1839 John We st gdn of Ludanne Lynn Baker c12yrs; Caroline Elizabeth Baker c11yrs; Jo hn Wilson Baker c9yrs; Sarah Jane Baker c7yrs; minor heirs of Abram S bake r, dec'd. Surities John W Davis, Cornelius Voorhies.

[HI49139] (Research):Champaign Co, Wills Book B pg430 Matthew Wonses probated 3/28/1848 St Paris, Wife Elizabeth. Children but n ot named. Brother Timothy and wife Elizabeth executors. Wit: Daniel Deat h, Benjamin Kizer, will signed 2/11/1848

Champaign Co, Chauncery Records Record Book 22 pg 509 Filed July 27 1849- In Chauncery Robbins R Wilson vs Elizabeth Wones et al Matthew Wones on April 24 1847 and his wife Elizabeth sold ( no acreage li sted) the NE corner of Section 31 and 80 acres located in the west ha lf of the NW 1/4 of Sec 25 Twp 3 Range 11, jackson Twp for $1675 to Wilso n. The deed was in error as it stated the NE 1/4 of section 25. Mathew Won e's heirs were all of Clark County; Elizabeth Wones, widow, and minor chil dren, Edward M, Simon and John

1850 Household has a Catherine Overpeck age 53

[HI49141] (Research):1900 census shows a granddaughter Barrett? b 2/1895 age 5

Name: Earl H Wones Birthplace: Ohio State: OH 1910 Age: 33 Color: W Enumeration District: 0013 Visit: 0123 County: Clark Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Stella G 23 Ohio Brother Charles R 36 Ohio Niece Ruth B 15 Ohio

[HI49144] (Research):CHARLES C. "DUTCH" CALLISON, JR. 92, of Springfield, died Sunday Septemb er 7, 2003 at 2:00 p.m. in his residence. He was born August 27, 1911 in S pringfield, the son of Charles and Mary Callison Sr. He was a veteran of W WII serving in the United Stated Army, receiving a Purple Heart. He was t he owner of Dutch�s Tavern for several years and then was a self-employ ed contractor. Survivors include his wife of 15 years, Dorothy (Fry) Calli son; step-daughter, Virginia Smith; three step-grandchildren; seven step g reat-grandchildren; and two nieces. He was preceded in death by his paren ts and his brothers and sisters. Friends may call Wednesday September 1 0, 2003 from 5:00 � 8:00 p.m. in the JACKSON LYTLE & INGLING WILLIAMS Fune ral Home, North Limestone Street, A Dignity Memorial Provider. Services wi ll be held in the funeral home Thursday September 11, 2003 at 1:00 p.m. Bu rial will follow in Glen Haven Memorial Gardens. First published in SNS on Sep 10 2003

[HI49146] (Research):Chauncery Records Champaign Co, OH Record Book 22 pg 488 Filed 13 Sept 1849 ZPetition to Partition Henry Rhodes vs William P Organ, Lucy E Organ and others. Ezra Mead Jr Died seized of 100 acres located in Military Survey Number 36 95 (Thomas Frazier). Henry Rhodes had purchased 3/7 interest from the heir s. Ezra left no widow, but the following were his children; Ophelia D Mill er, wife of Reese Miller; Sylvia H Mead, William Harrison Mead; Triphe na V Mead (all of Champaign County); Augustus M Mead, Armand L Mead; and L ucy E Organ, wife of William P organ (all of iowa). Reese Miller was the g uardian of William Harrison Mead and Triphena V Mead.

[HI49153] (Research):Chauncery Records Champaign Co, OH Record Book 22 pg 488 Filed 13 Sept 1849 Petition to Partition Henry Rhodes vs William P Organ, Lucy E Organ and others. Ezra Mead Jr Died seized of 100 acres located in Military Survey Number 36 95 (Thomas Frazier). Henry Rhodes had purchased 3/7 interest from the heir s. Ezra left no widow, but the following were his children; Ophelia D Mill er, wife of Reese Miller; Sylvia H Mead, William Harrison Mead; Triphe na V Mead (all of Champaign County); Augustus M Mead, Armand L Mead; and L ucy E Organ, wife of William P organ (all of iowa). Reese Miller was the g uardian of William Harrison Mead and Triphena V Mead.

Not to be confused with Ezra Mead Sr or Jr who married Hannah Sampson...

[HI49154] (Research):Chauncery Records Champaign Co, OH Record Book20 pg 542 Filed Mar 3, 1847 Petition to Convey Benjamin Moffitt, Admin of Ezra Mead, Jr vs Amanda S mead et al On Oct 3 1840 Ezra Mead Jr sol 50 acres of land located in the Thomas Fraz ier Militry Survey # 3695 to Ruse Miller. The land had been paid for a nd a clear deed was needed from the heirs. Ezra had earlier sold 42 acr es from the same survey to William Larry. The children of Ezra Mead Jr wer e; Amanda L Mead, Harrison Mead, Triphena Mead, Lydia E, wife of Wm P Orga n' Lalva H Mead; Orphilla D, wife of Ruse Miller and Augustine M Mead.

[HI49161] (Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1884-1900 submitted by Pat Stickley in CCGS Newsletter June 1996 pg 31 Joe W Hitt Class of 1897

Effa M Crane
Age: 62 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0018
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0190
County: Champaign, Urbana
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Son Emelvin 40 Ohio Daughter Frnacis C Hitt 27 Ohio Son-in-law Joseph White 30 Ohio Sister Lucnda M Edgar 70 Ohio

1930 Champaign Co, OH census Joe W Hitt 50 1879 Ohio Head White Urbana, Champaign, OH Frances C Hitt 47 1882 Wife Urbana, Champaign, OH George W Hitt 18 1911 Son Urbana, Champaign, OH Marius C Hitt 16 1913 Son Urbana, Champaign, OH

[DI49163] HITT, Marcus Crane of Urbana, passed away Wed. Graveside service 11:00 A.M. Sat., Oak Dale Cemetery, Urbana.

Published in Springfield News-Sun on May 20, 2011
Social Security Death Index about Marcus Hitt
Name: �tab�Marcus Hitt
SSN: �tab�281-10-6043
Last Residence: �tab�43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Born: �tab�2 Sep 1913
Died: �tab�18 May 2011
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (Before 1951)

[HI49164] (Research):Census Place:4th Ward, Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio 1880 Source:FHL Film 1255041 National Archives Film T9-1041 Page 6 0A Geo. W. HITTSelfMMW29OHOcc:Dry Goods MFa: OHMo: OH Julia HITTWifeFMW27OHFa: OHMo: OH Joseph HITTSonMSW1OHFa: OHMo: OH Jennie MAYSOtherFSMU16OHOcc:ServantFa: OHMo: OH

Champaign Co- A Centennial Biographical History of Champaign Co, Ohio - 1902, (New York and Chicago The Lewis Publishing Co, 1902), pg353

Masonic Directory 1902 Harmony Lodge No 8 F & AM Organized in 1810 Past Masters- George W Hitt 1895

[HI49165] (Research):CCGS Newsletter June 1998 Pg 60 1905 CHAMPAIGN CoUNTY CENTENNIAL Relics and Curios Under the direction of this committee the relics and curios were sho wn at the Central Ward School building. This was one of the interesting fe atures of the Centennial celebration. The following are the exhibitors a nd list of relics and curios displayed: Mrs. Geo.Hitt: Steelyards, candlestick, sofa, bowl, glass

Will Book H pg 315 Sarah C Van Meter, Urbana City, died 2/21/1895. Probat ed 3/13/1895 Heirs Seymorur r Van Meter, son, Circleville- 1 share; Julia J Hitt, da u, Urbana- 1 share; Ab J Van Meter, son, Chicago, IL-1 share; Charles L V an Meter, son, Savannah, TN- 1 share; John R Van Meter, son, Circlevil le - 1 share; Nan J Van Meter, grdau, Urbana- 1/2 share; Catherine J Van M eter, grdau, Urbana- 1/2 share. Son John R Van Meter and his heirs to ha ve house and lot where I now reside. John R Van Meter Exec. Wit: W R Warno ck, Ellen E McDonald. Will singed 10/20/1894

1930 Champaign Co, Urbana, OH Julia J Hitt 77 1852 Ohio Head White Urbana, Champaign, OH

[HI49170] (Research):Engaged to A P Ackerman when she died

[HI49182] (Research):Md first to Ralph PaPorte, deceased before 6/1/1996

Name: Minnie Laporte Schroeder Gender: Female Date of Death: 31 May 1996 Birth Date: 18 June 1915 Volume: 30697 Certificate: 042962 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 274188569 Father's Surname: Ceylor Time of Death: 2:57 AM Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Hospital/Inpatient Years of Schooling: 12 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Purk Race: White Birth Place: Miami County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 80

Mothers name in 1930 was Dorothy E.

[HI49189] (Research):

[DI49189] Name : John Cowgill
Death date : 04 Apr 1921
Death place : Delaware, Delaware, Ohio
Birth date : 18 Jul 1842
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Logan County, Oh
Age at death : 78 years 8 months 16 days
Gender : Male
Marital status : Widowed
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address :
Occupation : Retired Farmer
Residence :
Burial date : 06 Apr 1921
Burial place :
Cemetery name : Oakgrove Cemetery
Spouse name : Ellen A. Cowgill
Father name : Daniel Cowgill
Father titles :
Father birth place : Columbiana Co., Ohio
Mother name : Mary Everette
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : Champaigen Co., Ohio
GSU film number : 1991590
Digital GS number : 4122425
Image number : 534
Reference number : fn 20970
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[NI49193] Married Naomi Poling, news article scanned

[DI49194] Roger W. Shaffer, age 81, of Saint Paris passed away at 2:45 p.m. on Wednesday, January 29, 2014 in Upper Valley Medical Center, Troy. Born on May 14, 1932 in Saint Paris, OH he was a son of the late Lyman and Euphima (Adams) Shaffer. Roger married Dorothy Lee Eaton on June 18, 1950 and she survives. Together they raised two sons: Terry (Nancy Kress) Shaffer of McCordsville, IN and Bob Shaffer of Brownsburg, IN. Roger was a loving grandfather to five grandchildren; Michael Shaffer of Hilliard, OH, Kim (Nathan) Gorrell of Houston, TX, Nikki (Stephan) Williams of Blue Springs, MO, Mary (Danny) Clark of Murray, UT and Kasey Shaffer of Grain Valley, MO and five great grandchildren: Molly Gorrell, Kate and Burke Williams and Alexis and Amaya Clark. Roger is also survived by a sister Margaret (Gary) Lovejoy of Oskaloosa, IA, favorite nephew, Jim Shaffer of Houston, OH and several nieces, nephews and extended family members. In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by three brothers; Willard, Cecil and Marvin Shaffer and a sister Evelyn Moore. Roger served in the Ohio Army National Guard and was a member of the Rosewood United Methodist Church. He retired from Stolle's of Sidney in 1975 and he was a member of the Champaign County Genealogy Society. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, February 1, 2014 at 12:00 p.m. in the Atkins-Shively Funeral Home, 216 S. Springfield Street, St. Paris OH with Charles Elsworth presiding. Burial will follow in Evergreen Cemetery, St. Paris, OH at the convenience of the family. Visitation for family and friends will be held Saturday, one hour prior to the funeral services in the funeral home beginning at 11:00 a.m. In lieu of flowers please make a donation to a charity of your choice. Condolences to the family may be sent to

[HI49195] (Research):SHAFFER, Marvin J. 63, of Marysville passed away Friday, February 3, 20 06 in his residence. Following his wishes his body will be cremated and bu rial will follow in the Evergreen Cemetery in St. Paris at the convenien ce of the family. Service are entrusted to Vernon Funeral Home, Urbana. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 2/4/2006.

[HI49196] (Research):CCGS News Dec 1998 pg 115 Evelyn L Moore , W State Rt 29, Urbana died at 9 a.m. 7/7/1998. Born Apr il 4, 1928 in Thackery, Ohio, she was the daughter of Lyman and Euphima (A dams) Shaffer. She is survived by sons Mitchell Thomas, Gary Lee, Dennis R ay nad Larry Joe Moore all of Springfield, OH; two daughters Marzetta Elai ne of Urbana and Marsh Elizabeth Moore of SPringfield. Fifteen grandchildr ten; two great grandchildren; two brothers Roger (Dorothy) Shaff er of St Paris, and Marvin Shaffer of Urbana; one sister, Margaret Wel ls of Oskaloosa, IA Roger and Dorothy are members of CCGS

[DI49198] Name: �tab�Perry Alvin Adams
Death Date: �tab�26 Nov 1911
Death Place: �tab�Pleasant Twp, Logan, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�22 Oct 1881
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�
Death Age: �tab�30 years 1 month 4 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�28 Nov 1911
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Rae
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�William H. Adams
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Susan E. Gates
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�1953133
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021171
Image Number: �tab�2783
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 60054

[NI49199] Married second
Name: �tab�Edward Martell
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�17 Jan 1904
Event Place: �tab�Bellefontaine, Ohio
Age: �tab�25
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1879
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Edward Martell
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Alice Dougherty
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Phoby A. Adams
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�28
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1876
Spouse's Father: �tab�Marion Crane
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Viola Hill
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�pg389 cn771
Film Number: �tab�534841
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4260459
Image Number: �tab�284

[DI49199] Name: �tab�Phoebe Anna Mortell
Death Date: �tab�26 Nov 1953
Death Place: �tab�Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�18 Sep 1885
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Bellefontaine Ohio
Death Age: �tab�68 years 2 months 8 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Julius Crane
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Viola
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2246621

[DI49200] Name: �tab�Hazel Stottelmeyer
Death Date: �tab�04 Dec 1928
Death Place: �tab�Springfield Twp, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1903
Birthplace: �tab�
Death Age: �tab�25 years 11 months 8 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Leroy Stottlemeyer
Father's Name: �tab�Perry Wheaton
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Minnie E. Boole
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�1991606
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022222
Image Number: �tab�2905
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 71608

[BI49201] Name: �tab�Leroy Stottelemyre
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�02 Feb 1897
Birthplace: �tab�Stokes, Logan, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�Danniel Stottelemyre
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Bowers
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C04041-5
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�534832
Reference Number: �tab�v 3 p 148

[DI49203] Name: �tab�Mary Auraneta Wilgus
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�04 Dec 1905
Death Place: �tab�W. Mansfield, Logan, Ohio
Age: �tab�73
Birth Date: �tab�1832 (????) need to view this document.
Birthplace: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Wife
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07060-9
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�534834
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 424

[HI49204] (Research):Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg23 Dec 4 1907 Minute book 57 pg 426 Ohio vs Harry Bright, guilty of furnishing female intoxicating beverage f or sexual intercourse, five day jury trial

Miami County Newspaper (unnamed) 30 Apr 1945 Harry A. Bright, 70, was found dead in his home in Christiansburg by his b rother, Cory, at 9 a.m. Tuesday. It was believed Mr. Bright may have be en dead for approximately 24 hours.Following an investigation, Dr. C.E. Th ompson, Champaign County coroner, gave the cause of death as heart disease .Born in Miami County, Mr. Bright was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ad am Bright. He was a member of the Eagles Lodge of Springfield. Survivi ng is a son, Earl Bright of Springfield; a sister, Mrs. Minnie Studebake r, Christiansburg; two brothers, Adus of Springfield and Cory of Christian sburg; also two grandchildren, Pfc. Kirk Bright of Florida, and Mrs. Marc ia Kirkpatrick of Springfield.The body was taken to the Richeson funeral h ome, St. Paris, and will be returned Thursday night to the residence of Mr s. Studebaker here, where services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Friday by t he Rev. E.L. Detweiler. Burial will be in Casstown Cemetery.

[HI49206] (Research):1880 Census Place:Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 43 4C A. Conklyn DENELSelfMMW54NYOcc:TeacherFa: NYMo: NY Mary M. DENELWifeFMW50OHFa: VAMo: OH George DENELSonMSW19OHOcc:TeacherFa: NYMo: OH Elizabeth MARLAYMotherLFWW81OHFa: VAMo: VA Wilbur DENELGSonMSW5INFa: OHMo: --- Anna BRESLINOtherFSW19OHOcc:ServantFa: IREMo: IRE

[DI49206] Name: Anna Elizabeth Dugan
Death date: 12 Nov 1944
Death place: St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date:
Birth place: St. Paris, Oh
Age at death: 81 years 2 months 27 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Housewife
Residence: St. Paris, Champaign, OH
Burial date: 15 Nov 1944
Burial place: St. Paris, Champaign, Oh
Cemetery name: Evergreen
Spouse name: James
Father name: James Rustin
Father titles:
Father birth place: Ireland
Mother name: Bridgit Murphy
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Ireland
GSU film number: 2032408
Digital GS number:
Image number: 1315
Reference number: fn 66210
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI49213] (Research):St Paris Village school district by L W Faulkner July 20, 1892 Icy Terrell age 9

[XI49222] Section 7 Lot 102 has father William P Vossler born Shelby Co 8/2/1874 died 1/23/1952 in Sidney age 77

[HI49226] (Research):d/o Wilbur G Evans and Lilly Patton

[HI49227] (Research):Teachers Term Report Johnson Twp Dist # 10 Winter Term 9/15/1884-2/28/18 85 (From CCGS Newsletter Summer 1992 pg 59) Cora Burkhold age 10

Graduates of the Township Schools of Champaign County 1892 who received th eir diplomas Saturday June 4 1892. List sent in by Supt J M Mulford of Mec hanicsburg. Listed The Champaign Democrat June 16 1892 abstracted by Pat S tickley Fall 1994 CCGS Newsletter pg 77 Johnson Twp-Cora Birkhold

[HI49231] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 195

[HI49232] (Research):DOROTHY WALBORN 17 Dec 1918 Jan 1982 43567 (Wauseon, Fulton, OH) (none sp ecified) 276-12-1377 Ohio ?

[DI49232] Social Security Death Index about Dortha J. Walborn
Name: �tab�Dortha J. Walborn
SSN: �tab�269-30-2780
Last Residence: �tab�43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Born: �tab�8 Jan 1918
Died: �tab�16 Feb 2008
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (1951)

[NI49234] Also interesting to note in the obit of Lona Dell it lists her grandson Melvin G Everett whom she reared as though he was her own. He was a PFC in the Army medical Corp in Germany at her death. Melvin's obit states he father was Melvin Everett & mother Lyvona Wirick. Melvin was born in 1919 and died 2004. (Source Karen Heber 2/2012)

[DI49237] Name: �tab�George Victor Weatherhead
Death Date: �tab�25 Aug 1953
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�06 Apr 1892
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Urbana Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�61 years 4 months 19 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Jacob Weatherhead
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Chloe Briggs

[DI49238] Name: Ethel M Weatherhead Gender: Female Date of Death: 23 May 1970 Volume: 20086 Certificate: 038756 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Dayton, Montgomery County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: Sidney, Shelby County Age: 71 Years

[DI49239] Social Security Death Index about Joan Williams
Name: �tab�Joan Williams
SSN: �tab�287-36-6896
Last Residence: �tab�46816 Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana,
Born: �tab�1 Aug 1923
Died: �tab�15 Jun 2007
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (1957-1958)

[HI49242] (Research):Edward F Watson
Age: 45 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0015
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0211
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Elsie B 32 Ohio Son Paul 03 Ohio Daughter Florence E 02 Ohio Son Lewis A 21 Ohio Son Pearl 18 Ohio Son Augustus 17 Ohio Daughter Mable A 12 Ohio Daughter Edna M 10 Ohio Stepdaugther Lena G Jerkle 14 Ohio Stepson Oval R 12 Ohio

[HI49245] (Research):First wife Minnie Mae died 11/10/1981 Second wife Katherine Humes died 3/22/1994

[HI49249] (Research):Name: Simon J Whitmore Gender: Male Date of Death: 10 September 1973 Volume: 21434 Certificate: 071759 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Piqua, Miami County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 73 Years

[HI49251] (Research):Edward Mcdonald
Age: 27 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0110
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0013
County: Miami
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Lava 24 Ohio Son Carl 06 Ohio Son Harold 02 Ohio Brother Gordon 20 Ohio Sister Effie 16 Ohio

Mc Donald, Edward Age: 49 Year: 1930 Birthplace: Ohio Roll: T626_17 55 Race: White Page: 5A State: Ohio ED: 7 County: Champaign Image: 0703 Township: Christian sburg Relationship: Head pwn home worth $200. md at age 19 OH PA OH works in windshield Mfg Co Lava M, wife age 44, md age 15 OH OH OH Harold E, son 21, s Margarita, dau, 14, s Beulah B, dau, 4y4m enumerated April 15, 1930

[DI49251] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Edward McDonald
Name: �tab�Edward McDonald
Birth Date: �tab�1881
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Troy
Residence County: �tab�Miami
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�13 Apr 1959
City of Death: �tab�Miami County
County of Death: �tab�Miami
Certificate: �tab�28327
Age at Death: �tab�78
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed

[HI49252] (Research):Name: Beulah Christine Wiant Gender: Female Date of Death: 29 March 1997 Birth Date: 05 July 1925 Volume: 31028 Certificate: 017907 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 283200249 Father's Surname: Mcdonald Time of Death: 10:35 PM Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Residence Years of Schooling: 12 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Pence Race: White Birth Place: Champaign County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 71

[DI49255] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about John M Wilson
Name: �tab�John M Wilson
Birth Date: �tab�1908
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Urbana
Residence County: �tab�Champaign
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�12 Oct 1962
Hospital of Death: �tab�Mercy Medical Center
City of Death: �tab�Springfield
County of Death: �tab�Clark
Certificate: �tab�70971
Age at Death: �tab�54
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Married

[HI49260] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 Pg 93 Teachers Report for Millerstown, Dist 10, Johnson Twp, Champaign County Oh io, Feb 5, 1904, J R Kite, Teacher Homer Wibel age 11

Name: HOMER A WIBEL Gender: Male Date of Death: January 06, 1965 Volume: 17948 Certificate: 06787 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Sidney, Shelby County Race: White Residence: Sidney, Shelby County Age: 72

[HI49261] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 Pg 93 Teachers Report for Millerstown, Dist 10, Johnson Twp, Champaign County Oh io, Feb 5, 1904, J R Kite, Teacher Wilbur Wibel age 7

Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1916 Wilbur Wibel

[HI49265] (Research):Name: FRED LEITENBERGER Gender: Male Date of Death: September 24, 1963 Volume: 17402 Certificate: 65788 Marital Status: Divorced Place of Death: , Champaign County Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 46

[HI49268] (Research):Name: WILLIAM BARGER YINGER Gender: Male Date of Death: April 15, 2000 Birth Date: December 8, 1923 Volume: 32354 Certificate: 026848 Autopsy: N Social Security Number: 293129879 Father's Surname: YINGER Time of Death: 9:10 PM Marital Status: divorced Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic Place of Death: nursing home Years of Schooling: 14 Certifier: Physician Branch of Service: NAVY Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: BARGER Race: White Birth Place: CHAMPAIGN, Ohio Residence: CHAMPAIGN, Ohio Age: 76 years

[DI49270] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about William R Yandle
Name: �tab�William R Yandle
Birth Date: �tab�1914
Birth State: �tab�North Carolina
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Miami
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�19 Feb 1985
Hospital of Death: �tab�Mercy Medical Center
City of Death: �tab�Springfield
County of Death: �tab�Clark
Certificate: �tab�008730
Age at Death: �tab�71
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: �tab�281-09-0821
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Trucking service
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Managers and administrators, not elsewhere classified

[HI49273] (Research):First married Albert Davis who died 1955

[HI49279] (Research):FRED M. ZIRKLE 64, of 302 N. High Street, Saint Paris, passed away at 3: 15 p.m., on Sunday, March 28, 2004 in home. He was born in Champaign Coun ty on November 10, 1939, the son of the late Claude Russell and Virgial (P ence) Zirkle. Mr. Zirkle was a 1958 graduate of Christianburg-Jackson Hi gh School, Saint Paris. On May 31, 1997, Fred retired from International-N avistar, Springfield, where he was a member of the Union Club and Local 40 2, United Auto Workers. His other memberships include Knights of Pythias L odge 344, Saint Paris, Moose Lodge 1215, Urbana, the Eagles Lodge, bo th of Springfield and Piqua, Buckeye State Sheriff�s Association and Lakel and Golf Course, Saint Paris, where he was an avid golfer. Fred attended t he Terre Haute United Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife, Jan et (Dorsey) Wiford Zirkle who he married on December 23, 1988; a son, Bry an (Melissa) Zirkle of Urbana; a daughter, Kimberlyn Zirkle of Ann Arbo r, Michigan; three grandchildren, Ethan and Garrett Zirkle of Urbana and T ravis Leary of Ann Arbor, Michigan; two step-sons, Douglas (Linda) Wifo rd of Gahanna and Daniel (Valerie) Wiford of Gahanna; a brother, Roland "B utch" Zirkle of Clarksville, Tennessee; a sister, Dorothy (Robert) Wol fe of Saint Paris and several nieces and nephews. In addition to his paren ts, Fred was preceded in death by three brothers, Benjamin, Junior and Ral ph Zirkle. Funeral services will be held on Thursday, April 1, 2004 at 10: 30 a.m. in the RICHESON-WICKHAM AND ATKINS FUNERAL HOME, 216 S. Springfie ld Street, Saint Paris, with Pastor Frank Kampel from the Terre Haute Unit ed Methodist Church officiating. Burial will follow in Evergreen Cemeter y, Saint Paris. Visitation for family and friends will be held Wednesda y, March 31 from 5-8 p.m. in the funeral home. Contributions may be ma de in Fred�s memory to Hospice of Community Hospital, 530 S. Burnett Roa d, Springfield, Ohio 45505 First published in SNS on Mar 30 2004

[HI49281] (Research):Name: Prince C Zerkle Gender: Male Date of Death: 11 June 1979 Birth Date: 20 January 1917 Volume: 23679 Certificate: 038450 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Social Security Number: 269304415 Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Not Classifiable Place of Death: Springfield, Clark County Certifier: Physician Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: , Champaign County Age: 62 Years

[NI49288] Descendants of Rosetta Miller
1 Rosetta Miller b: October 16, 1862 in Ohio d: October 04, 1936 in Springfield, Clark County, Ohio Burial: October 08, 1936 Ferncliff Cemetery, Springfield, Clark County, Ohio
.. +James Cassius Martin b: October 19, 1857 in Donnelsville, Clark County, Ohio m: January 01, 1880 in Clark County, Ohio d: August 27, 1944 in Springfield, Clark County, Ohio Burial: August 29, 1944 Ferncliff Cemetery, Springfield, Clark County, Ohio Father: Abraham Martin Mother: Sarah Ann Allen ......
2 Abraham Martin b: July 25, 1894 in Clark County, Ohio d: September 19, 1969 in Springfield, Clark County, Ohio Burial: Glen Haven Cemetery, Bethel Twp., Clark County, Ohio
.......... +Margaret Emma Wert b: December 1892 in Clark County, Ohio m: Abt. 1918 d: October 17, 1935 in Clark County, Ohio Burial: Glen Haven Cemetery, Bethel Twp., Clark County, Ohio Father: Frederick Wert Mother: Lucinda Jane CALLISON
............... 3 Miriam Lou Martin b: November 09, 1922 in Springfield, Clark County, Ohio d: November 12, 1997 in Springfield, Clark County, Ohio
................... +Howard Salyers
............... 3 Naomi Resetta Martin b: March 1924
................... +Raymond Kaffenbarger b: July 1921 Father: John Kaffenberger Mother: Ethel
............... 3 Paul Warren Martin b: September 1926
............... 3 Mason Elbert Martin b: October 28, 1930 in New Carlisle, Clark County, Ohio d: November 17, 1972 in New Carlisle, Clark County, Ohio Burial: Glen Haven Cemetery, Bethel Twp., Clark County, Ohio

[DI49290] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about William J Cost
Name: �tab�William J Cost
Birth Date: �tab�1870
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Bellefontaine
Residence County: �tab�Logan
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�31 May 1967
Hospital of Death: �tab�Mary Rutan Hospital
City of Death: �tab�Bellefontaine
County of Death: �tab�Logan
Certificate: �tab�38048
Age at Death: �tab�97
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed

[HI49294] (Research):Urbana Daily Citizen obit for Claude B martin died 10/1/1977 names a daughter Elenore, wife of Kenneth E Zerkle

[DI49294] Eleanor Zerkle, age 97, of Saint Paris, passed away on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2013, at 1 a.m. in her residence. Born on Sept. 27, 1915, in Clarksburg, W.Va., she was a daughter of the late Claude and Anna (Wells) Martin. She married Kenneth E. Zerkle on Sept. 1, 1935, and he preceded her in death on FEb. 2, 1989. Mrs. Zerkle is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, Mrs. Ivan (Linda) Thackery of Saint Paris and Mrs. Vern (Susan) Williams of Bristol, Tenn. She was a loving grandmother to two grandsons, Doug (Lynn) Thackery of Kennesaw, Ga., and Kyle Williams of Bristol, Tenn.; and two great grandsons, Alex and Jacob Thackery. In addition to her parents and husband, she was preceded in death by two brothers, Troy and Richard Martin; and two sisters, Helen Rhodes and Elta Hess. Mrs. Zerkle was a 1933 graduate of Urbana High School and a member of the St. Paris United Methodist Church. Funeral services will be held on Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013, at 11 a.m. in the Atkins-Shively Funeral Home, 216 S. Springfield St., Saint Paris, Ohio, with Reverend Dave Kepple of the St. Paris United Methodist Church presiding. Burial will be at the convenience of the family in Glen Haven Memorial Gardens, Springfield, Ohio.
Visitation will be held one hour prior to the funeral in the funeral home, beginning at 10 a.m.
Memorial contributions may be made to the St. Paris United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 564, St. Paris, Ohio 43072. Envelopes will be available in the funeral home. Condolences to the family may be sent to

[HI49295] (Research):Terre Haute High School Alumni 1917-1942 from CCGS Newsletter Spring 19 98 pg 56 1930-Harry Zerkle

CCGS Newsletter Spring 1991 Died Dec 11 Survivors include wife,m 2 sons, 5 grandchildren, a sister and four brothers, one of whom is CCGS member Ralph of St Paris A WWII Veteran he was a charter member of the Rising Sun County Like Squad and had served 25 yea rs on the volunteer fire department.

[DI49295] Cincinnati Post, The (OH) - December 13, 1990
77, of Rising Sun, Ind., died Tuesday. Mr. Zerkle was a charter member of the Rising Sun Life Squad and served for 25 years on the Rising Sun Fire Department. He was a veteran of World War II. Services: 1 p.m. Friday at the Humphrey-Taylor-Detmer Funeral Home, Rising Sun. Visitation: 6 to 9 o'clock tonight at the funeral home. Memorials: The Rising Sun Life Squad or Fire Department.

[DI49296] Name: �tab�Lettie May Kite
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�15 Mar 1895
Death Place: �tab�Harrison Tp, Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�1
Birth Date: �tab�1894
Birthplace: �tab�Mad River Tp
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07024-2
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 277

[HI49297] (Research):David E Zerkle, 68, of St Paris, died Oct 7 1993. He was born 26 Mar 19 25 , son of Wilbur and Edna (Martin) Zerkle. Survived by brothers Lewis, E lbert and Joe. Burial in Newsom Cemetery, St Paris

[HI49299] (Research):ZERKLE, Elbert Alan 68, of St. Paris died Thursday, April 21, 2005in Mer cy Hospital, Urbana. Services are pending at Vernon Funeral Home, Urban Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 4/23/2005.

ZERKEL, Elbert "Eb" Alan 68, of St. Paris, died Thursday, April 21, 20 05 in Mercy Memorial Hospital Urbana. He was born on April 21, 1937 in Cha mpaign County, the son of Wilbur and Edna (Martin) Zerkel. Survivors inclu de his brother and sister-in-law, Joe and Rose Ann Zerkel of St. Pari s. He was preceded in death by his parents, one sister Grace Zerkel and t wo brothers David and Lewis Zerkel. A memorial service will be held Saturd ay, April 30, 2005 at 2 p.m. in the VERNON FUNERAL HOME, Urbana with Re v. William Turner officiating. Visitation for family and friends will be h eld one hour prior to the service. In lieu of flowers, contributions c an be made to the American Heart Association Ohio Valley Affiliate, P.O. B ox 182039 Dept. 013, Columbus, Ohio 43218-2039 or donor's favorite charit y. Published in the Springfield News-Sun from 4/27/2005 - 4/29/2005.

[HI49301] (Research):Name: Norma J. Evans SSN: 283-20-2591 Last Residence: 43072 Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio, United States of A merica Born: 30 Dec 1924 Died: 2 Apr 2002 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )

[HI49304] (Research):Rexer-Riggin-Madden Funeral Home DeGraff, Ohio 43318 Grace Irene Zirkle, 67, of Quincy, died at 9:15 a.m. Friday, Dec. 10, 200 4, at her residence. Born Aug. 26, 1937, in Sidney, she was a daughter of the late Clinton O. A llen and Mary H. Allison Allen, who survives in Quincy. She married Earl E ugene Zirkle on Nov. 28, 1962 in Liberty, Ind. He preceded her in death Oc t. 26, 1992. Surviving also include four sons, Clinton Zirkle and Kenne th Zirkle, both of Quincy, Edward (Sheryl) Zirkle of West Liberty and Je ff (Elaine) Zirkle of Urbana; five daughters, Connie NcElroy, Bobbie Jo Zi rkle, Mary (Tom) Sanders, and Loretta (Charles) Miranda, all of Quincy, a nd Jean (Mike) Young of Urbana; 27 grandchildren and several great-grandch ildren. Also surviving four brothers, Earl (Lucille) Allen and Charles (Ph yllis) Allen, both of DeGraff, Jerry (Bobbie) Allen and Roger (Jane) Alle n, both of Quincy; and one sister, Opal (Roy) Wones of Quincy. She was a h omemaker and member of the Buckeye Gospel Barn, Quincy. Calling hours a re from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday at the Rexer-Riggin-Madden Funeral H ome, DeGraff, where the Rev. Jerry Allen conducts the funeral servi ce at 11 a.m. Monday. Burial is in Highland Memorial Cemetery, West Libert y.

[HI49309] (Research):d/o Josepf Priemayr and Franziska Schober

[HI49313] (Research):d/o Alva Collins and Ethel Wells

[HI49319] (Research):Name: Bernard C Zirkle Gender: Male Date of Death: 24 August 1979 Birth Date: 30 October 1930 Volume: 23739 Certificate: 053434 Autopsy: No Autopsy Social Security Number: 275244988 Marital Status: Divorced Hispanic Origin: Not Classifiable Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Certifier: Coroner Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 48 Years

[HI49320] (Research):ZERKLE, Ruth E. 98, of Urbana, Ohio passed away on Wednesday, August 9, 20 06 at 6:48 a.m. at Mercy Memorial Hospital in Urbana, Ohio. Memorial servi ces will be held at a later date. Atkins-Shively Funeral Home is serving t he family. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 8/10/2006.

[DI49326] Mary Catherine Lutz lived a glorious and abundant life for 79 years until she met her heavenly Father on March 12, 2012. She was born to Waldo and Helen Zerkel on August 5, 1932 in Champaign County, Ohio and she was the apple of her older brother, Leonard's, eye (who was 15 years older).She grew up on a farm, where her father was the superintendent of Concord Township schools. She loved to tell stories of how the family doctor would make house calls (including removing her tonsils) and how she would help with milking cows by hand. She met the love her life, Herbert, when she was still a student and he was a teacher at the same school (scandalous by today's standards!). She graduated from Concord Township High School as its valedictorian, while remaining active in her church and 4-H activities. She was named 4-H Girl of the Year for Champaign County while in high school and was very skilled in sewing and cooking. She was especially known for her knitting talents, creating masterpieces for her daughters and grandsons to wear. Although she was proficient in domestic skills, she excelled in musical talent. She was a very talented pianist and was admitted to Capital University's Conservatory of Music and earned a Bachelor's in Music Education in 1955. She instilled her love of music in her three daughters, who are all pianists, so her faith-filled musical legacy lives on. Following graduation from Capital, she married Herb on July 31, 1955. She started teaching in Urbana Public Schools, one of the few of her generation in the rural sector to pursue a career (even teaching while she was pregnant \endash an outrage in the 1950's!). The couple moved to Tremont City in 1959, with two small daughters and when Herb began teaching in Northwestern schools. Herb and Mary enjoyed 56 happy years of marriage, sharing in a number of experiences and milestones. They raised three daughters, provided the Tremont City United Methodist Church with incredible music (he on the organ, she on the piano) for over 35 years, and taught together for decades at Northwestern High School. During retirement, they enjoyed bicycle riding, visiting children and grandchildren, advocating clean water in the face of the landfill near Tremont City (CF WATER), and of course, continued sharing their musical talents with the church.Mary is preceded in death by her father (Waldo), mother (Helen), brother (Leonard) and son-in-law (David). Her loving husband , Herb, is left to cherish her memory. Also left to remember and love her are three daughters: Kathy Newman-Gall (Columbus, OH); Karen Gervase (Lebanon, CT); and Stephanie Lutz (Findlay, OH). She is also survived by six grandsons: Phillip Newman; Christopher Gall; Cameron Gall; Charles Gervase; Anthony Gervase; and Stephen Gervase; and three cousins: Ruth (Chuck) Shawver; Neil (Ruth) Snarr; and Jean Laviere.A gathering of family and friends will be held from 1:00 \endash 3:00 p.m., Saturday, March 24, 2012 in LITTLETON & RUE FUNERAL HOME, where a Celebration of Life Service will follow at 3:00 p.m.In lieu of flowers, please make donations to the American Bible Society, Paralyzed Veterans of America or the American Cancer Society.

[HI49328] (Research):ZERKLE, Ruth E. 98, of Urbana, Ohio passed away on Wednesday August 9, 20 06 at 6:48 a.m. at Mercy Memorial Hospital in Urbana, Ohio. She was bo rn on October 24, 1907 in Champaign County, Ohio, the daughter of the la te Gifford and Fannie (Stevens) Brubaker. She married Loren C. Zerkle on S eptember 14, 1928 and he preceded her in death in 1953. She is surviv ed by a son and daughter in law: Dean Allan and Bonnie Zerkle of Fletche r, a daughter and son in law, Juanita and Claude Bishop of Urbana, and Anc horage, Alaska; seven grandchildren: Loren Allan (Nancy) Zerkle of Goldsbo ro, North Carolina, John Matthew (Tina) Zerkle of Kissimee, Florida, Lin da Marie (Craig)Bennett of Westville, James Edward (Rhonda) Zerkle of Sidn ey, Ruth Yvonne (Todd) Clark of Fargo, North Dakota, Nelson Dean (Tanya) B ishop and Erik Rawls (Christy) Bishop all of Anchorage, Alaska; and ten gr eat grandchildren: Brandy, Stacy, Casie, Ashland, Casie, Caity, Jordan, Sa mi, Logan, Nick, Ashley, Peyton and Austin, and Joshua. She is also surviv ed by a sister in law, Liela Zerkle of Saint Paris, Ohio, and special frie nd June Dallas of Urbana, Ohio. She was preceded in death by her husban d, a sister, Marie Zirkle and a great grandhild Mason Reese Bishop. Ruth w as a 1926 graduate of Jackson High School, St. Paris. She was a memb er of Myrtle Tree Baptist Church, St. Paris and the Urbana Chapter Ord er of Eastern Star. She retired from Grimes Manufacturing, Urbana and al so worked for Crowell-Collier of Springfield. A memorial service will be h eld on Saturday October 21, 2006 at 11 a.m. in the ATKINS-SHIVELY FUNER AL HOME, 216 South Springfield Street, St. Paris, with Reverend Clifford K issinger and Reverend Michael Parr of the Myrtle Tree Baptist Church presi ding. Visitation for family and friends will be held from 10 a.m. until t he time of service at 11 a.m. in the funeral home. Burial will follow in S pring Grove Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to Myrtle Tree Bapti st Church, 7020 West State Route 36, Saint Paris, Ohio 43072. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 10/19/2006.

[HI49331] (Research):Name: Female Child Hentrich
Death date: 27 Oct 1932
Death place: Covington, Miami, Ohio
Birth date: 27 Oct 1932
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Covington, Ohio
Age at death: 1 day
Gender: Female
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 438 Nth. Pearl St.
Residence: Covington
Burial date: 28 Oct 1932
Cemetery name: Highland Cem
Father name: L. B. Hentrich
Father birth place: Covington, Ohio
Mother name: Waynetta Delores Brandt
Mother birth place: Piqua, Ohio
GSU film number: 1992769
Digital GS number: 4001707
Image number: 1302
Reference number: fn 60414
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI49333] (Research):RUNKLE, William D. Death date: 4/28/1944, Logan County Certifi cate #28932

[DI49334] Name: �tab�Myrtle Belle Bishop Gimpert
Death Date: �tab�23 Jul 1946
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�01 Dec 1869
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Christiansburg, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�76 years 7 months 22 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Charles A. Gimpert
Father's Name: �tab�Leonard Bishop
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Emma
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2372812
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4074803
Image Number: �tab�00297
Certificate Number: �tab�40662

[HI49336] (Research):Name : Helvie
Death date : 04 Mar 1909
Death place : Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio
Birth date : 04 Mar 1909
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Ohio
Age at death : 1 day
Gender : Male
Marital status :
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address : 237 Park St., 8 Ward
Residence : Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio
Burial date : 06 Mar 1909
Burial place :
Cemetery name : Woodland Cem.
Spouse name :
Father name : George H. Helvie
Father titles :
Father birth place : O.
Mother name : Grace Drake
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : O.
GSU film number : 1926957
Digital GS number : 4020912
Image number : 2397
Certificate number : fn 15259
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[NI49339] Groom's Name: �tab�George Forest Zirkle
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�25 Aug 1895
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�24
Bride's Name: �tab�Helen Irene Woosley
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�17 Aug 1895
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Madison Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�24
Marriage Date: �tab�09 Jun 1920
Marriage Place: �tab�, Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Forest Zirkle
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Effie Huffman
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Henry F Woosley
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Hettie Cartzdafner

[NI49342] Groom's Name: �tab�Elwood R Zerkle
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�19 May 1887
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Dialton, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�35
Bride's Name: �tab�Darlington M Wren
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�19 Sep 1885
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Bellefontaine, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�37
Marriage Date: �tab�10 Feb 1923
Marriage Place: �tab�, Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Mcclelland Zerkle
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Linebaugh
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�James Wren
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Trotter

Annual report of the Commissioner of Patents for the year 1921.
Date: 1922-01-01;
Publication: Serial Set Vol. No. 8044, Session Vol. No.56;
Report: H.Doc. 223;
3/22/1921Zerkle, Elwood R, Xenia, Ohio- Rotary Motor
#1,372,586 V284 P707

[NI49343] Groom's Name: �tab�Carl F Kramer
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�24 Jun 1896
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Eagle City, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�25
Bride's Name: �tab�Charlotte Steinberger
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�17 Jan 1898
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Xenia, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�23
Marriage Date: �tab�23 Mar 1921
Marriage Place: �tab�, Clark, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Fred Kramer
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Catherine Ott
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Charles Steinberger
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Davy
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name:

[HI49345] (Research):ZERKLE CLAUD C County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 12/27/1913 Volume Number: 1234 Certificate Number: 67653

[DI49348] Name: �tab�John W. Zerkle
SSN: �tab�277-03-8926
Last Residence: �tab�45501 Springfield, Clark, Ohio,
Born: �tab�5 Dec 1904
Died: �tab�26 Nov 1996
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (Before 1951)

[HI49350] (Research):1910 living with mother and step father, age 20

[HI49352] (Research):Name: IRVA A ZIRKLE Gender: Male Date of Death: 1968 71, Years Volume: 19349 Certificate: 058988 Place of Death: , Crawford County Race: White Residence: 14, 08 Age: Married

[HI49353] (Research):Ohio 1910 Census Miracode Index Record Name: Eli Buck Birthplace: Ohio State: OH Age: 43 Color: W Enumeration District: 0137 Visit: 0003 County: Logan Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Lucy 39 Illinois Daughter Ida 18 Missouri Son Albert 02 Ohio

Name: Ida M Zirkle Age at Death: 76 Date of Death: 5 Mar 1968 City of Death: Urbana County of Death: Champaign Volume: 19187 Certificate: 018356 Date of Birth: Est. 1892 Gender: Female Marital Status: Widowed Race: White County of Residence: Logan State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Mercy Memorial Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy

[DI49355] Name: Mary Jenkins
Death date: 17 Feb 1928
Death place: Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio
Birth date: 12 Apr 1832
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Ohio
Age at death: 95 years 10 months 5 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: At Home
Residence: 224 E, Sandusky
Burial date: 20 Feb 1928
Burial place: Millertown, Ohio
Cemetery name: Millertown Cemetery
Spouse name: John O. Jenkins
Father name: John Miller
Father titles:
Father birth place: Pennsylvania
Mother name: Mary Ropp
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Ohio
GSU film number: 1991203
Digital GS number: 4019490
Image number: 866
Reference number: fn 10277
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[NI49357] Name: �tab�Benjamin Florida
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�24 Aug 1910
Event Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Age: �tab�28
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1882
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Owen Florida
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Josephine Julian
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Stella Crouse
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�25
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1885
Spouse's Father: �tab�Charles Crouse
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Elizabeth Jenkins
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p. 178 # 355
Film Number: �tab�530190
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016811
Image Number: �tab�452

[HI49358] (Research):CCGS Newsletter June 1998 Pg 66 POLL BOOK, Millerstown Precincts, Johnson Township, Champaign County Novem ber 4, 1890 Judges: Solomon Snapp, John O Jenkins and David McMorran Clerk s: S D Corwin and G E Huntoon. Names of Electors: W B Jenkins

[XI49361] -7Y13d

[DI49364] Name: Maryann Arminta Briggs
Death date: 12 Dec 1947
Death place: Christiansburg, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth date: 10 Feb 1873
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Conover, Ohio
Age at death: 74 years 10 months 2 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Burial date:
Burial place:
Cemetery name:
Spouse name: Grant
Father name: John Myers
Father titles:
Father birth place:
Mother name: Nancy Mckee Myers
Mother titles:
Mother birth place:
GSU film number: 2246315
Digital GS number: 4071608
Image number: 01893
Reference number: 74034
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[NI49365] Groom's Name: �tab�Harold V. Steinberger
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Logan Co., O.
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Dorothy D. Dunn
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1902
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�23
Marriage Date: �tab�19 Sep 1925
Marriage Place: �tab�Franklin County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Vernon Steinberger
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Mariah Blackburn
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Wm. J. Dunn
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Gertrude Dolan
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M86845-7

[HI49366] (Research):Name: CLARA E STEVENS Gender: Female Date of Death: July 03, 1958 Volume: 15460 Certificate: 46724 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: , Champaign County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 84

[XI49368] ( 29-9-10)

[DI49372] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Carl H McDonald
Name: �tab�Carl H McDonald
Birth Date: �tab�1905
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Troy
Residence County: �tab�Miami
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�16 Jan 1971
Hospital of Death: �tab�Stouder Memorial - Closed 9/25/98
City of Death: �tab�Troy
County of Death: �tab�Miami
Certificate: �tab�004525
Age at Death: �tab�66
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, unknown if used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Married

[HI49374] (Research):William F. Pence was the son of: N1375 JOHN N. PENCE was born 3 Nov 1830 in Ohio; died 11 May 1864 (typhoid ),buried Fletcher Cemetery, Miami County, Ohio; married Susan Shidel er 21 Dec1851 in Miami County (she was born in 1833, died in 1916, buri ed with John in Fletcher Cemetery as Susannah Ralston, so she apparent ly is the Susannah Pence who married David Ralston 28 Nov 1865 in Miami Co unty; in 1900 she was in Lost Creek Twp, Miami County, with LAVA PENCE, born - Jul 1885 in Oh io (see above); also in the same boarding house was Nancy J. (Shideler) Pe nce, widow of James Train Pence, John N.'s older brother; she is possib ly Susannah's sister. (Source Richard Pence)

Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900). pg 144 11/23/1894 Our village was startled from its unusual quit last Wednesday by the repo rt of William Pence had been killed by a falling tree. He had gone to t he woods a short time previous with Edward Croy. William Pence was born 5/ 15/1862. IN his 20th year he married Lida Wright, with whom he lived until Aug 25, 1891, when death claimed the wife. Four children were born to t hem, two of whom both girls survive. On the 21st of April, he was aga in md to Malinda Powell, with whom he lived until his death overtook h im at the age of 32 years, 6m and 1 day. His wife and aged mother have o ur sympathy. The funeral was conducted by Rev Rapp at the Baptist Church.

1. LAVA PENCE was born - Jul 1885 in Ohio, living with Susannah Ralston (above) in 1900.

2. ROSA G. PENCE was born - Jul 189- in Ohio; granddaughter of Ennis Wrig ht in Brown Twp, Miami County, Ohio, in 1900.

3. ELMIRA JANE PENCE died age 3.

William was a grandson of Paul Pence who came to Miami County from Warr en County, Ohio. Paul's father, Jacob Pence, was born in York County, Penn sylvania, married there, then moved for about 20 years to Rockingham Count y, Virginia, before moving to Warren County, Ohio, where he died. He had d escendants in both Warren and Miami Counties. (Source Richard Pence)

[HI49376] (Research):Name : Mary Edwina Sheets Death date : 29 Jan 1915 Death place : Willshire Twp, Van Wert, Ohio Birth date : 04 Sep 1914 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 4 months 25 days Gender : Female Marital status : Single Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : None Residence : Burial date : 31 Jan 1915 Burial place : Cemetery name : ..., Ohio Spouse name : Father name : Addisen Sheets Father titles : Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Lucy Heffne... Mother titles : Mother birth place : Ohio GSU film number : 1983290 Digital GS number : 4021359 Image number : 2941 Certificate number : fn 5508 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI49379] (Research):BODY ROBERT E County Name: SHELBY Date of Death: 5/4/1922 Volume Number: 3888 Certificate Number: 30581

[HI49385] (Research):Pg189 2/7/1882 Thomas Jeffries of Tylersville, Butler Co, passed to his ho me above 3rd Jan. He was born in Quennan Co, MD, 15 Aug 1801 and came to O hio with his parents when about 10 years of age. He md Miss Sarah Morr is of the same county, a half sister of the late Elijah Morris, of Urban a. Mrs Jeffries and 7 of their children are still living among the latt er is Mrs Samuel PENCE , living near St Paris.

[HI49387] (Research):Ohio 1910 Census Miracode Index Record Name: John C Deremer Birthplace: Ohio State: OH Age: 25 Color: W Enumeration District: 0007 Visit: 0049 County: Defiance, Defiance Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Margaret 26 PENN

[HI49388] (Research):Name: Margare J Deremer Age at Death: 76 Date of Death: 4 Aug 1960 City of Death: Sidney County of Death: Shelby Volume: 16252 Certificate: 60638 Date of Birth: Est. 1884 Gender: Female Marital Status: Widowed Race: White County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Census Tract: 0000 Hospital of Death: Wilson Memorial Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, not used for certification

[HI49389] (Research):Will Book E pg 212 Jacob P Bowers Jackson Twp died 9/10/1883 probated 9/15 /1883 Heirs Naomi Bowers, widow 1/3 estate; Andrew Bowers, son, Christianburg; J ames Bowers,son- Christianburg; Sarah Bowman, dau, Cotlet, IN; Elizabeth B aker, dau, St Paris; Mary Foster, dau, St paris; heirs of Erasmus Bowers d ec'd son; Heirs Jacob Bowers dec'd (Leroy Bowers gr son Terre haute; Lett ie Bowers, grdau, Terre Haute; Minnie Bowers grdau unknonw; Asa Bowers grs on Terre Haute. Son ANdrew Exec Wit: A J Robinson, L R Hower Signed 12/25/1875

WW Tree at ancestry has parentas as Phillip Bowers b 1782 and Hannah Paup er born 1789 md 12/1/1823 WW Tree has grandfather as Phillip and GGF as Christian Bauer

Researcher [email protected] Carol Morris

[HI49390] (Research):Will Abstracts Champaign Co, OH Book B pg 378 William JENKINS, Sr probated 3/31/1846; Wife Catherine JENKINS. Ten children, 5 sons and 5 daughter s; 2 grandchildren; John, Levi, Wiley, William, David Jenkins; Sarah Nicholas, Margaret Helvie, Judith Michael, Martha ICENBERGER and Mary JENKINS. Eve ZERKLE and Sarah ZERKLE (children of deceased dau); son-in-law Michael ZERKLE. Sons John and Levi JENKINS Admin. Wit John PENCE, Jesse GODDAR D; Will signed (x) Sept 2 1845

[HI49393] (Research):Father came overland from North Carolina in a wagon and was possessed of b ut fifty cents in money when he arrive. Moved to KS in later years, but r eturned after death of wife. Died 6 years later to the day of his wife's d eath.

Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 12 Township 3 Range 11( NE 1/4) (St Paris located in Sec 18) 28 Oct 1867 David Jenkins etal to Levi Jenkins, 57.85 acres Bk39Pg157 03 Feb 1869 Levi Jenkins to E H Furrow, 57.85 acres Bk41Pg35

[HI49403] (Research):Walter Overholser married Effie B Griest ( married formerly to Canfiel d) in Clark County Nov 11, 1899. However in the 1900 Census of Champaign County, Jackson, OH -pg 68 His wifes name is Olive. They have been marrie dle ss than one yar and have no children. She was born 2/1882

[HI49405] (Research):Birth record names mother as Maria

[HI49409] (Research):Does not appear in the family in the 1910 Census

BALLENTINE, Anna M. Death date: 10/10/1927, Champaign Coun
Volume #5461, Certificate #55572

Name : Anna Mary Ballentine
Death date : 10 Oct 1927
Death place : Urbana Twp, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date : 25 Sep 1868
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Oh
Age at death : 59 years 15 days
Gender : Female
Marital status : Married
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address :
Occupation : House Wife
Residence : North Hampton, OH
Burial date : 12 Oct 1927
Burial place : Teneboute, Oh
Cemetery name :
Spouse name : C. S. Ballentine
Father name : Ruben
Father titles :
Father birth place : Oh
Mother name : Sarah Circle
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : Oh
GSU film number : 1985155
Digital GS number : 4020643
Image number : 1975
Reference number : fn 55572
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI49411] (Research):Name: Frederick Overholser Birthplace: New York State: OH Age: 35 Color: W Enumeration District: 0004 Visit: 0240 County: Clark Relation: Head of Household Wife Orrie 28 Ohio Daughter Ethel 10 Ohio Son Harry 06 Ohio Son Albert 04 Ohio Daughter Hazel 03 Ohio Son Raymond 01 Ohio Father Jacob 80 Ohio

1920 Clark Co, Springfield, OH Fred Overholser, head, retn, OH OH OH, 45/46 Ora, wife, 39 Harry E, 18, son, Albert D, son, 13 Hazel M, dau, 11 Harmon L, son, 8 Anna E? , dau, 3y11m Edward Rummery, son in lw, 21, Ethel R, dau, 20

[HI49415] (Research):1870 Census name Maria 1880 Census name Minnie

[HI49416] (Research):Court of Common Pleas 1890 from Champaign Democrat abstracted by Pat Stick ley CCGS Newsletter Fall 1989 8/21/1890 Susannah Stapleton vs Asa Stapleton - petition

[HI49418] (Research):Newspapers 1988-1911 pg204 8/4/1910 News 21 years old Last Sat evening, John R Stapleton an elder bro of Asa Stapleton stepped o ff the train after an absence of 23 years. His brother Asa accidentally m et him on the street and recognized him at once.

[HI49419] (Research):Name : James Lewis Stapleton Titles : Death date : 28 Oct 1916 Death place : Troy, Miami, Ohio Birth date : 26 Jan 1848 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Christianburg, Ohio Age at death : 68 years 9 months 2 days Gender : Male Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Farmer Retired Residence : Burial date : 31 Oct 1916 Burial place : Cemetery name : Riverside Spouse name : Father name : Flemine Stapleton Father titles : Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Susanah Mcjinsey Mother titles : Mother birth place : GSU film number : 1983837 Digital GS number : 4021399 Image number : 2219 Certificate number : fn 65490 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI49421] (Research):Champ Co, Guardianship & Indentures pg 129 Jun 5 1823 James Cooley, g dn of Moses B Vance 19 yr, heir of Joseph C Vance.

[HI49422] (Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship & Indentures pg 136 April 2, 1824 Thomas Davi s, gdn of Catherine Davis 15y (22 June 1824); Hiram Davis 5yr, Polly Davi s, 8 yr children and heirs of Ezekiel Davis, dec'd. Surity John McAdams

[HI49423] (Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship & Indentures pg 136 April 2, 1824 Thomas Davi s, gdn of Catherine Davis 15y (22 June 1824); Hiram Davis 5yr, Polly Davi s, 8 yr children and heirs of Ezekiel Davis, dec'd. Surity John McAdams

[HI49424] (Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship & Indentures pg 136 April 2, 1824 Thomas Davi s, gdn of Catherine Davis 15y (22 June 1824); Hiram Davis 5yr, Polly Davi s, 8 yr children and heirs of Ezekiel Davis, dec'd. Surity John McAdams

[HI49425] (Research):Elizabeth Anderson?

[HI49427] (Research):Champaign Co, Wills Book B pg 30 Mary Johnston probate Oct term 1823 Recor ded Dec 3, 1823 Names children of son Edward Johnston dec'd (Martha, Noel, Delilah, William, nancy, Alfred, and mary) a bond of $1000 dated 24 June 1812 by Edward J ohnston Jr to Edward Johnston Sr and Mary to be discharged by Edward Jr helping Edward and Mary and Peaceable possession of the dwelling now occupied by Gerrard McKinnon, his wife and my son Edward's children and ha lf of the farm on which the dwelling stands; her other children, Mary Osborn, Nancy Osborn (wife of Levi), James Johnston, Jesse Johnston, Elizabe th Henry, Milly Dunlap, Patsy Obsorn and heirs of son Alexander Johnston d ec'd (not named) She wishes to be buried near her deceased husband. Dougl as Winn Exec. Wit: Aquilla Bishop, John Colwell, Charles Winn . Will sign ed (x) 21 Mar 1823

[HI49428] (Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship and Indentures Vol 1 pg 179 22 Ayg 1828 Willi am Dunlap, gdn William Johnston 15yr, Nancy Johnston 13 yr; Alfred Johnst on 10yr; Mary Johnston 7yrs, heirs of Edward Johnston dec'd. Surities Jose ph S Carter, John Osborn.

Pg 224 Oct 19 1833 Joseph Carter gdn of William Johnston 20yr (Sept 22 las t) son and minor heir of Edward Johnston dec'd. Surities John Osborn, Ad am Mosgrove.

[HI49429] (Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship and Indentures Vol 1 pg 179 22 Ayg 1828 Willi am Dunlap, gdn William Johnston 15yr, Nancy Johnston 13 yr; Alfred Johnst on 10yr; Mary Johnston 7yrs, heirs of Edward Johnston dec'd. Surities Jose ph S Carter, John Osborn.

[HI49430] (Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship and Indentures Vol 1 pg 179 22 Ayg 1828 Willi am Dunlap, gdn William Johnston 15yr, Nancy Johnston 13 yr; Alfred Johnst on 10yr; Mary Johnston 7yrs, heirs of Edward Johnston dec'd. Surities Jose ph S Carter, John Osborn.

Pg 217 23 April 1833 Elijah Powell gdn of Alfred Johnston c15yr heir of Ed ward Johnston Dec'd Surities Timothy Powell, Benjamin Powell

Family researcher Dawn Peterson

[HI49431] (Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship and Indentures Vol 1 pg 179 22 Ayg 1828 Willi am Dunlap, gdn William Johnston 15yr, Nancy Johnston 13 yr; Alfred Johnst on 10yr; Mary Johnston 7yrs, heirs of Edward Johnston dec'd. Surities Jose ph S Carter, John Osborn.

Pg 221 Jul 30 1833 Elijah Powell gdn of Polly Johnston age 13yrs, minor he ir of Edward Johnston, dec'd. Surities Joseph Powell, Timothy Powell, Benj amin Powell

[HI49434] (Research):Champaign County Chauncery Records Record Book 10, Page 363- Filed 30 Jan uary 1828 John Osbourne & Others vs William Glenn, executor of estate of Levi Osbourne deceased Levi Osborne deceased of Champaign County, Ohio compiled his will on 14 No vember 1823 and it was proven on 20 December 1823. In his will, Levi le ft the south half of north-east quarter Section I Township 5 Range 11 a nd half of thirty acres of woods located in the south-east corner of the e ast half of the south-east quarter of Section 15 Township 5 Range 11 (Urba na Tp.) to Joseph Osbourne and he also bequeathed to the following perso ns who had not received an inheritance by the time of the filing: Hei rs of James Osbourne: John Osbourne, John & Dabarah (Deborah ?) Morris, Ed ward Osbourne, David Osbourne, James Osbourne, Levi Osbourne, Noble Osbour ne, Abraham Osbourne and Nancy Osbourne. Heirs of Alexander Johnson: Willi am Johnson, John & Mary (nee Johnson) Rhodes, ...Putnam and his wife, Lu cy (nee Johnson), John Johnson, Alexander Johnson, Zephaniah Blue and h is wife, Jane (nee Johnson), Lemuel Blue and his wife Suannah (nee Johnson ), Daniel Johnson, Morris Johnson and James Johnson. Heirs of Jesse Johnso n: Jesse Judy and his wife, Nancy (nee Johnson), Polly Johnson, Elizabe th Johnson, Delilah Johnson, Edward Johnson, Jane Johnson, Envira Johnso n, Jesse Johnson Jr., John Johnson, Polly Johnson & Eli Johnson (the la st three may be grandchildren of Jesse Johnson). Unknown heirs of Samuel K incade. Heirs of David Osbourne: William Osbourne and David Osbourne

Will Book B pg 31 Will porbated Dec 20 1823 Leaves to Joseph Osborn la nd in S1 Urbana; Joseph is to pay $350 each within 2 yrs of my death to Je remiah Johnston; heirs of james Osborn; living with their mother; hei rs of Alexander johnston; Heirs of Jesse Johnston. heirs of David osborn a nd heirs of Samule Kincaid. Wm Glenn Exec signed 11/14/1823

[HI49436] (Research):Came in1806 was soldier of 1812

Champ Co Deaths CCGS Newsletter Fall 1989 Jesse Johnson died 2/28/1870 in Concord born VA age 92y4m

[HI49442] (Research):Ohio 1910 Census Miracode Index Record
Name: Lee D Woolley
Birthplace: Ohio State: OH Age: 30 Color: W
Enumeration District: 0131 Visit: 0144 County: Shelby, Sidney
Wife Eurilla E 29 Ohio
Daughter Doris M 07 Ohio
Daughter Leah A 05 Ohio
Son Frederick N 03 Ohio
Son Edgar H NR Ohio
Father George H 55 Ohio
Mother Rebecca E 53 Ohio
Brother Edward C 28 Ohio

Name : Daniel Lee Woolley
Death date : 11 Aug 1946
Death place : Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, United States
Birth date : 12 Aug 1878
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : St. Mary's, Ohio
Age at death : 68 years
Gender : Male
Marital status : Married
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address :
Occupation : Spicer - Asst Supt Gear Dept
Residence :
Burial date :
Burial place :
Cemetery name : Forest Cemetery
Spouse name : Bertha
Father name :
Father titles : unknown
Father birth place :
Mother name :
Mother titles : unknown
Mother birth place :
Informant Mrs D L Wooley
GSU film number : 2372814
Digital GS number : 4075614
Image number : 03308
Reference number : 49590
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI49443] (Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 251 10 April 1837 Willi am Haller, gdn of William McGinis 5 yr; Samuel Jasper McGinnis c3yr; Cathe rine Jane McGinnis c2yr minor heirs of Samuel McGinnis dec'd. Surities Isa ac Smith, Elisha Harber

[HI49444] (Research):Probably came to Champaign Co. with his father about 1831. Purchased 52 .5 acres from his father in NW 1/4 Sec 17, Concord Twsp, Champaign Co., Oh io in Jan 1838

Champ Co Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 330 Aug 11 1846 Samuel Betch el gdn of Mary Catherine Sager 17yr; Andre Sager 11yr; Letetia Sag er 9 yr minor heirs of Peter Sager dec'd. Surities Andrew Mcbeth, John H Y oung


Record Book 22, Page 35 � Filed 14 May 1847 � Petition to Sell Land Andr ew McBeth, Administrator of Peter Sager deceased vs Catharine Sager et al Philip Sager, father of Peter Sager, died seized of 104 acres located on t he - south side of the north�east quarter and 10 acres located in the nort h�west quarter of the south�east quarter of Section 17 Township 4 Ran ge 12 (Concord - Tp4. Philip Sager was the father of eleven children, b ut only the following heirs were named: Abraham Sager; Julia Ann Winder, w ife of William W. Winder; Hannah Morgan, wife of James Morgan of Indian a; Jacob Sager; and the heirs of - Peter Sager, who died prior 11 Septemb er 1846, Catharine Sager; Andrew Sager and Letitia Sager. McBeth want ed to sell Peter s share of his fathers land - in order to pay the deb ts of Peters estate.

Record Book 22 Pg 475 Filed 5 March 1849 Petition to Partition Catherine Sager vs Andrew Sager et all Peter Sager died seized of 52 acres located on the north side of the NE 1 /4 of Sec 17 Twp 4 Range 12 (Concord), Samuel Bechtel of Clark Co was t he guardain of Catherine Sager; Andrew Sager and Letitia Sager. On 15 Se pt 1849 John Taylor purchased the land.

[HI49446] (Research):Champ Co Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 330 Aug 11 1846 Samuel Betch el gdn of Mary Catherine Sager 17yr; Andre Sager 11yr; Letetia Sag er 9 yr minor heirs of Peter Sager dec'd. Surities Andrew Mcbeth, John H Y oung

[HI49447] (Research):Champ Co Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 330 Aug 11 1846 Samuel Betch el gdn of Mary Catherine Sager 17yr; Andre Sager 11yr; Letetia Sag er 9 yr minor heirs of Peter Sager dec'd. Surities Andrew Mcbeth, John H Y oung

pg 412 18 Spet 1851 Thomas Chance gdn of Andrew Sager 17 yr (Oct 1851) min or heir of Peter Sager dec'd. Surities Noah Smith, Joseph Baker.

Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) Lot ? 10/23/1863 John Huffman to Andrew Sagers, 1 acre Bk 34 Pg513 Lot ? 1/21/1864 A J Sagers to Jacob Trout, 1 acre Bk 35 Pg484

CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 Poll Book St Paris Precinct Johnson Twp 11/2/1 880 Andrew Sager

[HI49448] (Research):Champ Co Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 333 3 Nov 1846 Nathan Compt on gdn of Rebecca Maggert 6months, minor heir of Andrew M Maggert dec'd. S urities John Miers, Reuben Maggert

pg 378 May 1 1850 Jesse Maggert gdn of Rebecca Maggert 3yr minor heir of A ndrew Maggert dec'd. Surity Samuel Batdorf, Isaac Pence

1860 Champiagin Co, OH age 14 living with Martin Frank. IN same househo ld is John H Maggert age 17

[NI49449] Sunday, May 11, Mothers Day, we lost our dearly beloved Sander Rose. Our hearts are broken into a million pieces. I cannot even begin to describe the grief we are experiencing.

As you know, we have been fighting an infection in her head of some forei gn object that she somehow breathed up her nose. It has been migrating throughout her sinus passages since last December. It settles in one place and then abcesses. Her head swelled up like a baseball and we took her in to have it lanced open and drained, hoping to flush out whatever for eign body was inside. We always hoped it would be flushed out each time, but we were not successfull. It is more than likely microscopic or as small as a grass seed. Since December she has had 4 of these "lancings" using drain tubes.

Sander has been overly sensitive to anesthesia. Each time she had one of these "lancings", she would take several days to recover from the anesthesia. Normally dogs recover within 24-48 hours. She took days and one time over a week for recovery, experiencing diarreah, vomiting, lack of appetite, etc.

The last time we took her in, the vet did a more aggressive surgery and managed to eliminate the foreign body. He flushed her head and sinus cavities with a saline solution and said that "lots and lots" of blood, puss, and debris was washed out. After 5 days, she was still not eating, still v miting, etc so we took her back. Knowing she had hard times recovering from anesthesia, we were not TOO concerned. Her white blood count was up to 30K so expecting she still had infection, they gave us injections to give her daily of an antibiotic. The next day, she passed out for some reason and began walking like she could not stand up. Calling the vet, he said to give her a dramamine until we could get her there the next day. Her blood tests showed her red blood count was down to 26 from a normal 40. They kept her there to complete more tests and found that afternoon she had a fatal blood disease called AIHA "Auto Immune Hemophylic Anemia". It is most common in female middle age spaniels. It is fatal and we were not given much hope from the start. She was too week to begin with to
try and fight it from the anesthsia reaction. The passing out was from the lack of oxygen to the brain. (Red blood cells produce oxygen) By the next day her red blood count was down to 15, then the next day 9. At 10 they reccommend a blood transfusion, but they don't usually work. The body sees the new blood as a "foreign" thing and tries to fight even more, wearing itself down. We had been traveling every morning to Las Cruces ( 75 miles from our home) to see her and give her some love and support. The only thing a transfusion MIGHT accomplish is to give her body a few extra days while her red blood count came up. We made the decision that if her red blood count dropped lower than 9, we would do it. The next day it w as up to 15, so we became optimistic. The underlying problems were too enormous. Due to the massive amounts of injections of steroids, she develop ed stomach ulcers and began vomiting blood. Being in critical anemia, her organs were failing. It had not helped that she had not eaten in 12 days. This was Sunday and the office was closed. The on-duty emergency vet said we could come to visit her Sunday afternoon, as she seemed depressed that we did not go to see her earlier. Before we had a chance to go see her, the vet called back to say she had passed away. He thinks it was heart failure.
We can second guess ourselves and say a lot of "woulda, coulda,shoud a" but it wont bring her back. We both feel responsible for her death. The hurt is beyond words. We buried her in the back yard under her favori te tree, about 15 feet from her mother, Monita.
The very same day we buried her, we went to the breeder in nearby Arrey, New Mexico to pick up Sandi's new puppy and we ended up taking her only surviving sibling too. The joy of these 2 new puppies has eased the burden of the loss of the older ones.

[HI49449] (Research): Sunday, May 11, Mothers Day, we lost our dearly beloved Sander Rose. O ur hearts are broken into a million pieces. I cannot even begin to descri be the grief we are experiencing.

As you know, we have been fighting an infection in her head of some forei gn object that she somehow breathed up her nose. It has been migrating thr oughout her sinus passages since last December. It settles in one place a nd then abcesses. Her head swelled up like a baseball and we took h er in to have it lanced open and drained, hoping to flush out whatever for eign body was inside. We always hoped it would be flushed out each time, b ut we were not successfull. It is more than likely microscopic or as sma ll as a grass seed. Since December she has had 4 of these "lancings" usi ng drain tubes.

Sander has been overly sensitive to anesthesia. Each time she had one of t hese "lancings", she would take several days to recover from the anesthesi a. Normally dogs recover within 24-48 hours. She took days and one time o ver a week for recovery, experiencing diarreah, vomiting, lack of appetit e, etc.

The last time we took her in, the vet did a more aggressive surgery and ma naged to eliminate the foreign body. He flushed her head and sinus caviti es with a saline solution and said that "lots and lots" of blood, puss, a nd debris was washed out. After 5 days, she was still not eating, still vo miting, etc so we took her back. Knowing she had hard times recovering fr om anesthesia, we were not TOO concerned. Her white blood count w as up to 30K so expecting she still had infection, they gave us injectio ns to give her daily of an antibiotic. The next day, she passed out for so me reason and began walking like she could not stand up. Calling the ve t, he said to give her a dramamine until we could get her there the next d ay. Her blood tests showed her red blood count was down to 26 from a norm al 40. They kept her there to complete more tests and found that afterno on she had a fatal blood disease called AIHA "Auto Immune Hemophylic Anemi a". It is most common in female middle age spaniels. It is fatal and we we re not given much hope from the start. She was too week to begin with to t ry and fight it from the anesthsia reaction. The passing out was from t he lack of oxygen to the brain. (Red blood cells produce oxygen) By the n ext day her red blood count was down to 15, then the next day 9. At 10 th ey reccommend a blood transfusion, but they don't usually work. The body s ees the new blood as a "foreign" thing and tries to fight even more, weari ng itself down. We had been traveling every morning to Las Cruces ( 75 mil es from our home) to see her and give her some love and support. The on ly thing a transfusion MIGHT accomplish is to give her body a few extra da ys while her red blood count came up. We made the decision that if her r ed blood count dropped lower than 9, we would do it. The next day it w as up to 15, so we became optimistic. The underlying problems were too eno rmous. Due to the massive amounts of injections of steroids, she develop ed stomach ulcers and began vomiting blood. Being in critical anemia, h er organs were failing. It had not helped that she had not eaten in 12 day s. This was Sunday and the office was closed. The on-duty emergency vet sa id we could come to visit her Sunday afternoon, as she seemed depressed th at we did not go to see her earlier. Before we had a chance to go see he r, the vet called back to say she had passed away. He thinks it was hea rt failure.
We can second guess ourselves and say a lot of "woulda, coulda,shoud a" but it wont bring her back. We both feel responsible for her death. T he hurt is beyond words. We buried her in the back yard under her favori te tree, about 15 feet from her mother, Monita.
The very same day we buried her, we went to the breeder in nearby Arre y, New Mexico to pick up Sandi's new puppy and we ended up taking her on ly surviving sibling too. The joy of these 2 new puppies has eased the bur den of the loss of the older ones.

[HI49450] (Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship & Indentures Vol1 pg 368 May 1 1849 David Loude nback gdn of Priscilla Smith 16yr ( 16 April 1849); Andrew Smith 18yr ; Is aac Smith 13 yr; David S Smith 11yr; Jasper N Smith 7yr; Irvin Smith 4y r; minor heirs of David Smith dec'd. Surities Daniel Snider, John Houtz

HISTORY OF WABASH COUNTY, INDIANA DR. ANDREW J. SMITH, was born in Champaign County, Ohio, December 30, 183 0. His parents lived on their farm a few miles west of Urbana where the Do ctor remained until eighteen years of age. His parents were of German desc ent, frugal, honest and industrious, from whom he inherited that indomitab le energy so characteristic of his life. Limited means and opportunities o ften awaken a latent purpos and nerve the arm for greater achievements. T he fettered intellect longs for mightier fields of conquest, and gaze s, as the shipwreck mariner far out upon the great ocean, with a namele ss longing. As a rule our best men come not from the cradle of wealth n or the couch of luxury, but from the humble walks of life, from the worksh op and the farm. Difficulties present themselves, mountains rise in the pa thway, chasms yawn here and there, but these only awaken in the brea st of him who is truly great a quicker throb of determination. His combati veness is aroused, and with his eye upon the goal at the end of the ra ce he perseveres. Let honor be given to whom honor is due; and he who mee ts alone the battles of life, and conquers its difficulties and himsel f, is deserving of the honor. DR. A. J. SMITH acquired such education as w as possible in the district schools. But these droppings from the founta in of knowledge only added intensity to the parched and fervid desire f or learning. At the age of eighteen, enthusiastic and wholly self-relian t, he determined to draw nearer where he might drink more deeply. In 184 8, he entered the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, where he continu ed his studies for one year. He then passed to Miami University at Oxfor d, where for three years he alternately taught and attended college. In 18 52, he was married to MISS. HENRETTA D. ROSE, of Milford Center, Ohio, a nd the following year moved to Somerset, Ind., where for four years he pur sued the study of medicine in the office of DR. DICKEN. In the winter of 1 856 and 1857, he attended a course of medical lectures at Rush Medical Col lege, Chicago, Ill. In the autumn of 1857, he moved to Wabash and engag ed in the practice of his profession. In 1858, owing to failing heal th he retired from the practice and spent two years in the country. Regain ing his health he returned to his work with all the zeal and ardor of t he rising young physician. In 1863, he was appointed by GOV. O. P. MORTO N, Senior Assistant Surgeon of the Second Indiana Cavalry, in which positi on he served with great acceptance for two years, participating in the var ious skirmishes and battles incident to the cavalry service. Ready, self s acrificing, patient, enduring, by his noble acts of kindness to the sick a nd wounded, he won for himself the esteem and admiration of the entire com mand. At the expiration of his term of service, he returned to his ho me in Wabash, and to the great comfort of this patrons, to the practi ce of his profession. He associated himself with DRS. GILLEN & BENNETT, wh ich alliance was terminated by limitation in the fall of 1870. Desiri ng to perfect himself more fully in his chosen work, he re-entered the Chi cago Medical College for a term of six months, and graduated March 14, 187 1. Fully equipped to meet successfully the difficulties of the professio n, he again returned to Wabash. Since January, 1874, he had been associat ed with DR. R. T. BLOUNT, a gentleman of high standing in the professio n, and of far more than ordinary moral and mental attainments. DR. SMI TH is a member of the American Medical Association, the State Medical Soci ety and the Wabash County Medical Society. He is a member of the Masonic O rder and also of the I. O. O. F. He is a member in high standing of the Me thodist Episcopal Church, and holds the office of Trustee of that societ y. He is the father of six xhildren, one of whom died in infancy -- GERALD INE ROSE, born May 16, 1853; ALICE L., born February 18, 1856; DAVID WARRE N, born March 22, 1858; H. IDA, born May 16, 1865; infant son, born and di ed April 09, 1867; ANNA L., born August 12, 1868. On the 4th of March 188 1, he lost his beloved wife. Silently and unexpectedly the messenger cam e; but what was her husband's and children's loss was heaven's gain. A dev oted Christian, a loving mothr, a faithful wife, she was beloved and mourn ed by all who knew her. July 14, 1878, she united with the Methodist Episc opal Church. She was connected with all the various branches of Christi an work, and her daily life shone as an example of that which she professe d. Source: Page: 262 History of Wabash County, Indiana 1884 - Wabash Townshi p

AMERICAN CIVIL WAR RECORDS Name: Andrew Smith Residence: Wabash, Indiana Enlistment Date: 29 Jan 1863 Side Served: Union State Served: Indiana Service Record: Enlisted as a Assistant Surgeon on 29 January 1863 Commission in Company S, 2nd Cavalry Regiment Indiana on 29 Jan 1863 Mustered Out Company S, 2nd Cavalry Regiment Indiana on 4 Oct 1864 Source Citation: Side served: Union; State served: Indiana; Enlistment dat e: 29 Jan 1863

1860 Census: On June 28, 1860, Living in Noble, Wabash Co., IN 1870 Census: On June 29, 1870, Living in Wabash, Wabash Co., IN 1880 Census: On June 02, 1880, Living in Wabash, Wabash Co., IN 1900 Census: On June 09, 1900, Living in Noble, Wabash Co., IN

Census Microfilm Reports: 1860 Indiana Andrew J. Smith - - - 29 yrs. - - Physician - - 3,840 - 1,314 - - OH - 183 0 Henretta - - - - - - - - -29 yrs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -OH - 1830 Geraldine R. - - - - - - 07 yrs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OH - 1852 Alice - - - - - - - - - - - 04 yrs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IN - 1855 David W. - - - - - - - - 02 yrs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IN - 1857 Jasper N. - - - - - - - -17 yrs. - - Farm Ha nd - - - - - - - - - - - - - OH - 1842 - Brother Irvin - - - - - - - - - - - -14 yrs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OH - 1845 - Brother Census Microfilm Reports: 1860 Indiana On June 28, 1860 Living in Nobl e, Wabash Co., IN Series: M653 Microfilm: 304 Page: 187

Census Microfilm Reports: 1870 Indiana On June 29, 1870 Living in Wabas h, Wabash Co., IN Series: M593 Microfilm: 367 Page: 232 A. J. Smith - - - - - 39 yrs. - - Physician - - 7,000 - 2,000 - - OH Henrietta D. - - - - 39 yrs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OH Geraldine R. - - - - 17 yrs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OH Alice L. - - - - - - - 14 yrs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IN David W. - - - - - - 12 yrs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IN Ida N. - - - - - - - - -05 yrs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IN Anna L. - - - - - - - 01 yrs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IN Geraldine Rose - - 26 yrs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O H Warren - - - - - - - 73 yrs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VT

Census Microfilm Reports: 1880 Indiana On June 02, 1880 Living in Wabas h, Wabash Co., IN Series: T9 Microfilm: 315 Page: 416B Andrew J. Smith - - - Head - - - 49 yrs. - M - - Physician - - - - - - OH - VA - VA Herrietta D. - - - - - - - Wife - - - 49 yr s. - M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OH - VT - CT Rose - - - - - - - - - - - Dau - - - -26 yr s. - S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OH - OH - OH Warren D. - - - - - - - Son - - - - 22 yrs. - S - - Portrait Paint er - - - IN - OH - OH Ida - - - - - - - - - - - - Dau - - - - 15 yr s. - S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -IN - OH - OH Anna L. - - - - - - - - -Dau - - - - 12 yr s. - S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -IN - OH - OH Geraldine Rose - Sis in Law - - 40 yr s. - S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OH - VT - CT

Census Microfilm Reports: 1900 Indiana On June 09, 1900 Living in Nobl e, Wabash Co., IN Series: T623 Microfilm: 410 Page: 193A Andrew J. Smith - - - Head - - - Dec 1830 - 69 yrs. - M 11 yrs. - - Physic ian - - - - - OH - VA - VA Louisa F. J. - - - - - - Wife - - - -Mar 1852 - 48 yrs. - M 11 yr s. - - 1 of 1 Children - - IN - IN - IN Asa J. - - - - - - - - - - Son - - - Jan 1894 - 06 yr s. - S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IN - OH - IN Geraldine - - - - - - - - Dau - - - Apr 1853 - 47 yrs. - S - - School Teac her - - - - - - -OH - OH - OH NOTE: Louisa is also listed as a Physician

(Thank you Vikki Ireland for this research)

[HI49452] (Research):Champ Co Guardianship pf 383 31 Mar 1847 Samuel Batdorf gdn of Mary Ann H oak 14yr; Amos Hoak 7 yr; Simon Peter Hoak 5yr; Louisa Hoak 3 yr; hei rs of Isaac Hoak, dec'd. Surities Henry Maggert, John Maggert

[HI49453] (Research):Champ Co Guardianship pf 383 31 Mar 1847 Samuel Batdorf gdn of Mary Ann H oak 14yr; Amos Hoak 7 yr; Simon Peter Hoak 5yr; Louisa Hoak 3 yr; hei rs of Isaac Hoak, dec'd. Surities Henry Maggert, John Maggert

Champ Co Guardianship Pg 562 9 Aug 1856 Jacob Hoak gdn of Amos Hoak 14 yr on 9 Sept 1855 minor heir of Isaac Hoak. Surities Lemuel Hoak, August us Nichols

[HI49454] (Research):Champ Co Guardianship pf 383 31 Mar 1847 Samuel Batdorf gdn of Mary Ann H oak 14yr; Amos Hoak 7 yr; Simon Peter Hoak 5yr; Louisa Hoak 3 yr; hei rs of Isaac Hoak, dec'd. Surities Henry Maggert, John Maggert

[HI49455] (Research):Champ Co Guardianship pf 383 31 Mar 1847 Samuel Batdorf gdn of Mary Ann H oak 14yr; Amos Hoak 7 yr; Simon Peter Hoak 5yr; Louisa Hoak 3 yr; hei rs of Isaac Hoak, dec'd. Surities Henry Maggert, John Maggert

[HI49458] (Research):Champaign Co Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 413 23 Spet 1851 George Ca rey, gdn of Eliza Ann Carey 16yr; Mary Priscilla Carey 11yr; John Harvey C arey 13 yr minor heirs of Luther Carey, dec'd. Surities Samuel Bowersoc k, Isaac Carey

Living with gf Calvin Carey in 1850

[HI49459] (Research):Champaign Co Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 413 23 Spet 1851 George Ca rey, gdn of Eliza Ann Carey 16yr; Mary Priscilla Carey 11yr; John Harvey C arey 13 yr minor heirs of Luther Carey, dec'd. Surities Samuel Bowersoc k, Isaac Carey

Living with gf Clavin Carey in 1850

[HI49460] (Research):Champaign Co Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 413 23 Spet 1851 George Ca rey, gdn of Eliza Ann Carey 16yr; Mary Priscilla Carey 11yr; John Harvey C arey 13 yr minor heirs of Luther Carey, dec'd. Surities Samuel Bowersoc k, Isaac Carey

1900 Census houshold has grandchildren Cecil b 1/1890 and Mary M b 8/1896

CAREY JOHN H County Name: SHELBY Date of Death: 2/22/1924 Volume Number: 4391 Certificate Number: 11680

[HI49469] (Research):Family researcher: [email protected], 314 Cherry Blossom Ct, Elida, OH 4 5807 419-339-8591

Oct. 9, 1811- Marcus Clark was listed on the poll book (first electio n) in Concord Twp, Champaign Co., Ohio. E.P. Middleton, History of Chamapi gn County, Ohio, 2 vols. Indianapolis, Ind., p. 195

1820 Census of Concord twp, Champaign C0. p. 500 Marcus Clark 1 white males under 10 (Jesse?) 1 white male 16-18 (John?) 2 white males 16-26 (John and Marcus, Jr.? ) 1 white male 45 and over (Marcus Sr.?) 2 white females under 10 (Nancy and Hannah?) 1 white female 10-16 (Diana/Deanna?) 1 white female 45 and over (Margaret?)

1840 CLARK MARCUS Champaign County OH 299 Concord Township Marcus Clark 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 000000 1 000 1

1850 CLARK MARCUS Champaign County, Concord, OH pg318 7 128 129 Clark Marcus 77 M Farmer 3,000 MD 8 128 129 Clark Margaret 65 F PA


Database: War of 1812 Muster Rolls Surname Given Name Middle Initial Company Unit Rank - Induction Rank - Dis charge MISC ROLL-BOX ROLL-EXCT CLARK MARCUS CAPT. STRETCH'S COMPANY, OHIO MILITIA. PRIVATE PRIVATE 40 6 02

Champaign Co., Ohio Guardianship and Indentures-1805-1858 p. 39 18 May 1852 Nathan McAlexander guardian of Levi Smith McAlexander; James R obert McAlexander; David Warnick McAlexander Minor Heirs of Marcus Clark D eceased Surities: Zebulon Brevard; Sheppard Newcomb

Bill Spence said " I was at the cemetery where Marcus is buried. His sto ne is laying on the ground & was partially covered with soil. I cleaned so me soil off, to take a picture of the lettering. The cemetery is along Oh io 29, just east of the intersection of Ohio 560, a few hundred feet, on the south side of 29. This is around 10 miles northwest of Urbana." ********** From David Boles, 4510 Spicewood St. Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 abt 1790- It is thought that the family moved to VA, but there is no pro of and the location is not known. abt 1794- It is believed that Marcus married, Wife's name unknown 1795- Reuben Clark, thought to have been a son of Marcus, b-in VA ---18 50 census abt 1797- Absalom Clark, thought to have been related to Marcus is believ ed to have been B- in VA abt 1797-1799- Wife thought to have died abt 1801?- Marcus Clark m Margaret _____, probably in VA 1809 "Marcus Clark came from Rockingham Co, VA in 1809 and settled where L evi Johnson now lives."--Joshua Antrim, 'History of Champaign and Logan Co unties, Ohio'. Bellafontaine, Ohio: Press Pringing Co., 1872, p. 296

Sept. 19, 1812 thru Oct. 19, 1812- Marcus, Absalom and Reuben Clark serv ed in Capt. Phillip Kiser's Co., from Champaign county.---Roster

Aug. 12, 1813- Sept 21, 1813- Marcus, Abslom, and Reuben Clark all serv ed in Capt. Kiser's Co.,--ibid. This fact plus knowledge that Reuben Cla rk (see 1852 ff notes) was b- 1795 led to the conclusion that Marcus had b een married before he married Margaret, as the latter was too young in 17 95 to have been a mother.

Mar. 25, 1852- James McCroskey and Reuben Clark, executors of the esta te of Marcus Clark, started making payments from that estate. The fir st to John Clark "son and heir" for $115.

Everton Pedigree File Name: Bates, Mary
Birth Date: 1774 Place: ,
Spouse: CLARK, Marcus
Child: CLARK, Reuben
Childs Spouse: HUMPHRIES, Mary Ann
Child: CLARK, John
Childs Spouse: PENTERBAUGH, Susanna
Child: CLARK, Mary
Childs Spouse: MITCHELL, John
Child: CLARK, Jesse
Child: CLARK, Sally
Childs Spouse: HALL, John Jr
Child: CLARK, Diana
Childs Spouse: MC ALEXANDER, Nathan
Child: CLARK, Nancy
Childs Spouse: MC CROSKEY, James
Child: CLARK, Marcus Jr
Childs Spouse: DICKERSON, Sarah Ann (Note at bottom of this pedigree sheet :Much misinformation circulating ab out this family" Submitted by Harold Rules? too dark smeard balck stamp to read clearly. 5123 Ridgebrook Dr Kalazazoo, MI49001

[HI49471] (Research):pg 118 Mar 17 1823 John Hill gdn George Pennington 13yr heir of William Pe nnington, dec'd. Surity John Hill

Pg 23-26 Vol 2 21 Feb 1859 J Hains Linville gdn Heaton Pennington 8 yr J un 8 1858; Lydia A Pennington 13yr Oct 31 1858; Margaret Louisa Penningt on 11yr Jan 8 1859; Mary jane Pennington 15 yr Nov 20 1858; legal hei rs of Heaton Pennington dec'd. Surities William D Linville & Benjamin Linv ille

[HI49473] (Research):Champaign Co, Ohio Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 595 26 Aug 1857 Nan cy Goddard gdn of Jeremiah C Goddard 11yr ( Jun11 1857); Mary jane Godda rd 10yr ( 19 May 1857); james Fletcher Goddard 9 yr ( June 24 1857); Mart ha Ellen Goddard 7 yr ( April 18, 1857); Sarah Maria Goddard 6 yr (Apr 2 9, 1857, minor heirs of Jesse Goddard dec'd. Surities Robert Thackery, Wil liam Tomlin

[HI49474] (Research):Champaign Co, Ohio Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 595 26 Aug 1857 Nan cy Goddard gdn of Jeremiah C Goddard 11yr ( Jun11 1857); Mary jane Godda rd 10yr ( 19 May 1857); james Fletcher Goddard 9 yr ( June 24 1857); Mart ha Ellen Goddard 7 yr ( April 18, 1857); Sarah Maria Goddard 6 yr (Apr 2 9, 1857, minor heirs of Jesse Goddard dec'd. Surities Robert Thackery, Wil liam Tomlin

Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 150

[DI49475] Name: �tab�Anna Ray
Death Date: �tab�06 Jun 1938
Death Place: �tab�Madriver Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�20 Nov 1868
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�69 years 5 months 16 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�Thackery
Burial Date: �tab�09 Jun 1938
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Newson
Spouse's Name: �tab�William Ray
Father's Name: �tab�Abraham Dibert
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Virginia
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Roach
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio

[HI49476] (Research):Champaign Co, Ohio Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 595 26 Aug 1857 Nan cy Goddard gdn of Jeremiah C Goddard 11yr ( Jun11 1857); Mary jane Godda rd 10yr ( 19 May 1857); james Fletcher Goddard 9 yr ( June 24 1857); Mart ha Ellen Goddard 7 yr ( April 18, 1857); Sarah Maria Goddard 6 yr (Apr 2 9, 1857, minor heirs of Jesse Goddard dec'd. Surities Robert Thackery, Wil liam Tomlin

[DI49476] Sarah M, dau of Rev Jesse and nancy Goddard, 3 ch,

[XI49477] nscription: Aged 34y, 11m, 1d

Shares this stone with his wife, Martha, and his children: Clinton, Virginia, & John W.

[HI49478] (Research):Champaign Co, Ohio Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 597 Jun 4 1857 Mart ha Jane Johnston gdn of Silas Johnston 12 yr (Apr 17 1857); Mary Ann Johns ton 9yr (Jan 17 1857); John William Johnston 1 yr (May 13 1857) minor hei rs of John Johnston dec'd. Surities Joseph W Rafferty, James Johnson

Was mother in law of Esq Mc Reynolds

CCGS Newsletter Dec 2004 pg 117 Urbana Daily Citizen 3/20/1879 News From Concord, Woodstock, Terre Haute, Powhattan and Cable, OH Mrs Johnson, mother in law of Esq N D McReynolds, of this township, was se riously and perhaps fatally injured by a cow last week.

[NI49479] Children:
Infant Son McReynolds (1867 - 1867)*
May F McReynolds (1869 - 1924)*
John Delmonte McReynolds (1880 - 1906)*

[HI49481] (Research):Champaign Co, Guardian Book Pg 619 14 Jun 1858 Mary Snapp gdn of William F ranklin Snapp 8 yr ( May 6 1858) Mary Ellen Snapp 4 yr (Aug 4 1857); Eliza beth Florence Sanpp 3 yr ( Mar 11 1858); Charles C Snapp 2 yr ( May 24, 18 58) minor heirs of Rinehart Snapp dec'd. Surities Peter Prince, Aaron Penc e

Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( SE 1/4) 24 Jan 1889 Frank Snapp to C C Snapp, undivided half of 12 poles x 50 ft B k69 Pg327

[HI49482] (Research):Champaign Co, Guardian Book Pg 619 14 Jun 1858 Mary Snapp gdn of William F ranklin Snapp 8 yr ( May 6 1858) Mary Ellen Snapp 4 yr (Aug 4 1857); Eliza beth Florence Sanpp 3 yr ( Mar 11 1858); Charles C Snapp 2 yr ( May 24, 18 58) minor heirs of Rinehart Snapp dec'd. Surities Peter Prince, Aaron Penc e

[HI49483] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 J A Carmony .06

[XI49484] 27Y7m28d W/O William

[HI49485] (Research):Carmony, JohnSpouse : Roberts, Sarah Marriage date : Jun 15, 1845 County of record : Champaign Co. Sex : M

CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 J S Carmony .07

CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 Poll Book St Paris Precinct Johnson Twp 11/2/1 880 John S Carmony

[HI49486] (Research):Guardianship Records Vol 1 Pg 535 Jun 24 1855 William Walcott gdn of Sus an M Carmony 14yr Feb 8 1855; Mary E Carmony 12 yr Jan 16 1855; Rebecca Ca rmony 9yr Oct 16 1854; Adda R Carmony 2 yr Mar 12 1855 minor heirs of Jo hn Carmony dec'd. Surities james Buckles, William Carmony

[HI49487] (Research):Guardianship Records Vol 1 Pg 535 Jun 24 1855 William Walcott gdn of Sus an M Carmony 14yr Feb 8 1855; Mary E Carmony 12 yr Jan 16 1855; Rebecca Ca rmony 9yr Oct 16 1854; Adda R Carmony 2 yr Mar 12 1855 minor heirs of Jo hn Carmony dec'd. Surities james Buckles, William Carmony

[HI49488] (Research):Guardianship Records Vol 1 Pg 535 Jun 24 1855 William Walcott gdn of Sus an M Carmony 14yr Feb 8 1855; Mary E Carmony 12 yr Jan 16 1855; Rebecca Ca rmony 9yr Oct 16 1854; Adda R Carmony 2 yr Mar 12 1855 minor heirs of Jo hn Carmony dec'd. Surities james Buckles, William Carmony

Pg 204-205 Henry S Carmony gdn of Rebecca Carmony 17yr Oct 1862, Ada R Car mony 9 yr as Mar 1862 heirs of John Carmony Dec'd Surities William Carmo ny and James Buckles

[HI49489] (Research):Guardianship Records Vol 1 Pg 535 Jun 24 1855 William Walcott gdn of Sus an M Carmony 14yr Feb 8 1855; Mary E Carmony 12 yr Jan 16 1855; Rebecca Ca rmony 9yr Oct 16 1854; Adda R Carmony 2 yr Mar 12 1855 minor heirs of Jo hn Carmony dec'd. Surities james Buckles, William Carmony

Pg 204-205 Henry S Carmony gdn of Rebecca Carmony 17yr Oct 1862, Ada R Car mony 9 yr as Mar 1862 heirs of John Carmony Dec'd Surities William Carmo ny and James Buckles

pg 263 27 Oct 1863 Henry S Carmony gdn of Ada R Carmony 10 yr 10Mar 186 3, heir of John Carmony dec'd Surity William Carmony and William Whaeton

Name: Ada R. Carmony
Death date: 30 Jul 1943
Death place: Brown Twp., Miami, Ohio
Birth date: 12 Mar 1853
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Miami Co., Ohio
Age at death: 90 years 4 months 18 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Single
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: Rural
Occupation: Housekeeper
Residence: Miami Co., Ohio
Burial date: 01 Aug 1943
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Honeycreek
Spouse name:
Father name: John Carmony
Father titles:
Father birth place: Centerville, Ohio
Mother name: Harriett Gillis
Mother titles:
Mother birth place:
GSU film number: 2024137
Digital GS number: 4122075
Image number: 1765
Reference number: fn 45605
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI49499] (Research):William O Ray 46 W Ohio Clark 1910 Wife Annie R 41 Ohio Son Harry L 20 Ohio Daughter Mary J 12 Ohio Daughter Edna L 10 Ohio Son Russell F 08 Ohio Daughter Mildred O 06 Ohio

[DI49501] Name: �tab�Maryann Nincehelsen
Death Date: �tab�29 Aug 1913
Death Place: �tab�Wayne Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�07 Nov 1826
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Roakingham Co., Va.
Death Age: �tab�86 years 9 months 22 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�31 Aug 1913
Burial Place: �tab�Ohio, Usa
Cemetery Name: �tab�Pleasant View Cemetery
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Peter Ammon
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Va.
Mother's Name: �tab�Elizah M. Rinehart
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Va.
Film Number: �tab�1953653
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021288
Image Number: �tab�1338
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 44259

[NI49502] "History of Shelby County, Ohio"by A.B.C. Hitchcock; Sidney, Ohio; 1913
Richmond-Arnold Pub. Co.; Chicago, IL.Page 499Submitted by: Diana (Souders) Smith,
for many years was one of the prosperous, well-known and highly respected citizens of Perry township. He was born in Champaign county, O., June 7, 1844, and died on his farm in Perry township, Shelby county, July 30, 1899. His parents were Charles and Barbara (Speice) Woolley, farming people in Champaign county. William E. was their eldest child, the others being: Anna, wife of David Dormire; Ella, wife of William Nicehorner; Mattie, wife of William Neal; and Josephine, wife of Dr. Hunt. William E. Woolley attended school near his father's farm and no doubt the sessions were held in a log structure, as was the usual custom when he was a boy and perhaps his opportunities were very meager. Nevertheless he became a well-informed man and during a busy and useful life performed all the duties and accepted the responsibilities which come to one as a good citizen, a peaceable neighbor, a kind husband and indulgent father.
He learned the wagon-making trade in early manhood and followed the same until he became a farmer. On May 16, 1872, he was married to Miss Nancy Jane Johnson. She was born in Perry township, a daughter of James and Lafey (Newman) Johnson, both now deceased. The father of Mrs. Woolley was a native of Shelby county, while her mother was born in Logan county. Mrs. Woolley has one brother, Charles William Johnson. To Mr. and Mrs. Woolley the following children were born: Cora, who is the wife of C. M. McCashin, of Perry township; Charles, who married Mabel Ritter; she being now deceased; Ora, who is the wife of John Lorton; Daisy Belle, who is deceased, was the wife of Chester Staley; James C., who married Edna Ward; Frank; Harry; Grace, who is the wife of Wallace Lockard; and William. Mrs. Woolley and children attend the Methodist Episcopal church. She continues to reside on the valuable home farm of 108 acres, which is her property.

[HI49502] (Research):1880 Census is Rachel A Clark, age 47, b NC

[HI49503] (Research):Poss Ellen Wooley who married Isaac jenkins 9/13/1869 in Urbana, but Isa ac is in the 1870 census, age 21 as single.
Pos Mary E Wooley who married William H Dupler 9/4/1862 Champaign Co, by L H Long, MG

[XI49503] W/O W H Age 31

[HI49504] (Research):Also in Sturm Cemetery, Green Twp is Anna M Dormire, wife of David died 3 /3/1870 20y 9d Old pioneer Cemetery death date is 3/17/1872 22-0-9 The date of 1870 is more likely as he married again in 1871 and had a chi ld in 1871 by new wife

[HI49505] (Research):Court of Common Pleas Champaign Co, OH Record Book 8 pg 142 Heard June term 1823 Roberts Stephens Jr Robert Stephens Sr, father of Robert Stephens Jr, died intestate owni ng 50 acres of land in Military Survey numbers 6966 (Wayne Twp) and 702 4. Robert Stephens left a widow, Rebecca, and four heirs. (Robert was t he only one named). The case was dismissed and Robert paid the costs of $1 .36 1/2. Within the same suit Rebecca asked for a partition for the dowe r. The survey was nade on 12 April 1823 and 12 acres and 2 rods was set as ide for the dower portion. The costs, $5.27 was paid by the heirs.

[DI49513] name: �tab�Abner C. Huff
gender: �tab�Male
burial date: �tab�27 May 1924
burial place: �tab�..., Ohio
death date: �tab�25 May 1924
death place: �tab�Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio
age: �tab�
birth date: �tab�29 Mar 1842
birthplace: �tab�Ohio
occupation: �tab�Retired
race: �tab�White
marital status: �tab�Widowed
spouse's name: �tab�
father's name: �tab�Geo. Huff
father's birthplace: �tab�Ohio
mother's name: �tab�
mother's birthplace: �tab�
indexing project (batch) number: �tab�B01547-5
system origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
source film number: �tab�1535663
reference number: �tab�
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths and Burials, 1854-1997," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 Nov 2012), Abner C. Huff, 25 May 1924

[NI49515] 11/10/1898 Albert Hupp married Miss Alma Irwin at Kansas City, a dau of L E Irwin

[HI49518] (Research):Name: Susana Ralston
Death date: 14 Sep 1916
Death place: Brown, Miami, Ohio
Birth date: 07 Nov 1833
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Ohio
Age at death: 82 years 10 months 7 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Burial date: 16 Sep 1916
Burial place: Fletcher, O.
Cemetery name:
Spouse name:
Father name: Thomas Shidler
Father titles:
Father birth place: Pennsylvania
Mother name: Mary Penn
Mother titles:
Mother birth place:
GSU film number: 1983755
Digital GS number: 4021528
Image number: 3123
Reference number: fn 57616
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI49519] (Research):The 1870 census, she is living with a John Carmony age 47, but it cann ot be her son, as John Carmony was deceased in 1855 per guradinaship recor ds. There must be another John Carmony....?

CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 Rebecca Carmony .05

[DI49519] Obit:St. Paris Examiner 18-Mar-1880
Died 29-Feb-1880 aged 75y 9m 20d obit has her maiden name as Shepherd. Born in Mason County Ky 10-May-1804. Her parents died when she was 4. States her marriage to Joseph Carmony was in the year 1821. Burial in Fletcher Cemetery

[NI49521] Family researcher and family information from Chuck Carey careycw@roadrunn

"Born near Defiance, in Paulding Co., Ohio" -- WEC. Since Benjamin Car ey was listed as living in Auglaize Twp, which is next to Defiance Count y, that may explain David's birth "near Defiance", but in Paul ding County. Defiance County wasn't formed until 1845, when it was
c rved out of Paulding, Williams and Henry counties.

See word processor files for details of David Carey's Civil War servic e. In 1867, he came to Champaign County, where he lived until shortly before his death, which occurred at the National Soldiers' Home in Dayton. He was a tanner.

Came to Champaign county during, or right after, the Civil War. They were in Miami county for 50-60 years before that, with a detour to Paulding county in the 1830s. The only ones who moved to Champaign county we re my great-grandpa, David Clark Carey (1838-1921), his wife Sarah Jane (P erry) Carey (1841-1914), and their kids. Some of Sally's siblings preceded or followed her to Champaign, but none of Dave's. [email protected] et Chuck Carey

[DI49521] Undated obit from an unnamed newspaper DAVID CAREY DIES AT THE NATIONAL SOLDIERS' HOME Victim of Facial Cancer For Years -- Funeral Monday Afternoon Word was received in Urbana Friday, by relatives, announcing the dea th of David C. Carey, at 1:30 o'clock that morning, at the National Soldie rs home in Dayton, Ohio, where he had been a patient in the hospital for t he past year and a half. For many years Mr. Carey had been afflicted wi th facial cancer which was the direct cause of his death, and he was a pat ient sufferer until death came as a merciful relief. He was in his 83rd ye ar at the time of his death, having been born in Defiance County, Ohi o, in the year 1838. At an early age he removed with his parents to Piqu a, Ohio, where he grew to manhood. Here he learned the trade of a tanne r. It was while living here also that he met and married Sarah J. Perry w ho for more than half a century was a faithful helpmate, her death occuri ng seven years ago. More than fifty years ago Mr. and Mrs. Carey came to C hampaign county, where the deceased has since resided. He responded to the call of his country during the days of the Civil wa r, being a member of Co. E., 147th Regiment, Ohio National Guards, and ser ving under Captain F. C. Johnston. He received an honorable discharge fr om the service at Camp Dennison, August 31, 1864. Mr. Carey was also we ll and favorably known in this section of the county, having been connect ed in an official way with the city and county in his younger days. Six ch ildren survive and are, Mrs. A. L. Walker, W. N. Carey and S. W. Car ey of Urbana, Mrs. F. O. Powell of Salem township, Rev. Charles J. Car ey of Zanesfield, Ohio, and Rev. George E. Carey, pastor of the Westvine [ ?] and Concord M. E. churches. He was a member of Grace M. E. church, th is city. Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock fr om the home of Mrs. Walker on South Main street, this city, and Re v. J. P. Simmonds, pastor of the Grace M. E. church, will officiate. The m embers of the G. A. R. will also have a part in the services and burial wi ll take place in Oak Dale cemetery. R. C. Gardner, Undertaker, has char ge of all funeral arrangements. Submitted by Chuck Carey.

[HI49522] (Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, by Pat Stickley and Denise Kay Moore, Champaign Co Ohio-Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888, (Urbana Daily Citizen 1/1884-12/1888). pg 163 Dec 17 1887 A surprise party at the res of John W Snyder on the 5th of December f or Mr Perry. He was 85 years young, born Venango Co, PA, Dec 5, 1802; md 4 th June 1844 Miss Mary Smith of Venango Co, Pa; she died 13th Dec 187 9. He came to Ohio 1844 and Champaign County 1862. He is the father of 8 c hildren, 5 sons and 3 daughters, all living except a dau Miss Anna who di ed 5 Mar 1887 in Los Angeles. His other children are S M in Los Angele s; D S in urbana; James and John in Iola, KS; William in Indianapolis; M rs David Carey and Mrs John W Snyder of Urbana.

At the time of her death, she lived at 201 Bloomfield Ave., in Urbana.

[BI49524] IGI WILLIAM CAREY Event(s): Birth: 19 JAN 1873 , Champaign, Ohio Parents:
Mother: SARAH J. PERRY (Conflicts with sibling birth day)

[DI49524] Death was found in a tree as Santa Monica, CA, but a search of the CADI prior to 1940 was not located as dying in CA

[HI49525] (Research):This beloved brother and member of the Ohio Annual Conference fell asle ep in Jesus November 28, 1945. He was born near Urbana, Ohio, September 1 2, 1870, the son of David Clark and Sarah Jane Carey. Previous to his unit ing with the Conference in 1918, he was for some years active as a local p reacher, holding revivals in schoolhouses and halls, winning many to Chris t. During the few years of his effective relationship in the Conferen ce he served pastorates at Troy Circuit,(4) New Carlisle, Westville and Co ncord, Bradford, Tremont City, and McComb. On account of impaired heal th he took the retired relation in 1929,(5) and moved to Los Angeles, Cali fornia, where he died.

In California his health improved sufficiently for him to carry on such wo rk as teaching in the Sunday school, and in pastoral visiting. A few yea rs after going to California he was added to the staff of First Church, L os Angeles, as "Pastor of Visitation." Failing health compelled him to res ign this position some months before his death. During the later mont hs of his life he suffered much, but his faith did not waver. As a pastor- visitor he entered multitudes of homes, and his ministry was blessed of Go d. He brought comfort to thousands of bereaved and sorrowing people, and c onducted as many as eighty funerals in a single year.

He was married to Melissa Waldron in October, 1894, and to them were giv en three children, Warren, Ruth, and George who, with their mother,(6) res ide in Los Angeles.

Funeral services, with Dr. Don H. Tippett pastor of First Church in charg e, were held in the church December 2 -- the largest funeral ever he ld in First Church -- and interment was made the next morning in Forest La wn Memorial Park.

"Servant of God, well done! Thy glorious warfare's past; The battle's fought, the race is won, And thou art crowned at last." D. F. HELMS

4 The "Troy circuit" may have included Raper chapel, which is on the ed ge of the present town of Troy. A list of burials at Raper chapel is avail able on the world wide web. 5 This date doesn't agree with the likely date of George's arrival in Sout hern California, from the note on the picture above. 6 This piece of misinformation also indicates a lack of familiarity on t he part of the author with his subject, who by this time had been away fr om Ohio for a quarter-century. On 12 Jan 1937, George married Anna Elvi na (Purdue) Plunkett, who died on 5 Sep 1946.

The Rev. George Edward Carey was a minister in the Methodist Church. In t he early days of the 20th Century, he served a number of small congregatio ns in rural Ohio. In true Methodist "circuit rider" tradition, he drove fr om Urbana in horse and buggy each Sunday to preach at churches in such ti ny hamlets as Lena, Conover and Fletcher. To make ends meet, he and his br other, the Rev. Charles J. Carey, who was a minister in the Evangelical Fr iends denomination, painted houses and barns during the week.

From about 1914 to about 1920, George was the pastor at Raper1 Chapel, ne ar Troy, a rural Methodist church which had been attended (and possibly fo unded) by his Carey and Winans ancestors in the early 19th Century. He bec ame interested in learning more about these ancestors and corresponded wi th Maj. Ira Winans, who was trying to compile a history of John Winans' de scendants in North America. George's research was expanded upon by his so n, Col. Warren E. Carey, and is the basis of much of what you see on the se pages.

On 2 June 1921, Rev. George Carey presided at the wedding of the paren ts of my 5th cousin, Don DeWeese, in Ohio. We don't know if he was still s erving as the pastor of an Ohio church at the time. That fall, George's yo unger brother, Sam, moved his family to Santa Monica, CA. Soon afterward s, George moved his family, which included his wife, Melissa Waldron, a nd their grown children Warren, Ruth, and George, to Los Angeles.

Of George's three children, Warren and George each married, but had no chi ldren. Ruth never married. I was given Warren's name as my middle nam e. He was my inspiration for taking up genealogical research. by Chuck Car ey [email protected]

George E Carey
Age: 39 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0020
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0250
County: Champaign, Urbana City
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Melissa 38 Ohio NR Warren E 14 Ohio NR Ruth M 12 Ohio NR George P 10 Ohio

George was baptized in the Methodist Church in Urbana 6/23/1910

[HI49526] (Research):I was named for Rev. Charles Carey. When I was a boy he sent me a doll ar each year for Christmas.Worked as a house painter as a young man whi le also serving as a past or of Friends churches. Was in Urbana until 191 8, then Zanesfield until 1920, then Bellefontaine until about 1922, th en on to Mt. Pleasant until 1931.He founded the Springfield, Ohio, Frien ds (Quaker) Church in 1929 and was its pastor until 1935, then moved to Yp silanti, Mich., where he lived the rest of his life. by Chuck Carey [email protected]

[NI49527] Middleton's History of Champaign Co OH 1917 pg388
Samuel W. Carey, one of Urbana's progressive and enterprising florists
of Urbana, is a native son of this county and has lived here all his life. He
was born on July 14, 1879, son of David and Sarah J. (Perry) Carey, the
former of whom was born in this state and the latter in Pennsylvania and
the former of whom is still living at Urbana at a ripe old age.
David Carey was born in Defiance, this state, but when he was a child
his parents moved to Piqua, where he received his schooling and where he
grew to manhood. While living in Miami county he married Sarah J.
Perry, who was born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, and who was but
four years of age when she came to this state with her parents, the family
first locating at Gallipolis and later mioving to Piqua, where she was living
at the time of her marriage. Shortly after his marriage David Carey came to
Champaign county and became engaged in farming at Lippincott Station,
later moving down in the Dugan Valley section,. where for thirty years he
was engaged in farming. He then moved to Urbana, where he is still living.
one of the oldest and best-known residents of that city. During his residence
on the farm Mr. Carey was quite extensively engaged in the raising
of broom corn and after moving to Urbana became connected with the
Urbana Broom Company and was thus connected until his retirement from
business some years ago. To him and his wife seven children were born,
of whom six are still living, those besides the subject of this sketch being
�i�William N., George E., Charles J., Mary and Hattie.
S. W. Carey received his schooling in the schools of Urbana and at
the age of fourteen years began working in the greenhouse of the Reeser
Floral Company, with which he was connected for about eight years, during
which time he thoroughly familiarized himself with the details of the florist
business and at the end of which time he started a greenhouse of his own
and as since continued in that business, gradually bllilding up his plant to its present extensive proportions, and has long been recognized as one of the
leading florists in this part of the state. Upon starting in business for himself
Mr. Carey erected two greenhouses, seventy feet in length, carrying
about two thousand square feet of glass; and this has been enlarged as the
growing demands of his trade warranted until he now has seven greenhouses,
one hundred and forty feet in length, carrying about fifteen thousand square feet of glass. His extensive plant is well equipped and up-to-date and his Foral products cover a wide variety, suitable to all demands requisite to the needs of this section. Mr. Carey is a Democrat and gives a good citizen's attention to local political affairs, but has not been a seeker. after Public office. . ..
In 1906 S. W. Carey was united in marriage to Catherine A. Plank,
daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Plank, and to this union four children
have been born, Howard, Claude, Sarah E. and Goldie. :Mr. and Mrs. Carey
are members of the Lutheran church and take a proper interest in church
work, as well as in the general social activities of their home town. Mr.
Carey is a Royal Arch Mason, a member of the blue lodge, the chapter and
the council at Urbana, and takes a warm interest in Masonic affairs. In the
conduct of his business he is energetic and enterprising and is accounted one
of the public-spirited business men of Urbana.


[DI49528] Name: General G. Pence
Death date: 25 Aug 1915
Death place: Sidney, Shelby, Ohio
Birth date: 05 Jan 1868
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Ohio
Age at death: 47 years 7 months 20 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: Wilkinson #4
Occupation: Laborer
Residence: Sidney, Shelby, Ohio
Burial date: 27 Aug 1915
Burial place: Ohio
Cemetery name: Graceland
Spouse name:
Father name: James Pence
Father titles:
Father birth place: Ohio
Mother name: Amanda Robinson
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Ohio
GSU film number: 1983429
Digital GS number: 4021370
Image number: 3165
Reference number: fn 46137
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI49531] (Research):There is a bio of an Ebenezer Cheny in Union Co, OHio who may be an ancest or of Abner, since he named a son Ebenezer. The Ebenzer originally settl ed in Champaign Co, OH from Union County but was born in Harrison Co, VA

[HI49539] (Research):1860 Census is Lucinda E Holycroos age 13 and Martha J HolyCross age 10 (C hildren of Elbert Holycross)

[DI49539] Name: �tab�David Mccullough
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�24 May 1903
Death Place: �tab�Xenia, Greene, Ohio
Age: �tab�79
Birth Date: �tab�1824
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Occupation: �tab�Wagon Maker
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07059-8
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�534104
Reference Number: �tab�v 3 p 139

[HI49540] (Research):PG 154WILLIAM HOLYCROSS PROBATED 16 MAR 1874 NORTH LEWISBURG The real est of 100 acres in Union Co and house in N Lewisburg to wife Nan cy Holycross; John Huffman [son~in~law] $30; ch Serepta Kline, Isaiah Nels on Holycross, Elizabeth Vail, Mary Huffman and David Holycross~ Wright Spa in executor Witness:A N Beall Salmon Cowleswill signed [x] 4 Mar 1874

[HI49542] (Research):Father: Benjamin CUNDIFF b: ABT 1770 in , Northumberland, Virginia, USA
Mother: Alexandra (Alcey) F. MC TYRE b: ABT 1774 in , Lancaster, Virginia, USA
Married: 13 Oct 1795 in , Lancaster, Virginia, US
BIOGRAPHY: Moved to Hampshire Cty, Va about 1797.
will: Will was written 6 apr 1819 in which he left his estate to Alcey (Alley) and his children. The will was probated 16 dec 1822, in Hampshire Cty, Va. The land owned by Benjamin was sold 3 Oct 1829 by Alcey and the deed listed all the children along with some of their spouses.
Frances Lee CUNDIFF b: ABT 1796 in , , Virginia, USA
Nancy Cheney CUNDIFF b: ABT 1797 in , , Virginia, USA
Robert McTyre CUNDIFF b: ABT 1800 in , , Virginia, USA
Sarah Bushrod Lee CUNDIFF b: ABT 1802 in , , Virginia, USA
Isaac Henry CUNDIFF b: ABT 1802 in , Lancaster, Virginia, USA
?Oliver Thornton CUNDIFF? born 1804? unproven
Emelia Bushrod CUNDIFF b: ABT 1806 in , , Virginia, USA
Thornton Fleming CUNDIFF b: ABT 1810 in , , Virginia, USA
Elizabeth CUNDIFF b: ABT 1810 in , Rockbridge, Virginia, USA
Benjamin Langton CUNDIFF b: 29 Oct 1811 in , , Virginia, USA
Wesley CUNDIFF b: ABT 1815 in , , Virginia, USA
Alcinda Elizabeth CUNDIFF b: 15 Oct 1816 in , , Virginia, USA
William Seaton CUNDIFF b: ABT 1818 in , Hampshire, Virginia, USA

[NI49550] Hazel (per marriage record) is son of Harry Swisher, unknown

[HI49550] (Research):Hazel is found married to Preston Scott in the 1930 Census of Salem Twp. Norman is listed as step son

[HI49551] (Research):Claspy, Debora Lived in: Concord Township, Champaign County, Ohio 1900 Series: T623 Microfilm: 1245 Book: 1 Page: 17 Deborah Claspy, head, 11/1850, widow, 1/1 OH VA OH 2 boarders

[HI49557] (Research):Name: Joseph Niswonger Birthplace: Ohio State: OH 1910 Ag e: 42 Color: W Enumeration District: 0001 Visit: 0131 County: Cha mpaign Relation: Head of Household Wife Ella 39 Ohio Son Clifford 08 Ohio Son Ray 06 Ohio Son Robert 02 Ohio

[XI49557] (Middle Initial R)

[DI49558] Name: �tab�Julia Ann Niswonger
Death Date: �tab�16 Jun 1928
Death Place: �tab�Green, Shelby, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�02 Oct 1886
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�41 years 8 months 14 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Race or Color: �tab�American
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housework
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�19 Jun 1928
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Cedar Point
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�William Niswonger
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Ruth Wright
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1991301
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022204
Image Number: �tab�1740
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 39814

[DI49559] Name: �tab�Ruth Houshuecht
Death Date: �tab�28 Aug 1937
Death Place: �tab�Miami, Logan, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�22 Aug 1856
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�, Shelby, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�81 years 6 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�RFD 4
Occupation: �tab�Housekeeper
Residence: �tab�Quincy, Logan, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�30 Aug 1937
Burial Place: �tab�, Logan, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�Cedar Point Parks
Spouse's Name: �tab�Nicholas Houshuecht
Father's Name: �tab�Wm. Wright
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Germany
Mother's Name: �tab�Lycindia Baldwin
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�, Shelby, Ohio
Film Number: �tab�2023534
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4019325
Image Number: �tab�861
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 51699

[HI49563] (Research):HELEN LOUISE (POLLOCK) STAPLETON 82, of Springfield died Sunday, May 25, 2 003 in Community Hospital following a lengthy illness. She was born on Dec ember 1, 1920 in Mount Sterling, Ohio the daughter of Charles and Elva (Pe nwell) Pollock. She is survived by a niece, Vicki North of Springfiel d; a great niece, Mellisa and two great nephews, Kenney and Shawn. She w as preceded in death by her parents; her husband Russell S. Stapleton; o ne sister, Pauline Leffel, and one brother, Edward Pollock. Helen was a me mber of the First United Church of the Brethren. She had been employ ed as an editorial writer at Wright-Patterson A.F.B. and later in advertis ing media for several Springfield stores. At Helen�s request, there wi ll be no services. Memorial contributions may be made to the German Townsh ip Fire and E.M.S., 3940 Lawrenceville Drive, Springfield, Ohio, 45504. T he family is being served by the LITTLETON & RUE FUNERAL HOME, SPRINGFIEL D. You may express condolences to the family at

First Published in SPR Classifieds on May 27 2003

[HI49564] (Research): I listFranks wife as Essie Florence SNEVA. No wedding date. Could Ess ie have been his SECOND wife ??? I have an aunt who corresponded with Ess ie till shortly before Essie's death at age 105 in 1992. Here's an exce pt from Essie's obituary in the 4/2/1992 Urbana Daily Citizen, which al so contained information on burial and survivors:

"She had worked for the old Champaign Nursing Home for 14 years. She w as a member of Kingscreek United Methodist Church, where she was involv ed with the Women's Society and the Sisterhood Class, and the Urbana Seni or Citizens."

Somewhere I have the whole clipping, which somebody photocopied for m e. It might take a day or two to find it, given the efficiency of my pap er filing system. ;~)

I also have a note that an obituary for "Essie Florence Powell" appear ed in the Springfield, OH,newspaper on 4/3/1992. Chuck Carey [email protected]

1920 Champaign Co, Salem, OH ED16 C Corey Powell, head, rent, 40, m24 OH OH OH Farmer Essie F, wife, 43, m31 Florence E, dau 8 OH Isodore Sceva, mother-in-law. 76, widow OH OH VA

ancestry shows date of birth 1/19/1886

[DI49564] Bellefontaine Examiner April 2, 1992
Essie Florence Powell, age 105, of Urbana, died at 2:10 a.m. today, April 2, 1992 in the Champaign County Nursing Home. She was the grandmother of Sheila Diane Hendershot of Bellefontaine and Nichols Dwain McGuire of West Liberty. Born Jan 19, 1887 in Champaign county, she was a daughter of George and Isdora Middleton Sceva. Mrs Powell was a past employee of the Old Champaign County Nursing Home of 14 years. She was a member of the Kingscreek United Methodist Church and the Sisterhood Class and Woman's Society of the church. She also belonged to the Urbana Senior Citizens. Other survivors include one daughter, Mrs Richard (Florence) McGuire of Urbana; another grandson, Carl Dwight McGuire of Urbana; 15 great grandchildren and nine great great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles C Powell in 1948; a grandson, David McGuire; two sisters; and two brothers. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. monday in the Kingscreek United Methodist Church, with the Rev Romeo Velasco. Burial will be in Kingscreek Cemetery. Friends may call at the Skillman-McDonald Funeral Home, Mechanicsburg, on Sunday 3-5 and 7-9. Memorial contributions may be made to her church.

[HI49565] (Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1884-1900 submitted by Pat Stickley in CCGS Newsletter June 1996 pg 31 Melissa Waldron-Carey Class of 1889

Melissa, daughter of James H. and Sophia Waldron, was born in Mad River To wnship, Champaign County, Ohio, on September 19, 1871, and parted this li fe at her home at 2344 West 31st Street, Los Angeles, on November 15, 193 0. She was the eldest of a family of seven children, five brothers and o ne sister - all survive her, who with aged mother reside in the Middle Wes t, while her father preceded her in death in the year 1919.

Early in her life the family moved to the county seat, Urbana, where she a ttended the public and high schools, and was graduated from the latt er in the class of '89. After following the vocation of instructress in t he schools over a period of four years, she followed her natural inclinati ons and was united in marriage to her sweetheart from childhood, George Ed ward Carey, on October 3, 1894, the ceremony being solemnized by the la te Rev. Samuel W. Carey, uncle of the groom.

To this happy union were born three children, Warren Earl, Ruth Mildred, a nd George Paul, all of whom survive to mourn the irreplaceable loss sustai ned through the passing of a loving and solicitous wife and mother.

In early childhood she offered herself and her all to Christ her Mast er on confession of faith, and allying herself with the First Methodist Ep iscopal Church of Urbana, has ever continued a willing and faithful serva nt in his vineyard never, however, forgetting her position in the ho me as a guide and loving counselor to those who placed their trust and con fidence in her worthy care. Being ever deeply interested in the many activ ities of the church, served admirably to fit her for the position of an ea rnest and efficient co-laborer for God beside her husband, upon his ent ry into the work of the Christian ministry following their marriage, in t he old Cincinnati (now the Ohio) Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Chu rch. This ardent desire to be of constant service and spiritual comfo rt to her fellow men manifested itself up to the hour of her departure in to the bigger, fuller life, affording help and comfort to the remaining lo ved ones.

"Sometimes long after the sun is gone, As we watch at the close of day, The sky is bright, with a lingering light, 'Midst the evening shadows gray.

"Long after a beautiful life is gone To that fairer land on high, Our lives are bright with a lingering light-- For a true life cannot die." --Written by her son, Geo. Carey, Jr.

After George Carey's move to California, he served at Los Angeles' First M ethodist Church. He baptised me and my brothers and officiated at the fune rals of several Carey and Perry family members. The following obituary, al so from Ohio sources,(1) appeared after his death. Submitted by Chuck Car ey [email protected]

3 I'm grateful to the Ohio Wesleyan University library, where the archiv es of the United Methodist Church and its predecessor denominations in Oh io are maintained, for providing these obituaries.

Melissa's obituary, which appeared in an Urbana newspaper after her dea th in 1930, provides some details of George's career:

Mrs. George Carey, wife of Rev. George Carey, died at 11 p.m. Saturd ay at her home, 2344 West 31st Street, Los Angeles, after a long illnes s. She was formerly Miss Melissa Waldron, and besides her husband is survi ved by three children, Warren, Ruth and George, Jr., all of Los Angeles; h er mother, Mrs. J. H. Waldron, Springfield, a sister, Mrs. James O. Cox, V alparaiso, Ind.; five brothers, Fred R., Terre Haute, Ind.; Grover C., Col umbus, and James H., H. A., and Wilbur W., all of Springfield, and a siste r-in-law, Mrs. Hattie Walker, East Church street, Urbana.

Rev. Carey was formerly of the West Ohio conference, Springfield distric t, and previously had churches in Tremont City, New Moorefield, Westvill e, Terre Haute, and Concord, being transferred west to aid his health.

Funeral services for Mrs. Carey were held Tuesday at 10 a.m. from the ho me in Los Angeles, with interment in Forest Home [sic] cemetery, Glendal e, Calif.

[HI49566] (Research):Name: Warren E. Carey Serial Number: 973077 Race: W Residence: 210 Monroe St., Troy, O. Enlistment Division: Enlisted Reserve Corps Enlistment Location: Cincinnati, O. Enlistment Date: 12 Jan 1918 Birth Place: Urbana, O. Birth Date / Age: 21 11/12 Years Assigns Comment: Detachment AS Signal Enlisted Reserve Corps Chicago I ll to 10 May 1918; School of Military Aeronautics OSU Columbus O to 24 A ug 1918; Aviation Concentration Camp Cp Dick Tex to 29 Oct 1918; Detachme nt Flying Cadets Eberts Field Ark to Discharge Private, first class 12 J an 1918. Honorable discharge 26 Nov 1918. Volume #: 3

[NI49569] Son of Moses Perry and Sarah Russell

[DI49569] (Champaign County Ohio Newspaper Abstracts 1889-1894 Vol 4; Urbana Daily Citizen, Champaign Democart Weekly, Gazette Weekly' Citizen & Gazette Daily: Pat Stickley, Typed and Edited by Nelson T Smith @ July 2009 CCGS, P O Box 682, Urbana, OH 43078), pg25.
5/31/1889 John Perry was born Dec 5 1802 in Venango Co, Penn died 5/23/1889 ner Urbana, age 76; married 6/4/1834 to mary Ann Smith and had 9 ch (5 boys and 4 girls) one died in infancy, Anna died 3/5/1887 in CALIF; living are S M of Calif; James and William of Indianpolis; John L of Kansas; Mrs Snyder; Mrs Carey and D S Perry ner Urbana

This was John Perry's obituary:

John Perry was born December 5th, 1802, in Venango County, Pa., and died M ay 23, 1889, near Urbana, Ohio, aged 86 years, 6 months and 18 days. On t he 4th of June, 1834, he was united in marriage to Mary Ann Smith, who f or forty-six years worked faithfully by his side, and then, about nine yea rs ago, passed on before him to the better world. They had nine childre n, five of them boys and four of them girls. Seven are still living. One d ied in infancy, while Anna, well-known to many here present, died in Los A ngeles, California, March 5, 1887. Of those still living, one, S. M. Perr y, is in California; while James and William live in Indianapolis and Jo hn L. resides in Kansas. Mrs. Snyder and Mrs. Carey, as also D. S. Perr y, reside in or near Urbana.

Father Perry left the place of his nativity in 18471, the five oldest chil dren having been born in Pennsylvania. He and his family descended the All eghany and Ohio Rivers in a family boat constructed for the purpos e, to a point near Gallipolis, Gallia county, Ohio, where they resided f or three years. From there they removed to Piqua, Miami county, Ohio,2 a nd from there, in 1862, to Champaign county, where he has lived most of t he time since, except two years in Indiana and Kansas,3 while living wi th his children.

Father Perry was originally a member of the Seceder church, now the Unit ed Presbyterian, having been united with that religious body in early boyh ood, and was one of the strictest of the sect, and especially so in rega rd to Sabbath observance. His children still have a vivid recollecti on of the Shorter Catechism, and the invariably enforced rule with the old er children was to read from three to six chapters of the New Testament a nd to recite portions of the Catechism every Sabbath, while laughing alou d, whistling or any other amusement was not permitted.

During his residence in Indiana in 1867, there being at that point no Unit ed Presbyterian church, he united with the Methodist Episcopal church, a nd has ever since been a very enthusiastic member of that denominatio n. He greatly prized, appreciated and enjoyed the institutions of Methodis m, especially the class meeting, which he loved as few love it, and whi ch he never failed to attend as long as his health would permit. Brother P erry had a profound experimental knowledge of religion. He was quite famil iar with the Scriptures and with the best hymns of the church. His class m eeting experience added to his store of religious knowledge. He w as of an emotional temperament and it was a common thing for him to bre ak out in praises to God when some blessed truth of religion had been utte red. His favorite expression was "Glory to God", which he always spoke slo wly and with emphasis, indicative of the reality of the feeling correspond ing to the words. I saw him and conversed with him quite often, and his re ligious fervor was like an unfailing stream, for it had its source in t he fountain of eternal life.

The one thing that impressed me most in Father Perry was the blessedness a nd comfort which genuine religion gives to its possessor in age and feeble ness extreme. Although he had every care and attention which could be best owed upon him by loving hands, and was constantly surrounded by loving hea rts, yet Christ was his portion, and in Him he found his chief joy in h is declining years. He loved society, but it was the society of the godl y; and when with them he seldom talked except upon the subject of religio n, the one subject of all absorbing interest to him. -- C. W. Rishell.

John and Mary Ann are buried together at Oakdale cemetery in Urbana, alo ng with their daughter Sally, her husband David Carey, and several of the ir descendants.

FromChuck Carey

[HI49570] (Research):See photo The picture above is the only one I've ever seen of Mary Ann (Smith) Perr y. It hung in my parents' living room for awhile, along with a photo of h er husband, John Perry. Perhaps they took it down because they were afra id it frightened us kids. I didn't know quite who the lady was at the tim e, but several relatives have identified her as my great-great-grandmothe r, who was born 25 Jul 1810 in Pennsylvania and died 15 Dec 1880 in Urban a, Ohio. She was obviously near the end of her life and in need of a wig a nd a good set of dentures. On the back of the photo is the imprint of DeVo e's "Artistic Photography and Portraiture", at 18 Monument Square, in Urba na. The picture below is of Mary Ann's husband John and was se nt to us by Nancy Scott by (chuck Carey)

[DI49572] Name: �tab�Mary Elizabeth Snyder
Death Date: �tab�22 Mar 1930
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�23 Apr 1848
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Gallipolis, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�81 years 10 months 29 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�24 Mar 1930
Burial Place: �tab�Oak Dale
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�John W. Snyder
Father's Name: �tab�John Perry
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Pa
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Smith
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Pa
Film Number: �tab�1992086
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4019788

[DI49573] Name: �tab�John W. Snyder
Death Date: �tab�17 Jan 1917
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�27 May 1838
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�New York
Death Age: �tab�78 years 7 months 20 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�329 E Court St., 3 ward
Occupation: �tab�Retired Farmer
Residence: �tab�Ubana, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�19 Jan 1917
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Oak Dale
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Jacob Snyder
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�New York
Mother's Name: �tab�Catherine Cronkite
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�New York
Film Number: �tab�1983843
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021529
Image Number: �tab�711

[HI49574] (Research):Name given as "Albert L. Walker" in GEDCOM received from Margie Calki ns. The 1880 census lists an 18-yr-old Abraham L. WALKER living in Sale m tw p, Champaign county, OH, with his Irish-born parents, William an d Mary, and his four sisters.

[HI49575] (Research):7/5/1949 Ventura County CA
Mary E Sager age 69 to Wilbert M Wharton age 66
(also indexed as Mary HATFIELD.
The marriages are not listed prior to 1949, so we can assume she married a hatfield before 1949 and after 1925. I Still dont know why 1925 death not listed for Wm Carey.

Wilbert listed in death indexes as Wilbert Madison Wharton born 10/2/1879 VA died 10/20/1958 San Diego

Then another marriage and I am SURE this still her:
2/29/1951 San Luis Obispo Co (little north of Ventura in wine country)
Mary E Sager, 66 to Herbert W Hicks, 64
This marriage also listed as Mary E Hatfield to Herbert Hicks.

(Should have been Wharton, but who knows, a certain tangled web)

Also Mr Hicks in 1930 census of Santa barbara age 44 born Eng and mother Laura age 67. His death record is in Santa Barbara 10/21/1970, he born 8/4/1886 in England..

[BI49575] Name: �tab�Mary E. Sager
Gender: �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�03 Nov 1879
Birthplace: �tab�Leesburg, Union, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�Lawrence E. Sager
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Minnie C. Newlove
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C04056-8
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�573770
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 17


From Chuck Carey 11/2011
Don't ask me how somebody who is obviously the same person got listed with two different last names! I'm about 90% sure this is the woman who married Uncle Will. Did she go on to marry two other guys? Who knows? In my PAF file, I have the following notes for her:

[DI49577] Name: �tab�Daisie Vinie Carey
Death Date: �tab�03 Oct 1912
Death Place: �tab�Urbana Twp, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�20 Aug 1874
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�38 years 1 month 13 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�American
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Geo. B. Guthrie
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Harriet Victoria Turner
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�1953478
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4096402
Image Number: �tab�2690
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 52633

[HI49578] (Research):(Mrs. Alice Harbin, she had one daughter by her previous marriage, Mr s. M argaret M. Harbin Magnusson, who was living in Whittier, Calif., i n 1949. )

[DI49578] Name: �tab�Alice Carey
Death Date: �tab�18 Jun 1921
Death Place: �tab�Zanesville, Muskingum, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�01 Jun 1876
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Noble, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�45 years 5 months 18 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Wife
Residence: �tab�Zanesville, OH
Burial Date: �tab�21 Jun 1921
Burial Place: �tab�Oh
Cemetery Name: �tab�Green...D
Spouse's Name: �tab�C. A. Carey
Father's Name: �tab�George Johnson
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Noble Co, Oh
Mother's Name: �tab�May A. Hamilton
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Noble Co, Oh
Film Number: �tab�1991686
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022225
Image Number: �tab�2938
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 34961

[HI49583] (Research):On 23 May 1827 when Hannah was 21, she married Andrew Aker, son of John Ak er & Susanna Dressler, in Champaign Co., OH. Born on 15 Nov 1802 in Wyt he Co., VA. Andrew died in Winchester, IN, on 27 Dec 1887; he was 85.

They had the following children: 43i.Thomas Jefferson (Died as Child) (1829-1832) 44ii.James Madison (Died as Child) (1831-?1833) 45iii.Mary Ann (Died as Infant) (1837-1837) 46iv.Henry Martin (1839-?1854) 47v.Eliza[beth] Ellen (1842-1910) 48vi.Sarah Jane (1844-1918) md Martin Boots Miller, Col; dau Maragret E llen md Lewis Ellingham, son Martin Miller Ellingham, son Charles Lewis El lingham 49vii.Margaret Ann (1848-1907)

Ancestors of Lewis Ellingham [email protected]

[HI49589] (Research):S/o Henry and Susan Long

[HI49602] (Research):In the book I mentioned earlier to you, "Denman - Frisinger and Allied Fam ilies" [1987], your family (Abraham & Margaret [Stickles] Denman, is fou nd on page 42. He is the 2nd of 5 [1st marriage] & 13 [total] childr en of Nathaniel Denman, born 20 Aug 1780, Essex Co., NJ, and his 1st wif e, Susannah Gray, married 24 Jun 1801. Abraham was born 4 Mar 1804, marri ed 30 Dec 1825 to Margaret Stickles. They had 7 children, the 2nd being Hi ram, who would fit your 'H. B.' Of Nathaniel Denman, the entry says, '[hi s] Will was written 12 May 1819 and probated 8 Apr 1836, Hamilton Co., O H, he having been a resident of Sycamore township. He was one of 25 origin al members of Mt. Carmel Baptist church which was constituted 20 July 1822.

In turn, Nathaniel was the 5th son of one Joseph Denman, b. 1723, d. 178 2, Essex Co., NJ. Joseph married twice, and and the name of his 2nd wi fe is known, luckily the mother of Natianiel. His mother's name was Mary T hompson and she married Joseph Denman, 6 Sep 1767, Elizabethtown, Union Co ., NJ. Joseph was the son of John Denman, b. 1700, Westfield, Essex Co., N J, d. 15 Mar 1775. He married [1st] 1721/22 in Westfield to Mary Eliz. Wi lliams 'of Welsh descent' b. 1700, d. 27 Mar 1762. She was the mother of Joseph. This goes on back through three more John Denman 's to the first known, b. 1591 in Retford, Co. Sussex [UK]. There is a lo ng discussion of various Denman possibilities into the Middle Ages, etc. T hey first immigranted to the Mass. Bay Colony, then to Long Island, th en to NJ.

Now, back to "my" James B. Denman s/o John & Rebecca. The same Joseph Denm an who was father of Nathaniel Denman, described above, had a son, Josep h, Jr, b. 30 Dec 1776 near Elizabethtown & Westfield, Essex Co., NJ, who m arried Phoebe Mills, b. 13 Feb 1783, d. 23 Mar 1864, d/o Samuel & Ruth ( �) Mills. This Joseph went to Miami Co., OH, who died there, 1 Aug 184 5. He had served in the War of 1812. For this couple a researcher is cit ed as naming 9 children, none of whom is John, but the researcher quotes a LDS birth entry [IGI] for a John Gilman Danman [note s pelling difference in surname] said to be a son of this Joseph Denman, J r, and his wife's name was Rebecca Polser, whom he married in 1836. The re is a gap in the birth order of Joseph, Jr's children that would accommo date an 1816 birth. However, of the dozen named children of this John Gilm an Danman and Rebecca Polser, none are named James B. (All this confirms w hat you produce below, the 1836 marriage.) And since it all focuses on Mia mi Co., OH, I feel this is probably the right family.

[DI49604] Name: �tab�Catharine Denman
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�04 Mar 1883
Death Place: �tab�Spring Creek, Miami, Ohio
Age: �tab�72
Birth Date: �tab�1811
Birthplace: �tab�Pa.
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07064-4
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�550190
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 73

[HI49606] (Research):MARRIAGE: Alabama Marriage Collection, 1800-1969 Name: Lucille A Barger Marriage Date: Dec 1961 County: Marengo State: Alabama Source information: Alabama Center for Health Statistics volume 63 certificate 31152

[HI49607] (Research):1880 Census Place:Jackson, Champaign, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 26 6B Feebe DAVISSelfFW57OHFa: VAMo: VA Eligh CASTLEOtherMMW40OHFa: OHMo: OH Margaret CASTLEOtherFMW26OHFa: VAMo: VA

[NI49608] Extracted from The Kite Family History, written by Mrs. Merle Kite Doriu s, 1717 Kearney Street, Petaluma, CA 94952 (published circa 1985-1987), s ent to this researcher by Mrs. Virginia Womacks. (I received the data bef ore the book was published so I don't know if the following is included w ithin the publication or not.) Sent by Denise May Mahan Moore/Lew Ellingham 6/1 4/2003

"Isaiah Helon Kite was a handsome, witty and adventuresome soul whose gre atest interest in life was hunting wild game and fishing. He, like the ma ny generations of Kites before him, loved adventure, exploring and a go od fight. Isaiah's personality was delightful and he had quite a way wi th the ladies. He was born on October 22, 1826 in Urbana, Champaign Count y, Ohio. He was married in Urbana on August 31, 1843 to Leanna Overhulz e, a dainty little woman, dearly loved by all who knew her. Her people ca me from Virginia. There marriage was blessed with a son, Asa, in June 184 4. A few of the Kites from Virginia and Ohio had begun already to sett le in Indiana and Iowa and some had established a lumber mill in Peru, In diana. It was here that Isaiah came to work, and while there, his daughte r, Irena was born (1849). Soon after he took his family on a trip to vis it his father, William Kite and mother, Sarah Frysinger in Urbana. Whi le visiting at his father's house, Isaiah left his family and informed th em that he would return at dinner time. He visited the homes of his broth ers, Joseph and Jason Kite and upon leaving them, disappeared, never to return to his family agai n. Of course, his disappearance greatly disturbed his family. They were l ater told several different stories regarding his fate. An old minister na med Lance told of passing him on the road, and because Isaiah seem ed to be ill, suggested that he go to a nearby house where care was provid ed (for) people who were ill with the plague. Lance claimed to have be en told that Isaiah died that night and was buried the next day. Anoth er version was given by a Mrs. Wyant who told Isaiah's mother and othe rs at a quilting bee that he had murdered a man and was serving time in ( a) penitentiary. His mother, a deeply religious woman, became seriously i ll upon hearing such distressing news. A few days later, a man visited t he family. He claimed to have been with Isaiah and to have witnessed his death at the hands of some In dians. By this time, the poor family was completely confused but final ly accepted the probability that Isaiah was dead. His wife, Leanna, and t he children moved into the father's house and the children were raised th ere. Leanna later married Isaiah's uncle, George Kite in whose home she lived until h is death. She then went to live with her granddaughter. The people the re were very kind to her and she remained with them until her death. Isai ah's son, Asa, was a Government employee in Washington, DC where he marri ed Sarah Rhoads. Sarah was a descendant of the Rhoads who were among the first set tlers of Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Isaiah's daughter, Irena, marri ed George Norman. She died while quite young, October 17, 1874, leavi ng a small family. Although Isaiah's eastern family had presumed him dea d, he, was actually very much alive and had moved to Utah. He was married to Elizab eth Hill, the daughter of Isaac Hill who was a Bishop's Councilar (t on ?) Nauvoo, Illinois and was later Bishop of the 2nd Ward in Salt La ke City, Utah. Eliza was born on July 14, 1830 and died August 20, 18 51 immediately after the birth of their first child. Isaiah married Eliza beth's sister, Lucinda Hill, who raised the baby. This marriage produc ed five children, William, Mossiah, Joseph, Franklin, James Edward and An nie. The family lived in Provo, Springfield, Salt Lake and Millville, Uta h. Isaiah's yearning for travel and adventure overcame him and he disappe ared again, leaving behind another family and loved ones. In the history of Butte, Montana, Isaiah Kite's name is mentioned as hav ing been one of the pioneers in the area. He and Mr. Jones, a brother of I saiah's sister-in-law owned and operated a mine. Jones was murdered one n ight while standing guard at the mine. This event apparently discourag ed Isaiah and he moved to Oregon. This began a period of drifting which l asted for about twenty years. At one time he wrote to Lucinda and request ed her and the children to take a stagecoach and join him. She refused h is offer and received no further correspondence from him. Several years late r, a man came to Lucinda's home to tell her that Isaiah had gone to Virgi nia to fight in the Civil War and died there. After this she was marri ed to a man named Gardner and bore three children by him. All three of th ese children were killed in a snow slide. Mr. Gardner died leaving Lucinda alone agai n. About twenty years after he had first left Lucinda and their famil y, he returned, an old man who was crippled with arthrites. He pleaded wi th her to take him in and care for him but she refused and shut him o ut of her life. Isaiah contacted each of his children and each in turn rejected him. The many me mories of years of hardship of themselves and their mother were too bitte r. They thought of the times they were forced to live in dugouts and wh en there was nothing to eat but potato peelings. His son, Franklin, final ly took pity on the old man and took him into his home. In his old days I saiah had developed a suspecious nature and had become superstitious abo ut many things. He became most difficult to understand. Franklin knew that his father wrote letters and received replies but they were careful ly locked in a strongbox and much mystery was attached to them. After Isa iah's death, the attached old letters were found and through corresponden ce it was discovered he had a family in Ohio. He had been writing to a ne phew who had promised to keep him informed regarding the Kites in Ohio and who also pr omised not to disclose any information about him. One day, Isaiah's broth er, Jason was talking to their youngest brother, Joseph E. Kite and let o ut the secret. Joseph could not believe Isaiah was still alive and wro te to him, asking many questions regarding the past which could prove his identity. The ans wers removed any doubt and they continued to correspond until Isaiah's de ath. These letters add much to the story. In that day, embalming was n ot commonly done and there were stories of people who had been buried ali ve. Because of this, Isaiah requested that after his death, his body be he ld as long as possible. This request (was) followed and by the time it w as decided to bury him his body was so decomposed it fell apart while bei ng transferred to the casket. The casket was put on a wagon and the sten ch was so bad that carbolic acid was repeatedly poured around the casket to keep the od or down. He was buried on a hot day and one of those present described h ow the body fluids seeped from the casket. This was a funeral long rememb ered by the Kite family, but at last Isaiah's last wish was carried out a nd there was no doubt that he was completely dead when buried."

[HI49611] (Research):1860 living with uncle Andrew Bodey, age 18, named Daniel Preston

[XI49611] This Daniel is buried in Bodey Cemetery. I took this photo last year. This cemetery was a mess. I worked an entire afternoon cleaning up the debris. Bodey Cemetery is now on Private property. This stone I dug up out of the ground which was under a heap of trash and metal. (Source Karen Heber)

[HI49616] (Research):PENCE IRA K County Name: AUGLAIZE Date of Death: 6/23/1921 Volume Number: 3597 Certificate Number: 31360

[HI49617] (Research):Court of Common Pleas 1890 from Champaign Democrat abstracted by Pat Stick ley CCGS Newsletter Fall 1989 5/22/1890 Isaac D Pence vs Henry Bodey & Others - partition

[HI49618] (Research):married Clinton (Clete) E. Yeager 18 Dec 1876 in Kosciusko County, India na (license only); listed as Clara E. Yager of Collamer, Whitley County, I ndiana, and granddaughter of Adam Brodey when her uncle, David Brodey, app lied for letters of administration for the estate of Adam Bodey on 19 D ec 1885 in Champaign County, Ohio; also listed as grandchildren were I ra A. and Isaac D., the former of Collamer and the latter somewhere in Mis souri (name of town undecipherable); Clinton and Clara Yeager were in Jack son Twp, Kosciusko County, Indiana, in 1880.

[XI49619] Anna appears on the tombtone in Spring Grove Cemetery with John Cookston and wife Elizabeth Jane Hoffman.

[HI49620] (Research):Teachers Term Report Johnson Twp Dist #6 Winter Term 9/20/1884-3/6//18 85 R M Pickering- Teacher (From CCGS Newsletter Summer 1992 pg 59) Charles Bair

SSDI #300-34-7871 (issued OH); b. 21 Jan 1878; d. Apr 1963; last residen ce �OH�; no last benefit indicated

Ohio Deaths, 1958-2002 Record Name: Charles Bair Age at Death: 85 Date of Death: 27 Apr 1963 City of Death: Urbana County of Death: Champaign Volume: 17247 Certificate: 27138 Date of Birth: Est. 1878 Gender: Male Marital Status: Widowed Race: White County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Mercy Memorial Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification

[DI49621] Name: John W. Huntoon
Death date: 30 Nov 1931
Death place: East Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio
Birth date: 23 Mar 1886
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Ohio
Age at death: 45 years 8 months 7 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 14897 Terrace Road
Occupation: Salesman
Burial date: 02 Dec 1931
Burial place: Konallwood
Cemetery name: Konallwood
Spouse name: Hazel Huntoon
Father name: Geo E. Huntoon
Father titles:
Father birth place:
Mother name: Mary Bodey
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Ohio
GSU film number: 1992478
Digital GS number: 4000608
Image number: 2402
Reference number: fn 69106
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[NI49622] from 2011 email Karen Heber
Born 12-Mar-1903
Death 29-Dec-1960 Borger, Hutchinson County, TX
Married Grace Iva Lou Gossard death 28-Nov-1961 Berger, Hutchinson County, TX
They had 11 children 5 sons and 6 daughters
Resources: obits from Amarillo Globe

[DI49622] Name: �tab�Richard Leroy Bodey
Death Date: �tab�29 Dec 1960
Death Place: �tab�Stinnett, Hutchison, Texas
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Death Age: �tab�57 years 9 months 17 days
Estimated Birth Date: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�12 Mar 1903
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Perry Orville Allen Bodey
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Minnie Etta Rider
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Retired Pumper, Petroleum
Place of Residence: �tab�Stinnett, Hutchison, Texas
Cemetery: �tab�Stinnett Cemetery
Burial Place: �tab�Stinnett, Texas
Burial Date: �tab�01 Jan 1961
Additional Relatives: �tab�X
Film Number: �tab�2116620
Digital Film Number: �tab�4166553
Image Number: �tab�2108
Reference Number: �tab�cn 76929

[NI49624] Samuel Sunderland (1819 - 1860)
Mary Sunderland (1822 - 1896)

[DI49624] Name: �tab�Mary Ellen Duncan
Death Date: �tab�07 Oct 1938
Death Place: �tab�Salem, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�14 Sep 1852
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Washington, Pa
Death Age: �tab�86 years 23 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�American
Street Address: �tab�R. D. #3
Occupation: �tab�At Home
Residence: �tab�Urbana, OH
Burial Date: �tab�10 Oct 1938
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Oak Dale
Spouse's Name: �tab�Alexander Duncan
Father's Name: �tab�Samuel Sunderland
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Washington, Pa
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Mccaughey
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Washington, Pa
Film Number: �tab�2023615
Digital Folder Number:

[NI49625] CCGS Newlsetter Dec 2008 Vol 24 No 4 Page 108-109
Alumni Directory for the Salem High School , Urbana, Ohio 1897-1947
1905- Helen Duncan (Carter)

Name: �tab�Stanley Carter
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�25 Jul 1925
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�35
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1890
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Calvin W. Carter
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mary M. Rader
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Helen Duncan
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�39
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1886
Spouse's Father: �tab�Alexander Duncan
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Mary E. Sunderlund
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�952
Film Number: �tab�545417
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016846
Image Number: �tab�290
Name: �tab�Stanley Carter
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�29 Sep 1948
Death Place: �tab�Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�17 Jan 1890
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Gallia Co., O
Death Age: �tab�58 years 8 months 12 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Helen Carter
Father's Name: �tab�Calvin C. Carter
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Margaret Rader
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2246494
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109114

[DI49625] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Helen Carter
Name: �tab�Helen Carter
Birth Date: �tab�1886
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Franklin
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�27 Jun 1974
Hospital of Death: �tab�Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: �tab�Worthington
County of Death: �tab�Franklin
Certificate: �tab�052151
Age at Death: �tab�88
Certifier: �tab�Physician
County of Injury: �tab�Franklin
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Census Tract: �tab�0691

[DI49626] Name: �tab�Isobel Jane Moore
Death Date: �tab�05 Aug 1922
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�26 Jul 1858
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1868
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�54 years 10 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�303 E. Court St., 3 ward
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�07 Aug 1922
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Oak Dale
Spouse's Name: �tab�Jas. H. Moore
Father's Name: �tab�James Duncan
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Scotland
Mother's Name: �tab�Isobel Stuart
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Scotland
Film Number: �tab�1992065
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022375
Image Number: �tab�1889

[HI49627] (Research):LUNG WILLIAM E County Name: MIAMI Date of Death: 4/5/1918 Volume Number: 2573 Certificate Number: 26810

[NI49630] Name: �tab�Justus W. Hovermann
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�03 Mar 1889
Event Place: �tab�Auglaize, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Cora O. Reed

[DI49630] Name: �tab�Cora O. Hoverman
Death Date: �tab�10 Sep 1941
Death Place: �tab�Salem, Auglaize, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�13 May 1870
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�71 years 3 months 27 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�RFD #1
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�St. Marys, O.
Burial Date: �tab�12 Sep 1941
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Kosauth Cem.
Spouse's Name: �tab�A. Justus Hoverman
Father's Name: �tab�Adam Reed
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Margauret Body
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�2023923

[DI49631] Name: �tab�Charles Reed
Death Date: �tab�07 Dec 1950
Death Place: �tab�Lima, Allen, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�23 Aug 1871
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champain, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�79 years
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Adam Reed
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2372788
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109350
Image Number: �tab�00525
Certificate Number: �tab�72373

[NI49632] Name: �tab�Harrison Reed
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�13 Oct 1898
Event Place: �tab�Allen, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Lulu Kolter Or Kohler (Margaret Louise
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�
Spouse's Birth Date: �tab�
Spouse's Birthplace: �tab�
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Spouse's Father: �tab�William Kolter
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Louise
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�Pg 38
Film Number: �tab�901417
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017069
Image Number: �tab�52

[DI49632] Name: �tab�Harrison Reed
Death Date: �tab�23 Jan 1921
Death Place: �tab�Salem Twp, Auglaize, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�04 Aug 1873
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�47 years 6 months 19 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�Spencerville
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Adam Reed
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Margaret Body
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1991394
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017669
Image Number: �tab�343
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 291

[NI49633] Name: �tab�G. H. Jacoby
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�24 Feb 1898
Event Place: �tab�Auglaize, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Ella Reed
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�

[DI49633] Name: �tab�Ella Jacoby
Death Date: �tab�06 Jan 1946
Death Place: �tab�St. Marys, Auglaize, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�09 Jul 1877
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign County Ohio
Death Age: �tab�68 years 5 months 27 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Henry Jacoby
Father's Name: �tab�Adam Reed
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Margaret Body

[DI49635] Name: �tab�Samual Reed
Death Date: �tab�28 Mar 1912
Death Place: �tab�Salem Twp., Auglaize Co., Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�14 Dec 1884
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�27 years 3 months 14 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Laborer
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�30 Mar 1912
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�St. Marys
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Adam C. Reed
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Margurete Bodey
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1953233
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021177
Image Number: �tab�1935
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 12810

[NI49637] Name: �tab�Miles Bardette Reed
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�08 Dec 1920
Event Place: �tab�Auglaize, Ohio
Age: �tab�26
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1894
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Adam C. Reed
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Margaret Bodey
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Addie Elizabeth Whetstone
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1902
Spouse's Father: �tab�A.R. Whetstone
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Dorey Craft
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�P 533 Cn 5831
Film Number: �tab�963061
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017422
Image Number: �tab�646

[DI49638] st Paris News Dispatch Sept 6, 1877 Died near St Paris, Aug 30, 1877, Minnie O and Maudie O, twin daus of Andr ew R and Lydia Bodey, aged 5 m 20 days

[DI49639] st Paris News Dispatch Sept 6, 1877 Died near St Paris, Aug 30, 1877, Minnie O and Maudie O, twin daus of Andr ew R and Lydia Bodey, aged 5 m 20 days

[NI49643] Name: �tab�Ferd. Rable
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�06 Nov 1902
Event Place: �tab�Auglaize, Ohio
Age: �tab�28
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1874
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Adolph Rable
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Katie Kuntzman
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Nancy Reed
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�26
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1876
Spouse's Father: �tab�John Reed
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Elisa Bode
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�v 8 p 502
Film Number: �tab�963059
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017420
Image Number: �tab�293

[NI49651] Groom's Name: �tab�Charles C. Lentz
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�, Putnam, Oh
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Anna C. Bodey
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1890
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�, Champaign, Oh
Bride's Age: �tab�20
Marriage Date: �tab�27 Mar 1910
Marriage Place: �tab�, Paulding, Oh
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�John W. Lentz
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Rachel M. Barnett
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�George W. Bodey
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Rosa E. Biddle
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single

[HI49654] (Research):Name: William W. Kite Serial Number: 1521250 Race: W Residence: Payne, O. Enlistment Division: National Guard Enlistment Location: Paulding, O. Enlistment Date: 10 Jun 1917 Birth Place: Payne, O. Birth Date / Age: 18 2/12 Years Assigns Comment: Headquarters Company 2 Infantry ONG to 1 Sept 1917; Ma chine Gun Company 2 Infantry ONG to 5 Oct 1917; 6 Co 2 Training Battali on Depot Brigade Cp Sheridan Ala to 26 Oct 1917; Co E 146 Infantry to Disc harge Bugler 4 Sept 1917; Private 4 Oct 1917; Bugler 24 May 1918. Meuse-Ar gonne; Defensive Sector. Wounded In Action slightly 30 Sept 1918. Americ an Expeditionary Forces 15 June 1918 to 31 March 1919. Honorable dischar ge 13 Apr 1919. Volume #: 9


William W. Kite, age 31, married at 17, b. OH, City Street Department, Liv ing in Ft. Wayne, Allen Co. IN Fern Kite, age 31, married at 17, b. OH parents b. OH Robert Kite, age 12

Sandi, I found something strange in the 1930 Census. If you look at the recor ds I sent you on William Kite, in the notes I have a reference to the 19 30 census and I found William, Fern, Robert but no Richard and I found th at strange because he should have been listed because he was only 10 yea rs old in 1930. Well three pages later in the census record it makes no te that the census taker omitted Richard Kite from that family and it giv es his age as 9 years old abd should belong with that household. I have ne ver come across a situation like that. Anyway that is why Richard Kite w as missing from the 1930 family census. Eureka!!!! Becky [email protected]

[NI49657] Death Cert DAB 8/27/1851, but born after 1860 census.
Tombstone seems to be the accurate date

[NI49659] Groom's Name �tab�Elias Wykoff Smith
Groom's Birth Date �tab�1871
Groom's Birthplace �tab�Logan Co., Ohio
Groom's Age �tab�30
Bride's Name �tab�Amanda Catharine Harvey
Bride's Birth Date �tab�1882
Bride's Birthplace �tab�Adams Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age �tab�19
Marriage Date �tab�07 Nov 1901
Marriage Place �tab�West Liberty, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name �tab�Joseph Smith
Groom's Mother's Name �tab�Martha Ruder
Bride's Father's Name �tab�Rollo J. Harvey
Bride's Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Jenkins
Groom's Race �tab�
Groom's Marital Status �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name �tab�
Bride's Race �tab�
Bride's Marital Status �tab�Single

[HI49660] (Research):HENDRICKS, Goldie Death date: 3/5/1917, Shelby County Volume # 2223, Certificate #21546

[NI49662] Md Charles Davis 1907 location not known

[HI49663] (Research):St Paris Era Dispatch Friday Oct 1, 1886
A List of the Dead
Who Have Passed Over Since Our Last Issue
Inez Maud, the two month old daughter of Charles Pence, was buried at Spring Grove on Wed, the 22nd.

[HI49664] (Research):Social Security Number: 532-46-2500 First Name: Merle Middle Name: Last Name: Terhune Suffix: Birthdate: 11/12/1887 Deathdate: 09/15/1974 Verify/Proof: V Last Residence: Seattle,WA, 98122

[HI49666] (Research):Appears in 1900 Census, but not 1910

possibly he who was buried 8 Aug 1947 in Champaign County.

[XI49670] No visible marker June 2010

[HI49674] (Research):Name: JOSEPH B LOVETT Gender: Male Date of Death: September 19, 1967 Volume: 19001 Certificate: 71649 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: , Shelby County Race: White Residence: , Shelby County Age: 86

[HI49675] (Research):living 11/2006 Florida

[HI49676] (Research):living 11/2006

[HI49679] (Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1914 Clifford Stephenson

Name: Cliffor H Stephenson Age at Death: 83 Date of Death: 19 Jan 1980 City of Death: Port Clinton County of Death: Ottawa Volume: 23929 Certificate: 004829 Date of Birth: Est. 1897 State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Gender: Male Marital Status: Widowed Race: White Social Security Number: 290-30-8525 City of Residence: Port Clinton County of Residence: Ottawa State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Magruder Memorial Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification

[DI49681] Name: Christina E. Stephenson
Death date: 23 Apr 1944
Death place: Perry, Shelby, Ohio
Birthdate: 27 Feb 1861
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Upper Sandusky, Ohio
Age at death: 83 years 2 months 26 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: R. R.
Occupation: At Home
Residence: Pemberton, Shelby, Ohio
Burial date: 25 Apr 1944
Burial place: Pasco
Cemetery name:
Spouse's name: Marion W. Stephenson
Father's name: John Birkhold
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: N...T...Burg, Germany
Mother's name: Barbara
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: N...T...Burg, Germany
GSU film number: 2032357
Digital GS number: 4035648
Image number: 3043
Reference number: fn 27691
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI49682] (Research):Name: Max C. Stephenson SSN: 287-26-3685 Last Residence: 43452 Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio Born: 1 Jun 1926 Died: 13 Sep 2005 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )

Max C. Stephenson, 79, of Port Clinton died Tuesday at H. B. Magruder Hosp ital in Port Clinton. He was born in Port Clinton, the son of the late Cli fford H. and Icy (Clem) Stephenson. He married Helen K. Polley on Oc t. 9, 1948 and she survives. Mr. Stephenson was the owner and operat or of Clinton Radio and TV until 1954 and also Log Cabin Resort until 196 9. He then worked for Morgan?s TV & Appliance and Monroe Service as a Rad io and TV Technician. He was a United States Navy Veteran serving aboard t he USS Neunzer DE-150 during World War II. He was a member of Trinity Unit ed Methodist Church where he previously served as a trustee. He was a 57 y ear member of American Legion Post 113, member and past trustee of Hom er D. Gardner Post 2480 Veterans of Foreign Wars, Port Clinton Colonial Cl ub, past member of Port Clinton Rotary, past Exalted Ruler of Elks Lodge N o. 1718 Port Clinton, a past commodore of the Port Clinton Yacht Club a nd the past-president of the Port Clinton Chamber of Commerce in 1964. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, boating, golfing, playing cards and especial ly playing the piano. He collected and refurbished antique radios and he l oved computer technology including digital photography. He was a loving hu sband and father who enjoyed following the various activities of his grand children.Surviving are his wife, Helen; his two daughters, Janet (Dick) Rh ode of Port Clinton, and Linda (Jim) Valasek of Elmore; his only son, Bri an (Beth) of Bay View; grandchildren, Jared and Matthew Rhode, Eric and Mo lly Valasek, Blake, Alex and Joshua Stephenson; and a step-granddaughte r, Christina Elmes.Visitation: 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday at Neidecker, Le Veck & Crosser Funeral Home in Port Clinton.Funeral services: 11 a.m. Frid ay at the funeral home.Elks Lodge prayer services: 8:30 p.m. Thursday even ing at the funeral home. Burial: Riverview Cemetery with VFW Post 2480 a nd American Legion Post 113 conducting Military graveside services. Memori al contributions: Trinity United Methodist Church, Port Clinton Athletic B oosters, or the donor?s choice. On-line condolences: www.niedeckerleveckcr Newspaper Title: News-Herald Newspaper Location: Port Clinton, OH, Us Obituary Publication Date: 15 Sep 2005

[DI49683] Name: �tab�Charley F. Williams
Death Date: �tab�21 Feb 1934
Death Place: �tab�Wayne Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�11 Sep 1866
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�67 years 5 months 10 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�25 Feb 1934
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Wesley Chaple
Spouse's Name: �tab�Sarah E. Williams
Father's Name: �tab�Jesse Williams
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Rebecca Jane Rafferty
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Summerford, Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1992988
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4001892
Image Number: �tab�1765

[DI49684] Name: �tab�Sarah Elizabeth Williams
Death Date: �tab�17 Jul 1936
Death Place: �tab�Harrison, Pickaway, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�05 May 1867
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Galapolis, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�69 years 2 months 12 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�At Home
Residence: �tab�West Liberty, O.
Burial Date: �tab�19 Jul 1936
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Wesley Chapel
Spouse's Name: �tab�Charley F. Williams
Father's Name: �tab�Samuel Mcneal
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Virginia
Mother's Name: �tab�Mccoy
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Virginia
Film Number: �tab�2022687
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4036109
Image Number: �tab�1221
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 47484

[NI49685] Dau of Joseph Rider and mahala Rupert

Name: �tab�Harley E. Stentz
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�15 Aug 1899
Event Place: �tab�Van Wert, Ohio
Age: �tab�24
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1875
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Isaac Stentz
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mary Ann Fryer
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Letta M. Rider
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�24
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1875
Spouse's Father: �tab�Joseph Rider
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Mahala Rupert
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�1015863
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017437
Image Number: �tab�118She also married again 25-Dec-1925 in a double ring ceremony at the same time as her daughter Ethel
Resource: Newspaper Lima News, Lima Ohio Dec-27-1925 sent by Karen Heber

[DI49686] Name: Alice Ellen Clem
Death date: 19 Jul 1936
Death place: Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio
Birth date: 03 Jun 1910
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Ohio
Age at death: 26 years 1 month 16 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: R.F.D.
Occupation: Domestic
Residence: Lewistown, O.
Burial date: 22 Jul 1936
Burial place: Rosedale
Cemetery name:
Spouse name: Forest Clem
Father name: James Gillespie
Father titles:
Father birth place: Ohio
Mother name: Ida Edwards
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Ohio
GSU film number: 2022686
Digital GS number: 4041682
Image number: 2780
Reference number: fn 45948
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[DI49690] Name: �tab�Grover Clem
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�01 Mar 1935
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�26 Feb 1935
Death Place: �tab�Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Age: �tab�4
Birth Date: �tab�15 Apr 1930
Birthplace: �tab�Logan, Ohio
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Forest Clem
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Springhills, Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Alice Gillespie
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Madison Co., Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07388-5
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�2032806
Reference Number: �tab�1935 fn 857

[BI49694] Death cert give date 1873

[DI49694] Name: Irmah Hodge
Death date: 23 Apr 1943
Death place: Goshen, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date: 1873
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Union County, Ohio
Age at death: 69 years
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: R D #2
Occupation: Housewife
Residence: Mechanicsburg, O
Burial date: 26 Apr 1943
Burial place: Maple Grove
Cemetery name:
Spouse name: Willis
Father name: Jacob Van Ness
Father titles:
Father birth place: Ohio
Mother name: Mary Brown
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Madison Co, Ohio
GSU film number: 2024129
Digital GS number: 4122065
Image number: 1494
Reference number: fn 21869
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[NI49695] Mother Minnie also married again 25-Dec-1925 in a double ring ceremony at the same time as her daughter Ethel
Resource: Newspaper Lima News, Lima Ohio Dec-27-1925 sent by Karen Heber

[XI49696] Marker hard to read. looks like it was hand carved onto the stone.

[DI49698] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Theresa V Ream
Name: �tab�Theresa V Ream
[Theresa V McQuire]
Birth Date: �tab�7 Feb 1898
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Hispanic Origin: �tab�Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence City: �tab�Urbana
Residence County: �tab�Champaign
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�2 Oct 1989
Death Time: �tab�12:15 PM
Hospital of Death: �tab�Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: �tab�Urbana
County of Death: �tab�Champaign
Certificate: �tab�070900
Age at Death: �tab�91
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Referred to Coroner: �tab�Not Referred to Coroner
Autopsy: �tab�No Autopsy performed
Filing Date: �tab�6 Oct 1989
Hospital Status: �tab�Other/Nursing Home
Injury in Ohio: �tab�Yes
Type Place of Injury: �tab�Unspecified Place
Social Security Number: �tab�269-14-5659
Father's Surname: �tab�McQuire
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Education: �tab�12
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Homemaker, student, unemployed volunteer
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Homemaker
Primary Registration District: �tab�1101

[HI49700] (Research):Census Place:Porter, Scioto, Ohio 1880 Source:FHL Film 1255064 National Archives Film T9-1064 Page 15 8B Samuel ALLISONSelfMMW56OHOcc:Work F.B. YdFa: VAMo: VA Susan ALLISONWifeFMW48VAFa: VAMo: VA Dora B. ALLISONDauFSW18OHFa: OHMo: VA James ALLISONSonMSW10OHFa: OHMo: VA Joseph COTRELLOtherMSW19OHFa: VAMo: VA John COTRELLOtherMSW16OHFa: VAMo: VA

Researcher [email protected] (Darel) Joseph Edwin Cotrell supposedly died from a lightning strike in 1907 and h is father James M. Cotrell, Jr from a snake bite in Pike County, OH. A nn Elizabeth Bond passed away at an early age too. Their children were ad opted or taken care of by immediate family members Joseph had sisters th at lived in Champaign County too (Urbana). One was Sarah E. Cotrell and s he married William Jackson Walls in Pike County, OH James M. Cotrell, J r. was a son of Mary Carter and James M. Cotrell of Bedford and Pike Count y, Ohio. This James M. Cotrell is supposed to be a son of James Cotter al of Pike and Ross County, OH who is also the father of my ancestor Harri son Tyra Coterel of Pike and Ross County, OH. Albert T. Cotrell above was a son of Charles Henry Co trell and Nancy Stepp. Charles Henry Cotrell was also a son of James M. C otrell and Mary Carter.

[DI49700] Name: �tab�Jos. Edward Cotrell
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�27 May 1908
Death Place: �tab�Urbana Tp, Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�48
Birth Date: �tab�1860
Birthplace: �tab�Pike Co.
Occupation: �tab�Laborer
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07024-8
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 95

[HI49701] (Research):1880 Census Place:Harrison, Champaign, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 24 3D John W. WILLIAMSSelfMMW40OHOcc:FarmerFa: OHMo: OH Caroline WILLIAMSWifeFMW35OHFa: OHMo: OH Clara E. WILLIAMSDauFSW9OHFa: OHMo: OH Georgie M. WILLIAMS DauFSW2OHFa: OHMo: OH Charles FUSONOtherMW24IAFa: OHMo: OH

[HI49702] (Research):ANN ELIZABETH (BETTY) CARNEY 83, of 2496 Pullins Drive, Urbana, Ohio pass ed away Sunday morning, October 5, 2003 in Mercy Memorial Hospital, Urban a, Ohio. She was born March 29, 1920 in Johnson Township, to Eston and Ilo (Bodey) Cotrell. She was a homemaker. She attended Northward and Urbana High Schools. Survived by her son, Denis Keith Carney of St. Paris, Ohio; grandchildren, Gina Jackson, Jon Carney, Tricia Griffin, Rita
Fincham, Jace Carney, Jay Carney, Patrick Carney, Jeremy Carney, Philip Carney; nine great-grandchildren; sisters, Meriel Bump of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, Elsie Blake of Mesa, Arizona, Beverly Nichols of Zanesfield, Ohio. She married Eugene H. Carney on August 12, 1937, who preceded her in death on August 17, 2003. They were able to celebrate their 66th wedding anni versary. Also preceding her in death was a son, Philip Eugene Carney and two brothers, Bob Cotrell and Donald Cotrell. Betty was a devoted housewife and mother who loved her children; grandchildren and great-grandchildren very much. She was a Cub Scout leader and also served in the Urbana North's Parent Teacher Organization. The family will receive friends on Wednesday, October 8, 2003 from 5-8 p.m. in the WALTER-SCHOEDINGER FUNERAL HOM E, A Dignity Memorial Provider, 642 South Main Street, Urbana, Ohio whe re a funeral service will be held on Thursday, October 9, 2003 at 10:30 a. m. with Pastor Joseph Fortna and The Rev. Dr. Ray Kaffenbarger officiating. Burial in Highland Memorial Garden, West Liberty, Ohio. Donations m ay be name to the Urbana Paramedic Fund, Inc., Box 637, Urbana, Ohio in Be tty's name. First published in SNS on Oct 08 2003


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