[HI34710] (Research):possible son of Andrew Hodge and ISabell McTeer and brother to James H To dd, bio in Champaign Co- A Centennial Biographical History of Champaign County, Ohio - 1902, (New York and Chicago The Lewis Publishing Co, 1902), pg5 67
[HI34715] (Research):1920 United States Federal Census Home in 1920: Spokane, Spokane, Washington Father's Birth Place: Ohio Mother's Birth Place: Ohio Marital Status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Home owned: Own Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Image: 253 Neighbors: View others on page Household Members: Name Age Frank R Flowers 34 NE Bernice M Flowers 23 NE Walter E Flowers 44 NE
Name: Frank Ross Flowers
Death date: 21 Mar 1949
Death place: Spokane, Spokane, Washington
Gender: Male
Race or color (on document):
Age at death: 66 years
Estimated birth year: 1883
Birth date:
Birth place:
Marital status:
Spouse name:
Father name: Enoch Flowers
Father birth place:
Mother name: Ellen Shanklin
Mother birth place:
Street address:
Cemetery name:
Burial place:
Burial date:
Additional relatives:
Film number: 2032783
Digital GS number: 4223215
Image number: 60
Reference number: 5539
Collection: Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960
Name: Wayne J. Flowers
Death date: 10 Dec 1941
Death place: Walla Walla, Walla Walla, Washington
Gender: Male
Race or color (on document):
Age at death: 47 years 1 month 9 days
Estimated birth year: 1894
Birth date:
Birth place:
Marital status:
Spouse name:
Father name: Enock Flowers
Father birth place:
Mother name: Sarrah Chanki
Mother birth place:
Street address:
Cemetery name:
Burial place:
Burial date:
Additional relatives:
Film number: 2023984
Digital GS number: 4224152
Image number: 927
Reference number: cn 342
Collection: Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960
[HI34719] (Research):1920 United States Federal Census Home in 1920: Spokane, Spokane, Washington Father's Birth Place: Ohio Mother's Birth Place: Ohio Marital Status: Single Race: White Sex: Male Home owned: Own Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Image: 253 Neighbors: View others on page Household Members: Name Age Frank R Flowers 34 NE Bernice M Flowers 23 NE Walter E Flowers 44 NE
Name: Bernice May Enos
Death date: 20 Dec 1956
Death place: Spokane, Spokane, Washington
Gender: Female
Race or color (on document):
Age at death: 62 years
Estimated birth year: 1894
Birth date:
Birth place:
Marital status:
Spouse name:
Father name: Enoch Flowers
Father birth place:
Mother name: Sarah Shanklin
Mother birth place:
Street address:
Cemetery name:
Burial place:
Burial date:
Additional relatives:
Film number: 2033657
Digital GS number: 4224503
Image number: 988
Reference number: 23999
Collection: Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960
[HI34720] (Research):He married (2) JEMIMA CURL 01 Mar 1782 in Hampshire County, VA. He marr ied (3) REBECCA RICHARDS 22 Nov 1807 in Harrison County, VA. She was bo rn 09 Jan 1777, and died 18 Aug 1812. He married (4) SARAH ELSWORTH 31 O ct 1812 in Clinton County, OH. She was born WFT Est. 1737-1794, and di ed WFT Est. 1815-1883.
[XI34721] Tombstone says "Mexican Soldier"
(Research):Source for children of this marriage: https://sites.rootsweb.com/~hcpd/norman/BOTKIN/RICHARD
Shelby County Library in a book "Vital Statistics" shows: Charles and Dorcas Tuttle married 7 Oct 1813, Champaign Co., OH. Charles died 6 Jul 1869, and Dorcas died 3 Sep 1873. Children: Mary B. b 27 Nov 1815, married John Jones 1 Jan 1835, Clark Co., OH, died 17 Apr 1893; Zebedee Teledear b 4 Dec 1817, married Cynthia Ann S mith 22 Sep 1842, died 23 Sep 1842; Jemima C. b 14 Mar 1820 married John H enry Jones 17 Mar 1840, died 5 Jul 1875; Eunice R. b 9 Mar 1822, married J oseph Frey Neer 3 Oct 1838, died 15 Sep 1843; Harriet M. b 14 Mar 1824, ma rried Jacob B. Whisler 19 Jan 1867; Margaret Ann b 10 Oct 1826, died 23 J un 1837; Dorcas H. b 2 Jun 1829 married William Hamilton Hodge 1 Jan 185 0, died 1 Mar 1917; Andrew J. b 10 Oct 1831, died 28 Sep 1850; E li F. b 7 Mar 1834 (no further info); Enos N. b 2 May 1836, died 17 Jul 18 38; Welcome A. b 8 Apr 1839, married Delia M. Brown (no date available); S ylvanus Jasper b 29 Jul 1843 (no further info). Shelby County Library in a book "Vital Statistics" shows: Charles and Dorcas Tuttle married 7 Oct 1813, Champaign Co., OH. Charles died 6 Jul 1869, and Dorcas died 3 Sep 1873. Children: Mary B. b 27 Nov 1815, married John Jones 1 Jan 1835, Clark Co., OH, died 17 Apr 1893; Zebedee Teledear b 4 Dec 1817, married Cynthia Ann S mith 22 Sep 1842, died 23 Sep 1842; Jemima C. b 14 Mar 1820 married John H enry Jones 17 Mar 1840, died 5 Jul 1875; Eunice R. b 9 Mar 1822, married J oseph Frey Neer 3 Oct 1838, died 15 Sep 1843; Harriet M. b 14 Mar 1824, ma rried Jacob B. Whisler 19 Jan 1867; Margaret Ann b 10 Oct 1826, died 23 J un 1837; Dorcas H. b 2 Jun 1829 married William Hamilton Hodge 1 Jan 185 0, died 1 Mar 1917; Andrew J. b 10 Oct 1831, died 28 Sep 1850; E li F. b 7 Mar 1834 (no further info); Enos N. b 2 May 1836, died 17 Jul 18 38; Welcome A. b 8 Apr 1839, married Delia M. Brown (no date available); S ylvanus Jasper b 29 Jul 1843 (no further info).
SOURCE: Index to War of 1812 Pension Files, Volume 1: A-F, transcrib ed by Virgil D. White, Nat'l Historical Publishing Co., Waynesboro, TN, 19 89.
Page 205 BOTKIN, Charles, Dorcas (Tuttle) WC-5049, m 7 Oct 1813 Champaign Cty O H, sd 6 Jul 1869 in Clark Cty OH, srv Samuel Stewart's OH Mil, lived Cla rk Cty OH
Another source that links to this record, Roster of Ohio Soldiers in W ar of 1812, says: "C. BOTKIN was a private in Capt. Samuel Stewart's Comp any, which served from April to October 20, 1812. The county they were fr om is unknown."
(Research):Champaign County Early Settlers by CCGS Vol 2
CCGS Newsletter Summer 2005 Vol 1 No 2 pg 19 Old People - A List of Resid ents of This City Whose Age is Over 70 Years. Mechanicsburg News Jan 23 18 96 J F Neer born 1819
PG 219 JOSEPH P NEERPROBATED 22 JAN 1898 GOSHEN TWP [DIED 8 JAN 1898) Heirs�Margaret Neer�widOW Anna Neer�dau-MeChafliCsburg; Margaret West~dau- MechaniCSbUrg Dorothy Jane Davisson-dau Mechanicsburg; Bruce Neer�son-MeCh aniCsburg; William Neer-son�MechaniCsbUrg Grant Neer�son--I4echanicSbUr g. Wife Margaret Neer the farm we live on of 70 acres and all personal est ate; dau Margaret West $10 at death of my wife; do not give her any more b ecause she is well settled in lii and has and will receive much more th an my other ch will ge she being the dau of my 1st wife and will inherit f rom her mother s family. At wife s death residue of property to An Neer $3 00; William Neer 1 horse, saddle and bridle; son Eli Grant Neer 1 horse, s addle and bridle; the then balance divided between Anna, Bruce, William, D orothy and Eli Grant Neer. Wife Margaret Neer executrix Witness:William C Pangborn, Cool Pangborn P E Colwellwill signed [x) 4 Feb 187k
Clark Co
(Research):Sylvanus Jasper Botkin death cert. Note: Cert. 43037 Sylvanus Jasper Botkin d. Mechanicsburg, Champaign Co ., OH Aug 26, 1921 of cerebral embolism, aged 78y 27d. He was b. Jul 29, 1 843 in Clark Co. OH to Charles Botkin and Dorcas Tuttle, both b. Ohi o. He was a farmer retired 20 years, married to Anna Botkin. He was buri ed Mechanicsburg and informant was Anna Botkins of Mechanicsburg.
History of Clark County, Ohio Author: W.H. Beers Publication: Chicago: 1881 Page: p. 972 Text: Jasper Bodkin, PO Catawba, Pleasant Twp., s/o Charles Bodkin, a nati ve of Virginia who came to OH with his parents in an early day and locat ed near Cinncinati where he lived a short time previous to the late rebell ion moved to this county and Pleasant Twp. where he lived until his death� served in the War of 1812 and was present at Hall's surrender. Jasper w as b. Jul 29, 1843 "upon the farm where he resides."
Name: �tab�Addie Colwell
Death Date: �tab�27 Apr 1910
Death Place: �tab�Summerford Tp., Madison, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�1881
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Shyville
Death Age: �tab�28 years
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�29 Apr 1910
Burial Place: �tab�Shyville, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Wm. Brigner
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Belle Clark
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1927360
Name: �tab�Peter Gelzenlenchter
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�29 May 1900
Event Place: �tab�Clark, Ohio
Age: �tab�26
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1874
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Henry Gelzenlenchter
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Elizabeth Greb
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Elizabeth Gerin
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�36
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1864
Spouse's Father: �tab�Adam Gerin
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Elizabeth R. . .
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�v 18 p 329
Film Number: �tab�465395
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4254626
Image Number: �tab�479
Name: �tab�Baughman
Death Date: �tab�30 Jul 1916
Death Place: �tab�Pleasant, Logan, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�30 Jul 1916
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�State
Death Age: �tab�stillborn
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�None
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�30 Jul 1916
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Greenwood
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Kiefer Baughman
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�State
Mother's Name: �tab�Flossie Neer
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�State
Film Number: �tab�1983751
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4020540
Image Number: �tab�1273
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 44351
Name: �tab�Ridder
Death Date: �tab�09 Aug 1942
Death Place: �tab�Urbana Twp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�09 Aug 1942
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�
Death Age: �tab�3 hours
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�10 Aug 1942
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�...
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Fred Marshfield Ridder Jr.
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co.,
Mother's Name: �tab�Betty Marie Earley
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Franklin Co., Columbus, Ohio
Film Number: �tab�2024009
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4057798
Image Number: �tab�1653
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 46133
Published in Springfield News-Sun on June 6, 2011
DELANEY, Frances Louise (Brittin) 98, of Mechanicsburg passed away Saturday, June 4, 2011 in Eaglewood Village, Springfield. She was born January 20, 1913 in Mechanicsburg, the daughter of Lewis and Margaret (Long) Brittin. Frances was a graduate of Mechanicsburg High School and received her teaching certificate from Wittenberg University. She taught for 32 years at Mechanicsburg Exempted Village. She was a member of the Mechanicsburg United Methodist Church and Caroline Chapter Order of the Eastern Star. She is survived by her daughters, Barbara (Alan) Keirn of Urbana, Sarah (Gary) Crist of Urbana and Brenda (Jerry) Riley of Mechanicsburg; grandchildren, Andy (Megan) Crist of Urbana, Kevin Crist of Urbana, Kyle (Morgan) Riley of Mechanicsburg. She is preceded in death by her parents; husband, William H. Delaney; infant sister, Helen Brittin; brother, George Brittin. A graveside service will be held in Maple Grove Cemetery, Mechanicsburg, at the convenience of the family. Services have been entrusted to SKILLMAN, MCDONALD & VERNON Funeral Home, Mechanicsburg. Memorial contributions may be made to the Mechanicsburg Library, 60 S. Main St., Mechanicsburg, OH 43044. Condolences may be expressed to the family at www.vernonfh.com
On page 694, under the heading of Early Settlement in Pike Township: �T he next settlement of which we could gain any knowledge was effected in S ection 19, by Adam Verdier, some time during the year 1806. Mr. Verdier w as a man of family, having married Elizabeth Mercer. Both were nativ es of Jefferson County, Virginia, where they were married and whence th ey emigrated to the township of Pike. They left Virginia as early as 18 04 or 1805, but stopped for a while in what is now Montgomery County, th is State. The southeast quarter of Section 19 was entered by Mr. Verdier. In lat er years he became quite a heavy landowner, possessing nearly five hundr ed acres in Champaign County and a half-section in Shelby County. The mot her died in 1858 and the father some years prior. Both are buried in t he Black graveyard. For a few years immediately following the coming of the above- mentioned pioneers, we have little knowledge of settlements made, a nd of those making them.
From Pioneer Ohio Newspapers 1802-1818 Vol I Sat., 7-20-1811 No.45 ...Dani el Summeg, Register of the Land Office at Cincinatti has land for sale a nd mentions Adam Verdier.
Conflictin DOD: May 13, 1848, Clark Co., OH Land Purchases: Jun 10, 1806, Greene Co., OH R10-T03-S19 Between The Miami 's
First Methodists services were held in Adams house, then Mitchalls. The Be ech Grove Methodist Episcopal Church was organized in 1833 at the hou se of George Otewalt. The first house of worship was built in 1840 on la nd donated by Samuel Brandenburg, 6-20-1840. One organizer and trustee w as W.P., Black (Susan Verdier's husband)
[HI34763] (Research):Tombstone inscription: �Elizabeth Verdier, Born 1780 Jefferson County, Va., Died April 1858, Wi fe of Adam Verdier. Adam Verdier Died May 13, 1846 age 68 years. They ca me to Ohio fall of 1805 from Jefferson County, Va.� Children recorded on t he monument and buried there: James, Francis, Elizabeth, Margaret
[HI34765] (Research):Military service: 1812, PVT. Pryoris Det., VA Mil.
�b�Apr19 1889
Died on Tuesday, Apr 16, 1889, PAUL F �/b�VERDIER, �b�of �/b�Green �b�Twp, Shelby Co, aged 80yrs, 6mo �/b�and �b�14 days. Interment at �/b�Plattsville �b�Cemetery on Thursday. MR VERDIER was born in Clark Co. He �/b�was �b�md, Apr 18,1839, to LUCINDA LEFFEL, by whom he reared four �/b�children. �b�She died in 1853. For his �/b�second wife, �b�he md, �/b�MISS SALLIE HAND, �b�who is the mother of seven of his children. His �/b�wife and �b�most of his children survive.
Ralph Tuttle
Ohio, Births and Christenings, 1821-1962
birth:�tab�11 May 1883�tab�Springfield Twp., Clark, Ohio
residence:�tab�1883�tab�Clark, Ohio, United States
parents:�tab�Jacob Tuttle, Nancy L. Todd
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, & 1958-2007 about Joanne K Amos
Name: �tab�Joanne K Amos
[Joanne K Stephenson]
Birth Date: �tab�20 Dec 1950
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Hispanic Origin: �tab�Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence City: �tab�Bowling Green
Residence County: �tab�Wood
Residence State: �tab�Ohio
Residence Zip Code: �tab�43402
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�18 Aug 2006
Death Time: �tab�05:33 AM
Hospital of Death: �tab�Woods County Hospital Assn Inc
Certificate: �tab�65715
Age at Death: �tab�55
Registrar's Certificate Number: �tab�000729
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Referred to Coroner: �tab�Not Referred to Coroner
Autopsy: �tab�No Autopsy performed
Method of Disposition: �tab�Burial
Filing Date: �tab�25 Aug 2006
Hospital Status: �tab�Hospital/Inpatient
Injury at Work: �tab�Unclassifiable
Father's Surname: �tab�Stephenson
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Dukett
Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
Education: �tab�12
Armed Forces Indicator: �tab�No
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Occupation Not Classifiable
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Occupation Not Classifiable
Census Tract: �tab�9999
Primary Registration District: �tab�8701
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, & 1958-2007 about Ronald E Stephenson
Name: �tab�Ronald E Stephenson
Birth Date: �tab�30 Mar 1953
Birth City: �tab�Bowling Green
Birth County: �tab�Wood
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Hispanic Origin: �tab�Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence City: �tab�Bowling Green
Residence County: �tab�Wood
Residence State: �tab�Ohio
Residence Zip Code: �tab�43402
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�6 Feb 1999
Death Time: �tab�03:16 PM
Hospital of Death: �tab�St Vincent Mercy Med Center
City of Death: �tab�Toledo
County of Death: �tab�Lucas
Certificate: �tab�013773
Age at Death: �tab�45
Registrar's Certificate Number: �tab�00626
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Referred to Coroner: �tab�Not Referred to Coroner
Autopsy: �tab�No Autopsy performed
Method of Disposition: �tab�Burial
Filing Date: �tab�19 Feb 1999
Hospital Status: �tab�Hospital/Inpatient
Injury in Ohio: �tab�Yes
Type Place of Injury: �tab�Unspecified Place
Social Security Number: �tab�283-54-9966
Father's Surname: �tab�Stephenson
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Duckett
Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
Education: �tab�12
Armed Forces Indicator: �tab�No
Industry of Decedent: �tab�General government, not elsewhere classified
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Laborers, except construction
Primary Registration District: �tab�4801
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, & 1958-2007 about William G Stephenson
Name: �tab�William G Stephenson
Birth Date: �tab�1888
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Pike
Residence State: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�14 Mar 1966
Hospital of Death: �tab�Home
City of Death: �tab�Pike County
County of Death: �tab�Pike
Certificate: �tab�22514
Age at Death: �tab�78
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, not used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Married first
groom's name: �tab�Chas. Carrothers
groom's birth date: �tab�07 Sep 1881
groom's birthplace: �tab�, Adams Co.,
groom's age: �tab�
bride's name: �tab�Stella Mcclanahan
bride's birth date: �tab�14 Oct 1886
bride's birthplace: �tab�, Adams Co., Ohio
bride's age: �tab�16
marriage date: �tab�07 Feb 1903
marriage place: �tab�, Clinton Co., Ohio
groom's father's name: �tab�Peter Carrothers
groom's mother's name: �tab�Greene
bride's father's name: �tab�J. F. Mcclanahan
bride's mother's name: �tab�Emma Tolle
groom's race: �tab�
groom's marital status: �tab�Single
groom's previous wife's name: �tab�
bride's race: �tab�
bride's marital status: �tab�Single
bride's previous husband's name: �tab�
indexing project (batch) number: �tab�M86893-0
system origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
source film number: �tab�568562
reference number: �tab�2:3HN7RXW
Citing this Record "Ohio, Marriages, 1800-1958," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XDZN-ZG7 : accessed 20 Nov 2012), J. F. Mcclanahan in entry for Chas. Carrothers and Stella Mcclanahan, 07 Feb 1903.
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, & 1958-2007 about Stella Stephenson
Name: �tab�Stella Stephenson
Birth Date: �tab�1887
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Pike
Residence State: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�25 Dec 1966
Hospital of Death: �tab�Home
City of Death: �tab�Pike County
County of Death: �tab�Pike
Certificate: �tab�96622
Age at Death: �tab�79
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Name: �tab�August Kohlhorst
Event: �tab�Death
Event Date: �tab�01 Mar 1935
Event Place: �tab�Celina, Mercer, Ohio
Residence: �tab�Celina, Mercer, Ohio
Street Address: �tab�116 N. Main
Gender: �tab�Male
Death Age: �tab�77y 10m 8d
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race: �tab�W
Occupation: �tab�Day Labor
Birth Date: �tab�23 Apr 1857
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1858
Burial Date: �tab�04 Mar 1935
Burial Place: �tab�Celina, Mercer, Ohio
Cemetery: �tab�Swamp Collage
Father: �tab�Augast Kohlhorst
Father's �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Germany
Mother: �tab�Unknown
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Mary Flowers
Spouse's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�fn 18811
Film Number: �tab�2022485
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4001923
Image Number: �tab�1155
[HI34790] (Research):VANFLEETE MELVINA A County Name: MERCER Date of Death: 9/5/1927 Volume Number: 5452 Certificate Number: 53311
Name: �tab�Melorius Anna Vanfleete
Death Date: �tab�05 Sep 1927
Death Place: �tab�Rockford, Mercer, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�13 Jul 1862
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Wisconsin
Death Age: �tab�65 years 1 month 23 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housekeeper
Residence: �tab�Rockford, Mercer, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�07 Sep 1927
Burial Place: �tab�Rockford, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�Riverside Cemetery
Spouse's Name: �tab�James Vanfleete
Father's Name: �tab�U
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�U
Mother's Name: �tab�U
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�U
[HI34793] (Research):Name: VANFLEET Gender: Female Date of Death: October 19, 1962 Volume: 90012 Certificate: 97115 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Out-of-State, Out-of-State Race: White Residence: , Mercer County Age: 75
[HI34794] (Research):Name: ROBERT L VANFLEET Gender: Male Date of Death: October 21, 1963 Volume: 17430 Certificate: 72761 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Lima, Allen County Race: White Residence: , Mercer County Age: 51
Name �tab�Maria W. Lke Shafer
Titles & Terms �tab�
Death Date �tab�28 Apr 1917
Death Place �tab�Jackson Twp, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date �tab�
Estimated Birth Year �tab�1849
Birthplace �tab�
Death Age �tab�68 years 6 months 10 days
Gender �tab�Female
Marital Status �tab�
Race or Color �tab�
Street Address �tab�
Occupation �tab�
Residence �tab�
Burial Date �tab�30 Apr 1917
Burial Place �tab�Jackson Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Cemetery Name �tab�Lawrencville
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�Isaac Maurice
Father's Title & Terms �tab�
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Caroline Davis
Mother's Titles & Terms �tab�
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Film Number �tab�1984010
Digital Folder Number �tab�4021562
Image Number �tab�870
Certificate Number �tab�23730
(Research):Jeremiah W. MAURICE, farmer; P. O. Dialton; born in England May 4, 183 3; is a son of Isaac W. and Eliza Maurice, who emigrated to Ohio in 183 3, locating in Clark Co. Isaac was a printer by trade, and worked in Cana da one winter; thence in Columbus, thence in Springfield, following his tr ade in these places some three years; thence bought and located upon the f arm where our subject now lives, in 1836 and here he resided until his dea th. In 1862, he re-crossed the ocean to visit his native land, returning a gain in 1863. He died July 10,1873, aged 71 years. His wife died in Novemb er, 1843. They were parents of five children - three now survive - John T ., Jeremiah W. and David W. He was married the second time in 1845, to Car oline, daughter of Sylvester and Lois Davis, natives of Virginia; issue, s ix chil-dren; three now survive-Joseph, Maria W. and Vanhorn. Mr. Mauri ce received a stroke of paralysis by which he became helpless upon his le ft side for some eighteen years prior to his death. His last wife died Ju ne 10, 1876. Our subject was raised to farm labor, and remained with his f ather on the home place till his death, and still resides there and has ne ver married. Joseph, the eldest child of his father by his sec-ond wife, a lso resides on the home place; was married October, 1870, to Isabel M., da ughter of Elias and Sarah Neese, natives of Virginia; issue, five children -Wesley A., Adelia I., George A., Clinton A. and Sarah B. The farm consis ts of 89 acres, mostly in cultivation, with good improvements. They are me mbers of the Reformed Church, Jeremiah having been such twenty-two year s, Joseph twelve years, and their sister Maria twelve years.
Beers History of Clark Co, OH
[HI34803] (Research):1900 Clark Co, OH William Maurice head, 3/1866 OH ENG OH Orpha, wife, 12/1868 md 9y 2/2 Mabel, dau, 6/1892 Nellie, dau, 3/1894 George Rust, stepfather, 3/1840. widower OH VA VA
Name: �tab�William Maurice
Death Date: �tab�18 Aug 1928
Death Place: �tab�Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�16 Mar 1866
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Dialton, Clark Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�62 years
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�Ohio, USA
Burial Date: �tab�20 Aug 1928
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Lawrenceville Co., Ohio
Spouse's Name: �tab�Orpha Rust Maurice
Father's Name: �tab�John T. Maurice
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�England
Mother's Name: �tab�Catherine Jenkins
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1991347
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022109
Image Number: �tab�1196
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 48641
Name: �tab�George Arthur Maurice
Death Date: �tab�13 Jul 1935
Death Place: �tab�Sidney, Shelby, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�12 Nov 1874
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�60 years 8 months 1 day
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�504 Brooklyn Ave
Occupation: �tab�Machinest
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�15 Jul 1935
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Pasco
Spouse's Name: �tab�Maud Maurice
Father's Name: �tab�Joseph Maurice
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Isabel Neice
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�2022523
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4001928
Image Number: �tab�1286
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 45344
[HI34806] (Research):Name: MELVA C MAURICE Gender: Female Date of Death: December 02, 1966 Volume: 18694 Certificate: 94677 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Bellefontaine, Logan County Race: White Residence: Bellefontaine, Logan County Age: 81
(Research):Census Place:German, Clarke, Ohio 1880 Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 4 1D Silas BAKERSelfMMW56OHOcc:FarmerFa: VAMo: VA Elizabeth BAKERWifeFMW51OHFa: VAMo: --- Wesley W. BAKERSonMSW18OHFa: OHMo: OH Martha E. BAKERDauFSW16OHFa: OHMo: OH Emery BAKERSonMSW14OHFa: OHMo: OH Orpha RUSTGDauFSW11OHFa: OHMo: OH
Name: ORPHA C MAURICE Gender: Female Date of Death: January 30, 1960 Volume: 16019 Certificate: 02400 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Fairview Park, Cuyahoga County Race: White Residence: Fairview Park, Cuyahoga County Age: 91
Name: �tab�Walter Herman Shilts
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�30 Apr 1913
Event Place: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Age: �tab�21
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1892
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Elijah B. Shilts
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mary Hughes
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Mabel Maurice
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1893
Spouse's Father: �tab�William Maurice
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Orpha Rust
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�V25, P142, CN 8442
Film Number: �tab�465399
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016783
Image Number: �tab�104
Name: �tab�Mabel Lucille Shilts
Death Date: �tab�04 Jul 1952
Death Place: �tab�Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�02 Jun 1892
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�60 years
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�William Maurice
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Orpha Rust
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2246302
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109430
Groom's Name: �tab�Eugene Tilton
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1868
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Kentucky
Groom's Age: �tab�45
Bride's Name: �tab�Anna Dersham
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1862
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Jackson Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�51
Marriage Date: �tab�03 Oct 1913
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�William Tilton
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Frances M. Reynolds
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Moses Steen
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary E. Dobbins
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�Dershem
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M02317-2
Name: �tab�Elnora May Ward
Death Date: �tab�16 Aug 1912
Death Place: �tab�Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�16 Nov 1882
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�29 years 9 months
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�18 Aug 1912
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Rosedale Cemetery
Spouse's Name: �tab�Ward
Father's Name: �tab�L. E. Lickliter
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary M. Berry
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1953423
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021200
Image Number: �tab�3142
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 41662
Groom's Name: �tab�Marion C. Crow
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1884
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Moulton Twp., Auglaize Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�25
Bride's Name: �tab�Lottie May Cook
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1888
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Logan Twp., Auglaize Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�21
Marriage Date: �tab�02 Oct 1909
Marriage Place: �tab�Auglaize Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�William Crow
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Lydia Ann Clawson
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Samuel Cook
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Valdoro Lennard
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M02355-5
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�963060
Reference Number: �tab�2967
Groom's Name: �tab�William Kentz
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Logan Twp., Auglaize, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Lottie Crow
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1888
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Logan Twp., Auglaize, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�30
Marriage Date: �tab�06 Jun 1918
Marriage Place: �tab�Auglaize County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Christ Kentz
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Margaret Small
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Samuel Cook
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Valdora Leonard
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Unknown
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M86841-2
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0963061
Reference Number: �tab�2:3KSTZ8T
[HI34820] (Research):CLARK, Callie Death date: 1/5/1939, Mahoning County Certifica te #4682
Oct 5, 1916
A second tragic death of a husband was visited upon MRS REBECCA RUST on Sunday when her husband, fell dead in the automobile at their home in St Paris, while waiting for her. A former husband just a few years before was struck by a Pennsylvania train and instantly killed. MR RUST died of heart failure. MR RUST came to St Paris upon becoming the husband of MRS REBECCA MYERS on Dec 28, 1914. He was seemingly remarkably well preserved for a man of 77 years. His birth was at Lawrenceville, Clark Co, and took place on June 1839. He was the son of WILLIAM and LEANNAH RUST. On Oct 1, 1861 MR RUST was married to MISS LOUISE ELLEN FULLER. To this union was born six children, five daughters and one son. They are MRS B F NYSE WONGER of Chicago, MRS W G POWELL of Little Rock, AK, MRS W H SCOTT of Indianapolis, IN, MRS W G PORTOR of Chicago, MRS N J RUNKLE of Columbus, and W F RUST of Indianapolis. He lived here until the death of his wife on Feb 27, 1913. He then lived with his children in Indianapolis, until the marriage to MRS MYERS, who had been previously married three times before. The funeral services were held Tuesday by Rev Nash officiating. The remains were taken to Indianapolis for burial on Wednesday.
[NI34827] Prob sister to Jesse Maxson buried Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery died 3/21/1851 70-5-16, whom she named her son after.
[XI34827] This source shows Charity, wife of ??, died 10/26/183 (3)?
[HI34831] (Research):Was born before 1870 census, but 1900 census shows DOB 5/1871
(Research):William Fuller & Margaret Botkin Documentation - 8/15/01 Jan Botkin Therki ldsen, Arvada, CO;
(Research):1870 census family 106 Adams twsp Champaign co Oh. 1880 census family 196 Adams Twsp Champaign co Oh. 1900 census family 152 Adams twsp Champaign co Oh. 1910 census family 240 Johnson twsp Champaign co Oh, age 42. 1920 census family 25 Ballou rd Green twsp Shelby co Oh, age 52. 1930 census family 58 Johnson twp Champaign co Oh, Hallet L age 62 Obit, marr lic, Rosedale cem.
Book K Pg 427 John W ROBERTS, Union Twp, died 2-13-1905 Probated 2-21-1905 Heirs- J William Roberts, son, Springfield; Melissa J Evans, dau, Urban a; Emma C McCreary, dau, Springfield; Sallie A Given, dau, Springfield; Et hel May Roberts, grdau, Springfield; Frances P Roberts, grdau, Urbana. S on J William Roberts my farm of 201 acres on which I reside in Moorefie ld Twp and Pleasant Twp, Clark County and in Union Twp, Champaign Count y; Wife Pauline Roberts life estate is she survives me. To ch Melissa J Ev ans, Emma C McCreary and Sallie A Given each $1212; to my 2 grch Ethel M ay Roberts and Frances P Roberts each � of $2412 (ch of son Francis M Robe rts deceased). J William Roberts Exec. Witness; William Baldwin Sr, Emi ly R Baldwin Signed 3-6-1902
(Research):Name: Edson G Dingledine Gender: Male Date of Death: 24 November 1973 Volume: 21502 Certificate: 088976 Autopsy: Unknown Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Piqua, Miami County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Clark County Age: 91 Years
Name: �tab�Simeon H. Jones
(Research):J. W. CRABILL, farmer; P. O. Springfield. In the early settlement of Moore field Township, we find the name of David CRABILL as one among the earlie st pioneers. As near as can now be ascertained, he and his family came fr om Virginia and located here about 1808; he came a poor man, never havi ng received but three months' school-ing in his life. He first located wi th two brothers by the name of VOSS, in Champaign Co.; thence came to th is township; for these men he worked some time; thence he entered 80 acr es of the northeast quarter of Sec. 13, where he commenced to work for him self, in true pioneer style, building a little log cabin with puncheon flo or, etc., but he was industrious and had the true spirit coupled with ener gy, which knew no discour-agements, and he labored on, opening out and cle aring up his land, making improve-ments, and adding more land by purchas e; was getting along prosperously in life when, unfortunately, he signed s ome paper as security, and in the course of time had it to pay, and althou gh at the time his entire property would not half pay the creditors, y et by the assistance of friends, and an indomitable energy, he paid eve ry dollar of about $15,000; this was a heavy blow for a poor pioneer, a nd probably but very few would ever have gone through it. After this exper ience, he was better fitted than ever to battle with the struggles of li fe he labored on, increasing in his possessions, till at his death he own ed over 1,100 acres of land, and worth at least $60,000. This example of p ros-perity shows the sterling worth and character of Mr. CRABILL; a man w ho never failed to meet every obligation, and had the respect and confiden ce of all who knew him. He died May 5,1839, aged only 59 years, yet had do ne a great work, battled manfully with the obstacles of life, overcame a ll and became quite wealthy. His wife died Oct. 19, 1863; of an issue of t welve children, seven now survive - Maria, now Mrs. YEAZELL, of Illinoi s; Thos. V., Jas. W.; Mary, now Mrs. CROWN, of Springfield: Pearson A.; El iza, now Mrs. JONES, and William. The old homestead farm is still in posse ssion of, and carried on by, the three brothers Jas. W., Pearson S. and Wi lliam. They partake of their father's habits of industry, and are prospero us farmers of the township. William is Township Trustee, and held the offi ce of Land Assessor in 1880.
(Research):MICHAEL WILSON, Sr. (deceased). The stroke of the mallet chisels the fi rm marble block into a shaft of beauty, and artistic skill fashions the le tters that tell of the birth, years and death of the silent sleeper beneat h; but time covers the monument with the mosses of decay, and defaces t he inscription. As we well know, change is constant and general; generatio ns are rising and passing unmarked away; and as it is a duty to the chi ld and parent, as well as a gratification to the descendants of him who n ow "sleeps the last sleep," we place on record a brief-sketch of the li fe and char acter of one of the leading pioneer farmers of Clark Co. Micha el Wilson, Sr., was born in Harmony Township, Clark Co., Ohio, March 15, 1 814, and was the youngest in a family of three children, viz., Washingto n, Josiah and Michael. His parents, Michael and Temperance (Judy) Wilso n, were natives of Kentucky, who settled in Greene Co., Ohio, in an ear ly day. On the breaking-out of the war of 1812, his father went into the a rmy, where he served a short time, then returned home, procured a substitu te and shortly afterward took sick and died. The widow, with her two olde st boys, came to Clark Co., and soon after settling in Harmony Township t he subject of this sketch was born. It is unnecessary for us to speak of t he hardships and privations to be endured by the widow with her three small children. Settling in t he woods of Harmony Township, suffice it to say that she. watched over th em with loving care, and lived to see them become leaders of the townsh ip in which she settled, as well as large land-owners and respected citize ns. Michael grew up in his native township, and was there married, by Jo hn Judy, April 12, 1835, to Lavina Henry, daughter of William and Elizabe th (Johnson) Henry, natives of Kentucky, who came to Clark Co. about 181 4, settling in Harmony Township. There Mrs. Wilson was born Jan. 23, 181 5, and has never lived outside of her native township. To Michael and Lavi na Wilson were born the following children: Jasper N., Temperance (decease d), James T., Elizabeth, Jefferson (who was wounded at the battle of Chick amauga, and there died), Johnson M., Michael B., Lavina (the deceased wi fe of Edmund West), Washington H., Emma D. (deceased), Martha Ann (decease d), John C. F. and Francis S. All of the children are settled on far ms of their own with the exception of two, who reside at the old homeste ad with their mother. Mrs. Wilson is the eleventh in a family of thirtee n, as follows: Polly (deceased), John (deceased), Johnson (deceased), Will ie (deceased), Martha, Jonathan (deceased), Nancy, Sarah, Benjamin (deceas ed), Lavina, William (deceased) and Betsey. From childhood Michael Wils on was noted for his quiet demeanor and steady, industrious habits, and h is success in life was due to those leading characteristics which be inher ited from his sturdy parents, and which were fostered under the ca re of a good mother. Beginning in life poor, he began at once to practi ce economy, and this, coupled with steady, persevering industry, caused h im to rise, step by step, and fortune to smile upon him, until at the ti me of his death, which occurred Feb. 10, 1879, he owned over 1,100 acr es of land, all in his native township with the exception of 100 across t he line in Madison Co. From the age of 30 until his death, he belong ed to the Christian Church, of Plattsburg, and a Deacon of the same for se veral years previous to that sad event. Politically a Republican, he nev er took a very active part in politics, but was always an earnest advoca te of schools, churches and public institutions generally, and his death w as a serious loss to the community of which he was an acknowledged leade r. He was a quiet, modest, retiring man, who attended strictly to his o wn affairs, leaving his neighbor to do the same; but no man was more fi rm and rigid in upholding a just cause when necessity impelled him to ta ke sides. His life was an upright one, free from those imperfections th at are so common among business men; and his character was strongly mark ed by those noble traits of honesty and charity toward all men which won f or him the unlimited confidence and respect of all good citizens.
(Research):1880Source:FHL Film 1255049 National Archives Film T9-1049 Page 12 3D RelationSexMarrRaceAgeBirthplace Daniel LEFFLESelfMMW52OHFa: PAMo: PA Elizabeth LEFFLEWifeFMW50VAFa: VAMo: VA Alonzo LEFFLESonMMW23OHFa: OHMo: VA Harriet LEFFLEDauLFMW25OHFa: OHMo: OH Chas. LEFFLEGSonMSW10MOHFa: OHMo: OH
Death cert says born 8/14/1884
Death Cert
No further record
Bollinger Co, Liberty MO
(Research):Tattered notes from my aunt's old scrap book seem to indicate she might have married a Mr. Rhodes, in 1875, and Lockhart after that. Unfortunately, when I had the opportunity to xerox my aunt's notes, parts of the page had worn or torn off. I think her first husband's last name was Jackson. Then she married my greatgrandfather Thomas Cummins. She died as Armilda Lockhart in Wheeling, Missouri. (Marion Kelliher)
(Research):Name in 1870 looks like Aaron
(Research):Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002
Name: �tab�Rosalinda Geiger
Name: �tab�Mary Julia Baker
Name: �tab�Charley Warner
Name: �tab�Nettie Irene Warner
Name: �tab�John Frank Baldwin
(Research):1900 Champaign Co, Mad River, OH Abner Middleton head 1/1863 m12y Alice, wife2/1862 M12 y 4/2 Rolin P 9/1888 son Harry R 10/1891 son
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 30/1898 Rosa Downey age 14
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 30/1898 John Downey age 11
Name: �tab�John Downey
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 30/1898 Hazel Downey age 9
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Milison Downey age 12 parent Jasper
Social Security Death Index about Calvin James Ward
The Chillicothe Constitution Tribune Chillicothe Missouri 01 August 1963 Miss Evilsizer Rites Will Be At Mendon Funeral services for Miss Beulah F Evilsizer, 43 who died Wednesday at the Woodson Hospital in St Joseph, will be held at 2 oclock Sunday afternnon at the chapel of Leiphard Funeral Home in Mendon. Interment will be in Lakeside Cemetery at Sumner. Miss Evilsizer, daughter of Albert G Evilsizer and Ida C Evilsizer, Triplett, was born in northern Chariton County Oct 19, 1919. She spent most of her life in the Chariton area. She taught school from 1940 through 1962-63 term and was currently employed at the Meadville High School. She also had taught in the Bosworth and B runswick Schools for a number of years, in addition to various smaller co unty schools in Chariton County. She was a graduate of the Whitham grade a nd Triplett High School. She also attended the Northeast Missouri State T eachers College at Kirksville, where she received a B A degree in 1946, majoring in physical education. She is survived by her parents, three brothers, Raymond of the home, John of Salina kansas, and Charles of the US Air Force
(Research):St Paris Ohio Graduates 1897-1908 From St Paris Ohio Graduates. June 19, 1 993" by Janet Evilsizor Worthington, published in the CCGS Newsletter J an 2005 Vol 21 No 1 pg 8 1901- Iza Everingham Stevens
(Research):Champagin Co, Newspaper abstracts Book II March 18, 1892 Joseph Neff, of Donnellsville, a half brother to Mrs Lambert Pond, of St P aris and Mrs Dr Hance, and the brother of Mrs Professor Eppely, of Dayto n, was found dead, suspended from the rafters in his barn, Saturday. M ar 5, 1892. He was last seen on Friday, carrying a barrell, upon whi ch he stood to tie the fatal knot, aged 51y 3m 10 d
(Research):St Paris Ohio Graduate 1883
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Paul Van Culin, age 11, parent John D
(Research):Census records name is Kate Funeral home records of son names Adrina as mother Funeral Home reocrds of Miss White name her Edwina 1910 Census names Edwina
(Research):ST. PARIS NEWS-DISPATCH, Thurs. 21 December 1939 Mrs. Gertrude Shank MERRITT, 57, wife of Lawrence MERRITTresident of the C onover community, died in a hospital in Sarasota, Florida, Monday, followi ng failing health of several years. She had been a patient at the hospit al since the previous Tuesday. The MERRITTs had gone to Florida several we eks ago. Survivors include the husband and one sister, Mrs. W. H. NICHOL AS of near St. Paris. The body was returned to the Richeson funeral home Tuesday, where final ri tes will be conducted Saturday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. Rev. Harry MANNI NG of the Lena Baptist church, will officiate. Burial will be in Evergre en cemetery.
(Research):Obit names Jay Riker
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Leah Riker age 20, parent F E
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Helen Riker age 12 parent F E
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Jeanette Riker age 10 parent F E
Effie does not appear in the 1880 census suggesting she died before 1880 or her birth date transcribed wrong. Her mother in 1900 claims 6 children with 5 living suggesting this child was born and died in 1879
(Research):Teachers Term Report Johnson Twp Dist # 9 Winter Term 9/15/1884-3/9//18 85 William Rhymard- Teacher (From CCGS Newsletter Summer 1992 pg 59) Nettie Runkle age 9
Name: �tab�Hugo Comolli
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Donald Bolinger, age 8, parent Alva
Groom's Name: �tab�Fred Knotts
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris School District, Champaign Co, OH July 23, 1 892 Nellie Ward age 10
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris School District, Champaign Co, OH July 23, 1 892 Josie Ward age 8
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign Co, OH ta ken July 28, 1892 Homer Ward age 6
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Roger Ward age 16 parent David
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris School District, Champaign Co, OH July 23, 1 892 Nellie Kesler age 14
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Harry Garver, age 9 parent Willard
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Lulua Garver age 6, parent Willard
Poss born out of wedlock to Susan Kennard. Marriage records last name Kennard, not Mattoon
(Research):Enumeration of Youth in St Paris Village School District Champaign County, OH July 28, 1892 Frank Mott age 11
(Research):Enumeration of Youth in St Paris Village School District Champaign County, OH July 28, 1892 Anna Mott age 8
(Research):Enumeration of Youth in St Paris Village School District Champaign County, OH July 28, 1892 Hattie Mott age 6
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Winter 2005 Vol 21 No 3 pg 80 Sait Paris, Oh Graduates 192 6-1932 1929-Mildred Bollinger Hartell
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris School District, Champaign Co, OH July 23, 1 892 Harry Wirick age 11
Name: �tab�John Henry Wirick
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris School District, Champaign Co, OH July 23, 1 892 John Wirick age 9
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 222
Md first
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Clarence McIntire age 9 parent Elliot
Sec 1 Lot 37 w/o David E Brown
Sec 1 Lot37
(Research):Buried next to Leroy in Evergreen Cemetery Lena A Brown 1894-1958
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign Co, OH ta ken July 26, 1892 Otto Brown age 9
Name: Otto Brown
Sec 1 Lot37 burial record only, no stone found
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Walter Brown, age 16, parent D
Name: �tab�Gertrude R. Short
(Research):Poss son of James and Elizabeth Black in Clark Co, Ohio 1850 Census
Death cert names father unknown Black and mother not known
Sec 1 Lot 66
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris School District, Champaign Co, OH July 23, 1 892 Fred Black age 8
Sec 1 Lot 66
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Fanny Black, age 17, parent H M
Sec 1 Lot 66
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 Poll Book St Paris Precinct Johnson Twp 11/2/1 880 D H McDaniel
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Ruth Brown, age 13, parent, Charles
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Herbert Brown, age 9, parent Charles
St Paris Newspaper Abstract
(Research):St Paris Dispatch, April 27, 1888 William Jones was killed instantly by a train today, he lived three and o ne half miles north of town, was born this county, Oct 30, 1845, aged 42y5 m23d, the s/o Rachel Jones, He was married to mary McMorran, Oct 8, 1871 a nd served in the 134th Reg OVI. Funeral is Tuesday at the Baptist Churc h, Rev W R Thomas officiating. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery, St Pari s. John McMorran was his father in law.
(Research):Enumeration of Youth in St Paris Village School District Champaign County, OH July 1898 Lizzie Jones age 18
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Frank Prince, age 15, parent Will
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Ermine Prince, age 12, parent William
Name: �tab�Mary E. Richeson
(Research):St Paris Village school district by L W Faulkner July 20, 1892 Frank Richeson age 20
Shelby County Memorial Death records have DOB 12/6/1871
(Research):St Paris Village school district by L W Faulkner July 20, 1892 John Richeson age 18
(Research):St Paris Village school district by L W Faulkner July 20, 1892 Eva Richeson age 15
Name: �tab�Volley Gise
(Research):St Paris Village school district by L W Faulkner July 20, 1892 Della Richeson, age 11
Name: �tab�Ben Richeson
(Research):St Paris Village school district by L W Faulkner July 20, 1892 Bennie Richeson age 7
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Mary Richeson age 19 parent Sam
Name: Mary Finney
w/o Albert Finney
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Cary Richeson, age 16, parent Sam
(Research):1909 Mentioned in fathers will, dau Maggie Keller, Toledo, OH
(Research):Name: Blanch K Walborn Birthplace: Ohio State: OH 1910 Age: 37 Color: W Enumeration District: 0009 Visit: 0132 County: Champaign, St Paris Relation: SIL Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Head of Household Albert F Fromme W
Name: John Henry Smith
Name William Henry Smith Titles & Terms Death Date 22 Aug 1918 Death Place Urbana Twp., Champaign, Ohio Birth Date 26 Jun 1867 Estimated Birth Year Birthplace Ohio Death Age 51 years 1 month 26 days Gender Male Marital Status Married Race or Color American Street Address Occupation Shoe Cobler Residence Burial Date 23 Aug 1918 Burial Place Cemetery Name Forest Hill Spouse's Name Father's Name John H. Smith Father's Title & Terms Father's Birthplace Va. Mother's Name Mary Leaman Mother's Titles & Terms Mother's Birthplace Ohio Film Number 1984381 Digital Folder Number 4021902 Image Number 2568 Certificate Number fn 46460
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Loyd Burnham age 13, parent Conley
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Lulu Barger age 20 parent Jesse
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Wilbur Bull age 20 parent Ed
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Flossie Bull age 14 parent Ed
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Dewey Bull age 8 parent Ed
(Research):RUNKLE ANNA M County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 3/11/1925 Volume Number: 4675 Certificate Number: 12890
(Research):SCHOOL REGISTER FOR HONEY CREEK #5 Honey Creek School was located in Jackson Township, Champaign County, Oh io in district, section 26 on the north side of Old Troy Pike about �/2 mi le west of State Route 235. The log school at this site was called Woods a nd was the location of the township house. The later brick erected there w as the first two-story brick in the township. The school building is no lo nger in existence. The first record starts September 9, 1912 and ends April 13, 1913 with Har vey M. Loudenback as teacher. The second record starts September 8, 1913 a nd ends April 24, 1914 with Byron W. Snyder as teacher. The third record s tarts September 14, 1914 and ends April 23, 1913 with Tillie Kiser as teac her. The fourth record starts September 6, 1915 and ends April 21, 1916 wi th 0. K. Hewes listed as teacher. The last record starts September 11, 19 16 and ends April 27, 1917 with Mabel Jenkins listed as teacher. Sometim es the children were enrolled for only a short time as they had to wo rk on the farm. Our thanks to Ed Ridder for supplying this information. CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 page 15 Edith Brelsford d/o D O Brelsford age 9 grade 4 attended 1913-1916
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris School District, Champaign Co, OH July 23, 1 892 Truman Runkle
Name: James Runkle
Effa Aleta Runkle
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Aleta Runkle, age 18, parent Lee
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Glen Runkle, age 14, parent Lee
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Dale Runkle, age 12, parent Lee
(Research):7/2/1914 A divorce was granted to Bertha Jenkins, from her husband Wilb ur Jenkins on the grounds of neglect of duty. She was granted custody of t he child and alimony.
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Loto Runkle, age 7, parent Walter
(Research):Name : Emma Frances Gross
Name: �tab�Annie Bessie Driscoll
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Kate Toomire age 15 parent Henry
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Olive Toomire age 12 parent Henry
(Research):JENKINS MARGARE E County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 5/17/1922 Volume Number: 3872 Certificate Number: 26525
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Winter 2005 Vol 21 No 3 pg 80 Sait Paris, Oh Graduates 192 6-1932 1927-Helen Evans Kite
(Research):Golda M us shown in the SpringGrove Cemetery b 1889 died 1913 buried wi th her parents. last name Werner.
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 30/1898 Bessie Jenkins age 6
(Research):Obit says her maiden name was Sharp
(Research):St Paris Village school district by L W Faulkner July 20, 1892 Sam Fitzpatrick age 13
(Research):Remarried to a Shidler
(Research):Name : Carry Forest Sturm Death date : 26 Feb 1911 Death place : Brown, Miami, Ohio Birth date : 16 Sep 1888 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Carysville, O. Age at death : 22 years 5 months 10 days Gender : Male Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Occupation : Laborer Burial date : 28 Feb 1911 Burial place : Casysville, Ohio Father name : Elias Sturm Mother name : Phebe Humes GSU film number : 1952773 Digital GS number : 4021054 Image number : 2324 Certificate number : fn 10459 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
No stone found
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Margory Minich, age 6, parent George
(Research):St Paris Village school district by L W Faulkner July 20, 1892 Alice Judy age 8
Florida Death Index, 1877-1998 about Alice E Chambers
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c 1898 Mary Baker age 7
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Herman Baker age 11 parent John
(Research):There is a record of a death of Max Seelenbinder in the Champaign Co, Dea th index 12/2/1931
Name: �tab�Wm. Case Happersett (transcription, not viewed) name is Carl
Happersetts, W Carl 05/04/1895 07/02/1906 Happerset, W
Name: �tab�Walter M. Deaton
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Walter C Deaton
Name: �tab�Mary Deaton
Name: �tab�Albert E. Deaton
Name: �tab�William T. Neff
(Research):Springfield Sun Sept 2/1900 Mrs William Neff was taken ill very suddenly Friday with stomach trouble.
Name: �tab�Mary Alice Neff
ame: �tab�Paul Adam Neff
(Research):Md 1 Detrick
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Glenna Neff
(Research):Tombstone reads DOB 1873
Name: �tab�N. Marshall Morecraft
Name: �tab�Ella J Morecraft
Name: �tab�Ina Ida Robinson
(Research):MRS. MINA S. PIATT; Mrs. Mina Shanley Piatt, 58, of Hilliards, O., moth er of Mr. James Reese of Springfield, died of cancer at 11:30 p.m. Wednesd ay in Mt. Carmel Hospital in Columbus. She had been ill six weeks. Bo rn at Springhills on Sept. 7, 1892, she had lived there and at West Liber ty most of her life. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church at Sprin ghills. Besides the daughter at Springfield, she is survived by her husba nd, Jacobi, Sr.; another daughter, Mrs. Robert Reid of Urbana, Route 3; t wo sons, Robert E. of Hilliards and Ben S. of West Liberty; an adopted so n, John E., at home; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Shanley; three sister s, two brothers and eight grandchildren. Another son, Jacobi, Jr., is dec eased. The body was taken to the Wilkins funeral home at West LIberty a nd will be removed Friday to the residence of the daughter, Mrs. Reid. Fu neral services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Presbyterian Chur ch at Springhills by the Rev. Harry Barr of Sidney and the Rev. Robert Wea rley of West Liberty. Burial will be at West Liberty.
(Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1901-1916 Published by the class of 19 16 in their Senior Year submitted by Pat Stickley, July CCGS Newsletter pg 92 Class of 1913 Emerson Shanley
(Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1901-1916 Published by the class of 19 16 in their Senior Year submitted by Pat Stickley, July CCGS Newsletter pg 92 Class of 1915 Mildred Shanley
(Research):Children in file
Bruce CHENEY, son of 0. S. CHENEY, formerly of this city but now residing North Platte, Nebraska, married Miss Anna RAINEY of Decatur, Illinois, Tuesday November 15th. They will live in North Platte, Nebraska, where the groom holds a responsible job with the Railroad.
Arthur McCREARY, grandson of John ROBERTS and nephew of Mrs. George GIVEN, died at his father's home in Springfield, December 191h� He was 24 years of age, principal of Shiloh High School and died of Diphtheria.
(Research):Per Richard Pence...Philip Pence is the son of Conrad, who went to Shenand oah County, Virginia, from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, during the time of the Amer ican Revolution.
(Research):Urbana Daily Citizen Thomas Offenbacker Died: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 Thomas M. Offenbacker, 83, of Columbus, Ohio, and formerly of 424 Pindar S t., Urbana, Ohio, died Wednesday, Aug. 8, 2001, at 2:30 a.m. in Arbors Eas t, Columbus, Ohio. He was born Oct. 26, 1917, in Urbana, Ohio, to Fra nk M. and Ethel (Hilling) Offenbacker. He was a WWII U.S. Army Veteran. Su rvived by daughters, Caroline (Henry) Scarberry, of Danville, W.Va., Al ta (Greg) Mosic, of Columbus; grandchildren, Denise Laughlin and Alan Nee r; four great-grandsons; and a halfbrother, Wayne Simmons. Preceded in dea th by his wife, Catherine Offenbacker, on Dec. 11, 1995; grandson, Tommy N eer; two sisters; and his parents. Tom was a member of the Northside Chur ch of God, Urbana, Ohio, and the Disabled American Veterans. The family wi ll receive friends from 2 to 4 and from 6 to 8 p.m. in the WALTER-SCHOEDIN GER FUNERAL HOME, 642 S. Main St., Urbana, Ohio, on Sunday, Aug. 12, 200 1. A funeral service will be held on Monday, Aug. 13, 2001, at 10 a. m. in the Northside Church of God, 985 East Lawn Ave., Urbana, Ohio, wi th Rev. David Gammello officiating. Burial in Myrtle Tree Cemetery.
California Passenger and Crew Lists, 1893-1957 about Octavius W Morgan
California Death Index, 1940-1997 about Octavius Weller Morgan
(Research):Obit reads dau of Liles (Berry) and Cary Smith. Not found in census
(Research):Dau of Lewis Bower and Elizabeth Futlz
(Research):CCGS Newsletter June 1998 Pg 66 POLL BOOK, Millerstoen Precincts, Johnson Township, Champaign County Novem ber 4, 1890 Judges: Solomon Snapp, John O Jenkins and David McMorran Clerk s: S D Corwin and G E Huntoon. Names of Electors: Lewis Pence
Name: �tab�Louis E. Pence
(Research):LORTON CATHERI County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 9/30/1916 Volume Number: 2036 Certificate Number: 54019
(Research):lived McDonough County, Illinois, and later in Los Angeles County, Califor nia.
(Research):Champaign County Guardianship Bonds pg420-421 2/19/1866 Isaac Ammon gdn of Charles D Zerkle 2yr 19 Mar 1866; Mary Ellen Zerk le 4m Feb 8 1866; heirs of George Zerkle, dec'd. Suritites Jacob Ammon a nd Wesley Pence
(Research):Champaign County Guardianship Bonds pg420-421 2/19/1866 Isaac Ammon gdn of Charles D Zerkle 2yr 19 Mar 1866; Mary Ellen Zerk le 4m Feb 8 1866; heirs of George Zerkle, dec'd. Suritites Jacob Ammon a nd Wesley Pence
(Research):On 8 March 1820, Aaron Weaver purchased NE 1/4, Section 24, from the US Go vernment. On 11 June 1838, Aaron Weaver & Ann his wife, signed a Quit Cla im transfering his portion of 125 acres from the estate of William S r. On 21 August 1812, Aaron enlisted in Capt. Abner Barrett's Company, W ar of 1812. On 18 October 1814, Aaron purchased land in Section 24 of M ad River Twp.
(Research):Tomstone inscription is question on the year. If born in 1827, was too clo se to brothers birth. Since she was 21 in 1850, I am guessing her birth w as actually 1828 instead of 1827
(Research):Name: GUSSIE A GABRIEL Gender: Female Date of Death: September 04, 1964 Volume: 17791 Certificate: 64348 Marital Status: Never Married Place of Death: Springfield, Clark County Race: White Residence: Springfield, Clark County Age: 85
Name: �tab�Clarence E. Gabriel
Name: �tab�Elmer C. Phillips
Clara Bell Gabriel
(Research):Died: Saturday, August 04, 2001 Ruth Smith, 91, formerly of North Hampton, Ohio, died Saturday, Aug. 4, 20 01, at Heartland of Springfield, Springfield, Ohio. She was born Feb. 7, 1 910, in Champaign County, Ohio, a daughter of Forest D. and Lina May (Gear hart) Stevens. She was a retired registered nurse from the Ohio Masonic Ho me, a lifetime member of the Miami Valley Hospital Alumni Association, t he Women's Christian Temperance Union, and was a member of the United Chur ch of Christ, North Hampton, Ohio. She is preceded in death by her parent s; her husband, Orval; a grandson, Thomas L. Smith; and a brother, Wald o. She is survived by a son, Richard (Lucy Faye) Smith, of Urbana, Ohi o; a daughter, Marilyn Hughes, of Springfield; four grandchildren, David ( Carol) Smith, of Urbana, Karen (David H.) Loffing, of Glen Ellyn, Ill., Di ahann Hughes, of Avebury, England, Mark (Myra) Hughes, of Mt. Sterling, Ky .; five great-grandchildren, Benjamin, Gretchen, Nathan, Joseph and Abigai l; four brothers, Russell Stevens, of Urbana, Kenneth (Pauline) Steven s, of Tipp City, Ohio, Edwin (Esther) Stevens, of Christiansburg, Ohio, Do nald (Sue) Stevens, of Troy, Ohio; two sisters, Norma (Russell) Jenkin s, of North Hampton, Ohio, Lola Dean Stevens, of Troy, Ohio; other relativ es and friends. Friends may call from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 12, 200 1, in the TROSTEL, CHAPMAN & CHRISTMAS FUNERAL HOME, New Carlisle, Ohio. S ervices will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, Aug. 13, 2001, at the United Chur ch of Christ, North Hampton, Ohio, with Pastor James Welch officiating. Bu rial in Upper Honey Creek Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be ma de to the North Hampton United Church of Christ Building Fund.
(Research):Urbana Daily Citizen 8/4/2006 9:12:00 AM Edwin P. Stevens, age 87, of Saint Paris, passed away at 9 p.m. on Wednesd ay, Aug. 2, 2006, in his residence. He was born on Feb. 8, 1919 in Clark C ounty, Ohio, the son of the late Forrest and Lina (Gearhart) Stevens. He m arried Esther Marshall on July 2, 1941 and she survives. He is also survived by a son and daughter-in-law: Michael and Cynthia Stev ens of Centerville, daughter, Janet Pond of St. Paris; six grandchildren a nd their spouses: Stephen (Erin) Weber of Grand Rapids, Mich.; Grant (Sama ntha) Stevens of Columbus; Stacey Pond of Urbana, Jennifer Pond, Steven (B renda) Massie, Scott (Ann) Massie all of Saint Paris; and seven great-gran dchildren; two brothers: Kenneth (Pauline) Stevens, of Brandt, Ohio; Dona ld Stevens of Troy; and a sister, Lola Dean Stevens of Troy. He was preced ed in death by his parents; a daughter, Donna Massie; son-in-law, Danny Po nd; brothers Waldo and Russell Stevens; and sisters Norma Jenkins and Ru th Smith. Ed was a 1937 graduate of Lostcreek High School in Miami Count y. He was engaged in farming all of his life and served as President of t he Champaign County Farm Bureau and a 4-H adviser for the Jackson Jr. Farm ers for 15 years. He was a member of the Christiansburg United Methodist C hurch where he served as a Sunday School teacher and a Sunday School Super intendent for many years. In 1948 he joined Mt. Olivet Lodge 226 F & A Mas ons of Christiansburg serving as a past Master. He was also a past Patr on for the Elizabeth M. Hood Chapter 505 OES. Graveside funeral services w ill be held on Monday, Aug. 7, 2006 at 11 a.m. at the Upper Honey Creek Ce metery, S. Elm Tree Road, St. Paris, Ohio with Rev. Rick Donovan of the Fi rst Baptist Church of Brookville presiding. There will be no visitation. A TKINS-SHIVELY FUNERAL HOME, 216 S. Springfield Street, Saint Paris, Oh io is serving the family. Memorial contributions may be made to Mt. Oliv et Lodge 266 Free and Accepted Masons of Christiansburg. Envelopes wi ll be available at the graveside service.
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 262
Thelma "Ruth" Ridder, 82, of Urbana, passed away Friday, April 29, 2011 in the Mercy McAuley Center, Urbana.
(Research):LORTON, Gladys E. 95, of Springfield, passed away Monday, April 24, 20 06 in Community Hospital. Arrangements are pending at the Littleton & R ue Funeral Home. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 4/25/2006.
(Research):Died: Saturday, June 16, 2001 Harold E. "Shorty" Lorton Jr., 64, of Urbana, went to join his Lord on Sat urday, June 16, 2001. He was born Oct. 23, 1936, in Springfield, the s on of Harold E. and Gladys (Wolf) Lorton Sr. Shorty was known for his lo ve of fishing, his sense of humor and his dedication to his ministry at He artland of Urbana. Survivors include his wife of 19 years, Patricia E. (Fi tzwater) Lorton, of Urbana; mother, Gladys Wolf Lorton, of Springfield; th ree children, Kim Dunham, of Springfield, Harold E. "Butch" Lorton II I, of Manassas Park, Va., and Lynn Lorton, of Springfield; four stepdaught ers, Cindy S. Parkison, Karen O. Will, Ethel E. Parkison and Becky L. Matt oon; several grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; four sister s, Jo Ann Gram, Patricia Bowen, Joyce Presnell and Catherine McFarlan d, of Springfield; and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in dea th by his father, Harold E. Lorton Sr. Memorial service will be held at Et ernal Life Ministries on Mechanicsburg Road on Wednesday, June 20, at 7 p. m. with all the ministers of the church officiating in celebration of h is going home. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to t he Eternal Life Ministries for Heartland's Christmas in care of Patricia L orton, 1148 State Route 55, Urbana. Arrangements are being handled by t he JONES-KENNEY-ZECHMAN FUNERAL HOME in Springfeild.
(Research):LORTON, Patricia Elizabeth (Fitzwater) (Parkison) 62, of Springfield was b orn August 27, 1943. She went home October 6, 2005 in Community Hospital. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harold E. Lorton II; her son, James E. Parkison, Jr.; her brothers, Jerry and Bill Fitzwater and h er mother, Kathryn (Fitzwater) Fielitz. She is survived by her four daught ers, Cindy and David (Parkison) Carlisle, Karen and Bryant (Parkison) Will, Ethel and Tyrone (Parkison) Taylor, Becky and Mitch (Parkison) Mattoon; her former husband, James E. Parkison, Sr.; three sisters, Edith and Mi ke Lisch, Nancy Fitzwater, Gail Baine; four sister-in-laws, Joyce Pressnell, Joanne Gram, Pat Brown and Katherine McFarland; 31 grandchildren, sev en great grandchildren, several nieces, nephews, great nieces and great ne phews. Memorial services will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Eternal Life Ministries Church, 4287 Mechanisburg Road with Rev. Jerry Krieg officia ting. Memorial contributions may be made to Eternal Life Ministries. Arran gements are being handled by the JONES-KENNEY-ZECHMAN FUNERAL HOME. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 10/9/2005.
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Summer 2005 Vol21 No2 Pg 16 St Paris Ohio Graduates 1909- 1917 from 6/19/1993 by Janet Evilsizor Worthington 1922 Herman Rose
(Research):Died: Saturday, May 12, 2001 Dorothy M. Bowers, 71, of 5129 Cemetery Road, St. Paris, died Saturday, M ay 12, 2001, at her residence. She was born in Clark County Feb. 15, 193 0, the daughter of the late Herman and Faye (Licklider) Rose. She was marr ied to Emery Bowers on April 26, 1956, and he preceded her in death on Apr il 15, 1994. She was a graduate of Rosewood High School and member of t he Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church. She was retired from the Stolle Corporati on in Sidney where she was employed many years. She is survived by two dau ghters, Mrs. Jeff Williamson (Pam), of Urbana, and Mrs. Garner Geuy (Loret ta), of Conover; three grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; two brothe rs, Donald Rose, of Conover, and Floyd Rose, of Florida. She was preced ed in death by a sister, Margaret; and a brother, Lloyd. Funeral servic es will be held on Wednesday at 10 a.m. at the SUBER FUNERAL HOME, in Flet cher, in charge of Rev. Clifford Kissinger. Burial will be in the Fletch er Cemetery. Visitation will be on Tuesday from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Memorial do nations may be made to the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church.
(Research):1880 Census Place:Pike, Clarke, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254999 National Archives Film T9-0999 Page 16 7D Johnathan MYERSSelfMMW34OHOcc:Day LaborerFa: VAMo: VA Catharine MYERSWifeFMW32OHFa: OHMo: OH Rachel MYERSDauFSW13OHFa: OHMo: OH Elizabeth MYERSDauFSW10OHFa: OHMo: OH Lewis MYERSSonMSW8OHFa: OHMo: OH Willeam MYERSSonMSW7OHFa: OHMo: OH Adaline MYERSDauFSW5OHFa: OHMo: OH Frank MYERSSonMSW2OHFa: OHMo: OH
(Research):Two children
(Research):1850 Hampshire Co VA Census, pg 207b 911 911
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 Pg 93 Teachers Report for Millerstown, Dist 10, Johnson Twp, Champaign County Oh io, Feb 5, 1904, J R Kite, Teacher Stanley Pine age 10
(Research):Mary Bodey
(Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1914 Virgil Sarver
Sidney Daily News 3/10/1976
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about George D Geuy
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Cecil M Idle
Name : Cora Ellen Bates Titles : Death date : 23 Jan 1944 Death place : Harrison, Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 06 Feb 1872 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Harrison Twp., Champaign Co., Ohio Age at death : 71 years 11 months 17 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : American Street address : R # 1 Occupation : Residence : West Liberty, Champaign, Ohio Burial date : 25 Jan 1944 Burial place : Cemetery name : Kingscreek Cemetery Spouse name : G. S. F. Bates Father name : James Rowley Father titles : Father birth place : O. Mother name : Elizabeth ...Ine Mother titles : Mother birth place : Adams Twp., Champaign Co., O. GSU film number : 2024189 Digital GS number : 4057836 Image number : 771 Certificate number : fn 662 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):Name : Pearlie Beatrice Draper Titles : Death date : 13 Feb 1929 Death place : Christiansburg, Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 26 Nov 1888 Estimated birth year : Birth place : O. Age at death : 40 years 2 months 17 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Housewife Residence : Burial date : 16 Feb 1929 Burial place : Cemetery name : Honey Creek Cemetery Spouse name : T.W. Draper Father name : Gustave Bates Father titles : Father birth place : O. Mother name : Cory Rowley Mother titles : Mother birth place : O. GSU film number : 1991724 Digital GS number : 4022232 Image number : 2338 Certificate number : cn 11811 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
moved to Oregon 1907
Oregon Death Index, 1903-98 about William Speece
Groom's Name: �tab�Everie A. Ketring
(Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1901-1916 Published by the class of 19 16 in their Senior Year submitted by Pat Stickley, July CCGS Newsletter pg 92 Class of 1901 Duncan McCroskey
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 219
Name: �tab�Reece E Mc Croskey
(Research):Mayor in 1902
Union Cemetery Association
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Laurel Gibbs age 7 parent Virgil
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship Vol 1 pg 436 17 July 1852 Nathan Gibbs gdn of A nna E Swimley, Emma Swimley minor heirs of Jacob Swimley dec'd. Surities J ames Gibbs William C Kenton
(Research):Attending her funeral, Thoms McFarland of Cable, Mr Edward gibbs, wife a nd sister of Sidney, Mr and Mrs Bixler and Amanda Branter of Conover, Mr a nd Mrs Frank Fritz of urbana, Mr and Mrs DeWeese of Pemberton, Mr and M rs Humphrey Gibbs , W A Gibbs and sister and Miss Grace saunders of Sprin gfield,
Oregon Death Index, 1903-98 about Amanda Virginia Speece
Social Security Death Index about William Speece
Urbana Daily Citizen 5-9-2008
(Research):On same stone with husband Harold in SPring Grove Cemetery, no death date, assumed living 3/2008
(Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1916 Ilo Underwood Overholser
(Research):Reg. Dist. No. 46 - State File No. 50268 Louisa J. McInturff b: 3/8/86 Harrison twp., Champaign Co., Ohio d: July 23, 1958 Baughman Rest Home, Degraff R. #2, Logan Co., Ohio res: R. #2, Degraff, Logan Co., Ohio bu: July 26, 1958 Concord, Champaign Co., Ohio never married father: Thomas F. McInturff mother: Lydia Ann Norris informant: Helen Fitzsimmons
Name: �tab�Ella K. Wilson
(Research):Name: �tab�Earl Dorsey
(Research):s/o Caapt R E Robison
Name: �tab�Thomas Chalmore Robison
Name: �tab�Jacob Carey
Name: �tab�Jacob E. Carey
(Research):Ben L Carey
Groom's Name: �tab�Roy Mcadams
Name: �tab�Amand Louie Casey (Amanda Louise Carey)
(Research): WILSON, Julia Death date: 11/19/1919, Hamilton County
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Ruth W Hartzler
Name: �tab�Sarah Jane Carey
name: �tab�Solom Stephenson
Name: Ethel Leora Lebkisher Gender: Female Date of Death: 07 January 1998 Birth Date: 17 April 1900 Volume: 31390 Certificate: 000680 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 273420150 Father's Surname: Pence Time of Death: 11:45 AM Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Nursing Home Years of Schooling: 08 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Colbert Race: White Birth Place: Champaign County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 97
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 251
(Research):4 children
Spring Grove Burial Record for 1934
(Research):daughter of Elmer Bowers and Sarah J. Snyder
(Research):No dates on tombstone
Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1912 Charles Ford
Urbana Daily Citizen Nov 20, 1969 (Long obit)
Urbana Daily Citizen June 15, 1978
(Research):Cem stone says born 1849
Name �tab�Alice Mcalexander
Also a record, buried Cedar Point 11/20/1917 res DeGraff
Name: �tab�Robert F. Huston
(Research):Name: BESSIE B FRIEND Gender: Female Date of Death: September 16, 1967 Volume: 18993 Certificate: 69674 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Bellefontaine, Logan County Race: White Residence: , Logan County Age: 83
(Research):Name: Hattie J Idle Age at Death: 81 Date of Death: 5 May 1965 City of Death: Sidney County of Death: Shelby Volume: 18082 Certificate: 40290 Date of Birth: Est. 1884 Gender: Female Marital Status: Never Married Race: White City of Residence: Sidney County of Residence: Shelby State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Long-Term Care Facilities Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
Name: �tab�Clarence Lafayette Idle
(Research):Pvt Co A 605 Engineers
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Oren W Idle
Urbana Daily Citizen Jan 4, 1969
Name: Carrie B. Curl
Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1917 Harry Curl
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Harry Curl
Groom's Name: �tab�John Daniel Wright
(Research):Name: Lockey Hawes SSN: 269-48-3697 Last Residence: 45356 Piqua, Miami, Ohio, United States of America Born: 3 May 1884 Died: Mar 1977 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1965 )
Name: �tab�James W. Evans
Name: �tab�John W. Archer
Name: �tab�Cora May Ledrick Archer
(Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1916 Carola O'Bryant Davis
Name: �tab�CarOla M. Davis
(Research):poss dau of Joshua
(Research):Name: Minnie D Hensler Age at Death: 81 Date of Death: 10 Oct 1958 City of Death: Piqua County of Death: Miami Volume: 15565 Certificate: 72890 Date of Birth: Est. 1877 Gender: Female Marital Status: Married Race: White County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Piqua Mem Med Center - Closed Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy
(Research):Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg32 16 April 1903 Minute book 55 pg 109 Ohio vs Charles R Calland for rape, jury trial, he was found guilty. Onpa ge 114 he was sent to thr Ohio Penetentiary, for one year hard labor.
(Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1917 Harley Halterman
(Born 1850)
(Research):Springfield Daily News (Tuesday October 5, 1971) NISSLEY, HARVEY Harvey Nissley, 90, a retired farmer and native of Clark County, died Sund ay in Good Shepherd Village Nursing Home at Springfield where he had liv ed 4 � years. He had moved to Logan County in 1925 and was a member of t he DeGraff United Methodist Church. His wife, the former Maude Nisewange r, died in 1967. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Henry (Agatha) Put nam, St. Paris, Route 1, and Mrs. Russell (Madge) Casebolt, Springfield, a nd by three grandchildren. Three children died in infancy and a brother a nd a sister are also deceased. The Rev. Kay M. Gleasner of Springfield wi ll conduct funeral services Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Reeder & Son Funer al Home here. Burial will be in Cedar Point Cemetery. Calling hours at t he funeral home are from 2-5 and 7-9 p.m. Tuesday.
(Research):In the 1860 census of Adams Township the family of Michael and Salome Swisher were living about two houses away from John M. Kirby and his wife Ruth Egbert. Michael Swisher, age 60, born in Pennsylvania; Salome, age 52, for in Ohio; had the following people in their home: Nathan Swisher, age 22; Joseph Swisher, age 20; Barbara A. Swisher, age 18; Esther Swisher, age 16 and Enos Swisher, age 12; all born in Ohio. Lillie was not identified in the 1880 census and at this time her father is not known. Probably Nathan or Joseph Swisher.
Name: Lilly Margret Neal
Name: �tab�Florence Clayton
(Research):m. 16 Apr 1912 CH Co., Ira Ross Applegett (b. 4 Nov 1882 MI Co. OH; s on of John W. Applegett & Hannah A. Moon)
(Research):Research by MarilynJensen
ARGABRIGHT CHARLES Q County Name: MONTGOMERY Date of Death: 11/8/1930 Volume Number: 6455 Certificate Number: 67963
Name: John F Argabright
(Research):1900 lw grandfather John C Pence and wife Phoebe
Burial record, no stone located
(Research):1920 U.S. Federal Census, Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Pence, Charles, head, 32, Ohio Matilda, wife, 30, Ohio Velma, daughter, 9, Ohio Louise, daughter, 7, Ohio Eugene, son, 4 yr 2 mo, Ohio Margarita, 3 yr, 1 mo
Probate transcribed Clara E
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Chloie E Harbaugh
Name: �tab�James Lincoln Clayton
Name: �tab�James E Long
(Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1914 Floe Wright Long
Name: �tab�Leola B. Scott
(Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1898 Mary Bodey Lovett
(Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1898 Emma Bodey Lovett
(Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1926 Helen Moore Claybaugh
(Research):A niece of George Munger
(Research):Name: Jerry Purkeypyle Age at Death: 76 Date of Death: 18 Feb 1964 City of Death: Piqua County of Death: Miami Volume: 17588 Certificate: 13619 Date of Birth: Est. 1888 Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White City of Residence: Piqua County of Residence: Miami State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Piqua Mem Med Center - Closed Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy
Name: Katherine Bohlier
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 257
Sec 1 Lot 37
also entry in birth book Shelby County for DOB 2/19/1876
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 160
(Research):Teachers Term Report Johnson Twp Dist #6 Winter Term 9/20/1884-3/6//18 85 R M Pickering- Teacher (From CCGS Newsletter Summer 1992 pg 59) Blanch Neal age 7
(Research):Teachers Term Report Johnson Twp Dist #6 Winter Term 9/20/1884-3/6//18 85 R M Pickering- Teacher (From CCGS Newsletter Summer 1992 pg 59) Fay Neal age 6
Name: Faye Elizabeth Getz
Name: �tab�William Melvin Hagenbaugh
Name: ETHEL M STEMBEL Gender: Female Date of Death: December 26, 1966 Volume: 18676 Certificate: 90093 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Springifield, Clark County Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 74
(Research):JOHNSON COUNTY SCHOOL RECORDS DISTRICT #10, BODEY SCHOOL, 3 SEPTEMBER 1889 THROUGH 7 MARCH 1890, G. W. B ODEY, TEACHER Subjects taught; Orthography (spelling), Reading, Writing, O ral Lessons, Arithmetic, Georgraphy, Grammar, U.S. History, General Histor y, Vocal Music, Physical Geography, Physiology and Hygiene. Frank McIntire age 8 (SOURCE: Public Records of the Johnson Township Meeting House, Millerstow n, Champaign County, OH by Denise K. M. Moore.)
birth record is Jacob S W born 2/20/1882 in Adams, Twp
Name: Thomas F McIntire Birth Date: Est. 1883 Gender: Male Race: White Residence City: Urbana Residence County: Champaign Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 17 Jan 1966 Hospital of Death: Mercy Memorial Hospital City of Death: Urbana County of Death: Champaign Certificate: 00677 Age at Death: 83 Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, not used for certification Marital Status: Married
Md again? Helen Sophia Barger buried Cedar Point Lot 8 SecF age 55
(Research):CCGS News Mar 1998 Mary Jane Taylor, 81, of Rogers Drive, Urbana, Ohio, died November 23, 19 97 in the McAuley Center. She was born in North Lewisburg, Ohio on Janua ry 6, 1916. She is survived by her children: Jane (Jim) Dunlavy and John A. Logdon; Jo seph Logsdon; three grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; step-childre n, Betty Wooton and Marjorie Nash; ten step-grandchildren and numerous st ep great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Leroy Taylor; son James Logsdo n; grandson, David Dunlavy; and stepdaughter, Juanitta Irwin. Her son-in-law Jim Dunlavy is a member of CCGS.
(Research):Name: Leroy Taylor Serial Number: 3364233 Race: W Residence: 228 Railroad St., Urbana, O. Enlistment Division: Regular Army Enlistment Location: Columbus Barracks, O. Enlistment Date: 30 Jun 1918 Birth Place: Eris, O. Birth Date / Age: 21 Years Assigns Comment: 13 Co Chesapeake Va to 7 Oct 1918; CA School Fort Monr oe Va to 15 Dec 1918; 1 Co 1 Training Battalion Cp Sherman O to Dischar ge Private Honorable discharge 4 Jan 1919. Volume #: 17
Dau of Henry Arehart and Mary Evers
(Research):Name: CHARLES M PENCE Gender: Male Date of Death: October 31, 1966 Volume: 18610 Certificate: 73621 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 84
(Research):JENKINS ADDIE County Name: LUCAS Date of Death: // Volume Number: 8648 Certificate Number: 77357
Name: Minerva Jane Thomas
Birth: �tab�May 23, 1830
(Research):R Pence has DOB 1890
Name: �tab�John M. Parke
Groom's Name: �tab�Hammett Claggett Pendleton
Name: �tab�Ruth E. Guy
(Research):April 6 1903 Poll Tax Book Talley Sheet for Concord Township, Champaign County, OH,- J E Knaub
Name: �tab�William Ear Sheely
Name: �tab�Effie Mariun Knaub
Name: �tab�Wm. Knaub
64500 �tab�KNAUB �tab�WILLIAM �tab��tab�00/00/0000 �tab�NEW YORK CO., PA. �tab�03/26/1884 �tab�03/28/1884 �tab�H �tab�Lot 295 �tab�SubLot 0 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 5
64495 �tab�KNAUB �tab�SOPHIA �tab��tab�00/00/0000 �tab�PENN. �tab�09/14/1878 �tab�09/16/1878 �tab�H �tab�Lot 295 �tab�SubLot 0 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 4
Name: �tab�Geo. O. Knaub
64499 �tab�KNAUB �tab�GEORGE �tab�O. �tab�00/00/0000 �tab�CLARK CO., O. �tab�12/30/1879 �tab�01/01/1880 �tab�H �tab�Lot 295 �tab�SubLot 0 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 6
Name: �tab�Charles E. Otstat
Name: �tab�John A. Knaub
64498 �tab�KNAUB �tab�JOHN �tab�A. �tab�00/00/0000 �tab��tab�00/00/0000 �tab�00/00/0000 �tab�H �tab�Lot 295 �tab�SubLot 0 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 7
KENNETH VAUGHN JENKINS, 85, of Springfield, died Saturday morning, August 22, 2009 in Springfield Manor following a lengthy illness. He was born in Clark County on October 4, 1923 the son of the late Simon V. and Katherine Virginia (Underwood) Jenkins. He was a U.S. Army veteran having served in the Pacific Theater. In 1982, Vaughn retired from Robbins & Myers as a supervisor after 40 years of service. He was a member of U.A.W. Local 902, F.O.E. Aerie 397 since 1946, and the Union Club. He is survived by a daughter, Rebecca Ann (Bruce) Graff of Centreville, Alabama; two sons, Timothy Jenkins of Springfield and Donald S. (Darla) Jenkins of Urbana; a sister, Pauline V. Sanner of Gatlinburg, Tennessee; seven grandchildren, Nathan, Matthew and Micah Hanks, Laura McFarland, Amanda (Mike) Gahn, Valarie (Mark) Henry, and David (Sarah) Jenkins; a great granddaughter, Kaelin Merrick; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by a son, Kenneth Vaughn Jenkins Jr.; wife, Geraldine Jenkins; two sisters, Neila Metz and Lois V. Hupp-Berner; and a brother, Forest Victor Jenkins. Vaughn's funeral service will be held at 11:00 a.m. Wednesday in the LITTLETON & RUE FUNERAL HOME with Pastor David Hill officiating. A gathering of family and friends will be held one hour prior to the service. Burial will be in Mt. Calvary Cemetery, Tremont City.
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Dec 2007 Vol22 No4 Pg120 Class Number 5, Concord ME Sunday School Class Roll 1916 Simon Jenkins
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Simon V Jenkins
Groom's Name: �tab�Alfred Deweese Jenkins
(Research):JENKINS, Harold Otto 99, of Crawfordsville, Indiana formerly of Springfiel d. died on Saturday, May 20, 2006. Arrangements are pending in the Littlet on & Rue Funeral Home. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 5/21/2006.
Name spelling from direct family member
Name: �tab�Glenna Mccaffery
Name: Cleta F Barger Gender: 2 Date of Death: 06 February 1987 Birth Date: 05 August 1892 Volume: 26766 Certificate: 008101 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Social Security Number: 274126257 Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: German Place of Death: , Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 94 Years
(Research):Ohio 1910 Census Miracode Index Record Name: David S Dovel Birthplace: Ohio State: OH Age: 27 Color: W Enumeration District: 0071 Visit: 0033 County: Franklin, Columbus Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Augustia 24 Ohio Son Howard 04 Ohio Daughter Dorothy NR Ohio
David S. Dovel
(Research):urbana Daily Citizen, Jan 8, 1884 A son, Grover Cleveland, born to Mr and Mrs Russell Dovell of St Par is on New Years. Day
Spring Grove Burial Records
(Research):DOVEL HARRY R County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: /15/1926 Volume Number: 4952 Certificate Number: 7446
(Research):Name: Otto M Wilson Gender: Male Date of Death: 16 November 1983 Birth Date: 29 September 1890 Volume: 25425 Certificate: 079771 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Social Security Number: 287329386 Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: American Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: , Champaign County Age: 93 Years
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Summer 2005 Vol21 No2 Pg 16 St Paris Ohio Graduates 1909- 1917 from 6/19/1993 by Janet Evilsizor Worthington 1921 Lucille Jenkins Hill
She was married several times. Enos Seward was her 3rd husband.
Name: Samuel Agustus Jenkins
Interment record middle name Laurence
name: �tab�Ainsworth Calvin Sheehe
name: �tab�Amy M Sheehe
Name: �tab�Catherine Kizer
(Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1901-1916 Published by the class of 19 16 in their Senior Year submitted by Pat Stickley, July CCGS Newsletter pg 92 Class of 1908 Rudolph Kizer
Name: �tab�A. Rudolph Kizer
(Research):mentioned as Nellie Loudenback in grmo will Mary R Vance 3/18/1903
(Research):Name : Mary Ellen Colbert Titles : Death date : 18 Jul 1934 Death place : Concord, Champaign Co., Ohio Birth date : 11 Jul 1852 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Quincy, Logan Co., Ohio Age at death : 82 years 7 days Gender : Female Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian Street address : RD #2 Occupation : Housewife Residence : Urbana, Champaign Co., Ohio Burial date : 20 Jul 1934 Burial place : Champaign Co., Ohio Cemetery name : Oakdale Spouse name : John B. Colbert Father name : Nelson M. Heath Father titles : Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Hester Ann Davis Mother titles : Mother birth place : Ohio GSU film number : 1993037 Digital GS number : 4001904 Image number : 3054 Certificate number : fn 41206 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):PENCE JOSEPH V County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 7/27/1921 Volume Number: 3620 Certificate Number: 37143
Social Security Death Index about Flossie Kizer
Aged 19Y
(Research):Name : Mamie Loudenback Death date : 29 Apr 1938 Death place : Delaware, Delaware, Ohio Birth date : 26 Jul 1866 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Delaware, Ohio Age at death : 71 years 9 months 3 days Gender : Female Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian Street address : 180 W. William Occupation : Housewife Residence : Burial date : 01 May 1938 Burial place : Cemetery name : Concord Spouse name : Antrum Loudenback Father name : Jessie Lavender Father titles : Father birth place : Delaware County, Ohio Mother name : Mary Robinson Mother titles : Mother birth place : New York GSU film number : 2023560 Digital GS number : 4121591 Image number : 878 Certificate number : fn 21720 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
COLBERT �tab� LAURA �tab� �tab� 1870 �tab� 10 �tab� 28 �tab� MILLER �tab� ROLAND �tab� FEMALE �tab� OH �tab� TEHAMA �tab� 1951 �tab� 08 �tab� 21 �tab� �tab� 80 �tab� 1055690
COLBERT �tab� ISAAC �tab� R �tab� 1893 �tab� 07 �tab� 24 �tab� �tab� �tab� MALE �tab� OH �tab� RIVERSIDE �tab� 1976 �tab� 03 �tab� 25 �tab� 562123683 �tab� 82 �tab� 4786149
COLBERT �tab� MARION �tab� D �tab� 1895 �tab� 04 �tab� 28 �tab� �tab� �tab� MALE �tab� OH �tab� TEHAMA �tab� 1977 �tab� 09 �tab� 25 �tab� 546546384 �tab� 82 �tab� 4964901
COLBERT �tab� WILLIAM �tab� MILO �tab� 1898 �tab� 11 �tab� 13 �tab� �tab� �tab� MALE �tab� OH �tab� BUTTE �tab� 1987 �tab� 08 �tab� 10 �tab� 544074634 �tab� 88 �tab� 6920676
(Research):World War I Draft Registration Card 1917-1918 Roll 1819797 for Dale Willi am Barger MILITARY RECORD WORLD WAR I DRAFT REGISTRATION 1917-1918 Born July 29, 1900, a farmer, 5 foot 6 inches tall, brown hair and brown e yes Living R.R. 7, Champaign County, OH Mother Amanda Barger SOURCE: Military Records
(Research):Alabama Marriage Collection, 1800-1969 Name: Rowena Barger Marriage Date: 21 Jun 1945 County: Marengo State: Alabama Source information: Alabama Center for Health Statistics
(Research):abel M Anderson on same stone with Jenkins in Terre Haute Cemetery 1896-19 85
(Research):Visitors Register of Honey Creek School # 5 CCGS Spring 1998 page 17 Visitors 1916-1917 while Mable Jenkins taught: 11/1 Miss Della Jenkins, St Paris, RR#3
Name: �tab�Mary Odessa Johnson
Name: �tab�Edward Pickering
(Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1915 Nellie Pickering Overholser
Name: �tab�William Elza Davis
Joseph C. Neer, 77, Dies Wednesday
Name: �tab�Henrietta Thatcher Shyrigh
Name: Mabel Gertrude Earnhart
Name: �tab�John W. Craun
Name: �tab�Emma Demory Kizer
Name: �tab�Earnest Leroy Huston
(Research):Name: Ruth Comer Birthplace: Ohio State: OH 1910 Age: 72 Color: W Enumeration District: 0055 Visit: 0171 County: Pau lding, Payne Relation: Head of Household Son Thomas J 52 Ohio Granddaughter Don 12 Ohio
Name: �tab�Iola Pickering
Name: �tab�Zola Knoop
(Research):CALLISON, Jacob H. Death date: 2/1/1944, Clark County Certific ate #9031
(Research):Monday, March 27, 1950 Daily News, Springfield, OH
Florida Death Index, 1877-1998 about Ona Boitnott
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 Pg 93 Teachers Report for St Paris, Johnson Twp, Champaign County Ohio, Feb 1 1, 1904 S Augusta Brohawn, Teacher Chester Offenbacker
(Research):St Paris Ohio Graduate 1880
Name: �tab�James M Biddle
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot#46 2/4/1941 Certificate J H Biddle to Mary Naomi Long, entire lot Bk 34 Pg463 Lot#46 8/27/1945 Mary Naomi Long to Richard P Heatherman Bk143 Pg357
(Research):Married Lewis King, cant find record
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�John Allen
Name: �tab�Russel Reid Allen
Name �tab�Russel Allen
Name: Effie Belle Biddle
Died from tetanus & lock-jaw after hooking a fishing pole into the side of his face.
(Research):Name: Norman A. Biddle SSN: 281-10-4700 Last Residence: 43072 Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio, United States of A merica Born: 29 Oct 1908 Died: 25 May 1989 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 480 23 Feb 1854 William R emsburg gdn of John Thomas Remsburg 2 months on 20 Feb 1854 son of sadi W illiam and minor heir of Diana Remsburg, formerly Diana Neese dec'd. Surit ies P B Ross, Samuel W Hitt
(Research):REED FAHREN H County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 12/18/1913 Volume Number: 1234 Certificate Number: 67610
(Research):A child Mary b 1874 was not found in the 1880 Census. Her supposed parents were also not found in the 1880 census of Champaign County. Not living with Zerkle grandparents
ST. PARIS NEWS-DISPATCH, Thurs. 2 June 1949
Name: �tab�Grover Cleveland Loudenback
Name: �tab�Bessie Grube
(Research):DEATON, Nora Death date: 5/3/1940, Clark County Certificate #2 9121
(Research):Mentioned in fathers will 2/19/1878
(Research):St Paris Ohio Graduates 1897-1908 From St Paris Ohio Graduates. June 19, 1 993" by Janet Evilsizor Worthington, published in the CCGS Newsletter J an 2005 Vol 21 No 1 pg 8 1903 Zola Deaton Pence 1904 Zola Deaton Pence
(Research):Name: CLIFFOR DEATON Gender: Male Date of Death: October 05, 1966 Volume: 18632 Certificate: 79227 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: , Miami County Race: White Residence: , Miami County Age: 67
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Harry C Bollinger
Name: �tab�Joseph Henry Burnsides
Sec 1 Lot 95 1882-1967
Sec 1 Lot 94
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 336
Name: �tab�Levi Bower
Name: �tab�John P. Bower
Name: �tab�L. F. Musselman (Lucien)
Name: �tab�Ida Ma. Musselman
Name: �tab�Isaac Augustus Bower
Name: �tab�Samuel Chalmer Bower
(Research):Visitors Register of Honey Creek School # 5 CCGS Spring 1998 page 17 Visitors 1913-1914 while B W Snyder taught: 10/10-Mr Alpha Miller, formerly of this school
(Research):There are two grace Grubes in Champaign County close to this age. Not kno wn which married Ivan
(Research):St Paris Village school district by L W Faulkner July 20, 1892 Rachel Stradling age 11
(Research):St Paris Village school district by L W Faulkner July 20, 1892 Emma Stradling age 9
Name: Emma Mariah Richmon
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Kate Stradling age 18 prent Chill
(Research):Name: Nora D Ballentine Gender: Female Date of Death: 30 August 1970 Volume: 20160 Certificate: 057412 Autopsy: Unknown Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: , Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 80 Years
(Research):Name : Laura Lippencott
(Research):Given names : Otie Surnames : Hance Birth date : 08 May 1876 Death date : May 1972 Social security number : 268-18-9369 Issued : Ohio Residence : Ohio Last residence : Montgomery, Ohio Age at death : 96 Last benefit : Verify or proof code : Collection : U.S. Social Security Death Index
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Elnora R Rosenbury
(Research):Name: Frank I. Pence Serial Number: 2491203 Race: W Residence: St Paris, O. Enlistment Division: National Army Enlistment Location: Columbus Barracks, O. Enlistment Date: 15 Dec 1917 Birth Place: St Paris, O. Birth Date / Age: 25 8/12 Years Assigns Comment: 25 Co 20 Engineers to Discharge Private, first cla ss 16 July 1918. American Expeditionary Forces 29 March 1918 to 1 June 191 9. Honorable discharge 11 June 1919. Volume #: 13
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 168
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Pearl Heaston, age 8, parent John
(Research):Name: CLARA E APPLE Gender: Female Date of Death: November 30, 1958 Volume: 15594 Certificate: 80188 Marital Status: Divorced Place of Death: Piqua, Miami County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 78
Name �tab�Adelia Rust
(Research):Strange. Enumerated in Champaign Co, Ohio with wife Margaret and son Geral d. married 13y
Groom's Name: �tab�Ora C. Calhoun
(Research):Funeral Home records show a Perry Shlonaker and Belle Mott paid for buri al of Rebecca Shlonaker
Name: �tab�Mary Gibson
Name: �tab�Robert S Mott
Name: �tab�George Washington Mott
(Research):1900 Champaign Co, Jackson, OH -pg 72 Harry I Mott 10/1858 OH OH OH Belle, wife, 11/1855 OH OH OH M22y 9/8 Mary 11/1878 George 7/1880 William 10/1886 Thirza 5/1890 Dolly 3/1892 Elza C, 10/1894, son Hobart 12/1897
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Mary Mott
(Research):NIGH, Mary V. (Mott) 96, of Urbana, died Monday, Feb. 6, 2006 at 1:35 p. m. in Mercy McAuley Center, Urbana. She was born in Urbana on March 17, 19 09 the daughter of George Mott and Mayme Mott. She and her husband Claren ce owned and operated Nigh Dry Cleaners for 29 years before closing in Mar ch of 1980. She was a member of St. Mary Catholic Church, Ladies Sodalit y, Champaign County Senior Citizen Center, Retired Seniors Volunteer Progr am (RSVP) and the American Red Cross of Champaign County. She is surviv ed by children: daughter, Mary Jo McCormick of Columbus, Ohio; two sons a nd daughters-in-law, David and Carol Nigh of Arizona, Fred and Tamara Ni gh of Urbana; 15 grandchildren, 34 great-grandchildren, and one great-grea t-grandchild, sister-in-law Maxine (Omer) Bledsow. She was preceded in dea th by her husband Clarence in 1975; son, Ron and an infant son, Richard Eu gene, her parents and five brothers, Norbert, George, Louis, William and C harles; one granddaughter Tina Marie Nigh of California and one grandson R onald Dwayne Nigh of California. Funeral services will be held at St Ma ry Catholic Church on Friday at 10:30 a.m. Visitation will be held from 5 -8 p.m. Thursday at WALTER-SCHOEDINGER FUNERAL HOME, 642 South Main Stree t, Urbana, Ohio. In lieu of flowers, donations to church or charity of yo ur choice. Published in the Springfield News-Sun from 2/8/2006 - 2/9/2006.
(Research):ZIRKLE HARRY N County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 6/21/1913 Volume Number: 1092 Certificate Number: 32237
(Research):PRINCE, Mary K. 89 of Urbana, passed away Sunday, August 13, 2006 in her r esidence. She was born December 19, 1916 in St. Paris the daughter of Ca rl and Bonnie (Kemp) Prince. She was a graduate of Johnson-St. Paris Hi gh School and the Grant Hospital School of Nursing, Columbus, Ohio. She re ceived her Bachelor of Science in Education and her Master of Arts Degr ee from the Ohio State University, Columbus. During World War II as a regi stered nurse, Mary was a 1st Lt. in the Army Nurse Corp for 39 months. S he was with the 81st General Hospital in the European Theater of Operati on near Cardiff, Wales. She also worked in Veterans Administration Nursin g, Nursing Education and retired in 1975. Mary was a member of Grant Hospi tal School of Nursing Alumni Association; A life member of the Ohio Sta te University Alumni Association and a member of Kings Creek Baptist Churc h. She was a member and past president of Champaign County Chapter 27 of P ublic Employees Retires Inc. of Ohio and State PERS and a Chapter Memb er of WIMSA (Women in Military Services for America) Washington, D.C. Ma ry is survived by her sister, Dorothy Halterman of Urbana, her nieces, Con stance (Raymond) Wanamaker of Columbus and Marsha (Leo) Dugdale of Centerv ille, her great nephews, Drew and Aaron Dugdale of Centerville. The fami ly would like to give a special thanks to Carla Powers, Ann Elliott, Shar on Randall and Cheryl Honeycutt. Private services will be held at the conv enience of the family. Services are entrusted to VERNON FUNERAL HOME, Urba na. Memorial Contributions may be made to Kings Creek Baptist Church, 12 50 Kennard Kings Creek Road, Urbana, Ohio 43078 and The Ohio State Univers ity, Alumni Association, Office of University Development, 1480 West La ne Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43221. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 8/15/2006.
(Research):Daily Record of SMith School for the term commencing Sept 12 1892 ending D ec 2 1892, Jackson Twp, New Common School Register- Teacher A Neff. (CCGS Newsletter Dec 95 pg 90-91) Samuel Dingledine attended 43 days absent 15
(Research):May not have died in Ohio., Not in Champ Co Death Index, nor onl-line Oh io death index.
Groom's Name: �tab�Harley E. Kelley
(Research):St Paris Ohio Graduates 1897-1908 From St Paris Ohio Graduates. June 19, 1 993" by Janet Evilsizor Worthington, published in the CCGS Newsletter J an 2005 Vol 21 No 1 pg 8 1903-Alpha Pence
(Research):ST. PARIS NEWS-DISPATCH, Thurs. 29 Jan 1942, pg 1 Funeral services were held Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. for Mrs. Hazel Mertie WI ANT, 49, from the Bert Richeson funeral home with Rev. A. O. Long in charg e. Burial was in Spring Grove cemetery. Mrs. WIANT passed away Sunday at 9:10 P.M. at her home three miles southea st of St. Paris after being in poor health for the past two years. She w as born October 12, 1892, and had spent her entire life in Jackson townshi p. She is survived by her husband, Wilbur; two sons, Dallas and Delma r, at home; her father, George E. PENCE, Jackson township, and a brothe r, A. C. PENCE, of Coshocton
(Research):BAKER EDNA M County Name: MIAMI Date of Death: 5/19/1921 Volume Number: 3589 Certificate Number: 29278
(Research):Name: Vernon C Baker Gender: Male Date of Death: 01 March 1995 Birth Date: 07 September 1898 Volume: 30158 Certificate: 016486 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 277058307 Father's Surname: Baker Time of Death: 2:50 AM Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Nursing Home Years of Schooling: 99 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Race: White Birth Place: Champaign County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 96
(Research):PENCE, ALTA F. 98, passed away on July 31, 2004 at 10:20 a.m. in her resid ence. She was born on November 2, 1905 in Champaign County, the daught er of the late Harry O. and Edna May (Baker) Baker. She married Harry W. P ence on October 22, 1924 and he preceded her in death on August 10, 199 1. Alta was a member of the St. Paris United Methodist Church, and was a m ember of United Methodist Women and the Friendship Class. She was also a m ember of the Urbana Chapter 530 OES, Red Star 397 Pythian Sisters Lodge, S pringfield, 48-49 Past Worthy Matron Group OES, a 50 year member of Homema kers Club of Champaign County, and a Champaign County Farm Bureau and Wome n�s Group member. Alta is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Ruby Schubert; fo ur grandchildren, Linda Krelko, Pamela (Beau) Nichols, Gary (Janice) Schub ert and Brent (Janet) Krelko; seven great grandchildren and four niece s. In addition to her parents and her husband, she was preceded in dea th by three brothers, Vernon C., Wilbur C., and Waldo I. Baker; two sister s, Rachel E. Whitmore, and Ada Baker; one niece, Betty Whitmore; and a son -in-law, George W. Schubert. Visitation will be held on Tuesday, Augu st 3 from 5 to 8 p.m. with Urbana Chapter, 530 OES holding services at 8 p .m. in RICHESON-WICKHAM AND ATKINS FUNERAL HOME, 216 South Springfield Str eet, St. Paris. Funeral services will be conducted on Wednesday, Augu st 4 at 11 a.m. in the funeral home with Reverend Douglas Upton of the S t. Paris United Methodist Church presiding. Burial will follow in Spring G rove Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the St. Paris E. M. S ., P.O. Box 271, St. Paris, Ohio 43072. First published in SNS on Aug 02 2004
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 Pg 93 Teachers Report for St Paris, Johnson Twp, Champaign County Ohio, Feb 1 1, 1904 S Augusta Brohawn, Teacher Harry Heck
Census Records - Pike Twp, Clark County, OH 1820 Fuller, William fc 1820 Cen 014 Pike Township Ck (Miami Vall ey Index - need to find detail) 1830 Fuller, William fc 1830 Cen 140 Pike Twp Ck (Miami Valley In dex - need to find detail) 1840 Pike Twp pg 104 (Jan lookup)William FULLER 1 m 50-60 1 f 40- 50 1 m 20-30 1 f 15-20 1 f 10-15 1 m 10-15 1 f 5-10 3 f < 5 1 f 6 0-70 1 m 30-40 THIS WOULD BE William Margaret John (named oldest s on in Wm�s will; b 1820? They married 1819) Mary 18 (m. 1841Lemuel Thompso n; named oldest daughter in Wms Will) Sarah b 1830-1835 (named as second d aughter in Wm�s will) Alexander 11 (21 in 1850 census) Elizabeth 6 ( 16 in 1850 census) Mahala 4 (14 in 1850 census) Lucinda 2 (12 in 1850 ce nsus) Louisa??? (perhaps was an infant?) Perhaps Mary Botkin, Margaret �s mother? (70 in 1850 census) Perhaps Margaret�s brother? (Wm 47 in 18 50 census lvg w/ Mary 70) 1850 Clark Co, Pike OH; pg 137 1173/1182 (Sandi lookup) Margaret FULL ER 45 b VA Alexander 21 OH Elizabeth 16 OH Mahalia 14 OH Lucinda 12 OH Lo uisa 9 OH 1860 Pike Twp., Clark Co., OH; pg. 136 (360) (Andrea lookup) Margaret Fu ller 59 F Va. Lousa 19 F O Franc es 9 F O Who is Frances? She would ha ve been born after William died. 1870 Clark Co, OH Enumerated July 28, 1870 Pike Twp. - Page 184a (208) (J an lookup) RUST, Joshua 32 M W Farmer 1,500 Oh Loui sa 28 F W Keeps House Oh Effie 08 F W Attends Scho ol Oh William 06 M W At Home Oh Emma 04 F W At Ho me Oh Lizzie 01 F W At Home Oh FULLER, Margar et 70 F W Lives with Daughter 19,000 Va Others: BECK, Jeremi ah 20 M W Farm Hand Oh & LANGLEY, Sylvester 17 M W Farm H and Oh 1880 Pike, Clarke, OH; FHL Film 1254999 Nat�l Archives Film T9-0999 P age 172A (Sandi lookup)Joshua L. RUST Self 39 OH Farmer Fa: VA M o: VA Louisa E. RUST Wife 38 OH Keeping House Fa: VA Mo: VA Willi am F. RUST Son 16 OH Farm Laborer Emma L. RUST Dau 14 OH At Home Elizab eth RUST Dau 10 OH At School Maggie S. RUST Dau 7 OH Matt ie J. RUST Dau 4 OH Margaret FULLER MotherL 80 VA Fa: VA Mo: VA B enj. F. NYSEWANDER SonL 23 OH Music Teacher Fa: PA Mo: PA Effie E. NY SEWANDER Dau 18 IL At Home Benjamin MAY Other M W W 67 WV I RE PA Farm Laborer
Northrup Fuller (1810 - 1884)
Frances M Holmes Fuller (1821 - 1863)
Prudence A Richeson Fuller (1844 - 1933)
John W Fuller (1840 - 1841)*
Thomas M Fuller (1842 - 1915)
Rebecca J Fuller (1844 - 1845)*
Isaac N Fuller (1846 - 1865)*
Mary E Fuller (1848 - 1851)*
Death Date: �tab�22 May 1913
Death Place: �tab�German Twp., Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�20 Sep 1851
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�61 years 8 months 2 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Notary Public
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�25 May 1913
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Mt. Calvery Cemetery
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�James Jones
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Weaver
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1953647
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4019443
Image Number: �tab�757
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 26391
Beers History of Clark Co, OH
LEFFEL ALONZO C County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 11/10/1925 Volume Number: 4872 Certificate Number: 61398
My name is Dean Glenn, and I am the great-great grandson of Clara Etta Evilsizer and Simeon Scowden. Their son, Charles Elmer Scowden, married Eva Ann Looney and they were my great-grandparents. Charlie and Eva's daughter Mary Beulah Scowden, my beloved grandmother, married Paul Franklin Glenn, and their second son, Denver Leo Glenn, was my father.You messaged me via Ancestry.com, stating I had Clara's father, David, attached to the wrong family. You stated he should in fact be attached to George Evilsizer and his wife, Eva Wise. Could you provide me with details on George and Eva, their other children, and any of their ancestors on which you have information?? I have had much difficulty finding accurate information about the Evilsizer family.
Also, you mentioned Emory Thomas Evilsizer. He was the younger brother of Clara. Are you descended from him?? I am very much interested in seeing any information and photos you might have of the family of my great-great grandmother, Clara, and would be happy to share my tree, photos, etc. with you!!Thank you for contacting me!Dean A. Glenn
Laura Sipes
Died 1/27/1943 Dunklin Co, Campbell, MO
res Campbell Mo for entire life
female, white, married to C Sipes living age 70
aged 58y5m15d born 8/14/1884 MO
Father Samuel Cowder (sic) b MO
Mother Clara Evilsizer
Informant Wilma Sipes, Campbell, MO
COD Pulmonary tuberculosis
Buried 1/19/1943 Rocky Hill Cem Campbell, MO
Rosell Clinton Scowden
1911 \endash 1966
Willard Cletus Scowden
1914 \endash 1972
Earl Norman Scowden
1916 \endash 1978
Maxie Irene Scowden
1919 \endash 1928
Noah Curtis Scowden
1921 \endash 1981
Ethel Gertrude Scowden
1924 \endash 2001
Troy Dale Scowden
1927 \endash 1978
L W Scowden, male, white, born 6/8/1898 Wayne Co, MO
Age 19, frmer. Father Simeon Scowden
Mother Clariah Evelsizer born Indiana
Informant N U johnson, Dongola.
Died of a traumautic strain in a lifting accident
Buried Dongola
Notes from J C Kenton says Armilda married a Mr Jackson first and had a daughter Mary who married a Charles Davis. He died in Branson MO and she was in the soldiers home at Higginsville the last years of her life. The only record we find of her in the 1860 census with Thomas and Armilda Cummins is Mary age 4 suggesting she was born around 1855/56. Charles and Mary Davis are found in Ray Co, Camden MO HH224 1880
Charles Davis 22
Mary wife, 19 MO KY KY
Name: �tab�Miss. Armilda Cummings
Marriage Date: �tab�29 Aug 1880
Marriage Location: �tab�Carroll, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�Carroll
Spouse Name: �tab�Arthur F Rhoads
In the presence of Emily Rhodes
Minister C H Wheeler
Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002
about Armilda Rhodes
Name: �tab�Armilda Rhodes
Marriage Date: �tab�27 Jul 1885
Marriage Location: �tab�Richmond, Ray, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�Ray
Spouse Name: �tab�John W Lochchart
by J S McMasters, JP
Note from Marion Kelliher 8/1/2008
Dear Sandi: I received these photots from Markey Rabon [email protected]. Markay is a former resident of Kansas City. Markay's aunt Mimi is Markay's grondmother's sister Margaret Elizabeth Morrison Graff. "Mimi" celebrated her one hundredth birthday last January. Markay relies on her for a lot of Craig/Rigdell history and I think it was Mimi who gave Markay the pictures I am enclosing. IN 2002 Markay gave me some other sources for information: "Rootsweb World connect project: Hays Genealogy" and Family Tree Maker User Home Pgae :Rigdell Family Home. That is when my husband's illness negan and I never followed up on those leads.
about William P Green
Name: �tab�William P Green
Marriage Date: �tab�22 Aug 1900
Marriage Location: �tab�Brickenridge, Caldwell, Missouri
Marriage County: �tab�Livingston
Spouse Name: �tab�Francis A Cummins
Death certificate does not name father, but names mother as Armilda Cregg
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�Mar 1900
Death Place: �tab�Urbana City, Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�76
Birth Date: �tab�1824
Birthplace: �tab�Pa.
Occupation: �tab�Housekeeper
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07024-6
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�p 179
Source Citation
"Ohio, Deaths and Burials, 1854-1997," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/F66Z-N4V : accessed 14 May 2012), Rosalinda Geiger, 1900.
Death Date: �tab�01 Apr 1937
Death Place: �tab�Piqua, Miami, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�13 Aug 1872
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Mutual, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�64 years 7 months 19 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�520 S. Downing
Occupation: �tab�Housework
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�03 Apr 1937
Burial Place: �tab�Piqua, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Clifford Baker
Father's Name: �tab�Jasper Downey
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Anna Swisher
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Film Number: �tab�2023496
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4020755
Image Number: �tab�893
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 27550
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�18 Jun 1903
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�27
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1876
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�E.N. Warner
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Elizabeth Sells
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Nettie Downey
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�28
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1875
Spouse's Father: �tab�Jasper Downey
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Inda Swisher
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�cn 1039
Film Number: �tab�530189
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016810
Image Number: �tab�730
Death Date: �tab�20 Apr 1943
Death Place: �tab�Christianburg, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�12 Oct 1875
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�67 years 6 months 8 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�Christianburg, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�22 Apr 1943
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Addison Cemetery
Spouse's Name: �tab�C H Warner
Father's Name: �tab�Jasper Downey
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Kingston, Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Anna Swisher
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Kingston, Ohio
Film Number: �tab�2024129
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4122065
Image Number: �tab�1495
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 21870
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�19 Sep 1901
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�37 never married
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�3-4-1864 Urbana, OH
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�John Baldwin
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mary M. Mccorkle
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Emma Downey
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�24 never married
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1-22-1877 St Paris, OH
Spouse's Father: �tab�Jasper Downey
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Annie Swisher
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�cn M-601 P301
Film Number: �tab�530189
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016810
Image Number: �tab�616
Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 John Downey age 18 parent Jasper
Name: John Downey Birthplace: Ohio State: OH 1910 Age: 22 Color: W Enumeration District: 0125 Visit: 0163 County: Miami, Piqua City Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Pearl 20 Ohio
Death Date: �tab�11 Jun 1949
Death Place: �tab�Rural, Miami, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�24 Feb 1888
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�St. Paris, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�61 years 3 months 19 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Jasper Downey
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Anna Swisher
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2247092
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109161
Image Number: �tab�00676
Certificate Number: �tab�38721
Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Hazel Downey age 16 parent Jasper
Name: �tab�Calvin James Ward
SSN: �tab�279-22-6808
Last Residence: �tab�43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Born: �tab�7 Oct 1926
Died: �tab�20 Mar 2011
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (Before 1951)
United States Obituary Collection about Calvin James Ward
Name of Deceased: �tab�Calvin James Ward
Obituary Date: �tab�22 Mar 2011
Newspaper Title: �tab�Springfield News-Sun
Newspaper Location: �tab�Springfield, OH, USA
Residence (at time of death): �tab�Urbana
WARD, Calvin James 84 of Urbana, died Sunday. Services are entrusted to VERNON FUNERAL HOME, Urbana.
Published in Springfield News-Sun on March 21, 2011
Death Cert No 63-027305
Beulah Frances Evilsizer
Died 7/24/1963 Buchanan Co, St Joseph, MO State Hosp 2.
Res Chariton, Triplett, MO
Female white, school teacher, age 43 born Chariton MO 10/19/1919
Father Albert Guy Evilsizer; Mother Ida Katherine Roop.
Not married.
SS 10710790
COD Myocarditis
Informant John Evilsizer, Salina, KS
Burial 7/27/1963 Lakeside Cemetery, Sumner, MO
Newspaper Abstarcst 1878 - 1900 pg 127 Aunt was Catheirne Crabill sh ot in 1894 in Kankakie, IL
So many names may be explained by the marriags found at LDS
St Paris Ohio Graduates 1897-1908 From St Paris Ohio Graduates. June 19, 1 993" by Janet Evilsizor Worthington, published in the CCGS Newsletter J an 2005 Vol 21 No 1 pg 8 1907 Helen Riker
From Marcia Malmsbury Grooms: NATIVE OF SAINT PARIS STRICKEN HERE THURSDAY Mrs. Nettie V. Offenbacher, 70, wife of James V. Offenbacher, died at 7: 40 p.m. Thursday at her home 323 Wood Street, where she had been a semiinv alid for 38 years. Born at St. Paris, April 6, 1875 she was the daught er of Edward and Lucinda Runkle and was a member of the St. Paris Luther an church. She was married May 28, 1893, and had lived in Piqua for 45 yea rs. She is survived by her husband; five children, Mrs. Henry Kiesewett er (Velma), Mrs. Lucille Comolli, Mrfs. Wheeler Tood (Alta), all of Dayto n, Mrs. Oscar Harrison (Kathryn) and Charles A. Offenbacher, both of Piqu a; a brother, William Runkle of Fletcher, 10 grandchildren; four great gra ndchildren and a number of nieces and nephews. A daughter, Mrs. George Am er (Mary), three brothers and five sisters preceded her in death. The Re v. Simon Long will conduct services Monday at 2 p.m. at the Jamieson funer al home, 833 West High street, with burial in Forest Hill cemetery. Frien ds may call at the Jamieson Ifuneral home after noon Saturday until the ho ur of the funeral Monday afternoon. Mrs. Nettie Offenbacher, Piqua, Mar ch 30 - Funeral services for Mrs. Nellie V. Offenbacher, 70, wife of Jam es V. Offenbacher, will be conducted at 2 p.m. Monday at the Jamieson fune ral home by the Rev. Simon Long. Burial will be in Forest Hill Cemetery. ( 27 March 1946) Married - At the residence of David E. Brown, West Main street, by Re v. E. F. Dickey, on Sunday, May 28, 1893 Mr. James V. Offenbacher and Mi ss Nellie V. Runkle, both of St. Paris
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�17 Apr 1916
Event Place: �tab�Miami County, Ohio
Age: �tab�22
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1894
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�John Comolli
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Clementine Ariola
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Lucile Offenbacher
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1898
Spouse's Father: �tab�J. V. Offenbacher
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Nettie Runkle
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�it. 28864 p 204
Film Number: �tab�550154
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4260995
Image Number: �tab�380
Name: �tab�Hugo Comolli
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�07 Nov 1933
Death Place: �tab�Piqua, Miami, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�30 Jul 1893
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Quincy, Mass.
Death Age: �tab�40 years 3 months 7 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�1303 South St.
Occupation: �tab�Stone Cutter
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�10 Nov 1933
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Forest Hill
Spouse's Name: �tab�Lucille Comolli
Father's Name: �tab�John Comolli
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Italy
Mother's Name: �tab�Clemantine Aroli
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Italy
Film Number: �tab�1992982
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4001888
Image Number: �tab�2270
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 64099
CCGS Newsletter Summer 2005 Vol21 No2 Pg 16 St Paris Ohio Graduates 1909- 1917 from 6/19/1993 by Janet Evilsizor Worthington Donald Bollinger 1915
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Holland Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Nettie Ollive Ward
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1882
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Shelby Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�21
Marriage Date: �tab�19 Jul 1903
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Milton Knotts
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Margaret Holmes
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�David Ward
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary C. Miller
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M00002-6
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0530189
Reference Number: �tab�2:3LL5QCX
Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Homer Ward age 18 parent David
Tombstone DOB 1881 Obit names sisters Hattie and Ona Mott
Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Hattie Mott, age 21, parent Wright
St Paris Ohio Graduates 1897-1908 From St Paris Ohio Graduates. June 19, 1 993" by Janet Evilsizor Worthington, published in the CCGS Newsletter J an 2005 Vol 21 No 1 pg 8 1905 Hattie Mott
Harry Wirick
Age: 28 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0009
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0285
County: Champaign, St Paris
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Lona D 28 Ohio Son Harold K 04 Ohio Daughter Berniece E 03 Ohio Son William W NR Ohio Stepdaugther Lavona M 06 Ohio Stepdaugther Janeate M West 09 Ohio
1920 Census names a grandson Melvin E age 5months
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�05 Oct 1905
Event Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Age: �tab�22
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1883
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Frank Wirick
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Matilda Biddles
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Della Sager
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1885
Spouse's Father: �tab�Burr Sager
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Hattie Domine
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p 221 #1543
Film Number: �tab�530190
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016811
Image Number: �tab�149
Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 30/1898 John Wirick age 16
John H Wirick
Age: 25 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0009
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0190
County: Champaign, St Paris
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Della M 23 Ohio Son Ralph D 03 Ohio
1880 Census name was John age 5
Teachers Term Report Johnson Twp Dist # 10 Winter Term 9/15/1884-2/28/18 85 (From CCGS Newsletter Summer 1992 pg 59) John McIntire, age 10
JOHNSON COUNTY SCHOOL RECORDS DISTRICT #10, BODEY SCHOOL, 3 SEPTEMBER 1889 THROUGH 7 MARCH 1890, G. W. B ODEY, TEACHER Subjects taught; Orthography (spelling), Reading, Writing, Oral Lessons, A rithmetic, Georgraphy, Grammar, U.S. History, General History, Vocal Musi c, Physical Geography, Physiology and Hygiene. Ollie McIntire age 16 (SOURCE: Public Records of the Johnson Township Meeting House, Millerstow n, Champaign County, OH by Denise K. M. Moore.)
Elliott (1874-1943), attended school near Springhills and passed Boxwel l, and examination for teaching school. He married Dicie Wirick and they h ad one son, Clarence. They divorced and he went west to explore and wor k. After returning, he married Blanche Williams (1881-1950). They farmed n ear Springhills, but after the birth of their third child they moved to Mi chigan to homestead land there.
They lived in a log cabin, with their only transportation being oxen and w agon. They did not like the severe winters so they moved to Paulding Count y, where their fourth child was born. They later returned to Champaign Cou nty and farmed.
He was a road supervisor and surveyor and did carpenter work. He helped bu ld the last road across the Sink Hole. They used logs from a near-by wood s, placed them crosswise and lengthwise and covered them with gravel. T he road was solid and was traveled until a severe storm sank it as other r oads had done before.
In 1917 they moved to Concord Township on the J.P. neer farm. He was a Civ il War captian and gave them all a firsthand history of the war. They h ad four children.
There is a question about Elliots legal name. Here are some thoughts fr om Becky Leamy 6/2005 strangest one of all is the John/ Elliot/ Elliott/ Elliot Benjamin/ Ellio tt B. (he signed it Elliot Benjamin McIntire when he signed it on t he WW I registration, but the Benjamin is very hard to read) but it is fou nd spelled both ways in various records. I also found some interesting thi ngs about Elliot in other records. In the 1900 census he is living with h is sister Mary A. and Anson Bosler family. and listed as widowed (we kn ow he was divorced). His wife Dicie and son Clarence are living with her p arents (Frank and Matilda Wirick) and brothers and sisters. She is list ed as divorced. In the 1910 census Clarence is living with the grandparen ts but not his mother and on Clarence's WW I registration his next of k in was his gr. mother Mrs. Frank Wirick and father listed as I DON'T KNO W. Then in the 1930 census Dicie E. McClellan age 54 widow and Clarence Mc Intire 29 widow married at 25 are living together in Clinton twp., Shel by Co. OH.
Name: �tab�Clarence Walter Mcintire
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�14 Feb 1927
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�29
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1898
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Elliott Mc Intire
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Dicie Wirick
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Olive Hazel Kendle
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�16
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1911
Spouse's Father: �tab�Emanuel J. Kendle
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Annie K. Dicus
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�88
Film Number: �tab�545417
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016846
Image Number: �tab�401
Clarence Mcintire
Age: 12 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0009
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0346
County: Champaign, St Paris
Relation: Grandson
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Head of Household Frank Wirick W
Death date: 01 Mar 1944
Death place: Celina, Mercer, Ohio
Birth date: 29 Apr 1883
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: St. Paris, Ohio
Age at death: 60 years 10 months 3 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 104... South Main
Occupation: Labour ... Station
Residence: Celina, Mercer, Ohio
Burial date: 04 Mar 1944
Burial place: St. Paris, Ohio
Cemetery name:
Spouse name: Iva Hastings Brown
Father name: David Brown
Father titles:
Father birth place: St. Paris, Onio
Mother name: Elinore Swimlacy
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Virginia
GSU film number: 2024196
Digital GS number: 4057842
Image number: 57
Reference number: fn 19746
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Death Date: �tab�17 Sep 1951
Death Place: �tab�Marion, Marion, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�03 Feb 1883
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�St. Paris, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�68 years
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Harrison Pemce
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Mariah Fitzpartrich
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2372844
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109401
Image Number: �tab�00523
Certificate Number: �tab�58375
St Paris Ohio Graduates 1897-1908 From St Paris Ohio Graduates. June 19, 1 993" by Janet Evilsizor Worthington, published in the CCGS Newsletter J an 2005 Vol 21 No 1 pg 8 1901- Fred Black
St Paris Ohio Graduates 1897-1908 From St Paris Ohio Graduates. June 19, 1 993" by Janet Evilsizor Worthington, published in the CCGS Newsletter J an 2005 Vol 21 No 1 pg 8 1907 Fannie Black
National Army Camp Crane PA June 7 1918, born St Paris, Evacuation Hospit al 11 American Expeditionary Forces to Mar 1919; Camp Hospital 52 Army Po st Office 762 to Mar 1919; Base Hospital 88 & 113 to Mar 1919. Base Hospit al Camp Sherman to discharge. Pvt 1st Class 8 Jul 1918. St Mihiel; Meuse-A rgonne; Defensive Sector. Ameican Expeditionary Forces Aug 1918 to April 1 919 Honorable discharge 7 Mar 1919
Champaign Co, Oh 1991 - pg 96 Biography
CCGS Newsletter Summer 2005 Vol21 No2 Pg 16 St Paris Ohio Graduates 1909- 1917 from 6/19/1993 by Janet Evilsizor Worthington Herbert Brown 1915
January 24, 1901
Sarah J Shaffer was born October 4, 1840 and died at her residence January 19, 1901, aged 60 years, 3 months, 15 days. She was married to W.F. Furrow. The interment took place in Urbana. Rev A.H. Garman officiating.
134th OVI Co I enlisted 2 May 1864 age 18, mustered out 31 Aug 1864
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�22 Jul 1906
Death Place: �tab�St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�57
Birth Date: �tab�1849
Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co.
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07023-6
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 449
St Paris Ohio Graduate 1891 Dr Frank Richeson
St Paris Ohio Graduate 1891
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�16 Aug 1903
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�25
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1878
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Geo. Gise
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Amanda Merritt
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Della Richeson
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1881
Spouse's Father: �tab�Samuel Richeson
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Mary E. Strawburg
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�cn 1066
Film Number: �tab�530189
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016810
Image Number: �tab�737
St Paris Ohio Graduates 1897-1908 From St Paris Ohio Graduates. June 19, 1 993" by Janet Evilsizor Worthington, published in the CCGS Newsletter J an 2005 Vol 21 No 1 pg 8 1900 - Della Richeson Sise
Name: DELLA A SISE Gender: Female Date of Death: December 14, 1963 Volume: 17514 Certificate: 93792 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Troy, Miami County Race: White Residence: Troy, Miami County Age: 81
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�22 Jan 1908
Event Place: �tab�Montgomery County, Ohio
Age: �tab�23
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1885
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Samuel Richeson
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mary E. Richeson
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Mable Voris
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�23
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1885
Spouse's Father: �tab�Voris
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Leader
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p133 cn28595
Film Number: �tab�1030850
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017468
Image Number: �tab�435
St Paris Ohio Graduates 1897-1908 From St Paris Ohio Graduates. June 19, 1 993" by Janet Evilsizor Worthington, published in the CCGS Newsletter J an 2005 Vol 21 No 1 pg 8 1907 Mary Richeson Tinney
Death date: 26 Feb 1923
Death place: Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth date: About 1889
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Ohio
Age at death: About 34 years
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: American
Street address: 500 W. Columbia St.
Occupation: Housewife
Burial date: 01 Apr 1923
Burial place: St. Paris, Ohio
Cemetery name:
Spouse name: Albert Finney
Father name: Samuel Richeson
Father titles:
Father birth place: Ohio
Mother name: Elizabeth Strasberg
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Ohio
GSU film number: 1992183
Digital GS number: 4000557
Image number: 2639
Reference number: fn 8150
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Named in fathers will 1909 as Blanche Walborn 1905 Divorce of Brother Frank, custody of children to F A Fromme and W H W alborn Unable to locate a W H Walborn ie Blanch Walborn in 1900 census.
Death date: 09 Dec 1912
Death place: Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Birthdate: 19 May 1829
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Rockingham Co., Va
Age at death: 83 years 7 months 9 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Shoe Maker
Residence: Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Burial date: 11 Dec 1912
Burial place: Piqua, Oh
Cemetery name:
Spouse's name:
Father's name: John H. Smith
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: Va
Mother's name:
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace:
GSU film number: 1953482
Digital GS number: 4020537
Image number: 2531
Reference number: fn 63822
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
CCGS Newsletter Summer 2005 Vol21 No2 Pg 16 St Paris Ohio Graduates 1909- 1917 from 6/19/1993 by Janet Evilsizor Worthington Flossie Bull 1912
Honey Creek # 5 School Jackson Township , Champaign Co, Oh Summary of atte ndance & Scholarship Term beginning Jan 3, 1916 and ending April 21, 191 6. From CCGS Newsletter June 1996 pg 56 Edith Breslford
Death date: 16 Aug 1941
Death place: Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Birthdate: 01 Aug 1884
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: St. Paris, Ohio
Age at death: 57 years 15 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 309 W. First Ave
Occupation: Barber
Burial date: 19 Aug 1941
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Greenlawn
Spouse's name: Allie Runkle
Father's name: Lee Runkle
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: St. Paris, Ohio
Mother's name: Mattie Cyester
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: St. Paris, Ohio
GSU film number: 2023921
Digital GS number: 4046417
Image number: 2132
Reference number: fn 48576
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994
birth:�tab�2/24/1887�tab�St. Paris, Ohio
marriage:�tab�29 Sep 1907�tab�Champaign, Ohio, United States
parents:�tab�Lee Runkle, Mattie
spouse:�tab�Frank Malmsbury
Name: Dale D Runkle Birth Date: Est. 1896 Gender: Male Race: White Residence City: Springfield Residence County: Clark Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 21 Jan 1970 Hospital of Death: Community Hosp. of Springfield City of Death: Springfield County of Death: Clark Certificate: 000793 Age at Death: 74 Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy Marital Status: Widowed
Benjia- Researcher- [email protected]
CCGS Newsletter Summer 2005 Vol21 No2 Pg 16 St Paris Ohio Graduates 1909- 1917 from 6/19/1993 by Janet Evilsizor Worthington Leota Runkle Watson 1917
Name: Leota I Watson Birth Date: Est. 1899 Gender: Female Race: White Residence County: Clinton Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 15 Nov 1969 Hospital of Death: Clinton Memorial Hospital City of Death: Wilmington County of Death: Clinton Certificate: 089555 Age at Death: 70 Certifier: Physician Marital Status: Married
Name: Leota Watson Birth Date: Est. 1899 Gender: Female Race: White Residence City: Delaware Residence County: Delaware Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 5 May 1969 Hospital of Death: Grady Memorial Hospital City of Death: Delaware County of Death: Delaware Certificate: 035459 Age at Death: 70 Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy Marital Status: Widowed
Titles :
Death date : 16 Oct 1940
Death place : Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth date : 01 Jan 1872
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : So. Saint Paris, Ohio
Age at death : 67 years 9 months 15 days
Gender : Female
Marital status : Married
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address : 729 W. High St.
Occupation : Housewife Own Home
Residence : Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Burial date : 18 Oct 1940
Burial place : Willowstown, O.
Cemetery name : Spring Grove
Spouse name : William Gross
Father name : Henry C. Feaster
Father titles :
Father birth place : Allen Co., Ohio
Mother name : Katherine Kinley
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : St. Paris, O.
GSU film number : 2023881
Digital GS number : 4026215
Image number : 2581
Certificate number : fn 59532
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�02 Apr 1983
Death Place: �tab�Centerburg, Knox, Ohio
Age: �tab�97
Birth Date: �tab�1886
Birthplace: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Abner Adams
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Hannah Unknown
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�I09302-6
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�2318381
Reference Number: �tab�cn 111
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Annie B Driscoll
Name: �tab�Annie B Driscoll
Birth Date: �tab�1886
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Knox
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�2 Apr 1983
Hospital of Death: �tab�Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: �tab�Knox County
County of Death: �tab�Knox
Certificate: �tab�027097
Age at Death: �tab�97
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Social Security Number: �tab�266-76-3899
Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
CCGS Newsletter Summer 2005 Vol21 No2 Pg 16 St Paris Ohio Graduates 1909- 1917 from 6/19/1993 by Janet Evilsizor Worthington Olive Toomire Gordon1912
Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 30/1898 Goldie Jenkins age 8
Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Goldie Jenkins, age 17, parent Jesse
Name : Goldie M. Jenkins Werner
Death date : 07 Jan 1913
Death place : Piqua, Miami, Ohio
Birth date : 07 Jul 1889
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Westville
Age at death : 23 years 5 months
Gender : Female
Marital status : Married
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address :
Occupation : Housewife
Residence :
Burial date : 09 Jan 1913
Burial place : St. Paris, Ohio
Cemetery name :
Spouse name :
Father name : W. J. Jenkins
Father birth place : Johnson Twp.
Mother name : Rosa M. Margert
Mother birth place : Johnson Twp.
informant- D E Werner
GSU film number : 1953597
Digital GS number : 4021226
Image number : 1947
Certificate number : fn 4571
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Bessie Jenkins, age 14, parent Jesse
No death cert found
St Paris Ohio Graduates 1897-1908 From St Paris Ohio Graduates. June 19, 1 993" by Janet Evilsizor Worthington, published in the CCGS Newsletter J an 2005 Vol 21 No 1 pg 8 1903-Alice Judy Chambers
Name: �tab�Alice E Chambers
Death Date: �tab�Jul 1958
County of Death: �tab�Pinellas
State of Death: �tab�Florida
Race: �tab�White
Gender: �tab�Female
Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Mary Baker age 14 parent John
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�04 May 1895
Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�W. C. Happersett
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Nellie Jennings
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C00802-1
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466658
Reference Number: �tab�v 3 p 206
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�29 Nov 1893
Birthplace: �tab�Pike, Clark, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�Samuel L. Deaton
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Estella Mumford
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C03945-8
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466658
Reference Number: �tab�v 3 p 104
Name: �tab�Walter C Deaton
Birth Date: �tab�1894
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Springfield
Residence County: �tab�Clark
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�29 Mar 1967
Hospital of Death: �tab�Home
City of Death: �tab�Springfield
County of Death: �tab�Clark
Certificate: �tab�16321
Age at Death: �tab�73
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Gender: �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�08 Nov 1895
Birthplace: �tab�Pike, Clark, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�Samuel L. Deaton
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Estella Mumford
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C03945-8
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466658
Reference Number: �tab�v 3 p 106
Death Date: �tab�14 Jun 1948
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�19 Mar 1898
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�50 years 2 months 25 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Etta
Father's Name: �tab�Samuel L. Deaton
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Estella Mumford
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2246464
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109096
Death Date: �tab�26 Dec 1953
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�01 May 1866
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�87 years
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Turman Neff
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Ann Schick
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2246622
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109485
Death Date: �tab�08 Mar 1947
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�27 Apr 1872
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Marshall Co. Indiana
Death Age: �tab�74 years 10 months 11 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�William T. Neff
Father's Name: �tab�W. R. Thompson
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Samantha Ellen Rust
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2372926
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4076105
Image Number: �tab�03159
Certificate Number: �tab�21966
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�01 Jun 1918
Event Place: �tab�Clark, Ohio
Age: �tab�23
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1895
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�William Neff
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Alice Thompson
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Mildred Garnetta Taylor
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�21
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1897
Spouse's Father: �tab�William Taylor
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Lizzie Armstrong
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�v28 p126 no11975
Film Number: �tab�465400
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016782
Image Number: �tab�440
Name: �tab�Glenna Neff
Birth Date: �tab�1887
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Springfield
Residence County: �tab�Clark
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�22 Jan 1965
Hospital of Death: �tab�Mercy Medical Center
City of Death: �tab�Springfield
County of Death: �tab�Clark
Certificate: �tab�00599
Age at Death: �tab�78
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
County of Injury: �tab�Clark
Marital Status: �tab�Never Married (Single)
Name: HARRY E NEFF Gender: Male Date of Death: December 09, 1961 Volume: 16733 Certificate: 86633 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: , Guernsey County Race: White Residence: , Clark County Age: 88
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�17 Apr 1901
Event Place: �tab�Miami, Ohio
Age: �tab�38
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1863
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�John Morecraft
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mary E. Burley
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Ella J. Sutton
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�36, divorced seamstress
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1865
Spouse's Father: �tab�Samuel Nighbarger
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Hattie Rudisel
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p 414 cn 22807
Film Number: �tab�550151
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016851
Image Number: �tab�431
Event: �tab�Death
Event Date: �tab�28 Sep 1939
Event Place: �tab�Wayne Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Residence: �tab�Cable, Ohio
Street Address: �tab�R.D. No. 1
Gender: �tab�Female
Death Age: �tab�75y 2m 27d
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race: �tab�White
Occupation: �tab�At home
Birth Date: �tab�02 Jul 1864
Birthplace: �tab�Logan County, Ohio
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1864
Burial Date: �tab�30 Sep 1939
Burial Place: �tab�Piqua, Ohio
Cemetery: �tab�
Father: �tab�Samuel Neibayer
Father's �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Logan County, Ohio
Mother: �tab�Harriet Rudisill
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Logan County, Ohio
Spouse: �tab�Noah M. Morecraft
Spouse's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�fn 52312
Film Number: �tab�2023763
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4019479
Image Number: �tab�1689
Event: �tab�Death
Event Date: �tab�27 Apr 1945
Event Place: �tab�Miami Co, Lost Creek
Residence: �tab�
Street Address: �tab�
Gender: �tab�Female
Death Age: �tab�76y4m20d
Marital Status: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Occupation: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�07 Dec 1878
Birthplace: �tab�Russelvonie, O.
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1869
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery: �tab�
Father: �tab�Samuel Neiberger
Father's �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Harriett Rudlael
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�A. J. Robinson
Spouse's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�Certificate
Film Number: �tab�2372782
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4097631
Image Number: �tab�00816
register of Solomon Church, baptised 18 Jun 1797]); baptisms of of eight c hildren of this couple were recorded in the register of Solomon Church; th ey were said to be the parents of 17 children, 15 of of whom have been fou nd in baptismal and census records; Philip's will was written 18 Jan 186 9, proved 12 Jul 1869 in Shenandoah Co; in it, he gave his real esta te to three sons - Samuel, Salon and Milton - provided they pay $3,10 0, as follows: son John $400; daughter Hannah, wife of Andrew Andes, $10 0; daughter Rebecca, widow of Gideon Zirkle $1,000, daughter Lydia, wid ow of Moses Silvius, $600; daughter Mary, wife of Samuel Kerlin, $100; and daughter Susan, wi fe of Nathaniel S. Foltz, $900; son William mentioned, and balance of esta te to be divided among his 13 children. Source:http://www.pipeline.com/~richardpence/index.htm
Name: �tab�Octavius W Morgan
Arrival Date: �tab�20 Dec 1917
Age: �tab�31 Years 11 Months
Birth Date: �tab�2 Jan 1886
Birthplace: �tab�Los Angeles, California, United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Ship Name: �tab�San Pedro
Port of Arrival: �tab�Los Angeles, California
Port of Departure: �tab�La Paz, Mexico
Archive information (series:roll number): �tab�m1764:2
MORGAN, Octavius Weller III; 91; ; Stanford AM (CA); 2005-5-1; bjw
Name: �tab�Octavius Weller Morgan
Social Security #: �tab�0
Sex: �tab�Male
Birth Date: �tab�2 Jan 1886
Birthplace: �tab�California
Death Date: �tab�17 May 1951
Death Place: �tab�Los Angeles
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Weller
Father's Surname: �tab�Morgan
Death Date: �tab�03 Jul 1927
Death Place: �tab�Piqua, Miami, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�Sep 1851
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�
Death Age: �tab�75 years 10 months 2 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�Springfield, O
Burial Date: �tab�06 Jul 1927
Burial Place: �tab�Springfield, O
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Mary M. Pence
Father's Name: �tab�Soloman Pence
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�1985114
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017665
Image Number: �tab�1424
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 42498
Champaign co, Oh, Chancery Court, Minute Book 34, pg 293 Cornelius Zirkle, guardian of Charles Wesley Zirkle and wife vs John W Wea ver and others, petition for partition, estate of Aaron Weaver -Aaron Weaver left no widow, children and grandchildren' Margaret May, Reb ecca baker, wife of Asa; John W Weaver, Joseph Weaver all of Champaign Cou nty, Elijah B Weaver of Clark County, all sons and daughters, 1/7 each, Lo uisa Ann Stewart, deceased daughter, wife of Daniel Stewart-1/7 to Danie l, residence unknown; Charles Wesley Zirkle, sonof Mahala Catherine Zerkl e, deceased daughter , wife of Herndon Zerkle, 1.7 left a son, Charles Wes ley Zerkle, who collected her portion
Record book 34
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�29 Dec 1917
Event Place: �tab�Miami County, Ohio
Age: �tab�21
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1896
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Albert Gabriel
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Sarah Helmer
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Ruby Fern Maurer
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1899
Spouse's Father: �tab�Joe Maurer
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Rilda Upton
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�cn 29581
Film Number: �tab�550155
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016854
Image Number: �tab�24
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�11 Jan 1914
Event Place: �tab�Miami County, Ohio
Age: �tab�29
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1885
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�John Phillips
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Rebecca Orark
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Grace Gabriel
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1892
Spouse's Father: �tab�Albert Gabriel
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Clara Helmer
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�it 27923 p 257
Film Number: �tab�550154
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4260995
Image Number: �tab�137
Death Date �tab�15 Dec 1916
Death Place �tab�Lost Creek, Miami, Ohio
Birth Date �tab�11 Jan 1857
Estimated Birth Year �tab�
Birthplace �tab�Indiana
Death Age �tab�59 years 11 months 6 days
Gender �tab�Female
Marital Status �tab�Married
Race or Color �tab�American
Street Address �tab�
Occupation �tab�Housewife
Residence �tab�
Burial Date �tab�20 Dec 1916
Burial Place �tab�Casstown, O.
Cemetery Name �tab�
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�William J. Helmer
Father's Title & Terms �tab�
Father's Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name �tab�Sarah E. Reeder
Mother's Titles & Terms �tab�
Mother's Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Film Number �tab�1983841
Digital Folder Number �tab�4021403
Image Number �tab�2633
Certificate Number �tab�fn 76600
She was born January 26, 1929 in Columbus, Ohio, the daughter of the late Oscar Earl and Dorothy Isabelle (Kilbury) Fields.
Ruth was an avid bridge player and enjoyed knitting and needlework.
She is survived by her daughters, Terri (Phil) Upchurch, Sherri (Kenny) Johnson, Danna (George) Walker and Kelli (Phil) VanBuskirk all of Urbana; her grandchildren, Steve (Valeria) Upchurch of Urbana, Greg (Kim) Upchurch of Urbana, Tony Johnson of New Paris, Shanna Glassburn of Urbana, Shane Glassburn of Springfield, Chad (Amanda) VanBuskirk of Urbana, Nikki (Geoff) Benz of Urbana and 17 great grandchildren.
She is preceded in death by her husband, Edgar Allen Ridder, whom she married, July 17, 1948 and a grandson, David Johnson.
A gathering of family and friends will be held from 5-8 p.m. on Monday, May 2, 2011 in the VERNON FUNERAL HOME, Urbana. Graveside services will be held at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, May 3, 2011 at Oakdale Cemetery, Urbana with Rev. Nancy Hardin officiating. Urbana Daily Citizen
LORTON, Gladys E. 95, of Springfield, died Monday afternoon, April 24, 20 06 in Community Hospital. She was born on December 9, 1910 in Toms Broo k, Virginia the daughter of Joseph F. and Corda E. (Copp) Wolfe. Gladys a nd her husband, Harold had lived at Indian Lake for 20 years where they we re members of the Indian Lake Community Church. She currently attended Ete rnal Life Ministries in Springfield. She was an avid bowler and was a memb er of the Springfield District Women's Bowling Association Hall of Fame. S he also loved fishing and needle crafts. Survivors include four daughter s, Joann Gram, Patricia (Adrian) Bowen, Joyce Pressnell, and Catherine McF arland, all of Springfield; a sister, Vesta Dillahunt of Tremont City; fou rteen grandchildren; 29 great grandchildren; six great-great grandchildre n; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parent s; husband, Harold E. Lorton Sr. in 1998; a son, Harold E. "Shorty" Lort on Jr. in 2001; two sisters, Mary Vester and Hilda Nelson; and two brother s, Elmer "Buck" Wolfe and James Wolfe. A gathering of family and friends w ill be held from 5-8 p.m. Thursday in the LITTLETON & RUE FUNERAL HOME. Fu neral services will be held at 10 a.m. Friday in the funeral home with Re v. Jerry Krieg officiating. Entombment will be in Rose Hill Mausoleu m. In lieu of flowers, memorial contribution may be made to the Juvenile D iabetes Research Foundation International, 1293-H Lyons Road, Dayton, Ohi o, 45458. You may express condolences to the family at www.littletonandrue .com. Published in the Springfield News-Sun from 4/26/2006 - 4/27/2006.
Name: Herman Rose SSN: 291-30-9866 Born: 24 Oct 1902 Died: 12 May 1990 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1951-1952 )
Ferryman Francis 54 M Labor er VA 911 911
Ferryman lydia 45 F VA 911 911
Ferryman Valentine 21 VA 911 911
Ferryman Abraham 19 M 911 911
Ferryman Henry 17 M 911 911
Ferryman Susan 15 F 911 911
Ferryman Mary 12 F 911 911
Ferryman Luke 10 M 911 911
Ferryman Samuel 8 M 911 911
Ferryman George 6 M 911 911
Ferryman Catharine 4 F 911 911 Ferryman Rebecca 1 F
1860 Census, Clark Co, OH, pg 91a/181 Frances FERRIMAN, age 64, Farmer, b. VA, pers. Estate Val: 551 Lydia, age 55, b. VA Henry, age 27 Luke, age 20 Samuel, age 18 George, age 16 Catharine, age 14 Rebecca, age 12 Lydia, age 10 (All children listed as born in VA) Also listed: CORBIN, James A., age 9, b. VA
1870 Clark Co, OH Census pg 201a Pleasant Twp FERRYMAN,
Francis 74 M W Retired Farmer 150 Va
Lydia 65 F W Keeps House Va
DARBY, Jane 20 F W Assists about House Va
Age: 16 State: OH 1910
Color: Enumeration District: 0001
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0104
County: Champaign
Relation: Stepdaugther
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Head of Household Joseph Burmham W
Name: VIRGIL G SARVER Gender: Male Date of Death: November 28, 1962 Volume: 17074 Certificate: 78831 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: , Champaign County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 65
83, Roswood, died Fair Haven Home. Born Champ Co, wife former May Bodey survives. Children; Mrs Vernon (Lucille) Allen, Mrs George (Ruth) Stoker, both of Sidney. Robert. sister Mrs Harold (Marabelle) Thompson. brothers Paul, Burton.
Name: �tab�George D Geuy
Birth Date: �tab�1898
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Shelby
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�21 Sep 1961
Hospital of Death: �tab�Home
City of Death: �tab�Shelby County
County of Death: �tab�Shelby
Certificate: �tab�66579
Age at Death: �tab�63
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Name: �tab�Cecil M Idle
Birth Date: �tab�1890
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Sidney
Residence County: �tab�Shelby
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�3 Oct 1972
Hospital of Death: �tab�Home
City of Death: �tab�Sidney
County of Death: �tab�Shelby
Certificate: �tab�081631
Age at Death: �tab�82
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Name: �tab�Speece, William
County: �tab�Tillamook
Death Date: �tab�15 Feb 1941
Certificate: �tab�14
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1885
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�German Tp.
Groom's Age: �tab�22
Bride's Name: �tab�Versa A. Dill
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1888
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�German Tp
Bride's Age: �tab�19
Marriage Date: �tab�25 Dec 1907
Marriage Place: �tab�Darke, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Addison Ketring
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Lucinda Lautz
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Isaac Dill
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Ollie Lee
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 219
Event: �tab�Death
Event Date: �tab�15 May 1909
Event Place: �tab�Marion, Marion, Ohio
Residence: �tab�Marion, Marion, Ohio
Street Address: �tab�
Gender: �tab�Male
Death Age: �tab�23y 6d
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race: �tab�White
Occupation: �tab�Motorman (Interurban)
Birth Date: �tab�08 May 1886
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1886
Burial Date: �tab�16 May 1909
Burial Place: �tab�Prospect, Ohio
Cemetery: �tab�
Father: �tab�Dennis Mc Croskey
Father's �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Mother: �tab�Janett Duncan
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Scotland
Spouse: �tab�
Spouse's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�fn 26525
Film Number: �tab�1927089
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4020518
Image Number: �tab�2977
Name: �tab�Virgil Homer Gibbs �tab�
Date of Birth: �tab�12/10/1871
Location: �tab�Union Cemetery Association
Lot :59
Space :6
Age: �tab�089
Place of birth: �tab�Champaign Co. OH
Gender: �tab�M
Veteran: �tab�No
Place of death: �tab�
Date of death: �tab�04/13/1961
Spouse name: �tab�
Father name: �tab�Nathan F. Gibbs
Mother name: �tab�---
Funeral director: �tab�& Fortkamp, Southwick-Good
Service date: �tab�04/17/1961
Cremated: �tab�N
Relation to owner: �tab�
Use plan view first:
CCGS Newsletter Summer 2005 Vol21 No2 Pg 16 St Paris Ohio Graduates 1909- 1917 from 6/19/1993 by Janet Evilsizor Worthington Laurel Gibbs 1916
Residence: 1984 Winlock, Lewis County, Washington 3 GRAD: Bef 1922 Engineering, Ohio State University
Name: �tab�Speece, Amanda Virginia
County: �tab�Tillamook
Death Date: �tab�15 Mar 1924
Certificate: �tab�22
Name: �tab�William Speece
SSN: �tab�540-16-7562
Last Residence: �tab�98031 Kent, King, Washington,
Born: �tab�16 May 1897
Died: �tab�Jun 1976
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Oregon (Before 1951)
Washington Death Index, 1940-1996 about William L Speece
Name: �tab�William L Speece
Date of Death: �tab�1 Jun 1976
Place of Death: �tab�Renton
Age: �tab�79
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�abt 1897
Residence: �tab�Kent
Gender: �tab�Male
Certificate: �tab�014290
Jean Brown, age 83, of Saint Paris passed away on Thursday, May 8, 2008 at 8:50 p.m. in Piqua Manor. She was born on July 20, 1924 in Fletcher, Ohio the daughter of the late Samuel E. and Edna L. (Marshall) Pond. On October 21, 1942 she married Harold E. Brown (deceased in 1997) and together they raised two children: Rita (Howard) Wibel of Saint Paris and Dale Brown who passed away in 1995. Jean is also survived by five grandchildren: Kellee Wibel of Saint Paris, Jason (Tabatha) Wibel of Saint Paris, Mark (Missy) Brown of Troy, Aaron (Leah) Brown of Saint Paris, and Scott Brown of Springfield. She was a proud great grandmother to Ellia, Amanda, Logan, Marleigh, Regan, and Myles. A sister, Mrs. Norris (Lois) Phares of Saint Paris also survives Jean. In addition to her parents, husband, and son she was preceded in death by one brother, Herman Pond. Jean was a graduate of Christiansburg-Jackson High School and a member of the St. Paris United Methodist Church. She retired on July 1, 1987 from Ohio Apiaries Co-Op of Saint Paris. Funeral services will be held on Monday at 1:00 p.m. in the Atkins-Shively Funeral Home, 216 S. Springfield Street, Saint Paris with Reverend Doug Upton of the St. Paris United Methodist Church and Reverend Dr. James VanZile of the First Baptist Church presiding. Burial will follow in Spring Grove Cemetery. There will be two hours of visitation prior to the funeral service beginning at 11:00 a.m. in the funeral home on Monday. In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be made to the Johnson-St. Paris EMS, Box 271, Saint Paris, Ohio, the Johnson-St. Paris Fire Department, Box 648, Saint Paris, Ohio 43072, or to Miami County Hospice, P.O. Box 502, Troy, Ohio 45373. Envelopes will be available in the funeral home.
1900 living with granparts KIZER
Death Date: �tab�28 Sep 1911
Death Place: �tab�West Liberty, Logan, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�16 Feb 1855
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Oh
Death Age: �tab�56 years 7 months 12 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�01 Oct 1911
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Fairview Cem.
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�David Kirkwood
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Oh
Mother's Name: �tab�Marianne Baird
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Oh
Film Number: �tab�1953129
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021123
Image Number: �tab�2368
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 49272
SSN: �tab�275-24-3136
Last Residence: �tab�43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States of America
Born: �tab�9 Mar 1883
Died: �tab�Apr 1971
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (Before 1951 )
Name: �tab�Dorsey
Birth Date: �tab�Est. 1883�tab�
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White�tab�
Residence City: �tab�Urbana
Residence County: �tab�Champaign
Residence State: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States�tab�
Death Date: �tab�7 Apr 1971
Hospital of Death: �tab�Out of State Hospital
City of Death: �tab�Out-of-State
County of Death: �tab�Out-of-State
Certificate: �tab�201654
Age at Death: �tab�88
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, unknown if used for certification�tab�
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Florida Death Index, 1877-1998
about Earl C Dorsey
Name: �tab�Earl C Dorsey
Death Date: �tab�7 Apr 1971
County of Death: �tab�Volusia
State of Death: �tab�Florida
Age at Death: �tab�88
Race: �tab�White
Birth Date: �tab�9 Mar 1883
Death Date: �tab�21 Jul 1937
Death Place: �tab�Logan, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�21 Feb 1854
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�83 years 5 months
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�419 W. Brown
Occupation: �tab�Retired
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�24 Jul 1937
Burial Place: �tab�West Liberty
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Ella Robison
Father's Name: �tab�Robert Robison
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�2023502
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4020860
Image Number: �tab�670
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 45525
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�28 Apr 1903
Death Place: �tab�Harrison Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�89
Birth Date: �tab�1814
Birthplace: �tab�Pa
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07024-8
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 89
Death Date: �tab�19 May 1925
Death Place: �tab�Harrison Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�31 Mar 1854
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Oh
Death Age: �tab�71 years 1 month 17 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�Harrison Twp., Champaign, OH
Burial Date: �tab�21 May 1925
Burial Place: �tab�West Liberty, Oh
Cemetery Name: �tab�West Liberty
Spouse's Name: �tab�Esta C.
Father's Name: �tab�Jacob S. Carey
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Pa
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Jane Seel
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Pa
Film Number: �tab�1992671
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4001622
Image Number: �tab�570
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 26900
Age: 48 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0005
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0001
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place CW Mary 42 Ohio
1900 Lived in: Harrison Township, Champaign County, Ohio Series: T623 Microfilm: 1245 Book: 1 Page: 62 Benjamin Carey,
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1894
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�21
Bride's Name: �tab�Agnes Hodge
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1895
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�20
Marriage Date: �tab�06 Sep 1915
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Albert Mcadams
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Columber Dyer
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Harry Hodge
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Emma Kennedy
Groom's Race:
Death Date: �tab�12 Jul 1918
Death Place: �tab�Harrison Twp, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�09 Feb 1864
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Mo.
Death Age: �tab�54 years 5 months 3 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Fredrick Carr
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Hoffman
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�1984380
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4019467
Image Number: �tab�58
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 41206
Volume #3107, Certificate #63065
Name: �tab�Ruth W Hartzler
Birth Date: �tab�1899
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Logan
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�11 Sep 1986
Hospital of Death: �tab�Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: �tab�Logan County
County of Death: �tab�Logan
Certificate: �tab�069469
Age at Death: �tab�87
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: �tab�287-09-6494
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Homemaker, student, unemployed volunteer
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Homemaker
Death Date: �tab�18 Mar 1927
Death Place: �tab�Harrison, Champaigne, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�15 Sep 1858
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�State
Death Age: �tab�68 years 6 months 3 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�House Keeper
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�21 Mar 1926
Burial Place: �tab�Wesley Chappel
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�James Carey
Father's Name: �tab�Jacob Wolfe
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�State
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Lymaster
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�State
Film Number: �tab�1984700
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021958
Image Number: �tab�2668
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 13621
titles & terms: �tab�
event: �tab�Death
event date: �tab�16 Mar 1914
event place: �tab�Union, Scioto, Ohio
residence: �tab�
street address: �tab�
gender: �tab�Male
death age: �tab�52y 7m 18d
marital status: �tab�Married
race: �tab�White
occupation: �tab�Farmer
birth date: �tab�07 May 1862 (All other records indicate 1852)
birthplace: �tab�Ohio
estimated birth year: �tab�1862
burial date: �tab�18 Mar 1914
burial place: �tab�
cemetery: �tab�Garvin Cem.
father: �tab�Zakie Stephenson
father's titles & terms: �tab�
father's birthplace: �tab�Ohio
mother: �tab�Mary Tayor ( incorrect on cert)
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
mother's birthplace: �tab�Ohio
spouse: �tab�
spouse's titles & terms: �tab�
reference number: �tab�fn 18318
film number: �tab�1953912
digital folder number: �tab�4021336
image number: �tab�1076
Informant Jake Stephenson
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images,
FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X8FM-3MK :
accessed 20 Nov 2012), Solom Stephenson, 1914; citing reference fn 18318,
Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
Ohio 1910 Census Miracode Index Name: Thomas B Everett Birthplace: Indiana State: OH Age: 34 Color: W Enumeration District: 0001 Visit: 0108 County: Champaign Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Alta 28 Ohio Son Verl 07 Ohio Son Clarence 04 Ohio Son Grover NR Ohio Brother Vinson 24 Indiana
Burial record listed as William A Jenkins date of death 17-Apr-1934 permit#19 cause of death scleorosis of left coronary artery internment 20-Apr-1934 section 3 lot 19 Undertaker Bert Richeson
no visible marker June 2010
Ohio Death Cert-
Listed as Wm H born 26-Aug-1883 death 17-Apr-1934 burial 20-Apr-1934 view of certificate-parents names match
Wife's name listed as Love
Charles Sommers Ford d 11/20/1969 in Piqua. Born Champ Co 8/1/1891 son of John and Ella Harris Ford, married Florence Russell 4/14/1926. Dau Mrs Lamar (JoAnne) Swonger, Mrs William (Charlene) Rowland. 2 bro's Clay & Sherman Ford. One bro. Harry preceded him in death. Burial Rosedale Cem. (more)
Clay Ford, 84, of Rosewood, died at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in St John;s Convalescing and Nursing Home in Springfield, where he had been a patient one week. He had been ill for several years. He was born in Champaign County July 12, 1893 a son of John and Ella Harris Ford. He was a member of Rosewood United Methodist Church, the Keith Cretors Post 148 of the American Legion, a lifetime member of the Desabled American Veterans, a veteran of World War II, a school bus driver for the local schools for many years and deputy inspector of weights and measures in Champaign County for a long time. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs Richard (Hope) Peshek of Springfield and Mrs Richard (Phyllis) Walter of Baltimore Md, and six grandchildren. His wife Alice Lincoln Ford died in 1975. Burial in Rosedale Cemetery, Carysville
ALEXANDER ALICE J County Name: LOGAN Date of Death: 10/25/1913 Volume Number: 1200 Certificate Number: 59092
Death Date �tab�01 Mar 1913
Death Place �tab�Harison, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date �tab�14 Jun 1850
Estimated Birth Year �tab�
Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Death Age �tab�62 years 8 months 17 days
Gender �tab�Female
Marital Status �tab�Married
Race or Color �tab�Caucasian
Street Address �tab�
Occupation �tab�Housewife
Residence �tab�
Burial Date �tab�03 Mar 1913
Burial Place �tab�
Cemetery Name �tab�Halterman Cemetery
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�Johnathan Miranda
Father's Title & Terms �tab�
Father's Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name �tab�
Mother's Titles & Terms �tab�
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Film Number �tab�1953600
Digital Folder Number �tab�4021230
Image Number �tab�2085
Certificate Number �tab�fn 13276
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�03 May 1908
Death Place: �tab�Adams Tp, Logan, Ohio
Age: �tab�27
Birth Date: �tab�1881
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Occupation: �tab�Railroader
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07060-7
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�534834
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 112
Death Date: �tab�17 Mar 1952
Death Place: �tab�Piqua, Miami, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�24 Jul 1888
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Rosewood, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�63 years
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�James Henry Idle
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Nancy Margaret Houseman
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2372999
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109417
Image Number: �tab�00114
Name: �tab�Oren W Idle
Birth Date: �tab�1899
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Champaign
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�30 Apr 1976
Hospital of Death: �tab�Public/Other
City of Death: �tab�Bellefontaine
County of Death: �tab�Logan
Certificate: �tab�029149
Age at Death: �tab�77
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Mrs Christina M Ford, 77 of Russell Road, DeGraff, died at 9 p.m. Friday in the Hoover Nursing Home, Urbana, where she had been a resident for the past nine days. She had been seriously ill for one week. She was born in Adams Twp Champaign County Ohio Feb 17, 1891 the daughter of Frank and Stella Ritter Russell. She was married May 12, 1920 to J H Ford who preceded her in deth in 1941. She was a member of the United Methodist Church of Rosewood and the WSCS. Survivors include one daughter, Miss Jean Ford at home and one sister Mrs Irene Russell of Rosewood. One brother preceded her in death. Burial Rosedale Cemetery.
Death date: 29 Oct 1941
Death place: Taylor, Union, Ohio
Birth date: 25 Dec 1868
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Logan Co., Ohio
Age at death: 72 years 11 months 4 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: R.D. #1
Occupation: Housewife
Residence: Marysville
Burial date: 31 Oct 1941
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Fairview Cemetery
Spouse's name: L. E. Curl
Father's name: John Webb
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: Logan Co., Ohio
Mother's name: Mary Virginia Throckmortin
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Logan Co., Ohio
GSU film number: 2023971
Digital GS number: 4020859
Image number: 3257
Reference number: fn 63968
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: �tab�Harry Curl
Birth Date: �tab�1898
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Shelby
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�24 Oct 1979
Hospital of Death: �tab�Home
City of Death: �tab�Shelby County
County of Death: �tab�Shelby
Certificate: �tab�074366
Age at Death: �tab�81
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: �tab�294-12-4319
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Logan Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Blanche Arvesta Wilkinson
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1884
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Adams Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�17 Dec 1902
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�John W. Wright
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Alberta Francis Hill
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�William C. Wilkinson
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Elizabeth Heath
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M00002-6
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0530189
Reference Number: �tab�2:3LL5LQJ
Iowa Cemetery Records about John A. Darnall
Name: �tab�John A. Darnall �tab�
Death Date: �tab�20 Nov 1850
Page #: �tab�30
Birth Date: �tab�1833
Cemetery: �tab�Fountain
Town: �tab�Union
Comment: �tab�son of: L.; son of: Sarah
Level Info: �tab�Grave Stone Records of Davis County, Iowa; copied by Graves Registration W. P. A. Project
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�14 Jun 1924
Event Place: �tab�, Logan, Ohio
Age: �tab�27
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1897
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�B. B. Evans
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Winifred Blakley
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Dema R. Ludrick
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�29
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1895
Spouse's Father: �tab�William Ludrick
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Mary C. Longbrake
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�VolN, p423, cn3703A
Film Number: �tab�534842
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016823
Image Number: �tab�265
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�17 May 1923
Event Place: �tab�, Logan, Ohio
Age: �tab�27
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1896
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�George R. Archer
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Bertha Slagle
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Cora M. Maurice
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�25
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1898
Spouse's Father: �tab�William P. Ludrick
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Mary Longbrake
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�VolN, p320, cn3498
Film Number: �tab�534842
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016823
Image Number: �tab�212
Death Date: �tab�24 Oct 1926
Death Place: �tab�Pleasant, Logan, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�12 Oct 1897
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�State
Death Age: �tab�29 years 12 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�American
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�House Wife
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�26 Oct 1926
Burial Place: �tab�Carysville, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�Rosedale
Spouse's Name: �tab�John Archer
Father's Name: �tab�Wm. Ledrick
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�State
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Longbrake
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�State
Film Number: �tab�1984563
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021927
Image Number: �tab�3226
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 62758
Social Security Death Index about Ola Thompson
Name: �tab�Ola Thompson �tab�
SSN: �tab�234-24-1040
Last Residence: �tab�25302 Charleston, Kanawha, West Virginia,
Born: �tab�22 Oct 1902
Last Benefit: �tab�25302 Charleston, Kanawha, West Virginia,
Died: �tab�Jul 1980
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�West Virginia (Before 1951)
Death Date: �tab�16 Jul 1932
Death Place: �tab�Quincy, Logan, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�28 Nov 1898
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�33 years 7 months 18 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�American
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�Quincy, Logan, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�18 Jul 1932
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Rosedale
Spouse's Name: �tab�John Davis
Father's Name: �tab�Frank O. Bryant
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Emma Curl
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1992664
Death date: 04 Sep 1945
Death place: Adams Twp, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth date: 18 Jul 1883
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Adams Twp, Champaign, O.
Age at death: 62 years 1 month 21 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Single
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Burial date: 9/18/1945
Burial place: Careysville
Cemetery name:
Spouse's name:
Father's name: Jno. R Eaton
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace:
Mother's name: Ada Martz
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace:
Informant Grace Eaton
GSU film number: 2372584
Digital GS number: 4072474
Image number: 01342
Reference number: 56417
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: Harley Dale Halterman Gender: Male Date of Death: 02 December 1996 Birth Date: 27 March 1898 Volume: 30899 Certificate: 093296 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 293344906 Father's Surname: Halterman Time of Death: 6:10 AM Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Nursing Home Years of Schooling: 13 Certifier: Physician Branch of Service: Army Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Harmon Race: White Birth Place: Champaign County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 98
Death date: 26 Jul 1940
Death place: Adams, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date: 1/27/1861
Birth place: Champaign Co, Adams, OH
Age at death: 79y5m29d
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color:
Street address:
Occupation: Housewife
Burial date: 7/29/1940
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Rosedale
Spouse name: Ruben Neal
Father name: Swisher
Father birth place: unk
Mother name: Mary Elizabeth Kirby
Mother birth place: Champaign Co, Adams, OH
Informant Claude Neal
GSU film number: 2023839
Digital GS number: 4020678
Image number: 1533
Reference number: fn 41338
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
SSN: �tab�372-54-5524
Last Residence: �tab�48134 Flat Rock, Wayne, Michigan,
Born: �tab�4 May 1894
Last Benefit: �tab�33137 Miami, Miami-Dade, Florida,
Died: �tab�18 Jun 1992
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Michigan (1966 )
Charles Logan Argabright born 7 Apr 1857 Indiana
(DEATH RECORD VOL 6455 CE RT 67963 NAMES PARENTS, PRESUMED TO BE WABASH CO.); died 8 Nov 1930 Dayto n, Montgomery County, Ohio; (DEATH RECORD) buried Graceland Cemetery, Sidn ey, Clinton Township, Shelby County, Ohio; married 17 Nov 1883 Shelby Coun ty, Charlotte Van Gorder (born Mar 1852 OHIO; died 17 Apr 1916 Sidney, Cli nton Township, Shelby County, Ohio; buried Graceland Cemetery).(MARRIAGE S OURCE - Marriages of Shelby County, Ohio Volume 11, 1871-1899 by Barbara A dams and Gene Mozley, Gateway Press, Baltimore, Md 1977) (BIRTH AND DEA TH SOURCE -DEATH RECORD VOLUME 1931 CERT. 27884)(DEATH RECORD NAMES PAREN TS JAMES VON GORDON/GORDER AND PHEBE MOORE) Charles was living with his da ughter, Amy Argabright Emerick, when he died in 1930.
Death date: 21 Oct 1939
Death place: Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio
Birth date: 12 Mar 1867
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Logan Co, Oh
Age at death: 72 years 7 months 9 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Single
Race or color: American
Street address:
Burial date: 23 Oct 1939
Burial place:
Cemetery name: St Paris
Spouse name:
Father name: Joseph
Father titles:
Father birth place: Champaign Co
Mother name: Rebecca Stephenson
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Oh
GSU film number: 2023766
Digital GS number: 4027278
Image number: 2657
Reference number: fn 61799
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(NOVEMBER 12, 1867 LOGAN CO. OH PER DEATH CERT. # 61799, NAMES PARENT S) ; died after 1930 (OCT. 21, 1939 DAYTON, MONTGOMERY CO. OH, BURIED S T. PARIS BUT NO CEMETERY LISTED; unmarried. John lived with his parents in all of the census lists through 1900. In 1910 he was listed with Jason Kizer; in 1920 with Albert Leedom; and in 1930 with his own house; all in Johnson Township.
CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 Pg 93 Teachers Report for St Paris, Johnson Twp, Champaign County Ohio, Octob er 9, 1903, W C Coleman, Teacher Bonnie Argabright age 8
ARGNEBRIGHT BONNIE B County Name: SHELBY Date of Death: 11/1/1918 Volume Number: 2796 Certificate Number: 82543
d/o Frank and Mary
Never married
Name: �tab�Chloie E Harbaugh
Birth Date: �tab�1882
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Lima
Residence County: �tab�Allen
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�9 Oct 1978
Hospital of Death: �tab�Lima Memorial Hospital
City of Death: �tab�Lima
County of Death: �tab�Allen
Certificate: �tab�070426
Age at Death: �tab�96
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Census Tract: �tab�0127
Death Date: �tab�06 Nov 1947
Death Place: �tab�Quincy, Logan, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�02 Dec 1860
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Shelby Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�86 years 11 months 4 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Susie Elizabeth Clayton
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�29 Jun 1920
Event Place: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Age: �tab�26
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1894
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Cyrus M Long
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Jennie E Sims
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Betty Flo Wright
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�24
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1896
Spouse's Father: �tab�Zelora V Wright
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Laura B Lemmon
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�13566
Film Number: �tab�465401
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016781
Image Number: �tab�178
Death Date: �tab�16 Mar 1914
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark Co., Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�1879
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�34 years
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�Springfield, Clark Co. Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�20 Mar 1914
Burial Place: �tab�Rosewood Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Jas. Dill
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Anna Stout
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�1953828
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4020539
inf- J M Scott
Image Number: �tab�1643
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 13063
PG 287JOHN O�LEARYPROBATED 19 DEC 1887 CARYSVILLE [DIED 4 DEC 1887] Heirs-Sarah O~Leary-widow the house and lot in Carysville.If she remarri es she to pay Joseph Hensler $400. At death of widow Joseph Hensler $50 0; Emma Bodey [dau of John F Bodey] $500; Edgar Buroker [son of Ephraim Bu roker] and Emmett E Clem each $175; Tawawa Lodge #253 $300. This was crossed out--at death of wife $100 each to Earl Corner [son of Hi ram] and Harry Sturm provided they outlive him, John F Bodey & Ephrairn Buroker executors Witness:John Mauk F C Cainwill signed 20 Oct 1887
LOVETT EMMA J County Name: MIAMI Date of Death: 12/30/1923 Volume Number: 4334 Certific ate Number: 73216
Groom's Name: �tab�William Edward Wical
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1889
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Dinsmore Tp., Shelby, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�22
Bride's Name: �tab�Grace V. Turnmire
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1892
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Adams Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�19
Marriage Date: �tab�04 Apr 1911
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�George Wical
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Parley Blakeley
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Solomon Evans
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Wilson
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�Turnmire
Md #3
Groom's Name: �tab�Harry C. Sabins
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1885
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Jackson Center, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�29
Bride's Name: �tab�Grace V. Evans
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1892
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Careyville, Champaign, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�22
Marriage Date: �tab�12 May 1914
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Charles Sabins
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Martha Wiford
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Solomon Evans
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Wilson
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
Death date: 20 Jan 1941
Death place: Quincy, Logan, Ohio
Birth date: 26 Nov 1888
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Champaign County, Ohio
Age at death: 52 years 1 month 24 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Housewife
Residence: Quincy
Burial date: 23 Jan 1941
Burial place: Carysville, O.
Cemetery name:
Spouse name: Wm. Bohlier
Father name: Douglas Purk
Father titles:
Father birth place: Champaign Co., Ohio
Mother name: Roseta Jenkens
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Champaign Co., Ohio
GSU film number: 2023890
Digital GS number: 4035640
Image number: 1737
Reference number: fn 4435
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: HALLET E KESLER Gender: Male Date of Death: September 22, 1962 Volume: 17014 Certificate: 63813 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: , Champaign County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 71
Death date: 08 Apr 1949
Death place: Troy, Miami, Ohio, United States
Birth date: 21 Mar 1879
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Careysville, Ohio
Age at death: 70 years
Gender: Female
Marital status:
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Burial date:
Burial place:
Cemetery name:
Spouse name:
Father name: John Neal
Father titles:
Father birth place:
Mother name: Debbie Wooley
Mother titles:
Mother birth place:
GSU film number: 2246590
Digital GS number: 4109142
Image number: 00063
Reference number: 25354
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�17 Aug 1929
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�31
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1898
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Frank Hagenbaugh
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Edna Fretz
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Ethel Marie Huston
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�36
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1893
Spouse's Father: �tab�David Jeurnell
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Olive Comer
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�89
Film Number: �tab�545417
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016846
Image Number: �tab�498
Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorc e, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 78 Mar 9 1931 Minute book 71 pg 75 Ethel Hagenbaugh vs William Hagenbaugh for divorce on gross neglect. Divorce granted; her name restored to Ethel Stemble
Earl Frances McIntire (1917 - 1917)*
Name: �tab�Helen Sophia Barger
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�04 Jul 1947
Death Place: �tab�Piqua, Miami, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�03 May 1892
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Crete, Ill.
Death Age: �tab�55 years 2 months
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Wm. V. Barger
Father's Name: �tab�Christ Stringer
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Sophia Kelpein
Death date: 13 Jul 1914
Death place: Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Birth date: 28 May 1830
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Champaign Co., O.
Age at death: 84 years 1 month 16 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Housekeeper
Burial date: 16 Jul 1914
Burial place: Ohio
Cemetery name: Green Lawn
Spouse's name:
Father's name: Levi Ross
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: Virginia
Mother's name: Mary Ruffner
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Virginia
GSU film number: 1953919
Digital GS number: 4021305
Image number: 1575
Reference number: fn 38882
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Death: �tab�Jul. 13, 1914
Green Lawn Cemetery
Franklin County
Ohio, USA
Created by: Dave & Scooter
Record added: Aug 27, 2007
Find A Grave Memorial# 21201389
Death Date: �tab�25 Mar 1920
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�18 Jun 1852
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�67 years 9 months 8 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Carpenter
Residence: �tab�410 E Church St. 3rd Ward
Burial Date: �tab�27 Mar 1920
Burial Place: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�John B. Parke
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ill.
Mother's Name: �tab�Abbie Brelten
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Champaingn, Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1985130
Digital Folder Number: �tab�
Image Number: �tab�2639
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 19699
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1905
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Wytheville, Va.
Groom's Age: �tab�25
Bride's Name: �tab�Ruth Evelyn Guy
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1909
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Rosedale, O.
Bride's Age: �tab�21
Marriage Date: �tab�05 Jul 1930
Marriage Place: �tab�Madison County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�M. P. Pendleton
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Nora Claggett
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Chas. P. Guy
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Alice Brittin
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Death Date: �tab�05 Sep 1942
Death Place: �tab�Marion, Franklin, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�24 Jan 1909
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Madison Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�33 years 7 months 11 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�756 Miller Avenue
Occupation: �tab�Clerk-Buckey Insurance Co
Residence: �tab�Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�07 Sep 1942
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Cook & Son Cremation
Spouse's Name: �tab�Clagett Pendleton
Father's Name: �tab�Charles Guy
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Madison Co., Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Alice Britton
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Date: �tab�13 Sep 1921
Death Place: �tab�Lima, Allen, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�20 Mar 1870
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Oh
Death Age: �tab�51 years 5 months 23 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Butcher
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�16 Sep 1921
Burial Place: �tab�Shawnee Tp
Cemetery Name: �tab�Lutheran
Spouse's Name: �tab�Zettie Sheely
Father's Name: �tab�Wm Sheely
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Oh
Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Speese
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�28 Nov 1905
Death Place: �tab�Concord Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�13
Birth Date: �tab�1892
Birthplace: �tab�Concord Tp.
Occupation: �tab�Farming
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07024-5
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 283
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�26 Mar 1884
Death Place: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Age: �tab�62
Birth Date: �tab�1822
Birthplace: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07057-5
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466665
Reference Number: �tab�v 1 p 268
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�30 Dec 1879
Death Place: �tab�Springfied, Clark, Ohio
Age: �tab�34
Birth Date: �tab�1845
Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Wm. Knaub
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Sophia Knaub
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07056-8
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466665
Reference Number: �tab�v 1 p 190
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�28 Sep 1916
Event Place: �tab�Clark, Ohio
Age: �tab�50
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1866
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�William Otstat
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Sarah Knaub
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Catherine M. Clark
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1897
Spouse's Father: �tab�John Clark
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Susie Owens
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�v27 p 90, no 10703
Film Number: �tab�465400
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016782
Image Number: �tab�78
Death Date: �tab�16 Mar 1909
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�20 Aug 1854
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co., O.
Death Age: �tab�55 years 6 months 26 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�19 Mar 1909
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Ferncliff
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Wm. Knaub
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Pa.
Mother's Name: �tab�Sophie Otstott
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Pa.
Film Number: �tab�1926956
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4024498
Image Number: �tab�1016
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 11344
Name: �tab�Simon V Jenkins
Birth Date: �tab�9 Mar 1899
Birth County: �tab�Champaign
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Hispanic Origin: �tab�Not Hispanic (Latino)
Death Date: �tab�2 Feb 1993
Death Time: �tab�04:25 PM
Hospital of Death: �tab�Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: �tab�Springfield
County of Death: �tab�Clark
Certificate: �tab�007217
Age at Death: �tab�93
Hospital Status: �tab�Other/Nursing Home
Social Security Number: �tab�277-05-1128
Father's Surname: �tab�Jenkins
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Houston
Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
Education: �tab�10
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Advertising
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Supervisors, production occupations
Primary Registration District: �tab�1201
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�26 Jan 1903
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Dorothy Z Pierpont
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�12 May 1905
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Mole Hill, West Virginia
Bride's Age: �tab�23
Marriage Date: �tab�22 Sep 1928
Marriage Place: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Alfred Jenkins
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Harriet Houston
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�O F Pierpont
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Ola Wilson
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
JENKINS, Harold O. "Billy" 99, of Crawfordsville, Indiana, formerly of Law renceville, went to be with the Lord on Saturday, May 20, 2006 in the S t. Clare Medical Center, Indiana. He was born on December 27, 1906 in Cham paign County, Ohio the son of Alfred and Harriet (Houston) Jenkins. He liv ed in Lawrenceville for 72 years until he moved to his son's home in India na. He was Clerk of the German Township trustees for 40 years and was al so the first clerk of the consolidated Northwestern School system. Duri ng his time in the school district he additionally served as purchasing ag ent and maintenance supervisor for a combined service time of 28 yea rs to the district. He is survived by his son and daughter-in-law, Gary a nd Kristin Jenkins of Crawfordsville, Indiana, and daughter and son-in-la w, Carolyn and Jack Hebble of Newark, Ohio; five grandchildren, ten gre at grandchildren, two great-great grandchildren, and numerous nieces and n ephews. Harold was preceded in death by his wife of 50 years, Helen (Balle ntine) Jenkins in 1980, his parents, two sisters, and six brothers. A gath ering of family and friends will be held on Friday, May 26, 2006 from 10- 11 a.m. in the Lawrenceville United Church of Christ, 3880 Lawrenceville D rive, Lawrenceville, Ohio with a graveside service immediately following t he visitation in the Lawrenceville Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memori al contributions may be made to the Animal Welfare League, c/o Libby Bate s, 701 Basswood Drive, Springfield, Ohio 45504. The family is being serv ed by the LITTLETON & RUE FUNERAL HOME. You may express condolences at www .littletonandrue.com Published in the Springfield News-Sun from 5/23/2006 - 5/24/2006.
[email protected]
Event: �tab�Death
Event Date: �tab�28 Jun 1939
Event Place: �tab�Concord Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Residence: �tab�R.D. No.2 Nebana
Street Address: �tab�
Gender: �tab�Female
Death Age: �tab�58y 4m 14d
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race: �tab�White
Occupation: �tab�At home
Birth Date: �tab�14 Feb 1881
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1881
Burial Date: �tab�01 Jul 1939
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery: �tab�Oak Dale Cem.
Father: �tab�John M. Barger
Father's �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Mother: �tab�Frances Soudenback
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Champiagn County, Ohio
Spouse: �tab�Pat Mccaffery
Spouse's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�fn 40228
Film Number: �tab�2023717
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4046409
Image Number: �tab�1496
Michigan Deaths and Burials, 1800-1995
�tab�birth 16 Oct 1881 \emdash Ohio
death 09 Mar 1951 \emdash Alanson, Emmet, Michigan
burial 10 Mar 1951 \emdash Columbus, Ohio
parents: Russell Dovel, Elizabeth Unk.
Name: John C Dovel Gender: Male Date of Death: 20 September 1971 Volume: 20588 Certificate: 063908 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: , Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 86 Years
John Cleveland Dovel\emdash middle name obtained from WWII Reg date of internment 23-Sep-1971 section 9 lot 76 grave 3 lot book page 38 undertaker Wickham cause of death carcinoma
Nellie date of internment 17-Jul-1964 cause of death pneumonia section 9 lot 76 grave 2 lot book page 38 undertaker Wickham
Name: Harry Dovel Serial Number: 2425810 Race: W Residence: R. F. D. 4, St Paris, O. Enlistment Division: National Army Enlistment Location: Urbana, O. Enlistment Date: 02 Apr 1918 Birth Place: Mad River Twp, Champaign Co, O. Birth Date / Age: 25 5/12 Years Assigns Comment: 158 Depot Brigade to 22 Apr 1918; Co G 330 Infant ry to 31 July 1918; Headquarters Company 330 Infantry to Discharge Priva te American Expeditionary Forces 12 June 1918 to 30 Jan 1919. Honorable di scharge 13 Feb 1919. Volume #: 5
Death date: 26 Jun 1945
Death place: Adams Twp, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth date: 10 Feb 1881
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Adams Twp
Age at death: 64 years 4 months 16 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Burial date:
Burial place:
Cemetery name:
Spouse name: Alta Jenkins
Father name: Harrison Jenkins
Father titles:
Father birth place:
Mother name: Mary Catherine Barger
Mother titles:
Mother birth place:
Inf- Alta Jenkins
GSU film number: 2372739
Digital GS number: 4073023
Image number: 02795
Reference number: 38281
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
event: �tab�Marriage 10/6/1915
event place (standardized): �tab�Champaign, Ohio, United States
event place (other): �tab�
age: �tab�27
estimated birth year: �tab�4/6/1888
birth date: �tab�
birthplace: �tab�
father: �tab�William C. Sheehe
father's �tab�
mother: �tab�Belle Stokes
mother's �tab�
spouse: �tab�Amy May Russell
spouse's �tab�
spouse's age: �tab�23
spouse's estimated birth year: �tab�4/14/1892
spouse's birthplace: �tab�
spouse's father: �tab�John F. Russell
spouse's father's �tab�
spouse's mother: �tab�Amanda Caldwell
spouse's mother's �tab�
reference number: �tab�p128
film number: �tab�545416
digital folder number: �tab�004016845
image number: �tab�00104
Citing this Record
"Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XZV5-C2Q : accessed 03 Oct 2012), Ainsworth Calvin Sheehe and Amy May Russell, 1915; citing reference p128, FHL microfilm 545416.
titles & terms: �tab�
event: �tab�Death
event date: �tab�30 Mar 1944
event place: �tab�Lewisburg, Champaign, Ohio
residence: �tab�Lemsling, Champaign, Ohio
street address: �tab�
gender: �tab�Female
death age: �tab�51y 11m 16d
marital status: �tab�Married
race: �tab�W
occupation: �tab�Housekeeper
birth date: �tab�14 Apr 1892
birthplace: �tab�Eris, Champaign, O.
estimated birth year: �tab�1893
burial date: �tab�04 Apr 1944
burial place: �tab�No. Lewisburg, O.
cemetery: �tab�
father: �tab�John Russell
father's titles & terms: �tab�
father's birthplace: �tab�O.
mother: �tab�Amanda Colwell
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
mother's birthplace: �tab�O.
spouse: �tab�Ainsworth Sheehe
spouse's titles & terms: �tab�
reference number: �tab�fn 21784
film number: �tab�2024196
digital folder number: �tab�4057842
image number: �tab�2481
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X8ML-5Q8 : accessed 03 Oct 2012), Amy M Sheehe, 1944; citing reference fn 21784, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
Death Date: �tab�12 Feb 1934
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�19 Sep 1869
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�64 years 4 months 22 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�546 S Main
Occupation: �tab�At Home
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�14 Feb 1934
Burial Place: �tab�Oakdale
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�George W. Kizer
Father's Name: �tab�Jacob Strock
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Letitia Jenkins
Mother's �tab�
Death Date: �tab�02 May 1952
Death Place: �tab�Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�02 Jun 1890
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign County Ohio
Death Age: �tab�61 years
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�George W. Kizer
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Catherine Strock
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2246271
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109421
Image Number: �tab�01175
Certificate Number: �tab�30919
Name: �tab�Flossie Kizer
SSN: �tab�297-40-1230
Last Residence: �tab�43212 Columbus, Franklin, Ohio,
Born: �tab�4 May 1892
Died: �tab�May 1972
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (1962)
PETERS, Eileen Marybelle 89 of Urbana passed away Saturday, August 26, 2006 in Heartland of Urbana. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 in the Chapel at Oak Dale Cemetery. Friends may call 30 minutes prior to the services. Entombment to follow in Oak Dale Mausoleum.Services are entrusted to the Vernon Funeral Home, Urbana.
Published in Springfield News-Sun on August 27, 2006
A, son of J W Stevens of Northville died Sunday of typhoid fever and two other children are now ill with the dreadful disease. Mrs Stevens is the dau of Daniel Campbell
Name: Dale Barger SSN: 418-26-7210 Born: 29 Jul 1900 Died: Dec 1961 State (Year) SSN issued: Alabama (Before 1951 )
Name: Dale W Barger Jr Marriage Date: Oct 1957 County: Hale State: Alabama Source information: Alabama Center for Health Statistics
CCGS Newsletter Summer 2005 Vol21 No2 Pg 16 St Paris Ohio Graduates 1909- 1917 from 6/19/1993 by Janet Evilsizor Worthington Mabel Jenkins Anderson 1913
Possibly the Della Jenkins who married Floyd Smith, parents to this child:
CHILES, Carolyn Ruth 69, of South Vienna, went to be with the Lord Thursday evening, December 11, 2008 in her residence following several years of failing health. She was born in Springfield on January 27, 1939 the daughter of the late Floyd Albert and Della E. (Jenkins) Smith. Ruth retired from Northeastern High School following sixteen years of service. She was a member of Northside Church of God and was previously a member of Hillside Church of God where she served in many capacities. She enjoyed crocheting, scrap booking, reading and gardening. Ruth is survived by her husband of over 51 years, Dale O. Chiles; four children and spouses, Pam Chiles of South Vienna, David L. and Lisa Marie Chiles of Belle Center, Peggy and Mike Willfong of South Charleston, and Matthew and Lisa Ann Chiles of Springfield; a sister, Juanita (Bob) Maddox of Englewood; eight grandchildren, Whitney Chiles, Kenzie (Phil) Conley, Cody Willfong, Salem Chiles, Rachel Chiles, Isaiah Chiles, Caitlin Willfong, and Jothan Chiles; a great grandson, David Conley; lifelong friends, Don and Eleanor Reynolds; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded by twin sons, 2 grandchildren and a sister, Dorothy Engle. A gathering of family and friends will be held from 5-8 p.m. Monday in the LITTLETON & RUE FUNERAL HOME. Ruth's funeral service will be held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday in the Northside Church of God with Pastor Harry Mullins officiating. Burial will be in Vale Cemetery. Contributions in Ruth's memory may be made to Northside Church of God, 3705 Middle Urbana Rd., Springfield, Ohio 45503 or the American Cancer Society, 2808 Reading Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio 45206. You may express condolences to the family at www.littletonandrue.com
Published in the Springfield News-Sun from 12/13/2008 - 12/15/2008
Death Date: �tab�14 Aug 1946
Death Place: �tab�Urbana Twp, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�10 Jan 1882
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�64 years 7 months 4 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Abe Johnson
Father's Name: �tab�George Barger
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Rebecca Comer
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2372813
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4074808
Image Number: �tab�03467
Certificate Number: �tab�46637
Death Date: �tab�11 Mar 1926
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�21 Nov 1880
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Rosewood, Cham. Ohio
Death Age: �tab�45 years 3 months 20 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�529 E. Church St.
Occupation: �tab�Rural Mail Carrier
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�14 Mar 1926
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Rosedale Cem.
Spouse's Name: �tab�Bertie U. Pickering
Father's Name: �tab�John Pickering
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Va.
Mother's Name: �tab�Lucy Wert
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Unknown
Film Number: �tab�1984195
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021617
Image Number: �tab�1408
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 13582
Death Date: �tab�26 Sep 1951
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�30 Sep 1884
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Rosewood, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�66 years
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�John Pickering (this his step father who raised him)
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2372844
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109401
Image Number: �tab�02971
Joseph C. Neer, 77, well-known professional and business man of 128 College street, died at 6:30 a.m. Wednesday in Mercy Memorial hospital following an illness of a heart ailment.
Born in Urbana township, November 16, 1875, he was a son of the late Joseph and Sarah Chance Neer.
At the time of his death, Mr. Neer was president of the Urbana Masonic Temple Association, secretary-treasurer of the Brand-Neer Insurance Company, vice president of the Citizens National Bank, and president of the Perpetual Federal Savings and Loan Association.
An attorney at law, he was a graduate of Wittenberg College where he received an honorary M. A. degree. Several years ago he was Champaign County's representative in the Ohio House of Representatives.
He served as the first county superintendent of public schools from 1914 to 1921. He was principal of South Ward elementary school from 1905 to 1911, and principal of Urbana city high school from 1912 to 1914.
For many years he was president of the Western Mutual Fire and Insurance Co. Prior to his illness he was chairman of the Champaign County Sesquicentennial Association.
A member of the Urbana Methodist Church, he served on the official board of the church.
He was past master of Harmony Lodge No. 8, F. & A. M.; past high priest of Urbana Chapter No. 34, RAM; past master of Urbana Council No. 59, R. & S. M.; past commander of Raper Commandery No. 19, Knights Templar; first president of Champaign County Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Association of thirty-second degree Masons, member of the Scioto Consistory Scottish Rite of Columbus, member of the Antioch Shrine Temple of Dayton; and past grand master of Grand Council of Royal and Select Master of Ohio in 1947.
Surviving Mr. Neer are his widow, Mrs. Nellie Loudenbach Neer; a son, Robert M. of Urbana; two grandsons, Robert M. and Frederick Joseph; one granddaughter, Nancy; and five nephews.
The body was removed to the Humphreys and Son funeral home. It will be taken to the residence, 123 College st., where friends may call after 4 p.m. Thursday.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Urbana Masonic Temple with Rev. J. F. Simmons of Cincinnati, former minister of the Grace Methodist Church of Urbana, and Rev. Stanley Jeffery, pastor of the Urbana Methodist Church, officiating. Interment will be in Oak Dale Cemetery.
Event: �tab�Death
Event Date: �tab�08 Mar 1952
Event Place: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Street Address: �tab�
Gender: �tab�Female
Death Age: �tab�60y5m10d
Marital Status: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Occupation: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�28 Sep 1891
Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1892
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery: �tab�
Father: �tab�Alva Thatcher
Father's �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Cora Kaiser
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�
Spouse's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�Certificate
Film Number: �tab�2372998
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109416
Image Number: �tab�00481
Source Citation
"Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X6PH-4FC : accessed 13 Sep 2012), Henrietta Thatcher Shyrigh, 1952; citing reference Certificate, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
Titles: widowed
Death date: 04 Nov 1950
Death place: Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birthdate: 28 Jan 1879
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Salem Twp, Champ Co. Ohio
Age at death: 71 years 9 months 16 days
Gender: Female
Marital status:
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Burial date:
Burial place:
Cemetery name:
Spouse's name:
Father's name: George Sidders
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace:
Mother's name: Adah Parke
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace:
GSU film number: 2372785
Digital GS number: 4109347
Image number: 02982
Reference number: 66264
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�19 Apr 1905
Death Place: �tab�Riley, Clinton, Michigan
Age: �tab�89
Birth Date: �tab�1816
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Jacob Craun
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Not Known
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B51841-3
System Origin: �tab�Michigan-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�987768
Reference Number: �tab�v 3 p 178 fn 9667
Death Date: �tab�28 Nov 1922
Death Place: �tab�Concord, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�21 Dec 1866
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Harrison Twp, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�55 years 11 months 7 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�01 Dec 1922
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Concord Cemetery
Spouse's Name: �tab�Joseph J. Kizer
Father's Name: �tab�John William Demory
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Suzanne Earson
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1992070
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4000533
Image Number: �tab�2941
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 56861
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�25 Dec 1909
Event Place: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Age: �tab�22
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1887
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Sherman Huston
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Edith Webster
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Katherine Coleman
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1891
Spouse's Father: �tab�John Coleman
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Elizabeth Hull
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�P 123 # 245
Film Number: �tab�530190
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016811
Image Number: �tab�424
Gender: �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�03 Sep 1870
Birthplace: �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Hiram S. Pickering
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Eliza Ann Pickering
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�I10449-0
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295232
Reference Number: �tab�38-39
Death Date: �tab�11 Jul 1941
Death Place: �tab�Clinton, Shelby, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�03 Sep 1870
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign, Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�70 years 10 months 8 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�224 Pomeroy
Occupation: �tab�Housework
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�13 Jul 1941
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Corysville
Spouse's Name: �tab�Samuel Knoop
Father's Name: �tab�Hiram Pickering
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Va.
Mother's Name: �tab�Eliza Ann Hall
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�2023920
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4035641
Image Number: �tab�1806
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 45319
Page 11. Mrs. Emma E. Nawman, 72, of 218 N. Isabella St., died at 12:17 a. m. Monday in Springfield City Hospital. She had been in failing health dur ing the past eight months and critically ill since Saturday. She was bo rn in Clark County on March 21, 1878, the daughter of Milton and Mary Arga bright Callison. Her husband, Henry, died March 29, 1936. Mrs.Nawman w as a member of the First Church of God. Survivors include two daughters, M rs. Catherine Hinkle of Springfield, Route 1, and Mrs.Evelyn Merriman of S pringfield; two sons, Harry of South Charleston, Route 2, and Harold of Sp ringfield; a brother, Charles Callison of Springfield, Route 1, 11 grandch ildren and two great grandchildren. The body was taken to the Littleton fu neral home. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Fi rst Church of God in charge of the Rev. C. E. Byers, pastor. Burial wi ll be in Vale Cemetery. The body will be removed from the funeral ho me to the church an hour before time of services.
Name: �tab�Ona Boitnott
Death Date: �tab�8 Jul 1980
County of Death: �tab�Broward
State of Death: �tab�Florida
Age at Death: �tab�81
Race: �tab�White
Birth Date: �tab�1 Oct 1898
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot? 12/20/1887 Administrator of E D Hawke to G P Shidler and J M Biddl e, corner of Jefferson and College Streets Bk69Pg455 Lot? 3/11/1888 Quitclaim from James M Biddle to George P Shidler, S 1 /2 of lot corner of Jefferson & College Bk69Pg456 Lot? 3/11/1889 Quitclaim from George P Shidler to james M Biddle, N 1 /2 of lot corner of Jefferson & College Bk69Pg456 Lot# 1 5/27/1908 John Biddle etex to J H Biddle, part of lot Bk90Pg3 12 (J M Biddle?) Lot#46 6/30/1908 John Biddle to J H Biddle, entire lot Bk90 pg313 Lot#1 1/11/1934 Solomon B Derr to J H Biddle, 30 feet south end Bk121 Pg27 2
Death Date: �tab�17 Oct 1933
Death Place: �tab�St Paris, Champaign County, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�Jun 1855
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�78 years 4 months
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Race or Color: �tab�Mulatto
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Carpenter
Residence: �tab�St. Paris, Champaign County, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�19 Oct 1933
Burial Place: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Jno Biddle
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Lyons
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�1992883
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4001886
Image Number: �tab�1600
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 54520
1910 Census living in Columbus both married 1 time, married 7 years, on child, Paul age 6
1920 Census, living with parents.claims married. Name Clara V King Son Paul age 15 with the family
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Belle Howdyshell
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�13 Aug 1874
Birthplace: �tab�Union Twp., Miami, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�John Allen
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Bell Hondeshell
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C04050-2
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�549805
Reference Number: �tab�v 1 p 172
Titles & Terms �tab�
Death Date �tab�29 Mar 1915
Death Place �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date �tab�1874
Estimated Birth Year �tab�
Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Death Age �tab�41 years
Gender �tab�Male
Marital Status �tab�Married
Race or Color �tab�American
Street Address �tab�
Occupation �tab�
Residence �tab�
Burial Date �tab�30 Mar 1915
Burial Place �tab�St. Paris, Ohio
Cemetery Name �tab�
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�U
Father's Title & Terms �tab�
Father's Birthplace �tab�U
Mother's Name �tab�U
Mother's Titles & Terms �tab�
Mother's Birthplace �tab�U
Film Number �tab�1983342
Digital Folder Number �tab�4021313
Image Number �tab�1919
Certificate Number �tab�fn 13121
George Washington Stout (1855 - 1945)
Abbey Jane Stout (1848 - 1907)
Death date: 24 Jan 1945
Death place: Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birthdate: 24 Dec 1880
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Union County, Ohio
Age at death: 64 years 1 month
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Burial date:
Burial place:
Cemetery name:
Spouse's name: Samuel S. Biddle
Father's name: George Washington Stout
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace:
Mother's name: Abby Jane Stout
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace:
GSU film number: 2372778
Digital GS number: 4058929
Image number: 00519
Reference number: 494
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Mrs. Mary Angeline BEATY , 74, wife of Daniel BEATY , died at 1 p.m. Tuesday in her home following an illness of seven months. Born October 19, 1874 in Mad River Township, Mrs. BEATY was a daughter of James and Rebecca Z ERKLE KESSLER. Surviving besides her husband are three sons, Clyde, New Carlisle; James, St. Paris and Robert, Fenton, Ind.; a daughter, Mrs. Charles SPRIGGS, St. Paris, and a number of grandchildren. The body was taken to the Richeson-Wickham funeral home, to remain for services at 2 p. m. today in charge of the Rev. Rex VAN COURT, pastor of the St. Paris Bapt ist church of which she was a member. Burial will be in Myrtle Tree Cemetery
Event: �tab�Military
Event Date: �tab�1942
Event Place: �tab�Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Residence: �tab�Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Gender: �tab�Male
Birth Date: �tab�04 Nov 1893
Film Number: �tab�2251558
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4143105
Image Number: �tab�01344
Death Date: �tab�06 Apr 1948
Death Place: �tab�Bethel Twp, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�18 Nov 1884
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champain
Death Age: �tab�63 years 4 months 19 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Charles
Father's Name: �tab�Marcellus Rue
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Jennie Salyard
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2246459
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109088
Image Number: �tab�03203
Certificate Number: �tab�21675
Name: Nora Deaton
Death date: 03 May 1940
Death place: Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth date: 12 Mar 1873
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Lena, Oh
Age at death: 67 years 1 month 21 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Housewife
Burial date: 05 May 1940
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Nawson Chapel
Spouse name: A.B.C. Deaton
Father name: Exon Davis
Father titles:
Father birth place: Oh
Mother name: Lucrettia Davis
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Oh
GSU film number: 2023835
Digital GS number: 4027515
Image number: 734
Reference number: fn 29121
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: �tab�Harry C Bollinger
Birth Date: �tab�1892
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Miami
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�19 Jan 1962
Hospital of Death: �tab�Home
City of Death: �tab�Miami County
County of Death: �tab�Miami
Certificate: �tab�05836
Age at Death: �tab�70
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, not used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Walter R Cromer (1881 - 1937)*
Minnie Cromer Stoltz (1919 - 1968)*
Death Date: �tab�25 Nov 1937
Death Place: �tab�Springcreek Twp., Miami, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�01 Apr 1850
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Xenia, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�87 years 7 months 24 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�American
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�29 Nov 1937
Burial Place: �tab�Troy
Cemetery Name: �tab�Riverside
Spouse's Name: �tab�Culda Steith
Father's Name: �tab�Andy Burnsides
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Virginia
Mother's Name: �tab�Salla Wright
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Virginia
Film Number: �tab�2023540
Death Date: �tab�16 Jul 1929
Death Place: �tab�Taylorcreek Twp., Hardin Co., Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�28 Dec 1838
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Logan Co., Oh
Death Age: �tab�90 years 6 months 18 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�American
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Retired Farmer
Residence: �tab�Taylorcreek Twp., Hardin Co., OH
Burial Date: �tab�18 Jul 1929
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Miama
Spouse's Name: �tab�Hester Bower
Father's Name: �tab�Peter Bower
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Pa
Mother's Name: �tab�Annie Rogers Bower
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1991908
Death Date: �tab�20 Dec 1940
Death Place: �tab�Rushsylvania, Logan, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�29 Apr 1861
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Logan
Death Age: �tab�79 years 7 months 21 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�American
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Lawyer
Residence: �tab�Rushsylvania, O.
Burial Date: �tab�22 Dec 1940
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Rushsylvania
Spouse's Name: �tab�Clara Rosebrook Bower
Father's Name: �tab�Levi Bower
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Logan, Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Hester Johnstone
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Logan, Ohio
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�06 Apr 1892
Event Place: �tab�Hardin County, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Ida M. Bower
Spouse's Titles & Terms:
Death Date: �tab�23 Jul 1936
Death Place: �tab�Taylor Creek, Hardin, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�25 Aug 1863
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Logan County, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�72 years 10 months 28 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�R. D. #1
Occupation: �tab�Housework
Residence: �tab�Ridgeway
Burial Date: �tab�26 Jul 1936
Burial Place: �tab�Rushsylvania, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�L. F. Musselman
Father's Name: �tab�Levi Bower
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Logan County, Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Hester Ann Johnston
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Logan County, Ohio
Film Number: �tab�2022686
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4041682
Image Number: �tab�2327
Death Date: �tab�04 May 1925
Death Place: �tab�Rush Creek, Logan, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1866
Birthplace: �tab�Big Springs, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�59 years 7 months 15 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Lumberman, Buy & Sell
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�06 May 1925
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Miami Cemetery
Spouse's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Bower
Father's Name: �tab�Levi Bower
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Hester A. Johnson
Mother's �tab�
Death Date: �tab�15 Nov 1939
Death Place: �tab�Gallipolis, Gallia, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�12 Mar 1879
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�60 years 8 months 3 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Hospital Patient
Residence: �tab�Ridgeway, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�17 Nov 1939
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Miama Cemetery
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Levi Bower
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Hester A. Johnson
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
MILLER, Alpha T. Death date: 9/1/1926, Champaign County Volu me #5139, Certificate #54170
Name: Grace M Printz Gender: Female Date of Death: 04 September 1973 Volume: 21409 Certificate: 065562 Autopsy: Unknown Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: , Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 79 Years
Name: RACHEL A GRAY Gender: Female Date of Death: February 02, 1961 Volume: 16439 Certificate: 13063 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Piqua, Miami County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 79
Death date: 06 Apr 1932
Death place: St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date: 04 Jul 1883
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Champaign Co., O.
Age at death: 48 years 9 months 2 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Housewife
Burial date: 09 Apr 1932
Burial place: St. Paris, O.
Cemetery name:
Spouse name: C.M. Richmon
Father name: Achillies Stradling
Father titles:
Father birth place: O.
Mother name: Laura Brown
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: O.
GSU film number: 1992571
Digital GS number: 4001569
Image number: 2944
Reference number: fn 21653
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Death date : 27 Sep 1909
Death place : Jackson, Champaign Co., Ohio
Birth date : 19 Feb 1904
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Christiansburg, Ohio
Age at death : 5 years 7 months 8 days
Gender : Female
Marital status : Single
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address :
Occupation :
Residence :
Burial date :
Burial place : Jackson, Champaign Co
Cemetery name : Honey Creek
Spouse name :
Father name : W C Lippencott
Father titles :
Father birth place : Ohio
Mother name : Linewever
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : Ohio
GSU film number : 1927184
Digital GS number : 4020913
Image number : 2340
Reference number : fn 44540
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: �tab�Elnora R Rosenbury
Birth Date: �tab�1916
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Stark
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�24 Feb 1987
Hospital of Death: �tab�Massillon Community Hospital
City of Death: �tab�Massillon
County of Death: �tab�Stark
Certificate: �tab�014277
Age at Death: �tab�71
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�No Autopsy performed
Social Security Number: �tab�295-20-3263
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Homemaker, student, unemployed volunteer
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Homemaker
Name: John C. Heaston
Death date: 05 Jun 1930
Death place: St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date: 15 Jun 1870
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Ohio
Age at death: 59 years 11 months 20 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Grain Dealer
Burial date: 08 Jun 1930
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Evergreen
Spouse name: Carrie Heaston
Father name: Paul Heaston
Father titles:
Father birth place: Ohio
Mother name: Kathrine Bridgmaann
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Ohio
GSU film number: 1992170
Digital GS number: 4000545
Image number: 1549
Reference number: fn 34419
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Titles & Terms �tab�
Death Date �tab�13 Feb 1923
Death Place �tab�German Township, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date �tab�21 Jan 1860
Estimated Birth Year �tab�
Birthplace �tab�Lawrenceville, O.
Death Age �tab�63 years 22 days
Gender �tab�Female
Marital Status �tab�Married
Race or Color �tab�Caucasian
Street Address �tab�
Occupation �tab�House Wife
Residence �tab�Lawrenceville, Ohio
Burial Date �tab�16 Feb 1923
Burial Place �tab�
Cemetery Name �tab�Lawrenceville Cem
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�David Ballentine
Father's Title & Terms �tab�
Father's Birthplace �tab�Pa.
Mother's Name �tab�Loretta Wagoner
Mother's Titles & Terms �tab�
Mother's Birthplace �tab�Springfield, O.
Film Number �tab�1992183
Digital Folder Number �tab�4000557
Image Number �tab�2651
Certificate Number �tab�fn 8161
McClelland Ballentine born same time 6/1864 is enumerated in the 1900 Cla rk Co, German, OH Census. In that Census his wife is Ida A b 8/1865, marri ed 15 years, 6 children, 6 living. Chilren are Pearl G 2/1886, Stella G, 8 /1887, Ernest V 8/1891, Glenna M, 6/1892, Emery M 10/1894 and Bertha S b4/ 1899. McClelland also appears in Clark Co, 1910 with same wife and childre n. Another son Chester age 4 making him born c1905
BALLENTINE MCCLELL County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 10/25/1918 Volume Number: 2701 Certificate Number: 58836
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Sidney, O.
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Margaret C. Harris
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1893
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Columbus, O.
Bride's Age: �tab�24
Marriage Date: �tab�02 Jul 1917
Marriage Place: �tab�Franklin County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Frank Calhoun
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Malissie Wones
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John Harris
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Schlareth
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Death Date: �tab�21 Jan 1952
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�02 Nov 1866
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign County
Death Age: �tab�85 years 2 months 19 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Mott
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Harriet Williams
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2372881
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109411
Image Number: �tab�00506
Certificate Number: �tab�00461
Death Date: �tab�02 Apr 1940
Death Place: �tab�Troy, Miami, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�17 Jan 1869
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�71 years 2 months 15 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�1004 Grant St
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�Troy, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�04 Apr 1940
Burial Place: �tab�Troy, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�Riverside
Spouse's Name: �tab�Della Mott
Father's Name: �tab�Joseph Mott
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co, Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Harriet Williams
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�2023834
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4121836
Image Number: �tab�932
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 26438
Death Date: �tab�19 Apr 1934
Death Place: �tab�Troy, Miami, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�30 Jul 1880
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champain County, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�53 years 8 months 19 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Fireman Laundry
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�21 Apr 1934
Burial Place: �tab�Riverside
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Eva Pearl Kerns
Father's Name: �tab�H. Q. Mott
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Champain County, Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Belle Shloneker
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Champain County, Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1992994
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4001898
Image Number: �tab�2020
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 25658
Name: �tab�Mary Mott
Birth Date: �tab�1882
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Urbana
Residence County: �tab�Champaign
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�19 Jan 1965
Hospital of Death: �tab�Mercy Memorial Hospital
City of Death: �tab�Urbana
County of Death: �tab�Champaign
Certificate: �tab�00514
Age at Death: �tab�83
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, not used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Name: SAMUEL V DINGLEDINE Gender: Male Date of Death: August 05, 1962 Volume: 17003 Certificate: 61201 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: , Miami County Race: White Residence: , Clark County Age: 80
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Jackson, Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Cleo Collins
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1902
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�11 Aug 1920
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�James Kelley
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Eva Loudenback
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Geo. Collins
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Ella Ankrom
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M86852-8
Alpha C Pence
Age: 25 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0023
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0112
County: Coshocton, Coshocten City
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Zola G 23 Ohio Daughter Ella G NR Ohio
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 246
long-time superintendent of schools in in Coshocton County; there in 19 10 with daughter Ellagrace and during the 1920 census they were in Millers burg, Holmes County, Ohio, with his wife and all of his children:
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