Name: «tab»Amanda Hullinger
Gender: «tab»Female
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»28 Nov 1901
Death Place: «tab»Mad River, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»37
Birth Date: «tab»1864
Birthplace: «tab»Mad River
Occupation: «tab»
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07024-2
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 221
[HI21973] (Research):Phoebe Ann Haskett Stockett
[HI21974] (Research):Phoebe West was born about 1806 in Jackson Twp, Champaign, Ohio and died after 1834 in Warren County, Indiana; she married John Hutton who was bo rn in about 1812; they were married April 10, 1823 in Champaign, Ohio. At th is time, in the very early 1800’s, the children all went to subscription or p ay schools, when they went at all. The teacher set the price at so much per capita, ranging from $1.50 to $2 per quarter; Phoebe’s first husband, Jo hn Hutton, taught just north of Addison. A fellow teacher told of “an incide nt illustrating the hardships of the times. His mother came to see him, a nd he wanted to get some white flour for her, as she was from Kentucky, which w as then pretty well settled, and its people were used to eating wheat brea d. He was obliged to go about forty miles for it, through unbroken forests, ov er untrodden prairie, following Indian trails and fording streams, After an incredibly long and arduous journey, he succeeded in reaching his cabin wi th a small sack of flour, of the meanest kind, which cost him a good de money and more trouble.” In 1831 John Hutton purchased property in Champai gn County, Ohio. In 1834 Phoebe presented an affidavit that John Hutton was deceased before her marriage to James Huston, so her first husband John Hutton died at about the age of about 22. She then married then James Huston who was born about 1810 in Ohio; they were married December 27, 18 34 in Champaign, Ohio. They moved to Green Twp., Howard County, Indiana befo re the 1850 Census;
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Summer 2005 Vol 1 No 2 pg 19 Old People - A List of Resid ents of This City Whose Age is Over 70 Years. Mechanicsburg News Jan 23 18 96 Mrs George Groves born 1818
buried at Maple Grove Cemetery, but her name is not on the stone. I spo ke with the care taker and seen the record book, she is there! richurch1@c omcast.net
(Research):1880 Census Place Salem, Champaign, Ohio Family History Library Film 1 254998
NA Film Number T9-0998 Page Number 363D Abner B. PEARCE Self M Male W 43 OH Doctor OH OH Ella PEARCE Wife M Female W 30 OH House Keep Carrie E. PEARCE Other S Female W 11 OH OH OH Minnie May PEARCE Other S Female W 9 OH OH OH Mate L. PEARCE Other S Female W 5 OH OH OH
A. B. PEARCE, M. D., physician, King's Creek; born in this county Oc t. 8, 1836 ; is a son of Harvey and Beulah (Barrett) Pearce, natives of Ch ampaign Co., he being the first white child born in Urbana; born in 180 2. The paternal grandfather was a native of Virginia, the maternal grandfa ther of Kentucky. Harvey and wife were parents of eight children; five n ow survive-Henry C., Lucas E., Abner B., John W. and Richard S. Our subje ct remained with his father, occupied at farm labor till he arrived at mat urity, receiving his principal education at the schools of Urbana. In t he winter of 1856, he taught his first school; then in the summer attend ed school and prosecuted his studies. This course he continued for fi ve or six years, teaching school winters, and prosecuting his studies thro ugh the summer, during which time he had decided to take as his professio n, the practice of medicine, and consequently shaped his course of study a ccordingly, devoting considerable time to the reading of medicine while te aching. In the winters of 1861 and 1862, he attended a course of lectur es at the Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery ; then took a cour se at the Starling Medical College, at Columbus, in the winters of 1862 a nd 1863, graduating in the spring of 1863; then located in practice with h is brother, in Mutual, Union Township, till 1864, when he enlisted in t he 100 days' service, filling the position of Assistant Surgeon in the 134 th O. V. I. At the expiration of his term of service, he returned and loca ted in Kingston, and there carried on the practice of medicine and surger y, where he has continued to the present time. The Doctor has built up a g ood practice, and has during his stay here enjoyed the confidence of the p eople, and received in return a good remuneration. As he is thoroughly qua lified by a preparatory course of study and practice in the army, especial ly in the branch of surgery, there is no reason why he should not be succe ssful and enjoy the confidence of the public. He was married Sept. 17, 186 7, to Miss Ella, daughter of Jacob H. and Elizabeth Shepherd. They have h ad four children; three now survive-Carrie Effie, Minnie May and Mattie Le ila.
(Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, by Pat Stickley and Denise Kay Moore, Champaign Co Ohio-Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888, (Urbana Daily Citizen 1/1884-12/1888). pg7 2/21/1884 Miss Jennie Owens vs Charlie Pearce J r, bastary suit Tried Wednesday and verdict for plaintiff.
(Although this says Charlie JR, there is no Charles , son of Charles in t he 1880 Census
Elizabeth Bates Pearce (1870 - 1962)
Belinda E Pearce Hepler (1892 - 1934)*
E Clay Pearce (1901 - 1955)*
[HI21988] (Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1884-1900 submitted by Pat Stickley in CCGS Newsletter June 1996 pg 31 Robert Pearce Class of 1891
[HI21989] (Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1884-1900 submitted by Pat Stickley in CCGS Newsletter June 1996 pg 31 RIchard S Pearce - Class of 1888
[HI21991] (Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1884-1900 submitted by Pat Stickley in CCGS Newsletter June 1996 pg 31 Anna Pearce Class of 1900
(Research):1880 Census Place Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Family History Library Fi lm 1254998
NA Film Number T9-0998 Page Number 410D Henry C. PEARCE Self M Male W 47 OH Physici Binnie PEARCE Wife M Female W 40 OH Keeping Hou se PA MD Ettie PEARCE Dau S Female W 23 OH At Home OH OH Charles PEARCE Son S Male W 19 OH OH OH Henry M. PEARCE Son S Male W 12 OH Attending Scho ol OH OH William PEARCE Son S Male W 6 OH OH OH Frank C. PEARCE Son S Male W 2 OH OH OH Harvey C. PEARCE Other M Male W 75 OH Farm Beulah PEARCE1 Other M Female W 71 OH Keeping Hou se KY KY John TUDOR Other S Male B 34 OH Laborer --- VA Mattie ADAMS Other W Female B 55 OH Servant VA PA
Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, by Pat Stickley and Denise Kay Moore, Champaign Co Ohio-Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888, (Urbana Daily Citizen 1/1884-12/1888). Pg 21 7/10/1884 Mrs Heller of Milford Center was in the city and had wi th her the 3 mo old boy of Charles Wooley that she is raising. He was nam ed Caesar Pearce Wooley in honor of Dr Pearce.
Beers History H. C. PEARCE, JR., M. D., Urbana. Dr. Pearce was born in Champaign Co ., in Union Township, in 1833, and is the son of H. C. Pearce, Sr. He rece ived a common-school education, and then read medicine, first with Dr. Car ter, and afterward with Prof. Dawson, and graduated at Starling Medical Co llege in 1857. He commenced practice at Mutual, in this county, but remov ed to Urbana in 1863, where he has since remained, and has practiced in th is county nearly a quarter of a century. He was Professor of Physiology a nd Histology in Starling Medical College for eight years, and is now, a nd has been for the past five years' a member of the Faculty of the Columb us Medical College, of which he is one of the founders and Trustees. He h as been for many years a member of the Urbana School Board. He was marri ed in 1853, to Sarah J. Morgan, of Mt. Vernon; she died April 22, 187 2. On the 17th of June, 1873, he married Binnie A., daughter of William Ke ller, an old resident of Urbana, a Justice of the Peace and Mayor of the c ity. He had four children by his first marriage Mrs. George E. Lee, of Piq ua. Miss Laura Etta, Charles and Henry, and by his second marriage two son s-Willie and Frank.
CCGS Newsletter Fall 1994 pg 85 Residents of Urbana; When and Where Born Dr H C Pearce, Jr, physician, Champ Co, Union Twp, OH 1833
[HI21998] (Research):Poss md to Agnes who is buried in Oak Dale Cem 3/10/1865-12/31/1892
[DI22000] Champaign Co - Newspaper Articles 1889-1894 (Champaign County Ohio Newspaper Abstracts 1889-1894 Vol 4; Urbana Daily Citizen, Champaign Democart Weekly, Gazette Weekly' Citizen & Gazette Daily: Pat Stickley, Typed and Edited by Nelson T Smith @ July 2009 CCGS, P O Box 682, Urbana, OH 43078), pg105. 3/12/1891 Mrs George S Lee died suddenly at Anniston, Alabama Tuesday last week. George S Lee is a brother of Mrs F E Stone and he and his family moved from Urbana to Anniston a few years ago; she will be buried in Urbana.
(Research):876 - BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. GOSHEN TOWNSHIP Beers 1881 a native of Virginia, and the latter of Maryland. Elijah emigrated to Oh io with his parents in 1811, and located in Goshen Township. He was th en 24 years old, and took part in the war of 1812 as a teamster. He liv ed the remainder of his life in this township, his death occurring in 183 9. Richard Corlia, father of Elizabeth C., came from Maryland with his fam ily of five daughters, and pitched his cabin in the wilderness of Champai gn Co., in the fall of 1805, and in 1807 came to Goshen Township, where h is daughter Elizabeth has since resided, a period of seventy-three year s. Elijah Legge had a family of eleven children, four sons and one daught er of whom yet survive
1820 Champaign Co, Ohio Goshen Twp Elijah Leg Pg 480 100010-10100
1830 Champaign Co, Goshen, OH pg 10 Elijah Leg 0010001-110001
1840 Champaign Co, Goshen, OH Elijah Legg Pg 305 10101001-0010101
[NI22007] George was the youngest of three sons born to Nicholas Shafer and Louise Cook. He was a brother to 4 other siblings: Elizabeth, Martha, Charles F. and John Henry. He was the nephew of Jacob Conrad Shafer. George was about 3 years old when his parents moved from Mad River township to Salem township, where George attended school and helped on his father's farm with his brothers until his marriage to Florence Stick, daughter of Samuel and Mary Stick of Randolph Co., Indiana, on July 15, 1890. George was the executor of Nicholas Shafer's estate, willed April 2, 1898 and probated in 1900, and from that estate George inherited "Foos Farm" with 134 acres, north of the one in Kings Creek where he settled in 1904. He was considered a progressive stockman and proprietor, owning 250 acres, farming 106 acres himself and renting out the remainder. He had a well improved and equipped farm, also raising 150 hogs. George was a Democrat and a fraternal affiliate with the Urbana Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. The Shafers had one child, Alice; and were members of the Kings Creek Baptist Church. They performed good works in the community and were helpful in advancing all worthy causes.
Name: «tab»George W. Shafer
Death Date: «tab»15 Jan 1950
Death Place: «tab»Urbana Twp, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»25 May 1864
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Death Age: «tab»85 years 7 months 20 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Nicholas Shafer
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Louisa Cook
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2372631
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4109198
Image Number: «tab»00533
Certificate Number: «tab»00488
[HI22009] (Research):Name : Earl Colbert Titles : Death date : 02 Feb 1913 Death place : Springfield, Clark, Ohio Birth date : 29 Sep 1877 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 35 years 4 months 4 days Gender : Male Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Dairyman Residence : Burial date : 05 Feb 1913 Burial place : Kings Creek, O. Cemetery name : Spouse name : Father name : John B. Colbert Father titles : Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Ellen Heath Mother titles : Mother birth place : Ohio GSU film number : 1953598 Digital GS number : 4021227 Image number : 1673 Certificate number : fn 7157 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI22010] (Research):Name: Catherine Allinger SSN: 273-42-1525 Last Residence: 43343 Quincy, Logan, Ohio, United States of America Born: 20 Apr 1903 Died: Jul 1987 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1963 )
[HI22011] (Research):Name: Herman Allinger SSN: 275-24-1474 Last Residence: 43343 Quincy, Logan, Ohio, United States of America Born: 3 Mar 1901 Died: Jun 1979 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
(Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, by Pat Stickley and Denise Kay Moor Champaign Co Ohio-Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888, (Urbana Daily Citizen 1/1884-12/1888). pg 218 12/17/1888 Mrs Frank Burks died at Lippencott station Sat of typhoid fever, d/o Nicholas Shaffer (This newspaper article is wrong. We do not know who died Maybe the date is incorrect and it is actually the obit intended for her husband Frank .) It was not Nicholas Shaffers daughter who died. His only daughter was Martha who married Frank Burks and after his death in 1889 she married Augustus Mauck
1900 United States Federal Census > Ohio > Champaign > Salem > District 14 Augustus C Mauck, head, 4/1865 OH GER GER Martha C, wife, 8/1861 md 8y 7/4 OH GER OH Gladys M, dau 3/1893 Mary L, dau, 2/1895 Elizabeth Birk, step dau, 3/1885
Possibly the Martha Shaffer who gave birth to a son William Shaffer 4/1/1878 in Salem Twp per Birth records, father not named.
Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, by Pat Stickley and Denise Kay Moore, Champaign Co Ohio-Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888, (Urbana Daily Citizen 1/1884-12/1888). pg 218 12/17/1888 Mrs Frank Burks died at Lippencott station Sat of typhoid fever, d/o Nicholas Shaffer.
(Note) Evidence supports this death did not occur, but that Martha later married Augustus Mauck as shown in marriage records and the bio of her father who names dau Martha Burks and later Mauck in history of MIddletons dated 1917
The St Paris Press
February 27, 1908
One of the worst accidents that had ever occurred in Urbana occurred at the Bloomfield Avenue crossing Saturday when Augustus Mauck and wife were instantly killed and their daughter Gladys seriously hurt. The family resides at Lippencott Station. The funerals were held at the Lutheran Church in Urbana Tuesday.
(Research):1910 United States Federal Census 4-18-1910
Name: Alfred Yoakum
Home in 1910: Marion Ward 3, Marion, Ohio
271 SHARP STREET 122 / 123
Household Members: Name Age ( ALL = "OH-OH-OH" )
Alfred Yoakum 46 MEAT CUTTER - SHOP "O-M-H"
Hulda Yoakum 46 BOTH SAY - "m1 - 25y" "5/5"
True Yoakum 24 WIDOW CLERK - YARD ? ?
Leon Yoakum 19 SINGLE MACHINIST - ? ?
Blanche Yoakum 22 SINGLE
William Yoakum 17 SINGLE
Roy Yoakum 15 SINGLE
Name: Alford Yocom
Death date: 25 Jan 1938
Death place: Marion, Marion, Ohio
Birth date: 25 Sep 1863
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Champaign County, Ohio
Age at death: 74 years 4 months
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 467 David St.
Occupation: Grocer
Burial date: 27 Jan 1938
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Marion Cemetery
Spouse name: Hulda Beltz Yocom
Father name: James Yocom
Father titles:
Father birth place: Champaign County, Ohio
Mother name: Hannah Millice
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Mechanicsburg, Ohio
GSU film number: 2023554
Digital GS number: 4028468
Image number: 2049
Reference number: fn 4884
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1871-1884-The Urbana Citizen and Gazette 1871-1884 CCGS, by Pat Stickley Dec 2000. The Urbana Citizen and Gazette 1871-1884 CCGS, by Pat Stickley Dec 2000
Pg60 Jan 7 1875 Died 21«sup»st«/sup» ult, Jesse W, youngest son of James W Yocum
(Research):1880 Census Place Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Family History Library Fi lm 1254998
NA Film Number T9-0998 Page Number 388D Kerhilla COLWELL Other W Female W 73 KY Board
1870 says living at home (living with Thomas and Sarah Louvena Berry) a ge 63
The Urbana Daily Citizen
January 14, 1886
Mrs KB Colwell died this afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs Dane of Athens. Remains brought to Urbana.
[HI22023] (Research):Champaign Co, Newspapers, 10/20/1870 died in LaSalle Co, IL 10/5/1870 Mrs Martha J Foster, d/o la te Abram R Colwell of this city age 54y
Name: Blanch May Yocum
Death date: 08 Mar 1920
Death place: Marion, Marion, Ohio
Birth date:
Estimated birth year: 1888
Birth place: Champayne Co., Oh
Age at death: 32 years 4 weeks
Gender: Female
Marital status: Single
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 467 David
Occupation: Housekeeper
Residence: Marion, OH
Burial date: 09 Mar 1920
Burial place: Marion, Oh
Cemetery name: Marion
Spouse name:
Father name: Alfred Yocum
Father titles:
Father birth place: Champayne Co., Oh
Mother name: Hilda Beltz
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: ... Co., Oh
GSU film number: 1991072
Digital GS number: 4022053
Image number: 969
Reference number: fn 24213
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
The Urbana Daily Citizen
November 13, 1888
Edith Emma, infant daughter of Mr & Mrs George M Eichelberger, died this morning at the age of 10 months.
name: «tab»Rollin P. Middleton
event: «tab»Marriage
event place (standardized): «tab»Franklin, Ohio, United States
event place (other): «tab»5/19/1913
age: «tab»24 on 9-26-1912
estimated birth year: «tab»1889
birth date: «tab»
birthplace: «tab»Noble, Ohio
father: «tab»Dr. Abner H. Middleton
father's «tab»
mother: «tab»Alice Baker
mother's «tab»
spouse: «tab»Nellie J. Grettles
spouse's «tab»
spouse's age: «tab»25 on May 20 1912, bookkeeper
spouse's estimated birth year: «tab»1888
spouse's birthplace: «tab»Jackson Co., Ohio
spouse's father: «tab»Valentine Gettles
spouse's father's «tab»
spouse's mother: «tab»Eunice Johnston
spouse's mother's «tab»
reference number: «tab»#31730
film number: «tab»1854963
digital folder number: «tab»004017582
image number: «tab»00331
Citing this Record "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XZB6-FSM : accessed 02 Oct 2012), Alice Baker in entry for Rollin P. Middleton and Nellie J. Grettles, 1913; citing reference #31730, FHL microfilm 1854963.
[HI22030] (Research):ROBERT E. ROBISON, farmer; P. O. Bowlesville. This gentleman is a nati ve of Ohio, and was born in Warren Co. in 1821. His parents, Robert Robis on and Elizabeth McMeen, were both natives of Pennsylvania, and were marri ed in Lancaster Co., Ohio, about 1803. They were early settlers of Ohio, a nd their children, with the exception of Maria N., were born in Warren County. They were nine in number-Jane T., John M., Grizella E., William P., Nan cy D., Elizabeth H., Robert E. and James T. Three of these are living t he two youngest sons and Maria. The parents died long ago. Robert has be en a resident of Champaign Co. for thirty-four years, and has, since comi ng here, become one of the wealthy men of the neighborhood. He was marri ed to Miss Nancy A. Todd, of Champaign Co., in 1844. Her parents came to O hio from Pennsylvania in 1840, and settled on Buck Creek, where the Uni on Mills are located, Robert Robison, the father of our subject, was in t he war of 1812. Robert E. also has a war record, being a volunteer in County. G, 134th 0. V. I., serving as Captain of the company. He has three far ms in this neighborhood, one of which is in Clark Co. Their children are e ight in number, they having lost two. Those now living are named, respecti vely, Samuel T., Robert C., William A., Thomas C., Annie M., Nancy E., Jo hn E. and Carrie S. The three eldest sons are married, Samuel wedding Mi ss Clara Miller, Robert married Miss Matilda Rogers, and William Miss Mar y, daughter of Newton and Elizabeth Hedges. Mr. Robison has an elegant fa rm residence, with a commanding view of the country on the south. He sti ll manages the farm, which is highly cultivated and brings him a good inco me. He has made the greater portion of his money by his own industry, a nd his neighbors all speak of him in universal praise. .
ame: «tab»Wm.A. Mumper
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»31 Aug 1904
Death Place: «tab»New Moorefield, Clark, Ohio
Age: «tab»54
Birth Date: «tab»1850
Birthplace: «tab»York Co., Penn.
Occupation: «tab»Painter
Race: «tab»White
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Michael Mumper
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Alert
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07057-9
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»466665
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 306 n 9
(Research):m. 22 DEC 1878, Princeton, Mille Lacs County, Minnesota
d. Unknown Note: He married Maggie Blair, born in 1860, in New York.
Name: «tab»Matthew Cretcher
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»11 Jan 1853
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»license 7 Jan 1853
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Harriet A. Twaddle
Spouse's Titles & Terms:
[HI22042] (Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1884-1900 submitted by Pat Stickley in CCGS Newsletter June 1996 pg 31 Amelia P Talbott-Marvin Class of 1884
(Research):Graduates of the Township Schools of Champaign County 1892 who received th eir diplomas Saturday June 4 1892. List sent in by Supt J M Mulford of Mec hanicsburg. Listed The Champaign Democrat June 16 1892 abstracted by Pat S tickley Fall 1994 CCGS Newsletter pg 77 Urbana Twp- Edna B Humes
Graduates of Urbana High School 1884-1900 submitted by Pat Stickley in CCGS Newsletter June 1996 pg 31 Edna Humes-Rawlings Class of 1898
Name: EDNA B RAWLINGS Gender: Female Date of Death: April 02, 1962 Volume: 16860 Certificate: 25492 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 85
Name: Nancy A. Parker
Death date: 12 Feb 1931
Death place: Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date: 20 Oct 1849
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Champaign Co., Ohio
Age at death: 81 years 3 months 22 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 306 Oakland
Occupation: Housewife
Residence: Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Burial date: 14 Feb 1931
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Union Chapel Cem.
Spouse name: Benjamin Parker
Father name: Peter Ludwick
Father titles:
Father birth place: Champaign Co., Ohio
Mother name: Spellman
Mother titles:
Mother birth place:
GSU film number: 1992422
Digital GS number: 4000600
Image number: 1266
Reference number: fn 7300
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about June Marie Hess
Name: «tab»June Marie Hess
[June Marie Sawyer]
Birth Date: «tab»24 Jun 1926
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Hispanic Origin: «tab»Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence City: «tab»Urbana
Residence County: «tab»Champaign
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Zip Code: «tab»43078
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»21 Dec 2006
Death Time: «tab»01:30 PM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Private Residence
Certificate: «tab»100836
Age at Death: «tab»80
Registrar's Certificate Number: «tab»000274
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Referred to Coroner: «tab»Not Referred to Coroner
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Method of Disposition: «tab»Burial
Filing Date: «tab»2 Jan 2007
Hospital Status: «tab»Other/residence
Injury at Work: «tab»Unclassifiable
Social Security Number: «tab»295-22-3549
Father's Surname: «tab»Sawyer
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Grube
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Education: «tab»12
Armed Forces Indicator: «tab»No
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Occupation Not Classifiable
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Occupation Not Classifiable
Census Tract: «tab»9999
Primary Registration District: «tab»1100
[HI22069] (Research):Cemetery records indicate removed from old graveyard. Also names a wife Sa llie, wife of Benjamin also removed with no dates
Name: «tab»Gilbert Yoder
SSN: «tab»283-16-4294
Last Residence: «tab»43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio,
Born: «tab»8 Feb 1899
Died: «tab»Jun 1982
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
[HI22073] (Research):Champ Will Book C pg 467 John McAdams probated 9/4/1866 Wife Rachel the house; ch Eliza Swisher ( of Iowa), Samuel, Mary Ann, Fran cis, Harriett and Ruth McAdmas. Grson John F Swisher (sopn of Benedict a nd Eliza). Washington Woodward, Exec Wit: Solomon Linvill Washington Woodward signed 7/3/1866
(Research):1860 census household isWm Tyler age 85 b VA retired farmer and Adelia Mumma, age 72 b MD
JOSEPH MUMMA, farmer; P. O. Mechanicsburg ; one of the prominent farme rs of the county, was born Jan. 16, 1816, in Washington Co., Md., near t he battle ground of Antietam. Ile is the son of Henry and Adelia (Staub s) Mumma ; the for mer a native of Pennsylvania, and of German descent; a nd the latter a native of Frederick City, Md., and of French descent. Hen ry moved with his parents to Maryland when about 14 years old, and, in Oct ober, 1828, he moved to Ohio, locating near Dayton, where his death occurr ed in April, 1853 ; and his devoted wife in July, 1866. He was by occupati on a farmer, and had three sons and two daughters, of whom our subje ct is the third. He was 12 years old when he came to Ohio with his parent s. He was raised on a farm, and has made farming his life occupation. In t his line of life he has taken a great interest and been signally successfu l. He resided near Dayton till the fall of 1866, when he became a reside nt of Champaign Co., locating in Union Township, and, in April, 1873, he m oved to his present place about one mile east of Mechanicsburg. He is ente rprising, as is evinced by his fine, well-improved farms, and large, beaut iful residence and surroundings. He is a Republican in politics, former ly being an Old-Line Whig. He married in the fall of 1840, Mary J. Tyle r; of Montgomery Co., Ohio, by whom he has reared three sons and six daugh ters, one daughter deceased.
[HI22076] (Research):Name : Charles E. Dingledine Titles : Death date : 09 Aug 1953 Death place : Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States Birth date : 10 May 1881 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio Age at death : 72 years 2 months 29 days Gender : Male Marital status : Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Residence : Burial date : Burial place : Cemetery name : Spouse name : Father name : John Dingledine Father titles : Father birth place : Mother name : Mary Mother titles : Mother birth place : GSU film number : 2246551 Digital GS number : 4109471 Image number : 01793 Certificate number : 50838 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI22077] (Research):Champaign Co, Will book H pg 193 Nancy M Humes Urbana Twp died 4/14/1894 p robated 5/12/1894 Heirs Sidney A Stansberry-sis- Rariden, IA; John S Humes- bro- Somonauk, I L; Samuel R Humes-bro-Urbana; Sarah E Rawlings-sis-Urbana; Mary E Humes-si s-Urbana; Edwin K Humes-bro- Urbana; Clarence M Humes, neph, Lancaster; Ma ry McNeal Humes- niece-Marietta. Sister Mary E Humes all property. Sist er Mary E Humes Exec., Wit: James M Russell, H E Boal Signed 3/2/1882
[HI22080] (Research):Parents: Father: Luke Atwood Disc #42 Pin #776805 Mother: Roxanna Kelsey Disc #42 Pin #776773
Name: «tab»William H. Brinnon
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»18 Jul 1901
Death Place: «tab»Union, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»56
Birth Date: «tab»1845
Birthplace: «tab»Union
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07023-8
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 43
(Research):1860 household has Giles Johnson age 73 b VA 1870 household has Giles Johnson age 83 b VA
Enlisted 22 Aug 1862 age 38; died Mar 20 1863 Nashville, TN
[XI22089] (39-6-5)
[XI22091] Burial record, no stone found
Name: «tab»Amos F. Bair
Death Date: «tab»26 Feb 1923
Death Place: «tab»Union Township, Miami, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»03 Apr 1845
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»77 years 10 months 23 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Mary Bair
Father's Name: «tab»Samuel Bair
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Pa.
Mother's Name: «tab»Lelila Berry
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Pa.
Film Number: «tab»1992262
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4000555
Image Number: «tab»1562
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 13142
[HI22096] (Research):BAIR JOHN P County Name: MIAMI Date of Death: 10/13/1929 Volume Number: 6121 Certificate Number: 66381
[BI22101] Born prior to 1860 census. 1860 age 1
Name: «tab»Isaac Junior Sparks
Death Date: «tab»04 Mar 1918
Death Place: «tab»Allen Tp., Union, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»29 Sep 1835
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Middleberg, Logan, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»82 years 5 months 3 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»07 Mar 1918
Burial Place: «tab»Madison Co., Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»Gary
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Isaac Sparks
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Unknown
Mother's Name: «tab»Susan Ballinger
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Unknown
Film Number: «tab»1984347
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021774
Image Number: «tab»175
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 20653
[HI22105] (Research):66th OVI but no record in Civil War index
[HI22115] (Research):1880 Census Albert VINYARD Self M Male W 40 OH At Home VA OH Martha J. VINYARD Wife M Female W 36 OH Sewing & Keeping Ho use OH OH Elizabeth M. JOHNSON MotherL W Female W 56 OH Sewi ng PA OH
[HI22116] (Research):This Daniel does not appear in the 1860 census, and the 1900 census says h is parents born in Maryland and Ohio. This info that he lived to have chi ldren is from Mrs Poffenburg research sent by Charles Brinnon.
Name: «tab»Daniel W. Powell
Death Date: «tab»01 Mar 1919
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign Co., Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»08 Mar 1849
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Oh
Death Age: «tab»68 years 11 months 23 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Laborer
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»03 Mar 1919
Burial Place: «tab»Oak Dale
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»James Powell
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Oh
Mother's Name: «tab»Jane Jones
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Pa
Film Number: «tab»1984640
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4024452
Image Number: «tab»1579
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 16021
(Research):1880 Census Place Columbia, Hamilton, Ohio Family History Library Fi lm 1255022
NA Film Number T9-1022 Page Number 117A Adam BOWERS Self M Male W 38 OH Minister VA VA Virginia E. BOWERS Wife M Female W 38 OH Keeping Hou se OH OH Mary M. REILEY SisterL S Female W 37 OH OH OH
Bowers, Adam Rev. D 1902 CemRec Cem# 402 age61 B:Ohio Mi
Oct 15 1902 Bowers, Adam Rev. 61 Ohio 061 0 05
Md second
William Henry Shofstall (1829 - 1905)
George Owen Shofstall (1866 - 1943)*
[HI22119] (Research):I am descended from their daughter Deborah, who married Richard Morris. R ichard is the son of Benjamin Morris & Margaret Milhollin who are buri ed in Simms Cemetery in Clark Co, OH. [email protected]
[XI22121] 54767 «tab»BLAZER «tab»HANNAH «tab»«tab»00/00/0000 «tab»«tab»00/00/0000 «tab»12/07/1909 «tab»E «tab»Lot 86 «tab»Sublot 0 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 17
[HI22127] (Research):Champaign County Guardianship and Indentures pg182 11/24/1828 James Osbo rn gdn of David Osborn 18 yr; Levi Osborn 15 yr; Noble Osborn 13 yr; Abr am Osborn 9 yr; Nancy Osborn 6 yr; children of James Osborn, deceased. Sur ity James Dunlap (Chauncery records of Levi Osborn indicate these were his children, not Ja mes) Need additional research?
[HI22129] (Research):Champaign County Guardianship and Indentures pg182 11/24/1828 James Osbo rn gdn of David Osborn 18 yr; Levi Osborn 15 yr; Noble Osborn 13 yr; Abr am Osborn 9 yr; Nancy Osborn 6 yr; children of James Osborn, deceased. Sur ity James Dunlap (Chauncery records of Levi Osborn indicate these were his children, not Ja mes) Need additional research?
[XI22136] Inscription: Wife of William Vinyard -- Aged 72y, 8m, 21d
[HI22141] (Research):Champaign Co, Will Book L pg 233 Mary Eliza Humes Urbana died 8/7/1908 pro bated 8/11/1908 Heirs- E K Humes, bro-Urbana; S R Humes-bro-Urbana; Sarah E Rawlings-sis-U rbana; Clarence M Humes'nep- Ironton; Mary M Brown, niece, Chattanooga T N; James C Humes-nep-Roseville, ILL; Katherine Kizer-niece-Roseville, IL L; Harriett Watson, niece- Roseville, ILL; Lizzie Reed- Niece-Youngstow n, IL; Emma Barnes- niece Rairton, IL. Real estate in Urbana Twp S11 of 55 acres to Edwin K Humes (my bro) undivi ded 1/3; to Sarah Emily Rawlings (my sis) 1/3; Clarence Humes (nep) and Ma ry M Brown (my niece) 1/3 between them (Effective on and after death of b ro Samuel R Humes) Edwin K Humes to support Samuel R Humes after his pension exhausted. Edwin K Humes Exec Wit: F M Shook, Anna M Pearce Signed 6/22/1908
Newspaper Abstract
January 9, 1868
Died near Urbana 26th November in the 65th year of her age, Mary A, wife of Samuel Humes; her maiden name was McNeill, born Hardy Co, VA, 19th April 1803; married to Mr Humes 15th January, 1824; She leaves an aged husband, 8 children and 10 grandchildren to mourn her.
(Research):Champaign Co, Will Book D pg 511 Samuel Humes Union Twp probated 7/21/188 1 Notice of next of kin- Samuel R Humes; Ed K Humes; Nancy M Humes; Emily Ra wlings, Mary Eliza Humes. The farm of 140 acres to be sold and prcee ds to my eight ch- dau Nancy M Humes $2800 and $2600; son Samuel $2600 a nd A Humes $100; son E K Humes $1000; Mary E Humes $2600 and household goo ds; dau in law Elizabeth P Humes $100 for benefit of her and 2 ch (Claren ce Merrill and Mary M Humes); my other 3 ch Sidney E Stansberry, John S Hu mes and Sarah Emily Rawlings the balance. Son E K Humes and son in law Thomas Rawlings Exec. Wit: Griffith Ellis, James Allison, M L Albright Signed 11/12/1878
Early Settlers of Champaign Co, Vol 1 pg 196 The NW section 34 now owned by Frank Nelson, was originally potented to Pe ter Sewell, who only kept it a few years, selling to Samuel Humes in 182 9. Samuel Humes was born in Va about 1800, he was married to Mary A McNeil l, who was also born in Va. Soon after their marriage they came to Ohio a nd settled on this farm, which contained 184 acres, some 33 acres of whi ch was in Urbana, Twp. Mr. and Mrs. Humes were staunch members of the Bu ck Creek Presbyterian Church, he having been an elder of that church for n ear 50 years. They passed their life at this homestead, and had a family o ften children, two of whom died in youth and one in the Civil War. Nan cy M. and Samuel died unmated; Sarah E. married Thos. Rawlings Sr.; Elizab eth married Chas Stanbury and John S. married Caroline Porter, and both fa milies moved to Illinois; William A. married Elizabeth Price. Edwin K. Hum es will be remembered as living on the adjoining farm of his parents in Ur bana Township. He married Caroline Mumma and had five children, Florenc e, Blanch, Bertha, Homer and Crystal (deceased in youth). Florence mated G eorge Smallsmith (Stallsrnith ?), Blanch, the wife of Tom Rawlings is my n eighbor; Homer mated Dollie Hupp.
The northeast quarter of this section, now owned by William Yocum, was pur chased by William Rannels in 1828. Rannels was a Virginian and mated Nan cy Humes in 1824 in Virginia. Mrs. Rannels was a sister of Samuel Humes, t he two families coming to Ohio about the same time and locating on adjoini ng farms. Like the Humes family they were members of the Buck Creek Churc h. They were parents of eight children, four of whom remained residen ts of this county. Rannels died in 1874 and his son, Robert Rannels, to ok charge of the farm after the death of his parents.
Beers History Samuel Humes came to this township in 1826, and settled on Section 3 6. He came from Virginia accompanied by his wife and one child-Elizabeth-w ho is now living in the State of Illinois. Of the 180 acres which he purch ased, 100 were in a state of cultivation. When he arrived, the country w as but thinly settled, and log cabins predominated
1853-Trustees, Jonathan Cheney, Isaac W. Spencer, J. C. Phillips ; Cler k, Benjamin Clark; Treasurer, W. S. Taylor; Assessor, Samuel Humes.
1873-Trustees, George Wolfe, John H. Diltz, W. H. McFarland; Cler k, S. M. Harper ; Treasurer, John H. Runyan ; Assessor, S. R. Humes
1874-Trustees, W. H. McFarland, James T. Woodward, Samuel Cheney ;. Cler k, C. R. Humes; Treasurer, John H. Runyan; Assessor, S. R. Humes
Champaign Co, Newspaers 10/30/1862 D Merrill Humes, s/o Samuel of Union T wp member 66th OVI died Fort Delaware of typhoid fever on 27th inst, age 2 5, bur Oak Dale Cemetery. (Does not appear in the census as a son)
Concord Items Jan 30 1879
Antrim Berry Esq of Mad River Twp was seriously injured on Tuesday night last by a sick horse falling unpon him while attempting to doctor it.
[HI22144] (Research):This entire family disappears by 1900, except for Philander who is found in San Diego, CA, a lawyer
[HI22147] (Research):PG 190JANE MASONPROBATED 6 NOV 1856 URBANA Names Mary Grubbs [wife of Jesse of Logan Co]; Katherine Funk [wife of Mic hael of Logan Co]; Elizabeth Henry [wife of George]; Alexander D Culbertso n; Caroline Black [wife of James]; Archibald Stewart and wife Martha; Sar ah Reid [wife of Ezra] ; Mary Luse, Susan Luse, Douglas Luse Sr, Archiba ld Luse, Rhoda Ann Hamminian, Elizabeth Paxton; Robert Douglas [of In]; Th omas Douglas [of In]; Jane and Emily Wright; Sarah Tritt [wife of Randolph ]; and William McCollough. [no relationships]. Money to Oxford Female Coll ege of Oxford, Ohio and Old School Presb Church, Urbana. Friends Douglas Luse Sr & John H Young executors Witness:Nelson Rhodes T S Kellerwill signed [x] 12 Aug 1854
(Research):Record Book 23, Page 330 — Filed 1 May 1849 — Petition for a County Road E dward L. Morgan et al vs The Commissioners of Champaign County The petition in front of the commissioners, dated 6 December 1847, was f or a new road in Salem Township. Samuel Lippincott, Edward Bates, Joel Fun k, the reviewers and James B. Armstrong, the surveyor, met on 3 January 18 48 but did not reach a decision. The road would concern the lands of: Edwa rd L. Morgan, Matthew Mason, Matthew Stewart, Henry Hagenbuck, Samuel D. K irkpatrick, the Baptist Church on Kings Creek, Thomas Taylor, Reuben Hagen buck and Levi Taylor. The settlement for the property owners was reach ed on 29 April 1850.
Record Book 22, Page 32 — Filed 30 March 1847 — Petition to Sell Land Jac ob M. Linville, Administrator of Jacob Kerns deceased vs Matthew Mason Jacob Kerns died seized of 20 acres adjoining Nilitary Survey Number 87 62 (Walter Dunn and N. I-lames Survey, Wayne and Salem Townships) and 22. 33 acres located in Wayne Township. Before he died Jacob had sold the la nd to Matthew Mason, but the full price was yet unpaid. The court ruled th at Mason was to receive the land after he paid the heirs $79.82½. The hei rs of Jacob were: Nancy Kerns, widow; Elizabeth Ellen Kerns, 15 years; Thomas Kerns; Margar et Kerns; Frederick Reins; Hester Ann Reins and Matthew Allison Reins.
Record book 22 pg 479 Abstracted not dated Elmira Davis, wife of Daniel Davis & widow of Daniel Bell vs Matthew Mason et al Daniel Bell was deceased and wife Elmira Bell (now Davis) gave a mortga ge to Elijah Breedlove and Matthew Mason. The children of Elmira Bell Davi s: Thomas Bell, Hannah Bell, James Bell and Sarah Maris Bell, all minors.
Record Book 34, Page 73 — Filed 16 February 1870 — Petition (Records of this estate can also be located in Record Book 34, Pages 14 0, 171 and 269.) James Taylor, Administrator of the estate of Matthew Mason vs John Mason et M Matthew Mason, who died circa October 1869, sold 96 acres of land locat ed in Military Survey Number 8762, to Alexander Madden. However, Matthew h ad not made a deed before he died. Matthew Mason left no issue. The follow ing persons were Matthew’s heirs-at-law: Matthew A. Wright; Jane Madden, w ife of Alexander Madden; Emily NcElwain, wife of Andrew NcElwain; Nancy Jo hnson; Matthew A. Wright Jr.; John Stewart; Margaret Wright; Sarah Jane Wr ight; William Stewart; Edward Stewart; James Stewart; Sarah Tritt, wi fe of Randolph Tritt; Eliza J. Criffield; John Mason, all of Champaign Cou nty, Ohio. Nary Ann Grubb, wife of Jesse Crubb; Catharine Funk, wife of Mi chael Funk; James C. Mason; and Elizabeth Elliott, wife of William Elliot t, all of Logan County, Ohio. Elizabeth Henry; Maria Frank, wife of John F rank; Maria Johnson; Sarah J. Leary, wife of Dennis Leary; Rolla Willia ms and heirs of Matthew Stewart, all of Illinois. Evaline Evans; Elizabe th Matthews; Thornton V. Mason; William Mason; James Mason; Mary Houser, w ife of Isaac Houser; Eliza Miller, wife of Jacob Miller; James Billnyer; S usan J. Hill, wife of Daniel Hill; Rosa Miller, wife of Samuel Miller a nd Cora Billnyer, all of Virginia.
Of Illinois at time of death
[HI22149] (Research):Will Book B pg 178 Champ Co, OH probated 6/12/1838 Wife jane. Elias Johnson and wife Ann, tract of land contracted for. Jam es Hammon a mare and colt. David Williams to pay note due. Wife Jane Mason Exec Wit: Amos Austin, Archibald Stewart Signed 5/26/1838
Name: «tab»B. F. Muzzy
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»01 Jul 1885
Death Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Age: «tab»73
Birth Date: «tab»1812
Birthplace: «tab»St. Alburns, Ny
Occupation: «tab»
Race: «tab»White
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07057-5
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»466665
Reference Number: «tab»v 1 p 298
Name: «tab»Elmer Overholser
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»28 Feb 1929
Event Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Age: «tab»22
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1907
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Clark Overholser
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Ellen Zinn
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Clarice M Schindler
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»21
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1908
Spouse's Father: «tab»Ernest Schindler
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Vera Miller
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»Clk, OH Vol33CN19213
Film Number: «tab»466638
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016778
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007
Name: «tab»Elmer Overholser
Birth Date: «tab»1907
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Champaign
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»13 Jul 1971
Hospital of Death: «tab»Stouder Memorial - Closed 9/25/98
City of Death: «tab»Troy
County of Death: «tab»Miami
Certificate: «tab»054143
Age at Death: «tab»64
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Social Security Death Index
about Elmer Overholser
Name: «tab»Elmer Overholser
SSN: «tab»293-34-3093
Born: «tab»26 Nov 1906
Died: «tab»Jul 1971
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (1955-1956)
Name: «tab»Lewis Walter Ceyler
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»04 Mar 1911
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»23
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1888
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Thomas M. Ceyler
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Martha Carney
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Dorothy Mabel Westerman
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1891
Spouse's Father: «tab»John Westerman
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Priscella Klopf
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 236 cn 471
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»481
Name: «tab»Lewis Wolter Ceyler
Event: «tab»Death
Event Date: «tab»17 Jun 1916
Event Place: «tab»Brown, Miami Co., Ohio
Residence: «tab»
Street Address: «tab»
Gender: «tab»Male
Death Age: «tab»28y 7m
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race: «tab»w
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Birth Date: «tab»14 Nov 1887
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1888
Burial Date: «tab»19 Jun 1916
Burial Place: «tab»Fletcher, Ohio
Cemetery: «tab»
Father: «tab»Tom Ceyler
Father's «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Maryland
Mother: «tab»Martha A. Corney
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Indiana
Spouse: «tab»
Spouse's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»fn 39124
Film Number: «tab»1983749
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021407
Image Number: «tab»1929
Name: «tab»Harley E. Soyster
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»07 Jun 1919
Event Place: «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Age: «tab»20
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1899
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Jonathan Soyster
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Lydia L. Harp
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Ethel L. Ceylor
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1901
Spouse's Father: «tab»Wm. R. Ceylor
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Elizabeth E. Jenkins
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn 30083
Film Number: «tab»550155
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016854
Image Number: «tab»152
Married 2nd
Name: «tab»Earl V. Ceylor
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»26 Jun 1920
Event Place: «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Age: «tab»29
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1891
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Wm. R. Ceylor
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Elizabeth Jenkins
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Emily Allison
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1901
Spouse's Father: «tab»Abraham Allison
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Sarah Frey
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn 30616
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007
about Earl V Ceylor
Name: «tab»Earl V Ceylor
Death Date: «tab»30 May 1924
County of Death: «tab»Miami
Name: «tab»Charles Raab
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»01 Jun 1903
Event Place: «tab»Auglaize, Ohio
Age: «tab»30
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1873
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Dietrich Raab
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Katie Bets
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Jeanette Smith
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1885
Spouse's Father: «tab»John W. Smith
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Viola J. Covolt
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»v 9 p 77
Film Number: «tab»963059
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4017420
Image Number: «tab»395
Name: «tab»Charles E. Covell
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»27 Nov 1909
Event Place: «tab», Lucas, Ohio
Age: «tab»20
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1889
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Joseph I. Covell
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Sarah Hilton
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Eva F. Bartels
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1889
Spouse's Father: «tab»Fred Bartels
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Emily Fritz
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms:
Name: «tab»Nellie M. Covell
Death Date: «tab»29 Jan 1936
Death Place: «tab»Cattawba, Ottawa, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1868
Birthplace: «tab»
Death Age: «tab»68 years 9 months 5 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»
Race or Color: «tab»
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Joseph P. Covell
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Harriett Hilton
Name: «tab»Roland William Covell
Death Date: «tab»04 Nov 1919
Death Place: «tab»Port Clinton, Ottawa, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»16 May 1877
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»42 years 5 months 17 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»05 Nov 1919
Burial Place: «tab»Catawba Island, Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Joseph Covell
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Hilton
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»England
[HI22173] (Research):Does not appear in 1850 Census...
Name : Lottie Lee Goodwin
Death date : 16 Feb 1932
Death place : San Antonio, Bexar, Texas
Birth date : 27 Sep 1889
Birth place : Yoakum, Texas
Age at death : 42 years 4 months 19 days
Gender : Female
Marital status : Married
Race or color : White
Spouse name : Leo Goodwin
Father name : T.C. Evilsizer
Mother name : Ethel Watts
Digital GS number : 4163635
Image number : 2098
Collection : Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
Name «tab»Lottie Lee Goodwin
Death Date «tab»16 Feb 1932
Death Place «tab»San Antonio, Bexar, Texas
Gender «tab»Female
Race «tab»white
Death Age «tab»42 years 4 months 19 days
Estimated Birth Date «tab»
Birth Date «tab»27 Sep 1889
Birthplace «tab»Yoakum, Texas
Marital Status «tab»Married
Spouse's Name «tab»Leo Goodwin
Father's Name «tab»T.C. Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace «tab»Ill.
Mother's Name «tab»Ethel Watts
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Occupation «tab»Home
Place of Residence «tab»San Antonio, Bexar, Texas
Cemetery «tab»Mission Burial Park
Burial Place «tab»
Burial Date «tab»17 Feb 1932
Informant Leo Goodwin, 3415 N New Brownbels, San Antonio, TX
Additional Relatives «tab»
Film Number «tab»2135793
Digital Film Number «tab»4163635
Image Number «tab»2098
Reference Number «tab»cn 5108
Here's some Garwood info from the History of Logan Co. available at
The authentic history of Perry Township begins with the coming of John
Garwood, Sr., who is acknowledged the first white settler in this portion of
the Otter Creek Valley. Tradition places his settlement in the year 1802, a
tradition that is scarcely borne out by historical facts. Without entering
into a discussion of the point, we will say that it is probable, from the
most authentic information to be had, that he settled in the township of
Perry not before 1803-4. John Garwood, the progenitor of all the Garwoods of
this section of the county, came originally from the Old Dominion, and
settled on the present site of the village of east Liberty. His pioneer
cabin stood about 300 yards west of McCally's mill. He had several sons who
came a few years after him; they were Daniel, Levi, Thomas, John, Isaiah and
Lot. He also had several daughters. Hope, the eldest, married George Harris;
Susanna married Joseph Ray; Margaret married Joshua Inskeep; Hester married
John Inskeep, a brother to Joshua; and Deborah married Joseph Stokes. All of
these are dead and gone. So far as is known there is not one of this family,
even to the third generation, from the old pioneer, John Garwood, Sr., now
living. Thomas and John Garwood, Jr., went to Illinois many years ago, and
died there. Levi Garwood was one of the first. associate judges of the
county, and another of the boys was one of the first justices of the peace
after the formation of the county.
[HI22180] (Research):d/o Geo Cunningham
pg12 6/13/1895
Mrs mary E Swimley died at her res 5 miles S of Urbana June 9 1895 Sat. She was 54 years of age and buried in Oak Dale. She was the dau of George H and Angeline Cunningham. She was born July 30 1841 and md James H Swimley Nov 20 1866. They had eight ch, five living and husband is deceased
[HI22185] (Research):Record Book 20, Page 112 — Filed 9 April 1845 — Petition to Convey Jefferson Dempsey & Elizabeth Lamborn, Administrators of Ezra Lamborn vs Nathan Lamborn & Others In the winter of 1843 Ezra sold 100 acres of Military Survey Number 4753 ( William Heath Survey, Wayne lp.) to his son, Marshall Lamborn. A clear de ed was needed. The heirs of Ezra were: Elizabeth Lamborn, widow; Marsha ll Lamborn; Rebecca wife of David Edwards; Margaretta wife of Ephraim Wood ard; Nathan Lamborn and Ezekiel Henry Lamborn.
Newspaper Abstract
December 26, 1861
Died on 21st of typhoid pneumonia, Miss M Augusta Funk, daughter of Joel Funk of Salem Twp, aged about 23 years.
Newspaper Abstract
December 5, 1861
Died Texas, Champaign Co, OH, 20th November, Jennie Minor, infant daughter of James G and Emma Caldwell, aged 7 months.
name: «tab»Howard Ansil Neer
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»07 Jun 1949
event place: «tab»
residence: «tab»
street address: «tab»224 W Ward
gender: «tab»Male
death age: «tab»58y2m12d
marital status: «tab»widowed
race: «tab»White
occupation: «tab»
birth date: «tab»25 Mar 1891
birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
estimated birth year: «tab»1891
burial date: «tab»6/9/10949
burial place: «tab»Champaign Co
cemetery: «tab»Mutual
father: «tab»Charles A. Neer
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»
mother: «tab»Hannah Mason
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»
spouse: «tab»
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
Informant Mrs Vernon Anderson
reference number: «tab»certificate
film number: «tab»2246592
digital folder number: «tab»4109159
image number: «tab»02973
Citing this Record
"Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images,
FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XXSQ-X24 :
accessed 26 Oct 2012), Howard Ansil Neer, 1949; citing reference certificate,
Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
Groom's Name: «tab»Joseph H. Nesbitt
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Fremont, Sandusky Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Nellie F. Knotts
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1869
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»50
Marriage Date: «tab»18 Jun 1919
Marriage Place: «tab»Newark, Licking Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Samuel Nesbitt
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Eva A. Smith
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Elnathan Miller
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Phebe Ann Powell
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»Otis G. Knotts
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M86906-5
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: «tab»0384311
Reference Number: «tab»2:3WTBF6D
Name: Nellie Ford Nesbitt
Death date: 09 Dec 1929
Death place: Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Birth date: 23 Aug 1868
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Urbana, Ohio
Age at death: 61 years 3 months 17 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 681 East 2nd Ave
Occupation: Housewife
Burial date: 12 Dec 1929
Burial place: Urbana, Ohio
Cemetery name:
Spouse name: Joseph H Nesbitt
Father name: Elnathen C Miller
Father titles:
Father birth place: Springfield, Ohio
Mother name: Pheobe A Powell
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Ky
GSU film number: 1992028
Digital GS number: 4022374
Image number: 642
Reference number: fn 76681
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):PG 124MARY H RUNYANPROBATED 3 AUG 1907 UNION TWP[DIED --JUL 1907] Heirs-John N Runyan—son—Mutual; Clarence Guy Runyan-grsonDelaware; Ma ry E Purkey-grdau-DelaWare,~ Myrtie C Runyangrdau-Delaware. Grdau Mary E Runyan my gold band china dishes; grson Clarence Guy Runyan t he gentlemen~s chair and six silver knives and forks; grdau Myrtle C Runy an three solid silver table spoons and my sewing machine; grdaus Ma ry E & Myrtie C Runyan feather bed, bedstead, bedding and picture of the ir father; Catharine Conklyn Mumma my gold watch and set of white dishe s; son John N Runyan for use his natural life three solid silver table spo ons, six knives and forks and at his death to Catharine Conklyn Mumm a; to son John N Runyan residue of estate. D W Todd executor Witness:Nellie D Currey W F Ringwill signed 8 May 1902
Third child
Name: «tab»Mary H. Runyon
Gender: «tab»Female
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»25 Jul 1907
Death Place: «tab»Union Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»84
Birth Date: «tab»1823
Birthplace: «tab»Dolphon Co.
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07023-6
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 451
[HI22226] (Research):Book 2 Jan 1859 - Oct 1873 Pg 355 6 Feb 1865 George Russell gdn of Golden A J Russell 14 yrs, Jan 186 5; heir of Caleb Russell, dec'd. Sureties- B R Talmon and Joshua Spain.
(Research):PG 150ANN GEARHART
Heirs-Henry E Gearhart\emdash bro-Canada; Mary Thackery-sis-Dialton;Margaret Coff elt-sis-Seth, Clark Co; Smith Davis-nep-Terre Haute; Sarah E Bishop-niece\emdash Terre Haute; Margaret A Ireland-niece\emdash Terre Haute. To nephew F M Gearha rt all real estate in Mad River Twp, 40 acres S26, formerly owned by Jo hn N Gearhart dec'd and which 120 acres were bequeathed by John M Gearha rt to said Ann and Margaret Gearhart, now Margaret Cof felt [wife of Henry ). S R Neff and A E Dingledine now own 1/3 and Margaret Cof felt the middle 1/3. $100 to nephew W Gearhart. Isaac Neff administrator Witness:Isaac Neff Amanda Neffwill signed 12 Apr 1883
Heirs-Henry E Gearhart-bro-Canada; Mary Thackery-sis-Dialton;Margaret Coffelt-sis-Seth, Clark Co; Smith Davis-nep-Terre Haute; Sarah E Bishop-niece- Terre Haute; Margaret A Ireland-niece-Terre Haute. To nephew F M Gearhart all real estate in Mad River Twp, 40 acres S26, formerly owned by John N Gearhart dec'd and which 120 acres were bequeathed by John M Gearhart to said Ann and Margaret Gearhart, now Margaret Coffelt [wife of Henry ). S R Neff and A E Dingledine now own 1/3 and Margaret Coffelt the middle 1/3. $100 to nephew W Gearhart. Isaac Neff administrator Witness:Isaac Neff Amanda Neff will signed 12 Apr 1883
Name: «tab»Silence Ann Gearhart
Gender: «tab»Female
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»14 Feb 1890
Death Place: «tab»Mad River Tp, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»67
Birth Date: «tab»1823
Birthplace: «tab»Mad River Tp
Occupation: «tab»
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name:
[HI22233] (Research):d/o Michael Malone
[XI22233] Sec 1 Lot 37 (25-1-23)
[HI22234] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 170 One of nine children
(Research):1880 Census Place Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Family History Library Fi lm 1254998
NA Film Number T9-0998 Page Number 375C John W. TYON Self M Male W 53 OH Farmer KY OH Sallie TYON Wife M Female W 43 OH Keeping Hou Ernest TYON Son S Male W 21 OH Farm Laborer OH OH Charles TYON Son S Male W 13 OH At School OH OH Hannah HEFLEBOWER MotherL W Female W 75 OH OH OH George HANNON Other S Male W 20 PA Farm Labor Harriet BANKS Other S Female B 23 KY Serva Emma BANKS Other S Female B 2 OH --- ---
Mentioned in mothers will 5/27/1889 Sarah E Igou, dau. Urbana
CCGS Newsletter June 1998 Pg 60 1905 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY CENTENNIAL Relics and Curios Under the direction of this committee the relics and curios were sho wn at the Central Ward School building. This was one of the interesting fe atures of the Centennial celebration. The following are the exhibitors a nd list of relics and curios displayed: Mrs. John Igou (Sarah Eve Hefflebower): German Bible (printed in 1765,purc hased by John Slifer/Schleiffer before leaving Europe. Now in possessi on of Mr. Ray Guliett of Urbana, 0.), Torp cup made in England during Revo lution, picture 1888 Ohio Centennial, towel -. 176 years old, present ed to A. Hefflebower, pin cushion.
Name: «tab»Sarah E. Igou
Death Date: «tab»16 Aug 1921
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»05 Apr 1838
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»83 years 4 months 12 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»Park Ave.
Occupation: «tab»At Home
Residence: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»19 Aug 1921
Burial Place: «tab»Oak Dale, Urbana
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»John Igou
Father's Name: «tab»Peter Cowell (incorrect info)
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»New Jersey
Mother's Name: «tab»Hanna Slifer
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Kentucky
Film Number: «tab»1991689
[HI22240] (Research):Name: Fred Cranston Birthplace: Ohio State: OH 1910 Age: 43 Color: W Enumeration District: 0013 Visit: 0019 County: Champaign Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Mattie L 41 Illinois Son Paul V 06 Ohio Son-in-law Otha Rayers 22 Arkansas Daughter Fern 18 Ohio
Md second:
Name: «tab»Matthew Crutcher
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»05 Apr 1842
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Elizabeth Leonard
Spouse's Titles & Terms:
(Research):Western Citizen and Urbana Gazette Westville, June 18, 1839
Mary Handley, widow of James Handley deceased, and Isaac Houzer a nd Margaret his
wife; late Margaret Handley, Peter Flowers, and Mary his wife, la te Mary Handley, Joseph Terrel
and Caroline his wife; late Caroline Handley, David Handley, Will iam Handley, Trustum
Basum and Nancy his wife; late Nancy Handley and Samuel Handle y, a minor, within the age of
21 years; children and heirs of James Handley deceased, Will ta ke notice that a petition was
filed against them on the 25th day of June, 1839, in the Cou rt of Common Pleas of Champaign
County, by Matthew Crutcher, grantee of said. D. Handley and Pet er Flowers & Mary his wife;
and is now pending wherein the said Matthew Crutcher, demands par tition of the following
real estate, to wit: of Lot number 40, and lot number 41 situa te in the town of Middleburgh,
in the County of Champaign, Ohio, and that at the next Term of sa id Court, application will be
made by the said Matthew Crutcher, for an order that partiti on be made of said premises.
Matthew Crutcher, By D. S. Bell, Attorney. July 2, 1839
Record Book 20, Page 219 \emdash Filed 25 July 1845 \emdash Petition For Dower Nancy Crutcher vs John 0. Crutcher et al Matthew Crutcher died seized of the east half (80 acres) of the south\emdash ea st quarter, the west half (80 acres) of the north\emdash east quarter and the sou th end of the east half (30 acres) of the north\emdash east quarter, all locat ed in Section 33 Township 4 Range 13 (Harrison Tp.). Matthew owned Lot Num ber 50 in the town of West Liberty, Logan County, Ohio and land in Allen C ounty, Ohio: the west half of the south\emdash east quarter of Section 25 Townsh ip 6 Range 7; 40 acres in the south\emdash east quarter and the north\emdash east quart er of Section 20 Township 5 Range 7; 55 acres in the north\emdash west part of t he south\emdash east quarter of Section 20 Township 5 Range 7; 120 acres in the e ast half of the north\emdash east quarter and the south\emdash east quarter of Secti on 17 Section 6 Range 7; and 51 acres in the east part of the north\emdash west q uarter of Section 32 Township 4 Range 7. Matthew's heirs were: Nancy Crutc her, widow; Jane Y. Crutcher; John 0. Crutcher; Sarah Crutcher; Matthew Cr utcher; Nancy Crutcher; Benjamin Crutcher; Elizabeth Crutcher and Thomas C rutcher.
[HI22249] (Research):Name: Willard Hawes SSN: 293-12-8006 Last Residence: 45365 Sidney, Shelby, Ohio, United States of America Born: 22 May 1904 Died: Feb 1976 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 ) Name: Willard D Hawes Age at Death: 71 Date of Death: 8 Feb 1976 City of Death: Sidney County of Death: Shelby Volume: 22393 Certificate: 011976 Date of Birth: Est. 1905 Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White City of Residence: Sidney County of Residence: Shelby State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Wilson Memorial Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-2007 about Georgia V Woods
Name: «tab»Georgia V Woods
Birth Date: «tab»1916
Birth Place: «tab»Ohio, United States
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence Place: «tab»Harrison, Ohio, United States
Death Date: «tab»19 Jul 1983
Hospital of Death: «tab»Home
Death Place: «tab»Harrison, Ohio, USA
Certificate: «tab»049566
Age at Death: «tab»67
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Social Security Number: «tab»291-14-1957
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-2007 about Thomas A Woods
Name: «tab»Thomas A Woods
Birth Date: «tab»20 Jun 1917
Birth Place: «tab»West Virginia, United States
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Hispanic Origin: «tab»Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence Place: «tab»Harrison, Ohio, United States
Death Date: «tab»25 May 1990
Death Time: «tab»06:10 PM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Long-Term Care Facilities
Death Place: «tab»East Liverpool, Columbiana, Ohio, USA
Certificate: «tab»033544
Age at Death: «tab»72
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Filing Date: «tab»6 Jun 1990
Hospital Status: «tab»Other/Nursing Home
Injury in Ohio: «tab»Yes
Type Place of Injury: «tab»Unspecified Place
Social Security Number: «tab»279-10-1724
Father's Surname: «tab»Woods
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Education: «tab»8
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Railroads
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Laborers, except construction
Primary Registration District: «tab»1501
[HI22253] (Research):Name: Jesse Perry SSN: 291-30-9999 Last Residence: 43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States of Ameri ca Born: 4 Mar 1890 Last Benefit: 43044 Mechanicsburg, Champaign, Ohio, United States of A merica Died: Mar 1978 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1951-1952 )
pg90 10/16/1890
John J Arnold, formerly of Champaign County died at his residence in Muncie Indiana, the 6th Oct 1890. He was born in York Co, PA 1 mar 1829 and was of German descent; came to Ohio in 1850, first went to Madison County then to Champaign county. In 1854 he emigrated to Grant Co, Indiana and lived there until 1866 when he moved back to Champaign County. In 1862 he enlisted in Co C , 12th Ind VI. He married in 1852 Rachel E Miller, is the father of 11 children, 10 of whom are left to mourne with their mother. In march 1890, he moved to Muncie, IN
Indiana Deaths, 1882-1920
about John J. Arnold
Name: «tab»John J. Arnold
Date: «tab»6 Oct 1890
Location: «tab»Muncie
Age: «tab»62 Yr
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Source Location: «tab»City Health Office, Muncie
Source Notes: «tab»The source of this record is the book CH-3 on page 253 within the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.
[NI22266] Married Jane Underwood
Name: «tab»Harry Guy Cranston
Death Date: «tab»05 Mar 1938
Death Place: «tab»Portsmouth, Scioto, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»05 Nov 1870
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Woodstock, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»67 years 4 months
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»1625 Highland St.
Occupation: «tab»Foreman
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»07 Mar 1938
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Greenlawn
Spouse's Name: «tab»Jessie C. Cranston
Father's Name: «tab»Lewis Cranston
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Cooley
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2023559
Digital Folder Number: «tab»
Image Number: «tab»674
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 18593
(Research):Champ Co Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 330 Aug 11 1846 Samuel Betch el gdn of Mary Catherine Sager 17yr; Andre Sager 11yr; Letetia Sag er 9 yr minor heirs of Peter Sager dec'd. Surities Andrew Mcbeth, John H Y oung
pg 366 2 May 1849 Anna Maria McBeth gdn of Letitia Sager 12 yr, minor he ir of Peter Sager dec'd. Surity Andrew McBeth
Name: «tab»Cora Jane Moody
Death Date: «tab»28 May 1952
Death Place: «tab»Jackson Twp, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»11 Aug 1874
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Indiana
Death Age: «tab»77 years
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»James Nichols
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»Mr.
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Barbara Wren
Mother's «tab»Miss
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2246270
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4109419
Image Number: «tab»01916
Certificate Number: «tab»29063
«i»Urbana Daily Times Citizen «b»«/i»September «/b»17, 1902
«b»Death's Harvest John F. Humes, a Former Citizen, Dead
John F. «/b»Humes, a native of Champaign county, «b»died at his «/b»home in Rossville, «b»Ills, last Saturday evening and «/b»was «b»buried «/b»there Tuesday He was seventy six years of age at the time of his death and had been ill for several months, suffering from what the doctors termed, "creeping paraly-The deceased will be well remembered «i»by «/i»many of the older citizens of this city and county. He was a brother of E. K. Humes, east of town, an.d a brother4n-]aw of Mrs. Jas. A. McLain, of Scioto street. Although born and raised in this county, Mr. Humes went west immediately «b»upon «/b»the close of the Civil War, and settling in Illinois, had since make that state his home.
During the forty years he had lived in the west he visited the scenes of his youth frequently, and his many friends here will be pained to hear of his death
[HI22284] (Research):1870 census is Sarah Swisher age 29 relation unknown
[HI22285] (Research):6/28/1886 John Swisher of Rush Twp died Sunday, he was bro of Richard and Capt Jose ph Swisher
(Research):Researcher Susan Davis Shasta 4737 @aol.com
The History of Champaign of County, Ohio: Its People, Industries and Insti tutions. By Judge Evan P. Middleton. Volume II (of 2). Published by B. F. Bowen & Co., Inc.; Indianapolis, IN, 1917. pp. 576-579 "James Swishe r" (Includes a Photo).
James Swisher, an honored veteran of the Civil War, former county survey or of Champaign County, former city civil engineer of Urbana, a memb er of the state engineering corps, resident engineer on the Mechanicsbu rg Pike, and one of the best known citizens of Champaign County, is a native son of this county and has lived here all his life with the excepti on of the period he spent in the army during the Civil War and a later period during the days of his young manhood, spent in Mexico and the West whe re for some years he followed an adventurous career and during which ti me he achieved the honor of having a county in Texas named after him. He was born on a farm a short distance south of Cable, in Wayne Township, Ju ne 6, 1849 a son of Joseph and Mary (Hess) Swisher, well-to-do farming people of that neighborhood, whose last days were spent there.
Joseph Swisher was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, Oc tober 7, 1827, and was but a child when his parents, James H. Swisher a nd wife, came to this county in 1832 and settled on a pioneer farm in Way ne Township, becoming influential and useful pioneers of that neighborhoo d. James H. Swisher was born on November 25, 1800, and grew up as a farmer in his native Pennsylvania, remaining there until he came with his fami ly to this county, becoming one of the early settlers of Wayne Township, w here he and his wife spent the remainder of their lives. On that pioneer f arm Joseph Swisher grew to manhood, learning the practical ways of farmin g, his death occurring on May 28, 1889. He and his wife were the paren ts of six children, those besides the subject of this sketch being Perr y, Elizabeth, Jane, Jacob and Warren.
Reared on the home farm in Wayne Township, James Swisher recei ved his education in the schools of that neighborhood and was living there when the Civil War broke out. He was a big, husky boy and the call to arms so fired his zeal for service in behalf of his country that before he was fourteen years of age he ran away from home and proceeded to Col umbus, where he succeeded in having himself enrolled as a member of Compa ny A, Sixty-sixth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Two days later his fa ther appeared on the scene, having got trace of the runaway lad, and to ok him home. There he remained until in March, 1863, when he again made his way to a recruiting station and on the 23rd of that month, under the assumed name of James Jackson, enlisted as a private in Company E, fifth Reg iment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and with that command achieved his desire to get to the front, serving with the same for two years and eleven months, or until after the close of the war, and was mustered out with the rank of first lieutenant, which rank he had borne during the last eleven months of his service, having steadily risen from the ranks. Mr. Swisher's
command was attached to the Army of the Tennessee and with that army he saw some of the most active service of the war, having participated in the battles of Missionary Ridge, Chickamaugua, the Atlanta Campaign and then on with Sherman's army to the sea, taking part in the reduction of Savannah and on up through the Carolinas, upon the cessation of hostilities being sent to Camp Dennison at Cincinnati, where he was mustered out.
Upon the completion of his military service Mr. Swisher, who was then under seventeen years of age, returned to the home farm and that same fall entered Delaware College, now known as Ohio Wesleyan University. After a term of schooling there he taught a term of school in this coun ty and then went to Mexico to join his uncle, Jacob Hess, who was engaged in mining there, but eleven months later was compelled to leave that country, the Mexican government having refused to renew his uncle's mining concession, thus closing the mines. Thus thrown out of employment, Mr. Swisher started with several others to walk to Stockton, California, fifteen hundred miles away. After an adventurous and perilous trip Mr. Swisher arrived at Stockton and after a brief stay there joined the rush for Carson Ci ty, Nevada, where he worked in a saw-mill for three years, at the end of which time he was appointed assistant surveyor under James E. Oliver, of the government survey, and was thus engaged for three years running lines throughout that part of the country. He then took service under United States Surveyor Wheeler and helped to lay out counties in Utah and Texas, one of the counties in Northwestern Texas being named in his honor whi le he was thus engaged. The last census report gave Swisher County, Texas, a population of more than four thousand and since then it has develop ed rapidly; hence Mr. Swisher has no reason to feel other than proud of the distinction accorded his name by the pioneers who named the county in his honor. After six years of government service in the surveying departmen t, Mr. Swisher located in Bullion City, Utah, and was shortly afterward appointed surveyor of Piute County. Other civic honors were quickly thrust upon him and during the three years he lived there he served not only as county surveyor, but as county clerk, assistant county recorder and as assis tant postmaster, a record of office-holding to make the average Ohio office-seeker turn green with envy.
Along in the early eighties Mr. Swisher began to permit his thoughts to turn back to the scenes of his childhood and he presently return ed to this county, resuming the work here as a school teacher that had been interrupted years before by his departure to Mexico. For two years he taught school in Salem Township and for three years in Wayne Township. In t he fall of 1886 Mr. Swisher was elected surveyor of Champaign County, taking office in the following January and serving until November 24, 1902, at the same time serving also serving as city engineer from 1889 to 1901. He was re-elected to the office of county surveyor and continued to ser ve in that capacity until September 4, 1911, later, being appointed reside nt engineer on the Mechanicsburg Pike, as a member of the state engineeri ng corps, a position he ever since has held, and in connection with whi ch he has rendered admirable service, since his appointment to that cor ps having supervised the construction of seven or eight important bi ts of road work throughout the district. Mr. Swisher is a Republican and h as ever taken an active part in local political affairs. He has business interests in Urbana, was one of the organizers of the Urbana Packing Compan y, of which he is one of the directors, and is treasurer of that company.
On September 6, 1891, James Swisher was united in marriage to Ella G. Smith, daughter of John B. and Malinda (Wilson) Smit h, he a native of Vermont and she being born at Marietta, Ohio. To this union three children have been born, Mark, who married Clara Loomis a nd is now engaged as an engineer in the maintenance of way department of
the New York Central Railroad Company, between Cleveland and Toledo, and Mary and Ruth, who are at home with their parents. The Swishers are members of the Baptist Church and Mr. Swisher is an office-bearer in the same. He is an active member of the local post of the Grand Army of the Republic and is now quarter-master of the post. Mr. Swisher is a thirty-second- degree Mason and a noble of the Ancient Order of Nobles of the Mystic
Shrine, affiliated with the blue lodge at Urbana, the consistory, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, at Dayton, and with Syrian Temple of the Shrine at Cincinnati. He also is an Odd Fellow, a member of the Patriarchs Militant, affiliated with the subordinate lodge at Cable and with the encampment at Urbana. He likewise is affiliated with the Junior Order of United American Mechanics and in the affairs of all of these fraternal organizations takes a warm interest.
1850 Champaign Co, Wayne, OH Page: 338 Roll: M432_665 Name: Joseph Swisher 23, farmer, PA Margaret, 21, VA james 1 OH next door Julianna Swisher, 45, PA Mary A, 16, OH (on same page is mother in law) Elizabeth Hess, 47 VA Samuel Hess 16, OH Ellen, 11, OH Jacob 19 OH John M Hess 24 OH Narcissa 19 OH
1860 Champaign Co, Wayne, OH 7/12/1860 Joseph Swisher 32 PA Margaret 31 VA James 11 Oh Perry 9 OH Elizabeth 6 OH Jane 8 OH Jacob 2m (next dorr is mother in law) Elizabeth Hess 58 PA Ellen 21 OH (on same page) Alexander Swisher 21 Sarah Jane 23 Lydia F 8m
Peter Swisher 40, PA Christian 42 MD (female) John W 18, OH Wilson Mc 10 OH Mary F 2 OH
1870 Champaign Co, Wayne, OH pg485 Joseph Swisher 43 PA Mary M 41 VA Perry, 18 OH Elizabeth 15 OH Jane 12 OH Jacob 10 OH Warren 5 OH (Several doors down from mother in law) Elizabeth Hess, 73, VA Ellen, 28 OH Christina Swisher 52 MD John W 28 OH Wilson M 20 OH John 85 PA
1880 Census Place Wayne, Champaign, Ohio Family History Library Fi lm 1254998
NA Film Number T9-0998 Page Number 475D J. C. SWISHER Self M Male W 53 PA Farmer PA PA Mary SWISHER Wife M Female W 52 EAST VA Keeping House EA ST VA EAST VA James SWISHER Son S Male W 31 OH Auther Of Book PA EA ST VA Lizzie SWISHER Dau S Female W 24 OH PA EAST VA Jacob SWISHER Son S Male W 20 OH Works On Farm PA EA ST VA Warren SWISHER Son S Male W 15 OH Works On Farm PA EA ST VA Louie MORGAN Other Female W 14 IL House Keep
[DI22286] PG 42JOSEPH SWISHERPROBATED 10 JUN 1889 WAYNE TWP [DIED 10 JUN 1889] Heirs-Lydia E Swisher**-widow; James Swisher- son-Urbana; Perry Swisher-son-Peoria, Ia; Jacob Swisher-son--WOOdStOCk; Wa rren Swisher-son-Cable; Jane Black-dau-Cable Elisabeth Swisherdau-Cabl e. 20 acres to dau Elisabeth Swisher; remainder of 190 acres to be sold a nd proceeds divided between heirs after deducting the following charg es to heirs: son James $150; dau Jennie $500; son Perry $568; son Jacob $2 00~ Dau-in-law Mrs James Swisher my sewing machine; dau Jennie my copper k ettle; dau-in-law Mrs Warren Swisher my bay mare; harness to son Warren; household goods in care of Warren Swisher for benefit of dau Elisabetli. Son James Swisher executor Witness:William S Carson, John M Larue T S McFarland, David Moody will signed 18 Mar 1889
married Eleanor Krautwatter? Their children were Bette (my mom), Ronald and Donald. I also remember an 'Aunt Ruth'but am not sure whose sister she was.
Name: «tab»Isaiah F. Grimsley
Name: Emma May Grimsley
(Research):Tombstone says kin of W A Morgan
Name: John T. Morgan
(Research):Grave removed 9/18/1873
removed to Oak Dale Cemetery
Removed to Oak Dale Cemetery
(Research):Nine children
(Research):d/o Abner Barritt
(Research):Beers History 1881 Urbana Twp Thomas Pearce, father of Mr. Harvey Pearce, before the town was laid ou t, built a log cabin on what is now the market space, and cultivated a fie ld many years on the north side of Scioto street, near East Lawn avenue. The first house erected was a log cabin built by Thomas Pearce, on Mark et space, immediately north of what was once the old market house, now t he city hall building, and east of South Main street. This cabin was bui lt before the town was laid out. He was the father of Mr. Harvey Pearc e, of Urbana, who, in an active and vigorous old age, still manages the la bor on a large farm. He afterward built a cabin on the knoll, about thr ee hundred yards east of East Lawn street, which was subsequently us ed as a schoolhouse, being the first school, and taught by Peter Oliver a nd William Stephens. Hard by, Mr. Pearce cultivated a cornfield many year s, which subsequently contained a race-track, where horses were shown a nd scrub-races run
Name: «tab»Hugh Willis Moore
Name: «tab»G. W. Bowers
(Research):Mother of 7 ch. 4 survive.
(Research):Family researcher_ Kathy [email protected]
(Research):of Illinois
(Research):Homer K Humes 28 W Ohio Champaign, Mechanicsburg 1910 Wife Dollie R 23 Ohio
(Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1884-1900 submitted by Pat Stickley in CCGS Newsletter June 1996 pg 31 Bertha Humes Class of 1898
removed from Old Graveyard Ward & Kenton St 22Y11d
(Research):He was first interred in A.R. Colwell's lot in the Old Graveyard on Ward a nd Kenton Streets, Urbana, Ohio. His remains were removed to Oak Dale Ceme tery after it opened in 1856 and the Old Graveyard was abandoned.
(Research):Champaign Co, Newspapers, 11/27/1862 Died at the res of her mother yesterd ay, Miss Mary L Colwell, youngest dau of the late Abram R Colwell Esq of t his place.
Name: «tab»Laura Jane Cheetham
(Research):JOSEPH BLAND, a representative citizen of Waldo township and the own er of a fine farm of 140 acres, which is situated in section 36, was bo rn on his father's farm in Union County, Ohio, October 9, 1870. He is a s on of John and Margaret (Kennedy) Bland. The Bland family originated in Ge rmany, but for several generations has been established in America. Solom on Bland, the grandfather of Joseph, was born in Virginia, where he marri ed Abigail Ferris. Later, accompanied by his family, he moved to Ohio a nd settled in Union County, where both he and his wife died. The childr en who survived them were: Huldah, Susan, Mary, Emma Emeline, John, Georg e, Peter and Charles W. Those still living are: Huldah, Mary, Emma and Geo rge, who still reside in Union County, Ohio; and Jane, who is a reside nt of Champaign County.
(Research):CCGS Apr 2004 Vol 20 No 2 tree submitted by Robert Arnold claims Jam es is the son of John Wesley Yocom 1805-1882 and Susann Watson 1808-1892
Champaign County, Ohio Newspaper Abstracts "The Urbana Citizen & Gazette" 1871-1884 (Champaign County Genealogical Society (CCGS) by Pat Stickley Dec 2000 P O Box 682, Urbana, OH 43078), pg200 9/7/1882 Mrs Louisa Yeazell wife of W A Yeazell, died Aug 30th, aged 38 yrs.
Cemetery record gives name as Louisianna Yeazell
A venerable agriculturist, now living in retirement, in Wayne township, being now in his eighty-third year, is William R. Yocom, who has always been a well-known and highly esteemed citizen of Champaign county, He was born December 12, 1834, in the above-named township, and is therefore one of the oldest native-born citizens in the county, which he has lived to see develop from a pioneer settlement to one of the leading farming sections of the country.
(Research):1880 Census Place Wayne, Champaign, Ohio Family History Library Film 1 254998
(Research):Name: Walter Hendrix Birthplace: Ohio State: OH 1910 Census Age: 27 Color: W Enumeration District: 0001 Visit: 0226 County: Champaign Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Golda 23 Ohio Son Edward 05 Ohio Son Herbert 02 Ohio Daughter Zella Lucile NR Ohio Brother-in-law Goerge Wilt 17 Ohio
Name: «tab»Edna Mumper
(Research):Children John Clarence MCILROY b: 1 Aug 1855 in OH Mary Glendora MCILROY b: 17 Aug 1857 in Rush , Champaign, OH Ella March MCILROY b: Abt 1859 in Rush, Champaign Co., OH True Marshall MCILROY b: 11 Oct 1861 in Woodstock, Champaign Co., OH Cassie M MCILROY b: 12 Aug 1862 in Woodstock, Champaign Co., OH
Newspaper Abstract
RR Crook's Lo
Married Elizabeth Hull on December 11, 1817 in Champaign Co, OH. Elizabeth Hull was born about 1802 in Pennsylvania and died on October 1, 1842 in Urbana, Champaign Co, OH. She was the daughter of Elijah Hull and Sarah Hulse.
(Research):Came to Concord Twp 1830
Champaign County Gen Society Newsletter Jan/Feb/Mar 2007 Vol 23 No 1 pa ge 22 Report of Names, Ages & Residents of Pupils To be made during the last week of each month from Sept to June inclusiv e. (Required by law under sec 7772 Gen. Code) Magrew O, Dec 22, 1911 The Clerk of the Board of Education of Mad River Twp, Champaign County, Oh io, The following is a correct list of the pupils attending my school duri ng the month ending Dec 22, 1911. J R Price, Teacher
Name: Edgar S Taylor Age at Death: 69 Date of Death: 29 Jun 1964 City of Death: Champaign County County of Death: Champaign Volume: 17726 Certificate: 48208 Date of Birth: Est. 1895 Gender: Male Marital Status: Widowed Race: White County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Home Certifier: Coroner Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
(Research):Champaign County Gen Society Newsletter Jan/Feb/Mar 2007 Vol 23 No 1 pa ge 22 Report of Names, Ages & Residents of Pupils To be made during the last week of each month from Sept to June inclusiv e. (Required by law under sec 7772 Gen. Code) Magrew O, Dec 22, 1911 The Clerk of the Board of Education of Mad River Twp, Champaign County, Oh io, The following is a correct list of the pupils attending my school duri ng the month ending Dec 22, 1911. J R Price, Teacher Harry Taylor age 18
room's Name: «tab»Russell H. Brown
(Research):Champaign County Gen Society Newsletter Jan/Feb/Mar 2007 Vol 23 No 1 pa ge 22 Report of Names, Ages & Residents of Pupils To be made during the last week of each month from Sept to June inclusiv e. (Required by law under sec 7772 Gen. Code) Magrew O, Dec 22, 1911 The Clerk of the Board of Education of Mad River Twp, Champaign County, Oh io, The following is a correct list of the pupils attending my school duri ng the month ending Dec 22, 1911. J R Price, Teacher Eunice Broyles age 14
Name: «tab»Helen Elizabeth Taylor
(Research):d/o William G Deshler
Groom's Name: «tab»Homer Drayton Broyles
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Homer D Broyles
Groom's Name: «tab»Ralph J. Guy
Social Security Death Index about Mary E. Guy
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Fall 1991 4/29/1869 Clara Mason Morgan d at home of grandf ather Jonathan Park d/o John and Clara Morgan dec'd granddaughter of Edwa rd Morgan age 4y 11m 5d
(Research):St Paris Precinct Toll Book Nov 2 1880 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 Solomon Brandyburg
Daughter of William & Maria Jackson.
Obit on file UDC 1-26-06
Name: «tab»Milton Lee Harper
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Jeane B Harper
(Research):1850 Census is Alice Eaton age 25 and William Eaton age 1
Name: «tab»Edwin W. Murphy
Name: «tab»Louise Kerby Murphy
(Research):1850 household has Alice Woodward age 72 b PA, , Eliza Woodwardm 42 b P A, Isaac McKeever 33 b DE, Martha McKeever age 26 b OH, Ruth A McKeev er 1 OH and Susannah Jenkins age 4 OG
(Research):Father: George WOODWARD b: Sep 1774 in East Bradford Twp., Chester, Pennsy lvania Mother: Alice BUFFINGTON b: 11 Sep 1777 in , Chester, Pennsylvania
Urbana Citizen & Gazette
Name: «tab»Charles Oscar Baker
61925 «tab»BAKER «tab»CHARLES «tab»O. «tab»00/00/0000 «tab»CLARK CO., O. «tab»11/30/1916 «tab»12/02/1916 «tab»H «tab»Lot 200 «tab»SubLot 0 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 7
(Research):Graduates of the Township Schools of Champaign County 1892 who received th eir diplomas Saturday June 4 1892. List sent in by Supt J M Mulford of Mec hanicsburg. Listed The Champaign Democrat June 16 1892 abstracted by Pat S tickley Fall 1994 CCGS Newsletter pg 77 Urbana Twp- Earl R Knight
(Research):married Charles Goudy 19 Dec 1878 in Clark County, Ohio (he was born in 18 54 in Ohio; they were in Springfield, Clark County, Ohio, in 1880.
(Research):married Charles M. Brown 24 Feb 1885 in Clark County, Ohio.
(Research):the daughter of Fred Langhoff); a death notice in the St. Paris Dispatch c alls him "a well-known printer of Urbana
(Research):married Emma A. _____; his mother, Kate M., was living with them in Champa ign County, Ohio, in 1920; this couple is buried with John M. and Kathri ne M. Pence in Oakdale Cemetery, Urbana, Champaign County.
(Research):History of Union County At Milford Center, Clarence Cranston practiced for a short time at a rece nt date. He is now at Topeka, Kan. T. H. Bain, who read in Marysville, we nt to Kansas after his admission, and is now with Mr. Cranston.
(Research):1860 Census Clara B Smith age 4 and Isaac H Marsh age 20 1870 Census is Clara B Smith age 14
(Research):[Broderbund Family Archive #304, Ed. 1, Census Records: Indiana, 1860, Da te of Import: Jun 30, 2004, Internal Ref. #1.304.1.4483.39]
(Research):BAKER FRED R 050 CALDWELL CALDWELL 10-22-1971 049 24001 1971
pg 9 12/18/1856 GEORGE SHANE, of Adams Twp, a farmer in good circumstances brought his aged mother to the Co Infirmary to be cared for, as a pauper at the public expense. Shane wished the directors to pay him $5 for the use of his team in bringing his mother to the Infirmary. Although the directors refuse to allow the acct, yet the price charged was very low, for no other man in good circumstances asked for money to transport his mother for the purpose of making her a public pauper. To call SHANE*S conduct beastly, would be to libel the animal creation. A writer in the 'CITIZEN* who has an interview with the old lady, says she is from Chillicothe, was owner of 500 acres of land & a ferry. Her husband, a fit parent of such a son--after dissipating her property, left her in age and poverty. Old as she was, the old lady, alone and on foot sought the res of her son, hoping there to end her days. How she was disappointed, the facts we have given & the records of the co poor house will tell.
(Research): HULLINGER, Elizabeth wife of Abraham Hullinger Died (This stone has been reset in concrete which covers up all other insc riptions.)
62053 «tab»HULLINGER «tab»MYRTLE «tab»«tab»00/00/0000 «tab»SPR «tab»02/07/1954 «tab»02/10/1954 «tab»H «tab»Lot 246 «tab»SubLot 0 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 6
Social Security Death Index about Maude Hullinger
62052 «tab»HULLINGER «tab»MAUDE «tab»«tab»00/00/0000 «tab»SPR «tab»09/01/1971 «tab»09/04/1971 «tab»H «tab»Lot 246 «tab»SubLot 0 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 1
62056 «tab»HULLINGER «tab»NORA «tab»«tab»00/00/0000 «tab»SPR «tab»02/14/1881 «tab»02/16/1881 «tab»H «tab»Lot 246 «tab»SubLot 0 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 5
(Research):Name: Charles K Hullinger Birthplace: Ohio State: OH 1910 Ag e: 28 Color: W Enumeration District: 0051 Visit: 0061 County: Cla rk, Springfield City Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Elma E 24 Ohio Son Clarence W 03 Ohio Daughter Ruth C NR Ohio
62051 «tab»HULLINGER «tab»WM. «tab»E. «tab»00/00/0000 «tab»SPR «tab»11/01/1884 «tab»11/03/1884 «tab»H «tab»Lot 246 «tab»SubLot 0 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 2
(Research):Champaign County Ohio Land Deed Indices by Pat Stickley and Denise Moore pg 6 Sec12 Twp 3 R 11 Jackson Twp, SE 1/4 E 1/2 Oct 5 1824 US to Abram Magger t, Assigneee of John D Caldwell, Daniel Hullinger and John Hullinger, 77. 83 acres, recorded 25 Dec 1861 Book 33 pg 14
(Research):1899 Springfield Directory Hullinger J. Harvey, contracting plasterer, res 305 W. Main
(Research):Urbana Daily Citizen 11/26/1885 ELLA HULLINGER of Springfield arrived in Terre Haute, md and had husband L EVI HULLINGER & MRS KATE YOUN( of Springfield arrested for living in adult ery. lie deserted wife 9 mc ago and they were living in the Terre Haute ar ea under the name of LEE. MRS HULLINGER got the dwelling on Main St, Sprin gfield, household goods and support for 3 children and he and MRS YOUNG le ft for the west. MR & MRS JOHN YOUNG were divorced before she left, they h ad resturant in Springfield and have her 15 yr old son with them, the YOUN G’S formerly ran a hotel in St Paris.
(Research):Parentage not proven, see notes on unknown grandfather.
Md 1st;
Name: «tab»Laura B. Blue
(Research):Cemetery says Flora McNeil Zerkle
(Research):1880 Census Place Springfield, Ross, Ohio Family History Library Fi lm 1255063
(Research):May have been an illegitimate daughter
(Research):SMITH LENA E County Name: LOGAN Date of Death: 5/23/1937 Volume Number: 8472 Certificate Number: 33405
Name: «tab»Thomas Shipper
name: «tab»John W Stetler
name: «tab»Alice Stettler
name: «tab»Charles L Blue
(Research):BLUE ELIZABE M County Name: SHELBY Date of Death: 5/23/1932 Volume Number: 6926 Certificate Number: 33044
Name: «tab»Morris Frazee
Name: «tab»Sarah Blue
Groom's Name: «tab»Daniel A. Robinson
Name: «tab»Maggie M. Robinson
Name: «tab»Hattie May Cox
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Dennie Cox
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Myrtle Blue
(Research):Name: Thelma S Eaton Gender: Female Date of Death: 15 October 1975 Volume: 22230 Certificate: 070023 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 63 Years
(Research):Obit names father as Daniel W 1910 Census names father as David W 1900 Census name is Daniel W
Name: «tab»Wilbur W Curl
Name: «tab»Wilbur Wesley Curl
Buried next to wife Sarah Lula, 1868-1946
(Research):Name: Lawrenc L Badgley Age at Death: 74 Date of Death: 9 Nov 1976 City of Death: Marietta County of Death: Washington Volume: 22718 Certificate: 093233 Date of Birth: Est. 1902 Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White Hospital of Death: Marietta Memorial Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy
(Research):d/o George Stump
Carey Eugene Blue
Name: «tab»Flossie Pearl Blue
«i»name:Judson Blue «tab»«tab»
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardian Book Pg 466 Nov 16 1866 James Wilson gdn of Jac ob K McIntire 19yr, Daniel W McIntire 17yr; Nancy J McIntire 16yr; Ma ry E McIntire 14yr; John J McIntire 13yr; Eliza L McIntire 11yr; Sarah F M cIntire 7yr; Richard L McIntire 4yr; heirs of Alfred McIntire, dec'd Surit ies Phillip McIntire and William Speece
(Research):Name: ALVA L BLUE Gender: Male Date of Death: May 13, 1964 Volume: 17679 Certificate: 36329 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Bellefontaine, Logan County Race: White Residence: , Logan County Age: 72
Name: Leona Blue SSN: 293-34-4737 Last Residence: 43331 Lakeview, Logan, Ohio, United States of Ameri Born: 16 Feb 1891 Last Benefit: 43311 Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio, United States of Ameri ca Died: Aug 1978 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1955-1956 )
(Research):Logan Co, Zanesfield, Cemetery Blue, Alta, 1921- (on monument with Roger Blue) Blue, Angela M., 1921- (wife of Maurice B. Blue; married 5 Aug 1945) Blue, Helen W., 1874-1960 (on monument with Lloyd A. Blue) Blue, Lloyd A., 1893-1926 (on monument with Helen W. Blue) Blue, Maurice B., 1918- (husband of Angela M. Blue; married 5 Aug 1945) Blue, Rodney, 1943-1963 (on monument with Roger Blue) Blue, Roger, 1917- (on monument with Alta Blue and Rodney Blue)
Blue, Lloyd A., 1893-1926 (on monument with Helen W. Blue)
Blue, Helen W., 1874-1960 (on monument with Lloyd A. Blue)
Cemetery Card Info
Francis Blue
Name: DAVID F BLUE Gender: Male
name: «tab»Harry Blue
Md Allan R Ralston (1771-1854)
Name: «tab»Hazel Marie Abbott
Md Jacob Price
Bruce F. Haulman, 57, of West Liberty passed away Thursday, May 12, 2011 at his residence.He was born November 21, 1953 in Urbana, OH the son of Edwin "Red" and Catherine "Katie" (Pencil) Haulman.Bruce has always been a farmer who loved and respected the earth. He truly enjoyed his occupation so much that his true hobby was being a farmer. Bruce was a wonderful and loving husband to his wife of 37 years, Cindy. Bruce and Cindy were a team and worked together side by side.He was loved very much by everyone who knew him. Bruce loved the quiet and simple lifestyle. He will be missed by his family and friends. He was the best of the best.He is survived by his wife, Cynthia (Ratcliff) Haulman; sisters, Linda (Larry) Carpenter of Florida and Patsy (Roy) Bragg of West Liberty; special sister, Vicki (Tennie) Knotts of Urbana; brothers, Rodger (Arlene) Haulman of Cable, Gary (Lisa) Haulman of Urbana and John (Rosemary) Haulman of Urbana; special brother, Richard (Woody) Huffman of Urbana; as well as numerous nieces and nephews.Bruce is preceded in death by his parents and his daughter, Cher Marie Haulman.A gathering of family and friends will be held from 2-6 p.m. on Sunday, May 15, 2011 in the VERNON FUNERAL HOME, Urbana. Funeral service will be held at 2 p.m. on Monday in the funeral home with Rev. Dr. Tim West officiating. Burial will follow in Kingscreek Cemetery.Memorial contributions may be made to West Liberty Fire & EMS, 201 N Detroit St, West Liberty, OH 43357. Condolences may be sent to the family at www.vernonfh.com.
Md Elizabeth Allen 1830
(Research):Is this where Joseph Blackford Blue got his name?
Name: «tab»Joseph Blue
Name: «tab»George F. Troutwine
Name: «tab»Rachel Blue
Name: «tab»Geo. W. Mitchell
Name: «tab»Laura Mitchell
F: «tab»Samuel L Grosvenor
Name «tab»James K. Blue
Name: «tab»Lewis D Blue
Md Mary Hilliard ( 1778- ) 1806
Name «tab»Evelsizer
(Research):1880 Shelby Co, OH Salem, Twp pog 219 James ANDERSON Self W Male W 43 OH Day Laborer PA I Jesse BLUE Other M Male W 49 OH PA PA Nancy BLUE Other M Female W 31 OH Housekeeper OH OH
(Research):BLUE, URIAH
Sun, Springfield, OH on Saturday, August 15, 1903 Last. Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, the remains of Lemuel HULLINGER we re laid to reSt.at the Terre Haute Cemetery. The funeral services were imp ressive. The G.A.R. of which he was a member, had charge of the remains. M r. HULLINGER was a long and very patient sufferer from diseases contract ed while in the war of the rebellion. Mr. HULLINGER Just.received notice a nd had drawn the first money on increase of pension at the rate of $75 p er month, the limit for total disability.
Name: Ella Georganna Ford
(Research): probably a daughter of William & Elizabeth Mouser).
(Research):Samuel was listed in his father' will, where he inherited the home f arm along with his brother, William (William receiving the portion w ith the house). Samuel and Mary, his wife, sold the west half of t he north-west quarter of Section 32, Township 4, Range 11 (Mad River Tp .) to Daniel Long (recorded date 12 Sept 1835, Deed Book 0, Page 535 ). Samuel was listed in the 1830 census of Champaign County, but no further census record.
(Research): 1810-1815 in Champaign County; probably unmarried. I do believe th at Ruanna was alive in 1830 and listed with Mary Darnall Davis in t he Jackson Tp. census. However, she does not show in any Champaign Cou nty census after that. She was mentioned in her father's will and acc ording to the wording of that document she may have been in ill heal th .... if she lives to want it, and if she dies and don't use i t, to be divided equally ....
(Research):Champaign Co, Ohio Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 72 15 April 1818 And rew Davis, gdn of Ruth Pence 7 yrs, heir of Jacob Pence. Surity Zephani ah Luce
Name: «tab»Charles F Zerkle
(Research):Death of Ann Stephenson Cable, OH, 1910 The papers announce the death of Mrs. Ann Stephenson in Jackson townsh ip at the age of eighty years. She was a daughter of Harvey Talbott and gr anddaughter of the pioneer Samson Talbott, who settled in the Grafton neig hborhood, southeast of St. Paris. Mrs. Stevenson* was an excellent woman a nd we believe the last one of her father’s family. She enjoyed the peculi ar distinction of being the last of the twenty-six young ladies who ro de on the wagon during the great Whig convention in Urbana, September 8, 1 840, that became famous in after years from the fact that on this same wag on was the motto, “Farmers Oil Kon~ect”, from which the very commonly us ed letters, by the commercial world, “O.K.” originated. The motto was ma de and placed on the wagon by Tom Daniels, an eccentric youth, whose ho me then was on the farm now occupied by Asbury Underwood, in Concord Tp. T he wagon was owned and driven by John Rock, who lived on the farm of Jose ph Kizer, south of Northville. The number of ladies represented the numb er of states in the union at that time, all being dressed in white, and we aring bonnets made of buckeye shavings, a sample still being in existenc e. Mrs. Stevenson lived almost seventy years after the event, that broug ht into existence the “O.K.” of today and which most likely will be us ed by the commercial world until the end of time. 4
(Research):Beers pg 707
(Research):Sarah was listed in her father's will, but at the signing of the inv entory David's name was not listed; indicating that they had left t he county. They were listed in the 1820 census only.
(Research):Springfield Sun 5/26/1900 Ackory Berry is on the sick list.
(Research):Champaign Co, Wills Book A Pg 121 Achory berry, probated 3/27/1834 Son David berry 1/3 land; son Elijah Berry 1/3 land and son Joseph Berry 1 /3 land; daughters Elizabeth Marrs and Anna Smith , personal property. Jos eph Smith executor. Witness Robert Jones, Abraham huffman. Signed 12/25/18 33
(Research):PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Record Book 20 Pg 422 Heard 3 March 1847 Bill In Equity Daniel S Bell vs David Berry et al On april 29 1846 Bell obtained a judgment against Berry for $27.00 and cos ts. Bell has since cause execution on said judgment and also on a Bi ll of Discovery filed by Berry and delivered to the Sheriff who has return ed that there were no goods or chattels, lands or tenements of said Ber ry by him found whereon to levy said executions. Bell claims that Berry ow ns 79 acres in the east half of north—west quarter Section 1 Township 3 Ra nge 12 and 40 acres off the east end of the north half of south—east quart er of Section 1 Township .3 Range 12 (Johnson Tp.) and that he derived t he title to the land through the will of his father, Achory Berry, which w as proved and recorded in Book 5, Page 275. Achory Berry received the la nd directly or indirectly from the Government on 29 September 1845. In ord er to avoid the collection of money due from law suits which he had los t, Berry turned over three 80 acres tracts to his sons, Ephraim Berry (abo ut age 22 years), Antrim Berry (a minor) and William Berry (a mino r) on 29 September 1845. In February of 1847 Berry went before Ichabod Cor win, Esquire, Commissioner of Insolvents of Champaign County with a schedu le showing that he owed several hundred dollars but was unable to pay i t. Berry claimed that he owned 80 acres in Missouri, but it was to have be en sold for taxes. Moses B. Corwin Esquire was appointed guardian ad lit em for the minors. The court decreed that the deeds made to the sons we re null and void and that Berry pay all debts within ten days and all cou rt costs.
(Research):Fathers will names dau Anna Smith, w/o Joseph. However in 1850 Cens us of Champaign Co, Joseph and Anna Smith are living with Achory Berry a nd ages do not make sense. Anna age 44 w/o Joseph cannot be child of TH IS Achory Berry, as he is younger.(b 1832)
(Research):Will Champaign Co, Book C pg 249 probated 12/9/1858 Westville Wife Anna Smith all the estate. mentions heirs but no names, David Loudenb ack, exec. Wit: Joseph H Cave, J S Nitchman will signed 11/28/1858
(Research):Champaign Co Wills Book A Pg 184 James McAlexander No wife mentioned. Sons John, Nathan, William and David McAlexander; daugh ters Nancy Wilson, Jane manner, Sally McAlexander and Oney Parmer. John Mc Alexander and Jesse Harbour executors. Wit; Alexander St Clair Hunter, Jos eph Laine, Samuel V Baldwin, John Hall Jr, James McCrosky. Signed 6/5/1834
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship Vol 1 pg 429 May 10 1852 Nathan McAlexander gdn of Levi Smith McAlexander; james Robert McAlexander; David Warnick McAlexander, minor heirs of Marcus Clark dec'd. Surities Zebulon Brevard, Shep pard Newcomb
Name: «tab»Nathan Alexander
(Research):Name: William McAlexander , Enlistment Date: 17 January 1862 Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Side Served: Union State Served: Ohio Unit Numbers: 1903 1903 Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 17 January 1862 at the a ge of 56 Enlisted in Company C, 66th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 17 January 1862. Received a disability discharge Company C, 66th Infantry Regiment Oh io on 01 June 1862 in Williamsport, MD
ELNORA K. ZERKLE, age 86, of Troy passed away on Thursday, August 21, 2014 at Upper Valley Medical Center in Troy. She was born on May 5, 1928 in Miami County, OH to the late Forest R. and Sylvia M. (Rhoades) Roeth. Elnora was married to Charles Frederick Zerkle. He preceded her in death in 1988. Elnora is survived by one son and daughter-in-law: Dennis B. and Linda Zerkle of Casstown; one daughter and son-in-law: Marcia M. and Rick Knife of Casstown; one sister: Lois Mundhenk of Troy; one brother and sister-in-law: Richard and Patricia Roeth of Troy; granddaughters; Tamala (Bryan) Parke of Troy, Kathryn (David) Sturman of Delaware, Angela (Christopher) Thompson of Marysville, Christina (Stephen) Wilhelm of Urbana, and Tiffany (Brian) Hilliard of Troy; grandson: Dennis "D. J." Zerkle of Casstown and his fiancé: Marissa Elrod; and great granddaughters: Taylor (Joshua) Hutton of Columbus, Danielle Parke of Troy, Sabrina Parke of Troy, Brianna Thompson of Marysville, Hannah Sturman of Delaware, Isaac Thompson of Marysville, Sam Wilhelm of Urbana, Emily Sturman of Delaware, Alexander Hilliard of Troy, Abigail Hilliard of Troy and Matthew Wilhelm of Urbana. She was preceded in death by her parents and her husband.Elnora was a member of Cove Spring Church and a member of the Women's Fellowship at the church. She was a member of the Classic Ladies, Miami County Extension Homemakers and a past volunteer with the Studebaker Homestead of the Studebaker Family Association. Elnora was also a past member of Cove Spring Grange, past member of Casstown Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary and past member of several antique tractor associations. Elnora was a retired administrator after 30 years of service with Highland View, Villa, King Tree and Franklin Nursing Center.Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM on Monday, August 25, 2014 at Baird Funeral Home in Troy with Rev. Greg Morrow officiating. Burial will follow in Casstown Cemetery in Casstown. Friends may call from 4-8 PM on Sunday at the funeral home.Memorial contributions may be made to Casstown Fire Department, P. O. Box 193, Casstown, OH 45312. Condolences may be expressed to the family at www.bairdfuneralhome.com.Charitable donations may be made in Elnora's memory to the following organization:
Cemetery marker in Halterman cemetery is broken and we could not find the bottom of the marker. Also the end of the marker is chipped off What is showing is wife of N.McAlexander and died 26-Nov-185?
(Research):Christina is buried in the Ward Cemetery next to William. The transcripti on says she is the wife of David, which is an obvious error
(Research):Myrtle Tree Church Records (Organized 4/24/1830) Covers period 4/24/1830- 2/23/1850 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 pg24 Received 11/26/1842, John Zimmerman, excl 6/22/1861
(Research):Myrtle Tree Church Records (Organized 4/24/1830) Covers period 4/24/1830- 2/23/1850 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 pg24 Received 5/25/1844 Barbara Zimmerman, died 4/11/1898
(Research):MILLER ELIZA J County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 4/29/1915 Volume Number: 1617 Certificate Number: 20268
(Research):Will Book C Pg 145 Sons Frederick and mathias; ch of dau Catherine Kay (dec'd); dau barbara A immerman (wife of John) and Susan Prince (wife of John). Frederick Kustenb order exec. Wit, George Minnich, Gavid Loudenback
(Research):Next to John in Spring Grove Cemetery is Marga d 4/5/1877 87y4m2d
Next to John in Spring Grove Cem is a Margaret Custenborder who died 4/5/1874 aged 87y4m2d. She is shown as Rebecca in the Census.
(Research):Will Abstracts books G-L pg409 Elizabeth Custenborder, Jackson Twp, probated 4/9/1910, died 3/31/1910 Heirs, Catherine Custenborder, sister, St Paris; Elizabeth Stradling, niec e, St Paris; Christine Saunders, niece, St paris; Kat Kesler, niece, St Pa ris; Amanda kelly, niece, St paris; Elmina Haines, niece, St paris; Etta H aines, niece, St paris; Frank Haines, nephew, St paris; Sister Catherine t he deed for my interest in farm she and I own in Jackson Twp and all perso nal Property. Should sister Catherine die before me; niece Christine Ander son, $500; Edwin Wiant for his kindness, $1000, niece kate Kesler $5; hen ry Apple whom I helped care for when he was child, $50; St Johns Luther an Church $200; niece Elizabeth Stradling residue of property.; G V From me exec, wit: C H Duncan, Perry E Apple, wigned 5/19/1909
(Research):Will Abstracts books G-L pg409 Elizabeth Custenborder, Jackson Twp, probated 4/9/1910, died 3/31/1910 Heirs, Catherine Custenborder, sister, St Paris; Elizabeth Stradling, niec e, St Paris; Christine Saunders, niece, St paris; Kat Kesler, niece, St Pa ris; Amanda kelly, niece, St paris; Elmina Haines, niece, St paris; Etta H aines, niece, St paris; Frank Haines, nephew, St paris; Sister Catherine t he deed for my interest in farm she and I own in Jackson Twp and all perso nal Property. Should sister Catherine die before me; niece Christine Ander son, $500; Edwin Wiant for his kindness, $1000, niece kate Kesler $5; hen ry Apple whom I helped care for when he was child, $50; St Johns Luther an Church $200; niece Elizabeth Stradling residue of property.; G V From me exec, wit: C H Duncan, Perry E Apple, wigned 5/19/1909
(Research):Record book 36 pg 572 Filed 5 march 1874 petition to Partition Marion McCrosky vs Dennis McCrosky et al james McCrosky died intestate owning 80 acres of land located in the ea st half of the NE 1/4 of Sec 5 Twp 3 Range 12 (Adams Twp) James heirs wer e; nancy McCrosky, widow; Marion McCrosky, Dennis McCrosky, mary J McCros ky wife of ...Ford, deceased; Isabella McCrosky; Phidella McCrosky wi fe of Henry Thatcher; Margaret McCrosky wife of George Stayman; Philena Mc Crosky wife of Oliver Valentine; Lydia McCrosky wife of thomas Long; and t he minor children of Sarah McCrosky Long deceased- Jenneta C Long, Willi am M long, Franklin Long James Long and John Long
(Research):Champaign Co Will Abstracts book C pg 169 William McCrosky Eldest dau Sarah Johnson; heirs of Samuel McCrsoky (dec'd)-(Aaron, John a nd Minerva McCrosky); Mary Jane, Sarah, Margaret, Dennis, Lydia, Fidell a, Velena, Isabella and Marion McCrosky (minor heirs of James McCrosky) de c'd; James, Charlotte, and John Alexander (minor heris of Jane Fuson, my 2 nd daughter. Isabelle Newcomb 93rd dau), and Elizabeth Ritter (4th dau). M ary Elizabeth Ritter (minor heir of Nancy Ritter dec'd (5th dau). Willi am B McCrsoky (3rd son). Samuel McCrosky and Harvey Ritter, exec. Wit, Geo rge Fina, Cyrus W Davis. Signed 10/17/1855, Probated 3/10/1856
(Research):Champaign Co, Deaths CCGS Newsletter Fall 1989 Walker Johnson died in Adams Twp 1/23/1870 age 82y 5 m 0 d
Concord Items December 26, 1878
(Research):CENSUS: 1840, Champaign Co, Adams, OH-110001-000001 * CENSUS: 1850, Champaign Co, Mad River, OH=pg 406; family 108; with fi ve children. * CENSUS: 1860, Champaign Co, Adams, OH-pg 92 ; family 739; living with wi fe, Lavinia, and 7 children. * CENSUS: 1870, Champaign Co, Adams, OH-pg 193 * CENSUS: 1880, Champaign Co, Adams, OH-Pg 28; family 272; living with Lav ina.
(Research):Census and other records prove margaret had more than 4 children
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 219
(Research):Record book 36 pg 572 Filed 5 march 1874 petition to Partition Marion McCrosky vs Dennis McCrosky et al james McCrosky died intestate owning 80 acres of land located in the ea st half of the NE 1/4 of Sec 5 Twp 3 Range 12 (Adams Twp) James heirs wer e; nancy McCrosky, widow; Marion McCrosky, Dennis McCrosky, mary J McCros ky wife of ...Ford, deceased; Isabella McCrosky; Phidella McCrosky wi fe of Henry Thatcher; Margaret McCrosky wife of George Stayman; Philena Mc Crosky wife of Oliver Valentine; Lydia McCrosky wife of thomas Long; and t he minor children of Sarah McCrosky Long deceased- Jenneta C Long, Willi am M long, Franklin Long James Long and John Long
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship Book pg 485 Nancy McCrosky GDN of Margaret McCrosky 15 yr June 22, 1853; Dennis McCros ky 13 yr Dec 10, 1853; Lydia McCrosky 11 yr Jan 14, 1854; Isabel McCrosk ey 8 y Sept 19, 1853; Philena McCrosky and Phildelia McCrosky 6 yr Oct 1 4, 1853 (twins); marion McCrosky 3 yr June 4, 1853, minor heirs of James M cCrosky dec'd. Surities Nathan McAlexander, James McAlexander
(Research):1880 Census Place Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Family History Library Fi lm 1254998
(Research):Teachers Term Report Johnson Twp Dist # 9 Winter Term 9/15/1884-3/9//18 85 William Rhymard- Teacher (From CCGS Newsletter Summer 1992 pg 59) Charles Ammon age 15
(Research):Newcomb, Isabel to William A. Hall May 27, 1866 B 348 (Fulton Co, IN Marriages)
Rochester Sentenial 3/19/1890
(Research):Champaign Co, Chauncery Records Record Book 20 pg 342 Filed 12 April 1845- Petition to sell land harvey Ritter, Admin de bonis of Nathaniel Newcomb vs widow and heirs of Nathaniel Newcomb Newcomb died seized of 80 acres located in the wast half of the wouth-ea st quarter of Section 24 twp 3 range 12 Adams Twp. His heirs were: Isabel la Newcomb, widow; William Newcomb; Edwin Newcomb; Mary Jane Newcomb and B aker V Newcomb. The court appointed appraisers on 4 Sept 1845 were: Jo hn D Cory, Levi Valentine, and benjamin Martz. The dower portion was set o ff as 14 acres and the house located in the north-east corner of the ea st half of the south-east of Section 24.
(Research):Will Book C Pg 281 Signed 7/8/1859 Probated 10/21/1859 Wife Elizabeth the land, sons Harvey, Jesse, Richard and William Ritter; d au Sarah Ellen Jones and Children $1000. Son Jesse exec. Wit- Flemmon ha ll and Joseph hall
(Research):CCGS News Vol 22 No3 pg 88 Western Citizen July 5 1842 Remaining in the post office at Urbana, Ohio on the evening of June 30 18 42, which if not taken by the 1st day of October 1842, will be sent to t he General Post Office as dead letters Henry Ritter or Jesse Ritter
St Paris Era Dispatch Dec 23, 1887
(Research):Champaign County Guardian Bonds Vol 17 # 3 pg 39 April 14, 1850 Jesse Ritter, gdn of Mary Elizabeth Ritter 15 yr 19 Mar 1860; heir of Nan cy Ritter, dec'd. Suritites James McAlexander and Flemmon Hall
(Research):CCGS News Vol 22 No3 pg 88 Western Citizen July 5 1842 Remaining in the post office at Urbana, Ohio on the evening of June 30 18 42, which if not taken by the 1st day of October 1842, will be sent to t he General Post Office as dead letters Henry Ritter or Jesse Ritter
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 6 Twp 3 Range 11 ( SW 1/4) Dec 31 1882 Benjamin (sic) & Carey E Snapp to William Ritter, 27.09 ac. Bk 74Pg184 Jan 30, 1893 William Ritter to Ohio Southern RR Co .82 acre strip Bk74Pg4 85 Oct 6, 1893 William Ritter to Barbara E & C. E. Snapp, 27.09 ac except . 75 acre. Bk75Pg176
(Research):Information on the descendants of Fleming Hall are from Douglas Henry oikr [email protected]
MCCROSKY, MARY ANN «tab»1892-12-07«tab»JERSEYVILLE «tab»68 YR«tab»F«tab»1 «tab»141 «tab»1498 «tab»JERSEY
name: «tab»Jasper Andrew Berry
Scott Yeazell
(Research):PG 264LAVINA MCCROSKEYPROBATED 9 DEC 1890 CARYSVILLE[DIED 1 DEC 1890] Heirs—Lewis C McCroskey—son—res unk; Peter H McCroskey—sonDeGraff; Ma ry J Harbor—dau-Il; Clarissa A Good-dau-Crayon. To Nancy P McCroskey, wi fe of son Lewis McCroskey, and her heirs by Lewis 1/4 of estate; Peter McCroskey my second son 1/4 of esta te except $50 he already received; dau Mary J Harbor and heirs 1/4; 2nd d au Clarissa A Good and heirs 1/4. B F Conner executor Witness:S N Seeley—Carysville B F Conner—Carysville D W McAlexanderwill signed 15 Apr 1889
(Research):Name: Doyle Beck SSN: 291-30-9519 Last Residence: 45373 Troy, Miami, Ohio, United States of America Born: 4 Jun 1904 Last Benefit: 43072 Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio, United States of Ame rica Died: Mar 1978 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1951-1952 )
Name: «tab»Rubenn Henry Ritter
Invitations are out for the wedding party to be given at the residence of Wm. NEWCOMB, county clerk, this evening at which time the marriage of his daughter, Mary [NEWCOMB], to James C. BEERY, will take place. 7/8/1882, Sat.
Rochester Sentenial Jan 1892
Rochester Sentenial
Possibly name wrong in obit, this about the right time..no other Isaac Jones as husband..also correct number of children. One cecelia died the year before. Same church as dau Cecelia attended.
(Research):Myrtle Tree Church Records (Organized 4/24/1830) Covers period 4/24/1830- 2/23/1850 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 pg24 Received 7/23/1835- John McAlexander- diss by letter
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship Vol 1 pg 449 Feb 10 1853 William Harbur Jr g dn of William harbour 15yr ( 28 Apr 1852) ; Amanda Louisa harbo ur 12 yr ( 16 April 1852) minor heirs of Elizabeth Harbour dec'd. Suriti es William Hill, William C Kenton
(Research):20th Century History of Springfield and Clark Counties Ohio and its Repres entative Citizens Edited and compiled by Hon William M Rockel, Biographic al Publishing Co, Chicago, ILL, 1908, pg1025-1026
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship Vol 1 pg 449 Feb 10 1853 William Harbur Jr g dn of William harbour 15yr ( 28 Apr 1852) ; Amanda Louisa harbo ur 12 yr ( 16 April 1852) minor heirs of Elizabeth Harbour dec'd. Suriti es William Hill, William C Kenton
(Research):1930 next to Gideon Steinberger, relationship not proven, unable to loca te in 1900
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 12 Twp 3 Range 11 ( SE 1/4) 21 Nov 1866 Quitclaim from Adam Walborn to Edwin Carlo, W 1/2 of SE 1/4 a nd E 1/2 of SW 1/4 Bk 38 Pg 152
(Research):After their marriage the Walborns moved to Virginia n Wert County O H, on a farm presented to them by his father. After the children were bor n, Rhynard sold this farm and returned to St. Paris. Being the eldest s on of his father, Rhynard purchased an interest in farm land near his o ld home. It is of interest to note that the lands of Abraham, later the la nds of Rhynard, consisted of 156 acres, lying directly south of Isaac Cl em in Ja. Township, CH County Elizabeth truly did marry the boy next door.
(Research):'St. Paris Examiner', 'St. Paris New Era', 'The Holiday Reporter', ' T he Quiver', 'St. Paris News' September 6, 1878 to 1900, Book II, compil ed by Dorothy Shaffer, published by the Champaign County Genealogic al Society, P. O. Box 680, Urbana, OH 43078-0680, July 2001, Page 1 39 - 3 August 1894 - Mrs. Israel Minnich, of Westville, died Monday. Mr. Minnich we nt to St. Paris, to get Mrs. Amy Apple, to come stay with his mother dur ing her illness. She rapidly got worse and died. Mrs. Minnich was once t he widow of William Ricker, who died in Kansas. Her maiden name was C ustenborder. Her funeral took place Wednesday.
(Research):dau of Eugene Roszell, mother not named in marriage record
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) Lot ? 7/2/1856 John Huffman to Samuel Bollinger Bk B2 Pg 435 Lot ? 7/2/1856 John Snapp to Samuel Bollinger Bk B2 Pg 436
(Research):Champaign County Newspaper abstracts 1878-1900, pg 36 Sept 4, 1885 Mrs Magdalene Bollinger, mother of George W and Samuel Bollinger died Frid ay, Aug 28, 1885 age 74 yrs 4 mo 17 da. She was a faithful member of the D unkard Church. The funeral took place in the M E Church of this city, on t he Sabbath. Her remains were intered in Evergreen Cemetery
(Research):Info on Emanual from [email protected]
(Research):1880 Census Place:Jackson, Lyon, Kansas Source:FHL Film 1254387 National Archives Film T9-0387 Page 35 4D Ephraim BOLINGER SelfMMW40MDOcc:FarmerFa: GERMo: GER Martha BOLINGERWifeFMW33OHFa: VAMo: VA Dora BOLINGERDauFSW14OHFa: MDMo: OH Ora E. BOLINGERSonMSW11OHFa: MDMo: OH Mary L. BOLINGERDauFSW9KSFa: MDMo: OH Ella May BOLINGER DauFSW7KSFa: MDMo: OH Cora E. BOLINGERDauFSW4KSFa: MDMo: OH William F. BOLINGER SonMSW10MKSFa: MDMo: OH
(Research):2nd OVI Co A enlisted 1 Sep 1861 age 23 captured at Battle fo Chickamaug a, GA Sept 1863, mustered out 20 Mar 1865.
(Research):Mentioned in fathers will 2/19/1878
(Research):1860 census was Philander Ross Barger, age 25, single, relation not kno wn yet.
Concord Items June 12, 1879
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11 To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot ? 10/9/1868 William Thomas to Simeon Rinaker, 1 acre & poles Bk 41 P g499 Lot ? 5/14/1870 Simeon Rinaker to Abram Good, 1 acre and 12 poles Bk 42 P g466
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 169
Probate birth record John Phillip
(Research):Champaign County Guardain records Vol 18 No 1 Pg 182 16 May 1862 Edemon Ward, gdn of Geraldine Dagger 7yr 12 Aug 1861; h eir of Laurence Dagger, dec'd. Surities G H Ward, C Snyder
Name: «tab»Geraldine Marsh
Name: «tab»Oliver P Chapman
Name: «tab»Iva Imo Keller
Iowa Cemetery Records about William A. Gideon
(Research):PG 12JAMES M POWELL PROBATED 8 JUN 1894 URBANA TWP [DIED 7 MAY 1894] NOT RECORDED UNTIL 9 FEB 1897 Heirs-Ellen Powell—widow. All estate to wife Ellen Powell her natural lif e; at her death to Samuel S Powell, Abram C Powell, Anna Powell [d/o Mill er Powell dec d], Nellie Dale Powell [d/o John Powell dec d) equally. Phil ander B Powell nor his ch nor his wife shall inherit any part or parcel of estate. Michael Galligher administrator Witness:J M Fitzpatrick Isaac Neff [now dec d) will signed 18 Jan 1886
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship Records pg320 6/18/1864 William D Knight g dn of Hannah M A Powell, 3 yrs, 21 Feb 1864, heir of Miller Powell, dec' d. Surities S S Powell and J G Logan
Newspaper Abstract
Beers 1881 Biography, History of Champaign Co, OH pg 678 PHILANDER R. POWELL. farmer; P. O. Urbana. Among the prominent famili es in this township may be mentioned the Powells, whose arrival dates ba ck early in the history of the county, while an almost unbroken wildernes s, when nothing but log cabins;-with their wooden chimneys, were to be see n, and wild game was plentiful; the parents of our subject settled near wh ere he now lives, about 1808 ; they were full of enterprise, and worked wi th a will to make a home in the new Northwest-and well did they succeed; l ittle did they dream of seeing this country developed as it is to-day, wi th our beautiful fields stretching far away in the distance, covered wi th immense harvests, that was then only a dense forest. Abram Powell and M ary Osborne were married Oct. 14, 1818, and had eleven children; only fo ur sons are now living;-Samuel, James M., Abraham C. and Philander R.; Abr am was Wagonmaster during the war of 1812, and did efficient service; he w as born March 2, 1789, and is still living, at the ripe old age of 91, a nd has, until latterly, been characterized by great activity and industr y; his wife died in 1872, aged 73 years; the old gentleman makes his ho me with his son, Abram C., within sight of the place where he has toil ed so many years. Philander was married, Feb. 26, 1861, to Miss Minerva S ., daughter of Demovil and Sarah (Snider) Talbert; Mr;. Talbert was carri ed on horseback all the way from Virginia, when only 6 months old; Demov il was born in Concord Township, and always lived in this county, with t he exception of a few months spent in Iowa; they had nine children, fi ve of whom are living-Joseph, Elizabeth, Minerva, Eliza and William B. T he husband of Minerva, Philander R. Powell, is one of our prosperous farme rs living near Urbana; one of the coziest homes in the county is the elega nt farm residence so ably presided over by Mrs Minerva Powell, who is a mo del hostess, and her courtesy well defines the Kenton blood that flows thr ough her veins. They have no children, but are happy in each other's love.
Newspaper Abstract
name: «tab»John A. Beaty
(Research):1900 Census has grandaughters Nancy Buroker b 4/1886 and Cora b 1/1889
(Research):BEATY SIMON County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 5/2/1922 Volume Number: 3871 Certificate Number: 26475
Name: «tab»James Osco Parsons
(Research):Myrtle Tree Church Records (Organized 4/24/1830) Covers period 4/24/1830- 2/23/1850 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 pg24 Received 12/26/1846 Rebecca Fuson Beaty, diss by letter 3/22/1851
(Research):Two sons and one daughter by Frank Stevens. Jan 22 1885 moved from Oh io to KS, where eldest son died 10/22/1885. Frank Stevens died the followi ng year, after which she returned to Ohio. She married second to Geor ge W Warren and had one daughter.
Name: «tab»Harriett Elanor Hoak
(Research):Myrtle Tree Church Records (Organized 4/24/1830) Covers period 4/24/1830- 2/23/1850 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 pg24 4/24/1830 Received- diss by letter 8/26/1838 12/26/1846 Received, diss by letter 3/22/1851
(Research):TOmbstone transcription by Denise- name is Morgan Tombstone transction by Candy is Mary Ann
(Research):Although birth date was before mother died, it is highly unlikely she as h is mother having a child at age 72.
(Research):lived with his sister Elizabeth at time of death. Another sister was Mrs N ixon. He was the fourth to die of eight children.
No stone found, only burial record
(Research): On 17 June 1835 Lewis Noe purchased the west half of the NE 1/4 a nd on 23 May 1835 John Lookey purchased the land in the NW 1/4. From Jo hn Huddlestons estate
(Research):1880 Census Place Keene, Adams, Illinois
(Research):ST. PARIS NEWS-DISPATCH, Thurs. 28 Jan 1926, pg 1 Mrs. Polly Ann HAMILTON, widow of William HAMILTON, passed away at her ho me Monday morning at 3:30. She had been confined to her bed for three wee ks with heart trouble. She was the daughter of Lewis and Abigal NOE and was born September 13, 18 432 in Jackson township. On Oct. 19, 1861 she was united in marriage to Wi lliam HAMILTON, who died on February 10, 1915. To this union was born o ne son, James, who departed this life in the spring of 1917. She leaves a granddaughter whose name and address could not be learn ed at this time ... Funeral services were conducted Wednesday from the M.E. Church in char ge of Rev. B. A. Morgan. Burial was made in Evergreen cemetery by L.K. Jon es, undertaker. Out of town relatives who attended the funeral services of Mrs. Polly A nn HAMILTON were Mr. and Mrs. Fred HAMILTON, Mrs. Walter HAMILTON of Wells ville, NY; Mr. and Mrs. John CHENEY of Springfield.
(Research):Deed Book H Indentures published CCGS Newsletter Summer 1991 pg48 Aug 1827 Robert Noe bound son Lysander; 16yrs on 27th Sept 1827 to Sa muel Miller, cabinet maker (21 on 27 Sept 1831)
(Research):Apr 13 LOT NOE was born Jan 7,1818, and died Apr 1,1888, aged 7Oyrs, 2mo and 24 d ays. He was the father of eight children, three sons and five daughters. O ne son and one daughter are dead. He leaves a wife and six children. The f uneral sermon was preached by Rev WIlliam Lippincott, at the Baptist Chur ch and buried in the Evergreen Cemetery . ,
Name: Mattie Foor
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Jay B Dooley
(Research):1880 Census Place Concord, Champaign, Ohio Family History Library Fi lm 1254998
Name: «tab»Clara Stevens
(Research):Family record of Thomas, third son of William and Mary Kenton, born in Vir ginia Married Keziah D. Cruchfield. Their children were Mary, born March 1 9. 17 94, died Jan. 31, 1851. James, born 1796, was killed by accident No v. 27, 1862. Sarah, born March 18, 1798, died Jan. 25, 1838. John, born Fe b. 12, 1800, died July 8, 1850. Thomas, Jr., born Jan. 9, 180'2, died in I owa May 4, 1854. Elizabeth; born in 1804. Matilda, born April 19, 1806. Ja ne, born Dec. 15, 1809. Susannah, born March 1, 1811. William C., born Ja n. 9, 1813. Richard D., born Feb. 12, 1815, died Aug. 7, 1835.
Dau of William Crutchfield and Agnes D Sevier
(Research):Father: William Lewis Keller b: 1838 in VA. Mother: Fannie Frances Brown b: 27 OCT 1840 in VA.
(Research):Name: Ethel V. Elifritz SSN: 293-12-7732 Born: 19 Nov 1906 Died: 20 Dec 1989 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951
(Research):The 1900 Census information does not give the year of immigration to the U S. The spelling of the name is same as John Ferd Ebelsheiser that sett ed in Iowa. For his daughter to have been born in 1863 in Illinois, it see ms they would have appeared in the Census. Unable to find in 1870 or 1880.
(Research):Name: Joe W. Evilsizer SSN: 341-52-9856 Last Residence: 62801 Centralia, Marion, Illinois, United States of Ameri ca Born: 4 Aug 1964 Died: 2 Apr 2007 State (Year) SSN issued: Illinois (1971 )
(Research):Went to the woods to cut trees. A tree fell, crushing him and was not fou nd until Friday.
Removed from the farm cemetery & buried in Oakdale on Sept 8, 1905
(Research):/Will Champaign Co, Ohio singed 11/12/1849 probated / Wife Judah Kenton, Exec. Wit David Loudenback, Thomas Chance.
(Research):Children Mrs Simmons, Mrs Whetsel
(Research):Died after fasting for 40 days
Dau of Thomas Cleland
(Research):Family record of Phillip C., son of William and Mary Kenton : When Phill ip C. was quite old, he went to Kentucky to live with his son Thomas. At C incinnati announcement was made that Gen. Kenton was in the city. At a ban quet that evening, at the Burnett House, to which place he had been escort ed, being called upon to make a speech, he replied, "I can't make a speec h, but can say I always hated snakes and loved the women." Their childr en were William, date of birth and death not known. Thomas, born April 1 1, 1792. Elizabeth, born Oct. 26, 1793, died Jan. 8, 1821; her husband, Ro bert McFarland, died Dec. 28, 1863. Mark died in Indiana. John died in Ind iana, Dec. 28, 1879. Edmond died in Indiana. Sarah died in Iowa in 1879. B enjamin died in Kentucky. Phillip C., birth and death not given.
Name: «tab»James Gard Wallace
Name «tab»James Gard Wallace
(Research):Record Book 8, Page 274 - Filed 28 February 1824 Mark Kenton Vs Rebecca Kenton, widow; Lewis D. Kenton; Nancy Kenton; John A. Kenton & Cyn thia A. Kenton, heirs of William Kenton deceased About 1810 Mark and William Kenton, brothers, purchased the west half of S ection 6 Township 4 Range 11 (Mad River Tp.) and the patent was issu ed 20 October 1812. William Kenton died about nine years later; in the fa ll of 1823. No deed was ever issued between the brothers but Mark Kent on held the north-west quarter and William Kenton held the south-west quar ter. The defendants failed to appear at the trial and the complainant's b ill was taken as confessed. Mark Kenton was to give a deed of release to W illiam's heirs within 60 days. Rebecca Kenton, widow, was to give a de ed of release to Mark within 60 days. The minors were to issue a deed of release within six mon ths after coming ofage. The cost of the case were split between the comp lainant and the defendants. CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, Champaign Co, OH
(Research):Mark was born 1 March 1701 in County Down, Ireland. In exchange for his pa ssage to the colony, he indentured himself to a VA landowner for five year s. He became a tenant farmer, under the Carter Grant, near the area of Hop ewell Gap, (not Hopewell, VA) where among other crops, he raised tobacc o. Mark and Mary Miller Kenton reared their family there in the foothil ls of the Bull Run Mountains, Prince William County. 1759, the county sepe rated to become Fauquier County. Mark died 16 Oct 1783 while on the journ ey to KY. He was buried at the mouth of Peter's Creek, near New Store (pre sent day Elizabeth, PA) Wife Mary, lived with her son John, in Washingto n, Mason Co., KY until her death 12 Dec 1807.
(Research):Simon's older brother Corporal Mark Kenton, Jr. fought for 7 years under H enry Lee III "Light Horse Harry". Contracting tuberculosis during the Revo lutionary War, Mark was able to visit KY only once in the summer of 178 4. He died the following year back in VA. Among the early pioneers, his da ughter Sarah's Collins descendents are still found in the area.
(Research):Mason Co, KY Deeds 186 - 23 Dec 1794 Simon Kenton and Martha his wife of M ason co AND Elijah Berry of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co - 100 ac res for 50 pounds Clerk: Thomas Marshall, Jr.
(Research):Obit give DOB 5/11/1791
(Research):CCGS News Vol 22 No3 pg 88 Western Citizen July 5 1842 Remaining in the post office at Urbana, Ohio on the evening of June 30 18 42, which if not taken by the 1st day of October 1842, will be sent to the General Post Office as dead letters Robert McFarland
(Research):First wife died young. Second wife survived him
Name: «tab»Isaac Custard
(Research):Champaign Co- A Centennial Biographical History of Champaign Co, Ohio - 1902, (New York and Chicago The Lewis Publishing Co, 1902).pg591
(Research):1880 Census Place:Mad River, Champaign, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 32 2A Harvey KENTONSelfMSW58OHOcc:FarmerFa: VAMo: VA Runa B. GULLETOtherMSW21OHOcc:-BoarderFa: OHMo: OH John COMERFORDOtherMSW21OHOcc:BoarderFa: OHMo: OH Frank BRANSTETTER OtherMSW16OHOcc:-BoarderFa: OHMo: OH
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 224
(Research):History of Edgar Co, IL Wm LeBaron Jr & Co, Chicago, 1879 Ross Township Page 631 Samuel Kenton, farmer and stock-raiser, Sec. 23; P.O. Chrisman; one of t he pioneers of Ross Tp.; owns 700 acres on Sees. 22, 23, 24, valued at $ 30 per acre; born in Champaign Co., Ohio, Dec. 15, 1830, where he engag ed in farming and stock-raising until 22 years of age, when in 1852, he em igrated to Ross Tp., Edgar Co., in.. and located upon his present place, w here he has since continued to live; he makes a specialty of raising and f eeding stock; he now has 200 head of cattle and 100 hogs. He was married J an, 10, 1856, in Edgar Co., to Mary Scott; she was born in Edgar Co.; th ey are the parents of two children now living — John, born Oct 20, 1856, a nd Susan, born February, 1858. Mr. Kenton was a son of Mark Kenton, o ne of the early settlers of Ohio, locating in Champaign Co., Ohio, in 180 1, where he lived until his death, which occurred May 5, 1851; he was a na tive of Kentucky; his mother was born in Maryland, and died in Ohio abo ut 1868. Mr. Kenton owns, aside from the above land, 300 acres. (Published in CCGS Newsletter Jan 2005 pg 10 Vol 31 No 1
St Paris Newspaper Abstract
(Research):she lived to be 104 years of age. She lived in her home alone from 1965 w ell into her 90's. She was a remarkable woman, caring, giving, strong, gr eat with children - bore 14 of her own, raised 10 to adulthood , someh ow survived the loss of six children who died before her - she said wh en my Uncle Stanley died that "no mother should outlive this many childre n" - and was loved and admired by many grandchildren and great grandchildr en. I miss her still. She is buried at Union Chapel with my grandfathe r, Ora Hess. (Source Bev) [email protected]
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 150
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship Records pg357 2/7/1865 William Given gdn of Geo rge Given 13 yr 8/1864; heir of William Vinyard, dec'd. Surities Elizabe th Vinyard and William Vinyard
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 148
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 150
Name: «tab»Margeret Given Paxton
(Research):GIVEN WILLIAM J County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 3/13/1933 Volume Number: 7154 Certificate Number: 13502
(Research):The Saint Paris News-Dispatch November 2, 1916 Real estate transfers filed in the county recorder's office on Saturday: Jerome C GIVEN, Nora Given and Sarah J Given transferred property in Urba na to William M SIDDERS and Robert R Sidders; price $1.
Name: «tab»Jerome Clay Given
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship & Indentures Vol1 1 pg 367 May 1, 1849 Demov il Talbott gdn of Joseph Talbott 13yr; Daniel S Talbott 10 yr; Susan Miner va Talbott 8yr; James Talbott 5yr; Eliza Talbott 7yr; Bellville Talbott 2y r; Mary Elizabeth Talbott 12yr; minor heirs of Sarah Talbott dec'd. Suriti es Ira Bean, Archibald McGrew
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship & Indentures Vol1 1 pg 367 May 1, 1849 Demov il Talbott gdn of Joseph Talbott 13yr; Daniel S Talbott 10 yr; Susan Miner va Talbott 8yr; James Talbott 5yr; Eliza Talbott 7yr; Bellville Talbott 2y r; Mary Elizabeth Talbott 12yr; minor heirs of Sarah Talbott dec'd. Suriti es Ira Bean, Archibald McGrew
(Research):Trying to determine if this Sarah Snyder is the same who married Demovi ll Talbot. Location indicates it is, but furterh research is needed.
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship & Indentures Vol1 1 pg 367 May 1, 1849 Demov il Talbott gdn of Joseph Talbott 13yr; Daniel S Talbott 10 yr; Susan Miner va Talbott 8yr; James Talbott 5yr; Eliza Talbott 7yr; Bellville Talbott 2y r; Mary Elizabeth Talbott 12yr; minor heirs of Sarah Talbott dec'd. Suriti es Ira Bean, Archibald McGrew
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship & Indentures Vol1 1 pg 367 May 1, 1849 Demov il Talbott gdn of Joseph Talbott 13yr; Daniel S Talbott 10 yr; Susan Miner va Talbott 8yr; James Talbott 5yr; Eliza Talbott 7yr; Bellville Talbott 2y r; Mary Elizabeth Talbott 12yr; minor heirs of Sarah Talbott dec'd. Suriti es Ira Bean, Archibald McGrew
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship & Indentures Vol1 1 pg 367 May 1, 1849 Demov il Talbott gdn of Joseph Talbott 13yr; Daniel S Talbott 10 yr; Susan Miner va Talbott 8yr; James Talbott 5yr; Eliza Talbott 7yr; Bellville Talbott 2y r; Mary Elizabeth Talbott 12yr; minor heirs of Sarah Talbott dec'd. Suriti es Ira Bean, Archibald McGrew
Indiana Deaths, 1882-1920 about Wm. L. Powell
(Research):There must be 2 Charles F Powell, One died 1877 and one married Jennie Pr ice in 1880. research needed
Inscription: Aged 22y, 5m, 22d
Obit scanned.
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 24 Township 3 Range 11 NE1/4 2/23/1852 Allen Pence to Jos White, 43.2 acres Bk W Pg575 NW1/4 2/23/1852 Allen Pence to Joseph White, 43.2 acres on west si de of E 1/2 BkW Pg575 NW1/4 11/8/1852 Joseph White to George Wells, 43.7 acres on west si de of E 1/2 Bk X Pg265
Name: «tab»Carrie Young Barber
Name: «tab»Myron E Barber
(Research):CCGS News Vol 22 No3 pg 88 Western Citizen July 5 1842 Remaining in the post office at Urbana, Ohio on the evening of June 30 18 42, which if not taken by the 1st day of October 1842, will be sent to t he General Post Office as dead letters Frederick Baker
(Research):Tombstone of son William Henry Harrison says son of Willaim and R Niece We aver
(Research):File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cheryl Shaw [email protected] July 9, 2006, 5:09 pm
(Research):It is not known who this Jacob Baker Senior is. Clark Co, OH German Twp jacob Baker Sr died 9/17/1821. Will recorded 10/1/ 1821. Wife Magdalene. Sons Henry, Jacob, Martin John and Samuel. 3 daughte rs but only names Magdaline. Exec, wife and son Jacob. Wit: William Mille r, Lesis Pontz, John Beamer
(Research):Champaign Co Guardainships1/13/1819 MB 6-237 Andrew Davis Sr, gdn of Catherine Sipe 4 yr (next May); heir of Joseph Sip e, dec'd. Surity Sampson Kelly
(Research):JOSEPH BROWN, farmer, P. O. Terre Haute. This gentleman is one of the pion eers of this county. The older men have to represent their ancestors who a re gone, but who have left their record behind in this beautiful land, whi ch is the pride of Ohio. Their work has been well done, and their graves a re hallowed by the memory of both old-and young. The father of Joseph (Jo hn Brown) was born in Virginia; his wife (Margaret Davis) was one of the g irls that helped decorate Trenton bridge, over which Washington and his ar my passed after the surrender of Lord Cornwallis, at Yorktown. She remembe red Gen. Washington well, and the scenes of the Revolutionary war. Her fat her was Revolutionary soldier, and fought bravely through the struggle f or liberty, never receiving a wound. She was born in New Jersey in 1777. H er parents came to this county in 1806, and settled near where Mr. Brown n ow lives, where the timber was so thick that the sun's rays could hardly r each the ground. Mr. Davis felled enough timber to build him a cabin, aft er which they felt pretty well "fixed up." The Browns were neighbors to th em, and John settled on the land, and built the first cabin, almost on t he spot where Joseph now lives. Two of the Davis boys went into the woo ds one day, and took the gun along, thinking to get some game while they l ooked for the horses. They were both small, and as they walked along a be ar and two cubs were seen. Fearing to shoot, lest the old one should on ly be wounded, and afterward pursue them, the eldest boy (Andrew) waite d, but finally took aim and fired. Taking his younger brother by the h ha nd they ran to the house, and told their father that they had shot at a be ar. The party set out to look after the success of the shot, and. sure eno ugh, the bear lay dead, and the cub., had gone away. Many reminiscences mi ght be given illustrating the wild character of the country, but this wi ll suffice. Deer were plenty, and furnished many a savory meal to the pion eers. Joseph did his share of work when a lad. He was born in 1824, and h as lived all his life within thirty feet of his birthplace. He was marrie d, in 1845, to Miss Mary Bridgeman, and they were parents of one child-Alc ia Isabel. She was born in 1850, and was married to John H. Stevens in 187 0. She was the mother of one child, and they now lie side by side in the q uiet cemetery, where the gentle winds sing their sad requiems over the lov ed ones who were the joy of their parents' home. Mr. Brown is one of our p rosperous farmers, and enjoys the confidence of his neighbors, and is we ll worthy to bear the name of his father. For twenty-five consecutive yea rs Mr. Brown has run a thresher. At one time he worked continuously, day a nd night, for 150 hours, never sleeping during the time. This was do ne in a sawmill, and well shows the pluck and endurance of our pioneers.
Groom's Name: «tab»Marion J. Slane
Concord Items November 21. 1878
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship Bookpg 454 July 26, 1854 Joseph H Arney Gdn of John L Davis 16 (26 Feb 1854); Mary Ellen Dav is 14 yr (May 4, 1854); Lucretia Davis 11 yr (Aug 1853); Azuba Jane Dav is 8 yr (Nov 1853); Joseph Henry Davis 5 yr (Dec 1853); Nancy L Dav is 2 yr ( April 1854); minor heirs of William Davis, Dec'd
Newspaper Abstract
(Research):Family researcher Alice J McCord [email protected]
Urbana Citizen & Gazette Newspaper Abstract
Dau of Joseph
(Research):d/o Joseph Gray
(Research):Beers History pg 659
(Research):4/4/1878, Mrs Kessler, mother of Hezekiah and William Kessler, died a f ew days since at Springhills
Name: «tab»Kite
(Research):Effects from a delayed operation for appendicitis proved fatal for DON KIT E, a young fanner living three miles north east of St Paris. MR KITE was t he son of MR and MRS R M KITE, who live on the adjoining fam1. He was bo rn Apr 1, 1889, being in his 27tb year of age. His malriage to MISS BERT HA HECKER took place Oct 20, 1909. One son, NORMAN survives him together w ith his wife. Besides the parents he leaves a sister, MRS S F SnCKLEY a nd a brother, p AUL KITE. Rev N Y Mathews conducted the funeral services t hat were held in the Myrtle Tree Church on Wednesday. Burial was made at t hat place.
Name: «tab»Don Norman Kite
daughter of Miller and Elizabeth Arrowsmith. Widow of William W Drake (d. 1910). Survived by (adopted) daughter Katherine
Groom's Name: «tab»Luther H. Hotchkiss
Newspaper Abstract
(Research):Beers History Pg 622 Wesley Arrowsmith married Susannah Pence April 8, 1824, in a ceremony perf ormed in Champaign County, Ohio, by the Rev. Samuel Hitt. The second chi ld of Elizabeth Kenton and Ezekiel Arrowsmith, Wesley was named after t he founder of the Methodist Church, John Wesley. His grandparents were Wi lliam and Mary Cleland Kenton and Samuel and Mary Mallard Arrowsmi th . Wesley was born January 20, 1800, in Mason County, Kentucky, but mov ed with his parents to the Northwest Territory the following year.
(Research):CCGS News Fall 1988 Susannah Arrowsmith died Champaign Co, OH 8/19/1868 a ge 64, farmers wife, bn Va , erysipela
(Research):Family record of Joseph Bayles: He was the son of David Bayles, and was bo rn Dec. 20, 1799. He married Ann, second daughter of Ezekiel and Elizabe th Arrow smith, Jan. 12, 1826; in Champaign Co. He died in Lee Co., Iow a, Feb. 29, 1876. Ann died in the same place Jan. 11, 1862. They had sev en children-Celenira, born Dec. 30, 1826; married Joseph Hixon Aug. 10, 18 48. Sarah Ann, born Feb. 11, 1828; married James Micklewait March 7, 185 2, all of Lee Co., Iowa. John M., born in Champaign Co. Oct. 10, 1829; mar ried Sylvia Waterman, in Champaign Co., May 2, 1858; she died in Todd's Va lley, Cal., March 10, 1859. David A., born in Champaign Co. May 27, 183 1; married Sarah Mendenhall, in Lee Co., Iowa, May 3, 1853. Elizabeth, bo rn in Champaign Co., June 11, 1836; married James W. Turner, in Glenwoo d, Iowa, Nov. 28, 1869. Mason, born in Champaign Co., Sept. 24, 1833 ; mar ried Margaret Corkhill, in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, June 23, 1859; she was a da ughter of William Corkhill. Jesse Wise, born in Champaign Co. Sept.. 23, 1 838; married in California-name not known.
(Research):Family record of Mason Arrowsmith : He was the third son of Ezekiel and El izabeth Arrowsmith. He married Margaret Rock, in Champaign Co., Oct. 25, 1 832 ; he died April 9. 1880, at 7 o'clock A. M. Margaret was a daught er of Felix and Mary Rock; born Aug. 29, 1809; died in Champaign Co. Ju ne 6, 1836. Their children were-William R., born in Champaign Co. Sept. 2 9, 1833 ; he served as a private soldier in the great rebellion, being a m ember of the 45th Regiment O. V. I.; was taken prisoner at Knoxville, Tenn ., Nov. 15, 1863; was taken to Crews Prison, Richmond, then to Belle Isl e, and on the 4th day of March, 1864, was taken to Andersonville Prison, w here he died April 27, 1864. Mary, born Dec. 15, 1834; married Elijah Han na in Champaign Co. March 25, 1862. Mason, the subject of this record; mar ried for his second wife Mary Pool, in Shelby Co., Ohio, May 21, 1840; s he was a daughter of George and Mercy Pool; born Sept. 17, 1815; their chi ldren were Holly, born in Champaign Co. July 20, 1841: married V. Leono ra Crutcher July 18, 1867. Margaret, born in Champaign Co. Aug. 15, 18 45 ; married Aaron Aten Oct. 6, 187 0. George Pool, born in Champaign County. July 19, 1849; married Mrs. Mary Kizer March 6, 1878. Minerva and Mar ia (twins) were born June 15, 1853 ; Minerva died July 18, 1853, aged 33 d ays; Maria died July 20, 1853, aged 35 days.
Concord Items April 15, 1880
(Research):Family record of Miller Arrowsmith : He was the fourth son of Ezekiel a nd Elizabeth Arrowsmith. He married Celinda Caraway in Champaign Co. Ju ly 1,1832 ; she was born April 22, 1813; died in Defiance Co., Ohio, Au g. 10, 1840. Names of their children-John C., born April 22, 1833; marri ed Mary A. Evans Dec. 12, 1861 died in Defiance Co. March 22, 1864. Warre n, born in Defiance Co. Nov. 28, 183S; died in Champaign Co. July 31, 184 2. Emily Marilla, born in Defiance Co. Jan. 31, 1840; married Alfred Riden our.
History of Defiance Co, OH
(Research):Family record of Jesse Haller, son of John and Mary Haller : Born March 2 1, 1805 ; married Cassandra, third daughter of Ezekiel and Elizabeth Arrow smith, Dec. 2'2, 1830. Their children were William M., born Sept. 30, 18 31 ; married Amanda Price in Defiance Co. July 4. 1858. Amanda L., born Se pt. 22, 1834; died in Defi ance Co. Sept. 22, 1846. Mary E., born Dec. 2 3, 1836; married Frank Horton in Defiance Co. March 6, 1856.
Beers History WILLIAM HALLER, farmer; P. O. King's Creek; was born in Mason Co., Ky., Aug. 5, 1801 ; is a son of John and Mary (Allen) Haller-he a native of Penns ylvania and she of Virginia; they removed to Kentucky when quite young, a nd there became acquainted and married; they had six children, our subje ct being the only surviving child; the mother died in Kentucky Jan. 10, 18 10. In October, 1812, the father, with his children, removed to Champai gn Co., and, locating in Urbana; followed his trade-that of a blacksmith-t ill March, 1814, when he located upon a farm in Mad River Township. In the same year, he was married to Mrs. Mary Weaver, daughter of Archibald Mc Kinley, a native of Kentucky, by whom he had seven children, five suppos ed to be living-Julian, Mary, Lucinda, Milton and Raper. Mr. Haller carri ed on blacksmithing in connection with farming during his life; he di ed in the summer of 1836, aged 64 years. Our subject was brought up to t he same trade as his father, and was married, March 31, 1825, to Miss Sara h, daughter of Ezekiel and Elizabeth (Kenton) Arrowsmith, he a native of M aryland, and she of Virginia, and a niece of Simon Kenton, of pioneer fame; by this union they had three children, two now living-John and Benjami n; Mrs. Haller died Aug. 3, 1835. Mr. Haller married, for his second wife, June 15, 1836, Jane Arrowsmith, a sister of his first wife; they had t wo children -Sarah Ann and Lavinia ; his second wife died Aug. 24, 1851. H is third wife, Myrtilla W., daughter o£ Aquilla and Susanna Bishop, he mar ried Jan. 18, 1855; they had one child-William A. Mr. Haller resided in M ad River Township till 1851, then bought 200 acres of land in Urbana Towns hip and lived there eleven years, and finally removed to Salem Township, h is present locality. Mr. Haller's life has been one of labor, industry a nd usefulness, and has been crowned with success; he acquired a good compe tency; has given his children a good start in life, and has an ample suffi ciency left for himself. He has been a free supporter of schools and churc hes, and an active Christian man, having been, for some sixty years, a loc al preacher in the M. E. Church; he was converted at the age of 9 years, b efore leaving Kentucky, and, after his emigration to Ohio, at the a ge of 13 years, he joined the M. E. Church, under the labors of Rev. Robe rt W. Finley; at 19 years of age, he was licensed as an exhorter, and, thr ee years later, as a minister. He is now 79 years of age, enjoying good he alth, and without an ache or pain in his body; his remarkable health he cl aims to be due to his careful and temperate habits, having never allowed h imself to get wet by exposure to rain ; has never used intoxicating liquo rs or tobacco in any form, and never uttered an oath in his life. His reco rd is one of remarkably exemplary habits, and is a worthy example to all f uture generations, and we feel that its record here will be of value lo ng after he has passed from works to rewards.
Obit in file in genealogy files sent by Karen Heber 2015
(Research):Family record of William K. Arrowsmith, sixth son of Ezekiel and Elizabe th He married Jemima McCoy; date of birth and death not known. Their child ren were Samuel, born in Champaign Co. Aug. 1, 1841; died in Bement, Il l. Sarah, born in the same county June 16, 1842; married Benton McGi ll in Bement, Ill., Dec. 12, 1875. Elizabeth, born in same county May 3, 1 844; married Seymore Yoakum ; died in Bement, Ill., Jan. 4, 1877. John W ., born in the same county Feb. 5, 1847 ; no further record given.
Concord ltems June 10, 1880
(Research):Leaves a husband and five shildren
(Research):Family record of Levi and Calista P. (Arrowsmith) Stuart: She was the seco nd daughter of John and Lucy R. Arrowsmith. They were married near Glasgo w, Iowa, Oct. 25, 1855. She died July 23, 1867. Names and births of the ir children-Lucy Elizabeth, born Sept. 29, 1856, married James Phillips, n ear Glasgow, Iowa; Mary Amelia, born April 29, 1858 ; Victoria Jane, da te of birth not known; John R., date of birth not known; F. Estelle, da te of birth not known; died near Glasgow, Iowa
(Research):Family record of Charles T. Patterson : He married F. Ann Arrowsmith in M t. Pleasant, Iowa, May, 1871. She is the third daughter of John and Lu cy R. Arrowsmith. Names and births of their children-Laura Almeda, bo rn in Burlington, Iowa, Aug. 23, 1874.
Concord ltems June 10, 1880
History of Defiance Co, OH
(Research):Champaign Democrat July 29, 1909
Concord Items April 24, 1879
(Research):Beers History of Champaign Co, OH
St Paris News Dispatch
(Research):Family record of William Mayse : He was born June 15, 1836; married Sar ah Ann Haller, daughter of William and Jane Haller, in Kingston, Champai gn Co., Sept. 27, 1866. Mr. Mayse was appointed as a Clerk in the Pensi on Office at Washington City, D. C., July 1, 1865, which position he hol ds at present. Names and births of their children-Lizzie M., born in Washi ngton City, D. C., Nov. 28, 1867
(Research):Marriage license name is Mytilda
(Research):I am looking for William E. Bishop. He was born in Champaign county, Oh io around 1819 or 1820. He is my GGGGgrandfather. By 1844 he had mov ed to Champaign County Ill. and married Rose A. Jones from Ky. He had four children, Amos, Moses, William A., and Lucy J. He w as later killed during the Civil War in Scottsboro, Alabama in 1864. The I llinois Civil War Muster Roll lists his place of birth as Champaign, Ohio. I have been looking for William E. for two years, wi th no success. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(Research):Family of David Bayles found at LDS Web Site
(Research):Felix ROCK Sex: M
(Research):Joined 45th OVI and taken prosioner by the rebels and starved to dea th in the Andersonville Proson
(Research):Family record of Holly Arrowsmith : Son of Mason and Mary P. He married Va tura Leonora Crutcher, July 18, 1867. She is a daughter of Nathan and Diad ama Crutcher, born Jan. 28, 1848. Names and births of their children-Ma ry May, born May 3, 1868; Addie Estelle, born Nov. 4, 1869; William Natha n, born May 15, 1872-all born in Champaign Co.
(Research):CCGS Newsletter June 1998 Pg 60 1905 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY CENTENNIAL Relics and Curios Under the direction of this committee the relics and curios were sho wn at the Central Ward School building. This was one of the interesting fe atures of the Centennial celebration. The following are the exhibitors a nd list of relics and curios displayed: Mrs. Arrowsmith: copy of paper, Ulster County Gazette, Jan. 4 1800 coveri ng Washington’s death.
Name: «tab»Nora C. Arrowsmith
(Research):Family record of Aaron Aten, who was born in Ashland Co., Ohio, May 24,183 9. He married Margaret, daughter of Mason and Mary P. Arrowsmith; in Champ aign Co., Oct. 6, 1870. Names and births of their children-Samuel Sedgwic k, born in Nevada, Ohio, Nov. 12, 1871; Ruth, born Aug. 17, 1879.
(Research):Family record of George P. Arrowsmith : He is the second son of Mason a nd Mary P. He married Mrs. Mary Kizer, whose maiden name was Austin. She w as born May 2, 1855. Names and births of their children-Walter, born May 2 2, 1879 ; infant daughter, born Sept. 12, 1880.
ame: «tab»Emily M. Ridenow
Newspaper Abstract
He was removed from Harbor Cemetery and buried in Oakdale Cemetery on October 25, 1909
Name: «tab»Charles S. Hanna
CCGS, Book III, August 2002 by Dorothy Shaffer, Champaign Co, Ohio St Par is Newspaper Abstracts Jan 1900-1916, pg115. 3/26/1914 Aged 48, a wealt hy farmer, killed himself by blowing the top of his head off with a shotgun. Was in his nightclothes while his brother and sister were in bed. He h ad mental trouble for about 2 years. Besides his brother and sister at him e, he leaves a half brother William Hanna living in IA. One brother Charl es died several years ago. Burial in oak Dale.
Name: «tab»Laura Hanna
Janet Hussmann
Name: «tab»Raymond Hess
Titles and Terms: «tab»
Event Type: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»22 May 1925
Event Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio, United States
Event Place (Original): «tab»
Age: «tab»19
Birth Year (Estimated): «tab»1906
Birth Date: «tab»16 Jul 1906
Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Father's Name: «tab»Jasper Hess
Father's Titles and Terms: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Emma Spellman
Mother's Titles and Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Eleanor Krautwater
Spouse's Titles and Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): «tab»1907
Spouse's Birthplace: «tab»Springfield, Ohio
Spouse's Father's Name: «tab»Fred Krautwater
Spouse's Father's Titles and Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's Name: «tab»Maude Owens
Spouse's Mother's Titles and Terms: «tab»
Reference ID: «tab»p 36 16906
GS Film number: «tab»466637
Digital Folder Number: «tab»004016779
Image Number: «tab»00417
Citing this Record "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XDKT-P5C : accessed 04 Aug 2013), Raymond Hess and Eleanor Krautwater, 1925.
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»22 May 1924
Event Place: «tab»Clark Couty, Ohio
Age: «tab»46
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1878
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»George T. Grimsley
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Lucinda Cunningham
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Emma M. Hess
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»43
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1881
Spouse's Father: «tab»Scott Spellman
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Eliza Shaffer
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 357 16272
Film Number: «tab»466637
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016779
Image Number: «tab»213
Death date: 18 Dec 1926
Death place: Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Estimated birth year: 1881
Age at death: 45 years 9 months 14 days
Gender: Female
Marital status:
Race or color:
Street address:
Burial date:
Burial place:
Cemetery name:
Spouse's name:
Father's name: Scott Spellman
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace:
Mother's name: Catharine Shaffer
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace:
GSU film number: 1984616
Digital GS number: 4024315
Image number: 3149
Reference number: fn 72484
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Death date: 01 Mar 1928
Death place: Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth date: 13 Jul 1842
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Mechanicsburg, Ohio
Age at death: 85 years 7 months 18 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 1801 Pythian Ave.
Occupation: Builder
Burial date: 03 Mar 1928
Burial place: Mechanicsburg, Ohio
Cemetery name:
Spouse name: Sarah Morgan
Father name: Morgan
Father titles:
Father birth place: Wales
Mother name: Williams
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: U.S.
GSU film number: 1991204
Digital GS number: 4022085
Image number: 1409
Reference number: fn 13742
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Section 39 - Lot 28
Section 34 - Lot 21
Thomas, son of Nathaniel II, was found on the Greenfield farm in 1770, wi th his young wife Ann Hite.
Thomas's will was probated in 1808, his children were; two married daughte rs, Rachel Nutt and Sarah Morris, John, Eleanor, Thomas, William HIte, Jac ob, Nathaniel and a daughter Betsy wife of John Lupton.
From Phil Cartmille 3/2008
[email protected]
Ann Hite Cartmell, b. 1745 in Frederick Co. VA, was the widow of Thomas Cartmell, also of Frederick Co. VA. After the death of her husband, she migrated, in 1813 to Clark County, Ohio along with her brother-in-law Nathaniel Cartmell, and they settled near Catawba. Her children were Elizabeth, Nathaniel, William H., Sarah, Joseph, Thomas Jr., John, Rachel, Eleanor, and Jacob P. Cartmell.
(Note, Elizabeth had married in Frederick Co. VA, to John Lupton, and she remained there.)
This family remained in Clark Co. Ohio for many years, and they were active and productive in the area. There are several mentions of members of this family as having taken advantage of the educational opportunities at Wittenberg College in Springfield, Ohio.
Having tried to contact any living members of this family line in the Springfield Ohio area, I have not had much success. It would seem that there are no descendants of this line who remain in Clark Co.
My own family line (Descendants of John Cartmill), were located only 40 miles east of Clark Co, in Madison County, Ohio, were related, but I find no evidence of contact between these two lines. My William Cartmill, was b. in 1779 in Augusta Co. VA, and migrated from there to Bath Co. KY in 1788. In 1812, he migrated to Madison Co. OH. DNA testing has verified that the two lines are connected, but in those early days travel was difficult and may explain the lack of contact between these families.
Champaign Co, Indentures Book A - Misc CCGS Newsletter June 1989 compil ed by Pat Stickley pg115 1/20/1830 Thomas D Crow by James Kavanaugh gdn; s/o Joseph Crow, dec 'd. 8y3m bound to Harvey B Pearce, farmer to Oct 20 1842
1880 Census Place Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Family History Library Fi lm 1254998
NA Film Number T9-0998 Page Number 410D Henry C. PEARCE Self M Male W 47 OH Physici Binnie PEARCE Wife M Female W 40 OH Keeping Hou se PA MD Ettie PEARCE Dau S Female W 23 OH At Home OH OH Charles PEARCE Son S Male W 19 OH OH OH Henry M. PEARCE Son S Male W 12 OH Attending Scho ol OH OH William PEARCE Son S Male W 6 OH OH OH Frank C. PEARCE Son S Male W 2 OH OH OH Harvey C. PEARCE Other M Male W 75 OH Farm Beulah PEARCE1 Other M Female W 71 OH Keeping Hou se KY KY John TUDOR Other S Male B 34 OH Laborer --- VA Mattie ADAMS Other W Female B 55 OH Servant VA PA
Enumeration of citizens over 70 years of age 5/21/1889 Harvey C Pearce, b Urbana, age 84
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»08 Oct 1920
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»26
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1894
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Washington P. Moore
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Anna Climer
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Lula May Emory
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1902
Spouse's Father: «tab»Frank Emory
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Elizabeth Weldon
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»135
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»80
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»23 Feb 1908
Death Place: «tab»Fletcher, Miami, Ohio
Age: «tab»65
Birth Date: «tab»1843
Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co.
Occupation: «tab»V. S.
Race: «tab»White
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07065-4
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»550191
Reference Number: «tab»v 4 p 11
Name: Homer K Hume Age at Death: 77 Date of Death: 21 May 1959 City of Death: Urbana County of Death: Champaign Volume: 15764 Certificate: 30947 Date of Birth: Est. 1882 Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White City of Residence: Urbana County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Mercy Memorial Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy
Death Date: «tab»01 Aug 1924
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1845
Birthplace: «tab»
Death Age: «tab»79 years 3 months 24 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Jas K. Cheetham
Father's Name: «tab»Jos C. Coulson
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Maria Compton
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»1992502
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4001416
Image Number: «tab»2400
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 43087
John Bland, father of Joseph, was born in Virginia, July 14, 1825, and di ed on his farm in Waldo township, Marion County, Ohio, January 29, 190 0. In early manhood he left his home in Virginia and crossed the Ohio Rive r, subsequently settling in Belmont County, Ohio, where he learned the coo per's trade and worked at the same for some time. During his residen ce in Belmont County he married his first wife, and then moved to Union Co unty, where he invested his money in farming land. Mr. Bland sold his prop erty in Union County in 1886 and came to Marion County, where he boug ht a tract of 500 acres of land from the estate of Daniel Drake. Mr. Bla nd proved himself a man of excellent business judgment in the buying and s elling of his property. When he bought his first farm, of 50 acres, in Uni on County, he was obliged to contract a debt, but he soon discharged th is and sold that farm, subsequently buying 100 acres in Union Comity, to w hich he later added 90 acres, and was able to sell the whole, after improv ing, it, for $100 per acre. His purchase in Marion County was of land in p retty good condition, with buildings, but he never ceased improving it. F or some years Mr. Bland carried on farming and stock-raising on his lar ge property., but he was awake to other business opportunities and subsequ ently bought a large hotel at Colinwood, not far from Cleveland. This ente rprise was managed by his son Solomon. his death, Mr. Bland's property w as divided among his heirs, Joseph purchasing from the heirs a porti on of his present farm, having resided on 67 acres of the same since 189 2. In Belmont County, Ohio, John Bland was married (first) to Margaret Ken nedy, a native of that county, who died in Union County, Ohio, in July, 18 73. She belonged to one of the pioneer families of Belmont County. She w as a good mother and a consistent, Christian woman The 10 children bo rn to this marriage were as follows: Mary, who died aged 16 years, Dora, w ho died aged 15 years; Emma who married W. H. Oborn; Margaret who marri ed Lee Long; Robert, Lewis, George, Solomon and John, all deceased; and Jo seph. In 1890 John Bland was married (second) to Electa Jones, who was bo rn in Waldo township, Marion Comity, Ohio, a daughter of Jasper Jones. o ne of the best known men of Richland township. Jones was a pioneer in Mari on County. and was a soldier during the Civil War. T'here was no iss ue to the second union. Joseph Bland, was a child of three years when h is mother died, and until his father married again his sister managed t he household and took care of him during his youth. When Joseph was 14 yea rs of age, his father first visited Marion County and when he located he re permanently, Joseph accompanied the household. His education was obtain ed entirely in the district schools of Union and Marion Counties, his atte ndance being at irregular intervals as there was always so much wo rk to do on the farm. He continued to remain on the, home place until 189 0. Prior to settling on this farm, he rented land in Waldo township for o ne year from Captain Drake. Mr. Bland has successfully carried on gener al farming, raised some good stock and does dairying to the extent of supp lying all home needs. In 1888 he erected his present comfortable frame res idence of eight rooms and also built his substantial barn together with ot her buildings needed for large farming operations. On December 24, 1890, M r. Bland was united in marriage with Ella Gornpf, who was born on her fath er's farm in Richland township, Marion County, Ohio, December 18, 1869, a nd is a daughter of Philip Gompf, who still resides in Waldo township, o ne of the prominent citizens. He was born in Marion County, his father hav ing come to Ohio from Pennsylvania Philip Gompf was married (first) to Chr istina Metzger, who was also born in Marion County, of German parentage. M rs. Gompf died March 26, 1900, aged 56 years. The children born to Phil ip Gompf and wife were: Flora, wife of W. A. Sager; Rose, deceased, who w as the first wife of John Bland, a brother of Joseph; Ella; Clara; John; W ebster; Mary, who became the second wife of John Bland; and Maude. Mr. Gom pf was married (second), September 29, 1903, to Nellie Brown, who is a nat ive of Delaware County Ohio. About 1880 Mr. Gompf sold his farm in Richla nd township and bought a farm in Waldo township, where he is a very high ly respected citizen. He has served as township trustee and is a memb er of the present Village Council of Waldo. For many years he has been a l eading member of the Democratic party in this section. Mrs. Bland was educ ated in the public schools of Waldo township, where she was creditably gra duated, and at the age of 17 years was given a teacher's certificate, foll owing which she successfully taught two terms in Richland township, thr ee terms in Bowling Green township and two in Waldo township. A pleasant c oincidence is that the one daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bland, Mazie Margare t, who was born February 1, 1892, is one of the brightest students of t he school in Waldo township, which was once taught by her very capable mot her. Politically, Mr. Bland has always been identified with the Republic an party, but takes no very active interest beyond always casting his vo te for his party's candidates. He is a man well qualified for office but h as never been willing to accept any. He possesses musical talent a nd is a member of an organization known as the Musical Stock Company, a ba nd and orchestra, his favorite instrument being the slide trombone. He bel ongs to Whetstone Lodge, Knights of Pythias.
United States Federal Census 7-18-1860
James W Yocom 32 FARMER PROPERTY VALUE: $ 32000? PERSONAL VALUE: $ 1000
Hanah Yocom 36
Viola Yocom 4
John Yocom 1
United States Federal Census 8-11-1870
Hannah Yocum 46 OH
Viola Yocum 12 OH
John Yocum 11 OH
Elmore Yocum 9 OH
Alfred Yocum 7 OH
Jesse Yocum 4 OH
1880 United States Federal Census 6-21-1880
Name: James W. Yocom
Home in 1880: Union, Champaign, Ohio 253 / 267Age: 52
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1828
James W. Yocom 52 OH-KY-OH FARMER
Hannah Yocom 56 OH-VA-VA
Elmer Yocom 19 OH-OH-OH " " "
Afferd Yocom 16 OH-OH-OH " " "
Will Book I pg 202 James W Yocum, Union Twp died 1/1/1898 probated 1/11/18 98 Heirs-Hannah Yocum, widow; Viola Perry, dau, Mechanicsburg; John Yocum, so n, Reynolds; Elmer Yocum, son, Reynolds; Alfred Yocum, son, Richwood. Wi fe Hannah all household goods, livestock, chattels and homestead of 180 ac res (where we liv) her natural life; at her death divided equally amo ng my four ch; each of the ch to be charged with money I advanced the. Elmer Yocum Exec Wit: W H Rock, James Johnson, Samuel C Moore Signed 12/30/1897
The first member of this family in America was Solomon Yocom of Virginia,,who removed to Kentucky in 1802, settling near Mount Sterling, and in 1820 came to Ohio, locating at Urbana. After buying horses and other live stock there for some time he settled two miles east of Granite Hill and opened up Sulphur Springs, clearing and developing the land
round about that place. His first building was a log cahin. Later he moved to Urbana on account of the prevalence of malaria at Sulphur Springs. He finally bought land near George's Chapel, and later died while living with his son, John W Yocom, his death occurring there in 1855. His wife had preceded him to the grave in 1838. He was a harnessmaker and saddlemaker by trade. He was also a local preacher and often preached to the Indians in the early days, with Sol Hinkle. He was a Methoclist. Seven children were born to Solomon Yocom and wife, namely: Kate, Nancy, Sallie M., John Wesley, Betsy, Caroline and Lucy Ann. Kate Yocom married John Miller and three children were born to them, Solomon, who
married Pruetta Studebaker; Nancy, who married Peter Kenny, and Robert.Nancy Yocom married Levi King, and they were parents of two children,Polly, who married Daniel Baylor, of Union township, and after his death married Thomas Middleton. of Wayne township, and Charles K., who lives in Springfield, Ohio. Sallie M Yocom married Reuben Adams and these
children were born to them: Eliza, who married Levi Elliot, a soldier in the Union army, who established his home in this county; Mary Ann. who married John «i»W. «/i»Diltz, who established his home in Union township.. this county; Caroline, who married Alex Miller and located in Goshen township, this county; John W., who died when young: Lucy Ann, who married
James Edge and moved to Indiana; Solomon, who lived at Mutual. and who was killed in a saw-mill; Sarah, who now lives in London, Ohio, the widow of Andrew J. Stone, a soldier in Company C. Sixty-sixth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, during the Civil \\Var. who died in December, 1898.
John Wesley Yocom, the only son in the family, is mentioned in succeeding paragraphs in this article. Betsey Yocom married John Worrell, who located in Urbana, and they had the following children: James, who was a machinist in Springfield, Ohio, and later in Richmond, Indiana ; Frank, who was a soldier in the Civil War, and who died at Memphis Tennessee, after serving in the war ; Adam, also a soldier in the Civil War and a locomotive engineer, who died in Indiana; William, also a Union soldier, and a locomotive engineer, also lived in Indiana; Moses B., a blacksmith. who served in the Union army and after the war located in Ohio. Caroline Yocom married James Bailey, of Urbana, Ohio, and had one child, Charles, who lived with his grandfather, Solomon Yocom, until he was twenty years old, then went to Madison county, Ohio. He married Sallie Crawford. Lucy Ann Yocom, the seventh and youngest child, married Davidson Bayless, a farmer of Union township, this county, and they became parents of four children: Susie, widow of David Syler, of Miami county, Ohio, now making her home in the city of Cleveland; Lemuel, who married Martha Craig and located first in Union township, this county, but now makes his homein Logan county, Ohio; Louisa, who married John Syler, of Miami county,Ohio, and who, as well as her husband, is now deceased, and Gould who lives in Michigan.
John Wesley Yocom, father of the immediate subject of this sketch was the only son of Solomon Yocom and wife, and the fifth child in order of birth. He was born in Kentucky in 1805. He spent his boyhood in the Blue Grass state, being fifteen years of age when his parents brought him to Champaign county, in 1820.. He helped clear and develop the home
farm here, working hard and enduring the usual privations of pioneers. He remained at home until 1827, when he married Susanna Watson. She was a native of the vicinity of London. Ohio, and a .daughter of David and Betsey (Helvestine) Watson. David Watson was born in 1770. When a boy he followed the sea six or seven years. later settling in Virginia.
Finally came to Madison county, Ohio. where he was one of the first settlers locating southwest of London where he cleared and developed a farm in the wilderness, when settlers were few and trading centers far remote. He was a soldier in the War of 1812. He and his wife both died in Madison county, this state. Their children were named as follows: Susanna, born in 1808; Jesse. who lived on a farm in Mfadison county; Betsy, who married Joseph Surves, who established his home in Madison county; Samuel, who married Nancy Crider and established his home in Madison county; Isabella, who married Samuel Crider, of Madison county; Stephen, who married Alma Dungan, and they also lived in Madison county; David who married Elizabeth Jones and also lived in Madison county; Mrs. Josephine Brown, also of Madison county. and the two youngest children, daughters,
who died in infancy.
John Wesley Yocom had little opportunity to obtain an education, attending for a short time the pioneer rural schools. After his marriage he moved to the old camp ground in Champaign county, where he lived four years; then to a farm in «i»Wayne township, where he spent· the rest of his life. His widow survived until November 20, 1892. He became one of the leading farmers and stockmen of his locality. He was a Republican. He and his wife were members of the Union Methodist Episcopal church, which congregation often held services in their home before the church was built, and he was active in the affairs of the church. His family consisted of eight children: James W., Mary Jane, Hester, William R., Caroline, Isabella, Louisiana and Emily. James W. Yocom; who was for many years a teacher in the schools of Union township and who died in 1898, married Mrs. Hannah (Millice) Elsworth and had five children, namely: Viola, who married James Perry. of Union township; John, who married
Lulu Reams, also of Union township; Elmer, who married Fannie Corbett and lives in Union township; Alfred. who married a Miss Beltz and lives in .Marion. Ohio. and Jesse, who died when fourteen years of age. Mary Jane Yocom, who died in 1894, was the wife of John Best. They established their home in Wayne township, this county, and three children were
born to them, namely: Enola, who married Statin Middleton and lives in Wayne township; Carrie, wife of David Perry, of Columbus, Ohio, and John Wesley, of Wayne township, who married a Miss Shaul, now deceased. Hester Yocom died in 1845. Wlliam R. Yocom. the immediate subject of this sketch, was the fourth child in order of birth. Caroline Yocom
married O. S. Barber and lives in Urbana. Isabella Yocom died unmarried in 1858.. Louisiana Yocom. now deceased, was the wife of William Yeazell; Emily Yocom married Benjamin MiIIice and lives near Mechanicsburg. Mr.and :Mrs. MiIIice have two children. Cora, who married Wlliam Romanie of Mechanicsburg. and WIIiam, who married Lulu Moody. and lives near Mechanicsburg.
WilIiam R. Yocom grew to manhood on the home farm in his native county and attended the old-time subscription schools in his community, receiving a limited education, walking three miles to the school house, which was of logs, about one-half the way being through the heavy woods. He has become a well-informed man on general topics by wide miscellaneous
reading. He remained at home, assisting with the work on the farm, until he was twenty-seven years old. On March 26, 1862, he married Martha Chedister, who was born in Wayne township, this county, a daughter of Holdridge and Mary Chedister, pioneers of that township. Mrs. Yocom lived only six months after her marriage, dying on October 7, 1862, and Mr. Yocom subsequently married Margaret Linville, who was born in Pennsylvania in 1849, and whose parents brought her to Champaign county when she was eight years old. She was a daughter of Thomas Linville and wife. To this second marriage four children were born, namely: Quinn M «/i»who is farming in Mad River township, this county, and who married
Grace Hunter and has two children, Helen and Margaret; Jason C who is farming in Union township, and who married Elvie Johnson and has three children, William H., Robert and Clyde: Jesse, who died unmarried at the age of twenty-two years, and Samuel L., who lives at home, operating the home farm,and who married Laura Cooper and has one son, Raymond. After his marriage William R. Yocom located near the old home farm in Wayne township, buying one hundred acres. Not long after his second marriage he bought the farm on which he now lives. He was a man of industry, good management and sound judgment and, prospering with advancing years he has become the owner of one thousand acres of excellent farming land in Wayne and Union townships, and has long been regarded
as among the leading general farmers and stock raisers in Champaign and adjoining counties. He farmed on an extensive scale for many years, but now that old age has come on he has turned the operations of his great estate over to his son, for the most part. He always raised large herds of live stock and fed a number of carloads of stock annually for the market, dealing especially in hogs, sheep and horses. He has an attractive and commodious residence in the midst of picturesque surroundings, and numerous modern and substantial outbuildings ; in fact, his lands are well improved in every respect, everything about his place denoting thrift and good management.
Mr. Yocom. is a Republican, but he has never been especially active in political affairs nor aspired to public leadership. However, he has served as township trustee and as a member of the local school board. He has been a member of the local Methodist Episcopal church· for the past sixtyeight years, and has been a liberal supporter of the church and active in it's
general affairs, having served as steward and class leader. Mr. Yocom is exceptionally well preserved for one of his advanced yeas. He has lived a careful and abstemious life, been watchful of his relations with the world in general and lived an honest, upright and clean
life. His hearing and sight are good and he has a remarkable memory; in fact, he has retained all his faculties. He is widely and favorably known throughout the county.
NA Film Number T9-0998 Page Number 476A Wm. R. YOCOM Self M Male W 45 OH Farmer VA VA Hannah M. YOCOM Wife M Female W 30 PA Keeping Hou se PA PA Quinn M. YOCOM Son S Male W 7 OH OH PA Jason C. YOCOM Son S Male W 2 OH OH PA
1800 Census shows Hannah was wife, but IGI shows Margaret Linville as moth er of the children
Name: Wm. R. Yocom
Death date: 26 Sep 1923
United States Federal Census 6-11/12-1900
William R Yocom 65 DEC 1834 OH-KY-OH FARMER "O-F-F"
Hannah M Yocom 50 NOV 1849 PA-PA-PA BOTH SAY - "m. - 28y" "4/4"
Quinn M Yocom 27 JAN 1873 OH-OH-PA SINGLE FARMER
Samuel L Yocom 13 SEPT 1886 OH-OH-PA
Death place: Wayne, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date: 12 Dec 1834
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Wayne Twp., Champaign County, Ohio
Age at death: 88 years 9 months 14 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Farmer
Burial date: 29 Sep 1923
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Urbana Mausoleum
Spouse name: Hannah Yocom
Father name: John Wesley Yocom
Father titles:
Father birth place: Virginia
Mother name: Susan Watson
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Madison Co., Ohio
GSU film number: 1992391
Digital GS number: 4020558
Image number: 509
Reference number: fn 52830
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
John Ferguson Cunningham (1877 - 1953)*
Gender: «tab»Female
Baptism/Christening Date: «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place: «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»25 Jul 1878
Birthplace: «tab»Moorefield Tp., Clark, Ohio
Death Date: «tab»
Name Note: «tab»
Race: «tab»White
Father's Name: «tab»Abram W. Mumper
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Father's Age: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»S. A. Hutton
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Age: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»C01944-1
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»466657
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 24
October 15, 1858
Died 6th October of typhoid fever, Ellen V Crooks, wife of RR Crooks and daughter of William Chatfield, aged 21 years.
Edgar Taylor age 16
Name: Edgar S. Taylor Serial Number: 1954563 Race: W Residence: Westville, O. Enlistment Division: National Army Enlistment Location: Urbana, O. Enlistment Date: 20 Sep 1917 Birth Place: Westville, O. Birth Date / Age: 22 4/12 Years Assigns Comment: Headquarters Company 324 Field Artillery to Dischar ge Corporal 3 Nov 1917. Meuse-Argonne. American Expeditionary Forces 12 Ju ne 1918 to 22 May 1919. Honorable discharge 4 June 1919. Volume #: 17
Name: Harry S. Taylor Serial Number: 2nd Lieutenant Race: W Residence: 29 12th Ave., Columbus, O. Enlistment Division: Regular Army Enlistment Location: Columbus Barracks, O. Enlistment Date: 05 Dec 1917 Birth Place: Urbana, O. Birth Date / Age: 9 Apr 1893 Assigns Comment: Battery C Trench Mortar Battery Jackson Barrac ks La to --; 2 Co Coast Artillery Corps New Orleans La to Discharge Priva te Honorable discharge 25 June 1918 to accept Commission 2 Lieutenant Coa st Artillery Corps 26 June 1918 from Regular Army 53 Artillery Coast Artil lery Corps to Discharge Fort Monroe Va; American Expeditionary Forces Defe nsive Sector. American Expeditionary Forces 17 July 1918 to 7 March 191 9. Honorable discharge 11 March 1919. Volume #: 17
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Mechanicsburg, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Eunice E. Broyles
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1898
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Westville, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»32
Marriage Date: «tab»11 Oct 1930
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»David Brown
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah E. Taylor
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Andrew J. Broyles
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Lillie V. Sowers
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Gender: «tab»Female
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»08 Sep 1905
Death Place: «tab»Salem Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Salem Tp.
Occupation: «tab»
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07023-7
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 535
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Westville, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Ida Rowena Aler
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1890
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Zanesville, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»24
Marriage Date: «tab»22 Jun 1914
Marriage Place: «tab»Franklin, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Andrew J. Broyles
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Lillie Bowers
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Chas C. Aler
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Lucy Doughty
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Name: «tab»Homer D Broyles
Birth Date: «tab»1891
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Cincinnati
Residence County: «tab»Hamilton
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»29 Sep 1977
Hospital of Death: «tab»Veterans Adm. Med. Ctr
City of Death: «tab»Cincinnati
County of Death: «tab»Hamilton
Certificate: «tab»073355
Age at Death: «tab»86
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Mechanicsburg, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Mary Elizabeth Broyles
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1901
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Westville, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»24
Marriage Date: «tab»30 Jun 1925
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Rolla Guy
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Clara Patrick
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Andrew J. Broyles
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Lillie Lowers
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Name: «tab»Mary E. Guy
SSN: «tab»302-40-2459
Last Residence: «tab»43044 Mechanicsburg, Champaign, Ohio,
Born: «tab»4 Apr 1901
Died: «tab»12 Nov 1995
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (1962)
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Mary E Guy
Name: «tab»Mary E Guy
[Mary E Broyles]
Birth Date: «tab»4 Apr 1900
Birth County: «tab»Champaign
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Death Date: «tab»12 Nov 1995
Death Time: «tab»08:37 AM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: «tab»Kenton
County of Death: «tab»Hardin
Certificate: «tab»089491
Age at Death: «tab»95
Hospital Status: «tab»Other/Nursing Home
Social Security Number: «tab»302-40-2459
Father's Surname: «tab»Broyles
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Sowers
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Education: «tab»2 years college
Armed Forces Indicator: «tab»No
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Elementary and secondary schools
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Teachers, elementary school
Primary Registration District: «tab»3301
BRANDYBERRY, Solmon Death date: 1/9/1935, Champaign County
Volume #7705, Certificate #593
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»28 Jun 1910
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»24
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»12/16/1885
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»A.K. Harper
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Doca Reagan
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Jean Cosette Broyles
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»24
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»12/25/1885
Spouse's Father: «tab»A.J. Broyles
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Eunice Sowers
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p. 168 # 335
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»447
Name: «tab»Jeane B Harper
Birth Date: «tab»1886
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Champaign
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»4 Jun 1958
Hospital of Death: «tab»Mercy Memorial Hospital
City of Death: «tab»Urbana
County of Death: «tab»Champaign
Certificate: «tab»39242
Age at Death: «tab»72
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Salem, Champaign, Ohio; Roll: M 653_942; Page: 64; Image: 1 Jonathan Parke 58 Margaret Parke 53 Benj F Parke 23 Clara A Morgan 21 Anna E Parke 17 Addah J Parke 14 Samuel Gladden 12
PG 87JONATHAN PARKEPROBATED 1 MAY 1886 SALEM TWP [DIED 26 APR 1886] Heirs\emdash WidoW Margaret Parke; George W Parke, s on\emdash Cambridge, Ma; Benjamin F Parke-Son-Hindsboro, ILL Anna E Comegys-dauU rbana; Adelia J Sidders-daU-HarVard, Ne. Wife the farm her natural life; d au Anna E Comegys the farm she and husband reside on of 108 acres; s he is to pay wife Margaret $200 per year during her life; to dau Addie J Sidders $1000 and farm I now reside on at decease of wife Margaret; s on B J $1000; balance of property to sons George and B F Parke equally. Wi fe Margaret Parke & Samuel Cowgill executors Witness:M E Morgan Emma Morganwill signed 29 Apr 1885
Will Book C pg 361 Hannah Park probated 2/19/1863 Dau Sarah Ann Shanks; son Jonathan Park; niece Abby Shank; grson John Par k; Sarah's sons Edward and Joseph Shanks. David Rutan Exec. Wit: Versalius Horr A L Shepherd Signed 8/11/1860
Native Chestor Co, Pa and came to Salem Twp 1832. aged almost 84 yrs. two sons, one a lawyer in Boston and other a farmer in IL' two dau, one residing here and one in Neb.
Essa Belle McKenzie Kirby (1886 - 1939)
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»25 Apr 1882
Event Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Birth Date: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1861
Spouse: «tab»Louisa S. Kirby
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Birth Date: «tab»
Spouse's Birthplace: «tab»
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1864
Reference Number: «tab»bk I pg 209
Film Number: «tab»295230
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016262
Image Number: «tab»277
Source Citation"Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XZ53-5L7 : accessed 13 May 2012), Louisa S. Kirby, 1882.
Event: «tab»Death
Event Date: «tab»30 Mar 1935
Event Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Residence: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Street Address: «tab»601 Scioto
Gender: «tab»Female
Death Age: «tab»73y 4m 1d
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race: «tab»White
Occupation: «tab»At Home
Birth Date: «tab»29 Nov 1861
Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1862
Burial Date: «tab»01 Apr 1935
Burial Place: «tab»Oak Dale
Cemetery: «tab»
Father: «tab»John I. Kerby
Father's «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Mother: «tab»Mary Ellen Patrick
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Spouse: «tab»Edwin C. Murphy
Spouse's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»fn 20877
Film Number: «tab»2022486
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4001924
Image Number: «tab»203
Source Citation "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X6WW-MJ9 : accessed 13 May 2012), Edwin C. Murphy in entry for Louise Kerby Murphy, 1935.
Father: Caleb Harlan b: 30 JAN 1765 in Chester County, Pa Mother: Margaret Cloud b: 1768 in Chester County, Pa
Urbana Citizen May 8 1889 S G Smith Compiled by Pat Stickly for CCGS Newsletter Semmer 1994 pg 58 Rush Township Pioneers Mrs Lydia Harlan, aged 90 years, born in Pennsylvania April 18 1799; ca me to Ohio in 1833
Champaign County, Ohio Newspaper Abstracts "The Urbana Citizen and Gazette" Jan 1884-Dec 1885; "The Urbana Daily Citizen" Jan 1886-Dec 1888 (Champaign County Genealogical Society (CCGS)by Pat Stickley January 2002 P O Box 682 Urbana, OH 43073). pg67 9/17/1885 Washinton Woodward, b Apr 1 1813, died 9/13/1885, eight members of family remain totaling 612 years;
Lydia Woodward b 8/4/1797, Jonathan b 5/16/1801, John b 8/17/1803, Ann, b 12/25/1805, Eliza b 2/29/1808, Ephraim b 8/17/1815, William b 6/22/1818 and George b 7/12/1821
September 24, 1885
One of Harry Rawlings infant twin daughters died Friday, aged 7 weeks.
Death Date: «tab»30 Nov 1916
Death Place: «tab»Moorefield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»30 Oct 1854
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1858
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»58 years 1 month
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Retired
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»02 Dec 1916
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Ferncliff
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Alexander Baker
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Johanna Baker
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Md.
Film Number: «tab»1983837
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021399
Image Number: «tab»3049
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 66225
1880 Census Place Rush, Champaign, Ohio Family History Library Film 12 54998
NA Film Number T9-0998 Page Number 346D John B. CRANSTON Self W Male W 82 RI Retired Farm er RI RI Ann CRANSTON Dau S Female W 42 OH Keeping Hou Belle SMITH GDau S Female W 24 IL At Home OH OH
1840-Trustees, Elba Burnham, John B. Cranston, 1841-Trustees, -John B. Cranston
Champaign Co Newspaper Abstracts 1871-1884-The Urbana Citizen and Gazet te 1871-1884 CCGS, by Pat Stickley Dec 2000, pg172. 2/17/1888 ON 10th of F eb a birthday surprize for John B Cranston 89 yrs young and Edward Cransto n, 83 years young, Woodstock
PG 352 JOHN B CRANSTONPROBATED 27 APR 1888 RUSH TWP [DIED 29 MAR 1888] Heirs—Mary A Johnson-dau-Bearsville,ILLl; Peleg Cranston-son- Broadway; Do lly E Robinson-dau-Yates City, ILi; Lucius Cranston-son-Woodstock, Ann B C ranston-dau-Woodstock; Mrs Hager Zimmer-grdau-Columbus; Viola Erb-grdau-Mi lford Center; Clarence Cranston-grson-Portland, Dakotah; Ann B Cranston— g rdau-Yellow Springs; John B Cranston-grson-Milford Center; Clara Bell Brin ey-grdau-Woodstock. To Lucius Cranston and Ann B Cranston my homestead farm; residue both re al and personal to Mary Ann Johnson, Peleg Cranston, heirs of John Cranst on dec’d, Dolly Robinson and heirs of Betsy Smith dec’d equally divided. A ll claims I hold against Mary Ann Johnson, Peleg Cranston, John Cransto n, Dolly Robinson and Rosaloo Smith [Betsy Smith’s husband] are to go towa rds their share. Son Peleg Cranston executor Witness:Edward Cranston Charles E Marsh will signed [xJ 21 Nov 1887
Individual: Compton, Abujah Age: 17 Year(s) Ethnicity: White Birthplace: Ohio County: Grant Township: Franklin Post Office: Marion State: IN Census Page Number: 0346 Census Line Number: 24A National Archives Series Number: M653 National Archives Microfilm Number: 261 Real Property: $0 Personal Property: $0 Literate: Yes School Within Year: Yes Family Number: 0741 Dwelling Number: 0741
GEORGE SHANE, about last week*s article was written states at age of 3 mo he was taken from his mother and placed under the care of an uncle who raised him until apprentice age; his apprenticeship was a severe one. For last 25\emdash 30 yrs his mother has been a homeless wanderer refusing all offers on part of her child for support; because of age, infirmity and disease she seeks protection, he fed and clothed her but did not feel bound to help her.
Name: «tab»Maude Hullinger
SSN: «tab»300-40-7957
Last Residence: «tab»45503 Springfield, Clark, Ohio,
Born: «tab»10 Mar 1887
Died: «tab»15 Sep 1971
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (1962)
1840 Champaign Co, Goshen, OH James Legg pg 313 000010-100010 Legg, James Spouse : Owen, Sarah Marr iage date : Oct 5, 1835
Groom's Name: «tab»Harry E. Yeasel
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1885
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Union Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»22
Bride's Name: «tab»Laura B. Dyke
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1889
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»18
Marriage Date: «tab»18 Sep 1907
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Robert Yeasel
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Anna Sigman
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Michael Dyke
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Etta Seigle
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Death Date: «tab»19 Sep 1940
Death Place: «tab»Harrison, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»25 Mar 1890
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Death Age: «tab»50 years 5 months 24 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»West Liberty R.D. #1
Occupation: «tab»At Home
Residence: «tab»Harrison, Champaign, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»23 Sep 1940
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Huntsville
Spouse's Name: «tab»David R. Blue
Father's Name: «tab»Michael Syke
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»W. Va.
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace:
Urbana Daily Citizen May 6, 1935 Mrs. Flora McNeal, 61, widow of the late Samuel McNeal, died at her hom e, 572 Washington avenue, Sunday morning at 12:30 o'clock, following a 9 w eeks' illness from complications. She had been in failing health for the p ast year. The deceased was the daughter of the late William and Joshia Blu e. She was born and spent all her life in Champaign county, for the most p art in Concord township. Surviving are a son, Walter McNeal, of Urbana, a nd a stepson, Pearl Zerkle, of West Liberty. A son, Harley, died in servi ce during the World war. Funeral services will be held Tuesday afterno on at 2 o'clock from the Concord M. E. church, Dr. H. W. Barr, pastor of t he Urbana Presbyterian church, officiating. Interment will be made in t he cemetery adjoining the church by Frank & Barger, funeral directors of S t. Paris.
IGI FLORA BLUE Event(s): Birth: 10 AUG 1870 , Champaign, Ohio Parents:
Father: WILLIAM BLUE Family
FALONA BLUE Birth: 31 JUL 1873 , Champaign, Ohio Parents:
Father: WILLIAM BLUE Family
NA Film Number T9-1063 Page Number 369B Samuel MCNEAL Self M Male W 48 VA Farmer VA VA Eliza J. MCNEAL Wife M Female W 46 WV Housekeepi ng VA MD Samuel E. MCNEAL Son S Male W 17 OH At Home VA WV Delpha A. MCNEAL Dau S Female W 15 OH At Ho Sarah E. MCNEAL Dau S Female W 13 OH At Ho Festus MCNEAL Son S Male W 11 OH At Home VA WV William L. MCNEAL Son S Male W 8 OH At Home VA WV Rosa Ann NEAL Dau S Female W 6 OH At Home VA WV Eliza J. MCNEAL Dau S Female W 2 OH VA WV
Name: Samuel Mcneal Birthplace: Ohio State: OH 1910 Age: 47 Color: W Enumeration District: 0002 Visit: 0088 County: Champaign Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Daughter Lillie M 17 Ohio Son William L 15 Ohio Son Goerge 13 Ohio
Name : Samuel Ellis Mcneil
Titles :
Death date : 20 Sep 1927
Death place : Concord Twp, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date : 12 Jan 1863
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Ross Co., Ohio
Age at death : 64 years 8 months 8 days
Gender : Male
Marital status : Married
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address :
Occupation :
Residence :
Burial date : 9-23-1927
Burial place :
Cemetery name : Concord
Spouse name : Flora Mcneil
Father name : Samuel A. Mcneil
Father titles :
Father birth place :
Mother name : Eliza Jane Mccoy
Mother titles :
Mother birth place :
GSU film number : 1985116
Digital GS number : 4096046
Image number : 2856
Reference number : fn 50059
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name : Lena Elizabeth Smith
Titles :
Death date : 23 May 1937
Death place : West Liberty, Logan, Ohio
Birth date : 10 Nov 1877
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Champaign Co., O.
Age at death : 59 years 6 months 13 days
Gender : Female
Marital status : Married
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address :
Occupation : Housewife
Residence : West Liberty, Ohio
Burial date : 26 May 1937
Burial place :
Cemetery name : Concord Cemetery
Spouse name : Albert Smith
Father name : Wm Blue
Father titles :
Father birth place : O.
Mother name : Josie
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : Unknown
GSU film number : 2023498
Digital GS number : 4020846
Image number : 653
Reference number : fn 33405
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Death Date: «tab»17 Jun 1947
Death Place: «tab»Bethel Twp, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»1858
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Virginia
Death Age: «tab»89 years
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Lydia Jane Shipper
Father's Name:
event: «tab»Marriage
event place (standardized): «tab»Clark, Ohio, United States
event place (other): «tab»
age: «tab»48
estimated birth year: «tab»1862
birth date: «tab»27 Jul 1862
birthplace: «tab»Wilshire, Ohio
father: «tab»Joel Stetler
father's «tab»
mother: «tab»Margaret Feasel
mother's «tab»
spouse: «tab»Alice Mae Blue
spouse's «tab»
spouse's age: «tab»35
spouse's estimated birth year: «tab»11/17/1875
spouse's birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
spouse's father: «tab»James Blue
spouse's father's «tab»
spouse's mother: «tab»Nannie A. Kelley
spouse's mother's «tab»
reference number: «tab»6817
film number: «tab»465398
digital folder number: «tab»004016784
image number: «tab»00293
Citing this Record "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XDL7-XN5 : accessed 31 Oct 2012), John W Stetler and Alice Mae Blue, 1910; citing reference 6817, FHL microfilm 465398.
Ohio, Births and Christenings Index, 1800-1962 about Alice Blue
Name: «tab»Alice Blue
Gender: «tab»Female
Birth Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»23 Nov 1872
Father's Name: «tab»James Blue
Mother's name: «tab»Nannie Kelley
FHL Film Number: «tab»295232
Ohio, Births and Christenings Index, 1800-1962 about Alice Blue
Name: «tab»Alice Blue
Gender: «tab»Female
Birth Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»23 Nov 1873
Father's Name: «tab»James Blue
Mother's name: «tab»Nannie Kelley
FHL Film Number: «tab»295232
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»29 May 1935
event place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
residence: «tab»
street address: «tab»
gender: «tab»Female
death age: «tab»61y 6m 1d
marital status: «tab»Widowed
race: «tab»w
occupation: «tab»at home
birth date: «tab»28 Nov 1873
birthplace: «tab»Sidney, Ohio
estimated birth year: «tab»1874
burial date: «tab»31 May 1935
burial place: «tab»Ferncliff Cem.
cemetery: «tab»
father: «tab»James Blue
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
mother: «tab»Nancy Ann
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
spouse: «tab»John Stettler
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»fn 28592
film number: «tab»2022517
digital folder number: «tab»4001926
image number: «tab»2261
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images,
FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X6WC-DZK :
accessed 31 Oct 2012), Alice Stettler, 1935; citing reference fn 28592,
Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
Ohio, Births and Christenings Index, 1800-1962 about Anna Marie Blue
Name: «tab»Anna Marie Blue
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Birth Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»10 Nov 1900
Father's Name: «tab»Chas. Blue
Mother's name: «tab»Emma Overholser
FHL Film Number: «tab»466658
Ohio, Births and Christenings Index, 1800-1962 about Etta May Blue
Name: «tab»Etta May Blue
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Birth Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»22 Jan 1902
Father's Name: «tab»Chas. Blue
Mother's name: «tab»Emma Overholser
FHL Film Number: «tab»466658
Ohio, Births and Christenings Index, 1800-1962 about Charles Louis Blue
Name: «tab»Charles Louis Blue
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Birth Place: «tab»Concord Township, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»26 Mar 1880
Father's Name: «tab»James R. Blue
Father's Age: «tab»35
Father's Birth Place: «tab»Ohio
Mother's name: «tab»Nannie A. Kelly
Mother's Age: «tab»20
Mother's Birth Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
FHL Film Number: «tab»530182
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Death Clark Co, OH
event date: «tab»06 Dec 1949
event place: «tab»
residence: «tab»
street address: «tab»
gender: «tab»Male
death age: «tab»69y8m10d
marital status: «tab»
race: «tab»White
occupation: «tab»
birth date: «tab»26 Mar 1880
birthplace: «tab»Ohio
estimated birth year: «tab»1880
burial date: «tab»
burial place: «tab»
cemetery: «tab»Lawrenceville
father: «tab»James Blue
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»
mother: «tab»Nancy Ann Kelly
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»
spouse: «tab»
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»Certificate
film number: «tab»2247103
digital folder number: «tab»4109195
image number: «tab»01425
Citing this Record
"Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https:
//familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X624-FLM : accessed 31 Oct 2012), Charles L Blue, 1949;
citing reference Certificate, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
Death Date: «tab»24 Dec 1923
Death Place: «tab»Perkins, Erie, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»25 Mar 1844
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab», Miami, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»79 years 9 months
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»S.S. Home
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Residence: «tab»Perkins Twp., Erie, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»29 Dec 1923
Burial Place: «tab»Fletcher, Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Lewis Frazee
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Rebecca Walcott
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1992397
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4000578
Image Number: «tab»802
Death Date: «tab»26 Mar 1916
Death Place: «tab»Ansonia, Darke, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»04 May 1867
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»48 years 10 months 27 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Housekeeper
Residence: «tab»Ansonia, Darke, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»28 Mar 1916
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Ansonia Cem.
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Maggie M. Blue
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»
Marriage Date: «tab»03 May 1887
Marriage Place: «tab»Logan, , Ohio
in Myrtle Tree Baptist Church Cemetery md D A Robinson
Two stones:
D Robinson 1862-1939
Maggie Blue Robinson 1872-1955
Monument Armstrong-Robinson
D A Robinson 1861-1939
Maggie Blue Robinson 1871-19---
Death Date: «tab»10 Oct 1953
Death Place: «tab»Urbana Twp, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»14 Apr 1872
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»81 years
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Simon Blue
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Jane Harper
Death Date: «tab»01 Nov 1918
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»28 Oct 1892
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Champ. Co. Ohio
Death Age: «tab»26 years 4 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»414 Louden St.
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»04 Nov 1918
Burial Place: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Dennis Cox
Father's Name: «tab»Benj. F. Blue
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah J. Hildebrant
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1984535
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021929
Image Number: «tab»2977
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 73654
Name: «tab»Dennie Cox
Birth Date: «tab»1887
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Champaign
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»25 Mar 1977
Hospital of Death: «tab»Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: «tab»Champaign County
County of Death: «tab»Champaign
Certificate: «tab»015566
Age at Death: «tab»90
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Social Security Death Index about Dennie Cox
Name: «tab»Dennie Cox
SSN: «tab»281-10-5200
Last Residence: «tab»43318 De Graff, Logan, Ohio,
Born: «tab»17 Sep 1886
Last Benefit: «tab»43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio,
Died: «tab»Mar 1977
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
Name: «tab»Myrtle Blue
Birth Date: «tab»1902
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Urbana
Residence County: «tab»Champaign
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»14 Oct 1969
Hospital of Death: «tab»Public/Other
City of Death: «tab»Urbana
County of Death: «tab»Champaign
Certificate: «tab»073481
Age at Death: «tab»67
Certifier: «tab»Coroner
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»04 Nov 1888
Event Place: «tab»Shelby, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Lulu Fletcher (Sarah Lulu)
Spouse's Titles & Terms:
Death Date: «tab»16 Dec 1938
Death Place: «tab»Dinsmore, Shelby, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»09 Apr 1867
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Logan Co., Ohio
Death Age: «tab»71 years 7 months 7 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Minister, M.E.
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»18 Dec 1938
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Sarah Curl
Father's Name: «tab»John Curl
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Martha Hamond
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»2023673
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4121594
Image Number: «tab»182
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 73660
Ohio, County Births, 1856-1909
birth:«tab»16 Jul 1897«tab»Concord, Champaign, Ohio
parents:«tab»Leroy L. Blue, Lizzie L. White
Death Date: «tab»23 Jun 1953
Death Place: «tab»Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»02 Oct 1899
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Quincy, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»53 years 8 months 21 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Sidney Young
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Frances Lula Askren
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2246550
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4109470
Ohio Obituary Index, 1830s-2009, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center about Flossy Pearl Blue
Name: «tab»Flossy Pearl Blue
[Flossy Pearl Young]
Birth Date: «tab»2 Oct 1899
Death Date: «tab»23 Jun 1953
Age at Death: «tab»53
Death Place: «tab»Bellefontaine, Ohio
Spouse: «tab»Carey Blue
Marriage Date: «tab»23 Dec 1916
Parents: «tab»Sidney & Frances
Newspaper: «tab»Bellefontaine Examiner, Bellefontaine, Ohio
Newspaper Date: «tab»24 Jun 1953
Newspaper Page: «tab»p. 3, col. 7
Years Indexed: «tab»1956-58,1964-1967, 1969-1970, 1972, 1974- current
Newspaper Repository: «tab»Logan County District Library -Bellefontaine, Oh; Logan County District Library -Bellefontaine, Oh
Library Link: «tab»Order Copy
Image Number: «tab»01528
Certificate Number: «tab»47699
event:Death «tab»«tab»
event date:20 Dec 1946 «tab»«tab»
event place:Allen Co, Lima, OH«tab»«tab»
street address:«tab»«tab»
gender:Male «tab»«tab»
death age:44y1m19d «tab»«tab»
marital status:Married Fannie Blue, age 65«tab»«tab»
race:White «tab»«tab»
birth date:31 Oct 1902 «tab»«tab»
birthplace:Shelby Co, Ohio «tab»«tab»
estimated birth year:1902 «tab»«tab»
burial date:12/23/1946«tab»«tab»
burial place:Quincy«tab»«tab»
father:«u»Leroy Blue «/u» «tab»«tab»
father's titles & terms:«tab»«tab»
father's birthplace:Shelby Co, OH«tab»«tab»
mother:«u»Elizabeth Waite «/u» «tab»«tab»
mother's titles & terms:«tab»«tab»
mother's birthplace:Logan Co, OH«tab»«tab»
spouse:«u»Fannie Blue «/u» «tab»«tab»
spouse's titles & terms: Informant Mrs Fannie Blue, Quincy, OH«tab»«tab»
reference number:certificate «tab»«tab»
film number:2372966 «tab»«tab»
digital folder number:4076298 «tab»«tab»
image number:02720 «tab»«tab»
«b»Citing this Record «/b»"Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch«/i» (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X6JB-77B : accessed 12 Nov 2012), Judson Blue, 1946; citing reference certificate, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
Court of Common Pleas 1890 from Champaign Democrat abstracted by Pat Stick ley CCGS Newsletter Fall 1989 12/4/1890 Jacob H McIntire vs County Commissioners
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Leona V Blue
Name: «tab»Leona V Blue
Birth Date: «tab»1891
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Bellefontaine
Residence County: «tab»Logan
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»14 Aug 1978
Hospital of Death: «tab»Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: «tab»Logan County
County of Death: «tab»Logan
Certificate: «tab»058805
Age at Death: «tab»87
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: «tab»Divorced
BLUE LLOYD A County Name: LOGAN Date of Death: 12/27/1926 Volume Number: 5225 Certificate Number: 75702
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2002
about Helen W Blue
Name: «tab»Helen W Blue
Birth Date: «tab»1895
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Logan
Residence State: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»25 Aug 1960
Hospital of Death: «tab»Home
City of Death: «tab»Logan County
County of Death: «tab»Logan
Certificate: «tab»58463
Age at Death: «tab»65
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Census Tract: «tab»0000
Daughter of Charles & Gerturde Taylor
Died of diabetes
Ohio, Births and Christenings Index, 1800-1962 about Clarence Blue
Name: «tab»Clarence Blue
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Birth Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»14 Mar 1900
Father's Name: «tab»Emmit Blue
Mother's name: «tab»Francis Boblett
FHL Film Number: «tab»466658
Ohio, County Births, 1856-1909
birth:«tab»25 Apr 1885«tab»Logan, Auglaize, Ohio
parents:«tab»John Blue, Elizabeth Carter
Date of Death: October 14, 1965 Volume: 18234
Certificate: 78259 Marital Status: Divorced
Place of Death: , Miami County Race: White
Residence: , Miami County Age: 80
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Birth
event date: «tab»30 Jan 1895
event place: «tab»Quincy, Logan, Ohio
registration date: «tab»
registration place: «tab»
gender: «tab»Male
race: «tab»white
father: «tab»Samuel Blue
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»
father's age: «tab»
mother: «tab»Ora P. Wirt
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»
mother's age: «tab»
additional relatives: «tab»
reference number: «tab»v 3 p 7
film number: «tab»534832
digital folder number: «tab»004016816
image number: «tab»00013
Citing this Record "Ohio, County Births, 1856-1909," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, & 1958-2007 about Esther E Blue
Name: «tab»Esther E Blue
Birth Date: «tab»1899
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Auglaize
Residence State: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»20 Oct 1974
Hospital of Death: «tab»Lima Memorial Hospital
City of Death: «tab»Lima
County of Death: «tab»Allen
Certificate: «tab»072216
Age at Death: «tab»75
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Death Date: «tab»10 Jun 1911
Death Place: «tab»Jackson, Shelby, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»03 Jan 1911
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Jackson Twp. O.
Death Age: «tab»5 months 6 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»11 Jun 1911
Burial Place: «tab»Port Jefferson
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Samule Wilson Abbott
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Shelby Co., O.
Mother's Name: «tab»Olie Fay Myers
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1953044
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021107
Image Number: «tab»1830
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 34746
JOSEPH BLACKFORD, b ? d by Apr 1790, prob. in Ky. Was with Gen Geo Roge rs Clark, KY Militia. An HEIR of SAMUEL BLACKFORD per 1782 Deed in Nelson Co, Ky. Administration of Joseph Blackford Estate by URIAH BLUE. Settlement of Estate by Uriah Blue, Reported 8 Jan 1793. Nelson Co., KY.
6/1790 WILLIAM CLEAVER apptd. Guardian for WILLIAM, SARAH & STEPHEN BLACKF ORD, orphans of Joseph Blackford.Nelson Co., KY
MRS ELIZABETH BLACKFORD (widow) married JOHN UNCIL in Nelson Co., KY, 179 4, marr. by James Chambers.Surety Henry Uncil.
WILLIAM BLACKFORD married SARAH CLEAVER(above 21yrs) Surety William Cleave r. Consent for William by his mother ELIZABETH UNCELL. Sept 13, 1802, in N elson Co, KY.
SARAH BLACKFORD m John POWERS Nov 23, 1813 in Nelson Co, Ky, may be da u. of Joseph Blackford.
Seeking descendants of any of these people.
Note# Elizabeth Blue, dau. of Uriah Blue m Noah Harrell Dec 1795, in Nelson Co., KY. Uriah Blue migrated to Miami Co, OHIO ca 1799 .
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»24 Nov 1882
Death Place: «tab»Highland, Defiance, Ohio
Age: «tab»71
Birth Date: «tab»1811
Birthplace: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Race: «tab»White
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B05172-6
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»1941217
Reference Number: «tab»P-6
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»19 Dec 1844
Event Place: «tab»Brown, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Rachel Ashton
Gender: «tab»Female
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»30 Apr 1901
Death Place: «tab»Highland Township, Defiance, Ohio
Age: «tab»75
Birth Date: «tab»1826
Birthplace: «tab»Brown Co., Ohio
Occupation: «tab»Housekeeper
Race: «tab»White
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07123-7
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»1977638
Reference Number: «tab»item 4 p 26
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»05 Mar 1878
Event Place: «tab»Shelby, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Laura Scoby
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»pg-185
Film Number: «tab»562860
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4257832
Image Number: «tab»132
Death Date: «tab»23 Nov 1938
Death Place: «tab»Union Twp., Miami, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»03 Oct 1856
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»82 years 1 month 20 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»R.R.
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»Troy
Burial Date: «tab»25 Nov 1938
Burial Place: «tab»Cedar Point, Shelby Co.
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Geo. U. Mitchell
Father's Name: «tab»Wm. Scoby
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Pa.
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Moore
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»2023670
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4121564
Image Number: «tab»230
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 65899
William Grosvenor 1846 \endash 1847
Cynthia Grosvenor 1848 \endash
Sephrona Grosvenor 1848 \endash 1848
Margaret Jane Grosvenor 1850 \endash 1919
Alice Grosvenor 1852 \endash 1927
Mary Grosvenor 1855 \endash 1932
R Diela Grosvenor 1857 \endash 1879
Elmer Grosvenor 1857 \endash 1862
Diella Grosvenor 1858 \endash 1877
Royal W Grosvenor 1860 \endash 1945
Eddie S Grosvenor 1863 \endash 1866
Lewes Grosvenor 1870 \endash 1872
M: «tab»Elizabeth Mills Lynham
Titles & Terms «tab»
Death Date «tab»03 Aug 1911
Death Place «tab»Highland Twp., Defiance, Ohio
Birth Date «tab»20 Sep 1830
Estimated Birth Year «tab»
Birthplace «tab»Piqua, O.
Death Age «tab»80 years 10 months 17 days
Gender «tab»Male
Marital Status «tab»Married
Race or Color «tab»Caucasian
Street Address «tab»
Occupation «tab»Ret. Farmer
Residence «tab»Highland Twp., Defiance, Ohio
Burial Date «tab»05 Aug 1911
Burial Place «tab»Ayersvill, O.
Cemetery Name «tab»
Spouse's Name «tab»
Father's Name «tab»Noah Blue (actually reads Uriah Blue)
Father's Title & Terms «tab»
Father's Birthplace «tab»U. S.
Mother's Name «tab»... Deweese
Mother's Titles & Terms «tab»
Mother's Birthplace «tab»Pa.
Film Number «tab»1953047
Digital Folder Number «tab»4021120
Image Number «tab»1165
Certificate Number «tab»fn 42512
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»18 Jan 1907
Death Place: «tab»Highland Twp., Defiance, Ohio
Age: «tab»74
Birth Date: «tab»1833
Birthplace: «tab»Piqua, O
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Race: «tab»White
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Uriah Blue
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Margret Duveece
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B05171-4
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»1941220
Reference Number: «tab»p 7
Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Death Date «tab»22 Oct 1918
Death Place «tab»Cook, Illinois
Gender «tab»Male
Marital Status «tab»
Race or Color «tab»
Age «tab»0
Estimated Birth Year «tab»1918
Birth Date «tab»
Birthplace «tab»
Father «tab»Vernon Evelsizer
Father's Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Father's Birth Place «tab»
Mother «tab»Mabel Fleming
Mother's Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Mother's Birth Place «tab»
Occupation «tab»
Residence «tab»
Street Address «tab»
Spouse «tab»
Spouse's Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Spouse's Birthplace «tab»
Burial Date «tab»
Burial Place «tab»
Cemetery «tab»
Informant «tab»
Additional Relatives «tab»
Digital Folder Number «tab»4008014
Image Number «tab»2668
Film Number «tab»1543822
Volume/Page/Certificate Number «tab»cn 481
State: VA Year: 1810
County: Berkeley County Record Type: Federal Population Schedule
Township: 20101-00101-00 Page: 509
Database: VA 1810 Federal Census Index
Death date: 12 May 1944
Death place: Adams, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date: 25 Apr 1867
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Harrison Tp, Ohio
Age at death: 77 years 17 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: House Wife
Residence: Rosewood, Champaign, Ohio
Burial date: 15 May 1944
Burial place: Corrysville, Ohio
Cemetery name: Rosedale
Spouse name: John Ford
Father name: John B. Harris
Father titles:
Father birth place: Va
Mother name: Fililah H. Anell
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Ohio
GSU film number: 2032358
Digital GS number: 4057844
Image number: 1990
Reference number: fn 29665
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Birth Date: «tab»1929
Birth Place: «tab»Ohio, United States
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence Place: «tab»Miami, Ohio, United States
Death Date: «tab»17 Jan 1988
Hospital of Death: «tab»Stouder Memorial - Closed 92598
Death Place: «tab»Troy, Miami, Ohio, USA
Certificate: «tab»004753
Age at Death: «tab»59
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: «tab»275-24-4898
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Construction
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Stock and inventory clerks
Name: «tab»Charles F. Zerkle «tab»
SSN: «tab»275-24-4898
Last Residence: «tab»45373 Troy, Miami, Ohio, USA
BORN: «tab»17 Mar 1928
Last Benefit: «tab»45373 Troy, Miami, Ohio, United States of America
Died: «tab»17 Jan 1988
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
* Stephenson - also spelled Stevenson.
by Specs, Jr. Urbana Citizen and Gazette, 25 August 1900 and3OJune 1910 Abstracted by Pat Stickley
Myrtle Tree Church Records (Organized 4/24/1830) Covers period 4/24/1830- 2/23/1850 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 pg24 Received 4/16/1836 John Brown, - died
June 9, 1900 Ackory Berry and wife were at the home of Charles Straub Thursday
June 30, 1900 Mr and Mrs Printz opf near Millerstown were entertained at the home a Ack ory Berry Sunday evening prior to going to Springfield to spend a short ti me with his brother Prof Printz. July 7, 1900 Akory Berry with his wife, contemplate taking a trip to the mineral sprin gs of Fountain park in Union County. July 14, 1900 Akory Berry is on the sick list with complications of stoma ch trouble.
March 24, 1901 The funeral of one of Tremont's old citizens, Akery BERRY, was held Thursd ay morning at Myrtle Tree Church. Mr BERRY was a much respected citizen a nd at his funeral the church was crowded with old neighbors and friend s. He moved to Tremont almost three years ago. His age was about 68 years.
CCGS, Book III, August 2002 by Dorothy Shaffer, Champaign Co, Ohio St Par is Newspaper Abstracts Jan 1900-1916, Pg27. Mar 22 1901 MR ANCHORY BERRY, one of the most respected citizens of this vicinity f or many years, was buried lately at Myrtletree Cemetery. MR BERRY had mov ed to Tremont City near one of his sons, but most of his active life he sp ent on a farm near Myrfietree Church. He was a brother to ELISHA BERRY a nd ANTRIM BERRY. He was md first to a daughter of GEORGE KITE, who died se veral years ago. About ten years ago he again md. He was 68yrs of age
March 31, 1901 The heirs of estate of the estate of Akery BERRY, deceased, met at the hom estead in Tremont Friday evening to arrange for the settlement of the esta te. George BERRY, Roy BERRY, Albert BERRY, Charles and Mrs STRAUB of Sprin gfield, and A C WYANT and daughter of Springfield were present. Roy BER RY is administrator. April 7, 1901 Mrs George and Gertie BERRY and Mrs Charles STRAUB of North Springfield we re at the home of Mrs Akery BERRY Wednesday.
Sep 20, 1902 Mrs Akory Berry, who has lately returned from the west on an extended visi t, is spending a few days with relatives anf friends in Urbana and St pari s; Charles Straub and family of North SPringfield. George Berry and famil y, Roy Berry and family, and Mrs Akory Berry will spend sunday at the ho me of Albert Berry near Westville, the occasion being a family gathering
April 20, 1901 Mrs Akery BERRY was entertained at the home of Charles Straub north of Spr ingfield, Friday
Champaign County Guardian bonds Book 1 pg 241 April 18 1836 Mary berry g dn of Solomon Berry 8yr, last Christmas, Elisha Berry 5 yr last Septembe r, Anchory Berry 3 yr last Feb, Peter Berry 10 months, children and min or heirs of Elisha Berry dec'd. Surities Isaac Smith and Peter Smith MB 15 -210
Record Book 16 Page 69 Filed October 15, 1837-Bill in Equity David Berry vs Heirs and widow of Elijah Berry deceased. Achory Berry died owning one and one half quarter sections (location not m entioned). Sons of Anchory Berry were each to receive 1/3; David Berry, El ijah Berry and Joseph Berry (died, leaving no heirs). Heirs of Elijah Berr y: Elizabeth Berry Marrs, wife of Samuel Marrs of Shelby County; Amy Ber ry Smith, wife of Joseph Smith.
Record Book 24, Page 533- Filed 12 November 1847- In Chancery David Berry vs Daniel Brubaker et al Daniel Brubaker and his wife, Achsah Brubaker, sold their interest (to Dav id Berry) in 18 acres of land and a saw mill, located in the north-east qu arter of Section 15 Township 3 Range 12 (Johnson Township) and all of t he land located in the south half of the south-east quarter of Secti on 16 Township 3 Range 13 (Adams Township) except the dower portion (50 ac res) of the widow of Jacob Brubaker (unnamed); father of Daniel Brubake r. Daniel Brubaker and Samuel McCord were joint owners of the saw mill
Will book D pg 177 Westville Anna Smith probated 11/23/1874 Grch Alice, Rose and Achory Smith lot # 19 and # 20 in Westville and hhd g oods; (ch of son George Smith, dec'd) Milton and Joseph Smith (ch of son W illiam H Smith dec'd). David Loudenback Exec Wit: David A Fulwider, David Loudenback Signed (x) 11/9/1868
Postmaster in Westville at time of his death. Referred to as Capt Joseph S mith
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 217 son of William McAlexander the second of five sons of the immigrant Jam es McAlexander who came to Amherst Co, VA c755 from Scotland by way of Lon donderry, Northern Ireland
Researcher Kay Fleming kayfleming @aol.com
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»20 Oct 1876
Death Place: «tab»Recovery Tp., Mercer, Ohio
Age: «tab»64
Birth Date: «tab»1812
Birthplace: «tab»Oh
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Race: «tab»White
Marital Status: «tab»Married
My connection is through another son of James McA and Charlotte Hall, Will iam McA. He married Cristina Yutsler Miller. The whole Yutsler/McAlexand er thing gets confusing from there. To make a long story short, my gg gran dparents, Albert McAlexander and Elizabeth Yutsler, were distant cousin s. Albert was a grandson of William and Cristina and Elizabeth was a grand -daughter of Cristina's brother, John Yutsler. [email protected] (Jeff and Heather Giles) 1870 Champaign Co, Adams Twp Pg 202 William age 64 b VA Mary 64 b VA Christina 6 b OH (granddaughter)
1880 Census has Genetta age 16 granddaughter
Record Book 32, Page 444- Filed 15 August 1867- Petition Abraham McAlexand er vs William McAlexander et al William McAlexander, circa 25 February 1861 d eeded his land to his children, and was seized of 40 acres located in t he east half of the west half of the south-west quarter and the east ha lf of the south-west quarter of Section 11 Township 3 Range 12 (Adams Town ship). Each heir was to pay his or her portion of William's debts and to k eep him (William) and his wife for the rest of their lives. William's desc endants were: wife not named; Abraham McAlexander; William McAlexander; Ja cob McAlexander; Sarah McAlexander, wife of William Stitsworth; John (al so called Johnetta) McAlexander, deceased (father of Jonathan McAlexander ); James McAlexander, deceased (father of Albert McAlexander; Victoria McA lexander; and ...McAlexander of Iowa); Thomas J. McAlexander, deceased (fa ther of Christina McAlexander; Gathermon McAlexander and William H. McAlex ander. minors of Indiana).
Casstown Fire Department
P. O. Box 193, Casstown, OH 45312
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( SE 1/4) 07 Sep 1848 Administrator of David Huffman to John Zimmerman, 31. 75 ac SW corner of SE 1/4 Bk U Pg126 20 Mar 1851 John Zimmerman to John Snapp, 31.78 ac except railroad BkW Pg1 71
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11 To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot ? 8/29/1862 Jonathan Perrin to John Custenborder, strip 10 feet wi de Bk 33 Pg 293
Concord Items, May 31, 1877 We notice the death of Mr John Custenborder, an old pioneer citizen, ag ed about eighty-four years.
Early Settlers of Champaign County and surrounding areas. Adams Twp Pg 90 William McCrosky, a native of Kentucky came in 1816 with his wife and sev en children and settled in section 5 south of the Henry Ritter Family. McC rosky entered his land at Cincinnati on his way north, paying $2.00 per ac re for it. For a site unseen purchase he got a pretty good farm althou gh it was a Herculean task to clear off the dense forest.
Among the incidents of the west end during the week is the litigation of a suit between the venerable Samuel McCrosky and Frank Maggart, growing out of warranty placed upon the sale of a horse. The case was heard in Esq. Grove*s court, Buroker for plaintiff, and Specs Jr., for the defendant.
Father: William McCrosky b: 25 MAR 1772 in Timber Ridge, Augusta County, V irginia Mother: Mary Ferris b: 2 MAR 1780
Champaign County Ohio Biographies
DENNIS McCROSKY, farmer; P. 0. Spring Hills; is a son of James and Nancy (Clark) McCrosky ;' she was born in Concord Township Aug. 6, 1811, and ls a daughter of Marcus Clark, a very early settler in the above-named township. James McCrosky was born in Kentucky Sept. 2, 1808, and emigrated to Ohio with his parents in 1812 ;on account of the war, they went back, but returned in 1818 and located in Adams Township, Champaign Co.; he departed this life Sept. 20, 1852, having been the father of nine children-Mary Jane, Sarah Ann (deceased), Margaret, Dennis, Lydia, Isabel, Phidilla and Philena (twins-the former deceased), and Marion. Mrs. McCrosky is still living, and resides on the home farm, in Adams Township, where Dennis was born Sept. 10, 1840; his education was obtained in the common schools; he has always been engaged in farming, residing on the farm of his nativity till the spring of 1876, when he purchased 124 acres in Sec. 24 of Harrison Township ;he is an enterprising flirmer, and is rapidly bringing his land under good cultivation. His marriage with Janetta Duncan was celebrated June 11, 1868; she is a native of the Lowlands of Scotland, born Oct. 19, 1844, a daughter of James and Isabella Duncan, who came to America in August of 1855 and located in Champaign Co., Ohio. Dennis and Janetta McCrosky are the parents of four children-James H., Charles S., Mary Belle, and Alvan A. (deceased). Mr. and Mrs. McCrosky are members of the Presbyterian Church.
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 219
NA Film Number T9-0998 Page Number 393B Mary MCBETH Self S Female W 63 OH Tailoris & House Keepi ng PA IRE Elizabeth MCBETH Sister S Female W 55 OH Tailoris PA I RE Charles B. MCBETH Nephew S Male W 14 OH At Scho ol OH OH
DIED - Grandma Isabelle WICKIZER was born near Lexington, Kentucky, 1813, and died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Isaac JONES, of Henry township, Wednesday morning March 12. Deceased was a faithful member of the Baptist church for many years and was the mother of ex-Clerk Wm. NEWCOMB and Ed. NEWCOMB, of near Green Oak. Interment was made in the Jordan cemetery, Marshall county.
Champaign County Guardian Bonds Vol 17 # 3 pg 39 April 14, 1850 Jesse Ritter, gdn of Mary Elizabeth Ritter 15 yr 19 Mar 1860; heir of Nan cy Ritter, dec'd. Suritites James McAlexander and Flemmon Hall
Jesse Ritter of Harrison Twp passed away Sunday aged 71 years. He was an Odd Fellow and well known
Biographical Record of Auglaize, Logan and Shelby County, Ohio by Chapm an Brothers, 1982, reprinted by Unigraphics, Inc., Evansville, IN, 197 7, Pages 5780579 Has Fleming as a member of the 66th Ohio Infantry, tak en prisoner at Winchester, VA; died Lynchburg Prison. Nine children, s ix living in 1892. In 1892 the mother and three sons were living in or ne ar Atchison County, Missouri. (Was one of the sons Flemming Hall J r. ?) The children listed in the sketch: William M., John, Davis, Geor ge A, F. H. and M. H. Hall.
History of Shelby County, Ohio page 271
Hardin Station.
A short time after the completion of the C.C.C. and I. Railway the co mpany established a station one mile south of the old village of Hardin a nd give it the name of Hardin Station. The first business was undertak en by Samuel M. Cowan, who opened a store about 1853. He was soon succeed ed by Cowan & Davenport, who conducted the business for some time, deali ng in grain at the same. They were succeeded by Marshall & Burress. So on afterward they sold out to Fleming Hall , who in turn, sold to Wils on & County in 1860.
TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN STATE OF OHIO ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE. Columbus, Ohio, June 15, 1978 Know ye That the records of this office sh ow that Fleming Hall was enrolled as a Private in company "C" 66th. regim ent, Ohio Vol. Infantry on the 9th. day of October, 1861 and was muster ed into the United States service as such for the period of 3 years USA Mu stering Officer and that he was forty three years of age at the time of h is enrollment in the Civil War. Died July 25, 1862, in Rebel Prison at Ly nchburg, Virginia; Interred in section E, Row E, Grave 205 Poplar Grove Ce metery, Petersburg, Virginia. James C. Clem Adjutant General of Ohio
Census_Year 1850 Microfilm # 432-665 State OH County Champaign
24 228 230 Hall Fleming 37 M Contractor 1,0 00 OH 25 228 230 Hall Elizabeth 31 M OH 26 228 230 Hall William 10 M OH X 27 228 230 Hall John R 9 M OH X 28 228 230 Hall Munroe 7 M OH X 29 228 230 Hall G W 4 M OH
Served Ohio Enlisted C County 66th Inf Reg. OH died prisoner at Lynchbur g, VA on 25 July 1862 Source: Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio Abbreviation: OHRoster Published by on 1886
Provided at the 26th Annual Reunion of the 66th OVVI Compliments of J.S. Thursday Sept. 14th, 1911 Irwin, Ohio Web Publishing Copyright © 1998 Larry Stevens
History Organized December 17, 1861, under Colonel Charles Candy, it went to We st Virginia in January 1862, then to the Shenandoah Valley; where, under G eneral Shields, it operated against Stonewall Jackson. At Port Republ ic it fought against overwhelming numbers and lost over 100 men, and at Ce dar Mountain again lost nearly as many. The Regiment participated in the g reat battles of Antietam, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg; and in August 1 863, went to New York to enforce the draft. In September it was transferr ed to the Western army at Chattanooga, and took part in the battles of Loo kout Mountain, Mission Ridge and Ringgold. In December the Regiment re-enl isted, and after a furlough home, took the field again in Northern Alabam a. In the spring of 1864 it joined Sherman's victorious move upon Atlant a, and participated in all the battles and siege operations through to t he end. After the capture of Atlanta it marched to the sea, and through t he Carolinas and on to Washington, passing over the old battle field of Ch ancellorsville, thus making the entire circuit of the Southern States. T he Regiment was finally mustered out July 19, 1865, after serving in twel ve States and marching over 11,000 miles.
From Dyer's Compendium 66th Regiment Infantry. Organized at Camp McArthur, Urbana, Ohio, and must ered in December 17, 1861. Ordered to New Creek, W. Va., January 17, 186 2. Attached to 3rd Brigade, Landers' Division, Army of the Potomac, to Mar ch, 1862. 2nd Brigade, Shields' 2nd Division, Banks' 5th Army Corps and De pt. of the Shenandoah, to May, 1862. 2nd Brigade, Shields' Division, Dep t. of the Rappahannock, to June, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 2nd Corp s, Army of Virginia, to August, 1862. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 2nd Corp s, Army of Virginia, to September, 1862. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 12th A rmy Corps, Army of the Potomac, to October, 1863, and Army of the Cumberla nd to April, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 20th Army Corps, Army of t he Cumberland, to July, 1865. SERVICE.--Advance toward Winchester, Va., March 7-15, 1862. Provost du ty at Martinsburg, Winchester and Strasburg till May. March to Fredericksb urg, Va., May 12-21, and to Port Republic May 25-June 7. Battle of Port Re public June 9. Ordered to Alexandria and duty there till August. Operatio ns near Cedar Mountain August 10-18. Pope's Campaign in Northern Virgin ia August 18-September 2. Guarding trains of the army during the battl es of Bull Run August 28-30. Maryland Campaign September 6-22. Battle of A ntietam September 16-17. Duty at Bolivar Heights till December. Reconnoiss ance to Rippon, W. Va., November 9. Reconnoissance to Winchester Decemb er 2-6. Berryville December 1. Dumfries December 27. "Mud March" January 2 0-24, 1863. At Stafford Court House till April 27. Chancellorsville Campai gn April 27-May 6. Battle of Chancellorsville May 1-5. Gettysburg (Pennsyl vania) Campaign June 11-July 24. Battle of Gettysburg July 1-3. Pursu it of Lee to Manassas Gap, Va., July 5-24. Duty at New York during draft d isturbances August 15-September 8. Movement to Bridgeport, Ala., Septemb er 24-October 3. Skirmish at Garrison's Creek near Fosterville October 6 ( Detachment). Reopening.Tennessee River October 26-29. Chattanooga-Ringgo ld Campaign November 23-27. Lookout Mountain November 23-24. Mission Rid ge November 25. Ringgold Gap, Taylor's Ridge, November 27. Regiment reenli sted December 15, 1863. Duty at Bridgeport and in Alabama till May, 186 4. Scout to Caperton's Ferry March 29-April 2. Expedition from Bridgepo rt down Tennessee River to Triana April 12-16. Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign M ay 1-September 8. Demonstrations on Rocky Face Ridge May 8-11. Dug G ap or Mill Creek May 8. Battle of Resaca May 14-15. Cassville May 19. N ew Hope Church May 25. Operations on line of Pumpkin Vine Creek and battl es about Dallas, New Hope Church and Allatoona Hills May 25-June 5. Operat ions about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2. Pine Hi ll June 11-14. Lost Mountain June 15-17. Gilgal or Golgotha Church June 1 5. Muddy Creek June 17. Noyes Creek June 19. Kolb's Farm June 22. Assau lt on Kenesaw June 27. Ruff's Station July 4. Chattahoochie River July 5-1 7. Peach Tree Creek July 19-20. Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25. Operat ions at Chattahoochie River Bridge August 26-September 2. Occupation of At lanta September 2-November 15. Near Atlanta November 9. March to the sea N ovember 15-December 10. Siege of Savannah December 10-21. Campaign of t he Carolinas January to April, 1865. Little Cohora Creek, N. C., March 1 6. Battle of Bentonville March 19-21. Occupation of Goldsboro March 24. Ad vance on Raleigh April 10-14. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's Ho use April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D.C ., via Richmond, Va., April 29-May 20. Grand Review May 24. Moved to Louis ville, Ky., June, and there mustered out July 15, 1865. Regiment lost duri ng service 5 Officers and 96 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded a nd 1 Officer and 143 Enlisted men by disease. Total 245.
1820 HALL FLEMING Patrick County VA 117 No Township Listed Federal Populat ion Schedule VA 1820 Federal Census Index VAS2a530121 1840 HALL FLEMING Champaign County OH 297 Adams Township Federal Populati on Schedule OH 1840 Federal Census Index OHS4a1122896 1850 HALL FLEMING Champaign County OH 406 Adams Township Federal Populati on Schedule OH 1850 Federal Census Index OHS6a1306020 1850 HALL FLEMING Champaign County OH 406 Adams Township Federal Populati on Schedule OH 1850 Federal Census Index OHS9a3793305
Occupation: Farmer and took his turn at Postmaster in 19 Jum 1857.
Chancery Record book 29 pg 424 Filed June 14 1859 Appeal Margaret Hall, widow of John Hall vs Fleming Hall Margaret charged that Fleming had removed some of her property and treat ed it as if it were her own, plus had not repaid a note. She asked to be c ompensated.
gender: «tab»Male
burial date: «tab»
burial place: «tab»
death date: «tab»25 Apr 1905
death place: «tab»Jennings Twp, Van Wert, Ohio
age: «tab»45
birth date: «tab»1860
birthplace: «tab»Jennings Twpt.
occupation: «tab»Farmer
race: «tab»White
marital status: «tab»Married
spouse's name: «tab»
father's name: «tab»Noah Berry
father's birthplace: «tab»
mother's name: «tab»Eliza Jane Blue
mother's birthplace: «tab»
indexing project (batch) number: «tab»B07120-6
system origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
source film number: «tab»1015858
reference number: «tab»v 3 p 10 fn 7
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths and Burials, 1854-1997," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/F6L3-FM5 : accessed 16 Nov 2012), Noah Berry in entry for Jasper Andrew Berry, 25 Apr 1905.
Ohio, Births and Christenings, 1821-1962
birth:«tab»24 Feb 1881«tab»Moorefield Tp., Clark, Ohio
residence:«tab»1881«tab»Clark, Ohio, United States
parents:«tab»Scott Yeazell, Susann Trotter
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, & 1958-2007 about Scott Yeazell
Name: «tab»Scott Yeazell
Birth Date: «tab»1881
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Springfield
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence State: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»7 Oct 1968
Hospital of Death: «tab»Mercy Medical Center
City of Death: «tab»Springfield
County of Death: «tab»Clark
Certificate: «tab»075515
Age at Death: «tab»87
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, unknown if used for certification
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
68 years old
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1944 and 1958-2002 Name: Doyle W Beck Birth Date: Est. 1905 Gender: Male Race: White Residence County: Miami Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 5 Mar 1978 Hospital of Death: Long-Term Care Facilities City of Death: Troy County of Death: Miami Certificate: 022445 Age at Death: 73 Certifier: Physician Marital Status: Never Married
Death Date: «tab»14 Jun 1932
Death Place: «tab»Berlin, Delaware, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»15 Mar 1849
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»83 years 2 months 29 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»16 Jun 1932
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Bellfountain Cem.
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Jessie Ritter
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Jane Harris
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1992662
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4001606
Image Number: «tab»1178
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 35793
A. E. NEWCOMB is having a severe time with diphtheria, his wife and two children are down with it, and they lost their little baby, Sanna [NEWCOMB], last Sunday evening and laid its body away in the Shelton cemetery Monday. (Green Oak)
Mar 23, 1892 E. A. NEWCOMB was born in Carysville, Champaign county, Ohio, Oct 3, 1837. Died March 8, 1892, aged 54 years five months and five days. He removed to Whitley county, Indiana, in 1859. Was united in marriage with Amanda WANTZ Feb 3, 1861, to whom were born five children one of whom, Mrs. Hattie BISHOP, of Ivonddave, Kan., survives. Mrs. Newcomb died Sep 20, 1867, leaving two daughters, Hattie and Viola [NEWCOMB]. In 1869, deceased was married to Catharine SHANCK, to whom were born four children, two of whom, Henry M. and Elmer M. [NEWCOMB] survive. He removed to Marshall county, Ind., March 5, 1869. United with the Jordon Baptist church, in 1870. Transferred his membership to the Ebenezer church, in 1884, where he was a member at the time of his death.he was initiated into the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in Argos Lodge, No. 263, Sep 6, 1871. Withdrew by card and became a charter member of Green Oak Lodge, No. 600 in June, 1883, in which he retained his membership until death.
He was a kind and indulgent husband and father, a devoted christian, an exemplary Odd Fellow and an honored citizen and neighbor.
Funeral services were conducted at the Ebenezer Baptist church in the presence of a large and sympathizing congregation, after which the remains were interred in the Odd Fellows cemetery, at Rochester, by the members of Green Oak Lodge, assisted by members of the Rochester Lodge. --Rev. J. A. CROY.
NEWCOMB, Edwin A., of Fulton Co., Ind. (WR "C" 200-300)
Date: 11 Nov. 1891; prob. 2 Apr. 1892, Fulton Co., Ind.
Heirs: wife, Catharine "the farm on which we now live (life estate, then to be sold) pay to my beloved daughter, Hirriet F. BISHOP...and the remainder...divided equally between my two sons, Henry M. NEWCOMB and Elmer M. NEWCOMB..." Exr: Henry M. NEWCOMB.
Isaac N. JONES.
Notes: 28 Oct. 1919 WR "E" p. 582, release of legacy of Harriett F. BISHOPand Silas C. BISHOP
NEWCOMB, Edwin A. (WR "E" 582)
Notes: Release of legacy. "Whereas Catherine NEWCOMB is now deceased, and said one thousand dollars has been paid to Harriet F. BISHOP by Henry M. NEWCOMB and Elmer M. NEWCOMB...lien released...Silas G. BISHOP, husband
of Harriet F. BISHOP hereby joins in said release..."
Friday, August 2, 1895 Rochester Sentenial
Mrs. Sarah JONES, wife of Isaac JONES, died at the family residence Monday morning, of consumption, aged about 60 years. Deceased was the mother of four children three of whom are living, and she was one of the truly good women of the county. She was a member of the Baptist church and her funeral was held at Bethlehem church, Tuesday, Rev. Jonas BAIR
officiating. Burial was made in the Odd Fellows cemetery in this city.
Record Book 22, Page 403, Case Number 3270 — Petition to Partition Samuel Bechtel, Guardian of James McAlexander and Charlotte NcAlexander vs John McAlexander & Others The land in the suit was the west half of the north—west quarter and the s outh—west quarter of Section 36 Township 4 Range 12 (Harrison Tp.) and t he west half of the north—west quarter of Section 11 Township 3 Range 12 ( Adams Tp4. Jane McAlexander, widow, the wife of William B. Fuson was deser ving of the dower portion. James and Charlotte McAlexander were entitl ed to 2/3s. This case was not complete and the names of John McAlexand er & Others were not included.
John Ray, the oldest resident of Clark County, Ohio, residing in Pike Town ship, was born July 29, 1812, and has lived here all of his life, a peri od of over ninety-five years. He makes his home with his daughter, Mrs Geo rge Freemen, who lives on the old home place near Dialton. Lewis Ray, fath er of John Ray, was born in Virginia, and after his marriage to Elizabe th Zigler in 1812, came to Ohio, making the journey in wagons. They settl ed in the woods in Pike Township, made a clearing and erected a log cabi n. They subsisted largely on wild game, deer and other wild animals abound ing, and corn bread, but once a week, usually Sunday, had a change to whi te bread. Lewis and Elizabeth Ray spent the remainder of their lives on t he quarter section of land they owned here, he dying at the age of sixty-s ix years and she at ninety. Both were members of the Methodist Episcopal C hurch. Ten children were born to them; eight grew up, as follows; John; Ma ry who was wife of Timothy Wones, both deceased; Henry, deceased; Susan, w idow of Duncan Thackery, is one of the oldest women living in the count y; Michael, deceased; Samuel, deceased; Lewis, deceased; and Sarah, who w as wife of Rev John Black, both now deceased. John Ray was reared in Pi ke township and has witnessed a remarkable change in conditions since h is boyhood days. Then wild game was plentiful and Indians still roamed abo ut this section, sometimes their hostility driving his parents to leave th eir home for a place of greater safety. He attended school in the old l og schoolhouse, and assisted in clearing the home place of its wild grow th of timber, experiencing many hardships of pioneer life. He engaged in f arm work there for a time, then picked up the carpenter trade, which he th ereafter followed, and as a carpenter and builder for more than thirty yea rs, sometimes employing a large force of men. He put up many of the fra me houses and barns of this township, some of which are standing today. Wh ile a young man he purchased of Jacob Harner eighty acres of land for $60 0, being given six years in which to make payment, without the requireme nt of interest. He later bought an additional eighty acres for $800 and fr om time to time added to his original purchase until he had 300 acre s. He was always successful in a business way, but success came only throu gh hard, persistent and well directed effort. Upon retiring from busine ss activity he divided his property among his children and now lives on t he old home place with his daughter, Mrs Freeman. In April 1837, Mr Ray w as united in marriage with Margaret Overpack, who was born near North Hamp ton, Pike township, and was a daughter of George and Martha (Kerns) Overpa ck, who came from Virginia. She died in March 1892, aged seventy-two yea rs being survived by her husband and three children; Lewis, who married Ja ne Davis, both now deceased; George, who married Sarah Howell, both deceas ed; and Mary with whom Mr Ray now lives. In 1862 Mary Ray was married to D avid Otewalt, who died in 1882, leaving a daughter, Rosella who is now t he wife of Elihu Hiatt, of Columbus, Ohio. Her first union was with Matth ew Wones, and they had one son, Ross, who married Cora Hardin. Mrs Otewa lt was married in 1892 to George Freeman, who is now operating the old R ay farm. Mr freeman was born in New York state and is a son of Warren Free man. The venerable John Ray has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal C hurch for more than sixty years. He is a Republican in politics.
Louis Ray and family emigrated from the State of Virginia in the year 181 2, stopping at Cincinnati, where they remained one year; then came to Cla rk County, locating near Springfield, and four years later purchased la nd in the vicinity of North Hampton, Pike Township. He married Elizabeth Z igler, and raised a family of ten children, six of whom are now living.
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 12 Twp 3 Range 11 ( SW 1/4) 21 Nov 1866 Quitclaim from Adam Walborn to Edwin Carlo, E 1/2 of SW 1 /4 & W 1/2 of SE 1/4 Bk38Pg152
Poll Tax 11/2/1880 St Paris, OH - CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 Rhynard Walborn
Nora Sybella WALBORN (AFN:WF7M-D7)
Born: 8 Oct 1864 Place: Vanwert, Vanwert, Oh Died: Place: , , Ca M Procia Ephraim WALBORN (AFN:WF7M-GK) Born: 30 Oct 1869 Place: Middlepoint, Vanwert, Oh Died: 1948 Place:
F Lydia Lorena WALBORN (AFN:WF7M-HQ) Born: 25 Mar 1874 Place: , Vanwert, Oh Died: 29 Dec 1887 Place: , Vanwert, Oh F Amelia Ellen WALBORN (AFN:WF7M-JW) Pedigree Born: 14 Apr 1877 Place: , Vanwert, Oh M William Henry WALBORN (AFN:WF7M-FD) Pedigree Born: 10 Sep 1866 Place: , Vanwert, Oh Died: 1931 Place: Pittsburg, , Ks Buried: Place: Pittsburg, , Ks F Lena Elizabeth WALBORN (AFN:WF7M-K3) Pedigree
Born: 15 Sep 1883 Place: , Vanwert, Oh Died: Place: Stockton, , Ca
Census Place:Hoaglin, Van Wert, Ohio 1880 Source:FHL Film 1255073 National Archives Film T9-1073 Page 28 6A Abraham WALBORN SelfMMW40OHFa: PAMo: OH Permelia WALBORN WifeFMW35OHFa: PAMo: PA Nora WALBORNDauFSW15OHFa: OHMo: OH William WALBORNSonMSW13OHFa: OHMo: OH Prucia WALBORNSonMSW10OHFa: OHMo: OH Lydia WALBORNDauFSW6OHFa: OHMo: OH Ellen WALBORNDauFSW3OHFa: OHMo: OH
Most information from research of Champaign County records. Some addtio ns were made by Marvel Bollinger Delahaye [email protected] She submitted her ancestral chart in the CCGS Newsletter Fall 1991 pg92
SAMUEL CHAMPAIGN COUNTY PROBATE COURT ESTATE WILL BOOK C, PG 475 - "O-18 15 had only adm. bond Be it remembered, that on this 10th day of November AD 1866, there was pro duced in open court a paper writing purporting to be the Last Will and Tes tament of Samuel H. Bollinger, late of Champaign County Ohio deceased a nd at the same time came Joseph Prince and Elmer J. Garrett two of the Sub scribing Witnesses thereto, and in open Court on Oath testified to the d ue Executive of said paper writing as the Last Will & Testament of said SA MUEL H BOLLINGER deceased, which Testimony was reduced to writing and by t hem respectively subscribed and was filed with Said Will from which Testim ony it appears and the Court finds that Said Will was duly Executed and at tested and that the Testator at the time of Executing Said Will was of fu ll age, of sound mind and memory, and not under any restraint. It is order ed by the Court that said Will be admitted to probate and together with t he Testimony be Recorded at the Same time Mary Bollinger the widow elect ed to take under the Will. THE TESTIMONY IS AS FOLLOWS TO WIT: The Sta te of Ohio, Champaign County ss:--Personally came into open Court Joseph P rince and Elmer J Garrett and after being duly sworn before and says th at the writing now presented to the Court purporting to be the Last Will a nd Testament of Samuel H.Bollinger deceased was signed and acknowledg ed by him to be his last Will and Testament in their presence--that they a ttested Said Will in the presence of the Testator by Signing their nam es as witnesses and that they verily believe the Testator at the time of E xecuting Said Will was of full age, of sound mind and memory and und er no restraint........Signed: Joseph Prince; Elmer J. Garrett
Sworn to & Subscribed in Open Court this 10th day of November AD 1866--S__ _Judge & Clerk THE WILL IS AS FOLLOWS TO WIT: State of Ohio, Jackson Township; Champaign- -In the name of the Benevolent Father of all, I SAMUEL H. BOLLINGER do ma ke and publish this my last Will and Testament. First, it is my will that my just debts and all charges be paid o ut of my Estate. Item 1st, I give and devise to my beloved wife in lieu of her dower the fa rm on which we now reside situated in Jackson Township Champaign County Oh io--containing about eighty four acres, observing the minority of my young est child, afterwards to her thirds during her natural life--and the hou se hold goods and furniture which may be there on at the time of my decea se also two cows, five hogs, six sheep and all the poultry. Item 2nd, I give and devise the residue of my property to my childr en to be divided equally after HENRY M.BOLLINGER shall have paid my Esta te One hundred and thirty three dollars for which I am his Surety, he havi ng paid Eighty five dollars of the original two hundred. Item 3rd, After my son Isaac comes of age my Executors shall sell my Fa rm giving one third of the proceeds to my wife during her natural life a nd dividing the other two thirds equally among my children. Item 4th, It is my Will that my Executors shall finish my new Barn by layi ng the floors, making granaries and corn cribs. Item 5th, I do hereby nominate and appoint my beloved wife Guardi an of my son ISAAC until he arrives at the age of twenty one or intermarri es. Item 6th, I do hereby nominate and appoint SAMUEL BOLLINGER and GEOR GE W. Bollinger Executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby autho rizing and empowering them to promise, adjust, release and discharge in su ch manner as they may think proper the debts and claims due me. I do al so authorize and empower them, if it shall become necessary in Order to p ay my just debts to sell by private sale or in such manner upon such Ter ms of Credit or otherwise as they may think proper all or any part of my R eal Estate and deeds to purchasers to Execute acknowledge and deliver in f ee simple. In Testimony here of I have presence to Set and Seal this 29th day of M ay AD 1866. Signed & acknowledged by said Samuel H. Bollinger as his la st Will & Testament in our presence and Signed by us in his Presence: Jose ph Prince; Samuel Crow(?); Elmer J. Garrett--Samuel H. Bollinger (Stamp $2 .50) The Widow elected to take under the Will Oct 10th, 1866 --Journal No. H pa ge 158 (Apparently this is all that was in #2438) FIFTH AND FINAL ACCOU NT Filed July 23, 1888 - Recorded Vol. 8 pg 163 - GEORGE W. BOLLINGER, Exe cutor of the last will & testament of SAMUEL H. Bollinger deceased, bei ng sworn says that the foregoing account is in all respects just and corre ct as he verily believes--signed George W. Bollinger; Sworn to and subscri bed by said George W. Bollinger before me this 23 day July AD 1888 D W To dd Probate Judge; by L H Todd Deputy Clerk The accountant claims credit f or the following payments made in behalf of said Estate: Paid Voucher N o. 1 - 9: 1 EPHRIAM BOLLINGER, Heir; 2 JOSEPH BOLLINGER, Heir; 3 SAMUEL BO LINGER, Heir; 4 Emanuel BOLLINGER, Heir; 5 ANNIE SLACK; 6 ISAAC BOLLINGE R; 7 GEORGE W. BOLLINGER; 8 Heirs of HENRY BOLLINGER; $216.00 each; 9 Prob ate Judge this Acct $4.39 = Total $1732.39 -- Due Ex 24.39
THE STATE OF OHIO: ss: IN PROBATE COURT Champaign County : The undersigned being sworn says that there is not to his knowledge any la st Will and Testament of the alleged intestate Emanuel Bollinger decease d, and offers a Bond as Administrator of the estate of said decedent in t he sum of $12000.00 with J.J. Merritt and Samuel Bollinger Freeholde rs as sureties. Signed: A. C. Bolinger (sic); P.O. Address, St. Paris, Ohio Sworn before me and signed in my presence this 11th day of June A.D.1915 - -G.P. Seibert, Probate Judge
APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION THE STATE OF OHI O, :CHAMPAIGN COUNTY : ss: IN PROBATE COURT A.C. BOLINGER being duly sworn, says that Emanuel Bollinger a reside nt of the Township of Jackson in said County, died on or about the 3" d ay of June A.D. 1915 leaving no widow, and the following persons his onl y, next of kin:
NAME DEGREE OF KINSHIP & P.O. ADDRESS 1 Samuel Bollinger, Brother, St Paris OH 2 Joseph Bollinger, Brother, RD Conover OH 3 Isaac Bollinger, Brother, RD Sidney OH 4 Anna Slack, Sister, RD St. Paris OH
(Henry’s Heirs) 5 Samuel Bollinger, Jr., Nephew, Sidney OH 6 George Bollinger, Nephew, Sidney OH 7 Mary Jenkins, Niece, Sidney OH 8 Ann Jenkins, Niece, Sidney OH
9 B.L. Bollinger, Nephew, RD Conover OH 10 A.C. Bollinger, Nephew, St Paris OH 11 Jas. H. Bollinger, Nephew, St Paris OH 12 F.E. Bollinger, Nephew, St Paris OH 13 Edna I Merritt, Niece, RD Conover OH 14 Mary E Wolcott, Niece, Conover OH 15 Hair, Addie C., Niece, Detroit, Mich. 16 Ora Bollinger, Nephew, Neosho Rapids Kan 17 William Bollinger, Nephew, Neosho Rapids Kan 18 John Bollinger, Nephew, Neosho Rapids Kan 19 Mary Carpenter, Niece, Neosho Rapids Kan 20 Cora Cowen, Niece, Neosho Rapids Kan 21 Ellen M Alman, Niece, Needles Calif 22 Olive Berkihiser, Grand Niece, 502 Van Bruen St., Topeka Kan 23 Grace M Crail, Grand Niece, Hartford Kan 24 Roy Chamblin, Grand Nephew, Kinsley Kan 25 Ada Lusk, Grand Niece, Finley Ohio 26 Oca Right (sic), Grand Niece, Louistown O.
Conover=Miami Co. Neosho Rapids KS=Lyon Co. Finley =Mercer Co. Sidney =Shelby Co.
A.C. Bolinger, Admin, of the Estate of Emanuel Bollinger deceased. In acc ount with said Estate said Administrator charges himself as follows:
Amount found due Estate as per final settlement with said Court, made Dec. 1916 $6020.77 Paid Attorney fees preparing this account. Paid Probate Judge's fees, on this account. Balance for Distribution ............................................... $6020.77
Said Administrator credits himself as follows: Amounts paid to Heirs and Legatees, as per distributive order of said Court made Dec 1916, viz: To:
Samuel Bollinger 843.50 Joseph Bollinger 843.50 Isaac Bollinger 843.50 Anna Slack 843.50 Mary E Jenkins 176.45 Rachel Ann Jenkins 176.45 Sam'l H Bollinger, by widow etc 176.45 George E Bollinger, dec. by his sisters and nieces for funeral expense a nd inheritance 176.45 J H Bollinger 126.03 Ben L Bollinger 126.03 Mary E Wolcott 126.03 Edna I Merritt 126.03 A C Bolinger 126.03 Freeman E Bollinger 126.03 Addie C Hair 126.03 Ora E Bollinger 126.03 William F Bollinger 126.03 John L Bollinger 126.03 Ella M Alman 126.03 Cora E Cowen 126.03 Mary L Carpenter 126.03 Grace M Crail 42.01 Roy Chamblin 42.01 Olive Berkihiser 42.01
Ada Lusk 88.22 Osa L Wright 88.22
Postage .11
1874 Atlas Champaign Co. Ohio--Jackson Twsp T3 R11 Sec 29=E/G Bollinger 10 3 Acres; T3 R11
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot? 6/20/1896 Fletcher Bollinger to George W Bollinger, strip adjoining L ot # 114, Walker's addition Bk79Pg137 Lot? 11/10/1899 George W Bollinger to Frank & Eugene Rushaw 14x62 ft Bk83P g94 Lot? 11/10/1899 George W Bollinger to John P McMorran 16 1/3 x 62 fee t. Bk 83 pg112 Lot? 6/30/1900 George W Bollinger to Fletcher Bollinger, strip south si de of Lot #14 , White addition Bk83Pg389
Wednesday of last week was an unlucky day for our community. Early in the morning Mr. Simeon Rinaker, a well known citizen, fell from a load of wood on the pike striking headforemost. He was carried to the house in a helpless condition and Dr. VVhitmer summoned, who pronounced his injury of a serious character. He is a great sufferer, and should the fall not prove fatal, it will be a long time before he recovers.
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 24 Township 3 Range 11 NE1/4 Section 1/21/1850 Simeon Rinaker to Allen Pence, 43.2 acres on we st side of E 1/2 BkV Pg249 NW 1/4 Section 1/21/1850 Simeon Rinaker to Allen Pence, 43.2 acres on we st side of E 1/2 BkV Pg249
Name: CHESTER P HESSELGESSER Gender: Male Date of Death: January 23, 1966 Volume: 18318 Certificate: 00695 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: , Champaign County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 82
Death Date: «tab»05 Oct 1938
Death Place: «tab»Toledo, Lucas, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»12 Aug 1854
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab», Champlain, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»84 years 1 month 23 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»1631 Circular Rd
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»06 Oct 1938
Burial Place: «tab»Urbanah, O.
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Joseph D. Marsh
Father's Name: «tab»Lawerence Dagger
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Nancy Stevens
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»2023667
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4020718
Image Number: «tab»2533
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 59029
Death Date: «tab»11 Jul 1931
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»07 Sep 1853
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Death Age: «tab»77 years 10 months 4 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»22 W College Ave.
Occupation: «tab»Night Watchman
Residence: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»13 Jul 1931
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Ferncliff
Spouse's Name: «tab»Susan Chapman
Father's Name: «tab»Justes Chapman
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah Rock
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1992433
Event: «tab»Death
Event Date: «tab»21 Nov 1918
Event Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Residence: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Street Address: «tab»
Gender: «tab»Female
Death Age: «tab»29y 7m 25
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race: «tab»white
Occupation: «tab»housewife
Birth Date: «tab»26 Mar 1889
Birthplace: «tab»N... Lewisburg, Ohio
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1889
Burial Date: «tab»23 Nov 1918
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery: «tab»Oak Dale
Father: «tab»James W. Curl
Father's «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Woodstock, Ohio
Mother: «tab»Mary B. Barker
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Logan Co. Ohio
Spouse: «tab»Frank Keller
Spouse's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»fn 73660
Film Number: «tab»1984535
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021929
Image Number: «tab»2983
Name: «tab»William A. Gideon
Death Date: «tab»7 Oct 1918
Page #: «tab»212
Birth Date: «tab»19 Apr 1859
Cemetery: «tab»Conesville
Town: «tab»Conesville, Orono
Level Info: «tab»Cemeteries in Muscatine County
June 4, 1863
Died at his residence near Urbana 5th ult of consumption, Miller M Powell, son of Abram Powell, aged 28 years.
December 19, 1867
Died 16th December at the residence of her father of consumption, Miss Annie J, the only daughter of Abram and Polly Powell.
gender: «tab»Male
burial date: «tab»
burial place: «tab»
death date: «tab»26 Jan 1905
death place: «tab»Jackson Tp., Champaign, Ohio
age: «tab»77
birth date: «tab»1828
birthplace: «tab»Jackson Tp.
occupation: «tab»Retired Farmer
race: «tab»
marital status: «tab»Married
spouse's name: «tab»
father's name: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»
mother's name: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»
indexing project (batch) number: «tab»B07023-8
system origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
source film number: «tab»295234
reference number: «tab»v 2 p 47
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths and Burials, 1854-1997," index,
FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/F664-6ZZ :
accessed 22 Nov 2012), John A. Beaty, 26 Jan 1905.
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»11 Jun 1913
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»19
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1894
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Zeb Vance Parsons
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Jennie Winsbarger
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Sarah Rubson Sheperd
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1894
Spouse's Father: «tab»William Sheperd
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Olive Eshelman
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»P 453 Cn 904
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»589
Robert Black (1822 - 1909)
Ann Wallace Black (1823 - 1884)
Death Date: «tab»09 Mar 1919
Death Place: «tab»Mad River Twp, Champaign Co., Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»26 Apr 1859
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Clarke Co., Oh
Death Age: «tab»59 years 11 months 13 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»13 Mar 1919
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Oak Dale
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Robert Black
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Oh
Mother's Name: «tab»Ann Wallace
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Oh
Film Number: «tab»1984640
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4024452
Image Number: «tab»1604
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 16045
CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 Poll Book St Paris Precinct Johnson Twp 11/2/1 880 Edward Jones
Family History Library Film 1254174 NA Film Number T9-0174 Jasper NOE Self M Male W 42 OH Retail Groc Sarah E. NOE Wife M Female W 25 MO Keeps Hou Emma N. NOE Dau S Female W 3 IL OH MO Harrison T. NOE Son S Male W 7M IL OH MO
Death date: 12 May 1911
Death place: Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Birthdate: 22 May 1850
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Ohio
Age at death: 60 years 11 months 20 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Burial date: 13 May 1911
Burial place: Napoleon, Ohio
Cemetery name:
Spouse's name: Irvin Foor
Father's name: Lot Noe
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: U.S.
Mother's name: Sarah Mckinley
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Ohio
GSU film number: 1952986
Digital GS number: 4021104
Image number: 1935
Reference number: fn 26758
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: «tab»Jay B Dooley
Birth Date: «tab»1905
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Champaign
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»26 Dec 1976
Hospital of Death: «tab»Madison County Hospital
City of Death: «tab»London
County of Death: «tab»Madison
Certificate: «tab»090306
Age at Death: «tab»71
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: «tab»Married
NA Film Number T9-0998 Page Number 205B John C. STEVENS Self M Male W 27 OH Farmer OH OH Clara STEVENS Wife M Female W 22 OH Keeping Hou se VA VA Eugene STEVENS Son S Male W 4 OH OH OH Mary E. STEVENS Dau S Female W 2 OH OH OH James STEVENS Son S Male W 8M OH OH OH
Death Date: «tab»22 Jul 1917
Death Place: «tab»Madriver, Chanpaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»28 Sep 1858
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»58 years 9 months 24 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»25 Jul 1917
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Michael Bricker
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Va.
Mother's Name: «tab»Delila L. Higgs
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Va.
Film Number: «tab»1984017
Champaign County Genalogical Society, Newsletter Vol 18 No 1 Pg 11 from Ur bana Daily Citizen, Wed, Feb 1903 Abstracted by Pat Stickley. The Kentons of Mad River Township The Death of Harvey Kenton of Mad River , the past week not only takes aw ay one of our prominent farmers, but removed the last member of the histor ic family of Kentons, who have been sonstant residents of Mad River twonsh ip for one hundred and three years. In 1801 William Kenton Sr, a broth er of Gen Simon Kenton and his sister Mrs E Arrowsmith, and four sons, Tho mas, William Jr, Phillip and Mark, all settled in the same community, we st of Mad River, and each had a large family. All the farms of the four s ons lay adjoining each other, making a very formidable array of Kentons. J ohn, son of Phillip, was for many years the manager of the county infirmar y, when it stood a hundred rods west of the Westville depot, on the old Mo user farm, now owned by William Blose. This man Kenton was familiarly kno wn as "John Coon" a name he retained all of his life. The infirmary farm t hen consisted of but ten acres on which was situated a double, single sto ry brick house, which in all probability had more than a half dozen inmat es at one time. It was familiarly called the "County Poorhouse" the word " infirmary" was never attached to it. But it, with all the Kentons, have pa ssed away, and are now known only in memory. Editors note: Deed Book H pg 310 dated 2-24-1828 lists transfer of "10 acr es, pt S 1/2 Section for poorhouse." Grantor Arch McGrew, Grantee , Commi ssioners of Champaign County. S11 T4 R11
Family record of William and Mary (Cleland) Kenton : Their children were P hillip C., born Dec. 5, 1765, died in Kentucky Nov. 2, 1855. William, bo rn Dec. 7, 1767, died in 177 3. Thomas, born Aug. 23, 1770, died in this c ounty Nov. 10, 185 1. Jane, born Jan. 21, 1773, died in Champaign County J une 12, 1812. Mary, born July 22, 1776, died in this county Oct. 12, 181 5. Elizabeth, born March 26, 1778 ; married Ezekiel Arrowsmith, in Kentuck y, April 6, 1797, died April 19, 1867. Sarah, born Jan. 30, 1781, died Feb ruary, 1796. William, born March 26, 1785, died Oct. 6, 1823. Mark, born D ec. 25, 1787, died May 6, 1851.
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 224
Family record of Thomas Cleland, who is a native of Ireland: He married Jane Smith. They were residents of Virginia. Their children-Jane, married a Mr. Myers ; Cassandra married Thomas Hayman ; they lived and died in the East. Nancy, married, name not known. Susannah married William
McGinness, father of William L. McGinness, of Mad River Township, Champa gn County. Sally married Thomas Dowden, the grandfather of the late Dr. Asel Owens of Illinois. Mary married William Kenton Dec. 15, 1763, in Virginia.
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»05 Mar 1912
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»38
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1874
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»John Garrett Wallace
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Sarah Catharine Bryent
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Anna Claudine Hull
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»24
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1888
Spouse's Father: «tab»Daniel J. Hull
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Jannie Catherine Slechter
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 332 cn 662
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»529
Death Date «tab»15 Nov 1946
Death Place «tab»Mansfield, Richland, Ohio, United States
Birth Date «tab»26 Sep 1872
Estimated Birth Year «tab»
Birthplace «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Death Age «tab»74 years 2 months 19 days
Gender «tab»Male
Marital Status «tab»Married
Race or Color «tab»Caucasian
Street Address «tab»
Occupation «tab»
Residence «tab»
Burial Date «tab»
Burial Place «tab»
Cemetery Name «tab»
Spouse's Name «tab»Claudine Hall Wallace
Father's Name «tab»John G. Wallace
Father's Title & Terms «tab»
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Katherine C. Bryant
Mother's Titles & Terms «tab»
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Film Number «tab»2372964
Digital Folder Number «tab»4076167
Image Number «tab»00671
Certificate Number «tab»69289
Source https://sites.rootsweb.com/~daisy/kentonki.htm
We are able to trace the Kenton side of the Arrowsmith family back to 170 1. Mark Kenton, Sr., was born in Ireland March 21, 1701, died March 16, 17 83, in Pennylvania. William Kenton, Sr., father of Elizabeth Arrowsmith, w as born Sept. 20, 1837 ; married Mary Cleland, in Virginia, Dec. 15, 176 3, died in this county May 21, 1822 ; she died in Mercer Co., Ky., April 1 4, 1788. Benjamin was a soldier in the Revolution ; died in Philadelphi a. Mark, Jr., was born Nov. 26, 1749; died Aug. 10, 1785. Simon was born A pril 3, 1752 or 1753, died in Logan County April 30, 1836 ; John, the youn gest brother, died in Mercer Co. Ky. (Source Beers History of Champaign County, OH)
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 225
Mark Kenton, Jr. was a corporal in the Virginia 1st Light Dragoons, Lee 's Legion (Light Horse Harry Lee's Partisan Corps). He was awarded 100 acr es of bounty land. He died from consumption.
440 - 8 Apr 1799 William Wood, minister of the gospel in Mason co AND Jo hn Edwards, Sr., of Bourbon co Ky Tr: Sale of the Lower Mill on Lawren ce Creek, Mason co, including mill dam, mill house, tailrace gards, et c. The Mill sold adjoins another mill sold previously to William Colema n. It had been purchased previously from Colonel Ramsey Black, and was l ocated on land of Simon Kenton Price - 1200 pounds Wt: Robert Frazier, Th omas Phillips, Adam Calderwood, Henry Clay Jr. Clerk: John Chambers
267 - 28 May 1801 Simon Kenton of North West Territory, by John Kenton, Tr ustee AND John Dye of Mason co Tr: Sale of land in Mason co, by line of Hu gh Shannon Settlement Wt: James Ackley Clerk: John Chambers
Simon Kenton was born in 1755, in the Bull Run Mountains of Prince Willi am County, Virginia. We don't know a lot about Simon's parents' early lif e. We do know his father, Mark Kenton, Sr. was born in County Down, Irelan d, his family was known for their political activism. Simon's mother Ma ry Miller Kenton was apparently born in Virginia, but her family was of Sc otch-Welch ancestry. Simon had a fairly uneventful youth but was intrigu ed by stories of the Kentucky wilderness until one day he was forced to fl ee to the frontier at the age of 16 under unusual circumstances. page 467
Jacob Sodowsky deposed, April 27, 1818, at his own house in Jessami ne Co., that "he first became acquainted with the mouth of Cabin cre ek in 1774; a-coming down the Ohio river." I was in this country in 177 6, and there was some powder came down the Ohio with George Rogers Clark a nd others, which was deposited at the Three Islands, late in the fall or e arly in the winter of 1776. On Jan. 2, 1777, James Harrod raised a co ., of which I was one, to go after the powder. We went by McClelland's fort (now Georgetown), by the Lower Blue Licks and Mayslic k; thence turned to the right a little, and struck the Ohio at or near t he mouth of Cabin creek. There were about 25 or 30 men in the co. They were: James Harrod, who had the ordering of the co., Joseph Blackfo rd, David Glenn, Benjamin Linn, Silas Harlan, Henry Higgins, James Elliot t, Simon Kenton, Isaac Hite, Elisha Bathi, Samuel Moore, Leonard ___, Jona than Ingram, Nathaniel Randolph, two or three of the McConnells and mysel f. On returning, we left the mouth of Cabin creek, and went down the Oh io some small distance, to get a better ___ to go up the hills, and travel ed back the same way we came. Two of our co. went out hunting and got los t, and found their way to the Upper Blue Licks, then turned & fell in wi th us north of and near the Lower Blue Licks. At __ ____ _____ the Oh io in 1774, we were much alarmed by or about the Indians, when a little fe llow the ___ [in L___] ___ ___ ___, a small distance above the Three Islan ds. The number and signs of the Indians was so great that we supposed th at to be a crossing place for them - about the mouth of Sycamore creek.
Bull Run Mountain Tales Simon Kenton The Man-The Legend Excerpt from Simon Kenton, The Great Frontiersman by Ray Crain When Simon Kenton was 15 years old, the "love bug" bit him. He fell "he ad over apple carts" for a young lady named Ellen Cummins. To Simon, the re was no other girl quite like Ellen. He had placed his brand on her a nd she was to be the future Mrs. Kenton.What a fateful day it was, when Si mon learned that the love of his life was to marry another. The winning su itor was a young man by the name of Leachman.On the day of the wedding, Si mon, full of anger, his pride crushed, arrived at the church just pri or to the ceremony. He called for Leachman to step outside where he cou ld whip him. Leachman, along with several friends was willing to oblige. T hey beat Simon nearly senseless.Anger over being publicly humiliated smoul dered within Simon for a year. He decided not to let this embarrassme nt go unanswered.Simon found Leachman working in some nearby woods. This t ime Leachman's friends weren't around to help.Leachman was thrashed to wit hin an inch of his life. In fact, Simon believed he had killed the young m an.Knowing the penalty for murder was death by hanging. Simon headed for t he wilderness beyond the mountains and to escape recognition assumed the n ame of Simon Butler. From childhood, Simon had heard the stories told by h is uncle, Thomas Kenton. Simon's uncle was a trader with the Indians. H is tales of great buffalo herds, salt springs, beautiful prairies and fert ile earth had left a lasting impression on the young man. He vowed somed ay that he would see that far off land that his uncle called Kentucky. The re was no better time than now to fulfill that yearning. Yes, this was t he incident that changed Kenton's life
Rt. 234 and Rt. 15, Near Hopewell Gap, five miles west, is historical mark er for Simon Kenton, born there, 1755. Leaving home in 1771, he beca me an associate of Daniel Boone and George Rogers Clark in Indian fightin g. He won fame as a scout and as one of the founders of Kentucky. Kenton d ied in Ohio in 1836
A big man in stature and strength, his stamina was often tested as he endu red the worst that was known to the frontier. During the winter of 1773, S imon and 2 companions were attacked around the campfire as they were dryi ng their wet clothes. Yeager killed, the other two barely escaped naked. T hey finally met some longhunters on the banks of the Ohio River after a we ek of hunger and barefoot wandering in the Kentucky wilderness.
In September of 1778 Simon was captured by Shawnee Indians. He was tied, h is hands bound, to a wild horse galloping through the trees. He was forc ed to run the infamous 1/4 mile "gauntlet" (which killed many prisoners) n ine times. After the sixth, while attempting escape, had a hole hammer ed in his skull and was unconscience for two days. With a war club and ax e, his arm and collarbone were broken. The indians called him "Cuttahoth a" which means "condemned to be burned at the stake" which they attempt ed 3 times. Finally in June 1779 he was able to escape from Detroit. Aft er a 30 day march he made it back to the American settlements.
Joel Collins, who was a young boy in 1782, has left a vivid descripti on of the young captain as he looked when marching through Lexington. [Ret urning from Blue Licks.] "He was tall and well-proportioned," says Collin s, "a countenance pleasant but dignified. There was nothing uncommon in h is dress; his hunting shirt hung carelessly but gracefully on his shoulder s; his other apparel was in common backwoods style."
The Indians also knew him as "The man who's gun is never empty" for his sk ill of running and reloading his faithful flintlock at the same time. He h eroically risked his life to save many future Kentuckians not the lea st of which was his lifelong friend Daniel Boone. Another good friend a nd fellow soldier was George Rogers Clark who lived on Simon's proper ty in his later years.
Source http://www.webpub.com/~jhagee/kenton.html
Clift in his "History of Maysville and Mason County Kentucky" recounts: 'Kenton spent most of his time at the mouth of Limestone Creek where boa ts were appearing daily. He knew the trails of his beloved country, the di stances and dangers: it was his self-appointed duty to guide, warn and wel come the various parties that edged their cautious ways into the creek th at was beginning to be known at Fort Pitt as "the landing port" of northe rn Kentucky.' Simon's first wife was killed in a house fire and in his later years he mo ved extended family to Champaign County, Ohio. There in Urbana, he is buri ed under a newly dedicated monument with an extensive history of its own.
'Only a few white men were ever as good as the Indians at the Indian gam e. Boone and Kenton were...' - Frederick Palmer Clark of the Ohio (1929
The first jail was on Market street, east of South Main street. Simon Kent on was the jailor about the year 1811, and was at the same time on the ja il bonds for a surety debt, and was therefore his own jailor. The first municipal election was held in 1816, Simon Kenton, Anthony Patri ck and George Hite being the judges
Historical Collections of Ohio By Henry Howe Vol. I ©1888 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Page 374 The celebrated Simon KENTON was here at an early day. Judge BURNET in h is letters states that when the troops were stationed at Urbana, a mutino us plan was formed by some of them to attack and destroy a settlement of f riendly Indians who had removed with their families within the settleme nt under assurance of protection. KENTON remonstrated against the measur e, as being not only mutinous bill treacherous and cowardly. He contrast ed his knowledge and experience of the Indian character with their ignoran ce of it. He vindicated them against the charge of' treachery, which was a lleged as a justification of the act they were about to perpetrate, and re minded them of the infamy they would incur by destroying a defenceless ba nd of men, women and children, who had placed themselves in their power, r elying on a solemn promise of protection. He relying appealed to their hum anity their honor and their duty as soldiers. Having exhausted all the mea ns of persuasion in his power, and finding them resolved to execute the ir purpose, he took a rifle and declared with great firmness that he wou ld accompany them to the Indian encampment, and shoot down. the first m an who dared to molest them : that if they entered his camp they shou ld do it by passing over his corpse. Knowing that the old veteran would re deem his pledge, they abandoned their purpose, and the poor Indians were s aved. Though he was brave as, Cæsar and reckless of danger when it was h is duty to expose his person, yet -he was mild, even tempered, and had a h eart that could bleed at the distresses of others.
Photo of his grave http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~henryhowesbook /champaign.html On the north side is a wolf's head, on the south side an Indian's, on t he west side a bear's head, on the east side a panther's; at the foot of t he grave is the original grave-stone of Kenton, a simple slab, 26 by 1 6, on which is inscribed: In memory of Gen. Simon KENTON, who was born Apr il 3, 1755, in Culpepper county, Virginia, and died April 29, 1836, aged e ighty-one years and twenty-six days. His fellow-citizens of the West wi ll long remember him as the skilful pioneer of early times, the brave sold ier and the honest man.
Gen. KENTON resided for the last few years of his life about five miles no rtheast of Bellefontaine, where he died and was buried. The small stone sl ab above described was put over the spot of his burial. A view of his o ld grave there will be found under the head of Logan county. His remains w ere removed to the Oak Dale cemetery during the governorship of Chas. Ande rson. The monument was not erected until more than ten years later, and th en mainly through the persistent efforts of Mr. William PATRICK, of Urban a, an old lifelong friend of the General, and now living at the advanced a ge of ninety-two years.
KENTON RECOLLECTIONSDelaware, Ohio, Aug. 28, 1881 To the Editor: In looking through the Beers History of Champaign County, I was very mu ch surprised to find (on p. 823) the assertion that the coffin enclosing t he remains of that old pioneer and Indian fighter [Simon Kenton] was ma de by Lyman North, late of Salem Twp. Desirous of vindicating my own statements and veracity, as well as establi shing the truth in a matter more important, perhaps, to myself than to any one else, I submit the following personal reminiscence: I conducted a furniture manufacturing and undertaking business near Zanesf ield, Logan Co., for about 25 years, locating there in 1830. On Apr. 30, 1 836, with the assistance of John Kirkpatrick, who now lives in Bellefontai ne, then a journeyman cabinet maker in my employ, I made the coffin and at tended, as undertaker, the funeral of Simon Kenton. In addition to Mr. Kirkpatrick, I refer, in support of the statement, to t he following well—known citizens of Logan Co., who are cognizant of the ma terial facts herein stated: Judge Ezra Bennett, Abner Riddle, Michael Funk, Dr. Lord, Elder George Mcc ulloch, all of Bellefontaine; and Ccl. Joel Haines, of West Middlebur g, as well as to any of the old residents of Jefferson Twp. in the vicini ty of the place where the eventful life of the brave old pioneer terminate d. I knew Simon Kenton well during the years of my early manhood, the place w here he lived the last few years of his life being but about three miles f rom where I resided more than 30 years. Although 45 years have elapsed, y et the incidents connected with the death and interment of the wonderful o ld pioneer are fresh in my memory, as I doubt not they are in the min ds of those whom I here cite as my witnesses. I suggest that the Beers reference (“The coffin which enclosed the remai ns of Simon Kenton of pioneer fame was made by Mr. North”) be erased by th ose who desire to preserve the truth of history for the coming generatio n. And I request that the newspapers of Champaign and Logan Counties co py this article, or its substance, in order that this matter of personal r eminiscence——important only by reason of its connection with weightier mat ters—may be established while living witnesses remain to confirm it. Daniel Cowgill (From Urbana Citizen & Gazette, Sept. 8, 1881)
Transcribed and contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Diana Lehman https://sites.rootsweb.com/~archreg/vols/00002.html#0000457 http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ky/state/court/collins.txt The following was transcribed from microfilm copies of the original docume nts in the Draper Manuscripts Collection of the State Historical Socie ty of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. RICHARD H. COLLINS & CO.
No. 11 Courier-Journal Building, Louisville, Ky.,
COLLINS' HISTORY OF KENTUCKY. Copies of Depositions taken in Land Suits in Kentucky Courts between 17 94 and 1824 - gathered by Richd H. Collins, while writing his "Histo ry of Kentucky" page 94
Simon Kenton deposed, Aug. 24, 1796: In 1775, he built a cabin on wh at is now known as Richard Wade's improvement, on waters of Lee's Cree k, in now Mason Co. In 1778 he became acquainted with sd. Wade at Fort De troit, where he left him in 1779. After his return to Ky., he (K.) propos ed to James Estill that he (K.) would furnish him with a location for s d. Wade, if he (E.) would do the other business necessary to secure it bef ore the C__rs for granting rights of settlement & preemption in the Dis t. of Ky. He did furnish this location, where he had built a cab in 5 or 6 rounds high, with ribs & ridge poles & joists. I built 3 cabins on the same branch near that cabin, one above & one bel ow it, and several on a branch more northwesterly, that empties into the m ain [North Fork] creek lower down; and some towards the dividing ridge be t. Lee's creek and Shannon's Run, on the drains of Lee's creek; and a numb er on easterly side of Lee's creek, some of which on the branch went bel ow the Big Spring branch. Thomas Williams was with me when I made the imp rovements.
page 446-7
Simon Kenton deposed, June 5, 1824: In 1775, 1776, May 1780, & 178 4, he was well acquainted with the mouth of Cabin Creek, the North Fo rk of Licking, and the Upper Blue Licks or Springs. By those names, th en and ever since, they were well known - except that, prior to 1780, so me called the North Fork the East Fork. Fleming Creek, in 1776 & befor e, was called the Dry Fork of Licking. Two roads led from the mouth of Ca bin Creek to the Upper Blue Licks - one called the war road or upper war r oad, the other called the buffalo road or trace & sometimes called the low er war road; former was best known. In 1777, a co. of about 30 men carri ed a quantity of powder from the Three Islands [9 to 12 mi. above Maysvill e] to Harrodsburg. They went down the Ohio to mouth of Cabin Creek, th en by my advice struck across to the buffalo trace leading from Limesto ne to Lower Blue Licks. I saw James Gilmore & others travel the upper war road in 1775. Also saw Col. Calmas' co. at t he mouth of Cabin Creek in spring 1775; some of his co. afterwards to ld me they traveled the upper war road, via Upper Blue Lick, & made co rn on Lulbegrud, the same summer. Wm. Stewart was killed at battle of Bl ue Licks, in 1782. From 1777 to 1784, I resided generally on the south si de of Ky. River. In 1778, I crossed Ohio R. at Limestone, on a scou t. In 1783, I landed at Limestone & passed by way of Lower Blue Lick to Danville.
War roads were distinguished by their being leading roads - i.e. lead ing from one distant point to another; also, by the marks and blazes up on them. Buffalo roads were found along ridges & creeks, & were much mo re worn down or beaten, from their being greatly traveled by buffalo; th ey were wider than war roads, & not distinguished by marks. page 556
Gen. Simon Kenton deposed, May 11, 1821, at the prison of Mason Co. [ in Washington]: He was now 66 or 67 years old. In 1780, he underto ok to locate 3,000 acres of land warrants for Edward Byne, his pay to be 1 /2 thereof. He located 1,000 acres where the town of Washington now stand s; 1,000 acres at Lewis' Station, formerly called Clark's Station, on nor th side of North Fork of Licking river, &c. In the division, he got the 1, 000 acres where Washington now is, and the east half of the 1,000 at Lewis .'
He made his own entry of 2,000 acres at the mouth of Well's creek, & after wards sold it (part of a very large sale of land) to Wm. Wood & Arthur F ox who well knew of its "interference" with Byne's Station survey on North Fork. page 664
Simon Kenton deposed, Aug. 23, 1821: He first became acquaint ed in 1775, with the "middle trace" or road from Lower Blue Lick to the he ad of Lawrence's creek [now Washington]. In 1776, he traveled it with Rob ert Patterson, Samuel Arrowsmith, Jacob Drennon, Samuel Percy, & others w ho then called it the "middle trace." In 1778, he traveled it again, wi th Col. Daniel Boone, Alex Barnett, & others, 18 in number. In 1780, he a ssisted to make . . . (certain) entries - all intended to lay on or near s aid trace . . . &c. page 563
Simon Kenton deposed, Aug. 15, 1814. I knew Lawrence creek [in Mas on Co., 3 miles S. & W. of Maysville] in 1775 and ever since. I was at i ts mouth in 1775, with John Fitzpatrick and Thos. Williams. The former to ld me he was with Thos. Bullitt in 1773; and that this creek was named Law rence creek after Lawrence Darnell. I was there in 1778 with old Daniel B oone and 16 other men; and in 1779, with Capt. Gatliff and Leaper, R. McKi nney, and Marshall. I was on said creek in the fall of 1783; landed at Li mestone, with the intention of settling on the waters of Lawrence creek, a bout 1 mile n. of Washington; and in company with Wm Kenton and John Metca lfe, we came out from Limestone to the spring on said creek, and we called it Lawrence Creek. I settled at sa id spring in the fall of 1784. In 1776, I saw Ignatius Mitchell, Daniel B oone, & __ Hunter on said creek; and in same year it was known by Jacob Drennon, Samuel Arrowsmith, John Mills, and Col. Robert Patterson .
Simon Kenton deposed, Sept. 12, 1797: In summer of 1775, he and Tho s. Williams came here [on Jacob Lockhart's entry in Mason county] and dead ened trees; & in 1776 put up a cabin, and sold the improvement to Scot t. He and Scott afterwards "recanted that bargain," and Kenton sold to Lo ckhart.
page 94
The depositions of Simon Kenton, Thos. Young and Wm. Triplett were ta ken by Comrs, Aug. 23, 1796 - from which it appeared that in 1773 John Fit zpatrick was here with Col. Thomas Bullitt [below Augusta, in now Brack en Co.] and then called this Turtle Creek; that it was so called by Patri ck Doran in 1774; that in 1775, John Hedges, for and by whom the land w as surveyed in 1773, was still on his improvement; and that the creek w as called Turtle Creek until 1782, then changed to Locust Creek. Thomas Young was chain carrier in 1773 for that and several other surve ys in that neighborhood.
Richd. H. Collins, Nov. 9, 1882.
Father of 19 children Will Abstract Pg 33 Heirs- Elizabeth Nichols, Sarah J Huston, W H McFarland, Deborah Kenton, Fanny Co nrey, Rebecca Gibbs, Cynthia A Gibbs, Thomas S, james R, R W and John M Mc Farland, Catherine Pence, Ben S McFarland and Deborah Gibbs, (grdau). Eliz abeth Nichols and Sarah Huston reside Logan County, R W McFarland, Butl er Co, OH, Deborah Gibbs and Fanny Conroy, Shelby Co, OH, Ben S McFarlan d, Johnson Co, KS, Deborah Kenton (wife of Wm), W H McFarland, John M McFa rland, J R McFarland, Rebecca Gibbs, Cynthia Gibbs, Catherine Pence a nd T S McFarland all reside Champaign County, OH
Denise K Moore Research: McFarland References CHAMPAIGN COUNTY GENEALOGICAL NEWSLETTER VOLUME I, NUMBER I, APRIL 1985, Pages 22-23 URBANA CITIZEN AND GAZETTE August 25, 1881, Page 2 Re-union of the McFarland Family Among the early settlers of Champaign County was the late Robt. McFarlan d, of Concord township, whose death occurred in December, 1883 (sic). He w as born near the Natural Bridge in Rockbridge County, Va., in 1783, and t he junior years of his life were spent in his native State Tennessee and K entucky. In 1807, he came from Cynthia, Ky., and settled permanently in th is county. And although penniless at that time, he braved all the inconve niences of poverty and the hardships incident to pioneer life, for the sa ke of freeing himself from the contaminating influence of slavery and rema ined a firm, unflinching, uncompromising anti-slavery man the remaind er of his life. He first settled on the farm of Simon ROPP, in Union towns hip, and subsequently on the Bates farm near Lippencott's Station. In 18 12 he settled on the homestead farm in Concord township, where remained t he balance of his life. When he entered the farm no woodman's axe had inva ded the forest which so densely covered the entire farm. He selected a pla ce in the midst of the tall beech and sugar, upon the outskirts of which s tood the majectic sycamore upon the banks of Anderson Creek, and there ami dst the howling of the wolves, the running to and fro of the wild deer, t he familiar gobble of the wild turkey, he reared his cabin, and in it plac ed his wife and two children. Soon after this, war was declared between th is and the mother country and the inhabitants became so alarmed on accou nt of the probable invasion of the county by the hostile savage. Here th ey lived between hope and fear, until peace was declared, and the count ry was at rest. The family in the course of time number (sic) fourteen ca me to the years of maturity, married, and took their various places in soc iety. Five of the nineteen died in infancy and one after reaching maturit y. Of this number, thirteen are still living, and the family circle has n ot been broken for more than forty-five years, the last occurring on the 1 1th of March, 1836, the victim of death being Maximilla, wife of John ROC K, who formerly lived at the present house of Daniel KIZER, Esq. The old f arm has been divested of its native forest trees almost entirely, and t he spot selected for a building site, three score and ten years since whi ch was then covered with its native forests, is now a dense mass of evergr eens, which together with its other objects of attraction, render it o ne of the most desirable places in the county. The family met together f or the last time, prior to the 18th inst., on the 29th of Aug. 1844. For t he past two months arrangements have been in the course of perfection for a re-union on the 18th inst., and not withstanding the family was separ ated full fifteen hundred miles apart, being all the way from New York to Kansas, yet the meeting was a success, and will long be remember ed by all present. The immediate family descendants, including marriages and inter-marriages now number one hundred and eighty-three, of this number one hundred and two came together on Monday last, and was composed of t he following families:
John Nichols and wife, of Ford county, Ill. Wm. H. McFarland, Loren B. McFarland and C. B. Jennings, and families of Union twp. Edward Conroy and wife, of Shelby county James V. Gibbs, Samuel Gibbs, Henry C. Gibbs and I ra Wiant, and families of St. Paris John Gibbs and family, and Mrs. Curt is Laughlin, of Sidney Wm. Neal and family of Palestine Prof. R. W. McFarl and and family of Columbus Andrew C. Huston, Frank Norton and Dennis Den ny and families of Logan county J. R. McFarland and families of this township Archibald Magrew and wife of Westville B. S. McFarland and family of Olathe, Kansas Dr. H. Scott of Lancaster, Ohio together with the family of the writer, made up the relationship represented on the 18th.
Among those who were not related conspicuous in the crowd was Dr. McLaughlin and wife, of Tremont Dr. R. R. McLaughlin and family of Westville Mrs. Mary Shackelford of Missouri and Mrs. J. Stevenson of Jackson township-daughters of the late Harvey Talbott John Deer and wife, B. A. Hains and family, Hon. A. M. Pence, of Chicago David Pence of Madriver twp. Mrs. Ann Loudenback, Miss Ida White of St. Paris and Will Shomate of Salem
A table forty feet long was placed in the yard beneath the evergreen trees and loaded with all the substantials of life. The family was then seat ed according to their respective ages, when the Divine blessing was Invok ed by the eldest member of the family, Mrs. John Nichols, who birth place is the present home of Mr. George MEYER, on the Henry POWELL farm sou th of town, the event occurring June 4, 1804. Dinner over the children, twelve in number, (Mrs. W. C. HUSTON alone being absent) placed themselves in a line on the spot where the old house stood, while their husbands and wives stood in another line opposite the first. While thus standing, letters from their only uncle, Benjamin McFARLAND, of Taylor Co. Ky., and W m. SCOTT, of Franklin, were read, expressing their regrets in being unable to attend. About this time, a gentle rain began to fall, and the table being cleared, about twenty men and boys took the table up full length and carrying it above their heads, marched off to the barn. Then all were dismissed from the barn, save the proprietor and one or two aids, and a second feast prepared. The crowd was then summoned from both the hou se and yard to the barn, and all held for a moment in suspense while the program was being announced, when the great doors were thrown open and t he crowd which had remained in ignorance of the object of the visit to t he barn, up to this time, marched in to a feast of watermelons, perhaps ne ver before equaled by any display upon a single table. Soon this table, fo rty feet in length, covered from one end to the other with the choicest of melons furnished by our friend RHODEHAMEL, of Urbana, was cleared. Late in the afternoon the crowd began to disperse, never again to meet under similar circumstances, for the advanced years of the oldest members of the family and the remote distance which separate them forbid the ir coming together again in this life. Few families of so great a number live to such advanced age, and pass near half a century without the family circle being broken by death. The combined ages of the thirteen living children, made on the day of the reunion 741 years, 1 month and 27 day s. They are almost universally members of the M.E. Church, and all vote the Republican ticket-notwithstanding the Loveland movement. None of them drink or chew tobacco, and all have great reason to be thankful for the prolongation of their lives, and for a sufficient amount of filthy lucre to keep them comfortable in life. The 18th of August, 1881, will long be referred to as among the most pleasant events of the lives of the participants. Specs, Jr.
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 240 son of Robert McFarland and Rebecca White
URBANA CITIZEN & GAZETTE Aug. 25, 1881; Pg. 2 Re\emdash union of the McFarland Family Amng the early settlers of Champaign County was the late Robert McFarlan d, of Concord tcmnship, whose death occurred in Decariber, 1883. He was lx rn near the Natural Bridge in Rockbridge County, Va., in 1783, and the junior years of his life were spent in his native State Tennessee and Kentuck y. In 1807, he came fran Cynthia, Ky., and settled permanently in this county. And although penniless at that time, he braved all the inconvenienc es of poverty and the hardships incident to pioneer life, for the sake of freeing himself fran the contaminating influence of slavery and ran ained a fim, unflinching,un- promising anti-slavery man the ranainder of his life. He first settled on the tarn of Simon ROPP, in Union towns hip, and subsequently on the Dates farm near Lippencott's Station. In 1812 he settl-ed on the hcniestead farm in Concord township, where he ramm ed the balance of his life. When he entered the fart no woodman' s axe h ad invaded the forest which so densely covered the entire farm. He selected a place in the midst of the tall beech and sugar, upen the outskirts of which stood the majestic sycannre upon the banks of Anderson Creek, and there amidst the howling of the wolves, the running to and fro of the wild deer, the familiar gobble of the wild turkey, he reared his cabin, and in it placed his wife and twelve children. Soon after this, war was declared between this and the anther country and the inhabitants beca me so alarmed on ac-count of the probable invasion of the couny by the hostile savage. Here they lived between hope and fear, until peace was declared, and the country was at rest, The family in the course of time number fourteen came to the years of maturity, married, and took their various pla ces in society. Five of the nineteen died in infancy and one after reachi ng maturity. Of this number, thirteen are still living, and the family circle has not been broken for wore than forty- five years, the last occurring on the 11th of March, 1836, the victim of death being Maximilla, wife of John FLECK, ato formerly lived at the present house of Daniel KIZER, Esq. The old farm has been divested of its native forests trees alrmost entirely, and the spot selected for a building site, three score and ten years since which was then covered with its native forests, is now a dense mass of evergreens, which together with its other objects of attraction, render it one of the most desirable places in the county. The family -- together for the last time, prior to the 18th inst., on the 29 th of Aug. 1844. For the past six months arrangaments have been in the course of perfection for a re-union on the 18th inst. , and not withstanding the family was separated full fifteen hundred miles apart, being all the way fran New York to Kansas, yet the meeting was a success, and will long be remembered by all present. The immidiate family descendants, including marriages and inter-marriages now number one hundred and eighty\emdash three, o this number one hundred and t&o came together on Monday last, and was can\emdash posed of the following fmilies: John NICHOLS and wife, of Ford county, Ill.; 'Mn. H. McFARLAND, Loren B. McFARLAND and C.B. JENNINGS, and families, of Union Twp.; Edward ____ and wife, of Shelby county; James V. GIBES, Samuel GIBBS, Henry C.GIBBS and Ira WIANT and families, of St. Paris; John GIBBS and family, and Mrs. Curtis LAUGHLIN, of Sidney; 'Mn. NEAL and family, of Palestine; Prof. R.W. McFARLAND and family, of Columbus; Andrew C. ELISION, Frank--- and Dennis DENNY and families, of Logan county; J. R. McFARLAND and families, of this township; Archibald MAGREW and wife, of Westville, B.S. McFARLAND and family, of Olathe, Kansas, and Dr. H.S HITT, of Lancaster, 0. togeth-er with the family of the writer, nude up the relationship represented on the 18th. Annng those who were not related conspicuous in the crowd was Dr. McLAUGHLIN and wife, of Traxnn t; Dr. R.R. McLAUGHLIN and family, of Westville; Mrs. Mary SHACKELFODRD, of Missouri & Mrs. J. STEVENSON, of Jackson twp. \emdash daughters of the late Harvey TALBOTT; John DEER and wife, B.A. HAI?&S and family, Hon. KM. PENCE, of Chicago; David PENCE, of Madriver twp.; Mrs. Aim WiDEN- BACK, Mi ss Ida WHITE, of St. Paris, and Will SIflAATE, of Salan. A table forty fe et long was placed in the yard beneath the evergreen trees and loaded wi th all the substant\emdash ials of life. The family was then seated accordi ng to their respective ages, when the Divine blessing was Invoked by the e ldest menber of the family, Mr. John NICHOLS, whose birth place is the pre sent hare of Mr. George MEYER, on the Henry LOWELL fa.nn south of town, t he event occurring June 4, 1804. Dinner over the children, twelve in flute r, (Mrs. W.C. HtJSIDN alone being absent) placed thatwelves in a line on t he spot where the old house stood, while their husbands and wives sto od in another line opposite the first. While thus standing, letters fran t heir only uncle, Benjamin MCFARLAND, of Taylor Co., Ky., and Van. &XII T, of Franklin, were read, expressing their regrets in being unable to att end. About this time, a gentle rain begin to fall, and the table being cle ared, about twenty men and boys took the table up full length and carrying it above their heads, marched of f to the barn. Then all were disniss ed f ran the barn, save the pro-prietor and one or two aids, and a second feast prepared. The cro~1 was then sumnrnned fran both the house and ya rd to the barn, and all held for a nnnent in suspense while the program w as being announced, when the great doors were thrown open and the crowd wh ich had ranained in ignorance of the object of the visit to the bar n, up to this tinn, marched in to a feast of watemrlons, perhaps never bef ore equal-ed by any display upon a single table. Soon this table, forty fe et in length, covered fran one end to the other with the choicest of melo ns furnished by our friend RRCDEHAMEL, of Urbana, was cleared. Late in t he afternoon the crowd began to disperse, never again to meet under simil ar circumstances, for the advanced years of the oldest nnnbers of the fami ly and the ratnte distance which seperate than forbid their caning togeth- er again in this life. Few families of so great a rnmnber live to such adv anced age, and pass near half a century with-out the family circle being b roken by death. The ccitrtined ages of the thir-teen living children, ma de on tie day of the reunion 741 years, 1 nnnth and 27 days. They are a2nn st universally nnnbers of the M.E. Church, and all vote the Republican tic ket-notwithstanding the Loveland nnvanent. None of than drink or chew toba cco, and all have great reason to be thankful for the prolongation of the ir lives, and for a sufficient annunt of filthy lucre to keep than can±ort -able in life. The 18th of August, 1881, will long be referred to as ann ng the nnst pleasant events of the lives of the participants.Specs, Jr.
Beers History of Concord Township When Robert McFarland bought the farm above alluded to, (Henry Bacome) the remains of an Indian village were still plainly visible, there being
fourteen huts still in a pretty fair state of preservation. These huts stood some two or three hundred yards southwest of Concord Chapel. In the first organization of the first M. E. Church in Urbana, Robert McFarland was appointed its first Class leader, and after the organization of the Stevens' Church, at Westville, he transferred his membership, and became the first leader in that organization. He was also the nucleus around which Concord society grew, and was its first leader. The society familiar ly known as Concord, was first organized in 1818. The meetings, both for w orship and business, were held principally at the house of Robert McFarland, until the erection and completion of a log church, in 1824. The
site of the first house of worship was on the west line of the graveyard, Robert McFarland and James Russell each giving an acre of land for the use of the church. The house, an ordinary hewed log building, was erected a cross the line, so that each of the donors had a part of the house on the land he had donated. This building was erected in 1824, the contract for its erection being given to Tid and Joshua Franklin, they agreeing to inclose the house for the sum of $50.
From Champaign County Genealogical Society Newsletter Fall 1993 Vol 9 # 4C ONCORD TOWNSHIP MEMEORIES The recent communication of my friend Levi Johnson is not without interest to a great many of your readers. Out of 37 names which appear in the list, 18 of them have long since died. At the organization of the church in 1824, Robert McFarland, George Gideon, William Harbor, James Russell, Robert Russell Sr., Joseph Kill, and Zacbariah Heath were the trustees to whom the property was deeded on May 4, 1825, the d eed being executed by John L. Stevens, justice of the peace, and witnessed by Elizabeth Gideon and Jane Russell. All these have passed away.
CCGS Newsletter June 1996 From a reprint of "Counties of Warren, Benton, J asper, Newton, Indiana: first published in 1883 Submitted by Sharon Parris h, Rensselaer, IN A Biographical Sketch of Early Settlers of Jasper County, IN pg 588 John C Kenton (deceased) was born in Kentucky in 1808. His Father, Phill ip Kenton, was a native of Virginia and removed to Kentucky in company wi th Simon P Kenton, the reknowned Indian fighter. Phillip Kenton and his s on John C, came to Urbana, Ohio and bought a section of land, but later re moved to the Blue Licks, where the formr died. John C Kenton came to th is county in 1843 and purchased 200 acres of land. While in Champaign Coun ty, Oh he kept the poorhouse and worked at his trade of shoe-making. Mr Ke nton was father of the following children: Edmund, Phillip C (killed by t he explosion of a steamboat while homeward bound from California), Barba ra A, Fannie, Simon, William, Cynthia A, Jasper and Mary Jane. John C Kent on was a successful man in every line of his effort and as a reward of h is industry and it=ntegrity left a fine estate to his family. He was genia l, liberal and just and had many friends. Indeed, the whole Kenton fami ly were well known and esteemed. Simon Kenton was born in Ohio in 1836 a nd in 1859 married Jospehine Spry, old settlers of Champaign County, OH. T heir Union was honored by eight children; Alda, Emma, Edmond, Milon, Ome r, and theee deceased infants. Jasper Kenton was born i nthis county in 18 46 and resided on his fathers (john C ) farm . In 1873 he married Miss Ma ry Catherine Wilcox, to which union have been bestowed three children; Mag gie, John, Stewart and Charlie. Mr Kenton owns 240 acres of fine land besi des 200 of timber.
Champaign County Genealogical Society, Newsletter Vol 18 No 1 Pg 11 from U rbana Daily Citizen, Wed, Feb 1903 Abstracted by Pat Stickley. The Kentons of Mad River Township The Death of Harvey Kenton of Mad River , the past week not only takes aw ay one of our prominent farmers, but removed the last member of the histor ic family of Kentons, who have been sonstant residents of Mad River twonsh ip for one hundred and three years. In 1801 William Kenton Sr, a broth er of Gen Simon Kenton and his sister Mrs E Arrowsmith, and four sons, Tho mas, William Jr, Phillip and Mark, all settled in the same community, we st of Mad River, and each had a large family. All the farms of the four s ons lay adjoining each other, making a very formidable array of Kentons. J ohn, son of Phillip, was for many years the manager of the county infirmar y, when it stood a hundred rods west of the Westville depot, on the old Mo user farm, now owned by William Blose. This man Kenton was familiarly kno wn as "John Coon" a name he retained all of his life. The infirmary farm t hen consisted of but ten acres on which was situated a double, single sto ry brick house, which in all probability had more than a half dozen inmat es at one time. It was familiarly called the "County Poorhouse" the word " infirmary" was never attached to it. But it, with all the Kentons, have pa ssed away, and are now known only in memory. Editors note: Deed Book H pg 310 dated 2-24-1828 lists transfer of "10 acr es, pt S 1/2 Section for poorhouse." Grantor Arch McGrew, Grantee , Commi ssioners of Champaign County. S11 T4 R11
Jasper Co IN marriages Kenton Benton T. Cynthia A. Hoyes - - Dec 9 1882 Dec 10 18
Kenton Clara William J.Moore - - Mar 4 1887 Mar 5 1887 2 277
Kenton Eliza. A. Jno. W. Duvall - - Feb 25 1868 Feb 25 1868 1 110
Kenton Elmer S. Tillie Robertson - - Feb 17 1890 Feb 18 1890 2 4
Kenton Emma J. Wiles S. Berray - - Nov 27 1895 Nov 28 1895 3 251
Kenton Fannie Isaac Parker - - Mar 25 1891 Mar 25 1891 3 2
Kenton Frank Ida M. Parker - - Oct 15 1884 Oct 15 1884 2 170
Kenton Jasper Mary C. Wilcox - - Nov 29 1873 Nov 30 1873 1 278
Kenton Laura B. Reed Banta - - Feb 26 1892 Feb 27 1892 3 42
Kenton Lizzie Chas. Zard - - Apr 4 1885 Apr 7 1885 2 194
Kenton Maggie Wm. E. Mead - - Feb 5 1902 Feb 5 1902 4 109
Kenton Mary J. Jasper Makeever - - Jan 27 1868 Jan 28 1868 1 106
Kenton Mason Lucinda Zard - - Feb 16 1884 Feb 18 1884 2 149
Kenton Ora V. Ivan C. Dunlap - - Feb 24 1903 Feb 24 1903 4 180
Kenton Ray Estella Huffman - - Jan 14 1909 (???) 4 499
Kenton Wm. H. Sarah J. Thomas - - Mar 25 1873 Mar 25 1873 1 261
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»29 Sep 1812
Event Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Susana Markley
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»29
Film Number: «tab»295228
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016260
Image Number: «tab»32
Beers History of Ohio GABRIEL KENTON, farmer; P. O. Urbana. The name of Kenton is familiar to ev ery school-boy in the land, and the services of Simon Kenton were invaluab le during the war that existed in his time. Gabriel Kenton, of whom we wri te, was nearly related to him, Simon being his grandfather's brother. T he grandfather of Gabriel came to Champaign Co., from Kentucky in 1801 wi th his family, and settled near Springfield; afterward moved to Urbana, a nd from thence to the farm now owned by Harvey Kenton. The family were acc ompanied from Kentucky by Thomas Kenton and family. Soon after their arriv al, other families came and settled near them. The lands they settled on w ere not open for sale and were not surveyed until 1806. The nettles gr ew so high on the bottoms that when they wanted to go from one place to an other, they had to harness a horse to a brush and drag a road through the m. The Indians were plenty in Gabriel's time, and they frequently camped n ear his father's farm. Mad River and its tributaries were favorite hunti ng and fishing grounds of the Indians, and they watched he new settlers wi th a jealous eye, but in this immediate neighborhood never resorted to act ual violence. The customs of the people were of the primitive type, eve ry one trying to help his neighbor, and their opening up of the heavy-timb ered lands required a hearty and united effort on their part. William Wa rd was a partner of Simon Kenton, and was one of the first settlers. Thr ee grandsons represented the family name. Ezekiel Arrowsmith was anoth er of the first settlers, and his descendants will be repre sented in th is work. Mark Kenton married Susannah Markley Aug. 31, 1814. They had sev en children, four of whom are living, our subject being the oldest, Harv ey nest; Samuel lives in Illinois, and also their only sister, Sarah J. Ca raway. Harvey is still a bachelor, with one of the finest residences in t he township. Our subject, Gabriel Kenton, was married to Mary A. Bryan Ju ly 18, 1854. They were parents of one child that died in infancy. They ha ve reared several children, but have adopted none. The parents of Gabri el died-the father May 6, 1851, and the mother Sept. 12, 1858. They were v ery energetic people, commencing life in poor circumstances, but by ener gy accumulated considerable property. Both Harvey and Gabriel are very wea lthy men, and are noted for their good qualities. They have both engaged l argely in the stock business, Harvey in Ohio and Gabriel in Illinois, whe re be has a large farm. He superintends his large business and rarely mak es a mistake. The familyare mostly Republican in politics, and have alwa ys been numbered among our most influential citizens. Elisha Harbor, Willi am Harbor, Mark Kenton, Sampson Talbott and William Custar entered the la nd in the north part of Mad River Township. The land Westville was bui lt on was virtually entered by Arch McGrew.
Champaign County Genalogical Society, Newsletter Vol 18 No 1 Pg 11 from Ur bana Daily Citizen, Wed, Feb 1903 Abstracted by Pat Stickley. The Kentons of Mad River Township The Death of Harvey Kenton of Mad River , the past week not only takes aw ay one of our prominent farmers, but removed the last member of the histor ic family of Kentons, who have been sonstant residents of Mad River twonsh ip for one hundred and three years. In 1801 William Kenton Sr, a broth er of Gen Simon Kenton and his sister Mrs E Arrowsmith, and four sons, Tho mas, William Jr, Phillip and Mark, all settled in the same community, we st of Mad River, and each had a large family. All the farms of the four s ons lay adjoining each other, making a very formidable array of Kentons. J ohn, son of Phillip, was for many years the manager of the county infirmar y, when it stood a hundred rods west of the Westville depot, on the old Mo user farm, now owned by William Blose. This man Kenton was familiarly kno wn as "John Coon" a name he retained all of his life. The infirmary farm t hen consisted of but ten acres on which was situated a double, single sto ry brick house, which in all probability had more than a half dozen inmat es at one time. It was familiarly called the "County Poorhouse" the word " infirmary" was never attached to it. But it, with all the Kentons, have pa ssed away, and are now known only in memory. Editors note: Deed Book H pg 310 dated 2-24-1828 lists transfer of "10 acr es, pt S 1/2 Section for poorhouse." Grantor Arch McGrew, Grantee , Commi ssioners of Champaign County. S11 T4 R11
June 13, 1878
Alexander Pence, lifelong resident of this community, died quite suddenly last Saturday morning, it is supposed of apoplexy. Mr Pence was born near here and lived here all of his life. Rev EB Smith preached funeral, Mr Pence was in his 59th year at the time of his death.
Ohio Death Certificate Index, Last Residence: 43078 Urbana, Champaig n, Ohio, Born: 1 Dec 1890 Died: 30 Sep 1994. SS Death Index Name: Lura L. Hess SSN: 277-62-1725 Last Res idence: 43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, Born: 1 Dec 1890 Die d: 30 Sep 1994 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1973 )
May be related to Robert Given b 1784 and George born 1789
Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co Oh-Newspaper Abstracts M ay 1855-1871, (March 2000), pg2. 11/1/1855 A man by the name of Given w as found dead on Sat Morning last, near the res of Judge Dallas on the Spr ingfield Road.
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 148 Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 150
Death Date: «tab»25 Feb 1913
Death Place: «tab»Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»15 Jan 1863
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»50 years 1 month 10 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»28 Feb 1913
Burial Place: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»George Given
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Pa.
Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah Pence
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1953599
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021229
Image Number: «tab»1782
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 10149
Death Date: «tab»21 Feb 1949
Death Place: «tab»Stokes Twp, Logan, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»01 Jul 1873
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Death Age: «tab»75 years 7 months 20 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»George Given
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah Pence-Given
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2246585
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4109136
Image Number: «tab»01079
Certificate Number: «tab»10206
1850 Champaign Co, Mad River, OH HH#146 Pg442 Barbary Snyder, 61, VA Evey , 67, VA (Daniels sister Eve) Joseph Talbott, 15, OH Elizabeth 13, OH Minerva, 11, OH Eliza 7 OH Philip Low? 26, OH
Enumeration taken by W W Helmick, of citizens aged 70 years or more who we re residing in Urbana City and Urbana Township. Found in the 21 May 1889 I ssue of the Urbana Daily Citizen page 3 Col 3&4 Demoval Talbott; Ohio; 79
When Sarah died in 1849, children Joseph, Elizabeth, Minerva, and Eliza we re living with Barbara Snyder, mother of Daniel Snyder, prob Sarah's mothe r. Also living with Daniel Sniyer in 1850 is a transcribed "Elory" (cou ld be Elanore)
3/19/1849 Champaign Co, Guardianship Book pg 377 Daniel Snyder gdn of Jose ph Talbot, Mary Elizabeth Talbot, Daniel Talbot, Susan Minerva Talbot, Eli za Talbot, Frances jane Talbot, William Talbot; children and heirs of Sar ah Talbot and heirs of Daniel Snider deceased. Surity James Dallas
Champaign Co, Guardianship Book pg 482 Mar 13, 1854 Demovil Talbot G dn of Susan Minerva Talbot 13 yr Sept 16, 1853; Joseph Talbot 18 yr May 1 7, 1853; Daniel Talbot 15 yr Feb 21, 1854; minor heirs of Daniel Snyder de c'd. Surities James Kenton Archibald Magrew
In her "Bastardy" suit in 1833, Sarah Snider said that "she was deliver ed of the child in Madriver Township where she then and now resides." S he also states that the child was begotten "on the plantation of Gabriel Snider my brother and near his house." She says th at Oliver Lillard "went home with me from Henry Comers to my brothers hous e."
Sarah SNIDER states that, as of 20 July 1833, "she is an unmarried woman and never h as been married."
I am also looking for information on Ellanore Lillard, who married Geor ge Washington Jenkins in Champaign County on 13 Oct 1850. I believe th at she may be the illegitimate daughter of Oliver Lillard and Sarah Snide r. Sarah Snider sued Oliver Lillard in Champaign Co. Chancery Court in 18 33 regarding her female child born 11 Aug 1832, Erik Thorsen
Examination The State of Ohio Champaign County - Case of bastardy on complaint of Sar ah Snider (vs) Oliver Lillard - Said Sarah Snider being sworn and under ex amination in above complaint states that she is an unmarried woman and nev er has been married that she has been delivered of a bastard female chi ld on the 11th day of August last and the father thereof is Oliver Lilla rd and that she was delivered of the child in Madriver Township where s he then and now resides. Question by defendant. When was the child begot ten. Answer. On the plantation of Gabriel Snider my brother and near h is house. Question by Deft. What time in the day or night was it begotte n. Answer. It was late at night. Q. How did he happen to meet with y ou at that time of night. A. he went home with me from Henry Come rs to my brothers house and staid to near day break. Q. Was he with t he family in the house. A. Part of the time. Q. Was anybody else the re except your brothers family. A. No I believe not. Q. How did y ou go out that time of night. A. He made me promise to go out, and I d id go out. Question by defendant. When and how often had he connection w ith you before and after the time before stated. A. Never before that ti me but 6 or seven times since. Q. When was the child begotten. A. On t he forepart of the last fall month previous to the child being born, a nd on Monday of the week. Q. Had you intercourse with any other person n ear that time or within six months. A. I have not. Q. What position w as you in when the child was begotten. A. Standing up. Question by atto rney for complainant. Is the child living. Answer. Yes it is. And furt her this deponent saith not.
Besides the warrant issued for Oliver Lillard and the subpoena issued f or Sarah Snider, the court also issued subpoenas for M. Pence and for A. M agrew. Personal notation- ( M Pence could be Martin Pence, father of Nan cy Pence who married Oliver Lillard 9-14-1832 within 4 months. and Archiba ld MaGrew who's son Hamilton Magrew married Elizabeth Snyder, d/o Daniel S nyder Jr, gd of Daniel Snyder, poss father of Sarah.
Oliver's main defense (besides "it wasn't me"), is that on 1 September 183 2, "the said Sarah did by her certain writing of release sealed with her s eal and now shown to the court ... release, acquit and finally discharged the said Oliver Lillard from the payment of any sum or su ms of Money on account of her having had said child and from any legal pro ceedings or prosecution whatever against him the said Oliver either in h er own name or in any other name and did agree not to institute or cau se to be instituted any prosecution or legal proceedings against said Oliv er on account or in consequence of having had said child as by the said de ed ..."
So I know that I'm guilty of reading between the lines, but I'm wonderi ng if, three weeks after she's given birth, Oliver and his buddies (acti ng as witnesses) show up and cajole this 17-year-old into making her " X" on a document that says not that Oliver isn't the father of her chil d, but rather that Oliver is not financially responsible for the child. T he "M. Pence" subpoenaed may well have been Martin Pence, the father of Nancy Pence who married Oliver on the 14th of that same mont h.
Apparently Mrs. Jenkins had died in Iowa at the age of 94. They knew s he had been married to George Washington Jenkins in 1850 in Champaign Coun ty (so she has to be OUR Ellanore Lillard). We corresponded via email, and their family story (for which they had no docu mentation) was that Ellen's mother was Sarah Snider and that her father w as either Elias Lillard or Uriah Lillard. Knowing about the Chancery Court suit, my radar went up immediately. Ellen died in 13 Oct 1 924 in either Mahaska or Poweshiek County IA. witness to her marriage lice nse was John Loudenback on 11 Oct 1850, and the marriage was perform ed by Phillip Comer, J.P. on 13 Oct 1850.
1850 Champaign Co, Mad River, OH HH#146 Pg442 Barbary Snyder, 61, VA Evey , 67, VA (Daniels sister Eve) Joseph Talbott, 15, OH Elizabeth 13, OH Minerva, 11, OH Eliza 7 OH Philip Low? 26, OH
TALIUT, Joseph C. Death date: 9/14/1930, Madison County
Volume #6405, Certificate #55301
TALOOLT, Josephi C. Death date: 7/2/1930, Columbiana Coun
Volume #634, Certificate #418
1850 Champaign Co, Mad River, OH HH#146 pg442 Barbary Snyder, 61, VA Evey , 67, VA (Daniels sister Eve) Joseph Talbott, 15, OH Elizabeth 13, OH Minerva, 11, OH Eliza 7 OH Philip Low? 26, OH
Name: «tab»Wm. L. Powell
Date: «tab»3 Feb 1916
Location: «tab»Huntington
Age: «tab»55 Yr
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Source Location: «tab»City Health Office, Huntington
Source Notes: «tab»The source of this record is the book CH-6 on page 5 within the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.
Died of consumption.
Year looks like 1881 on tombstone, but he died in 1877.
Event Type: «tab»Death
Event Date: «tab»09 Nov 1930
Event Place: «tab»Piqua, Miami, Ohio
Residence Place: «tab»
Address: «tab»324 W. Green St.
Gender: «tab»Female
Age: «tab»80
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race: «tab»White
Occupation: «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»1850
Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Birth Year (Estimated): «tab»1850
Burial Date: «tab»13 Nov 1930
Burial Place: «tab»Piqua
Cemetery: «tab»Forest Hill
Father's Name: «tab»John H. Young
Father's Titles and Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Pennsylvania
Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth White
Mother's Titles and Terms: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Spouse's Name: «tab»Myron E. Barber
Spouse's Titles and Terms: «tab»
File Number: «tab»fn 67883
GS Film number: «tab»1992278
Digital Folder Number: «tab»004000565
Image Number: «tab»02104
Sources"Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X6DM-79P : accessed 25 Nov 2013), Carrie Young Barber, 09 Nov 1930; citing Piqua, Miami, Ohio, reference fn 67883; FHL microfilm 1992278.
Event Type: «tab»Death
Event Date: «tab»14 Dec 1910
Event Place: «tab»Piqua, Miami, Ohio
Residence Place: «tab»
Address: «tab»324 W Green St
Gender: «tab»Male
Age: «tab»67
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race: «tab»White
Occupation: «tab»Manufacturer
Birth Date: «tab»23 Oct 1843
Birthplace: «tab»Connecticut
Birth Year (Estimated): «tab»1843
Burial Date: «tab»17 Dec 1910
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery: «tab»Forest Hill
Father's Name: «tab»Eleazer Barber
Father's Titles and Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Connecticut
Mother's Name: «tab»Pillin Phelps
Mother's Titles and Terms: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Connecticut
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Spouse's Titles and Terms: «tab»
File Number: «tab»fn 68275
GS Film number: «tab»1952769
Digital Folder Number: «tab»004021040
Image Number: «tab»00317
"Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X885-5MR : accessed 25 Nov 2013), Myron E Barber, 14 Dec 1910; citing Piqua, Miami, Ohio, reference fn 68275; FHL microfilm 1952769.
Champaign Co, Will Abstracts book C Pg 580 Frederick baker probated 1/17/1870 Wife, (no name); sons harvey H and Asa R Baker the farm in Mad River Tw p. Elisha Berry Administrator. Witness Alex Pence, David Loudenback. Sign ed 2/21/1852
Record Book 36, Page 25 — Filed 23 October 1871 — Petition to Partition Harriett M. Baker vs Harvey H. Baker et al Frederick Baker died circa 20 April 1868 seized of the south—east quart er of Section 28 and 76 acres in the north—east quarter of Section 27 Town ship 4 Range 11 (Mad River Township). His heirs were his children: Harri et N. Baker, Lydia H Baker, Monticello Baker, Emaline baker , Harvey H bak er and Asa R Baker.
The Saint Paris News-Dispatch July 1, 1909 Saturday, June 26 was the annual reunion of the remaining children of John and Eva BAKER, held at the residence of Daniel Baker of Jackson townshi p, Champaign County, O. John Baker was born in Virginia in 1806 and wh en 10 years immigrated "out west" and settled in Champaign County, Ohi o. He married Eva BRUNER and they lived in Jackson township the remaid er of their lives, both living to be over 90 years of age.Into this uni on 10 children were born, 4 of whom have gone on to the great beyond. The remaining 6, William, Daniel and Lemuel Baker, Mrs. Margaret S TOVER, Mrs. Hamilton STEVENS, Mrs John LEATHLEY and descendants constitute the family which annually enjoy these reunions. The above named brothe rs and sisters together with a large number of sons and daughters, nephews and neices, neighbors and friends, constituted the cro wd that enjoyed the day. Rev. Isaac PENCE was present a short time after dinner and made a few appr opriate remarks, emphasizing the importance of these family reunions. T he day was spent in social chat by the older folks and by hide-go-seek a nd music by the young folks. The camera was present and played its usual i mportant role. The next reunion will be held at the home of Hamilton Steve ns of Sugar Grove in June 1910. All the descendants of John and Eva Baker are cordially invite d.
Champaign Co Guardainships1/15/1819 MB 6-237 Andrew Davis Sr, gdn of Elizabeth Sipe 7 yr (next June ); heir of Joseph S ipe, dec'd. Surity Sampson KellyChampaign Co Guardianship Records Book 1 1 805-1858 pg176 8/18/1828 William Darnell gdn of Jane Kelly 7y, Rebecca A nn Kelly 2 yr heirs of Sampson Kelly. Surity Andrew Davis
pg 72 15 April 1818 Andrew Davis, gdn of Ruth Pence 7 yrs, heir of Jac ob Pence. Surity Zephaniah Luce
Champaign Co Wills Book A Pg 85 Sons Andrew and John Davis 1/4 section land adjoining my farm; sons Samu el and William Davis the Land I live on; daughters Peggy Brown, Betsy Brow n, Rhuanna Davis (if she li8ves, like she is ill), Rebecca Kelly, grands on Aaron Pence; niece Ruth Pence, daughter of Rebecca Kelly; also mentio ns daughter Sally Williams. William Runkle executor. Wit, Joel Frankielber germ John Paisley. Signed 3/3/1824
Champaign County History 1991 - Biography Pg 115 Bio names additonal children, Delphy who married John Barton and Thomas w ho married Elizabeth Moore, Betsy who married Thomas Phillips
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1885
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Van Wert, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»21
Bride's Name: «tab»Tressie C. Dingledine
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1887
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Mad River Tp., Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»19
Marriage Date: «tab»28 Mar 1906
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Wm. S. Slane
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Ellen Bell
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»A.E. Dingledine
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Maggie S. Brown
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
On Sabbath last, Rev. S. P. Carleton preached an impressive funeral discourse upon the life of Mr. Frank Bull, the son of Isaac Bull, of Madriver township, Frank was well and favorably known in the vicinity of Westville, prior to his removal to Montana, several years since.
April 17, 1862
Died at the residence of her daughter in West Liberty Saturday last, Mrs Sarah McCord, wife of the late John McCord of this place and daughter of famous pioneer settler Simon Kenton, aged about 70 years.
CCGS Newsletter June 1998 Pg 60 1905 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY CENTENNIAL Relics and Curios Under the direction of this committee the relics and curios were sho wn at the Central Ward School building. This was one of the interesting fe atures of the Centennial celebration. The following are the exhibitors a nd list of relics and curios displayed: Robert Young: pay-roll of 19th Regiment, 1814 and 1815. soldier's paper s, roster of Capt. John McCord son-in-law of Simon Kenton.
May 8, 1857
Died 2nd May, John McCord, an old and respected citizen in his 70th year, native of Alleghany Co, PA, located here in 1810
CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 M A Jordan .19
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»13 Jun 1903
Death Place: «tab»Mad River Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»0
Birth Date: «tab»1903
Birthplace: «tab»Mad River Tp.
Occupation: «tab»
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»R. M. Kite
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Armetta Norman
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07024-5
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 281
Death Date: «tab»23 Oct 1916
Death Place: «tab»Jackson Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»01 Apr 1889
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Oh
Death Age: «tab»27 years 6 months 22 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Residence: «tab»Jackson Twp., Champaign, OH
Burial Date: «tab»25 Oct 1916
Burial Place: «tab»St.Paris, Oh
Cemetery Name: «tab»Myrtle Tree Cemetery
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»R.M. Kite
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Oh
Mother's Name: «tab»Arminta Norman
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Oh
Film Number: «tab»1983756
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021397
Image Number: «tab»2749
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 60086
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Anna M. Arrowsmith
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»
Bride's Age: «tab»
Marriage Date: «tab»15 Sep 1896
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Unknown
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
July 1, 1875
Died 22nd June, Mary, daughter of Miller and Lizzie Arrowsmith, aged 1 year
Susannah Pence, known as "Susie," was the youngest of the eleven childr en of Frederick and Mary Pence. Born in November of 1804 in Shenandoah C ounty, Virginia, she moved with her parents to Champaign County, Ohi o, in 1819. Her paternal grandparents were Jacob and Barbara Penc e. It is not yet known who her maternal grandparents were. Wesley and S usie had six children and eighteen grandchildren. Their children includ ed four boys and two girls: John Wesley, Mary Jane (Emery), Miller Penc e, Martin, Sarah Elizabeth (known as Elizabeth), and Isaac Irwin. Their s ons, Miller and Isaac, saw duty at Point of Rocks, Virginia, during the Ci vil War. Farmers and mill owners and operators, the Arrowsmiths lived fo ur miles west of Urbana, Ohio.
Wesley's maternal great-grandparents, were Thomas and Jane Smith Clelan d. Thomas immigrated from Ireland and much has been written about his li fe in America (see the Jarboe History and my biography of them). Jane Smi th's American ancestry goes back much further. Her immigrant ancesto rs go three and four generations back-to Phillip and Sarah HarrisonThoma s, who immigrated from Bristol, England, in 1651; to Col. Ninian Bea ll of Largo, Scotland, who immigrated to Maryland about the same tim e; to Col. Archibald Edmonston, who immigrated from County Antrim, Irelan d, to Maryland in 1685; and to William Coale, who immigrated from England abo ut 1650; to name a few. The Smith ancestry is discussed in great deta il in A History of a Jarboe Family by Bob and Mary Jarboe.
Wesley died July 31, 1844, in Champaign County, Ohio, at the age of 44. S usannah lived to the age of 64, surviving her husband by 24 years. She di ed August 19, 1868, also in Champaign County. The couple are buried in Oa kdale Cemetery, Urbana, Ohio, in a large plot they purchased. Through t he years, five generations of Arrowsmiths have been buried there with them -including their sons, Miller and Martin; their granddaughter, Anna Arrows mith Hotchkiss, and grandson William Grant Arrowsmith (two of Miller's chi ldren); their great-grandson, Karl Hotchkiss (Anna's son) and great-grandd aughter, Ruth Arrowsmith Brown (one of William's daughters); and their gre at-great granddaughter, Janet Ruth Brown (Ruth's daughter).
Prepared by Jane Osborne Jones, their 3x great-granddaughter
Chancery records book 22 pg 323 Purchased land South side of the SE 1/4 and NE 1.4 of Sec 22 Twp r Ran ge 12 in Concord Twp on 6/10/1848 316 acres
Death has again invaded our circle and chosen as its victim one of our oldest and most highly esteemed citizens. The announcement of the death of Mason Arrowsrnith cast a gloom over our community that is seldom occasioned by the death of any man. Mr. Arrowsmith was born at the family homestead one mite north of Westville, on the 16th «b» «/b»of January 1806, his parents having emigrated from Kentucky some five years previous. His mother was a niece of General Simon Kenton, a name revered by all the people in Ohio and Kentucky. Mr. A. inherited to a great extent the noble impulses and general characteristics of the Kenton family. By one who knew him in early life it is said that he was an exceptionable young man. On the 2nd' of January 1826, he professed conversion and attached himself to the M. E. Church; he soon afterwards wrote out his thoughts upon his conviction and conversion, and had them put in print, which was read at his funeral by the minister. On the 25th of October 1832, he married Margaret Rock, the daughter of Felix Rock, who was the original settler at the present home of Daniel Kizer. By this marriage two children came to the years of maturity. William, the only son, enlisted in the «b»45th «/b»0. V. I. and was taken prisoner by the rebels and by them starved to death in the Andersonville Prison. The remaining child is the wife of Mr. E. Hanna, of Madriver township. After the death of his former wife, he married Miss Mary Pool, of Shelby county, on the «b»21st «/b»of May 1840. By this marriage he has two Sons and one daughter. He enjoyed his usual health during the last winter up to within a few days of his last sickness. Immediately after his first marriage he settled at the place he died, having lived all his life within sight of his birthplace. His death occurred at early morning the «b»9th «/b»of April, aged 74years, 2 months and 23 days. His funeral obsequies took place on Sabbath afternoon, and was conducted by the venerable Rev. David Warlock assisted by Rev. Dr. J. F. Marlay. At his request, no hearse was used on the occasion. At the conclusion of the services his remains were carried by twelve of his personnel friends to their last resting place at the Mt. Tabor graveyard, followed by a large concourse of people.
Few men live so long in the same locality, and still fewer live to enjoy such universal esteem. He was a fast friend of the writers father in our boyhood days, and we call up many pleasing recollections of later years, when to a friend in need, was a friend indeed. His record is one that man might enjoy, and as such he will long be remembered by his numerous friends, which extend throughout our beloved country. He possessed a fund of information that was not the lot of every man to envy. The family will accept our thanks for their manifestation of respect in asking us to superintend the burial process.... As we are under some restrictions in regard to the latest sensation of a worldly nature, you will address us privately if you wish to know what it is... in our next we will give an account of our trip over the mountains and a visit to Washington as seen by Specs Jr.
Mrs. Cassandra Haller was born in Champaign County, Ohio, July 12, 1810, and came to Bruners- burg, Defiance Co., Ohio, with her husband, Jesse Haller, in 1831, and remained there until 1837, Jesse Haller, her husband, was a tanner, and carried on the business in Brunersburg about seven years, and then removed to Farmer Township in 1837, and settled on Section 32, where Mrs. Haller now resides, Jesse Haller die1 September 30, 1876, 'aged about seventy-one years. He was born March 21, 1805, in Mason County, Ky. His father, John Haller, emi- grated from Kentucky to Urbana, Ohio, in 1802. II e came to Brunersburg October 22, 1833, aged sixty-five years. He had been married twice. His first wife was Mary Allen, who died in Mason County, Ky., January 28, 1811. His second wife, Mary Weaver, died in Champaign County, Ohio, January 3, 1815. Jesse Haller was married, December 22, 1830, in Champaign County, Ohio, to Miss Cassandra Arrow smith, sister of Miller Arrowsmith, of Farmer Town- ship. In November, 1831, he, with his family, removed to Williams County, Ohio, then including the present county of Defiance. Their household goods were hauled in a wagon to the Auglaize River, and then shipped to Defiance in a pirogue. The family traveled on horseback, fording the brooks, then flush from recent rains, one of which was too deep to ford, and the only ferry-boat untried horses, but they carried their riders across in safety. In their new home they were again upon the frontier. The Indians were more numerous there than the whites. He located on the right bank of Bean Creek, below the present town of Brunersburg, where he established a tan-yard, and remained there until September 30, 1837. He then moved upon the land he occupied at the time of his decease. His family are William M., Amanda L. (dead), May Elizabeth, who married F. N. Horton, Commissioner of Defiance County. Mrs. Haller says the trip, when she and her husband moved from Brunersburg in 1837, consumed four or five days. A road had to be cut through swamps and marshes that required four days. The underbrush had to be all cut and removed, requiring much labor and caus- ing considerable delay. Mrs. Haller relates that when she first came to the township a stranger was found dead-in a cabin\emdash a hunter, who had died alone. Mr. Arrowsmith sent a statement to the Defiance Democrat that his first visit was in the fall of 1834. At that time, Nathan Farmer and John Hickman lived on Section 1, Keelin Leonard had raised a cabin on Section 2, on lands afterward owned and occupied by Colin Tharp. A hunter had lived on the east side of Section 0, and -- -- Findlay had lived in a hut on Lost Creek, in Section 32. But four entries of land had been made in the township. This stranger was found dead in the hut on Section 9. The coffin was made by Obadiah Webb, who lived on the east bank of Bean Creek, opposite to the farm now owned by Lyman Langdon. The coffin was lashed on a pole, and carried by lAbraham Webb and William Sibble, on their shoulders, to the hunter's camp, a distance of nearly thirteen miles in a direct line and their route was through the woods, without a path to guide them. They crossed Bean Creek at dusk, and, with a pocket compass to guide them, and a hickory torch to light their way, they set ou with their burden on their lonely route, and reached the hut at 3 o'clock in the morning. He was bured on the northwest quarter of Section 10. This was the first death in Farmer Township.
Champaign County and Surrounding Areas, pg112 Rev. William Haller
Rev. William Haller was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church w ho spent the greater part of his life as a resident of Champaign count y. From the Urbana Citizen and Gazette the following obituary notice is taken from the columns of that paper on Dec. 9, 1880: "Rev. William Haller, an old and highly esteemed citizen of this county, died at his residence in Salem township Dec. 2, aged about eighty years . "The deceased was one of the early pioneers of the county, having resided here for some sixty-five years, and was highly appreciated by all who k new him for his honesty and integrity. In his early life he embraced a religious life and for sixty years was a local minister of the Methodist chu rch. For many years the deceased was a contributer to the columns of the Citizen and Gazette." The following are some extracts from the pen of T. S. McFarland regardi ng Rev. Haller: "The subject of this sketch was born in Mason county, Kentucky in 1801 and came to Champaign county with his father, John Haller, in 1812. John H aller located near the mouth of Nettle Creek where William grew to manhood. He joined the Methodist church under the labors of Rev. Robert Finl ey at the age of thirteen years. At the age of nineteen years, he was licensed as an exhorter, and three years later as a minister of the Methodi st Episcopal Church. In 1825 Rev. Haller married Sarah Arrowsnith, a da ghter of Ezekial Arrowsmith. She died ten years later. Rev. Haller th en married his first wife's sister Jane. By the two women he became the father of five children. Shortly after his first marriage, he built his first cabin in Mad River township, which later became the home of his son-in -law Elijah Hanna. Haller later lived on the hill just west of Urbana, but finally removed to his home at Kingston where he died. "He was a man of more than ordinary attainments, and always imparted his i nformation for the benefit of others. He was a modest, unassuming man and the people of Mad River valley are indebted to him more than any other man for the moral and religious element." Ms remains were laid away at his request by the side of his second wife in the old Talbott graveyard in Mad River valley. The graveyard is otherwise known as 'Pioneer Cemetery". Three well known ministers conducted the funeral services of Rev. Haller. They were Rev. David Warnock, Rev. B. Gehman and Rev. G. H. Kennedy. As T. S. McFarland says, it was on account of the religious and moral influence which Rev. Haller contributed throughout his lifetime that I felt justified in giving him a place among the noted pioneers of Champaign county.
REV. WILLIAM HALLER. William Haller, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church and a resident of Champaign county from 1812 until his death in 1880, was born in Mason county, Kentucky, Aug. 5, 1801, and arrived in Urbana with his parents of Oct. 12, 1812. In 1814 the family settled on Nettle creek and there the future minister grew to manhood. At the age of nineteen he was ordained as a minister in the Methodist Episcopal church; married in 825 to Sarah Arrowsmith, who died ten years later, leaving three children; married, in 1837, Jane Arrowsmith, sister of hte first wife, two children being born to the second marriage before the death of his wife in 1851; married, in 1855, Myrtilla Bishop and one child was born to this third marriage. Reverend Haller was a frequent and valuable contributor to the local papers on a wide variety of subjects. For sixty years he was a local preacher and served many of the Methodist churches in this and adjoining counties. Shortly after his first marriage he built his cabin in Mad River township and continued to reside in that township until after the death of his second wife. He then located on the hill one mile west of Urbana, but some years before his death he removed to Kingston, where he was living at the time of his death on Dec. 2, 1880. He lies in the Talbott cemetery, beside the remains of his second wife. Source: History of Champaign County, Ohio - Vol. I - Publ. 1872 - Page 1103 (Emailed 2015 by Karen Heber)
During the past week the Misses Arrowsmith, of Iowa accompanied by E. Hanna and wife, of Madriver township, paid their respects to the writer by making a brief call. The Misses Arrowsmith are daughters of John Arrowsmith and granddaughters of Ezekiel Arrowsmith an early pioneer of Madriver township. More than forty years ago their father was a number of year*s county surveyor of Champaign county, and was one of the finest penmen of his day. He was at one time a merchant of Westville, where Lizzie was born and reared. On her return she hunted up the old school house and took from it a relic to aid her in calling up the scenes
of her early childhood. Meda is a native of Iowa and to all intents and purposes is a genuine Hawkeye. They are excellent women and their recent visit will be long remembered by their many friends
During the past week the Misses Arrowsmith, of Iowa accompanied by E. Hanna and wife, of Madriver township, paid their respects to the writer by making a brief call. The Misses Arrowsmith are daughters of John Arrowsmith and granddaughters of Ezekiel Arrowsmith an early pioneer of Madriver township. More than forty years ago their father was a number of year*s county surveyor of Champaign county, and was one of the finest penmen of his day. He was at one time a merchant of Westville, where Lizzie was born and reared. On her return she hunted up the old school house and took from it a relic to aid her in calling up the scenes
of her early childhood. Meda is a native of Iowa and to all intents and purposes is a genuine Hawkeye. They are excellent women and their recent visit will be long remembered by their many friends
John F. Haller, the eldest of the family of William and Sarah (Arrowsmith) Haller, was born in Champaign County, Ohio, March 17, 1826. Mr. Haller realizing, as all ambitious young men should in setting out in life, that it was his duty to make a living in an honorable way, with this purpose in view, concluded to look around the country, and see what the prospects were. Consequently, on the 24th day of December. 1844, he took up his line of march with $2.50 in cash, and after a three days' machreached Defiance on the 26th day of the same month with some money left. Mr. Haller makes no pretensions to being one of the first settlers, but at the same time the country was very new, and comparatively few people living here, and they had but small improvements. Wild game was plenty, of various kinds common to a new country. But as Mr. Halfer was not cut out for a hunter, he paid the business of hunting and shooting wild game very little attention. He chose, rather, to teach the young idea how to "shoot," and taught school the following winter. He also commenced to improve the farm on which he now lives. Mr. Haller followed school teaching a part of the time for five years, in connection with making improvements on his farm. Wages were low at that time; labor commanding, generally, not more than half the present prices. The first settlers of this country were very poor, as men of means don't choose to expose themselves to the hardships and privations incident to the settlement of a new country. February 13, 1851, Mr. Haller married Miss Ellen Bassett, of Paulding County, Ohio, daughter of Elias and Fanny Bassett, who were born and married in the county of Kent, England, and emigrated to this country soon after their marriage. Mrs. Bassett died at Independence, this county, at an early day. Mr. Bassett died in Iowa in 1872. Their daughter, Ellen, was born in Huron County, Ohio, October 23, 1831, and died September 20, 1874, leaving four children\emdash Sarah A., William E., Clara E. and Jesse R. November 27, 1878, Mr. Haller married, for his second wife, Mrs. Mary A. Hollon, daughter of David and Sophia House, of Oswego County, N. Y., who was born in the same county January 8, 1841. John Haller, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born at Haller's Gap, Penn., on the Schuylkill River. Mr. Haller emigrated West in 1796, and after exploring a part of Ohio, finally settled in Kentucky. He was of German parentage, a blacksmith by trade, and a superior workman. He was married in Kentucky, in 1797,. to Mary Allen, a native of Virginia. Mrs. Mary Allen Haller died in 1811, leaving seven children, the father of John F. Haller, mentioned above, being the second of the children. In 1812, he moved to Urbana, Ohio, and in 1815 was again married, to Mrs. Mary Weaver. By this marriage they had eight children. About the year 1833, he moved to Brunersburg, Defiance County, and settled on the farm now owned by his youngest son, H. R. Haller, where he died in 1835, aged sixty-five years. Mary (Weaver) Haller, his wife, died in 1849. There are four children yet living. Ezekiel Arrowsmith, grandfather on the mother's side of John F. Haller, the subject of the above sketch, was born near Baltimore, Md., in 1770, and emigrated to Kentucky when about twenty-three year of age, and soon after married Elizabeth Kenton, daughter of William Kenton, who was a brother of Simon Kenton, the noted Indian fighter. The Kenton family went to Kentucky at an early day, and landed where Louisville now stands. Mr. Arrowsmith moved to Ohio about 1801, and settled on Mad River, four miles west of Urbana. Their family consisted of ten children; three only are now living. Mr. Arrowsmith died in 1849, where he first settled in Ohio. His wife, Elizabeth (Kenton) Arrowsmith, died in 1866, at the advanced age of ninety years. William Haller, father of John F. Haller, was second son of John Haller, and was born in Kentucky in 1801, and was married in Champaign County, Ohio, in 1825, to Sarah Arrowsmith, daughter of Ezekiel and Elizabeth (Kenton) Arrowsmith, and who was also born in Kentucky in 1801. There were three children by this marriage--John F., Benjamin L. and Emily J. Mrs. Sarah (Arrowsmith) Haller died in 1835. Mr. William Haller married, for his second wife, Miss Jane Arrowsmith, sister of his first wife. By this marriage there were two children\emdash Sarah A. and Lavina. In 1852, Mrs. Jane (Arrowsmith) Haller died, and for his third wife Mr. William Haller married in 1856, Myrtilla Bishop. They had but one child, a son, William A. William Haller died in Champaign County, Ohio, December 2, 1880, aged about eighty years. At the time Mr. Haller moved into Defiance County, there lived in the north half of Hicksville Township Joshua Hall, -- Tannehill, Benjamin Kimball, Luther Loveland, B. Ayers, Isaac Wartenbee, D. M. Grier, Thomas McCurdy, Cass Ginter. On the Fort Wayne, Newville and Spencerville roads there were a few, and only a few, settlers, and there were but a few families living in the town of Hicksville at that time. On the south half of Milford Township were living A. W. Wilcox, --- Thompson, Harvey Hastings, Daniel Coy, C. M. Hulbert, M. J. Hulbert, William Pierce, E. Crary, D. Boyles, Peter Beerbower, E. C. Crary, Royal Hopkins and Benjamin Forlow. In the south half of Farmer Towwnship were living Jacob Conkey, Dr. Rice, David Allen, William Powell, James Fisher, Martin Johnson, James Durham, Ira Brown, John Mortimore, Nathan Farmer, L. Bronson, M. Arrow- smith, Jesse Haller, Alexander Tharp, A. Bercaw, Anthony Huber, R. M. Kells, Jared Hulbert. What is now known as Mark Township was attached to Farmer for judicial purposes at the time Mr. Haller came to the county. At that time there was a Mr. Hughes and one or two of his sons living on Sulphur Creek, on Section 13, in that township. Mr. Haller helped to get out the timber to build a house on lands then owned by Edward Bassett, which was probably about the third house built in the township.
In 1844, Mr. John F. Haller, though not a millwright, helped Mr. Arrowsmith, the proprietor, on the repairs of this mill.
Benjamin Lewis Hailer, a former well known citizen of this count y, died at his home in Litch-
field, Illinois, on the Fourth of July in his 82d year. He was t he last surviving child of the first
marriage of his father, the late Rev. William Hailer, who died ne ar Kings Creek, on the sec-
ond of Dec., 1880. Lewis, as he was familiarly known, was born a nd reared at the old Hailer
homestead in Madriver township a mile and a half north of Westvff le. In early life Lewis was a
school teacher and was prominent as such for a number of years, a nd until his removal west. He
was a descendant of the historic Kenton family, his grandmother b eing a member of the family of
Kentons, who settled north of Westville in 1801. Many of our citi zens of today will cail to mind
the father of Lewis who was known in his day as a man of great mo ral worth, the people of the
Madriver valley being indebted to him more than any other man f or its moral and religious
training. Lewis was an exact prototype of his father. Few men ev er lived who was more uni-
versally respected and beloved than Lewis Hailer, and but few ha ve led a more blameless life.
Quiet and unobtrusive in manner, with a mind well cultivated ma de him a useful man in any
community. Suffice it to say he was a christian gentleman whose l ife was a living epistle, read
and admired by all who knew him. His many friends in this coun ty wifi regret to learn of his
death. He taught school at old Concord in 1851 teaching the summ er term. Of the number of
scholars enroiled a number of them are still well known in the c ounty. Among these we note W.
W. Wilson, James A Kizer, D. F. Johnson, S. N. Longfellow, Mr s. H. M. Russell, of Urbana, and
Mrs. J. E. Russell, of Concord. Lewis was a personal friend of t he writer, and wifi take this
occasion to tender our sorrow and sympathy to the family.
T. S. McFarland
Crockett Journell has left his old homestead, and now occupies the 0. C. Neer house, while Orlando Gardner takes his place in the old house. Tubal Woodward now occupies the Blue house in Gourdville, coming as a missionary among us; Writ Barger will hereafter occupy the Detrick property, being more convenient to church. Elijah Hanna Jr. leaves Heathtown for Madriver township, while Fred Barger takes his place. Moving has pretty nearly turned the township upside down, so much so as to scarcely be recognizable
ELIJAH HANNA, farmer; P. O. Westville. Mr. Hanna is not one of the olde st settlers, but has lived in Champaign Co. long enough to have a represen tation in its history. His parents, Nathan and Elsie Hanna, were nativ es of West Virginia, but the only representatives of the name here a re of the family of his elder brother, Andrew, who came to this neighborho od in 1838. He died in 1876, and his family reside on the home farm. Elij ah came from Virginia in 1850, and purchased the farm where he now reside s. His marriage to Miss Emily J. Haller was celebrated in 1851. She was bo rn and reared on the farm now owned by her husband. Her parents were rank ed among the early settlers, her father, William Haller, being born here s ixty nine years ago. His father was John Haller, whose arrival dates ba ck to the first settlements in the Mad River Valley. Discovering that h is large family could hardly be supplied with homes (as he was not very we althy), he sold his farm and emigrated to Defiance Co.. Ohio, where the re was still Government land, and all his children could be provided wi th a home. Mr. Hanna had three children by his first wife-William, Sar ah J. and Fletcher. Mrs. Hanna died in 1861, and in 1863 his marriage wi th Miss Mary Arrowsmith was celebrated. She was the daughter of Mason Arro wsmith, who died in 1879. Ezekiel Arrowsmith was her grandfather, of wh om prominent mention is made in other parts of this work. They have four c hildren-Charles, Frank, Edward and Laura. Sarah J. and Fletcher, childr en of the first marriage, are not living. Mr. Hanna came to this coun ty a poor man, and by hard work and careful management, aided somewh at by others, he purchased his first farm. Later, he has added 124 acr es of splendid land to his possessions, which was paid for by his own exer tions, and completes a valuable homestead. His reputation is second to no ne in the neighborhood, and he, together with Simeon Taylor, Lemuel Hoa h, and one or two others, have been the means of sustaining the Methodi st Episcopal Church at Westville, through a long period of depression. Thr ough their united efforts, the new church was built, which will be a monum ent to their memory for many years to come. Mr. Hanna is a prosperous, int elligent gentleman, and has done much for the society in which he lives.
Concord Items, August 2, 1877 A Narrow Escape from Death by Lightning During the prevalence of a recent thunder storm, Mr Elijah Hanna, of Mad R iver Twp, was leaving the harvest field and was making his way to a tree f or protection from the storm, when his attention was drawn aside for a hal f-minute, during which time the tree was torn to atoms by lightning. But f or the fact of having been detained unexpectedly for the moment he would h ave reached the tree, and death would have inevitably been the result.
Left a wife and 4 children
12/7/1882 Elijah hanna, postmaster at Crayon arrested on charge of assau lt with intent to rape on Laura Branstetter, 14 yr.
12/14/1882 Elijah hanna case dismissed. mother of girl willing to compromi se for $2000 but finally came down to $40 and not getting that she fail ed to appear in court.
Death index says died 10/2/1925, but he does not appear in the 1910 census .
Family record of Elijah J. Hanna: He married Emily Jane Haller Aug. 10, 18 51. She was a daughter of William and Sarah Haller. On the 3d day of Jul y, 1861, the angel of death called her away. Names and births of their chi ldren-Sarah Jane, born Jan. 19, 1853, died April 5, 1859; William Lewis, b orn Oct. 25, 1856; John Fletcher, born March 20, 1860, died April 5, 1867. E. J. Hanna married, for his second wife, Mary Arrowsmith March 25, 186 2. She was a daughter of Mason and Mary P. Arrowsmith. Names and birt hs of their ebildren-Charles Simmons, born Jan 31, 1863; Frank Mitchell, b orn Feb. 13, 1866; Edgar Victor, born Jan. 7, 1868; Laura L., born De c. 7, 1876. All of these children born in Champaign Co., Ohio.
Champaign Co- A Centennial Biographical History of Champaign Co, Ohio - 1902, (New York and Chicago The Lewis Publishing Co, 1902), pg365 Youngest son of 12 children, 5 brothers 6 sisters
ANN HANNA Event(s): Birth: 10 SEP 1874 , Champaign, Ohio Parents:
October 4, 1901
Elijah Hanna of Mad River Twp died last week, cause was cancer of the stomach. He leaves a wife and four children. He was buried at Oak Dale.
Myrtilla Winn Bishop was born March 14, 1819, on the Pretty Prairie, in th is county. Her ancestors came from England and Wales to America about 1 50 years ago. The Bishops settled among the mountains of Northern Virgini a, and from there they removed to the Pretty Prairie during the first yea rs of the present century. Her father, Acquilla Bishop, was knwon for TrLa ny years as a successful farmer and stock merchant. The panic of 1837 cam e, the business of the country was brought to the verge of ruin and he wi th many others suffered loss of fortune. He died in 1839, and the family w as broken up. From that time until 1855 Myrtilla lived in the family of Ro bert S Reid. Mrs Reid is her sister.
On January 18, 1855, she was united in marriage to Rev Wiliarn Hailer, a l ocal preacher in the M E Church. They resided about one mile west of Urba na until after the War of the Rebellion, when they removed to the neighbor hood of Kingston. On December 2, 1880, having reached the age of nearly fo ur score years, he was gathered to his fathers, During the last flew yea rs of her life Mrs Hailer was a great sufferer by sickness. Feeling that h er days on earth were nearly ended, she went to the home of her relati ve in McLean County, Illinois. On the night of November 12, 1883, at the r esidence of Robert S Reid, on the borders of Randolph Grove, in the presen ce of her only child, William Hailer, and her sister Jane Winn Reid, and o ther relatives she quietly breathed her last. She was interred in the beau tiful cemetery, known as the STEWART CEMETERY.
Sincerely, Charles Bishop [email protected]
Ancestry shows father as John Winn b 1799 Fleming Co, KY, but this date ca nnot be correct for him to have a child that married by 1814.
Aquilla Bishop Indemnity for losses on a government contract 24 1 Petiti on 264 Claims 03 Mar 1836 Adverse Laid on table
BISHOP, Aquilla
Birth Date: 1790 Birth Place: Virginia
Volume: 14 Page Number: 142
Reference: Gen. Column of the " Boston Transcript". 1906-1941.( The gre atest single source of material for gen. Data for the N.E. area and for t he period 1600-1800. Completely indexed in the Index.): 11 May 1927, 55
Private Aquilla Bishop found in: Genealogical Records: Early Ohio Settlers, 1700s-1900s Listed in: Rost er of Ohio Soldiers in the War of 1812 Page number: 15 Roll of Ca pt Abner Barrett's Co, Champaign Co, OH from Aug 21, 1812 to October 21, 1 812 and Jan 1,1813 to Feb 21, 1813.
Aquilla Bishop found in: Genealogical Records: Early Ohio Settlers, 1700s-1900s Listed in: Ohio S ource Records Page 366
Ohio Vital Records #1, 1790s-1870s Gateway to the West, Volume I, Champaign Co., Will Abstracts,1818-1826, Pa ge 190 Wittness to will of Mary Johnson. Other witness was Charles Winn
pr son of James Bishop Sr b 1/28/1768 VA d 8/24/1847 McLean Co, Randolp h, IL and Cleo lake b 7/25/1772 d 3/16/1844 McLean Co, Randolph, IL
Champaign Co, Guardian records Book 1 [g 140 Aquilla Bishop gdn of John La ke 14yr (Aug 1823) heir of Thomas lake late of Harison Co, VA MB9-12/97
Concord Items November 28, 1878
Mr. Tubal Woodard, a well-known and highly esteemed citizen of our. township, relates to us a part of labor during the summer of 1827, the year that he became twenty-one years of age. In the early summer, he accompanied Aquilla Bishop to Hagerstown, Maryland, with a drove of cattle, making the entire distance both ways, on foot.
«i»Newspaper Articles of Champaign County Ohio Vol 1«/i» (Dec 2007 CCGS, P O Box 682 43078 Urbana, OH Newspaper articles of Specs Jr from years 852,1861,1878,1879,1882,1883,1884 and 1885 . Researched and copied by Pat Stickley, Typed by Dorothy Shaffer). pg32
Another David Bayles Champaign Co, Johnson, OH 1830 1m and 1 f both age 6 0-70
Marriage(s): Spouse: Laura FISHER Marriage: 25 Apr 1874
Muscatine, Iowa
Civil war records:
Felix L Rock
Residence: Occupation:
Enlist Date: 30 May 1862 State: Ohio Enlisted as a Private on 30 May 18 62 at the age of 23 Enlisted in Company H, 86th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 11 June 1862 Received a disability discharge on 18 June 1862
Sources: Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio. (OHRoste r) Published in 1886
Felix Rock Residence: Occupation:
Enlist Date: 22 August 1862 State: Ohio Enlisted as a Private on 22 Augu st 1862 at the age of 24 Enlisted in Company E, 113th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 20 November 1862 Discharged on 11 June 1863 in Nashville, TN
Sources: Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio. (OHRost er) Published in 1886
Felix S Rock
Residence: Occupation:
Enlist Date: 02 May 1864 State: Ohio Enlisted as a Corporal on 02 May 18 64 at the age of 25 Enlisted in Company E, 134th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 06 May 1864 Mustered out on 31 August 1864 in Camp Chase, OH
Sources: Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio. (OHRost er) Published in 1886
Felix L Rock
Age: 71 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0016
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0024
County: Champaign, Mutual
Relation: Boarder
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Head of Household Evangiline Tenny W
Death Date: «tab»20 Sep 1919
Death Place: «tab»Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»28 Jan 1848
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1848
Birthplace: «tab»Logan Co., Ohio
Death Age: «tab»71 years 7 months 20 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»119 Hamilton Ave, 7th Ward
Occupation: «tab»None
Residence: «tab»Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»23 Sep 1919
Burial Place: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Nathan Cretcher
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ky
Mother's Name: «tab»Diadame Nichols
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Logan Co., Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1984827
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4020637
Image Number: «tab»310
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 52872
1902 of Los Angeles, CA
1890 Court of Common Pleas transcibed from Champaign Democrat by Pat Stick ley 4/17/1890 John M Niles vs Geo P Arrowsmith et al - claim $500
Death Date: «tab»03 Mar 1933
Death Place: «tab»Farmer, Defiance, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»31 Jan 1840
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»93 years 1 month 3 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»05 Mar 1933
Burial Place: «tab»Lost Creek
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Alfred E. Ridenow
Father's Name: «tab»Miller Arrowsmith
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ill.
Film Number: «tab»1992869
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4001873
Image Number: «tab»3243
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 14910
April 18, 1867
Died 6th inst, Fletcher, son of Elijah Hanna of Mad River Twp, aged 6 years.
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»29 Mar 1901
Death Place: «tab»Mad River Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»38
Birth Date: «tab»1863
Birthplace: «tab»Mad River Tp.
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07024-2
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 219
Death Date: «tab»21 May 1920
Death Place: «tab»Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1876
Birthplace: «tab»Oh
Death Age: «tab»44 years
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»R. D. 7
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»Urbana, OH
Burial Date: «tab»24 May 1920
Burial Place: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Elijah Hanna
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Oh
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Smith
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Oh
Film Number: «tab»1991133
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4022034
Image Number: «tab»915
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 35936
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