Name: «tab»Laura Gard Mc Mahan
Event: «tab»Death
Event Date: «tab»28 Jun 1928
Event Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Residence: «tab»
Street Address: «tab»Tremont City
Gender: «tab»Female
Death Age: «tab»66y 5m 18d
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race: «tab»White
Occupation: «tab»At home
Birth Date: «tab»10 Jan 1862
Birthplace: «tab»Columbus, Ohio
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1862
Burial Date: «tab»01 Jul 1928
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery: «tab»Rector
Father: «tab»John S Gard
Father's «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother: «tab»Emma Hurd
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Conn
Spouse: «tab»
Spouse's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»fn 35425
Film Number: «tab»1991300
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4096053
Image Number: «tab»580
Name: «tab»Glenn A. Mcmahon
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»03 May 1911
Event Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Age: «tab»23
Birth Date: «tab»17 Apr 1888
Birthplace: «tab»Columbus, Ohio
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1888
Father: «tab»Geo S. Mcmahon
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Laura A Gard
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Alice N. Patton
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»23
Spouse's Birth Date: «tab»21 Aug 1887
Spouse's Birthplace: «tab»Springfield, Ohio
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1888
Spouse's Father: «tab»John Patton
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Carolyn Brenttinger
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»7054
Film Number: «tab»465398
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016784
Image Number: «tab»389
Name: «tab»Glenn A Mcmahon
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»29 Sep 1928
Event Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Age: «tab»40
Birth Date: «tab»17 Apr 1888
Birthplace: «tab»Columbus, Ohio
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1888
Father: «tab»George S Mcmahon
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Laura Gard
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Itha M Barr
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»36
Spouse's Birth Date: «tab»26 Jan 1892
Spouse's Birthplace: «tab»Tremont City, Ohio
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1892
Spouse's Father: «tab»B L Barr
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Laura Collins
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»Clk, OH Vol33CN18981
Film Number: «tab»466638
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016778
Image Number: «tab»256
Name: «tab»Fred Carroll Mcmahon
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»30 Nov 1911
Event Place: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Age: «tab»22
Birth Date: «tab»24 Aug 1889
Birthplace: «tab»Columbus, Ohio
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1889
Father: «tab»George S. Mcmahon
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Laura Gard
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Henrietta Houck Wallace
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»19
Spouse's Birth Date: «tab»11 Aug 1892
Spouse's Birthplace: «tab»Springfield, Ohio
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1892
Spouse's Father: «tab»John B. Wallace
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Anna Dowden
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»7467
Film Number: «tab»465398
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016784
Image Number: «tab»493
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship Records pg271-273 Dec 18 1863 Thompson P Tull is gdn of Sarah Malissa Tullis 11 yrs Mar 1863; Mary Jane Tullis 6 yrs O ct 1863, Warren T Tullis 9 yr 12 May 1863; his children; heirs of Zebe S D avis dec'd late of Shelby Co, OH Surities John Foster and Joseph Kelly
Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900). pg 187 9/3/1897 Warren Tullis, the married man from Springfiled, who disappeared some ti me ago was arrested here. He was visiting his sister, Mrs Deaton. He marri ed another girl at Chillicothe.
St Paris Precinct Toll Book Nov 2 1880 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 W T Tullis
[HI17812] (Research):This family from www.ancestry.com [email protected]
[HI17815] (Research):New Evergreen Cem Book shows died 9/1873
Name: «tab»Emma B. Clem
Gender: «tab»Female
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»27 Nov 1879
Death Place: «tab»Jackson Tp, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»0
Birth Date: «tab»1879
Birthplace: «tab»Jackson Tp
Occupation: «tab»
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07024-7
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 1 p 112
(Research):Early Settlers of Champaign Co, OH VOl I pg106-107 Dr. Adam Mosgrove located in Urbana four years after Dr. Carter. Mosgro ve was a native Irishman, born the same year as Carter, 1790. He was gradu ated from the Royal College of Surgeons at Dublin, Ireland, in 1814. He w as immediately commissioned as a surgeon in the British Navy. In 1816 he l eft Ireland on the ship "Charlotte" bound for the United States. Arrivi ng in the U. S., the ship was wrecked in the Delaware river. Some dispu te arose between the officers of the ship and the British government, wi th the result that all of the officers resigned. And that is how Mosgro ve got to United States. Dr. Mosgrove spent a couple of years in Pennsylvania where he married Ma ry Miller in 1817. From an Irish friend of his, he was told about the meri ts of Urbana in such glowing terms that the doctor decided to come here a nd locate permanently. Dr. Mosgrove and his wife made the overland tr ip in 1818. Blessed with an Irish wit and a kindly personality, he soon built a lar ge practice. It has been said of him that he was better and more widely ac quainted than any physician in the county. He was kind, sympathetic and so licitous of his patients' welfare, which endeared him to everyone. O ne of Dr. Mosgrove's sons, James M., followed in his father's footsteps, w hich resulted in the fact that the ills of the people of Urbana were look ed alter by the Mosgroves for more than a century. Dr. Adam Mosgrove died in 1875 in his eighty-fifth year. Dr. Mosgrove and Dr Carter devoted th eir lives to the service of their community, answering the call for he lp at any time, day or night. What greater service could one render?
1850 Census has Sarah Cadden age 17 born Ireland and Rebecca Cadden a ge 21 born Ireland Also a John Mosgrove age 17 born Ireland. 1860 Census is Daniel Campin age 26 b Ire and Mary Shea age 20 born Irelan d. 1870 Census is William Mooney, age 54 born Ireland andMary A Cook, 18 bo rn Illinois
Champ Cop Guardianships pg60 3/25/1859 William Yeazell of Clark County g dn of John Horr 16 yr; heir of Obed Horr dec'd. Surities Adams Mosgrove a nd William Mosgrove
Champaign Co Will Book D pg 192 Urbana OH probated 6/19/1875 Eife Frances real estate and personal estate to be sold. To be buried in O ak Dale with a monument. SOns James M, John A and William F Mosgrove. S on James M to restrict monies to sons John A and William F, so they dont s quander and waste it. James M Mosgrove Exec. Wit: Frank Chance, John S Lee dom. Signed 12/2/1868
Researcher Sally Mosgrove [email protected]
206-526-1664 Letter sent to Sandi Koscak 2/22/2006 with CD of this family...
Champaign Co Newspaper Abstracts 1871-1884-The Urbana Citizen and Gazet te 1871-1884 CCGS, by Pat Stickley Dec 2000, pg65. Dr Adam Mosgrove was bo rn Aug 12 1790 at Enniskillen in Co Tyrone, Ireland. He entered Royal Coll ege of Surgery at Dublin Ireland. He left his home for America in the ship Charlotte in 1816; in 1817 he Married Mary Miller, sister to the late La wrence Miller of Urbana; md second time in 1834 to Frances A Foley d/o Jo hn Foley of Clark Co, she survives. Eldest son John A Mosgrove with 2 chil dren; Mrs Frances Bacon of Logansport Indiana; Dr W A Mosgrove , Maggie Mo sgrove and James M Mosgrove Jr ch of Col W F Mosgrove , the second son w ho died here in 1870. Dr Mosgrove died 3rd March in his 86th year.
Urbana Citizen and Gazette
March 18, 1875 -- The Pioneer Dead
Dr. Adam MOSGROVE was born August 12, 1790 at Enniskillen, in the county of Tyrone, Ireland. At a proper age his early education was entrusted to to a private tutor, who gave him a good English education, and prepared him to attend a regular course of studies in the Medical College at Edinburgh, Scotland, from whence he entered the Royal College of Surgery at Dublin, Ireland, graduating on the 7th day of April 1814, and was immediately commissioned a surgeon in the British Navy. While in his native land he passed the various degrees of Masonry and, at twenty six years, had attained the rank of a Royal Arch Mason. Throughout his life he was an active, devoted and consistent Mason, and held high rank in the order.
He left his home in Ireland on Easter Monday 1815, sailing for America in the ship Charlotte, of which he was the surgeon. Arriving off the American coast the Charlotte became disabled in a storm and put into the Philadelphia harbor for repairs, but a dispute having arisen between the ship's officers and the British Government, the officers resigned their comissions and left the ship to rot in the harbor, and for many years after its hull could be seen swaying in the water until decay gave it completely to destruction.
The doctor was then in a strange land, and one that was new, rough, and semi-barbarous.He had a small fortune of seventy guineas, premium money given him at the start of his cruise in the Charlotte, and with it as capital to begin life with, he started west. The first location was at Lancaster, Pa., and the second at Elizabethtown, in both of which places he practiced medicine. In 1817 he was married to Mary MILLER, at the latter town. She was a sister to the late Lawrence MILLER of Urbana.
In some way he heard of George MOORE, formerly a well-known citizen of Urbana, now deceased, who had early settled here, and who was born in the doctor's native town. In that day there was comparatively few of Tyrone's natives in this country, and they were widely separated. The ties of nativity were sufficiently strong to attract Dr. MOSGROVE to the home of his old friend, and in 1818 he packed his possessions in a wagon and with his wife trudged away to the far west - for Urbana was on the frontier then - and they arrived here in the latter part of June. We believe that there are but fourteen persons now living in Urbana who were here at that time, and but two who were then over eighteen years of age.
A few hundred dollars of coin constituted the wealth of Dr. MOSGROVE at that time, and in accordance with the prevailing sentiment of safe investments, he put it into real estate, at the very high prices which ruled in that year. Within the ensuing year the prices of land declined fully two-thirds, and , as he retained the lands he bought up to his death, a delay of a year or two in the purchases of lands would have made a vast difference in the fortune possessed at his death. The old frame house still standing west of the Weaver house, was purchased with the tier of lots west to Walnut and south to Market streets. In this house he resided for anumber of years until the new residence was built on the north west corner of the same ground, and where he resided to the day of his death.
The only political office he ever held was Deputy U.S. Marshal, in 1830, in which year he took the census of Champaign county. He was a strict Democrat, but always lived in a township, county, and District which was opposed to him in politics. The party has several times placed him in nomination for representative in Congress, and for Senator in the Ohio Legislature. But with overwhelming majorities against the party, it was never anticipated that an election was possible.
In 1834 he was married a second time, to Frances A. FOLEY, a daughter of John FOLEY, a distinguished citizen of Clark county. She survives the doctor, though now in feeble health.Of his family yet living in this city, there remain John A. MOSGROVE, the eldest son, with two children viz: Mrs. Frances BACON, of Logansport, Ind., Dr. S. M. MOSGROVE and Emma MOSGROVE, of Urbana; Dr. W. A. MOSGROVE, Maggie MOSGROVE and James M. MOSGROVE, sons and daughter of Col. W. F. MOSGROVE, the second son, who died here in 1870, and Dr. James M. MOSGROVE, the youngest son.
Dr. MOSGROVE was a regular practitioner in Urbana for more than half a century, and well-known in a circuit of one hundred miles in diameter, while his professional services were very frequently demanded beyond that limit. For a number of years he practiced alone, but afterwards became associated with
Dr. J. S. CARTER Sr., who died in 1852, and their extensive practice was continued for many years.
In those early times roads were scarce, many of the trails were blazed on trees and the country was largely marked by numerous cowpaths, with all of which Dr. MOSGROVE was familiar. Physicians then went horseback, and he being noted as a splendid horseman, rather enjoyed the long and sometimes rough trips over the country, and sometimes he would hitch his horse in the woods at night, rather than unduly tire his favored animal, taking his own needed sleep on the ground.
Strong and robust, a picture of perfect health, and possessed of a kind and affectionate disposition, his coming was hailed with delight by the sick, who confided in his professional ability, and by the strong to whom he imparted a share of pleasantry and good humor. He was temperate in all things and never given to the drinking of ardent spirits even at a day when custom almost demanded it. Called once to Circleville to assist in an important surgical operation, as was the invariable custom then amongst surgeons, the decanter was passed to everyone present before the operation was commenced, and as stoutly as he was urged to drink so stoutly did he refuse, until he finally compromised with the gentlemen by taking his first chew of tobacco from which he circumstances he dated a modest habit of chewing, which he maintained through life.
Indomitable courage and industry were remarkable traits of his character. Whatever he undertook to accomplish he perseveringly pursued with all the energy of a strong nature, and he was generally successful in his undertakings. No storm, no event, nothing ever prevented his regular visitation of patients, and no obstacle could successfully intervene between him and his professional duty. A strongly defined sense of honor and the excellencies of old style manners (now, unhappily, so nearly obsolete) were features of character that marked him clearly as a courteous gentlemen, to whom acquaintances became friends.
Some ten years ago Dr. MOSGROVE was remarked as a hale and hearty gentleman who had preserved himself, and really looked twenty years younger than his actual age. He met with an accident at that time, however, by which one of his limbs was broken, and from that day he began to decline. For the past three years he has been quite feeble, rallying at times sufficiently to go about the city, and even enjoyed himself in intercourse with his friends.
He lived an active, steady, and consistent life, and died quietly and peacefully, at his home, Wednesday, March 10, 1875, in his 85th year. The funeral services was delivered by Rev. J. B. BRITTON, pastor of the Episcopal Church of this city, of which Dr. MOSGROVE has long been a worthy member, and the interment was conducted by the Raper Commandery, Knights Templar, in the presence of a concourse of his friends, old and young, who had assembled to pay the last tribute of respect and esteem to an old citizen, an honest man, and a worthy gentleman
[HI17817] (Research):St Paris Precinct Toll Book Nov 2 1880 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 Solomon Shawver
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11 To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot ? 9/7/1880 E D Smith to O F Furrow, 100 poles Bk 56 Pg386
Poss the Edward SMith who married Clark Co, OH 11/16/1874 Mary E Low.
He was a widower in 1880.
Name: «tab»Odos M. Blose
Death Date: «tab»19 Apr 1937
Death Place: «tab»Bexley, Franklin, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»22 Oct 1860
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»76 years 5 months 27 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»145 S. Remington Road
Occupation: retired «tab»Bldg, Contractor
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»21 Apr 1937
Burial Place: «tab»Greenlawn
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Mary Blose
Father's Name: «tab»Henry Miller Blose
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Penn.
Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah Hess
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Virginia
Film Number: «tab»2023495
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4020738
Image Number: «tab»1728
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 25237
Informant Mrs Robert Dingledine
Name: «tab»Mary Z. Blose
Death Date: «tab»13 May 1937
Death Place: «tab»Bexley, Franklin, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»27 Sep 1858
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Westville, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»78 years 7 months 16 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»145 S. Remington Road
Occupation: «tab»Housekeeper
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»13 May 1937
Burial Place: «tab»Green Lawn
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Odos M. Blose
Father's Name: «tab»Lamuel Mc Grew
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Westville, Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Linda Miller
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Penn.
Film Number: «tab»2023497
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4020845
Image Number: «tab»2558
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 32072
[HI17827] (Research):Obit of B F Grafton is named she is wife of John M Fitzpatricik.
[HI17829] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 Poll Book St Paris Precinct Johnson Twp 11/2/1 880 John Slonaker
Name: «tab»Elizabeth Sholonaker
Gender: «tab»Female
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»21 Nov 1885
Death Place: «tab»Jackson Tp, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»41
Birth Date: «tab»1844
Birthplace: «tab»Miami Co
Occupation: «tab»
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Henery Bowers
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Pearsons
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07023-6
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 469
[HI17833] (Research):From CCGS Newsletter Summer 2007 Gertrude Arvesta Pence Kiser 89, died Monday, April 9, 2007, at her West Liberty residence with her lov ing husband of 65 years at her side. Born Dec. 16, 1917 in Champaign County, Ohio, she was the daught er of Asa Philander Pence and Grace Liffian Foltz. She was a 1935 graduate of Lawrenceville High Scho ol and a 1936 graduate of the Springfield Business College. Prior to her m arriage to Wilbur Marvin Kiser, whom she married on Oct 20, 1941 in Coving ton, Ky., she worked in home health care and several business offices in U rbana, Springfield and Cincinnati. She is survived by sons, John Kis er of Wet Liberty and Howard Kiser of Quincy; daughters, Imogene (Phili p) VanVoorhis of Bellefontaine, Annette (Charles) Van Voorhis of Marion, R uth (Jack) Frazer of Urbana, Phyllis Kiser of West Liberty, Ella (Danie l) Melendrez of London and Mary (Steven) Mortimer of Zanesfield; 10 grandc hildren and 20 great-grandchildren; nieces, Betty Foster of Bonita Spring s, Fla and special friends, Jane Thompson of Palmyra of Maine and Ruth Bru iser of Cincinnati, Ohio. She was preceded in death by infant son, Philli p, sisters, Delma Ostrowski and Hilda Grant. An avid reader, she enjoyed spending time with her children and grandchild ren, flower and vegetable gardening, crocheting, quilting, playing her vio lin, researching family history, writing poetry and short stories and espe cially enjoyed writing and receiving letters from her many pen pals. She w as a song leader and Sunday School teacher for 1966-1983. She received t wo Golden Poetry Awards and published a book of her poems. Services wi ll be Tuesday, April 12 at 11 a.m. at the Kauffman-Eichholtz Funeral Ho me in West Liberty where you may call from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 on Wednesda y, April 11. The Rev. David Mifier will officiated and burial will be at t he Spring Grove Cemetery in Champaign County. Memorial contributions m ay be made to the Universal Home Health Hospice at 701 S Main St, Bellefon tame, Ohio 43311. Express condolences to www.eichholtzfuneralhome.com.
[HI17834] (Research):Wilbur served with the 13th "Black Cat" Armored Division, 59th Armored Inf antry Battalion, Company C. Military service: Bet. 1942 - 1945, World W ar II
Urbana Daily Citizen
«b»12/2/2008 9:07:00 AM «/b»Wilbur M. Kiser, 89, of West Liberty, died Monday, Dec. 1, 2008, at his home. Arrangements are pending at Kauffman-Eichholtz Funeral Home, West Liberty.
Wilbur M. Kiser, 89, died peacefully on Monday, December 1, 2008 at his West Liberty residence. Born September 24, 1919 in Logan County, he was the son of the late Eathel Adella Dysert and Marvin Weaver Kiser. He spent his childhood years in West Liberty and Oregon and attended Monroe High School. On October 20, 1941 he married Gertrude Arvesta Pence Kiser in Covington, KY and she precedes him in death on April 9, 2007. He is survived by sons, John Kiser of West Liberty and Howard Kiser of Quincy; daughters, Imogene (Philip) Van Voorhis and Mary (Steven) Mortimer of Bellefontaine, Annette (Charles) Van Voorhis of Marion, Ruth (Jack) Frazer of Urbana, Phyllis Kiser and Ella (Daniel) Melendrez of West Liberty; sisters, Virginia Thompson of Quincy and Elizabeth Davis of Florida; special friends, Jane Thompson of Palmyra, Maine and Kevin and Debbie Barthhauer of West Liberty; 10 grandchildren, 21 great grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by an infant son, Phillip, sister, Marjorie Brown, brothers, Kenneth & George Kiser and daughter-in-law, Theresa Kiser. A Sergeant in the U.S. Army, he served in WWII and drove the lead company half-track for the 13th Armored "Black Cat" Division, 59th Infantry, Co. C., driving over 4,000 miles in Europe. He received several medals including the Bronze Star, Expert Rifleman Medal and the Combat Infantry Badge. He was very proud that he received the highest score in his company on the rifle range. He was a minister at the Mt. Tabor Community Church in Champaign County from 1966 to 1983. He also worked as a farmer, self-employed contractor, coal miner, truck driver, worked at the East Liberty Elevator and did small engine repair at the Blue Jacket Tree Service. He was a dedicated Christian who loved sharing the gospel, telling stories of his childhood days in Oregon and his experience in WWII. He had a wonderful sense of humor and loved spending time with his family, vegetable and flower gardening and reading. He attended the McKees Creek Chapel and was a member of the Logan County Historical Society. The Rev. Floyd Lundy will officiate a funeral service at 10:00 am on Thursday, December 4th at the Kauffman-Eichholtz Funeral Home in West Liberty where friends may call from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 on Wednesday, December 3rd. Burial will be in the Spring Grove Cemetery in Champaign County with Military Services by the Logan County Honor Guard. Memorial contributions may be made to the Universal Home Health Hospice, 701 S. Main St., Bellefontaine, OH 43311 or to the McKees Creek Chapel, c/o Betty Wirick, 712 Road 30 West, West Liberty, OH 43357. Condolences may be
Ohio Obituary Index, 1830s-2009, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center about Mrs Kiser
Name: «tab»Mrs Kiser
Birth Date: «tab»abt 1887
Death Date: «tab»12 Feb 1962
Age at Death: «tab»75
Death Place: «tab»Columbus, Ohio
Spouse: «tab»Marvin
Newspaper: «tab»Bellefontaine Examiner, Bellefontaine, Ohio
Newspaper Date: «tab»15 Feb 1962
Newspaper Page: «tab»p. 7, col. 5
Years Indexed: «tab»1956-58,1964-1967, 1969-1970, 1972, 1974- current
Newspaper Repository: «tab»Logan County District Library -Bellefontaine, Oh; Logan County District Library -Bellefontaine, Oh
[HI17838] (Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship & Indentures Vol1 Pg 380 May 2, 1850 Elijah Kiz er gdn of John W Kizer, 19yr; Banjamin Kizer 15yr; Rhuana Kizer 17yr; Geor ge Kizer 13yr; Cinderella Kizer 10yr; Louisa Kizer 4yr, minor heirs of Jac ob Kizer dec'd. Surities James Russell John Scott
Name: George W. Kiser
Death date: 23 Feb 1911
Death place: West Liberty, Logan, Ohio
Birth date: 06 Mar 1838
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Clark Co., Ohio
Age at death: 72 years 11 months 19 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Farmer
Burial date: 25 Feb 1911
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Fair View Cemetery
Spouse name:
Father name: Jacob Kiser
Father titles:
Father birth place: Page Co., Va.
Mother name: Jane Elizabeth Harbour
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Champaign Co., Ohio
GSU film number: 1952773
Digital GS number: 4021054
Image number: 1576
Reference number: fn 9802
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI17841] (Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship & Indentures Vol1 Pg 380 May 2, 1850 Elijah Kizer gdn of John W Kizer, 19yr; Banjamin Kizer 15yr; Rhuana Kizer 17yr; Geor ge Kizer 13yr; Cinderella Kizer 10yr; Louisa Kizer 4yr, minor heirs of Jac ob Kizer dec'd. Surities James Russell John Scott
Name: «tab»Kenten Lisle
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»13 Feb 1840
Event Place: «tab»Logan, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Rachel Williams
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»v A p 180
Film Number: «tab»534836
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4701451
Image Number: «tab»120
[HI17859] (Research):Vandevanter, PhebeSpouse : Downing, Daniel Marriage date : Oct 6, 1839 County of record : Champaign Co. Sex : F
[HI17860] (Research):da/o John Kizer native of Penn, settled Clark Co, OH
(Research):Record Book 32, Page 4- Filed 15 April 1863- Petition to Partition Talmon Harbour vs Elizabeth Harbour & Others Jesse Harbour, deceased, was the owner of the north-west quarter of Secti on 29, south half of south-east quarter of Section 36 (Harrison Township ), 106 acres located on the west side of the north-east quarter of Secti on 35 (Concord Township) Township 4 Range 12. He also owned 80 acres of la nd located in the north half of the south-east quarter of Section 23 Towns hip 10 Range 5 East (Shelby County, Ohio). Jesse was the father of 20 chil dren. His heirs were: Elizabeth Harbour, widow; Rozina Harbour, decease d, wife of William McIntire (and mother of Talitha McIntire, wife of Jose ph Roberts; Jane McIntire, wife of John Curtis and William McIntire, a min or of Illinois); Harden Harbour, deceased (father of Joseph Harbour); Jemi ma Harbour, deceased, wife of Abraham Kelly (and mother of Joicy (also cal led Josephine) Kelly, wife of William Blue; Nancy Ann Kelly, wife of Jam es Blue; David Kelly of Logan County, Ohio; and Sarah Jane Kelly); Chari ty Harbour, wife of John Idle; Susan Harbour, wife of William Fuson of Ill inois; Lavina Harbour, wife of Martin Idle of Indiana; Elizabeth harbou r, wife of Jeptha Northcutt; Talmon Harbour; John Harbour; Henry Harbo ur of Shelby Co, OH; Charles T Harbour; Deborah harbour wife of Joseph Sny der; jane Harbour wife of George Kizer; and the minors, Mary Katherine, na ncy, judah Simeon W and David Harbour
1850 Champaign Co, Salem OH dau Nancy Kelly living withJohn and Mary Williams age 8 dau Joyce Kelly living with Israel and Rachel Penn age 13 son David Kelly age 9 living with Eleanore Evans
(Research):Private in Rev War from Virginia Enlisted 1776 in Capt Matthew Baker's Co of NJ Militia attached to Col Jac ques' Regiment. Volunteered twice more, 1st under Capt John Craig, same re giment and agin under Capt Bond. Served 2 years as a private
Also lived in Shenandoah Co, VA, Greenbrier Co, VA and Greene Co, PA
Had at least 2 other sons James and Joseph
Family researcher Frank Bewkes [email protected]
[NI17866] Moved to Fulton Co, ILL in 1846, parents of 12 ch
(Research):Record Book 32, Page 4- Filed 15 April 1863- Petition to Partition Talmon Harbour vs Elizabeth Harbour & Others Jesse Harbour, deceased, was the owner of the north-west quarter of Secti on 29, south half of south-east quarter of Section 36 (Harrison Township ), 106 acres located on the west side of the north-east quarter of Secti on 35 (Concord Township) Township 4 Range 12. He also owned 80 acres of la nd located in the north half of the south-east quarter of Section 23 Towns hip 10 Range 5 East (Shelby County, Ohio). Jesse was the father of 20 chil dren. His heirs were: Elizabeth Harbour, widow; Rozina Harbour, decease d, wife of William McIntire (and mother of Talitha McIntire, wife of Jose ph Roberts; Jane McIntire, wife of John Curtis and William McIntire, a min or of Illinois); Harden Harbour, deceased (father of Joseph Harbour); Jemi ma Harbour, deceased, wife of Abraham Kelly (and mother of Joicy (also cal led Josephine) Kelly, wife of William Blue; Nancy Ann Kelly, wife of Jam es Blue; David Kelly of Logan County, Ohio; and Sarah Jane Kelly); Chari ty Harbour, wife of John Idle; Susan Harbour, wife of William Fuson of Ill inois; Lavina Harbour, wife of Martin
Talman Harbour
Age: 87 State: OH 1910
Color: w Enumeration District: 0138
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0100
County: Logan, Degraff
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place living alone
[HI17871] (Research):Record book 32 pg 154 Filed 25 Nov 1865 Petition to Partition David Slagle et al vs William C Harber John Harber, deceased, owned 80 acres located in the east half of the NE 1 /4 of Sec 1 Twp 3 Range 13 (Adams). The heirs of John were; Effa/Effie har ber, widow; William C Harber; Emma C harber; James W Harber; Effa/Eff ie E Harber and Sarah W Harber. David Slagle claimed 40 acres, David McAle xander claimed 26 2/3 acres and the widow and minor heirs claimed 13 1/3 a cres.
(Research):Elisha Harbour
Age: 81 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0138
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0018
County: Logan
Relation: Uncle
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Head of Household William Hinkle W
HARBOR ELISHA County Name: LOGAN Date of Death: 3/10/1919 Volume Number: 2936 Certificate Number: 20341
[HI17876] (Research):Will contested Field 11/27/1900 Book I pg 602 jane Kizer and Deborah Snider filed petition against Charles T Harbour exe cutor and David E Harbour, Nancy Kirkwood, Lester L Harbour, Mary Katheri ne Hull and Charles T Harbour. Jury finds in favor of defendants, wi ll is valid last will and testament.
[DI17876] Will contested Field 11/27/1900 Book I pg 602 jane Kizer and Deborah Snider filed petition against Charles T Harbour exe cutor and David E Harbour, Nancy Kirkwood, Lester L Harbour, Mary Katheri ne Hull and Charles T Harbour. Jury finds in favor of defendants, wi ll is valid last will and testament.
(Research):History of Shelby County, Ohio, With Illustrations and Biographical Sketch es of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers, First Edition publish ed by R. Sutton & Co., Philadelphia, PA, 1883; Second Edition with name in dex published by The Shelby County Historical Society, Hammer Graphics, In c., Piqua, OH 1968 Pages 107, 268 & 271 have Fleming Hall as postmaster of Hardin on 19 June 1857, and holding var ious township offices form 1862 through 1869 in Turtle Creek Township.
Chancery Record book 29 pg 424 Filed June 14 1859 Appeal Margaret Hall, widow of John Hall vs Fleming Hall Margaret charged that Fleming had removed some of her property and treat ed it as if it were her own, plus had not repaid a note. She asked to be c ompensated.
Book 29 pg 538 Filed 13 July 1861 petition Samuel Bousman & Wife vs Fleming Hall and others On 18 June 1853 Elizabeth Bousman owned 1/6 of an undivided estate and conveyed her interest to Fleming Hall on 3 April 1856. The land was Lot numbers 13 and 14 in Millerstown and 106 acres of land located on the west side of the NE 1/4 section 35 twp 4 range 12 (Concord). The land was subje ct to the dower estate of Elizabeth Hall, widow of John Hall. Fleming gave Samuel and Elizabeth a promissary note for her portion, which had not b een paid.
Concord Items November 28, 1878
Since our last, Mr. Flemon Hall and family took their departure for Murfreesborough, Tenn. Mr. H. is the owner of a farm of 315 acres, embracing a considerable portion of the battleground known in history as the "Battle of Murfreesborough." Few men engage in a deadly contest with an enemy hundreds of miles from the land of their nativity and afterwards become the owner in fee simple of the ground that they helped to drench with human gore. Mr. Hall has the best wishes of many of his friends in the west end, being as he is a man of unswerving integrity and devotion to right under circumstances where ordinary men fail to comprehend the right. His former homestead, "White Oak Hall," an engraving of which is found in our lately published county atlas, situated in Adams township, is now occupied by Mr. Hezekiah Piles
«i»Newspaper Articles of Champaign County Ohio Vol 1«/i» (Dec 2007 CCGS, P O Box 682 43078 Urbana, OH Newspaper articles of Specs Jr from years 1852,1861,1878,1879,1882,1883,1884 and 1885 . Researched and copied by Pat Stickley, Typed by Dorothy Shaffer).
[HI17884] (Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship Records pg279-283 1/12/1864 Elizabeth Harbour gdn of Mary Catherine Harbour 14 yrs 18 Feb 1863; Nan cy Jarbour 12 yrs 16 Jun 1863; Judith H Harobour 10 yrs 2/9/1863, Simeon W eaver Harbour 6 yrs 11/9/1863; David Emery Harbour 3 yrs 3/23/1863; hei rs of Jesse Harbour, dec'd. Surities Peter Baker and Charles Harbour
[MI17887] (Medical):Beside himself with grief at the death of his wife
[DI17888] Metioned in article about mothers 83rd birthday in 1896 as living in Calif, but not located in 1900 Census. CADI David E Harbour, no age, no spuse, died 10/12/1908 San Joaquin Co, Cert#26758
[HI17889] (Research):Record book 32 pg 37 Filed 26 Mar 1864 Petition to Partition mary jane Levick & husband, Lewis M Levick vs William Given, et al William Vineyard died in 1862 seized of 80 acres located in the north ha lf of the SW 1/4 of Sec 24 Twp 5 Range 10 Urbana. His heirs were: Elizabe th Vineyard, widow; William Vineyard; Matilda Vineyard, wife of William Gi ven; Albert Vineyard; Amanda Vineyard; John Vineyard; George Vineyard; Ma ry Jane Vineyard, wife of Lewis M Levick; and Cyrus Vineyard
(Research):Family researher Marilyn Ames in IL [email protected]
Family record of Elisha Harbour: Is a son of Joel and Sarah Harbour; was b orn in Patrick Co., Va., May 3, 1782 ; married Catharine Arrowsmith, in Ch ampaign Co., March 1, 1804. She was a daughter of Samuel and Mary Arrowsmi th. She died in Champaign Co., Dec. 9, 1862. He died near Indianapolis, In d., Nov. 26, 1867. Names and births of their children-Elizabeth, born J an 28, 1805; she married James Wilson, who is now dead. Richard, born M ay 30, 1806; died from the effects of a burn, Oct. 17, 1810. Joel, born No v. 22, 1807; married Martha Church; died in Davis Co., Iowa, from the effe cts of a limb falling on him, Aug. 25, 1859, Maria, born Nov. 2, 1809; mar ried James Hill. Exeoney, born Oct. 10, 1811; married Samuel McGinas; di ed Nov. 7, 1854, Cyrus, born May 19, 1813, and died Sept. 9, 1835 ; Willia m, born Oct. 1, 1815, married Elizabeth Berry; Sarah, born Aug. 8, 1819, m arried Hamilton Pence; Ezekiel A., born June 28, 1821, married Nancy Ja ne Kirkpatrick-dead-date not known; Elijah, born Aug. 18, 1823, married Fr ances Ann Waller; Elisha, born Aug. 18, 1823, married-name not known di ed in Indiana, April 15, 1855 ; Ann, born Aug. 23, 1825, and died Jan. 1 4, 1840 ; Mary, born March 14, 1828, married a Mr. Cuner. Mr. Harbour w as married twice, his second wife being Mrs. Elizabeth Kirkpatrick. No fur ther record is known.
From obit of dau Elizabeth Harbour Wilson It would seem proper at this time to say something in regard to the li fe of her father, Mr. Harbour. He was born in what is now Patrick count y, VA, Aug. 3, 1782. In 1801, when he was 19 years of age, he left to se ek a future home in the Northwestern Territory. He traveled on foot with c lothes and $500 in silver in a knapsack besides expense money and probab ly a rifle, which was considered at that time a very important pa rt of on outfit. He came to Ohio to join an uncle (Benjamin Turman) who h ad settled on the land now owned by John Bryan, five miles southwest of Ur bana. Mr. Harbour obtained land on the northern border of the townshi p. In a few years his parents and entire family followed him, as did ma ny of his neighbors. All of the elder Fusons were of the number. His ancestors were pioneers in the east. His maternal grandfather was capt ured by the Indians in Virginia and burned by them; an uncle also was carr ied off by them and adopted into one of the families. This uncle marri ed an Indian woman and some of their children were living among the Shawne se when this country was first settled by the whites. The Harbours were of English descent, and of the Quaker persuasion. The na me of harbour became the synonym of truth and honesty wherever known. It w as considered the highest encomium when it was said of a person that he w as as honest as Elisha Harbour. They raised a large family. Their children having gone westerly to live, e xcept a grandson, and with Mother Harbour dying, the aged sire sold a ll of his property and settled down with his son-in-law J W Hill, of India napolis, IN, wherehe diedNov. 26, 1867. Urbana Citizen & Gazette, 9 Oct 1879 Abstracted by Pat Stickley
[HI17894] (Research):Ohio 1910 Census Miracode Index Record Name: Mrs Florence Miller Birthplace: Ohio State: OH Age: 51 Color: W Enumeration District: 0043 Visit: 0016 County: Clark, Springfield City Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Daughter Ethel 26 Ohio Son Thomas C 25 Ohio Daughter Margareite 20 Ohio Son Herbert Melvil 16 Ohio
(Research):(I have a copy of the handwritten will of Samuel Arrowsmith.) Followi ng is an abstract of his will as it was written and recorded in Ross Coun ty Court House, Chillicothe, Ohio: No 184 - p 223 "Samuel Arrowsmith of Ross County, Ohio, weak in body my g randson John Arrowsmith, son of John, dec'd. 166½ acres divided by the Mar ietta Pike, Andrew Jones has leased said land. Sons Samuel and Ezekie l. To Hannah, Ann, Elizabeth, Anna, Mary Beakum, To Katy Harbor, to A nn Harbor my daughters. Exec. Son Samuel Mar 6, 1824. Present Samuel Sag e. Richard Ritte and Andrew Irwin. Proved May term 1826." ("The Richa rd Ritte would have been Richard Ritter.")
"You will notice that there was very little punctuation and the spelli ng was not correct. Samuel, himself, could not write as his name was sign ed with an X. The deed to the church was also signed in this manner."
(Cover of booklet has sketch of Bethel Chapel Church, Ross County, Oh io - and booklet is stamped "property of Ross Co. Genealogical Society."
[The following is copied from "The Arrowsmith-Kenton Family Record Boo k, with data of allied families: Anno, Bayles, Cleland, Clemens, Cone, Dar byshire, Haller, Harbor (Harbour), Jarboe, Patterson (Paterson), Potter, R ose, Stewart, Talbott and Wilson" compiled for Mrs. Corinne S. Cherry, Re gent of the Washington Chapter, Washington, Iowa, October 1927]
"Samuel Arrowsmith came from England about 1740 prior to that period marri ed Elizabeth Fishpaw near Baltimore, Maryland, died the latter part of t he year 1742." "Samuel Arrowsmith, only son of Saml. and Elizth. Arrowsmith, born Dec 28 th 1742 near Baltimore Md. Married Mary Millard. He died March 28th 1826 in Ross County, Ohio."
"Mary Arrowsmith, wife of Saml. Died October 10, 1794 in Mason County, K y. He moved from Baltimore to Red Stone (Now Brownsville, Pa.) about 177 8, thence to Mason County, Ky 1788; thence to Pickaway Plains, east of t he Scioto River about 1801; thence to Ross County six miles east of Chilli cothe, Ohio, one or two years later."
[HI17897] (Research):Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson, Obituary 1805 - 1879 Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson, of near Glasgow, IA, died Aug. 29,~ 1879. She was t he first child of the first couple married in the north part of Mad Riv er township, then Greene (now Champaign) county, OH. The daughter of Elis ha Harbour and Catharine Arrowsmith who were married March 1, 1804. She was born Jan. 28, 1805, while this part of the Mad River valley was tr uly a howling wilderness for wolves were plenty, as were bears and other b east of prey, “and savage men, more fierce than they”. She was familiar wi th all the privations that are experienced in living in a newly settled co untry. In the autumn of 1829 she was united in marriage to James Wilson who was t he son of pious Presbyterian parents. In the later part of 1831 they mov ed to Williams county, OH, sold out in 1841 and moved to Jefferson count y, IA. Aunt Betsy, as she was called, lived at the homestead with her elde st son until her death. It would seem proper at this time to say something in regard to the li fe of her father, Mr. Harbour. He was born in what is now Patrick count y, VA, Aug. 3, 1782. In 1801, when he was 19 years of age, he left to se ek a future home in the Northwestern Territory. He traveled on foot with c lothes and $500 in silver in a knapsack besides expense money and probab ly a rifle, which was considered at that time a very important pa rt of on outfit. He came to Ohio to join an uncle (Benjamin Turman) who h ad settled on the land now owned by John Bryan, five miles southwest of Ur bana. Mr. Harbour obtained land on the northern border of the townshi p. In a few years his parents and entire family followed him, as did ma ny of his neighbors. All of the elder Fusons were of the number. His ancestors were pioneers in the east. His maternal grandfather was capt ured by the Indians in Virginia and burned by them; an uncle also was carr ied off by them and adopted into one of the families. This uncle marri ed an Indian woman and some of their children were living among the Shawne se when this country was first settled by the whites. The Harbours were of English descent, and of the Quaker persuasion. The na me of harbour became the synonym of truth and honesty wherever known. It w as considered the highest encomium when it was said of a person that he w as as honest as Elisha Harbour. They raised a large family. Their children having gone westerly to live, e xcept a grandson, and with Mother Harbour dying, the aged sire sold a ll of his property and settled down with his son-in-law J W Hill, of India napolis, IN, wherehediedNov. 26, 1867. Urbana Citizen & Gazette, 9 Oct 1879 Abstracted by Pat Stickley
(Research):Champaign Co, Salem, OH-pg46 1830 May not be this James Hill, as he has children in the household 210020-10001
July 16, 1874 Itemes From the West End, Concord Township
Visitors- Mr James Hill, of Indianapolis, and brother of Col Hill is now on a visit to his native home, having been born in 1806 at the old homestead. For the last 48 years he has been a resident of the Hoosier State. Mr Hill is one of those exceedingly clever gentlemen who renders himself perfectly agreeable to all whom he chances to meet.
[HI17904] (Research):Son of Wm McGinnis, see bio under son Samuel Jasper McGinnis
[HI17917] (Research):Family record of William Harbour, son of Joel and Sarah: He was born Ja n. 28, 1785; married Ann, daughter of Samuel and Mary Arrowsmith, in 'Ro ss Co., Ohio, October, 1806; she was born in Champaign Co., Oct. 17, 178 8, and died in Champaign Co., Nov. 9, 1833; William died in Champaign Co ., May 26, 1856. Names and births of their children-Sarah, born Oct. 18, 1 807 ; married William L. McGinness, Feb. 8, 1831; died in Bement, Ill., Oc t. 11, 1875. Elizabeth, born March 9, 1809; dead-date not known. Samuel, b orn April 15, 1811; married his first wife in Illinois; dead-date of marri age and death not known; second wife, Miss Fuston-date not known. Pennina h, born May 23, 1813 ; married James Neer-date not known ; she died Septem ber, 1880. Abner, born May 4,1815 ; married, first wife dead; name, da te of marriage and death not known; married his second wife in Iowa, na me and date not known. Mary, born Feb. 24, 1817 ; married Robert McCoy, Oc tober, 1839 ; died in March, 1880. Hannah, born Sept. 10, 1820; married Le wis Stew art. Rachel, born July 31, 1824; married Andrew Hanna; he died M ay 20, 1874. William, the subject of this record, married his second wif e, Mrs. Mary Stewart, (maiden name Miller); she was born February, 1798; t heir children were Jane Ann, born April 6, 1836; married John Joseph Shriv er. William, born April 29, 1837; married Mary E. Sweet. Amanda Louisa, bo rn April 14, 1840. All born in Champaign County.
(Research):CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Record Book 24, Page 258- Filed 25 October 1851- Petition to Partition William Harbour & Mary Harbour his wife vs John Miller & Others John Miller died seized of Lot Numbers 31 and 32 in Addison (Jackson Town ship). John's heir( were: Rebecca Miller, widow, deceased prior October 18 51; John Miller of Virginia; George Miller; Elizabeth Miller wife of Dav id Dorsey of Miami County, Ohio; Job Miller of Hamilton County, Ohio; Loui sa Miller wife 0£ Ezra Niles; Sarah Miller wife of John Corwin of Champai gn County; Ann Miller wife of Ira Smith of Indiana; Mary Jane Miller wi fe of John G. Duckworth of Logan County, Ohio; Adam Miller, deceased, le ft Jerome Miller, Elizabeth Ann Miller and Arabella Miller of Brown Count y, Ohio; Mary Jane, a granddaughter, married William Harbour.
Oct 17, 1878 Items From the West End, Concord Township by Specs Jr
Death has again invaded our circle and removed one of our pioneer veterans, Mrs Harbour, relict of the late William Harbour, aged 81 years. The deceased was a native of Virginia and came to this vicinity early in the century, and was up to her death the oldest member of the Concord society, having attached herself to the church in 1824. son-in-law, Mr. James W. Smoot, in Johnson township. She was born in Hampshire county, Virginia, near the close of the last century and came with her parents to Ohio in112, and lived constantly in the neighborhood where she died for sixty years. Her funeral took place last Sabbath at Charity chapel, Green township, Shelby county, the services being conducted by the venerable Justus Hunt, after which her remains were interred at the old Salem graveyard, a lovely burial ground, being surrounded on all sides by nature's forest, once a stronghold of Methodism in the days of Finley and Walker. She was the mother of ten children, the grandmother of thirty-nine and the great-grandmother of eighteen. She was the true type of pioneer Christians, as shown by her upright conversation during a period of thirteen years that she remained an invalid, being removed from place to place in an armchair. .
[HI17923] (Research):Champaign Co, Guardianships Book 2 Pg 12-15 10 Feb 1859 Peninah Neer, gdn of Minerva J Neer, 11 yr on 11 Oct 1858; mary Amanda Neer 14 yr on 18 Mar 1859; Samuel Jesse Neer 12 yr 13 Dec 1858; children and heirs of James Neer, dec'd Surities Hardin Harbour; Jeptha Northcutt and Jesse Neer
[HI17924] (Research):Champaign Co, Beers Bio pg 799
Concord Items May 15, 1879
Mary McCoy, wife of the late Robert McCoy, and daughter of the late Wm. Harbour, of this vicinity, died at her home in DeGraff, on the 4th inst. Funeral services at Concord, by Rev, J. G. Black, interment at the Harbour graveyard. The deceased was born at the old homestead in 1817, and was consequently in her sixty-second year.
[HI17930] (Research):Beers history pg 791
Name: «tab»Andy Hanna
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»12 Jun 1874
Death Place: «tab»Concord Tp, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»55
Birth Date: «tab»1819
Birthplace: «tab»...
Occupation: «tab»
Race: «tab»White
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07024-4
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»p 52, 53 #81
[XI17930] (Also Listed At Concord Cem)
[NI17931] Son of Talmon Harbour and Mary Wright
(Research):Father was Talmon Harbour and Grandfather was Thomas Harbour Descendants from [email protected] (Steven & Mary Mortimer)
Guardianships 2/2/1815 John Hall, grdn of German Hall 6 yrs, heir of Joel Harbour, Suri ty Joel Fuson
(Research):Captured and held by Shawnee Indians as a child. She was rescued by whit es after all of her family had been murdered by the Shawnees.
Possibly living with son William in 1830 age 70-80
(Research):Champaign County Guardianships, Book I 1805-1858; Guardianships And Indent ures From Minute Books; Bound Boys and Girls From Book A, Recorder's Offic e, by Pat Stickley, Champaign County Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 68 0, Urbana, OH 43078-0680, no year Page 60 Minute Book 14, Page 281 - 22 April 1833 - Henry Idle, guardian of Betsy J ournal, 11y; James Journal, 9y; Anderson Journal, 7y; Crocket Journal, 5 y; Charles Journal, 4y; & John Journal, 3y; children of John Journal decea sed. Surety: Peter Groves, John Hale
I found from David Lies [email protected] a William J Journell b 1809 Augus ta Co, VA, son of John. He married Margaret Honaker in Montgomery Co, OH 1827, and named a child W illiam Crockett. I believe there may be a connection.
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 James Journell .29
Living in this area in 1910 was Orville. By checking the 1880 Census, he m ust have been born our of wedlock. Persons in the 1880 Census are too o ld to be having children.
Orville Journell
Age: 28 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0001
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0224
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Mabel 24 Ohio Son Wilson NR Ohio
(Research):As early as 1837 there lived at the ok Gard mill on Mad river, near Tremont, a family named Slaven, consisting of two daughters anc several sons. Among the Sons was Lawrence Edwin, who in the fall of the above year, was subjected to a very serious attack of chills and fever. Indeed the situation of the youth became alarming to the family. In early autumn Lawrence took a drawing knife and went into the woods skirting the river and adjacent to the house for the purpose of securing some wild cherry bark, with which to form a kind of bitters. During his absence in the woods a strange infatuation appears to have over taken the young man and he resolved to make a trip south in order, if possible, to relieve himself of the precarious condition into which he had fallen. This he did without even returning to the house and notifying the family of his intentions. When he failed to return home in due time the alarm was given and the neighbors summoned and a general search instituted for the young man, which was kept up almost without cessation for three weeks. Many were the surmises as to the young man's fate, chief among which was the supposition that he might in his weakened condition have fallen in the river and drowned. Consequently the river was dragged for miles, but all effort was fruitless and the search wholly abandoned; and now, after a lapse of forty years the mystery is solved. Barney, one of the brothers at the age of manhood married in the vicinity of Heathtown, this township, and after the birth of his second child, from some cause, abandoned his family and went to Iowa, at an early day. Of the two children, Christopher Columbus became a member of Company G, 3d Ohio Cavalry and was killed on the 10th day of August, 1864, near Jonesborough, Georgia. Catharine married and soon after died, leaving Barney Slaven without heirs. In a few years Barney became very wealthy and prior to his death made a will leaving his entire wealth to the Roman Catholic church. Lawrence Slaven, when he left the parental roof, had wandered away down in to the state of Texas and there married and raised a family. When the late war broke out Lawrence came north into Iowa also, in the same locali ty where his brother resided. When the contents of the will became known after Barney's death an application was made at the instance of Lawrence Slaven's heirs (he having died also) to set the will aside. The Supreme Court of Iowa finally set the will aside and the three daughters of Lawrence Slaven came in possession of their uncle's immense wealth. Just at this stage of the proceedings a woman presents herself and claims to be the sister of Barney Slaven and hence is the legal custodian of said money. The law firm of Gilmore & Anderson, of Keokuk, Iowa, addresses a letter to the writer asking for full and definite information of the Slaven family and as soon as the answer is given Mr. Anderson comes in person to the county to ascertain all that may be necessary to furth er the interests of his clients, Mr. Lawrence Slaven's heirs, and not until the coming of Mr. Anderson was the fate of Lawrence Slaven known to his friends here, now more than forty years.
JOURNELL ELIZABEK County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 3/20/1917 Volume Number: 2200 Certificate Number: 15811
[HI17940] (Research):Census Place:Adams, Champaign, Ohio 1880 Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 19 6D John JOURNELLSelfMWW45OHOcc:FarmerFa: VAMo: VA Sarah OBRYANTMotherFWW77VAFa: VAMo: VA
[HI17943] (Research):Public Records of Champaign Co, Ohio Chancery Records of the Court of Somm on Pleas Record book 24 page 12 Filed 10 June 1848 Petition to sell land James Ward, Admin of Chauncery O'Brien deceased vs Sarah O'Brien, widow et al Chauncery O'Brien died seized of 80 acres of land located in the west ha lf of the NE 1/4 of Section 29 Twp 25 Range 1E (Van Wert Co, OH). His hei rs were; Sarah O'Brien widow and his only child Maria O'Brien
(Research):Springfield Sun Clark Co, Tremont City NewsApril 15, 1900 Mrs Julia GARD has returned from an extensive visit with her daughter Cel ia Blose.
Springfield Sun Clark Co, Tremont City News May 17, 1908 The funeral of Mrs Julia M GARD, who died Friday night at 8 o'clock wi ll be held at the residence this morning at 10 o'clock. Burial at Rector c hurch cemetery. Mrs GARD was a lifelong member of the M E church and was r egarded as a good woman. Her name appears in the list of honorary wido ws at the M E church to which she contributed. The church will miss h er as well as the community.
Name: «tab»Harry Allison
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»25 Sep 1907
Event Place: «tab»Richland, Ohio
Age: «tab»23
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1884
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»John Allison
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Florence Zehnes
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Hazel Mae Gibbs
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1887
Spouse's Father: «tab»Clyde F Gibbs
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Anna E Snyder
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»v20 p146
Film Number: «tab»388746
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016676
Image Number: «tab»81
(Research):Researching Tappy in Rockingham Co, VA Dotty [email protected]
cstouffer@worldnet. att.net Charles J Stouffer
St Paris Precinct Toll Book Nov 2 1880 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 Silas Tappy
St. Paris E? Dispatch Friday, March 11, 1887 Trustee Meeting The tp. Trustees met Monday, March 7, and paid the following bills: Silas TAPPY, janitor of tp. office, $6.00;
[HI17956] (Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1925 Robert Baker
[HI17957] (Research):1900 Champaign Co, Adams, OH John Baker, head, 4/1875, head, M3y, OH France France Emma, wife, 7/1873, 26, M3y 1/1 OH OH OH Nicholas A, partner, 8/1864, 35, single, OH France France Wilbur, son, 11/1897, 2, S, OH OH OH
[XI17957] 1862-1950
[HI17958] (Research):1880 Census Place:Quincy, Logan, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1255041 National Archives Film T9-1041 Page 15 7B Theo. GRAFTONSelfMWW64OHOcc:CarpenterFa: VAMo: KY Robt. GRAFTONSonMSW22OHOcc:FarmerFa: OHMo: KY Rosa GRAFTONGDauFSW11OHOcc:At HomeFa: OHMo: OH Henry GRAFTONGSonMSW9OHOcc:At HomeFa: OHMo: OH Catharine WEAVERSisterLFWW61OHFa: MDMo: OH Dame DAVISOtherFSW29OHFa: OHMo: OH
[HI17962] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Vol 22 No 1 pg 16 Jan 2006 St Paris Ohio Graduates 1934-19 39 From St Paris Ohio Graduates June 10 1993 by Janet Evilsizor Worthingto n 1938-Mildred Bashore Putnam
[DI17962] Mildred "Middy" Putnam, 89, of Saint Paris, died Friday, September 10, 2010. She was born on December 18, 1920 in Champaign County, the daughter of the late John and Elizabeth Pence Baseore. She married Richard Caven Putnam on April 4, 1942. He preceded her in death on November 5, 1985. She is survived by one son, Eric Wayne (Mary Howard) Putnam of St Paris. Her brother, Warren Pence, also preceded her in death. Burial will take place in Evergreen Cemetery, St Paris.
[HI17963] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 257
(Research):Some info and dates for this family provided in the ancestor chart in CCGS News Spring 1988 by Mary Howard Putnam, 11435 Grandview Hts Rd, St Pari s, OH43072
Name: LEE PUTNAM Gender: Male Date of Death: March 27, 1958 Volume: 15339 Certificate: 16260 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: , Champaign County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 60
[HI17966] (Research):PUTNAM MARVEL F County Name: MIAMI Date of Death: 6/30/1936 Volume Number: 8173 Certificate Number: 39995
[HI17967] (Research):Ohio 1910 Census Miracode Index Record Name: William Putman Birthplace: Ohio State: OH Age: 50 Color: W Enumeration District: 0008 Visit: 0214 County: Champaign Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Savanah 38 Ohio Son Ray H 18 Ohio Son Lee N 12 Ohio
[HI17968] (Research):PUTMAN SAVANAH County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 3/21/1928 Volume Number: 5588 Certificate Number: 13724
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot ? 11/26/1869 Quitclaim from Henry Putnam to Larena McPheren, 1 /6 of an acre Bk 42 Pg189
CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 Henry Putnam .23
Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 Henry Putman
St Paris Precinct Toll Book Nov 2 1880 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 Henry Putnam
Name: «tab»Sarah Addeline Sims
Death Date: «tab»21 Dec 1936
Death Place: «tab»Green Township, Shelby, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»01 Feb 1855
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Miami Co., Ohio
Death Age: «tab»81 years 10 months 20 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»R.D.
Occupation: «tab»Housekeeper
Residence: «tab»Sidney, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»23 Dec 1936
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Fletcher
Spouse's Name: «tab»David Simes
Father's Name: «tab»Elias Snodgrass
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Miami Co., Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Julia Ann Hetzler
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Miami Co., Ohio
Film Number: «tab»2022736
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4028260
Image Number: «tab»1072
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 79446
(Research):1880 Census Place:Concord, Champaign, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 21 3A Frederic BARGERSelfMMW40OHOcc:FarmerFa: VAMo: OH Martha J. BARGERWifeFMW37OHFa: VAMo: VA Douglass BARGERSonMSW19OHFa: OHMo: OH Emma A. BARGERDauFSW18OHFa: OHMo: OH Martha BARGERDauFSW13OHFa: OHMo: OH Mary V. BARGERDauFSW12OHFa: OHMo: OH Leonora BARGERDauFSW10OHFa: OHMo: OH Minnie BARGERDauFSW9OHFa: OHMo: OH William I. BARGERSonMSW7OHFa: OHMo: OH Lou F. BARGERDauFSW6OHFa: OHMo: OH Claude BARGERSonMSW4OHFa: OHMo: OH Etna BARGERDauFSW2OHFa: OHMo: OH Nellie BARGERDauFSW5MOHFa: OHMo: OH James WOODDARDOtherMWW70TN Occ:LaborerFa: ---Mo: ---
Source from Lew Ellingham (On 1 Feb 1891 when Isaac Newton was 34, he marr ied Martha Pearl Anna Barger, daughter of Ross Barger & Sarah Jane Taylo r, in Champaign Co., OH. Born on 10 Mar 1876 in Champaign Co., OH. Mart ha Pearl Anna died in ?Champaign Co., OH, aft 1910; she was 33.)
a death in the index of Champaign Co, OHio of a Martha Burnham who di ed 5/18/1944 in Champaign Co. This might be her, since they moved arou nd a lot. It is recorded in Book 3 pg 36 1944.
(Research):Marian Bodey
Age: 14 State: OH 1910
Color: Enumeration District: 0001
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0104
County: Champaign
Relation: Stepson
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Head of Household Joseph Burmuam W
[HI17976] (Research):Name: MAE I BODEY Gender: Female Date of Death: January 19, 1959 Volume: 15642 Certificate: 00623 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Springfield, Clark County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 60
[HI17977] (Research):Laura Ropp Died: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 Laura Elizabeth Ropp, 75, of 408 Sonander Road, Urbana, Ohio, died at 3 a. m. Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2001, in Mercy Medical Center, Springfield. She was bo rn on Dec. 30, 1925, in Urbana, Ohio, to Marion N. Bodey and Mae Irene (Ne well) Bodey, both deceased. A former school bus driver for West Liberty-Sa lem Schools, she was a member of the White Shrine of Jerusalem, in Bellefo ntaine, the Rebekah Lodge, in Middleburg, and the Hill and Valley Clu b, of Mingo. She is survived by her husband, Leonard George Ropp, of Urban a, who she married on April 18, 1942; four sons, Nelson (Pat) Ropp, of Urb ana, Elmer Ropp, of St. Paris, William Ropp, of Middleburg, and Edward Rop p, of Lucasville; four daughters, Esta Huffman, of Urbana, Clara (Gene) Cu pps, of Urbana; Leona (Lewis) Minnich, of Urbana, Susan Holbrook, of Urban a; 18 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; one brother, Hugh Bodey, of M yrtle Creek, Ore.; and one sister, Elsie Anaple, of Cincinnati. Besides h er parents, she was preceded in death by one daughter, Marion Ropp; two br others, Levi Bodey and Ernest Bodey; and one sister, Thelma Bump. A funer al service will be held at 10:30 a.m. Friday, Aug. 10, 2001, in the RICHES ON-WICKHAM AND ATKINS FUNERAL HOME, 216 S. Springfield St., St. Paris, wi th Rev. Bob Instine officiating. Burial will be in Rosedale Cemetery, Cono ver. A visitation will be held from 2 to 4 and from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursda y, Aug. 9, 2001, in the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, memorial contrib utions may be made to Kennard Church of the Nazarene Building Fund, c/o Ca roline Ropp, P.O. Box 144, DeGraff, Ohio 43118. Envelopes will be availab le at the funeral home.
(Research):LEONARD GEORGE ROPP 79, 408 Sonander Road, Urbana, Ohio, died Sunday, Janu ary 6, 2002 at 9:47 p.m. in Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton. He was born Oct ober 28, 1922 in Champaign County, Ohio, the son of the late Elmer and Eth el (Eckurd) Ropp. He was formerly employed by Ray Hensley, Inc. of Springf ield. He had also been employed by Urbana Tar and Asphalt and was engag ed in farming. He was a member of O’Neil’s Bakery morning donut club. Surv ivors include four sons, Nelson (Pat) Ropp of Urbana, Elmer Ropp of Sai nt Paris, William Ropp of Middleburg, Edward Ropp of Lucasville; four daug hters, Esta Huffman, Clara (Gene) Cupps, Leona (Lewis) Minnich, Susan Holb rook, all of Urbana; 18 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; six brother s, Robert (Fern) Ropp, Donald (Joyce) Ropp, Marvin (Flossie) Ropp, Paul (B arb) Ropp, Roger (Patti) Ropp, Ronald (Irma) Ropp, all of Urbana; two sist ers, Margaret McCain of Urbana and Barbara Jean Ropp of Westville; and sev eral nieces, nephews and cousins. He was preceded in death by his parent s; wife, Laura E. (Bodey) Ropp, whom he married on April 18, 1942 and prec eded him in death on August 7, 2001; one daughter, Marion Ropp; two brothe rs, Cecil Ropp and Elmer Ropp, Jr. Funeral services will beheld Thursda y, January 10, 2002 at 10:30 a.m. in the RICHESON- WICKHAM AND ATKINS FUNE RAL HOME, 216 South Springfield Street, Saint Paris. Burial in Rosedale Ce metery. Visitation will be held Wednesday, January 9, 2002 from 2-4 p.m. a nd 6-8 p.m. in the funeral home. First published in the News Sun on Jan 8
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 267
[HI17984] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 267
[HI17985] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 267
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Ferman G Jacobs
Name: «tab»Ferman G Jacobs
Birth Date: «tab»1897
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Bellefontaine
Residence County: «tab»Logan
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»28 May 1958
Hospital of Death: «tab»Public/Other
City of Death: «tab»Logan County
County of Death: «tab»Logan
Certificate: «tab»35884
Age at Death: «tab»61
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: «tab»Divorced
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Gladys L Jacobs
Name: «tab»Gladys L Jacobs
Birth Date: «tab»1902
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Springfield
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»31 Jul 1986
Hospital of Death: «tab»Mercy Memorial Hospital
City of Death: «tab»Urbana
County of Death: «tab»Champaign
Certificate: «tab»049604
Age at Death: «tab»84
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Social Security Number: «tab»284-18-4369
Marital Status: «tab»Divorced
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Homemaker, student, unemployed volunteer
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Homemaker
[HI17989] (Research):WONDERLY MARY E County Name: FRANKLIN Date of Death: 6/20/1926 Volume Number: 5075 Certificate Number: 32213
(Research):Emanuel Rapp
Age: 54 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0015
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0103
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Sarah E 46 Ohio Son Ralph 17 Ohio Son Clifford 15 Ohio Daughter Edith 09 Ohio Son Elmer 07 Ohio NR Edna Hess 16 Ohio
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 267-268
(Research):1870 Champaign Co, Mutual, OH -pg401 Joseph Pullins, 35, OH Catherine 39 Nancy 14 Charles 13 Barbara 11 Elizabeth 9 William 6 Mary J 4 Elias 3 Viola 1
Name : Sarah Elizabeth Ropp Death date : 27 Jul 1914 Death place : Salem Twp., Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 21 Sep 1861 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 54 years 10 months 6 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Housewife Residence : Salem Twp., Champaign Co., Ohio Burial date : 29 Jul 1914 Burial place : Ohio Cemetery name : Union Chapel Spouse name : Father name : Jos. Pullins Father titles : Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Catherine Ropp Mother titles : Mother birth place : Ohio GSU film number : 1953919 Digital GS number : 4021305 Image number : 59 Certificate number : fn 37504 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI17992] (Research):ECKURD GEORGE E County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 3/3/1935 Volume Number: 7761 Certificate Number: 14636
[HI17993] (Research):Name: Hattie Eckurd Gender: Female Date of Death: 12 February 1970 Volume: 19965 Certificate: 008532 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 89 Years
[HI17994] (Research):Name: HARRY E JACOBS Gender: Male Date of Death: November 15, 1958 Volume: 15591 Certificate: 79263 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Bellefontaine, Logan County Race: White Residence: Bellefontaine, Logan County Age: 91
Name: Sarah Elizabeth Jacobs
Death date: 26 May 1948
Death place: Monroe Twp, Logan, Ohio, United States
Birthdate: 31 Mar 1875
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Monroe Twp, Logan Co.,. Ohio
Age at death: 73 years 1 month 24 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Burial date:
Burial place:
Cemetery name:
Spouse's name: Harry Jacobs
Father's name: Alfred Stanley
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace:
Mother's name: Martha Webb
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace:
GSU film number: 2246465
Digital GS number: 4109097
Image number: 00340
Reference number: 38006
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI17996] (Research):In Mad River Twp., Champaign Co., Ohio land deed indices - 20 Sept., 18 27 US to Francis Stevenson 160 a. - bk 69, pg. 592 - nw ¼ se c. 13 t 4, r 11. and right next to him was - US to Isaac Shockey, assign ee of Abraham Shockey.- 8 Dec., 1818 -bk 69 pg. 593 - ne ¼ sec. 1 3, t 4, range 11
(Research):This Abram was alive in 1880. In the 1850 Census he is lised with an Eliza beth age 38 b VA and son Abram age 7
Several payments are listed on Abraham SHOCKEY's probate records. He di ed in 1848. The payment list goes through 1852. One payment went to t he Strichler Company. Does anyone know anything about this company? His f ather, Isaac Shockey traveled down the Shendandoah Valley with the Strickl er, Foltz and Hollinger families. They got snowed in. In the spring of 1 785 some returned to Berkeley County, some probably went on to OH, some we nt on to KY and some settled in Shenandoah County (Page County today) ne ar Luray. [email protected] (Nancy Corder Halvorson)
Champaign County Guardian Bonds Book 1 pg211 11 April 1833 Catherine Tayl or gdn of Elizabeth taylor 14yr; Peter Taylor 13yr; Noah Taylor 11yr; Samp son Taylor 8yr, Malachi Taylor 5yr, Julia Taylor 2months minor heirs of Jo hn Taylor, dec'd Surities Malachi berry, Silas howard MB 14-267
[HI17999] (Research):
SHOCKEV WILLIA S County Name: ALLEN Date of Death: 2/17/1922 Volume Number: 3792 Certificate Number: 6523
Name: «tab»William S. Shoekey
Death Date: «tab»17 Feb 1922
Death Place: «tab»Lima, Allen, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»17 Jul 1848
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Allen Co., Ohio
Death Age: «tab»73 years 7 months
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»963 Arch Ave.
Occupation: «tab»Labor
Residence: «tab»Lima, O.
Burial Date: «tab»20 Feb 1922
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Woodlawn Cem.
Spouse's Name: «tab»Mrs. Frances Elizebetha
Father's Name: «tab»Abraham Shoekey
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Rachel Smith
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1991911
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4022277
Image Number: «tab»884
[HI18001] (Research):Ancestors of Alma from Richard Klopshinske 183 Rainbow Dr # 8395, Livingst on, TX 77399-1083
[HI18002] (Research):Parentage nopt proven. Funeral home records say her father was Ephraim, b ut the 1880 census does not show this child. However a search in 1880 f or Alice did not show her as a child in any household
Name: «tab»Alice A. Huffman
Death Date: «tab»24 Jun 1931
Death Place: «tab»Jackson, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»13 Nov 1862
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»68 years 5 months 11 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»Jackson T. P.
Burial Date: «tab»26 Jun 1931
Burial Place: «tab»Terre Haute
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»William Huffman
Father's Name: «tab»Ephram Overhulaer
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Dovinday. Sgaffer
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1992431
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4000592
Image Number: «tab»991
(Research):Champaign Co, Oh 1991 - pg 102 Biography
Name: Air Service Military Aeronautics B. Carney Serial Number: 3903903 Race: W Residence: R. F. D. 9, Urbana, O. Enlistment Division: National Army Enlistment Location: Urbana, O. Enlistment Date: 26 Aug 1918 Birth Place: Urbana, O. Birth Date / Age: 10 Feb 1897 Assigns Comment: 159 Depot Brigade to 30 Oct 1918; Field Artillery Repl acement Draft Cp Jackson Summary Court to Discharge Private Honorable disc harge 7 Jan 1919. Volume #: 3
[HI18004] (Research):Champaign Co, Oh 1991 - pg 103 Biography says his name is James Burton Carney
Name: «tab»James W. Carney
Death Date: «tab»03 Jan 1944
Death Place: «tab»Stockport, Morgan Co., Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»07 Aug 1854
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»89 years 4 months 27 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»05 Jan 1944
Burial Place: «tab»Stockport, Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Maroline Carney
Father's Name: «tab»Adam Carney
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Catharine
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2024192
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4057833
Image Number: «tab»145
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 8424
Name: «tab»Mary Carney
Gender: «tab»Female
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»17 Apr 1899
Death Place: «tab»Urbana Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»40
Birth Date: «tab»1859
Birthplace: «tab»Vinton Co
Occupation: «tab»Housekeeper
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07024-8
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 85
*Index Card Info
Wife of James Carney
Died shortly after giving birth to twins
Name: «tab»Edward L. Randall
Death Date: «tab»12 Feb 1953
Death Place: «tab»Urbana Twp, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»20 Sep 1867
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co. Ohio
Death Age: «tab»85 years 4 months 22 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Informant Mary O Combs
Street Address: «tab»604 S Walnut
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Ruben Randall
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Preise
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2246447
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4109453
Image Number: «tab»01987
Certificate Number: «tab»07203
(Research):Name: Leslie L Broshes Gender: Male Date of Death: 25 March 1972 Volume: 20807 Certificate: 017686 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 49 Years
Name: Leslie Broshes SSN: 294-12-4237 Born: 26 Oct 1925 Died: Mar 1972 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
(Research):Is this a son not named in the 1880 census?
1900 Census Page 119 Mad River Township 163/170 OBERT Maurice 7/78 21 M 1 Farmer OH OH OH Cara G. 7/80 19 M 1 1 1 OH OH OH wife Estel D. 2/99 1 OH OH OH son
6/18/1908 will admitted to probate court. W A Maurice appointed exec.
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 215
Book L PG 208JOSEPH MAURICEPROBATED 4 JUN 1908 ADAMS TWP[DIED 28 MAY 1908] Heirs-Isabel Maurice-widow—Rosewood; W A Maurice—son-Rosewood; George Maur ice—son—Miami Co; Clinton Maurice-sonRosewood; Herman Maurice—son—Rosewoo d; Samuel Maurice—son 20 yr-Rosewood; Emerson Maurice-son 15 yr—Rosewoo d; Della Bowers-dau-Rosewood; Valley Conner-dau-Indianapolis, In; Emma Lic klider-dau-Rosewood; Ellen Maurice-dau-Rosewood; Lizzie Máurice—dau—Rosewo od, Wife all real estate and chattel property except $50 to Ellen, Lizz ie and Emerson Maurice to make them even with other ch; at death of wife r eal estate sold and divided among legal heirs. Son W A Maurice executor Witness:C C Lemmon Levi Bodeywill signed 17 Feb 1908
[HI18016] (Research):MAURICE ISEBELL M County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 9/24/1920 Volume Number: 3377 Certificate Number: 56958
(Research):Champaign County Ohio 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 199
Name: Virgil F Licklider Gender: Male Date of Death: 07 November 1986 Birth Date: 31 January 1909 Volume: 26656 Certificate: 085757 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Social Security Number: 293342867 Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: American Place of Death: Bellefontaine, Logan County Certifier: Physician Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: , Champaign County Age: 77 Years
[HI18021] (Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1925 Nelson Licklider
(Research):BRUNNER CHARLES F County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 4/12/1934 Volume Number: 7478 Certificate Number: 21445
Name: Charles F. Brunner
Death date: 12 Apr 1934
Death place: Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date:
Estimated birth year: 1913
Birth place: Ohio
Age at death: 21 years 3 months 26 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: American
Street address: 326 Miami
Occupation: Truck Driver
Burial date: 14 Apr 1934
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Plum
Spouse name: Elnora Brunner
Father name: Alva Brunner
Father titles:
Father birth place: Ohio
Mother name: Nellie Hendron
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Ohio
GSU film number: 1992993
Digital GS number: 4001897
Image number: 741
Reference number: fn 21445
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI18029] (Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1923 Grace Licklider Stickley
[HI18030] (Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1925 Faye Licklider Rose
(Research):Champaign County Ohio 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 198
Name: Ruth Sprague SSN: 268-62-5247 Last Residence: 45365 Sidney, Shelby, Ohio Born: 22 Dec 1907 Died: 28 Aug 2005 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1973 )
(Research):Grover C Licklider
Age: 25 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0001
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0114
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Mary 21 Ohio Son Gamer Paul NR Ohio
Groom's Name: «tab»Charles Merz
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Columbus, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Mary Elizabeth Evernham
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1860
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»68
Marriage Date: «tab»07 Jun 1928
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Peter Merz
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Austin Evans
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Clark
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»Evernham
[HI18035] (Research):Champaign Co, Ohio, St Paris Newspaper Abstracts September 6, 1878 to 190 0. St Paris Enterprise, St Paris Examiner, St Paris New Era, The Holiday R eporter, The Quiver and St Paris News. By CCGS July 2001 by Dorothy Shaffe r. Proof read by June Kizer. Date: August 24, 1888 Page: 48 On wed, Jason PENCE and others removed the remains of Levi Runkle's fir st wife from the old family burying grounds on the old homestead to Myrt le tree Cemetery. { Lucinda Pence }
[HI18036] (Research):Mentioned in fathers will 1/16/1855 received $102 Bio in early settlers say she died age 18, but we see that is incorrect
(Research):Champaign Co, Ohio Newspaper abstracts 1900-1916 pg 61 6/24/1904 Mrs Chaaaaarity Beaty attended the funeral of her brother in l aw Aaron Rust of Indiana. last week. We are glad to her her sister Mrs Bri ght of Casstown is recovering.
BEATY, Charity Death date: 4/8/1925, Champaign County Volume # 4707, Certificate #20248
[HI18038] (Research):Name : Della Emma Beaty Titles : Death date : 05 Jul 1911 Death place : Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 08 Dec 1878 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 32 years 6 months 7 days Gender : Female Marital status : Single Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Housekeeper Residence : Burial date : 08 Jul 1911 Burial place : Cemetery name : Spouse name : Father name : David Beaty Father titles : Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Charity Davis Mother titles : Mother birth place : Ohio GSU film number : 1953044 Digital GS number : 4021107 Image number : 3188 Certificate number : fn 35887 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: Lara Estella Hunter
Death Date: 24 Aug 1942
Death Place: Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Birth Date: 09 Dec 1895
Estimated Birth Year:
Birthplace: Clark County, Ohio
Death Age: 46 years 8 months 15 days
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Race or Color: Caucasian
Street Address: 426 North Main
Occupation: Home
Residence: Urbana, Ohio
Burial Date: 27 Aug 1942
Burial Place: Urbana, Ohio
Cemetery Name: Kingscreek Cem.
Spouse's Name: John B. Hunter
Father's Name: William A. Tritt
Father's Title & Terms:
Father's Birthplace: Champaign County, Ohio
Mother's Name: Ida Rule
Mother's Birthplace: Champaign County, Ohio
Film Number: 2024032
Digital Folder Number: 4057800
Image Number: 152
Certificate Number: fn 47635
Collection: Ohio Deaths, 1908-1953
Name: «tab»Emma S. Wiant
Death Date: «tab»24 Apr 1911
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»21 Aug 1865
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co.
Death Age: «tab»45 years 8 months 3 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»27 Apr 1911
Burial Place: «tab»Oak Dale
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Zormat Rhodes (Thomas)
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Penn.
Mother's Name: «tab»Lidia Valentine
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Penn.
Film Number: «tab»1952820
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021057
Image Number: «tab»3025
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 19432
Inf-T M Wiant
(Research):The Early Germans of New Jersey; Their History, Churches and Genealogies SETTLERS OF UNIONVILLE CONRAD BUNN bought 158 acres, including the present Albert Bunn farm, of G ershom Gard, 19th July, 1784.
Ancestral File Number: 2W84-6B Died of smallpox.
The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 26 page 69 Mrs. Nora Lyon Adams. DAR ID Number: 25197 Born in Louisville, Kentucky. Wife of John Adams. Descendant of Moses Lyon, James Lyon, Peter Perrine Lee and Gerhsom Gar Daughter of Sidney Smith Lyon and Honora Vincent, his wife. Granddaughter of Jonathan Williams Lyon and Melinda Gard Lee, his wife. Gr.-granddaughter of James Lyon and Elizabeth Williams (1759-1800), his wi fe; Peter Perrine Lee and Ruth Huntington Gard (1764-1819), his wife. Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Moses Lyon and Mary Harris (1732-1809), his wif e; Gershom Gard and Phebe Huntington (1738-1811), his wife, m. 1758. Moses Lyon, (1731-1813), served as a soldier in the 7th company, Essex Cou nty Regiment. He was born in Elizabeth, N. J., where he died. Also Nos. 14174, 17014, 20570, 21679. James Lyon, (1755-1841), served as an artificer under Col. Jeduthan Baldwi n. He was placed on the pension roll for three year's actual service. He w as born in Essex Co., N. J., died in Cincinnati, Ohio. Peter Perrine Lee, (1756-1848), served as a private in the Revolutio n. He was born in Cortland Manor; died in North Bend, Ohio. Gershom Gard, (1738-1818), served in many battles in the Morris Co. militi a. He was born in Morristown, N. J.; died in North Bend. Ohio. Parentage in question as of 2/1/2001
The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 36 page 190 Mrs. Nora Wathen Harris Badgley. DAR ID Number: 35510 Born in New York, N. Y. Wife of Robert Tilghman Badgley. Descendant of Moses Lyon, James Lyon, Gershom Gard (Legarde), Thomas Le e, Peter Perrine Lee, all of New Jersey. Daughter of James Wesley Harris and Mary Malinda Lyon, his wife. Granddaughter of Sidney Smith Lyon and Honora Vincent. his wife. Gr.-granddaughter of Jonathan William Lyon, (1783-1871) and Malinda Legar de Lee, (1786-1875), his wife. Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of James Lyon and Elizabeth Williams, (1759-1800), h is wife; Peter Perrine Lee and Ruth Huntington Gard, (1764-1819), his wif e. Gr.-gr.-gr.-granddaughter of Moses Lyon and Mary Harris, (1732-1809), h is wife; Thomas Lee and Dinah Perrine, (1731-91), his wife, [p.190] m. 175 2; Gershom Gard and Phebe Huntington, (1738-1811), his wife, m. 1758. Moses Lyon, (1731-1813), served as a soldier in the Seventh company, Ess ex county regiment. He was born and died in Elizabeth. James Lyon, (1755-1841), served as an artificer under Col. Jeduthan Baldwi n. He was placed on the pension roll of Ohio for three years actual servic e, New Jersey line. Thomas Lee, (1727-1804), served in the Somerset militia. Peter Perrine Lee, (1756-1848), served as a private in the militia. Gershom Gard, (1736-1818), served in many battles in the Morris county mil itia. Also Nos. 60, 25197, 31396.
(Research):Subject: JOHN GARD MURDER CASE OF 1712
Posted by: Wanda Flowers Message: This is to help those of you looking for information concerning t he murder case involving JOHN GARD II (b.Bideford, Eng., but raised in Bos ton, MA) and his son DANIEL GARD. In 1712 they were living in Stoningto n, CT when they were accused and tried for the murder of William Wite ar at the home of Daniel Eldridge. It was witnessed by Samuel Widger of St onington.
The following are entries from "The Diary of Joshua Hempstead", availab le through the Otis Library, 261 Main St., Norwich, CT 06360 www.lioninc.o rg/norwich ...
1712 -- Aug. *"wedensd 20 fair. I was at home al day whitewashing the house. old Gua rd & his Son Daniel are both comitted to Prison for wounding whiteha ir of Long Island. it is feared will prove Mortall. I made 3/4 barll Cyd ar at Coits Mill." *"Saturd 23d fair hot. I was at work at ye Govr al day. very hot att nigh t. a Thundr Shower & Lightning. wind N. Whitehair Died at Stonington." Sept. *"Thursd 25. I was on ye Grand jury al day. we Indicted Daniel Guard for m urder & Joseph Elderkin for Counterfiting a 20s Bill yt is altering fr om a 2s 6d Bill to 20s. he is fined 45 pounds & a 6 mo Imprisonment. we ac quited Wentworth & Hambleton for ye same fact & we acquited old Jno Gua rd who was comited for Murdering Will Whitear with his son Daniel but on ly his Son Indicted." Nov. *"wedensd 12 fair. I was al day at ye Court of Probates about Ebe Hubbel ls Business. ye Court ordered a Distribution of Hubbells Estate to be ma de by Mr Latimore Mr Green & Samll Fosdyck. Daniel Guard had his Senten ch wch was to Set on ye gallows with a halter about his Neck & to be whi pt 39 Lashes & to stand committed till he pay ye charge of his prosecuti on ... " *"fryd 21. In ye forenoon I went to Look my horse & found him at: S. Harri s's. in ye aftern I went to see Daniel Gard Remove his punishmt: he was fi rst to Set on ye gallows 1 hour & yn Was Whipt 39 Lashes with a Single Cod line at ye Signpost."
I would like to thank the people of the Otis Library for getting that info rmation to me! And I hope it helps someone else who has been wondering how the case turn ed out.
Morristown Book: pg 42 11 Dec 1749 we the commissioners of the highways for Morris Co. being m et to alter the road that led through Johathan Osborns land.. we beg in on the Rocksitecus Rd by Isaac Prices house to southard line of Pet er Condits garden thence to his bard..Piersons land..the old road throu gh Osbornes land to be stopped up. Comissioners: James Frost, Benjamin Co e, DANIEL GARD, James Pierson, James Welles, Jacob Druke (sic) (should re ad Drake.) pg 59 3 Oct 1749 Surveyors of the High Rd met to lay a road from James Fros ts to a 2 rod road by Capt. Hathaways to Mr. Osbornes land..to Peter Conde ts..to Coes..to William Holbartes line..to Rocksitecus Road. Surveyors; Ja mes Pierson, James Frost, Benjamin Coe. DANIEL GARD, Nichila Hiler, John D evenport. (NOTE): This would be Daniel Gard bapt. 1710 as his son, Capt. D aniel would have only been age 12 in 1749. (editor of Guardian) Ref: Guar dian Newsletter, Vol VII, No I, pg 8.
Mortgage Book B Morristown pg 103 15 July 1771, Daniel Gard, Jr of Hanover to David Wheeler of the same-1 00 acres adjoining to Daniel Gard, Sr. beginning at the 2nd corner. pg 4 03 9 April 1776, Daniel Gard, Jr of Hanover to Jacob Ford, Esq. 57 acr es of land beginning at the road from John Johnsons to Parsippany to a co rner of Daniel Gard, Sr. pg 422 8 Jun 1776 Daniel Gard, Jr of Hanover and wife Charity to John Hu nt of NY, 16 acres on the road to Parsippany to Morristown..a corner of D aniel Gard, Sr. land which now or late of Jeremiah Gard..corner of Jo hn Johnsons land which was conveyed to said Daniel Gard, Jr. by Jeremi ah Gard, 23 Aug. 1760' also 25 acres conveyed to Daniel Gard, Jr by Dani el Gard Sr by deed of 20 Feb 1761. pg 307 Charity Gard to Silas Condict Esq. 160 acres beginning at the midd le of the road from the west corner of the house where John Gray now live s. Ref: Guardian Newsletter, Vol VII, No I, pg 8
Earliest Deed in NJ: So far, the earliest deed found on any Gard in Hanover, NJ was that of Da niel as witness to indenture dated 13 Dec 1727 of John Lyon, carpent er to Benjamin Hathaway, blacksmith of the same (Hanover) 25 a. within t he bounds of Hanover near Whippany Great Meadows-- beginning at a post s tanding by the highway in Fan'l For's line and bounded by Nathan Hubbe l, Jacob Ford. Wit: Jos. Harriman and Daniel Gard, 1 November 1730. Re f: Guardian Newsletter, Vol VI, No III, Spring 1983.
[HI18058] (Research):Court of Common Pleas 1890 from Champaign Democrat abstracted by Pat Stick ley CCGS Newsletter Fall 1989 5/22/1890 Celia Blose vs Trustees Mad River Twp & Others - Injunction
(Research):Clinton D Gard
Age: 44 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0005
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0070
County: Clark
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Mattie J 46 Ohio Son Lester H 09 Ohio Son Orin P NR Ohio
Clinton D gard Year: 1920
Birthplace: Ohio Roll: T625_1353
Race: White Page: 7A
State: Ohio ED: 30
County: Clark Image: 642
Township: German
Springfield Sun July 21, 1900 Mr and Mrs Clinton gard are the happy parents of a brand new baby boy. Ca me Monday morning.
1903 Clark Co, Tremont City RFD1 City Directory, Clinton D Gard, Mrs Mart ha J, Julia
(Research):1886 Diary - Martha Jane "Mattie" Peneton, Tremont City, Ohio, Age 22 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~wpickett/mattie1886.htm
Name: MARTHA J GARD Gender: Female Date of Death: April 30, 1958 Volume: 15450 Certificate: 44026 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Dayton, Montgomery County Race: White Residence: Dayton, Montgomery County Age: 94
[HI18062] (Research):Will mentions John West, Nephew. Dorcus West, w/o John
Name: «tab»Robert C. Runkle
Titles and Terms (original): «tab»
Death Date: «tab»03 Jan 1930
Death Place: «tab»Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»
Race or Color: «tab»
Age: «tab»49
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1881
Birth Date: «tab»Jun 1880
Birthplace: «tab»Littleton, Illinois
Father: «tab»Joseph C. Runkle
Father's Titles and Terms (original): «tab»
Father's Birth Place: «tab»Dod...ir..., Illinois
Mother: «tab»Susan Little
Mother's Titles and Terms (original): «tab»
Mother's Birth Place: «tab»Littleton, Illinois
Occupation: «tab»Helper - Humbolt Paper C.
Residence: «tab»Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Street Address: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Cora M. Runkle
Spouse's Titles and Terms (original): «tab»
Spouse's Birthplace: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»04 Jan 1930
Burial Place: «tab»Macomb, McDonough, Ill.
Cemetery: «tab»
Informant: «tab»
Additional Relatives: «tab»
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4205561
Image Number: «tab»216
Film Number: «tab»1892453
Volume/Page/Certificate Number: «tab»rn 201
Name: «tab»Homer M. Wright
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»17 Apr 1902
Event Place: «tab»Logan, Ohio
Age: «tab»23
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1879
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»A. N. Wright
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Minvich
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Osa Thompson
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1884
Spouse's Father: «tab»Geo. Thompson
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»vol I p 423 cn 845
Film Number: «tab»534839
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016821
Image Number: «tab»469
[HI18065] (Research):Another death date found 8/19/1840
[HI18066] (Research):Feb 28, 1903 Charles GARD attended the funeral of his brother E V GARD at Indianapoli s, IND, Saturday, Feb 21.
[HI18071] (Research):Death cert from [email protected] stase Margarets mother wa El izabeth Magee
Name: «tab»Alvora William Link
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»08 Nov 1905
Event Place: «tab»Erie, Ohio
Age: «tab»20
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1885
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»William Link
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Harriet Nicely
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Anna Rachel Greer
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1885
Spouse's Father: «tab»Samuel Greer
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Mary Kneep
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms:
[HI18075] (Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Grace Apple age 20 parent Ben
(Research):Teachers Term Report Johnson Twp Dist #6 Winter Term 9/20/1884-3/6//18 85 R M Pickering- Teacher (From CCGS Newsletter Summer 1992 pg 59) Alfred Zirkle age 12
ZIRKLE, Alfred C. Death date: 9/20/1937, Miami County Certific ate #58304
name: «tab»Ronald Alexander
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»26 Dec 1935
event place: «tab»Springfield Township, Clark, Ohio
residence: «tab»Tremont City, Ohio
street address: «tab»
gender: «tab»Male
death age: «tab»33y 4m 11d
marital status: «tab»Married
race: «tab»White
occupation: «tab»Truck Driver
birth date: «tab»15 Aug 1902
birthplace: «tab»Ohio
estimated birth year: «tab»1902
burial date: «tab»29 Dec 1935
burial place: «tab»Tremont City
cemetery: «tab»
father: «tab»Pearl Alexander
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
mother: «tab»
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»
spouse: «tab»Eshna Alexander
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»fn 70848
film number: «tab»2022570
digital folder number: «tab»4001938
image number: «tab»55
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X6WY-Y3J : accessed 06 Nov 2012), Ronald Alexander, 1935; citing reference fn 70848, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
Name: «tab»Nellie Grace Helfrich
Death Date: «tab»17 Sep 1944
Death Place: «tab»Lawrenceville, Clark Co., Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»16 Sep 1890
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Oh
Death Age: «tab»54 years 1 day
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»20 Sep 1944
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Ferncliff
Spouse's Name: «tab»Clarence N. Helfrich
Father's Name: «tab»Peter B. Blue
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Oh
Mother's Name: «tab»Ida Heaston
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Chanpaign Co., Oh
Film Number: «tab»2032404
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4024525
(Research):1930 Champaign Co, Wayne, OH Jacob W Lafferty, head, 74 Md25 OH OHOH Azilla J, wife, 73 md24 Donald R Davis, grson, 28, single
Name: Donald R Davis Age at Death: 81 Date of Death: 19 Dec 1981 City of Death: London County of Death: Madison Volume: 24671 Certificate: 091409 Date of Birth: Est. 1900 State of Birth: Ohio Country of Birth: United States Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White Social Security Number: 290-18-4835 County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Madison County Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
Name: Donald Davis SSN: 290-18-4835 Born: 5 Dec 1900 Died: Dec 1981 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
(Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900). pg 210 Jan 27 1899 Mr Sny der and Mrs Clyde F Gibbs attended the funeral of their borther in law, Ed itor George C Paxton, of Osborn, local on Thursday. He died Monday\
d/o Prof G W Snyer. ex principal of St paris Schools
California, Death Index, 1940-1997 about Anna E Gibbs
Name: «tab»Anna E Gibbs
[Anna E Snyder] «tab»
Gender: «tab»Female
Birth Date: «tab»16 Nov 1865
Birth Place: «tab»Ohio
Death Date: «tab»19 May 1950
Death Place: «tab»Riverside
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Valentine
Father's Surname: «tab»Snyder
name: «tab»S. S. Gibbs
gender: «tab»Male
burial date: «tab»
burial place: «tab»
death date: «tab»18 Nov 1890
death place: «tab»St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio
age: «tab»0
birth date: «tab»1890
birthplace: «tab»St. Paris
occupation: «tab»
race: «tab»
marital status: «tab»Single
spouse's name: «tab»
father's name: «tab»Clyde F. Gibbs
father's birthplace: «tab»
mother's name: «tab»A. E. Snyer
mother's birthplace: «tab»
indexing project (batch) number: «tab»B07024-6
system origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
source film number: «tab»295234
reference number: «tab»p 173 #5
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths and Burials, 1854-1997," index,
FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/F66Z-FTP :
accessed 11 Nov 2012), S. S. Gibbs, 18 Nov 1890.
[XI18084] s/o C F and A E aged 6m16d
(Research):Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 E V Rhodes
CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 Poll Book St Paris Precinct Johnson Twp 11/2/1 880 E V Rhodes
History of Champaign Co, OH, Beers 1881, Biography
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11 To wn of St Paris (St Paris located in Sec 18) Lot ? 5/13/1878 Sub Lot 1 White's Third Addition and as an additi on to St Paris by E V Rhodes, 3.75 ac Bk B Pg103 Lot ? 5/1/1882 Jacob Trout to E V Rhodes etal, 48 square poles and 1 ac re and 1 acre Bk 59 Pg48 7/12/1882 Part of SW 1/4 subdivision into lots as an addition to St Par is by Furrow, Rhodes and Barley BkB Pg 149
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( NW 1/4) (St Paris located in Sec 18) 31 Mar 1884 William Terrell etal to E V Rhodes & C.N. Barley, 16 acres W 1 /2 Bk62Pg325 25 Mar 1887 C N Barley to E V Rhodes, 16 acres Bk66Pg622
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( SW 1/4) 12 Jul 1882 Part of SW 1/4 subdivision into lots as an addition to St Par is by Furrow, Rhoades & Barley 10 Nov 1884 Administrator of E H Furrow to Lizzie L Baker, 4.30 acres Bk 64 Pg365 27 Feb 1887 Part of SW 1/4 subdivision into lots as an addition to St par is by Rhodes & Barley BkBPg177
Cousins to Mrs Lizzie Foster of Logan Co, Bellefontaine, OH who died 7/20/ 1885 age 24 buried Oak dale Cemetery. Md for only one year. CCGS 1878-19 00 pg 32
June 1, 1888 Champ Co Newspaper abstracts 1878-1900 Book II pg 45 The First National Bank of St paris was closed on Monday because of embezz elment of $14,000 from one of the cashiers, Emmet V Rhodes, he is being he ld under a $20,000 bond
5/26/1888 E V Rhodes, cashier of the 1st natl Bank of St Paris was arrested; short a ccounts and violation of the banking law.
10/19/1888 Emmet V Rhodes indicted by special grand jury violation of U S banking act -embezzeling $11,000 from 1st Natl Bank of St Paris
Name: «tab»Emmett Valentine Rhoads
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»26 May 1921
Burial Place: «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Death Date: «tab»24 May 1921
Death Place: «tab»Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Age: «tab»74
Birth Date: «tab»02 Feb 1847
Birthplace: «tab»Lancaster, Pa.
Occupation: «tab»State Agriculture
Race: «tab»White
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Thomas Rhoads
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Pa.
Mother's Name: «tab»Lydia Valentine
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Pa.
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07385-4
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»2032689
Reference Number: «tab»1921 fn 1513
(Research):Champaign Co Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 332 3 Nov 1848 Nathan Comp ton gdn of David Maggert c18yrs; Loretta Maggert c16yr minor heir of Cathe rine Maggert dec'd. Surities John Myers, Reuben Maggert
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 12 Township 3 Range 11 NE 1/4 25 Mar 1846 Quitclaim from Catherine Maggert to Samuel Batdorf, Qui tclaim of Dower, S 1/2-BkS Pg 577 NE 1/4 3 June 1846 Samuel and Susan Batdorf to Henry Maggert, 3/8 and dow er right of widow, Catherine Maggert out of S 1/2 of NE 1/4, 78 acr es - Bk T Pg109
(Research):[Broderbund Family Archive #304, Ed. 1, Census Records: Indiana, 1860, Da te of Import: Jun 30, 2004, Internal Ref. #1.304.1.4488.3]
Individual: Compton, Margaret Age: 41 Year(s) Ethnicity: White Birthplace: Ohio County: Grant Township: Franklin Post Office: Marion State: IN Census Page Number: 0346 Census Line Number: 22A National Archives Series Number: M653 National Archives Microfilm Number: 261 Real Property: $0 Personal Property: $0 Literate: Yes Family Number: 0741 Dwelling Number: 0741
[HI18089] (Research):DOVEL JOSEPH M County Name: SHELBY Date of Death: 3/29/1920 Volume Number: 3251 Certificate Number: 25370
Name: Joseph M. Dovel
Death date: 29 Mar 1920
Death place: Sidney, Shelby, Ohio
Birthdate: 26 Mar 1840
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Vt
Age at death: 80 years 3 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Laborer
Burial date: 01 Apr 1920
Burial place: Sidney, Shelby, Oh
Cemetery name: Cedar Point
Spouse's name:
Father's name: Charles Dovel
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: Vt
Mother's name: Elizabeth Kontz
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Vt
GSU film number: 1991072
Digital GS number: 4022053
Image number: 2308
Reference number: fn 25370
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI18090] (Research):DOVELL MARY E County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 4/7/1931 Volume Number: 6577 Certificate Number: 21976
name: «tab»Mary E Dovell
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»07 Apr 1931
event place: «tab»Adams Twp., Champaign, Ohio
residence: «tab»Adams Twp., Champaign, Ohio
street address: «tab»Pemberton, Ohio
gender: «tab»Female
death age: «tab»80y 8m 23d
marital status: «tab»Widowed
race: «tab»White
occupation: «tab»
birth date: «tab»16 Jul 1851
birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
estimated birth year: «tab»1851
burial date: «tab»09 Apr 1931
burial place: «tab»
cemetery: «tab»Cedar Point
father: «tab»Henry Largent
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
mother: «tab»Elizabeth Kite
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
spouse: «tab»Joseph M
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»fn 21976
film number: «tab»1992427
digital folder number: «tab»4000596
image number: «tab»326
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images,
FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XD1Z-PS7 :
accessed 14 Oct 2012), Mary E Dovell, 1931; citing reference fn 21976,
Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris School District, Champaign Co, OH July 22, 1 892 Frank Brubaker age 11
Enumeration of Youth in St Paris Village School District Champaign County, OH No date c1898 Frank Brubaker, no age given
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot? 4/24/1906 Quitclaim from heirs of D J Brubaker to Frank D Brubaker, l easehold interest Bk88 Pg337 Lot? 6/14/1909 Quitclaim from Frank D Brubaker to John H Myers etal, lease hold interest Bk91 Pg118
(Research):St Paris Precinct Toll Book Nov 2 1880 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 Jacob Wibble
Wuerttemberg, Germany E migration Index District: Ludwigsburg Name: Wibel, Jacob Birth Date: 5 Dec 1820 Birth Place: Poppenweiler Application Date: 1870 Destination: Ohio Number: 838104
CCGS, Book III, August 2002 by Dorothy Shaffer, Champaign Co, Ohio St Par is Newspaper Abstracts Jan 1900-1916, pg30. June 7, 1901 On last Saturday evening, MR JACOB WIBEL, an old and respected citizen, w as injured by a horse, by breaking his collarbone. His suffering end ed in death Sunday. Internal hemorrhage is to have been the direct caus e. His remains were laid to rest in Springgrove Cemetery, alter the funer al service by Rev Carney in the Baptist Church. MR WIBEL'S age was abo ut 81 years. He leaves a widow and three children, MRS D J BRUBAKER, MRS N OAH PENCE and MR ALBERT WIBEL. The deceased was a native of Germany but ca me to America many years ago, finally settling here in the early sixtie s. He came here from HESS'S distillery below Westville, and by constant in dustry and frugality he had laid up a good fortune.
June 6, 1901
A horrible accident occurred near this place last Sunday, in which JACOB WEIBLE, a farmer was hurled into eternity by a frightened horse. The old gentleman was riding the horse and driving some cattle. The cattle became frightened and stampeded. The horse on which MR. WEIBLE was riding became frightened and hurled its rider to the ground, his neck was broken. He lived about three hours. He was a native of Germany and was about 65yrs old, he leaves a wife and three children, one daughter is MRS. D.J. BRUBAKER, of this place.
[HI18094] (Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris School District, Champaign Co, OH July 23, 1 892 Maud Runkle age 11
[HI18095] (Research):Elnora does not appear in the 1900 census
[HI18096] (Research):Committed suicide by drinking a bottle of chloroform because his girlfrie nd Leota Blue married another man, Dewitt Bush
[HI18098] (Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Retta Ammons, age 18, parent Duglas
(Research):KELLY JAMES M County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 11/30/1933 Volume Number: 7342 Certificate Number: 60701
Name : James M. Kelly Death date : 30 Nov 1933 Death place : Springfield, Clark, Ohio Birth date : 06 Oct 1857 Estimated birth year : Birth place : St. Paris, Ohio Age at death : 76 years 1 month 4 days Gender : Male Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian Street address : 1101 Lafayette St. Occupation : Retired Welder Residence : Burial date : 02 Dec 1933 Burial place : Cemetery name : St. Paris Cem. Spouse name : Eva Kelly Father name : Sampson Kelly Father titles : Father birth place : St. Paris, Ohio Mother name : Elizabeth Baker Mother titles : Mother birth place : St. Paris, Ohio GSU film number : 1992981 Digital GS number : Image number : 1930 Certificate number : fn 60701 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Florida Death Index, 1877-1998 about Anna Clem Bollinger
Name: «tab»Anna Clem Bollinger
Death Date: «tab»Nov 1967
County of Death: «tab»Bradford
State of Death: «tab»Florida
Race: «tab»White
Gender: «tab»Female
[HI18105] (Research):St Paris Ohio Graduates 1897-1908 From St Paris Ohio Graduates. June 19, 1 993" by Janet Evilsizor Worthington, published in the CCGS Newsletter J an 2005 Vol 21 No 1 pg 8 1901- Dr Freeman Bollinger
Florida Death Index, 1877-1998 about Freeman Earl Bollinger
Name: «tab»Freeman Earl Bollinger
Death Date: «tab»26 Jan 1978
County of Death: «tab»Bradford
State of Death: «tab»Florida
Age at Death: «tab»96
Race: «tab»White
Birth Date: «tab»12 May 1881
[HI18106] (Research):Name: Ethel Neese Gender: Female Date of Death: 08 April 1970 Volume: 20029 Certificate: 024744 Autopsy: Unknown Marital Status: Married Place of Death: , Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 74 Years
[HI18112] (Research):RHODES DORTHA G County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 3/27/1916 Volume Number: 1883 Certificate Number: 15827
(Research):Name: Mary J Gearhart Gender: Female Date of Death: 31 October 1974 Volume: 21844 Certificate: 072812 Autopsy: Yes - Unknown Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Springfield, Clark County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: Springfield, Clark County Age: 81 Years
Name: Mary Gearhart SSN: 302-20-4490 Last Residence: 45505 Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States of Ameri ca Born: 9 Jul 1893 Died: Oct 1974 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
(Research):Benton is buried in the Terre haute Cemetery next to Thurman Cleveland Jen kins b 1886, however he does not appear in the census of 1900 Champaign County, OH with these parents.
Reg. Dist. No. 160?/162?/168? File No. 43831 Benton Jenkins b: 5 Mar 1888 St. Paris, O. d: 7 Jul 1917 319 Sulain? (sp?), 2nd Ward, Urbana, Champaign Co., Ohio age: 29 yrs. 4 mos, 1 d. cause: Tubercular Laryngitis bu: 8 Jul 1917 Terre Haute, O. single occ: Vaudevill Artist father: David C, Jenkins born Champ. Co. O mother: Augusta (rpt Augusta) Necnce?/Necnie? (sp?) born Champ. Co. O. informant: D. C. Jenkins, Urbana, O.
(Research):1870 Household has a Margaret Gearhart age 36 probably sister or cous in as she is in household of Wesley 1850 age 14
Will Book D pg 119 John M Gearhart probated 4/3/1873 Elizabeth Davis $100; Mary Thackery $100. Rest of my estate to my other si sters Ann and Maragret E Gearhart. Wit: Wesley Criffield, Isaac Neff. wi ll singed 3/14/1873
[HI18119] (Research):1860 Census shows him living next door to Jonanthan B Cutler. Need to fi nd this relationship.
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 224 son of William
Poss md Drucilla Winans 5/14/1861 per Newspaper 1855-1871 pg66
[HI18123] (Research):William Gearhart and Margaret weaver obtained their marriage licen se on 7 January 1812. On 11 June 1838, Margaret signed a Quit claim, transfering her porti on of 125 acres from her fathers estate. In 1853, Margaret was listed in the settlement of Nelson Weaver vs Mary A nn Weaver. Margaret's age at the time of her death was, 67y 2m 12d. Terre Haute United Methodist Church Cemetery is located on the North si de of Route 55, on the west Corporation line, old lot 44. A log church w as located here as early as 1835.
[HI18124] (Research):Name: Nellie Gearhart SSN: 279-03-9407 Last Residence: 45212 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, United States of Ame rica Born: 12 Feb 1889 Last Benefit: 45202 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, United States of Ameri ca Died: Jun 1978 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[HI18126] (Research):tomstone says born 1828, but it conflict with sister from family sheet se nt by Mary Downs 10/2003
[HI18127] (Research):Champaign County Infirmary Records CCGS Newsletter Fall 1990 Admitted 10/4/1875 Sophia Jenkins age 30 Urbana, died 3/9/1895
[DI18127] Champaign Co - Newspaper Abstracts 1895-1900 (Champaign Co, Ohio - Newspaper Abstracts 1895-1900 Vol 5from Champaign Democrat, Urbana Citizen & Gazette and Urbana Daily Times Citizen. by CCGS P O Box 682 Urbana, OH by Pat Stickley, Typed and Edited by Nelson T Smith, Sept 2010), pg7. 3/14/1895 Sophia jane Jenkins died at the county infirmary last Sat. She was the eldest dau of David R Jenkins of Terre haute. She was born Nov 23, 1846 and died Mar 9 1895 48 y 3 m 18d. Burial Terre haute
[NI18140] Dau of John and Susan
[HI18141] (Research):Will Book D pg 119 John M Gearhart probated 4/3/1873 Elizabeth Davs $100; Mary Thackery $100. Rest of my estate to my other sis ters Ann and Maragret E Gearhart. Wit: Wesley Criffield, Isaac Neff. wi ll singed 3/14/1873
[HI18143] (Research):Poss married Evan T Davis 5/15/1862
(Research):Although Carrie's death cert names her father as Abram Clark born in Engla nd and her mother Elizabeth Cozad born in N Carolina, a search of her bir th location in 1880 shows a contradiction:
1880 Vinton Co, McArthur, OH Dist 185 Edward B Clark, head, 56 OH CT CT Mary wife, 53, NY NY NY Charles C, son, 24, OH teacher Bulah?, dau, 21, OH Raymond C, son, 20, OH laborer Carrie, dau, 18 OH Minnie, dau, 15, OH Jessie, dau, 13, OH Annie, dau, 12 OH
The previous census seems to confirm the family 1870 Vinton Co, McArthur, OH pg 92 HH# 68 Edward B Clark,, journeyman tinner, 45 OH Mary E 41, NY Charles, 14, OH Elizabeth, 12, OH Raymond, 10, OH Carrie, 7 OH Amanda 5 OH Jessie, 4, OH Anna, 2 , OH
Name: «tab»Carrie C Ireland
Event Type: «tab»Death
Event Date: «tab»18 Jun 1940
Event Place: «tab»Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Residence Place: «tab»Millenport
Gender: «tab»Female
Age: «tab»75
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race: «tab»w
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Birth Date: «tab»09 Aug 1864
Birthplace: «tab»McArthur, ... Co, Ohio
Birth Year (Estimated): «tab»1865
Burial Date: «tab»20 Jun 1940
Father's Name: «tab»Abram Clark
Father's Birthplace: «tab»England
Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Cozod
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»N. Carolina
Spouse's Name: «tab»Frank P. Ireland
File Number: fn 36935 , GS Film number: 2023837 , Digital Folder Number: 004021233 , Image Number: 03125
[HI18147] (Research):Census records show born in 1843, tombstone 1845
[XI18148] Burila notes say born 3/24/1876, but census records prove different.
[HI18149] (Research):Springfield (O.) Times on Tuesday, February 16, 1909 Clair RHODES, 22, died of complications at 3 p.m. Monday at home of his pa rents, Terre Haute. Funeral at 2 p.m. Wednesday from the Terre Hau te M. E. church. Burial at Terre Haute.
(Research):1850 Champaign Co OH, Mad River Twp., 27 July #158-158 John Phillips 41 OH Elizabeth Phillips 44 VA Elizabeth Phillips 17 OH MARY ANN PHILLIPS 16 OH m William Jenkins Robert Phillips 13 OH Sarelda Phillips 05 OH Charles M Phillips 02 OH
1860 Champaign Co OH, Mad River Twp, P.O. Westville, 23 July, pg 281 #1113-1113 John Phillips 51 OH Elizabeth A Phillips 55 VA Elizabeth Phillips 27 OH Sarilda Phillips 16 OH Charles Booth 12 OH James H Jenkins 17 VA
1860 Champaign Co OH, Mad River Twp, P.O. Terre Haute, 24 July, pg 284 #1148-1148 William Jenkins 24 VA Mary Jenkins 24 OH [nee Phillips]
Married 20 Jan 1860, Champaign Co OH (World Connect)
1870 Champaign Co OH, Mad River, 13 June, pg 325, P.O. Urbana #191-177 William Jenkins 32 VA Mary A Jenkins 35 OH [Phillips] Alby J Jenkins 09 OH John E Jenkins 08 OH Willis G Jenkins 06 OH Anna V M Jenkins 05 OH m Abraham Roller ELIZABETH E JENKINS 03 OH m William Robert Ceylor James E Jenkins 01 OH
#193-179 John Phillips 61 OH Elizabeth Phillips 65 VA Elizabeth A Phillips 32 OH Serelda E Phillips 25 OH Mary E Jenkins 13 VA
1880 Champaign Co OH, Mad River Twp, 12 June #206-215 John Phillips 71 OH VA VA Elizabeth Phillips 75 VA VA VA Elizabeth A Phillips 47 OH OH VA 1900 Champaign Co OH b Jan 1833 Sirelda* (Beldin) 35 OH OH VA [Beldin marked through] Infant dau. Beldin 01 OH OH OH 1900 Champaign Co \endash Cerrila E Beldin (b July 1844) dau Ada M Beldin 21.
1880 Clarke Co OH, German Twp, Dist 34, 12-14 June, pg 45 #192-199 William Jenkins 41 VA VA VA Mary Jenkins 44 OH VA VA Willis G Jenkins 17 OH VA OH Viola May Jenkins 14 OH VA OH m Abraham Roller* ELIZABETH E JENKINS 10 OH VA OH m Wm Robert Ceylor Elsie Belle Jenkins 09 OH VA OH P. H. Jenkins 07 OH VA OH [son] Elmer H Jenkins 06 OH VA OH b 14 July 1874 *m 9 April 1891, Clark Co; d 2 Jan 1922 Clark Co
1900 Clarke Co OH, Springfield Twp, 12 June #221-221 William Jenkins Oct 1837 62 m 40 yrs VA VA VA Mary Jenkins Oct 1833 66 (2-2) OH OH OH Hess Jenkins July 1875 24 m 1 yr OH VA OH Clara Jenkins Apr 1876 24 dau/law MI OH NY
Name: «tab»Laura R Neese
Death Date: «tab»09 Apr 1943
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»18 Feb 1867
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Clark Co, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»76 years 1 month 21 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»1757 Woodward Ave
Occupation: «tab»Retired
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»12 Apr 1943
Burial Place: «tab»Terre Haute
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Wm S Neese
Father's Name: «tab»Peter Leber
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Pa
Mother's Name: «tab»Catherine Seitz
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Clark Co, Ohio
Film Number: «tab»2024129
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4122065
Image Number: «tab»1532
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 21900
[HI18157] (Research):Terre Haute High School Alumni 1917-1942 from CCGS Newsletter Spring 19 98 pg 56 1919- Raymond Baker
Name: Anna V. Baker
Death date: 15 Jun 1951
Death place: Urbana Twp, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth date: 02 Jan 1860
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Terre Haute, Ohio
Age at death: 91 years 5 months 13 days
Gender: Female
Marital status:
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Burial date:
Burial place:
Cemetery name:
Spouse name:
Father name: John Harvey Blose
Father titles:
Father birth place:
Mother name:
Mother titles:
Mother birth place:
GSU film number: 2372835
Digital GS number: 4109372
Image number: 02298
Reference number: 35451
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):Name : Child Lippencott
Death date : 14 Sep 1943
Death place : Troy, Miami, Ohio
Birth date : 14 Sep 1943
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Troy, Ohio
Age at death : 1 day
Gender : Male
Marital status : Single
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address : R.R. 2 Troy, Ohio
Occupation :
Residence : Staunton, Miami, Ohio
Burial date : 16 Sep 1943
Burial place : London, O.
Cemetery name : Kirkwood Cem.
Spouse name :
Father name : Ronald Lippencott
Father titles :
Father birth place : Champaigne Co., Ohio
Mother name : Martha Wilson
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : Madison Co., Ohio
GSU film number : 2024179
Digital GS number : 4057830
Image number : 2582
Reference number : fn 57829
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: «tab»Emma Bare
Death Date: «tab»22 Jan 1940
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»15 Jul 1867
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Tremont Cy., Clark, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»72 years 6 months 7 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»Tremont City, O.
Burial Date: «tab»24 Jan 1940
Burial Place: «tab»Tremont City
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Chas. Bare
Father's Name: «tab»Jacob Carter
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Tremont Cy.
Mother's Name: «tab»Sophia Hess
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Film Number: «tab»2023773
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4121821
Image Number: «tab»778
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 677
St Paris Newspaper Abstract
January 26, 1900
The friends of Alfred Jenkins are sorry to hear of the death of his little boy, he died of scarlet fever.
[HI18163] (Research):Name: Mabel Lois Seal Gender: Female Date of Death: 30 March 1997 Birth Date: 04 August 1900 Volume: 31029 Certificate: 018022 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 278420442 Father's Surname: Dibert Time of Death: 2:00 PM Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Nursing Home Years of Schooling: 08 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Bishop Race: White Birth Place: Champaign County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 96
Name «tab»Sallie Gerard Zirkle
Titles & Terms «tab»
Death Date «tab»19 Nov 1925
Death Place «tab»St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date «tab»25 May 1853
Estimated Birth Year «tab»
Birthplace «tab»
Death Age «tab»72 years 5 months 24 days
Gender «tab»Female
Marital Status «tab»Married
Race or Color «tab»Caucasian
Street Address «tab»
Occupation «tab»Housewife
Residence «tab»
Burial Date «tab»22 Nov 1925
Burial Place «tab»
Cemetery Name «tab»Terra Haute Cemetery
Spouse's Name «tab»Hiram Zirkle
Father's Name «tab»Wm. Gerard
Father's Title & Terms «tab»
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Margaret Mcdermott
Mother's Titles & Terms «tab»
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Film Number «tab»1992682
Digital Folder Number «tab»4001701
Image Number «tab»2930
Certificate Number «tab»fn 61397
(Research):1870 Census name Louisa M
Springfield Sun Mar 24, 1901 Mrs Henrietta gard, Mrs Sarah Morris and Mrs Margaret Sager were at the ho me of Mrs James Bushong Friday. The event of this social gathering was a q uilting.
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Grace Gard
Name: «tab»Grace Gard
Birth Date: «tab»1896
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Springfield
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»22 Apr 1980
Hospital of Death: «tab»Community Hospital of Springfield
City of Death: «tab»Springfield
County of Death: «tab»Clark
Certificate: «tab»023240
Age at Death: «tab»84
Certifier: «tab»Coroner
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Injury at Work: «tab»No
County of Injury: «tab»Clark
Social Security Number: «tab»277-03-0441
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
[HI18171] (Research):Terre Haute High School Alumni 1917-1942 from CCGS Newsletter Spring 19 98 pg 56 1923-Mary Lutz
Name: «tab»John J. Mclaughlin
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»04 Feb 1913
Event Place: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Age: «tab»30
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1883
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Edward Mclaughlin
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Agnes Walker
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Sarah Jane Bishop
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»26
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1887
Spouse's Father: «tab»Joseph Bishop
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Allie Overhulger
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»P 417 Cn 833
Film Number: «tab»530190
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016811
Image Number: «tab»571
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about John M McLaughlin
Name: «tab»John M McLaughlin
Birth Date: «tab»1882
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Urbana
Residence County: «tab»Champaign
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»26 Mar 1965
Hospital of Death: «tab»Mercy Memorial Hospital
City of Death: «tab»Urbana
County of Death: «tab»Champaign
Certificate: «tab»16682
Age at Death: «tab»83
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Name: «tab»William C Bishop
Death Date: «tab»22 Sep 1949
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»22 Jan 1889
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»60 years
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Joseph Bishop
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Alice Overholser
[HI18180] (Research):BISHOP MCCLELL E County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 10/24/1932 Volume Number: 7021 Certificate Number: 56906
[HI18181] (Research):Name: ORA I WARD Gender: Female Date of Death: September 08, 1961 Volume: 16630 Certificate: 60996 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 59
Name: «tab»Clifford Davis
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»09 Aug 1930
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»George Davis
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary E. Faulkiner
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Bernice Smith
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»24
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1906
Spouse's Father: «tab»E. H. Smith
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Nervia Zerkle
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»54
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»539
(Research):Terre Haute High School Alumni 1917-1942 from CCGS Newsletter Spring 19 98 pg 56 1923-Bernice Smith
Name: Bernice Davis Gender: Female Date of Death: 19 October 1975 Volume: 22230 Certificate: 070148 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Married Place of Death: , Clark County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Clark County Age: 69 Years
Name: Bernice Davis SSN: 290-12-5656 Last Residence: 45502 Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States of Ameri Born: 16 Jan 1906 Died: Oct 1975 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
(Research):Terre Haute High School Alumni 1917-1942 from CCGS Newsletter Spring 19 98 pg 56 1931-Hollis Jenkins
HOLLIS V. JENKINS 89, of Springfield passed away June 6, 2003. He was bo rn May 7, 1914 in Terre Haute, Ohio the son of Homer and Ruby (Lutz) Jenki ns. Mr. Jenkins, a 1932 graduate of Westerville High School, retired fr om the International Union of Operating Engineers. He formerly work ed as a supervisor with the Charles A. Culp Company and C.E. Walters Excav ating. He previously attended Trinity Lutheran and Grace Bible Church. M r. Jenkins is survived by his: three daughters and sons-in-law, Doris a nd John DeMicco of New Jersey, Phyllis Mumper of New York, Jackie and Jo hn Sheehan of Pennsylvania; six grandchildren; three great-grandchildren a nd numerous other relatives. He was preceded in death by his: parents; wif e, Ruby Mae (Massey) Jenkins; brother, Kenneth Jenkins. Visitation is fr om 12-1 PM Tuesday in the RICAHRDS, RAFF, & DUNBAR MEMORIAL HOME. The fune ral service is at 1 PM Tuesday in the memorial home with Pastor Marv Wisem an officiating. Burial will follow in Terre Haute Cemetery. In lieu of flo wers memorial contributions may be made to the donors favorite charity.
First Published in SPR Classifieds on Jun 8 2003
[XI18185] Burial permit # 27
(Research):Teachers Term Report Johnson Twp Dist # 10 Winter Term 9/15/1884-2/28/18 85 (From CCGS Newsletter Summer 1992 pg 59) Cornelius Bodey age 8
Champaign Co, Oh 1991 - pg 91 Biography
Name: CORNELI BODEY Gender: Male Date of Death: March 31, 1962 Volume: 16825 Certificate: 16676 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: , Champaign County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 85
(Research):Champaign Co, Oh 1991 - pg 91 Biography
Name: Joseph P Bodey Gender: Male Date of Death: 19 December 1975 Volume: 22296 Certificate: 086506 Autopsy: Unknown Marital Status: Married Place of Death: , Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 74 Years
(Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1918 Mary Bodey
Mary C. Bodey Death 03, November 1977 Place of death, Champaign County, OH Residence, Champaign County, OH Never married
(Research):Photo of grave and photo of John Riker in new Evergreen Cemetery book pg 4 4 "John F Riker was the first mayor of St Paris. He was born in Hamilton Cou nty Ohio in 1828 and came to Champaign County while quite young. He we nt to Calif in 1852 during the Gold Rush and married Eliza Lichliter aft er returning home. He served in the Civil War in the 113 OVI. Raised lett ers depict the width of his stone before carving began. The center porti on of the base was polished and then roughened to leave polished blank a nd ivy."
113th OVI Co E Enlisted 14 Agu 1862 age 34, promoted to Captain 15 May 186 3, resigned. Reenlisted 2 May 1864, age 36, 134th OVI Co, I as Captain, mu stered out 31 Aug 1864
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot ? 6/3/1863 B F Stover to J F Riker, 2.25 acres Bk 34 Pg15
Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 J F Riker
CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 Poll Book St Paris Precinct Johnson Twp 11/2/1 880 J F Riker
[HI18190] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 Poll Book St Paris Precinct Johnson Twp 11/2/1 880 F E Riker
[HI18191] (Research):Name : Carrie Frazier Titles : Death date : 03 Feb 1949 Death place : Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio, United States Birth date : 21 Oct 1860 Estimated birth year : Birth place : St. Paris, Ohio Age at death : 88 years Gender : Female Marital status : Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Residence : Burial date : Burial place : Cemetery name : Spouse name : Father name : John F. Riker Father titles : Father birth place : Mother name : Eliza Ann Lickliter Mother titles : Mother birth place : GSU film number : 2246585 Digital GS number : 4109136 Image number : 02066 Certificate number : 11137 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI18192] (Research):Name : Frank Frazier Titles : Death date : 26 Nov 1912 Death place : Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 24 Mar 1857 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 55 years 8 months 2 days Gender : Male Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Village Treasurer Residence : Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio Burial date : 29 Nov 1912 Burial place : Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio Cemetery name : Evergreen Cemetery Spouse name : Father name : Joseph M. Frazier Father birth place : N. J. Mother name : Rhoda V. Breccount Mother birth place : Ohio GSU film number : 1953480 Digital GS number : 4021222 Image number : 2516 Certificate number : fn 58158 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI18194] (Research):There is a record of a marriage of Charles Brown to Miss Clara Franz e, md 2/8/1885. CCGS 1787-1900 pg 25
(Research):Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c 1898 Ethel Baker age 9
Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Ethel Baker age 18 parent John
[HI18199] (Research):There is a marriage recorded Oct 9 by Rev Imhoff of a Samuel C Becht el of Tremont City to Miss Sallie Durnette of Terre Haute. Champaign Co OH -Urbana Citizen & Gazette Abstracts 1871-1884-by CCGS, Pat Stickley. pg154
Name: «tab»Ralph Hewitt Best
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»15 Oct 1914
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»22
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1892
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»John Wesley Best
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Sarah James
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Ruth Anna Williams
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1896
Spouse's Father: «tab»William Williams
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Mary Peters
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p27
Film Number: «tab»545416
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016845
Image Number: «tab»51
Name: «tab»Blair Bichstel
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»19 Apr 1883
Death Place: «tab»St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»24
Birth Date: «tab»1859
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Occupation: «tab»Saddler
Race: «tab»White
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07024-3
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 1 p 170
Name: Ollie Heck
Death date: 18 May 1909
Death place: Brown, Miami, Ohio
Birth date: 13 Dec 1881
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Ohio
Age at death: 27 years 5 months 2 days
Gender: Female
Marital status:
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Housekeeper
Burial date: 20 May 1909
Burial place: Saint Paris, O
Cemetery name:
Spouse name:
Father name: John Serakle
Father titles:
Father birth place: ...Oug
Mother name: Mary Cambell
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: ...Ag
GSU film number: 1927090
Digital GS number: 4020982
Image number: 69
Reference number: fn 26621
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI18212] (Research):1920 Census too light to read maybe Vivian age 18
(Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900). 10/28/1898 Mr and Mrs Fu lk of Adams Co, IN came here last Friday to visit her aunts, Mrs Lucinda R unkle and Catherine Flowers. They got word of Ezra Cowans young daughter h ad died from typhoid fever, and they returned home to attend the funeral
Champaign CoNewspaper Abstracts 1877-1911 The death angel took away from our midst yesterday, Mrs Lucinda Runkle, a nd aged and highly respected lady of our town. She was born in St paris, O ct 28, 1838 and died May 19, 1909, aged 70yrs, 6mo, 21days. She was the d /o Daniel and Elizabeth Death and md Edward Runkle October 20, 1858, he di ed Feb 10, 1885. She was the oldest lady living in St paris who was born h ere. She is survived by three sons and three daughters and one sister, Sar ah Cowan. The funeral will be held at Lutheran Church tomorrow. Buri al in Spring Grove.
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( NW 1/4) (St Paris located in Sec 18) 10 Aug 1895 Sarah Burkimer to Lucinda Runkle, 2 ac E 1/2 Bk77Pg559
[XI18213] Burial records of Spring Grove say interred 7/15/1909
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( NW 1/4) (St Paris located in Sec 18) 11 Dec 1848 John Barber to Daniel A Death, 25 ac on south end of 65 acre s, part of W 1/2 BkU Pg232 30 Nov 1852 Quitclaim from Catherine A Apple to D A Death Bk X Pg286 13 Jun 1853 Quitclaim from Adam Apple Jr to Daniel Death W 1/2 Bk X Pg635 24 Aug 1853 Sheriff of Champaign County to Daniel Death, 20 acres, pa rt of E 1/2 Bk Y Pg112 16 Apr 1854 M Frank to D A Death, road, 40 feet wide Bk Z Pg12 26 Apr 1854 David Judy to David Death, 20 acres in E 1/2 Bk Z Pg12 09 Sep 1856 D A Death to David Scott, 7.5 acres BkB2Pg177 25 Aug 1869 D A Death to Joseph E Flowers, 8 acres Bk41Pg446 25 Aug 1869 Daniel Death to Edward Runkle, 22 ac except 2 acres Bk42Pg178 18 Sept 1869 Agreement from J E Flowers to D A Death & wife, to pay $60 an nually during life Bk41Pg541 18 Sep 1869 Agreement from Ezra Cowen to D A Death & wife, to pay $60 annu ally during life 01 Sep 1870 D A Death to Rebecca Gibbs, 16 acres Bk43Pg468
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There are several books f or lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions are represented by th is transcription) Lot # ? 23 Nov 1850 James McPheren to D A Death, 4x4 poles, lot in St Par is BkWpg471 Lot # ? 15 Apr 1854 D A Death to Jerry Dippery Bk Z pg320
CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 Dan'l A Death .64 Dan'l A Death (Gurd) .24
Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 Daniel Death
CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 Poll Book St Paris Precinct Johnson Twp 11/2/1 880 D A Death
Champaign Co, Newspaper Abstract April 17, 1884 Died Sunday April 12, 1884, Daniel Death Sr in the 73rd year of his ag e. Mr Death was one of the oldest citizens and was highly respectied by a ll who knew him. The funeral service took place Tuesday at the EVL Churc h, Rev Imhoff of Urbana, Officiating
Champaign Co, Will Abstracts Pg 299 probated 5/9/41884 Heirs-Elizabeth Death, widow; Lucinda A Runkle, dau, St paris; Catherine F lowers (wife of Joseph), dau, St paris; Daniel Death, son, Bobo, IN; Sar ah Cowen (wife Ezra H), dau, Bobo, IN Elizabeth Death and son in law Jose ph Flowers executors. Wit; S T McMorran, Isaac Brubaker. Signed 9/9/1872
PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Record Book 20 pg 22 Fiedl Oct 9, 1843 Petition to sell land Daniel A Death, Admin of Peter Apple deceased vs Catherine Apple and others. Peter Apple died seized of 65 acres located in the west half of the NW 1 /4 of section 18 twp 3 range 11 (Johnson) Peters heir's were; Catherine Ap ple, widow; Adam, Catherine, Henry and Sarah Apple. The court appointed ap priasers were: Samuel pence, William B Vinell and Jacob Batdorf. Twenty-fg ive acres were purchased by John Barber for $155.75 on May 11, 1844
Census Place:St Marys, Adams, Indiana Source:FHL Film 1254263 National Archives Film T9-0263 Page 3 Ezra H. COWANSelfMMW 40 OHOcc: FarmerFa: PAMo: PA Sarah COWANWifeFMW37OHFa: OHMo: PA Niffe COWANDauFSW12 OHFa: OHMo: OH Clyde COWANSonMSW7INFa: OHMo: OH V. Chancey COWANSonMSW 1 INFa: OHMo: OH Daniel DEATHFatherLMMW68 OHFa: MDMo: PA Elizabeth DEATHMotherLFMW66 PAFa: PA Mo: PA Charles CALLOWOtherMSW19 ENGFa:ENG Mo:ENG Barbara STRUBEOtherFSW 25SWITZFa: SWITZMo: SWITZ
Also enumerated in the 1880 Champaign Co, Ohio Census
Record Book 24, Page 503- Filed 14 June 1853- Petition for Partition Dani el A. Death vs Sarah Apple & Henry Apple Peter Apple died owning the north-west quarter of the west half of the nor th-west quarter of Section 18 Township 3 Range 11 (Johnson Township), a ll except 15 acres which had been sold to pay debts. Peter Apple's heir s: Adam Apple; Catharine Apple; and minors, Sarah Apple and Henry Apple. A dam & Catharine Apple had sold their shares to Daniel Death.
1858 Johnson Twp Champaign Co, Ohio Landowners Twp 3 Range 12 - D A Dea th Sec 18
Champaign County History 1991 - Biography Pg 116 son of John C Death a nd Mary Ann Fox
[HI18215] (Research):St Paris Newspaper Abstracts Aug 6 1897 Grandmother Death, whose age was about 83 years, was buried Tuesday. She w ent to her daughters in Adams Co, IN, Tuesday of last week and did there S unday. Her remains were sent here for burial. She was the daughter of hen ry Apple. Elizabeth was born in Union Co, PA on Sept 9, 1813. There were f ive brothers and five sisters in the family, with the demise of Mrs Dea th only one is left the youngest, Mrs Hannah Thatcher of St Paris. She w as married to Daniel A Death Sept 23, 1829. Their first home in this coun ty was known as the Jacob Poorman farm. Her husband died thirteen years ag o. Seven children blessed this union, three daughters died in infancy, o ne son and three daughters mourn the loss of their mother; these Daniel De ath, Mrs Sarah Cowen of IN and Mrs Catherine Flowers of St Paris. She di ed Sunday Aug 1, 1897, aged 83yrs, 10 mo and 22 days. The funeral was cond ucted at the Zion Lutheran Church, by Rev Imhoff and Prince.
[HI18216] (Research):SePt 5 1902 St Paris News Dispatch EMMET ROMANUS RUNKLE son ofEDW ARD and LUCINDA RUNKLE met with a fatal accident while trying to help a friend. He was born F eb 4, 1864, and died Aug 30, 1902, aged 38yrs, 5mo and 26 days. Anoth er St Paris boy met his death at the panhandle yards in Logansport, IN, la st Saturday while helping another injured comrade, by the name ofMORRIS. M ORRIS was knocked down by a handcar going at a fast mte of speed. MR RUNK LE and two other men picked him up and put him on the front of the yard en gine for medical attention and the engine was struck by the Wabash, the en gine left the tmcks; throwing MR RUNKLE and MR MORRIS in front ofit, killi ng them instantly. It is supposed it broke MR RUNKLE'S neck the remains we re brought here Sunday and taken to the mother's residence north of tow n. He md MINNIE SMITH on Dec 15, 1888, to this union one son was born, ELZ A. She departed this life on Jan 13, 1897, second marriage on May 26, 18 98 to MRS BERTHA BURDICK, of Union City, IN. The funeml was held Monda y. He leaves a wife and one son, by a former wife, he having md twice. R ev A H Garman, pastor of the Zion Lutheran Church conducted the funeral se rvice. The remains were laid to rest in the Springgrove Cemetery near Mi11 erstown. MR RUNKLE was 35 years old and leaves besides a wife and son, a d evoted mother, three brothers and four sisters to mourn his untimely en
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Cory M Heck
Name: «tab»Cory M Heck
Birth Date: «tab»1884
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Piqua
Residence County: «tab»Miami
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»20 Sep 1970
Hospital of Death: «tab»Piqua Mem Med Center - Closed
City of Death: «tab»Piqua
County of Death: «tab»Miami
Certificate: «tab»070189
Age at Death: «tab»86
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Sept 26, 1878 Itemes From the West End, Concord Township
The personal property of the late John Huston was disposed of on the 20th inst on the Duckworth farm. The place has been rented to Mr G W Taylor, who will take full possession in a few days. Aunt Eliza Duckworth will hereafter make her home in DeGraff with her son Robert, after having lived on the farm for sixty-two years.
[NI18222] H E Scott is listed as the lot owner in Spring Grove Cemetery Section 1 Lot 19. There is no visible marked there as of June 2010. (Source Karen Heber research)
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 284
St Paris Ohio Graduates 1897-1908 From St Paris Ohio Graduates. June 19, 1 993" by Janet Evilsizor Worthington, published in the CCGS Newsletter J an 2005 Vol 21 No 1 pg 8 1903 Harley Scott
Name: Thurza E Zirkle Gender: Female Date of Death: 14 June 1972
Volume: 20925 Certificate: 047079 Autopsy: Unknown Marital Status: Widowed
Place of Death: Troy, Miami County Certifier: Physician Race: White
Residence: , Miami County Age: 83 Years
Name : Charles B. Zirkle Death date : 03 Aug 1940
Death place : Brown, Miami, Ohio Birth date : 6/2/1879
Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 61y 2m 1d Gender : Male
Marital status : Married
Race or color : White Occupation : retired farmer 40 years
Burial date : 8/5/1940
Cemetery name : Myrtle Tree Spouse name : Thirza
Father name : Joshua Zirkle
Father birth place : OH Mother name : Rebecca Evilsizer
Mother birth place : OH
Informant- Thirza Zirkle COD-Cardio -----
GSU film number : 2023842 Digital GS number : 4122028 Image number : 3154 Certificate number : fn 51503 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[XI18224] Charles and Thurza show buried in the Myrtle Tree Cemetery and also in the Casstown Cemetery in Miami Co. oH
(Research):Myrtle Tree Church Records (Organized 4/24/1830) Covers period 4/24/1830- 2/23/1850 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 pg24 2/20/1836 Received John Johnson diss by letter 3/22/1851
1880 Champaign Co, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 26 0B Jesse JOHNSONSelfMMW54OHOcc:FarmingFa: KYMo: KY Ester JOHNSONWifeFMW44OHFa: OHMo: OH Andrew R. JOHNSON SonMSW22OHFa: OHMo: OH John W. JOHNSONSonMSW21OHFa: OHMo: OH Albert JOHNSONSonMSW14OHFa: OHMo: OH Emma JOHNSONDauFSW11OHFa: OHMo: OH John JOHNSONOtherMWW84KY VAMo: VA Fanny KNULLDauFWW41KYFa: KYMo: KY Frank KNULLGSonMSW19OHFa: KYMo: OH Charlie KNULLGSonMSW15OHFa: KYMo: OH Emma KNULLGDauFSW11OHFa: KYMo: OH Thommy KNULLGSonMS
(Research):Came with parents to OH in 1812. Mother of 11 ch, 5 sons, 6 dau.
Myrtle Tree Church Records (Organized 4/24/1830) Covers period 4/24/1830- 2/23/1850 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 pg24 2/20/1836 Received, Elizabeth Johnson, diss by letter 3/22/1851
[HI18228] (Research):Quite wealthy
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 Poll Book St Paris Precinct Johnson Twp 11/2/1 880 Wm S Jenkins (Sworn)
William S Jenkins 59 W Ohio Champaign, St Paris 1910 Wife Sarah C 43 Ohio Daughter Lucile E 04 Ohio Stepdaugther Ainsworth A Ogden 10 Ohio
[HI18230] (Research):Ancestry One World Tree has son of Timothy Jenkins and Nancy Weakley
[HI18231] (Research):Possibly dau of John Weekly in1840 Champaign Co, Mad River, OH -pg 348 002 1001-21001
[HI18234] (Research):Teachers Term Report Johnson Twp Dist # 9 Winter Term 9/15/1884-3/9//18 85 William Rhymard- Teacher (From CCGS Newsletter Summer 1992 pg 59) Addie Walborn age 12
[HI18235] (Research):Graduates of the Township Schools of Champaign County 1892 who received th eir diplomas Saturday June 4 1892. List sent in by Supt J M Mulford of Mec hanicsburg. Listed The Champaign Democrat June 16 1892 abstracted by Pat S tickley Fall 1994 CCGS Newsletter pg 77 Johnson Twp - William Heaton
Name «tab»John W. Firitz
Death Date «tab»01 Jun 1914
Death Place «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date «tab»16 Feb 1834
Estimated Birth Year «tab»
Birthplace «tab»W. Virginia
Death Age «tab»80 years 3 months 15 days
Gender «tab»Male
Marital Status «tab»Divorced
Race or Color «tab»Caucasian
Street Address «tab»Miami St.
Occupation «tab»Retired Farmer
Residence «tab»
Burial Date «tab»03 Jun 1914
Burial Place «tab»
Cemetery Name «tab»Concord Cemetery
Spouse's Name «tab»
Father's Name «tab»
Father's Title & Terms «tab»
Father's Birthplace «tab»Virginia
Mother's Name «tab»
Mother's Titles & Terms «tab»
Mother's Birthplace «tab»Virginia
Film Number «tab»1953917
Digital Folder Number «tab»4021356
Image Number «tab»840
Certificate Number «tab»fn 32360
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 Pg 93 Teachers Report for St Paris, Johnson Twp, Champaign County Ohio, Feb 1 1, 1904 S Augusta Brohawn, Teacher Mary Clem
Name: MARY F BURKIMER Gender: Female Date of Death: March 05, 1962 Volume: 16825 Certificate: 16654 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 73
[HI18243] (Research):Sister Mrs margaret Armstrong, also she raised a Miss Hettie Mott from chi ldhood. d/o Jacob and Nancy Thompson Armstrong
E. E. Allison, farmer of Concord township, Champaign county, was
born in Mad River township, this county, February 8, 1874, on a farm near the village of Terre Haute. He is a son of N. J. and Sarah E. (Allen)
Allison. The father was born also near Terre Haute, Ohio, on the old
Allison homestead. His wife, Sarah E. Allen, was also a native of :Mad
River township. Their parents located in that locality in an early day and
there they grew to maturity, attended the pioneer schools and were married.
In 1878 the Allison family moved to Concord township, living on a farm
there nine years, then moved to Urbana township, where they spent the
rest of thei'r lives, the mothtr dying on March 17, 1916. The father still
lives in Urbana township. To N. J. Allison and wife eleven children were
born, eight of whom survive at this writing, namely: Miles lives in Concord township; Elnora is the wife of Gus Malling, and they live in Urbana, Ohio; Mrs. Ida Fritz lives in Urbana; E. E., of this sketch; Mrs. Cecelia Jenkins lives in Urbana; Marion lives in Springfield, Ohio; Mrs. Rachael Pence is deceased; Homer lives in Topeka, Kansas; William lives in Springfield, Ohio; Walter and Alma died in infancy.
E. E. Allison left home when a small boy and he grew to manhood
in Mad River township, on a farm in the northern part of the township.
He worked out both by the day and by the month, saving his earnings until
he could get a start in life. On February 20, 1892, he married May Jenkins,
a daughter of Isaac and Malinda Jenkins of Concord township, where she
was reared on a farm and attended school.
After his marriage Mr. Allison continued to work out by the month
for a period of eighteen years, being in the employ of A. Q. McBeth. In
1910 he purchased the farm on which he now resides, which place consisted
of seventy-six acres. he has since added twelve acres, making him
a farm of eighty-eight acres of excellent land, and here he is successfully
engaging in generaf farming and stock raising. He has worked hard and
persevered until he has finally come into possession of a good farm and a
comfortable home, through his own efforts. Politically, he is a RepubHcan. He belongs to Garnet Lodge, Knights of Pythias, at West Liberty, Ohio.
(Research):Abijah Blye
Age: 52 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0011
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0026
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Eva 50 Ohio Daughter Mary G 19 Ohio Son Samuel R 18 Ohio Son Nelson H 15 Ohio 1 non-relative
Champaign Co, Guardianship Records pg470 Dec 15 1866 Nelson R Blue g dn of Sarah E Blue 17yr May 6 1866; Andrew J Blue 15 yr 3 Mar 1866; Maha la Blue 12 yr 8 Jul 1866; Obijah Blue 10 yr 23 Sept 1866; heirs of Samu el Blue dec'd. Surities Sacob Shaffer and Joshua Brown
[HI18252] (Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship Records pg470 Dec 15 1866 Nelson R Blue g dn of Sarah E Blue 17yr May 6 1866; Andrew J Blue 15 yr 3 Mar 1866; Maha la Blue 12 yr 8 Jul 1866; Obijah Blue 10 yr 23 Sept 1866; heirs of Samu el Blue dec'd. Surities Sacob Shaffer and Joshua Brown
[XI18253] Concord stone date 1893?
[HI18256] (Research):KESLER LESTER County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 11/29/1927 Volume Number: 5484 Certificate Number: 61500
[HI18258] (Research):Barnabas BLUE (1757-1827), m. Talithacuny "Charity" MARSHALL. He was rais ed in Berkeley Co. VA and served in the Revolutionary War in Capt. Willi am Morgan's company of Berkeley Co. volunteer militia. His name appea rs on the 1782/3 Berkeley Co. tax list. After the war, in 1786, he receiv ed a warrant for 400 acres of land in Providence Twp., Bedford Co. PA. Th is land was surveyed in 1791 and patented to Michael BLUE, Barnabas' broth er, in 1799. Barnabas was on a 1789 list of inhabitants of Providence Tw p. and is listed in the 1790 census of Bedford Co. PA. Barnabas and Micha el took part in the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794 and were bound "to answer bi lls of indictment for riot and treasonable acts, setting seditious pol es in opposition to the whiskey tariff, to appear at Jan term of Court, 17 95". They, and many others, appeared in court as directed, plead guilty a nd were fined (fines for all ranged between 5 shillings and £15). In 17 95 he was in Bourbon Co. KY, where he signed the marriage bond for his nie ce, Elizabeth BLUE. He remained in Bourbon Co. through 1800 and in 18 05 he received two land patents in Miami Co. OH, 200 acres in Sect. 12, Tw p. 1, Range 10, and 160 acres in Sect. 28, Twp. 2, Range 11; the first w as in Staunton Twp., near his brother Uriah, and the second was in Lost Cr eek Twp. It is believed that they lived on the Lost Creek Twp. land. Barna bas died in 1827 without a will. His sons, Solomon and Uriah, were adminis trators of his estate. The estate papers make it clear that Barnabas' fath er was Michael BLUE of Virginia. This confirms that Michael BLUE [1.1.2] r emained in VA, probably Berkeley Co., after his sons moved to PA, KY and O H. Source:http://members.tripod.com/blue_family/bl02.htm
[HI18259] (Research):Michael BLUE (1759-1822), m. Amelia "Milla" MORGAN. He was raised in Berke ley Co. VA and served in Capt. William Morgan's militia company, as did h is brothers, Uriah and Barnabas. After the Revolution he went to Bedford County. PA. He may have gone there with his brothers, Uriah and Barnabas, or jo ined them later. The 1790 census shows Michael in Bedford Co. Bedford County. militia records indicate that Michael was a lieutenant of the 2nd Batta lion in 1793 and a captain of the 7th Co., 2nd Regt. in 1794. He took pa rt in the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 (see Barnabas' biography, above), a nd received the patent for Barnabas' 400 acres in 1799. We have no reco rd of Michael having lived in KY, as did his brothers, but he joined th em in Miami Co. OH. He owned land in Staunton Twp., near Uriah, in Sect. 1 7, Twp. 1, Range 10, and in Sect. 23 of the same Twp. He received paten ts on these tracts of land in 1813. He sold some of the Sect. 17 land in 1 816 to Fielding Lowry. Michael died in Miami Co. OH, where his will was pr oved 9 Aug 1822. His remaining land was divided among his heirs in 1826, b ased on a Miami Co. Court of Common Pleas record. Mary BLUE (b.ca1777), m. Levi JONES (ca1770-1850). He was bo rn in Bedford Co. PA and probably died in OH. Martha BLUE (ca1780), m. Benjamin CHANEY Sr. (d.1824). He di ed in Highland Co. OH. Susan BLUE (1782-1872), m. Daniel MALOTT (1780-1857). She was bo rn in VA and he in MD. They died in Clermont Co. OH.* Michael M. BLUE (1784-1875), m. Nancy Ann CHANEY (1784-1873). Elizabeth BLUE (1788-1864), m. Thomas BUCK (1790-1863). They we re born in Bedford Co. PA and died in Pulaski Co. IN.* Uriah H. BLUE (ca1792-1857), m.1811 Charity CHANEY, m2. _____ _ ____. Ruth BLUE (b.1797), m.1819 James McCREA/McCRAY (b.ca1798). She w as born in PA and he in Canada. They were married in Miami Co. OH.* John J. BLUE (ca1798-1849), m1.1819 Amy MURPHY (b.ca1802), m2.1 842 Mary ROBERTS (b.ca1806). Rebecca BLUE(b.ca1804), m.1822 William CONANT (1787-1858).
[HI18270] (Research):Ohio Deaths 1908-1953 Name : William Robert Ceylor Death date : 14 Mar 1943 Death place : Staunton Twp., Miami Co., Ohio Birth date : 16 Mar 1856 Estimated birth year : 1866 Birth place : Maryland Age at death : 77 years 11 months 27 days Gender : Male Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Miami County Home Occupation : Retired Farmer Residence : Champiagn, Co Burial date : 16 Mar 1943 Burial place : Casstwn, OH Cemetery name : Casstown Spouse name : Elizabeth Jenkins Ceylor Father name : John Ceylor Father birth place : Maryland Mother name : Mary Beall Mother birth place : Maryland Informant: Ward Ceylor, Troy, OH GSU film number : 2024128 Digital GS number : 4122061 Image number : 1274 Certificate number : fn 18702
(Research):[email protected] (Steven & Mary Mortimer) research notes "Richard H. was the son of ____ HESSELGESSER b @1770 and Hannah Mc BRIDE? b 1770. They lived in Armstrong and Huntington Co, Pa ( original ly Westmoreland Co. ) before Hannah moved to Stark Co with children Rach el b 1792- d 1858, Richard b 1797- m 1830 -d 1869, and William. As you kn ow Richard m Elizabeth PENCE and had 10 children. My line is through Willi am HESSELGESSER and his wife Jane BEATTY. The grey area here is __ HESSELG ESSER and Hannah Mc BRIDE. There was a " Capt " William H. who drowned alo ng with several other men in a canoe accident at the falls of the Kiskimin etas River in Pennsylvania around 1812. The theory is that this was Hannah 's husband and that she pulled up and went to Ohio after that. As f ar as I can determine, her name was McBride but I really can't document th at just yet. I believe the progenitor of this family to be one Jacob HASEL GASER who appears in Ben Franklin's Gazette pp 154 in 1751 as a runaway "D utch " servant age 21 from a Mr Inslee in Bucks Co, Pa. He or a son nam ed Jacob later appears in the Bedford Co, Pa Militia in about 1782. Ju st my theory but I think I'm close on this. Regards, Jim Hazlett Marblehea d, Mass [email protected]"
TOmbstone in Mt Calvary says born 1797
[HI18274] (Research):Dec 1, 1881, Minnie Hesselgesser, oldest daughter of John, aged 14 years d ied Saturday, buried in Concord Cemetery. Source, CCGS Urbana Citizen & Ga zette Newspaper Abstracts, 1871-1884.
[HI18275] (Research):Source, CCGS Urbana Citizen & Gazette Newspaper Abstracts, 1871-1884. 16 Jan 1881, Pearl Clayton, youngest child and only son of John Hesselgess er, died 7th of June of milk sickness, aged 3 years, 8 months; he was t he grandson of Philip Kizer.
[HI18276] (Research): married Susan Shideler 21 Dec 1851 in Miami County (she was born in 183 3, died in 1916, buried with John in Fletcher Cemetery as Susannah Ralsto n, so she apparently is the Susannah Pence who married David Ralston 28 N ov 1865 in Miami County; in 1900 she wasin Lost Creek Twp, Miami County, w ith LAVA PENCE, born - Jul 1885 in Ohio (Source Richard Pence)
Father's Name «tab»George Mccrery
Mother's Name «tab»Harriette Ann Arthur
Name «tab»Dallas Mccrery
Death Date «tab»20 Mar 1948
Death Place «tab»Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, United States
Birth Date «tab»27 Apr 1888
Estimated Birth Year «tab»
Birthplace «tab»East Liberty, Ohio
Death Age «tab»59 years 10 months 23 days
Gender «tab»Male
Marital Status «tab»Married
Race or Color «tab»Caucasian
Street Address «tab»
Occupation «tab»
Residence «tab»
Burial Date «tab»
Burial Place «tab»
Cemetery Name «tab»
Spouse's Name «tab»Marie Berry Mccrery
Father's Name «tab»George Mccrery
Father's Title & Terms «tab»
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»Harriette Ann Arthur
Mother's Titles & Terms «tab»
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Film Number «tab»2246458
Digital Folder Number «tab»4109087
Image Number «tab»00859
Certificate Number «tab»16354
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11 To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot ? 1/3/1879 Champaign County SHeriff to Mrs C W Riker, 2 acres & 2 acr es Bk54 Pg349
Obit names surviving two daughters, Miss Orie, Mrs Stella Fromme of Chatta nooga, TN, two sisters, Mrs Jennie Mott and Mrs Samuel Briggs, three broth ers, Israel and George of Hamilton, and Raymond of South Whitney IN. Inter ment in Spring Grove
(Research):St Paris Ohio Graduate 1880 Estella Riker Fromme
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot? 10/31/1905 Aaron D Riker etal to Estella L Fromme, 2 acres Bk88Pg78 Lot? Estella L Frommer to Andrew E Magovern, 3 acres Bk88 Pg436
[HI18282] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS- Biography Pg 144
[XI18282] Spring Grove burial record listed as F. W Fromme-death in California. Cause of death Dialed heart. Nearest relative on burial record Grant Fromme. Remarks sent from California, Cremated internment date 24-Aug-1933.
[HI18283] (Research):Champaign Co- A Centennial Biographical History of Champaign Co, Ohio - 1902, (New York and Chicago The Lewis Publishing Co, 1902), pg671.
(Research):Pearl Alexander
Age: 52 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0003
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0225
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Victora 43 Ohio Son Herold 20 Ohio Son Robert 13 Ohio Son Ronald 07 Ohio
[XI18286] (Age 72y 9m 25d)
(Research):Living in the household in 1880 with John Biddle, named as "other", singl e, age 22
Amanda Biddle
Age: 50 State: OH 1910
Color: Enumeration District: 0008
Birth Place: Indiana Visit: 0162
County: Champaign
Relation: Mother-in-law
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Head of Household Fahren Reed W
ST. PARIS NEWS-DISPATCH, Thurs., January 21, 1936 Funeral service for Mrs. Amanda BIDDLE , who passed away Monday, will be h eld at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. HAMSH ER on South Spring-Street. Rev. C. O. DUTTON, pastor of the Methodist Epis copal Church will officate. Interment will be made in Evergreen cemete ry by Frank & Barger funeral directors.
[BI18288] Cemetery record gives birth date 1857
[XI18288] Sec 1 Lot 10 (76-7-7) d/o T J Losh w/o John Biddle
(Research):Losh Thomas J. H 50 Ohio Infantry. Private Private Lash, Thomas J. Union Losh Thomas J. H 99 Ohio Infantry. Private Private 50 Ohio Inf. Union
Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 T J Losh
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot#77 4/12/1879 James Q Baird to J C Tomlin & T J Losh, 20 feet south si de Bk53 Pg578 Lot#77 11/5/1881 Thomas J Losh to Joseph C Tomlin, undivided half of 20 fe et south side Bk57 Pg350 Lot#77 3/1/1882 Joseph C Tomlin to Thomas J Losh, undivided half of sou th side (20 feet) Bk58Pg388 Lot#77 3/27/1885 T J Losh to Joseph C Tomlin, undivided half of 21 feet. B k63Pg602
St Paris Precinct Toll Book Nov 2 1880 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 F J Losh
Pension filed Ohio, Claim #709557 dated 6/13/1889
Need to check census of Knox Co, OH 1850 pg 314, Pike Twp, Adam and Eli Losh pg 257, Pleasant Twp, Adam Losh pg451 Jefferson twp, Joseph Losh pg 244, Mt vernon Twp, Jsmes Loss/Losh
Name: «tab»George W. Curl
Death Date: «tab»20 Nov 1917
Death Place: «tab»Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»24 Jun 1845
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Oh
Death Age: «tab»72 years 4 months 26 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»22 Nov 1917
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Isaac Curl
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Oh
Mother's Name: «tab»Eliza Jones
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Oh
Film Number: «tab»1984223
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021677
Image Number: «tab»75
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 72913
[NI18291] Poss married an Alice Biddle first
HAMSHER JAMES F County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 12/6/1918 Volume Number: 2809 Certificate Number: 85866
Son of Edward Hamesher and Peggy Pickering
[HI18292] (Research):Champaign County History 1991 - Biography Pg 110
Md 2nd:
Groom's Name: «tab»Wesley Albert Maurice
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Flavia Fern Wright
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1888
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Logan County, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»41
Marriage Date: «tab»03 Jun 1929
Marriage Place: «tab»Logan, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Joseph Maurice
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Isabelle Neese
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»James Corrier
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Alice Carey
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: «tab»Wright
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»M86927-4
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: «tab»0534842
Reference Number: «tab»2:3PVDG44
(Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1925 Herbert Pheneger
Name: Herbert L Pheneger Gender: Male Date of Death: 02 December 1970 Volume: 20320 Certificate: 097388 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Akron, Summit County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: Cuyahoga Falls, Summit County Age: 64 Years
name: «tab»Forest J W Maurice
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»30 May 1926
event place: «tab»Adams, Champaign, Ohio
residence: «tab»
street address: «tab»
gender: «tab»Male
death age: «tab»11y 4m 20d
marital status: «tab»Single
race: «tab»white
occupation: «tab»student
birth date: «tab»10 Jan 1915
birthplace: «tab»Rosewood, Ohio
estimated birth year: «tab»1915
burial date: «tab»02 Jun 1926
burial place: «tab»
cemetery: «tab»Rosedale
father: «tab»Wesley Maurice
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
mother: «tab»Pearl Conner
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
spouse: «tab»
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»cn 29828
film number: «tab»1984303
digital folder number: «tab»4021657
image number: «tab»1825
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X6CD-QBP : accessed 22 Nov 2012), Forest J W Maurice, 1926; citing reference cn 29828, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
[HI18297] (Research):leaves a wife and 5 small children
Name: «tab»Joseph Stover
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»30 Nov 1889
Death Place: «tab»Mad River, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»40
Birth Date: «tab»1849
Birthplace: «tab»Mad River
Occupation: «tab»
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Name: «tab»Lucy B. Stover
Death Date: «tab»17 Oct 1936
Death Place: «tab»Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»19 Jan 1859
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Virginia
Death Age: «tab»77 years 8 months 28 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»East Walnut St.
Occupation: «tab»Housekeeper
Residence: «tab»St. Paris, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»19 Oct 1936
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Nattle Creek
Spouse's Name: «tab»Joseph Stover
Father's Name: «tab»Josiah Sonner
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Virginia
Mother's Name: «tab»Martha Macuery
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Virginia
Film Number: «tab»2022692
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4122464
Image Number: «tab»1627
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship Bonds pg447 16Jul 1866 John T Mitchell gdn of F rank G Mitchell age 20 yr 18 Nov 1865 heir of John T Mitchell dec'd. Surit ies W R Warnock and Samuel W Witt
JOHN T. MITCHELL, merchant, Urbana, of the firm of Hitt, White & Mitchel l, dry goods merchants of Urbana. He was born in Mt. Morris, Ill., in 184 3, and when but 1 year old, the family located in Cincinnati, Ohio ; eig ht years later, in Urbana, where they remained until 1859; here he acquir ed his elementary education ; thence in the schools of Cincinnati, havi ng until October, 1861, reached the Woodward High School, which he left a nd enlisted in Co. A, 66th O. V. I. ; at the organization of Co. A, was el ected 1st Sergeant; in the summer of 1862, was commissioned 2d Lieutenan t; while engaged in the battle of Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9 of the same yea r, he was severely wounded by a rifle ball passing through his body; it w as supposed to be a mortal wound, but in ninety days he rejoined his regim ent; early in the year of 1863, he was commissioned 1st Lieutenant, subseq uently to Captain of the same company ; afterward promoted to Major, Lieut enant Colonel and Colonel of the same regiment, serving until the clo se of the war, when he was mustered out, brought to Columbus, Ohio, whe re he was honorably discharged, and participated in the grand review at Wa shington with Sherman's army. Soon after his return, he associated with M r. Hitt, one of the present partners ; in this firm he now fills an import ant place, as his time is devoted mostly to the buying of stock and manage ment of the same; he also has general charge of the branch store at Bellef ontaine, Ohio. In addition, he is editor and publisher of the Urbana Month ly Visitor, which has been in progress for eight years. His nuptials we re celebrated Aug 14, 1866, with Miss Annie R., daughter of S. W. Hitt. Th ey have three children, viz., Nellie, Sallie H. and John. Rev. John T. Mit chell, Sr., the father of our subject., was born Aug. 20, 1810, near Sale m, Va. His parents soon after settled in Illinois, and in 1829 located ne ar Belleville. He was converted and united with the M. E Church, and in 18 30 commenced teaching two years later was admitted into the Illinois Confe rence. He was a close student, and acquired a general knowledae of scienc e, as well of Latin and Greek languages. He filled various important charg es, in circuits, stations, and in a district among which he was as a pione er minister in Wisconsin, and at Chicago, when the first brick M. E. Chur ch was erected. In 1844, he moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he was elect ed as assistant book agent ; at the close of his term, was transferr ed to Ohio Conference, and stationed for a number of years in Cincinnati a nd its vicinity. In the same year that he located in Cincinnati, he w as a delegate to the General Assembly from the Rock River Conference, a nd in 1856, from the Cincinnati Conference. During his ministerial life, s erved the first M. E. Church of Urbana two years, when ill-health befell h im. He was then appointed Presiding Elder of this district, and return ed to Cincinnati the fall of 1859, serving different churches, and final ly was appointed as Presiding Elder of the Cincinnati Conference, and fr om its organization in 1851, he was annually chosen as Secretary, which of ficial duty he performed until his death, May, 1863. He was an earnest a nd useful minister, a careful and able administrator and wise counselor. H is wife, Catharine Rice, was a native of Maryland, and died in Cincinnat i, Ohio, February, 1863. Their only daughter, Nellie, was buried the sa me day, and about the same hour that our subject was wounded in the late w ar. The surviving members of the family are the ones to whom this sket ch is dedicated, and one brother, Rev. Frank G. Mitchell, of the Cincinna ti Conference.
[HI18303] (Research):There is a Paul Ward in the 1920 Census Champaign Co, St paris, OH pg 74 a ge 24 wife Mary age 27 and son Harold W 1y11m. (1/28/1920)
Urbana daily Citizen, Mon, Dec 17, 1951
Funeral Services for J W Taylor At Scheduled Tuesday
Christianburg- Funeral services are scheduled at 2 p.m. Tuesday for John W Taylor, 78, former resident of St Paris, who died Saturday night in the home of his daughter, Mrs E M Warder in Toledo. He was a retired farmer and a member of the St Paris Baptist church. He resided in the home of his daughter following the death of his wife. Born Oct 18, 1873 in Champaign County, he was the son of Silas and Ellen Taylor. Mr Taylor is survived by the daughter at Toledo; another daughter, Mrs Howard L Myers of Troy,RD; a sister Levina Bowen of Springfield; a brother Phillip Taylor of Woodstock, and six grandchildren, and five half-brothers, Jerry Harley, Sam, Madison and George Larry, all of Lena. Burial in Evergreen
[XI18305] Although Evergreen Cemetery has a stone with John and second wife Ora, he is also found on a stone with his first wife Bernice in Concord Cemetery. Stone with Bernice has John Taylor who died 1958
(Research):CCGS Newsletter July/Aug 2005 Vol 21 No 3 pg 48 St paris Ohio Graduates tr anscribed June 19 1993 by Janet Evilsizor Worthington 1918-Wilbur Taylor
ST. PARIS NEWS-DISPATCH, Thurs. 22 April 1937 Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon for Wilbur J. TAYLOR , 3 5, who passed away Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John TA YLOR , south of St. Paris. His death was attributed to heart trouble, havi ng been in failing health for two years. Mr. TAYLOR had lived in Troy mo st of his life, but had lived with his parents, the past years. He taug ht school at Lostcreek fifteen years ago and later was employed at the Wa co Aircraft plant in Troy. He was a native of St. Paris and was graduat ed from Wittenberg College, Springfield. He also at one time was a memb er of Troy baseball teams working as a pitcher. He was a member also of t he St. Paris Baptist Church. Besides his parents, he is survived by his wi dow, Mrs. Minnie TAYLOR , and two sisters, Mrs. Howard MYERS, Troy, and Mr s. Elwood WILGUS, Bellevue. He was a brother to Lawrence TAYLOR who preced ed him in death eighteen months ago. Funeral services were held at the Frank and Barger funeral home, the Re v. A. O. LONG, pastor of the First Baptist Church, officiating. Interme nt was made in Evergreen Cemetery.
[HI18307] (Research):Was a brother in law to C B Jenkins
[XI18308] dates not readable, burial record has no date
(Research):Name : Mary Rachael Kezer
Death date : 27 Dec 1924
Death place : Piqua, Miami, Ohio
Birth date : 02 Sep 1860
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Virginia
Age at death : 64 years 3 months 25 days
Gender : Female
Marital status : Married
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address :
Occupation : Housewife
Residence :
Burial date : 30 Dec 1924
Burial place :
Cemetery name : Spring Grove
Spouse name : William Kezer
Father name : Samuel Mcneal
Father birth place : Virginia
Mother name : Jane Mccoy
Mother birth place : Virginia
Informant William Kizer
GSU film number : 1992610
Digital GS number : 4001617
Image number : 1749
Certificate number : fn 68034
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI18311] (Research):Name: Anna M Bodey Gender: 2 Date of Death: 12 May 1985 Birth Date: 04 April 1906 Volume: 26038 Certificate: 033842 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Social Security Number: 302202641 Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: American Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: , Champaign County Age: 79 Years
[HI18312] (Research):Name: Paul C Bodey Gender: Male Date of Death: 12 September 1982 Birth Date: 10 January 1906 Volume: 24953 Certificate: 061311 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Social Security Number: 291308931 Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: British, Scotch-Irish, Welsh, Scottish Place of Death: , Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Birth Place: Oklahoma Residence: , Champaign County Age: 76 Years
(Research):Mothers obit names daughter Nora Divers.
Have never seen her named Nora in a census
Name: «tab»Harriett Mildred Polk
Death Date: «tab»09 Aug 1912
Death Place: «tab»Concord Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»13 Aug 1848
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Kentucky
Death Age: «tab»63 years 11 months 26 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»Concord Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»11 Aug 1912
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Oak Dale Cemetary
Spouse's Name: «tab»Polk
Father's Name: «tab»Elijah Myers
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Kentucky
Mother's Name: «tab»Rebeca Evans
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Kentucky
(Research):Elmer E Harbour
Age: 44 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0146
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0239
County: Shelby
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Faye W 43 Ohio Son Kenneth W 19 Ohio Daughter Florence W 17 Ohio Daughter Mary W 10 Ohio
Shelby County Pemberton OH 1852-2002, A villiage to Remember compiled by B arbara Adams assisted by Loretta Cottrell and Many Others. pg 39 Thumbna il Sketches, many of the people who once walked the streets of Pemberton a re remembered because of what they did or what happened to them. Some reca lled here: Elmer E Harbour- grain elevator builder, businessman, landowner, So unpopu lar and disliked it was said his son was abliged to pay the pall bearers w ho caried him to his last resting place.
[HI18320] (Research):1900 Census says he is a widoer, but I suspect he was married to Sarah Coffeft born 1874 living with her parents in Clark Co 1900 with daughter Nora
[HI18321] (Research):Name: Anna E. Gabriel SSN: 279-22-2990 Last Residence: 43311 Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio, United States of Ame rica Born: 17 Jan 1886 Died: 15 Apr 1972 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[XI18321] No death date on stone
(Research):Apple, Thomas M
Age: 68 Year: 1920
Birthplace: Ohio Roll: T625_1353
Race: White Page: 5A
State: Ohio ED: 11
County: Champaign Image: 217
Township: Mad River wife Sarah age 64
[HI18325] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 261
[HI18326] (Research):Champaign County Guardian Bonds Vol 17 # 3 pg57 19 Mar 1859 Henry Huffm an gdn of Susan Huffman 11yr 11 Jul 1858 heir of Christian Shank, dec'd. S urities Jacob Poorman and Daniel Poorman
[XI18326] Sec 1 Lot 4 (84-5-29)
[HI18328] (Research):Vanculin, John D. Age: 53 Gender: M Race: W Birthplace: PA State: Ohio County: CHAMPAIGN Locale: JOHNSON TWP Series: T624 Roll: 1159 Part: 2 Page: 102B
(Research):Lemmon Bible has DOB 11/17/1888, but he appears in the 1880 census. (Pr ob 11/17/1878) Bible says hard to read.
Name: IRA E LEMMON Gender: Male Date of Death: March 01, 1962 Volume: 16825 Certificate: 16662 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: , Champaign County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 82
[HI18335] (Research):St Paris Village school district by L W Faulkner July 20, 1892 Lizzie Judy age 10
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 158
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 6 Twp 3 Range 11 SE 1/4 Aug 12 1861 George B Cave to Richard Lemon, 1 acre in SE corne r. Bk 32 Pg 608 SE 1/4 Apr 5 1862 Richard Lemon to John Buroker, 1 acre Bk 36 Pg 163
[HI18337] (Research):Zachary Putnam - - - - 73 yrs. - - Farmer - - 2,500 - - VA Henry - - - - - - - - - - - 35 yrs. - - Farmer - - - - - - - - - KY John Collins - - - - - - - 18 yrs. - - Farmer - - - - - - - - - OH Elizabeth - - - - - - - - - 16 yrs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OH Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: Jackson, Champaign, Ohio; Rol l: M432_665; Page: 458; Image: 473.
(Research):Family researcher: Tressie Nealy, OKC [email protected] My theory at the moment is: John (m Mary Beall) was the son of an Issac S eeler/Sealer of Washington Co MD. An Isaac m Elizabeth Judy, 1840 in Washington Co. The name is spell ed so many different ways, it has been difficult to follow them back.
Research of Tressie Nealy
1850 Washington Co MD, 14 Oct, stamped pg #88 #1280-1305 Isaac Silar 28 MD Elizabeth Silar 27 MD JOHN Silar 09 MD Mary Silar 07 MD Susan Silar 05 MD m Charles Rice (?) Robert Silar 03 MD “an” Isaac Seeler m Elizabeth Judy, 15 Aug 1840 Washington Co MD Judy=Tsch udi/Tschudy.
1860 Washington Co MD, Sandy Hook Dist, 27 June, P.O. Hagerstown Handwritten pg #331 #327-377 Isaac Sealer 46 PA Elizabeth Sealer 30 MD JOHN Sealer 17 MD Mary Sealer 16 MD Susan Sealer 13 MD m Charles Rice ROBERT Sealer 11 MD Ann Ensworth 55 MD
1870 Washington Co MD, 28 June, stamped pg #343 #46-52 Charles Rice 37 Michigan [bp NY NY NY in 1900] Susan Rice 24 MD [Seeler] Thomas J Rice 01 MD
-53 Isaac Seeler 66 PA Elizabeth Seeler 45 MD See: 1880, 1900 Mineral Co WV for Rice family
1870 Washington Co MD, 8th Dist, 14 July, P.O. Rohresville #188-188 John H Seeler 28 MD Mary J Seeler 31 MD [Beall] Thomas M Seeler 10 MD m Martha Carney, 27 Aug 1881 Miami Co OH Ann E Seeler 06 MD ROBERT W Seeler 04 MD (Robert William/William Robert)
1880 Champaign Co OH #28-28 John A Seeler 40 MD PA MD Mary J Seeler 38 MD MD MD [Beall] WILLIAM Seeler 13 MD MD MD Laurinda Seeler 10 MD MD MD
1900 Champaign Co OH, Jackson Twp, McCrea Prect, 2-4 June #18-18 Thomas Seelor, May 1860, 40, m 18 yrs MD MD MD Martha Seelor, Jan 1860, 40 (8-7) IN OH OH Carrie Seelor, Apr 1882, 18 OH OH IN Edward Seelor, Feb 1884, 16 OH OH IN ___ Seelor, (son), Nov 1887, 12 OH OH IN Mary Seelor, Sept 1893, 6 OH OH IN Franklin Seelor, Sept 1891, 8 OH OH IN Stella Seelor, Jan 1897, 3 OH OH IN d 11 July 1918 Hester Seelor, ___ 1900, 2 mo OH OH IN d 26 Oct 1926
Miami Co OH In 1880, Thomas Seeler, 20 MD, lived with Hiraim Lukins in Miami Co OH
1910 Champaign Co OH, Jackson Twp, Addison Prect., 22-23 Apr #160-160 John Sealer 70 MD PA MD m 46 yrs Mary Sealer 71 MD MD MD (5-5) Beall Laurinda Sealer 40 MD MD MD
1910 Champaign Co OH, Jackson twp, 25 Apr, pg 63 #111-111 William Ceylor, 44, m 22 yr, MD MD MD Ellizabeth Ceylor, 42 (5-5) OH VA OH [Jenkins] Ward Ceylor, 11 OH MD OH d Dec 1978, OKC, OK Ethel Ceylor, 9 “””””” m Harley Soyster* Emmett, 7 “”””””” *see 1920 Miami Co OH, living with husband’s parents.
1920 Shelby Co OH, Green Twp, 10-14 Jan, pg 154 #29-29 William R Cayler 53 MD MD MD Elizabeth E Cayler* 51 OH VA OH [Jenkins] WARD Cayler 21 OH MD OH Emmet E Cayler 15 OH MD OH “Think” dau. of William Jenkins (1837 VA) and Mary (Phillips).
1920 Champaign Co OH #80-80 Mary J Sealer 80 widow MD US MD widow of John Rinda Sealer 48 MD MD MD
1930 Champaign, Jackson Twp, Christiansburg Village #141-141 Rinda Sealer 59 MD MD MD
[HI18342] (Research):Yrbana Daily Citizen, Monday, March 13, 1944 Mrs Celesta Ireland, 77, widow of the late William Irelnad, died at 5:30 p .m. Sunday in her home in Terre Haute. Mrs ireland had been in ill heal th for a number of years, but she had been seriously ill for the past wee k, when she suffered from and arrack of paralysis. Mrs Ireland was bo rn in Mad River township, where she spent most of her entire life. She w as a member of the Terre haute M E Church. Survivors include one daughte r, Mrs O B Proctor of St Paris, one son Clifford of Terre Haute and a numb er of grandchildren. Also one brother George Coffelt of Thackery, two sist ers, Mrs Sara Neese of Sringfield, and Mrs Cevilla Wise of Dayton. She wi ll be taken from the Frank Funeral Home this afternoon to her home. Servic es will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the Terre haute Methodist Chur ch by the rev Carter. Burial will be in Terre Haute Cemetery.
(Research):Urbana Daily Citizen, Tuesday, November 30, 1937 Early Fire Destroys Big Barn Damage which will be in excess of $5000 was done this morning when fire sw ept a large barn on the J W Ireland farm, less than a mile south of Ter re haute, burned itto the ground, destroyed much livestock and wiped out t he season's crop of hay, wheat and corn. The fire was discovered about 8 a .m. by Robert Green, the son of William Green, the tenant on the far m. He had arisen to do the milking and other chorse and looking out the fr ont bay window saw the huge structure in flames. By the time of the discov ery, the fire had progressed to such a point that saving any part of it w as out of the question. Mr Green, Sr was called and several early-rising n eighbors were attracted, but they could do nothing but watch it burn. By t he time the Green boy reached the scene of the holocaust, the large str aw stack in a corral in back of the barn was being swept by falmes. In th is corral was a large herd of milk cows. He was fortunate in being ab le to get the cows out before they were set fire from the burning straw st ack. Ireland and Green today estimated that 500 bushels of corn and 150 bu shels of wheat were destroyed. A half a hayloft of alfalfa ws wiped out, t he dry hay burning like gunpowder. Three horses were destroyed. Also destr oyed was a sow and a litter of eight small pigs. Ireland and green, who w as said to own the stock and crops on a partnership basis, feared today th at other stock not accounted for, had been destroyed. This was particular ly true of a large number of hogs that could not be located up to noon to day. Cause of the fire still remains a mystery today, according to repor ts around Terre haute. Because of the advanced stage of the fire when it w as discovered, it was not posible to determine just what the origin was. N either Ireland nor Green could be located today, because both were at t he fire scene beyond telephones. The barn was understood to have been insu red.
St Paris News-Dispatch, Thursday, March 26, 1942 John William Ireland, 78, retired farmer near Terre haute died at Springfi eld City Hospital Saturday at 10:30 a.m. following an illness of two wee k. He was born June 30, 1863 near Terre haute and had resided in the commu nity all of his life. Survivors are his wife, Celestai, a daughter, M rs O B Proctor, St Paris; a son, Clifford, Urbana rural route, a brother C ory Ireland, Urbana; a sister Mrs Noah Woodruff, urbana and seventeen gran dchildren. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2:30 in the Ter re haute Methodist Church, Rev Carter, pastor of the church, conducted t he rites which were followed by burial in the cemetery at the Church in c harge of Ira Frank, Funeral Director.
[email protected]
[email protected]
11/22/2003 Sandi- We corresponded once before about James H. Ireland of Champaign Cou nty, OH born 1839. I am trying to determine if he was a child of Willi am H. Ireland and Eliza Hendrix who were married in Champaign County on De c. 28, 1837. At the time of the 1840 census they were living in Warren Co unty next to William's uncle Thomas Ireland. At that time they had a s on born between 1835 and 1840 according to the census. James H. Ireland was apparently born 1839 so this would fit. They also had other children l iving with them, including some born before 1835 so it appears that Eli za may have had children from a prior marriage before she married Willi am H. Ireland. I have seen a reference that Eliza Hendrix was born Eli za Ann Carroll which implies she married a Hendrix before William Irelan d, but I have not been able to independently confirm this. William H. Ireland's father was named James, and his grandfather was also James, so it ma kes sense he would have named a son James. His middle name was Hit e. If James H. Ireland's middle name was also Hite that would be a pretty strong confirmation, as it would if the H stood for Hendrix.
William apparently abandoned Eliza between 1840 and 1858 when he was la st seen by his brother Thomas Newell Ireland in Illinois. (Thomas Newell I reland also was married in Champaign Co. in 1836 to Rebecca Crabill and went to Illinois in 1837 and apparently never knew his brother was even married).
I can find no record of Eliza or William in the 1850 census in Ohio, Illin ois, or Indiana but I suppose they could have gone somewhere else. I am g oing to search for Hendrix's in Champaign Co. in 1850 and 1860 to see if E liza might have gone back there assuming William abandoned her before 185 0. If she really ws born a Carroll she might have also been living with t he Carroll family somewhere but I have not been able to find her with t he Carrolls in Warren County, but still looking.
If you have any ideas about how I might unravel this mystery or where I might look next let me know. I thought you might be interested in all this, since we might be able to find the parents of James H. Ireland of Champ aign County if this pans out. It would seem to fit, since James sudden ly appears in Champaign County in the 1860 census, and I have seen no reco rd of him before that, but if he is the son of William H. and his father abandoned him between 1850 and 1860 it is entirely possible he would have gone back to Champaign County. Anyway, thank you for any help you are able to offer in this matter.
I am still working on the mysterious James H Ireland of Champaign County, OH. There are a couple of family trees posted on ancestry.com that suggest that James was the son of William H Ireland and a Mary Bell Hendricks. They give as a reference page 484 of Evan P. Middleton's 1917 History of Champaign County, Ohio. I was wondering if you had this book and if so if you could check page 484 to see if it sheds any more lig ht on the subject. According to the Champaign County marriage records on your site, my William H. Ireland married Eliza Hendrix, not Mary Bell. I have also seen another book that gives her name as Eliza. From what I have been able to gather, assuming they are the same people, the
family apparently moved from Champaign County to Ripley County, IN where accor ding to the 1850 census everyone died of cholera in 1849 apparently exce pt for James. The census does give the mother's name as Eliza not Mary Bell. Some of the information matches my William H. but other does not. His state of birth in the census is PA but mine was born in VA. My William 's age in 1849 would have been 34, the census gives 31. More
importantly, the family legend says William H. lived at least until 1858 when he was last seen by his brother in Hancock County, IL, when William left on a wagon train bound for Oregon, but the census and apparently Middleton's book say William died in 1849. The whole thing is very interesting. Some facts match, others don't. Maybe Middleton can shed some light if you have the book.
Bob Ireland
«u»[email protected] «/u»
[email protected]
Name: James H. Ireland
Death date: 22 Mar 1919
Death place: Springfield, Clarke Co., Ohio
Birthdate: 30 Oct 1839
Estimated birth year: 1840
Birthplace: In
Age at death: 79 years 4 months 22 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: American
Street address:
Occupation: Retired Merchant
Burial date: 24 Mar 1919
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Terre Hautte
Spouse's name:
Father's name: William Ireland
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace:
Mother's name: Bell
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace:
GSU film number: 1984640
Digital GS number: 4024452
Image number: 1711
Reference number: fn 16138
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):Nov 14, 1903 Mrs Margaret IRELAND, wife of James H IRELAND, died Monday morning at h er late home in Terre Haute, at the age of 61 years. Death was due to para lysis. She is survived by a husband and eleven children. Mrs George STEVE NS of Tremont City is a daughter. The funeral was held last Wednesday morn ing at 10:30 from the Terre Haute Baptist Church. Rev DALBY of Dialton, Oh io had charge of the services. Interment was made in the Terre Haute Cemet ery. J H IRELAND, the bereaved husband, was for many years a guard at t he Ohio Penitentiary under the wardenship of E J COFFIN. The family have t he sympathy of our entire neighborhood.
PG 150ANN GEARHARTPROBATED 24 FEB 1890 MAD RIVER TWP [DIED 13 FEB 1890) Heirs-Henry E Gearhart—bro-Canada; Mary Thackery-sis-Dialton;Margaret Coff elt-sis-Seth, Clark Co; Smith Davis-nep-Terre Haute; Sarah E Bishop-niece— Terre Haute; Margaret A Ireland-niece—Terre Haute. To nephew F M Gearha rt all real estate in Mad River Twp, 40 acres S26, formerly owned by Jo hn N Gearhart dec’d and which 120 acres were bequeathed by John M Gearha rt to said Ann and Margaret Gearhart, now Margaret Cof felt [wife of Henry ). S R Neff and A E Dingledine now own 1/3 and Margaret Cof felt the middle 1/3. $100 to nephew W Gearhart. Isaac Neff administrator Witness:Isaac Neff Amanda Neffwill signed 12 Apr 1883
(Research):Bull School No 2, Mad River, Twp 1898 records from Everett Snapp abstract ed by Norma Leisure published in CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 V ol 14 # 3 pg 54 Teachers from 1898 through 1900 school years was John Leonard, 1900-1904 w as Ada Belden. In Jan of 1903 several children were out with whooping coug h. Miller J Dibert age 8 attended 1898-1903
Champaign County History 1991 - Biography Pg 119
Name: Miller J Dibert Gender: Male Date of Death: 28 August 1977 Volume: 22957 Certificate: 055271 Autopsy: Unknown Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 87 Years
[HI18350] (Research):Champaign County History 1991 - Biography Pg 119
Name: Samuel Dibert
Death date: 22 Apr 1944
Death place: Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birthdate: 22 Jan 1879
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Champaign, Ohio
Age at death: 63 years 3 months
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Farmer
Residence: Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Burial date: 26 Apr 1944
Burial place: Terre Haule
Cemetery name:
Spouse's name: Dibert Alta
Father's name: Dibert Jesse
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: Champaign, Ohio
Mother's name: Nuce Mary
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Champaign, Ohio
GSU film number: 2032356
Digital GS number: 4020610
Image number: 337
Reference number: fn 22797
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI18352] (Research):Champaign County History 1991 - Biography Pg 119
[HI18353] (Research):Possible brith 1827 not 1822
[DI18353] Died in Findlay while undergoing cancer treatment
[NI18354] Champaign County History 1991 - Biography Pg 119
name: «tab»Issac Dibert
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»15 Apr 1923
event place: «tab»Mad River, Champaign, Ohio
residence: «tab»
street address: «tab»
gender: «tab»Male
death age: «tab»71y 11m 1d
marital status: «tab»Widowed
race: «tab»W.
occupation: «tab»Farmer
birth date: «tab»14 May 1851
birthplace: «tab»Ohio
estimated birth year: «tab»1852
burial date: «tab»17 Apr 1923
burial place: «tab»
cemetery: «tab»Terre Haute
father: «tab»Samuel Diebert
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
mother: «tab»Sarah Weese
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
spouse: «tab»
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»fn 24056
film number: «tab»1992266
digital folder number: «tab»4000551
image number: «tab»1268
Citing this Record
"Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch
(https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X8R1-CPJ : accessed 09 Oct 2012),
Issac Dibert, 1923; citing reference fn 24056, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
[HI18355] (Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1901-1916 Published by the class of 19 16 in their Senior Year submitted by Pat Stickley, July CCGS Newsletter pg 92 Class of 1908 Emery Dibert
Name: «tab»Emma Catherine Bull
Death Date: «tab»14 Mar 1918
Death Place: «tab»Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»29 Aug 1862
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»55 years 6 months 15 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»
Street Address: «tab»1742 Franklin Ave
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»Green Lawn
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Joseph T. Bull
Father's Name: «tab»Samuel Dibert
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Champaigne, Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah Neese
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Champaigne, Ohio
[DI18359] Age 18 By Horse
[HI18360] (Research):Urbana Daily Citizen 3/11/1886 getting ready to depart for kansas, Aden S teinberger
[HI18364] (Research):Name: DAISY W SHANLEY Gender: Female Date of Death: May 29, 1959 Volume: 15788 Certificate: 36872 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: , Shelby County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 83
[HI18365] (Research):Sisters will of 1897 mentions Susan Steinberger of Topeka KS
(Research):D/o Thomas V Stevens and Tessora Campbell
Name: Gladys Underwood SSN: 302-18-7618 Last Residence: 43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States of Ameri ca Born: 14 Aug 1900 Last Benefit: 43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States of Ameri Died: May 1977 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
Male Birth: 04 JUL 1867 , Champaign, Ohio Parents:
Mother: ALMINA
(Research):Charles W Tischer
Age: 43 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0002
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0158
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Lucy 41 Ohio Stepson Forest T Pence 19 Ohio Son Lloyd E Tischer 11 Ohio Son Ivon D 09 Ohio Son Donald C 05 Ohio Daughter Dorthy C 04 Ohio
Name: «tab»Sarah Virginia Huling
Death Date: «tab»28 Sep 1950
Death Place: «tab»Piqua, Miami, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»20 Apr 1870
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»80 years 5 months 8 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Lewis Ward
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Journell
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2372785
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4109347
Image Number: «tab»00347
Certificate Number: «tab»63915
(Research):St Paris Ohio Graduates 1897-1908 From St Paris Ohio Graduates. June 19, 1 993" by Janet Evilsizor Worthington, published in the CCGS Newsletter J an 2005 Vol 21 No 1 pg 8 1908 Thurman Huling
Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1907 Thurman Huling
[HI18375] (Research):Death cert names parents unknown
(Research):attended Pence School (Johnson Township District #5, located in Sec. 1) du ring the year 1891-1892;
Daughter Esther obit names father as Wallace Benjamin Clem
[NI18378] Daughter of Fred E Hawthorn and Nellie Newbold
[HI18381] (Research):LEAMMANI MARY C County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 3/24/1927 Volume Number: 5293 Certificate Number: 13651
(Research):Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 Jacob Judy
CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 Poll Book St Paris Precinct Johnson Twp 11/2/1 880 Jacob Judy
Ohio Obituary Index, 1830s-2009, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center about Ramie R Cox
Name: «tab»Ramie R Cox
[Ramie R Blue; Larry]
Birth Date: «tab»25 Feb 1901
Death Date: «tab»4 Aug 1993
Age at Death: «tab»92
Death Place: «tab»Ohio
Spouse: «tab»Dennie
Parents: «tab»Harrison
Newspaper: «tab»Bellefontaine Examiner, Bellefontaine, Ohio
Newspaper Date: «tab»5 Aug 1993
Newspaper Page: «tab»p. 8, col. 1
Years Indexed: «tab»1956-58,1964-1967, 1969-1970, 1972, 1974- current
Newspaper Repository: «tab»Logan County District Library -Bellefontaine, Oh; Logan County District Library -Bellefontaine, Oh
Other Sources: «tab»Wapakoneta Obituary File, Auglaize County Public District Library
Source Description: «tab»A Card File Of Obituary Clippings. To Order A Copy, See www.rbhayes.org/hayes/index/partners/minster.asp
Notes: «tab»First Husband- Samuel Blue
[HI18386] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 278
(Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900) pg62 7/29/1889 In the Carysville news; 23 living in Adams Twp over 70 years of age. The f ollowing are names and ages: William Russell 72 yrs
Book I pg 18 Will probated 22 Feb 1897, Adams Twp Heirs Emily J Russell, widow; William C Russell, son, Rosewood; Mary M Col e, dau, Logansville; John C Russell, son, Rosewood; Elizabeth C Chamber s, dau, Rosewood; Charles K Russell, son, Rosewood; Frank E Russell, so n, Rosewood; Duncan M Russell, son, Rosewood. Wife Emily 1/3 of real esta te S7 Adams Twp and $80 and household goods and chattels; at her death h er interest to sons Franklin, Charles and Duncan; to son William C $25 hav ing received his full share; son Franklin real estate 76 acre S7 Adams Tw p; dau Margaret M Cole $100 having received her share; son John C real est ate 76 acres S1 Adams twp; sons Duncan and Charles S7 Adams Twp and to lo ok after their mother; dau Elizabeth Chambers and husband John M Chambe rs S6 Adams Twp except that part which is enclosed for graveyard and us ed for church and church lot. Duncan M and William C Russell executors. Wi tness, F M Galen, Edgar L Cary. Signed 14 Oct 1892
Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900), pg177. pg 177 2/19/1897 T he death and burial of William Russell of Muddy Creek Valley near the Ada ms and harrison Twp lines took place last week. He was one of the pionee rs of this vicinity. His age was nearly 80 years. He was the first of thr ee generations of his family to die. Messrs All Harmon and H P Py le of St Paris attended the funeral
tombstone Russel Cenetery b 1815 - in Greenwood Cem says born 1819 Middle name from [email protected]
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 277
[HI18389] (Research):Emily Jane Scott was great-great-grandmother of Denise Kay Mahan Moore My grandmother said that Emily was found on a doorstep. Pat and I have se arched for years for Emily's parents - no luck.
(Research):1880 Census Place:Concord, Champaign, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 21 4C Isabella BLUESelfFWW54PAOcc:Fa: PAMo: PA Benjamin BLUESonMSW21OHFa: OHMo: PA Romanus COXSonLMMW22OHOcc:LaborerFa: --Mo: --- Margaret COXDauFMW23OHFa: OHMo: PA
West Liberty Banner Feb 9, 1905 Died, Isabel Sarah Long-Blue, was born in Franklin Co, Pa, June 8, 1825, a nd departed this life at her home in West Liberty, Ohio, Feb 2, 1905, ag ed 79 years, 7 months and 24 days. At an early age she moved with her pare nts to Champaign County, Ohio where she resided until she moved to West Li berty about two years ago. In her father's family were ten children, she b eing the youngest and the last to depart this life. She was married Apt il 10, 1856 to Samuel Blue who departed this life Nov 13, 1864. To them we re born two children, one son and one daughter, both of whom survie her. M any years ago she was converted and united with the W B Church. In later y ears she became a member of Neers' Chapel, near Brayon. IN her last momen ts she meekly said, "The Lord's will not mine, Be Done." She leaves two ch ildren, ten grandchildren and many relatives and friends to lourn her depa rture. Funeral services were conducted at the Presbyterian Church in Sprin ghill, Feb 3, at 1:30, by Rev H Thompson, of West Liberty. Interment at t he Salem Graveyard south of Springhill.
Champaign Co Ohio Guardianship records pg 430 27 Mar 1866 Isabelle Blue, g dn of Margaret E Blue, 9y 3/3/1866; B F Blue 7 yr 10 Dec 1865; heirs of Sa muel Blue, dec'd. Suritites Thomas R Long and Harrison Bodey
[HI18391] (Research):Record Book 32, Page 4- Filed 15 April 1863- Petition to Partition Talm on Harbour vs Elizabeth Harbour & Others Jesse Harbour, deceased, was the owner of t he north-west quarter of Section 29, south half of south-east quarter of S ection 36 (Harrison Township), 106 acres located on the west side of the n orth-east quarter of Section 35 (Concord Township) Township 4 Range 1 2. He also owned 80 acres of land located in the north half of the south-e ast quarter of Section 23 Township 10 Range 5 East (Shelby County, Ohio ). Jesse was the father of 20 children. His heirs were: Elizabeth Harbou r, widow; Rozina Harbour, deceased, wife of William McIntire (and moth er of Talitha McIntire, wife of Joseph Roberts; Jane McIntire, wife of Jo hn Curtis and William McIntire, a minor of Illinois); Harden Harbour, dece ased (father of Joseph Harbour); Jemima Harbour, deceased, wife of Abrah am Kelly (and mother of Joicy (also called Josephine) Kelly, wife of Willi am Blue; Nancy Ann Kelly, wife of James Blue; David Kelly of Logan Count y, Ohio; and Sarah Jane Kelly); Charity Harbour, wife of John Idle; Sus an Harbour, wife of William Fuson of Illinois; Lavina Harbour, wife of Mar tin Idle of Indiana; Elizabeth harbour, wife of Jeptha Northcutt; Talm on Harbour; John Harbour; Henry Harbour of Shelby Co, OH; Charles T Harbou r; Deborah harbour wife of Joseph Snyder; jane Harbour wife of George Kize r; and the minors, Mary Katherine, nancy, judah Simeon W and David Harbour
Name: «tab»Joysey Blue
Gender: «tab»Female
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»31 Dec 1886
Death Place: «tab»Concord Tp, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»49
Birth Date: «tab»1837
Birthplace: «tab»Concord Tp
Occupation: «tab»House Work
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07023-8
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 19
Name: «tab»Eurastis Guy
Death Date: «tab»03 Nov 1917
Death Place: «tab»Harrod, Allen, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»17 Apr 1836
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»81 years 6 months 16 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»05 Nov 1917
Burial Place: «tab»Woodstalk O
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Charles Guy
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»New Hampshire
Mother's Name: «tab»Eliza Bunker
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»New Hampshire
Film Number: «tab»1984116
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021653
Ohio State Democrat Newspaper Abstracts
March 12, 1857
A son of Mr Hefflebower of this county, lost his life by drowning a few weeks ago. He had gone to Missouri for the purpose of buying cattle and while attempting to cross the Missouri River on horseback, was drowned. His remains were brought home for burial.
(Research):Champaign Co Ohio Guardianship records pg 430 27 Mar 1866 Isabelle Blue, g dn of Margaret E Blue, 9y 3/3/1866; B F Blue 7 yr 10 Dec 1865; heirs of Sa muel Blue, dec'd. Suritites Thomas R Long and Harrison Bodey
COX MARGARE E County Name: MIAMI Date of Death: 3/26/1929 Volume Number: 5948 Certificate Number: 23243
(Research):Census Place:Concord, Champaign, Ohio 1880 Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 21 4C Isabella BLUESelfFWW54PAOccKeeping HouseFa: PAMo: PA Benjamin BLUESonMSW21OHFa: OHMo: PA Romanus COXSonLMMW22OHcc:LaborerFa: ---Mo: --- Margaret COXDauFMW23OHFa: OHMo: PA
Romanas Cox 49 W Ohio Champaign 1910 Wife Margaret E 51 Ohio Son Alva B 17 Ohio
Name : Romanes Cox
Death date : 04 Apr 1924
Death place : Urbana, Champaign Co., Ohio
Birth date : 30 Jun 1860
Birth place : Clark Co., Ohio
Age at death : 63 years 9 months 4 days
Gender : Male
Marital status : Married
Race or color : American
Street address :
Occupation : Farmer
Residence : 306 Sara St.
Burial date : 07 Apr 1924
Burial place : Millerstown
Cemetery name : Spring Grove
Spouse name : Margaret Cox
Father name : John Henry Cox
Father titles :
Father birth place : Clark Co., Ohio
Mother name : Phineas Waldron
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : Clark Co. Ohio
GSU film number : 1992494
Digital GS number : 4001566
Image number : 2836
Certificate number : fn 19860
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI18399] (Research):Champaign Co Ohio Guardianship records pg 430 27 Mar 1866 Isabelle Blue, g dn of Margaret E Blue, 9y 3/3/1866; B F Blue 7 yr 10 Dec 1865; heirs of Sa muel Blue, dec'd. Suritites Thomas R Long and Harrison Bodey
[XI18399] *Index Card Info, no tombstone was found... lots of unmarked graves in this area
[HI18400] (Research):ST. PARIS NEWS-DISPATCH, Thurs. 17 August 1939 Mrs. Sarah Jane BLUE , 67, was found dead last Saturday morning at the ho me of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John EATON, near North Lew isburg. Death was attributed to a heart attack. Mrs. BLUE had apparently b een in the best of health and with the Eaton family had attended the Champ aign County Fair on Friday. The deceased was a sister of three Urbana m en who have died in the recent past from heart attacks. These were Lewi s, Thomas and Edward HILTIBRAN. Both Lewis and Thomas died of heart attack s, one while visiting a physician's office and the other while unloadi ng a load of coal. Edward, the most recent death of the brothers, occurr ed May 15 when he was found dead in bed. Survivors include four children, who are: Mrs. Wallace CLEM, St. Paris; Jo hn BLUE , Urbana; Harvey BLUE , Rosewood, and Mrs. John EATON at whose ho me she died. She also leaves four brothers, Fred, John and Joseph, a ll of Urbana, and Isaac.
Name: «tab»Sarah J. Blue
Death Date: «tab»12 Aug 1939
Death Place: «tab»Wayne Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»24 Jun 1872
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»67 years 1 month 18 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»RFD
Occupation: «tab»Housekeeper
Residence: «tab»No. Lewisburg, Wayne Twp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»14 Aug 1939
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Myrtle Tree Cemty.
Spouse's Name: «tab»Benjamin Blue
Father's Name: «tab»Daniel Hiltibrand
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah Kite
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»2023763
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4019479
Image Number: «tab»943
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 51632
[HI18402] (Research):1903 Clark Co, Rural Directory Tremont City RFD No1 names children Lizz ie and Anna in household.
[HI18403] (Research):BLUE, Elizabeth Nevada Death date: 1/24/1942, Logan County Cer tificate #4036
name: «tab»Elizabeth Nevada Blue
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»24 Jan 1942
event place: «tab»Quincy, Logan, Ohio
residence: «tab»
street address: «tab»
gender: «tab»Female
death age: «tab»71y 9m 18d
marital status: «tab»Married
race: «tab»White
occupation: «tab»Housewife
birth date: «tab»06 Apr 1870
birthplace: «tab»Pemberton, Ohio
estimated birth year: «tab»1871
burial date: «tab»27 Jan 1942
burial place: «tab»
cemetery: «tab»Quincy Cemetery
father: «tab»Martin White
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
mother: «tab»Margaret Farnsworth
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»Scotland
spouse: «tab»Leroy L. Blue
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»fn 4036
film number: «tab»2023979
digital folder number: «tab»4035671
image number: «tab»1239
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XZTM-C5K : accessed 12 Nov 2012), Elizabeth Nevada Blue, 1942; citing reference fn 4036, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
[HI18406] (Research):Census records indiacte she was born c 1863 and also cemetery records. Fun eral home records say 1866
(Research):Funeral home records and cemetery records indicate past name was PURK. I w ill have to check with a researcher to see if they shortened the name
Purkepyle, Leonard Lived in: Urbana Township, Champaign County, Ohio 1900 Series: T623 Microfilm: 1245 Book: 1 Page: 214 b 3/1858
Name: Amanda Blue
Death date: 28 Jan 1912
Death place: Mcarthur, Logan, Ohio
Birth date: 30 Jan 1870
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Va
Age at death: 41 years 11 months 28 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: American
Street address:
Occupation: Housewife
Burial date: 31 Jan 1912
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Huntsville Cem
Spouse's name:
Father's name: J K Mcintire
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: O.
Mother's name: Zelpha Reigner
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Va
GSU film number: 1953230
Digital GS number: 4021174
Image number: 1058
Reference number: fn 3712
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: Ira Freeman Clem
Death date: 04 Sep 1944
Death place: Lima, Allen, Ohio
Birth date: 14 Jan 1867
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Champaign Co., Oh
Age at death: 77 years 7 months 20 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Burial date: 07 Sep 1944
Burial place: Lima, Oh
Cemetery name: Woodlawn
Spouse name: Rosabelle Pears Clem
Father name: Lewis C. Clem
Father titles:
Father birth place: Champaign Co., Oh
Mother name: Amy Pence
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Oh
GSU film number: 2032404
Digital GS number: 4024525
Image number: 271
Reference number: fn 53731
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: Emma Curl
Death date: 07 Dec 1937
Death place: Bellefontaine, Ohio
Birth date: 09 Feb 1889
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Spring Hill, Ohio
Age at death: 47 years 9 months 28 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 317 N. Stanley St., 2 Ward
Occupation: At Home
Residence: Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio
Burial date: 09 Dec 1937
Burial place: De Graff, Ohio
Cemetery name:
Spouse's name: Mose Curl
Father's name: Jim Tucker
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: Dark County, Ohio
Mother's name: Phoebe Buck
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Champaign Co., Ohio
GSU film number: 2023551
Digital GS number: 4121800
Image number: 2284
Reference number: fn 77017
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: Henry Powell Ford
Death date: 17 Apr 1915
Death place: Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Birth date: 13 Jul 1856
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Springfield, Oh
Age at death: 59 years 9 months 4 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: Lincoln Hotel
Occupation: Special Agent- George Washington Co, Cleveland
Burial date: 19 Apr 1915
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Green Lawn
Father name: William Ford
Father birth place: U. S.
Mother name: Powell
Informant Mrs C M Wambaugh
GSU film number: 1983345
Digital GS number: 4021316
Image number: 1902
Reference number: fn 21755
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: Elnathan Cory Miller
Death date: 12 Aug 1915
Death place: Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date: 18 Jun 1823
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Springfield, Clark Co., Ohio
Age at death: 92 years 1 month 25 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Retired Farmer
Burial date: 14 Aug 1915
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Oak Dale Cemetary
Spouse name:
Father name: John P. Miller
Father titles:
Father birth place: Washington Co./Pa.
Mother name: Eliza Cory
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: New Carlyle
GSU film number: 1983428
Digital GS number: 4025083
Image number: 1877
Reference number: fn 42149
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[NI18421] Poss md Howard Pearson 2/6/1853 Champ Co, OH
[HI18429] (Research):WILLIAM D. "BILL" JENKINS 79, of 3545 Heck Road, Saint Paris, passed aw ay on Saturday, January 17, 2004 at 12:30 a.m. in residence. He was bo rn in Piqua, Ohio on June 14, 1924, the son of the late Worden and Lucil le (Beaty) Jenkins. Mr. Jenkins was a 1942 graduate of Christiansburg-Jack son High School, Saint Paris and was engaged in farming for most of his li fe. Bill was a member of the Grafton United Methodist Church and the Champ aign County Farm Bureau. He had formerly been employed by Printz-Allen Co al Company and Saint Paris Oil Company, both of Saint Paris. On Februa ry 7, 1948, Bill married the former Miriam M. Stevens. She is survives alo ng with two daughters, Sandra S. (David) Youtz of Rosewood and Linda D. (K im) Calland of Piqua; one son, Steven L. (Karla) Jenkins of Saint Paris; t wo granddaughters, Jennifer L. (Stephen) Boysen of Ontario, Canada and Bet hany A. Calland of Lansing, Michigan; four grandsons, Bryan L. (Yuriko) Cl ark of Cambridge, England, Brett M. (Sally) Calland of Wanatah, Indiana, A aron K. Jenkins and Carter S. Jenkins, both of Saint Paris; one great-gran ddaughter, Amelia Clark of Cambride, England; three brothers, Richard (Del ores) Jenkins, James (Carolyn) Jenkins and Robert (Elsa) Jenkins all of Sa int Paris; two sisters, Martha (Sylvan) Pence and Marie (Arthur) Bovey, bo th of Saint Paris; a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services wi ll be held on Tuesday, January 20, 2004 at 11 a.m. in the RICHESON-WICKH AM AND ATKINS FUNERAL HOME, 216 South Springfield Street, Saint Paris, wi th Rev. Edward Groff of St. Marys, Ohio officiating. Burial will foll ow in Evergreen Cemetery, Saint Paris. Visitation for family and friends w ill be on Monday, January 19, from 4-8 p.m. in the funeral home. Donatio ns may be made in Bill’s memory to either Hospice of Miami County, P.O. B ox 502, Troy, Ohio 45373 or Chirstiansburg Fire Department, P.O. Box 30 0, Christiansburg, Ohio 45389. Pallbearers will be Brett M. Calland, Aar on K. Jenkins, Carter S. Jenkins, Stephen Boysen, Rob Lillicrap and Dav id Jenkins. Honorary pallbearer is Bryan L. Clark. First published in SNS on Jan 18 2004
[HI18432] (Research):PRESTON, Alva E. Death date: 11/8/1934, Champaign County Volu me #7651, Certificate #64511
Name: «tab»Alva Edmond Preston
Death Date: «tab»08 Nov 1934
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1875
Birthplace: «tab»
Death Age: «tab»59 years 8 months 9 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»
Race or Color: «tab»
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Jim Sellers
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Ann Preston
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2022230
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4024261
Image Number: «tab»2633
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 64511
[HI18435] (Research):NEFF GEORGE G County Name: FRANKLIN Date of Death: 10/26/1922 Volume Number: 3977 Certificate Number: 52860
[HI18437] (Research):d/o Ira Goble and Catherine Burke
[XI18442] Tombstone reads death in 1922, obit clipping dated 12/29/1907 Served in the Civil War
Name: «tab»Jacob Archer
Death Date: «tab»07 Sep 1926
Death Place: «tab»Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»24 Oct 1877
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Logan Co, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»48 years 10 months 13 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Laborer On Section
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»09 Sep 1926
Burial Place: «tab»Logan Co, O.
Cemetery Name: «tab»Plum Cem
Spouse's Name: «tab»Rosella Archer
Father's Name: «tab»Aaron Archer
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Margaret Heath
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1984474
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021928
Image Number: «tab»383
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 56878
Name: «tab»Estella E. Davis
Death Date: «tab»14 Mar 1927
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»Sep 1867
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»N. Hampton, O.
Death Age: «tab»59 years 6 months
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»N. Hampton. O.
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»17 Mar 1927
Burial Place: «tab»Asbury, N. Hampton, Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»M. O. Davis
Father's Name: «tab»Lippincott Derius
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»U. S.
Mother's Name: «tab»Delia Poole
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»U. S.
Film Number: «tab»1984700
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021958
Image Number: «tab»2760
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 13705
[HI18447] (Research):s/p James Duncan and Isabella Stuart of Scotland
Name: «tab»James Duncan
Death Date: «tab»24 May 1920
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»07 Oct 1847
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Scotland
Death Age: «tab»72 years 7 months 17 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»233 W Court, 4 Ward
Occupation: «tab»Ret. Farmer
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»26 May 1920
Burial Place: «tab»Urbana, O.
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Emily F. Duncan
Father's Name: «tab»Jas. Duncan
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Scotland
Mother's Name: «tab»Isabel Stewart
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Scotland
Film Number: «tab»1991132
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4157167
Image Number: «tab»2313
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 34185
(Research):War of 1812 Jesse Colbert - Pvt Capt. Thomas Stretch's Company
Jesse Colbert in 1801 Mason Co Ky Tax List on June 12, 1801 vol 7 pg 5
Champaign County History 1991 - Biography Pg 107
Champaign County, Ohio - Court of Common Pleas - Chancery Records - Volume: 24 Pages: 425 - 429
John Colbert Vs Elizabeth Wilson et alPetition for Partition
Be it remembered that on the 12th day of January AD 1853, came the said p etitioner by his attorneys and filed the following partition to wit: To t he Court of Common Pleas of the County of Champaign and State of Ohio. Yo ur petitioner JOHN COLBERT of Champaign County and State of Ohio respectfu lly represents that in August of the year 1852 one JESSE COLBERT of Champa ign County died intestate seized of an estate in fee simple in the followi ng lands and tenements in said county described as follows. The east ha lf of the north-east quarter of Section 21 Township 3 Range 11 containi ng eighty acres more or less; That said premises descended to the followi ng persons, the children and grandchildren of said JESSE COLBERT deceas ed and is now owned by them in the following proportions, as coparcene rs to wit: 1. Your petitioner as son of said JESSE COLBERT, deceased, one undivided t welfth part of said premises in fee. 2. ELIZABETH WILSON, wife of AMOS WILSON who resides in Green County, Oh io one undivided twelfth part of said premises in fee. 3. TOLIVER COLBERT, ALSY COLBERT JACKSON, wife of DANIEL JACKSON, CATHERI NE HUDDLESTON, GEORGE COLBERT who resides in the State of Indiana, the sa id TOLIVER, ALSY, CATHERINE & GEORGE being each entitled to one twelf th of said premises in fee. 4. MATILDA HUDDLESTON HUDSON wife of WILLIAM HUDDLESTON HUDSON resid es in Champaign County, the said MATILDA being the only child and he ir of SUSAN HART deceased, who was a daughter of the said JESSE COLBERT de ceased, the said MATILDA being entitled to one undivided twelfth of said p remises in fee. 5. The children and heirs of HUMPHREY COLBERT deceased who was a son of t he said JESSE COLBERT deceased who are six in number and whose names are M ARTHA COLBERT and LYDIA LETITIA COLBERT who are minors and who reside in C hampaign County, Ohio WILLIAM, JESSE, PHEBE ANN, and JULIA ANN COLBERT w ho reside in Indiana who are each entitled to 1/6th of one undivided twelf th of said premises. 6. DELILA PENCE wife of WILLIAM PENCE, NANCY BOSWELL wife of DAVID BOSWEL L, who resides in Champaign County, Ohio, DELILA and NANCY being daughte rs of the said JESSE COLBERT deceased said being each entitled to one undi vided twelfth of said premises in fee. 7. LUCINDA PUTNAM wife of DANIEL PUTMAN who reside in Illinois said LUCIN DA being a daughter of said JESSE COLBERT deceased and being entitled to o ne undivided twelfth of said premises in fee. 8. JESSE COLBERT a son of said JESSE COLBERT deceased who died having chil dren whose names and number are unknown to petitioner but all reside in In diana and who are entitled to one twelfth of said premises. Your petition er further states represents that are part of said premises will be need ed to pay debts of decedent. Your petitioner prays that said AMOS WILSON a nd ELIZABETH WILSON his wife, TOLIVER COLBERT, DANIEL JACKSON, and ALSY JA CKSON his wife, HENRY HUDDLESTON and CATHERINE HUDDLESTON his wife, WILLI AM HUDSON and MATILDA HUDSON his wife, GEORGE COLBERT, WILLIAM PENCE, a nd DELILA PENCE his wife, DAVID BOSWELL and NANCY BOSWELL his wife, DANI EL PUTMAN and LUCINDA PUTMAN his wife and the unknown heirs and legal repr esentatives of JESSE COLBERT deceased and FRANCES COLBERT may be made part ies defendant to the petition and that the dower of said FRANCES COLBERT m ay be assigned to her and that protection of said premises may be made a nd the portion of each assigned to him or her in severally, or if it sha ll appear that partition cannot take out manifest injury be made, then th at the same may be made, then that the same may be sold, another order tak en pursuant to the Statute in such case made and preceded YOUNG & LEEDOM a tty. for petitioner. And afterwards on the 14th day of March A.D. 1853, t he following publication of notice was filed to wit:
"Champaign Common Pleas, JOHN COLBERT vs ELIZABETH WILSON et al. In partition AMOS WILSON and ELIZABETH WILSON his wife, who reside in Gre en County, Ohio, TOLIVER COLBERT, DAVID JACKSON, and ALSY JACKSON his wif e, HENRY HUDDLESTON and CATHERINE HUDDLESTON his wife, and GEORGE COLBER T, who resides in Indiana, WILLIAM HUDSON and MARTHA HUDSON his wife of Ch ampaign County, Ohio, MARTHA COLBERT and LYDIA LETITIA COLBERT who are min ors and reside in Champaign County, Ohio, WILLIAM, JESSE, PHEBE ANN, and J ULIA ANN COLBERT who reside in Indiana, WILLIAM PENCE and DELILA PENCE h is wife, DAVID BOSWELL and NANCY BOSWELL his wife who reside in Champai gn County, DAVID PUTMAN and LUCINDA PUTMAN his wife who reside in the Sta te of Illinois, the heirs of JESSE COLBERT JR.., whose names and number a re unknown who reside in Indiana, FRANCES COLBERT widow of JESSE COLBERT d eceased who resides in Champaign County, Ohio will take notice that on t he 12th day of January A.D. 1853, the said JOHN COLBERT filed a petiti on in the Court of Common Pleas of Champaign County, Ohio who the sa me is now pending demanding partition of the following premises situa te in said county of Champaign: The east half of the north-east quart er of Section 23, Township 3, Range 11, containing eighty acres of land mo re or less. The said JOHN COLBERT demands that partition be made of said p remises as follows: To the said JOHN COLBERT one 12th , and to the said EL IZABETH WILSON, TOLIVER COLBERT, ALSY JACKSON, CATHERINE HUDDLESTON, GEOR GE COLBERT, MATILDA HUDSON, DELILA PENCE, NANCY BOSWELL and LUCINDA PUTM AN each one 12th and to the said MARTHA COLBERT, LYDIA LETITIA COLBERT, WI LLIAM COLBERT, JESSE COLBERT, PHEBE ANN COLBERT, JULIA ANN COLBERT each o ne sixth of one twelfth part, and to the said unknown heirs of JESSE COLBE RT JR. deceased one twelfth. At the next term of said court an applicati on will be made by the said JOHN COLBERT for an order that partition be ma de of said premises YOUNG & LEEDOM atty. for said petitioner. State of Oh io Champaign County ss: Personally appeared in open Court, JOSHUA SAXTO N, Editor of Urbana Citizen & Gazette, and made a solemn oath that the not ice hereunto attached was published six consecutive weeks next after Janua ry 14th, 1853 in said paper printed in and of general circulation in the c ounty aforesaid. JOSHUA SAXTON sworn and subscribed to before me this 14 th day of March A.D. 1853 WM. F. MUSGROVE clerk:
And at the March Term of our said Court A.D. 1853, to wit Friday 15 th it is ordered that ICHABOD CORWIN ? ? ? he is hereby appointed guardi an ad litem to MARTHA COLBERT, and LYDIA LETITIA COLBERT infant defendan ts named in the petition. And the said ICHABOD CORWIN appeared in open cou rt and accepted said appointment. And afterwards the following answer of s aid guardian was filed to wit: And the said MARTHA COLBERT and LYDIA LETIT IA COLBERT infant defendants in said petition named by ICHABOD CORWIN the ir guardian ad litem appointed by this court for answer to said petition s ays that they are of tender years and ignorant of the matters in said peti tion set forth and pray the protection of the court in the premises. MART HA COLBERT and LYDIA LETITIA COLBERT by I. CORWIN their guardian ad lit em and as yet of the March Term of said court A.D. 1853 to wit:
Tuesday 15th this cause came to be heard upon the petition and in conside ration whereof and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that d ue notice hath been given _____ ? ____ than family appearance to the prese nt term of the precedence and demands of said petition as required by l aw and that the demandant hath a legal right and estate in the premises de scribed in the petition and as there in set forth and are sufficient reas on appearing why petition should not be made on motion to the Court by YOU NG & LEEDOM council for the petitioner it is ordered that by the oat hs of JOHN MCMORRAN, ALLEN PENCE, and AMBROSE GRAFTON judicious disinteres ted freeholders of the vicinity one full equal third part of the lan ds in the petition mentioned described be assessed and set off to the sa id FRANCES COLBERT as her dower estate right and that by the like oat hs of the same JOHN MCMORRAN, ALLEN PENCE, and AMBROSE GRAFTON partiti on be made of said lands subject to said dower estate in the following pro portions to wit: To the said JOHN COLBERT one equal twelfth part: To the s aid ELIZABETH WILSON, TOLIVER COLBERT, ALSEY JACKSON, CATHERINE HUDDLESTO N, GEORGE COLBERT, MATILDA HUDSON, DELILA PENCE, NANCY BOSWELL, and LUCIN DA PUTMAN each one equal twelfth part: To the said MARTHA COLBERT, LYDIA L ETITIA COLBERT, WILLIAM COLBERT, JESSE COLBERT, PHEBE ANN COLBERT, and JUL IA ANN COLBERT each one equal seventh second part. And it is further order ed that a writ of partition issue to the Sheriff of Champaign County comma nding him to cause said dower to be assigned, and said partition to be ma de accordingly. And make return of his proceedings at this term. And there upon our writ of dower and partition issued as follows to wit:
The State of Ohio Champaign County ss: To the Sheriff of said County Greet ing: We command you that without delay by the oaths of JOHN MCMORRAN, ALL EN PENCE, and AMBROSE GRAFTON you cause FRANCES COLBERT, widow to be endow ed of one full equal third part of the following real estate situate in sa id County of Champaign and State aforesaid and described as follows: The e ast-half of the north-east quarter of Section 21, Township 3, Range 11 con taining eighty acres of land more or less and also that in like manner a nd by the like oaths of the same JOHN MCMORRAN, ALLEN PENCE, and AMBROSE G RAFTON you cause partitions to be made of the same lands, subject to sa id dower estate issuing the following persons and the following proportio ns to wit: To the said JOHN COLBERT one equal twelfth part: To the said EL IZABETH WILSON, TOLIVER COLBERT, ALSY JACKSON, CATHERINE HUDDLESTON and LU CINDA PUTMAN each one twelfth part. To the said MARTHA COLBERT, LYDIA LETI TIA COLBERT, WILLIAM COLBERT, JESSE COLBERT, PHEBE ANN COLBERT, and JUL IA ANN COLBERT each one equal seventh second part, and to the said unkno wn heirs of JESSE COLBERT JR. deceased one equal twelfth part: In preserve nce of an order lately made in our said Court of Common Pleas within and f or the said County of Champaign in a certain petition for partition where in JOHN COLBERT is petitioner and ELIZABETH WILSON et al are defendants, a nd that your proceedings in the premises you distinctly certify under yo ur hand to our said Court of Common Pleas within and for the said Coun ty of Champaign at the present term thereof together with this writ: Witne ss WILLIAM F. MUSGROVE Clerk of our said Court of Common Pleas this 15th d ay of March A.D. 1853. W.F. MOSGROVE which said writ was sealed with the s eal of said County and afterwards returned by the Sheriff of said County o rdered thus to wit:
I have executed this writ by the oaths of the within named commissioners w hose report together with the surveyors plat is herewith annexed and ma de part of this return. D. F. SPAIN per JOHN WEST deputy: The followi ng is the report of the commissioners and surveyors plat referred to and m ade part of the foregoing return to wit:
We the undersigned commissioners after being first duly sworn by JOHN WE ST deputy sheriff of Champaign County and upon actual view of the premise s, do set off and assign unto the said FRANCES COLBERT, widow of JESSE COL BERT deceased as her dower estate in the lands herein described to wit: ab out twenty-four acres as referenced to the surveyors plat herewith annex ed will more fully show. And after due deliberation we are of opinion th at said land cannot be partitioned as herein commanded without manifest in jury to the same, we therefore estimate the value of said land, subje ct to the dower interest above laid out at sixteen dollars per acre. Giv en under our hands this 18th day of March 1853. AMBROSE GRAFTON, ALLEN PEN CE, JOHN MCMORRAN.
A true plat of survey of the east half of the north-east quarter of secti on 21, Tract 5, Range 11 MRS done under are order partition from the Cou rt of Common Pleas for Champaign County, Ohio et al. This March Term 18 53 in the case of John Colbert vs Elizabeth Wilson et al. March 18, 1853 {There is a sketch also included here}
And as yet of the same term to wit: March 24th on motion to the Court by c ouncil for the petitioner and upon producing the proceedings of the sheri ff and the expert word proceedings of the commissioners herein before appo inted to make partition and assign dower to the said FRANCES COLBERT and t he same being examined: It is ordered that said proceeding be and the sa me are hereby approved and confirmed and it is ordered, that the said FRAN CES COLBERT hold the -- ? -- as for her dower during her natural life t he premises so set off and assigned to her. And thereupon this case is con tinued for election. And as yet of the March term of our said court A.D. 1 853 to wit Friday 25th. The continuance is entered in this case at the pr esent term of this court is by consent of parties opened up, and the sa id DAVID BOSWELL agrees to release, and does release all claims for servic es or otherwise against the estate of said JESSE COLBERT, who died seiz ed of the land in the petition described, and the other parties to this su it agree that no claim shall be made by the Administrator of said JESSE CO LBERT deceased against said BOSWELL. And thereupon the said DAVID BOSWE LL -- ? - to that said real estate at the said evaluation of said commiss ioners, and being entitled in his own right to one twelfth thereof, a nd by purchase from WILLIAM HUDSON and MATILDA HUDSON his wife, and AMOS W ILSON and ELIZABETH WILSON to two twelfths thereof and having paid and sec ured to be paid to the said JOHN COLBERT, TOLIVER COLBERT, ALSY JACKSON, w ife of the said DANIEL JACKSON, CATHERINE HUDDLESTON, wife of HENRY HUDDLE STON, GEORGE COLBERT, the children and heirs of HUMPHREY COLBERT, DELILA P ENCE, wife of WILLIAM PENCE, LUCINDA PUTMAN, wife of DANIEL PUTMAN, and t he children and heirs of JESSE COLBERT JR. deceased their respective porti ons of the appraised value thereof, the said estate is hereby adjudg ed to the said DAVID BOSWELL, and the said sheriff is ordered to execu te a deed in fee simple for the same to the said DAVID BOSWELL on being sa tisfied that said payment has been made and secured to be paid accordi ng to the Statute in such case made and provided. And it is further order ed that the costs of this suit taxed at $ --- including a fee of thirty do llars to counsel for the petitioner be paid within ten days, by the parti es in proportion to their shares to wit, by said DAVID BOSWELL, three twel fths thereof and by the said JOHN and others in proportion to their said s everal interests.
[NI18451] 1897 of Lawrence, KY
[HI18452] (Research):Obit: at age 16 removed with his parents to Ky and from there to Brown County, Ohio where he married his wif.e who survives. Raised 12 children, had 1 05 grch and 140 gr grch
Social Security Death Index about Elsie M. Landing
Name: «tab»Elsie M. Landing
SSN: «tab»493-01-1209
Last Residence: «tab»63114 Saint Louis, Saint Louis, Missouri,
Born: «tab»17 Jul 1906
Died: «tab»21 Jul 1997
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Missouri (Before 1951)
[HI18462] (Research):James Ambrose Landing was always called Ambrose.
Social Security Death Index about Ambrose J. Landing
Name: «tab»Ambrose J. Landing
SSN: «tab»497-07-9023
Last Residence: «tab»63114 Saint Louis, Saint Louis, Missouri,
Born: «tab»24 Feb 1902
Died: «tab»2 Oct 1989
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Missouri (Before 1951)
[HI18463] (Research):PG 91LYDIA E HUMPKREYS PROBATED 29 JUN 1907 URBANA TWP [DIED 26 JUN 1907] Heirs-Jenfletta W Runk1e~-SiS--W Liberty; Truman B Gest-nepUrbana; Sar ah A Numper-niece-Urbafla Luther C Carter-nep-Greenville, Ii; Lydia Johnso n-fliecePasadefla, Ca; Euphemia McLaughlin-nieCeAflfladale, N J; Matilda H oge-niece-Kentofl William W Runkle-nep-FindlaY; Heirs of Eugene Runkle dec ~dnames and res unk but somewhere in Eastern States. To commissioners of Champaign County and their successors, real esta te of 200 acres in Salem Twp known as James P Humphrey's farm and real est ate in Salem Twp of 65 acres known as pond farm; all above farm owned by J ames P Humphreys to be used for following purpose-to be set apart and he ld and managed as Children's Orphan Home or Asylum and known as "Humphrey 's Childrens Home of Champaign County". William R Warnock to be executor a nd sell land in Bokes Twp, Logan Co of 306 acres formerly owned by James H umphreys, house and lot in W Liberty; proceeds from sale used by Cha mp Co commissioners to erect buildings and improvements for above children 's home. William R Warnock executor Witness:George M Eichelberger [now dec'd] N N Sayre [now dec'd] will signed 2 Jan 1890 West Liberty
ame: «tab»Truman B. Gest
Death Date: «tab»08 Sep 1934
Death Place: «tab»Urbana Township, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»16 Feb 1855
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»79 years 7 months 22 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»507 North Main
Occupation: «tab»Retired Stock Buyer
Residence: «tab»Urbana Township, Champaign, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»11 Sep 1934
Burial Place: «tab»Oak Dale
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Mamie Enoch Gest
Father's Name: «tab»William B. Gest
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Green County, Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Harriet Matilda Parke
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»New Jersey
Film Number: «tab»1993041
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4001908
Image Number: «tab»2898
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 52919
[HI18469] (Research):1880 Champaign Co, Concord, OH pg 210 James ARNOLD Self W Male W 26 OH Farmer PA OH Charles BRANSTITER Other S Male W 27 OH Labor
Elizabeth Myers Branstetter
Birth: «tab»Jan. 8, 1861
Springfield Clark County
Death: «tab»Dec. 26, 1947
Urbana Champaign County
*Cemetery Book Info
Daughter of Jacob Myers
Wife of Charles Branstetter
Oak Dale Cemetery
Urbana Champaign County
Plot: Section 66 - Lot 56
Created by: Candy
Record added: Jan 25, 2009
Find A Grave Memorial# 33229993
[HI18470] (Research):1886 Marion, IN
[HI18472] (Research):Champaign Early settlers says this man died in a cholera epidemic in 1849
Springfield Daily News (Tuesday May 6, 1947)
Mrs. Emma A. SHAWVER, 74, of 335 ½ W. Main St., widow of Wesley SHAWVER, died at 10 a.m. Tuesday in the Springfield City Hospital after a three-week illness. Mrs. SHAWVER, who was a resident of Clark County all her life, was a member of the Grace Evangelical and Reformed Church. She was born October 22, 1872, the daughter of Andrew Jackson and Lucinda BAKER WAGNER, natives of Clark County. Survivors are four sisters, Mrs. Clara CHATWOOD, Mrs. Lena SHROYER and Mrs. Delsa BRUBAKER, all of Springfield, and Mrs. Orma ARMSTRONG of St. Paris; four brothers, Carlton WAGNER of St. Paris, and William, Napoleon and A. J. WAGNER, all of Springfield. The body was removed to the Littleton Funeral Home.
Ohio Death Certificate
Name: Emma A. SHAWVER
Death date: 06 May 1947
Death place: Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth date: 22 October 1872
Birth place: Clark County, Ohio
Age at death: 74 years 6 months 14 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Burial date: May 9, 1947
Informant: Mrs. Orma ARMSTRONG St. Paris, Ohio
Cemetery name: Tremont Cemetery
Spouse name: Wesley SHAWVER
Father name: Andrew Jackson WAGNER
Mother name: Lucinda BAKER
Cause of Death: Hemorrhage from esophageal varices due to substernal goiter
Reference number: 29027
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Orvin R Birt
Name: «tab»Orvin R Birt
Birth Date: «tab»1910
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»11 Jul 1978
Hospital of Death: «tab»Mercy Medical Center
City of Death: «tab»Springfield
County of Death: «tab»Clark
Certificate: «tab»047793
Age at Death: «tab»68
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, unknown if used for certification
Marital Status: «tab»Married
(Research):Jack David Sheets April 01, 1906 - May 02, 2001
Birthplace: Clark County, OH Resided In: Springfield OH USA Visitation: May 04, 2001 Service: May 05, 2001 Cemetery: Ferncliff Cemetery
JACK DAVID SHEETS, 95, of Springfield died Wednesday afternoon, May 2, 20 01 in the Ohio Masonic Home. He was born April 3, 1906 in Clark County, O hio, the son of Perrin A. and Ida Mae (Stonebrunner) Sheets.
Mr. Sheets was a member of Central United Methodist Church, Clark Lod ge #101 Free and Accepted Masons, Shawnee Chapter #237 Royal Arch Mason s, Springfield Council #17 Royal and Select Masons; Palestine Commandery # 33 Knights Templar, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Valley of Dayton, Antio ch Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. of Dayton, Springfield-Clark County Shrine Club, Hi gh Twelve Club #429, National Sojourners Heroes of ‘76, The Retired Office rs Association, The American Legion, Clark Post #362, Veterans of Forei gn Wars of U. S. Post #1031, and 37th Division Veterans Association.
He served in the United States Army as a Colonel during World War I I, spending three years in the South Pacific Area, and two years at the Pe ntagon in The Military District of Washington. He commanded the local Nat ional Guard, Company “M”, 147th Infantry Divison and took that organizati on into Federal Military Service on October 15, 1940. Mr. Sheets retir ed as a Colonel of United States Army on May 1, 1966.
He is survived by his wife, Frances (Lennon) Sheets. He was preced ed in death by his parents; first wife, Helen Elizabeth (Granger) Sheet s, who passed away in 1968; two cousins, Pauline Baker and Arthur W. Sheet s.
A gathering of family and friends will be held in the LITTLETON & R UE FUNERAL HOME, SPRINGFIELD Friday from 5-7 p.m. Funeral services wi ll be held in the funeral home Saturday at 2:00 p.m. with Pastor Howard Be nson officiating. Burial will be in Ferncliff Cemetery. Memorial gifts m ay be made to Shriners Hospital for Children, 3229 Burnet Avenue, Cincinna ti, Ohio 45229.
[HI18478] (Research):Champaign County Infirmary Records CCGS Newsletter Fall 1990 Admitted 4/7/1875 age 18 Urbana, Discharged, date not noted
Name: «tab»Christine Cox
Death Date: «tab»19 Jul 1916
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign Co., Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»08 May 1856
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»60 years 2 months 10 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»21 Jul 1916
Burial Place: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Henry Beauslettes
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1983750
[HI18484] (Research):Teachers Term Report Johnson Twp Dist # 9 Winter Term 9/15/1884-3/9//18 85 William Rhymard- Teacher (From CCGS Newsletter Summer 1992 pg 59) Walter G Huffman age 12
[HI18486] (Research):Name: Clarence M Humes Birthplace: Ohio State: OH 1910 Age: 40 Color: W Enumeration District: 0101 Visit: 0109 County: Lawrence, Ironton City Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Margarett E 35 Ohio SIL Kate Mcgugin 48 Ohio
Groom's Name: «tab»Albert T. Smith
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1882
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»West Jefferson, Ohio
Groom's Age: «tab»35
Bride's Name: «tab»Mary M. Sparks
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1898
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Irwin, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»19
Marriage Date: «tab»29 May 1917
Marriage Place: «tab»Union, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Joseph Smith
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Anna Braithwaite
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»James Sparks
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Janie Woodward
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
[HI18491] (Research):1930 census names a step son John E Stembel, age 10
[DI18491] Name: Lester Demory Gender: Male Date of Death: 08 June 1975 Volume: 22110 Certificate: 040136 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Springifield, Clark County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 81 Years
[HI18498] (Research):Kimmell, William W. Lived in: 1 Ward Pella, Marion County, Iowa Series: T623 Microfilm: 447 Book: 1 Page: 125
Name: «tab»Olive O. Rhoades
Death Date: «tab»02 Dec 1939
Death Place: «tab»Lima, Allen, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»26 Oct 1866
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Logan Co., Ohio
Death Age: «tab»73 years 1 month 6 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»House Keeper
Residence: «tab»Logan County
Burial Date: «tab»05 Dec 1939
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Plum Cemetery
Spouse's Name: «tab»Geo. Rhoades
Father's Name: «tab»James Pence
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Amanda Rolinson
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Stokes Township
Film Number: «tab»2023769
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4020659
Image Number: «tab»2066
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 69866
(Research):CCGS News Vol 22 No3 pg 88 Western Citizen July 5 1842 Remaining in the post office at Urbana, Ohio on the evening of June 30 18 42, which if not taken by the 1st day of October 1842, will be sent to t he General Post Office as dead letters Christopher Kenager
1850 Champaign Co, OH Urbana,m pg 378 Christopher Kenaga 63 PA Susan 60 PA 9 death see CHCS 1855-1871 pg 93 died in New Albany IN 5/24/18 63 Mary Nancyhulser 13 PA I N Kenaga 30 OH Fletcher 22, OH
Record Book 24 Page 281 Filed 23 June 1851 Petition for Dower Armintha Neville vs Christopher Kenaga Henry Neville died in the fall of 1850 in Edgar Co, ILL. He had previos ly sold 10 acres of Sec 23 Twp 5 Rang 11 (Urbana), to Christopher Kenag a. However Armenthia had not signed a release and she was petitioning f or her dower portion
Citizen and Gazette .1 Nov 1877
Death of Mr. Christopher Kenaga
Mr. Christopher Kenaga, an old and well known citizen of Urbana died at the residence of his son, Mr. Josiah .Kenaga, near Hutchison, Kansas, Sept. 31st, 1877, in the 92nd year of his age.
The deceased was born in Lancaster county, Penn, August 26, 1786; Moved to Urbana, Ohio, in. 1812. and then to Kansas in 1868. He joined the Methodist Church in 1806, and remained a worthy member to the time of his death, a period of 71 years. Of course, the end of such a life was peace and triumph. Through the feebleness and infirmities of a protracted old age, "his faith never wavered, and most of the time his joy was inexpressible." Mr. K. was well and favorably known here and his numerous friends will be glad to learn that at a ripe old age he passed away in the faith of the Gospel of Christ, which he professed over three score years and ten.
Name: «tab»Raymond E. South
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»16 Nov 1927
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»24
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»7-4-1903 Urbana
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Earl South
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Nora Moyer
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Thelma E. Cooper
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»8-19-1907 Champaign Co
Spouse's Father: «tab»Charles Cooper
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Anna Hurnes
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»24
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»431
Name: «tab»Alexander Jay Miller
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»27 Nov 1901
Event Place: «tab»Piqua, Ohio
Age: «tab»20
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1881
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Alexander W. Miller
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Ella M. Howenstien
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Lucie Edith Middleton
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»23
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1878
Spouse's Father: «tab»E.P. Middleton
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Zeppa Rippetoe
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn M-675 P338
Film Number: «tab»530189
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016810
Image Number: «tab»635
[HI18507] (Research):Aliner was an only child. of William and Elizabeth Thompson. Wm, died 1804
[HI18508] (Research):Joseph Board was a half brother to Benjamin F. Board. Joseph was a Bapti st Preacher, also, a tanner by trade. He lived in Hopkins County in 18 50 and in Caldwell County, Kentucky in 1860.
(Research):Public Records of Champaign County, Ohio, Chancery Records of the Cou rt of Common Pleas, Volume 2, by Pat Stickley and Denise Kay Moore, unpub lished
Page 13 Record Book 24, Page 302 - Filed 24 July 1850 - Petition to Sell Bartholomew Gardner, Guardian vs William Crim et a Bartholomew Gardner, of Logan County, Illinois, was the guardian of Loui sa Jane Crim, daughter and heir of Samuel Crim, deceased, also of Logan Co unty. Louisa was an heir of her grandfather, Daniel Crim. When Daniel Cr im died he owned 172 acres of land in Section 16 of Concord Township, Cham paign County. The heirs in common were: William Crim; Charles Crim; Eliz abeth Crim Stevens; Sarah Crim, wife of Shepherd Newcomb; Margaret Crim; S amuel Stevens (child & heir of Barbara Ann Crim, late wife of Thomas H. St evens); Mary Ellen Crim, wife of Stacey English and Catharine Crim, wi fe of Talman Harbour.
Kentucky, Death Records, 1852-1953 about Almita Jenkins
Name: «tab»Almita Jenkins
[Almita Board]
Death Date: «tab»21 Jan 1915
Death Location: «tab»Caldwell
Gender: «tab»Female
Ethnicity: «tab»White
Birth Location: «tab»Caldwell
Father's Name: «tab»Ben Board
Father's Birth Location: «tab»Caldwell, Kentucky
[HI18516] (Research):The Book "Caldwell County Kentucky History" gave Stella's birth date as 19 03, but I must have obtained the birth date from Geneva, Uncle Andy's daug hter.
Kentucky, Death Records, 1852-1953 about Rosa Lee Board
Name: «tab»Rosa Lee Board
Death Date: «tab»14 Feb 1915
Death Location: «tab»Caldwell
Age: «tab»7
Gender: «tab»Female
Ethnicity: «tab»White
Birth Date: «tab»20 May 1907
Birth Location: «tab»Caldwell, Kentucky
Father's Name: «tab»Benn Board
Father's Birth Location: «tab»Caldwell, Kentucky
Mother's Name: «tab»Dora Nuckles
Mother's Birth Location: «tab»Crittenden, Kentucky
[HI18520] (Research):Urbana Citizen & Gazette in CCGS Newsletter Spring 1990 7/24/1873 died 7/20/1873 Mrs Nancy J Lowe, wife of James
*This information is from the index card located in the cemetery office
(Research):Was a brother-in-law of Isaac Bridgeman
Champaign County, Ohio Guardianship & Indentures Vol1 pg 312 7 May 1845 Su sannah Arrowsmith gdn of Isaac Arrowsmith 2yr; Elizabeth Arrowsmith 5yr; M iller Arrowsmith 13yr; minor heirs of Wesley Arrowsmith. Surities Mason Ar rowsmith, Isaac Pence, William Arrowsmith
Family record of Miller P. and Elizabeth (Vance) Arrowsmith: He is the sec ond son of Wesley and Susannah Arrowsmith. She was born Sept. 24, 1835, be ing the eldest daughter of David C. and Nancy Vance. They were married M ay 22, 1860. Names and births of their children-Charles Elmer, born Sep t. 28, 1862; William Grant, born Aug. 7, 1864 ; Ids May, born Jan. 1, 18 67 ; Emma Jane, born March 29, 1868; Anna Maud, born Dec. 13, 1871; Mary E lizabeth, born Feb. 18, 1874, died June 22, 1875, was interred in Oakda le Cemetery, Urbana, Ohio.
IGI WILLIAM N. ARROWSMITH Event(s): Birth: 15 MAY 1872 , Champaign, Ohio
Mother: NORA C. L. CRITCHER (ALready had a son William. Not in census records)
Urbana Citizen & Gazette
November 5, 1885
Miller Pence Arrowsmith died Thursday. Born 27th December, 1831, nearly 54 years of age. Married May, 1860, to Eliza Vance, eldest daughter of David C Vance, leaves six children. Buried Oak Dale Cemetery.
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 12 Township 3 Range 11 NE 1/4 Apr 1 1825 United States to Henry Maggert, Cert # 1779 150.66 acre s, recorded 20 Mar 1847 Bk T pg 108
PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Record Book 20, Page 494, Case #3154 - Filed 10 February 1847 - Partiti on Henry Maggart Vs Reuben Maggart et al Henry Maggart Sr. died 13-14 years ago, owning the South half of north-ea st quarter Section 12 Township 3 Range 11 (Johnson Tp.), 78 acres. He le ft a widow, Catharine (now deceased) and the following children: Reuben; M argaret Compton, wife of Nathan Compton; Catharine Grimes, wife of Christo pher Grimes; Abraham Maggart (incorrect, should be Elizabeth Maggart, wi fe of Abraham Maggart), deceased, who left child: Rebecca Maggart; Andr ew Maggart; David Maggart; Loretta Maggart and Polly Maggart. Previousl y, Catharine Maggart, the widow, had sold her dower interest to Samuel Bat dorf and Nathan Compton had purchased the shares of Reuben & Abraham Magga rt. The dower interest and the 3/8 shares, plus the 1/8 share of Cathari ne Grimes had been sold to Henry Maggart. In this suit Polly Maggart is n ow deceased and her 1/8 share is being divided among the other seven livi ng heirs. John D. Burnett is the guardian at litem for David and Lorett a. The land was appraised at $7.00 an acre and Henry Maggart agreed to pu rchase the land at $10.00 an acre.
Champaign County Ohio Land Deed Indices by Pat Stickley and Denise Moore pg 6 Sec12 Twp 3 R 11 Jackson Twp, NE 1/4 Apr 1 1825 US to Henry Maggert, Ce rt # 1779, 150.66 acres , recorded 20 Mar 1847 book T pg 108
[HI18530] (Research):No children
[HI18535] (Research):Shellie apparently adopted Wilma's child, LaNell, and raised her as his own.
The Times Leader, Princeton KY Aug 12, 2006
Shellie Board, 88 of Princeton died Sunday Aug 13, 2006 at 6:56 a.m. at Caldwell County Hospital, following a short illness. A retired custodian for Caldwell County Schools and Army WWII veteran, who attended Sugar Creek Baptist Church, he was born Aug 13, 1918 in Cladwell County, a son of the late Andy and Ethel McGregor Board. He was preceded in death by his wife, Wilma Morse Board. Survivors include a daughter, LaNell Lax of Caldwell County, two granddaughters and husbands, Melissa dn John Ortt of Princeton and Jennifer and Ryan Akers of Santa Claus, Ind and a sister Geneva Baker. Funeral serviced were conducted Tuesday Aug 15 at 11 a.m. at Morgans Funeral Home in Princeton. The Rev J R Bruce officiated the service assisted by Rev Dale Ford. Military graveside services were held at Sugar Grove Church Cemetery,
Name: «tab»Archie L. Williamson
Event: «tab»Death
Event Date: «tab»1941
Event Place: «tab»Caldwell, Kentucky
Residence: «tab»
Street Address: «tab»
Gender: «tab»Male
Age: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»
Race: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery: «tab»
Father: «tab»Emerson Williamson
Father's «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Ella Esque
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Additional Relatives: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»
Spouse's «tab»
Volume/Page/Certificate Number: «tab»21371
Film Number: «tab»1913550
U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-
Name: «tab»Aileen R Delong «tab»
Born: «tab»21 Mar 1920
Died: «tab»20 Nov 2013
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
November 22, 2013
The Herald-Star
DeLONG, Aileen R., 93, of Steubenville, passed away Wednesday, November 20, 2013, at Trinity West ER.
She was born on March 21, 1920 in Princeton, KY, a daughter of the late Archie and Stella Board Williamson.Aileen was protestant by faith.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her 1st. husband, Roy C. Selman in 1970 and her 2nd husband, Dwight M. DeLong in 1984; daughters, Bonnie Freeman Warren, Ellen Selman and Martha Sue Ryan; son, Donald Selman. Aileen is survived by her son, Charles (Sharon) Selman; step-children, Joan Snouffer, Eleanor Wiedie and George DeLong; nine grandchildren, 16 great- grandchildren and six great great grandchildren.
At her request there will be no visitation.
Memorial services at a later date.
Offer condolences at www.shoracs.com
(Research):The Times Leader Princeton Kentucky August 28, 1996
Caldwell County James H. "Jimmy" Williamson, 69, of Wintersville, Ohio, died Monday, Augu st 26th, at his home of cancer. Retired electrician and Navy veteran of Wo rld War II, he was a son of the late Archie and Stella Board Williamson, C aldwell County natives. After the death of his father in 1941, he liv ed in Caldwell County with his grandfather Emerson Williamson and attend ed Farmersville High School Survivors include his wife, Helen; three son s, James, Terry, and Tommy Williamson; a sister, Aileen DeLong of Columbu s, Ohio, and an aunt, Mrs. Melville Sheridan of Caldwell County. Funeral s ervices and burial will be held Thursday, August 29th, in Wintersville, Oh io.
(Research):Record Book 13, Page 26 Filed 27 Aug 1832 Truman Kimball vs Lucinda Kimball and many others Andrew Kimball died in the spring of 1825 owning land in Military Survey 7 591, Thomas Moore Survey ( The Thomas Moore Survey is Number 7191 in Ru sh Twp). ON 3 Jan 1824, 57 acres of land owned by Ira Kimball, son of Andr ew Kimbal, was purchased by Andrew and he aslo purchased two other trac ts of land: land which Ira Kimball bad purchased from William Winget and f rom Sprague Manfacturing Company. The heirs of Andrew Kimball were: Abiga il Kimball, widow; Bela Kimball; Fanny wife of William Gutridge; Polly wi fe of Harry Ainswortb of Vermont; Martin Kimball; Irena deceased wife of A lma Clark who left six children in Pennsylvania; heirs of Ira Kimball: Tru man M Kimball; Arsey wife of John McLaughlin; Almira Kimball; Arena wi fe of Austin Savage of the territory of Michigan; Lucy Kimball; Hiram Kimb all of Union County, Ohio; Lucinda Kimball of Union County, Ohio; George K imball; Marietta Kimball and Caroline Kimball. The bill was dismissed in the July Term 1833 .
Record Book 12, Page 263 — Filed 25 October 1832 — Petition to Partition ( See Record Book 10, Page 345) Bela Kimball vs Thurman Kimball & Others The estate of Andrew Kimball was seized of land. The description of the su rvey was given, but neither the number of acres nor the location were list ed. Robert and Ann Cloud, William and Abigail Wingate and Ezra and Elean or Wingate deeded 3/4 of a tract to the heirs of Andrew in November 182 7. The other quarter was held by a title bond in favor of Ira Kimball whi ch was deeded by William Wingate and Sprag(u)e Manufacturing Company. Th is last quarter of the tract was sold by Iras administrator to Andrew Kimb all. The heirs of Andrew Kimball were: Abigail Kimball, widow; Martin Kimb all (sold his 1/6 to Thurman Kimball); Bela Kimball; Fanny, wife of Willi am Gutridge; Folly, wife of Henry Ainsworth; Ira Kimball deceased (his 1 /6 interest was divided among his children: Thurman Kimball (who holds 1 /6 in his own right and purchased 4/10 from sisters who were not named), H iram Kimball (Union County), Lucinda Kimball (Union County), George Kimbal l, Maryetta Kimball and Caroline Kimball, all of Champaign County); and t he unknown heirs of Irena Clark, wife of Alma Clark of Pennsylvania. Jonat han E. Chapin was appointed guardian ad litem for the minors. The appraise rs, Nathan Kidder, George Gideon and Abishai Hosington filed their repo rt on 18 June 1832 before Miles C. Beaty Justice of the Peace. The repo rt divided 21 acres and 30 poles off for the dower.
Father: Andrew Kimball b: 10 DEC 1727 in Norwich, Connecticut Mother: Elizabeth Kimball b: 19 DEC 1728
[DI18555] Will Book I pg 149 Elizabeth Cheney, Goshen Twp died 9/6/1897 probated 9/2 0/1897 Heirs-J Abner Cheney, son, Newport, KY; Loretta Ward, dau, Mechanicsbur g; Samuel Cheney Price, grson, Mt Clemons, MI; Edward J Price, grson, Spri ngfield; Elizabeth Price, grdau, Springfield. To E E Cheney, all proper ty in trust for benefit of dau Retta Ward, paid to her for her comfor t, at her death the remaining property to grch. E E Cheney, Exec Wit: J W Crowl, Frank Martin Will signed (x) 3/3/1897
[HI18556] (Research):J W Cheney 72 W Ohio Champaign 1910 Wife Martha 73 Ohio
[HI18557] (Research):Probably the son of James and Hannah Whitney on same page in 1870 Logan County, Bloomfield, OH pg 5
Name: «tab»Maranda Clancy
Gender: «tab»Female
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»04 Oct 1883
Death Place: «tab»Mechanicsburg, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»35
Birth Date: «tab»1848
Birthplace: «tab»O.
Occupation: «tab»
Race: «tab»White
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07024-3
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 1 p 170
(Research):1860 Census Champaign Co, OH Rush Twp pg6 92/92 Abram Colwell 49 b NJ Cordelia, 48, VT John H, 15, OH 93/93 Oliver Colwell, 29 , farmer, OH Martha, 24, OH Charles, 4, OH Florence, 3 OH William 10m (6/9/1860)
1880 Census Place Woodstock, Champaign, Ohio Family History Library Fi lm 1254998
NA Film Number T9-0998 Page Number 337A Abram COLWELL Self S Male W 69 NJ Works In Warehou se NJ OH William COLWELL Son S Male W 20 OH Laborer OH OH Mary COLWELL Dau S Female W 18 OH House Serva
name: «tab»Sara Ellen Keim ( this name incorrect) name on cert says Lora Ellen
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»07 Oct 1940
event place: «tab»Napoleon, Henry, Ohio
residence: «tab»
street address: «tab»706 Monroe St.
gender: «tab»Female
death age: «tab»75y 2m 6d
marital status: «tab»Widowed
race: «tab»W
occupation: «tab»retired housewife
birth date: «tab»31 Jul 1864 ( age confirms 1865)
birthplace: «tab»Ohio
estimated birth year: «tab»1865
burial date: «tab»09 Oct 1940
burial place: «tab»Urbana, O.
cemetery: «tab»
Informant Anna R Keim, Urbana
father: «tab»Joseph Roberts
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
mother: «tab»Ann Alluson
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»Virginia
spouse: «tab»David
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»fn 62208
film number: «tab»2023882
digital folder number: «tab»4057797
image number: «tab»2344
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images,
FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X873-KZN :
accessed 16 Nov 2012), Sara Ellen Keim, 1940; citing reference fn 62208,
Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
(Research):1910 Logan Co, Perry OH Living in household of Alonzo and Emma Smith named as nephew, age 1 8, OH NY OH
Poss descendant 2/26/2007 9:03:00 AM Urbana Daily Citizen
Adelaide Clair Stockwell, 91, of Mechanicsburg passed away, Saturday, Fe bruary 24, 2007 in her residence.She was born January 3, 1915 in Concord T ownship, Champaign County the daughter of the late Harry G. Heath & Edi th (Campbell) Kemp.Adelaide attended the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witness es. She was an avid collector of dolls, an artist and she loved African vi olets. She was known as the Goat Lady and raised birds & Chihuahua.Adelai de is survived by her daughter, Reta (Elden) Smith of Mechanicsburg; her s ons, James (Allie) Clark of Bellview, Florida, Daniel (Phyllis) Clark, Ge ne Clark & Danny Jim Stockwell all of Mechanicsburg; 17 grandchildren a nd 24 great-grandchildren; her brother, Garner (Emma) Heath of Pennsylvani a; her sister, Winifred Neer of Mechanicsburg, numerous nieces and nephe ws of several generations and two very special friends Judy Mayo & Juani ta Lattimer.She was preceded in death by her parents and her husband Herbe rt Stockwell.Funeral services will be held 1 p.m. on Thursday, March 1, 20 07 in the SKILLMAN, MCDONALD & VERNON FUNERAL HOME, with Gary Wellmeier of ficiating; where
Name: «tab»Glenna R. Circle
Death Date: «tab»09 May 1951
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»07 Aug 1879
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Clark Co. Ohio
Death Age: «tab»71 years
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Osco Runyan
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Alice Smith
Name: «tab»Ermina M Curl
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»25 Oct 1932
Death Place: «tab»Cardington, Morrow, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»09 Oct 1857
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»75 years 16 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»225 E. Main
Occupation: «tab»Housework Own Home
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»27 Oct 1932
Burial Place: «tab»Glendale
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Franklin M Curl
Father's Name: «tab»Harrison Bay
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Miranda J Moore
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1992770
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4001864
Name: «tab»Franklin M. Curl
Death Date: «tab»14 Nov 1932
Death Place: «tab»Cardington, Morrow, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»16 Aug 1853
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»79 years 2 months 28 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»225 E. Main
Occupation: «tab»Retired Farmer
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»16 Nov 1932
Burial Place: «tab»Glendale
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Ermina M. Curl
Father's Name: «tab»Henry W. Curl
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Johnson
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1992771
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4001865
Image Number: «tab»1478
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 66669
[NI18576] Had 2 children by marriage to a McGregor, Herman, and Melvie (Davis ) McGregor
Retta had two children by McGregor, Herman and Melvin. She was buri ed in the McGregor Cemetery in Caldwell County, Kentucky.
(Research):Obit says he was a grson of the pioneer Joseph Longfellow, but not ab le to find him in the 1850 census to verify his parents. There is an Oliv er in 1860 census Logan Co, KY, son of Joseph Longfellow and wife Mary.
Name: Oliver O. Longfellow Company: I Unit: 42 Ohio Infantry. Rank - Induction: Private Rank - Discharge: Private Allegiance: Union
Name: Oliver P Longfellow , Enlistment Date: 07 October 1861 Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Side Served: Union State Served: Ohio Unit Numbers: 1872 1872 Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 07 October 1861 at the a ge of 19 Enlisted in Company I, 42nd Infantry Regiment Ohio on 07 October 1861. Mustered out Company I, 42nd Infantry Regiment Ohio on 02 December 18 64 in Columbus, OH
[HI18583] (Research):Graduates of the Township Schools of Champaign County 1892 who received th eir diplomas Saturday June 4 1892. List sent in by Supt J M Mulford of Mec hanicsburg. Listed The Champaign Democrat June 16 1892 abstracted by Pat S tickley Fall 1994 CCGS Newsletter pg 77 Concord Twp - Bertha Longfellow
[HI18586] (Research):Jenkins ancestry at www.gencircles.com
[HI18603] (Research):The Times Leader Princeton, Ky. June 5, 2004 Mrs. Wilma Board, 78, of Princeton, died Friday, June 4, 2004, at 5:20 a. m. at Princeton Health Care Manor, following a short illness. A retired fa ctory worker and member of Southside Baptist Church, she was born March 1 8, 1926, in Caldwell County, a daughter of the late Will Ed and Ollie L ee Boyd Morse. She was preceded in death by four sisters, Mae Byrd, Lois Watson, Katheri ne Jean Morse and Georgia Endicott. Survivors include her husband, Shell ie Board; a daughter, LaNell Lax of Caldwell County; and two granddaughte rs and grandsons-in-law, Melissa and Jon Ortt of Princeton and Jennifer a nd Ryan Akers of Santa Claus, Ind. Funeral services will be conducted Sund ay, June 6, at 3 p.m. at Morgan’s Funeral Home in Princeton. The Rev. Ronn ie Sivells will officiate, assisted by the Rev. John Benton. Burial will follow in Sugar Creek Church Cemetery, Caldwell County, Ky. Pa llbearers will be Larry Baker, Harold Baker, Clifton McGregor, Darrel Dear ing, Dewey Heaton and Robert Haley. Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m. Saturday at the funeral home.
Groom's Name: «tab»Palmer L. Cordray
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»05 Nov 1889
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Pickaway Co., O.
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Gertrude Macdonald
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»28 Feb 1890
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, O.
Bride's Age: «tab»26
Marriage Date: «tab»06 Jun 1917
Marriage Place: «tab»Franklin Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Wm. Cordray
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Anna Mcdonald
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Wilbur Macdonald
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Emma Richards
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
[HI18607] (Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1901-1916 Published by the class of 19 16 in their Senior Year submitted by Pat Stickley, July CCGS Newsletter pg 92 Class of 1908 Gertrude McDonald
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Gertrud M Cordray
Name: «tab»Gertrud M Cordray
Birth Date: «tab»1891
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Columbus
Residence County: «tab»Franklin
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»17 Apr 1960
Hospital of Death: «tab»Home
City of Death: «tab»Columbus (Pt)
County of Death: «tab»Franklin
Certificate: «tab»28143
Age at Death: «tab»69
Certifier: «tab»Coroner
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Census Tract: «tab»0025
[BI18608] Birth Records from Champaign County Probate Court Compiled by Pat Stickley born 1/1/1867 in Urbana to Duncan and Lavina McDonald
William Richards (1812 - 1882)
Martha Powell Richards (1820 - 1882)
(Research):Graduates of Urbana Public Schools published in CCGS Newsletter March 19 96 pg 12 (Published by the class of 1915 in their Senior Year) Emma G Richards-McDonald Class of 1875
CCGS Newsletter June 1998 Pg 60 1905 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY CENTENNIAL Relics and Curios Under the direction of this committee the relics and curios were sho wn at the Central Ward School building. This was one of the interesting fe atures of the Centennial celebration. The following are the exhibitors a nd list of relics and curios displayed: Mrs. Wilbur McDonald: vase.
Name: «tab»Roy C Selman
Birth Date: «tab»1911
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Jefferson
Residence State: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»2 Sep 1970
Hospital of Death: «tab»Trinity West Hospital
City of Death: «tab»Steubenville
County of Death: «tab»Jefferson
Certificate: «tab»069316
Age at Death: «tab»59
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Marital Status: «tab»Married
[HI18615] (Research):Dwight DeLong was an Ohio S.U. Professor.
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2002
about Dwight M Delong
Name: «tab»Dwight M Delong
Birth Date: «tab»1892
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Upper Arlington
Residence County: «tab»Franklin
Residence State: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»23 Aug 1984
Hospital of Death: «tab»Riverside Meth. Hospital
City of Death: «tab»Columbus (Pt)
County of Death: «tab»Franklin
Certificate: «tab»058835
Age at Death: «tab»92
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Social Security Number: «tab»298-32-5629
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Census Tract: «tab»6500
[HI18618] (Research):LaNell was the daughter of Wilma Morse and her husband previous to Wilma 's marriage to Shellie Board.
Groom's Name: «tab»Madison A. Bower
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»1877
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Jackson T.P., W.C., O.
Groom's Age: «tab»22
Bride's Name: «tab»Josie Humes
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1880
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Rau..., Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»19
Marriage Date: «tab»29 Nov 1899
Marriage Place: «tab»Wyandot, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Henry Bower
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Susan J. Laren
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»David Humes
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Merva Kest...
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Name: «tab»Jessie May Enoch
Death Date: «tab»16 Jun 1946
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»08 Sep 1872
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Death Age: «tab»73 years 9 months 8 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»John W. Enoch
Father's Name: «tab»Lemuel Hallinger
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Nellie Clark
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2372811
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4074802
Image Number: «tab»02843
Certificate Number: «tab»39728
[HI18624] (Research):Name: Samuel Engle Birthplace: Ohio State: OH 1910 Ag Color: W Enumeration District: 0016 Visit: 0090 County: Cla rk, Springfield Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Alice A 54 Ohio Son-in-law John Goodall 39 GER Daughter Glenna E 28 Ohio Cousin Thomas E Hullinger 39 Ohio
(Research):Graduates of the Township Schools of Champaign County 1892 who received th eir diplomas Saturday June 4 1892. List sent in by Supt J M Mulford of Mec hanicsburg. Listed The Champaign Democrat June 16 1892 abstracted by Pat S tickley Fall 1994 CCGS Newsletter pg 77 Mad River Twp - Arthur Hullinger
Name: ARTHUR L HULLINGER Gender: Male Date of Death: October 17, 1962 Volume: 17042 Certificate: 70911 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 88
Notice next of kin-Eva Egnor, John W Caldwell, Joseph H Caldwell, An na M Caldwell, Estella F Caldwell. Real est to executor in trust for wife and ch; wife and oh except dau E va to occupy home; executor to rent farm to 2 sons; at death of wife 1 /5 to son John 14 Caldwell; 1/5 to Joseph H Caldwell; 1/5 to Anna M Caldwe ll; 1/5 to Estella F Caldwell and 1/5 to Eva Egnor [dau] or her children. William J 14 Rawlings executor Witness:George Eichelberger Jennie Simpson, Emma Eichelberger will signed 14 Sep 1881
Name: «tab»Thomas Denton Davis
Death Date: «tab»05 Jun 1939
Death Place: «tab»Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»20 Jan 1879
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Cleveland, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»60 years 4 months 16 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Salesman
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»08 Jun 1939
Burial Place: «tab»Union
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Alice Davis
Father's Name: «tab»Isaac Kennedy Davis
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Hamilton, Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Flora Henrietta Crow
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Film Number: «tab»2023716
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4046408
Image Number: «tab»761
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 36597
William Hawn's family was taken from the 1900 Soundex, Harper County, Kans as. Mary A. Hawn was John and Ed Dorrel's mother.
[HI18637] (Research):Marriage 1 John Morris b: MAR 1817 in Ohio Married: 29 SEP 1841 in Clark County, Ohio Children Thomas Jefferson Morris b: BET 1841 AND 1842 in Unknown Nathan Vale Morris b: BET 1844 AND 1845 in Unknown Abraham L. Morris b: BET 1847 AND 1848 in Unknown Sarah Elizabeth Morris b: BET 1851 AND 1852 in Unknown John Edward Morris b: BET 1854 AND 1855 in Unknown Richard Washington Morris b: BET 1856 AND 1857 in Unknown Mary Ann Morris b: BET 1860 AND 1861 in Unknown
[DI18642] pg111 5/7/1891 remains of Frank J Nugent who met his death in a railroad wreck on Lake Shore Road, were brought to Urbana for burial. Mrs Nugent and children will make their home with her mother, Mrs Powell, of urbana
(Research):PG 132 ABRAHAM BUMGARDNERPROBATED 3 AUG 1886 MECHANICSBURG [DIED --JUL 18 86] Heirs\emdash Nancy Buingardner\emdash WidOW George H Buxngardfler\emdash sOfl\emdash Catawba; E Per ry Bumgardner_son\emdash MeChaniCSbUrg John W Bumgardner\emdash son\emdash CataWba Joseph R Bum gardner\emdash SOn\emdash CataWba Ara Belle stipp-dau--Catawba Nary E West\emdash dau-Catawba C lara Castelo\emdash dau--Spriflgfield Abraham L Bumgardner-sOfl-CataWba Charles V Bumg ardner\emdash son\emdash CataWba. Farm of 188 acres in Clark Co to widow; at her dea th to the ch Wife Nancy Bumgardner & son Joseph R Bumgardner executors Witness:William C Pangborn J H Cheneywill signed 13 Feb 1886
PG 132 ABRAHAM BUMGARDNERPROBATED 3 AUG 1886 MECHANICSBURG [DIED --JUL 1886] Heirs-Nancy Bumgardner-WidOW George H Bumgardner-sOn- Catawba; E Perry Bumgardner_son-MeChaniCSbUrg John W Bumgardner-son-CataWba Joseph R Bumgardner-SOn-CataWba
Ara Belle Stipp-dau--Catawba Mary E West-dau-Catawba Clara Castelo-dau--Springfield Abraham L Bumgardner-sOfl-CataWba Charles V Bumgardner-son-CataWba. Farm of 188 acres in Clark Co to widow; at her death to the ch Wife Nancy Bumgardner & son Joseph R Bumgardner executors Witness:William C Pangborn J H Cheneywill signed 13 Feb 1886
[HI18648] (Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1884-1900 submitted by Pat Stickley in CCGS Newsletter June 1996 pg 31 Pearl Minturn-Rawlings Class of 1890
(Research):Charles L Persinger married Sarah A Wolf 2/23/1865 Shelby Co, OH but cens us 1870 shows wife Mary E. Sons William birth record names father b ut no mothers name
Charles Persinger 26 August 1862 27 August 1864; transferred
Charles Persinger , Enlistment Date: 01 August 1862 Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Side Served: Union State Served: Ohio Unit Numbers: 1942 1942 Service Record: Promoted to Full Sergeant Enlisted as a Private on 01 August 1862 at the age of 18 Promoted to Full Corporal on 14 August 1862 Enlisted in Company H, 99th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 26 August 1862. Transferred Company H, 99th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 27 August 1864 Transfered in Company D, 1st Engineersineer Corps Regiment VV on 27 Augu st 1864. Mustered out Company D, 1st Engineersineer Corps Regiment VV on 30 June 18 65 in Nashville, TN
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 249
Section P in cemetery
Name: «tab»Osco Runyan
Section P in cemetery
name: «tab»David F Keim
(Research):Name : Ethel May Hunt Death date : 03 Mar 1944 Death place : Adams, Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 21 Dec 1895 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Adams Twp., Ohio Age at death : 48 years 2 months 12 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : American Street address : Occupation : Housewife Residence : Conover, Rural, Champaign County, Ohio Burial date : 07 Mar 1944 Burial place : Cedar Point, Pasco, Ohio Cemetery name : Spouse name : Raymond Hunt Father name : Alex. Stephenson Father titles : Father birth place : Adams Twp., Ohio Mother name : Loura Mccarty Mother titles : Mother birth place : COD; Suicide GSU film number : 2024194 Digital GS number : 4057835 Image number : 1802 Certificate number : fn 15569 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1912 Mabel Stephenson Sharp
(Research):William M Persinger , Enlistment Date: 02 May 1864 Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Side Served: Union State Served: Ohio Unit Numbers: 1762 1762 Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 02 May 1864 at the age of 33 Enlisted in Company K, 134th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 06 May 1864. Mustered out Company K, 134th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 31 August 18 64 in Camp Chase, OH
Name: «tab»Wm. N. Hedges
Name: «tab»John Wesley Minturn
The Lima News,
(Research):Record book 26 Pg 40 Filed May 20, 1854 Petition to Partition Wm D Breedlove, gdn of Elijah Breedlove vs Smith Minturn Edward Osborn died seized of 181 acres of land located in Sec 3 9 a nd 15 of Twp 5 range 11 Urbana, Edward left a widow Elizabeth but no child ren. The brothers and sisters of Edward were: James Osborn, David, Levi, A braham, Mary wife of Abram Powell; Deborah Osborn wife of James Chance, No ble Osborn, John Osborn deceased left: Mary Jane Osborn wife of John Garra rd and james Osborn; Nancy Osborn deceased wife of William Breedlove lef t: Elijah Breedlove.
(Research):Shelby County Pemberton OH 1852-2002, A villiage to Remember compiled by B arbara Adams assisted by Loretta Cottrell and Many Others, pg47 July 18 77 W M Persinger, Dewitt Co, IL and J N Persinger, Pemberton attended the ir mothers funeral last week
(Research):John M. Persinger 26 August 1862 31 December 1864; transferred
Name: «tab»James Edgar Studebaker
Md Wm R Brown? Did they move to CA with parents?
Pg117 4/18/1878 Born 15«sup»th«/sup» April, a dau to Jacob C and Maggie Happersett
Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, by Pat Stickley and Denise Kay Moore, Champaign Co Ohio-Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888, (Urbana Daily Citizen 1/1884-12/1888).pg138 6/2/1887 Royal Happersett and bride arrived here from Kansas.
Pg126 7/27/1865 Born 24«sup»th«/sup» inst, a son to D W and Laura Happersett of Urbana
Deceased at time of fathers death 1926
(Research):THE REPUBLIC. (Newspaper name) Saturday Evening, March 6 1875 For special reasons we depart from our usual custom, and reprint a long ob ituary. Its subject, Miss IVVA BRAND, of Urbana, daughter of Mayor Bran d, and sister of Mr. W. A. Brand one of the editors of the Citizen and Gaz ette, was a young lady of wonderful personal qualities. Unknown to hersel f, she was a leader in the great Temperance movement in Urbana last winte r, and we sincerely believe that her whole souled interest in that work h ad much to do with the marked results of that movement. Indeed, at Urba na did what is known as the Crusade achieve its highest results. The decea ses was first in the filed and last to leave it; and as she was well kno wn in this city, and as the memoir, written by her brother, is well writte n, and intrinsically interesting, we copy it in full below:
(Research):Name: Coleman B Ross City: Not Stated County: Champaign State: Ohio Birthplace: Ohio;United States of America Birth Date: 17 Jul 1886 Race: Caucasian (White) Roll: 1819797 Bank Teller, Champaign Natl Bank married, spent 2 yrs OSU 132 W Reynolds St, Urbana, OH
(Research):Champaign Co - Scrapbook of the Ross & Brand Families. (not dated, betwe en 1880 and 1884) Chancy Ross smiles serenely this morning over the adve nt of an eight pound boy.
(Research):Champaign Co - Scrapbook of the Ross & Brand Families. Pg 51 OCTOBER 29, 1892 From the Kenton Republican we learn that Rev. Dr. Whitlock has been regula rly installed in the M.E. church of that city, and his first sermon preach ed Sunday, October 16th, being listened to by a large audience all of wh om were greatly pleased with his eloquence. He has moved his family to th at city and they are now at home in the Kenton parsonage---[Logan County I ndex. Rev. Whitlock is well known in this city, he being a son-in-law of Mr. Jos eph C. Brand, Sr. and a brother-in-law of Editor Brand, of the Index.
Name: «tab»Elias D. Whitlock
(Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1884-1900 submitted by Pat Stickley in CCGS Newsletter June 1996 pg 31 Kate L Happersett Class of 1884
Pg 160 7/11/1867 Born 3«sup»rd«/sup» inst a dau to D W and laura happersett of this place
(Research):These families effected permanent settlements in the northern part of t he township, and many of them in the neighborhood of the present site of N orth Lewisburg, where many of their descendants now reside. Some years lat er the following-named persons, principally form the New England States, a rrived and settled in the vicinity of Woodstock...Stephen Cranston and Eph raim Cranston. In 1815, came John Cranston and his son, John B. Cransto 560 - HISTORY OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY. RUSH TOWNSHIP In the northwest corners of the township is situated the town of Lewisbur g, and the little village of Woodstock is located southeast of the cent er of the township. The origin of the name Rush in its application to t he township is shrouded in oblivion. We have interviewed many of the old s ettlers and have signally failed to get an intelligible solution, save fr om Willis Spain and John B. Cranston
(Research):Record Book 36 pg 427 Filed 31 Jan 1873 Petion for Dower Elizabeth Colwell vs Charles Colwell et al On 22 March 1868 Elizabeth was married to Oliver Colwell, who died 11 O ct 1872. Oliver owned 69 1/2 acres located in Military survey 7907. The de fendants were Oliver's heris: Charles Colwell, Flora Colwell, William Col well, Jennie Colwell, Mary Colwell and Frank Colwell
(Research):Mentioned in will of Phoebe Ann Johnson Woodstock 2/1/1869 Nephew, chi ld of Stephen
(Research):Mentioned in will of Phoebe Ann Johnson Woodstock 2/1/1869 Nephew, chi ld of Stephen
(Research):mother of 12, 7 survive
(Research):Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Orlando, Orange, Florida; Rol l: T623 175; Page: 8A; Enum District: 116. John H Rollins 70 9/1829 M40y ME ME ME Helen A Rollins 66 9/1833, wife 2/1 NY NY NY Stella A Happersett 33 dau 6/1866 b IA M12y 2/2 Cyriel R Happersett 10 1/1890 grson, FL Guilda C Happersett 7 1/1893 grdau
CCGS Newsltter Fall 2007 Vol 23 No 3 Pg72 Champaign Democrat April 25, 1917 Sam Happersett Killed in South Former Urbana Man Victim of Auto Accident Tuesday - LeaveLocal Relatives Pearl Happersett, of East Church street, received a telegram Tuesday after noon announcing the death of his brother Sam Happersett at Orlando Florid a, Tuesday as a result of an automobile accident. The message was brief a nd had been relayed by John Happersett, another brother at Pittsburg, a nd gave no particulars. The original message had been received a few moments before by the Pittsburg brother from the son of the dead man in the sou th. Sam Happersett was about 50 years of age and was born in Urbana, a s on of the late Mr. and Mrs. Owen B. Happersett. He went south while a young man and had been there about thirty years. He married a southern girl and two children, a boy and a girl, were born to the union. The wife died about a year ago. Brothers and sisters of the deceased are Charles and Pea rl Happersett, Urbana; John Happersett, Pittsburg; Mrs. John Neer, Cleveland and Mrs. Charles Strock, Scranton PA. The deceased was engaged in the retail hardware business at Orlando.
Pg175 8/6/1868 Born Monday a son to Owen B and Elizabeth Happersett of this city
Name: «tab»Charles H. Happersett
Pg 187 4/15/1869 Born 8«sup»th«/sup» inst a son to William C and Melissa Happersett
(Research):Middle name in 1910 census
(Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1884-1900 submitted by Pat Stickley in CCGS Newsletter June 1996 pg 31 Minnie Happersett-Stadler Class of 1892
Pg 45 1/15/1874 Born 12«sup»th«/sup» Jan a squaw papoose to Past Sachem D W Happersett and Laura Happersett
(Research):Graduates of Urbana Public Schools published in CCGS Newsletter March 19 96 pg 12 (Published by the class of 1915 in their Senior Year) Harry Happersett class of 1881
(Research):1930 census is Anna R Thompson, mother in law, 77 widow, md age 22 OH PA P A
(Research):HAPPERSETTE, Jack Death date: 2/20/1937, Clark County Certific ate #8407
Name: «tab»Anna M Neer
age 2y9m
Champaign Co OH-Urbana Citizen & Gazette Abstracts 1871-1884-by CCGS, P at Stickley. pg95 1/11/1877 Died at res of his son in law, O B Happerset t, 8th Jan, Samuel Hyatt aged 61 years. The deceased was born in NY and ca me to Ohio in 1846; later moved to Urbana
Name: «tab»William Whitlock
(Research):Heirs, son James B, Kansas, Charlotte Hendrix, St Paris; John W, son Kansa s, Laura C, dau, Urbana; Eva Sewell, grdau; Anna Gardner grdau, Kate Nee r, grdau; William Edward Minturn, grson, Lena Minturn gr dau; Larua E, Lot tie E, Barten L and Claud H Minturn grch. wife Catherine.
WILL OF JACOB PERSINGER, Shelby County Probate Court Record, A-562, fil ed Oct 12 1850, Will Record No 1, p. 313 (transcribed Nov, 1997 by Bev Bak os, Mtn. View, CA, from a copy of the original will secured from the Shel by County, Ohio Genealogical Society) In the name of God Amen, I Jacob Persinger of the County of Shelby and St ate of Ohio, being of sound mind and memory, blessed, be Almighty God f or the same) do make and publish this my Last will and testament. I give and bequeath to my son William R. Persinger one wagon and gears t hat is in his possesion and the said, Wm R. Persinger, my son is to p ay a note of one hundred dollars to C. L. Merrick. Also to Isaac A. Wilk inson, at my death, one Horse saddle and bridle which I now hold in my po ssession. Also a Note that I hold on the said Isaac A. Wilkinson for t wo hundred and twenty four dollars. This Note I am to make use of While I live or as mu ch of it as I need. I Bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Hollingshead Fif ty dollars of the above note provided there is that much left at my deat h. Also to my daughter Ruth Wilkinson my Bedstead, bedd and bedding. Al so my Books I give to be divided among my heirs William R. Persinger, Eli zabeth Hollingshead, Ruth Wilkinson and Barbara Nutt at any time they wi sh to make a division of said Books. Also I give and Bequeath at my dea th to my daughters Elizabeth Hollingshead, Ruth Wilkinson, Barbara Nutt a nd Priscilla Persinger a certificate on the Cincinnati Lebanon and Springf ield turnpike company it being six shares in said stock. Also the Loo se property that I hold at Wm. R. Persinger to be divided equally among t he above named heirs. My funeral Expenses to be paid out of the above Named Note provided it is not all Exp ended before my death, if it is the Expense paid Equally by the above nam ed heirs. In testimony which I hereunto set my hand and seal and publish and decr ee this to be my Last will and testament in presence of the witnesses nam ed below this twentieth day of March, in the year of our Lord One thousan d, Eight hundred and fifty. /s/ Jacob Persinger (Seal) Signed, sealed, declared and published by the said Jacob Persinger as a nd for his Last will and testament in presence____ who at his request a nd in his presence and in presence of us who at his request and in his pre sence and in presence of Each other have Subscribed our names as Witnesse s, hereto /s/ John M. Burditt residing in Shelby County /s/ Jacob P. Wilkinson residing in Shelby Co
The State of Ohio Shelby County Court of Common Pleas of the term of Octob er in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and fifty Shelby County __ _. The Last will and testament of Jacob Persinger late of said county de ceased being produced before the Court for Probate. John M. Burdett a nd Jacob P. Wilkinson subscribing witnesses thereto appeared in open Cou rt and being first duly sworn do ___ and ___ that they saw the said testa tor sign and heard him acknowledge the said paper to be his true last wi ll and testament that said Jacob Persinger was at the time of signing t he Same of full age of Sound mind and memory and under no restraint. A nd that they signed said will as witnesses at his request request
Sworn to and published in open Court this 12th October 1850 /s/ John M. Burditt; /s/ Jacob P. Wilkinson
Death Date: «tab»28 Oct 1919
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»21 Jan 1858
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»61 years 9 months 7 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»1112 E. Main St.
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Residence: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»01 Nov 1919
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Ferncliff
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Josiah Runyan
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah Hendricks
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1984936
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4024977
Image Number: «tab»1098
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»29 Nov 1939
event place: «tab»Napoleon Vlg., Henry, Ohio
residence: «tab»Napoleon, Ohio
street address: «tab»
gender: «tab»Male
death age: «tab»82y 1m 12d
marital status: «tab»Married
race: «tab»W
occupation: «tab»Retired merchant
birth date: «tab»17 Oct 1857
birthplace: «tab»Ohio
estimated birth year: «tab»1857
burial date: «tab»01 Dec 1939
burial place: «tab»Urbana, O.
cemetery: «tab»
father: «tab»David Keim
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
mother: «tab»Mary Neff
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
spouse: «tab»Lora
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»fn 69634
film number: «tab»2023769
digital folder number: «tab»4020659
image number: «tab»1803
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images,
FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XZYX-CZD : accessed 16 Nov 2012), David F Keim, 1939;
citing reference fn 69634, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, & 1958-2007 about Mabel Stephenson Sharp
Name: «tab»Mabel Stephenson Sharp
[Mabel Stephenson Stephenson]
Birth Date: «tab»24 Sep 1894
Birth County: «tab»Champaign
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Death Date: «tab»3 Aug 1995
Death Time: «tab»06:00 AM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Home
City of Death: «tab»Sidney
County of Death: «tab»Shelby
Certificate: «tab»066184
Age at Death: «tab»100
Hospital Status: «tab»Other/Residence
Father's Surname: «tab»Stephenson
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Lauer
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Education: «tab»12
Armed Forces Indicator: «tab»No
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Elementary and secondary schools
Primary Registration District: «tab»7501
1877 of Dewitt Co, IL
Shelbiana Jan 1993 pg 9 Newspaper Items 7/20/1877 W M Persinger DeWitt Co, Illinois and J M Persinger Pemberto n, were here last Thursday to attend their mothers funeral.
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»Springfield, Oh
Death Date: «tab»18 Dec 1906
Death Place: «tab»Sandusky, Ohio
Age: «tab»64
Birth Date: «tab»1842
Birthplace: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Civil War Veteran
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B01650-6
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»2023680
Reference Number: «tab»H rn 141
Event: «tab»Death
Event Date: «tab»19 May 1917
Event Place: «tab»St. Elmo, Hamilton Co., Tennessee
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married, retired
Race or Color: «tab»White
Age: «tab»81
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»27 Oct 1835
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Spouse: «tab»
Father: «tab»Edward Minturn
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Catherine Reed
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Va.
Occupation: «tab»Retired
Street Address: «tab»430 9 St. Elmo Ave.,
Residence: «tab»St. Elmo, Hamilton Co., Tenn.
Cemetery: «tab»National
Burial Place: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»20 May 1917
Informant: «tab»J P Minturn
Additional Relatives: «tab»X
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4183257
Image Number: «tab»30
Film Number: «tab»1299669
Volume/Page/Certificate Number: «tab»v 23 cn 318
Thursday, December 13, 1928
Brand Whitlock's Aged Mother Dies In Urbana Home
URBANA, Dec. 12 - (AP) - Seriously ill at her home here for more than a month, Mrs. Nellie Whitlock, 84, mother of Brand Whitlock, former U.S. ambassador to Belgium, succumbed last night to heart disease and a complication of ailments incident to age.
Brand Whitlock, who gained fame thru his ministrations to stricken Belgium at the beginning of the World war, rushed from his home in Cannes, France, to be at her bedside, when she died. He arrived last Sunday.
Whitlock was a Methodist minister and held numerous pastorates in Ohio.
Name: «tab»Mollie L. Whitlock
Death Date: «tab»12 Dec 1928
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1845
Birthplace: «tab»
Death Age: «tab»83 years 11 months 27 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»E.D. Whitlock
Father's Name: «tab»J.C. Brand
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Lavinia Talbott
John M Persinger , Enlistment Date: 08 August 1862 Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Side Served: Union State Served: Ohio Unit Numbers: 1942 1942 Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 08 August 1862 at the age of 2 5 Promoted to Full Sergeant 1st Class on 14 August 1862 Enlisted in Company H, 99th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 26 August 1862. Promoted to Full Captain on 25 December 1862 Promoted to Full Lieutenant 1st Class on 23 January 1863 Transferred Company H, 99th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 31 December 1864 Transfered in Company A, 50th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 31 December 186
Shelbiana Jan 1993 pg 9 Newspaper Items 7/20/1877 W M Persinger DeWitt Co, Illinois and J M Persinger Pemberto n, were here last Thursday to attend their mothers funeral.
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»03 Oct 1927
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»71 retired physican and chemist
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»7-21-1856 Urbana
Marriage Date Note: «tab»once married now divroced
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Abraham Leidy Studebaker
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Elizabeth Ann Hedges
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Geneva Trimble
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»61, once married, now a widow
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»8-22-1866 Tuscola, IL
Spouse's Father: «tab»John Wesley Minturn
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Anna Marie Wilkin
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»2
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»426
Name: «tab»James Edgar Studebaker
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»07 Mar 1934
Death Place: «tab»Mad River Township, Montgomery, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»21 Jul 1856
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»77 years 7 months 16 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Retired Physician
Residence: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»10 Mar 1934
Burial Place: «tab»Urbana
Cemetery Name: «tab»Oak Dale
Spouse's Name: «tab»Geneva Studebaker
Father's Name: «tab»Abraham Studebaker
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Adams Co., Pennsylvania
Mother's Name: «tab»Eliz. Hedges
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1992992
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4001896
Image Number: «tab»1195
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 18905
Letitia E Hackney Happersett (1862 - 1943)
Will Book L pg 448 probated 8/25/1910 Urbana Twp late Cincinnati ; died 7 /11/1910 Heirs; Royal Happersett, bro- Leeds, ND;
Memoir Ivva Brand died at her home, Saturday evening, February 27, 1875, at the a ge of eighteen years and four months. She was the youngest daughter of H on Joseph C. and Lavinia Brand, and the youngest child of a family of elev en. Her experiences of the world were much beyond her years, and the finis hed education of her life was much brightened and made more effective to h er purposes by contact with varied peoples and changing climes. An inna te love of the Beautiful instructed her eyes and vision to the great wor ks of art and the grand scenes of landscape and mountain and valley of Eur ope and America, expanded her mental powers to a high degree of cultivatio n. Modest and reserved in all things, her strength of character and mind w as known only to her family and more intimate friends, though every acquai ntance saw in her acts the thoughts of a most lovely child. No subje ct of the world’s interest was ever brought to her notice upon which she d id not form and express an opinion, and so clear, concise and rapid were h er conclusions and decisions, that she seldom erred in these judgments. Al ways at an opportune moment were heard those opinions, which would frequen tly startle the minds of her friends, and always carried weight with th em without the force of argument. Her mind was a true model of that perfec tion which may be attained by a strict discipline, self-imposed; for no re straint has ever been inflicted upon this, the youngest, loveliest, trues t, and best. Two great attributes attached themselves to her heart and ma de her magnet of love to all with whom he came in contact. These were: Aff ection for her family and love for her Heavenly Father. Never for a mome nt did she forget to pour out the quiet love of a heart brimming over wi th joy and gratitude and none could but feel it. Not demonstrative, but o ut of the eye and in the words carried the tell-tale story of her love a nd affection. Under the light of a good mother’s example she grew into wom anhood, and into conscious enjoyment of a Christian experience. She h ad no experiments, but walked the path of righteousness for her Master’s s ake, and with a hope that fears not, faulters not; and needs no mercy. S he suffered, and enjoyed the parallel between her sufferings and those th at ended on the cross; and the soft, bright sunshine that fell upon her he art was always a clear token that God had proven her. She had been an inva lid nearly a twelvemonth, and exhibited throughout the time an unequaled d egree of fortitude and patience. Never had she uttered a complaint, or mur mured against the providence of God, in visiting pain upon her. She rejoic ed in the promise here told: “In the furnace God may prove thee, Thence to bring thee forth more bright, But can never cease to love thee; Thou are precious in His sight: God is with the— God, thine everlasting light!” Death placed his icy finger upon her brow two days before the final dissol ution, and while she knew he had claimed her for his own, in those slow a nd tiresome moments, her spirit was lead on, and on, to the supreme eminen ce of earthly glory—a triumphant victory over the shadows, and sorrows, a nd tears, of a death bed. Two days of sleeplessness, strength wasted wi th flesh, she grew weary, and wearied into exhaustion but uttered no murm ur of complaint. Tired she wanted rest; but there was no sleep for her sa ve in that sleep of death. There was constantly with her a greater presen ce than suffering, and her mind held and fed upon a greater philosophy th an science can herald. Pain had forsaken her, and her only suffering was t hat terrible weariness. Out of this most horrible feeling she looked wi th clam and dignified composure, and sweetly said, “Christ suffered!” Years ago she formed an idea that she had a mission to fulfill on earth, a nd it was consoling to her to believe it to be the care of her aged parent s. During her protracted illness she had a strong faith in recovery, th at her mission might be fulfilled. When she saw the approach of death, a nd felt the early hope of her mission fade away, she looked for other wo rk that must have been appointed to her to accomplish in the end of her mi ssion. Almost as the star in the east, her work rose up before her, and be came as distinct upon the clear sky as was that star to the wise men, a nd she followed it. Three weeks before, she had confided to her mother a message for one of h er brothers—one who was out of the pale of church discipline and not devot ed to active Christian duties of life. Friday evening, twenty-two hours be fore her death, she called for that brother and requested the messa ge to be delivered. The brave , heart-wrung mother could not tell it ther e, and it was communicated in a distant room. This was the message: “How fondly she had loved the delaying brother; how her affection for h im was stronger, more intense that for the others, because of solicitud e; how an abiding faith in Christ had sustained her and comforted her thro ughout her affliction and made her lover her family and be good to them. A nd she asked him to seek and find and depend upon in every hour, that Chri st who had given her such peace and such happy days.” The brother came to her side with a heavy heart, for he loved her as his o wn soul, saying: “My darling Ivva, the message is delivered.”—”The promise !”—On the promise!— she cried. And fondly kissing her questioning fa ce he gave her the promise. The face beamed with the glory of her joy—s he looked angelic, as she gasped and gurgled out the words: “Thank you! O h, tank God! Bless you, my dearest brother!” That joy was so awfully gre at to her that she trembled in every nerve, her eyes almost glittered wi th satisfaction ,and a halo of magnificent beauty seemed to wreath her he ad as she called to her eldest brother, “Oh, Pray! Pray!” And the eldest k nelt in the large circle around her bed and offered a beautiful prayer f or her glory and for their trust. The she said, “Oh, you have made me so h appy---you—and you—all—Oh, I feel like I could almost get well again.” Steadily, through the long weary hours of night she approached the ho ur of departure. Each hour found her weaker, but the concentration of t he great glory of her life grew more intense. At five o’clock Saturday eve ning, nothing remained of action but a clear voice, a clear intellect, a nd rapid respiration. When she could no longer find relief in caught, s he said to their mother, “I can not breath—I must die!” Placing her ha nd on her throat, she asked Dr. Goddard, her attending physician, “Wh at is this?” He said, “Ivva, you know you are dying, don’t you, dear?” S he asked immediately, “How long?” Choking down the struggling emotio ns of his heart the Doctor said—”You’re almost home. It’s only a little wh ile.” Who of us is so brave, or who has the philosophy of science so tru e, as to receive that announcement without a tremor of fear? That chi ld of Faith feared not, but smiling as one who ascends a throne to reign a nd govern, she raised her eyes to his and replied: “Thank you! Thank yo u! Bless the lord for rest!” She had reached the summit of her greatness and she made her appointmen ts composedly as one who sets her house in order. Nothing was forgott en in the hurry to death. Calling her physician she thanked him for his care and attention. Kind fri ends who during her sickness and in her last hours were with her ministeri ng to her, were given her warm thanks and God’s blessing. One by one the f amily approached, and from each was exacted a promise to meet her in heave n. As she kissed her father, dearer to her than life itself, she said “don ’t cry!” We’ll meet above!” Through is tears he answered, “Yes, daughte r, you’re almost there.” One brother approached, and she made the wonderfu lly significant remark: “There is the One!” The youngest brother —in-law stooped and received a la st word from her, kissed her fondly, bade her good-bye—and then she sai d, “My work is finished!” and looking up into her brave mother’s eyes, wi th a slight wave of her hand, sweeping the entire family gathered there, s he eontinued—”My Mission! An unbroken family in Heaven!” Her mission was accomplished un unutterable glory, and from the topmost he ight of spiritual greatness, she reached out her hands and was welcomed in to Heaven. Christ had led her on. “There have the souls of our beautiful ones gone, Over the shadows of death ‘s river; We shall behold them and call them our own, Sharing their glories forever.
Many of our readers were acquainted with Miss Ivva Brand, (daughter of t he Hon. Joseph C. Brand, of Urbana,) a very excellent and amiable young la dy, who recently died, and they will read, with great interest a most tou ch memoir, written by her brother, (one of the of the Urbana Citizen and G azette,) which we reprint in to-day’s paper. No one whether a frie nd or an utter stranger —can read the article without being greatly move d. The family of the deceased my feel assured of the affectionate and symp athizing remembrance of many friends here and elsewhere.
Death’s Doings Miss Ivva Brand, youngest daughter of Hon. Joseph and Lavinia Brand, di ed at her home in Urbana, last Saturday evening, February 27th after a lo ng and painful suffering, in the 19 year of her age. Ivva was the youngest of nine children, and perhaps, the most patient of t hem all, for she had been in poor health for several years. It is said th at experiences of the world add much to the refinement of education and t he teachings are such that it leaves an impressive stamp upon the mind, a nd brightens up the intellect; so with little Ivva. She had been an attentive observer of all the notable things, both anima te and inanimate—of this world, and her life study was to learn, not so mu ch for her own good as the good of others, so that she could, at a glanc e, give an opinion worthy of the brightest consideration for the benef it of all with whom she become intimate. She always, through life, though she had a special mission to perform; a nd , until within a few hours of her death, supposed it was to live to tea ch all to love and cherish, as she had learned to do; but her mission w as to meet her own dear family around her death-bed and bid each one good- by, and ask them to meet her in Heaven. Several years ago she, with her mother and an elders sister, embarked f or Nuremburg, Bavaria, one other the German States, where her father was l iving; he being at the time United States Consul. When she arrived in th at country she was to able to speak a work of the German language, bu t, in an incredible short time, she learned to speak, read and write the t ongue. While there she formed a large acquaintance and made may friends. N ow, that she has gone to her Heavenly home, let us profit by her example a nd finally meet her there.
Little Ivva! She is gone, From earth her soul has risen— To take her place with other friends, Who dwell above in heaven.
Gentle and kindhearted, With sympathy for all “Don ‘t weep, I’m happy. It is my Maker ‘s call.”
Her memory will be cherished By friends here and abroad; She ‘s gone away with angels to dwell, Called by the voice of God.
Rest sweet angel one, Free from sorrow and care; Let us follow her example And happily meet her there.
She was a kind-hearted, gentle being; always ready to lend a helping ha nd to the poor and unfortunate; and giving advice with such earnesty of pu rpose and knowledge, that was remarkable for one so young. She was a gre at lover of her father, mother, brothers, and sisters, and her Heavenly Fa ther.
Mary McCord Ross (1886 - 1948)
Urbana relatives were advised Monday that Coleman B. Ross, w ho recently enlisted as a private in Company D, Third regiment, had been a ppointed second Lieutenant to fill the vacancy caused by the promoti on of Laylin Rock to the first lieutenancy, the latter position having be en vacant ever since the resignation of Lieutenant Mason Arrowsmith sever al weeks ago.
It has been know for several months that Mr. Ross was slated f or a commission as an officer in Company D and the announcement of the ap pointment does not come as a surprise. He resigned his position recent ly as teller at the Champaign National bank and enlisted as a priva te in Company D.
Mr. Ross left a good position in the Champaign National bank a nd a young wife, to join the colors and with a knowledge of military tacti cs gained in the Ohio State University and kept fresh by the Urbana comma nd of Boy Scouts, he is well fitted for the honor conferred upon hi m. In Lieutenant Ross, Captain Middleton will find a worthy aide.
The flags were flying once more Wednesday morning, on West Rey nolds street as the residents of that street prepared to welcome home Capt ain Coleman Ross. Captain Ross, the son of Mrs. Ella Ross, has been in t he states a short time and came home directly from Camp Sherman. Mrs. Ros s, who has spent the greater part of the war period with her parents in Ch icago, joined her husband at Camp Sherman about a week ago and returned ho me with him.
Captain Ross sailed for France last June and while in active d uty over seas took part in five different drives, three in France, at Argo nne, St. Miheil, and Verdun, and in two drives in Belgium.
He left Urbana a member of Co. D, but was changed to Co. C, co mposted of Piqua men. He received his promotion to Captain in the fie ld of action for coolness and bravery.
There were originally 250 men in Co. C., but through the fatal ities of war only 28 men came home with their Captain.
All honor to those who paid the supreme sacrifice and those re turning a glorious welcome.
Coleman Ross, late captain of Company "C" of the 148th regime nt was called from his home at Wyandot, Mich, Tuesday to Cincinnati to ha ve conferred on him the Belgium Cross of Honor for bravery in action.
Captain Ross, formerly of this city was in command of the comp any, being made a captain on the field for bravery.
The Kind of Belgium personally pinned the cross on Captain Ro ss at the Sinton hotel, Wednesday morning in the presence of his suite a nd Ambassador Brand Whitlock. (Handwritten: Oct. 1919)
Captain Ross will speak Sunday night at the Grace M.E. churc h. H will speak in general of the work of the 37th. Also relate person al experiences with the division in Belgium. This division spent almost t hree months in Belgium and an account of their work there will be interest ing to all. Captain Ross left with the 37th on June 23rd., spent July 4 th on board and landed at Brest on the 5th. They went into central Fran ce and on July 27th were on the firing line and with the exception of a f ew days' rest were on the firing line until the armistice was signed. T he 37th was one of four divisions that started the Meuse-Argonne offensi ve September 26th. This division was in the drive for six days. After th ey were relieved they were taken to the Pannes sector. They next began th eir drive against the St. Mihiel line and were in the fight for eleven day s. When they were relieved they were sent into Belgium. The arrived in B elgium about October 20th, brigaded with the French and started on the off ensive at Ypres-Lyes on October 31 and continued until Nov. 11th.
Captain Ross has a message that will be of great interest to a ll who are interested in the work of the 37th. He will speak in particul ar of the part played by the 37th. The division spent three months in Bel gium and his personal experiences there will be of greatest interest.
This meeting is open to the public and all who have opportuni ty are urged to attend.
Champaign Co - Scrapbook of the Ross & Brand Families. Pg80 C. A. Ross Goes to Wyandotte
C. A. Ross who resigned this week from the secretaryship of t he Western Mutual Fire Insurance Company, will go in a few days to Wyandot te, Michigan, to assume charge of the offices of the McCord Manufacturi ng company of that place. Mr. Ross will have better than 25 employees und er his direct management in the offices of the company. His brother Colem an B. Ross has been connected with the sales department of the same compa ny since his discharge from the army.
Mr. Ross has tendered the position he now accepts early in Dec ember and went to Wyandotte to look the situation over. He returned ho me and later accepted the place, resigning from the Urbana company.
It is likely that the family will leave soon, this depending u pon the school situation. Mr. Ross already has a house reserved for h im in Wyandotte and is preparing to move his family there.
The leaving of Mr. Ross and his estimable family will be a dis tinct loss to Urbana, where he and Mrs. Ross have been prominent in soci al and church circles and the former in business circles. However, the po sition offers particularly bright prospects for the talents of Mr. Ross a nd his many friends will congratulate him.
The McCord company manufactures automobile engine “gaskets” and is abo ut to double its capacity and output
Champaign Co - Scrapbook of the Ross & Brand Families. Pg52 WITH BISHOP POTTER. TOLEDO, 0., MAY 13—Special to the Scripps Leagues—Rev. Dr. E. 0. Whitloc k, pastor of St. Paul’s M.E. church, this city, and one of the leading Met hodist divines in Ohio, created a sensation in his sermon yesterday by usi ng language similar to that of Bishop Potter at the centennial sermon in N ew York. He said that patriotism is being prostituted for party spoils; th at gold had paved the way to Congress, to the Senate, to the cabinet, a nd even to the presidency. He said to a correspondent that Vice Preside nt Morton had undoubtedly purchased his way to office by his wealth, and t hat Postmaster General Wanamaker’s money had given him his position, altho ugh Wanamaker did not contribute it for that purpose.
Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Lima Ward 6, Allen, Ohio; Rol l: T623 1236; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 18. N elizabeth St HH117 E D Whitlock 56 11/1843 OH NJ DE, Minister ME Church Mallie L Whitlock 56 12/1844, wife, m32y 4/3 OH KY VA William G Whitlock 20 son 3/1880, single Frank E Whitlock 19 6/1882 single
Death Date: «tab»23 Dec 1913
Death Place: «tab»Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»12 Nov 1843
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»70 years 1 month 11 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Minister Of The Gospel
Residence: «tab»Toledo, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»25 Dec 1913
Burial Place: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Elias Whitlock
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»New Jersey
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Johnson
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Delaware
Film Number: «tab»1953822
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021271
Leander N Marmon (1851 - 1930)
Martha Young Marmon (1852 - 1936)
History of Union Co, OH Beers 1881 STEPHEN CRANSTON, Sr, retired, P. O. Raymond, an old pioneer of Union Coun ty, was born in Providence, Rhode Island, October 1, 1793. His parents, Jo hn and Phebe A. (Edwards) Cronston, were natives of Rhode Island, and ca me to Champaign County, Ohio, in 1815. Mrs. Cranston died in Rhode Isla nd in 1805, and Mr. Cranston in 1824. The subject of this sketch was marri ed July 25, 1819, to Esther, daughter of Ezekiel and Susanna Hammond. Mr s. Cranston was born in Connecticut, January 1, 1802, Nine children were t he fruits of this union ; of these, they reared nine to maturity, and sev en are living at the present time, viz., George A., John D., Melissa, wi fe of W. Gideon, James, Julius, Stephen, Jr., and Edwin. Mr. and Mrs. Cran ston came to Union County when all was woods, and they were obliged to fol low an unbroken path of "blazed trees." The Indians were numerous, and wi ld game plenty. Mr. and Mrs. Cranston are one of the oldest married coupl es in Union County. They trod the rough road of pioneer life together, a nd by industry and energy have made for themselves large and valuable prop erty, at one time owning over 800 acres of land, which they have given the ir children. Mr. and Mrs. Cranston are members of the Christian Church, a nd honored and esteemed pioneers of the county.
Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, by Pat Stickley and Denise Kay Moore, Champaign Co Ohio-Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888, (Urbana Daily Citizen 1/1884-12/1888), pg18. 6/5/1884 Stephen Cranston Sr born near Providence, Rhode Island, 1 OCt 1793, at a ge 21 came to Ohio with his father John Cranston, sister Phoebe Ann a nd 4 younger brothers, John, Ephrain, Christoper and Edward, settling on D arby Plains. Stephen and Esther Hammond md 7/25/1819 had 2 dau and 7 son s: Phoebe Ann, George Andrew, John Douglas, Melissa, James J, Stephen J r, Edwin and William R; 3 ch died in infancy. He died 5/10/1884 aged 90 yr s.
1880 Census Place East Bend, Champaign, Illinois
Family History Library Film 1254179 NA Film Number T9-0179 Pa ge Number 130A Juluis CRANSTON Self M Male W 46 OH Farmer RI CT Artaina R. CRANSTON Wife M Female W 40 VT Keeping Hou se VT VT Lesly CRANSTON Son S Male W 19 IL At Home OH VT Clara CRANSTON Dau S Female W 16 IL OH VT Mary CRANSTON Dau S Female W 13 IL OH VT Lusey CRANSTON Dau S Female W 10 IL OH VT Steven C. CRANSTON Son S Male W 3 IL OH VT Roxey ATTWOOD MotherL W Female W 72 VT VT VT
ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FIRST OHIO NATIONAL GUARDS. The One Hundred and Thirty-first Ohio was organized in May, 1864, under Co l. John G. Lowe. It reported to Brig. Gen. Morris, at Baltimore, and was a ssigned to garrison duty at Forts McHenry, Marshall and Federal Hill. It w as mustered out August 25, 1864.
COMPANY D. Cranston, James, e. May 2,1864, disc. September, 1865..
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Deland, Volusia, Florida; Rol l: T624_168; Page: 22A; Enumeration District: 159; Image: 664. Samuel H Happersett 45 M21y 2/2 OH NY NY Setta? A Happersett 42 IA Cyrl R Happersett 20 FL Guilda A Happersett 17 FL
Florida Death Index, 1877-1998 Name: S H Happerset Death Date: 1917 County of Death: Broward State of Death: Florida Race: White Gender: Male
Death Date: «tab»31 Dec 1943
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign Co., Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»03 Aug 1868
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Oh
Death Age: «tab»75 years 4 months 28 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»03 Jan 1944
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Oak Dale
Spouse's Name: «tab»Mae Happersett
Father's Name: «tab»Owen B. Happersett
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Pa
Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Hyatt
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Pa
Will Book L pg 448 probated 8/25/1910 Urbana Twp late Cincinnati ; died 7 /11/1910 Heirs; Royal Happersett, bro- Leeds, ND; Minnie E Stadler, sister, Urban a. Nieve Helen Happersett and nep Harold W Stadler my real estate and mon ey divided among them; their grfather to be comfortably cared for from ear nings from my estate his lifetime; personal effects to sis Minne E Stadle r; Harold Stadler mahogany desk and chair; Helen Happersett ruby ring a nd watch chain; balance of persoanl effects disposed of by sis with reque st she give my girl friends some rememberance. Harry M Stadler, Admin. Wit: Anne E Kingsley, Catherine Ziegler Will signed 8/30/1909
Death Date: «tab»10 Apr 1951
Death Place: «tab»Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»29 Apr 1870
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»80 years 11 months 11 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Owen Happersette
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Hyatt
Note: Obits in the "Urbana Daily Times Citizen" on Saturday, June 16, 1906 and the "Urbana Citizen and Gazette" on Tuesday, June 19, 1906. Daughter of Samuel Hyatt and Lavinia Elizabeth Place Hyatt
Death Date: «tab»15 Oct 1944
Death Place: «tab»Warrensville, Cuyahoga, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»19 Mar 1880
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Delaware, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»64 years 6 months 25 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Retired
Residence: «tab»Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Whitehaven Park
Spouse's Name: «tab»Myrtle Thacker
Father's Name: «tab»Elias Whitlock
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Mollie Brand
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Film Number: «tab»2032406
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4020615
The first school of which we have any account was at a period prior to 181 0. Our knowledge of this is very limited, however; from tradition, we a re satisfied it was taught in a log house that stood in Section 28, on t he present site of the house of Edward Minturn, Esq., who is probably t he only one now living that received instruction within its apartment. Geo rge Minturn was the instructor
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