[XI11313] 63119 «tab»RUST «tab»NATHANIEL «tab»«tab»00/00/0000 «tab»DIALTON, O. «tab»09/27/1923 «tab»09/29/1923 «tab»H «tab»Lot 387 «tab»SubLot 2 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 1
[HI11315] (Research):PG 150ANN GEARHARTPROBATED 24 FEB 1890 MAD RIVER TWP [DIED 13 FEB 1890) Heirs-Henry E Gearhart—bro-Canada; Mary Thackery-sis-Dialton;Margaret Coff elt-sis-Seth, Clark Co; Smith Davis-nep-Terre Haute; Sarah E Bishop-niece— Terre Haute; Margaret A Ireland-niece—Terre Haute. To nephew F M Gearha rt all real estate in Mad River Twp, 40 acres S26, formerly owned by Jo hn N Gearhart dec’d and which 120 acres were bequeathed by John M Gearha rt to said Ann and Margaret Gearhart, now Margaret Cof felt [wife of Henry ). S R Neff and A E Dingledine now own 1/3 and Margaret Cof felt the middle 1/3. $100 to nephew W Gearhart. Isaac Neff administrator Witness:Isaac Neff Amanda Neffwill signed 12 Apr 1883
[HI11317] (Research):Champaign Co, Ohio Centenial 1902 Language is so than you cannot distinguish who the parents are. poss dau of Samuel Cheney Davis
Name: «tab»Callie Davis Mumma
Death Date: «tab»02 Sep 1922
Death Place: «tab»Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»27 Sep 1956
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1857
Birthplace: «tab»Mechanicsburg, O
Death Age: «tab»65 years 11 months 5 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»Michanicsburg, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»05 Sep 1922
Burial Place: «tab»Mechanicsburg
Cemetery Name: «tab»Maple Grove
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Samuel C. Davis
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Jane Brittain
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1992067
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4000530
Image Number: «tab»2195
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 47722
[HI11319] (Research):Will Book E pg 71 Samuel C Davis Goshen Twp died 9/6/1882 Probated 9/11/1882 Heirs Widow Jane Davis the farm we live on and farm in Madison Co; Jo hn E Davis, son, Mechanicsburg; Edriannah Comstock, dau, Mechanicsburg; Em ily Legge, dau, Mechanicsburg; Laurette I Tway, dau, Mechanicsburg; Call ie Mumma, dau, Mechanicsburg. John E Davis Admins Wit: William C Panghorn, A L Mumma signed 8/16/1882Will Book E pg 71 Samuel C Davis Goshen Twp died 9/6/18 82 probated 9/11/1882 Heirs- Widow Jane Davis the farm we live on and farm in Madison County; Jo hn E Davis-son, Mechanicsburg; Edriannah Comstock-dau, Mechanicsburg; Emi ly Legge-dau, Mechanicsburg; Lauretta I Tway-dau, Mechanicsburg; Callie Mu mma, dau, Mechanicsburg. John E Davis Admin Wit: William C Panghorn A L MUmma Signed 8/16/1882
7/28/1898 pg95 (Mechanicsburg) Mrs Cheney Davis died July 18 at 82 years of age. She had nine children; five survive; John E Davis, Mrs Matt Comstock, WIlliam Legge, John Tway and Joseph Mums. Mrs Caroline Davis was step-mother of the late Van Buren Davis. Buried 7/19 at Mpale Grove
Name: «tab»Jane Davis
Gender: «tab»Female
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»20 Jul 1898
Death Place: «tab»Mechanicsburg, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»81
Birth Date: «tab»1817
Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co.
Occupation: «tab»Housekeeper
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Nathan Brittin
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Leah Timmona
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07024-8
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 111
(Research):Parents: Father: Henry Mumma Disc #3 died 10/20/1809 MD Mother: Julianna Heckman Disc #3 Md4/22/1780
GrandParents: George Anthony Mumma Disc #3 Barbara Weber Disc #3
[HI11323] (Research):Their son, William "Billy" Wagner is mentioned in his grandfather's will p robated in Champaign County, OH. The Wagner's lived in Logan County, OH.
Name: Mrs. Celia T. Mumma
Death date: 28 Dec 1924
Death place: Delaware, Delaware, Ohio
Birth date: 17 Nov 1862
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Madison Co., O.
Age at death: 62 years 1 month 11 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Housekeeping
Burial date: 30 Dec 1924
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Mechanicsburg Cemetery
Spouse name: Abraham Mumma
Father name: D. D. Burnham
Father titles:
Father birth place: Ohio
Mother name: Sylvia Mann
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Ohio
GSU film number: 1992609
Digital GS number: 4001577
Image number: 560
Reference number: fn 65427
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI11328] (Research):Abreham L Mumma 49 W Ohio Champaign, Mechanicsburg 191 Wife Vicillion A 47 Ohio Son Wilbur R 22 Ohio Daughter Mary E 19 Ohio
[NI11329] Beers History of Madison Co, OH Pike Twp JOSEPH F. MUMMA, farmer, P. O. Mechanicsburg. The subject of this sketch w as born December 2, 1856, in Montgomery County, Ohio. His parents are Jose ph and Mary Mumma, of Champaign County. He was reared to manhood on a far m, and received a good common school education. When ten years old-with h is parents-he came to Champaign County, anal located in Union Township, wh ere they remained several years. when they moved to Goshen Township and lo cated near Mechanicsburg, where his parents now reside. They had nine chil dren, eight of whom are now living-Sarah J., Ella, Caroline, William, Matt ie, Elizabeth, Abraham and our subject. On December 10, 1879, he was united in marriage to Miss Calle Davis, an estimable lady, and the daughter of Samuel C. and Jane Davis. of Champaign County. In April, 1881, Mr. Mumma settled where he now lives in the western portion of Pike Township.
Name: «tab»Joseph F. Mumma
Death Date: «tab»06 Apr 1932
Death Place: «tab»Mechanicsburg, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»Jan 1856
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»75 years 4 months
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Retired Farmer
Residence: «tab»Sandusky
Burial Date: «tab»08 Apr 1932
Burial Place: «tab»Mechanicsburg, O.
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Callie Mumma
Father's Name: «tab»Joseph Mumma
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Maryland
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Jane Lylon
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»1992571
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4001569
Image Number: «tab»2939
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 21649
[HI11336] (Research):5/4/1887 Md last Tues at the home of Mrs William H MUmma on Scioto St, Louis D Johnson and Miss Rebecca Glenn/ d.o I D Glenn by Rev J H Davey
Name: Sarah Ellen Ayers
Death date: 10 Jan 1943
Death place: Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date:
Estimated birth year: 1854
Birthplace: Champaign County, Ohio
Age at death: 89 years
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 234 West Church
Burial date: 12 Jan 1943
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Oak Dale
Spouse's name: John Holmes Ayers
Father's name: Isaac D. Glenn
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: Cincinnati, Ohio
Mother's name: Martha A. Mcclellan
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Ohio
GSU film number: 2024043
Digital GS number: 4057822
Image number: 531
Reference number: fn 507
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Indiana, Marriage Collection, 1800-1941 about Ida A Sparks
Name: «tab»Ida A Sparks «tab»
Spouse Name: «tab»Edward E Thomas
Marriage Date: «tab»Jan 30 1887
Marriage County: «tab»Kosciusko
name: «tab»Roy Allison
gender: «tab»Male
burial date: «tab»
burial place: «tab»
death date: «tab»15 Jul 1903
death place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
age: «tab»16
birth date: «tab»1887
birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co.
occupation: «tab»None
race: «tab»
marital status: «tab»Single
spouse's name: «tab»
father's name: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»
mother's name: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»
indexing project (batch) number: «tab»B07023-8
system origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
source film number: «tab»295234
reference number: «tab»v 2 p 9
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths and Burials, 1854-1997," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/F664-Z6L : accessed 17 Nov 2012), Roy Allison, 15 Jul 1903.
name: «tab»Fern E Allison
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»10 Sep 1934
event place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
residence: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
street address: «tab»101 E. Cassilly St.
gender: «tab»Female
death age: «tab»52y 11m 4d
marital status: «tab»Married
race: «tab»White
occupation: «tab»Housewife
birth date: «tab»06 Oct 1881
birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
estimated birth year: «tab»1882
burial date: «tab»13 Sep 1934
burial place: «tab»Mutual, Ohio
cemetery: «tab»
father: «tab»Samuel K. Allison
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
mother: «tab»Catherine Jones
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
spouse: «tab»Marion E. Allison
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»fn 52954
film number: «tab»1993041
digital folder number: «tab»4001908
image number: «tab»2933
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X67F-W2H : accessed 17 Nov 2012), Fern E Allison, 1934; citing reference fn 52954, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
Indiana, Marriage Collection, 1800-1941 about Alice McCulloch
Name: «tab»Alice McCulloch «tab»
Spouse Name: «tab»Charles Sparks
Marriage Date: «tab»Jan 14 1886
Marriage County: «tab»Kosciusko
[HI11348] (Research):Dixie has a degree in education and taught school for many years In 2000, she lived in Alberta Canada. No children
[HI11356] (Research):Degree in education
[HI11358] (Research):There in some confusion between David and Daniel's death records. Apparen tly Alonzo Eshelman accompanied Daniel's widow, Carrie (Nicklas) Eshelm an to the court to file Daniel's death and while they were there Alonzo al so filed a death record for David who had died several months earlier. Th ey got the records mixed up but I know from my grandmother's stories th at Daniel Eshelman was a carpenter who died of consumption. David Eshelm an was a tinner who died of brain disease, according to Alonzo.
(Research):From Marilyn Hansen 7/19/2004
This William fits the age for William, son of Joseph and Rebecca Stephenso n. Cert Vol Name of Deceased Sex Year Month Day Age Nat Location
212 90 Argobright, William Francis M 1923 Mar 24 62 W Lima Allen County
Do either of you have any Logan Co. records. I have note that William Fra ncis Argabright married Laura Jane Stiles April 6, 1882 but cannot confi rm this info. I think these are all the same William but would be more com fortable ascertaining that the child of Joseph was actually Francis.
I will say one thing for this family -- THEY DID NOT STAY IN ONE PLACE LO NG ENOUGH TO GATHER DUST
1880 Census Place: Salem, Shelby, Ohio FHL Film 1255066 National Archives Film T9-1066 Page 210B James STEPHENSON Self M M W 25 OH Occ: Farming Fa: OH M o: OH Diora STEPHENSON Wife F M W 22 OH Occ: Keeping House F a: OH Mo: ME Myrtle Leota STEPHENSON Dau F S W 8M OH Fa: OH M o: OH James HUSSEY BroL M W W 34 OH
Occ: Farmer Fa: OH Mo: OH Luetta Amoret HUSSEY Niece F S W 6 OH F a: OH Mo: OH Florence STILES SisterL F S W 20 OH
Occ: At Home Fa: OH Mo: OH William ARGOBRIGHT Other M W 18 OH Occ: Works On Fa rm Fa: OH Mo: OH
(p. 196C) in Adams Twp. in the 1880 Champaign Co. OH Census: 187 190 Archer Miles S. WM 46M Farmer Ohio Va Md
Mary E. WF 35M Wife Keeping House Ohio Ohio Ohio
Anna WF 12S Dau Attends School Ohio Ohio Ohio
George N WM 9S Son Attends School Ohio Ohio Ohio
1900 Hardin Co. OH Census Roundhead Twp. 36 36 Argabright William head WM Mar 1861 39 M 10 OH OH OH day lab or
Anna D. wife WF Feb 1868 32 M 10 OH OH OH (Maiden n ame Archer- my note)
Goldy G dau WF July 1897 2 S OH OH OH
1910 census Monroe Twp., Allen County, Ohio ED 13 Sheet 3 line 53 William F. Argebright, age 48, second marriage for him, first marriage f or her, married 19 years, farmer, he and mother born Ohio, father born N ew Jersey Anna, wife, age 42, mother of 2 children, 2 living, she and parents born O hio Goldie, daughter, age 12, born Ohio Arthur R., son, age 6, born Ohio
1920 census Logan County, Miami Twp, Ohio ED 199, Sheet 7 line 51 W.F. Argabright, age 58, rented farm, he and parents born Ohio, day labore r Anna, wife age 51, she and parents born Ohio Ray A., son, age 16, born Ohio
Allen Co record Cert Vol Name of Deceased Sex Year Month Day Age Nat Location
212 90 Argobright, William Francis M 1923 Mar 24 62 W Lima
Ray A. Argabright married Edith E. Warren Sept 5, 1925, Clark co, Ohio v ol 32 page 141. He is age 21 lives Springfield, Clark Co. born Lima, Oh io on Nov 21, 1903 to William Argabright and Anna Archer. occupation: Pain ter
1930 census Enumrated (p. 158B) on Apr. 12 in Springfield in the 1930 Cla rk Co. OH Census: 1237 75 80 Warren Albert P. Head MW 53 M19 Ohio Ohio Maryland Mol der Motor Truck Factory
Edna I. Wife FW 58 M24 Ohio Maryland Delaware None ARGABRIGHT Raymond A. S-i-L MW 26 M22 Ohio Ohio Ohio Picture Pr inter Commercial Photography
Edith E. Dau FW 28 M24 Ohio Ohio Ohio None
Rodrick Allie F. S-i-L FW 72 Wd
Clark County Newspaper obits Mrs. Ray A. Argabright July 27, 1942
Ohio Death Certificate Name: RAY A ARGABRIGHT Gender: Male Date of Death: November 16, 1959 Volume: 15960 Certificate: 79881 Marital Status: Married -- must have married again Place of Death: , Lucas County Race: White Residence: Columbus, Franklin County Age: 55
ARGABRIGHT WILLIAM F County Name: ALLEN Date of Death: 3/24/1923 Volume Number: 4105 Certificate Number: 15766
[HI11369] (Research):Norris had a special connection with animals and had a game farm in his ya rd. He had a pet skunk at one time, which was not descented. At one ti me he let 2 orphaned bear cubs hibernate in his basement forgetting that they would not be cubs when the winter was over. Norris w as a bachelor and lived on his own until he was in his 80’s in a log cab in with no running water and then moved to a senior’s home in Alberta where he passed away.
[HI11379] (Research):He was a member of the R.C.M.P. until he retired and then he was the Cro wn Prosecutor in Regina, Saskatchewan. After retiring from that positi on he was a Justice of the Peace for the courts. Evan is known as Jim
[HI11380] (Research):His remains were removed to the Oakdale Cemetery when it was opened in 185 6.
[XI11380] Removed To Oak Dale
Oak Dale Cemetery
Champaign County
Ohio, USA
Plot: Section 53 - Lot 14
Section 59 - Lot 25 removed to Oak Dale
Inscription: Daughter of OT & H Cundiff
Died from "abcess on the brain"
[HI11383] (Research):He was first interred in the Old Graveyard on Ward and Kenton Streets a nd after 1856 his remains were moved to Oak Dale Cemetery.
[HI11384] (Research):Removed to Oak Dale Cemetery
Oak Dale Cemetery
Champaign County
Ohio, USA
Plot: Section 53 - Lot 7
[XI11386] Oak Dale Cemetery Section 39 - Lot 6
[XI11387] Removed from Old Kenton Graveyard
Inscription: Daughter of Isaac & Elizabeth Johnson
She shares this stone with her brothers, Cassius & Isaac Johnson.
Family links:
Isaac Johnson (1820 - 1904)
Oak Dale Cemetery
Champaign County
Ohio, USA
[XI11389] Inscription: Wife of Thornton Lemen -- Aged 53y, 2m, 20d
[XI11390] Oak Dale Section 34
[XI11391] Plot: Section 46 - Lot 3 Oak Dale
[HI11394] (Research):URIAH BLUE, the father of our subject, was married in Clarke County, Ohi o, to MISS ALMEDA HODER, who was born in that county in 1824, a daught er of JOHN and MARY (BAIRD) HODER. They reared a family of five children- -MRS. MARY HARTMAN, of Battle Ground, this county; MRS. MAGGIE TITUS, of C larke County, Ohio; JAMES W.; SARAH C., living at Battle Ground, and MR S. ELIZABETH ROBINSON, of White County, Indiana. In 1861 URIAH BLUE remov ed with his family to White County, Indiana, where they made their home un til 1875.
(Research):1880 Census Place: Tippecanoe, Tippecanoe, Indiana Source: FHL Film 1254313 National Archives Film T9-0313 Page 173D
Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace James BLUE Self M S W 35 OH Occ: Farmer Fa: OH Mo: OH Amanda BLUE Mother F W W 59 OH Occ: Keeping House Fa: VA Mo: KY Sarah BLUE Sister F S W 33 OH Occ: At Home Fa: OH Mo: OH
(Research):Hartmen Clara Samuel Mary Blue F W 25 6/23/1896 S-19 73 Index to Supplemental Record Tippecanoe County Marriage Transcript 1880-19 06 Letters A-K Volume I
Hartman Lynn M. Samuel May Blue M W 24 5/7/1903 S-20 213 Hartman Lyum M. Samuel Blue M W 26 5/20/1904 S-21 5
Index to Death Records Tippecanoe County 1882-1920 Inclusive Letters A Hartman Mary J. F W 73 Oct 24 1910 City BookCH-8L pg82
(Research):JAMES W. BLUE, the present efficient postmaster at Battle Ground, is a nat ive of Ohio, born in Clarke County, September 6, 1844, his father URIAH BL UE, being a native of the same State, born in Ross County, in 1811. The la tter was a son of JAMES BLUE, who was a Virginian by birth, and a slavehol der, but being convinced that slavery was wrong, he emancipated his slav es and removed to Ross County, Ohio, where he resided until 1827. He th en made his home in Boone County, Indiana, for several years, improvi ng a farm in that county. Later he settled in Berrien County, Michigan, wh ere he died in 1847. URIAH BLUE, the father of our subject, was marri ed in Clarke County, Ohio, to MISS ALMEDA HODER, who was born in that coun ty in 1824, a daughter of JOHN and MARY (BAIRD) HODER. They reared a fami ly of five children--MRS. MARY A. HARTMANN, of Battle Ground, this count y; MRS. MAGGIE TITUS, of Clarke County, Ohio; JAMES W.; SARAH C., livi ng at Battle Ground, and MRS. ELIZABETH ROBINSON, of White County, Indian a. In 1861 URIAH BLUE removed with his famly to White County, Indiana, whe re they made their home until 1875.
JAMES W. BLUE, whose name heads this sketch, was reared in Clarke Count y, to the vocation of a farmer, which he has followed the greater pa rt of his life. In 1861 he located at Ash Grove, Tippecanoe County, and e ngaged in farming. He enlisted in the war of the Rebellion, October 18, 1 864, in the Sixteenth Indiana Light Artillery, the battery during his te rm of service being stationed in the fortifications of Washington, D. C. He remained in the service until the close of the war, when he was hon orably discharged July 5, 1865, and after his return from the war he resum ed farming. In 1877 he was elected assessor of Tippecanoe Township, and w as several times elected to the same office, assessing the township for fi ve years. He was appointed to his present position of postmaster June 1 5, 1885, by President Cleveland. MR. BLUE is a comrade of the Grand Ar my of the Republic, and is also a member of the Masonic fraternity.
Biographical Record and Portrait Album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana, 188 8, pg. 825
transcribed by Adina Dyer Jan 2000
Name: «tab»Guy Milton Rutan
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»07 Nov 1895
Death Place: «tab»Goshen, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»5
Birth Date: «tab»1890
Birthplace: «tab»Rush Tp
Occupation: «tab»None
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Glenn Rutan
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Nettie Doak
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07023-6
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 443
[HI11408] (Research):Champaign Co Will Book C pg 384 probated 4/18/1863 Nephew Fleming Allison real estate of 50 acres S19 Mad River, Wit: Isaac N eff, John G Lee. Signed (x) 3/4/1862
Name: «tab»Grace M. Deremer
Gender: «tab»Female
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»17 Feb 1906
Death Place: «tab»Springhill, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»23
Birth Date: «tab»1883
Birthplace: «tab»Harrison Tp.
Occupation: «tab»Housekeeper
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07024-8
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 117
Name: «tab»Herbert Wyman Stotler
Gender: «tab»Male
Baptism/Christening Date: «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place: «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»01 Sep 1897
Birthplace: «tab»McArthur Tp., Logan, Ohio
Death Date: «tab»
Name Note: «tab»W. Stodtler changed to Wyman Stotler
Race: «tab»White
Father's Name: «tab»Thomas S. Stodtler
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Father's Age: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Minnie V. Armstrong
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Age: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»C04041-5
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»534832
Reference Number: «tab»v 3 p 149
[HI11425] (Research):REMLEYV LEURA S County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 2/5/1930 Volume Number: 6212 Certificate Number: 7226
[HI11427] (Research):REMLEY JOHN C County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 4/4/1915 Volume Number: 1616 Certificate Number: 20249
Name: «tab»Edith Cranston Lane
Death Date: «tab»09 Aug 1928
Death Place: «tab»Piqua, Miami, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»01 Mar 1888
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Milford Centre, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»40 years 5 months 8 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»652 N. Main St.
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»Piqua, Ohio, USA
Burial Date: «tab»11 Aug 1928
Burial Place: «tab»Piqua, Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»Forest Hill
Spouse's Name: «tab»Leedom Lane
Father's Name: «tab»John D. Cranston
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Marysville, Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Erb
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Milford Centre, Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1991348
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4022110
Image Number: «tab»456
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 50809
[HI11432] (Research):Possible last name is Trumbly
(Research):Last name could be Walker
EVANSIZER, Juanita M., in Pinole, January 13, 1976; beloved wife of the la te Orville L. Evansizer; loving mother of Vernon W. Butler of Pinole and G len W. Butler of Hopewell, Virginia; sister of Mrs. Marsha Owen of Sausali to, Art Busby of Santa Rosa, Joe Busby of St. Helena and Beulah Busby of B erkeley; also survived by five grandchildren and four great-grandchildre n. A native of Baker County, Oregon; aged 78 years.
Friends are invited to attend services Saturday, January 17 at 2 pm at Sun set View Mortuary Chapel, Colusa & Fairmount, Berkeley-El Cerrito. Rev. M alcolm D. Brewer officiating. Inurnment - Urn Garden of Sunset View Cemet ery. (From the Oakland Tribune, 1-15-1976)
Busby, Alvin Lived in: Unity Precinct, Baker County, Oregon 1900 Series: T623 Microfilm: 1345 Book: 1 Page: 69 Alvin B Busby b 10/1878, 21, OR AL AL employee on stock ranch
Busby, Calvin Lived in: Unity Precinct, Baker County, Oregon 1900 Series: T623 Microfilm: 1345 Book: 1 Page: 70 3/1882,18, S, OR ARK OR David, brother, 12/1880, 19, S Joseph, brother, 6/1884,16,S Bertie, brother, 4/1885,15,S John H Busby h/h, 6/1859, Ind Territory, AL TN, 41, S William, brother, 9/1856,43,S AL AL TN
Busby, William Lived in: Cleary Precinct, Baker County, Oregon 1900 Series: T623 Microfilm: 1345 Book: 1 Page: 74 b 9/1855, S, boarding, AL AL TN (looks like brother of John above.)
Transcriptions of vital records are not permitted in Conta Costa County
[HI11436] (Research):Family history says that brother Richard was jumping on the bed beside h is sister and accidentally caused her death. Richard claimed there w as no truth to this story.
[MI11436] (Medical):Lived 28 days
[HI11437] (Research):The family story goes that Margaret was born at home. They rushed her to t he hospital, where she needed a blood transfusion. Elroy gave his blood, b ut it is said that because he ran and his blood was hot, that it failed a nd she died. It is not known how true this story is.
[DI11438] Urbana Citizen Daily Mrs. Flora E. Darling, wife of Joseph M. Darling, passed away Tuesday morn ing at 9:45 o'clock, at her home, 522 East Ward Street. Mrs. Darling, duri ng the past months, had suffered a several strokes of paralysis and the se resulted in her death. She was born in Delaware county, November 19,186 3, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Conrad Decker and was 67 year old at the ti me of her death. Mrs. Darling was twice married and is survived by her hus band, four children by her first marriage namely, Charles Reed, of Marysvi lle; Clarence Reed, of St. Paris; Lester Reed, of Cable, and Mrs. Ella Kno tts, of Urbana. and by one son by her second marriage, Chester Darlin g, of Urbana. One sister, Mrs. Charlotte Silkie, of St. Joesph, Mich, al so survives. Funeral arrangements are in charge of Humphreys and Son, C o. and will be announced Wednesday, as word has not been received from a ll the relatives.
(Research):Urbana Daily Citizen, October 22,1974, Deaths and Funeral, page 14 Lester Reed, 75, a retired farmer and veteran of World War I, died late Sa turday evening in the Dayton Veteran's Hospital, where he had been admitt ed September 29. Prior to that time he was a patient at the Fountain Pa rk Rest Home.Survivors include three nephews, Melvin Reed, Urbana, Russe ll and Harold Reed, St. Paris, a neice, Mrs. Jack Wiltheisis, Valley Cit y, and a half-brother, Chester Darling, Mechanicsburg.Funeral services wi ll be held a 1:15 p.m. Wednesday in the Veteran's Administration Chap el in Dayton with burial to be made in the National Memorial Cemetery.Frie nds may call at the funeral home from 7 to 9 p.m. today.
Name: Lester Reed Birthplace: Ohio State: OH 1910 Age: 15 C olor: W Enumeration District: 0017 Visit: 0257 County: Champaign Relation: Hired man Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Head of Household John H Muzzy W
Groom's Name: «tab»George W. Halterman
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Pemberton, O.
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Florence E. Vanburen
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1889
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Marion, Ind.
Bride's Age: «tab»21
Marriage Date: «tab»15 Feb 1910
Marriage Place: «tab»Hancock County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»V. P. Halterman
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Hillary Rusk
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Charles Vanburen
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Not Given
Groom's Race: «tab»White
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»White
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
ERRYSVILLE, Ashland co, Oh - The Rev. Dr. Jack E. Wiltheiss, 83, of rural Perrysville, went home to be with the Lord on Friday, May 4, 2012, following a short illness.He was born Oct. 26, 1928, in Miami County, and was the son of the late Ernest and Edyth (Knoop) Wiltheiss.He was a 1947 graduate of Lena Conover High School and completed his education at Tennessee Temple College of Chattanooga, Tenn. During his lengthy career, he served congregations of the General Assembly of Regular Baptist Churches, first at Millerstown Community Church of St. Paris, and 24 years at the First Baptist Church of Valley City, retiring in March of 1991. Following his retirement, he moved to the Perrysville area. He was a member of the Calvary Baptist Church, Ashland. Jack was well-known by his friends and fellow pastors as "Jack The Baptist."He is survived by his wife, Glenna (Reed) Wiltheiss, whom he married Nov. 9, 1949; two sons, Gaylord (Patricia) Wiltheiss of Norton and Samuel (Cindy) Wiltheiss of Rockford, Mich.; two daughters, Ellen Fitzenrider of Berea and Susan (Brian) Wilson of Ashland; nine grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; one brother, Robert Wiltheiss of Piqua; and five sisters, Lois Boehringer of Piqua, Nellie Thornton of Erie, Pa., Janet Maxon of Conover, Peggy Drennan of Cadis, Ky,, and Carla Van Hoogen of Boise, Idaho.He was preceded in death by two brothers, Donald and Ernest Wiltheiss; and four sisters, Betty Charity, Mildred Weatherhead, Doris Elifritz, and Carol Jane Woods.
Friends may call from 4-6 p.m. Monday, in Calvary Baptist Church, Ashland, where services will follow at 6 p.m. with the Rev. Harry Strachan officiating. Another funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, in the Union Baptist Church, Peterson Road, Troy, with the Rev. Oren Thomas officiating. Friends may call one hour prior to those services in the church. Burial will be in Fletcher Cemetery, Fletcher.Memorial contributions may be made to the Mission Fund of Calvary Baptist Church, 220 Davis Avenue, Ashland, OH 44805 or Hospice of North Central Ohio, 1050 Dauch Drive, Ashland, OH 44805.
Married First
Name: «tab»Forest William Fox
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»29 Feb 1916
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»25
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1891
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Jesse W. Fox
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary Sagers
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Etta Marie Reed
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1898
Spouse's Father: «tab»Ross Reed
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Flora Decker
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p171
Film Number: «tab»545416
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016845
Image Number: «tab»125
(Research):Ruby Marie Gatten: Ruby Marie Reed, 71, Urbana, died Thursday, March 23, 1995, in her residen ce. She was born July 26,1923, in Champaign County, the daughter of Richa rd Earl and Lillie (McClabe) Gatten. She was a member of the First Presby terian Church of Urbana, Verse Writer's Guild of Ohio, and a charter memb er of the Urbana University Alumni Association. She was formerly the execu tive secretary to the president of Urbana University, and had been employ ed as an executive secretary with several companies in Springfield, Urba na and Dayton, for more than 20 years. She retired in 1989, as administrat ive assistant, from the Champaign County Department of Human Services. S he had achieved a liflong dream of having two books of children's poetry p ublished. She is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, Sharon and Jo hn Cromwell, Urbana, and Patricia and Phil Cotrell, New Egypt, N.J.; S ix grandchildren; two brothers, Ronald E. Gatten, Urbana, Carroll W.Gatten ,Springfield; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in dea th by her husband, Melvin C. Reed, in 1985; her parents; four brothers; a nd one sister. Family will receive friends from 5 to 8 p.m., Friday, in t he Waltr-Schoedinger Funeral Home, Urbana. The funeral service will be he ld at 10 a.m., Saturday, in the funeral home, with Rev. Don Hilkerbaumer o fficiating. Burial will follow in Spring Grove Cemetery, North Heck Hill R oad, St. Paris. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Canc er Society, The Cancer Association of Champaign County(CCAC) of Mercy Hosp ice.
Individual Note: 1991, Published "Just Imagine..." a book of children's po etry.
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 146
Name: RICHARD E GATTEN Gender: Male Date of Death: April 08, 1966 Volume: 18414 Certificate: 24743 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 87
Name: Richard Gatten SSN: 281-10-5346 Last Residence: 43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States of Ameri ca Born: 4 Nov 1878 Died: Apr 1966 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
(Research):Name: Lillie Gatten Gender: Female Date of Death: 29 May 1975 Volume: 22110 Certificate: 040118 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Springfield, Clark County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 95 Years
Name: Lillie Gatten SSN: 281-64-8899 Last Residence: 43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States of Ameri ca Born: 26 Dec 1879 Died: May 1975 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1973 )
[HI11450] (Research):Urbana Daily Citizen, October 10,1944 Last Rites - an infant daughter born Saturday to Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Reed of St. Paris, Route 2, died later that day. Graveside services were held Monday afternoon in Spring Grove Cemetery, Millerstown. Burial was in charge of the Seaver Funeral Home of Urbana.
[DI11450] Urbana Daily Citizen, October 10,1944 Last Rites - an infant daughter born Saturday to Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Reed of St. Paris, Route 2, died later that day. Graveside services were held Monday afternoon in Spring Grove Cemetery, Millerstown. Burial was in charge of the Seaver Funeral Home of Urbana.
[XI11450] Cemetery lot records have this child dying on 7-Oct-1944 and burial of 9-Oct-1944. Section 8 lot 66 E-1/2-1 grave (source Karen Heber)
(Research):Name State Served Enlist Date Enlist Rank Enlist Age Enlist Place Ar
Reason Baker Ohio 21 August 1862 Priv 22 Union
Reason Baker Ohio 26 April 1861 Priv 20 Union
Reason Baker Ohio 30 September 1862 Priv 21 Union
Reason Baker Ohio 16 November 1861 Priv 20 Union
Reason Baker Ohio 22 February 1864 Priv 19 Union
[HI11460] (Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot 77 12/6/1860 Moses Everett to David E Golden, entire lot Bk 32 Pg240 Lot 77 4/6/1861 D E Golden to B F Golden, entire lot Bk 32 Pg354 Lot 77 4/23/1877 B F Golden to D E Golden, entire lot Bk 33 Pg213 Lot 77 4/23/1861 D E Golden to Moses Everett, entire lot Bk 33 Pg214
[DI11460] Rick Burnside Evergeen book shows death Dec 1 1905, as do the records by Karen Heber. However after finding his widow Henrietta in the 1880 census, and 1900 census and application for his pension in 1879, we concluded there is an error in the cemetery records. Karen Heber found the following: The burial record has the date of burial of Dec-1905.However, I just looked up the Headstones Provided for Deceased Union Civil War Veterans 1870 to 1903 Interesting I found a David Golden LT 3«sup»rd«/sup» Regt Ohio Cavalary. Cemetery listed as near St. Paris and the death date states 22-July-1872.
Name: «tab»Minnie Price Spillan
Death Date: «tab»04 Apr 1948
Death Place: «tab»Urbana Twp, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1873
Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»75 years
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Chas. P. Spillan
Father's Name: «tab»Joseph Price
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Julia Carpenter
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2246459
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4109088
Image Number: «tab»03086
Certificate Number: «tab»21566
Name: «tab»Reuben Zellers
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»06 Mar 1906
Event Place: «tab», Darke County, Ohio
Age: «tab»22
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1884
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»George Zellers
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Lydia Rhodes
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Alma Burns
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1888
Spouse's Father: «tab»Edgar Burns
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Rosa Mcdonald
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 309
Film Number: «tab»1030776
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4017448
Image Number: «tab»195
Reuben E. Zeller (1883 - 1954)
Marjorie Zeller*
Margaret Zeller*
Glenn Leslie Zeller (1906 - 1988)*
Name: «tab»Essia Q. Burns
Gender: «tab»Female
Baptism/Christening Date: «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place: «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»20 Dec 1887
Birthplace: «tab»Patterson, Darke, Ohio
Death Date: «tab»
Name Note: «tab»
Race: «tab»White
Father's Name: «tab»A. E. Burns
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Father's Age: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Rosa A. Mcdonald
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Age: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»C04207-5
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»1030768
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 455
Name: «tab»Essie A. Zeller
Death Date: «tab»25 Apr 1951
Death Place: «tab»Greenville, Darke, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»22 Dec 1889
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Darke Co.
Death Age: «tab»63 years
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Edward Burns
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Rosie Mcdonald
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2372800
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4109376
Image Number: «tab»00511
Certificate Number: «tab»22806
[HI11493] (Research):From Jim Friar [email protected] The family that I am following is Chilcote. My gg grandmother was Elizabe th Chilcote (who married Armstrong JOHNSON) and was a member of Richard Ch ilcote’s family from Baltimore MD. All of Elizabeth's brothers and siste rs were living in Noble Twp., Morgan County, or in nearby townships in Gue rnsey County in 1830, before they began to drift west. Elizabeth's sist er Sarah CHILCOTE married Benjamin Cox, and they stayed in Noble County (a fter that county split off from Morgan in 1851). Their daughter Harriet C ox married Thomas Baker in 1839 [the marriage index says Barker, but the re were no Barkers in the immediate area at that time – I haven't yet se en the original entry]. It appears that he died shortly after the 1850 cen sus and a Harriet Baker of the correct age (the only one in the 1850 cens us for Morgan) married Joshua EVILSIZER in 1853, and they lived in Noble a nd Center Townships of Noble County. along with her son Rezin Baker and h is two wives, daughter Mary Baker who married James Jerles, and Harriet Co x’s sister, Sarah COX Fitzjerles [or Jerles] and her husband Anderson
Name «tab»Harriet Evelsezor
Gender «tab»Female
Burial Date «tab»
Burial Place «tab»
Death Date «tab»31 Aug 1884
Death Place «tab»Center Tp., Noble, Ohio
Age «tab»63
Birth Date «tab»1821
Birthplace «tab»Belmont Co.
Occupation «tab»
Race «tab»White
Marital Status «tab»Married
Spouse's Name «tab»
Father's Name «tab»
Father's Birthplace «tab»
Mother's Name «tab»
Mother's Birthplace «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number «tab»B07112-8
System Origin «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number «tab»930100
Reference Number «tab»v 2 p 23
(Research):Gene had a son named Gordon Eugene Reid, called Gordy, by a previous marri age before he married Joann. Gordy was 8 or 10 years old, born about 195 4, when his father married Joann.[Barnes.FTW]
Gene had a son named Gordon Eugene Reid, called Gordy, by a previous marri age before he married Joann. Gordy was 8 or 10 years old, born about 195 4, when his father married Joann.
(Research):Name: Richard J Evansizer Birth Year: 1917 Race: White, citizen Nativity State or Country: Washington State: California County or City: Alameda Enlistment Date: 22 Nov 1940 Enlistment State: California Enlistment City: Fort Mcdowell Angel Island Branch: Quartermaster Corps Branch Code: Quartermaster Corps Grade: Private Grade Code: Private Component: Regular Army (including Officers, Nurses, Warrant Officers, a nd Enlisted Men) Source: Civil Life Education: 2 years of high school Civil Occupation: Industrial Engineer Marital Status: Single, without dependents Height: 66 Weight: 127
[Record Searchlight, Saturday, December 18, 1999, Page B2, Columns 1 and 2 ] REDDING -- Richard "Ric" James Evansizer, 81, of Redding died Wednesda y, Dec. 15, 1999, at Redding Medical Center. Private family services wi ll be conducted. Born May 23, 1918, in Spokane, Wash., he moved to Shas ta County in 1985 from Eureka. He was a supervisor with the U.S. governm ent power plant operation in King Salmon, Alaska, and a U.S. Army veter an of World War II. Survivors include wife Grace, sons Jesse of Eureka a nd Michael of Los Gatos, daughter Karen Jacinto of Fremont, four grandchil dren, and one great-grandchild. Arrangements are being handled by All en & Dahl Funeral Chapel in Redding.
[NI11525] Informant on father death certificate 1921 Mrs M J Haymaker
Name: «tab»Helen Wiant
Gender: «tab»Female
Baptism/Christening Date: «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place: «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»13 Dec 1906
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio, United States
Death Date: «tab»
Name Note: «tab»
Race: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Delmar O. Wiant
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Father's Age: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Mamie Hoak
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Age: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»I08971-2
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»285137
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, & 1958-2007 about Mason A Foust
Name: «tab»Mason A Foust
Birth Date: «tab»1907
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Newark
Residence County: «tab»Licking
Residence State: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»29 May 1962
Hospital of Death: «tab»Licking Memorial Hospital
City of Death: «tab»Newark
County of Death: «tab»Licking
Certificate: «tab»37574
Age at Death: «tab»55
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: «tab»Married
[HI11544] (Research):Baby found dead near St. Paris St. Paris- Thomas Nelson Reed, 6 1/2 months, was found dead in bed at t he farm home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. Harold (Betty) Reed, east of S t. Paris. The boy had been ill for some time. Cause of death: pneumonia Be side his parents, he leaves two sister, Diana and Karen; two bothers, Jam es and Robert; his grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Clarence Reed, Mr. and Mrs. H oward Snider of Grandview Heights, and Mr. and Mrs. Mason Foust, of Newar k, Ohio. Services will be held at 2:30p.m. Saturday at the Baker Funeral H ome in St. Paris. Burial will be in Spring Grove Cemetery, Millertown. Fri ends may call at the funeral home Friday and until the services.
[HI11548] (Research):Name: Ernest C Wiltheiss Birth Date: Est. 1886 Gender: Male Race: White Residence County: Miami Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 4 Oct 1965 Hospital of Death: Inactive City of Death: Miami County County of Death: Miami Certificate: 78250 Age at Death: 79 Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification Marital Status: Widowed
[HI11549] (Research):Name: Edythe M Wiltheiss Birth Date: Est. 1893 Gender: Female Race: White Residence County: Miami Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 11 Sep 1963 Hospital of Death: Piqua Mem Med Center - Closed City of Death: Piqua County of Death: Miami Certificate: 70726 Age at Death: 70 Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification Marital Status: Married
Name: «tab»Chatfield
Death Date: «tab»01 Nov 1909
Death Place: «tab»Wayne, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»01 Nov 1909
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Wayne Tp., Champaign, O.
Death Age: «tab»stillborn
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»02 Nov 1909
Burial Place: «tab»Wayne Tp.
Cemetery Name: «tab»Jenkins Chapel
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»W. B. Chatfield
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Fannie Blue
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1927188
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4020915
Image Number: «tab»2044
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 54959
Name: «tab»Chatfield
Gender: «tab»Male
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»21 Jun 1898
Death Place: «tab»Cable, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Cable
Occupation: «tab»
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»S H Chatfield
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Fannie M Blue
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07024-8
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»v 2 p 85
[HI11565] (Research):Name: Herbert Boyd SSN: 302-05-1926 Last Residence: 43072 Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio, United States of A merica Born: 23 Aug 1912 Last Benefit: 43072 Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio, United States of Ame rica Died: May 1979 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[HI11583] (Research):Son of Thomas B Hosler and Jennie Roberts
(Research):The first wife of Richard W. Lee and the Mother of all of his first eig ht children was from Champaign Co., Ohio but nothing is known of her or a ny of her family. There are many by the name of "Ward" buried in Mad Riv er Twp. in Champaign Co. which were no doubt some of her family, but I nev er seen any of the "Ward" family
I have heard that the Ward family came from Pennsylvania about the time th at the "Hankins" family did and were among the first pioneers in Champai gn Co., and that Mary Nancy Ward Lee was born in Pennsylvania. Her Moth er lived with them and came to Iowa with them. She was called Grandma Wa rd and died 22 Aug 1858 and was buried in the old Edgington or Masonhold er Cemetery and later removed to the Cedar Bethel Cemetery West of Lett s, Iowa on the Lee lot by her daughter who was removed from Forrest, I ll to that cemetery. Grandma Ward lived about five miles No. W. of Lett s, Iowa after their arrival in Iowa in 1853 and for several years after.
[HI11585] (Research):Died recently, maybe in 2000, but unable to find SS info. Had step daughter named Penny
Chillicothe, Mo. \emdash Russ Evilsizer, 75, died Thursday, June 9.2011Russ was born Sept. 25, 1935 in Sumner, Mo., to Walter Dow and Ocie Pearl (Martin) Evilsizer.He was owner of AA Transmission in Grandview, Mo., for many years.He is survived by wife, Betty McCartney Evilsizer; daughter, Penny Sersch; sister, Mary Ila Carter; three grandchildren; six great-grandchildren.He was preceded in death by his parents and siblings.Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, June 16 at Park Lawn Funeral Home, Kansas City, Mo. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Friday, June 17 at Park Lawn Funeral Home, Kansas City, Mo. Burial will be held in Memorial Park Cemetery.Arrangements are under the direction of Park Lawn Funeral Home, Kansas City, Mo.
(Research):Vera does not appear in the 1920 or 1930 census with her parents. Perhaps she had a different mother and went to live with relatives and was enumnerated with a different last name. Evidence to support this connection came from a book on google books called "Swain-Tysen" families of Staton Island NY, New Jersey, etc. by Joseph Mullane, Lloyd Swaim, and Marjorie Johnson, published in 1984 with 1987 supplement. Only a small prtion of the book was available for viewing. What I was able to see was she descended from Emma Catherine Swain and George W Evilsizer.
Was able to see fathers date of birth but not his name. Date of birth agreed with Walter Dow Evilsizer. Tried to search name Ocie to confrim mother, but after getting the hit, would not show mothers name highlighted in box, but showed just above Vera's name, leaving me to assume she was the mother. Because of a different woman in 1920 and 1930 as wife of Walter, she was quite possibly the daughter of Myrtle who appeared in 1920 Census. More reserach needed and perhaps a copy of death cert
Per conversation on 9/26/2000 with Betty McCartney Evilsizer, Vera passed away about 4 years ago.
Name: «tab»Vera M. Johnson
SSN: «tab»499-09-1290
Last Residence: «tab»64701 Harrisonville, Cass, Missouri,
Born: «tab»7 Apr 1914
Died: «tab»9 May 1995
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Missouri (Before 1951)
Name: «tab»Helen L. Thompson
SSN: «tab»497-26-0673
Last Residence: «tab»66012 Bonner Springs, Wyandotte, Kansas
Born: «tab»14 Sep 1921
Died: «tab»29 Jan 2009
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Missouri (Before 1951)
(Research):Coshocton Tribune; Sept 11, 2000-Pg 5A Dresden - Rachel J. "Joan of Arc" (Dulac) Evilsizer, 65, of Dresden, di ed at 11:20 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 9, 2000, at her home. Born May 22, 19 35 in Waterville, she was a daughter of the late Barnaby and Violet Dula c. On July 25, 1953, she married Richard L. Evilsizer, who survives. Mr s. Evilsizer was a member of St. Thomas Catholic Church in Zanesvill e. In addition to her husband, she is survived by a son, Allan Evilsiz er and wife Linda of Zanesville; a daughter Twila G. Houston and husband T om of Columbus; five grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; two sister s, Marlene Reilly and husband John of Elliott, Maine and Nancy Tobin and h usband John of New Market, N.H.; and a stepfather, Francis Hanlon of Ports mouth, N.H. Mrs. Evilsizer was preceded in death by her grandparents, a g randdaughter and a great-granddaughter. A Mass of Christian Burial wi ll be celebrated Tuesday, Sept. 12 at 1:30 p.m. at St. Thomas Church wi th Father Michael DeTemple. Burial will follow in St. Mary's Mattingly Set tlement Cemetery. Friends may call from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. today at t he Vensil & Orr Funeral Home in Dresden. A rosary service will be he ld at 8:30 p.m. today. The family requests that memorial contributio ns be made to Hospice of Genesis. Envelopes will be available at the funer al home.
Birthplace: Waterville, Maine Resided In: Dresden Ohio Funeral Home: Vensil & Orr-Dresden Chapel Visitation: September 11, 2000 Service: September 12, 2000 Cemetery: Mattingly Settlement (St. Mary's) Rachel J. (Dulac) Evilsizer, 65, of Dresden, died at 11:20 pm Saturday September 9, 2000 at her home. Mrs. Evilsizer was born May 22, 1935 in Waterville, Maine a daughter of t he late Barnaby and Violet Dulac. She was a member of St. Thomas Cathol ic Church, Zanesville. Surviving are her husband, Richard L. Evilsizer whom she married July 25, 1953 in Portsmouth, NH; one son, Allan (Linda) Evi lsizer of Zanesville; one daughter, Twila G. (Tom) Houston of Columbus; fi ve grandchildren, seven great grandchildren; two sisters, Marlene (John) Reilly of Elliot, Maine, Nancy (John) Tobin of New Market, NH; step-fathe r, Francis Hanlon of Portsmouth, NH; and many dear and close friends. In a ddition to her parents, her grandparents, a granddaughter, Chastity Lee Ev ilsizer and a great granddaughter, Katelyn Evilsizer, preceded her in deat h. Friends may call Monday September 11, 2000 from 2-4 & 7-9 pm at the Ven sil&Orr Funeral Home in Dresden. A rosary service will be held at 8: 30 pm Monday. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated Tuesday Septe mber 12, 2000 at 1:30 pm at St. Thomas Church with Fr. Michael DeTemple, C elebrant. Burial will follow in St. Mary's Mattingly Settlement Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of Genesis, 800 Forest Avenu e, Zanesville, OH 43701, envelopes will be available at the funeral home.
Name: RACHEL JEAN EVILSIZER Gender: Female Date of Death: September 9, 2000 Birth Date: May 22, 1935 Volume: 32551 Certificate: 076242 Autopsy: N Social Security Number: 003243629 Father's Surname: DULAC Time of Death: 11:20 PM Marital Status: married Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic Place of Death: residence Years of Schooling: 12 Certifier: Physician Branch of Service: Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: LOUBIER Race: White Birth Place: ZANESVILLE, MUSKINGUM, Ohio Residence: MUSKINGUM, Ohio Age: 65 years
(Research):Obituary for Edwin C. Evensizer Nov 15, 1942 - Nov 9, 2006 Salem - Eddie was born in Cando, ND and moved to Portland, OR with his folks when he was a young boy, but lived most of his life in Salem, OR. His friends called him Fast Eddie as it suited his wild and crazy nature. Eddie lived an adventurous life and always shared his wonderful stories and humorous little bits of wisdom. He enjoyed fishing, camping, boating, motocycles and old cars. Eddie took great joy in long road trips with his family. He was the kind of guy who would drop anything to help his family and friends when they needed him. He was generous to a fault and often took in the unfortunate and gave them a chance to get back on their feet. Eddie was survived by his three children. Daughter, Jennifer "The Brat" Moisa and her two children Hayden and McKenna Evensizer all of Salem, OR, his son Robert "The Drunken General" Perkey of Sublimity, OR
and his three children, Kyle Babb-Perkey (currently serving his country in Iraq), and Jordan and Morgan Perkey both of Sublimity, his son Jerry "Sarge" Perkey of Dutch Harbor, AK, and his sister, Connie Evensizer of Salem, OR. Services will be at 3 p.m. Nov 18, 2006 at Virgil T
Goldens Funeral Home in Salem. Viewing will be from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
name: «tab»Paul Lawrence Maughan
event: «tab»Marriage
event place (standardized): «tab»Clark, Ohio, United States
event place (other): «tab»
age: «tab»29
estimated birth year: 1/19/«tab»1917
birth date: «tab»
birthplace: «tab»
father: «tab»Patrick L Maughan
father's «tab»
mother: «tab»Emma Spahr
mother's «tab»
spouse: «tab»Anna Louise Sharp
spouse's «tab»
spouse's age: «tab»29
spouse's estimated birth year: «tab»3/16/1917
spouse's birthplace: «tab»
spouse's father: «tab»Charles Sharp
spouse's father's «tab»
spouse's mother: «tab»Mary E Hanrahan
spouse's mother's «tab»
reference number: «tab»
film number: «tab»466642
digital folder number: «tab»004731933
image number: «tab»00128
Citing this Record"Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/K3GM-4LG : accessed 30 Sep 2012), Patrick L Maughan in entry for Paul Lawrence Maughan and Anna Louise Sharp, 1946; citing reference , FHL microfilm 466642.
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, & 1958-2007 about Paul L Maughan
Name: «tab»Paul L Maughan
Birth Date: «tab»29 Jan 1917
Birth County: «tab»Clark
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Hispanic Origin: «tab»Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence City: «tab»Springfield
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence State: «tab»Ohio
Residence Zip Code: «tab»45503
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»15 Dec 2001
Death Time: «tab»11:15 PM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Mercy Medical Center
City of Death: «tab»Springfield
County of Death: «tab»Clark
Certificate: «tab»097598
Age at Death: «tab»84
Registrar's Certificate Number: «tab»01579
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Referred to Coroner: «tab»Not Referred to Coroner
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Method of Disposition: «tab»Burial
Filing Date: «tab»18 Dec 2001
Hospital Status: «tab»Hospital/Inpatient
Injury in Ohio: «tab»Yes
Type Place of Injury: «tab»Unspecified Place
Social Security Number: «tab»301-09-4352
Father's Surname: «tab»Maughan
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Spahr
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Education: «tab»1 year college
Armed Forces Indicator: «tab»No
Primary Registration District: «tab»1201
URBANA \endash Betty Joan (Rush) Furrow, 89, of Urbana, Ohio, passed away Monday, Jan. 27, 2014, in Mercy McAuley Center.She was born Oct. 6, 1924, the daughter of Lawrence and Ethel (Strayer) Rush.Betty was employed as a receptionist for Dr. Theodore Richards. She was an organist for 45 years at First Baptist and was a volunteer at Mercy Hospital.She is survived by her sons, Larry E. Furrow and Daniel Furrow; grandson, David (Melissa) Furrow; great-grandchildren, Austin and Sarah Furrow.She is preceded in death by her parents and her husband, Mel Furrow; daughter-in-law, Judy (Hawkins) Furrow.A graveside service will be held at 1 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 30, 2014, in the Oak Dale Cemetery Chapel with Chaplin Nancy Hardin officiating. Services are entrusted to VERNON FUNERAL HOME, Urbana.In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Cancer Association of Champaign County, P.O. Box 38125, Urbana, Ohio 43078 or PAWS Animal Shelter, 1535 W. U.S. Route 36, Urbana, OH 43078.
Condolences may be expressed to the family at www.vernonfh.com.
Published in Urbana Daily Citizen from Jan. 28 to Jan. 29, 2014
(Research):Subj:Lee, Hall, Collier Date:8/25/2000 12:11:44 AM Mountain Daylight Time From:[email protected] To:EVILSIZER3
Do you know of James COLLIER's 2nd wife Sarah LEE HALL. She had a daught er Mary Mathilda HALL from her first marriage. Sarah was supposedly Jo hn G. LEE's sister.
Later James COLLIER m. Mary Mathilda HALL, his step daughter. This marria ge caused quite a stir among the family members as James was around 57 a nd Sarah only 16. They had at least 6 children. The sixth was Clementi ne COLLIER who m. Wm. B. ROSS at Astoria, Oregon. Clementine, who later m oved to San Bruno, CA, and my grandfather, Clyde Hankins, carried on corre spondence and she visited Iowa and Ohio and attended Lee reunions in Champ aign Co.
Haven't had time to check the Evilsizor info yet. From a brief look y ou certainly have done a great job in documenting your data. Three cheers .
Thanks Marilyn Hankins Kromrey
[HI11665] (Research):Noah E. Rix found in: Census Microfilm Records: Indiana, 1900 Lived in: Washington Township, Blackford County, Indiana Series: T623 Microfilm: 360 Book: 1 Page: 313
[HI11666] (Research):1880 Census Place:Washington, Blackford, Indiana Source:FHL Film 1254266 National Archives Film T9-0266 Page 37 5D Elisha JOHNSONSelfMMW42OHOcc:FarmerFa: NCMo: NC Nancey A. JOHNSON WifeFMW39OHFa: NCMo: NC Mary E. JOHNSONDauFSW18INFa: OHMo: OH Charles M. JOHNSON SonMSW17INFa: OHMo: OH Anise M. JOHNSONDauFSW16INFa: OHMo: OH Rosa J. JOHNSONDauFSW14INFa: OHMo: OH Lucy M. JOHNSONDauFSW10INFa: OHMo: OH Noah R. JOHNSONSonMSW5INFa: OHMo: OH Elizabeth M. JOHNSON DauFSW3INFa: OHMo: OH JOHNSONDauFSW1MINFa: OHMo: OH
(Research):father: Harland Earley
mother: Hattie Callahan
Census Place:Spencer, Guernsey, Ohio 1880 Source:FHL Film 1255020 National Archives Film T9-1020 Page 25 4B Harlen ERLEYSelfMMW29OHOcc:Farm LaborerFa: OHMo: OH Harriet ERLEYWifeFMW29OHFa: OHMo: OH Cashus ERLEYSonMSW12OHFa: OHMo: OH Minnie ERLEYDauFSW10OHFa: OHMo: OH George ERLEYSonMSW7OHFa: OHMo: OH Eddie ERLEYSonMSW5OHFa: OHMo: OH John ERLEYSonMSW4OHFa: OHMo: OH Freddy ERLEYSonMSW2OHFa: OHMo: OH Elisabeth ERLEYDauFSW4MOHFa: OHMo: OH
In the 1900 Census Guernsey Co, Spencer Oh pg 307 is George Early born 18 52 and Black. married to a Maggie, who is white. She says she is born 10/1 876, they have been married five years and have one child, but the chi ld is not listed. There is no other George Early in the 1900 census.
Death certificate of son says "colored"
George F. Earley, 81, of 546 Tremont Ave SE died Friday at 5:15 pm in his residence.
Mr. Earley, who was a native of Cumberland in Guernsey County, resided in Massillon for the last 35 years. Prior to his retirement, he operated a sewer contracting firm here for many years.
Mr. Earley is survived by 2 daughters, Mrs. Nettie Ransom and Mrs. Bertha Gregory of Massillon; a son, Delbert J. Earley of Cleveland; 4 sisters, Mrs. Blanche Lett and Mrs. Thomas Curtis of Barnesville and Mrs. Lucy Ransom and Mrs. Minnie Simpson of Cumberland; a brother, James Earley of Massillon; 18 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren. The funeral will be held Tuesday at 1:30 pm at the Brooks funeral home with the Rev. Coomer Burroughs, pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church, officiating.
Interment will be made in the Massillon Cemetery.
Name: «tab»George F Earley
Event Type: «tab»Death
Event Date: «tab»27 Mar 1953
Gender: «tab»Male
Age: «tab»80
Race: «tab»Negro
Birth Date: «tab»22 Jun 1872
Birthplace: «tab»Cumberland, Geurnsey, Ohio
Birth Year (Estimated): «tab»1873
Father's Name: «tab»Harland Earley
Mother's Name: «tab»Hattie Callahan
[HI11696] (Research):Family Bible shows Lowell Birth date as 5-17-1919, SS Death index shows D OB 5-17-1917
[HI11698] (Research): Mother used to keep in touch with Betty McIntire---and I just loved her-- then one year she wrote Mother and said for Mother not to write her again- -Mother never could figure out why. Mother was a fantastic letter writer- -would never offend anyone. When Mother passed away--I told Don--call Bet ty and tell her--and tell her that Mother always thought so much of her-- so he did. Rosemary Stephens
[HI11773] (Research):Note: Edwin J McFerrin (father of Edwin Newsom) is my mystery ancesto r. It was said he “rode in on horseback from the West”. He was a professio nal photographer in the early 1900’s in Glenville, WV, and has provid ed us with several lovely family portraits. Rumor was that he was bo rn in Skagit County, Washington; unfortunately no records have been fou nd to corroborate this. Family “lore” says he left his pregnant wife, oth er information points to his leaving after the birth; nevertheless, Edw in J McFerrin abandoned his wife, going “south”. We have one picture postc ard sent home to his wife, of an old railroad engine. I am currently resea rching the line and engine number. The ONLY documentation on this man we h ave found is his marriage certificate; we don’t even know what the J as h is middle initial stands for. We don’t even know if this was his real nam e. There is some speculation from conversations with town elders some yea rs back that he may have been involved in shady activities such as counter feiting and gambling, perfect for his photography skills.) By Connie Griffith
[HI11806] (Research):April 6 1903 Poll Tax Book Talley Sheet for Concord Township, Champaign County, OH,-Silas Taylor
[HI11808] (Research):CCGS, Book III, August 2002 by Dorothy Shaffer, Champaign Co, Ohio St Par is Newspaper Abstracts Jan 1900-1916, pg162. WILLIAM KINCADE, better known as "Uncle Billy" committed suicide on Monday by taking strychnine, at his home on the F B KITE farm, five miles east of St Paris. He took the poison and asked his daughter-in-law for a drink of water, saying his mouth is burning. He then said, "Well I have done it this time. I took strychnine." His daughter thought he was in fun. They called the Dr, but he could not be helped. MR KINCADE was 90 years of age and had been a resident of Champaign County for 45 yrs, having come here from Virginia. A wife and eight children survive. MRS CHARLES MAXON of this place is a daughter and MRS CHARLES ZERKLE a stepdaughter. The funeral services were held at the Myrtle Tree Baptist Church on Wednesd ay. Elder T C Williams officiated. Interment was in Myrtle Tree Cemetery.
Name: William Kincade
Death date: 19 Jun 1916
Death place: Mad River Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Birth date: 26 Apr 1826
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: West Virginia
Age at death: 90 years 1 month 23 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Burial date: 21 Jun 1916
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Myrtle Tree
Spouse name:
Father name: Joseph Kincade
Father titles:
Father birth place: Virginia
Mother name: Deliliah
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Virginia
GSU film number: 1983748
Digital GS number: 4019465
Image number: 1608
Reference number: fn 35835
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI11809] (Research):ZERKLE HANNAH R County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 9/30/1928 Volume Number: 5746 Certificate Number: 53105
(Research):Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Monroe, Logan, Ohio; Roll: T6 23 1294; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 118. Abraham Zerkle 48 Rebecca Zerkle 43 m25y 4/3 Eliza Lary 24 dau, m0y no ch Sylvester Zerkle 21 son, single May Zerkle 17 dau, single Isaac Lary 25 son in law m0y
ZEFKLE, Abraham Death date: 10/15/1928, Champaign County
Volume #5769, Certificate #58884
Name: Mary Effie Buck
Death date: 12 May 1931
Death place: Fletcher, Miami, Ohio
Birth date: 04 Jan 1867
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Atlanta, Illinois
Age at death: 67 years 4 months 8 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: Walnut
Occupation: Housekeeper
Residence: Fletcher Vil., Miami, Ohio
Burial date: 15 May 1931
Burial place: Bradford, O.
Cemetery name:
Spouse's name: I. V. Buck
Father's name: Danial Burnham
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: Centervall, Ohio
Mother's name: Marth Welks
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Hamervill, Ind
GSU film number: 1992430
Digital GS number: 4000593
Image number: 1513
Reference number: fn 32535
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):1910 Census, Eliza Browning, niece, age 23, b Ohio
JENKINS BEN County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 9/29/1924 Volume Number: 4554 Certificate Number: 52423
(Research):Name : Susie B. Buck
Death date : 22 Apr 1943
Death place : Quincy, Logan, Ohio
Birth date : 30 Dec 1869
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Edgar County, Ill.
Age at death : 73 years 3 months 22 days
Gender : Female
Marital status : Widowed
Race or color : American
Street address :
Occupation : Retired
Residence : Quincy
Burial date : 27 Apr 1943
Burial place : Millerstown
Cemetery name : Spring Chapel
Spouse name : Eli Buck
Father name : Wm. Jones
Father titles :
Father birth place : Ill.
Mother name : Niamo Breeding
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : Ill.
GSU film number : 2024130
Digital GS number : 4122066
Image number : 1858
Reference number : fn 25118
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name : Susie B. Buck
Death date : 22 Apr 1943
Death place : Quincy, Logan, Ohio
Birth date : 30 Dec 1869
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Edgar County, Ill.
Age at death : 73 years 3 months 22 days
Gender : Female
Marital status : Widowed
Race or color : American
Street address :
Occupation : Retired
Residence : Quincy
Burial date : 27 Apr 1943
Burial place : Millerstown
Cemetery name : Spring Chapel
Spouse name : Eli Buck
Father name : Wm. Jones
Father titles :
Father birth place : Ill.
Mother name : Niamo Breeding
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : Ill.
GSU film number : 2024130
Digital GS number : 4122066
Image number : 1858
Reference number : fn 25118
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
«b»Careful examination of the Ohio state death cert-this name is Lucy. Also her name is listed as Lucy B on the cemetery marker.
Research of Karen Heber-
«b»careful review of the place of burial is Spring Grove. Very difficult to read but I enhanced it and it says Spring Grove Millerstown. This was and is still call Millerstown but is really Johnsont Township
The section of Eli & Lucy is section 3 lot 10
(Research):In the 1910 Census, there is Clifford Journell age 17 Hired man.
BUCK, Clement L. Death date: 7/12/1940, Logan County Certifica te #44703
name: «tab»Clarence D. Reed
gender: «tab»Male
burial date: «tab»23 May 1919
burial place: «tab»
death date: «tab»20 May 1919
death place: «tab»Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
age: «tab»51
birth date: «tab»13 Jan 1868
birthplace: «tab»Franklin Co., Ohio
occupation: «tab»Gardener
race: «tab»White
marital status: «tab»Married
spouse's name: «tab»Emma Reed
father's name: «tab»Robert Reed
father's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
mother's name: «tab»Mary E. Smith
mother's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
indexing project (batch) number: «tab»B07555-8
system origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
source film number: «tab»2032540
reference number: «tab»fn 1750
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths and Burials, 1854-1997," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/F62P-MHH : accessed 06 Oct 2012), Clarence D. Reed, 20 May 1919.
[HI11818] (Research):Name: ELIZA E JENKINS Gender: Female Date of Death: July 20, 1967 Volume: 18915 Certificate: 50002 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 87
Name: «tab»Anna Dorothy Felton
Death Date: «tab»26 Nov 1922
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»12 May 1885
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Millertown, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»37 years 6 months 13 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»318 W. Light
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»28 Nov 1922
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Oak Dale
Spouse's Name: «tab»Daniel Felton
Father's Name: «tab»S... Buck
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Castle
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Champaign Co., Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1992070
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4000533
Image Number: «tab»2939
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 56859
[HI11822] (Research):living as boarder with Mary Ferman in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Cal ifornia, in 1900, as was her daughter Pansy).
[NI11823] 1930 boarding with uncle Charles
Name: «tab»Daniel Englehart
Death Date: «tab»14 Dec 1941
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»22 Sep 1877
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Champaign County, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»64 years 2 months 22 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Divorced
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»627 West Pleasant
Occupation: «tab»Laborer
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»16 Dec 1941
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Kingscreek Cem.
Spouse's Name: «tab»Anna Englehart
Father's Name: «tab»Cyrus Englehart
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Reading, Pennsylvania
Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah March
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Reading, Pennsylvania
Film Number: «tab»2023974
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4057794
Image Number: «tab»2341
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 71735
Name: «tab»Daniel W. Felton
Death Date: «tab»24 Dec 1952
Death Place: «tab»Piqua, Miami, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»20 May 1884
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Pennsylvania
Death Age: «tab»68 years
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2246399
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4109444
Image Number: «tab»02847
Certificate Number: «tab»81080
[HI11831] (Research):In 1930 Iowa Buck (daughter of George and Susan Jane) is in Urbana, Ohio m arried to Howard Helfrick. He was born in Ohio in 1900, this is his 2nd ma rriage and he has two daughters.
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 Adam Biddle .01
BIDDLE ADAM County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 8/4/1929 Volume Number: 6059 Certificate Number: 50845
name: «tab»Mary Jane Biddle (name on cert incorrect)
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»03 May 1918
event place: «tab»Concord, Champaign, Ohio
residence: «tab»
street address: «tab»
gender: «tab»Female
death age: «tab»77y1m29d
marital status: «tab»Married
race: «tab»White
occupation: «tab»Housewife
birth date: «tab»04 Mar 1841
birthplace: «tab», , Ohio
estimated birth year: «tab»1841
burial date: «tab»05 May 1918
burial place: «tab»
cemetery: «tab»Myrtle Tree Cemetery
father: «tab»James Taylor
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»
mother: «tab»Elnora Moody
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»
spouse: «tab»
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»fn 29674
film number: «tab»1984350
digital folder number: «tab»4021809
image number: «tab»513
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images,
FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X8VL-7JV : accessed 29 Oct 2012),
Mary Jane Biddle, 1918; citing reference fn 29674, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
Name: «tab»Howard F. Helfrich
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»23 Apr 1921
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»20
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1901
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Jns. Helfrich
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Lena Feith
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Dollie Gulick
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1903
Spouse's Father: «tab»Chas. Gulick
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Carrie Crawford
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»256
Film Number: «tab»545417
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016846
Image Number: «tab»111
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Howard F Helfrich
Name: «tab»Howard F Helfrich
Birth Date: «tab»1900
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Logan
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»7 Jul 1970
Hospital of Death: «tab»Mary Rutan Hospital
City of Death: «tab»Bellefontaine
County of Death: «tab»Logan
Certificate: «tab»053544
Age at Death: «tab»70
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: «tab»Married
[HI11839] (Research):Name: Fay Buck Gender: Female Date of Death: 25 June 1971 Volume: 20516 Certificate: 045939 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Piqua, Miami County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 84 Years
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 Pg 93 Teachers Report for St Paris, Johnson Twp, Champaign County Ohio, Octob er 9, 1903, W C Coleman, Teacher Zelia Buroker age 13
Enumeration of Youth St Paris Village School District, Champaign County, OH no date c July 1906 Zelia Buroker, age 16, parent Asa
Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1908 Zelia Buroker Buck
[HI11842] (Research):Name: Howard C. Buck SSN: 295-01-7114 Born: 7 Dec 1918 Died: 23 Jan 1998 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[HI11843] (Research):Adams and Harrison-Adams School Districts-Rosewood, OH The First Fifty Years 1898-1948 High School Alumni abstracted by Pat Stickley CCGS Newsletter Oct 1996 pg129 Class of 1917 Hazel Zerkle Buck
[HI11848] (Research):Name: ROBERT L BUCK Gender: Male Date of Death: August 12, 1966 Volume: 18570 Certificate: 63582 Marital Status: Never Married Place of Death: Dayton, Montgomery County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 29
[DI11849] Roberta Linda Magoto, 77, 2886 Co. Rd. 34 North, Quincy, Ohio passed away at her residence on Sunday, May 25, 2014 at 2:30 AM after a battle with cancer. She was born February 7, 1937 in Rosewood, Ohio the daughter of Reuel and Hazel (Zerkle) Buck and they are deceased. She was married to Raymond Magoto on June 23, 1956 and he survives along with seven children, Melody Wood and husband Ronald of Greenville, Michigan, Tamara Magoto of Quincy, Ohio, Charles Magoto and wife Vikki of Sidney, Ohio, Thomas Magoto and wife Laura of DeGraff, Ohio, Linda Wallace and husband Terry of Cartersville, Georgia, Rebecca Crist and husband Charles of Dublin, Ohio and Christa Paquette and husband Douglas of Merriville, Indiana, thirteen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. One sister, Florence Stonerock and two brothers, Robert Buck and Carroll Ray Buck are deceased. She was a 1955 graduate of Harrison-Adams High School in Rosewood, Ohio. She was a homemaker and had been a cook at Indian Lake Schools for fifteen years retiring in 1999. She loved to travel. She was a member of Holy Angels Catholic Church. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Friday, May 30, 2014 at 10:30 AM at Holy Angels Catholic Church with Rev. Dan Schmitmeyer. Burial will follow at Graceland Cemetery, Sidney. Friends may call at Salm-McGill and Tangeman Funeral Home in Sidney on Thursday, May 29, 2014 from 4-8 PM. Memorial contributions may be made to the Shelby County American Cancer Society at 128 Leisure Ct. Sidney, Ohio 45365 Attn: Mary Stahlman. Envelopes will be available at the funeral home. Condolences may be expressed to the Magoto family on Salm-McGill and Tangeman Funeral Home's web site at: www.salm-mcgillandtangemanfh.com
Daily Telegram Adrian, MI
December 13, 2009
Section: obituaries
Richard Schoolmaster, age 74, of Hudson passed away Dec. 11, 2009.
Richard was born Jan. 28, 1935, in Tecumseh, Mich., the son of William and Bessie (Evilsizer) Schoolmaster.On June 20, 1964, he married Joyce Brollier in Tecumseh. She survives.Besides his wife, Joyce, Richard is survived by a sister, Nancy Parks of Ridgeway.He was preceded in death by his parents.At his request cremation has taken place with burial in Brookside Cemetery, Tecumseh. Arrangements were entrusted to the J. Gilbert Purse Funeral Home, Tecumseh. Condolences to the family may be made online at www.pursefuneralhome.com.
[HI11870] (Research):
EVILSIZER, Doris (WURSTER); 90; MI; Chelsea Standard; 2004-8-12; df EVILSIZER, Doris (WURSTER); 90; MI; Chelsea Standard; 2004-8-5; df
Chelsea, MI EVILSIZER, DORIS; age 90; of Manchester; passed away Saturday, July 31, 20 04. She was born January 19, 1914 in Manchester the daughter of Charles a nd Mary (Fielder) Wurster. She married Banjamin Evilsizer, Jr. in
Angola, IN on October 20, 1936 and he preceded her in death July 6, 1987. She w as also preceded in death by her parents and her siblings: Aletta, Harol , Stewart, Fritz, Edward and Roy. Doris was a member of the Emanuel United Church of Christ and the Women's Fellowship Group. She is survived by her children: Jean (Grant) Smith and Joan (Curt) Day all of Manchester and Jerry Evilsizer of Jackson: two sisters, Hilma Tervo and Norma (Ted) Stautz all of Manchester, two brothers, Vic (Irene) Wurster of Clinton and Ralph (Phyllis) Hurster of Chelsea; sisters-in-laws, Lucille Williams of Manchester and Suzanne McLean of TX, 8 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren and 2 great-great-grandchildren. A celebration of Mrs. Evilsizer's life will take place on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 at Emanuel United Church of Christ in Manchester where she will lie in state at 10 a.m. until t he time of service at 11 a.m. with Reverend David Bowman officiating. Inte rment Lenawee Hills Memorial Park. Memorial contributions may be giv en to the Emanuel Church or to Huron Valley Humane Society. Envelopes wi ll be available at the Borek Jennings Funeral Home, Jenter Chapel in Manch ester where the family will receive friends on Monday from 2-5 and 6-8 p. m. Please sign Doris' guest book at www.BorekJennings.com
Name: Doris R. Evilsizer SSN: 362-48-3941 Last Residence: 48158 Manchester, Washtenaw, Michigan Born: 19 Jan 1914 Died: 31 Jul 2004 State (Year) SSN issued: Michigan (1963 )
SMITH, EDWIN GRANT- Age 73, of Manchester, passed away September 29, 2011 at Chelsea Community Hospital. Grant was born July 5, 1938 in Dearborn to Edwin P. and Verla (Taylor) Smith. He married Gloria Jean Evilsizer on September 17, 1955 and she survives. Mr. Smith was a member of Iron Workers Local #25 for 40 years and belonged to the Retirees Club Iron Workers Local #25 and Irish Hills Eagles Club. He will be sadly missed by his wife of 56 years and his family. In addition to his wife, Grant is survived by his children: Doug Smith of Manchester, Chuck Smith of Tecumseh, Cathy (Al) Schwab of Brooklyn; brothers, Devern and (Sylvia) Bateman and Gary and (Margaret) Smith; grandchildren, Levi (Tricia), Derrick (Tara), Lindsay, Beth, Josh, Benand Keith; and four great-grandchildren. In Grant's honor, donations may be shared with the Dutchman Firefighters. Envelopes will be available at the Borek Jennings Funeral Home, Jenter Chapel where the family will greet friends on Sunday, October 2, 2011 from 3 to 7 p.m. A healing farewell will be on Monday at 11 a.m. at the funeral home. Interment Oak Grove Cemetery. Please sign Grant's guestbook at www.borekjennings.com or leave a message of comfort for his family by calling 877-231-7900. www.Mlive.com/obits
Published in Jackson Citizen Patriot on October 1, 2011
Obituary Date: «tab»27 Oct 2005
Newspaper Title: «tab»Manchester Enterprise
Newspaper Location: «tab»Manchester, MI, Us
Curtis Day, age 67 of Manchester passed away Wednesday, October 19, 2005 at the University of Michigan Hospital with his family at his side. He was born March 17, 1938 the son of Shelby and Mary (Cupp) Day. He married Joan Evilsizer on March 24, 1958 in Tennessee and she survives. Curtis is also survived by his children: Faye (Terry) Walter of Manchester and Tony Day of Grass Lake; grandchildren Brandi Walter and Kevin Walter; two brothers: John (Sharon) Day of Manchester, Jack (Bridget) Day of Tennessee; and sister Ruth (Paul) Johnson of Tennessee. Curtis was preceded in death by his parents. He enjoyed fishing, golfing and woodworking. Curtis was employed 31 years at Double A Products in Manchester and 11 years at Flow Ezy Filters in Ann Arbor until his retirement. He was also a member of the Emanuel United Church of Christ and was on the Property Committee there. A celebration of his life was held on October 24, 2005 at the Emanuel United Church of Christ in Manchester with the Rev. Gary Kwiatek officiating. Interment will follow at Oak Grove Cemetery. Memorials may be given to the American Lung Association or to the Emanuel United Church of Christ Improvement Fund
[HI11918] (Research):Surname: EVILSIZER Given Name: Ellen Initial: M Sex: Female Alias: Day of Birth: 21 Month of Birth: April Year of Birth: 25 Day of Death: 14 Month of Death: September Year of Death: 83 City of Residence: Denton County of Residence: Roscommon State of Residence: Michigan City of Death: Denton County of Death: Roscommon State of Death: Michigan Death Certificate No.: 59984
[HI11937] (Research):Ironwood Daily Globe, Ironwood, MI 8/11/1969 Maxine Elaine Evilsizer, 39, of Manchester in a 3 car pile-up Frid ay on US 12 in Lenawee County
[DI11943] BROWN, PAMELA KAY; age 48; of Manchester; passed away on June 4, 2012 at her home in Ypsilanti, Michigan. She was born on May 5, 1964, the daughter of Sarah Faye Brown (Campbell) and Jerry Ross Brown in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Pamela graduated from Manchester High School in 1982 and attended Ferris State University where she graduated in 1986. Pamela worked at U of M for 10 years. In high school Pamela enjoyed cheerleading and spending time with her friends. Noted for her dry sense of humor and dry wit, she also was a very caring and warm person and especially loved animals. Reading was her favorite hobby, all subjects were interesting to her, and many times she would have two or three books going at the same time. Pamela is survived by her mother; and two brothers, Terry Ross Brown of Aliso Viejo, California and Jerry Lee Brown of Manchester, Michigan. Pamela was preceded in death by her step-father, Fay Edward Evilsizer in December of 2009 and her biological father, Jerry Ross Brown in 2004. Per her wishes Pamela was cremated and her ashes were taken to her mother in Tennessee.
[DI11959] Never located in 1940 census. Not in CA DI
[NI11976] Not mentioned in obit of mother.
Name: «tab»Joyce S Evilsizor
Birth Date: «tab»1 Jan 1958
State File Number: «tab»1954147045
Additional Information: «tab»Dunlavy
Second Marriage
Name: «tab»William Todd Grove
Event Type: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»23 Jun 1947
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio, United States
Age: «tab»59
Birth Year (Estimated): «tab»1888
Father's Name: «tab»Cephus Brown Grove
Mother's Name: «tab»Sallie B Mauck
Spouse's Name: «tab»Frances D Grove
Spouse's Titles and Terms: «tab»Mrs
Spouse's Age: «tab»42
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): «tab»1905
Spouse's Father's Name: «tab»Joseph F Dierdorff
Spouse's Mother's Name: «tab»Frances C Huber
GS Film Number: 000545419 , Digital Folder Number: 004732950 , Image Number: 00177
Name: «tab»Maria Barbara Henrika Bambach
Event Date: «tab»1844
Gender: «tab»Female
Birth Date: «tab»17 Aug 1844
Birth Year: «tab»1844
Christening Date: «tab»08 Sep 1844
Father's Name: «tab»Johann Gottlieb Bambach
Mother's Name: «tab»Barbara Bortzmeyer
System Origin: Germany-EASy , GS Film Number: 1190510 , Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C93199-9
Name: «tab»Friedrich Ludwig Bambach
Event Date: «tab»1843 - 1856
Event Date: «tab»1848
Gender: «tab»Male
Birth Date: «tab»22 Apr 1848
Birth Year: «tab»1848
Christening Date: «tab»07 May 1848
Death Date: «tab»22 Oct 1848
Father's Name: «tab»Johann Gottlieb Bambach
Mother's Name: «tab»Barbara Bortzmeier
Reference ID: 2:1S9XR32 , System Origin: Germany-VR , GS Film Number: 1190511 , Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C93200-1
Name: «tab»Anna Margarethe Bambach
Gender: «tab»Female
Birth Date: «tab»23 Nov 1814
Birthplace: «tab»GROSSGERAU
Father's Name: «tab»Friedrich Ludwig Bambach
Mother's Name: «tab»Anna Elisabeth Grueling
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M93200-7 , System Origin: World Miscellaneous-ODM , GS Film number: 1190517
12142 «tab»Ruckhaber, Adelaide «tab»
24 Jul 1884 «tab»9 2230 26 Jul 1884 «tab»age 48 Germany «tab»
[DI11996] Aged 1-9-10
(Research):Will Book L pg 376 Jannette H Thompson Rush Twp died 12/8/1909 probted 12/14/1909
Heirs, Aug Thompson, husband-Cable; Fred W Cranston, brother, Woodstock; P earl Z Cranston-bro -Woodstock; Hattie D Sherwood-sister, Beebe, AR; Cecl ie J Williams, Niece, N Lewisburg; Cranston L Owen (s/o Elmer)- minor- ne p- N Lewisburg; Lois C Bumgardner minor niece- Cable; mother Jucy J Cranst on all my property real and personal and to pay debts of last sickness a nd funeral expense. Fred W Cranston Exec Wit: M C Gowey, Alona Gowey Signed 11/23/1909
[HI11998] (Research):Name: Perl M Cranston Birthplace: Ohio State: OH 1910 Age: 39 Color: W Enumeration District: 0013 Visit: 0018 County: Champaign Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Gertrude 34 Ohio Son Purl H 14 Ohio Son Lucius J 11 Ohio Son Ralph J 03 Ohio
[HI12000] (Research):Name: Marie Durels SSN: 081-38-4480 Last Residence: 74136 Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States of Ameri ca Born: 30 Apr 1905 Died: 5 Nov 1994 State (Year) SSN issued: New York (1963 )
Obituary Date: «tab»10 Mar 2010
Newspaper Title: «tab»The Daily Breeze
Newspaper Location: «tab»Torrance, CA, USA
Jack Killeen passed away in the comfort of his home in Vista, CA on March 2, 2010. He was born John Thomas Joseph Killeen (Beansie) in Troy, New York, September 7, 1928. He joined the U.S. Navy in 1944 and served overseas in Korea and Japan. After the service to his country he ventured to the South Bay area of Southern California where he raised a family of five children with his wife, Patty. He retired from Northrop Grumman after a 25-year career as a senior cost analyst and industrial engineer. In addition to working full-time in aerospace he also operated several businesses starting with a small hot food stand called "Jack's by the Tracks" followed by the "Hacienda Laundromat". He also started a successful home-repair business (he was known as "Mr. Fixer Upper"). He was preceded in death by his wife, Patty; parents, Martin and Winifred Killeen; brother, Tom; sisters, Mary and Elizabeth; brother and sister-in-law, Richard and Georgette Carter; and his son-in law, Ronald Johnson. He is survived by his children, «u»«b»Alicia Evilsizer (Mark),«/u»«/b» Mike Killeen (Cindy), Catherine Somple (Ron), Jacqueline Young (Ed) and Debra Johnson; grandchildren, Kimberly, Kevin, Timothy, Jessica, Nicholas, Emily, Steven, Caitlin and Cameron; great-granddaughters, Naomi, Magdalene and Eliana who were all the true joys of his life; along with other great-nieces and nephews. He is also survived by his siblings, Theresa Bonpane (Blase) their children, Blaze Martin (Jen) and Colleen (John), Ann Gavin, Joe (Mildred) and James (Eileen) Killeen and their children. His extended family includes nieces, Linda Malloy (Mike) and Madeline Manor and their sons, Mark, Troy and Jeff; and his son-in-law, Dan Diggs. He played a significant role in the life of his nephew, Dan Danahy and his wife, Mary. He was also loved and will be dearly missed by many other nieces and nephews in the upstate Troy, New York area (where he left a legendary reputation and rich stories as part of his legacy).
May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
the rains fall soft upon the fields.
And, until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Always remember to forget the things that made you sad.
But never forget to remember the things that made you glad.
You lived to enjoy your children's children, and many joys beyond.
We will always love and miss you, but you will never truly be gone.
And the countless memories we have of you will always keep us strong.
Please join us for a wonderful "celebration of his life" that will be held Sunday, March 14 from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. at The Optimist Club of Vista, Located at 600 Optimist Club Way Shadowridge, Vista, CA 92085 (760) 598-5907. In lieu of flowers, a donation made in the name of John Killeen toward a gratitude fund for those who cared for him during his last difficult years
(Research):These recipes are written in Anna Hudson Shaffer's hand and in the possess ion of Thelma Byrd. It is but a little slice of life from that period.
1.Grandmother's recipe for Coco Peanut Balls 2 cups shreded coconut 8 Tablespoons Peanut Butter 4 Teaspoons vanilla extract Combine all ingredients thoroughly shape into small balls and place th em in cold place to become firm.
2.Grandmother's recipe for Pear Honey 11 lbs. ground pears 6 lbs. sugar 1 can crushed Pineapple 1 lb. coconut Boil about 20 minute seal
3.Grandmother's recipe to make soap 1 full 10 lb bucket of fat 1 can lye. 1 gal water Boil til all eat up then stir constantly till begins to thicken if the fir e.
4.Grandmother's recipe for Pepper Hash 15 Green Mangoes 15 Red ones 15 Large Onions. grind and scald 10 minutes, drain and add 3 cups vineg ar 2 cups sugar and 3 tablespoons salt. cook 15 Min. seal
5.Grandmother's recipe for cureing meat for 150 lbs of Pork add 1 small teaspoon Salt Peter. 3 lbs Brown Sugar Put this in Brine of Ice cream salt strong enough to hold up an egg. Ke ep Ham & shoulders in 3 weeks & Bacon 2 weeks. dry and smoke. slice garl ic in if cared for
6.Great-Grandmother's recipe for sugar cure meat To 100 lbs meat 2 qt Salt 1 lb Brown Sugar mix well rub in 3 oz Salt Peter. meat and cover well & rub well around Bo ne put plenty around bone,
When television was in its early days but becoming popular Grandmother w as visiting Thelma in Alameda. She watched the Lucy show and as soon as t he show was over she began hurriedly gathering her things. She ran for t he bus because she wanted to get home before the show reached Bernalill o. She liked it so much she wanted to see it again. She just could not un derstand that the show was shown at the same time in both places. It is al so to relate the difficulties evident to those who are aging. This story w as related to me by Janice Shaffer Sursky.
[MI12016] (Medical):Stroke
Social Security Death Index about Mary S. Gaines
Name: «tab»Mary S. Gaines «tab»
Last Residence: «tab»71268 Quitman, Jackson, Louisiana,
Born: «tab»15 Dec 1907
Died: «tab»6 Dec 2004
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Louisiana (Before 1951)
(Research):Hunted for 2 years and never shot anything. The following year, after seeing a dear that had been killed he said he had been aiming too high since they were the size of a small dog. This story was told to me by S. K. Shaffer.
Louis H. Shaffer services are today. Funeral services for Louis H. Shaffer will be held at noon Wednesday at L a. Muhleisen & Son Funeral Home. 2929 Metairie Road. Burial will be Frid ay in Sandia Memorial Gardens, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mr. Shaffer died M onday in Greensburg, La. He was 74. He was a native of Troy, Ohio and a re sident of Metairie for 40 years. He was a deacon at Highlands Baptist Chur ch and a member of carpenter's Local No. 1846. Survivors include wife, Ned ra Hayes Shaffer, two daughters, Jo Ann Lamay, and Cynthia Shaffer, a brot her, S. K. Shaffer, four sisters, Thelma Byrd, Janice Sursky, Alta Titu s, and Mary Gaines, and two grandchildren. From a Newspaper article ke pt by Thelma Shaffer Thurman Byrd.
[DI12021] Louis H. Shaffer services are today. Funeral services for Louis H. Shaffer will be held at noon Wednesday at L a. Muhleisen & Son Funeral Home. 2929 Metairie Road. Burial will be Frid ay in Sandia Memorial Gardens, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mr. Shaffer died M onday in Greensburg, La. He was 74. He was a native of Troy, Ohio and a resident of Metairie for 40 years. He was a deacon at Highlands Baptist Chur ch and a member of carpenter's Local No. 1846. Survivors include wife, Nedra Hayes Shaffer, two daughters, Jo Ann Lamay, and Cynthia Shaffer, a brother, S. K. Shaffer, four sisters, Thelma Byrd, Janice Sursky, Alta Titus, and Mary Gaines, and two grandchildren. From a Newspaper article kept by Thelma Shaffer Thurman Byrd.
(Research):September 1992 or 93 The following are two stories given to me by Uncle Kay when Bill and I visited Albuquerque, New Mexico.
I am living proof that hamburger can be hazardous to your health. Aft er 50 odd years with the joy of my life, I have learned to live with the fact that if I want to eat, I must accept one of two things. Either -- "Lets go out for some Mexican food." or I'll fix you some hamburger." My little darling has "fixed" hamburgers in ways you just wouldn't believe! I've had them fried, baked, broiled, boiled, shirred, creamed, deviled, whipped, and frozen. I've had it cooked with raspberries, grape juice, butters cotch, custard, and rhubarb. One time I absolutely revolted! In a stern voice I told her, "Sweetheart, I'd rather not have hamburger today." With tears in her eyes she took a nine-inch cast iron skillet from the "closet," filled it about 3/4ths full of dried red pinto beans and asked, "How much oil do I use to fry these?" We went to the Mexican Kitchen. Now after eating more hamburger than the whole McDonalds family, my doctor says I must lose 80 pounds. I am living proof that hamburger can be hazardous to your health.Written August 7, 1988
Old Chico
"You mean you would shoot that horse just so you could trap a few animals for their hides?" My sister refused to let the trapper have his own horse ------- if it could be called a horse. As children we were brought up in a little town in the Jemez Mountains. There were six of us. The youngest was six. I was 10 years and My two oldest sisters Mary, fourteen, and Thelma, 16, were two of the few girls of that age close around. I am sure Mother spent more time watching them than anything else. One morning Frank Stone, a trapper, came up the canyon leading the oldest, skinniest, half-dead horse I had ever seen. He was mangy and had lost half of his hair, and you couldn't touch him where he didn't have a sore and you could count every bone on his frame. Frank stopped at our place, ti d the old gray to the gate, leaned him up against a post, and came in for a drink of creek water. The fact that he had crossed the creek nine times getting there didn't mean a thing. I was only 10 but I knew our water wasn't that good. But at that age I didn't like girls either. Especially those older sisters of mine. Frank explained he was taking the old horse in to the mountains, and was going to shoot him and use him for bait to trap for furs. That's when it hit the fan. Thelma used words previously reserved for her younger brothers and the trapper realized he was quickly going out of the romance business. Telma stood barefooted, scratching her right shin with her left big toe with tears streaming down her face. How could she be so tender-hearted about that old nag, then roll one of us kids clear across the yard with her back hand I'll never know. The tears were Frank's undoing. "All right!" he told her. "You can have him. He's your horse!" He handed her the lead rope then walked on up the canyon, looking back every so often to see if they recognized his generosity. Dad came home some time later and seeing Frank's generosity really flipped his lid. Back down from the ceiling, he grabbed his rifle and was going after the trappers hide, but again Thelma turned on the water works, promising to take care of the old horse all by herself. The word got around about the old sick nag. We found out there were the most tender-hearted bunch of bachelors in that neighborhood you ever saw. Harry Fluke came down from the "Cibolla" and covered the old horse's sores with "bear grease". Hugh Miller brought some fat from a "badger" he had killed and added that since there was nothing better. Lo and behold, Art Rutledge came down from the "Sulpher Canyon" with some "goat butter", a known cure. Before long that old nag was so greasy we had to keep him tied to a post to keep him from sliding out of the corral. The cures must
have worked for the old nag healed up, got fat and frisky and his hair came back in. We found out he was 18 years old when we got him and we had him eighteen more. he raised all of us kids and never again saw a poor day. There were few dry eyes in our family at his passing.
Uncle K. offered many more stories as Bill and I left that day. I didn't wish to be greedy but, in reflection, I wish I had taken them all. Can you imagine the memories in those pages?
Social Security Death Index about S. K. Shaffer
Name: «tab»S. K. Shaffer
SSN: «tab»525-05-3712
Last Residence: «tab»87106 Albuquerque, Bernalillo, New Mexico,
Born: «tab»5 Jul 1912
Died: «tab»15 Aug 1996
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»New Mexico (Before 1951)
[MI12023] (Medical):Heart disease
[MI12024] (Medical):Fell 2 years ago and fractured her skull
Richard R. Bair, age 79, of Fletcher, OH passed away at 11:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 30, 2014 in his residence. Born on December 14, 1934 in Fletcher he was the son of the late Robert and Evelyn (Briggs) Bair. In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by his wife, the former Linda Lou Wilt, a son Michael A. Bair and a sister, Joyce Hewitt. Richard is survived by three children: Beth Ann (Tom) Hines, Ft. Worth, TX; Rick (Shelly) Bair, Sidney, OH; and Becky (Bob) Davis, Fletcher, OH; three children from a previous marriage: Dean (Becky) Stump, Middletown, OH; Diane Stump Kellar and husband Roland of Houston, OH; and Dave (Darla) Mathews, West Milton, OH; 9 grandchildren including Hannah and Lane Davis and Courtney Bair; and three great grandchildren. Richard was a truck driver for ANR of Huber Heights and a member of the Teamsters Union. Funeral services will be held on Monday, February 3, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. in the Atkins-Shively Funeral Home, 201 W. Main Street, Fletcher, OH with Rev. Bonita Wood of the Tipp City United Methodist Church presiding. Burial will follow in Fletcher Cemetery. Visitation for family and friends will be held on Sunday, February 2, 2014 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to Fletcher Fire Dept., 6605 S. St. Rt. 589, Fletcher, Ohio 45326. Condolences to the family may be sent to www.shivelyfuneralhomes.com.
U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-Current about Evelyn Bair
Name: «tab»Evelyn Bair «tab»
SSN: «tab»294-12-3864
Last Residence: «tab»45326 Fletcher, Miami, Ohio, USA
Born: «tab»17 Dec 1913
Died: «tab»15 Jan 2001
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-2007
Name: «tab»Evelyn Eleanor Bair
[Evelyn Eleanor Briggs]
Birth Date: «tab»17 Dec 1913
Birth City: «tab»Sidney
Birth County: «tab»Shelby
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Hispanic Origin: «tab»Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence County: «tab»Miami
Residence State: «tab»Ohio
Residence Zip Code: «tab»45326
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»11 Jan 2001
Death Time: «tab»11:05 AM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: «tab»Piqua
County of Death: «tab»Miami
Certificate: «tab»005527
Age at Death: «tab»87
Registrar's Certificate Number: «tab»00004
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Referred to Coroner: «tab»Not Referred to Coroner
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Method of Disposition: «tab»Burial
Filing Date: «tab»16 Jan 2001
Hospital Status: «tab»Other/Nursing Home
Injury in Ohio: «tab»Yes
Type Place of Injury: «tab»Unspecified Place
Social Security Number: «tab»294-12-3864
Father's Surname: «tab»Briggs
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Cotterman
Marital status: «tab»Widowed
Education: «tab»12
Armed Forces Indicator: «tab»No
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Own Home/At Home
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Housewife/Homemaker
Primary Registration District: «tab»5501
[DI12029] Robert Walter Miller, 88, of Saint Paris, passed away at 7:00 a.m. on Friday, February 7, 2014, in his residence. Born on January 30, 1926, in South Charleston, OH, he was a son of the late Lester and Kathryn (Walter) Miller. Bob married Jeannette Long on November 29, 1946, and she survives. Together they raised four children: Bruce (Cindy) Miller of Albuquerque, NM; Linda (Brian) Mackie of Lakeway, TX; Deborah Dowty of Christiansburg, OH; and Lisa (Jim) Taylor of St. Paris, OH. Bob is also survived by seven grandchildren; Matt (Karen) Miller of Marietta, GA; Greg (Ashlene) Miller of Albuquerque, NM; David Dowty of Greenville, OH; Rob (Heather) Dowty of Fairborn, OH; Yvonne (Clay) Ruffner of Cleveland, OH; Russell (Anna) Taylor of Dayton, OH; Jeannette Taylor of St. Paris, OH; and eight great grandchildren. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by two brothers, Donald and Lester Miller, and a sister, Virginia Heck. Bob was a 1944 graduate of Christiansburg-Jackson High School. He served as a rifleman in the US Army during WWII in the Asiatic Pacific Theater and retired from WPAFB as a plumber/steam fitter in 1987. Bob was a member of the Christiansburg United Methodist Church and a 65-year member of Mt. Olivet Masonic Lodge #226 of Christiansburg. Memorial services will be held on March 23, 2014, at 2:00 pm at the Christiansburg United Methodist Church. Atkins-Shively Funeral Home is serving the family. Donations may be made to the Christiansburg United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 407, Christiansburg, Ohio 45389. Condolences may be sent to the family at www.shivelyfuneralhomes.com.
Chester R. Moore, age 98, of Rosewood, went home to be with his beloved wife of 78 years on February 26, 2014, at 3:15 a.m., at his residence surrounded by his loving family.Chester was born February 8, 1916, in Shelby County to the Late Joseph Walter and Martha (Connor) Moore. He married the love of his life, Mary Niswonger, April 14, 1934, and she preceded him in death in April, 2012.He is survived by son, Chester Eugene Moore and companion, Susan Guttormsn of Howard, Ohio; daughter, Shirley and husband Dale Duke, of Urbana; grandsons, Timothy and Todd Moore, of Marysville; granddaughter, Kay and husband Kevin Nicol, of Raymond, Ohio; step-grandson, Cory Duke and family, of Mt. Vernon; step-granddaughter, Erin Duke and family, of Springfield; great-grandsons, Danny, Kyle, Matt, James, Logan; two great-great-grandchildren, Olivia and Gage; mother of grandchildren, Martha Moore, of Marysville; foster grandson, Keith Bradford and family, of Mechanicsburg; foster granddaughter, Pam Merriner and family, of Marysville; many nieces and nephews. Also surviving are sister-in-laws, Juanita Frances, of Petoskey, MI and Elizabeth Niswonger, of Piqua.Eight brothers, four sisters, and one grandson preceded him in death.Chester had a special love for the land and farmed for many years outside of Rosewood. He was a dairy farmer, raised pigs, sheep and beef cattle. In addition, he was a grain farmer. Chester later went to work for the Ohio Department of Transportation, District 7, as a heavy equipment operator. Upon retirement, he continued to operate heavy equipment for his son's excavating company.During his early years he enjoyed playing the banjo, fiddle and harmonica, playing for house dances throughout the area. Chester and Mary enjoyed polka and square dancing and spent many Saturday nights of their married life dancing.
Chester, who was always smiling, never knew a stranger. He enjoyed spending time with his family and friends. His bright eyes and big smile will forever be missed by all who knew him.
A celebration of his life will be held at 10:30 a.m., Saturday, March 1, 2014, at the Adams Funeral Home, 1401 Fair Road, Sidney, with Rev. Harold McKnight officiating. Burial will be at Pasco Cemetery, Pasco.
Visiting hours for family and friends will be on Friday from 6-8 p.m. at the funeral home.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Riverside EMS, P. O. Box 2, DeGraff, Ohio, 43318. Donation envelopes will be available at the funeral home.
Condolences may be expressed to the family at www.theadamsfuneralhome.com
Family sheet with Tibbetts Research Docs
Complete biography.
U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-Current
Name: «tab»Ivan V. Stonebrook «tab»
SSN: «tab»505-54-0912
Last Residence: «tab»92354 Loma Linda, San Bernardino, California, USA
BORN: «tab»14 Aug 1911
Died: «tab»6 Jan 1998
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Nebraska (1958-1959)
Name: «tab»Joshua George Fischbach
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»24 Aug 1907
Event Place: «tab»Darke County, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1886
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Edward A Fischbach
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Loretta Basard
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Myrtle Amoretta Burns
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1889
Spouse's Father: «tab»Edgar Burns
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Rosa Mcdonald
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 223
Film Number: «tab»1030776
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4017448
Image Number: «tab»376
Social Security Death Index about Nedra H. Shaffer
Name: «tab»Nedra H. Shaffer
SSN: «tab»434-32-8685
Last Residence: «tab»70001 Metairie, Jefferson, Louisiana,
Born: «tab»29 Aug 1921
Died: «tab»20 Oct 1988
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Louisiana (Before 1951)
Name: «tab»Alfred H. Townsend
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»25 Dec 1909
Event Place: «tab»Greenville, Darke, Ohio
Age: «tab»22
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1887
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Andrew Townsend
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary J Young
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mary A Burns
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1891
Spouse's Father: «tab»A. E. Burns
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»R. Mcdonald
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»166
Film Number: «tab»1030776
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4017448
Image Number: «tab»650
Name: «tab»Mary Agness Burns
Gender: «tab»Female
Baptism/Christening Date: «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place: «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»15 Feb 1891
Birthplace: «tab»Adams, Darke, Ohio
Death Date: «tab»
Name Note: «tab»
Race: «tab»White
Father's Name: «tab»Alonzo E. Burns
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Father's Age: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Rosa A. Mcdonald
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Age: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»C04076-8
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»1030768
Reference Number: «tab»v 3 p 39
Name: «tab»Mary A. Burns
Gender: «tab»Female
Baptism/Christening Date: «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place: «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»15 Feb 1892
Birthplace: «tab»Adams, Darke, Ohio
Death Date: «tab»
Name Note: «tab»
Race: «tab»White
Father's Name: «tab»Alonzo E. Burns
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Father's Age: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Rosa A. Mcdonald
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Age: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»C04076-8
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»1030768
Reference Number: «tab»v 3 p 43
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Mary A Townsend
Name: «tab»Mary A Townsend
Birth Date: «tab»1891
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Darke
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»12 Aug 1984
Hospital of Death: «tab»Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: «tab»Greenville
County of Death: «tab»Darke
Certificate: «tab»058261
Age at Death: «tab»93
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: «tab»302-03-2294
Marital Status: «tab»Divorced
Social Security Death Index about Neil Greppin
Name: «tab»Neil Greppin «tab»
SSN: «tab»551-20-1428
Last Residence: «tab»92010 Chula Vista, San Diego, California,
Born: «tab»15 Oct 1903
Died: «tab»Sep 1973
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»California (Before 1951)
California, Death Index, 1940-1997 about Neil A Greppin
Name: «tab»Neil A Greppin «tab»
Social Security #: «tab»551201428
Gender: «tab»Male
Birth Date: «tab»15 Oct 1903
Birth Place: «tab»California
Death Date: «tab»25 Sep 1973
Death Place: «tab»San Diego
Name: «tab»Wm Hosington
Death Date: «tab»04 Nov 1941
Death Place: «tab»Woodstock, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»19 Oct 1858
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Woodstock, O.
Death Age: «tab»83 years 15 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Carpenter
Residence: «tab»Woodstck, O.
Burial Date: «tab»06 Nov 1941
Burial Place: «tab»Woodstock
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Mary Hosington
Father's Name: «tab»Wm. Hosimgton
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Vt
Mother's Name: «tab»Olive Kimbal
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Vt
Film Number: «tab»2023972
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4020861
Image Number: «tab»1220
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 65047
U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-Current about Lottie M. Tibbets
Name: «tab»Lottie M. Tibbets «tab»
SSN: «tab»557-48-4484
Last Residence: «tab»83864 Sandpoint, Bonner, Idaho, USA
BORN: «tab»24 Jul 1907
Died: «tab»11 Oct 1994
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»California (1953)
Social Security Death Index about Estell Brown
Name: «tab»Estell Brown «tab»
SSN: «tab»456-84-3079
Last Residence: «tab»76365 Henrietta, Clay, Texas,
Born: «tab»8 Aug 1918
Died: «tab»8 Aug 1994
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Texas (1964)
The Urbana Daily Citizen
February 13, 1888
The funeral of Mrs JF (Isabella) Kimball will take place at the residence of her father, WB Gest of Lafayette Ave, tomorrow. She was 31 years of age and died 12th February. She was born 5th March, 1857, on the farm homestead near Mingo, married 12th January, 1881, JF Kimball, and leaves one child.
*Index Card of Oak Dale Info states she was removed to Mechanicsburg on March 8, 1888. If anyone knows which cemetery she went to in or around Mechanicsburg, please let me know and I will make the correction.
Record in Maple Grove Cemetery, of Isabel G Kimball, kin of J F Kimball died 3/1920 age 29. Since his wife died 1888, maybe this was a child who went to live elsewhere when mother died, but age 29 place birth at 1890/1891 after death of mo ther....not located in any census records. Suggesting the Cemetery records could be wrong.
Name: «tab»Herbert C. Jelley
Titles and Terms: «tab»
Event Type: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»23 Dec 1911
Event Place: «tab»Cuyahoga, Ohio, United States
Age: «tab»25
Birth Date: «tab»
Birth Year (Estimated): «tab»1886
Birthplace: «tab»Pueblo, Colorado
Father's Name: «tab»Jno. T.
Father's Titles and Terms: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Clara Bennett
Mother's Titles and Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Cecil M. Wilder
Spouse's Titles and Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»26
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): «tab»1885
Spouse's Birthplace: «tab»Bellefountain, Ohio
Spouse's Father's Name: «tab»Marion
Spouse's Father's Titles and Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's Name: «tab»Jane Adams
Spouse's Mother's Titles and Terms: «tab»
Reference ID: «tab»p 93
GS Film Number: «tab»886226
Lester R. Russell, age 81, of Botkins, passed away on Sunday, April 6, 2014 at Wilson Memorial Hospital Emergency Room.
Lester was born on February 18, 1933 in Shelby County, Ohio to the late Edward and Mabel (Pence)Russell.
On May 16, 1959, Lester married Mary Ann Kies, and she survives in Botkins.Also surviving are his children, Rita & Tom Baumer of Wapakoneta, Jon & Elaine (Schwartz) Russell of New Bremen, and Jody & Jon Underwood of Botkins; grandchildren, Brittany Russell, Ashley (Baumer) & Jeremiah Smith, Morgan Russell, Jamie Baumer, Kaitlin Underwood, Chelsea Russell, Dillon Underwood, Seth Underwood, and Jarred Underwood; brothers and sisters, Esther (Melvin) Kiser of Piqua, Robert (Marie) Russell of Sidney, Rosemary Lemmon of Piqua, Betty (Frank) Barhorst of Piqua, Caroline Huffman of Sidney, Charlotte Millhoff of Piqua, Patricia (Jerry) Schaffner, of Sidney.Lester was preceded in death by two brothers, Chester and Ronald Russell, and sister Evelyn Fair.Lester proudly served in the U.S. Navy during the Korean War. He was a member of the Botkins United Methodist Church. He retired after 30 years in the construction industry and also retired as head custodian of the Botkins Schools.
Lester was a faithful follower of the Cincinnati Reds. He loved working with his hands, enjoyed woodworking, fishing, and considered himself to be a chocolate connoisseur. His family was his pride and joy and he loved spending time with his children and grandchildren. He was well-known for his famous hickory smoked barbecued chicken dinners prepared every Memorial Day for family and friends.
Funeral services will be held Friday, April 11, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. at the Adams Funeral Home, 1401 Fair Road, Sidney with Pastor Randy Locker officiating. Burial will follow at Loramie Valley Cemetery in Botkins with full military honors provided by American Legion Post 217.
Friends and family may gather from 4-8 p.m. on Thursday, April 10, 2014 and one hour prior to services on Friday at the funeral home.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorial contributions be made to the Botkins United Methodist Church for the elevator fund in Lester's memory. Envelopes will be available at the funeral home.
Alan Ray Toomire, beloved husband, father and grandfather, went home to be with his Lord on Sunday, April 20, 2014, surrounded by his loving family. He was born on May 9, 1936 in Urbana, Ohio, the son of Harlan and Frances (Anderson) Toomire (both deceased).
Alan was Office Manager and Vice President of Miller Excavating from 1958 until the business was closed in 1983. He then built Urbana Self Storage from the ground up and acted as owner/operator of the business from 1985 until he retired in 2007.
He was a graduate of Concord High School. Alan was a long time member of the Urbana United Methodist Church, serving the church in many capacities over the years. He was a past member of the Rotary Club and served as Treasurer for several years. He had a heart for the youth in the Urbana area and was a strong supporter of youth sports for many years. Alan also took great interest in the Champaign County YMCA since its inception.
Alan loved life and brought joy to those around him with his laughter and lively spirit. He was an inspiration to many as he cleared countless hurdles on his path of life.
Alan truly relished God's beautiful creation surrounding him. He was an avid bird watcher, taking great delight in knowing all about the birds that came to his feeders. He also found joy in the changing of the seasons and many glorious sunrises and sunsets over the years.
He is survived by his wife, Connie (Miller) Toomire, whom he married on July 7, 1957. Together they have three daughters, Vicki (Michael) Henson, Polly (Jeff) Long and Amy (Jim) Lewis, all of Urbana. Also surviving him are six grandsons, Kenton (Emily) Smith, Kyle (Karen) Smith, Parker (Hana Hay) Lawrence, Tanner Lawrence, Zachary Lewis and Brady Lewis, all of the Urbana area. His great-grandson, Nolan Smith, was the apple of his eye. Other survivors include brother Jerry (Lyn) Toomire of Urbana, sister-in-law Betty Hollingshead of Urbana and sister-in-law and brother-in-law Sally and David Begin of Washington Court House. Step-grandchildren, Ira Henson, Polly Long, and Elizabeth Long also survive. Alan had numerous special nieces and nephews who survive as well.
Alan was preceded in death by his parents, mother-in-law and father-in-law, Selma and Melvin Miller, granddaughter Courtney Lewis and brother-in-law Pat Hollingshead.
A gathering of family and friends will be held from 5-8 p.m. on Wednesday, April 23, 2014 in the VERNON FUNERAL HOME, Urbana.
Funeral service will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 24, 2014 in the Urbana United Methodist Church with Pastor Paul Jones officiating. The family will receive friends from 10-11. Burial will follow in Oak Dale Cemetery, Urbana. Serving as Pallbearers; Kent Smith, Kyle Smith, Parker Lawrence, Tanner Lawrence, Zachary Lewis, Brady Lewis and Ira Henson. Honorary pallbearers; Jerry Toomire, David Begin, Lee Collins, Pat Gavinski, Don Long, Brian Smith, Mike Henson, Jeff Long, Jim Lewis and Ron Ream.
Memorial contributions may be made to The Urbana United Methodist Church or to The WhereHouse food pantry in care of the Urbana United Methodist Church, 238 N. Main St., Urbana, Ohio 43078. Condolences may be expressed to the family at www.vernonfh.com
Rose Louise Roesser, 100, passed away at Dorothy Love Retirement Community in Sidney on Tuesday, April 22, 2014 at 7:40 PM. She was born January 18, 1914 in Fort Loramie, Ohio the daughter of Charles and Sophia (Bernhold) Gaier and the stepdaughter of Eleanor Overman Gaier and they are deceased. She married Roger Roesser on November 13, 1943 and he passed away in 1997. Surviving are three daughters, Diane McKinney and husband Don of Sidney; Janice Grieve and husband Nick of Sidney and Mary Bertsch and husband Al of Sidney and two sons, James Roesser and wife Linda of Dayton, Ohio and Robert Roesser and wife Pam of Wapakoneta, Ohio; twelve grandchildren, Mark McKinney, Megan McKinney, Kelly Kerber, Gillian Grieve, Ian Grieve, Brian Roesser, Laura Krull, Aaron Roesser, Rachel Schumann, Amber Roesser, Kris Bertsch and Kara Bertsch and two step-grandchildren, Ian Grieve and Gillian Grieve and ten great-grandchildren and a brother-in-law, Dutch Carey of Sidney. Three sisters, Mary Poeppelman, Louise Carey and Irene Imwalle and five brothers, Elmer Gaier, Jake Gaier, Clem Gaier, Chris Gaier and Robert Gaier and a grandson, Matthew Bertsch are deceased. Mrs. Roesser attended Fort Loramie High School and worked at a shoe factory in Minster and at the Copeland Corporation in Sidney. She was a member of Holy Angels Catholic Church and the Ladies Altar Rosary Sodality. She bowled in ladies and couples leagues for 15 years. She enjoyed painting, ceramics, needlework, crocheting, handicrafts and various styles of music, especially swing and country. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Monday, April 28, 2014 at 10:30 AM at Holy Angels Catholic Church in Sidney with Rev. Daniel Hess. Burial will follow at Graceland Cemetery, Sidney. Friends may call at Salm-McGill and Tangeman Funeral Home on Sunday, April 27, 2014 from 2-6 PM. Memorial contributions may be made to the Dorothy Love Life Care Fund, 3003 W. Cisco Rd., Sidney, Ohio 45365 or Holy Angels Catholic Church, 324 S. Ohio Ave., Sidney, Ohio 45365. Envelopes will also be available at the funeral home. Condolences may be expressed to the Roesser family on Salm-McGill and Tangeman Funeral Home's web site at: www.salm-mcgillandtangemanfh.com«tab»
Charitable donations may be made in Rose's memory to the following organizations:
Dorothy Love Life Care Fund
3003 W. Cisco Rd. Sidney Ohio, 45365
Tel: 937-498-2391
URBANA \endash Roberta Jean King, 80, of Urbana, died on Wednesday, April 30, 2014, in Mercy McAuley Center, Urbana.
She was born on September 20, 1933, in Champaign County, OH, the daughter of Virgil and Nellie (McCain) Davis. Jean was a 1952 graduate of Westville High School, sold Avon for many years, was a Girl Scout leader and enjoyed bowling, for which she was on a state champion team, and other activities. She loved watching her children and grandchildren play sports and enjoyed her dog, Bubba.
Survivors include daughters, Vicki Earnhart and husband Mark of Urbana, Deanna Evilsizor and husband Bruce of Sunset, S.C., Laurie Rutan of Columbus, and Christina Coder and husband Brian of Urbana; sons, Ronald and wife Dody of Urbana, William of Urbana, Jerry and wife Lyndsay of Lima and Daniel of Urbana; 24 grandchildren; numerous great-grandchildren; sisters-in-law, Betty King of Urbana and Ruth Nolte of Urbana; and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Harold King; son, Edward King; daughter, Denise Campbell; grandson, Scot Earnhart; son-in-law, Mick Rutan; and a brother and 3 sisters.
The family will receive friends from 9-10:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 3, 2014, in the WALTER & SMITH FUNERAL HOME, Urbana, where a service will be held at 10:30 a.m. with Pastor David VanHoose officiating. Burial will follow in Fairview Cemetery, Mutual.
Contributions in Jean's memory may be made to Community Mercy Hospice, 444 W. Harding Road, Springfield, OH 45504.
Condolences may be expressed to the family at www.walterfunerals.com.
Published in Urbana Daily Citizen from May 1 to May 2, 2014
[DI12071] Jerrold Whitney Carr also known as Jerry or JW, age 77, of Rosewood passed away on Thursday, May 8, 2014 in Wilson Memorial Hospital, Sidney with his wife, Rita by his side. Jerrold was born on April 28, 1937 in his grandparents home in Rosewood, Ohio, he was a son of the late Cecil and Doris (Weimer) Carr. Jerrold married Rita Rose Putnam on December 24, 1955 in the home of her parents on Putnam Road and she survives in Rosewood. He is also survived by a daughter, Cynthia Ann Clark, a son Tracy J. Carr and four grandchildren: Carly N. (Jon) Zoerb, David Clark and friend, Kimberlie Malone, Brandon L. Carr, Shelby A. (Chris) DeRubba and three great grandchildren. In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by a brother, Dennis L. Carr. Jerrold was a 1955 graduate of Harrison Adams High School, Rosewood, Ohio. He retired from Navistar in 1993. He attended the St. Paris Community Church of the Nazarene. Jerrold really enjoyed wintering in Florida for 19 years and was an avid golfer. Funeral services will be held on Monday, May 12, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. in the Atkins-Shively Funeral Home, 216 S. Springfield Street, St. Paris OH with Reverend Thomas Bollinger presiding. Burial will follow in Rosedale Cemetery, N. St. Rt. 235, Conover, OH. Visitation for family and friends will be held Monday, one hour prior to the funeral services in the funeral home beginning at 10:00 a.m. Donations can be made to The Caring Kitchen, 300 Miami Street, Urbana 43078 or a charity of your choice.
HARRIS, Bertha Mae 91, of The Woodlands, Texas, formerly of Springfield, passed away on May 10, 2014. Bertha was born to Elzie E. McConnaughey and Elva Evilsizor on September 23, 1922 in Urbana, Ohio. Preceded in death by her husband of 57 years, John R. Harris, Jr.; her brother, Lester McConnaughey; step-sisters Betty Toth and Francis Stone, step-brothers Ray Baker and Carl Baker. Survived by her son, John E. Edwards of Dayton, Ohio; daughter, Elnora Jean Freese of Crestview, Florida,; daughter, Vicki Lynn Harris-Jones of The Woodlands, Texas; 4 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. In 1945, Bertha worked for Steel Products Co. building airplanes for WWII. After the war, she worked for Bonded Oil and Fulmer's in Springfield, Ohio. Retiring to Fort Pierce, Florida, she worked for Sears and Winn Dixie. Bertha enjoyed league bowling and traveling to bowling tournaments. She also religiously followed professional baseball, basketball, and WWF. An excellent cook, she is famous for her fried chicken and "peanut butter pies". Bertha was hard-working, caring, and a very special lady. Visitation for Bertha will be Friday from 5-8 PM in the RICHARDS, RAFF & DUNBAR MEMORIAL HOME. A service to honor Bertha will be Saturday at 1:00 PM in the memorial home, with Pastor Roger Herrig officiating. Burial will follow in Glen Haven Memorial Gardens. Expressions of sympathy may be made at www.richardsraffanddunbar.com
- See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/springfield/obituary.aspx?n=bertha-mae-harris&pid=171003696&fhid=5557&eid=sp_ommatch#sthash.GljB3U65.dpuf
PENCE, Waldo William 98, of Troy, OH passed away on Monday, May 26, 2014 at Randall Residence, Tipp City, OH. Born September 15, 1915 in Shelby County, OH to Elwood and Lethabelle {Herring} Pence. He is preceded in death by his parents, his wife Winifred "Winnie" {Trupp} Pence in 2006, son; William Pence in 2009 and his siblings. He is survived by his daughter; Mary Strong, Muncie, IN, grandchildren; Candy (Tim) Traylor, Newport, TN, Dawn (Dwight) Sneed, Muncie, IN, Todd (Tina) Pence, North Little Rock, AR, great grandchildren; Angel Traylor, Tim & Jessica Sneed, Andrew, Matthew & Emily Pence, great-great granddaughter; Sophia, niece; Susie (Phil) Ungeright, Fort Loramie, OH, and cousin; Deloris (Bill) Reinke, Sidney, OH. Waldo was the owner and operator along with his wife Winnie of Pence's Carry Out, Tipp City and later worked many years at Adco Products. He was a member of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Eagles Lodge, and the American Legion all in Tipp City and was a life member of the Moose Lodge, Troy, OH. Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 11:00 AM on Friday, May 30, 2014, at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, 753 S. Hyatt St., Tipp City, Father R. Marc Sherlock, Celebrant; burial will follow in St. John's Cemetery. Visitation will be from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM prior to the Mass on Friday at the church. Arrangements have been entrusted to FRINGS AND BAYLIFF FUNERAL HOME 327 W. Main St., Tipp City, OH 45371. Contributions may be made in loving memory of Waldo to Hospice of Miami County. www.fringsandbayliff.com
- See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/hamilton/obituary.aspx?n=waldo-william-pence&pid=171147215&fhid=17944&eid=sp_ommatch#sthash.Mf8vNjgg.dpuf
[DI12078] Joyce Marie Baker, age 71 of Urbana and formerly of St. Paris, passed away 11:36 a.m. on Friday, June 27, 2014 in her residence Born on April 5, 1943 in Urbana, Joyce was a daughter of the late Floyd Willard and Inez Naomi (Sharp) Bowen. She married Dale R. Baker on November 4, 1978 and he survives. Joyce is survived by two sisters: Katheleene Countiss of Riverside, OH; Diana Crabtree of Saint Paris; several nieces, nephews and extended family members. In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by an infant son, Curtis Dale Baker and a sister, Charleen Peck. Joyce attended Westville and Graham Schools. Graveside funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, June 30, 2014 in the Terre Haute Cemetery, St. Rt. 55, Urbana (Terre Haute). Reverend Dave Yinger of the Terre Haute United Methodist Church will preside. Condolences to the family may be sent to www.shivelyfuneralhomes.com Atkins-Shively Funeral Home, St. Paris, is serving the family.
Name: «tab»Delmar King «tab»
SSN: «tab»295-09-7038
Last Residence: «tab»92643 Garden Grove, Orange, California,
BORN: «tab»26 Jun 1916
Last Benefit: «tab»92643 Garden Grove, Orange, California,
Died: «tab»Jul 1980
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
Name: «tab»Delmar Charles King «tab»
Social Security #: «tab»295097038
Gender: «tab»Male
Birth Date: «tab»26 Jun 1916
Birth Place: «tab»Pennsylvania
Death Date: «tab»12 Jul 1980
Death Place: «tab»Orange
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Arnold
Name: «tab»John M. Dick
Death Date: «tab»05 Nov 1929
Death Place: «tab»Perry, Pickaway, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»13 Jan 1854
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»75 years 10 months 22 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Residence: «tab»Perry, Pickaway, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»07 Nov 1929
Burial Place: «tab»New Holland
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Dick
Father's Name: «tab»Thomas Dick
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Unknown
Film Number: «tab»1992021
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4022362
Image Number: «tab»27
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 72916
[NI12082] Howard Wesley Hickman married 1st Bessie Rachel Mullen d/o James Mullen and Cora Belle Allen Oct 14, 1916 Guernsey Co, OH
Name: «tab»Ollie Weaver
Gender: «tab»Female
Birth Place: «tab»Bloom, Wood, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»27 Apr 1875
Father's Name: «tab»Peter Weaver
Mother's name: «tab»Catharin Warrington
FHL Film Number: «tab»422269
[NI12086] Middle name from WWI Draft
Name: «tab»Loyd Weaver
Gender: «tab»Male
Birth Place: «tab»Bloom, Wood, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»14 Sep 1878
Christening Place: «tab»Wood, Ohio
Father's Name: «tab»Peter Weaver
Mother's name: «tab»D. C. Worthington
FHL Film Number: «tab»422269
[DI12090] age 3 Years
[HI12105] (Research):Never married
[HI12108] (Research):Bio in Champaign History Centennial pg 111
The Ranger Times (undated)
Man Dies Suddenly in Waiting Room, Texas & Pacific Station Papers on Body Identify Him as J A Johnston
A man past middle age, identified as John A Johnson of Ranger and Breckenridge, died suddenly in the waiting room of the Texas and Pacific station shortly after midnight this morning while awaiting a train to Fort Worth. Papers and masonic Emblems found on his person gave evidence that he was a contractor or oil man, a member of the Knights Templar Chapter at Bellaire, Ohio and carried a bank account at Chester, West Virginia. Letters found on his person were addressed to Ranger Texas and to 434 East Walker Street, Breckenridge. Telephone advices from Breckenridge are that Mr Johnson is a drilling contractor, 55 years old, well known in the Ohio and West Virginia fields. He has been in this section about three months but has not operated here. He left Breckenridge at 9 o'clock for a visit to his children at East Liverpool, Ohio, and appeared to be in excellent health and spirits at that time. Death apparently resulted from trouble, which followed a severe attack of nausea. He arrived here shortly aft er 11 o'clock from Breckenridge on the Hamon-Kell train and was making his way to the Texas & Pacific station when he was overcome by illness and sank to the street. Deputy Sheriff Edmondson found him and following his explanation that he was ill but felt well enough to continue his journey to Fort Worth, he was taken to the Texas & Pacific station. He was found in the waiting room some time later by Patrolman Daniels and Ingram, in the throes of a severe attack of Nausea and unable to speak. The officers took him outside, but on realizing the seriousness of his condition, brought him back into the waiting room and phoned for an ambulance. He was dead when the ambulance arrived. The body was removed to the parlors of the Milford Undertaking Company after an examination by Justice of the Peace McFatter. After going over the papers he found on the dead man's person, Justice McFatter recalled that he had been a resident of Ranger, but was unable to say where he lived here or in what busine ss he was engaged.
Texas Death Index, 1903-2000 about John A. Johnston
Name: «tab»John A. Johnston
Death Date: «tab»12 Aug 1919
Death County: «tab»Dallas
Certificate: «tab»23576
Texas Death Index, 1903-2000 about John A. Johnston
Not this man, as he born 1843 IL and died of senility
Name: «tab»John A. Johnston
Death Date: «tab»12 Aug 1919
Death County: «tab»Dallas
Certificate: «tab»23576
[DI12113] HULLINGER HANNAH ELLEN F/W UNK 0019267 1919-05-31 LOGAN SAN JOSE 19-07-02
[HI12114] (Research):Record book 32 pg 282 Petition on Note David Loudenback vs Heirs of Noah A Zerkle Noah A Zerkle died circa 4/3/1863 and was seized of 164 acres of land loca ted in the SE 1/4 of Section 30 Twp 4 Range 10 Mad River Twp. On 3 April 1 862 he had given a mortgage note on the land to David Loudenback. Noah's h eirs were Lydia Zerkle; Rebecca jane Zerkel; Samuel P Zerkle; Joshua B Zer kle; Sarah C Zerkle; Hannah E Zerkle and Harvey M Zerkle
[BI12115] Tombstone age does not agree with age in the census records.
[HI12140] (Research):Birthplace: Greenville Resided In: Newport Tennessee USA Visitatio n: May 02, 2004 Service: May 03, 2004 Cemetery: Beech Springs Cemetery Carson Rex Bible, age 81 of Newport died Friday April 30, 2004. He was an Army veteran of World War II. While in the military he was awar ded an American Theater Ribbon, Good Conduct Medal, World War II Victory M edal, and European African Middle Eastern Theater Ribbon with 3 Bronze Sta rs. He was preceded in death by his son, Danny Bible.Survivors:Daughters: Jean, Teresa, and Lisa Sons: Sam, Jerry, Paul, Charles, Bobby, Ronnie, Con ley, and Gerald Several Grandchildren, and Great Grandchildren First wi fe and mother of his children: Edith Bible Graveside service and interme nt 11AM Monday in Beech Springs Cemetery. The family will receive frien ds from 6-8PM Sunday at Atchley Funeral Home, Sevierville. (www.atchleyfu neralhome.com)
[NI12141] Married Martin McGee in 1905.
Aunt Pearl then married Marion Stonebrook (such a kind man--we all liked h im so well) He outlived A. Pearl by many years and had a sister who lived at Terre Haute, IN and would visit her and would ride the mail truck down to Coal City to visit my g-parents. Grandma had to be careful as to wh at to feed him as (even though she was raised a Seventh Day Adventist a nd had left that denomination upon marrying Grandpa) they were careful n ot to offend him by serving him meat. I have fond memories of Uncle Mario n--snow white hair. Rosemary Stephens.
Son of John Henry Stonebrook. He was a hunchback. Came from Germany. Lived in log cabin near Cole City. Worked on a farm for 50 cents a day. After marriage he worked for Dupont Powder Co Hauling Nitro Glycerine by wagon into Ohio and Southern Michigan. On a postcard to his wife he once wrote " The old road is as long as ever.". In 1910 the family moved to Houghton, Michigan where he continued to work for Dupont until 1947. They moved to Green Bay Wisc in 1947.
A nephew of M C Stonebrook was Leo Everett of Terre Haute, Indiana. He was killed at Pearl Harbor Dec 7, 1941. Park in Terre Haute Indiana named in his honor being the first service man of Terre Haute killed in WWII.
[HI12156] (Research):
[HI12169] (Research):Name: Alva C Studebaker Birthplace: Ohio State: OH 1910 Age: 35 Color: W Enumeration District: 0109 Visit: 0125 County: Miami Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Minnie 33 Ohio Daughter Gladys M 11 Ohio Son Foster 08 Ohio
Name: «tab»Alvah Clyne Studebaker
Death Date: «tab»11 Oct 1952
Death Place: «tab»Troy, Miami, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»01 Aug 1874
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»78 years
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Joseph Studebaker
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Clyne
Name: «tab» Allene R Ebilsisor
Death Date: «tab» 5 May 1990
Death Location: «tab» Cook County, IL
File Number: «tab» 31194
Archive collection name: «tab» Cook County Genealogy Records (Deaths)
Archive repository location: «tab» Chicago, IL
Archive repository name: «tab» Cook County Clerk
California Birth Index, 1905-1995 about Norman Daniel Jardine
Name: «tab»Norman Daniel Jardine
Birth Date: «tab»7 Apr 1936
Gender: «tab»Male
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Rose
Birth County: «tab»Alameda
Social Security Death Index about Norman Daniel Jardine
Name: «tab»Norman Daniel Jardine
SSN: «tab»559-44-0854
Last Residence: «tab»94571 Rio Vista, Solano, California
Born: «tab»7 Apr 1936
Last Benefit: «tab»94571 Rio Vista, Solano, California
Died: «tab»6 Aug 2009
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»California (1951)
(Research):Rusk ancestry at www.gencircles.com
Joseph Lewis Rusk
1801 \endash 1870
Waitstill Hubbell
1807 \endash 1871
[HI12185] (Research):Does she have ab rorther born 1850 OH OH OH living next to Joseph Rusk in Grundy Co, Liberty, MO 1900 Census pg 57
(Research):Roseville Press Tribune, Placer Co, CA-Pg 1 February 23, 1944 Final Rites for Mrs Ollie E Evilsisor, 71, were held yesterday at the Lamb er Funeral Home, followed by interment in Odd Fellows Cemetery, Mrs Evilsi sor, a native of Galt, Missouri, died Saturday at her home, 318 Cherry Str eet this city. She had resided in the community for 20 years. She was t he mother of Keith R Manzer of San Francisco and L D Manzer of San Dieg o, and was a sister of Albert Rusk, Roseville.
Was deserted by her first husband. His name is not known, but she marri ed him in 1888 in Cannon City, CO
There used to be an IOOF cemetery in Roseville, the name is now Rosevil le Cemetery District (916) 783-3131 421 Berry Street, Roseville, CA 95678.
Olive and husband Frank are buried in section NC, block C #237, grav es #3 & 4. I'll look at the graves around them to see if anything else lo oks promising.
Name: Ollie E Evilsisor Social Security #: 0 Sex: FEMALE Birth Date: 10 Oct 1872 Birthplace: Missouri Death Date: 19 Feb 1944 Death Place: Placer Mother's Maiden Name: Shephard Father's Surname: Rusk
California, Death Index, 1940-1997 about Ollie E Evilsisor
Name: «tab»Ollie E Evilsisor
[Ollie E Rusk] «tab»
Gender: «tab»Female
Birth Date: «tab»10 Oct 1872
Birth Place: «tab»Missouri
Death Date: «tab»19 Feb 1944
Death Place: «tab»Placer
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Shephard
Father's Surname: «tab»Rusk
[DI12188] Informant on death cert Harry Crosby 5616 Cote, Brilliant, MO
St Peters Cemetery St Louis, MO
(Section-Block-Lot-Part) «tab»Grave# «tab»Deceased «tab»Age «tab»Burial «tab»
25-F-28.00-(none)«tab»1«tab»Evilsizer, Ida«tab»15«tab»3/10/1889«tab»
25-F-28.00-(none)«tab»2«tab»Evilsizer, Emma«tab»48«tab»4/04/1903«tab»
25-F-28.00-(none)«tab»3«tab»Crosby, Catherine 75«tab»6/29/1946«tab»
25-F-28.00-(none)«tab»4«tab»Crosby, Marion«tab»95«tab»12/07/1949
[DI12189] Name: Katherin R Evilsizer Social Security #: 548121662 Sex: FEMALE Birth Date: 28 Apr 1912 Birthplace: Iowa Death Date: 16 Dec 1969 Death Place: Los Angeles Mother's Maiden Name: Woodruff
(Research):Crosby Brant
Age: 50 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0091
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0081
County: Madison, South Solon
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Theodoria 43 Ohio Daughter Grace L 15 Ohio
Oakland Tribune)
EVILSIZOR,Grace L., of 1314 85th Avenue, August 22, 1956. Beloved wi fe of W. Ross Evilsizor; loving mother of Burk Moore of Newcastle, Delawar e; Kenneth Evilsizor of Oakland and Helen Baker of Dayton, Ohio. A nati ve of Ohio, aged 61 years.
Friends are invited to attend services at the New Estudillo Chapel of Sant os & Robinson, 160 Estudillo Avenue, San Leandro, Friday, August 2 4, at 1 p.m. Parking provided at rear of chapel, enter 109 Callan Avenu e. For further information please call TRinidad 2-8278.
Death Certificate transcription:
Grace was born August 31, 1894, born in South Vienna, Ohio. She was 61 ye ars old. Her father was Richard C. Brant, born in Ohio. Her mother was T heodosia Smith, born in Ohio. Her husband's name was W. Ross Evilsizo r. Grace was a homemaker. She had lived in Alameda County 1 year 7 month s, and 18 days. She died at Fairmont Hospital, 15400 Foothill, San Leandr o, CA. No diagnosis was listed. Santos-Robinson Mortuary handled the arr angements. She was cremated. Her remains are at the Chapel of Memories.
(Research):A search of the 1880 Ohio census turn up this possibility: (As her fath er was born in MD per the 1900 census records, it indicates this is a high er probability
Census Place:Pleasant, Franklin, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1255015 National Archives Film T9-1015 Page 2C J. O. SMITHSelfMMW49MDOcc:FarmerFa: MDMo: MD Nancy E. SMITHWifeFMW46OHFa: OHMo: OH Clarrie SMITHDauFSW21OHFa: MDMo: OH Luemma SMITHDauFSW19OHFa: MDMo: OH Theadiera SMITHDauFSW14OHFa: MDMo: OH Wade H. SMITHSonMSW12OHFa: MDMo: OH Herd SMITHSonMSW10OHFa: MDMo: OH Alice M. SMITHDauFSW7OHFa: MDMo: OH Mary J. LANEOtherFWW69OHOcc:BoarderFa: VAMo: VA James BROWMLLOtherMSW23NYOcc:LaborerFa: NYMo: NY Henry BURGETOtherMSW22OHOcc:LaborerFa: OHMo: OH
Name: «tab»Theodocia Brant
Death Date: «tab»28 Mar 1934
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1857
Birthplace: «tab»
Death Age: «tab»77 years 9 months 13 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»R.C. Brant
Father's Name: «tab»Josiah O. Smith
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Nancy Lane
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace:
(Research):Richard W. Brant found in: Census Microfilm Records: Ohio, 1900 Lived in: Harmony Township, Clark County, Ohio Series: T623 Microfilm: 1245 Book: 2 Page: 71
1880 Census Place:Harmony, Clarke, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254999 National Archives Film T9-0999 Page 10 1A James H. GLOVERSelfMMW40ENGOcc:FarmerFa: ENGMo: ENG Kate GLOVERWifeFMW24OHFa: OHMo: OH Crosby BRANTOtherMSW20OHOccFarm LaborerFa: OHMo: OH Nathan NICHELSON OtherMSW40OHFa: PAMo: OH
Name: «tab»Richard Crosby Brant
Death Date: «tab»10 Nov 1934
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1859
Birthplace: «tab»
Death Age: «tab»75 years 4 months 21 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»
Race or Color: «tab»
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»William Brant
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Nancy Truesdale
(Research):Could have been:
California, Death Index, 1940-1997 about Edgar C Nester
Name: «tab»Edgar C Nester «tab»
Social Security #: «tab»543013764
Gender: «tab»Male
Birth Date: «tab»21 Dec 1895
Birth Place: «tab»Michigan
Death Date: «tab»21 Sep 1967
Death Place: «tab»Orange
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Morrison
[HI12196] (Research):film 00357 image 0313 Clarinda Elaine Teegarden ss#446-05-7013 born - 3 May 1920 Oklahoma died - 9 June 1996 Golden State Manor Conv., 2828 Meadowlark Dr., San Dieg o, CA occupation - General Dynamics, electronics inspector 28 years residence - 1278 Essex St., San Diego, CA 92103 55 years in San Diego widowed father - Bert Williams born in Illinois mother - Lillie Evilsizer born in Illinois informant - Tom P. Teegarden (son), 3609 Brookshire St., San Diego, CA 12 June 1996 scattered at sea 3 mi. off coast of San Diego cause of death - cardiopulmonary arrest, amyotropic lateralsclerosis
[HI12198] (Research):Although her death is recorded in Riverside, CA, her last known address f or SS info was Salt Lake City, UT 84105
[HI12200] (Research):Film 00339 image 1154 Albert Lee Deskins ss# 554-26-8612 born - 12 August 1924 in California died - 12 March 1995 Alvarado Community Hospital, 6655 Alvarado Rd., San Diego, CA residence - 10038 Woodpark Drive, Santee, CA 92071 70 years in San Diego divorced 11 years education self-employed drywall taper for 30 years informant - Anna L. Kennard (daughter) same address father - James Deskins birthplace unknown mother - Bessie Mae Evilsizer born in Indiana disposition - 15 march 1995 to Larry L. Deskins, Sr., 3246 54th Street, Sa n Diego, CA 92105 cause of death - cardio respiratory arrest, metastic disease to lung prima ry unk, dysphagia, mediastinal tumor compressing esophagus primary unk, malnutrition, percutaneous esophago gastrostomy 3/10/95
(Research):Family history say James was an alcoholic and abusive to his family. He pu nished his step son Lawrence by setting him on top of a hot stove.
Deskins family researcher, but does not know if she related.
[email protected] (Sue Lapp)
California, Death Index, 1940-1997 about James E Deskins
Name: «tab»James E Deskins «tab»
Social Security #: «tab»533221597
Gender: «tab»Male
Birth Date: «tab»16 Oct 1908
Birth Place: «tab»Missouri
Death Date: «tab»30 Mar 1963
Death Place: «tab»Los Angeles
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Lambreth
[HI12205] (Research):Joplin Globe (Joplin, Missouri) > 1947 > May > 15 Mrs Liba Loafman Dies At Home Of Daughter Miami OK-May 14, Mrs Liba Loafman 71 years old died at 10:50 o'clock Tuesd ay evening at the home of her daughter Mrs Wesley Evilsizer, south of Miam i. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon at the Coop er funeral home. The Rev B M Jackson will officiate and burial will foll ow in the G A R Cemetery. Surviving besides Mrs Evilsizer is another daugh ter Mrs Pearl Hamm of Bartlesville; two sons Fred Haselit, Miami and Ral ph Haselit Seymore MO, three sisters, Mrs Lu Carter, Eldorado KS, Mrs Rhim ba Myers SPringfield, MO and Mrs Floyd Mathis, Miami and 16 grandchildren
Name: «tab»Elizbeth Elsworth
Death Date: «tab»18 May 1917
Death Place: «tab»Union Twp., Madison, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»1849
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»68 years
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Housework
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»20 May 1917
Burial Place: «tab»Woodstock, O.
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»John Lockwood
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Rasebery
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1984014
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021566
Image Number: «tab»643
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 34797
[HI12246] (Research):Name on marriage certificate spelled Evilsizer
[HI12250] (Research):Name: Steven E Wright Gender: Male Date of Death: 06 March 1993 Birth Date: 18 September 1943 Volume: 29322 Certificate: 017444 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 290382759 Father's Surname: Wright Time of Death: 8:20 AM Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Hospital/Inpatient Years of Schooling: 17 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Mother's Surname: Evilsizer Race: White Birth Place: Zanesville, Muskingum County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 49
[BI12258] SSDI gives DOB 1/13/1882
[HI12260] (Research):RUNKLE, William Carrol departed his body to meet his Lord and Savior, Jes us Christ, Wednesday, May 11, 2005 at 7:59 p.m. He was born February 22, 1 920 in Saint Paris, Ohio where he lived all his life. He was a born aga in believer and a member of the New Carlisle Baptist Church and attended t he Northside Baptist Church in Ruskin, Florida He was the son of the la te William Farrell and Myrtle Ward Runkle. He was preceded by a son, Sherm an Arthur Runkle, two brothers, Emmett and John Runkle, and four sister s; Gladys Evilsizor, Letha Lee, Florence Everingham, and Martha Detwile r. Those that dearly loved him that remain are his wife, Martina Pullins R unkle, whom he married August 14, 1946. A son, Edwin Allen and his wife Sh irley (Gainer) Runkle of Saint Paris; a daughter in law, Sharon (Armstron g) Runkle of Terre Haute; and one daughter Marcella Angeline and her husba nd Jerry Eaton of West Liberty. Also remaining are seven grandchildren a nd seven great grandchildren who all loved their grandfather. "Bill" w as a farmer all of his life plus worked for the Johnson Township for sever al years. He graduated from Rosewood High School in 1938. He enjoyed seei ng all of God's creation, travelling, mushroom hunting, family and friend s. Graveside funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, M ay 17 at the Rosedale Cemetery, North State Route 235, Conover with Revere nd Oran Thomas and Reverend Rick Shoemaker of the First Baptist Chur ch of New Carlisle presiding. Friends and family may call on Monday, M ay 16 from 6-8 p.m. in the RICHESON-WICKHAM AND ATKINS FUNERAL HOME, 216 S outh Springfield Street, Saint Paris, Ohio. Memorial contributions m ay be made to WEEC, 2265 Troy Road, Springfield, Ohio 45504. Envelopes wi ll be available in the funeral home. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 5/13/2005.
[HI12261] (Research):Name: EMMETT D RUNKLE Gender: Male Date of Death: December 27, 1966 Volume: 18704 Certificate: 97069 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Sidney, Shelby County Race: White Residence: , Shelby County Age: 63
(Research):James Hook attended the schools of Vinton County, Ohio, clerked in a sto re and helped his father on the home farm. At President Lincoln's first ca ll for volunteers he enlisted 20 Apr. 1861 in the 18th Ohio Vol. Infant ry for three month's service. He was honorably discharged 28 Aug. 186 1. In the spring of 1862 he accompanied his parents on a visit to his sist er and two brothers in Iowa and shortly after his return home enliste d, 9 Sept. 1862, in the 7th Ohio Vol. Cavalry and served continuously unt il he was mustered out of the service at Raleigh, N. C. on 22 June 1865. H is regiment was with Gen. Sherman at the siege of Atlanta and with Genera ls Schofield and Thomas in the campaign, after Atlanta, that succeed ed in destroying Hoods Army. He served part of the time as a dispatch carr ier and was one of the volunteers who crept through the Confederate lin es to carry a headquarter's dispatch to General Burnside when he was besie ged at Knoxville, Tenn. In the fall of 1865 he moved with his paren ts in a prairie schooner to Highland Township, Wapello Co., Iowa whe re he married, raised a large family and became a prosperous farmer and fi ne stock raiser and a prominent and respected citizen. He taught school du ring the winter for several years after arriving in Iowa. In 1875 he purch ased the home of his parents in Highland Twsp. of Wapello Co., Iowa, there after purchasing adjacent land until he owned one of the best and most pro ductive farms in the county. He was a leader in the activities of his comm unity and represented the electorate in many county and state conventio ns of the Republican party of which he was a staunch member. He was succes sively a trustee, president and treasurer of the North Union School Distri ct of Highland Twsp. in Wapello Co. for fifteen years or more. He was f or many years a Justice of the Peace and the settler of many local quarre ls and was known among his neighbors as Squire Hook. He was several tim es commander of the J. M. Hedrick Post of the Grand Army of the Republi c. He was a breeder of short horn cattle, English Shire, Morgan and Ensi gn horses, importing some of the sires from England and Belgium. In 19 01 he married his second wife Caroline Andrews, born Ebelsheiser, w ho d. in July 1905, a bare month after his own death, after long illness a nd hospitalization. There was no issue by this marriage. Early in 19 05 he went to Big Horn Co., Wyoming and purchased land on the Germania Ben ch near Burlington and entered upon many additional acres which he expect ed his children to homestead, an expectation not to be carried out. The la nd was located in the oil section of Wyoming and today is very valuable. B oth James and his wife Virginia lie buried side by side in the Hook fami ly plot in the Martinsburg Cemetery in Wapello Co. one and one half mil es south of Martinsburg, Iowa.
James was a member of the Iowa Short Horn Breeders' Association for many y ears and gave freely of his experiences to that body. He never permitted h imself to be nominated for any political position, although he was many ti mes urged to be a candidate for state representative and various county of fices. He was, however, many times a delegate to Republican, county and st ate conventions, and in that way used his influence toward selecting the r ight men for office.
He was for many years a Justice of the Peace and almost from the beginni ng of his residence in Iowa was the acknowledged community arbiter. In th is last service he succeeded in keeping many disputes out of the courts a nd reconciled many differences that might easily have developed into feu ds and grudges.
He was an enthusiastic member of the J. M. Hedrick Post G. A. R. and sever al times its Commander. He also served as a delegate to national encampmen ts, and acted on important committees, both in local and national bodie
The children of James and Virginia remember with vividness and pleasure t he beautiful home life which surrounded them on that Iowa farm. A more har monious home could not have existed. On Sunday all work was suspended, use less noisemaking was forbidden, and the day was spent quietly. Church a nd Sunday School was attended only irregularly. Biblical topics were frequ ently discussed around the fireside. and these usually did more to acquai nt the children with Christian teaching than Church or Sunday School itsel f.
It was after the hard times of 1893 that Virginia's health began to show s igns of breaking under the strain that she was forced to undergo. Those we re hard years. Values of everything almost disappeared, crops were bad, a nd for a time it looked as if accumulations of a lifetime might be wiped out. When conditio ns returned to normal, Virginia's health failed to respond. For three yea rs she fought a losing fight, then on March 23, 1897 came the death of h er oldest child Mary. This great loss and the worries attending it plac ed a further drain upon her vitality. The following October she was strick en with a severe cold which developed into pneumonia and caused her dea th on October 30, 1897.
James struggled hard after the death of his wife to maintain a home for h is children. He employed a married couple for the first year to permit h is daughter Sarah to finish her college course at Iowa State in 1898. Fr om this time until September 1901, when she was offered a fine positi on as instructor in public-speaking in Iowa State College, Sarah kept up t he home. When the offer came to her she was determined to reject it, but h er father, feeling that he could not deprive her of her great opportunit y, urged her to accept, which she finally did with great reluctance.
In 1902, after trying vainly to keep the home going with hired help, Jam es married his second wife, a widow, Mrs. Calla Andrews, nee Ebelsheise r, a member of an old and respected pioneer German family of the neighborh ood. Within a year of this union she was stricken with a severe nervous ma lady that affected her mind and finally caused her death in July, 1905. Th ere were no children by this union.
It was on a trip from Wyoming to visit his invalid wife that James himse lf died. He had just boarded a train at Ottumwa on the evening of June 3 0, 1905 to go to his old farm south of Hedrick, when he was stricken wi th apoplexy and died instantly. On the train at the time was his brother-i n-law and comrade of a lifetime--Jesse Ankrom--who said that James' last w ords, addressed to some friend who had asked him how he was feeling, we re "I never felt better in my life." The words were hardly uttered wh en he sank to the floor and immediately expired. He was buried beside h is first wife in the Hook family plot in Martinsburg Cemetery.
[HI12270] (Research):Parentage not proven. Calif death index says fathers name Evansizer, and t his family changed it from Evensizer. The birth date is consistent with si blings, and migration from Wasington, to Oregon, and then CA. The death in dex names her mothers last name as Trumbly. Not found in 1920 Census
[HI12273] (Research):Parentage not proven. Location fits and birth of sibling. Death record ind icates mothers maiden name is Walker. Brother also married a King.
[HI12275] (Research):PERRY MELISSA J County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 10/23/1923 Volume Number: 4274 Certificate Number: 55244
[HI12278] (Research):Name: Titus Perry Gender: Male Date of Death: 06 July 1980 Birth Date: 22 March 1898 Volume: 24100 Certificate: 047545 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Social Security Number: 287144331 Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: German Place of Death: , Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 82 Years
[HI12280] (Research):Name: Allen Perry SSN: 274-12-6256 Last Residence: 43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States of Ameri ca Born: 10 Nov 1887 Died: Nov 1971 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[HI12289] (Research):Madison County, Ohio History by Beers 1054 - BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: PIKE TOWNSHIP . LAFAYETTE NEWMAN, farmer and stock dealer, P. O. Mechanicsburg. Lafayet te Newman, a prominent young farmer, was born November 26, 1843. in Pike T ownship. Madison Co.. Ohio. He is a son of George W. and Martha Newman, de ceased. This gentleman has been reared on a farm, and received a good comm on-school education. For a short time he taught school in Pike Townshi p. On October 15, 1871, he married Miss Eliza J. Rutan, daughter of Dav id and Magdalena Rutan. By this union there has been an issue of three chi ldren-Magdalena, Martha and Herbert. Shortly after his marriage, Mr. Newm an settled on a farm, about one mile northwest of Mechanicsburg, Champai gn County. where he remained nine and one half years. From thence he locat ed in the western portion of Pike Township, Madison County, where he sti ll resides. He is a man of a retiring and unassuming nature. Politicall y, he is a Democrat. He is also a man of strictly temperate habits, and t he owner of 161 acres of land in a good state of cultivation.
[HI12296] (Research):Charleston Gazette (West Virginia) February 2, 1999 Flora Beatrice "Bea" Lewis, 75 of Charleston, died Feb 1, 1999 at home aft er a short illness. She was a retired clerk from the Kanawah County Sherif fs Office tax Department. Surviving: Son Paul "Butch" Lewis of Charlesto n; sister Joyce Evilsizer of South Charleston; granddaughter Christy Ann L ewis. Service will be Wednesday at Bartlett-Burdette-Cox Funeral Home. , C harleston, with the Rev Robert Wilmoth officiating. Burial will be in Cunn ingham Memorial park, St Albans. Friends may call from 2-4 and 6-8 p m tod ay at the funeral home.
(Research):West Side High will graduate 285 boys and girls...... R A Robertson will present diplomas to 285 graduates at ceremonies at Stne wall jackson high School Wednesday may 24th at 8:15 p,m. in the school aud itorium. Hon Fred O Blue will give the principal address. baccalaureate ex cercises will be held Sunday may 21 in the auditorium at 8:15 p.m. wi th R C Cannon of the Emmanuel Baptist Church giving the sermon. Graduati ng seniors are:...... Donnell Evilsizer
Charleston Daily Mail 6/1/1941 Perfect Attendance of graduating class of Lincoln HighSchool Donnell Evi lsizer
Roane Co, WV birth register
Donnell Ray Evilsizer born 8/31/1925 to W Hoyt Evilsizer and Maud mace
[HI12302] (Research):Fordyce, Nannie L. The life and times of Reverend John Corbly and the John Corbly family gene alogy Washington, Pa.: The compiler, 1953, 225 pgs. Ancestry of Caroline Knight
Name: «tab»Caroline Covault
Death Date: «tab»03 Feb 1923
Death Place: «tab»Lostcreek Township, Miami, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»Oct 1843
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Miami Co., Ohio
Death Age: «tab»79 years
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Paul Knight
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Charlotte Ensminger
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Miami Co., Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1992262
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4000555
Image Number: «tab»1500
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 13089
[HI12303] (Research):Kansas City Star, The (MO) October 29, 2003 Page: B4 Gregory Bolin, 47, Independence, MO, passed away Saturday, October 25, 20 03, at the Independence Regional Medical Center. Mr. Bolin was born June 1 1, 1956, in Galesburg, IL. He was an over the road truck driver. He marri ed Debbie Snyder on February 14, 1998. Mr. Bolin was preceded in dea th by his mother Betty Gardner. Mr. Bolin is survived by his wife Debbie B olin, of the home; daughter Katherine Bolin and her fiance Jeremiah Cox, a nd stepdaughter Michelle Huffman and her fiance Robert Steele, both of Ind ependence, MO; father Howard Webb and stepmother Edith Webb; brother Fra nk Bolin of Brookfield, MO; sisters Cheryl Minadeo of Parma, OH, Brenda Pa lmer of Laclede, MO, and Verna Evilsizer of California; stepbrother John M unkers; stepsister Norma Ward; and two grandchildren, Miranda and Dylan St eele. (Arr. Marts Memorial Service, 816-5618181)
[HI12304] (Research):Name: William H Mcmanus Spouse: Priscilla C Covault Parents: Benjamin Franklin Mcmanus , Sarah Jane Wrigley Birth Place: Miami, Elizabeth Twp, OH Birth Date: 25 July 1855 Marriage Place: Miami Marriage Date: 1 April 1877 Death Place: Tulare, Miami, OH Death Date: 28 April 1918
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-2007 about Judy I Breakall
Name: «tab»Judy I Breakall
[Judy I Little]
Birth Date: «tab»8 Apr 1944
Birth City: «tab»Springfield
Birth County: «tab»Clark
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Hispanic Origin: «tab»Not Hispanic (Latino)
Death Date: «tab»1 Jul 1998
Death Time: «tab»08:35 PM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Community Hospital of Springfield
City of Death: «tab»Springfield
County of Death: «tab»Clark
Certificate: «tab»052064
Age at Death: «tab»54
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Hospital Status: «tab»Hospital/Inpatient
Social Security Number: «tab»300-44-1704
Father's Surname: «tab»Little
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Adams
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Education: «tab»12
Armed Forces Indicator: «tab»No
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Health services, not elsewhere classified
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Nursing aides, orderlies, and attendants
Primary Registration District: «tab»1201
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-2007 about David Little
Name: «tab»David Little
Birth Date: «tab»1908
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Springfield
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence State: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»30 Jan 1985
Hospital of Death: «tab»Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: «tab»Springfield
County of Death: «tab»Clark
Certificate: «tab»008614
Age at Death: «tab»77
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Social Security Number: «tab»302-07-3759
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Water supply and irrigation
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-2007 about Ethel L Little
Name: «tab»Ethel L Little
Birth Date: «tab»1914
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Springfield
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence State: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»2 Feb 1978
Hospital of Death: «tab»Community Hospital of Springfield
City of Death: «tab»Springfield
County of Death: «tab»Clark
Certificate: «tab»008782
Age at Death: «tab»64
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, not used for certification
Marital Status: «tab»Married
(Research):Lahont Valley News, now The Fallon Eagle-June 1982 Born in Licking , MO daughter of William Samuel Carter and Nancy Ellen Reed who were former own ers of the historic Overland Hotel in Fallon, still inoperation. Her husba nd Harry died in 1943. She was acvtive in the VFW. Children were Harry Evi lsisor of San Jose, CA, Lloyd Wholey of Albuquerque, New Mexico and Ell en Platt of Salt Lake Sity, Utah, Carmen Bridgeman of Fallon, Nevada, brot her Arch Carter of Walnut Creek, Calif and 8 grandchildren and 9 great gra ndchildren.
Reno Eveving Gazette, Reno Nevada, Nov 7, 1964 (Photo) Promoted Lloyd C Wholey, a 20 year Navy Veteran, at Sandia base, NM, has been promo ted to the rank of commander. A native of Reno, he is the son of Mrs H B E vilsisor, Fallon. He is a 1944 Reno High Graduate and attended Gonzaga Un iv and the Univ of CA.
L C Wholey, Albq, NM 505-293-3141
(Research):Columbus Dispatch Pg 6C 12/30/1997 Martha Rebecca Evilsizer, age 86 of Worthington formerly of Pataskala di ed Saturday at Riverside Methodist Hospital. Retired owner of Dormlake Ken nels. Preceded in death by parents Asa and Effie Waymer, brother Don (Rom a) Waymer, son John (Barbara) Wymer. Survived by granddaughter Linda (Pau l) George of Westerville; step-son and family Charles (Phyllis) Evilsiz er of Franklin. There will be no services, just request to remember h er in your heart and prayers. In leau of flowers, please make a donati on to your charity of choice. Arrangements under the direction of Warr en F Kauber Funeral Home, Pataskla.
Name: Martha Rebecca Evilsizer Gender: Female Date of Death: 27 December 1997 Birth Date: 23 April 1911 Volume: 31370 Certificate: 103346 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 281164128 Father's Surname: Waymer Time of Death: 8:05 PM Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Hospital/Inpatient Years of Schooling: 12 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Cremation Mother's Surname: Engle Race: White Birth Place: Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 86
Groom's Name: «tab»Gayle Harmon Yoder
Groom's Birth Date: «tab»
Groom's Birthplace: «tab»Salem, Champaign, O.
Groom's Age: «tab»
Bride's Name: «tab»Zelpha Pauline Freeman
Bride's Birth Date: «tab»1910
Bride's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Bride's Age: «tab»19
Marriage Date: «tab»27 Nov 1929
Marriage Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: «tab»Samuel J. Yoder
Groom's Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Conkle
Bride's Father's Name: «tab»Herket Brown
Bride's Mother's Name: «tab»Ruth Eggelston
Groom's Race: «tab»
Groom's Marital Status: «tab»Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: «tab»
Bride's Race: «tab»
Bride's Marital Status: «tab»Single
(Research):On the 1870 census Appanoose, Hancock, Illinois Roll: M593-226 Page 6 Image 14 Henry Manzer 32 Farm labor N.Y. Huldah 33 Keeping House N.Y. Carrie 9 N.Y. top of next page Hattie Manzier 7 N.Y. Catherine 4 N.Y. Delavon 17 Farm Labor N.Y. They have the named spelled a little different on the second page, but th ey are listed as the same family.
1880 Census Place:Kenesaw, Adams, Nebraska Source:FHL Film 1254743 National Archives Film T9-0743 Page 7 Delevan MANZERSelfMMW27NYOcc:FarmerFa: NYMo: NY Sarah K. MANZERWifeFMW20INOcc:Keeping HouseFa: INMo: IN
1880 Census Place:Kenesaw, Adams, Nebraska Source:FHL Film 1254743 National Archives Film T9-0743 Page 7 Henry MANZERSelfMMW43NYOcc:FarmerFa: NYMo: NY Hulda MANZERWifeFMW44NYFa: NYMo: NY Hattie MANZERDauFSW16NYFa: NYMo: NY Arthur MANZERSonMSW14NYFa: NYMo: NY
1880 Census Place:Kenesaw, Adams, Nebraska Source:FHL Film 1254743 National Archives Film T9-0743 Page 7 Nathan H Manzer 45 NY NY NY Julia A 38 OH GER GER Millie C 7 IN Delos J 5 MI - 1850 Onondaga Co, Geddes NY, Delos Manzer age 14 s on of David Manzer, pg 491 Renna C 2 NE Manzer Nathan G 121 N. Y. Infantry. Private Private MANZER, NATHAN H.
State: WI Year: 1890
County: Racine County Record Type:
Township: E.D. 139 Racine Page: 001
Database: WI 1890 Veterans Schedule Enlisted as a Private on 08 August 1862 at the age of 27 Enlisted in Company G, 121st Infantry Regiment New York on 23 August 1862. Deserted Company G, 121st Infantry Regiment New York on 26 September 18 64 in On Furlough Filed Pension in Calif , Julia A, widow, invalid 7/21/1909, widow 8/11/19 24 or 1928 Racine, Wisconsin Directories, 1890, 1892 Nathan H. Manzer leather cutter 1132 Irving Pl. Racine WI 1890 Nathan H. Manzer leather cutter 1132 Irving Place Racine WI 1892
MUSTER-IN ROLL of Captain Edwin Clark's Company (G), in the 121st Regime nt of New York State Volunteers, commanded by Colonel B. Franchot, call ed into service of the United States by Proclamation of the President, fr om the twenty-third day of August 1862 (date of muster), for the term of t hree years, unless sooner discharged. Manzer, Nathan Private 27 Aug 8 Middlefield, Otsego Co, NY
1850 Otsego Co, Middlefield, NY pg 116 Henry Manzer (Manser in index) age 48 b NY Lorraina 42 NY Lydia 21 NY William 14 NY ( Maybe William HENRY age 43 in NE) Nathan 15 NY (named a son Delos after his brother) Delos 17 NY Harvey 13 NY b 6/15/1837 d 1871 father of Col Ellsworth Herman 9 NY Charlotte 4 NY (Henry also appears in the 1830 Otsego Co, Westford, NY pg 137)
Were Delvan and Carrie children of this family, or was wife Lorraina too o ld at 52 to birth Carrie.? But certainly within age to birth Delvan b 1853
ADAMS CO NE LAND RECORDS Name, Year, Section, Twp, Type Manger Herman 78 32 Wanda ho Manzer Delavan 78 20 Wanda ho cancelled in 81 Manzer Eliza L 82 28 Wanda ho Manzer Henry 82 20 Wanda ho Higgins Samuel T 79 30 Wanda ho cancelled in 82
Oneonta Herald 6/20/1872-Died In Middlefield, May 8, at the residence of his son-in-la w, Delos MANZER, Mr. John F. MARKS, in the 82d year of his life.
Manzer, Nathan H
Age: 82 Year: 1920 b NY NY NY
Birthplace: New York Roll: T625_116
Race: White Page: 3B
State: California ED: 464
County: Los Angeles Image: 68
Township: Los Angeles Julia A, wife, 74, OH GER GER Mildred G, dau, 34 b IL, single
Census Place:Kenesaw, Adams, Nebraska Source:FHL Film 1254743 National Archives Film T9-0743 Page 77b Herman Manzler 40 NY NY NY Ardalicia? 40 NY NY NY
Census Place:Kenesaw, Adams, Nebraska Source:FHL Film 1254743 National Archives Film T9-0743 Page 7 Emily L. MANZERSelfFWW37NYFa: NYMo: NY Eugene N. MANZER SonMSW19NYFa: NYMo: NY Colonel E. MANZERSonMSW17ILFa: NYMo: NY Francis D. MANZERDauFSW14ILFa: NYMo: NY Leonard C. MANZERSonMSW12ILFa: NYMo: NY Cora B. MANZERDauFSW9ILFa: NYMo: NY Charles H. MANZER SonMSW7ILFa: NYMo: NY Artuna MANZERDauFSW5ILFa: NYMo: NY Gracie N. MANZERDauFSW3ILFa: NYMo: NY
This Leonard Manzer in 1900 Clay Co, NE Leonard Manzer b 3/1870 IL NY NY Anna 8/1871 IL VA PA married 9 years, 4/4 James 3/ 1892 Harvey 8/1895 George 7/1897 Francis 10/1899, son (There is a Harvey Dorr Manzer born 8/11/1894 NE died 6/19/1990 Ventura County, CA)
Census Place:3rd Ward, Fond Du Lac, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin Source:FHL Film 1255425 National Archives Film T9-1425 Page 21 6B Lawerence MANZERSelfMMW65NYOcc:...Fa: NYMo: NY Sarah W. MANZERWifeFMW59NYFa: NYMo: NY Robert G. MUNROSonLMMW25WIOcc:MachinestFa: SCOTMo: CAN Lilla E. MUNRODauFW25WIFa: NYMo: NY Marion G. MUNROGDauFSW3MWIFa: WIMo: WI
Menzer, Harvey age 41 Hotel keeper, b NY
State: New York Year: 1850
County: Rensselaer Roll: M432_586
Township: Schodack Page: 427
Image: 647 Agnes, 40, Mary 12, Albert 10, George 8, Ellen 6, John 4, Edward 2, all bo rn NY
Carrie, like Delavan, was born in New York, in Nov 1861. There was a fami ly of Manzers (Harvey is father, conflicting accounts about death date. Em ily Louise Hinds is mother. She died in 1901 in Kenesaw, Nebraska) livi ng in Nebraska from about 1877 to about 1880. In History of Nebraska, o ne of the children, Ellsworth Manzer is listed with siblings. Neither Dela van nor Carrie are listed. Their homesteads, however, are right togethe r. Sarah Manzer buried a baby girl Maude in Jan 1880. I think then that th ey went to Wisconsin. Sarah died in 1884 in Racine Wisconsin.
I think they all came down from one group of 4 Manzer brothers, one of wh om went north to Canada as a Tory during the American Revolution
My grandmother (Wrena) was a wonderful woman but she didn't always tell t he straight truth about her family, her relatives etc. I know she had fami ly in Wisconsin and in Syracuse because she used to talk about them. I ha ve combed the census for New York and have found Lawrence previously but n ot with Delavan nor Carrie as children. Again I think he is an uncle. Del os Manzer was another lead and that did not pan out as a father. The Manze rs may have moved to Susquehanna County, I think they were then in Illinoi s, then Nebraska. I have some info. I would love to share info and wou ld be happy to be in contact with Lawrence. Alice Price [email protected]
Colnel Ellsworth Manzer, one of. the old settlers of Pierce county, Neb raska, occupies a good home and valuable property in section nine townsh ip twenty-seven, range one. He has done his share in the upbuilding of h is locality and is well and favorably known throughout this of the state.
Mr. Manzer is a native of Mercer county, Illnois born June 23, 1862, a nd was reared in Hancock county, whither the family moved soon his birt h. His father, Harvey Manzer, was born in the state of New York in 1837, a nd was killed by the falling of a derrick, which struck him on the head, J uly 26, 1871. The grandfather was a native of Germany, and came to Ameri ca settled first in New England. Our subject's mother,Louise Hinds, w as a native of New York, born in 1843, and died in 1901; she was a writ er of poetry no little renown, and was a distant relative of Ralph Waldo E merson, the well-known poet. She was a daughter of Silas and Sophie (Emers on) Hinds. The maternal grandfather was born in New England, of English an cestry.
Our subject was reared in Hancock county, and at the age of nine year s, when his father was killed he began shifting for himself, living in o ne family three years, and in another four years, working for his boar d. In 1877 the family came to Adams county, Nebraska, where the mother to ok up a claim of one hundred and sixty acres and built a sod house, whe re they resided many years. In 1880, Mr. Manzer went to Benton county, Iow a, where he was employed at farm labor for three years, until his marriage .
Mr. Manzer was married in 1883, to Miss Martha Tatge, and in 1884, wi th his wife and family, came to Pierce county, Nebraska, and bought one hu ndred and sixty acres of land from B. S. Williams, in the northwest quart er of section nineteen, township twenty-seven, range one, improving the fa rm, and putting out four acres of forest and orchard trees. In 1909 he bou ght one hundred and sixty acres in the southeast quarter of section thirty -three, township twenty-seven, range two, which he later sold, and invest ed part of the proceeds in eighty acres in section seventeen, northea st of his home farm, and on which a son-in-law resides. Mr. Manzer erect ed the first silo in the county. He keeps fifteen to twenty milk cows, a nd through the year raises some seventy-five head of steers and a hundr ed hogs.
Mr. and Mrs. Manzer are the parents of eleven children: Ida, wife of Ed ward Leach, has one child, named Margaret; Belle, wife of Peter Lackas, h as two children, Opal and Alda; Roy, who is married to Ella Whitney, has t wo children, Mable and Kenneth; William, Alice, married Edward Auwater, w ho farms on section seventeen; Bessie, Christopher, Emily, James Elmer a nd Ruth. Ida, Belle, Roy, Alice and Bessie attended school in Wayne, Nebra ska. Mrs. Manzer's parents, Christian and Sophie (Coleman) Tatge, are amo ng the oldest settlers in this section of the country, of whom an extend ed account is to be found elsewhere in this work.
Mr. Manzer has had his share of disappointments and hardships incident al to the life of a farmer, having his crops destroyed by hail in 1890 a nd again in 1905. In 1894 he lost everything by the hot winds. In the bliz zard of 1888, he was exposed to the storm for hours getting his catt le to shelter.
Mr. Manzer has always been alive to the best interests of his communit y, and served as county commissioner six years, from 1899 to 1905. He a nd his family are members of the United Evangelical church, and he affilia tes with the Odd Fellows and the Modern Woodmen.
https://sites.rootsweb.com/~neresour/OLLibrary/Comp_NE/cmp0752.htm#COLNEL%20E LLSWORTH%20MANZER COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY, REMINISCENCE AND BIOGRAPHY. 753
William Harvey MANZER Sex: M Birth: UNKNOWN Death: 1 JAN 1919
Father: Ellsworth MANZER b: 23 JUN 1862 in Keithsburg, Mercer county Illin ois Mother: Martha TATGE b: 22 SEP 1861 in Belle Plaine, Benton county Iowa
Marriage 1 Maggie LARSEN b: UNKNOWN D 10/1943
Date: 10/4/2004 4:43:51 PM Mountain Daylight Time From: [email protected] To: [email protected] I have been working on the Manzer family. I believe I know the paren ts of Delvan. I am interested in William, whom I feel is a brother that d ied early. I would be interested in exchanging information.
[HI12336] (Research):Printer by trade, never married, well traveled
[HI12337] (Research):1920 Census, San Diego Co, San Diego, CA ED 293 pg 2a Joseph C Payton 52, h/h CO KY VT, rents home, Cigar Store Merchant Mollie B, wife, 49, KS VA IN Thelma K Manzer, dau, 24 b CO Lawrence D Manzer, SIL, 21 , CO NY VT, Canvas Tailor, factory Thelma B, granddaughter, age 11m Harriet H Snyder, Mother, 73, Widow, VT VT VT
Name: «tab»Kenneth R. Thompson
SSN: «tab»496-01-4746
Last Residence: «tab»66012 Bonner Springs, Wyandotte, Kansas
Born: «tab»4 Jul 1919
Died: «tab»5 May 2005
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Missouri (Before 1951)
(Research):m. (2nd) 06-16-1964 (Salisbury, Chariton Co., MO) Frances BENNETT
--Edward is listed in the 1930 MO census for Salisbury Twp., Chariton Co ., Family #160-187, p. 307, living with his parents.
Parents: (5) James Robert CALLISON b. 1867 MO d. 1947 m. about 1898 (per census) Maggie May ADAMS b. 1878 Shannondale, Chariton Co., MO (of Forest Green, M O) d. 1955 --Found in the 1880, 1920, and 1930 MO census for Salisbury Twp., Charit on Co
Grandparents Joel M. CALLISON b. 04-14-1823 KY d. 01-12-1899 (probably Chariton Co., M O) m. 10-31-1851 (Chariton Co., MO) Nancy Jane WILLIAMS b. 07-31-1831 MO d. 1 2-26-1920 (probably Chariton Co., MO) --Joel and Nancy are found in the 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, and 1920 cens us for Chariton Co., MO.
Great grandparents: Robert CALLISON b. 1787+- m. 09-02-1817 (Adair Co., KY) Dicey HURT b. 1801 KY --Robert and Dicey are found in the 1850 MO census for Chariton Co., p. 1 87 (Robert age 67). --Robert is found in the 1860 census for Chariton Co. living in househo ld of Emily HURT (Robert age 73)
Great Great Grandparents William CALLISON m. 07-25-1817 (Adair Co., KY) b. 1754+- Augusta Co., VA Frances HURT (nee ALLEN) b. 1757+- (probably Bedford Co., VA)
Thanks to Pat for this great research! [email protected]
Ch-Kim E Alexander 5/27/1957 md Brad Dunn
Lee F 10/7/1960
Obituary Date: «tab»31 Dec 2008
Newspaper Title: «tab»Kansas City Star
Newspaper Location: «tab»Kansas City, MO, USA
Doris Alexander, 74, of Raytown, MO passed away Sunday, December 28, 2008. Memorial Visitation will be 5-7:00 p.m. Friday, January 2nd, at Park Lawn Chapel, 8251 Hillcrest Road, KCMO. In lieu of flowers the family suggests memorial contributions to Powell Gardens. Doris was born August 27, 1934 to Howard McKee and Elaine Evilsizer. She was a member of the Raytown First Baptist Church and volunteered at many theaters through the Kansas City Theater Club. Doris leaves her son, Lee Alexander of Raytown, MO daughter, Kim (Brad) Dunn of Independence, MO brother, Jerry McKee of Texas, 4 grandchildren, Alex and Kyle Dunn and Samantha and Lake Alexander. Arrangements: Park Lawn Funeral Home 816-523-1234.
[HI12357] (Research):Name: MAYME E SHAFFER Gender: Female Date of Death: October 12, 1962 Volume: 17042 Certificate: 70910 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 49
[NI12359] Adopted by Florence E Evilsizer. Father William R McClead, mother Julia Anna King
(Research):Unable to find mother Florence in the 1910 Census. In 1920 she is H/H a nd Nellie McClead age 17 is living in household. In her obituary she names a daughter Mrs C A Young. Her other child Blanch died as an infant.
Researcher: [email protected]
[HI12363] (Research):DINGLEDINE MARY County Name: DARKE Date of Death: 12//1926 Volume Number: 5217 Certificate Number: 73742
(Research):Springfield (O.) Daily News on Wednesday, February 21, 1962 Mrs. Lottie BALLENTINE, 84, of 201 Roseland E., Springfield, born in Champ aign County, died at 2:50 in the Chaney Rest Home, Springfield. She had be en seriously ill one year. A resident of Springfield and Clark County mo st of her life, she was born Nov. 4, 1877, the daughter of George and Ell en HALLSTEINE. Mrs. BALLENTINE was a member of the Thackery Lutheran Churc h. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Ruth CALDWELL of Columbus, two son s, Virgil BALLENTINE of Springfield and Roland L. BALLENTINE of Scottsdal e, Ariz.; a sister, Mrs. Glenna MILLER of Canton; seven grandchildren a nd 12 great-grandchildren. Friends may call at the Jackson-Lytle Funeral H ome, Springfield, after 7 p.m. Wednesday.
Name: CHARLOT BALLENTINE Gender: Female Date of Death: February 20, 1962 Volume: 16793 Certificate: 08611 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Springfield, Clark County Race: White Residence: Springfield, Clark County Age: 84
[HI12366] (Research):1900 census is Gustanna Mayse, granddaughter b 6/1895
[NI12367] Son of Marion & Jennie Mauck.
Name: «tab»Jermiah Calvin Brown
Event: «tab»Death
Event Date: «tab»26 Dec 1928
Event Place: «tab»Madriver Twp, Champaign, Ohio
Residence: «tab»
Street Address: «tab»
Gender: «tab»Male
Death Age: «tab»76y 7m 4d
Marital Status: «tab»
Race: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»laborer
Birth Date: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»OH
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1852
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's «tab»unk
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother: «tab»unk
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»
Spouse's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»fn 71509
Film Number: «tab»1991606
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4022222
Image Number: «tab»2789
[XI12374] 10305 «tab»BROWN «tab»JEREMIAH «tab»C. «tab»00/00/0000 «tab»OH «tab»12/26/1928 «tab»12/28/1928 «tab»R «tab»Lot 467 «tab»SubLot 1 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 1
Record Book 36, Page 270- Filed 31 October 1872- Petition to Partition (Ot her records dealing with John Dagger's estate can be found in Record Bo ok 36, Page 238, Philip Kiser et al vs Marshall M. Myers et al, dated 18 April 1872 and Rec ord Book 36, Page 287, Edemon Ward & Geraldine Dagger vs Heirs of John Dag ger, 11 January 1873.) Charles Dagger vs Philip Kiser et al John Dagger died circa 5 July 1871 and his will was proven in August 187 1. John owned about 85 acres in Section 20, 147 acres in Section 21 and 1 34 acres in Section 15 Township 4 Range 12 (Concord Township) 13 acr es in Section 31 Township 5 Range 12 (Urbana Township) and the west ha lf of In-lot Number 3 in Urbana. John's widow, Elizabeth Dagger, died cir ca 20 August 1871. John's children and grandchildren were: Charles Dagge r; Phebe Dagger, wife of Philip Kiser; Elizabeth Dagger, wife of Flemmon H all; Mary M. Dagger, wife of Marshall M. Myers of Van Buren County, Iow a; Angeline Dagger, wife of Simeon Rineaker; Araminta Dagger, wife of ...M orrison of Mahaska County, Iowa; Sarah Dagger, unmarried; Lawrence Dagg er deceased, father of Geraldine Dagger; and the heirs of Peter Dagger dec eased -Jennette Dagger, widow of Putnam County, Illinois, Mary Dagger, wi fe of Huron Warren of Illinois, John Dagger, Orvilla Dagger, Donald C. Dag ger, Charles B. Dagger, Elizabeth B. Dagger and Flora J. Dagger, all of Pu tnam County, Illinois.
Record Book 36, Page 498 — Filed 9 October 1873 — Foreclosure Philip Kise r, Charles Dagger & Flemmon Hall, executors of John Dagger deceased vs Samuel F. Flemming et al On 19 June 1865 Samuel F. Flemming and Elizabeth Ann Flemming, his wife, g ave their note to Charlotte Cromwell, wife of Philip Cromwell. The note w as due on 1 June 1867 for $150 and 6% interest. Charlotte sold this no te to John Dagger. Samuel and Elizabeth gave a mortgage deed for six lo ts in the west addition of Westville as surety for the note. This land h ad been purchased by Elizabeth Ann Flemming from Philip and Charlotte Crom well. By the time of this suit, some of the lots had been sold to vario us parties and Winfield S. Hullinger, Samuel Sowers and his wife, Eunice S owers, claimed an interest in the lots.
Name: «tab»Horace A. Burns
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»11 Jan 1919
Event Place: «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Age: «tab»18
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1901
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Alonzo E. Burns
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Rosa Anne Mcdonald
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Edith Mary L. Starr
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1901
Spouse's Father: «tab»W. M. Starr
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Bertha Peters
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»cn 29929
Film Number: «tab»550155
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016854
Image Number: «tab»114
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Horace A Burns
Name: «tab»Horace A Burns
Birth Date: «tab»1900
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Greenville
Residence County: «tab»Darke
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»5 Oct 1971
Hospital of Death: «tab»Wayne Hospital
City of Death: «tab»Greenville
County of Death: «tab»Darke
Certificate: «tab»074209
Age at Death: «tab»71
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Name: «tab»Marley Austin Burns
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»01 Jan 1905
Event Place: «tab», Darke County, Ohio
Age: «tab»24
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1880
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»A.E. Burns
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Rosa Mcdonald
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mable Grace Bigler
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1883
Spouse's Father: «tab»Cyrus Bigler
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Lydia Lent
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»page 69
Film Number: «tab»1030776
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4017448
Image Number: «tab»74
Name: «tab»Robert R. Conley
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»06 Nov 1922
Event Place: «tab»Franklin County, Ohio
Age: «tab»32, once married
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»6-26-1890 Kenton OH
Marriage Date Note: «tab»license date. returned unexecuted
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»John H. Conley
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Loretta Yeazell
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Marie Welsh
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»29
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1893
Spouse's Father: «tab»Thomas F. Welsh
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Mary Mahaney
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»bk 80 cn 59514
Film Number: «tab»1854975
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4017610
Image Number: «tab»69
[XI12400] Shares the side of his grandparents tombstone.
Lucius D Cook (1837 - 1906)*
Theodore Cook (1844 - 1919)*
Jethro T Cook (1847 - 1889)*
[HI12402] (Research):Graduates of Urbana Public Schools published in CCGS Newsletter March 19 96 pg 12 (Published by the class of 1915 in their Senior Year) Emma Ganson-Cook class of 1879
Name: Emma A. Cook
Death date: 15 Feb 1932
Death place: Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio
Birth date: 24 May 1860
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Illinois
Age at death: 71 years 8 months 22 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 11429 Glenwood Ave.
Burial date: 17 Feb 1932
Burial place: Lakeview
Cemetery name:
Spouse name: Theodore W. Cook
Father name: Chas. H. Ganson
Father titles:
Father birth place: N.Y.
Mother name: Jane Rawalt
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: N.Y.
GSU film number: 1992567
Digital GS number: 4001564
Image number: 1902
Reference number: fn 7817
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: «tab»Theodore W. Cook
Death Date: «tab»15 Apr 1937
Death Place: «tab»Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»20 Nov 1854
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1858
Birthplace: «tab»Cleveland, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»79 years 4 months 24 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»11429 Glenwood
Occupation: «tab»Banker
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»17 Apr 1937
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Lakeview
Spouse's Name: «tab»Emma A. Cook
Father's Name: «tab»Chas. G. Cook
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Germany
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Strassburg, France
Film Number: «tab»2023495
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4020738
Image Number: «tab»608
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 24173
[DI12404] ZERKLE, Ruth Constance (Price) age 89, passed away Wednesday morning, September 28, 2011 in her Westville home with her beloved husband of 60 years by her side. Ruth was born on May 21, 1922 in Westville, a daughter of the late J.R. and Parnie (Phillips) Price. She married Kenneth M. Zerkle on December 16, 1950. Together they raised two children who survive: John M. (Sue) Zerkle of Tipp City and Connie Crocker of Urbana. She was a loving grandmother to four grandchildren: Heidi (Matt) Reynolds, Celina, Oh; Amanda (Dustin) Cole, Sidney, Oh; Rebecca (Russel) Eichhorn, Troy, Oh; Lucas Zerkle of Tipp City, Oh; and five great grandchildren: Isabelle and Jacob Eichhorn, Grant and Aiden Cole, and Nolan Reynolds. One brother, Paul (Barbara) Price of Urbana and many nieces and nephews also survive. In addition to her parents, Ruth was preceded in death by a sister, Esther Channell and brothers, Ewing and Robert Price. Ruth loved her family very much and was very proud of them. A 1940 graduate of Westville School, Ruth went on to attend Moore's Business School in Urbana. She worked at Wright Patterson AFB from 1941-1944 where she discovered her true calling of becoming a registered nurse. She graduated from the Community Hospital School of Nursing in 1947 where she was in the nurse's cadet program. Ruth retired with 30 years of service at Mercy Hospital in Springfield, Oh. Ruth was a lifelong member of the Westville United Methodist Church and proud to be on the cradle roll there. The family wishes to express special thanks to Ruth's wonderful neighbors and friends, along with Evercare Hospice who provided loving, supportive care. A celebration of Ruth's life will be held on Saturday, October 1, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. in the Atkins-Shively Funeral Home, 216 S. Springfield Street, St. Paris, Ohio with Pastors Chuck Glover, Sandi Maynard, and Matthew Reynolds presiding. Burial will follow in Terre Haute Cemetery, Terre Haute, Oh. Visitation for family and friends will be held from 1:00 p.m. until the time of the service at 2:00 p.m. in the funeral home on Saturday. Memorial contributions may be made to Westville United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 117, Westville, Ohio 43083 or to Springfield Regional School of Nursing, 2615 E. High St, Springfield, Ohio 45505. Envelopes will be available in the funeral home. Condolences to the family may be sent to shivelyfuneralhomes.com.
"Mr William Bennett Moore, a veteran employee of the District Government for years, in charge of the registration of births, deaths and marriages, died in his home, 819 C Street SE, last Friday as the result of a general breakdown incident to old age.
Mr Moore was born in Urbana Ohio. After graduation from Miami University in Ohio, he worked for a time as an editor and newspaper correspondent and about 1862, at the request of the Secretery Of The Treasury, Salmon P Chase, came to Washington DC. This was shortly after the establishment of the 4th Auditor's Office of which he was made Chief Clerk and Deputy Auditor. He served in that capacity for about 20 years, coming into intimate contact with and making friends of a large number of Naval Officers.
In 1886 he entered the Health Office, and has been engaged in various capaccities in that office ever since, most of the time, having to do with the filing of returns of birth, death and marriage records and the compliation of such statistics, as have been published, from time to time, by the Health Department. Mr Moore served for many years on the DC School Board as the trustee for the Third Division.
He was uniformly recognized as a careful, conscientious and intelligent worker, endearing himself to those with whom he was associated and to those with whom he came in to contact in the various positions which he has held by reason of his uniform courtesy and willingness to help and serve others." - Washington Post Jan 19, 1904
He was married to Mary Electa Corwin on July 30th 1846 in Champaign County, Ohio. (record on file)
Margaret F Moore Hilton (1848 - 1928)*
George Corwin Moore (1850 - 1856)*
John Corwin Moore (1855 - 1937)*
Mary Rebecca Moore Monfort (1860 - 1953)*
Markley Moore (1866 - 1866)*
George Neville Moore (1867 - 1889)*
Name: «tab»W. Scott Mccullick
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»04 May 1882
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1861
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Ida Winkley
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1864
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»bk I p 212
Film Number: «tab»295230
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016262
Image Number: «tab»279
Name: «tab»Ida Corbett
Death Date: «tab»14 Oct 1933
Death Place: «tab»Urbana Township, Champaign County, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»15 Nov 1858
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»London, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»74 years 10 months 29 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»American
Street Address: «tab»Pinigo, Ohio
Occupation: «tab»Housekeeper
Residence: «tab»Minego, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»16 Oct 1933
Burial Place: «tab»North Lenslg, Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Charles Corbett
Father's Name: «tab»Joel Winkley
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Swisher
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Film Number: «tab»1992883
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4001886
Image Number: «tab»1595
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 54515
Name: «tab»David H. Long
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»24 Jul 1901
Event Place: «tab»Darke County, Ohio
Age: «tab»28
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1873
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Stephen F. Long
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary Cowdon
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Mayme E. Knoop
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»28
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»8-19-1872
Spouse's Father: «tab»Samuel Knoop
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Martha Brelsford
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»p 500 cn 1003
Film Number: «tab»1030775
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4017447
Image Number: «tab»293
Name: «tab»Fannie E. Yocum
Death Date: «tab»02 Oct 1923
Death Place: «tab»Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»1864
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»
Death Age: «tab»58 years
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Residence: «tab»Urbana, Oh.
Burial Date: «tab»03 Oct 1923
Burial Place: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Elmer Yocum
Father's Name: «tab»unk
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»unk
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»1992393
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4000582
Image Number: «tab»1313
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 59517
Name: «tab»Alice Kress Walker
Event: «tab»Death
Event Date: «tab»21 Jul 1951
Event Place: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Street Address: «tab»
Gender: «tab»Female
Death Age: «tab»90y6m15d
Marital Status: «tab»
Race: «tab»White
Occupation: «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»16 Jan 1861
Birthplace: «tab»Olive Chapel Community, Champaign Co., Ohio
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1861
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery: «tab»
Father: «tab»Jacob Kress
Father's «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Nancy Curl
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»
Spouse's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»Certificate
Film Number: «tab»2372839
Name: «tab»James Zercle
Gender: «tab»Male
Christening Date: «tab»
Christening Place: «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»25 Jul 1882
Birthplace: «tab»German, Clark, Ohio
Death Date: «tab»
Name Note: «tab»
Race: «tab»White
Father's Name: «tab»David G. Zercle
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Father's Age: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary Ellen Reck
(Research):Champaign Co Will Abstracts Book B Pg 366 Martha Neer, probated 4 Oct 1845 Brothers Joseph, Samuel, Jesse and Nathan Neer. Mentios David Neer; mentio ns Martha Jane Stretch daughter of Andrew. Sister Sarah miller (wife of Ch ristian); Elizabeth Wirght, daughter of Ann Russell (dec'd) sister of wi fe of Joseph Neer. Edith Talley, Martha Ann Monroe, Nathan Russell, Aar on Russell children of sister Ann. Brother Joseph Neer executor. Witness D avid Louderback, james Russell. Signed 26 Aug 1845
Cemetery records prove Edith is the mother of William H and wife of Isaa c, but the 1850 census names her as Ellen. Maybe she had a middle na me of Ellen
Record book 36 pg 576 Filed 22 Jan 1874 Petition to Partition Sarah E Long vs Nathan R Talley et al William H Talley died during the 1870's and owned 5/6 of 55 acres locat ed on the west side of the SE 1/4 of Section 20 Twp 4 Range 12 (Mad Riv er Twp). The other 1/6 of the property was owned by Thomas J E Talley w ho also died in the 1870's. William Talley's heirs were his siblings a nd their children; Sarah E Talley, wife of Jacob Long of Champaign Count y; Nathan R talley; John J Talley; Ann R Talley, deceased, wife of Willi am H Epla, and mother of Amanda E Apla of Champaign County (ward of Edi th Talley) and Tamzon Elpa of Marion Co, Iowa.
[DI12425] pg111 5/7/1891 Tuesday last, the funeral services of Mrs Edith Kite at Concord Chapel. She died at the home of her son in law Jacob Long, in Dayton OH. She was born 28 June 1819 in Loudon Co, VA, came to Concord twp in 1826 with her father Joseph russell. In 1839 she md Isaac Talley he died 1858; she md 1876 to John Kite of Millerstown
[HI12433] (Research):1900 census Ward 1 Springfield, Clark Co, Ohio ED 18 Sht 2 line 36 Ju ne 2, 1900 John Ballentine, head, Apr 1860, age 40, married 14 years, Oh, Oh, Oh, But cher, Not employed 0 months, rented home, able to read and write Jane M, Wife, Nov 1864, age 35, mother of 3 children, 2 living, Oh Oh O h, able to read and write Clarence, Son, Feb 1887, age 13, Oh Oh Oh, School 9 months, able to read a nd write Minor T, son, July 1890, age 9, Oh Oh Oh, School 9 months, able to read a nd write
[XI12433] 12623 «tab»BALLENTINE «tab»JOHN «tab»00/00/0000 «tab»CLARK CO., O. «tab»09/11/1934 09/13/1934 «tab»L Lot 312 SubLot 0 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 4
[HI12435] (Research):Teachers Term Report Johnson Twp Dist # 10 Winter Term 9/15/1884-2/28/18 85 (From CCGS Newsletter Summer 1992 pg 59) Maggie L Bodey age 16
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Lowell M Best
Name: «tab»Lowell M Best
Birth Date: «tab»1887
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Urbana
Residence County: «tab»Champaign
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»10 Jan 1973
Hospital of Death: «tab»Mercy Memorial Hospital
City of Death: «tab»Urbana
County of Death: «tab»Champaign
Certificate: «tab»000660
Age at Death: «tab»86
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Name: «tab»Theodore Ronald Rector
Birth Date: «tab»20 Jan 1960
Birth City: «tab»Springfield
Birth County: «tab»Clark
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Hispanic Origin: «tab»Not Hispanic (Latino)«tab»
Death Date: «tab»2 Dec 1998
Death Time: «tab»9:00 PM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Public/Other
County of Death: «tab»Champaign
Certificate: «tab»094206
Age at Death: «tab»38
Certifier: «tab»Coroner
Hospital Status: «tab»Other/Other
Injury in Ohio: «tab»Yes
Type Place of Injury: «tab»Street and Highway
County of Injury: «tab»Champaign«tab»
Social Security Number: «tab»296-64-3826
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Barger
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Education: «tab»12
Armed Forces Indicator: «tab»No
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Automotive repair and related services
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Supervisors and proprietors, sales occupations«tab»
Primary Registration District: «tab»1100
Ohio Obituary Index, 1830s-2009, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center about Winifred C Boyer
Name: «tab»Winifred C Boyer
Death Date: «tab»1994
Newspaper: «tab»Springfield News-sun, Springfield, Ohio
Newspaper Date: «tab»17 Mar 1994
Newspaper Page: «tab»p. 21
Years Indexed: «tab»1982 - Current
Newspaper Repository: «tab»Clark County Public Library; Clark County Public
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, & 1958-2007 about Winifred C Boyer
Name: «tab»Winifred C Boyer
[Winifred C McAdams]
Birth Date: «tab»26 Nov 1900
Birth County: «tab»Champaign
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Hispanic Origin: «tab»Not Hispanic (Latino)
Death Date: «tab»15 Mar 1994
Death Time: «tab»09:00 PM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: «tab»Urbana
County of Death: «tab»Champaign
Certificate: «tab»017376
Age at Death: «tab»93
Hospital Status: «tab»Other/Nursing Home
Social Security Number: «tab»269-30-4066
Father's Surname: «tab»McAdams
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Cushman
Marital Status: «tab»Divorced
Education: «tab»11
Industry of Decedent: «tab»U.S. Postal Service
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Postal clerks, exc. mail carriers
Primary Registration District: «tab»1101
Ohio, Birth Index, 1908-1964 about Grant S Larry
Name: «tab»Grant S Larry
Birth Date: «tab»19 Aug 1923
Birth Place: «tab»Champaign
State File Number: «tab»1923074322
Additional Information: «tab»Alfred
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, & 1958-2007 about G Sherman Larry
Name: «tab»G Sherman Larry
Birth Date: «tab»19 Aug 1923
Birth City: «tab»Champaign
Birth County: «tab»Champaign
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Hispanic Origin: «tab»Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence City: «tab»Champaign
Residence County: «tab»Champaign
Residence State: «tab»Ohio
Residence Zip Code: «tab»43009
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»1 Jan 2003
Death Time: «tab»04:50 PM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Private Residence
City of Death: «tab»Champaign
County of Death: «tab»Champaign
Certificate: «tab»43223
Age at Death: «tab»79
Registrar's Certificate Number: «tab»000005
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Referred to Coroner: «tab»Not Referred to Coroner
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Method of Disposition: «tab»Burial
Filing Date: «tab»10 Jan 2003
Hospital Status: «tab»Other/residence
Injury at Work: «tab»Unclassifiable
Father's Surname: «tab»Larry
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Johnson
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Education: «tab»12
Armed Forces Indicator: «tab»Yes
Branch of Service: «tab»Marines
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Industry Not Classifiable
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Industry Not Classifiable
Primary Registration District: «tab»1100
Ohio Obituary Index, 1830s-2009, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center about G Sherman Larry
Name: «tab»G Sherman Larry
Nickname: «tab»Sherm
Death Date: «tab»2003
Spouse: «tab»Norma J
Newspaper: «tab»Springfield News-sun, Springfield, Ohio
Newspaper Date: «tab»3 Jan 2003
Newspaper Page: «tab»p. 17
Years Indexed: «tab»1982 - Current
Newspaper Repository: «tab»Clark County Public Library; Clark County Public Library
[HI12448] (Research):d/o Wesley Peter Neuenschwander and Mary Alberta Taylor
(Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1901-1916 Published by the class of 19 16 in their Senior Year submitted by Pat Stickley, July CCGS Newsletter pg 92 Class of 1914 Lester Neer
Name: LESTER W NEER Gender: Male Date of Death: June 19, 1958 Volume: 15446 Certificate: 43076 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: , Logan County Race: White Residence: , Logan County Age: 59
Name: Lester W Neer Age at Death: 59 Date of Death: 19 Jun 1958 City of Death: Logan County County of Death: Logan Volume: 15446 Certificate: 43076 Date of Birth: Est. 1899 Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White County of Residence: Logan State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Home Certifier: Coroner Autopsy: Yes, used for certification
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Nellie E Erbe
Name: «tab»Nellie E Erbe
[Nellie E Faulkner]
Birth Date: «tab»17 Jun 1916
Birth County: «tab»Champaign
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Hispanic Origin: «tab»Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence City: «tab»Springfield
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»28 Nov 1992
Death Time: «tab»12:18 AM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Community Hospital of Springfield
City of Death: «tab»Springfield
County of Death: «tab»Clark
Certificate: «tab»079857
Age at Death: «tab»76
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Referred to Coroner: «tab»Not Referred to Coroner
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Filing Date: «tab»8 Dec 1992
Hospital Status: «tab»Hospital/Inpatient
Injury in Ohio: «tab»Yes
Type Place of Injury: «tab»Unspecified Place
Social Security Number: «tab»296-32-5014
Father's Surname: «tab»Faulkner
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Jenkins
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Education: «tab»11
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Homemaker, student, unemployed volunteer
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Homemaker
Primary Registration District: «tab»1201
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Clarenc F Erbe
Name: «tab»Clarenc F Erbe
Birth Date: «tab»1904
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Springfield
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»25 Jan 1985
Hospital of Death: «tab»Home
City of Death: «tab»Clark County
County of Death: «tab»Clark
Certificate: «tab»008744
Age at Death: «tab»81
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: «tab»291-30-8429
Marital Status: «tab»Married
[HI12457] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS- Biography Pg 137
[HI12463] (Research):Name: Bessie E Comer Gender: Female Date of Death: 17 June 1997 Birth Date: 14 August 1909 Volume: 31149 Certificate: 048083 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 295224552 Father's Surname: Linville Time of Death: 8:30 AM Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Nursing Home Years of Schooling: 12 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Whitehead Race: White Birth Place: Champaign County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 87
[HI12464] (Research):Died: Thursday, April 12, 2001 James M. Comer, 91, of Russells Point, died on Thursday, April 12 at 7: 18 p.m. at Heartland of Indian Lake Rehabilitation Center in Lakevie w. He was born on June 7, 1909 in Champaign County, the son of the late Al bert and Cora (Greathouse) Comer. He was preceded in death by his wife, Be ssie E. Linville Comber, on June 17, 1997. They were married on Nov. 10, 1 933. Comer was a life-long farmer and retired from Airstream, Inc. in Jack son Center. He is survived by one brother, Albert Lee Comer, of St. Pari s; one sister, Mrs. Rheba Ridder of Springfield; and many nieces and nephe ws. He was preceded in death by three sisters and two brothers in additi on to his wife and his parents. Graveside services will be held on Monda y, April 16 at 2:30 p.m. at Huntsville Cemetery in Huntsville, with the Re v. Bryan Meadows officiating. Visitation will be held on Monday, Apr il 16 from 1-2 p.m. at the VAN HORN FUNERAL HOME, 115 N. Main St., Lakevie w. Condolences to the family may be expressed at www.vanhornfuneralhome.co m.
(Research):Name: EDITH I ERSKINE Gender: Female Date of Death: January 22, 1990 Birth Date: September , 1904 Volume: 000564 Certificate: 27994 Social Security Number: 279222744 Father's Surname: GATTEN Time of Death: 07:00 am Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: Non-Hispanic Place of Death: Years of Schooling: Not Classifiable Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 85 Years
Name: Edith I. Erskine SSN: 279-22-2744 Born: 24 Sep 1904 Died: Jan 1990 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[HI12466] (Research):Name: Theodore Erskine SSN: 277-01-9850 Last Residence: 45506 Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States of Ameri ca Born: 16 Oct 1902 Died: Oct 1984 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
Name: «tab»Theodor F Erskine
Birth Date: «tab»1902
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Springfield
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»19 Oct 1984
Hospital of Death: «tab»Mercy Medical Center
City of Death: «tab»Springfield
County of Death: «tab»Clark
Certificate: «tab»071354
Age at Death: «tab»82
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: «tab»277-01-9850
Marital Status: «tab»Married
[HI12467] (Research):COMER, Albert Lee "Red" 85, of Conover, Ohio, died November 12, 2004 at Wi lson Memorial Hospital, Sidney. Funeral service Tuesday at 7 pm in the Ric heson- Wickham and Atkins Funeral Home, 216 South Springfield Street, Sai nt Paris. A time of remembrance and sharing with family and friends will i mmediately follow the memorial service. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 11/15/2004.
[HI12469] (Research):GATTEN, Carroll W. "Red" 86, of Springfield, Ohio passed away peaceful ly on March 23, 2007 in Kettering Memorial Hospital. He was preceded in de ath by his wife, Mildred Gatten in 2005, and his son, Richard Gatten in 19 97. He was also preceded in death by his parents, Richard E. and Lillie (M cClave) Gatten; five brothers, Vernon, Millard, Leslie "Jerry", Percival " Carey" and Ronald, all of whom were residents of Urbana; two sisters, Ru by Reed of Urbana and Isabelle "Edith" Erskine of Springfield. Red is surv ived by his son, Gregory W. Gatten and wife, Leeann of South Charleston, a nd his daughter, Ruth Angelo of Dayton. Red is also survived by his grandd aughters Erin Beatty, Jessica Beatty, Sandra Gatten, Natasha Fitzpatrick a nd Lorrie Gatten, as well as several great grandchildren. Red is surviv ed by a step son, Arthur Smith and wife, Pat of Indiana, and several niec es and nephews, of whom he was very fond. As the true leader and Patriar ch of the Gatten family, Red's strong presence will be sorely misse d, as he was indeed, "the last leaf on the tree" in the original fami ly of eight brothers and sisters. Red Gatten graduated from Urbana High Sc hool and served his country in World War II, from 1941 to1945. After an Ho norable Discharge from the military, Red spent some time traveling and enj oying the simple life in Chicago, Illinois, with his brother Jerry. When R ed returned to the Springfield/Urbana area, he settled into his long te rm career as a carpenter for Robbins & Myers, where he was a member of t he UAW for many years, working as a Mediator and a Union Representative f or his coworkers. After his initial retirement from R&M, Red went to wo rk for the Clark County Engineers Office, where he served for years as a n ight watchman. Red was a proud Democrat, and he served many political orga nizations over the years, including the Democratic Mens Club and the Truma n-Kennedy Club. Red was a staunch supporter of education and served on t he Board of Trustees for Clark State College for many years. Red would li ke to give special thanks to Greg Gatten, who was not only a son to him, b ut also his best friend, errand runner and private chauffeur during the ye ars in which his independence was diminishing. Thank you to long time be st friends Charlie and Louise Hess of Urbana, who assured the quality of t he sixty year relationship with their camaraderie, support and rousing ca rd games. Thank you also to Joe Sweeney, who has helped, supported and be en a wonderful friend. Thank you to the employees and friends at the Sprin gfield Meijer's Store. A special thanks to Heartland of Kettering, residen ts as well as staff, Alternate Solutions Home Care and to Kettering Memori al Hospital, who were all instrumental during the last few weeks of Red 's life. God Bless You Every One. Memorial services have been entrust ed to the family's long time friends at RICHARDS, RAFF & DUNBAR MEMORIAL H OME. Services will be Friday at 4:00 p.m. in the Memorial Home with Rev. R uth Angelo officiating. The family will receive visitors Friday from 2-4 p .m. Memorial contributions may be made to the Animal Welfare League. Expre ssions of sympathy may be sent to www.richardsraffanddunbar.com Published in the Springfield News-Sun from 3/25/2007 - 3/26/2007.
[HI12470] (Research):Name: Ronald Earl Gatten Gender: Male Date of Death: 19 January 1997 Birth Date: 31 August 1916 Volume: 30960 Certificate: 000754 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 286121067 Father's Surname: Gatten Time of Death: 4:31 PM Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Hospital/Inpatient Years of Schooling: 12 Certifier: Physician Branch of Service: Us Army Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Mcclave Race: White Birth Place: Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 80
[HI12471] (Research):Name: Vernon S Gatten Gender: Male Date of Death: 02 July 1987 Birth Date: 05 March 1902 Volume: 26926 Certificate: 048101 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Social Security Number: 277039885 Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: Indian Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 85 Years
[HI12472] (Research):Name: Millard Gatten Age at Death: 55 Date of Death: 5 May 1969 City of Death: Urbana County of Death: Champaign Volume: 19661 Certificate: 033660 Date of Birth: Est. 1914 Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White City of Residence: Urbana County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Mercy Memorial Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy
(Research):Name: Gerald L Gatten Gender: Male Date of Death: 02 March 1972 Volume: 20807 Certificate: 017678 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Never Married Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 64 Years
Name: Gerald Gatten SSN: 277-03-0551 Last Residence: 43078 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, United States of Ameri ca Born: 3 Sep 1907 Died: Mar 1972 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[HI12475] (Research):Newspaper is News-Sun, Springfield, OH on Saturday, January 13, 1996 Naomi L. GERON, 81, of Springfield, died Friday, January 12, 1996 at 1: 45 a.m. in Heartland of Springfield. She was born April 2, 1914, in Spring field, the daughter of Harry W. and Cleah (DOVE) TONKINSON. She was a home maker and member of Trinity Lutheran Church, the Grandmother's Club, Moo se Lodge and Elderly United. Survivors include a daughter, Joanne (Ronal d) MCCOWN; and son, Bill (Mary) NEVIUS, all of Springfield; three stepchil dren, Phyllis (Bob) COFFEE of Springfield, Norman (Nancy) GERON of Urban a, Ohio, and Jim (Geneva) GERON of Springfield; seven grandchildren, Micha el and Mark MCCOWN, Karen DOHERTY, Doug and Theresa NEVIUS, Mindy and Bri an WATSON; six great-great-grandchildren; and numerous step-grand and grea t-grandchildren also a sister, Anna RUEF of Springfield. She was preced ed in death by her husband, Phillip in June of 1983; a brother, Charles TO NKINSON; and sister, Elizabeth CRISPIN. Friends may call Sunday from 2-4 a nd 6-8 p.m. in the Woods-Allgier Funeral Home. Services will be held Mond ay at 10:30 a.m. in the funeral home with Rev Joachim Wilck officiating. I nterment will follow in Lawrenceville Cemetery. Memorial contributions m ay be made to the Memorial Fund of Trinity Lutheran Church.
Ohio, Birth Index, 1908-1964 about Harold N Geron
Name: «tab»Harold N Geron
Birth Date: «tab»1925
Birth Place: «tab»Clark
State File Number: «tab»1925011056
Additional Information: «tab»Harold
Social Security Death Index about Harold Geron
Name: «tab»Harold Geron «tab»
SSN: «tab»279-22-6256
Born: «tab»6 Feb 1925
Died: «tab»Jan 1975
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
(Research):1830 Pike Co, George Runyan, Pg 162 1850 Pike Co, OH-pg382 1701 1701 RUNNION Henry T. 44 M farmer 1,200 Ohio 5 1701 1701 RUNNION Mary 35 F New Jersey 6 1701 1701 RUNNION Chatrita 14 F Ohio
George Runyan
Age: 52 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0010
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0029
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Sarah C 44 Ohio Son Laras C 21 Ohio Son Edward H 18 Ohio Daughter Chalista 13 Ohio Daughter Emma O 10 Ohio Son George R 08 Ohio Son Albert D NR Ohio
[HI12484] (Research):Source of parentage from Carlie Lewis, Ancestry.com and LDS files
[HI12485] (Research):Church: Lutheran Education: 12 years Hobby: Plays piano and organ No. Children: 5 Occupation: Housewife, grocer (retired) SSN: Social Security #: 271-64-12785 SSN Issue State: State of issue: OH5
Name: «tab»Namah E Denney
Birth Date: «tab»1909
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Springfield
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence State: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»30 May 1986
Hospital of Death: «tab»Mercy Medical Center
City of Death: «tab»Springfield
County of Death: «tab»Clark
Certificate: «tab»033650
Age at Death: «tab»77
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: «tab»271-64-1278
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Not specified retail trade
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Supervisors and proprietors, sales occupations
[NI12486] Son of Rice W Denney and Julia Seward
(Research):Military:US Army head Statistician in Europe under Gen. Eisenhour -- Pari s, France and Frankfort, Germany 1943-1946 Rode Queen Elizabeth to Scotla nd in WWII, 1944
Occupation Details:Taught Engineering, Mathematics, Calculus, Differenti al Equations, Complex Variables, Finance & other subhects
Church: Woodside Interdenominational Education: 12 yrs + 4 yrs Wittenberg + Michigan State Hobby: Church work, Piano, Organ No. Children: 4 Obituary: April 09, 2000, Flint Journal Occupation: Associate Professor Mathematics, General Motors Institute, Fli nt, MI (retired)
name: «tab»Herman C Sulenbinder
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»27 Jul 1946
event place: «tab»
residence: «tab»
street address: «tab»
gender: «tab»Male
death age: «tab»80y5m15d
marital status: «tab»
race: «tab»White
occupation: «tab»
birth date: «tab»12 Feb 1866
birthplace: «tab»East Prussia, Germany
estimated birth year: «tab»1866
burial date: «tab»
burial place: «tab»
cemetery: «tab»
father: «tab»Leopold Sulenbinder
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»
mother: «tab»Amelia Simmons
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»
spouse: «tab»Matilda Sulenbinder
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»certificate
film number: «tab»2372813
digital folder number: «tab»4074808
image number: «tab»02565
Citing this Record
"Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XXSX-G9H : accessed 01 Oct 2012), Herman C Sulenbinder, 1946; citing reference certificate, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
[XI12489] 32056 «tab»SEELENBINDER «tab»HERMAN «tab»«tab»00/00/0000 «tab»GERMANY «tab»07/30/1945 «tab»07/27/1946 «tab»U «tab»Lot 315 «tab»SubLot 1 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 1
[HI12490] (Research):last name Rusk on birth record of dau Bertha
name: «tab»Mathilda M Seelenbinder
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»23 Aug 1949
event place: «tab»
residence: «tab»
street address: «tab»
gender: «tab»Female
death age: «tab»75y3m20d
marital status: «tab»
race: «tab»White
occupation: «tab»
birth date: «tab»03 May 1874
birthplace: «tab»Ohio
estimated birth year: «tab»1874
burial date: «tab»
burial place: «tab»
cemetery: «tab»
father: «tab»C. C. Ridoke
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»
mother: «tab»Julia
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»
spouse: «tab»
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»certificate
film number: «tab»2247096
digital folder number: «tab»4109181
image number: «tab»03116
Citing this Record
"Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X6BK-55F : accessed 01 Oct 2012), Mathilda M Seelenbinder, 1949; citing reference certificate, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
[XI12490] 32055 «tab»SEELENBINDER «tab»MATILDA «tab»«tab»00/00/0000 «tab»DAYTON, O. «tab»08/23/1949 «tab»08/25/1949 «tab»U «tab»Lot 315 «tab»SubLot 1 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 2
[XI12492] 16517 «tab»SEELENBINDER «tab»GEORGE «tab»H. «tab»00/00/0000 «tab»SPR «tab»03/01/1980 «tab»03/03/1980 «tab»32 «tab»Lot 540 «tab»SubLot 1 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 1
name: «tab»Robert Seelenbinder
event: «tab»Marriage 5/20/1926
event place (standardized): «tab»Hamilton, Ohio, United States
event place (other): «tab»
age: «tab»21
estimated birth year: «tab»1905
birth date: «tab»6/21/1904, occ-machinist
birthplace: «tab»Clark County, Ohio
father: «tab»Herman Seelenbinder
father's «tab»
mother: «tab»Matilda Riskey
mother's «tab»
spouse: «tab»Genevieve Geller
spouse's «tab»
spouse's age: «tab»21
spouse's estimated birth year: «tab»10/14/1904
spouse's birthplace: «tab»Ludlow, Ky.
spouse's father: «tab»Jacob Geller
spouse's father's «tab»
spouse's mother: «tab»Cora Miracle
spouse's mother's «tab»
reference number: «tab»Vol 356 cn 498
film number: «tab»384192
digital folder number: «tab»004016590
image number: «tab»00586
Citing this Record "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X8CX-BV5 : accessed 01 Oct 2012), Robert Seelenbinder and Genevieve Geller, 1926; citing reference Vol 356 cn 498, FHL microfilm 384192.
[XI12494] 18827 «tab»SEELENBINDER «tab»ROBERT «tab»F. «tab»00/00/0000 «tab»SPR «tab»03/12/1984 «tab»03/13/1984 «tab»34 «tab»Lot 34 «tab»SubLot 2 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 2
name: «tab»John H. Waln
event: «tab»Marriage 9/10/1925
event place (standardized): «tab»Clark, Ohio, United States
event place (other): «tab»
age: «tab»34
estimated birth year: «tab»1891
birth date: «tab»10 Sep 1890
birthplace: «tab»Highland Co., Ohio
father: «tab»William Waln
father's «tab»
mother: «tab»Anna Carter
mother's «tab»
spouse: «tab»Mollie J. Seelenbinder
spouse's «tab»
spouse's age: «tab»25
spouse's estimated birth year: «tab»1900
spouse's birthplace: «tab»Dayton, Ohio
spouse's father: «tab»Herman Seelenbinder
spouse's father's «tab»
spouse's mother: «tab»Matilda Rieske
spouse's mother's «tab»
reference number: «tab»p 143 17121
film number: «tab»466637
digital folder number: «tab»004016779
image number: «tab»00470
Citing this Record
"Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XDKT-TV8 : accessed 01 Oct 2012), John H. Waln and Mollie J. Seelenbinder, 1925; citing reference p 143 17121, FHL microfilm 466637.
(Research):Deaths and Funerals SPRINGFIELD NEWS-SUN August 8, 2001
MARIE MAGDALINE SEELENBINDER CRADLER, 85, Springfield, died Tuesday in Cen terville. Visitation 10:30 a.m. to noon Friday in the Jackson Lytle and In gling Williams Funeral Home, North Limestone Chapel; graveside services 2: 30 p.m. Friday in Harrison Cemetery.
MARIE MAGDALINE (SEELENBINDER) CRADLER 85, of Springfield, died Tuesday, A ugust 7, 2001 in her daughter’s residence in Centerville. She was born Oct ober 31, 1915 in Springfield, Ohio, the daughter of Herman and Matilda (Re iske) Seelenbinder. She wasa member of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Chu rch and Oakwood Pots and Pans Band. Survivors include three children, Car ol (Dennis) Jaisle, Kenneth (Shirley) Cradler and James (Pat) Cradler; eig ht grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in dea th by her husband, John Harold Cradler in 1979; eight brothers, Frederi ck Carl, Robert, Emil, Cliff, Richard, George, Arthur and Max “Jack” Seele nbinder; two sisters, Amelia “Mollie” Waln and Bertha Hoover. Friends m ay visit with the family Friday from 10:30-12 noon in the JACKSON LYT LE & INGLING WILLIAMS FUNERAL HOME, North Limestone Chapel, Springfield, O hio. Graveside services will be held Friday at 2:30 p.m. in Harrison Cemet ery, Harrison, Ohio. If you prefer, contributions in Marie’s memory m ay be made to Hospice of Dayton, 324 Wilmington Avenue, Dayton, Ohio 4542 0. First published in the News Sun on Aug 9
[HI12501] (Research):Name: John H Cradler Gender: Male Date of Death: 04 June 1979 Birth Date: 07 January 1913 Volume: 23700 Certificate: 043574 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Social Security Number: 300107523 Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: American Place of Death: , Montgomery County Certifier: Coroner Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: , Montgomery County Age: 66 Years
(Research): Baptisms: at Danbury Lutheran Church, Ottawa County, Ohio Sponsor: Mrs. John Bauman, Clara Reno, Mrs. Reno Sheets, Theodore Alfred born 31 Aug. 1902, Toledo Bapt. 16, Aug. 1905
1930 Census lived next door to mother Elnora and John Evilsizor
Springfield News Sun-Tuesday, Sept 30, 1997, Pg 14 Theodore Sheets, Sr, 95 died September 27, 1997 at his grandson's residenc e. He was an entrepreneur in dry cleaning chemical distilling and vario us manufacturing operations. He was a member of the British Chemical Socie ty. He is survived by his daughters-in-law, Alice Sheets of Urbana, Lucil le Sheets of Cleveland; grandchildren, Bruce and Kari Sheets of Springfiel d, Jan and Wilbur Entsminger of South Charleston, Sondra Pokoa of Topek a, Kansas, David Sheets of Cleveland, Randall and Marjorie Sheets of Orang e, California; Byron and Luanna Sheets of North Brook Illinois, great-gran dchildren, Amy and Dana Lewis, Brian, David, Daniel and Randall Jr, Sheet s; special friends, Karl Braun and Sterling Cooper. He was preceded in dea th by his sons, Earle, Jack and Theodore Jr Sheets; sister Violet Lundy; a nd brother, Renold Sheets. Grave side services will be held at 2 p.m. Wedn esday at Nettle Creek Cemetery** with the Rev Rick Clos officiating. The f amily is being served by the Richards, Raff & Dunbar Memorial Home
** Death certificate says he was Cremated in Miamisburg, OH
[MI12502] (Medical):hypertension, congestive heart failure and anemia contributed to death
Social Security Death Index about Lucille M. Sheets
Name: «tab»Lucille M. Sheets
SSN: «tab»299-18-4477
Born: «tab»10 Sep 1920
Died: «tab»9 Jul 1991
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
Name: «tab»Gertrude Stratton
Death Date: «tab»17 Mar 1946
Death Place: «tab»Springfield Twp, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»16 Jul 1877
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Lawrence Co., Ohio
Death Age: «tab»68 years 8 months 1 day
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»John Stratton
Father's Name: «tab»Allen Pyles
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah Vermillion
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2372653
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4072628
[HI12505] (Research):Name: ADA B SMITH Gender: Female Date of Death: September 11, 1960 Volume: 16258 Certificate: 62142 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: , Champaign County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 81
(Research):Harley M Terrel
Age: 25 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0005
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0059
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Bertha P 22 Ohio Daughter Thelma M 04 Ohio Son Virgell M 02 Ohio Father Jephthae M 62 Ohio Mother Fidelia A 48 Ohio
Name: «tab»Harley M. Terrell
Death Date: «tab»03 Jan 1946
Death Place: «tab»Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: «tab»05 Oct 1884
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Harrison Twp.
Death Age: «tab»61 years 3 months 28 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»Pearl Terrell
Father's Name: «tab»Milton Terrell
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Phoebe Ann Piatt
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»2372650
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4072625
Image Number: «tab»01330
Certificate Number: «tab»4208
(Research):Ohio death certificates:
Reg. Dist. No. 11 - State File No. 049599 Thelma Mohr b: 28 Jun 1905 Ohio d: 27 Jul 1986 Hartland of Urbana //Hospital?//, Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio res: Mechanicsburg, Champaign County, Ohio age: 81 years buried: 30 Jul 1986 Maple Grove Cemetery, Mechanicsburg, Ohio widowed father: Harley Terrell mother: Bertha Loffer informant: James Mohr, Milfton Center, Ohio
[HI12519] (Research):Beers History PHILIP WEIMER, merchant tailor and dealer in clothing and gents' furnishi ng goods, Springfield. Among the business men of Springfield who deser ve a more than passing notice, is Mr. Weimer; he is a native of France, bo rn in Woeth in 1834; came to the United States in 1849; learned the tailo rs trade in New York City; he first engaged in business for himself in Jef fersonville, Fayette Co., this State; after doing business there about t en years, removed to this city, and has been a leading and reliable busine ss man. for the past fifteen years; being a practical tailor of long exper ience, he has secured a large patronage in custom made work, while his ext ensive acquaintance with the trade, enables him to get all possible advant ages in the selection and purchase of his goods; he carries the largest st ock of ready-made clothing to be found in the city, and his straightforwa rd style of business has enabled him to build up a valuable reputation a nd profitable trade. He married, in 1857, Miss Mary J. Creamer, of Jeffers onville; she having died, he married again, in 1861, Miss Sarah J. Hone y, also of Jeffersonville; they have three children. Mr. Weimer's residenc e, No. 304 East High street, is a handsome property, improved and bui lt by him; he is member of the Masonic fraternity, and an active, enterpri sing business man and respected citizen.
[DI12523] Name : Mary A. Lee Death date : 01 Oct 1952 Death place : Mad River Twp, Champaign, Ohio, United States Birth date : 01 Jul 1875 Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 77 years Gender : Female Marital status : married Race or color : Caucasian Occupation : housewife Burial date : 10-4-1952 Burial place : Terre Haute Cemetery name : Terre Haute Father name : Joshua Zerkle Mother name : Rebecca Evilsizor Informant-Clyde S Lee COD-Cerebral hemorrage GSU film number : 2246392 Digital GS number : 4109437 Image number : 01998 Certificate number : 61777 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):1880 Census Place:Poland, Mahoning, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1255045 National Archives Film T9-1045 Page 18 7A B. F. LEESelfMMW64OHOcc:FarmerFa: VAMo: VA Jane LEEWifeFMW52PAOcc:Keeping HouseFa: IREMo: PA Birdie LEESonMSW16OHFa: OHMo: PA Blanche LEEDauFSW24OHFa: OHMo: PA Grace LEEDauFSW21OHFa: OHMo: PA Clyde LEESonMSW14OHFa: OHMo: PA Annie LEEDauFSW11OHFa: OHMo: PA
Name: CLYDE LEE Gender: Male Date of Death: June 07, 1961 Volume: 16542 Certificate: 38802 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 86
[HI12530] (Research):Name: Margare Faulkner Age at Death: 42 Date of Death: 26 Mar 1974 City of Death: Urbana County of Death: Champaign Volume: 21616 Certificate: 015906 Date of Birth: Est. 1932 Gender: Female Marital Status: Married Race: White County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Mercy Memorial Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Marlay Elwood Lacey
Name: «tab»Marlay Elwood Lacey
Birth Date: «tab»13 Dec 1930
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Hispanic Origin: «tab»Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence City: «tab»Clark
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Zip Code: «tab»45503
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»3 Oct 2006
Death Time: «tab»07:19 PM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Osu Medical Ctr
Certificate: «tab»79106
Age at Death: «tab»75
Registrar's Certificate Number: «tab»008314
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Referred to Coroner: «tab»Not Referred to Coroner
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Method of Disposition: «tab»Burial
Filing Date: «tab»17 Oct 2006
Hospital Status: «tab»Hospital/Inpatient
Injury at Work: «tab»Unclassifiable
Social Security Number: «tab»283-26-6971
Father's Surname: «tab»Lacey
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Shaffer
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Education: «tab»4 years college
Armed Forces Indicator: «tab»Yes
Branch of Service: «tab»Army
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Occupation Not Classifiable
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Occupation Not Classifiable
Census Tract: «tab»9999
Primary Registration District: «tab»2501
[XI12543] 52773 «tab»HEISTAND «tab»HENRY «tab»«tab»00/00/0000 «tab»HUSTED, OH «tab»02/10/1965 «tab»02/12/1965 «tab»K «tab»Lot 37 «tab»SubLot 0 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 4
(Research):1910 Census John Holweger
Age: 34 State: OH
Color: W Enumeration District: 0143
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0145
County: Warren
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Mary 30 Kentucky Son Cecil 06 Ohio Son Justin 04 Ohio Daughter Margaret 02 Ohio Daughter Mary NR Ohio
Son of George and Louise Occupation wood pattern maker
Social Security Death Index about Elsie Hiestand
Name: «tab»Elsie Hiestand
SSN: «tab»278-34-8924
Last Residence: «tab»43079 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio,
Born: «tab»16 May 1901
Died: «tab»Apr 1979
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (1955)
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Elsie Hiestand
Name: «tab»Elsie Hiestand
Birth Date: «tab»1902
Birth State: «tab»Ohio
Birth Country: «tab»United States
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Urbana
Residence County: «tab»Champaign
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»11 Apr 1979
Hospital of Death: «tab»Mercy Memorial Hospital
City of Death: «tab»Urbana
County of Death: «tab»Champaign
Certificate: «tab»022145
Age at Death: «tab»77
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: «tab»Married
(Research):Springfield Sun, Sept 9,1900 Charles and John Hupp were at the state fair Thursday 5/12/1900 John Hupp is confined to the house with grip 5/19/1900 John Hupp is convelescing from an attack of the grip 5/26/1900 John Hupp is able to be arounf after a protracted illness from g rip OBITUARY: "Springfield (O.) Daily News" (undated): "JOHN T. HUPP Jo hn T. Hupp, 95, of Tremont City, died at 4:55 p.m. Sunday in his residence .
Mr. Hupp was born in Tremont City on Feb. 9, 1851, the son of Miachael ( sic) and Louisa Wallace Hupp, pioneers in the community, and had been a re sident of Tremont City his entire life. Mr. Hupp had operated a threshi ng machine in Clark and Champaign Counties for 68 years. He was a memb er of the Reformed Church in Tremont City.
He is survived by two sons, Worden of Springfield, and Walter of Tremont City; a daughter, Mrs. Ida Lorton of Springfield, Route 3, a sister, Mr s. Mary Andrews of Aurora, Ill., a halfsister, Mrs. Jennie Ashing of Colum bus; four halfbrothers, Emerson and Charles of Columbus, Albert of Chicag o, and William of Byson City, N. C.; nine grandchildren and 13 great grand children.
The body was taken to the Woods funeral home and will be returned to the residence where friends may call Monday evening. Funeral services wi ll be held at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Tremont Methodist Church, the Re v. W. W. Wiant, officiating. Burial will be in Tremont City Cemetery."
!OBITUARY: "Springfield (O.) Daily News" (undated): "HUPP -John T. Hup p, 95, of Tremont City, died at 4:55 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 5, 1947, in residen ce. Body to Woods funeral home, to residence where friends may call. Ser vices at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday in Tremont Methodist Church, the Rev. D r. W. W. Wiant officiating, assisted by the Rev. John T. Carter, past or of the Tremont Church. Burial Tremont City Cemetery."
!NEWSPAPER: "Springfield (O.) Daily News" (undated): "SERVICES ARE SET (photo labeled "John T. Hupp") Funeral services will be held in the Tremo nt Methodist Church at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday for John T. Hupp, 95, of Tremont C ity, who died in his home at 4:55 p.m. Sunday. The Rev. W. W. Wiant, past or of Central Methodist Church in Springfield, will officiate at the servi ces, assisted by the Rev. John T. Carter, pastor of the Tremont Church. Buri al will be in Tremont City Cemetery. The body was taken to the residence. "
(Research):"Springfield (O.) Daily News" Monday, March 7, 1966: "MRS. WARD (sic) HUPP ST. PARIS, March 6. - Mrs. Orma Hupp, 72, of 2 08 W. Lynn st., St. Paris, died at 8 p.m. Sunday at the home of a daughte r, Mrs. Ella Knull, St. Paris, Route 1, where she had resided for the pa st several months. She had been in failing health for several years. S he was born near Lawrenceville on July 9, 1893, a daughter of Andrew J. a nd Lucinda Baker Wagner. She was a member of the Terre Haute Methodist C hurch and a lifelong resident of Champaign County. Her first Husband, Wi lliam O. Armstrong, died in 1930. Her second husband, Ward (sic) Hupp, wh om she married in 1950 in St. Paris, survives. Other survivors include f our daughters, Mrs. Knull, Mrs. Edgar Shaffer of Thackery, Mrs. Ralph Boring of Springfield, and Mrs. Betty Thornton of S t. Paris, Route 1; two sons, Charles Armstrong of Anchorage, Alaska and Th omas Armstrong of Urbana, Route 4; three stepchildren, Wendell and Ellwo od (sic) Hupp and Mrs. Charles Sultzbach, all of Springfield; two brother s, Carleton Wagner of St. Paris, Route 2, and Napoleon Wagner of Springfield; a siste r, Mrs. Delsa Brubaker of Springfield; 16 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchi ldren, seven step-grandchildren, and four step-great-grandchildren. H er body was removed to Baker-Blevins Funeral Home in St. Paris."
FUNERAL HOME: On page 72 of the records of the Baker Funeral Home in St. P aris, OH as abstracted and typed February 1995 by Pat Stickley, it state s: "HUPP, ORMA LUCINDA ARMSTRONG Born 9 July 1893 Lawrenceville, OH D ied 6 March 1966 Age 72 yr. St. Paris, OH [Home of Ella Knull-Dau] Bur ied Ferncliff Cemetery Father-Andrew Jackson Wagner Mother-Lucinda Bake r"
[XI12549] 44076 «tab»HUPP «tab»ORMA «tab»L. «tab»00/00/0000 «tab»CLARK COUNTY, OH «tab»03/06/1966 «tab»03/10/1966 «tab»N_E «tab»Lot 732 «tab»SubLot 0 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 1
[NI12550] Son of James N Kohn and Sarah Van Gundy
Springfield News Sun Wednesday, September 14, 1966-Pg 12
James William Kohn, Sr, 72, of 2688 Tecumseh Ave, died at 7:30 a.m. Wednesday in his residence following one and a half years failing health and five months of serious illness. He was born May 3, 1894 in Ross County, the son of James N and Sarah Van Gundy Kohn and had resided in Springfield for the past 50 years. Before retirement seven years ago, he had been an employee of the White Diesel Motor Company for 37 years. Mr Kohn was a member of the Eastside Freewill Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Ada Dunlap Kohn; three sons, James W Jr, and David E both of Springfield and Linn E of San Miguel, Mexico; four daughters, Mrs Richard (Juli a) Tuvell of New Carlisle, Mrs William (Mary) Harwood and Mrs Carl (Faith) Dunn, both of Springfield, and Mrs Karl (Joanna) Swords of Mt Morris, Michigan; 22 grandchildren, three great grandchildren; three sisters; Mrs Lulu Hertenstein, Mrs John Miller, and Miss Minnie Kohn, all of Ross County; four brothers, Fred (Doc) Everett of Springfield, John , Omar, and Elij ah Kohn, all of Ross county; and a number of nieces and nephews. His body was taken to the Littleton funeral home.
[BI12551] Named as Baby Blue in 1880 Census age 3 months born March
name: «tab»Robt Blue
titles & terms: «tab»
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»02 Jan 1933
event place: «tab»Mechanicsburg, Champaign, Ohio
residence: «tab»Mechanicsburg, Champaign, Ohio
street address: «tab»
gender: «tab»Male
death age: «tab»55y
marital status: «tab»Unknown
race: «tab»white
occupation: «tab»Laborer
birth date: «tab»About 1877
birthplace: «tab»Ohio
estimated birth year: «tab»1878
burial date: «tab»04 Jan 1933
burial place: «tab»Mechanicsburg, O.
cemetery: «tab»
father: «tab»Henry Blue
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
mother: «tab»Jane Otte
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»Ohio
spouse: «tab»
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»fn 588
film number: «tab»1992775
digital folder number: «tab»4001869
image number: «tab»654
Citing this Record
"Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X63R-KGL : accessed 12 Nov 2012), Robt Blue, 1933; citing reference fn 588, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Ada M Kohn
Name: «tab»Ada M Kohn
Birth Date: «tab»1900
Gender: «tab»Female
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Springfield
Residence County: «tab»Clark
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»23 May 1969
Hospital of Death: «tab»Community Hospital of Springfield
City of Death: «tab»Springfield
County of Death: «tab»Clark
Certificate: «tab»042035
Age at Death: «tab»69
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
[HI12554] (Research):Possible Parents John and Mary Allison. 1840 also in Goshen Twp, Champaign Co OH with the Blews, is Wilford and Susan and 2 female children ages 10-14. Sisters Ann Ophelia and Phoebe Jane born 1829, 1829/30 respectively do not appear in the 1850 census as they married in 1847/1848
name: «tab»Emma S. Kunkel
gender: «tab»Female
burial date: «tab»
burial place: «tab»
death date: «tab»05 Oct 1896
death place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
age: «tab»46
birth date: «tab»1850
birthplace: «tab»Mutual, O.
occupation: «tab»Housewife
race: «tab»
marital status: «tab»Married
spouse's name: «tab»
father's name: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»
mother's name: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»
indexing project (batch) number: «tab»B07024-5
system origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
source film number: «tab»295234
reference number: «tab»v 2 p 279
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths and Burials, 1854-1997," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/F66Z-C2H : accessed 16 Nov 2012), Emma S. Kunkel, 05 Oct 1896.
Ohio Obituary Index, 1830s-2009, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center about Julia Rose Tuvell
Name: «tab»Julia Rose Tuvell
[Julia Rose Kohn]
Birth Date: «tab»7 Dec 1925
Death Date: «tab»9 Dec 2008
Age at Death: «tab»83
Death Place: «tab»Springfield, Ohio
Spouse: «tab»Richard
Parents: «tab»James and Ada
Newspaper: «tab»Springfield News-sun, Springfield, Ohio
Newspaper Date: «tab»11 Dec 2008
Newspaper Page: «tab»p. 4, col. 6
Years Indexed: «tab»1982 - Current
Newspaper Repository: «tab»Clark County Public Library; Clark County Public Library
name: «tab»William B Kunkel
event: «tab»Death
event date: «tab»25 Feb 1933
event place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
residence: «tab»Urbana
street address: «tab»
gender: «tab»Male
death age: «tab»83y 6m 26d
marital status: «tab»Widowed
race: «tab»white
occupation: «tab»retired decorator
birth date: «tab»29 Jul 1848
birthplace: «tab»Quaryville, Pennsylvania
estimated birth year: «tab»1850
burial date: «tab»28 Feb 1933
burial place: «tab»Oak Dale
Informant Mrs Lou Hovey, Urbana
cemetery: «tab»Oak Dale
father: «tab»William Kunkel
father's titles & terms: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»
mother: «tab»Eliza Scott Swisher
mother's titles & terms: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»
spouse: «tab»
spouse's titles & terms: «tab»
reference number: «tab»fn 7490
film number: «tab»1992777
digital folder number: «tab»4001871
image number: «tab»1631
Citing this Record
"Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images,
FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X63Y-KP1 : accessed 16 Nov 2012),
William B Kunkel, 1933; citing reference fn 7490, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
name: «tab»Joseph Roberts
gender: «tab»Male
burial date: «tab»
burial place: «tab»
death date: «tab»20 Oct 1901
death place: «tab»Urbana City, Champaign, Ohio
age: «tab»71
birth date: «tab»1830
birthplace: «tab»Urbana
occupation: «tab»Carpenter
race: «tab»
marital status: «tab»Married
spouse's name: «tab»
father's name: «tab»
father's birthplace: «tab»
mother's name: «tab»
mother's birthplace: «tab»
indexing project (batch) number: «tab»B07023-6
system origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
source film number: «tab»295234
reference number: «tab»v 2 p 447
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths and Burials, 1854-1997," index,
FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/F664-SJ7 :
accessed 16 Nov 2012), Joseph Roberts, 20 Oct 1901.
[HI12564] (Research):Name: Mary R. Harvey SSN: 292-22-4601 Last Residence: 45804 Lima, Allen, Ohio, United States of America Born: 8 Nov 1914 Died: 28 Jan 1999 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
(Research):WILLIAM W. HOISINGTON, deceased. The subject of this memoir was born in Wi ndsor, Vt., in April, 1816. He was a son of Abisha and Lucinda Hoisingto n, who were also born in the same State, and emigrated to Ohio in 1817, a nd located on land now owned by Olive Hoisington and heirs. Abisha was bo rn in Vermont Jan. 9, 1769. He was married to Olive Packard Aug. 3, 178 8. She died May 11, 1792. To them one child was born-Betsy. He was again m arried to Lucinda Hastings Sept. 13, 1792, by whom he had eight childre n; one living, viz., Mary A. The deceased are Olive, Sophronia, Harriet, J ohn M., Eleanor D., William W., Maria and Mary B. Lucinda, wife of Abish a, was born May 19, 1771, died Sept. 13, 1825. He (Abisha) died March 1 2, 1859. Our subject was reared on the farm on which his widowed wife a nd children now reside, laboring with his father till he attained his majo rity. He was twice married-first to Polly Franklin, by whom he had two chi ldren, one living, viz., John G. Franklin, deceased. Mrs. H. died Feb. 2 1, 1843. She was born April 9, 1818. His second marriage was celebrated wi th Olive, daughter of Bela Kimball, May 12, 1844, by whom he had five chil dren; four living, viz., Fred, Warren, Amy L. and Winn W. ; Celia E., dece ased. Mr. H. lived on the place his father located on during his lif e. He died May 6, 1859. Abisha Hoisington was a member of the Masonic Orde r, having joined when 21 years old. In the war of 1812, he served as te am ster. Olive Hoisington was born in 1823. John enlisted April 17, 186 1, in Co. K, 2d O. V. I., and was transferred to the front immediately aft er enlistment, and participated in the first Bull Run battle. Their regime nt was not badly cat up, as they supported artillery. He was discharg ed at the expiration of his time, in the latter part of July, 1861. Sep t. 3 of the same year, here-enlisted in Co. A of the regiment, and soon af ter was transferred to the front and placed in the middle department, 14 th Corps, commanded by Gen. Thomas. He was engaged in Perryville, Ky., wh en he was wounded in the left leg, which laid him off duty three or four m onths, and, when well enough, he resumed his place in the ranks, and after ward was in the battles of Stone River, Chickamauga, capture of Lookout Mo untain, storming of Mission Ridge, Resaca and Buzzard Roost, besides a num ber of minor engagements. About the time of the evacuation of Atlanta, t he regiment started for home. During the latter time, he was a non-commiss ioned officer, Corporal, Sergeant. He was discharged the latter part of Oc tober, 1864, serving three years and a half. he regiment suffered heavi ly at Perry ville, Stone River, Chickamauga and Resaca. e was married De c. 28,162, to Mary M. Sessions, by whom he had five children; four livin g, viz., William, Guy, Analine and Agnes ; John, deceased. rs. H. died Au g. 28; 1878, aged 35 years. is second marriage was celebrated with Sar ah C. Foster Nov. 27, 1878. They have one child, James. He is a memb er of Woodstock Lodge, No. 167, I. O. O. F.
Hazel Cemetery Goshen Twp Abishai died 3/12/1859 90-2-3 Lucinda, his wife died 9/13/1825 b 1781
(Research):LIMA NEWS GRACE MORRIS BASINGER, 71, LIMA, DIED AT 8:40 A.M. JAN. 16, 2000, AT ARTH UR Tuesday, January 18, 2000 Section: B Page: B2 GRACE MORRIS BASINGER, 71, Lima, died at 8:40 a.m. Jan. 16, 2000, at Arth ur James Hospital, Columbus.She was born Feb. 3, 1928, in Continental to R oy and Florence Evilsizer Morris. On Feb. 2, 1951, she married Robert W. B asinger, who survives.Mrs. Basinger retired as director of nursing for Sha wnee Manor Nursing Home and had been marketing director of home health ca re at Reaman Pharmacy. She attended Shawnee United Methodist Church. She w as a board member for the Council of Aging and a former member of the Juni or Service League. Survivors also include three sons, William M. (Marily n) Basinger and James D. (Shelly) Basinger, both of Lima, and Robert W. (S herri) Basinger of Rifle,Colo.; two daughters, Ann. L. (Jeff) Silone and C arol L. Basinger, both of Columbus; two brothers, Ken Morris of Fairfie ld Glade, Tenn., and Roy Morris of Enon; four sisters, Maxine Pope of Gree nville, Mich., and Elaine Barnhart, Martha Engle and Carol Mowery, a ll of Springfield; and six grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a brother, Don Morris; and two sisters, Ma ry Ruth Harvey and Dorothy Sine. Services will begin at 11 a.m. Thursd ay at Shawnee United Methodist Church. Dr. Joseph Bishman will officiat e. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery.Friends may call from 2 to 4 a nd 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Chiles & Sons-Laman Funeral Homes, Shawnee Cha pel. Memorial contributions may be made to Shawnee United Methodist Churc h, American Cancer Society or the Indian Lake EMS.
Name: GRACE BASINGER Gender: Female Date of Death: January 16, 2000 Birth Date: February 3, 1928 Volume: 32259 Certificate: 003052 Autopsy: N Social Security Number: 282307054 Father's Surname: MORRIS Time of Death: 8:43 AM Marital Status: married Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic Place of Death: hospital/inpatient Years of Schooling: 16 Certifier: Physician Branch of Service: Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: EVILSIZER Race: White Birth Place: PUTNAM, Ohio Residence: ALLEN, Ohio Age: 71 years
Maxine Janice Pope, age 89, of Greenville passed away Thursday, Mar. 22, 2012 at Metron of Greenville. She was born in Lima, Ohio on Oct. 10,1922 the daughter of Leroy and Florence E. Evilsizor Morris.
She married William P. Pope in Springfield, Ohio on Aug. 31, 1945. He preceded her in death in 1990 and she was also preceded in death by four sisters and two brothers.
She is survived by her daughter Ginny (Tom) Johnson of Greenville, her sons, Gary Pope of Tempe, Ariz. and Dennis Pope of Kanab Utah, grandchildren; Michael (Cathy) Johnson of Lacon Ill., Kristin (Chris) Pair of Greenville, Joe (Julie) Johnson of Charlottesville, Va., great grandchildren, Katrina, Emily and Caitlyn, her sisters; Elaine( Roger) Barnhart of Springfield, Ohio, Carol Mowery and brother Kenneth (Joan) Morris all of New Carlisle, Ohio, her brother in law and sister in law, George Pope and Violet Straw both of Coldwater.
Funeral services will be Tuesday, Mar. 27, 2012 at 1 p.m. with a visitation from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Hurst Funeral Home. Rev. Dennis Johnson will serve as officiant. Burial will be in East Montcalm Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be given to the Alzheimer's Association. Messages of condolence may be sent via hurstfuneralhome.com.
Name: «tab»Maxine J Pope «tab»
BORN: «tab»10 Oct 1922
Died: «tab»22 Mar 2012
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
Name: «tab»William P. Pope «tab»
SSN: «tab»284-16-2157
BORN: «tab»22 Jan 1920
Died: «tab»20 Jul 1990
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
[DI12574] Martha Engle, 76, of Springfield, died Wednesday November 12, 2009 in Eaglewood Village. She was born August 31, 1933 in Springfield, Ohio, the daughter of Roy and Florence (Evilsizor) Morris. She was an active member of the Lake Avenue Christian Church where she served as the organist for many years. She is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, Kevin and Cindy Engle of Springfield; brother, Kenneth Morris; three sisters, Carol Mowery, Maxine Pope and Elaine Barnhart. Martha was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Harry F. Engle; two brothers, Don and Roy Morris; three sisters, Dorothy Sine, Mary Ruth Harvey and Grace Basinger. A gathering of family and friends will be held Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the LITTLETON & RUE FUNERAL HOME, where funeral services will be held 11 a.m. Thursday November 19, 2009 with Pastor Randy Warner officiating. Burial will be in Vale Cemetery.
Social Security Death Index
about Harry C. Engle
Name: «tab»Harry C. Engle
SSN: «tab»295-22-6639
Last Residence: «tab»45504 Springfield, Clark, Ohio,
Born: «tab»29 Sep 1929
Died: «tab»21 Aug 2003
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
[HI12577] (Research):Name: Don E. Morris SSN: 277-03-8760 Last Residence: 93291 Visalia, Tulare, California, United States of Ameri ca Born: 5 Aug 1916 Died: 15 Oct 1998 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[HI12581] (Research):Name : Dorothy Jane Sine Titles : eath date : 20 May 1943 Death place : Piqua, Miami Co., Ohio Birth date : 02 Jul 1918 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Levia, Ohio Age at death : 24 years 19 months 18 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : R.#2, Arcanum, Ohio Occupation : At Home Burial date : 23 May 1943 Cemetery name : R. Nichalus Church Spouse name : Oliver Sine Father name : Roy W. Morris Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Florence Evilsizer Mother birth place : Ohio GSU film number : 2024133 Digital GS number : 4121853 Image number : 568 Certificate number : fn 32814 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):Researcher: Lars E. OyaneLuster County Historian General Delivery3580 GeiloN O R W A Yphone: (011) 473 141 0990 e-mail: [email protected]: http://www.luster.kommune.no
Kim [email protected]
Name «tab»Lewis Huston Evilsissor
Death Date «tab»27 Jun 1931
Death Place «tab»Skagit County, Washington, Washington death certificate for Lewis Evilsisor in Skagit County, Certifi cate #226: Lewis Huston Evilsisor died in Mount Vernon, Skagit County, Washingt on on 27 June 1931 at his home at 821 South 11th St., 1st Ward. He di ed of Vascular heart disease/Mitral regurgitation. Wife is Elsie Evilsiso r. He was born 25 Nov 1904 in Oklahoma, and is 26 yrs, 7 months, 2 da ys of age. He is a Cook and has worked at that occupation for 8 years, though he last work ed in September 1930. His father is F.L. Evilsisor, born in Oklahoma, a nd his mother is Rachel V. Morris, also born in Oklahoma. The informa nt is George M. Smith. Burial/Cremation/Removal to "I.O.O.F. Cemeter y" on 30 June 1931.
(Research):Hello, I just found your page, and you have my grandmother listed on it! S he was Elsie Peters- only her full name was actually Rhea Elsie Skaar. Peters was her stepfather, sort of. I have their marriage license in my poss ession. I have recently been in contact with a man in Norway who is researching this branch of the family, from Luster County in Norway; I will forw ard you address to him. I believe he may be of some help to you. Elsie and Lewis had one child that I am aware of- Louise Jean. she was born in 1927. However, when Lewis and Elsie divorced, she remarried and her second husband (my grandfather) adopted Louise, so she became Louise Jean Carroll .I would be interested if you have a Frank Evilsisor or Evilsizor in yo ur database; that would be Lewis' father.
Yours Kim Aulbach [email protected] t
Rhea Elsie was one of 10 children on her father's side (he was married 3 times) and one of 14 on her mother's side (she was married twice and had o ne child out of wedlock). Rhea died in 1984 in San Diego, California. By t hen, her last name was Leape. Peter was the last name of her half-brother and half-sister on her mother 's side, and no one else but her mother Anna used the Skaar last name at Bonners Ferry at that time, since her own father Mons was long deceased! In 1930 Elsie and her daughter Louise lived with one of Elsie's half-
sister at Bonners Ferry, ID. It said about Elsie that she was married, but her husband was not listed
1920 United States Federal Census > Idaho > Boundary > Bonners Ferry > Di strict 35 Anna Skarr, head, widow, 56 GER GER GER Richard, son, 32, single, WISC GER GER Ernest, son, 25, single, WIsc Elwin, son, 22, Wisc Emil, son, 20, Wisc Ester, dau, 18, Wisc Adella, dau, 18, Wisc Elsie, dau, 9 Canada
Evilcisor, Elsie
Age: 19 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Canada Roll: T626_398
Race: White Page: 1A
State: Idaho ED: 12
County: Boundary Image: 0084
Township: Bonners Ferry
Relationship: Sister-in-law
Ray Ardry? 24 MI France France Adrea, wife, 25 WI Ger Ger Dorothy, dau, 3y11m Helen, dau, 2y6m Elsie Evilcisor, SIL, age 19, married, md at age 16, Can, Norway, Norwa y, imm 1917 Louise, niece, 2y3m, WA OK CAN enumerated 4/3/1930
[HI12587] (Research):Freeport Journal Standard (Freeport, Illinois) > 1938 > August > 31 Called Here By Fathers Death Melvin Evelsizer and his mother Mrs Evelsizer of Bloomington arrived in Wo odbine Sunday afternoon, being called here by the death of Mr Evelsizer 's father in law, Albert Thomas
[HI12593] (Research):He was a scout dog handler in Vietnam. Set off a land mine, bouncing bett y, causing severe head injuries and was evacuated to the US. His dog, Sha dow, went for help and rescued him. Placed on permanent 100% disability until his death. He was required to take mounta ins of medications daily to keep him straight. Died at the Veterans Hospi tal in Indianapolis, official cause of death was from complications of wou nds received in combat in Vietnam. Attended Brigham Young University in Utah before he was drafted in to the Army.
(Research):Violet D. Hanlon
PORTSMOUTH - Violet Dulac Hanlon, 85, formerly of 220 Crescent Way, died S unday, Aug. 29, 1999, at Sunbridge Health Center in Portsmouth. Born Fe b. 7, 1914, in Waterville, Maine, she was the daughter of Arthur and Victo ria (Lessard) Loubier. She was a resident of Portsmouth since 1940. She w as employed for many years as a clerk at the former W.T. Grant Compa ny on Congress Street. She was a member of St. Catherine of Siena Church a nd its Womens Club. She was the wife of Francis A. Hanlon. Survivors inclu de three daughters, Rachel Evilsizer of Dresden, Ohio, Marlene Reilly of E liot, and Nancy Tobin of Newmarket; 12 grandchildren; many great-grandchil dren; and several great-great-grandchildren.
Roane Co, WV Brth Register
M Myrtle Evilsizer born 5/22/1906
Father Frank Evilsizer
Mother Rosie
no other ino
[HI12603] (Research): Death Certificate scanned to CD 1930 census is Phillip Agne, nephew, age 19 born Iowa
Name «tab»Mary E. Evilsizer
Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Death Date «tab»11 Feb 1945
Death Place «tab»Peoria, Peoria, Illinois
Gender «tab»Female
Marital Status «tab»
Race or Color «tab»
Age «tab»75
Estimated Birth Year «tab»1870
Birth Date «tab»30 Dec 1869
Birthplace «tab»Hancock Co., Illinois
Father «tab»Andrew Rucker
Father's Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Father's Birth Place «tab»Kentucky
Mother «tab»Abigail Lashnett
Mother's Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Mother's Birth Place «tab»North Carolina
Occupation «tab»Housewife
Residence «tab»Carthage, Hancock, Illinois
Street Address «tab»
Spouse «tab»Louis Evilsizer
Spouse's Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Spouse's Birthplace «tab»
Burial Date «tab»14 Feb 1945
Burial Place «tab»Carthage, Hancock, Illinois
Cemetery «tab»Moss Ridge
Informant «tab»
Additional Relatives «tab»
Digital Folder Number «tab»4205842
Image Number «tab»239
Film Number «tab»1984082
Volume/Page/Certificate Number «tab»DTH 1945 R 6843
Name: «tab»Andrew J. Clark
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»10 May 1866
Event Place: «tab»Hamilton, Butler, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Ann Eliza Burris
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»v 4 p 87
Film Number: «tab»355779
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4260299
Image Number: «tab»579
[HI12611] (Research):B I L, H P Graves Sister, Mrs McDonald and Mrs Graves, 2 sons Harry and Fred
«b»Mrs Isabella F Porter, wife of Major J S Porter died Oct 5 at res of her bro in law, H P Graves. She was born in Urbana July 8 1827; emigrated to Van Buren Co, IA with her parents in 1840. She md J S Porter 13th Oct 1853 and settled in Pttumwa and resided there until last March when they moved to Sheldon, IA. She is survived by brother Dr I W Goddard of Urbana, sister Mrs McDonald and Mrs Graves; 2 sons Harry and Fred (Ottumwas Iowa Courrier)«/b»
[NI12612] Adopted by Kristin Vestegard Hansen
(Research):Death Cert of dau Rachel names mother Elizabeth Jenkins
Death cert of dau Minnie names mother Martha Jenkins
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Harry C Faulder
Name: «tab»Harry C Faulder
Birth Date: «tab»1873
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence County: «tab»Shelby
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»13 Jan 1960
Hospital of Death: «tab»Home
City of Death: «tab»Shelby County
County of Death: «tab»Shelby
Certificate: «tab»07353
Age at Death: «tab»87
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, not used for certification
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Census Tract: «tab»0000
ame: «tab»Bernice Leona Faulder
Gender: «tab»Female
Baptism/Christening Date: «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place: «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»23 Oct 1903
Birthplace: «tab»Jackson Twp., Shelby, Ohio
Death Date: «tab»
Name Note: «tab»
Race: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Harry C. Faulder
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Father's Age: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Laura D. Rose
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Age: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»C04042-5
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»562855
Reference Number: «tab»v 3 p 85
[HI12622] (Research):Name: George A Pilgrim Gender: Male Date of Death: 11 March 1986 Birth Date: 07 January 1901 Volume: 26399 Certificate: 021599 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Social Security Number: 292107080 Marital Status: Never Married Hispanic Origin: British, Scotch-Irish, Welsh, Scottish Place of Death: Youngstown, Mahoning County Certifier: Physician Race: White Birth Place: Remainder of World Residence: Youngstown, Mahoning County Age: 85 Years
[HI12623] (Research):Name: Jessie M Pilgrim Gender: 2 Date of Death: 04 January 1982 Birth Date: 15 August 1896 Volume: 24710 Certificate: 000709 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Social Security Number: 232059365 Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: American Place of Death: East Liverpool, Columbiana County Certifier: Physician Race: White Birth Place: Indiana Residence: East Liverpool, Columbiana County Age: 85 Years
[HI12625] (Research):name in 1900 census is Lewis E Hall but in 1910 and 1920 is Wallace.
[NI12627] Daughter of Lafe Hamer Roush and Mahala Pence from Adams Co, OH
Social Security Death Index
about Hannah B. Houser
Name: «tab»Hannah B. Houser
SSN: «tab»301-52-0297
Last Residence: «tab»91001 Altadena, Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Born: «tab»19 Dec 1895
Died: «tab»19 Aug 1995
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (1968)
California Death Index, 1940-1997
about Hannah Beatrice Houser
Name: «tab»Hannah Beatrice Houser
[Hannah Beatrice Roush]
Social Security #: «tab»301520297
Sex: «tab»FEMALE
Birth Date: «tab»19 Dec 1895
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Date: «tab»19 Aug 1995
Death Place: «tab»Los Angeles
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Pence
Father's Surname: «tab»Roush
Name: «tab»Mary E. Evansizer
SSN: «tab»542-18-4632
Last Residence: «tab»64114 Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri
Born: «tab»7 Nov 1912
Died: «tab»2 Mar 2008
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Oregon (Before 1951)
(Research):The Indiana birth records indicate that Joseph was the second child leadi ng us to believe Kenneth was born prior to 1902 KENNETH SCOTT
SSN 309-16-6270 Residence: 46637 South Bend, St Joseph, IN
Born 3 Sep 1901 Last Benefit:
Died Nov 1985 Issued: IN (Before 1951)
[HI12641] (Research):1920 Census gives last name as Evilsizer. May have been born out of wedloc k
Name «tab»George Vernon Bickett
Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Death Date «tab»16 Dec 1922
Death Place «tab»Minonk, Woodford, Illinois
Gender «tab»Male
Marital Status «tab»
Race or Color «tab»
Age «tab»16
Estimated Birth Year «tab»1906
Birth Date «tab»31 Oct 1906
Birthplace «tab»Edenburg, Ill.
Father «tab»Geo. H. Bickett
Father's Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Father's Birth Place «tab»Parton, Ill.
Mother «tab»Ona Myrtle Evelsizer
Mother's Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Mother's Birth Place «tab»Deer Creek, Ill.
Occupation «tab»none
Residence «tab»El Paso, Ill.
Street Address «tab»
Spouse «tab»
Spouse's Titles and Terms (original) «tab»
Spouse's Birthplace «tab»
Burial Date «tab»19 Dec 1922
Burial Place «tab»Blomington, Ill.
Cemetery «tab»
Informant «tab»
Additional Relatives «tab»
Digital Folder Number «tab»4008055
Image Number «tab»1166
Film Number «tab»1557035
Volume/Page/Certificate Number «tab»Item 4 cn 43485
(Research):I am not able to find any port of entry for this person. He only appea rs in NY.
66th NYSV Nickname - Governor's Guard, Mechanic Rifles, Old Sixth Militia Recruitment Area: NYC Dates of Service: Mustered in: 11/4/61 at NYC Mustered out: 8/30/65 at NYC Colonels: Joseph C. PINCKNEY Orlando H. MORRIS
[Broderbund Family Archive #355, Ed. 1, Passenger and Immigration Lists: Germans to America, 1850-1874, Date of Import: 22 Jun 2005, Internal Ref. # 1.355.1.7328.44]
Passenger's Name: Henry Ebelsacher Age: 37 Occupation: Farmer Last Residence: Hesse Date of Arrival: Apr 9, 1851 Final Destination: United States Ship's Name: New York Manifest ID Number: 6708 Port of Embarkation: Havre Port of Debarkation: New York
Archibald served in the War of 1812.
His father was Leonard Thomas, of Welsh descent who immigrated to Charles Co, MD, then onto Jefferson Co, WV.Archibald married Catherine Swimley on November 26, 1811, in Berkeley Co, VA. As a young couple, they walked from Berkeley Co, VA to Ohio.
Mary C Thomas Mouser (1828 - 1894)*
John M Thomas (1830 - 1903)*
Louis T Thomas (1832 - 1916)*
Rebecca Thomas Purdon (1834 - 1867)*
Name: «tab»Charles H. Humphreys
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»14 Oct 1869
Event Place: «tab»Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»Date of license 14 Oct 1869
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Effie Mcdonald
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Spouse's Father: «tab»
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»pg 270, cn 1339
Film Number: «tab»295229
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016261
Image Number: «tab»658
Name: «tab»Effie Humphreys
Event: «tab»Death
Event Date: «tab»06 Nov 1922
Event Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Residence: «tab»
Street Address: «tab»536 Sc...
Gender: «tab»Female
Death Age: «tab»75y
Marital Status: «tab»Divorced
Race: «tab»White
Occupation: «tab»At Home
Birth Date: «tab»1847
Birthplace: «tab»Champ Co., O.
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1847
Burial Date: «tab»09 Nov 1922
Burial Place: «tab»Urbana, O
Cemetery: «tab»
Father: «tab»Hugh Mcdonald
Father's «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother: «tab»Sarah Smith
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Spouse: «tab»Dr. C. Humphreys
Spouse's «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»fn 56851
Film Number: «tab»1992070
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4000533
Image Number: «tab»2930
(Research):James MCDONALD Self W Male W 69 OH Life Ins. Agent SCO S CO Duncan MCDONALD Son S Male W 39 OH Lawyer OH WAL Effie HUNTER Dau D Female W 37 OH Keeping Hou James HUNTER GSon S Male W 13 OH Attending Scho ol OH OH 1880 Source Information: Census Place Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Family History Library Film 1254998 NA Film Number T9-0998 Pa ge Number 430D
[HI12664] (Research):5th child, 5th daughter
(Research):Township Clerk 1860.-William.McDonald, R. R. Colwell and William Sampso
Pruchased all of the land at $5.34 per acre in Petition 2/22/1834 Job Mart in NW 1/4 of Sec 28, NE 1/4 of Sec 34 and 100 acres on north side of S ec 28 and 34 in twp 5 range 12 (Salem)
Concord NE 1/4 W 1/2 4/17/1833 US to William McDonald Cert No 2520 , $.0 64 acres, recorded 8/20/1847 Book T pg 272
Will Book C pg 430 probated 6/12/1865 Urbana, William McDonald nancy McDonald wife of Colin lot 10 in Urbana; harriett Morgan (wife of Ge orge of Piqua, OH). Brother James McDonald release of debt, other bro a nd sis no names. Exec Hugh and Duncan McDonald Wit: William H Colwell, John D Rock, signed 4/30/1864
[HI12667] (Research):Bio in 1902 Centenial names Wilford O Knight, s/o William D Knight and Eli zabeth Palmer
Name: «tab»Wilford O. Knight
Death Date: «tab»06 May 1909
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»25 Jan 1845
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, O
Death Age: «tab»64 years 3 months 12 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Unknown
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Farmer
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»08 May 1909
Burial Place: «tab»Oak Dale
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Wm. Knight
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Film Number: «tab»1927088
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4024504
Image Number: «tab»2420
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 23244
Name: «tab»J. Heylin Mcdonald
Death Date: «tab»16 Aug 1916
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»10 Jul 1846
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»70 years 1 month 5 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Single
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Ret. Govt. Clerk
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»18 Aug 1916
Burial Place: «tab»Urbana, O.
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Duncan Mcdonald
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Esther Heylin
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Pa.
Film Number: «tab»1983752
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4021451
Image Number: «tab»1822
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 47680
[HI12669] (Research):CCGS Newsletter June 1998 Pg 60 1905 CHAMPAIGN CoUNTY CENTENNIAL Relics and Curios Under the direction of this committee the relics and curios were sho wn at the Central Ward School building. This was one of the interesting fe atures of the Centennial celebration. The following are the exhibitors a nd list of relics and curios displayed: Miss Ellen E, McDonald: small stand with drawers, Western Citizen and Urba na Gazette, July 17, 1838.
[HI12670] (Research):Will book F pg 198 Hester McDonald, Urbana died 3/6/1887 probated 5/10/188 7 Heirs- Dencan McDonald, husband; the rents and interest during his lifetim e; Mary J H Stansbery, dau, Indianapolis, IN; Duncan B McDonald, son, Urba na; Isaiah H McDonald, son, Urbana; Ellen E McDonald, dau, Urbana; To c h, all title to lot in Urbana; dau Ellen to have 1/3 of rents for her ca re in my long sickness. Exec- Husband Duncan McDonald Witness; Thomas C Berry, Duncan McDonald, Jr, signed 3/6/1879
[NI12671] Daughter of Enoch & Mariah Critchfield.
[HI12671] (Research):
[HI12672] (Research):Graduates of Urbana Public Schools published in CCGS Newsletter March 19 96 pg 12 (Published by the class of 1915 in their Senior Year) Sarah Warnock-Houston - Class of 1871
Name: «tab»Sarah Warnock Houston
Death Date: «tab»14 Oct 1939
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»09 Mar 1854
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»85 years 7 months 5 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»130 East Church St.
Occupation: «tab»At Home
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»16 Oct 1939
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Oak Dale Cem.
Spouse's Name: «tab»Henry Chapeze Houston
Father's Name: «tab»David Warnock
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ireland
Mother's Name: «tab»Sarah Hitt
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
[HI12673] (Research):d/o Parker Sullivan
[HI12674] (Research):Record Book 18, Page 298 — Filed 24 February 1843 — Petition for Partition Eligah Maclay vs Sarah Smith et al Abraham Smith, in his will of October 1822 (Champaign County Book Bo ok B, Page 19, probated November 1822), divided his land in Township $ Ran ge 12 (Salem Tp.), which he had received by patent, to James Smith and t he family of the widow, Susannah Maclay. James Smith and Charles Maclay we re the executors. The family of Susannah Maclay held the south half of t he north—west quarter of Section 18 and the south half of the south—east q uarter of Section 24. The heirs of James Smith held the north half of t he north—west quarter of Section 18 and the north half of the south—east q uarter of Section 24. The Maclay heirs were: Charles Maclay; John Macla y; Eligah Maclay and Jane wife of James E. Nichols of Logan County, Ohi o. James Smith’s heirs were: Sarah Smith, widow; Benjamin Smith; Matilda S mith King; Robert Donavan Smith; Joseph Wilson Smith; Sarah Ann wife of Hu gh McDonald; Frances 3. wife of Newton Harr of Clark County; and James Smi th.
Name: «tab»Sarah Jane Knight
Death Date: «tab»30 Oct 1921
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»18 Apr 1842
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Champ. Co., Ohio
Death Age: «tab»76 years 6 months 12 days
Gender: «tab»Female
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»536 Sciote St. 3rd Ward
Occupation: «tab»
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»01 Nov 1921
Burial Place: «tab»Urbana, O
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»W. O. Knight
Father's Name: «tab»Hugh Mcdonald
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ross Co., Ohio
Mother's Name: «tab»Mary A. Smith
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Champ. Co., O.
Film Number: «tab»1991747
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4022248
Image Number: «tab»1532
Certificate Number: «tab»fn 54416
Sarah E Thomas (1845 - 1919)
Eliza Virginia Thomas (1846 - 1864)
George Nelson Thomas (1872 - 1947)*
[HI12680] (Research):CCGS Newsletter June 1998 Pg 60 1905 CHAMPAIGN CoUNTY CENTENNIAL Relics and Curios Under the direction of this committee the relics and curios were sho wn at the Central Ward School building. This was one of the interesting fe atures of the Centennial celebration. The following are the exhibitors a nd list of relics and curios displayed: Mrs. D. B. McDonald: corner cupboard candleabras - 1 pair, brass candle st ick brought from Scotland in 1773 by Mrs. Archiblad McDonald andirons, sma ll tnick sampler, hatchet from oldest house in Marietta, Ohio knitting she athe, stool - 75 years old chair, reflector, table. s~the, 2 pewter plat es hair trunk.
[DI12680] Laura E McDonald, spouse DB, age 89, died 12/13/1932 Los Angeles Co CA Cert # 64490
[HI12681] (Research):PG 390M).RGARET A MCDONALD PROBATED 22 JAN 1910 URBANA CITY [DIED 18 J AN 1910] Heirs—James S McDonald-bro—Corte Madera, Ca; Sarah 3 Knightsis—Urbana; Ef fie Humphrey—sis—Urbana. Wearing apparel, turn, bedding and all other chat tel property to sis Sarah J Knight and Effie Humphreys and nieces Flora Mc Donald Graham, Effie McDonald Crofts, Grace McDonald Lamme and Margaret Mc Donald share and share alike. Real estate and residue of personal proper ty to sis Sarah J Knight and Effie Humphreys 1/12 each; nieces Flora Graha m, Effie Crotts and Grace Lamme 1/6 each; niece Margaret McDonald 1/3. Sis Sarah J Knight executrix Witness:D N Todd W F Ringwill signed 2 Jul 1906
Died of a carbunkle.
Urbana Newspaper Abstract
November 23, 1882
George McDonald, second son of the late Colin McDonald, died at Dubuque, IA, very suddenly and under peculiarly sad circumstances, aged 31 years.
[HI12685] (Research):DUNCAN McDONALD, Jr., Urbana. This gentleman, the prosecuting attorn ey of Champaign Co., was born at West Liberty, Logan Co. He was a pup il in the union school of that village, under the tuition of those accompl ished scholars and efficient educators, Luther Smith, Esq., and Rev. Jo hn Fulton. He graduated at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, and was one amo ng the youngest students who have ever graduated from that institution. Du ring the war of the rebellion, he served as a clerk in the Subsistence Dep artment for his father, Capt. James McDonald, during the time be was Commi ssary of Subsistence for the 1st Division, 21st Army Corps, then command ed by Gen. Thomas J. Wood, and afterward had charge and control of the off ice business in the Subsistence Department at the important depot at Kelly 's Ferry, on the Tennessee River, during the winter following the batt le of Mission Ridge, when the whole army at Chattanooga was supplied fr om that point; and at Alworth, Ga., in the field on the Atlanta campaig n, during the time that the 14th, 20th and part of the 23d Army Corps a nd Gens. Stoneman's and McCook's cavalry divisions were supplied from th at depot, and afterward at Marietta, Ga., when Sherman's whole army were s upplied from that depot, and afterward at Eastport, Miss., where the caval ry command of Maj. Gen. J. H. Wilson and the infantry command of Maj. Ge n. A. J. Smith were supplied from that point. He also was Chief Clerk in t he Subsistence Department during the time his father was Chief Commissa ry of the Department of Georgia, which included the State of Georgia, an d, after Johnston's surrender, assisted in the work of closing up the comm issary depots in that State, and mustering out the officers on duty in t he Subsistence Department in that State. He was principal of the High Scho ol Department of the West Liberty Union Schools, for two years. Having be en engaged in the study of the law for some time, and a favorable opportun ity for entering upon the practice of his profession in Kansas offering it self, he removed to that State, and in April, 1871, was admitted to the b ar by the District Court of Morris County, and was afterward, by the Supre me Court of the State, admitted to practice in that court. In May, 187 2, he was appointed by Hon. William H. Canfield Judge of the Eighth Judici al District of Kansas, County Attorney for Morris County to fill a vacan cy occasioned by the death of the incumbent of that office, and was afterw ard, although the county was almost evenly divided in political sentimen t, elected County Attorney for a full term without opposition. Returni ng to Ohio, in 1877, he entered into partnership in the practice of law wi th Col. D. W. Todd, now Probate Judge of the county, and, in 1879, was ele cted Prosecuting Attorney of the county.
[HI12687] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Fall 1994 pg 85 Residents of Urbana; When and Where Born Dr H C Houston, Piqua, OH 1847
Name: «tab»Henry Chapeze Houston
Death Date: «tab»08 Jan 1916
Death Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»14 Oct 1847
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Piqua, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»68 years 2 months 23 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»
Occupation: «tab»Physician
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»11 Jan 1916
Burial Place: «tab»Urbana, Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»Wm. Houston
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Ky.
Mother's Name: «tab»Henrietta Chapeze
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Ky.
[HI12689] (Research):Widow of Eli Snook
Name: «tab»Elmira Eichholtz
Gender: «tab»Female
Burial Date: «tab»
Burial Place: «tab»
Death Date: «tab»08 Jun 1897
Death Place: «tab»Salem, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»45
Birth Date: «tab»1852
Birthplace: «tab»Stark Co., O.
Occupation: «tab»Housewife
Race: «tab»
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Spouse's Name: «tab»
Father's Name: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»B07024-6
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»295234
Reference Number: «tab»p 133
Ellen Stansbury Adams (1870 - 1947)*
Janie Heylin Stansbury (1873 - 1879)*
[HI12692] (Research):Name: Duncan Mcdonald Birthplace: Ohio State: OH 1910 Ag e: 66 Color: W Enumeration District: 0022 Visit: 0176 County: Cha mpaign, Urbana City Relation: Head of Household Wife Laura E 66 Ohio Son Herbert H 42 Ohio Grandson Clarence 18 Florida Niece Laura Bennett 16 Colorado
Margaret O'Brien McDonald (1868 - 1923)*
[HI12696] (Research):Early Settlers of Champaign Co, OH Vol 1 pg196 William Lafferty who was the proprietor of the town was a son of Samuel La fferty who came from Virginia and settled in Champaign county, as it was k nown when he came. His location was really on Buck Creek in Clark count y. Samuel Lafferty was married to Mary Hendrix of Virginia, they were pare nts often children, five sons and five daughters. William Lafferty gr ew up in Clark county, married and told all friends and neighbors th at he was migrating to the state of Texas. He traveled as far as Texas a nd there he built himself a double log cabin. The is how the place receiv ed the name of Texas. The name was changed to Mutual years later. It is im possible to give the exact location of Lafferty s cabin, for the cabin w as squarely in the way of the Urbana~Mechanicsburg pike when it was buil t. The cabin was removed. It has been impossible for me to distinguish the relationship between Will iam and John Lafferty. John Lafferty is listed as owning a large farm adjo ining Mutual north, east and west, but the deeds for every lot original ly sold in the plats of Mutual are signed by William Lafferty or his wi fe Sarah Lafferty. John Lafferty was still living a considerable time aft er William s death, but whether they were brothers or father and son I d on t know. The Laffertys are credited with being original sponsors of t he Methodist church at Mutual. The first church services being held in t he Lafferty home. John Lafferty s home was the southeast corner of the squ are, he was postmaster in 1880, also Mayor of the town.
[HI12701] (Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1884-1900 submitted by Pat Stickley in CCGS Newsletter June 1996 pg 31 Leah McDonald Class of 1892
[HI12702] (Research):I can find no port of entry for this family.
[HI12706] (Research):Phillip and Lucy had no children listed in the 1920 Census. Living in t he house was a boarder named as Arnold Jones age 16 born in PA
[HI12709] (Research):1997 of Pasadena CA (?)
Social Security Death Index
about William R. Houser
Name: «tab»William R. Houser
SSN: «tab»298-16-4655
Last Residence: «tab»91105 Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Born: «tab»30 Dec 1920
Last Benefit: «tab»91105 Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Died: «tab»1 Jul 2002
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)«tab»
Oct 16, 1878 Items From the West End, Concord Township by Specs Jr
Dau of Edward and Jemima Anchors Conroy
(Research):Name: George E Beasley BirthPlace: Ohio State: OH 1910 Age: 42 Color: W Enumeration District: 0007 Visit: 0315 County: Athens Relation: Head of Household NR Emma Webster 32 Ohio NR Jessie Cheeney 20 Ohio NR Bertha E Bradfield 23 Ohio NR Ida M Dyke 54 Ohio NR Sylva Coe 23 Ohio Adam E Milligan 4, OH
Name: Adam E Milligan BirthPlace: Ohio State: OH 1910Age: 56 Color: W Enumeration District: 0142 Visit: 0050 County: Tuscarawas Relation: Head of Household Wife Caroline 53 Ohio Son Charles E 21 PENN SIL Amelia Schafer 42 Ohio
Born Walter Raymond Storck, but known as Raymond, he switched his middle and last names after 1917. A son of William and "Lizzie" Storck he was a farmer on Bellefontaine Rd. in what is now Huber Heights in Montgomery County. He had brothers Harry and Clarence; and sisters Blanche and Marie.
Parents: William H. Storck (1857 - 1928) Elizabeth M. Rogge (1858 - 1928)
Name: «tab»Walter Storck
Gender: «tab»Male
Baptism/Christening Date: «tab»
Baptism/Christening Place: «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»12 Jan 1886
Birthplace: «tab»Wayne, Montgomery, Ohio
Death Date: «tab»
Name Note: «tab»
Race: «tab»White
Father's Name: «tab»William Stork
Father's Birthplace: «tab»
Father's Age: «tab»
Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Rogge
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»
Mother's Age: «tab»
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: «tab»C03999-7
System Origin: «tab»Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: «tab»1030824
Reference Number: «tab»v 3 p 199
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Ray Storck
Name: «tab»Ray Storck
Birth Date: «tab»1886
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Residence City: «tab»Dayton
Residence County: «tab»Montgomery
Residence state: «tab»Ohio
Residence Country: «tab»United States
Death Date: «tab»24 Oct 1964
Hospital of Death: «tab»Miami Valley Hospital
City of Death: «tab»Dayton
County of Death: «tab»Montgomery
Certificate: «tab»77427
Age at Death: «tab»78
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Autopsy: «tab»Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Census Tract: «tab»0220
Named in mothers obit, probably died infant.
Perhaps the mother of Darcy Scarberry named as a grandson of Dora Grace Miller Evilsizer
[HI12724] (Research):No children
(Research):Found in 1860 St Clair Co, IL Census, New Athens Twp, Range 7 W, all inhabitants from Germany. He was living in the household of John Bowen, 56, b KY, Rebecca 49, Willi am 19, George 17, John 14, Emily 12, Susan, 10 and Jacob Koch 21m b NY. Ge orge is age 2. Also living next door is the Koch family from Hesse-Darnsta dt Germany. Henry 35, Margaret 25, Henry 5, Caroline 3, and Margaret Lutz 55. I noted the Koch family as in the 1900 Census, Otto V Ebelsizer h ad in his household a Rosina Koch, born 1822 in Germany named as his grand mother. They were in Floyd Co, Greenville, Indiana. Since Ottos line ge is proven by his mothers obituary, i assumed this Koch connection to be on his mother's side. Stranger things have happened.
As there were no Evilsizer's in this area in 1860 other than the Joshua line, and they did not use this spelling, I cannot figure out who this Geor ge belongs to. The Ebelsizer line was in McDonough Co, ILL in 1860, some d istance from here. This George must have died young, as he never appea rs in any future census.
[HI12726] (Research):No children
Married first:
Name: «tab»Julius Szabo
Marriage Date: «tab»8 Aug 1934
Form Type: «tab»Marriage
Age: «tab»21
Gender: «tab»Male
Birth Year: «tab»abt 1913
Birth Place: «tab»Cleveland, Ohio
Father's Name: «tab»Julius Szabo
Mother's name: «tab»Mary Sabo
Spouse's Name: «tab»Mary Wargo
Spouse's Age: «tab»20
Spouse's Birth Year: «tab»abt 1914
Spouse Father's Name: «tab»Julius Szabo
Spouse Mother's Name: «tab»Catherine Kopeak
Name: «tab»Julius J Szabo
Birth Date: «tab»11 Nov 1916
Birth Place: «tab»Ohio
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Hispanic Origin: «tab»Not Hispanic (Latino)
Residence Place: «tab»Twinsburg, Summit, Ohio, United States
Residence Zip Code: «tab»44087
Death Date: «tab»19 Oct 2006
Death Time: «tab»10:13 AM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Private Residence
Death Place: «tab»Ohio, USA
Certificate: «tab»82210
Age at Death: «tab»89
Registrar's Certificate Number: «tab»001935
Certifier: «tab»Physician
Referred to Coroner: «tab»Referred to Coroner
Autopsy: «tab»No Autopsy performed
Method of Disposition: «tab»Burial
Filing Date: «tab»24 Oct 2006
Hospital Status: «tab»Other/residence
Injury at Work: «tab»Unclassifiable
Father's Surname: «tab»Szabo
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Kleri
Marital Status: «tab»Widowed
Education: «tab»10
Armed Forces Indicator: «tab»Yes
Branch of Service: «tab»Army
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Occupation Not Classifiable
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Occupation Not Classifiable
Census Tract: «tab»9999
Primary Registration District: «tab»7707
Name: «tab»Julius J. Szabo
Last Residence: «tab»
44087 Twinsburg, Summit, Ohio
BORN: «tab»11 Nov 1916
Died: «tab»19 Oct 2006
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Ohio (Before 1951)
[HI12733] (Research):Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925 Name: Albie Evileizer Census Date: 1915 Residence County: Linn Residen ce State: Iowa Locality: Cedar Rapids Birth Location: Iowa can read and write 23 yea rs in Iowa, 8th grade Marital Status: Married Gender: Female Estimated birth year: abt 1892 R ace: White Mother's Birth Location: Bohemia Father's Birth Location: Bohemia Line: 374a Roll: IA1915_296
[HI12737] (Research):Notes from Tibbits research.. Al Butcher, her son was here one time to see my grandmother Mary F Evilsizer Holmes. I remember seeing him. (Note- This is a very early birth for someone living 1974 to remember)
HARTFORD CITY \endash Jerry Cecil Kirkwood, 74, of Hartford City, went to be with the Lord at 6:30 a.m. on Tuesday, May 6, 2014, at his residence.He was born in Hartford City on December 22, 1939, to the late Cecil Kirkwood and the late Della (Evilsizer) Kirkwood.
Jerry married Arlene (Sharp) Kirkwood on September 27, 1958, in Roll United Methodist Church.He retried from 3M Company, Hartford City, in 1995 after 37 years. He was an avid golfer and fisherman and also enjoyed sports, especially Blackford County sports.
Jerry was a member of First Church of the Nazarene, Hartford City, where he was a former board member of the church.He also was a member of Blackford County Civil War Club, 3M Retiree Club, where he was the past president, and a charter member of 3M Retiree Golf Club.Jerry will be sadly missed by his wife, Arlene Kirkwood, of Hartford City; three sons, Chris Alan Kirkwood, of Hartford City, and Craig Michael (wife, Christine "Chris Ann") Kirkwood, of Hartford City; one daughter, Kimberly (companion, Danny Fry) Hyatt, of Hartford City; six grandchildren, Douglas Hyatt, Amy (husband, Josh) Taylor, Paul (wife, Karissa) Hyatt, Aaron Kirkwood, Matthew Kirkwood and Devon Kirkwood; three great-grandchildren, Keegan Taylor, Caleb Taylor and Kimberlynn Taylor; one sister, Jackie K. (husband, Dean) Shaw, of Largo, Fla.; one niece.Funeral service will be at 11 a.m. on Friday, May 9, 2014, at Keplinger Funeral Home, 509 N. High St., Hartford City, with the Rev. Steve High and the Rev. Laura High officiating. Burial will follow at Gardens of Memory Cemetery, Muncie.Visitation will be from 3 to 5 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, May 8, 2014, and from 9 to 11 a.m. on Friday, May 9, 2014, at Keplinger Funeral Home.Memorials may be made to First Church of the Nazarene,1402 W. Water St., Hartford City, IN 47348 or Blackford County Civil War Club, 110 Briar Rd., Hartford City, IN 47348.Online condolences may be sent to www.keplingerfuneralhome.com Published in Hartford City News Times from May 7 to May 14, 2014
- See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/hartfordcitynewstimes/obituary.aspx?n=jerry-cecil-kirkwood&pid=170937655&fhid=24955&eid=sp_ommatch#sthash.c5dD7nC6.dpuf
[HI12762] (Research):Springfield News-Sun, Friday, December 17, 1982 Henry G Conley, 65, formerly of Springfield, died in Walter Reed Hospit al on Nov 29th. He was born March 16, 1917. He was a veteran of WWII and t he Korean War, member of VFW. Survivors include his son, Phillip, a daught er, Linda Stanaland, both of Bradenton,FL; three sisters, Celia Mechlin, G lady Duty, both of Bradenton, FL; Catherine Watson, Springfield; three bro thers, Herman Conley, Bradenton, Fl, Victor Conley, Delhi, CA, Fay Conle y, Holmes Beach, FL. Burial in Arlington Cemetery Dec 1st with full milita ry honors.
Social Security Death Index about Melva Gross
Name: «tab»Melva Gross
SSN: «tab»441-12-3925
Last Residence: «tab»73501 Lawton, Comanche, Oklahoma,
Born: «tab»21 Dec 1918
Last Benefit: «tab»73501 Lawton, Comanche, Oklahoma,
Died: «tab»Mar 1977
State (Year) SSN issued: «tab»Oklahoma (Before 1951)
Instrument: 193904250000008 «tab»Volume Page: D28 415
Document Type: DEATH CERTIFICATE «tab»
Deceased: «tab»«tab»BAUDERS , CHARLES H
«tab»Date of Death: 04/25/1939
Local File No: 45
[HI12806] (Research):Death place from Maurice Darnell Hittnotes had 3 children according to B. Littlefield Urbana Township notes from L. Johnson say b 5-25-1801 d 10-3-1877 came toW arren Co., O. early and removed to Champaign Co. in1813. Ellis Hitt says died in In.
[HI12807] (Research):+John WALLACE b: March 4, 1786 in DE (grew up in VA, later moving to OH a nd LaSalle Co., IL and coming to Mt. Morris Ogle Co. in 1839) m: Decemb er 30, 1825 d: September 29, 1850 in Mt. Morris Twp., Ogle Co., IL Buria l: Oakwood Cemetery, Mt. Morris, Ogle Co., IL
Name: «tab»David Wilson
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»19 Dec 1818
Event Place: «tab»Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Age: «tab»
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Martha Hudlston
Son of Nathan Crow born 11/11/1795 Bucks Co, PA died 6/27/1874 Hancock Co, Washington, OH and Esther Bennett born 7/17/1799 died 8/19/1895
Grandson of George Crow born c1753 died 1830 Bucks Co, Springfield, PA and Lydia (info not known)
Name: Elizabeth Crow
Death date: 23 Aug 1910
Death place: Cygnet, Wood, Ohio
Birth date: 05 Sep 1821
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Highland Co., Penna
Age at death: 88 years 11 months 18 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Housekeeper
Burial date: 24 Aug 1910
Burial place: Cygnet, O.
Cemetery name:
Spouse name:
Father name: Michael Groves
Father titles:
Father birth place: Penna.
Mother name: Mrs Catharine
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Penna.
Inf- A B Crow Gastoria, OH
GSU film number: 1952495
Digital GS number: 4024509
Image number: 1534
Reference number: fn 47380
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):EVENSIZER, Leah E (NIEMANN); 85; Devils Lake ND>The Dalles OR; Oregonia n; 2001-6-12; jirt EVENSIZER, Leah Elizabeth (NIEMANN); 85; Devils Lake ND>Forest Grove OR; H illsboro Argus; 2001-6-12; llawson
The Oregonian Newspaper June 12, 2001 Leah E. Evensizer A memorial service will be at 1 p.m. Tuesday, June 12, 2001, in First Chri stian Church in Forest Grove for Leah E. Evensizer, who died June 7 at a ge 85. Mrs. Evensizer was born Leah E. Niemann on March 15, 1916, in Devi ls Lake,N.D. She lived in Spokane and Barlow before moving in 1951 to Fore st Grove, where she and her husband owned the Royal Coachman Cafe and b us depot from 1959 until retiring in 1978. She moved to The Dalles in 198 6. In 1936, she married Clyde L. Evensizer; he died in 1984. Survivors include her son, Milton; daughters, Marvel McCanna and Myrna LaS trapas; brothers, Clifford Niemann and John Niemann; 13 grandchildre n; 21 great-grandchildren; and two reat-great-grandchildren. Her son Dav id died in 1964. Interment in Mt. View Memorial Gardens in Forest Grove. R emembrances to the memorial fund of the church. Arrangements by Forest Gro ve Memorial Chapel.
Numan, Albert (Nieman)
Age: 63 Year: 1920
Birthplace: Deutschland Roll: T625_1338
Race: White Page: 5A
State: North Dakota ED: 112
County: Ramsey Image: 817
Township: Devils Lake Albert Nieman, 63, GER GER GER, imm 1882 Anna, 61, GER GER GER, imm 1883 Leah, dau, age 20
[HI12828] (Research):Died in a motorcyle accident after returning from a tour of duty in Germa ny and being discharged from the Army
[HI12837] (Research):Congleton family history from Tom Boggs [email protected]
[NI12839] Son of Riley T Barnett and Emma Cristwell
[HI12839] (Research):A search of the Calif death index was made and no record was found for Har ry
California, Death Index, 1940-1997 about Harry C Barnett
Name: «tab»Harry C Barnett «tab»
Social Security #: «tab»570161013
Gender: «tab»Male
Birth Date: «tab»31 Oct 1889
Birth Place: «tab»Ohio
Death Date: «tab»20 Feb 1942
Death Place: «tab»Los Angeles
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Criswell
Father's Surname: «tab»Barnett
ELI MCKINDEY ARBOGAST can number among his ancestors two of the ear ly settlers of this part of Ohio, and he himself was born in this count y, and has ever since made his home here, with the exception of a year els ewhere. In his business as a contractor and builder he has done a great d eal to promote the growth of Springfield, his place of residence, and t he surrounding country. When he came here in early manhood the city was b ut a village of three or four thousand people, and he has seen it grow fr om a mere commercial town, the metropolis of an agricultural communit y, to be one of the most flourishing manufacturing cities in the State, wi th a population of nearly forty thousand inhabitants.
Mr. ARBOGAST was born in Moorefield Township, March 4, 1830, a s on of George ARBOGAST, who was born in Pendleton County, Va., August 10, 1 793, a son of Michael ARBOGAST, a native of the same State. His father, g reat-grandfather of our subject, was born in Germany, and coming to Ameri ca in Colonial times, he settled in Virginia, and eventually died ther e. The grandfather of our subject was reared to agricultural pursui ts on his father's plantation, in the Old Dominion, and made his home in t hat commonwealth until 1816, when he emigrated to Ohio, accompanied by h is wife and their five sons and two daughters\emdash George, Silas, Eli, Enoch, S olomon, Elizabeth and Abbie. He settled in that part of Champaign Coun ty now included in Clark County, buying a tract of land in Moorefield Town ship, of which he thus became one of the earliest settlers, and where he r esided until his mortal career was closed by death. The maiden name of h is wife was BUZZARD.
The father of our subject was the eldest son of the family, and at t he time of their location in Clark County it was a wilderness, with dee r, wolves and other wild animals haunting it, and he being an expert marks man, won a reputation as a skilled deer hunter. He bough a tract of la nd in Moorefield Township, and engaged in farming there for a long time wi th good profit, accumulating considerable property, but he lost it a ll by going security for some friends. He subsequently removed to Springf ield Township, and there his life was rounded out by death in the mon th of April, 1868. He had lived to see the county quite well developed, w ith fine farms, busy towns, and flourishing cities, where he once saw b ut primeval forests, wild prairies and uncultivated meadows, with settleme nts few and scattering. The maiden name of his wife was Elizabeth HULLING ER, who was a native of Pennsylvania. Her father was Daniel HULLINGER, a nd early pioneer of Ohio, coming to this State in 1816, and settling in Ch ampaign County, near Fremont, where he improved a good farm, upon whi ch he spent his last days. The maiden name of his wife was SHACKEY. T he mother of our subject died in Springfield Township, in July 1867. S he and her husband were the parents of sixteen children, of whom the follo wing thirteen were reared to maturity: Eliza, Melinda, Catherine, Nancy, E noch G., Matilda, Eli M., Charles, Harvey, Seth, William H. John and Isaac .
Eli McKindey ARBOGAST was reared and educated in this county, a nd at the age of eighteen commenced to learn the carpenter's trade, servi ng an apprenticeship of three years, and becoming a master of his chosen c alling in all its details. He then did "jour" work until 1857, when he es tablished himself as a contractor and builder, and has ever since carri ed it on with excellent pecuniary results in this county, with the excepti on of a year's residence in Dayton. He has always conducted a thriving bu siness, erecting many residence buildings, etc., in this city, and even ca rrying on his building operations in other parts of the county, and has ga thered together a comfortable amount of property, and by wise investmen ts of his money has increased his bank account. During the long yea rs of his residence in this city his fellow-citizens have always found h im prompt, truthful and even dealing in all his business transaction s, in which, morever, he has displayed excellent discernment and sound sen se. He and his estimable wife are members in high standing of the St. Pa ul Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he is a Trustee, and they are earn est in their endeavors to further the cause of religion. Mr. ARBOGAST fir st joined the church on Columbia Street, and later connected himself wi th the Center Street Church, and subsequently severed his connection wi th that church upon the organization of the St. Paul Society, with whi ch he has since been identified. He belongs to the Independent Order of O dd Fellows, as a member of Springfield Lodge, No. 33.
Mr. ARBOGAST has been blest in his domestic relations. He has been t wice married. November 6, 1851, he was married to Catherine COFFIELD, a n ative of Butler County, Ohio, and a daughter of John COFFIELD. After a ha ppy wedded life of twenty-seven years that woman of sainted memory pass ed to her reward, and her household knew the comfort of her presence no mo re, her death occurring November 11, 1878, five days after the anniversa ry of her wedding. Of that union our subject has three children\emdash John, Geo rge and William.
The marriage of our subject to his present amiable and true wife, w ho devotes herself to making his home pleasant, took place December 27, 18 80. She has also been twice married. Her maiden name was Annie GANO, a nd she was born in Asbury, Hunterdon County, N. J., May 6, 1841. She w as first married June15, 1857, to Johnson ELLIOTT. He was an attorney a nd practiced his profession first in Bucyrus, this State, and later in Wap akoneta, the county seat of Auglaize County, and there he died while yet n ot far past the prime of his life. Mrs. ARBOGAST'S father, William GANO w as born in Asbury, N. J., while his father, Asher GANO, is thought to ha ve been born in either Germany or Pennsylvania of German parentage. He w as a well-to-do farmer, owning a large farm near Asbury and died there. M rs.Arbogast's father followed the trade of a carpenter in Asbury until 184 2, and then left New Jersey to make a new home in Ohio, and located near W est Liberty, in Logan County, and died in 1844, in the home that he purcha sed there. The maiden name of his wife was Jemima SMITT. She was bo rn in Asbury, and was a daughter of Joseph SMITT, who was a farmer and spe nt his last years in New Jersey. The maiden name of his wife was WYKOF F. She was native of New Jersey, and a life-long resident of the Stat e. Mrs. ARBOGAST'S mother spent her last years with her children, and di ed at the advanced age of eighty-four years
[XI12842] 2790 «tab»ARBOGAST «tab»ELLI «tab»M. «tab»00/00/0000 «tab»00/00/0000 «tab»11/21/1897 D «tab»Lot 120 «tab»Sublot 1 «tab»Row 0 «tab»Space 5
[HI12843] (Research):Name: IDA A HULLINGER Gender: Female Date of Death: November 01, 1960 Volume: 16317 Certificate: 76771 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: , Clark County Race: White Residence: Springfield, Clark County Age: 92
Name: «tab»Barbara J Evilsizer
Birth Date: «tab»5 Jun 1933
State File Number: «tab»1933044306
Additional Information: «tab»Glen
Salisbury Post (online edition) Salisbury, NC July 31, 2001 Barbara McElfresh MOUNT PLEASANT - Barbara Joan Evilsizer Wright McElfresh, 68, 10617 Fink R oad, sister of Carl Evilsizer, Albemarle, died Friday (July 27, 2001) at N orthEast Medical Center, Concord.Services: 11 a.m. Wednesday, Stanly Funer al Home chapel, Albemarle. Burial, Rehobeth Methodist Church cemetery. Vis itation: 7-9 tonight at the funeral home.
This appeared in the Obit Index McELFRESH, Barbara Joan (EVILSIZER)[WRIGHT]; 68; Concord NC; Salisbu ry P; 2001-7-31; wrabb MOUNT PLEASANT - Barbara Joan Evilsizer Wright McElfresh, 68, 10617 Fink R oad, sister of Carl Evilsizer, Albemarle, died Friday (July 27, 2001) at N orthEast Medical Center, Concord. Services: 11 a.m. Wednesday, Stanly Funeral Home chapel, Albemarle. Buria l, Rehobeth Methodist Church cemetery. Visitation: 7-9 tonight at the fun eral home Salisbury Post 7/31/2001
[MI12855] (Medical):Contributing cause of death- cerebral embolism
Name: «tab»Frances L Evilsizer
Birth Date: «tab»23 Aug 1925
Birth Place: «tab»Summit
State File Number: «tab»1925128209
Additional Information: «tab»Glen
[DI12855] Name : Frances Leona Evilsizer Death date : 14 Dec 1942 Death place : Akron, Summit, Ohio Birth date : 23 Aug 1925 Birth place : Akron, Ohio Age at death : 17 years 3 months 21 days Gender : Female Marital status : Single Race or color : Caucasian Street address : 375 Allyn Occupation : Student Residence : Akron, Ohio Burial date : 17 Dec 1942 Cemetery name : Glendale Father name : Glen Evilsizer Father birth place : Spencer, Wv Mother name : Martha J. Smith Mother birth place : Healing Springs, Va Informant-Glen Evilsizer GSU film number : 2024042 Digital GS number : 4057820 Image number : 427 Certificate number : fn 76389 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: «tab»William F Wright
Birth Date: «tab»17 Apr 1930
State File Number: «tab»1930035255
Additional Information: «tab»William
Name: «tab»William Franklin Wright
Birth Date: «tab»17 Apr 1930
Birth Place: «tab»Akron, Summit, Ohio, United States
Gender: «tab»Male
Race: «tab»White
Death Date: «tab»18 Apr 1996
Death Time: «tab»12:18 AM
Hospital of Death: «tab»Home
Death Place: «tab»Portage, Ohio, USA
Certificate: «tab»032738
Age at Death: «tab»66
Hospital Status: «tab»Other/Residence
Social Security Number: «tab»287-24-6232
Father's Surname: «tab»Wright
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Smith
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Education: «tab»11
Armed Forces Indicator: «tab»No
Industry of Decedent: «tab»Other rubber products, and plastics footwear and belting
Occupation of Decedent: «tab»Assemblers
Primary Registration District: «tab»6700
[HI12862] (Research):Not married and no children as of 10/2000
Name: «tab»Richard G Evilsizer
Birth Date: «tab»28 Oct 1954
State File Number: «tab»1959175755
Additional Information: «tab»McClain
Name: «tab»Charles Gordon Evilsizer
Gender: «tab»Male
Age at Death: «tab»60
Residence: «tab»Albemarle, North Carolina, USA
Date of Birth: «tab»28 Oct 1954
Birth Place: «tab»Akron, Ohio, USA
Date of Death: «tab»1 Nov 2014
Source Location: «tab»Albemarle, North Carolina, USA
Parents: «tab»Carl Edgar Evilsizer and Barbara Ellen McElfresh Evilsizer and
Brothers and Sisters: «tab»Debra E. Kelso of Southern Pines and Cynthia
Full Obituary: «tab»Charles Gordon Evilsizer Sign the Guest Book for Mr. EvilsizerCharles Gordon Evilsizer, 60, of Albemarle passed away Saturday November 1, 2014 in First Health Hospice House, Pinehurst. There are no formal services planned. Born October 28, 1954 in Akron, Ohio he was the son of the late Carl Edgar Evilsizer and Barbara Ellen McElfresh Evilsizer and was a security guard with Sheraton Suites in Columbus, OH. He loved the Stanly County YMCA and all his friends. He is survived by sisters Debra E. Kelso of Southern Pines and Cynthia E Ritchie of Akron, OH.
California Birth Index, 1905-1995 about John T Barnett
Name: «tab»John T Barnett «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»25 Jul 1921
Gender: «tab»Male
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Creighto
Birth County: «tab»Los Angeles
California Birth Index, 1905-1995 about Richard C Barnett
Name: «tab»Richard C Barnett «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»23 Jun 1919
Gender: «tab»Male
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Creighto
Birth County: «tab»Los Angeles
Nevada, Death Index, 1980-2012 about Richard C Barnett
Name: «tab»Richard C Barnett
Birth Date: «tab»23 Jun 1919
Birth Place: «tab»California
Death Date: «tab»3 Aug 1998
Death Place: «tab»Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada, USA
California Birth Index, 1905-1995 about William C Barnett
Name: «tab»William C Barnett «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»9 Dec 1915
Gender: «tab»Male
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Creighto
Birth County: «tab»Los Angeles
Name: «tab»Marion D Barnett
Arrival Date: «tab»10 Jun 1952
Birth Date: «tab»abt 1923
Birth Location: «tab»California
Age: «tab»29
Gender: «tab»Female
Port of Departure: «tab»Cherbourg, France
Port of Arrival: «tab»New York, New York
Ship Name: «tab»Queen Mary
Search Ship Database: «tab»Search the Queen Mary in the 'Passenger Ships and Images' database
California Birth Index, 1905-1995 about Marion Barnett
Name: «tab»Marion Barnett «tab»
Birth Date: «tab»1 Mar 1923
Gender: «tab»Female
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Creighto
Birth County: «tab»Los Angeles
Name: «tab»Harry Gebhardt
Death Date: «tab»01 Aug 1935
Death Place: «tab»Bethel Twp, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»09 Apr 1885
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Springfield, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»50 years 3 months 22 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»R D # 1
Occupation: «tab»Moulder
Residence: «tab»Spfed
Burial Date: «tab»03 Aug 1935
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Fern Cliff
Spouse's Name: «tab»Erma Gebhardt
Father's Name: «tab»Michael Gebhardt
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Germany
Mother's Name: «tab»Catherine Eiffer
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Springfield/Ohio
Film Number: «tab»2022523
Name: «tab»Edward Gebhardt
Death Date: «tab»18 Aug 1942
Death Place: «tab»Jefferson, Montgomery, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»17 Nov 1876
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Ohio
Death Age: «tab»65 years 9 months 1 day
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»902 West Pleasant Street
Occupation: «tab»Core-Maker
Residence: «tab»Springfield, Ohio
Burial Date: «tab»21 Aug 1942
Burial Place: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Cemetery Name: «tab»Ferncliff Cemetery
Spouse's Name: «tab»Alice
Father's Name: «tab»Michael Gebhardt
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Germany
Mother's Name: «tab»Catherine Iper
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Springfield, Clark, Ohio
(Research):named in mothers will 1905 as Jennie Bay.
1910 Champaign Co, OH Census Name: Jennie Bay Birthplace: Ohio State: OH Age: 39 Color: W Enumeration District: 0004 Visit: 0189 County: Champaign, Mechanicsbu rg Relation: Head of Household Daughter Lelah F 18 Ohio Son Lawrence E 16 Nebraska Daughter Maud M 11 Nebraska Daughter Hazel G 08 Nebraska
(Research):Census Place:Haines, Marion, Illinois 1880 Source:FHL Film 1254234 National Archives Film T9-0234 Page 5 Wilson REDBERNSelfMMW21ILOcc:FarmerFa: TNMo: TN Charity REDBERNWifeFMW21ILFa: TNMo: IL
Redburn, Wilson L. Lived in: Farrington, Jefferson County, Illinois 1900 Series: T623 Microfilm: 308 Book: 2 Page: 68
There are several names that match and my curiosity is peaked! Here's t he background: I have never had any real contact with my father's fami ly - divorced parents. Contact has finally been made and an aunt talk ed to me. She wouldn't let me in the house but she came out on the porch a nd talked. She mentioned my grandmother's family - Redburn. My grandmother 's name was Gertrude Julia Redburn (Boyd - born 1900 in Kell, IL). Her mot her was Stella (Della) Redburn and she married Edward Jeffries (born 184 9) from MO. According to family history, my ggf Edward was the vict im of a hunting "accident" in Mattoon, IL on Thanksgiving Day in 1900 . Th ere was a trial that somehow involved a John Linder. John was somehow rela ted to the Redburn family (in-law). Apparently, Stella left her daughter G ertrude with the Redburn family and she "went whoring around" accordi ng to my aunt. Later she remarried and the consensus is that the man's na me was George Strong. Have you by any chance heard this story? Do any of t hese names match up with yours? Sure would be nice to finally get a ho ld on a connection. Like I told my aunt - I am just interested in the gene alogy not the skeletons! She had a hard time believing that, I think. Oh w ell.
Susan Barker [email protected]
Father's Name «tab»Joseph Patten
Mother's Name «tab»Phebe Garten (Gordon)
[BI12914] CALIF Death record DOB 7/10/1876
California Death Index, 1940-1997
about Joseph Patten
Name: «tab»Joseph Patten
Social Security #: «tab»562126963
Sex: «tab»Male
Birth Date: «tab»10 Jul 1876
Birthplace: «tab»Iowa
Death Date: «tab»28 Nov 1961
Death Place: «tab»Los Angeles
Mother's Maiden Name: «tab»Gordon
[NI12920] Dau of Jacob Diefenbach and Justine Gebhart
Name: «tab»Adam G. Gelsenliter
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»31 Aug 1916
Event Place: «tab»Clark, Ohio
Age: «tab»44
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1872
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Henry Gelsenliter
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Elizabeth Grube
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Myrtie May Henson
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»40
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1876
Spouse's Father: «tab»James A. Henson
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Elizabeth Vernon
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»v27 p 60, no 10642
Film Number: «tab»465400
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016782
Image Number: «tab»63
Name: «tab»Adam G Gelsenliter
Death Date: «tab»26 Jan 1937
Death Place: «tab»Bethel, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: «tab»18 Jul 1872
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»
Birthplace: «tab»Clark Co, Ohio
Death Age: «tab»64 years 5 months 8 days
Gender: «tab»Male
Marital Status: «tab»Married
Race or Color: «tab»Caucasian
Street Address: «tab»State Route 40
Occupation: «tab»Foreman Safety Emery Whee
Residence: «tab»
Burial Date: «tab»28 Jan 1937
Burial Place: «tab»
Cemetery Name: «tab»Ferncliff
Spouse's Name: «tab»Mytil Gelsenliter
Father's Name: «tab»Henry Gelsenliter
Father's Title & Terms: «tab»
Father's Birthplace: «tab»Germany
Mother's Name: «tab»Elizabeth Grube
Mother's «tab»
Mother's Birthplace: «tab»Germany
Film Number: «tab»2023487
Name: «tab»Charles F. Clark
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»23 Dec 1916
Event Place: «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Age: «tab»21
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1895
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Charles W. Clark
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Mary A. Young
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Inez Noble
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1896
Spouse's Father: «tab»David Noble
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Gertrude Harbert
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»it 29137 p340
Film Number: «tab»550154
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4260995
Image Number: «tab»450
Name: «tab»Anthony F. Rogers
Titles & Terms: «tab»
Event: «tab»Marriage
Event Date: «tab»04 Aug 1929
Event Place: «tab»Miami County, Ohio
Age: «tab»29
Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1900
Marriage Date Note: «tab»
Marriage Place Note: «tab»
Father: «tab»Frank Rogers
Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Mother: «tab»Arthur Oakmere
Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse: «tab»Inez Caroline Noble
Spouse's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Age: «tab»28
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: «tab»1901
Spouse's Father: «tab»David Noble
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Spouse's Mother: «tab»Gertrude Harbert
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: «tab»
Reference Number: «tab»Vol17 cn 33959
Film Number: «tab»550157
Digital Folder Number: «tab»4016856
Image Number: «tab»73
[HI12926] (Research):Death Year: 1974 File Number: 05692 Surname: IBELSHAUSER First Name: HENRY Middle Initial: B Sex: Unknown Month of Birth: Day of Birth: Year of Birth: xxxYOB Race: White Hispanic Origin: Age Units: Years Age: 70 Month of Death: March Day of Death: 04 Death State: Connecticut Death County: Death Town: New Haven Birth State: Birth Town: Marital Status: Never Married Decedent's Last Spouse: Education: State of Residence: Connecticut County of Residence: Town of Residence: Hamden Father's Surname: Residence House Number: Residence Street Name: Residence Street Type: Residence Zip Code: Usual Occupation:
[HI12927] (Research):Death Year: 1978 File Number: 07646 Surname: IBELSHAUSER First Name: GEORG Middle Initial: R Sex: Unknown Month of Birth: Day of Birth: Year of Birth: xxxYOB Race: White Hispanic Origin: Age Units: Years Age: 68 Month of Death: April Day of Death: 29 Death State: Connecticut Death County: Death Town: Hamden Birth State: Birth Town: Marital Status: Never Married Decedent's Last Spouse: Education: State of Residence: Connecticut County of Residence: Town of Residence: Hamden Father's Surname: Residence House Number: Residence Street Name: Residence Street Type: Residence Zip Code: Usual Occupation: Industry:
[HI12928] (Research):Death Year: 1969 File Number: 21839 Surname: IBELSHAUSER First Name: ANNA Middle Initial: H Sex: Female Month of Birth: Day of Birth: Year of Birth: xxxYOB Race: White Hispanic Origin: Age Units: Years Age: 76 Month of Death: November Day of Death: 18 Death State: Connecticut Death County: New Haven Death Town: East Haven Birth State: Birth Town: Marital Status: Widowed Decedent's Last Spouse: RUDO Education: State of Residence: Connecticut County of Residence: New Haven Town of Residence: East Haven Father's Surname: Residence House Number: Residence Street Name: Residence Street Type: Residence Zip Code: Usual Occupation: Industry:
[HI12930] (Research):PENCE, BERTHA ADA (SUTTON) [Oct. 19, 1979] ST. PARIS [OH] - Bertha Ada PEN CE, 92, of 235 W. Troy St., St. Paris, died at 4:15 p.m. Friday in her hom e. She had been in ill health for several years, and was seriously ill f or the past 10 months. Born in Jackson Township, Champaign County, Oct. 2 5, 1886, a daughter of Madison and Sarah Ross Sutton, she was a memb er of St. Paris First Baptist Church. Her husband, Fay, died in 1943. Surv ivors include two sons, Earl, St. Paris and Cecil, New Carlisle; a daughte r, Miss Sarah PENCE, Columbus; three grandchildren; eight great-grandchild ren, and two great-great-grandchildren. Five brothers and sisters are dece ased. Services will be conducted at 1 p.m. Monday in the Richeson-Wickh am and Atkins Funeral Home, St. Paris, by the Rev. Lynn Roberson of St. Pa ris First Baptist Church. Burial will be in St. Paris Evergreen Cemeter y. Calling hours are from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday.
(Research):St Paris, Oct 23 newspaper says Jason P Pence married Miss Rosa Kite, bo th of Champaign County, Oct 12, 1879, by Rev J Randle. Jason is buried ne xt to Sarah in Spring Grove Cemetery. and Sarah is named in 1880 census
Pg170 8/17/1916 JASON PENCE one of the best-known residents of this lacali ty, was found dead in bed on ,Friday by his son, FAY PENCE. Death was d ue to heart trouble. MR PENCE was born two miles southeast of St Par is on Aug 28, 1844 and was nearing his 72nd birthday. He was the son of AA RON and REBECCA PENCE. His entire life was spent on the same farm. On J an I, 1872 he was married to SARAH M COLBERT and two sons FAY and JAMES we re born to this union. His companion died onFeb 15,1909. As a member of Co mpany I, 134thReg OVI, MR PENCE served in the Civil war from Mar 6, 18 64 to Aug 31st of the same year, of which he was honorably discharged. Bes ides his two sons, eight grandchildren, one brother, IRVIN PENCE, and t wo sisters, MRS MARIA SNAPP and MRS ELLA ZIMMERMAN are living. Rev N Y Mat hews conducted the funeral service from the St Paris Baptist Church on Mon day. Interment took place in Springgrove Cemetery CCGS, Book III, August 2002 by Dorothy Shaffer, Champaign Co, Ohio St Par is Newspaper Abstracts Jan 1900-1916,