

[HI9943] (Research):Jacob DINGLEDINE, farmer; P. O. Tremont City; born in Virginia July 13,181 0; is a son of Philip and Mary (Barrington) Dingledine, natives of Virgini a. They became residents of Ohio, locating in Champaign Co., in 1844, whe re they resided till their death. His wife died in October, 1860; his dea th occurred Aug. 9, 1872. They were parents of twelve children, five now s urvive - Margaret, Jacob, Elizabeth, Mary and Sallie. Our subject remain ed with his father till 22 years of age, in the fall of 1832, he came to O hio, and located in Clark Co.; thence in Champaign Co., where he resided a bout twenty-seven years; thence back to Clark Co., where he has since resi ded, and upon his present farm, where he now lives, he has resided about t hree years. He was married Sept. 29, 1836, to Elizabeth, daughter of Samu el and Mary Baker, natives of Virginia, but who came among the early settl ers of Clark Co. By this union they had seven children, three now survi ve - Samuel, John Emery and Rachel Ann. His wife died Jan. 18,1858. His se cond wife, Sallie, daughter of Martin and Elizabeth Baker, natives of Virg inia, he married April 12, 1859. Mr. Dingledine has held most of the impor tant offices of his township, having been Assessor one term, Township Trus tee eight or ten years, and Township Treasurer for three years. Has be en a prominent member of the Reformed Church for twenty-five or thirty yea rs. He has a fine farm of 103 acres, mostly in cultivation, with good impr ovements, constituting a very pleasant home and farmer's residence.

Beers History of Clark co, OH 1891

[HI9945] (Research):Name : Sallie Dingledine Titles : Death date : 08 Aug 1910 Death place : Tremont, Clark, Ohio Birth date : 02 Jul 1823 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Virginia Age at death : 87 years 1 month 5 days Gender : Female Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Housekeeper Residence : Burial date : 09 Aug 1910 Burial place : Cemetery name : Mont Calvery (Sic) Spouse name : Father name : Martin Baker Father titles : Father birth place : Virginia Mother name : Elizabeth King Mother titles : Mother birth place : Virginia GSU film number : 1952493 Digital GS number : 4021031 Image number : 1422 Certificate number : fn 41739 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI9947] (Research):Springfield Sun June 30, 1900 Mrs C V Blose and children of Steinberger and Mrs Dr Neese of tremont spe nt the day with Samuel Dingledine and family Wednesday

1903 Clark Co City Directory, Tremont City, RFD1- Dingledine, Samuel, M rs Catherine, E Glenna

Springfield Sun Jan 21, 1906 Rev J E DINGLEDINE and wife, also their daughter, Miss Nell, all of Arcanu m, attended the funeral of his brother Samuel DINGELDINE. They return ed to their home Friday morning.

The funeral of Prof DINGELDINE was one of the largest that has been he ld at Dialton for a long time. The interment was held at Tremont cemete ry and many gathered there to sympathize with the friends. The solemn a nd impressive funeral services of Samuel DINGELDINE were held last Thursd ay at the reformed church at Dailton, Ohio. Rev R F SHULTZ of Springfie ld and assisted by J C PAUL of North Hampton, had charge of the service s. The auditorium of the church was crowded to its utmost capacity with so rrowing friends and neighbors who came to pay the last tribute of respe ct to this good man. At about 4 p.m. the funeral cortege arrived at Tremo nt cemetery where a large number of people had gathered to view for the la st time the remains of their neighbor and friend. The grave was beautiful ly arranged with evergreens especially designed by those who for a lifeti me knew him. The deceased was 69 years old, was born in Champaign County a nd was a resident for several years of Springfield, prior to his remov al to Dialton.

[HI9948] (Research):DINGLEDINE JOHN E County Name: DARKE Date of Death: 6/5/1918 Volume Number: 2613 Certificate Number: 36907

Name : John E. Dingledine Titles : Death date : 05 Jun 1918 Death place : Arcannin, Darke Co., Ohio Birth date : 12 Sep 1839 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Virginia Age at death : 78 years 8 months 23 days Gender : Male Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Clergyman Residence : Burial date : 07 Jun 1918 Burial place : Tremont City, Ohio Cemetery name : Tremont, Ohio Spouse name : Father name : Jacob Dingledine Father titles : Father birth place : Virginia Mother name : Elizabeth Baker Mother titles : Mother birth place : Virginia GSU film number : 1984378 Digital GS number : 4032191 Image number : 1850 Certificate number : fn 36907 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI9949] (Research):JONES, Rachael Ann Death date: 4/25/1943, Clark County Certifi cate #27862

[DI9949] Name: �tab�Rachael Ann Jones
Death Date: �tab�25 Apr 1943
Death Place: �tab�German Twp., Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�16 Mar 1853
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�90 years 1 month 9 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�27 Apr 1943
Burial Place: �tab�Fremont City, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Simeon H. Jones
Father's Name: �tab�Jacob Dingledine
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Baker
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�2024131
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4122068
Image Number: �tab�1590
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 27862

[HI9952] (Research):Connection from Don and Jeannie Hart [email protected]

HARTMAN MARY S County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 11/26/1919 Volume Number: 3101 Certificate Number: 61556

[HI9953] (Research):HARTMAN LEWIS M County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 10/23/1932 Volume Number: 7021 Certificate Number: 56974

[DI9954] Name: �tab�Belle M. Caldwell
Death Date: �tab�09 Feb 1914
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�28 Dec 1885
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Virginia
Death Age: �tab�28 years 1 month 12 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�12 Feb 1914
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Oak Dale Cemetery
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�H. T. Lackay
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Virginia
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Unknown
Film Number: �tab�1953826
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021275
Image Number: �tab�1233
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 6904

[HI9957] (Research):Most of my research comes from Darrell Hunter. That is where I come up wi th seven children for Johann Balthasar and Anna Eva Keil. Johann Phili pp is the second child, born 25 Jul 1757 and died 26 March 1826. He marri ed Maria Catharine Heilmann 19 Jul 1787. They had ten children and Joha nn Adam was number nine. Born 12 July 1808 and died 13 Feb 1877 (Source p [email protected])

[HI9963] (Research):1850 cneus has no children but John Gougenour age 15 b VA and James J Goog enour age 12 b VA

[NI9965] Per Evan Middleton's History of Champaign county, "the first follower of Tubal Cain was Jacob Shafer and his blacksmith shop was the only one in the village for many years." (p. 170)
In Vol 2, Middleton states that Jacob retired from blacksmithing to farm in 1849. (p. 479)

Jacob's younger brother Absalom Shaffer was also a blacksmith, and did not come to Ohio from Virginia until after his marriage to Elizabeth Lambert in 1846. It's likely he took over his brother's smithing business at that time.

[NI9966] Son of Peter and Elizabeth Fertig Bushong who married 6/11/1817 Shenandoah Co, VA

[HI9966] (Research):John Bushong-Terre Haute (history of Champaign Co, Ohio-Beers 1881) Was bo rn in Virginia..Came to Ohio in 1847. He was married in Virginia to Mi ss Sarah Dingledine: their two oldest children- mary and Catherine- were b orn in virginia: Hannah, Martha, James and John were born in this county;T he first settlement of Mr. Bushong was on the farm now owned by Samuel Dil bert , but was previously owned by his wife's father, Phillip Dingledin e. They are members of the Lutheran Church.

Terre Haute Cemetery next to John and Sara is Lydia G d 3/15/1917 70y1m27d

Champaign Co Wills, Book E Pg 151 John Bushong, Mad River Twp, probated 10/25/1886 Heirs Sarah Bushong-widow; Mary Davis-dau-Terre haute; Catherine Bushong-d au-Terre haute; Hannah Michael-dau-Delphos; Mattie Smiley-dau-Smiley, O H; James A Bushong-son-; wife entire estate including land of 53 acres. So ns James and John H Bushong executors. Witness, Jacob F Arney, Isaac Nef f. Signed 10/2/1885

JOHN BUSHONG, farmer; P. O. Terre Haute. We are pleased to notice such m en as the one whose name heads this sketch, as he is every way wort hy to be represented in the history of the county in which he has resid ed during the past thirty years. As a man of correct habits, he is witho ut a peer; and, as a gentleman, suffice it to say that Old Virginia blo od flows in his veins, and his reputation among those that know h im is of the highest order. His parents, Peter and Elizabeth (Fatick) Bush ong, were married, probably, in 1814. Peter was born in Virginia, and Eliz abeth in Pennsylvania. Peter was engaged in farming in Virginia, coming We st and settling in Indiana in 1859. His death occurred in 1867. He was a p rosperous man, making a good living, but accumulating slowly. His wife, El izabeth, died in Virginia, in 1855. Their children were eight in number-Lv dia, John, Catharine, Philip, Mary, Andrew, Hannah and Elizabeth ; all a re living in Indiana except John, our subject. He came to Ohio in 184 7. He was married in Virginia to Miss Sarah Dingledine ; their two elde st children-Mary and Catharine-were born in Virginia; Hannah, Martha, Jam es and John were born in this county; Mary is the wife of John Davis; Hann ah married William Michael, and Martha wedded Josiah Smiley. The childr en all live near or with them, and the family circle is unbroken. The fir st settlement of Mr. Bushong was on tire farm now owned by Samuel Diber t, but was previously owned by his wir'e's father, Philip Dingledine. M r. Bushong has made the most of his money by hard labor and good managemen t. His present home is an elegant farm of 248 acres in one tract, and is o ne of the most home-like places we have seen; a comfortable, neatly furnis hed house, splendid barns and outbuildings, a happy family and well-stock ed larder serve to make life enjoyable in the highest degree. His reco rd is such that his children may point to it with pride, and they may we ll profit by his experience. Himself and wife have been members of the Lut heran Church for more than a quarter of a century.

Ohio, Birth Index, 1908-1964 about Kenneth Wuhthy Pence
Name: �tab�Kenneth Wuhthy Pence
Birth Date: �tab�8 Feb 1938
State File Number: �tab�1938013861
Additional Information: �tab�Worthy

[DI9968] PENCE, Jr., Kenneth W. Age 75, of Covington, passed away Wednesday, November 13, 2013, at his home. He was born February 8, 1938, in Piqua, Ohio, to his parents Worthy & Katherine (McMaken) Pence. Kenny graduated from Houston High School and retired as manager of Terra fertilizer plant, Covington. On February 18, 1983, he married Carol Jean Brown and together they shared a life for 30 years, traveling to Florida in the winter months. He was a member of the Covington Eagles and enjoyed spending time on the golf course. He will be missed and remembered by his loving wife Carol Jean (Brown); children David Pence of Sidney, Doug Pence of Sidney, Carla & Matt Rogness of Minneapolis, MN, Steffanie Edwards of Covington, Susan & Steve Richards of Covington; 8 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents and brother Darryl Pence. He had many friends and customers from his years at Terra and loved all of his grandchildren and was very proud of them. Funeral services will take place at the convenience of the family, with interment at Highland Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 2-5 PM Sunday, November 17, at Jackson-Sarver Funeral Home, 10 S. High Street, Covington. If so desired, memorial contributions may be made to the American Heart Association . Online memories may be left for the family at
- See more at:

[HI9970] (Research):1900 Census has aunt Elizabeth Dingledine born 12/1811, 88, single (his great aunt who died soon after this census taken)

[HI9972] (Research):1900 Household names granddaughter Millie Snapp b 10/1891

[DI9972] Name: �tab�Lemuel Dingledine
Death Date: �tab�25 May 1932
Death Place: �tab�Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1842
Birthplace: �tab�Terre Haute, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�About 90 years
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Retired Farmer
Residence: �tab�New Carlisle, O.
Burial Date: �tab�27 May 1932
Burial Place: �tab�Tremont, O.
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Anna Parker
Father's Name: �tab�Nicholas Dingledine
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Sherman Cook Valley, Virginia
Mother's Name: �tab�Katherine Circle
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Virginia
Film Number: �tab�1992661
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4001607
Image Number: �tab�917

[HI9978] (Research):WOLBOPN HANNAH E County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 9/1/1928 Volume Number: 5746 Certificate Number: 53103

[DI9978] Name: �tab�Hannah Elizabeth Wolborn
Death Date: �tab�01 Sep 1928
Death Place: �tab�Jackson Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�15 Jun 1854
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�74 years 2 months 16 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�O.R.D.
Occupation: �tab�Housekeeper
Residence: �tab�St. Paris, Ohio, USA
Burial Date: �tab�03 Sep 1928
Burial Place: �tab�St. Paris, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�Evergreen
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Nicholas Dingledine
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Catherine Circle
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1991348
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022110
Image Number: �tab�3043
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 53103

[HI9979] (Research):Funeral records of son name father as Abraham Leslie Dingledine

[HI9981] (Research):History of Auglaize County: Page 604-605-606

W. Newton Dingledine, veteran grain dealer of Buckland, former mayor of th at town, for many years clerk of Logan Township, now living retired at h is pleasant home in Buckland, is a native "Buckeye" and has lived in th is state all his life. A resident of Auglaize County since he was seven ye ars of age, a period of sixty-five years, and is thus one of the best kno wn men in the County. Mr. Dingledine was born in Champaign County, Ohio, N ovember 3, 1850, and is a son of John & Clara [Caldwell] Dingledine, who b ecame residents of this county some years after that date and whose last d ays were spent here. John Dingledine was a native of the Old Dominion, bo rn in Shenandoah County, Virginia, and was a son of Philip and Mary [Barri ngton] Dingledine, both of whom also were born in Virginia, members of Col onial families, and whose last days were spent in Champaign County, this s tate. Philip Dingledine was a farmer and landowner and proprietor of a s aw mill in Champaign county. John Dingledine grew to manhood in his nati ve state was there married. When thirty-one years of age he came to Ohio a nd located in Champaign County, where he remained until in October, 185 7, when he came to Auglaize County with his family and settled on a tra ct of 176 acres he had bought west of the Auglaize river in Logan Twp., th is tract including all of the northeast quarter of Section 34 of that town ship, two miles north of where Buckland came into being when the railro ad presently came along. He established his home on that tract there in t he woods and entered upon the task of clearing the same and making a fa rm out of it, but these labors were interrupted by his death less than s ix years thereafter, his death occurring in February, 1863. His wife di ed in that same year and three children thus were doubly orphaned. Two oth er children of this family had died previously. Of the surviving childr en but two now are living, the subject of this sketch and his brother, Jo hn Dingledine. The deceased children of this family were Samuel, Mary a nd Charles. It will be noted by a comparison of dates above that W. Newt on Dingledine was but seven years of age when he came to this county wi th his parents in 1857 and he was thirteen when he was bereaved by the dea th of his parents. He was taken into the household of John Gochenour, o ne of the leading farmers of that neighborhood, and there grew to manhoo d, completing his schooling in the local schools. Upon the attainment of h is majority, Mr. Dingledine came into his inheritance, his share of his fa ther's estate, and he became a practical farmer, looking after the interes ts of his farm - a part of the old home place north of Buckland - and t he grain interests he meanwhile was developing, until 1881, when he left t he farm and moved to Buckland, where he built a house and where he since h as been making his home. It was in 1882 that Mr. Dingledine became engag ed in the grain business at Buckland and became proprietor of the grain el evator there. That was four or five years after the completion of the rail road and it soon became apparent that Buckland was a good shipping poin t. For more than twenty-five years Mr. Dingledine remained in the grain bu siness at Buckland and then in 1909, he sold his elevator there and boug ht the grain elevator at Glynwood, about midway between Buckland and St. M arys and another excellent shipping point in that part of the county, a nd continued in business at that point until his retirement in 1921. Mr. D ingledine is a deacon in the Christian Church at Buckland. He is a Democr at and has been serving as clerk of Logan Township with the excepti on of an interruption of service during several terms from 1886 to 1893 ev er since the year 1876, which probably constitutes the record for leng th of individual public service in this county. During the period of inter ruption in his service as township clerk, Mr. Dingledine was serving as to wnship treasurer, so that his record may be regarded as one of continuo us public service for more than forty-five years. He has also rendered ser vice as mayor of Buckland and for six years was treasurer of the town a nd for some time also was a member of the township board. On December 1 0, 1871, W. N. Dingledine was united in marriage to Mary J. Neese, daught er of Shen [Sherman] and Mary [May] Neese, and to this union was born o ne child, a daughter, Clara A., who married M. K. Clover, of St. Marys, a nd has four children, Cade, Mary, Jesse, and June. Mary Clover married Wil lis Kishler and has one child, a son, Marvin.


DINGLEDINE WINSBER N County Name: AUGLAIZE Date of Death: 4/12/ Volume Number: 6577 Certificate Number: 21766

Name : Winsberry Newton Dingledine Death date : 12 Apr 1931 Death place : St. Marys, Auglaize, Ohio Birth date : 03 Nov 1850 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 80 years 5 months 9 days Gender : Male Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian Street address : 113 N. Perry Occupation : Grain Merchant Residence : St Marys, Auglaize, Ohio Burial date : 16 Apr 1931 Burial place : Buckland, Ohio Cemetery name : Spouse name : Mary Jane Father name : John Dingledine Father birth place : Virginia Mother name : Clara Coldwell Mother birth place : Virginia GSU film number : 1992427 Digital GS number : 4000596 Image number : 85 Certificate number : fn 21766 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI9982] (Research):DINGLEDINE MARY J County Name: AUGLAIZE Date of Death: 12/10/1929 Volume Number: 6155 Certificate Number: 74164

Name : Mary Jane Dingledine Titles : Death date : 10 Dec 1929 Death place : St. Marys, Auglaize, Ohio Birth date : 17 Dec 1850 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Terra Haute, Ohio Age at death : 78 years 11 months 23 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : 113 N. Perry St. Occupation : House Wife Residence : St. Marys, Auglaize, Ohio Burial date : 12 Dec 1929 Burial place : Buerland, Ohio Cemetery name : Spouse name : W. N. Dingledine Father name : Shem Neese Father titles : Father birth place : Virginia Mother name : Mary May Mother titles : Mother birth place : Virginia GSU film number : 1992021 Digital GS number : 4022362 Image number : 2082 Certificate number : fn 74784 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[DI9985] Benjamin Harrison (Harry) and Olive also had a daughter Ruth Marie who was born 28-Jun-1920 and died 3-Sep-2001 (source email 10/201-Karen Heber)

[DI9986] name: �tab�Emma C Grube
titles & terms: �tab�
event: �tab�Death
event date: �tab�28 Aug 1910
event place: �tab�Springfield Tp., Clark, Ohio
residence: �tab�
street address: �tab�R.F.D. 1, Springfield Twp.
gender: �tab�Female
death age: �tab�29y 10m 21d
marital status: �tab�Married
race: �tab�White
occupation: �tab�Housewife
birth date: �tab�07 Oct 1880
birthplace: �tab�Springfield Twp.
estimated birth year: �tab�1881
burial date: �tab�30 Aug 1910
burial place: �tab�
cemetery: �tab�Vale Cem.
father: �tab�Joseph Grisso
father's titles & terms: �tab�
father's birthplace: �tab�Springfield Twp.
mother: �tab�Sarah A. Frantz
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
mother's birthplace: �tab�Ohio
spouse: �tab�
spouse's titles & terms: �tab�
reference number: �tab�fn 41753
film number: �tab�1952493
digital folder number: �tab�4021031
image number: �tab�1436
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https:// : accessed 03 Oct 2012), Joseph Grisso in entry for Emma C Grube, 1910;
citing reference fn 41753, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.

[HI9993] (Research):LDS notes birth date as 11/3/1832

[HI9994] (Research):1880 Census is granddaughter Abba age 19

[HI9999] (Research):Raper RECTOR (deceased). Dr. Rector was born in Mad River Township, Champa ign Co., Ohio, July 11, 1838. He resided upon the farm with his parents un til he had attained his majority, where he acquired a good common school e ducation. At the age of 22 years, he went to Tremont and read medicine wi th Dr. J. S. Gard, and graduated at Starling Medical College Feb.28, 186 5. Mr. Rector married early in life, having been united with Eliza J. Mart in, daughter of Scott Martin, Esq., of Tremont, on the 27th of November, 1 857, and to them were born three children, viz., Mary J., now Mrs. J. A. M arquart, born March 6, 1858; J. W., born Aug.18, 1859, and A. W., born Mar ch 10,1861. The Doctor located in North Hampton, in this county where he e njoyed a lucrative and reputable practice up to the time of his deat h. He grew rapidly in the favor of the people, both as a man and a physici an. During the latter part of September, 1872, Dr. Rector was attacked wi th typhoid fever, which ter-minated fatally on the 16th day of the followi ng month (October, 1872). In his last illness, the Doctor was attend ed by Dr. Thatcher, who had in the way of assistance the best learned of q uite a number of the members of the Clark Co. Medical Society, of which o ur subject was a member. He was a man of a high order of social qualitie s, a good intellect and excellent habits. He was temperate and industriou s; his opinions in regard to medical theory and practice were very soun d. Dr. Rector was a member of the M. E. Church, and was sustained and chee red in life and in death by the consolations of the Christian religion. H is grandfather, Charles Rector, was one of the first white settlers in t he Mad River Valley. His parents were Conway and Anna (Neff) Rector; the f ormer was a native of Kentucky, born Feb. 6, 1795; the latter of Shenando ah Co., Va., born Dec.15, 1800. The father emigrated to this State in 180 2, purchasing a full section of land in Mad River Township, where he settl ed and there lived until his death, Oct. 12,1879. The mother still surviv es him, retaining her mental faculties in a remarkable degree. When qui te young, Father Rector was instrumental in getting out the timber for t he first M. E. Church in that vicinity, built of hewn logs, in Champaign County., just over the Clark Co. line. It is still used as a place of worshi p. Mr. Rector joined the M. E. Church, Dec. 28, 1817, and became a Classle ader March 14, 1819. His wife is also a Methodist.

Clark Co, Beers History

[XI9999] 64059 �tab�RECTOR �tab�RAPER �tab��tab�00/00/0000 �tab�TREMONT, O. �tab�10/16/1872 �tab�10/17/1872 �tab�H �tab�Lot 140 �tab�SubLot 0 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 4

[HI10001] (Research):Springfield Sun May 28, 1904 Hester Ann SEITZ, wife of our fellow townsman, Henry SEITZ, died at her la te home in this town Tuesday afternoon about 3 o'clock. Her death was d ue to paralysis which she received about one week previous to her death. S he was stricken with this much dreaded disease when apparently in perfe ct health, as it was remarked by friends only a few hours before she was p rostrated that Mrs SEITZ looked better and seemed more cheerful than so me time previous. The funeral occurred from the Methodist Episcopal chur ch of which she had been a member since childhood. Rev Alfred TAYLOR preac hed from a text which was a favorite reading in days of health and lif e. The discourse was a very touching one. Her age was 63 years. She leav es a husband and six children to mourn the loss of a devoted companion a nd mother. Mrs SEITZ was a daughter of Conoway RECTOR and it has been sa id that her grandfather was among the first white settlers in this regi on of the country. The large auditorium of the church was filled with sorr owing friends and relatives. Mr SEITZ and the children of the deceased ha ve the sympathy of our entire neighborhood.

[HI10002] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 259

[HI10003] (Research):1860 Census Champaign Co, OH next to William pg 282 has Aaron Weaver a ge 96 b KY with John 33, Joseph 25 and Elijah 18. Relationships k=not know n

[DI10004] Name: �tab�Rose Grace Bair
Death Date: �tab�30 Aug 1912
Death Place: �tab�Jackson Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�27 Aug 1912
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�3 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Infant
Residence: �tab�Jackson Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�31 Aug 1912
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Shockey Cemetery
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Jason Bair
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Livonia Shockey
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1953423
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021200
Image Number: �tab�3143
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 41663

[HI10010] (Research):Johnson L. Barnes owned land in Jackson Township, Township 3, section 8, r agne 11. Johnson was mentioned in the 9 September 1886, Will of Benoni Barnes, as a "son of Marion, Indiana".

Indiana Deaths, 1882-1920
about Johnathan L. Barnes
Name: �tab�Johnathan L. Barnes
Date: �tab�14 Feb 1913
Location: �tab�Elwood
Age: �tab�79 yr
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Source Location: �tab�City Health Office, Elwood
Source Notes: �tab�The source of this record is the book 1CH-11 on page 57 within the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.

[HI10014] (Research):Regarding this one: Pg84 1/25/1886 Mrs Martha PENCE nee Weaver of Buckland, formerly of this v illage died last Fri of consumption. She was d/o the late William Weav er of this village. I have been told that Martha Weaver was first marri ed to Jeremiah O. Goddard (supposedly buried in Terre Haute Cemetery) a nd as his widow Martha married John W. Pence 25 May 1875 in Champaign Coun ty (Book G-527).

The trouble with this is that the John W. Pence who lived in Buckland at t he death of his wife was not in any way associated with Champaign County a nd the Pences living there. As near as I can determine, John W. was bo rn in Ohio about 1850; he was age 23 living with his father (Christian Pen ce) and stepmother (Margaret Stephens) in Tuscawaras County. Christian was bo rn in Ohio, probabaly Tuscawaras, in 1820 and his parents, John Pence a nd Eve Baughman, were from Pennsylvania.

I have studied this countless times and can't figure out any reason why th is John W. should have taken a bride in Champaign County!

Richard Pence

1880 Census Place:Buckland, Auglaize, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254993 National Archives Film T9-0993 Page 44 4D Wesley PENCESelfMMW30OHOcc:BlacksmithFa: OHMo: OH Martha PENCEWifeFMW30OHFa: PAMo: VA Alice L. PENCEDauFSW8OHFa: OHMo: OH William C. PENCESonMSW4OHFa: OHMo: OH

Richard Pence email 10/15/2003 I suggested that Martha was the Martha Goddard who married John W. Pen ce in 1875 in Champaign County, she first being the wife of Jeremiah Godda rd. You noted that Jeremiah's tombstone shows he didn't die until 1879 an d, further, that the 1880 record for Wesley Pence and wife Martha in Buckl and, Auglaize County had two problems - the place of birth of Martha's par ents was wrong for her to be the daughter of William Weaver and, furthe r, they had a child listed that was born before 1875.

Nevertheless, this couple lived in Bucklands, where Martha (Weaver) Pen ce died and I have subsequently heard from a descendant of the Willi am C. Pence who was list as the son of Wesley in the 1880 census and th ey gave John Wesley Pence and Martha Weaver as William' parents.

Anyway, if the dates are all accurate with regard to Goddard-Weaver-Penc e, it would a possible illegitimacy and a divorce?

John Wesley Pence was a son of Christian Pence and Margaret Stephens

[HI10015] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 160

Not able to verify parentage. Not found in the 1850 Census of Champaign County, OH

[HI10016] (Research):Champaign Co, Ohio Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 595 26 Aug 1857 Nan cy Goddard gdn of Jeremiah C Goddard 11yr ( Jun11 1857); Mary jane Godda rd 10yr ( 19 May 1857); james Fletcher Goddard 9 yr ( June 24 1857); Mart ha Ellen Goddard 7 yr ( April 18, 1857); Sarah Maria Goddard 6 yr (Apr 2 9, 1857, minor heirs of Jesse Goddard dec'd. Surities Robert Thackery, Wil liam Tomlin

[HI10017] (Research):PENCE MARY A County Name: MONTGOMERY Date of Death: 7/19/1918 Volume Number: 2644 Certificate Number: 44644

[HI10018] (Research):DINGLEDINE, Margaret Death date: 4/13/1938, Clark County Certi ficate #20450

Name : Margaret Dingledine Titles : Death date : 13 Apr 1938 Death place : Springfield, Clark, Ohio Birth date : 21 Aug 1856 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 81 years 7 months 22 days Gender : Female Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Housewife Residence : Burial date : 16 Apr 1938 Burial place : Terra Haute Cemetery name : Spouse name : Leslie Dingledine Father name : Nathan Brown Father titles : Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Hanna Nitchman Mother titles : Mother birth place : Ohio GSU film number : 2023559 Digital GS number : Image number : 2797 Certificate number : fn 20450 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI10021] (Research):FRAZEE, Warren W. 92, of Urbana died February 21, 2005 in the Wellington N ursing Home. Private graveside services will be held Wednesday, February 2 3, 2005 at 1 p.m. at the Nettle Creek Cemetery, Urbana, Ohio. The fami ly is being served by the Walter-Schoedinger Funeral Home, Urbana. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 2/23/2005.

[DI10022] Springfield Daily News , Saturday May 16 1981 Donald Frazee, 62 of 22 W Grand Ave, died at 1:02 p.m. Friday in Mercy Med ical Center. Mr Frazee had been a patient at the hospital since last Satur day when he fell down stairs at his residence, injuring his head. He was b orn Aug 11 1918 in Urbana, the son of Theodore Williams and Nancy Ethel Ev ilsizor and was employed at Kastle Steel Co as a metal cutter. Survivors i nclude his wife , the former Asenath Bidwell; a daughter, Geri Lynn , at h ome; a son, Mikel Keith of Marysville; a sister, Mrs Shirley (Zelma) Ba rr of Urbana; a brother Warren W of Urbana; a grandson and several niec es and nephews. His body was taken to the Jones-O'Brien-Kennedy Funeral Ho me. There will be no visitation. Services will be held at the convenien ce of the family

[HI10025] (Research):Age in 1850 census shows 16

[HI10029] (Research):SAMUEL PENCE was born about 1803 in Shenandoah Co VA; died between 4 Mar ( will written) and 8 Apr (will probated) 1833 in Clark Co OH; married Phe be Glass 11 Sep 1823 in Clark County (she is probably the Phebe Pence w ho married William Rector 12 Nov 1837 in Clark Co).

[HI10035] (Research):Joseph C. KIPLINGER, farmer; P.O. Eagle City; born on the farm where he n ow resides, Feb. 11, 1842; is a son of Philip and Mahala (Shockey) Kip-lin ger, he a native of Virginia and she of Kentucky. The grandfather, Dani el Kiplinger, also a native of Virginia, became a resident of Ohio, locati ng in German Township, in 1806, being one of the pioneers of the county, s ettling here when this section was nearly all in its primeval forests, a nd the Indians their principal neighbors. Here he lived till his death, wh ich occurred about 1852. Philip was about 2 years of age when brought he re by his parents, and was raised and brought up in this county, and liv ed and died here, living his entire married life in the same neighborho od of his father. He died April 8,1867. His wife is still living, now 74 y ears of age. They were parents of fifteen children, ten now survive - Will iam, Daniel, James, Elizabeth Ann and Mary Jane (twins), Joseph and Phil ip (twins), A. Philander, Lucetta, Caro-line and B. Franklin. Our subje ct lived with his father, brought up to farm labor till his majority. W as married, April 23, 1868, to Emma J., daughter of Noah and Louisa Erns t, natives of Virginia. Issue, two children - Viola and Philip Wilbur. M r. Kip-lincrer has always resided upon the old home place, with the except ion of four years spent in Moorefield Township, moving back again in the s pring of 1874. The home place consists of 96 acres, mostly in cultivatio n, with good improvements. Mr. Kiplinger and wife are members of t he M. U. Church. Grandfathers of our subject will receive due mention in t he history of German Township, in the body of this work, as its pio-neer s. And we would add further in justice to the patriotism of this family, t hat four our subject's brothers were enlisted in the defense of our count ry in the late rebell-ion, one of whom died while in the army. Beers History of Clark Co, OH

[HI10037] (Research):1920 Census gives last names as Evilsizer. May have been born out of wedlo ck.

[DI10044] name: �tab�Clarence E. Grube
titles & terms: �tab�
event: �tab�Marriage
event place (standardized): �tab�Clark, Ohio, United States
event place (other): �tab�
age: �tab�21
estimated birth year: �tab�1902
birth date: �tab�18 Jul 1902
birthplace: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
father: �tab�Adam Grube
father's titles & terms: �tab�
mother: �tab�Emma Grisso
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse: �tab�Daisy Irene Swartzbaugh
spouse's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse's age: �tab�19
spouse's estimated birth year: �tab�1904
spouse's birthplace: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
spouse's father: �tab�Vernon Swartzbaugh
spouse's father's titles & terms: �tab�
spouse's mother: �tab�Emma Baker
spouse's mother's titles & terms: �tab�
reference number: �tab�p 254 16067
film number: �tab�466637
digital folder number: �tab�004016779
image number: �tab�00162
Citing this Record

"Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 03 Oct 2012), Adam Grube in entry for Clarence E. Grube and Daisy Irene Swartzbaugh, 1923; citing reference p 254 16067, FHL microfilm 466637.

[DI10046] Cedar Rapids Gazette August 14, 2000 Harriet E "Betty" Evilsizer , 79 , of 136 Meadowlark Lane, NW, died Sunda y, August 13, 2000 in her home following a courageous battle with cance r. Services 10:30 A M Wednesday. Murdoch-Linwood Funeral Home, by the R ev Ken Glandorf, chaplain of Hospice of Mercy. Burial, Linwood Cemetery. F riends may call at the funeral home from 4-7 P.M. Tuesday. Survivors inclu de her son, Gary and his wife Jeannine. She was preceded in death by her p arents; her husband George; and two brothers, Tom and Bill. Born August 1 6, 1920 in Keokuk, to Charles R and Harriet Higham Wadden, she married Geo rge A Evilsizer on June 29, 1939 in Cedar Rapids. He died September 4, 199 4. She was employed at the family business, Auto Radiator Service, Inc. S he was a member of Christ Presbyterian Church. Harriet was active in the S alvation Sewing Group, Cedar Rapids Boat Club and Senior Citizens Danci ng groups. She also enjoyed eating out with her friends. She was a lovi ng mother and mother-in-law. Memorials may be made to Camp Courageous Mer cy Hospice or the Kahir Shrine Transportation Fund.

Name: Harriet E. Evilsizer SSN: 485-09-0896 Last Residence: 52405 Cedar Rapids, Linn, Iowa, United States of Ameri Born: 16 Aug 1920 Died: 13 Aug 2000 State (Year) SSN issued: Iowa (Before 1951 )

[DI10047] name: �tab�Mary E. Davis
gender: �tab�Female
burial date: �tab�
burial place: �tab�
death date: �tab�07 Jul 1905
death place: �tab�Terre Haute, Champaign, Ohio
age: �tab�59
birth date: �tab�1846
birthplace: �tab�Shenadoah Co., Va.
occupation: �tab�
race: �tab�
marital status: �tab�Married
spouse's name: �tab�
father's name: �tab�
father's birthplace: �tab�
mother's name: �tab�
mother's birthplace: �tab�
indexing project (batch) number: �tab�B07024-8
system origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
source film number: �tab�295234
reference number: �tab�v 2 p 117
Citing this Record"Ohio, Deaths and Burials, 1854-1997," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 Nov 2012), Mary E. Davis, 07 Jul 1905.

[DI10048] Name: �tab�Lydia Cathorin Bushong
Death Date: �tab�15 Mar 1917
Death Place: �tab�Mad River Twp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�18 Jan 1847
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�70 years 1 month 25 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�none given
Occupation: �tab�House Keeper
Residence: �tab�Mad River Twp., Champaign Co., Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�17 Mar 1917
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Terre Haut Cemetery
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�John Bushong
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Va.
Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Dingledine
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Va.
Film Number: �tab�1983935
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021549
Image Number: �tab�1644
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 15796

Minnesota Death Index, 1908-2002
about Hannah Margaret Michael
Name: �tab�Hannah Margaret Michael
Death Date: �tab�25 Jun 1937
Death County: �tab�Crow Wing
State File Number: �tab�003106
Certificate Number: �tab�003106
Certificate Year: �tab�1937
Record Number: �tab�759344

[HI10051] (Research):Springfield Sun May 12, 1900 James Bushong is building a very commodious new barn and it will be compl eted very soon

Springfield Sun Jan 14, 1905 James BUSHONG, of near Terre Haute, left for Middletown, Ind, Friday morni ng to attend the funeral of his aunt, Mrs Hannah MILLER.

City Directory 1903 names in household, Mrs Lizzie E, Sarah A and Katie Bu shong

Bushong, James A. Age: 54 Gender: M Race: W Birthplace: OH State: Ohio 1910 County: CHAMPAIGN Locale: MAD RVR TWP Series: T624 Roll: 1159 Part: 2 Page: 119A

[DI10051] Name: �tab�James Bushong Jr.
Death Date: �tab�03 Nov 1926
Death Place: �tab�Mad River, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�26 Feb 1855
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�70 years 9 months 7 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�RD #7
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�Fremont, Cy.
Burial Date: �tab�05 Nov 1926
Burial Place: �tab�Terre Haut, O.
Cemetery Name: �tab�Terre Haut
Spouse's Name: �tab�Lizzy Bushong
Father's Name: �tab�John Bushong
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Va.
Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Dingledie
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Va.
Film Number: �tab�1984564
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021864
Image Number: �tab�3258
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 66043

[HI10055] (Research):This family info from: [email protected] (Carol Porter)

A Diary of WWI for James can be found at

[NI10058] Md second Freda
Inscription: Oak Dale
Freda E. Crabill
1916 - 1996
Beloved Wife
1940 - 1996

[HI10066] (Research):April 6 1903 Poll Tax Book Talley Sheet for Concord Township, Champaign County, OH,- R L Thackery

[XI10066] Interment record name Robert Louise

[HI10067] (Research):My wife is descendant of his brother Leander b 1858- spelling different Jim Carpenter 4397 Good Rd Seville Oh 44273

Leander Loch Adkinson, son of James and Margaret, his wife, was born in t he year 1858; on November 12, 1880, married Miss Elizabeth Nester, of Tann ers Run of Spring Creek.

Leander L., in recent years has become wealthy from petroleum oil incom e; has acquired the old Roach farm on Middle Reedy, or nearly all of it; w here he yet lives, holds stock in the banks of Reedy Town and does his pa rt as a good citizen. To Leander and Elizabeth Jane (Nester) his wife, ha ve been born and by them brought up three sons and three daughters, all or most of them ha ve married and have families.

[HI10082] (Research):1850 Census nae is Catherine 1860 Census name is RebeccaDaughters obit names mother as Rebecca Jenkin s, but Catherine is the name used in the census

[HI10083] (Research):Willis Jenkins 51 W Ohio Champaign 1910 Wife Mary J 49 Ohio Daughter Matila A 22 Ohio Son Arthyr M 17 Ohio Son Cline M 11 Ohio

[HI10084] (Research):CCGS Newsletter June 1998 Pg 66 POLL BOOK, Millerstown Precincts, Johnson Township, Champaign County Novem ber 4, 1890 Judges: Solomon Snapp, John O Jenkins and David McMorran Clerk s: S D Corwin and G E Huntoon. Names of Electors: S N Jenkins

JENKINS STEPHEN N County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 5/4/1922 Volume Number: 3871 Certificate Number: 26476

[HI10085] (Research):St Paris Dispatch Nov 2, 1886 Mrs G W Ginn, of Millerstown, died Wednesday last of typhoid fever, at t he age of 19 years. She hd been married only a little over four months. H er funeal was held at Baptist Church at Millerstown and the sermon was del ivered by Rev P H Murray. Her reamins were buried at Springgrove. She w as the d/o Presley Jenkins

[BI10087] Birth record name Amanda O

[DI10090] Name: Ada C. Eton
Death date: 10 Jul 1916
Death place: Adams, Champaign Co., Ohio
Birth date: 26 Feb 1858
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Ohio
Age at death: 58 years 4 months 14 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: American
Street address:
Burial date: 12 Jul 1916
Burial place: Ohio
Cemetery name: Rosedale
Spouse's name:
Father's name: Erastus Martz
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: Virginia
Mother's name: Grace C. Cowan
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Virginia
GSU film number: 1983750
Digital GS number: 4021408
Image number: 1126
Reference number: fn 41268
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI10091] (Research):Name: Reuel C Buck Gender: Male Date of Death: 26 May 1982 Birth Date: 23 November 1898 Volume: 24850 Certificate: 035565 Autopsy: 9 Social Security Number: 302187553 Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: British, Scotch-Irish, Welsh, Scottish Place of Death: Piqua, Miami County Certifier: Physician Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: , Champaign County Age: 83 Years

[HI10092] (Research):This would be a generation before your Johannes, but the records of the New Hanover (Montgomery Co.) Lutheran Church report that in 1742, Johannes and Jacob Apfel, adult sons of Eve, wife of Jurg Bek, joined the church . A generation later, two Appel sisters were married at New Hanover, Anna Catharine to Johannes Rayer and Elisabeth to Michael Schup. Since their olde st sons were named Jacob (Rayer) and Johannes (Schup), it is likely that they connect to the Johannes and Jacob, sons of Eve Bek. Baptismal sponsors hip suggest a third sister was Anna Clara, wife of Frederick Blass.

1767 Berks Co PA Tax list - Adam Apple 1 cattle, 1 tax 1790 Berks Co PA Census Pinegrove twp Henry Apple 02-01-05-00-00 Jno Apple 01-03-05-00-00 Heidelburg- Andrew Apple 03-03-04-00-00

[NI10093] Father was the local tax collector

1-William Apple July 1825-1905
m. Elizabeth Delevin 18 June 1845
2-Julia Apple
3-George Apple 28 June 1828-2 Feb 1889
m. Catherine Rhoades
4-Solomon Apple 1830-28 March 1900
m. Eva Lavina Gebhart on 18 Sept 1851
5-Catherine Apple
6-Barbara Apple
7-Henry D. Apple 6 Aug 1835-13 Oct 1909
m. Catherine Meckley
8-Elizabeth Apple


[HI10125] (Research):Champaign County Ohio Land Deed Indices by Pat Stickley and Denise Moore pg 6 Sec10 Twp 3 R 11 Jackson Twp,NW 1/4 NW 1/4 Dec 3 1833 State of Ohio to Jo hn Snap (Index) Book N pg 495 NW1/4 E 1/2 July 2 1831 US to John Schuel (Index) John Snep (Patent) 79 ac res, recorded June 5 1837 Book N pg 494

[HI10126] (Research):Champaign County Ohio Land Deed Indices by Pat Stickley and Denise Moore pg 6 Sec 5 Twp 3 R 11 Jackson Twp, NW 1/4 W 1/2 Aug 9 1831 US to Daniel Schn el (Index) Daniel Snepp (Patent) 81 acres, recorded May 11, 1833 Bo ok K pg 396

Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 12 Twp 3 Range 11 ( SE 1/4) 04 Sep 1843 Mortiz Carlo to Dave Schnepp, W 1/2 Bk R Pg 348 28 Feb 1852 Daniel Snapp to C P & I Railroad Co, strip 60 feet wide, E 1 /2 Bk X Pg644

[NI10137] Name: �tab�Lela M. Circle
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�15 Oct 1937
Death Place: �tab�German Township, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�16 May 1899
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�38 years 4 months 19 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�17 Oct 1937
Burial Place: �tab�Lawrenceville
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Clarence A. Circle
Father's Name: �tab�Oscar Davis
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Clark Co., Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Stella Lippincott
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�N. Hampton, Ohio

[HI10142] (Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 12 Twp 3 Range 11 ( NW 1/4) 03 Aug 1844 Christopher Merica to Jacob Walborn, 2 1/8 acres Bk S Pg246 17 Aug 1848 Jacob Walborn to Simeon Pence, Indemnity against any cla im of damage. Bk U Pg 198 28 Apr 1856 John Apple to Jacob Walborn, 50 acres Bk B2 Pg71 23 Mar 1864 Jacob Walborn to John Jenkins, 50 acres Bk 35 Pg 441

Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 18 Twp 3 Range 11 ( NE 1/4) (St Paris located in Sec 18) 08 Feb 1817 U S to Ambrose Huffman of Hamilton Co, also NW 1/4 of S12 T3 R 11 recorded 27 Nov 1818 Bk D pg397 05 Feb 1835 John & Eleanore Huffman of Hamilton Co, OH to David Magger t, east side, plus land in NW 1/4 S12 T3R11 Bk L pg536 04 Dec 1836 Tobias Huffman ro Jacob Walborn, 101 acres Bk N pg467 20 Dec 1843 Jacob Walborn to Trustees of Lutheran Church, 1 acre Bk T pg9 2 17 Aug 1848 Jacob Walborn to Simeon Pence, Indemnity against any cla im of damage 23 Mar 1864 Jacob Walborn to John Jenkins, 100 acres Bk35Pg441

[HI10148] (Research):Deed Book H Indentures published CCGS Newsletter Summer 1991 pg48 Aug 1827 Robert Noe bound son Lysander; 16yrs on 27th Sept 1827 to Sa muel Miller, cabinet maker (21 on 27 Sept 1831)

Champaign Co Will abstracts Books A-L pg 378 Robert Noe probated 4/29/1863 Wife Elizabeth the farm in Jackson Twp of 79 acres; children Joseph Denni s, Matilda Ann Noe, (minors); Cinderella Rue 9 wife of William) $500; Osc ar $500; Lot and Lysander Noe; heirs of Archibald Noe; heirs of William No e; heirs of daughter Amanda ( no last name.) George Boole exec; Wit; Jo hn Baker, Elias Beaty will signed 9/11/1860

Codicil to Will Probated 4/29/1863 Champaign Co, Pg 378 dated 5/17/1861- To be buried on farm on hill or mound between the sun and barn and in t he highest point of same and grave to be neatly fenced and marble headston e. Witness Mary A Johnson, Mary Ann Boole

[HI10149] (Research):Champaign Co, Guardian Book Pg 445 6/28/1866 Jacob reeder gdn of Sarah E N oe 14yr 28 May 1866; Malinda Noe 12yr 20 Aug 1865 and William Noe 11yr Ju ne 11 1866; heirs of Robert Noe, dec'd. surities Christian McMorran and Wi lliam Harney

Funeral home records say she is the daughter of Lysander Noe and Martha Gr oves.

[DI10150] MUMPER CLARA County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 10/15/1933 Volume Number: 7318 Certificate Number: 54562 (not located in LDS)

[HI10151] (Research):Will names next of kin, Thomas H Kessler, dau Matilda Green

Champaign Co, Guardianship Bookpg 516 Dec 26, 1854 William F Pence gdn of Solomon Leander Kessler 15 yr July 6, 1854; minor s on of Elizabeth Kessler, now Elizabeth Noe

[HI10152] (Research):Not known if this is father of Jacob Clark Co, OH Will of Jacob Reeder, died 9/1/1821 recorded 1/7/1823. Wife E lizabeth. Sons Elanand jacob. Daughters Marianne, Rachel and Susan. (po ss more children). Step son William Faris. Step Dau, Nancy, Polly and Pris cilla Faris. Exec John Crain and John Layton. Wit Samuel Martin, Isaac Mar tin, & Jacob G Reeder

A Jacob Reeder married Nancy Myers 9/22/1807 in Champaign Co, OH

Champaign Co, Guardian Book Pg 445 6/28/1866 Jacob reeder gdn of Sarah E N oe 14yr 28 May 1866; Malinda Noe 12yr 20 Aug 1865 and William Noe 11yr Ju ne 11 1866; heirs of Robert Noe, dec'd. surities Christian McMorran and Wi lliam Harney

Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11 To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot ? 5/28/1866 E W Burkimer to Jacob Reader, undivided half of 1.55 acr es Bk 37 Pg378 Lot ? 6/2/1866 Lafayette Stogdill to Jacob Reader, undivided half of 1. 55 acres Bk 37 Pg377 Lot ? 10/9/1869 Heirs of John Snapp to Jacob Reader, 1.55 acres Bk 42 Pg2 57 Lot ? 10/9/1869 Jacob Reader to Jacob McMorran, 1.55 acres and 5 acr es Bk 41 Pg607

[HI10159] (Research):Dorothy A. Zerkle August 23, 1909 - January 15, 2000

Birthplace: St.Paris, Ohio Resided In: Urbana OH USA Visitation: None Service: None

DOROTHY A. ZERKLE, 89, of Urbana, died at 6:15 p.m., Saturday, January 1 5, 2000 in Mercy McAuley Center. She was born in St. Paris, Ohio on Augu st 23, 1909 the daughter of Wilbur and Ada (Apple) Collins. Dorothy w as a member of River of Life Christian Center. She was a graduate of Witt enberg University and had retired from the Springfield City Schools aft er 35 years of teaching. She is survived by her daughter and son-in-la w, Marilyn and Russell Bodey of Urbana; three grandchildren, Gary (Vicki e) Bodey, Gloria (Brack) Houchens, and Brian Bodey; eleven great grandchil dren, Jacob, Perry, Tyson, Dorothy, Landon, Rebecca, Jason, Levi, Hanna h, Rosemary and Laura. She was preceded in death by her husband, Garna rd Zerkle in 1995 and two sisters, Helen Shaffer and Mary Baker. Priva te services will be held at the convenience of the family. The fami ly is being served by the Littleton & Rue Funeral Home, Urbana.

Name: DOROTHY A ZERKLE Gender: Female Date of Death: January 15, 2000 Birth Date: August 23, 1909 Volume: 32282 Certificate: 008852 Autopsy: N Social Security Number: 301097928 Father's Surname: COLLINS Time of Death: 6:15 PM Marital Status: widowed Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic Place of Death: nursing home Years of Schooling: 16 Certifier: Physician Branch of Service: Method of Disposition: Cremation Mother's Surname: APPLE Race: White Birth Place: CHAMPAIGN, Ohio Residence: URBANA, CHAMPAIGN, Ohio Age: 90 years

[HI10160] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 Daniel Apple .49

Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 Daniel Apple

CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 Poll Book St Paris Precinct Johnson Twp 11/2/1 880 Daniel Apple

[DI10162] Name: �tab�Granville M. Deaton
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�19 Sep 1905
Death Place: �tab�Jackson Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�36
Birth Date: �tab�1869
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., O.
Occupation: �tab�Teacher
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07024-8
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 117
Name: �tab�M. Granville Deaton
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�19 Sep 1905
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Age: �tab�34
Birth Date: �tab�1871
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign, Oh
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07056-0
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466665
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 108

[NI10167] Groom's Name: �tab�Harry Franklin Shaffer
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Mad River Trop, Champaign County, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Helen Cordelia Colins
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1901
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Jackson Twp., Champaign County, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�23
Marriage Date: �tab�26 Mar 1924
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Warren Shaffer
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Davis
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Wilbur T. Collins
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Ada Apple
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single

[HI10170] (Research):Graduates of the Township Schools of Champaign County 1892 who received th eir diplomas Saturday June 4 1892. List sent in by Supt J M Mulford of Mec hanicsburg. Listed The Champaign Democrat June 16 1892 abstracted by Pat S tickley Fall 1994 CCGS Newsletter pg 77 Jakcson Two- Ada D Apple

[HI10171] (Research):Champaign Co, Oh 1991 - pg 72 Biography

CCGS Newsletter Summer 2005 Vol21 No2 Pg 16 St Paris Ohio Graduates 1909- 1917 from 6/19/1993 by Janet Evilsizor Worthington 1924 Naaman Apple

Name: Naaman L. Apple SSN: 280-07-3375 Last Residence: 47302 Muncie, Delaware, Indiana, United States of Amer ica Born: 1 Apr 1906 Died: 19 Dec 1991 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )

[HI10195] (Research):Joseph Kinyon, Jr.'s honorable discharge from the Mexican War on June 1 8, 1847 states he was 38 years old and was born in Bedford, Tennesse e. He married Margaret Brown and according to probate records, they bo th died before January 1850 leaving four minor children. This informati on was derived from the "History of Washington County"

[HI10196] (Research):Washington Co, IL Probate rec'd # 45; Walton, Wm R June 1867 Elizabeth Walton Adm. ex. Sarah Walton March 19, 1867 Estate appraisers; John Kinyon, John Read?, Charles Schoal

[HI10202] (Research):WASH CO IL MARRIAGES BOOK C #51. John Kinyon & Mrs. Polly W. Jones 4 Aug 1870

I'm not sure, but I think thats my gggrandmother. Her husband, CHESL EY D JONES died abt. 1846. In the census books, these Kinyons and Jones f amilys where always pretty close neighbors. In my grandmothers bible, t he name POLLY KINYON is written with the birthdate for my Mary 'Polly' We st Walton Jones. I'm still fighting this mystery. Last nite I walked the Oakdale and Elkton Cemetery s. All the people y ou listed, I believe I saw their graves last nite in one place or the othe r. My only possibility was the one that read JOHN AND MARY KINYON.

I need to contact Kay Jetton again. I had once in the past, but she ki nd of 'blew me off'. Guess that's only fair as my dad used to do the sa me to her many years ago, when she was asking questions then. But my d ad didn't know all the info that I've dug up. He only knew his grandpare nts names of JAMES A & MARGARET A ROBINSON JONES.

When I got into the probate records this week, a Daniel Kinyon was list ed as one of the appraisers of CHESLEY D JONES estate.

So, if any of this rings a bell, please contact me. Thank you, Karla S. Wood [email protected] (Karla)

LDS Site has spouse of John Kinyon was Anjaline Land married 10/8/1860, Wa shington Co, ILL and second spouse Mary Matilda Poynter married 8/19/18 96 in Laclede Co, MO

[HI10204] (Research):[email protected] (Kenneth McHenry) Hi, You are listed at as submitter of the names of Edward, Da niel, and Joseph Kinyon Sr. from Mo. Washington Ill and back. I am a desce ndant of this line and would very much appreciate hearing from you what y ou know about Joseph Kinyon Sr. Thank you for doing so much work on this family. Edward's dau was Rosalie Kinyon who married Wakely McHenry in Clin ton, Henry Missouri. Our family remembers her still as almost a saint a nd her husband wrote so much about how lucky he was to have found her, s he must have been a nice person. This makes me more interested in knowi ng about the Kinyon line. I grew up in St. Louis, no so far from Washingto n, Okawville, Ill but my father died in WWII and I have been ignorant of t hat line all my life. Only recently did an aunt tell me the stories abo ut Rosalie Kinyon in Clinton, Mo. There is a family tradition that the anc estors of Edward Kinyon fought alongside Abraham Lincoln in the Black Hawk Indian War and that Lincoln ga ve one of them his own musket as thanks.

[HI10207] (Research):This family researcher: Mike Nichols St Louis, MO [email protected]

LDS site has Sarah marrying Henry Friend 3/1/1866 Washington Co, IL

[HI10211] (Research):LDS Site shows no Thomas Kinyon as a child of this family

[NI10233] name: �tab�Stanley W. Fidler
event: �tab�Marriage
event place (standardized): �tab�Champaign, Ohio, United States
event place (other): �tab�
age: �tab�24 on 10/21/1916, mechanic
estimated birth year: �tab�1893
birth date: �tab�
birthplace: DeGraff, OH�tab�
father: �tab�Burnard Fidler
father's �tab�
mother: �tab�Martha Moore
mother's �tab�
spouse: �tab�Irma Talbot
spouse's �tab�
spouse's age: �tab�23 on 7/25/1916, stenographer
spouse's estimated birth year: �tab�1894
spouse's birthplace: �tab�Urbana, OH
spouse's father: �tab�M. R. Talbot
spouse's father's �tab�
spouse's mother: �tab�Lillie M. Zerkel
spouse's mother's �tab�
reference number: �tab�p298
film number: �tab�545416
digital folder number: �tab�004016845
image number: �tab�00191
Citing this Record "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 Oct 2012), Lillie M. Zerkel in entry for Stanley W. Fidler and Irma Talbot, 1917; citing reference p298, FHL microfilm 545416.

[HI10233] (Research):Graduates of Urbana High School 1901-1916 Published by the class of 19 16 in their Senior Year submitted by Pat Stickley, July CCGS Newsletter pg 92 Class of 1912 Irma Talbott

[HI10237] (Research):List of youth between the ages of four and 21 years within School Di st No 5 in Urbana Twp 11-25-1832 D Taylor - 5

DONALD3 TAYLOR (ARCHIBALD2, ANGUS1) was born 1792 in Scotland, and di ed February 27, 1841 in Champaign Co., Ohio. He married MARY MCKERRALL Fe bruary 15, 1816 in Southend, Argyll, Scotland, daughter of JOHN MCKERRA LL and ?. She was born 1796 in Scotland, and died 1886 in Where?. Notes for DONALD TAYLOR: Was he buried in Concord Cemetery in Champaign County. OH? More About DONALD TAYLOR: Immigration: 1822, to USA, Ohio Notes for MARY MCKERRALL: Mary is found in the 1850 Champaign Co., OH cen sus, Concord Twp. She is listed as 51 years. Also listed in the fami ly is son Archibald 57 (should be 27); Douglas 21; Margaret 20; Daniel 1 7; Flora 14. Donald is no longer living. Mary and son Archibald are lis ted as being born in Scotland. Her son John and his family is also list ed in same township. They are in the same twp. as the Houghs and the Heat hs. Mary died in 1886 and may have lived with a child after some of the ch ildren married or moved away.

Children of DONALD TAYLOR and MARY MCKERRALL are: i.JOHN4 TAYLOR, b. May 10, 1818, Scotland. ii. MARY TAYLOR, b. March 29, 1820, Scotland; d. Indiana. iii.ARCHIBALD TAYLOR, b. March 09, 1822, Scotland; d. 1887, Ohio. iv.ANGUS TAYLOR, b. August 29, 1824, Ohio; d. February 09, 1836, Ohio. v.DOUGLAS TAYLOR, b. August 29, 1827, Ohio; d. October 31, 1888, IA. vi.MARGARET TAYLOR, b. November 17, 1829, Ohio; d. April 03, 1905, Ohio. vii.DONALD DANIEL TAYLOR, b. February 17, 1832, Ohio; d. July 18, 1862, I A. Notes for DONALD DANIEL TAYLOR: Wounded in the Civil War. Came home to d ie. Died at age 30. I don't believe he married. viii.JENNETTE TAYLOR, b. May 20, 1834, Ohio; d. 1898, Indiana. ix. FLORA ANN TAYLOR, b. May 22, 1836, Ohio; d. September 18, 1912, Ohio.

family info from Marian [email protected]

Shirley Steffen 158 Country Club Rd Williamsburg, Iowa 52361 [email protected]

[HI10245] (Research):CCGS Newsletter June 1998 Pg 60 1905 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY CENTENNIAL Relics and Curios Under the direction of this committee the relics and curios were sho wn at the Central Ward School building. This was one of the interesting fe atures of the Centennial celebration. The following are the exhibitors a nd list of relics and curios displayed: Mrs. Irvin Blose: 6 cups, 6 saucers, platter, 6 plates, gravy tureen, gra vy ladle.

[HI10246] (Research):Researcher- Judy [email protected]

[DI10249] Name: Lewis I Overholser Birth Date: Est. 1873 Gender: Male Race: White Residence County: Champaign Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 12 Jul 1960 Hospital of Death: Mercy Memorial Hospital City of Death: Urbana County of Death: Champaign Certificate: 47843 Age at Death: 87 Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy Marital Status: Married

[HI10250] (Research):Name: Elmer Overholser Birth Date: Est. 1875 Gender: Male Race: White Residence City: Springfield Residence County: Clark Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 30 Mar 1960 Hospital of Death: Mercy Medical Center City of Death: Springfield County of Death: Clark Certificate: 17931 Age at Death: 85 Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, not used for certification Marital Status: Widowed

[HI10255] (Research):Springfield Sun jan 20, 1907 Jan 20, 1907 Word was received of this place of the sudden death of Frank GEARHART of T hackery, Ohio last Friday a week. The funeral took place last Sunday at Te rre Haute from the M E church of that place and was conducted by the R ev D M HORNER, of the Lutheran church. He was 57 years old and was a lifel ong resident of Mad River township, Champaign County. He is surviv ed by a wife and twelve children. The church was filled to its utmost capa city with friends to attend the funeral

PG 150ANN GEARHARTPROBATED 24 FEB 1890 MAD RIVER TWP [DIED 13 FEB 1890) Heirs-Henry E Gearhart�bro-Canada; Mary Thackery-sis-Dialton;Margaret Coff elt-sis-Seth, Clark Co; Smith Davis-nep-Terre Haute; Sarah E Bishop-niece� Terre Haute; Margaret A Ireland- niece�Terre Haute. To nephew F M Gearha rt all real estate in Mad River Twp, 40 acres S26, formerly owned by Jo hn N Gearhart dec�d and which 120 acres were bequeathed by John M Gearha rt to said Ann and Margaret Gearhart, now Margaret Cof felt [wife of Henry ). S R Neff and A E Dingledine now own 1/3 and Margaret Cof felt the middle 1/3. $100 to nephew W Gearhart. Isaac Neff administrator Witness:Isaac Neff Amanda Neffwill signed 12 Apr 1883

[HI10257] (Research):1 son, 1 daugher,m fours sisters and two brothers.

[DI10257] Name: Viola Grace Gearhart
Death date: 21 Sep 1909
Death place: Miami, Montgomery, Ohio
Estimated birth year: 1881
Age at death: 28 years 5 months 2 days
Father's name: William Leinbaugh
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace:
Mother's name: Mary Bollinger
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace:
GSU film number: 1927186
Digital GS number: 4024314
Image number: 161
Reference number: fn 47978
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

Sept 23
MRS. JOHN GEARHEART passed away Tuesday, at Miamisburg, OH. She was 28yrs of age, and survived by a husband, one son, one daughter, four sisters and two brothers. The remains were taken to Tremont City for the funeral today, at the Methodist Church. Interment, in Terre Haute Cemetery.

[HI10258] (Research):Springfield (O.) Daily News on Tuesday, December 23, 1941 George GEARHART, 64, died in his residence, 1811 Prospect av., Sunday, De c. 21, 1941. Body to Frank funeral home at St. Paris. O., and to residen ce Monday night.

[NI10259] Name: �tab�Bert Smith
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�15 Aug 1897
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Lottie Gearhart
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year:
8/26/1897 Md Au 15 at the Lutheran parsonage St Paris by Rev Geo Schnur are Bert SMith of Terre Haute and Miss Lottie Gearhart dau of F M Gearhart of Thackery

[DI10259] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Lottie A Smith
Name: �tab�Lottie A Smith
Birth Date: �tab�1879
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Springfield
Residence County: �tab�Clark
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�15 Jan 1967
Hospital of Death: �tab�Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: �tab�Springfield
County of Death: �tab�Clark
Certificate: �tab�00738
Age at Death: �tab�88
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed

[HI10261] (Research):Name: Lina M Stevens Gender: Female Date of Death: 09 August 1971 Volume: 20578 Certificate: 061468 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Troy, Miami County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 87 Years

[HI10262] (Research):William E Gearhart
Age: 24 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0007
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0161
County: Clark
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Nellie 21 Ohio

Name: WILLIAM E GEARHART Gender: Male Date of Death: 1969 84, Years Volume: 19740 Certificate: 053437 Place of Death: Norwood, Hamilton County Race: White Residence: 05, 07 Age: Unknown

Name: William Gearhart SSN: 268-03-6207 Last Residence: 45212 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, United States of Ame rica Born: 7 Jun 1885 Died: Jul 1969 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )

[HI10264] (Research):1930 household has Sarah F Barnes 73, widow, IN VA VA

[HI10265] (Research):Name: Thara Gearhart SSN: 277-03-0552 Last Residence: Ohio Born: 9 Nov 1888 Died: Feb 1963 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )

Name: Gearhart Birth Date: Est. 1889 Gender: Male Race: White Residence County: Clark Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 16 Feb 1963 Hospital of Death: Home Certificate: 98437 Age at Death: 74 Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, used for certification Marital Status: Married

CCGS Newsletter Pg 88 Summer 1997 Lightening Strikes Two Boys Who Had Hid in a Barn 9/9/1910 Champaign Democrat Struck by lightening, Thare and Charles Gearhardt, although badly wounde d, were still able to tell of their miraculous escape from death. Seeki ng shelter under a barn at the home of Edward Dunkle, near Terre Haute, t he boys were heard to scream with pain. Rushing to the barn, neighbors fou nd that the lightening had burned Thare Gearhardt on the left side, jumpi ng to his foot, where it tore part of the shoe off and his little toe. Cha rles was burned on the right side and rendered unconscious. Both boys wi ll recover.

[HI10266] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Pg 88 Summer 1997 Lightening Strikes Two Boys Who Had Hid in a Barn 9/9/1910 Champaign Democrat Struck by lightening, Thare and Charles Gearhardt, although badly wounde d, were still able to tell of their miraculous escape from death. Seeki ng shelter under a barn at the home of Edward Dunkle, near Terre Haute, t he boys were heard to scream with pain. Rushing to the barn, neighbors fou nd that the lightening had burned Thare Gearhardt on the left side, jumpi ng to his foot, where it tore part of the shoe off and his little toe. Cha rles was burned on the right side and rendered unconscious. Both boys wi ll recover.

GEARHART CHARLES C County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 5/8/1934 Volume Number: 7506 Certificate Number: 28453

[NI10269] Groom's Name: �tab�Jay Warren Little
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Newton Falls, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Nellie Berry Blose
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1879
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�21
Marriage Date: �tab�04 Dec 1900
Marriage Place: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Joseph Warren Little
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Gertrude H. Ford
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Leroy Bo Blose
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Marietta Berry
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M00002-6
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0530189
Reference Number: �tab�2:3LL50ZV

[DI10278] Name �tab�Girtrude Maud Becker
Death Date �tab�05 Feb 1938
Death Place �tab�Warren, Trumbull, Ohio
Birth Date �tab�20 Jun 1888
Estimated Birth Year �tab�
Birthplace �tab�St. Mary'S, Ohio
Death Age �tab�50 years 7 months 16 days
Gender �tab�Female
Marital Status �tab�Married
Race or Color �tab�Caucasian
Street Address �tab�R D No. 3
Occupation �tab�House Wife
Residence �tab�Newton Falls
Burial Date �tab�09 Feb 1938
Burial Place �tab�St. Mary'S, O.
Cemetery Name �tab�
Spouse's Name �tab�George E. Becker
Father's Name �tab�Wm. F. Smith
Father's Title & Terms �tab�
Father's Birthplace �tab�St. Mary'S Ohio
Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Koebel
Mother's Titles & Terms �tab�
Mother's Birthplace �tab�St. Mary'S, Ohio
Film Number �tab�2023557
Digital Folder Number �tab�4057868
Image Number �tab�433
Certificate Number �tab�fn 12393

[HI10279] (Research):Mildred does not appear in the 1930 census

[NI10280] Son of Charles Becker and Elizabeth Homier/Holmier

[BI10280] Name �tab�Geo Edward Becker
Gender �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�01 Nov 1885
Birthplace �tab�Milton, Mahoning, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�Charles F. Becker
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Lizzie F. Holmier
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C03974-6
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�906669
Reference Number �tab�11

[HI10281] (Research):Part Cherokee

[DI10281] Social Security Death Index about Willard C. Wilmoth
Name: �tab�Willard C. Wilmoth
SSN: �tab�288-20-4323
Last Residence: �tab�44428 Kinsman, Trumbull, Ohio,
Born: �tab�23 Feb 1927
Died: �tab�1 Apr 2007
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (Before 1951)
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Willard C Wilmoth
Name: �tab�Willard C Wilmoth
Birth Date: �tab�23 Feb 1927
Birth State: �tab�West Virginia
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Columbiana
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Zip Code: �tab�44428-9781
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�1 Apr 2007
Death Time: �tab�06:07 PM
Certificate: �tab�025794
Age at Death: �tab�80
Registrar's Certificate Number: �tab�029017
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Method of Disposition: �tab�Burial
Hospital Status: �tab�Emergency Room/Outpatient
Social Security Number: �tab�288-20-4323
Father's Surname: �tab�Wilmoth
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Education: �tab�9th through 12th; No Diploma
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Public Schools
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�School Bus Driver
Census Tract: �tab�39155930101

[NI10290] Champaign Co- Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg189 Mar 3, 1885 Minute Book 41 Pg397
Augusta E Snyder vs William Snyder for divorce and injunction to keep William J Snyder from going on farm of 80 acres where she lives or harassing her and her mother Mary Apple. Case continued.

[HI10290] (Research):Obit names nine children by Simon Pence Isaiah, Sarah, Jane, Susan, Daniel, Eli, Elizabeth, Samuel and Banjamin

Six chldren by Adam Apple Peter, james, Ella, Augusta, Lydia and Amanda

Champaign Co, Guardianship and Indentures Vol 1 pg 313 Jan 21, 1845 Mary A nn Pence, gdn of Jacob Pence; Sarah Jane Pence, Susannah Pence; Elizabe th Pence, minor heirs of Samuel Pence, dec'd. Surities John Hower , Andr ew Hower

[HI10291] (Research):Champaign Co Will Abstracts Book A pg 113 Noah Smith probated 7/19/1853 Nep Isiah Colbert; sis Malinda (wife of Gidwon Ward); Susan, (wife of Thom as Chance); Lucinda (wife of Steven Steinberger; Mary (wife of E L Garrett ); and Susan Smith; Sis Lydia (dec'd) heirs (widow of Noah Ward); half bro ther, John Houtz. Brother-In_law, Thomas Chance exec. wit W F Mosgrov e, A R Blanchford. signed 9/ 24/1852

[HI10293] (Research):CCGS Newsletter July/Aug 2005 Vol 21 No 3 pg 48 St paris Ohio Graduates tr anscribed June 19 1993 by Janet Evilsizor Worthington 1920 Trixie Apple

[XI10293] Spring Grove Burial record
Trixie Apple age 57
Death date 25-Jan-1960 and internment date are the same
Undertaker H F. Rozelle
Burial: section 8 lot 19 location SW �-2

Burial Spring Grove section 8 lot 19 location SW �-2 lot book page 5
Age at death 57 date of death 25-Jan-1960 internment date 28-Jan-1960
Middle initial on cemetery Marker M

[DI10294] Name: �tab�Godfrey Apple
Date: �tab�28 May 1914
Location: �tab�Union Township
Age: �tab�87 yr
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Source Location: �tab�County Health Office, Decatur
Source Notes: �tab�The source of this record is the book H-24 on page 66 within the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.

[HI10295] (Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 12 Twp 3 Range 11 ( NW 1/4) 28 Apr 1856 John Apple to Jacob Walborn, 50 acres Bk B2 Pg71

Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot ? 2/23/1876 Henry Apple to John Apple Sr, 2.5 acres Bk 49 Pg 499 Lot? 3/17/1884 John Apple Senior to Sarah J Heck, 2.25 acres Pg62 Bk462

CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 Jno Apple Sr .11

Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 John Apple Sr

St Paris Precinct Toll Book Nov 2 1880 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 John A Apple

[HI10296] (Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 12 Township 3 Range 11 ( NE 1/4) 01 Apr 1905 Sarah Shawver deceased, by will, ro D R & Amanda Barger, 84 ac res, etc bk 98 pg345

[DI10297] Name: Catharine Recher
Death date: 28 Aug 1912
Death place: Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio
Birth date: 10 Jun 1834
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Ohio
Age at death: 78 years 2 months 18 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 207 S Hopeland
Occupation: Housework
Residence: Dayton, Ohio
Burial date: 31 Aug 1912
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Zion
Spouse name:
Father name: Adam Apple
Father titles:
Father birth place: Pa
Mother name: Sarah Gochoel
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Pa
GSU film number: 1953425
Digital GS number: 4021203
Image number: 781
Reference number: fn 45391
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI10298] (Research):LEEDOM NANCY County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 9/18/1917 Volume Number: 2362 Certificate Number: 56490

[HI10299] (Research):1870 household has a Nancy Apple age 55 living

CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 Abraham Apple .37

Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 Abraham Apple

St Paris Precinct Toll Book Nov 2 1880 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 Abram Apple

APPLE ABRAHAM County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 4/7/1921 Volume Number: 3550 Certificate Number: 19744

[HI10301] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 James Apple .15

Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 James Apple

St Paris Precinct Toll Book Nov 2 1880 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 James Apple

[XI10301] Sec 1 Lot 56

[HI10302] (Research):Page 320, 1909 History Miami Co

CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 Peter Apple, .24

Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 Peter Apple

Poll Tax 11/2/1880 St Paris, OH - CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 Peter Apple

PETER APPLE, who owns 106 acres of very fine land in Lost Creek Townshi p, the old Isaac Stensman farm, was born March 12, 1849, on his father's f arm near St. Paris, Champaign, County, Ohio, and is a son of Adam and Ma ry Ann (Pence) Apple.

Adam Apple was born in Pennsylvania, of German parents. He came to Oh io in early manhood and started out in life with a sole capital of twenty- five cents, all he could call his own. Considering that he lived to be t he owner of eleven farms of eighty acres each, his material success was ve ry remarkable. He settled in the neighborhood of St. Paris, when he ca me to Ohio, and lived there at the time of his death, when aged seventy-fi ve years. He was twice married and the children born to his first union we re. Daniel, John, Adam J., Abraham, Godfrey, Lucy, Sarah, Nancy and Dav id (killed in Civil War). Some are still living. His second marriage w as to Mary Ann Pence who, died when aged sixty years. The children of th is union were: James, who is deceased; Peter; Ella; Augusta, deceased, a nd two that died in infancy.

Peter Apple remained at home in Champaign County until his own marriage, w orking for his father on the farm and in boyhood attended the district sch ools when possible. His father was a strict and frugal man and expect ed a large, amount of hard work from his sons. After marriage, Mr. Apple l ived on his own farm of seventy-eight acres, which was situated in Johns on Township, Champaign County, until 1906, when he sold it to his broth er Abraham and then bought his present property, which lies on the north s ide of the Peterson Turnpike Road, in Lost Creek Township. Mr, Apple fou nd it unnecessary to do much improving, as substantial farm buildings we re already on the place. He raises the usual grains that do well in this s ection and enough good stock for his own use.

In April, 1869, Mr. Apple was married to Miss Barbara Poorman, a daught er of Jacob Poorman, who came to Ohio from Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. App le have had the following children: Alfred, who lives near St. Paris, marr ied Annie Hawes, and they have four children-- Ella, Grace, David and Pau l; Elizabeth (deceased), who married Pierce Maggert; Maggie, who died youn g; Jacob, who operates the home farm for his father, married Doska Stur m, and they have two children-Marie and Leon and Mary, who married Charl es Curtis, a farmer in Brown Township, and has three children-Goldie and G ladys (twins), and Helen. Mr. Apple and family are members of the Luther an Church at St. Paris. In politics he is a Democrat.

[DI10302] [Apple, Peter died in Champaign County, 20 May 1923, Ohio Death Certificate]
Death Visits Apple Home - Peter Apple, a retired farmer died at his home on West Lynn street Sunday morning at 8:30.
He had suffered a stroke of paralysis over a week before and had been in an unconscious condition almost continually until death.
.Mr. Apple, who was past 74 years of age, has spent his entire life in this locality and was born on the Ed. Apple farm northwest of town.
He was united in marriage with Miss Barbara Poorman, April 29th 1869. The wife and three children survive: D. A. Apple of Sidney, Jacob L. of Sidney, Mrs. Charles Curtis of Fletcher; eleven grand children and ten great grandchildren; also one sister, Mrs. Ellen Grube, one half sister, Mrs. Sam Heck and a half brother, Eli Pence.
Funeral services were conducted by Rev. C. E. Moore from the Lutheran church Tuesday afternoon at 2:30. Interment was made in Evergreen cemetery.
Among those from out of town who attended the funeral services were Philip Draper and family, Mrs. and Mrs. Joseph Hall of Piqua, Fernando Apple, Otto Apple, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Poorman of Sidney, Alfred Poorman and son of Lima, John Poorman and family of Lena, Joe Zimmerman and wife of Ens, John Millholland, Mrs. Callie Dellhousen and daughter of Urbana, Mrs. Ellen Hamer of Troy, Mrs. and Mrs. W. J. Rroades (sic), Leon Apple, Mrs. Earl Houchen of Bellefontaine, Samuel Dorsey of Sidney and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brown of Conover.

[HI10303] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 A J Apple, .33

Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 A J Apple

St Paris Precinct Toll Book Nov 2 1880 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 A J Apple

Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( NW 1/4) (St Paris located in Sec 18) 15 Jun 1903 Mary Jane Neher to Adam J Apple, 5.25 ac Bk86Pg19

APPLE, Adam J. Death date: 1/13/1920, Champaign County Volu me #3152, Certificate #601

[HI10309] (Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( NW 1/4) (St Paris located in Sec 18) 30 Nov 1852 Quitclaim from Catherine A Apple to D A Death Bk X Pg286

[HI10311] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 Abraham Prince .11

CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 Poll Book St Paris Precinct Johnson Twp 11/2/1 880 Abraham Prince

[email protected] (Paulette Rothgeb) Here is how I can trace my roots: father:Paul Prince born in Champaign Cou nty 1917, grandfather: Dwight Prince born in 1896, gr-grandfather: Charl es Prince born in 1861, gr-gr-grandfather: Abraham Prince born in 1814, gr -gr-gr-grand Henry Prince, gr-gr-gr-gr-grand Philip Prince born between 17 70-1780 died in 1850 born in Virginia, gr-gr-gr-gr-gr-grand Johann Heinri ch Printz born in Germany came to Philadelphia, Pa in 1749. There are al ot of Prince's buried in St. Paris I think the name of the cemetary is Spr ing Grove. I also know all of their wives. Paulette

Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 255

[HI10312] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 Jonathan Shawver .23

Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 12 Township 3 Range 11 NE 1/4 10 Nov 1864 Henry Maggert to John Shawver, S 1/2 of NE 1/4 and 22 .5 acres part of NW 1/4 - Bk 35 Pg378 NE 1/4 01 Sep 1890 Jonathan Shawver to D R and Amanda Barger, S 1 /2 of NE 1/4 except 5 acres and 22.5 acres east side of NW 1/4 Bk71 Pg297 NE 1/4 01 Sep 1890 Douglas R Barger to Jonathan Shawver "see recor d" Bk 71 Pg297

Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 12 Twp 3 Range 11 ( NW 1/4) 01 Sept 1890 Jonathan Shawver to D R and Amanda barger, 22.5 acres east si de of NW 1/4 & S 1/2 of NE 1/4 except 5 acres Bk 71 Pg 297 01 Sept 1890 Douglas R Barger to Jonathan Shawver "see record" Bk 71 Pg 2 97 SE 1/4 15 May 1875 Michael Maggert to John Shawver, 27.32 ac N 1/2 Bk48 Pg 469

Funeral home records for Sara name Jonathan Shower as spouse

JONATHAN SHAWVER, carpenter and builder; P. O. St. Paris; born in wh at is now Carroll Co., Ohio, in 1821, and is a son of Daniel and Mary E. ( Shultz) Shawver; he .was a native of Pennsylvania, and she of Maryland; th ey married in Ohio, early in the nineteenth century. In 1833, be and his f amily, save the eldest son, located in Logan Co., Ohio, where Daniel purch ased 300 acres of land, to which he added until he had a sufficient amou nt to give each of his children 80 acres or its equivalent. They were four teen in number, all of whom reached maturity and married. All save two we re living when Daniel died, at the age of 84 years; and three years lat er his wife passed away at the age of 83. Our subject is the seventh so n; he was raised to farm-life and acquired his education in the common sch ools, and remaining at home until 21, when he commenced carpentering, in w hich he was well known. In the meantime, he took, in connection, the stone mason trade, which he made a success. In 1864, he purchased 90 acres of h is present farm in Sec. 12, Johnson Township, to which he has since add ed 131 acres ; this is under a good state of cultivation and improvemen t. Mr. Shawver has one of the finest locations in the township, on whi ch he erected good buildings, doing all but the plastering himsel f. He is a man of genius,and success has accompanied him through life. De c. 2, 1852, he married Sarah Apple, a native Champaign Co., Ohio, bo rn in 1832. They have three children-Mary C., wife of M. L. Lemman ; Solom on A. and Amanda M. Mr. and Mrs. Shawver have for years been members of t he Evangelical Lutheran Church, and raised their children in harmony wi th its principles.

[HI10314] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 Howard Leedom .22

Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 Howard Leedom

CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 Poll Book St Paris Precinct Johnson Twp 11/2/1 880 Howard Leedom

[HI10315] (Research):The only Sise family I am able to locate is in 1870. A John Sise age 28 li ving w Jacob Briggs family in Jackson, Twp pf 282. He may be a broth er to Phoebe.

CCGS, Book III, August 2002 by Dorothy Shaffer, Champaign Co, Ohio St Par is Newspaper Abstracts Jan 1900-1916. pg 121 6/1914 Mr and Mrs Abe App le were called to Decatur Indiana Saturday on account of the death of M rs Apples brother, Fred Apple, who was quite well known by many of his fri ends in this locality. Also had a sister Mrs Edward Grube.

Champaign County Death Index names her as Phoebe Irene APPLE PHOEBE County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 11/7/1922 Volume Number: 3993 Certificate Number: 56875

[HI10316] (Research):SUSANNA POORMAN APPLE HALL Mrs. Susanna Hall Dies in Piqua; Funeral He re Mrs. Susanna Hall, after a long illness, passed away Monday eveni ng at 9:30 at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Jess McKinney, in Piqu a, with whom she made her home. Mrs. Hall would have been 79 years of a ge this coming December. She was the daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Poor man and was born in Johnson township Champaign county. Until about 30 yea rs ago she had lived in St. Paris, where her first husband, James Apple, p assed away. The surviving children of this union are one son, John App le of Piqua and one daughter, Mrs. Philip Draper of Piqua. Her second marr iage was to Joseph Hall, who died about two years ago. She is also surviv ed by a sister, Mrs. Amanda Prince of Tippecanoe City. The late John Poorm an of this place was a brother. For many years she had been a member of t he local Lutheran church, afterwards transferring her membership to the Pr esbyterian church in Piqua. Funeral services were held in the Lutheran chu rch this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with Rev. Lunen of Piqua, in charge ass isted by Rev. Carl Kammeyer. Burial was made in Evergreen cemetery. (Undat ed obit from unnamed newspaper: Susanna born 1849; died 3 September 1928 M iami County, Ohio (Ohio Death Certificate Index); buried Evergreen Cemeter y, St. Paris, Champaign County, Ohio)

[XI10318] This cemetery marker has death as 24-Apr-1879
The Ohio Death and Burials 1854-1997 has transcribed death date of 25-Apr-1879
Henry Apple 18 Dec 1795 - 24 Apr 1873 (source karen heber)

[HI10319] (Research):If I have my research correct my gr gr gr grandmother was Mary (Polly) Gundrum and her maiden name was Gottshall. In 1938 Jacob and Mary Gundrum stopped for a year or somewhere in Ohio and my great great grandfather was born. I believe they stayed near Henry and Catherine Gottshall. They went onto Indiana and stopped in Terre Haute and then to Pulaski County and both Indiana locations had Gottshalls in the area. Did Henry and Catherine have a daughter that relocated to Pulaski County Indiana?
My great grandfathers name was William Gundrum born in Ohio in 1838.
Thanks Richard Gundrum (April 2011 [email protected])

[HI10320] (Research):Subj:George Apple ancestry info Date:9/1/2000 9:10:17 PM Mountain Daylight Time From:[email protected] To:EVILSIZER3

Hello, my name is Sharon Apple. My husband, Kenneth D. Apple, is the grea t-great-great grandson of George Apple (Appel/Abel), who was born 11-30-17 97 in Pine Grove Township in Berks Co., Pennsylvania. He was marri ed to a Susanna Mertz, b. 11-15-1798 in Snyder Co., PA. Both are buri ed in the St. Peters Lutheran Church cemetery in Freeburg, PA. I've se en both their tombstones. I'm wondering if our George Apple is the sa me as your George Apple. My husband grew up just 10 or so miles from Free burg and we've visited the area often, especially while I was doing geneal ogy research about 15 years ago. Ken's uncle, Elmer Apple, has the Geor ge Apple family Bible, with the family history written inside. George's f ather, according to the Bible and to local family history, was Heinrich Ab el (Henry Apple), b. 8-31-1770, d. 2-19-1837, married to a Catherine Hetze l, b. 9-21-1772 and d. 9-15-1855. The locations of their births and deat hs are unknown, but both were apparently from Pine Grove Township, Berks County., PA. If you have any information you would be willing to share, I'd ap preciate it. Thank you, Sharon D. Apple

[HI10321] (Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 12 Twp 3 Range 11 ( NW 1/4) 04 Oct 1843 D Maggert to John Apple, 50 acres Bk R Pg357

[HI10325] (Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( NW 1/4) (St Paris located in Sec 18) 05 Mar 1855 William Abbott to Samuel Apple, 4 acres Bk A2Pg402 27 Sep 1856 Samuel Apple to Edward Runkle, 4 acres Bk B2 Pg252

Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( NW 1/4) (St Paris located in Sec 18) Lot ? 2/17/1859 Martin Frank to Samuel Apple, 3 acres Bk 30 Pg 617

Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 Samuel Apple, Sr

St Paris, Oct 23, 1880 Samuel Apple died at res Sunday evening. He was 71 years old and leav es a large family. Funeral Tuesday, at the E V L Church by Rev A Hewlig

[HI10327] (Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( NW 1/4) (St Paris located in Sec 18) 05 Mar 1840 Daniel Putnam to Peter Apple, W 1/2 BkQ Pg245 13 Dec 1841 Peter Apple to John Shank, 15 acres on south end of W 1 /2 Bk Q Pg663

PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Record Book 20 pg 22 Fiedl Oct 9, 1843 Petition to sell land Daniel A Death, Admin of Peter Apple deceased vs Catherine Apple and others. Peter Apple died seized of 65 acres located in the west half of the NW 1 /4 of section 18 twp 3 range 11 (Johnson) Peters heir's were; Catherine Ap ple, widow; Adam, Catherine, Henry and Sarah Apple. The court appointed ap priasers were: Samuel pence, William B Vinell and Jacob Batdorf. Twenty-fg ive acres were purchased by John Barber for $155.75 on May 11, 1844

Record Book 24, Page 503- Filed 14 June 1853- Petition for Partition Dani el A. Death vs Sarah Apple & Henry Apple Peter Apple died owning the north-west quarter of the west half of the nor th-west quarter of Section 18 Township 3 Range 11 (Johnson Township), a ll except 15 acres which had been sold to pay debts. Peter Apple's heir s: Adam Apple; Catharine Apple; and minors, Sarah Apple and Henry Apple. A dam & Catharine Apple had sold their shares to Daniel Death.

[HI10330] (Research):1870 Census has Isaiah Thatcher age 22 in household and son Absalom Thatch er, age 15. This Isaiah is actual Isaiah Huffman, her son by David Huffman

Page 192 24 December 1897, Saint Paris News Mrs. Hannah Thatcher, one of our oldest citizens, daughter of Henry Ab el or Apple as it is written this day in the community. She died at her h ome in St. Paris, Tuesday, Dec 21, 1897. She was the youngest of sever al children. Samuel Apple and Mrs. Daniel Death, lately deceased were h er brother and sister. She was the mother of Daniel, Isaac, Henry, Isai ah by her first husband and Absalom Thatcher, by her second husband. S he had lived a widow of Absalom Thatcher for many years. She was marri ed to her first husband David Huffman before 1843. She was born in Uni on County, Pennsylvania, March 21, 1816, came with her father's fami ly to Montgomery County, Ohio when only a small child. She was 81 year s, 8 months 27 days of age. The funeral was Thursday, by Rev. G. H. Schnu r. Burial took place in the old Lutheran Cemetery north of town. She al so had a brother Adam Apple who died several years ago.

[XI10339] EVILSIZER, EDGAR M TEC 5 US ARMY VETERAN SERVICE DATES: 03/26/1942 - 09/28/1945 DATE OF BIRTH: 05/21/1913 DATE OF DEATH: 01/16/1965 DATE OF INTERMENT: 01/20/1965 BURIED AT: SECTION H SITE 1281-A GOLDEN GATE NATIONAL CEMETERY Last known address: 1300 Sneath Lane San Bruno , CA 94066

[NI10340] Dau of John Knapp and Samantha Michaels

[DI10340] California Death Index, 1940-1997
about Alice G Evilsizer
Name: �tab�Alice G Evilsizer
Sex: �tab�Female
Birth Date: �tab�20 Mar 1885
Birthplace: �tab�England
Death Date: �tab�12 Feb 1966
Death Place: �tab�San Mateo

[HI10341] (Research):Urbana Citizen, Tuesday, March 6, 1973 Mrs Bertha M BUCK, 85, of 209 W Baird St, West Liberty, died in her ho me at 10:50 A.M. Monday. She had been ill for three years. A member of t he United Church of Christ of West Liberty, she was born in Ross County, J uly 24, 1887, a daughter of Charles E and Mary C (TRAUB) ROTROFF. Mrs Bu ck is survived by a son Howard of West Liberty ; a grandson, Lowell BU CK of West Liberty; four great grandchildren; a brother, C A ROTROFF of We st Liberty Route Two, and two sisters, Mrs Leona KING of Springfield and M rs Gerturde COOPER of Bellefontaine. Her husband, Staley BUCK, died Feb 1 0, 1959, and three brothers are deceased., Friends may call at the Kauffm an Funeral Home, West Liberty., Wednesday afternoon and evening. Servic es will be held in the funeral home at 2 P.M. Thursday, with the Rev Milt on Sumerel, pastor of the United Church of Christ in charge. Burial wi ll be in Fairview Cemetery, West Liberty

[DI10342] Name: Anna S. Burnham
Death date: 04 May 1933
Death place: Mechanicsburg, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date: 13 Mar 1848
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Ohio
Age at death: 85 years 1 month 21 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Retired
Residence: Mechanicsburg, Ohio
Burial date: 06 May 1933
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Forest Grove
Spouse's name: L. A. Burnham
Father's name: John Longbrake
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace:
Mother's name: Emeline Moore
Informant Mrs R A Thomas
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace:
GSU film number: 1992877
Digital GS number: 4001880
Image number: 1920
Reference number: fn 37326
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[DI10344] California Death Index, 1940-1997 Name: Earl F Evensizer Social Security #: 554036780 Sex: MALE Birth Date: 7 Nov 1895 Birthplace: North Dakota Death Date: 15 Aug 1975 Death Place: Santa Clara

[NI10345] Dau of John Pitmon and Rhoda Northway

[DI10349] Name: �tab�M Katherine Pence
[M Katherine McMaken]
Birth Date: �tab�6 Oct 1914
Birth County: �tab�Miami
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Death Date: �tab�4 Jun 1995
Death Time: �tab�10:00 AM
Hospital of Death: �tab�Long-Term Care Facilities
County of Death: �tab�Miami
Certificate: �tab�048204
Age at Death: �tab�80
Hospital Status: �tab�Other/Nursing Home
Social Security Number: �tab�276-12-5816
Father's Surname: �tab�McMaken
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Konz
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Education: �tab�12
Armed Forces Indicator: �tab�No
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Own Home/At Home
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Housewife/Homemaker
Primary Registration District: �tab�5500

[HI10356] (Research):Champaaign Co Centennial 1902 pg 535 has a bio of Marion Guthridge born 9/ 1848 in Champaign co, OH to William Guthride and Fanny Kimball. Unab le to find in census to verify.

[HI10367] (Research):San Quentin was established in July 1852 at Point Quentin in Marin coun ty as an answer to the rampant lawlessness in California at that time. Dur ing its construction, inmates slept on the prison ship, the Waban, at nig ht and labored to build the new prison during the day. San Quentin hous ed both male and female inmates until 1933 when the women's prison at Teha chapi was built.

Teddy was sentenced for 1-5 years in San Quintin for car theft 6-11-195 3. He was denied parole each year until he served 5 years. He was releas ed on parole 6/11/1958. His indentification card (copy scanned to CD) sa ys he was 5' 9" with blue eyes and brown hair. His occupation was a hot el worker in Santa Barbara, CA. He was single at this time

Name: Theodore D Evilsisor Social Security #: 570263876 Sex: MALE Birth Date: 10 May 1921 Birthplace: Kansas Death Date: 24 Feb 1976 Death Place: Sacramento

[HI10368] (Research):From:[email protected] (Tony M) Chester W. Evilsizer, is my father. Born 7-4-1928. Died 8-8-59. His fath er was Edward Evilsizer, mother's maiden name, is Beulah Oehring. Also, Rose Anne Evilsizer, she was my aunt and I am named after her. S he is also the daughter of Beulah and Ed Evilsizer.

California Death Index, 1940-1997 Name: Chester William Evilsizer Social Security #: 509265022 Sex: MALE Birth Date: 4 Jul 1928 Birthplace: Missouri Death Date: 8 Aug 1959 Death Place: Los Angeles Mother's Maiden Name: Orring Father's Surname: Evilsizer

[HI10369] (Research):Death Certificate Transcription for: Joseph Arnold Evilsizer Date of Death: 12/10/1994 at 2120 hours Age: 50 Death Certificate #1994003251 State File #: --------- Volume 0168, Page 0735 of Sonoma County Recorder's Office microfilm male, Caucasian, born 9/231944 in OH Father's name: unknown Mother's name: Jennie -----------born in OH Social Security # 263-68-8616 Occupation: silk screener for 15 years Place of death: 517 "A" Street, Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, CA Last residence: 517 "A" Street, Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, CA Informant: Stacy Tompkins (daughter), 1900 Cardinal Way, Fairfield, CA 945 33 Physician: Mara V. Saulitis, MD, 3325 Chanate Road, Santa Rosa, CA Lic #G0 77852 Cause of death: cardiopulmonary arrest (1 day) AIDS (8 year s) Cremation and removal of remains to daughter's residence in Fairfiel d, CA not embalmed Funeral Home: Pacific Interment Service George Flores, MD, Coroner

California Death index indicates mothers maiden name was also Evilsizer. When I received the SS Application for Joseph, they blacked out the nam es of the parents. I used the place of birth in Muskinggum Co, Ohio as a s ource. Jennie Evilsizer was born there. Also, his SS Application was ma de in 1960 in Lakeland, Florida, which is where Jennie lived.

[NI10371] Dau of Charles Reams and Fannie Middlekauff

[DI10371] Name: �tab�Lorna Mae Evensizer
[Lorna Mae Reames]
Social Security #: �tab�479075939
Sex: �tab�FEMALE
Birth Date: �tab�5 Feb 1915
Birthplace: �tab�Iowa
Death Date: �tab�25 Nov 1994
Death Place: �tab�Los Angeles
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Middlekauff

[NI10373] name: �tab�David Bea Grove
event: �tab�Marriage
event place (standardized): �tab�Champaign, Ohio, United States
event place (other): �tab�
age: �tab�25
estimated birth year: �tab�1890
birth date: �tab�
birthplace: �tab�
father: �tab�Cephus Brown Grove
father's �tab�
mother: �tab�Sarah Mauck
mother's �tab�
spouse: �tab�Oma Dunn Crumrine
spouse's �tab�
spouse's age: �tab�22
spouse's estimated birth year: �tab�1893
spouse's birthplace: �tab�
spouse's father: �tab�Homer Crumrine
spouse's father's �tab�
spouse's mother: �tab�Fannie Georganna Dunn
spouse's mother's �tab�
reference number: �tab�p92
film number: �tab�545416
digital folder number: �tab�004016845
image number: �tab�00085
Citing this Record "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 11 Nov 2012), David Bea Grove and Oma Dunn Crumrine, 1915; citing reference p92, FHL microfilm 545416.

Champaign Co- Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, Champaign Co- Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg76 Nov 2, 1918 Min Bk 64 pg42 Oma Dunn Grove vs David Bea Grove for divorce on gross neglect and extreme cruelty. Divorce granted, her name respoted to Oma Dunn Crumrine.

[DI10374] Name: �tab�Linda J Evensizer
Social Security #: �tab�0
Sex: �tab�FEMALE
Birth Date: �tab�27 Dec 1943
Birthplace: �tab�Illinois
Death Date: �tab�13 Dec 1945
Death Place: �tab�Los Angeles
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Reames
FATHER'S SURNAME: �tab�Evensizer

[DI10400] ????
Social Security Death Index about Elmer Arthur
Name: �tab�Elmer Arthur
SSN: �tab�289-07-8018
Last Residence: �tab�32970 Wabasso, Indian River, Florida,
Born: �tab�18 Sep 1898
Died: �tab�Sep 1969
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (Before 1951)

[NI10423] Living 9-17-2004

[DI10423] Social Security Death Index about Anna M. Evilsizor
Name: �tab�Anna M. Evilsizor
SSN: �tab�572-70-8131
Last Residence: �tab�94526 Danville, Contra Costa, California,
Born: �tab�2 Oct 1908
Died: �tab�25 Jul 2008
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�California (1963)

[HI10434] (Research): searched the Contra Costa Times from 7/5 through 7/10 and didn't find t he obit. So sorry. This is the only local newspaper of the area.
Lisa Gorrell ROAGK volunteer

Name: Suzanne Marie Evilsizor Birth Date: 20 Dec 1933 Gender: Female Mother's Maiden Name: Helfrick Birth County: Alameda

[DI10439] Name: �tab�Charles G Barber
Event Type: �tab�Death
Event Date: �tab�15 Feb 1916
Event Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Residence Place: �tab�
Address: �tab�Hillside Ave.
Gender: �tab�Male
Age: �tab�3
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Race: �tab�W
Occupation: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Birth Year (Estimated): �tab�1913
Burial Date: �tab�17 Feb 1916
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery: �tab�Ferncliff Cem.
Father's Name: �tab�Us J. Barber
Father's Titles and Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�New York City
Mother's Name: �tab�Rosa M. Hesselgesser
Mother's Titles and Terms: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Spouse's Titles and Terms: �tab�
File Number: �tab�fn 9018
GS Film number: �tab�1983643
Digital Folder Number: �tab�004024445
Image Number: �tab�00683
Sources"Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 25 Nov 2013), Charles G Barber, 15 Feb 1916; citing Springfield, Clark, Ohio, reference fn 9018; FHL microfilm 1983643.

[DI10450] Austin American-Statesman (TX) - January 1, 1997 Deceased Name: RICHARD DEAN EVILSIZER Richard Dean Evilsizer, age 61, of Austin, died Tuesday, December 31, 1996 . Richard went to be with the Lord, leaving to cherish his memories his wi fe of 42 years, Jo Ann Evilsizer; daughters, Tina Flores and husband Robe rt and Tammy Evilsizer, all of Austin; son, Richard Evilsizer, Jr. of Dall as; and seven grandchildren. Funeral services will be held 2:00 p.m., Thur sday, January 2, 1997, at Harrell Funeral Home Chapel in Austin, with Reve rend James W. Abington officiating. Interment in Live Oak Cemetery. Arrang ements by Harrell Funeral Home in Austin, 443-1366.

�tab�DATE OF BIRTH: 08/31/1935
�tab�DATE OF DEATH: 12/31/1996
�tab�(916) 335-2221
He is interred in Ft Sam Houston in Houston.

[HI10453] (Research):August 7, 1960Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shaffer in Bernalillo, parents of Thel ma Byrd, had five of their eight children here for a reunion these last t wo weeks. Mrs Mary Gaines, Hodge, La; Louis Shaffer, Metarie, La; Thelm a, Kay, and Frank Jr. here. Also Neice Grace Williams, Springfield, Ohi o; and a nephew, Rush Titus, Champaign, Ill. This is taken from the Alame da Church paper.

[BI10453] Name �tab�Frank D. Shafer
Gender �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�14 Nov 1877
Birthplace �tab�German Twp., Clark, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�Andrew Shafer
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Evilsizer
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C01963-8
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�466657
Reference Number �tab�v 1 p 350

[HI10458] (Research):Name: Meredith Lynn Evilsizer Date of Birth: 29 Jul 1988 Gender: Female Birth County: Bexar Father's name: Thomas Michael Evilsizer Mother's name: Stella Ann Hahne Roll Number: 1988_0006

[XI10458] Sulphur Fork Cemetery
�b�From Doddridge go south on US Hwy 71 for about 1.7 miles then turn right or west on Miller County Road 4 and go about .2 mile and the cemetery will be on your left. Directions provided by Betty Sharp �/b�

�tab�SP4 US ARMY
�tab�DATE OF BIRTH: 04/16/1955
�tab�DATE OF DEATH: 05/27/2013
�tab�BURIED AT: SECTION 72 SITE 82 Click to view the cemetery map
�tab�(210) 820-3891

[HI10485] (Research):Name: Dahlia Pena Date of Birth: 4 Jul 1956 Gender: Female Birth County: Bexar Father's name: Emilio Pena JR. Mother's name: Julia Alarcon Alvarez Roll Number: 1956_0012

El Paso Times, June 10, 1999 Dahlia "DeeDee" Evilsizer, 42, passed away, June 7, 1999, a reside nt of El Paso for 15 years. She was preceded in death by her father, Emil io Pena, Jr and brother David Pena, and is survived by her sons, Trinity W ayne Evilsizer and Timothy Wayde Evilsizer; Mother Julia A Pena; Sister, P almira and husband Willard P Fraser; niece and nephews, Jasmine, Javier a nd Manolo; grandmother, Maurilla Alvarez; host of family and friends. Visi tation will be Friday from 5-9 p.m. at Kaster-Maxon & Futrell Northeast C hapel, 8817 Dye. memorial service will be at 7 p.m. Friday at the funer al home. Cremation to follow. Interment of Cremains in Restlawn Memorial p ark Cemetery at a later date,

Texas Death Index, 1903-2000 Name: Danlia Evilsizer Death Date: 7 Jun 1999 Death County: El Paso

[XI10485] Plot: Chapel Mausoleum Columbarium B, Niche 212 (Cremated)

[HI10486] (Research):Footstone: "R.D.H."

[HI10490] (Research):1860 St Clair Co, IL Mortality Schedule UEBELSEISER, ISSAC KENTUCKY 27 MALE MARRIED PNEUMONIA/MAY

[HI10494] (Research):Texas Death Index, 1903-2000 Name: Jimmy Evilsizer Death Date: 25 Dec 1992 Death County: Bexar Gender: Male

[BI10494] Name: �tab�Jiimes G Evelsizer
Birth Date: �tab�26 Jan 1927
State File Number: �tab�1927000853
Additional Information: �tab�John

[DI10496] Name: Amy Marie Evilsizer Date of Birth: 25 Feb 1975 Gender: Female Birth County: Bexar Father's name: Robert Charles Evilsizer Mother's name: Patricia Jeanne Ehrhart Roll Number: 1975_0005
Name: Amy Evilsizer Death Date: 27 Feb 1975 Death County: Bexar Gender: Female

Name : Amy Marie Evilsizer
Death date : 27 Feb 1975
Death place : Lackland Air Force Base, Bexar, Texas
Birth date : 2-25-1972
Birth place : Willford Hall USAF Medical Center, Lackland AFB
Residence: 9711 Bear Creek St, San Antonio, TX
Age at death : 2 days
Gender : Female
Marital status :
Race or color :
Spouse name :
Father name : Robert C. Evilsizer
Mother name : Patricia Ehrhart
informant-Official Hosp records
COD respiratory arres, premature infant, persistent fetal circulation
Burial 2/28/1975 to Dunkirk, IN
Digital GS number : 4005480
Image number : 573
Collection : Texas Deaths, 1890-1976

[HI10508] (Research):Living at 1518 E 11th St Pueblo, Co, in 2000

Thomas Evilsizer. I checked the 3 city cemeteries; Thomas Evilsizer is not buried in any of them. I checked the obit index; he does not appear. I checked the city directory for 2001. There was a Gladis and Thomas Evilsizer, both living at 1633 Gaylord Avenue. Apt. #6. Thomas was listed as retired. Neither appear in the 2002 directory.


[XI10508] Plot: Section J, Row 1, Site C SPC US Army Viet Nam

�tab�DATE OF BIRTH: 04/28/1949
�tab�DATE OF DEATH: 06/26/2001
�tab�BURIED AT: SECTION J ROW 1 SITE C Click to view the cemetery map
�tab�15700 COUNTY ROAD HH LAS ANIMAS, CO 81054
�tab�(303) 761-0117

[HI10511] (Research):Name: William A Tritt Death Date: 22 May 1941 County of Death: Champaign

[DI10511] Name: William Archibald Tritt

Death Date: 22 May 1941
Death Place: Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date:
Estimated Birth Year: 1864
Death Age: 77 years 10 months 11 days
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Race or Color:
Street Address:
Burial Date:
Burial Place:
Cemetery Name:
Spouse's Name: Ida
Father's Name: Randolph Tritt
Father's Title & Terms:
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Sarah Stewart
Mother's Birthplace:
Film Number: 2023898
Digital Folder Number: 4024462
Image Number: 2280
Certificate Number: fn 28234
Collection: Ohio Deaths, 1908-1953

[HI10518] (Research):Richard J. Faulkner April 19, 1925 - February 28, 2000 Visitation: March 01, 2000 Service: March 02, 2000 Cemetery: Nettlecreek Cemetery Richard J. Faulkner, 74, passed away Monday, February 28, 2000, at 2:49 A .M. at Doctors' Hospital West, Franklin County. He was born April 19, 19 25, in Champaign County Ohio, the son of Alpha C. and Edith (Evilsizor) Fa ulkner. He was a member of the Westville United Methodist Church, a 50 ye ar member of K. of P. Lodge, Westville. He was a life long farmer of Ch ampaign County, he served on the Champaign Landmark Board for 12 years a nd in 1999 was chosen as Champaign County Farmer of the year along with h is son, Lenny. Survivors include his wife of 49 years, Olajeane (Stradli ng) Faulkner of Urbana, Ohio, two daughters and sons-in-law, Toni Lee a nd Jerry Cain of Urbana, Ohio, Trixi Lyn and Terry Myers of Ostrander, Ohi o; one son and daughter-in-law, Lenny Dee and Zoe Ellen Faulkner of Urban a; sisters Edna Shaffer of Urbana, Zelpha and Russell Arnold of Urbana, Le ah Ludlow of Saint Paris, Ohio, Lillian and Guy Parrott of Saint Paris, Oh io, and Frances Laughman of Urbana; brother, Herbert and Betty Faulkn er of Urbana; Donald and Sandy Faulkner of West Liberty, Ohio; Nelson a nd Jane Faulkner of Saint Paris; eleven grandchildren, Luke, Andrew, and A manda Smith, Allen and Ashley Cain, Kirby, Kelsey, and Shelby Faulkner, a nd Mandy, Makala, and Tanner Myers, and two great grandsons, Drew Smi th and Blake Miller, several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in dea th by his parents, and brother Elden Faulkner, sisters-in-law Margaret Fau lkner, Harriett Faulkner, and brothers-in-law Charles Laughman, Lee Ludlo w, and Lester Shaffer. Following his wishes, his body will be cremate d. A gathering of family and friends will be held on Wednesday, from 2 -4 and 6-8 the LITTLETON & RUE FUNERAL HOME, Urbana, where Knigh ts of Pythias services will be held at 8:00 P.M. Memorial services wi ll be held at 11:00 A.M. Thursday with the Reverends Frank James and Willi am Turner officiating. Burial will be in the Nettlecreek Cemetery

(Cremated, but ashes at Nettle Creek Cemetery)

Name: RICHARD J FAULKNER Gender: Male Date of Death: February 28, 2000 Birth Date: April 19, 1925 Volume: 32605 Certificate: 089604 Autopsy: N Social Security Number: 286261261 Father's Surname: FAULKNER Time of Death: 2:49 PM Marital Status: married Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic Place of Death: hospital/inpatient Years of Schooling: 12 Certifier: Physician Branch of Service: Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: EVILSIZOR Race: White Birth Place: CHAMPAIGN, Ohio Residence: URBANA, CHAMPAIGN, Ohio Age: 74 years

[HI10520] (Research):Littleton Rue Funeral Home Obituary Notices Alton M. Gentis, 83 Valley Pike Urbana, where he lived on the family fa rm all his life, passed away Sunday, December 5, 1999 in Mercy Memorial H ospital. He was born August 22, 1916 in Champaign County, Ohio the s on of Clifford and Effie (Furrow) Gentis. He was Past Master of Harmony L odge No. 8 F.& A.M., Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias, Board of Direct ors for the Westville Grain Company for 44 years, and was a member of t he Board of Education in the Mad River Schools and served for many yea rs on the Board of Elections. Mr. Gentis won the first Tractor Pull ever h eld at the Champaign County Fair. He was a farmer and a rural Mail Carri er for twenty years. Survivors include his wife of 60 years, Ruth Ann ( Gard), one daughter and son-in-law, Jo Ann and Dan Trostel, of Urbana, fo ur sons and daughters-in-law, Daniel and Janet Gentis, of Urbana, Richa rd and Dianne Gentis of Piqua, Ronald and Sue Gentis of Springfield, Dav id and Sandra Gentis of Urbana, one sister Lillian Brookhart of Tipp Cit y, Ohio, eight grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. He was preced ed in death by his parents and one brother Milford Gentis. Private grave side services will be held at the convenience of the family. Masonic and K nights of Pythians Services will be held at the graveside. Burial wi ll be in Terre Haute Cemetery. Memorial Contributions may be made to t he donors favorite charity or church. Express condolences to the family t hru

[DI10521] Name: �tab� Roy E. Ebilsisor
Birth Date: �tab� 28 May 1900
Death Date: �tab� 21 Dec 1963
Death County: �tab� Lake
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab� Armstrong
State File Number: �tab� 010079
Certificate Number: �tab� 010079
Certificate Year: �tab� 1963
Record Number: �tab� 1554736

[DI10522] Name: �tab� Lula May Brown
Birth Date: �tab� 5 May 1900
Death Date: �tab� 19 Jan 1985
Death County: �tab� Hennepin
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab� Heath
State File Number: �tab� 000990
Certificate Number: �tab� 000990
Certificate Year: �tab� 1985
Record Number: �tab� 2169392

[XI10522] Name: �tab� Lula May Brown
Service Info.: �tab� PFC US ARMY
Birth Date: �tab� 5 May 1900
Death Date: �tab� 19 Jan 1985
Relation: �tab� Wife Of Brown, Earle M
Interment Date: �tab� 22 Jan 1985
Cemetery: �tab� Ft. Snelling National Cemetery
Cemetery Address: �tab� 7601 34th Avenue, South Minneapolis, MN 55450
Buried At: �tab� Section D Site 4056

[HI10523] (Research):Changed spelling to Evilsisor. Photos of tombstones on CD. Frank went to Placer Co Calif sometime after 1920. His brother Dudley was in Placer County in the 1920 Census.

[HI10525] (Research):Married second to Mr Smith
Rachel was my husband's grandfather Isaac Harrison's younger half siste r. Barbara Marrs My husband's grandfather was Isaac Harrison was from JH and his second wi fe Talitha Cumi. JH's first wife was Martha Landers. It does not appear that Martha and Ta litha were sisters. I have Talitha's parents and siblings, possibly th ey were cousins. Martha and JH did not have any children. [email protected]

[DI10526] Montana Death Index, 1860-2007 about Charles Evilsisor
Name: �tab�Charles Evilsisor
Age: �tab�73
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�abt 1877
Gender: �tab�Male
Death Date: �tab�24 Jul 1950
Death County: �tab�Cascade
Index Number: �tab�Cas 2537
Source: �tab�Montana Office of Vital Statistics

[HI10533] (Research):EUGENE "GENE" GERHARDT 82, of Springfield, died at 4:30 a.m. Wednesday, Fe bruary 26, 2003 in the Ohio Masonic Home. He graduated from Enon High Scho ol and attended college at U.C. Berkeley and the University of Southern Ca lifornia in Los Angeles, California. He retired from Navistar after 14 yea rs of employment as a layout inspector and he worked at Morris Bean and Co mpany for 16 years a draftsman. He was a member of the Pearl Harbor Surviv ors Association having been at Pearl Harbor the day of the Japanese attac k. He served in the United States Navy for six years and four months and h ad seven battle stars from the South Pacific War. He was a 35 year memb er of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF) Yellow Springs Lodge 27 9. He is survived by his wife Mary of 54 years; a son and daughter-in-la w, Roger and Robin Gerhardt of Kent, Ohio; a daughter and son-in-law, Mari lyn Gerhardt and Peter Valentine; two grandchildren, Rebecca and Richard V alentine of Huntsville, Alabama; a brother and sister-in-law, Kyle and Ru th Gerhardt of Springfield; a sister-in-law, Helen Gerhardt also of Spring field; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his par ents, Sherwood and Eleanor (Dunn) Gerhardt and a brother, Wayne Gerhard t. Funeral services will be held in the JONES-KENNEY-ZECHMAN FUNERAL HO ME at 11 a.m. Monday with Rev. Bonny Kinnunen and Rev. Kay Glaesner offici ating. Visitation will be held on Sunday from 2-5 p.m. in the funeral hom e. Burial will be in Glen Haven Memorial Gardens. In lieu of flowers, plea se make contributions to the American Cancer Society.

[HI10541] (Research):Name: �tab�Norma Sultzbach
SSN: �tab�276-12-5072
Last Residence: �tab�44720 Canton, Stark, Ohio
Born: �tab�25 Sep 1905
Died: �tab�21 Dec 2007
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (Before 1951 )

[NI10543] room's Name: �tab�Charles E. Jones
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�12 Mar 1892
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�New Moorefield, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Iva F. Frederick
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�27 Jul 1884
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�New Carlisle, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�28
Marriage Date: �tab�16 Oct 1912
Marriage Place: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Geo Jones
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Fannie T Ray
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Saml E. Frederick
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Lydia Frantz
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single

[HI10544] (Research):The Kansas City Star, June 13, 1994 pg B3 Clarence V McCartney, 74, northeast Kansas City died June 11, 1994 at t he home. Services willbe at 1 p m Tuesday at the Blackman Chapel; buri al in Mount Washington Cemetery. Friends may call from 6-8 p.m. today at t he chapel. Mr McCartney was born in Breckenridge, MO and moved to Kansas C ity 50 years ago. He was a millwright for General Mills Co for 32 years, r etiring in 1980. He was an army veteran of World War II and a member of t he Veterans of Foreign Wars. He was a member of the General Mills 25 ye ar club. Survivors include a son, Michael D McCartney, Kansas City; thr ee daughters, Janet Williams, Lees' Summitt; Mary P McCartney, Kansas Ci ty and nancy S Chowning, Clinton, MO; two sisters, Edwina Lewis, Ludlo w, MO and Betty Evilsizer, Grandview; and three grandchildren.

[NI10554] Dau Isaac McKinney (1806-1878) and Mary Jane Van Dane

[HI10554] (Research):1850 Elkhart Co, Concord, IN lived next door to her parents

[HI10555] (Research):1900 Carey, Erasmus IN OH OH Lived in: Clinton Township, Shelby County, Ohio Series: T623 Microfilm: 1321 Book: 1 Page: 53

1880 Census Place:Franklin, Shelby, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1255066 National Archives Film T9-1066 Page 10 6B Theadore E. CAREYSelfMMW30INFa: U.S.Mo: U.S. Sophronia A. CAREYOtherFMW30OHFa: VAMo: VA John B. KRISESSonMSW9OHFa: OHMo: OH Clyde C. CAREYSonMSW1OHFa: OHMo: OH

[HI10556] (Research):Walter M Casey
Age: 27 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0111
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0289
County: Miami
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Sarah B 24 Ohio Son William K 02 Ohio Son Charles E NR Ohio Grandmother Eliza A Carey 77 N J Father Riley M 57 IRE

Carey, Riley M. Lived in: Monroe Township, Miami County, Ohio 1900 Series: T623 Microfilm: 1304 Book: 2 Page: 162 Elia M Rhodehamel 10/1832 67, divorced, 3/2 Riley M Carey, son, 3/1853 Wd

[DI10561] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Harry E Woodard
Name: �tab�Harry E Woodard
Birth Date: �tab�1883
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Clark
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�17 Dec 1973
Hospital of Death: �tab�Mercy Medical Center
City of Death: �tab�Springfield
County of Death: �tab�Clark
Certificate: �tab�091965
Age at Death: �tab�90
Certifier: �tab�Physician
County of Injury: �tab�Clark
Marital Status: �tab�Married

[DI10562] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Ida J Woodard
Name: �tab�Ida J Woodard
Birth Date: �tab�1878
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Clark
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�6 Jun 1975
Hospital of Death: �tab�Mercy Medical Center
City of Death: �tab�Springfield
County of Death: �tab�Clark
Certificate: �tab�040188
Age at Death: �tab�97
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed

[HI10564] (Research):Name: James A. Staley SSN: 478-24-3214 Born: 16 Jan 1908 Died: 10 Mar 1989 State (Year) SSN issued: Iowa (Before 1951 )

[HI10565] (Research):Name: Alma M. Staley SSN: 484-54-9448 Last Residence: 50595 Webster City, Hamilton, Iowa, United States of Amer ica Born: 12 Oct 1920 Died: 20 Nov 1996 State (Year) SSN issued: Iowa (1962 )

[NI10574] Groom's Name: �tab�Floyd R Coon
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�29 Jun 1906
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�South Vienna, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Anna B Woodard
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�18 Oct 1908
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Tremont, Clark County, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�16 Jul 1927
Marriage Place: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�James H Coon
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Eva Miller
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Harry E Woodard
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Ida French
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M86852-3
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�466638
Reference Number: �tab�2:3K5ZDWF

[DI10574] Springfield News Sun Sunday March 9, 2003 ANNA B. (WOODARD) KISSELL 94, of Springfield died Saturday, March 8, 20 03 in the Ohio Masonic Home. She was born October 18, 1908 in Tremont Cit y, Ohio the daughter of Harry E. and Ida (FRENCH) WOODARD. Anna was a grad uate of Tremont City High School and involved in music all her life. She w as a piano instructor for 40 years and played and instructed the organ f or over 22 years and was the funeral home organist for 25 years. Anna w as the choir director beginning at Tremont City United Methodist Church a nd then at Grace Columbus Avenue and Lagonda United Methodist Churches. S he was a member of the Lagonda United Methodist Church; began the Children 's Junior Choir in 1948; and was a member of the Ruth Circle of the Churc h. She is survived by a son, Dale (Marilyn) KISSELL of Springfield; a daug hter, Carol (Harry) FEDERSPILL of Indianapolis, Indiana; two brothers, Wil liam WOODARD of Springfield and Edwin WOODARD of Witter, California; a si ster, Marjorie BURK of Springfield; nine grandchildren; nine great-grandch ildren; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her h usband, Eldon W. KISSELL, in August of 1994; a daughter, Donna ZERKLE in N ovember of 2002; and three sisters, Helen MCINTIRE, Dorothy EVILSIZER a nd Bernice DEMINT. Her body was entrusted to the WOODS- ALLGIER FUNERAL HO ME where friends may call Tuesday from 5-7 p.m. Funeral services will be h eld in the funeral home Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. with Rev. Barbara Wiech el officiating. Interment will follow in Ferncliff Cemetery. Memorial cont ributions may be directed to the Lagonda United Methodist Church, 2030 Mit chell Boulevard, Springfield, Ohio, 45503

[HI10576] (Research):Name: Marjorie L. Burke SSN: 277-05-7226 Last Residence: 45506 Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States of Ameri Born: 29 Oct 1913 Last Benefit: 45506 Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States of America Died: 20 Apr 2001 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )

[HI10577] (Research):d/o Henry and Lucy (Porter) Bishop

[DI10580] WOODARD, William L. (Woody) 88, of Springfield, passed away October 12, 2008. He was born on March 23, 1920, son of the late Harry and Ida Woodard. He is preceded in death by sisters, Dorothy Evilsizer, Anna Kissell, Bernice Demint, and Helen McIntyre; and brothers, Edwin, Harold, and Robert Woodard. William is survived by his loving wife of 44 years, Dora M. Woodard; devoted children, Jackie Wayne of Meeker, OK and Jim (Marcie) Wayne of Vandalia, OH; grandchildren, Dustin Wayne and Stephanie Wayne; great-grandchild, Brayden Wayne; and sister, Marjorie Bourke. William was retired from Thomas Kappel Trucking Co. in 1982 and was a member of the Teamster's Union. He loved raising cattle and was a Tremont Grange #90 member. He also was a member of the CF Water group. William had a great love and respect for all animals and especially enjoyed caring for them. He loved to travel in his motor home with his wife traveling to flea markets and his daughter's home in Oklahoma. He was a gentle man who was loved by all of God's creatures and all the people who knew him including all the lives he touched in his travels. A celebration of William's life will be held at 11 AM on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at Glen Haven Memorial Gardens Chapel. Visitation will be held one hour prior to service. Burial to follow service. Arrangements in care of JACKSON LYTLE WILLIAMS FUNERAL HOME. Condolences may be sent to the family at
Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 10/14/2008

[HI10581] (Research):Terre Haute High School Alumni 1917-1942 from CCGS Newsletter Spring 19 98 pg 56 1925-Bernice Baker

Name: Bernice B. Demint SSN: 269-16-5123 Born: 4 Jan 1901 Died: 9 Aug 1990 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )

[HI10582] (Research):1880 Census Place:Harrison, Champaign, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 24 5C John W. DEMERYSelfMMW47OHOcc:FarmerFa: VAMo: VA Susan DEMERYWifeFMW44VAFa: VAMo: VA Mary M. DEMERYDauFSW16OHFa: OHMo: VA Jacob M. DEMERYSonMSW22OHFa: OHMo: VA Emma A. DEMERYDauFSW13OHFa: OHMo: VA Sada G. DEMERYDauFSW11OHFa: OHMo: VA Lien E. DEMERYDauFSW8OHFa: OHMo: VA Florence DEMERYDauFSW6OHFa: OHMo: VA

Marriage(s): Spouse: Mahala JONES (AFN: W5QG-6H) Family Marriage: 27 Jan 1857
, Clark, Ohio

[DI10587] Name: �tab�Mayble Glendening
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�04 Sep 1892
Death Place: �tab�Rush Tp., Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�0
Birth Date: �tab�1892
Birthplace: �tab�Rush Tp.
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07024-6
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�p 175 #7

[DI10589] name: �tab�Benjamin Bashore
event: �tab�Death
event date: �tab�10 Apr 1916
event place: �tab�Concord, Miami, Ohio
residence: �tab�Concord, Miami, OH
street address: �tab�
gender: �tab�Male
death age: �tab�76y 3m 23d
marital status: �tab�Widowed
race: �tab�W
occupation: �tab�Retired Farmer
birth date: �tab�18 Dec 1839
birthplace: �tab�PA
estimated birth year: �tab�1840
burial date: �tab�13 Apr 1916
burial place: �tab�Troy, OH
cemetery: �tab�Pleasant Hill
father: �tab�Michael Bashore
father's titles & terms: �tab�
father's birthplace: �tab�Germany
mother: �tab�Hannah Senseman
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
mother's birthplace: �tab�Germany
spouse: �tab�
spouse's titles & terms: �tab�
reference number: �tab�fn 59182
film number: �tab�1983756
digital folder number: �tab�4021397
image number: �tab�1680
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 12 Oct 2012), Benjamin Bashore, 1916; citing reference fn 59182, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.

[BI10590] name: �tab�Margaret J. Edmiston
gender: �tab�Female
baptism/christening date: �tab�
baptism/christening place: �tab�
birth date: �tab�16 Dec 1873
birthplace: �tab�CHAMPAIGN,OHIO
death date: �tab�
name note: �tab�
race: �tab�
father's name: �tab�David Edmiston
father's birthplace: �tab�
father's age: �tab�
mother's name: �tab�Mary Stean
mother's birthplace: �tab�
mother's age: �tab�
indexing project (batch) number: �tab�C51594-1
system origin: �tab�Ohio-ODM
source film number: �tab�295232
reference number: �tab�
Citing this Record "Ohio, Births and Christenings, 1821-1962," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 15 Oct 2012), Margaret J. Edmiston, 16 Dec 1873.

[NI10591] Name: �tab�Harold Melvin Schultz
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�08 Dec 1914
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�19
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1895
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�George W. Schultz
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Sallie M. Toomire
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Mary M. Yelverton
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�21
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1893
Spouse's Father: �tab�Merrick Yelverton
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Nellie Mckessie
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p23
Film Number: �tab�545416
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016845
Image Number: �tab�49

[NI10592] Name: �tab�H. Carroll Mckinley
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�05 May 1925
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�22
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1903
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�R. W. Mckinley
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mary E. Toomire
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Ruth Wiseman
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�21
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1904
Spouse's Father: �tab�W. C. Wiseman
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Parnie Tope
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�909

[BI10593] On 3/3/1895 in Champaign Co, OH birth records is a named Emmett Gabriel , child of William Gabriel and Sarah Garver

California Death Index, 1940-1997 about Jessie Reed Linville
Name: �tab�Jessie Reed Linville
[Jessie Reed Reed] �tab�
Social Security #: �tab�0
Sex: �tab�Female
Birth Date: �tab�28 Sep 1883
Birthplace: �tab�Michigan
Death Date: �tab�8 Sep 1943
Death Place: �tab�Los Angeles
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Wood
Father's Surname: �tab�Reed

[NI10595] name: �tab�Benjamin Harrison Darrow
event: �tab�Marriage
event place (standardized): �tab�Champaign, Ohio, United States
event place (other): �tab�8/6/1913
age: �tab�24 on 7/13/1912
estimated birth year: �tab�1889
birth date: �tab�
birthplace: �tab�Goshen Township, Champaign, Ohio
father: �tab�William H. Darrow
father's �tab�
mother: �tab�Mattie E. Baughman
mother's �tab�
spouse: �tab�Mary Frances Carter
spouse's �tab�
spouse's age: �tab�21 on 3/19/1913
spouse's estimated birth year: �tab�1892
spouse's birthplace: �tab�Goshen Tp., Champaign, Ohio
spouse's father: �tab�Stephen A. Carter
spouse's father's �tab�
spouse's mother: �tab�Mary A. Faulkner
spouse's mother's �tab�
reference number: �tab�p468 cn935
film number: �tab�530190
digital folder number: �tab�004016811
image number: �tab�00597
Citing this Record "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 16 Oct 2012), Benjamin Harrison Darrow and Mary Frances Carter, 1913; citing reference p468 cn935, FHL microfilm 530190.

Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, & 1958-2007 about Wilbur R Nicholas
Name: �tab�Wilbur R Nicholas
Birth Date: �tab�1894
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Dayton
Residence County: �tab�Montgomery
Residence State: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�29 Apr 1973
Hospital of Death: �tab�Franciscan Med Cntr Dayton Cam
City of Death: �tab�Dayton
County of Death: �tab�Montgomery
Certificate: �tab�039218
Age at Death: �tab�79
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Census Tract: �tab�0047

[HI10606] (Research):1870 Census record shows spouse name as Emina V age 20. Will of father in 1865 mentions wife of Liberty, no name, so he must have had another marriage before Jennie, or else lived with Jennie in 1865

[DI10607] St Louis Post Dispatch, April 6, 1903 Mrs Emma Evilsizer, beloved mother of Mrs Katie Crosby, entered into rest on Saturday, April 4 at 9:45 P.M., aged 48 years and fifteen days. Funeral from Charles F Bergechs undertaking room, 1022 North Sixth Street, Tuesday, April 7 at 2 p.m. to St Peters Cemetery. Deceased was a member of Social League PHC

[XI10607] St Louis Dispatch, April 8 1903 pg 2
Burial Permits
Emma Ewilsezen, 48 years, 5800 Arsenal: Rheumarism

St Peters Cemetery St Louis, MO
(Section-Block-Lot-Part) �tab�Grave# �tab�Deceased �tab�Age �tab�Burial �tab�
25-F-28.00-(none)�tab�1�tab�Evilsizer, Ida�tab�15�tab�3/10/1889�tab�
25-F-28.00-(none)�tab�2�tab�Evilsizer, Emma�tab� 48�tab�4/04/1903�tab�
25-F-28.00-(none)�tab�3�tab�Crosby, Catherine 75�tab�6/29/1946�tab�
25-F-28.00-(none)�tab�4�tab�Crosby, Marion�tab�95�tab�12/07/1949

[HI10615] (Research):Maria Rodriguez Quesada, 73, of Phoenix, a homemaker, died July 19, 199 7. She was born in the Phillipines. Survivors include her husband, Rudy; d aughters, Mina Bellomy, Rebecca Evilsizer, Linda Claudio, Naila Middleto n, Lida Conners and Percy Applebee; sons, Rico and Noel; sister, Luciana M ariano; brother, Eboy Rodriguez; 19 grandchildren; and six great-grandchil dren. Visitation: 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Greer-Wilson Funeral Home, 5921 W. T homas Road, Phoenix. Services: 9 a.m. Saturday, St. Matthews Church, 20 38 W. Van Buren St., Phoenix.

[DI10615] Social Security Death Index
about Mary Quesada
Name: �tab�Mary Quesada
SSN: �tab�570-24-9788
Last Residence: �tab�90660 Pico Rivera, Los Angeles, California,
Born: �tab�28 Oct 1924
Died: �tab�20 Aug 1997
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�California (Before 1951)

California Death Index, 1940-1997
about Mary F Quesada
Name: �tab�Mary F Quesada
[Mary F Fimbrez]
Social Security #: �tab�570249788
Sex: �tab�Female
Birth Date: �tab�28 Oct 1924
Birthplace: �tab�California
Death Date: �tab�20 Aug 1997
Death Place: �tab�Los Angeles
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Saldana
Father's Surname: �tab�Fimbrez

[HI10623] (Research):

[DI10623] DAVID W. GENTIS David W. Gentis, 44, of Urbana died Sunday, April 29, 2001, at Community Hospital in Springfield. Arrangements are being handled by the Littleton & Rue Funeral Home in Urba na Marysville Journal-Tribune

Obit in UDC says parents are William Gentis and Deloris Jean Castle. Sist er Susan (Roby) Millice

Name: David W. Gentis SSN: 284-54-7906 Born: 6 Oct 1956 Died: 29 Apr 2001 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1969 )

[HI10625] (Research):Terre Haute High School Alumni 1917-1942 from CCGS Newsletter Spring 19 98 pg 56 1935 Faculty-Milford F Gentis

[DI10625] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Milford F Gentis
Name: �tab�Milford F Gentis
Birth Date: �tab�1911
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Franklin
Residence County: �tab�Warren
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�25 Aug 1971
Hospital of Death: �tab�Franciscan Med Cntr Dayton Cam
City of Death: �tab�Dayton
County of Death: �tab�Montgomery
Certificate: �tab�061757
Age at Death: �tab�60
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Married

Social Security Death Index about Gladys E. Steinberger
Name: �tab�Gladys E. Steinberger �tab�
SSN: �tab�279-42-2350
Last Residence: �tab�50310 Des Moines, Polk, Iowa,
Born: �tab�16 Oct 1905
Died: �tab�2 May 1994
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (1963)

Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, & 1958-2007 about Fairfax L Ludlow
Name: �tab�Fairfax L Ludlow
Birth Date: �tab�1929
Birth State: �tab�Connecticut
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Champaign
Residence State: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�10 May 1979
Hospital of Death: �tab�Mercy Medical Center
City of Death: �tab�Springfield
County of Death: �tab�Clark
Certificate: �tab�030347
Age at Death: �tab�50
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: �tab�290-26-0524
Marital Status: �tab�Married

[HI10638] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 244

[DI10638] Guy K Parrott, 79 of St Paris, passed away, Saturday, October 27, 2012 in Forest Glen, Springfield.
He was born July 20, 1933 in St Paris. Guy was a lifetime member of Grafton United Methodist Church; where he started and ended his faith journey. He was a 1952 graduate of Christiansburg Jackson High School and he served his country in the United States Army. Guy was a longtime school bus and motor vehicle inspector for the State Highway Patrol. He enjoyed traveling and was a longtime square dancer, with the Hi-Point See Saws Western Square Dance Club.He loved watching all sporting events of grandchildren, nieces, nephews, their children; give him any excuse to go to a ball game and he was there. Guy will be remembered by all for his homemade ice cream and buckeyes. He is survived by his wife of 55 years, Lillian (Faulkner) Parrott, his son, Alan (Lynne) Parrott of Dublin, his son-in-law, Bryan Focht of Dublin; his grandchildren, Lauren, Phillip, Erin, Jennifer and Kelly; his sister, Clara Sue Perrin of Seattle, Washington; as well as several nieces, nephews, other relatives and many friends. In addition, many relatives survive on the home farm, in and around Frome, England including the families of Jess and Fred Nicholls.He is preceded in death by his parents, Charles and Irene (Keller) Parrott; a daughter, Joette Focht, sisters, Georgeanne Parrott & Janet Moriarty and brothers, Eugene & Frank Parrott.A gathering of family and friends will be held from 4-8 pm on Wednesday, October 31, 2012 in the VERNON FUNERAL HOME Urbana. Funeral services to celebrate Guy's life will be held at 1 pm on Thursday, November 1, 2012 in the Grafton United Methodist Church with Rev Mark Atterholt and Rev Cindee Johnson officiating. Burial will follow in Terre Haute Cemetery, Terre Haute, Ohio. (Source FAG)

[DI10641] Herbert Faulkner, 89, of Urbana, passed away Saturday, November 10, 2012, at the Mercy McAuley Center. He was born March 1, 1923 in Urbana, son of the late Alpha and Edith Faulkner. In addition to his parents, Herb was preceded in death by his son, Mark Anthony Faulkner; siblings, Elden Faulkner, Edna Shaffer and Richard Faulkner; son-in-law, Stephen Michael Love. He enjoyed golfing, traveling and cooking. Herb is survived by his daughter, Diane Marie Love; sons, Christopher Charles Faulkner and Peter Daniel Faulkner; siblings, Zelpha (Russell) Arnold, Donald (Sandy) Faulkner, Leah Ludlow, Frances Laughman and Nelson (Janie) Faulkner; ten grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Visitation will be Wednesday, November 14, 2012, from 10 a.m.-noon at Vernon Funeral Home, 235 Miami St. Urbana, OH, with the funeral service beginning at noon. Interment will be in Terre Haute Cemetery. Arrangements have been entrusted to Newcomer Funeral Home NE Chapel, 3047 E. Dublin-Granville Rd. Columbus. To leave a special message for the family please visit

[DI10642] WEST LIBERTY \endash Donald Emmett Faulkner, 86, of West Liberty, passed away Thursday, April 16, 2015, in his home.He was born Sept. 29, 1928, in Westville, Ohio, the son of Alpha C. and Edith (Evilsizor) Faulkner.Donald was a 1946 graduate of Westville High School. He was a member of the Terre Haute United Methodist Church, 5-H, and was a life member of the Supreme Lodge Knights of Pythias \endash Magrew Lodge. Donald worked as a farmer and received the State Farmer Award. Some of his hobbies included old cars, parades, car shows, country music, Champaign and Logan County fairs, genealogy connections, farming, and most importantly, his family.He is survived by his wife of 36 years, Sondra (Loy) Faulkner; his sons, David Faulkner of West Liberty, Andy (Won) Alltop of Marysville, and Harry (Deb) Alltop of Cable; daughters, Cynthia (Mike) Bruder of South Euclid, Jennifer (Mike) Greenlee of St. Paris, and Linda (Jeff) Harr of West Liberty; 21 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren; brother, Nelson (Jane) Faulkner; sisters, Zelpha (Russell) Arnold, Leah Ludlow, Lillian Parrott, and Frances Laughman; sister-in-law, Betty Faulkner; as well as numerous nieces and nephews.
Donald was preceded in death by his parents; his first wife, Margaret (Nesbitt) Faulkner; brothers, Elden (Harriet) Faulkner, Herbert Faulkner, and Richard (Jeanie) Faulkner; sister, Edna (Lester) Shaffer; brothers-in-law, Lee Ludlow, Guy Parrott, and Charles Laughman.A gathering of family and friends will be held from 2-6 p.m. on Sunday, April 19, 2015, in the VERNON FUNERAL HOME, Urbana. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. on Monday in the Terre Haute United Methodist Church with Pastor David Yinger officiating. Burial will follow in Terre Haute United Methodist Cemetery.In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Champaign Cruisers, 305 N. Church St., St. Paris, OH 43072 or to the Terre Haute United Methodist Church, 5938 state Route 55, Urbana, OH 43078

[HI10644] (Research):Publication Date: March 04, 2000 Source: South Bend Tribune Page: A5 Iva F. Stayton Sept. 22, 1924 - March 2, 2000 A lifelong area resident, I va Fay Stayton, 75 years old, of Ash Road, Granger, passed away after a br ief illness at 8:10 a.m. on Thursday, March 2, 2000, in the St. Joseph Com munity Hospital in Mishawaka. Iva was born on Sept. 22, 1924, in Coalmon t, Ind., to the late Simon Ray Miller, Sr., and Ida Mae (Kellems) Mille r. On Nov. 30, 1941, in South Bend, Iva and Maurice G. Stayton were marrie d. Iva worked at various local companies including Domore, Ball Band (Unir oyal) XL Corporation and Twin Branch Highlander Laundromat. She retir ed in 1990. Dancing, listening to soft contemporary music and enjoying fam ily were Iva's favorite activities. She entered several dance competitio ns and won many awards. However, her children, grandchildren, and great- g randchildren were her real enjoyment. She is survived by her husband, Maur ice; a son, Jerry (Becky) Stayton of Osceola; three daughters, Judy (Gar y) Secor of Elkhart, Sharon (Charles, Sr.) Sowders of Mishawaka and Debor ah (Timothy) Kling of Elkhart. In addition, there are six granddaughter s, Kelley (Secor) Nease, Shelley(Secor) Dietz, Stacey Secor, Jennifer Web b, Jill (Stayton) Deckard and Michele Jennings; four grandsons, Jerry Stay ton, Jr., Roy Webb II, Adam Kling and Alex Kling; six great-grandchildre n, Zachary Nease, Garrett Nease, Jacob Dietz, Alec Dietz, Paige Dietz a nd Jared Deckard; a sister, Martha Chapman of California; and three brothe rs, S. Ray Miller, Jr., of Elkhart, Richard L. Miller of Kokomo and Robe rt G. Miller of Granger; and by four step-grandsons. Iva was preceded in d eath by her parents; a brother, Nolan Miller; and six sisters, Betty Mille r, Hazel Miller, Edith Miller, Gertrude Chestnutt, Mary Belle Evelsizer a nd Cecil Harris. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. on Monday, Mar ch 6, 2000, in the Twin Branch Bible Church, 3807 Vistula Road, Mishawak a, Ind. Rev. Daniel Boes, pastor of the church, will officiate. Gravesi de services and burial will follow at Fairview Cemetery in Mishawaka. Frie nds may visit with the family from 2 to 7 p.m. on Sunday, March 5, in t he Palmer Funeral Home, 1109 Lincolnway West, Osceola, and one hour pri or to services in the church on Monday. Contributions in memory of Iva F ay Stayton may be donated to the Alzheimer's Association, 425 N. Michigan St., South Bend, Ind. 46601.

[NI10645] Son of Johann Michael Hanstein

[BI10647] Name: �tab�Ronald A Evilsizer
Birth Date: �tab�6 Jan 1935
Birth Place: �tab�Cuyahoga
State File Number: �tab�1935001058
Additional Information: �tab�John

[DI10647] EVILSIZER RONALD A. EVILSIZER, age 79, of Medina, passed away June 13, 2014. He was born on January 6, 1935 in Cleveland, OH to the late John and Margaret (Fulop) Evilsizer. Ronald was a retired electrical contractor. He will always be remembered for his wonderful sense of humor and the love and pride he had of his granddaughters. He served his country proudly in the U.S. Army. Ronald was the loving father Scott (Kim) Evilsizer, Marty (Chris) Evilsizer and Daniel Evilsizer; devoted grandfather of Carli (fiancee Matt Engel), Jillian, Maggy, Alexis and Catrina; dear brother of Jerry (Patty) Evilsizer and Brian (Sue) Evilsizer. He was preceded in death by his wife Marcia (Jones), to whom he was married 55 years; and brother and sister-in law Jimmy and Peggy Evilsizer. Family will receive friends MONDAY from 4-8:00 p.m. at the WAITE & SON FUNERAL HOME, 765 N. Court St., Medina. Interment will be held at Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery in Rittman, OH at a later date - See more at:

[NI10650] Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Shem J. Kauffman
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Hooley

[HI10653] (Research):Urbana Citizen, Saturday, July 5, 1958 Roy BUCK dies at Mary Rutan Roy BUCK, 59, West Liberty, route two, died at 3:45 P.M. Thursday at the M ary Rutan hospital in Bellefontaine where he had been admitted at 2:15 t he same day. He was born September 27, 1898, Adams township. He was the s on of Mr and Mrs Joseph Arleny (BARKER) BUCK. The operator of the Cotre ll Pool Hall in West Liberty, he was a member of the Congregation Christi an Church, member of the IOOF Lodge and Masonic Lodge in West Liberty. Sur viving are four brothers, Staley BUCK, West Liberty, Charles BUCK, West Li berty, route one, Emmett BUCK, West Liberty route two, and Ralph BUCK, DeG raff route two; one sister, Mrs Thursie KAUFFMAN, West Liberty route tw o; three nephews and one niece. One sister preceded him in death. Servic es will be held at the Hosteter Memorial Home in West Liberty at 2 P.M. Su nday with burial at Fairview Cemetery. Fiends may call at the funeral hom e. The Rev Homer Knabel, will be in charge of the service Sunday.

Name: ROY BUCK Gender: Male Date of Death: July 03, 1958 Volume: 15474 Certificate: 50244 Marital Status: Never Married Place of Death: Bellefontaine, Logan County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 59

[HI10655] (Research):Name : Mary Christine Rotroff
Death date : 30 Aug 1940
Death place : Monroe, Logan, Ohio
Birth date :
Estimated birth year :
Birth place :
Age at death :
Gender : Female
Marital status :
Race or color :
Street address :
Occupation :
Residence :
Burial date :
Burial place :
Cemetery name :
Spouse name :
Father name : Christopher A. Traub
Father titles :
Father birth place :
Mother name : Cathrine Swisler
Mother titles :
Mother birth place :
GSU film number : 2023842
Digital GS number : 4122028
Image number : 2472
Reference number : fn 50881
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI10656] (Research):Urbana Citizen, Saturday, May 20, 1989 West Liberty- Howard R BUCK, 76, of 209 West Baird Street, died Friday, M ay 19, 1989, at 10:40 A.M. in Kettering Medical Center. Born February 1, 1 913 in Logan County near West Liberty, he was the son of Staley and Bert ha (ROTROFF) BUCK. He was married March 31, 1936 in West Liberty to Wan da YODER who survives him. BUCK was a member of the West Liberty United Ch urch of Christ. He founded National Soft Water in West Liberty in 1949 a nd was part owner and operator of Liberty Hardware from 1953-1977. He w as a member and past member of Masonic River Lodge 161. Buck was a memb er and past president of the original West Liberty Business Association. H er served on the board of directors of Peoples Savings and Loan of West Li berty. He had been a village council member and zoning inspector. In addit ion to his wife, he is survived by a son, Lowell BUCK of 302 West Newell S t; four grandchildren, Mrs John (Terri) WOODRUFF and Steve BUCK of West Li berty; Mrs Rick (Kendra) GRAHAM of Zanesfield; and Kelley BUCK of Columbu s; and one great granddaughter, Whitney WOODRUFF. Funeral services wi ll be held Sunday, May 21, at 2 P.M. in the West Liberty Church of Chri st with rev Ned Michale officiating. Burial ill be in Fairview cemetery. F riends may call from 2-4 and 6-9 P.M. at the Kauffman funeral home. Contri butions may be made to the Logan County Cancer Society or the West Liber ty Emergency Squad.

[HI10658] (Research):Name: Chris A Rotroff Gender: Male Date of Death: 19 April 1976 Volume: 22462 Certificate: 029146 Autopsy: Unknown Marital Status: Never Married Place of Death: Bellefontaine, Logan County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Logan County Age: 83 Years

Name: Chris Rotroff SSN: 275-24-0129 Last Residence: 43357 West Liberty, Logan, Ohio, United States of Amer ica Born: 31 Jan 1893 Died: Apr 1976 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )

[HI10661] (Research):In the SS Death index there is a Wanda Buck b 4/24/1920 and died 11/25/199 1. SS# 269-16-7144 was issued in OH

[HI10671] (Research):Death Cert on file Informant Edward barker Lived 221 College St, Urbana, OH was widow

[HI10672] (Research):Name: James A Buck Age at Death: 84 Date of Death: 4 Oct 1966 City of Death: Urbana County of Death: Champaign Volume: 18610 Certificate: 73614 Date of Birth: Est. 1882 Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White City of Residence: Urbana County of Residence: Champaign State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Mercy Memorial Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: Yes, not used for certification

[DI10677] Name: Jennie Buck
Death date: 30 Oct 1912
Death place: Bellefontaine, Logan, Ohio
Birthdate: 22 Jul 1860
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: W. Va.
Age at death: 52 years 3 months 9 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Housekeeper
Burial date: 01 Nov 1912
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Bellefontaine
Spouse's name:
Father's name: Christ Palmer
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: West Virginia
Mother's name: Feba Layman
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: West Virginia
GSU film number: 1953479
Digital GS number: 4021206
Image number: 2520
Reference number: fn 55363
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[NI10678] Name at time of death Florence Dennis

[BI10678] Name �tab�Florence Ercell Evilsizer
Gender �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�19 Sep 1892
Birthplace �tab�Eagleville, Wood, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�John Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Laura Richard
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C04046-8
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�422270
Reference Number �tab�v 3 p 54

[DI10678] Name �tab�Florence Ersel Dennis
Gender �tab�Female
Burial Date �tab�29 Oct 1965
Burial Place �tab�Harrison, Clare Co., Michigan
Death Date �tab�26 Oct 1965
Death Place �tab�Bloom Township, Wood, Ohio
Age �tab�73
Birth Date �tab�19 Sep 1892
Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Occupation �tab�Housewife
Race �tab�White
Marital Status �tab�Married
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�John Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Laura Richard
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�B02124-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�2032333
Reference Number �tab�cn 128

[HI10687] (Research):LIMA NEWS Monday, March 20, 2000 Section: B Page: B2 MAE J. DOVE, 67, LIMA, DIED AT 11:35 A.M. MARCH 18, 2000, AT ST. RITA'S MAE J. DOVE, 67, Lima, died at 11:35 a.m. March 18, 2000, at St. Rita's Me dical Center. She was born March 13, 1933, in Urbana to Gilbert and Myrt le Evilsizor Cotrell. On Aug. 5, 1950, she married Rev. Henry A. Dove, w ho survives. Mrs. Dove was a homemaker and a member of Faith Temple Church . Survivors include six sons, Ronald Lee (Marsha) Dove, John Allen Dove, Wil liam R. (Brenda) Dove, August A. (Kaylene) Dove, James E. (Linda) Dove a nd Simon Peter (Kathie) Dove, all of Lima; three daughters, Tamara D. Rei s, Pamela S.,(Andrew) Colley and Margaret I. Jacobs, all of Lima; four bro thers, Ernest Cotrell, Gary Cotrell, Robert Cotrell and Rev. Richard Cotre ll, all of Lima; and a sister, Lovetta Dove of Lima; 21 grandchildren a nd 22 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two sons, Hen ry A. and Frederick Alexander Dove; three brothers, Art, Gilbert and Lar ry Cotrell; and three sisters, Clara Wright, Madge Zimmerman and Brenda Bo lender. Services will begin at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Chiles & Sons-Laman Fu neral Homes, Shawnee Chapel. The Rev. Alice Springer will officiate. Buri al will be in Memorial Park Cemetery.Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. tod ay and from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m.Tuesday at the funeral home.Memorial con tributions may be made to the family.

Name: MAE J DOVE Gender: Female Date of Death: March 18, 2000 Birth Date: March 13, 1933 Volume: 32319 Certificate: 018065 Autopsy: N Social Security Number: 269569362 Father's Surname: COTRELL Time of Death: 11:35 AM Marital Status: married Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic Place of Death: hospital/inpatient Years of Schooling: 8 Certifier: Physician Branch of Service: Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: EVILSIZOR Race: White Birth Place: URBANA, CHAMPAIGN, Ohio Residence: ALLEN, Ohio Age: 67 years

[DI10703] Obituary Date: �tab�6 Oct 2010
Newspaper Title: �tab�Lima News
Newspaper Location: �tab�Lima, OH, USA

Name of Deceased: �tab�Richard A. Cotrell Sr.
Gender: �tab�M (Male)
Age at Death: �tab�73
Death Date: �tab�2 Oct 2010
Obituary Date: �tab�6 Oct 2010
Newspaper Title: �tab�Lima News
Newspaper Location: �tab�Lima, OH, USA
Birth Date: �tab�1 Sep 1937
Birth Place: �tab�Richmond, Ind, USA
Spouse's name: �tab�Teresa R. Brown
Parents' Names: �tab�Gilbert and Myrtle Evilsizer Cotrell,
Childrens' Names: �tab�Gilbert E. Cotrell, Thomas E. (Carolsue) Cotrell, Richard A. (Tammy) Cotrell, Jr. and Bruce A. Cotrell, All of Lima
Siblings' Names: �tab�Lovetta (Fred) Dove, of Lima; Pastor Ernie Cotrell, of Lima, and Bobby (Janie) Cotrell, of Elida
Marriage Date: �tab�13 Aug 1955
Number of Grandchildren: �tab�13
Number of Great-grandchildren: �tab�16

[HI10705] (Research):Name: HENRY A DOVE Gender: Male Date of Death: August 21, 1960 Volume: 16227 Certificate: 54252 Marital Status: Never Married Place of Death: Lima, Allen County Race: White Residence: , Allen County Age: 8

[HI10708] (Research):Name: Gilbert F Cotrell Birth Date: 1 Dec 1931 Birth City: Urbana Birth County: Champaign Birth State: Ohio Birth Country: United States Gender: Male Race: White Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic (Latino) Residence County: Allen Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 26 Dec 1992 Death Time: 7:45 PM Hospital of Death: Lima Memorial Hospital City of Death: Lima County of Death: Allen Certificate: 087549 Age at Death: 61 Certifier: Coroner Referred to Coroner: Yes Autopsy: No Filing Date: 8 Jan 1993 Hospital Status: Hospital/ER-Outpatient Injury in Ohio: Yes Type Place of Injury: Unspecified Place Social Security Number: 278-26-9291 Father's Surname: Cotrell Mother's Maiden Name: Evilsizer Marital Status: Married Education: 11 Industry of Decedent: Blast furnaces, steelworks, rolling and finishing mi lls Occupation of Decedent: Molding and casting machine operators Primary Registration District: 0201

[HI10712] (Research):This family connection found on WFT Vol 34 Tree 143

[HI10713] (Research):LIMA NEWS SUSIE J. HAMBURGER, 65, LAKEVIEW, DIED AT 11 A.M. SEPT. 15, 1999, AT HER Friday, September 17, 1999 Section: B Page: B2 SUSIE J. HAMBURGER, 65, Lakeview, died at 11 a.m. Sept. 15, 1999, at her r esidence.She was born Feb. 15, 1934, in West Liberty to Harry V. Willia ms and Susie P.Clem Williams Kauffman. On May 5, 1952, she married Ro ss R. "Bud" Hamburger,who died Feb. 24, 1998.Mrs. Hamburger was a homemake r. She was a member of Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 3615 Auxiliary, Ind ian Lake.Survivors include two sons, Joel (Robin) Hamburger and Michael (C arol) Hamburger, both of Lakeview; two daughters, Pamela (Steve) Stil es of Wapakoneta and Deborah (James) Alspaugh of Lakeview; six sisters, He len McClain of West Liberty, Mary Halker of Huntsville, Lucy Earick of Be llefontaine, Delpha Minnich of Rosewood, Jennie Evilsizor of Hortonvill e, Wis., and Joan Lones of Lakeview; 10 grandchildren and two great-grand sons. She was preceded in death by two sons, Dennis Paul and Robert R. Ha mburger; two brothers, Carl and Clifford Williams; and a granddaughter. Se rvices will begin at 2 p.m. Sunday at Van Horn Funeral Home, Lakeview. T he Rev. John Dodds will officiate. Burial will be in Walnut Hill Cemeter y, New Hampshire. Friends may call from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Saturd ay at the funeral home.

[NI10717] Mother was a Cavender

[DI10717] Name: Ross R Hamburger Gender: Male Date of Death: 24 February 1998 Birth Date: 30 October 1930 Volume: 31421 Certificate: 008293 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 283266240 Father's Surname: Hamburger Time of Death: 2:38 AM Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Hospital/Inpatient Years of Schooling: 12 Certifier: Physician Branch of Service: Air Force Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Cavinder Race: White Birth Place: Logan County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 67

[NI10719] Name: �tab�Edith Cotrell
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�16 Sep 1939
Burial Place: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�13 Sep 1939
Death Place: �tab�Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Age: �tab�30
Birth Date: �tab�17 Feb 1909
Birthplace: �tab�Columbus, Ohio
Occupation: �tab�At Home
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�Grant Cotrell
Father's Name: �tab�Frank Payne
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Lola
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07386-0
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�2032868
Reference Number: �tab�1939 fn 3519

[DI10719] Name: �tab�Grant Cotrell
Death Date: �tab�09 Apr 1942
Death Place: �tab�Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�04 Mar 1905
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�37 years 1 month 5 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Edith Payne Cotrell
Father's Name: �tab�Joseph Cotrell
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Hillsboro, Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Clara Williams
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2024002
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4057875
Image Number: �tab�1748
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 25338

[HI10729] (Research):Name: Dennis P Hamburger Gender: Male Date of Death: 30 August 1980 Birth Date: 03 December 1963 Volume: 24159 Certificate: 062352 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Social Security Number: Marital Status: Never Married Hispanic Origin: German Place of Death: Lima, Allen County Certifier: Coroner Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: , Auglaize County Age: 16 Years

[HI10730] (Research):Name: Robert R Hamburger Age at Death: 33 Date of Death: 1 Aug 1986 City of Death: Hardin County County of Death: Hardin Volume: 26556 Certificate: 060880 Date of Birth: Est. 1953 State of Birth: Virginia Country of Birth: United States Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White Social Security Number: 284-54-8947 Industry: Not specified manufacturing industries Occupation: Fabricating machine operators, not elsewhere classified County of Residence: Logan State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Public/Other Certifier: Coroner Autopsy: Yes, used for certification

Name: Robert Hamburger SSN: 284-54-8947 Born: 6 Jul 1953 Died: Aug 1986 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1969 )

[DI10732] Social Security Death Index
about Rudy Quesada
Name: �tab�Rudy Quesada
SSN: �tab�550-34-6390
Last Residence: �tab�90640 Montebello, Los Angeles, California
Born: �tab�17 Oct 1929
Died: �tab�20 Nov 2005
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�California (Before 1951)

[HI10734] (Research):1905 will of Nancy A Owen mentions giving a tombstone for sister Artemes ia Swisher.

[DI10746] The Urbana Citizen & Gazette
October 31, 1872
Died 26th October, Mrs Sarah Fyffe, widow of the late General EP Fyffe of this city, aged about 58 years.

[NI10747] The second, if not the first white child born within the present limits of the town

Edward P. Fyffe was born in Urbana, April 23, 1810, and was a son of William II. and Maximilla 1 Petty) Fyffe. The father was a native of Virginia and emigrated to Kentucky, whence he afterward came to Urbana in 1805. Here he was married to a daughter of Joseph Petty, one of the first settlers of the city. In the early schools of Urbana, Colonel Fyffe acquired his pre-
liminary education anil was later a cadet at West Point for a short time. In 1846 he was graduated in medicine and was engaged in practice at the time the Civil war was inaugurated. He served with distinction. rose to the rank of colonel ami was brevetted brigadier-general.
Dr. Fyffe was united in marriage to Sarah Ann Robinson, a native of Franklin county Ohio, but a resident of Urbana at the time of her marriage. They became the parents of four children, who reached years of maturity: Joseph; .Max F., the widow of Frank James Crawford; Mr-. Mary F. Thornton, of Pontiac, Illinois; and Mrs. Sarah A. Gee, of Cleveland, Ohio.
In his political views Colonel Fyffe was a Republican, strongly endorsing the principles of the party and both he and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal church. He died September 25, 1867, and Mrs. Fyffe survived him for rive years. During the Civil war he was a most brave and loyal officer and his utter fearlessness in the face of clanger often inspired his men to deeds of valor. In his chosen profession he won distinction by the superior skill and ability which he acquired as the result of his study and investigation, as well as practical
experience. In the first half of: the nineteenth century he was a prominent figure in social and professional life of Urbana and well does he deserve mention in her history.
The history of the American naval service contains a record of no greater loyalty, valor and capability than that of Rear Admiral Joseph Fyffe, who devoted the long years of his manhood to his country's service. He was born July 26, 1832. His father, General Edward P. Fyffe, is mentioned above and his record as a brave and loyal defender of the Union was a stimulus to the son. When he was fifteen years of age, however, Joseph Fyffe was appointed to the navy on the 9th of September, 1847, being in active service for over forty-seven years, and was then retired at the age limit of sixty-two years in July, 1894. His first duty was on the Cumberland and afterward on the bomb vessel Stromboli m the Gulf of Mexico. He saw active service in the Mexican war. although not yet sixteen years of age. The following year he was ordered on duty off the coast of Africa on the sloop-of-war Yorktown, and was serving on her when she was wrecked off the Cape Verde Islands.
Later he was highly commended for his gallant conduct on that occasion. His third cruise was in the frigate St. Lawrence, which was sent to England to represent the United States at the time of the World's Fair in London. Subsequently he returned to the Naval Academy at Annapolis for one year, and on the 15th of July, 1854, was promoted to the rank of passed midshipman. In 1855 he made a special cruise in the San Jacinto. In 1856 he volunteered for and was detailed on the Griiinell expedition to the Arctic regions under Lieutenant Hartstine on the ship Release, in search of Sir John Franklin, rescuing and bringing home Dr. Kane and his party while on that trip. For his services in this expedition the queen of England decorated him with the medal of the Arctic Order of Victoria. On his return to the United States he was commissioned master and lieutenant on the same day September 16, 1856.
Admiral Fyffe next served on the Relief in the Brazil Squadron in 1856 and 1857, which was followed by a three-years cruise in the East India Squadron on the sloop-of-war Germantown. In 1860 he was ordered to the steam sloop Lancaster on the Pacific station and then to the frigate Minnesota, the flagship of the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron. He was commissioned lieutenant commander in July, 1862. On the Minnesota he experienced two vears of active service, during which time he took part in the destruction of the blockade run-
ner Hebe and commanded the landing party which captured the two-gun battery that protected the blockade runners near Fort Fisher. North Carolina, in August, 1863. He also took an active part in the destruction of the Ranger, another blockade runner, and was in an engagement with infantry below Fort Casewell, North Carolina, in January, 1864. In 1864-5, Admiral Fyffe commanded the double-ender gunboat Hunchback on the James river with brilliant success.
The Civil war being over, be took part in his first shore duty at the Boston yard in 1866. The next year he was ordered to the Oneida, sailing for the Asiatic station. On the 2nd of December, 1868, he was commissioned commander and placed in command of the monitor Centaur of 'the North Atlantic Squadron. Later he was lighthouse inspector of the fourteenth district. He next commanded the Monocacy on the Asiatic station in 1875, continuing there until 1878 and in 1879 he was promoted to the grade of captain and commanded the receiving ship St. Louis, from which, in 1880, he was transferred to the Franklin, acting as its commander for eighteen months. Through the succeeding six months he was captain of the flagship Tennessee, of the North Atlantic Squadron, followed by service as commander of the flagship Pensacola in the Pacific station.
Admiral Fyffe was then sent home on sick leave. In 1888 he was ordered as captain to the Boston Naval Yard, remaining- there for more than three years. He was promoted to the grade of commodore in February, 18S0. and was assigned to special duty at Boston in 1890. During" the succeeding summer he was ordered to command the New London naval station until July 13, 1893, when he took charge of the Boston Naval Yard, his last duty ending with his retirement July 20, 1894. His name was on the navy register for forty-nine years and his active service continued for over forty-seven years, while his actual sea
service covered twenty years. No more patriotic and thoroughly American officer ever sailed under the stars and stripes; no officer took better care of his men or maintained discipline with less severity. As a sailor he had few equals and no superiors. His fighting qualities were unsurpassed, as is his war record. Tender in all his sympathies, he was yet a man in dignity and strength. His strong personality impressed all who came in contact with him. Generous, kindly, chivalric and brave. -- those were the qualities that drew men toward him and made them love him. His last year of duty was one of great happiness. He was endeared
to every one --- officers and their families, subordinates, sailors and employees in fact, all connected with the Boston station, and he thoroughly delighted in the kindly feeling which all entertained for him. Then came the promotion to the rank of rear admiral - the ambition and
culmination of an officer's career.
At Pierce, Nebraska, on the 25th of February, 1896, Admiral Fyffe died of acute gastroenteritis, from which he had long suffered in a chronic form, the result of fevers contracted in tropical countries during active service in earlier years. He was buried at Urbana, Ohio, his birthplace and for many years his home.

[HI10747] (Research):

[DI10747] Citizen and Gazette
October 3, 1867

We regret to announce the death of Gen. E. P. Fyffe, which event occurr ed at his residence in this place on the afternoon of the 25th ult, aft er a protracted iliness-Gen. Fyffe was a native of Urbana, and is sa id to have been the first white child born in the town, He was in his 58 th year. In early life he was a Cadet at West Point, but we believe he n ever graduated He was, however, always had a taste for military lif e. At the breaking out of the late civil war, he was among, the first to o ffer his services to Gov. Dennison and to the War Department. He also to ok an active part in organizing and forwarding troops to the field, und er the first call for volunteers. He went into the service as Col. Of t he 26thl O.V.I., and served during the war. He was afterwards promot ed to a Brigadier Generalship and placed in command of an important milita ry post at Amnapolis, where he continued until last fall, when he return ed home greatly prostrated by disease, and has been confined to his hou se ever since. He was a great sufferer, but bore his long and server illne ss with remarkable christian fortitude, and died in the faith of the Gosp el of Christ. For many years he was a successful practitioner of medici ne in Urbana, and stood high in his profession. His medical brethren he ld a meeting on Monday evening, and passed resolutions of respect to his m emory, which we publish today.

At a meeting of the Champaign County Medical Society, held on Monday evening, September 30, Dr. W. M. Murdoch was called to preside and Dr. Jas. M. Mosgrove elected Secretary.
The committee heretofore appointed to prepare resolutions in regard to the death of Dr. Edward P. Fyffe, presented the following:
Dr. Edward P. Fyffe, for many years, one of the leading physicians of Champaign county, having departed this life at his residence in Urbana, on the 25th inst., after a long and painful illness, therefore
Resolved, As the sense of this meeting, that in the death of Dr. Fyffe, the Medical Profession has lost an able and efficient member,
Resolved, That in sacrificing a lucrative practice and the comforts of home for the purpose of assisting the Government to put down an armed rebellion that threatened the destruction of republican institutions, Dr. Fyffe exhibited a spirit of patriotism honorable alike to himself and the profession, and worthy of the highest commendation.
Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the family of the deceased in their bereavement, that we tender them our sincere and unaffected condolence and commend them to the care of a kind and all-wise Creator, who is plenteous in mercy to all who call upon Him.
Resolved, That, as a token of our sympathy, a copy of the proceedings of this meeting be furnished to the family of the deceased; also that the editors of the Citizen and Gazette, Union and Mac-a-Cheek Press, of Urbana, and of the Lancet & Observer, of Cincinnati, be requested to publish the same in their respective journals.
W. M. Houston
J. M. Mosgrove
Evan Bane
F. Baker
J. C. Brown
The resolutions were unanimously adopted.
W. M. Murdoch, Ch'm.
Jas. M. Mosgrove, Secretary

[HI10748] (Research):Name : William Lloyd Morgan Death date : 08 Apr 1946 Death place : Urbana Twp, Champaign, Ohio, United States Birth date : 12 Sep 1873 Birth place : Age at death : 72 years 6 months 26 days Gender : Male Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Residence : Burial date : 4/11/1946 Burial place : Cemetery name : Kingscreek Cem Spouse name : Alpha Williams Morgan Father name : Maskell E. Morgan Mother name : Sarah A. Informant- W Wendell Morgan GSU film number : 2372805 Digital GS number : 4073026 Image number : 03180 Certificate number : 21352 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[NI10754] name: �tab�Howard O. Winder
event: �tab�Marriage 4/27/1898
event place (standardized): �tab�Clark, Ohio, United States
event place (other): �tab�
age: �tab�21
estimated birth year: �tab�1877
spouse: �tab�Susan F. Morrett
spouse's �tab�
spouse's age: �tab�19
spouse's estimated birth year: �tab�1879
spouse's birthplace: �tab�
spouse's father: �tab�
spouse's father's �tab�
spouse's mother: �tab�
spouse's mother's �tab�
reference number: �tab�v 17 p 269
film number: �tab�465395
digital folder number: �tab�004254626
image number: �tab�00187
Citing this Record
"Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 Sep 2012), Howard O. Winder and Susan F. Morrett, 1898; citing reference v 17 p 269, FHL microfilm 465395.

Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, & 1958-2007 about Susanna J Winder
Name: �tab�Susanna J Winder
Birth Date: �tab�1875
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Death Date: �tab�10 Jun 1967
Hospital of Death: �tab�Home
City of Death: �tab�Noble County
County of Death: �tab�Noble
Certificate: �tab�47827
Age at Death: �tab�92
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed

[HI10755] (Research):Beers History of Champaign County SIMON E. MORGAN, farmer, one and a half miles east of Kingston; P. 0. King 's Creek. The earlier family records having been lost or passed into the b ands of other branches of the Morgan family, the first tangible reco rd we have is that of Edward Morgan, who was born Dec. 16, 1736, in Wale s. His mother's name was Lloyd. He emigrated to America (date unknown), a nd settled in Berkeley Co., Va.. In 1762, he married Susannah Taylor. T he date of his death is unknown, but he was probably living at the ti me of the Revolutionary war, as his youngest child was born in August, 177 5. He was a member of the Society of Friends, whose principles would forb id his taking an active part in that contest, and many of his descendan ts still adhere to those principles, opposed to war and slavery. Though li ving in the midst of slavery, neither he nor anv of his family ever held p roperty rights in a human being. He was the father of Elizabeth, Joseph, M ary, Mordecai, Rachel and Alsie. Of these, John was born Dec. 15, 176 4. In 1780, when about 16 years of age, he left his home and settled in Oh io Co., near Wheeling, Va., where he passed through all the dangers and ha rdships of pioneer life.In 1789, he married Sarah Ewing, who was born M ay 9, 1769. He served for a time as Captain of a company of militia, but s aw little service. He served eight consecutive years in the Virginia Sta te Legislature, and was elected for the ninth. His seat was contested, a nd late in the session decided in his favor. The journey having to be ma de on horseback from Wheeling to Richmond in midwinter, he remained at hom e. By his marriage, they had ten children-Ruth, John M., Edward Lloyd, Mas kell E., George V., Rachel, Susannah, Sarah A., Elizabeth G. and Leli na J. In 1813, by the representations of John Taylor, who had, some yea rs previously, settled on King's Creek, in Salem Township, he determin ed to emigrate to Ohio, and in the fall of that year his son, Edward L., w as sent out to examine the country, with instructions, if he thought prope r, to locate a farm as the future home of the family. He was well pleas ed with the country, but found most of the best lands already entere d. He finally selected fractional Sec. 3, Township 5, Range 12, and start ed for Cincinnati to make entry. On the way, he fell in with two travele rs also bound for Cincinnati, and, in conversation, he ascertained o ne of them intended to enter the same tract. At night, they put up at t he same inn, and, while his comrades were asleep, he quietly mounted his h orse and pushed on night and day till he reached Cincinnati, and secured t he papers entitling him to the land, and, as he stepped out of the offic e, met the two men, who, having become apprised of his departure at the in n, gave chase, arriving as above stated. Edward returned to Virginia and s pent the winter. In the spring of 1814, he and his brother, M. E., came o ut to Ohio and raised a crop of corn in preparation for the coming of t he family. These trips were made on horseback, fording every stream betwe en the Ohio and King's Creek. About the 10th of September, John Morgan a nd family started for their new home in Ohio. A single wagon conveyed t he family and effects, and one spare horse, upon which the women rode alte rnately. They were much delayed by high waters, and ran many risks in ford ing swollen streams. They arrived here Oct. 1, 1814, and settled temporari ly a half-mile east of Kingston, in a house on the banks of King's Cree k, near the present railroad bridge. Resided here two years, thence to the ir house previously erected upon their own land. This house stood on the b ill south of the south branch of the creek, and about half a mile ea st of the residence of M. Stewart. This house was destroyed by fire many y ears since. About seven years later, he built a house at the south si de of the section, and moved into it, where he resided till his death, Ju ly 16, 1833. During his residence in this township, he served in various t ownship offices. Was Justice of the Peace for many years. In this capacit y, he used his great influence to discourage and prevent litigation, and m any differences among neighbors, threatening long and vexatious lawsuits a nd bitterness of feeling, were, by his advice and efforts, amicably adjust ed. His son, Edward Lloyd Morgan, was born Feb. 10, 1794, and came to Ohi o, as above related. He married Susan Earsom, whose father had, in 1824, r emoved from Hampshire Co., Va., and settled on the northeast edge of Dug an Prairie, near the stone quarry. Soon after, Mr. Morgan moved to a log h ouse which occupied the present site of the house erected by his son Sim on E. in 1874, and here be resided during the remainder of his long and us eful life. He died Feb. 23, 1875, aged 81 years, his wife having died Oc t. 9, 1850. Without attempting an extended eulogy on his character, it m ay be proper to say that, among all the early settlers in this townshi p, no one took a more active interest in the affairs of the township and c ounty or excelled him in unselfish efforts to promote the best interes ts of his community, and perhaps no one held the confidence, respect and e steem of his fellow-pioneers to so great an extent as he. He was main ly a self-educated man. After coming to Ohio, he engaged in teaching schoo l, his first being taught in a schoolhouse just west of the warehouse ea st of Kingston. This was about 1815 or 1816. He also did a great deal of s urveying, with which science he was familiar, serving as County Surveyor f or twelve years. In 1824, he was elected Representative to the Legislatur e, and again in 1832 and 1837. Served several years as Township Clerk, h is first term being in 1817 ; also as Treasurer, and, later in life, ma ny years as Justice, in which office he adopted the policy of his fathe r, endeavoring to secure a peaceable and equitable adjustment of cases bro ught before him. It is said that his acceptance of the office was mainly t hat he might discourage litigation. His motto was " on earth peace, good w ill to men." He became a member of Harmony Lodge, No. 8, A., F. & A. M., e arly in its existence, and served as Master, and was always proud of his c onnection with that society. At the organization of King's Creek Lodge, N o. 389, in 1866, he became its first Worshipful Master, continuing as suc h, by the united consent of his brethren, until, on account of age and inf irmity, he asked to be relieved of its labors. Was also a member of Urba na Chapter, No. 34, R. A. M., but, being advanced in years, took no acti ve part in its work. His life was an exemplification of the great principl es he taught as a Mason-temperance, prudence, justice, etc., faith, hope a nd charity, the greatest of which is charity-all in the broad sense and me aning which Masonry attaches to them. Of a family of eight children (fi ve sons and three daughters), only two survived him-Maskell E. and Sim on E. The latter, the third child, was born Jan. 29, 1832. Though the prim eval pioneer days were past before his birth, yet he has a distinct recoll ection of many hardships and deprivations of even those later days. He ass isted in clearing and breaking up the greater part of the farm where he n ow lives. On Sept. 17, 1863, he married Martha A. Cowgill, born April 2, 1 837, daughter of Henry and Anna (Marmon) Cowgill. Two years later, they lo cated at their present place of residence. From the fall of 1852 to the fa ll of 1865, he was engaged principally in teaching in the common and grad ed schools of the county. He has always taken a leading interest in the ed ucational affairs of his township. Was for many years a member of the Town ship Board of Education, and served several years as Township Clerk. In t he spring of 1868, he was appointed Township Treasurer on the retireme nt of Henry Cowgill, who had held the office for more than thirty years, w hich office he still holds, having been elected each successive year. He h as never sought nor asked for any office, believing that no office can con fer honor on the possessor if obtained by self-seeking or otherwise th an as a free gift of his constituents. Politically, Mr. Morgan has alwa ys been a Republican since the organization of that party. Is alive to t he agricultural interests of the country, and zealous in the advocacy of a ll measures to promote the interests and welfare of the farming communit y. Has represented his township on the Board of Managers of the County Agr icultural Society several years. Took a leading part in the organizati on of the Ohio Swine Breeders' Association, and has been for many yea rs a contributor to one or the other of the leading agricultural journa ls of the country. He, as his father was, is a member of the Masonic Frate rnity, and proud of his connection with it. Received the Blue Lodge degre es in Harmony Lodge, No. 8, in 1857, and the Chapter Degrees in Urbana Cha pter, No. 34, the same year, and, later, the degrees of Royal and Select M aster in the Council at Springfield. Has served one or the other of the Ma sonic bodies in official capacity continuously, except one year, since t he fall of 1857. In the fall of 1865, was elected High Priest of Urbana Ch apter, and served two terms. On Oct. 13,1866, was anointed the "Holy Ord er of High Priesthood" at Toledo, Ohio, by Grand H. P. George, Rex. Is n ow a member and Secretary of King's Creek Lodge, No. 389, which offi ce he has held a greater part of the time since its organization, in 186 6. Of his six children, but one is now living Arthur L., born Sept. 19, 18 67.

[HI10757] (Research):URBANA PEOPLE SOME WHO WERE RAISED IN THIS CITY AND ThEN MIGRATED TO OTHER PLACES AND W ON DISTINCTION. From Urbana Daily Citizen Nov 27 1889 by Geo A In the Navy Department we have REAR ADMIRAL JOSEPH P FYFFE, now in the Uni ted States Navy yards at Boston.

1880 Census Place Ripley, Brown, Ohio Family History Library Film 1254 996
NA Film Number T9-0996 Page Number 316D Joseph FYFFE Self M Male W 47 OH Chaplain U.S Clifford FYFFE Wife M Female W 39 OH Keeping Hou se MD OH Bessie FYFFE Dau S Female W 12 OH At School OH OH Mary FYFFE Dau S Female W 7 OH OH OH Joseph FYFFE Son S Male W 5 OH OH OH

[DI10760] age 2wks

[HI10763] (Research):No record of marriage to a Breedlove. No census record 1880,1900. No Ohio death record.

I am writing in reference to Emma Jane (Breedlove) Struble who is listed as the daughter of Zachariah Struble and Mary Ann Burke. Do you have any further data or a source for this name? Since it does not appear that Breedlove is a married name for Emma, I was wondering if she was born a Breedlove and adopted by the Strubles.
I do have a William D Breedlove [1818-1891], son of Elijah [1797-1861], who married Charlotte Struble [c1832-1884] on 26 Apr 1850 in Champaign County. They were the parents of Ella [1857-1858 Douglas Co, IL], Louis [1859-1859 Douglas Co, IL], John [c1861-1948] and Thomas [Nov 1860 - aft 1920]. I do not know how - or if - Charlotte Struble fits in with Zachariah or his parents, William and Elizabeth.
William had previously been married to Nancy Osborn and they were the parents of Elijah O Breedlove [1847-1892].
I am trying to straighten out my Breedlove data from Ross and Champaign County area and it has been quite a task. If you could have any further data on the Emma Jane Breedlove Struble, I would be most grateful.
Thank you for all the data you have posted regarding Champaign County Ohio! It is greatly appreciated.
Cheryl Dahl
�u�[email protected]�/u�

[DI10763] �u�Rutherford B Hayes Presidential Center Obituary Index @ �/u�
Emma Breedlove, wife of Thomas, d. 28 Jun 1913 at age 60 in Alger [Hardin Co, OH].

[DI10765] URBANA \endash Mary K. Heck, 96, of Urbana, Ohio passed away on Sunday, January 5, 2014, peacefully in her home with her family by her side. She was born March 31, 1917 in Champaign County, Ohio.

Mary retired from Grimes Manufacturing Company as a punch press operator. She was a member of the Urbana Church of Christ in Christian Union. She is survived by her loving husband, Howard T. Heck, whom she married June 20, 1970, son, Otis H. (Dorothy) Smith of Urbana, her daughter, Irene Cornell of Kalamazoo, MI, her sister, Lydia Thompson of Dayton, Ohio; her stepchildren, Gerald (Mary) Heck, Charles (Linda) Heck and Diane Heck; her grandchildren; Cindy Smith, Brian Smith, William Bean and Johnny Bean; as well as several great grandchildren, nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; Scott and Florence (Gabrill) Stapleton, a son, William Howard Smith, and grandchildren, Sonya Denise Parker, Randy Scott Smith and Robert Bean. A gathering of family and friends will be held from 5-8 p.m. on Wednesday, January 8, 2014 in the VERNON Funeral Home, Urbana. Funeral service will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, January 9, 2014 in the Urbana Church of Christ in Christian Union with Pastors Rev. David Van Hoose and Rev. Tom Amlin officiating. Burial will follow in Highland Memorial Cemetery, West Liberty, Ohio.Memorial contributions may be made to Urbana Church of Christ in Christian Union, 1121 N. Main St., Urbana, OH 43078 or Community Mercy Hospice, 444 W. Harding Rd., Springfield, OH 45504.

[HI10766] (Research):MARY E. HESS Birth: 12 NOV 1870 , Champaign, Ohio Parents:
Mother: SARAH J.

[DI10768] Record 26, Page 142 Filed May 8 1855-Petition to Partition
James W Hunter vs Harrison Hess
Elisha B Hess died seized of land in Military Survey Number 6238. Elisha's heirs were: Mary Hess, widow, later married Elias Blue; John William Hess; Harrison Hess and Nancy Elizabeth Hess. The last 2 children mentioned were residents of Indiana.

[HI10769] (Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 6 Twp 3 Range 11 SE 1/4 Apr 15 1882 Quitclaim from William and Mary Carmony to Benjamin Sna pp, etal, undivided 1/5 in 49.16 acres Bk 58 Pg 443

[DI10769] Name: �tab�William J. Carmony
Death Date: �tab�15 Nov 1917
Death Place: �tab�Wayne, Warren, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�12 Apr 1851
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Oh
Death Age: �tab�66 years 7 months 3 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�19 Nov 1917
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�John Carmony
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Oh
Mother's Name: �tab�Margarett Wheaten
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Oh
Film Number: �tab�1984223
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021677
Image Number: �tab�1575
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 74228

[HI10771] (Research):never married

Will Book K pg 60 James Stewart, Salem Twp died 4/17/1907 probated 4/22/19 07 Heirs William Stewart, bro-Urbana; Sarah Tritt, sis, Urbana; E A Stewar t, nep, Troy; J I Stewart, nep, Pittsburg, PA; Norah Walters, Lima; Lilli an Turner, Lima; Allie Christopher, Greenfield; Frank Walters, Huron SD ( No relationship given) A monument to my bro William Stewart and nep Willi am A Stewart. W A Stewart, Admin. Wit: M E Morgan, Sarah A Morgan Signed 5/17/1898

[XI10771] 1820-1907

[HI10773] (Research):

[DI10773] Newspaper Abstract
October 9, 1862
Killed last week, two more soldiers of 66th OVI, Cornwell McGill, son of Christopher of Champaign County, died in hospital at Washington; and Samuel Jamison
Samuel Jamison, Co. B, 66th OVI captured by the enemy at Port Republic, Va., June 9, 1862; exchanged Sept. 6, 1862 and died in Washington, D.C., Oct. 6, 1862 from the effects of imprisonment on Belle Isle, near Richmond, Va.
American Civil War Soldiers
Name: �tab�Samuel Jamison
Enlistment Date: �tab�3 Oct 1861
Side Served: �tab�Union
State Served: �tab�Ohio
Service Record: �tab�Enlisted as a Private on 3 October 1861 at the age of 19.
Enlisted in Company B, 66th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 26 Dec 1861.
Died of disease Company B, 66th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 6 Oct 1862 at Washington, DC.

[DI10774] Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1855-1871 (March 2000). Ohio State Democrat, The Urbana Citizen and Gazette, and Urbana Free Press pg65 11/7/1861 Died at her res Nov 4 of Tphoid Pneumonia, Mrs Martha Jamison, widow of late Wm S Jamison, age c38

[HI10775] (Research):Centennial Biographical History of Champ Co, OH pg397

[HI10779] (Research): m. 1 APR 1854, Kosciusko County, Indiana
Burial in Hepton cemetery, Nappanee, Indiana Note: She married Fenelon Gardner, son of Richard Gardner
and Ruth Nelson. Fenelon was born 20 JUN 1832, in
Greene County, Ohio. Died 10 SEP 1897, Sherburne
County, Minnesota. Fenelon served with CO. C, 128th
Ind. Vol. Inf. during the Civil War. He was in the battl
of Atlanta, Franklin, and Nashville.

[NI10782] She is buried in Nettle Creek Cemetery with her husband, Charles Tom Clyburn who was born on 13 April, 1926, and died on 29 July, 2009. I am unsure of his birth and death places.

Name: �tab�Charles Clyburn
Event Type: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�12 Dec 1948
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio, United States
Age: �tab�22
Birth Date: �tab�
Birth Year (Estimated): �tab�1926
Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Nickolas Clyburn
Father's Titles and Terms: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Belle Cagan
Mother's Titles and Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Rhea Smith
Spouse's Titles and Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�19, bookkeeper
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): �tab�1929
Spouse's Birthplace: �tab�
Spouse's Father's Name: �tab�Raymond S Smith
Spouse's Father's Titles and Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother's Name: �tab�Ethel Johnson
Spouse's Mother's Titles and Terms: �tab�
Reference ID: �tab�
GS Film Number: �tab�000545419
Digital Folder Number: �tab�004732950
Image Number: �tab�00256

Ohio, Birth Index, 1908-1964 about Smith
Name: �tab�Smith, female
Birth Date: �tab�22 Nov 1929
State File Number: �tab�1920076013
Additional Information: �tab�Earl

[HI10789] (Research):Urbana Daily Citizen Sat Feb 28, 2004 Page A-2 JOHN J. "TED" (POGO) EDWARDS 72, of Mechanicsburg, passed away Wednesda y, February 25, 2004 in the Mercy Medical Center, Springfield, Ohio. He w as born November 12, 1931 in Mechanicsburg, Ohio, the son of John and Gold ie (Evilsizor) Edwards. He married Thelma (Jordan) on July 30, 1952. Ted w as a 1950 graduate of Mechanicsburg High School. He worked for Navistar In ternational for 30 years. He was also a member of Grace Baptist Church a nd a volunteer for Mercy Memorial Hospital in the Radiology Departmen t. He is survived by his wife, Thelma Edwards of Mechanicsburg; two daught ers, Karen Robinson, Columbus, Ohio and Amy (Mitch) Cheek of Mechanicsbur g; three sons, Alan (Lisa) Edwards of Frisco, Texas, Marvin (Carolyne) Edw ards of Urbana and Mark (Lisa) Edwards of Marysville; 20 grandchildren, A my Elizabeth Edwards, Arianne Edwards, Alyssa Edwards, Ashley Robinson, Er ic Daulton, Corey Edwards, Tim Cheek, Leslie Edwards, Tasha Cheek, Chels ea Hite, Lyndsey Cheek, Ethan Edwards, Taylor Hite, Caitlyn Cheek, Emily E dwards, Kayla Robinson, Spencer Edwards, Abbey Edwards, Allison Edwards a nd Jameson Edwards; one great-grandson, Jordan Robinson; three brothers, R obert "Bob" (Phyllis), Jimmy and Mike (Dyna) Edwards all of Mechanicsbur g; three sisters, Phyllis Blackburn, Beverly Sue (Paul) Haffner and Pat ty Edwards all of Mechanicsburg; brother-in-laws and sister-in-laws, Ral ph and Virginia Ferryman and Dick and Ann Runyon both of Mechanicsburg; nu merous nieces and nephews and a host of friends. He was preceded in dea th by his parents; a brother, David Thomas Edwards and a sister, Mildred E dwards. The family invites friends to call from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. on Sunda y, February 29, 2004, at the SKILLMAN, MCDONALD & VERNON FUNERAL HOME in M echanicsburg. Funeral services will be held on Monday at 1 p.m. in the fun eral home with the Pastors Joseph Fortna and Ray Kaffenbarger officiatin g. Burial will follow in the McConkey Cemetery, Catawba. Memorial contribu tions may be made to the donor�s choice. First published in SNS on Feb 27 2004 JOHN J. "TED" (POGO) EDWARDS 7 2, of Mechanicsburg, passed away Wednesday, February 25, 2004 in the Mer cy Medical Center, Springfield, Ohio. He was born November 12, 1931 in Mec hanicsburg, Ohio, the son of John and Goldie (Evilsizor) Edwards. He marri ed Thelma (Jordan) on July 30, 1952. Ted was a 1950 graduate of Mechanicsb urg High School. He worked for Navistar International for 30 years. He w as also a member of Grace Baptist Church and a volunteer for Mercy Memori al Hospital in the Radiology Department. He is survived by his wife, Thel ma Edwards of Mechanicsburg; two daughters, Karen Robinson, Columbus, Oh io and Amy (Mitch) Cheek of Mechanicsburg; three sons, Alan (Lisa) Edwar ds of Frisco, Texas, Marvin (Carolyne) Edwards of Urbana and Mark (Lisa) E dwards of Marysville; 20 grandchildren, Amy Elizabeth Edwards, Arianne Edw ards, Alyssa Edwards, Ashley Robinson, Eric Daulton, Corey Edwards, Tim Ch eek, Leslie Edwards, Tasha Cheek, Chelsea Hite, Lyndsey Cheek, Ethan Edwar ds, Taylor Hite, Caitlyn Cheek, Emily Edwards, Kayla Robinson, Spencer Edw ards, Abbey Edwards, Allison Edwards and Jameson Edwards; one great-grands on, Jordan Robinson; three brothers, Robert "Bob" (Phyllis), Jimmy and Mi ke (Dyna) Edwards all of Mechanicsburg; three sisters, Phyllis Blackbur n, Beverly Sue (Paul) Haffner and Patty Edwards all of Mechanicsburg; brot her-in-laws and sister-in-laws, Ralph and Virginia Ferryman and Dick and A nn Runyon both of Mechanicsburg; numerous nieces and nephews and a ho st of friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; a brother, David T homas Edwards and a sister, Mildred Edwards. The family invites frien ds to call from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. on Sunday, February 29, 2004, at the SKIL LMAN, MCDONALD & VERNON FUNERAL HOME in Mechanicsburg. Funeral services wi ll be held on Monday at 1 p.m. in the funeral home with the Pastors Jose ph Fortna and Ray Kaffenbarger officiating. Burial will follow in the McCo nkey Cemetery, Catawba. Memorial contributions may be made to the donor �s choice. First published in SNS on Feb 27 2004

[HI10790] (Research):DAVID WAYNE EVILSIZER-Charleston Daily Mail David Wayne Evilsizer, 51, of Dunbar died May 22,2000, in General Divisio n, CAMC, after a short illness. He was employee of Myers Transfer, attend ed First Baptist Church of Tyler Mountain, was a veteran of the Vietnam W ar and recipient of the Bronze star. Surviving: daughters, Jacqueline Evilsizer of Austin, Texas, Natasha Evilsizer of Cross Lanes, Kimberly Evilsizer of Sissonville; mother, Joyce Thompson Evilsizer of South Charleston; sisters, Suzanne Moss of Charleston, Debora Baertschi of Houston; one grandson. Service will be 2 p.m. Thur sday at Bartlett-Burdette-Cox Funeral Home, Charleston, with the Rev. Robert Wilmoth officiating. Burial will be in C unningham Memorial Par, St Albans, with military rites by VFW Post 476 8, Alum Creek. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

He received a bronze start when his jeep hit a land mine and he pulled so me of the people with him to safety during his stint in the Vietnam war. He was stationed in Pleiku for two years.

�tab�SP4 US ARMY
�tab�DATE OF BIRTH: 09/07/1948
�tab�DATE OF DEATH: 05/22/2000
�tab�(304) 727-4349

[DI10794] Social Security Death Index about Mathias Baertschi
Name: �tab�Mathias Baertschi
SSN: �tab�393-18-8723
Last Residence: �tab�61108 Rockford, Winnebago, Illinois,
Born: �tab�26 Sep 1911
Died: �tab�Sep 1983
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Wisconsin (Before 1951)

[DI10795] Social Security Death Index about Ethel G. Baertschi
Name: �tab�Ethel G. Baertschi
SSN: �tab�487-20-2895
Last Residence: �tab�61010 Byron, Ogle, Illinois
Born: �tab�27 Jul 1920
Died: �tab�24 Jan 2006
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Missouri (Before 1951)

[DI10796] Charleston Gazette (WV) - January 1, 2006 Deceased Name: Joyce Jean Evilsizer Joyce Jean Evilsizer, 79, of South Charleston, who was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, aunt and friend to many, went to be with the Lord on Thursday, December 29, 2005. She was preceded in death by her husband, Donnell Roy Evilsizer; and a son, David Wayne Evilsizer. Surviving are two daughters, Debora Baertschi and her husband, Carl, of Houston, Texas, and Suzanne Moss and her husband, Rex, of Sissonville; six grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; two nieces; and one nephew. The service will be 1 p.m. Tuesday, January 4, 2006, at the Good Shepherd Mortuary, South Charleston, with the Rev. Al Mendez officiating. Burial will follow in Cunningham Memorial Park, St. Albans. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, January 2, at the mortuary. The family would like to give special thanks for the heart felt love and care provided by her very special caregivers, Rhonda Wilkinson and Keith Dennis. Special thanks also to Dr. Labus for the many years of care provided, and to the Rev. Al Mendez, Freeman Newhouse and the members of Goldtown Community Church for their visits, thoughts and prayers.

[HI10797] (Research):Single when died

[MI10797] (Medical):Died at the home of Alfred Hawes

[HI10798] (Research):PERKEYPILE ANNA C County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 6/2/1913 Volume Number: 1092 Certificate Number: 32208

[DI10798] Name: �tab�Anna C. Perkeypile
Death Date: �tab�02 Jun 1913
Death Place: �tab�Adams, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�13 Oct 1871 (born prior to 1870 census)
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�41 years 7 months 13 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�04 Jun 1913
Burial Place: �tab�Parisville
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Alphonse Overholser
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Shafer
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1953649
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021247

[HI10830] (Research):San Diego Tribune Sun Feb 4, 1948 Mrs Myrtle Evilsizer Funeral arrangements are pending at Merkley-Austin Mortuary for Mrs Myrt le Evilsizer, 66, who died yesterday in a local hospital. She had been vis iting her niece Mrs Bessie Hansen, of 2427 Madison Avenue. Her husband Jam es T Evilsizer, also survives. San Diego Tribune Feb 6, 1948 Evilsizer, Myrtle, Feb 3, wife of James T Evilsizer, aunt of Bessie Hanse n. Services Saturday 9:30 a.m.. Merkley-Austin Mortuary. Rev Paul A Hilgen dorf officiating. Interment in Mt Hope Cemetery

film 00062 image 0306 Myrtle Evilsizer No ss # born - 26 September 1881 Vienna, Missouri died - 3 February 1948 San Diego County Hospital 7 days in hospital, 2 weeks in San Diego, 19 years in California residence - 2427 Madison, San Diego spouse - James Thomas Evilsizer 66 years old housewife father - Julian Barnes born in Marys County, Missouri mother - Mary Pearson born in Marys County, Missouri informant - self buried - 7 February 1948 Mt. Hope Cemetery cause of death - occlusion, coronary, arteriosclerosis of coronary artery with angina pectoris

[DI10831] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Maxine M Hostetler
Name: �tab�Maxine M Hostetler
[Maxine M Williams]
Birth Date: �tab�13 Feb 1916
Birth State: �tab�Indiana
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Champaign
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Zip Code: �tab�45439-3266
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�28 Nov 2007
Death Time: �tab�06:45 AM
Certificate: �tab�102231
Age at Death: �tab�91
Registrar's Certificate Number: �tab�097988
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Method of Disposition: �tab�Removal from state
Hospital Status: �tab�Nursing Home/Long Term Care Facility
Social Security Number: �tab�309-38-8766
Father's Surname: �tab�Williams
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Education: �tab�High School Graduate or GED Completed
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Agriculture
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Farming
Census Tract: �tab�39113020400

[DI10859] Michigan 3/2/200 Obit
Iva (Miller) Stayton was preceded in death by her parents; a brother, Nolan Miller; and six sisters, Betty Miller, Hazel Miller, Edith Miller, Gertrude Chestnutt, Mary Belle Evelsizer

[HI10864] (Research):Her age indicates she was born before Clark and Anna were married. It is p ossible she was a child from a previous wife.

[HI10866] (Research):Parantage not proven. He is found in 1910 Marshall Co, Marysville, KS a ge 21. No other record found. Name seems to be spelled Evelinzer.

[NI10868] Dauther of Johannes (John) Lutz and Justina Seibert

[DI10872] Name: �tab�Charles Edward Enoch
Death Date: �tab�28 May 1938
Death Place: �tab�Bethel, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�14 Oct 1861
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Terre Haute, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�76 years 7 months 4 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�R D #1
Occupation: �tab�Cement Contractor Retired
Residence: �tab�New Carlisle
Burial Date: �tab�31 May 1938
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Ferncliff
Spouse's Name: �tab�Belle Enoch
Father's Name: �tab�John Enoch
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Katherine Beck
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Pennsylvania
Film Number: �tab�2023607

[DI10873] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Jeannet Ray
Name: �tab�Jeannet Ray
Birth Date: �tab�1895
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Clark
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�1 Feb 1980
Hospital of Death: �tab�Rickly Memorial Hosp
City of Death: �tab�Clark County
County of Death: �tab�Clark
Certificate: �tab�007188
Age at Death: �tab�85
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: �tab�279-22-3552
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed

[HI10877] (Research):PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Record Book 8, Page 452 � Filed 6 July 1824 � Petition to Sell Dower Abishai Hoesington & Lucy Kimball, Administrators of Ira Kimball The admi nistrators have already sold all of the estate except the dower, which amo unts to 40 acres. [A location of the land was not given but indications a re that the land may be in Wayne Township.] There is still $95.70 de bt to be paid on the estate. The heirs of Ira Kimball: Lucy, widow; Truem an Kimball and Arcy Kimball are of full age and Elmira Kimball, Irena Kimb all, Lucy Kimball, Hiram Kimball, George Kimball, Milo Kimball, Marietta K imball, Caroline Kimball and Lucinda Kimball are minors. On 25 November 18 24 the court appointed appaisers, Reuben Fairchild, James Darrow and Ebene zer Culver, valued the 40 acres at $40. The land was purchased by Nathani el Kidder for $26.67.

[DI10878] Name: �tab�William C. Kimbal
Death Date: �tab�05 Jun 1944
Death Place: �tab�Woodstock, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�17 Dec 1862
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Woodstock, Oh
Death Age: �tab�81 years 5 months 18 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�Rural
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�Rural, Champaign, OH
Burial Date: �tab�08 Jun 1944
Burial Place: �tab�Woodstock, Oh
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Lucy Kimbal
Father's Name: �tab�Truman Kimbal
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Oh
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary J. Chatfield
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Oh
Film Number: �tab�2032360
Digital Folder Number: �tab�
Image Number: �tab�2997
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 36221

[DI10891] Name: �tab�Mamie Ellen Davis
Death Date: �tab�21 Sep 1950
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�29 Aug 1872
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�78 years 22 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Phillip Tritle
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Martha Way
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2372662
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109283
Image Number: �tab�03090
Certificate Number: �tab�52772

[NI10902] Passage found for brother
New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 about Max Teucke
Name: �tab�Max Teucke
Arrival Date: �tab�25 Oct 1904
Birth Year: �tab�abt 1890
Age: �tab�14
Gender: �tab�Male
/Nationality: �tab�German
Port of Departure: �tab�Antwerp, Belgium
Port of Arrival: �tab�New York, New York
Ship Name: �tab�Kroonland
to live Chicago heights, Chicago with aunt.
Passage paid by aunt Caroline Hirt. to live 187 40th St, Chicago.
(sister Emma did not appear on the manafest)

[DI10902] Chicago Tribune (IL) - July 15, 1954
Deceased Name: Emma Louise Evelsizer
Emma Louise Evelsizer, July 13, 1954, loving mother of Mrs. Jean Sandberg, devoted grandmother of Louise and Paul, fond mother-in-law of Nils. Resting at chapel, 2324 W. 111th street. Service Friday, July 16, at 1 p.m. Interment Oak Hill.

[DI10903] Piqua Daily Call Jan 22, 1970
Paul L Neer, Hartzell Retiree
Paul L Neer, 65, of Urbana retired Hartzell Industires employee, died at about 1 a.m. Wed in his home. He reisde at 154 W Light here. Mr Neer was born June 25 1903 in St Paris the son of Robert and Della Hill Neer. He spent his entire life in urbana. Survivors besides his wife, the former Lena Hoffman are one daughter Mrs weslie (Nellie) Jones, sT pARIS; TWO SONS pAUL jR OF fAIRBORN AND rOBERT OF nORTH hAMPTON; ONE BROTHER hARY OF uRBANA AND NINE GRANDCHILDREN. bURIAL AT Philadelphia Church at DeGraff

[NI10905] Name: �tab�Joseph B. Engle
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�01 Mar 1906
Event Place: �tab�North Hampton, Ohio
Age: �tab�23
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1883
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�John H. Engle
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Margaret M. Davis
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Cora S. Baker
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�26
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1880
Spouse's Father: �tab�Ed. M. Baker
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Eliza A. Morris
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�cn3991
Film Number: �tab�465397
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016785
Image Number: �tab�159

[NI10913] son of William Warren and Mary Sheddrick

[HI10916] (Research):Champaign County Guardianship and Indentures pg182 11/24/1828 James Osbo rn gdn of David Osborn 18 yr; Levi Osborn 15 yr; Noble Osborn 13 yr; Abr am Osborn 9 yr; Nancy Osborn 6 yr; children of James Osborn, deceased. Sur ity James Dunlap (Chauncery records of Levi Osborn indicate these were his children, not Ja mes) Need additional research?

CCGS News Vol 22 No3 pg 88 Western Citizen July 5 1842 Remaining in the post office at Urbana, Ohio on the evening of June 30 18 42, which if not taken by the 1st day of October 1842, will be sent to t he General Post Office as dead letters Levi Osborn

[DI10916] Mentioned as aged father in obit of son Henry Clay dated 8/8/1896

[HI10918] (Research):Whitacre [email protected] Cathy (Whitacre) Reisinger.

[HI10919] (Research):In the 1910 Census in Franklin Co, Columbus, OH is a Dora Hosler age 30, b ut she is married to Nittz Hosler. (this may be a mistake in the transcrip tion). He is age 29 and they have a son Herold age 9.

Name : Dora Hosler Death date : 27 Mar 1914 Death place : Zanesville, Muskingum, Ohio Birth date : 16 Sep 1879 (Incorrect, she ws not born by the 1880 census) Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 34 years 6 months 11 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : American Occupation : Housekeeper Residence : Burial date : 30 Mar 1914 Burial place : Cemetery name : Woodlawn Spouse name : Father name : E. Evilsizer Father titles : Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Elizabeth Baker Mother titles : Mother birth place : Ohio GSU film number : 1953912 Digital GS number : 4021336 Image number : 441 Certificate number : fn 17792 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[BI10919] Name �tab�Hannah A. Evilsizer
Gender �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�24 Nov 1880
Birthplace �tab�Center, Noble, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�Ebenezer Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Elizabeth Baker
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C04218-0
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�930098
Reference Number �tab�v 2 p 15

[NI10921] Hugh married Mary Alice Taylor Welsh several years after she was widowed. She was born in Champaign County, on 11 February, 1924, and died on 13 November, 2002. Hugh and Mary Alice are buried in the Nettle Creek Church Cemetery in Mad River Twp.from:�tab� Earl Smith [email protected]

[HI10925] (Research):Name: Homer W Atkinson Age at Death: 63 Date of Death: 17 Jul 1980 City of Death: Barberton County of Death: Summit Volume: 24124 Certificate: 053617 Date of Birth: Est. 1917 State of Birth: West Virginia Country of Birth: United States Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Race: White Social Security Number: 233-32-6266 City of Residence: Barberton County of Residence: Summit State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Barberton Citizens Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy

[DI10948] Frank V. Evilsizer, Jr., of Ada died at 3:31 a.m. July 1, 2012 at Bluffton Hospital. He was born Oct. 9, 1987 in Lima to Frank and Sandy Dunifon Evilsizer Sr. and they survive near Ada. He was married to Kaitlin Gossard and she survives.Evilsizer was an avid outdoorsman and loved to fish and hunt. He was a member of the Bluffton and Hog Creek Sportsmen's Clubs. He was also a Michigan football fan.Survivors also include his children, Tavin, Brielle, Skylin, Payton and Chole, three brothers, Chuck McGue of Ada, Eric (Chrissy) McGue of Lima, Andy (Kate) Rickenburg of Bryan, a sister, Christina Evilsizer of Leipsic, and a maternal grandmother, Bertha Sikes of Vaughnsville. He was preceded in death by a brother, Stacy McGue.Funeral services will begin at 2 p.m. Friday at Chiles-Laman Funeral and Cremation Services, Bluffton. Rev. Brian Bucher will officiate. Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Bluffton.Visitation will be from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to the Christopher Falk Foundation c/o the Lima Superior Federal Credit Union. Online condolences may be expressed at

Officials advise on disposal of fallen trees, storm debris
July 02, 2012 8:47 PM
LIMA \emdash The only fatality from Friday's storm was caused by a tree blocking a roadway. Now, many Lima-area municipalities and townships are instructing residents what to do with their debris and fallen trees.
A 24-year old Bluffton man died Saturday after his dirt bike struck a tree blocking a roadway. Frank V. Evilsizer Jr. was driving north in the 8600 block of North Phillips Road shortly after 3 a.m. when the accident occurred. Since then, Lima officials wanted to get the word out on how to properly dispose of storm damage debris. ...

[DI10964] Name: �tab�Elmer N. Castle
Death Date: �tab�23 Jul 1945
Death Place: �tab�Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�18 Jul 1882
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�63 years 5 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Castle
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2372580
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4072341
Image Number: �tab�00609
Certificate Number: �tab�42769

[XI10964] 38329 �tab�CASTLE �tab�ELMER �tab�N. �tab�00/00/0000 �tab�CITY �tab�07/23/1945 �tab�07/26/1945 �tab�R �tab�Lot 210 �tab�SubLot 0 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 4

[XI10965] Inscription: Daughter of J & S Chance -- Aged 18y, 5m, 22d

[DI10974] Unable to locate an Ohiuo death record

[HI10979] (Research):Tombstone- Dearest Mother Thou hast left us. Here thy loss we deeply feel. But tis God that hath bereft us. He can all our sorrows heal.

[HI10980] (Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 12 Township 3 Range 11 20 Oct 1834 Quitclaim from Abram and Elizabeth Hullinger to David Magger t, 70.83 acres or 77 acres, N 1/2-BkL Pg537

List of youth between the ages of four and 21 years within School Di st No 5 in Urbana Twp 11-20-1833 Abraham Hullinger - 2

List of youth between the ages of four and 21 years within School Di st No 1 Mad River Twp No date, c1833 Abraham Hullinger -1

1860 Household has children of Mary SHort N M Short age 17, (m) Talma O Short 14, and William age 10

Will Book D pg 126 probated 7/19/1873 All property to be sold and divided among my childre. (not named) Son in law Jacob Young Exec Wit: Jacob Sifers, David Loudenback Signed (x) 5/20/1873

[DI10981] Name: �tab�Wm. Hullinger
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�05 Jan 1901
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Age: �tab�56
Birth Date: �tab�1845
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Occupation: �tab�Plasterer
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07056-2
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466665
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 199

[NI10986] CCGS Newsletter June 1998 Pg 60 1905 CHAMPAIGN CoUNTY CENTENNIAL Relics and Curios Under the direction of this committee the relics and curios were sho wn at the Central Ward School building. This was one of the interesting fe atures of the Centennial celebration. The following are the exhibitors a nd list of relics and curios displayed: Mrs John Stone: wooden chest, blue and white coverlet, 2 hair cloth chair s, kitchen table

[HI10986] (Research):

[DI10986] Name: �tab�Sarah Mcdonald Stone
Death Date: �tab�28 Jan 1934
Death Place: �tab�Urbana Champaign Co., Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�29 Aug 1840
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�93 years 4 months 29 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Oakdale
Spouse's Name: �tab�J. H. P. Stone
Father's Name: �tab�Colin Mcdonald
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Unknown
Mother's Name: �tab�Nancy Mccullough
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Unknown
Film Number: �tab�1992986
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4001891
Image Number: �tab�636

[NI10991] Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941 about Isaac N. Welsh
Name: �tab�Isaac N. Welsh
Spouse Name: �tab�Sarah Morris
Marriage Date: �tab�8 Oct 1874
Marriage County: �tab�Blackford
Performed By: �tab�Min. G. W. Saler
Source Title 1: �tab�Blackford County, Indiana
Source Title 2: �tab�Marriage Records Book A 1839 - 1857
Source Title 3: �tab�Use Corrected Book A inafead. It is bound Separatl
OS Page: �tab�517

[NI10992] Some info on this family found at ancestry trees
Issac N Welsh 1852 \endash 1910
Mary A Welsh 1854 \endash
John Warner Welsh 1856 \endash 1936
William Joseph Welsh 1862 \endash 1926
Rachael Ellen Welsh 1864 \endash
Rev Samuel Charles Welsh 1867 \endash
Anne Arundle Co. Maryland
taken to Ohio in 1836 by his mother;in Champaigen Co. for 5 yrs.then in Logan Co. and later to Blackford Co.Indiana
Parents Warner Welsh, Sr. 1786 \endash 1832
Rachel Fleming 1788 \endash 1865

[HI10994] (Research):Champaign Co, guradianship records pg478 2/17/1867 Thomas McConnell, gdn of Colin McDonald, intemperance, habitu al drunk and incapable to care for himself. Sureties Samuel M Rock and Dun can McDonald

pg480 10/24/1873 Thomas McConnell gdn of Colin McDonald, intemperence, hab itual drunk and incapable to care for himslef. Sureties- S M Rock, Jo hn H P Stone and J B Armstrong

Improvements in the City 4/16/1874 fro Urbana Citizen and Gazette Mr Colin McDonald is putting a new French plate glass front in the room oc cupied as a clothing store by Joseph Fisher & Co No 40 Monument Square.

[HI10995] (Research):1889 City Directory, Springfield Hullinger Abraham C. plasterer, res 290 W. High

[HI11016] (Research):JAMES W. COOK, JR. 93, died Monday, May 17, 2004 at 6:45 a.m. in the McAul ey Center, Urbana, Ohio. James was born January 21, 1911, in Champaign Cou nty, the son of James W. and Cora Dell (Hupp) Cook, Sr. He is surviv ed by his wife, Marian (Frock) Cook; daughter, Joyce Ann and Rex Evilsizo r; son, David Larry and Janice Cook; three grandchildren, Penni (Rick) Roy ston, Chyna (Jay) Bernarding and Mindi (Tom) Huckestein. He was preced ed in death by sister, Glenna Geron and brother Charles Elbert Cook. Frien ds may call Friday, May 21, 2004, from 6-8 p.m. in the JACKSON LYTLE & WIL LIAMS FUNERAL HOME, North Limestone Street, A Dignity Memorial Provider. F uneral services will be held Saturday, May 22, 2004, at 10:30 a.m., at t he New Moorefield United Methodist Church with Rev. James Zerkle officiati ng. Burial will follow at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. First published in SNS on May 20 2004

[DI11017] Springfield News-Sun - (Jun/30/2009)
COOK, Marian (Frock) Age 96, passed away Thursday, June 25, 2009 in Urbana, Ohio. She was a long time resident at McCauley Care Center. Marian was born February 19, 1913, in Clark County, the daughter of Arry U. & Minnie Frock. Marian was raised by Floyd & Annabell Wilson due to the untimely death of Minnie. She is survived by son, David & Janice Cook; daughter, Joyce & Rex Evilsizor; three grandchildren, Penni (Rick) Royston, Chyna (Jay) Bernarding, & Mindi Williamson; eight great-grandchildren; and four great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, James W. Cook; brother, Marshall Frock and a great-great grandson. Friends may call Thursday, July 2, 2009, from 6:00 - 8:00 PM in the JACKSON LYTLE & WILLIAMS FUNERAL HOME, Springfield. Funeral services will be held July 3, 2009, at 10:00 AM, at the New Moorefield United Methodist Church wit Rev. Don Trumbull officiating. Burial will follow at Pleasant Hill Cemetery.

Social Security Death Index about Marian E. Cook
Name: �tab�Marian E. Cook �tab�
Last Residence: �tab�45502 Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Born: �tab�19 Feb 1913
Died: �tab�25 Jun 2009
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (1962)

[DI11019] Springfield Daily News (Wednesday, 12-18-46) COOK, CORA Mrs. Cora Cook, 66, of New Moorefield, Springfield, Route 6, died at 11: 15 p.m. Tuesday in the City Hospital, where she was admitted Dec. 10. Mr s. Cook, the wife of James Walter Cook, Sr., lived in Clark and Champai gn Counties all her life and was a member of the Reformed Church and the G range in Tremont City. Survivors are her husband, her parents, Mr. and Mr s. Charles M. Hupp, natives of Tremont City, who live in New Moorefiel d; a daughter, Mrs. Glenna Geron of New Moorefield; two sons, James Walt er Cook, Jr., of New Moorefield, and Charles E. Cook of Columbus; two sist ers, Mrs. Nora Kliplinger of Lake Charles, La., and Mrs. Goldie McRober ts of Urbana; a brother, Cyrus Hupp of Beaumont, Tex., and four grandchild ren. The body was removed to Woods funeral home.

Name: �tab�Cora Cook
Death Date: �tab�17 Dec 1946
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�17 Feb 1880
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Fremont City Ohio
Death Age: �tab�66 years 9 months 23 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�James Walter Cook
Father's Name: �tab�Charles Hupp
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Clara Barl
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2372964
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4076167
Image Number: �tab�03121
Certificate Number: �tab�71558

Social Security Death Index about Raymond Eugene Carver
Name: �tab�Raymond Eugene Carver �tab�
Last Residence: �tab�67553 Liebenthal, Rush, Kansas,
Born: �tab�14 Apr 1929
Died: �tab�19 Feb 2010
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Kansas (Before 1951)

[DI11038] 31 January 1884 (This date in the CCGS Newsletter Sept 2012 is incorrect)
Urbana Citizen and Gazette
S. W. Gano Is Taken by Death in Cincinnati
Samuel Wiltshire Gano, husband of Carrie McLain Gano, died in his Cincinnati home, Sat urday after a long illness, according to word received by relatives in this city. The deceased made many friends in this city having married an Urbana woman, and through his business connections. For many years he called on local hardware dealers. He is a brother-in-law of the Misses Tillie and Anne McLain of Scioto street. Funeral services are to be held in Cincinnati, with burial following in Oak Dale cemetery, this city, Tuesday at 11:30 a.m.

name: �tab�Samuel W Gano
event: �tab�Death
event date: �tab�22 Aug 1931
event place: �tab�Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio
street address: �tab�4038 Clifton Ave.
gender: �tab�Male
death age: �tab�72y 11m 28d
marital status: �tab�Widowed
race: �tab�white
occupation: �tab�Retired
birth date: �tab�25 Aug 1858
birthplace: �tab�Cinti., Ohio
estimated birth year: �tab�1859
burial date: �tab�24 Aug 1931
burial place: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
cemetery: �tab�Crematory
father: �tab�Howell Gano
father's titles & terms: �tab�
father's birthplace: �tab�Cinti, O.
mother: �tab�Elizabeth Wilshire
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
mother's birthplace: �tab�WS
spouse: �tab�Carrie Sarah Gano
spouse's titles & terms: �tab�
reference number: �tab�fn 48861
film number: �tab�1992472
digital folder number: �tab�4000588
image number: �tab�280
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 Oct 2012), Samuel W Gano, 1931; citing reference fn 48861, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.

U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-Current about John Lawrence
Name: �tab�John Lawrence �tab�
SSN: �tab�552-58-4122
Last Residence: �tab�93065 Simi Valley, Ventura, California, USA
Born: �tab�25 Jul 1903
Died: �tab�Dec 1974
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�California (1958)

California, Death Index, 1940-1997 about John R Lawrence
Name: �tab�John R Lawrence �tab�
Social Security #: �tab�552584122
Gender: �tab�Male
Birth Date: �tab�25 Jul 1903
Birth Place: �tab�Washington
Death Date: �tab�23 Dec 1974
Death Place: �tab�Los Angeles

[HI11041] (Research):1870 household has William Kizer age 73 in household b PA

Buried in Johnson Cem with this family is C H Kiser born 1/4/1850 died 4/ 13/1895. No evidence of who this is from the 1880 Census records.

[HI11042] (Research):Elizabeth Kiser
Age: 72 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0008
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0106
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place living alone

1/1902 Mrs Elizabeth Ann Kizer, widow of Elijah Kizer of near Crayon is making h er home with her dauther Mrs Simon PENCE, She is 76 years old

IGI names her as Elizabeth Yoder as mother of Sarah

[HI11050] (Research):Rector-Gard Cemetery Eliza Gard (1988 reading says Eliza wife of daniel Gard and says died 192 1) Aug 1999, I believe the death date is 1827. Stone is almost illegible n ow, but is on the ground next to Daniels. If daughter Jane was born 183 1, we would feel sure she died after 1831.

[HI11052] (Research):Published in the Dayton Daily News from 11/30/2006 - 12/3/2006.

Family-Placed Obituary

HUTCHINS, Roberta "Bobbi" Fox 53, of Dayton, passed away Monday, Novemb er 27, 2006 at Miami Valley Hospital's Intensive Care Unit. Bobbi work ed at Miami Valley Hospital and Compunet Clinical Labs, for twenty yea rs as a Medical Technologist. She was preceded in death by her father D r. Ernest L. Fox, and mother Helen B. Fox. She is survived by her loving h usband Ron Hutchins and two brothers Tim Fox and Tom Fox. Bobbi was an av id golfer and was a member of Walnut Grove Country Club, a place dear to h er heart. Memorial visitation will be 6-8 PM Monday, December 4, 2006 at T OBIAS FUNERAL HOME-BEAVERCREEK CHAPEL, 3970 Dayton-Xenia Rd. at Grange Ha ll Rd. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Miami Valley H ospital Foundation in her memory.

Social Security Death Index Name: Roberta Hutchins SSN: 287-42-8368 Born: 1 Jul 1953 Died: 27 Nov 2006 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1963 )

[HI11053] (Research):Lawrence was nicknamed 'Shorty" and was the first born child. He was sho rt standing under 5'3" tall. There was a mix up on his initials and lat er in life simply went by W.L. Vanscoy instead of fighting to have it reve rsed to its original state... They had five children: Rosemary, Wesley, L aDonna, Ronald, and Richard. Ronald and Richard died. Ronald was near ly 25 years old and suffered from a blood clot behind his eye. Ronnie w as in the US Army and at Watler Reed Hospital for surgery before dying. Ri chard died at 7 months old as he died of complications of pneumonia on Apr il 23, 1939. Lawrence was a book binder for Crowell's and then got wo rk at Saalfield's which produced children's coloring books. Lawrence lov ed woodworking and smoked his pipe while fishing. He also enjoyed antiqu es and was the funny man in a comical routine. He was a member of the J r. Order of the United American Mechanics Lodge and helped promote their o rder by entertaining as a singing comedian "Skipper VanScoy". Lucielle pl ayed the piano and continues to do so today. Lawrence suffered a stroke a nd died on March 18, 1984 (one day after my own wedding.) He was a very g entle, soft spoken man always ready with a twinkle in his eyes to lau gh at any joke. Often had a pet bird and loved to whistle to it and wat ch it. He was generous with family and grandchildren often giving a shi ny huge apple at each visit and a small goody bag. (raisins, shiny pennies, and other candy)

[HI11054] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 203

VAN SCOY, Lucielle A. 95, of Springfield, died unexpectedly Wednesday morning, April 2, 2008 in her residence. She was born in Urbana on April 14, 1912 the daughter of Landes L. and Mary Catherine "Mamie" (Parish) Karg. Lucielle attended Tremont Elementary School and was a 1929 graduate of Lawrenceville High School. She was a member of Bowlusville United Methodist Church and a long-time member of the Daughters of America Home City Council 27. She served as a pianist for both her church and the Daughters of America for many years. Lucielle is survived by three children and spouses, Wesley and Barbara VanScoy of LaRue, Ohio, Rosemary and Ted Markley of South Vienna and Ladonna and Stan Bailey of Springfield; a sister, Christine Johnson or Urbana; seven grandchildren, Rosalee (Conrad) Emory, James T. (Becky) Markley, William K. (Sonja) VanScoy, Karen Sue (Walt) Walker, Andrea (Dave) Chockey, Rita Jane (Randy) Patton, and Melissa (Dana) Cooley; twelve great grandchildren; and four great-great grandchildren. Also surviving are several nieces and nephews and many friends including a special friend, Rita Crispino. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband, L. Wesley VanScoy; two sons, Richard W. and Ronald L. VanScoy; and a grandson, Gregory Markley. A gathering of family and friends will be held from 5-8 p.m. Friday in the LITTLETON & RUE FUNERAL HOME. Funeral services will be held at 1:00 p.m. Saturday in Bowlusville United Methodist Church with Pastor Stephen Beck officiating. Burial will be in Ferncliff Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Bowlusville United Methodist Church 445 W. County Line Rd., Springfield, Ohio 45502, You may express condolences to the family at Published in the Springfield News-Sun from 4/4/2008 - 4/5/2008.

From granddaughtr Karen Walker 2008
Yes, Grandma Lucille VanScoy died on April 1, unexpectedly, but very peacefully.
She would have been 96 on April 14. She was sitting in her easy chair with her eyeglasses in one hand and her pencil in the other and a crossword puzzle book in her lap. My Dad and Mom and just spend Monday with her and taken her out to eat, so they did get to see her just the day before she passed away and that helped to make their memories of her last day better. She had her memory and recall skills right up until her death.

[HI11055] (Research):Philip was born in Pike Co., Ohio Philip married Belva Lockwood Russe ll on Oct. 26, 1904 and they would go on to celebrate their 50th wedding a nniversary in 1954. Belva was born in Ross Co, OH. and was the daught er of Joseph Russlee and Melissa Hause (b. in 1855 and died in 1893) Bel va was only 8 when her mother died suddenly. Melissa was part Indian and so me in the family were embarrassed by this and tried to hide it, while othe rs were proud of it. Philip retired as a motorman and was employed by t he Springfield Suburban Railroad. He suffered with heart disease for 2 -3 years before dying on St. Patrick's day of 1965 and is buried on Lafay ette Cemetery in West Jefferson, OH. He is remembered as being gentle a nd soft spoken.

Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 311

[HI11056] (Research):Record Book 20, Page 111 � Filed 5 Nay 1845 � Petition to Convey David Rutan, Administrator of Isaac Chidester vs Heirs of Isaac Chidester On 23 August 1841 Isaac and his wife, Mary, agreeded to sell to Joseph B.C larke one and one�half acres in Military Survey Number 4747 (William Reyno lds Survey, Goshen Tp.). On 18 March 1844 Joseph Clarke transferred the la nd to R.T. H. Miller. On 5 May 1845 Miller transferred the land to Nels on R. Lansdale, who needed a clear deed. The heirs of Isaac Chidester wer e: Mary Chidester, widow; Prudence Chidester; Jesse Chidester; Franklin Ch idester; Johannah Chidester; Isaac Chidester; Abraham Chidester; Jacob Chi dester; Mary Chidester and Granville L. Chidester.

[HI11057] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 203

[XI11057] 20549 �tab�KARG �tab�LANDIS �tab�L. �tab�00/00/0000 �tab�SPR �tab�02/17/1976 �tab�02/20/1976 �tab�W �tab�Lot 67 �tab�SubLot 0 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 3

[XI11058] 20551 �tab�KARG �tab�MAMIE �tab�K. �tab�00/00/0000 �tab�CLARK COUNTY �tab�10/19/1957 �tab�10/22/1957 �tab�W �tab�Lot 67 �tab�SubLot 0 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 5

[HI11059] (Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 Pg 102 School Register for Joint District No 8, Urbana Twp, Champaign Count y, OH 1881-1886-John Karg, age 20, 1881-1882

[DI11061] Hiram was born in Jackson Co, OH. and was the 7th child of Nicholas and the second born of Elizabeth Wease. Hiram married Racheal Donahoe on
June 7, 1880 and the marriage was witnessed by Wallace W. Lewis, Justi ce of the Peace of Madson Co, OH. Hiram's occupation was listed as a shoe cobbler in West Jefferson, OH. They had at least four children: Philip, Lewis, Cec il A., and Clifford Clay VanScoy. Racheal had red hair and this seems to have passed along the generations which follow. Rachel died in 1919 and Hiram married Victoria Belle McHenry on Aug. 23, 1923. Hiram died in 1933.

VANSCOY HIRAM County Name: FRANKLIN Date of Death: 12/5/1934 Volume Number: 7682 Certificate Number: 72256

[NI11062] Rachel the dau of Alfred Donahue and Martha Ann Jones

[HI11063] (Research):1880 Kentucky Census TATE, WilliamSon<1862>MWBir:KYBourboRuddleMill TATE, William H.Son<1863>MWBir:KYHartHammonvill TATE, William H.Son<1863>MWBir:KYWayneMillSpring TAIT, William H.Son<1865>MWBir:KYJefferGilmans TATE, William PSon<1867>MWBir:KYCaseyDistrict3 TATE, William C.Son<1867>MWBir:KYGrant TATE, WilliamSon<1867>MWBir:KYGraysoMillwood TATE, Wm.Son<1869>MWBir:KYJefferLouisville

[HI11064] (Research):1880 Census Place:Quiver, Mason, Illinois Source:FHL Film 1254235 National Archives Film T9-0235 Page 48 0B Michael O' KEEFFESelfMMW49IRErFa: IREMo: IRE Bridget O' KEEFFEWifeFMW44IREFa: IREMo: IRE Anna O' KEEFFEDauFSW14ILFa: IREMo: IRE Lizzie O' KEEFFEDauFSW20ILFa: IREMo: IRE Edward O' KEEFFESonMSW16ILFa: IREMo: IRE Michael O' KEEFFESonMSW6ILFa: IREMo: IRE Ella O' KEEFFEDauFSW8ILFa: IREMo: IRE

Census Place:3rd Ward, Belleville, St. Clair, Illinois Source:FHL Film 1254247 National Archives Film T9-0247 Page 37 3A Patrick KEEFSelfMMW40IREOcc:Coal MinerFa: IREMo: IRE Maria KEEFWifeFMW35IREFa: IREMo: IRE Michael KEEFSonMSW16NYFa: IREMo: IRE Maria Ann KEEFDauFSW13ILFa: IREMo: IRE James KEEFSonMSW10ILFa: IREMo: IRE Ella KEEFDauFSW7ILFa: IREMo: IRE David KEEFSonMSW5ILFa: IREMo: IRE William KEEFSonMSW2ILFa: IREMo: IRE Georg KEEFSonMSW1MILFa: IREMo: IRE

[HI11066] (Research):

[HI11067] (Research):from YELLOW SPRINGS AND HURON, written by J.W. Merrill and published in Me diapolis, Ia in 1897 pg 57 JOSHUA SWANK was born in Kentucky in 1798. His parents moved to Indi ana when he was but a boy. He married Elizabeth Westfall in Indiana in 182 5. Ten years later, in 1835 he came to Iowa and settled on a claim nor th of the one afterwards taken by his brother Wesley. He was the first set tler in that part of Huron township. Of the family there lives but o ne in this part of the country, Brinton Swank, whose home is north of t he Mills farm on the Bottom road. Mr. Swank lived on the old place till h is farmily were all gone from home. He died in Kansas some years ago, b ut his remains were brought back here for burial. At an early day a postof fice was established at his home and he was probably the first postmast er in the township. This was the original Hawkeye postoffice,k from whi ch the school in the neighborhood took its name.

[DI11074] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Forrest W Branson
Name: �tab�Forrest W Branson
Birth Date: �tab�1889
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Allen
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�25 Jun 1961
Hospital of Death: �tab�Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: �tab�St Marys
County of Death: �tab�Auglaize
Certificate: �tab�38511
Age at Death: �tab�72
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Married

[DI11075] Name: �tab�Joseph Russle
Death Date: �tab�12 Aug 1929
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�26 Feb 1852
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ross Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�77 years 5 months 17 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�American
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�14 Aug 1929
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Pleasant Hill
Spouse's Name: �tab�Mallisa Haravse
Father's Name: �tab�Russle
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Virginia
Mother's Name: �tab�Malissa Hawoe Russle
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ross Co., Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1991908
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022273
Image Number: �tab�734
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 50827

[HI11077] (Research):STALLSMITH, Freida B. 91, died Saturday, February 26, 2005 in the McAul ey Center, Urbana, Ohio. Arrangements pending with Walter Schoedinger Fune ral Home. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 2/27/2005.

STALLSMITH, Freida B. age 91, died Saturday, February 26, 2005 at 3: 25 am in the McAuley Center, Urbana, Ohio. She was born in Lima, Ohio on M ay 8, 1913, the daughter of Philip and Belva (Russell) Vanscoy. She is sur vived by six children, W. Charles (Agnes) Stallsmith, Philip (Linda) Stall smith, Mary Beatty, Martha (David) Boggs, Sarah Stallsmith, Rebecca Stalls mith (Keith Green); brothers, Victor Vanscoy and Warren Vanscoy; nine gran dchildren; nine great grandchildren and two great great grandchildren. S he was preceded in death by brothers, Lawrence, Russell and Myron Vansco y; sisters, Lula Gross and Annabelle Vanscoy; grandson, Alan Beatty and so n-in-law, Jan Beatty. She was a member of Urbana United Methodist Churc h. Funeral service will be held Wednesday 10:30 am at WALTER SCHOEDINGER F UNERAL HOME, a Dignity Memorial Provider. Rev. Dr. John Daniels and Rev. N ancy Raypholtz officiating. Family will receive friends Tuesday 4 -8 pm at the funeral home. Burial Oak Dale Cemetery. Freida was a wonderf ul wife, mother, grandmother, sister and friend. She will be sadly miss ed and remembered for her selflessness and warm loving nature. Her quick w it brought a smile to many faces. Freida loved nothing more than spendi ng time with her family and was a friend to all that knew her. Her coura ge and strength have been an inspiration. She faced life with a smile a nd appreciated the simple things- a bird outside her window, beautiful flo wers and a hug from a grandchild. Her smile and appreciation for life wi ll never be forgotten and will continue to bless the lives of all who kn ew and loved her. Contributions may be made to Paws Animal Shelter or Urba na Paramedic Fund. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 2/28/2005.

[HI11078] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 297

[HI11082] (Research):Unnamed Cemetery "The Saint Paris Quadrangle, Ohio, Champaign County 7.5 Minute Serie s" of 1961 indicates this cemetey is located in section 1 of Johnson towns hip. Ohter sources indicate that the plot may be located in the adjoini ng section of 31 in Concord townshop. Acreage in both of these sections we re owned by Lemuel Norman. The graveyard is probably the Norman Family plo t.

Newspaper article dated 12/20/1883 in obit books of Denise K Mahan Moore Poysell & Offenbacker removed Eva, mother of Barney Pence from the David K ite farm and reinterred at the Spring Grove Cemetery. The remains had be en buried 62 years and were still in good condition. They also removed t wo children for Gabriel and Rebecca Norman, to the same place; also one ch ild for John Norman. They also removed a large monument standing 22 fe et high for Mrs Susan Norman from her farm to the Spring Run Cemetery; al so removed the father and mother and sister of Lemuel Norman and two child ren of Lemuel Norman and Susan Norman. They have another monument and a fa mily to remove for Mr Weller, in the same neighborhood. The Spring Run cem etery has only been opened since last spring and has already began to lo ok like they were going to have a very fine place of it soon. It is very n icely located about half way between St Paris and Millerstown. Poysell a nd Offenbacker have two very nice monuments sold to go in the same cemeter y. One for Gabriel Norman, to sot $625 and a nice cottage monument for Har rison Bodey.

On tombstone with Lemuel is also the name Rosa and Sylvester

[HI11083] (Research):Name : Susannah Kauffman Norman
Death date : 21 Dec 1920
Death place : Concord, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date : 21 Oct 1835
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Ohio
Age at death : 85 years 2 months
Gender : Female
Marital status : Widowed
Race or color : Caucasian
Street address :
Occupation : Housewife
Residence :
Burial date : 23 Dec 1920
Burial place : Champaign, County
Cemetery name : Spring Grove
Spouse name : Lemuel Norman
Father name :
Father titles :
Father birth place : Virginia
Mother name : Elizabeth Buroker
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : Virginia
GSU film number : 1991439
Digital GS number : 4022174
Image number : 3281
Reference number : fn 73680
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[XI11083] No visible marker as of June 2010

[HI11084] (Research):1900 census has John W Norman, grandson born 7/1890, but son Sylvester w as too young to have a child in 1890. Wife Mary says she only has one son.

Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 12 Twp 3 Range 11 ( NW 1/4) 25 May 1933 Springfield Bldg & Loan Assn to John W Norman, 67.06 acres, 82 .53 acres and 1.50 acres Bk 120 pg 353

[HI11086] (Research):Springfield Ohio News-Sun-January 30, 2000 William E Groves, 74, of Springfield passed away Thursday evening, Janua ry 27, 2000, in the Ohio Masonic Home. He was born December 8, 1925 in Yel low Springs, Ohio, the son of Harry G and Dorothy M (Hasenzahl) Grove s. Mr Groves was a member of the Trinity Lutheran Church, Loyal order of M oose, Fraternal Order of Eagles Aeerie 397, Veterans of Foreign Wars and U nited Auto Workers Local 402. He retired from Navistar International and w as a Veteran of the United States Army during World War II having serv ed in Europe and Japan. Mr Groves was married in 1947 to Imogene Glass w ho preceded him in death in 1999; a Sister Betty Jean Moore in 1993; and t wo brothers-in-law, Elden Glass and Robert Corrigan. His survivors inclu de a brother-in-law, Richard Moore; two sisters-in-law, Lillian Corrig an of Tucson, Josephine Glass of Xenia, several nieces including Robert a nd Mary Corrigan of Colorado, Chris Corrigan of Tucson, Richard and Mary L ou Moore of Springfield; two aunts, Madaline Spangler of Springfield, Euni ce Evilsizor of Urbana; several great and great-great nieces and nephew s; a host of cousins and many, many friends, special friends, Howard and G ladys Anderson, Eugene and Lois Rader, and members of the birthday club. B ill will be missed by all who knew and loved him. A gathering of family a nd friends will be held at the Littleton & Rue Funeral Home, Springfiel d, Sunday from 2-5 P.M. Funeral services will be held in the funeral ho me Monday at 11 A.M. with Pastor Bonny Kinnunen officiating. Burial wi ll be in Glen Haven Memorial Gardens. Memorial gifts may be made to the Ge rman Twp EMS, 3940 Lawrenceville Drive, Springfield, Ohio 45504, or the Am erican Heart Association, 300 South Limestone St, Springfield, Ohio 4550 5. You may express condolence to the family through m

[HI11087] (Research):U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
ARMY SERIAL NUMBER 20710067 20710067
Record Name: Rolland D Evensizer
Birth Year: 1918 Race: White, citizen Nativity
State or Country: North Dakota State: North Dakota County or City: Towner
Enlistment Date: 10 Feb 1941 Enlistment State: North Dakota
Enlistment City: Cando Branch: Infantry Branch Code: Infantry Grade: Private Grade Code: Private Component: National Guard (Officers, Warrant Officers, and Enlisted Me Source: National Guard Education: 1 year of high school
Marital Status: Single, without dependents Height: 68 Weight: 155

[HI11088] (Research):Eileen's grandparents were Northrupp and Fish
Parents were Edwin A Johnson and Sophia Wibe

[HI11093] (Research):Judy I Breakall, 54, of Springfield, died Wednesday evening, July 1, 199 8, in Community Hospital. She was born April 8, 1944 in Springfield Ohi o, the Daughter of David and Ethel (Adams) Little. Judy was a retired ho me health aide and was a past member of the Fraternal order of Eagles Aeer ie 397. Her survivors include her son and daughter-in-law Ronald L and Ti ne Breakall of Springfield; two sisters, Mary Evilsizor; and Linda Wilma n, three brothers and one sister-in-law, Donald Little, Paul and Candace L ittle and Jerry Little; one grandson, Ronald L "Boogie" Breakall, ILL; spe cial friends, Martha Jo Bryant and Sue Perkins; numerous nieces and nephew s. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Donald Breaka ll in 1978; and one brother, Ernest Little. Funeral services will be he ld in the Littleton & Rue Funeral Hom Monday at 2 P.M. with pastor Jerry S tinger of the Victory Baptist Church officiating. Visitation will be he ld two hours prior to the service. Burial will be in Clifton Cemetery.

Springfield News, July 2, 1998 Judy Breakall, 54 , of Springfield, died Wednesday evening, July 1, 19 98 in Community Hospital. She was born April 8, 1944 in Springfield, Ohi o, the daughter of David and Ethel (Adams) Little. Judy was a retired ho me health aide and was a past member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles Aer ie 397. her survivors include her son and daughters-in-law, Ronald L and T ine Breakall of Springfield; two sisters, Mary Evilsizor and Linda Wilma n; three brothers and one sister-in-law, Donald Little, Paul and Candace L ittle and Jerry Little; one grandson, Ronald L "Boogie" Breakall, II; spec ial friends, Martha Jo Bryant and Sue Perkins; numerous nieces and nephew s. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Ronald L Breaka ll in 1978; and one brother, Ernest Little. Funeral Services will be he ld in the Littleton & Rue Funeral Home, Springfield, Monday at 2 P.M. wi th Pastor Jerry Stinger of the Victory Baptist Church officiating. Visita tion will be held two hours prior to the service. Burial will be in Clift on Cemetery

EVILSIZOR, Mary Ann 64, of Springfield, passed away Friday, January 27, 20 06 in her residence. She was born July 14, 1941 in Springfield, the daught er of Dave and Ethel Louise (Adams) Little. She retired after many yea rs of service at South Brook Nursing Home. She was also a member of the fu ll gospel Pentecostal Church of God. Mary enjoyed sewing, doing crafts a nd playing BINGO. She is survived by her children, Richard (JoAnn) Breaka ll and Ralph Breakall; her brothers, Paul (Candice) Little and Jerry Littl e; a sister, Linda L. (James) Evilsizor; grandchildren, Heather, Krysta l, Brandy, Chad, Ryan, Chasity, Jason and Amanda; great grandchildren, Zo e, Seph, and Jade; several nieces, nephews and friends, and special friend s, Clara Moore, Penny Merchant, Tom Chapman, and Bernice Baker. She is pre ceded in death by her parents; her brothers, Ernest and Donald Little, a nd a sister Judy Breakall. Funeral services will be held Monday at 11 am in Rose Hill Chapel. Burial will follow. In lieu of flowers, contributi ons may be made to Community Mercy Hospice. Published in the Springfield News-Sun on 1/29/2006.

Name: Mary A. Evilsizor SSN: 290-56-3880 Last Residence: 45504 Springfield, Clark, Ohio Born: 14 Jul 1941 Died: 27 Jan 2006 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (1971 )

[HI11096] (Research):Source of this line is from my mothers Barnes line, Robert barnes RBarnes@y

[DI11097] San Jose Mercury News (CA) - February 17, 1993
Deceased Name: EVENSIZER
EVENSIZER, Josephine Jeannette, 77, of Los Gatos, homemaker. Memorial service at 2 p.m. March 6 at Bethesda Manor & Convalescent Center, Los Gato s. Private graveside service at Oak Hill Memorial Park, San Jose. Arrangem ents by Oak Hill Funeral Home, San Jose.

[HI11099] (Research):The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 08 January 1940 Nobel Rebekah Lodge Officers Installed Mrs Charles Evilsizer, Vice Grand

The Zanesville Signal Zanesville Ohio 15 February 1940 Social Notes- Mrs Charles Evilsizer entertained members of the Alpha and O mega Sunday School Class of the Presbyterian Church at her home Tuesday ev ening. Mrs J W Robinson is the teacher of the class.

The Times Recorder, Zanesville, OH Sunday, Oct 24, 1966 Mrs Pauline Gadd Mrs Pauline B gadd, 63, of 15 South Linden Avenue, South Zanesville di ed at 4:30 Sunday Oct 23rd in Good Samaratin Hospital where she had be en a patient since Thursday. Mrs gadd was born Nov 5, 1904 in Roseville, d aughter of Lou and Lola Davis Snyder. She had lived in Zanesville area sin ce 1927. Surving are a daughter, Mrs Fred (Lola) Wentworth of 531 Hedgewo od Avenue; two sons, Roy T Evilsizer of Columbia Station and Richard L Evi lsizer stationed with the Navy in Philadelphia; 10 grandchildren and a gre at grand child' a sister, Mrs Lelia Sanford of Canton; two brothersm, Erne st Snyder of 1103 Lindburgh Avenue and Cecil Snyder of Barberton. Two daug hters, Mrs Jennie Maulden and Grace Evilsizer and her husband Clifford Gad d, preceded her in death. Frineds may call at William Thompson and Sons Fu neral Home in White Cottage from 7-9 today dn 2-4 and 7-9 Tuesday.

Name: PAULINE B GADD Gender: Female Date of Death: October 23, 1966 Volume: 18634 Certificate: 79655 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Zanesville, Muskingum County Race: White Residence: , Muskingum County Age: 61

[HI11100] (Research):The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 15 August 1940 Roy Evilsizer spent Wednesday morning at his grandfathers home in Rosevill e.

The Zanesville Signal Zanesville Ohio 15 May 1943 Roy Taylor Evilsizer, seaman first class of the Navy's Armed Guard, s on of Mr and Mrs C S Evilsizer, of 116 S Eighth St is spending a 15 day fu rlough with his parents. He has just returned from service overseas a nd is stationed at Treasure Island San Francisco. Seaman Evilsizer enlist ed in the navy on Aptil 3, 1942 and was formerly a carrier boy for the Zan esville Signal.

The Sunday TImes Signal, Zanesville, Ohio, Sunday, Jan 30, 1944 Roy Evilsizer Honored With Surprise Party Roy Evilsizer, gunners mate (3/c) was pleasantly surprized with a party gi ven by his mother,Mrs Pauline Evilsizer, in honor of his 19th birthday, Fr iday evening. Games were played and refreashments served. Those present we re Russell McCormick, Gene Joseph, Pearl Gray, Dick Cohen, Ray Riggle, Ru th Barnhart, Bob Clossen, Bobbie Combs, Roberta Combs, Leona Hearing, Rich ard Evilsizer, Bill Haggen, Phyllis Webster, Juanita Hite, Edna Armstron g, Jean Gadd and Juanita Rice. Evilsizer is home on 24 day furlough wi th his parents Mr and Mrs Charles Evilsizer, 166 S 7th St.

The Zanesfield Signal, Wd, Mar 22, 1944 Former Employees of Publishing Company Visit Service Center While on Leave Twp former employees of Zanesville Publishing Company, who enlisted in t he Navy, returned to Zanesville yesterday and signed the Southeastern Oh io Roll of Honor in the lobby of the Publishing company building. Tey a re apprentice seaman Clyde Wilson who is home on leave having complete bo ot training at Great Lakes naval Training Center, and Gunners mate 3rd cl ass Roy Taylor Evilsizer, who has been on duty in the South Pacific and Ca rabean and the North Atlantic. Both men riside at 166 S Seventh St. Wils on is to be assigned to an amphibious training force in San Francisco whi le Evilsizer is attached to a destroyer escort in the South Pacific. Evils izer enlisted 4/3/1942 while Wilson entered service last Jan 26th. Evilsi zer was employed in the circulation department.

The Zanesfield Signal, Mon Dec 11, 1944 Roy Taylor Evilsizer, G M 3-c left Sunday for San Francisco CA to await as signment after spending a 30 day leave with his mother Mrs Pauline Evilsiz er, 166 South Seventh Street. His ship the "Sheldon" was torpedoed O ct 3 and several lives were lost, but he along with some others miraculous ly escaped. He has been in service three years and this was his thriteen th trip. Evilsizer enlisted while still a pupil in Hancock School and w as a former employee of the Zanesfield Publishing Company. He will celebra te his 2th birthday Feb 12th.

The Zanesville Signal Zanesville Ohio 20 December 1945 Roy E Evilsizer, in the navy nearly four years, is home on leave.

The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 1946 Names Beginning the the Letter E serving in the Armed Forces during WWII.. ...Roy Taylor Evilsizer

Roy T Evilsizer 5820 Courier Ct Gulf Breeze, FL 32563-9617 (850)934-4204

Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) - August 23, 2005 PENSACOLA, Fla. -- Roy T. Evilsizer Sr., 80, of Gulf Breeze, Fla., passed away Wednesday, July 13, 2005. Surviving are a sister, Lola Wentworth of Zanesville; a brother, Richard (Dick) Evilsizer of Mount Vernon; t wo sons, Roy Evilsizer Jr. of California and David Evilsizer of Rhode Isla nd; three grandchildren, Amber, David and Jennifer; and four great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his beloved wife of 44 years, Ruth Ann; a son, John Michael Dayton; his parents, Charles Sherman and Pauline Sn yder Evilsizer; and sisters, Grace Evilsizer and Jennie Maulden. Graveside services will be at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 25, 2005, at Rose Hill
Cemetery, Roseville

Pensacola News Journal (FL) - August 14, 2005 Deceased Name: Roy Taylor Evilsizer Roy Taylor Evilsizer, 80, of Gulf Breeze died Wednesday, July 13, 2005. Me morial services, 3 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 21, at St. Paul United Methodist Chur ch in Gulf Breeze. Trahan Family Funeral Home is directing

Name: Roy T. Evilsizer SSN: 298-18-1218 Last Residence: 32563 Harold, Santa Rosa, Florida Born: 12 Feb 1925 Died: 13 Jul 2005 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )

[DI11103] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Helen P Arthur
Name: �tab�Helen P Arthur
Birth Date: �tab�1902
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Troy
Residence County: �tab�Miami
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�3 Oct 1975
Hospital of Death: �tab�Stouder Memorial - Closed 9/25/98
City of Death: �tab�Troy
County of Death: �tab�Miami
Certificate: �tab�076547
Age at Death: �tab�73
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed

[HI11104] (Research):Pensacola News Journal (FL) - January 8, 1999 Deceased Name: Ruth Ann Valentine Evilsizer Ruth Ann Valentine Evilsizer, 70, of Gulf Breeze died Wednesday, Jan. 6, 1 999. Rose Lawn Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Name: Ruth A. Evilsizer SSN: 274-24-3087 Last Residence: 32561 Gulf Breeze, Santa Rosa, Florida, United Stat es of America Born: 23 Aug 1927 Died: 15 Jan 1999 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )

[HI11105] (Research):The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 29 August 1940 Dick Evilsizer is ill at his home 815 1/2 Main St.

The Zanesville Signal Zanesville Ohio 21 November 1945 Baptist Youth Plan Firday Evening party Refreshments will be served by Namoa Reed, Shirley Huey, and Dick Evilsize r.

The Zanesville Signal Zanesville Ohio 25 November 1945 New Offiers Elected at Hancock Junior High School. Representatives from the ninth grade.... Richard Evilsizer

The Zanesville Signal Zanesville Ohio 09 December 1945 New Feture at hancock Junior High School The program consisted of a short introduction by Richard Evilsizer follow ed by a scripture reading.

The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 19 February 1946 Ralley This Evening For Baptist Youths Games committee under the leadership of Elizabeth Saad will include Charl es Parkinson, Dick Evilsizer, and Mrs Donald Varner

The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 03 October 1946 Pastor Addresses Hi-Y Members 18 new members....Richard Evilsizer

The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 21 December 1946 Rev Pemberton Christmas Topic The Youth meeting will be held at 6:30 Sunday evening under the directi on of Richard Evilsizer, president. and Elizabeth Saad, Advisor.

The Zanesville Signal Zanesville Ohio 21 April 1946 Devotional progrm for the school year, Richard E Evilsizer

Times Recorder, The (Zanesville, Ohio) > 1948 > April > 9 Saipan Sailor Here on Emergency LEave Richard Evilsizer, seaman, USN, son of Mrs Charles Evilsizer, 227 1/2 Ma in St arrived here recently from Saipan on a 30 day emergency leave. He w as called home by the death of his father. Evilsizer who has been in the n acy since September of 1946 is working for the rating of Aviation machinis t. He has been attached to avaition squadron VPMS6 on Saipan for the pa st seven months and will return to his duties there when his leave expires.

The Zanesville Signal Zanesville Ohio 06 September 1949 Home On Leave Richard Lee Evilsizer, yeoman, seaman, USN, son of Mrs Clifford gadd of 2 10 Woodlawn Avenue is home on 30 days leave from aviation squadron VP46 s tationed in San Diego CA. Evilsizer enlisted in the navy from Zanesville J an 1947

Times Recorder, Zanesville, Ohio, 08 November 1949 Zanesville Sailor in Patrol Squadron Richard Lee Evilsizer, seaman, USN, son of Mr and Mrs Clifford Gadd of 2 10 Woodlawn Avenue , Zanesville, is attached to Patrol Squadron 46 whi ch is one of the units Vice Admiral Gerald F Bogan's Western Task Force, n ow engaged in the joint Army-Navy exersize "Miki". Primary objective assig ned the 90 ships adn 40,000 servicemen in Admiral Bogan's sea-air arma da is the "retaking" of the Hawaiian Islands, theoretically in the han ds of an agressor force, by amphibious assault troops of the Army's Seco nd Infantry Division.

The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 10 November 1949 In Army-Navy Venture Among those now ingaged in the joint Army-Navy Operation Miki under Vice A dmiral Gerald Bogan's Western Task Force, is Richard L Evilsizer, seama n, son of Mr and Mrs Clifford Gadd of 210 Woodlawn Avenue. He is attach ed to Patrol Squadron 46

[BI11105] Name: �tab�Gerald Evilsizer
Birth Date: �tab�26 Dec 1929
State File Number: �tab�1929115972
Additional Information: �tab�Sherman
(Did Richard have a twin or this a completley wrong transcription?)

[DI11105] Times Recorder - (Jul/3/2010 Zanesville, OH
MILLWOOD: Richard L. "Mr. E." Evilsizer, 80, of Millwood, formerly of Dresden, died at 6:30 a.m. Thursday, July 1, 2010 at Knox Community Hospital.Born December 26, 1929 in Zanesville, he was the son of the late Charles and Pauline (Snyder) Evilsizer. On July 25, 1953 he married Rachel J. Dulac in Portsmouth, NH, and she passed on September 9, 2000. Mr. Evilsizer had sold newspapers for the Times Recorder/Zanesville Signal, worked at Hardesty Grocery and the Roggie Hotel and served twenty years in the US Navy, retiring in December 1966. After his retirement, he had assignments at Good Samaritan Hospital, the Ohio Youth Commission, West Virginia Penitentiary, Avondale Youth Center, Zanesville Police Dept., United Technologies and Tri-Valley Schools. He was a member of St.Ann/St. Mary Parish and had been a Eucharist Minister at the church and Genesis Health Care. A member of the Knights of Columbus, Mr. Evilsizer was a Past Faithful Navigator of the Fourth Degree in the Zanesville area."Mr. E." is survived by one daughter, Twyla (Louie) Shilling of Millwood; one son, Allan (Linda) Evilsizer of Zanesville; grandchildren, Mike Evilsizer, Nicole (Michael) Hartman, Cody Evilsizer, Kendra Wukelich, Michele Clark; great grandchildren, Jaiden Wukelich, Jason Hummel, Jesica Hummel, Destiny Stewart and Gabrielle Hartman.In addition to his wife and parents, he was preceded in death by three sisters, Grace, Jennie and Lola; one brother, Roy T.; a granddaughter, Chasty Lee Evilsizer; and a great granddaughter, Katelyn Evilsizer.Friends may call 7-9 p.m. Monday, July 5, 2010 at the Dresden Chapel of Vensil-Orr & Chute Funeral Home. A Wake Service will be held at 8:30 p.m. at the funeral home.A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Mattingly Settlement with Father Jack Maynard, Celebrant. Burial will follow in Mattingly Settlement Cemetery.Memorial contributions may be made to St.Ann/St. Mary's Parish, P.O. Box 107, Dresden, OH 43821.

[DI11106] Name: �tab�Lewis Henry Snyder
Death Date: �tab�10 Dec 1940
Death Place: �tab�Roseville, Muskingum, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�16 Aug 1866
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Rehaboth, Perry Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�74 years 3 months 24 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�James St.
Occupation: �tab�Retired Coal Miner
Residence: �tab�Roseville, Muskingum, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�13 Dec 1940
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Roseville Cemetery
Spouse's Name: �tab�Etta Jane Snyder
Father's Name: �tab�Henry Snyder
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Ansel
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�2023888
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4027439
Image Number: �tab�345
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 76783

[DI11109] Name �tab�Wilcome Davis
Titles & Terms �tab�
Death Date �tab�19 Sep 1936
Death Place �tab�Zanesville, Muskingum, Ohio
Birth Date �tab�18 Jun 1869
Estimated Birth Year �tab�
Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Death Age �tab�67 years 3 months 1 day
Gender �tab�Male
Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Race or Color �tab�Caucasian
Street Address �tab�427 Echo Ave.
Occupation �tab�Motorman
Residence �tab�Zanesville, Muskingum, Ohio
Burial Date �tab�21 Sep 1936
Burial Place �tab�
Cemetery Name �tab�Greenwood
Spouse's Name �tab�Emma Davis
Father's Name �tab�William Davis
Father's Title & Terms �tab�
Father's Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name �tab�Martha Russell
Mother's Titles & Terms �tab�
Mother's Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Film Number �tab�2022691
Digital Folder Number �tab�4122462
Image Number �tab�863
Certificate Number �tab�fn 59070

[HI11115] (Research):1860 Champaign Co, Wayne, OH pg34 Adam Moffitt, 50 OH Martha 44 Nathan O 16 James K 14 John M 8 Sarah E 4 Charles L 1

Name: Sarah E Moffitt Estimated Birth Year: abt 1857 Age in 1870: 13 Birthplace: Ohio Home in 1870: Wayne, Champaign, Ohio Family and neighbors: View Results Race: White Gender: Female Value of real estate: View Image Post Office: Woodstock Roll: M593_1179 Page: 500 Image: 617 Year: 1870 Adam Moffit, head, teamster, OH 60 Martha A 51 OH John 18 OH Sarah E, 13OH

[NI11116] Phillip was the Great Grandson of Cornelius Board
Cornelius Board (ca.1690-1745) was the Founder of the Board family in America. He came from Sussex, England in 1730 with his wife, Elizabeth, and two young sons, James and David; James was ten, born in 1720, and David was three, born in 1727. He settled first at Bloomfield, New Jersey, then later at Boardville, Pompton Township, Passaic County, New Jersey.

Cornelius was a Civil Engineer and Surveyor. He was sent by Alexander Lord Sterling to search the mountains of northern New York and New Jersey for copper ore, but he found not copper but iron in great abundance. He named the place Sterling after his patron, and he built the first forge there in the years, 1730 to 1736. The first iron made in that part of the country was made by Cornelius Board, and it is absolutely certain that this first Sterling Forge was the beginning of the works that later made iron for cannon balls used in the Revolution; also, for the great chain that stretched across the Hudson at West Point.

From the History of Caldwell Co, Kentucky by Samuel W Stegar pg215
...Cornelius Board was the original Board immigrant. He had nine children, of which James was the oldest. James Board, (son of Cornelius and father of Phillip) wass born 1720 in England and died in 1803 in Ringwood, New Jersey. He married Ann Janneke Schuyler [1828-1816], the daughter of Phillipus and Hester Kingslmun Schuyler. James served in the Revolutionary War as Commissioner of Forfeited Estates in Bergen County, New Jersey. They had at least eight children with Phillip being the oldest. Phillip Board was born Aug 17, 1760 in Bergen County New Jersey and died June 3, 1850 in Mercer Co, Ky. He was drafted in August 1776 into the New Jersey Malitia and Capt Peter Huff's Company of Tangers was about 3 years. He first married Aliner Thompson July 21, 1788 in Mercer Co, KY at Harrodsburg. They had eight children before her death. Joseph Board born Nov 7 1800 , their seventh child was probably the first to settle in Caldwell County. He was an early Baptist Minister and moved here after 1845 to a farm in Northern Caldwell. Phillip was married a second time to Mary Mitchler on May 24, 1804 in Mercer Co, KY. They had three children with Benjamin being the youngest.

[HI11116] (Research):Philip Schuyler Board descends from the famous Schuyler's of New York. Philip's mother was Janneke Ann Schuyler who was a great great granddaughter of Philip Schuyler and Marguerita Van Slichtenhorst. President George Bush also descends from the Schuyler line, we are sixth cousins.

Philip and Mary Castleman were married in Harrodsburg, Mercer County, Kentucky. It was his second marriage.

He fought in the Revolutionary War and was in actual service in the New Je sey Militia and Rangers about three years. His services were confin ed to the State of New Jersey and on the North River. He was not in any genuine Battle, but was in a skirmish with the refugees in the English neig hborhood. He performed three tours under Capt. Joseph Board and other tours under several other officers. While in service, Philip was station ed at Millstone, Elizabethtown, Newark, Hackensack and the English neighborhood. During part of the time the British occupied New York, he was stationed at Newark and Bergens as a guard. When the Battle of Mammoth was fought, Philip was on the march to aid, but did not arrive in time.

Phillip was a revolutionary war soldier, fighting with the New Jersey Miliia. His pension application #S14979, dated 3 Sep 1832, states that he w as 71 years old. He was born in Bergen Co., NJ & lived there at the time of the ARW & first called into service on Aug 20, 1776 in the New Jers ey Militia..served under Capt. JOSEPH BOARD....removed to Ky from NJ 1789 & now live on the Chaplin (River) in Mercer Co. "No one could prove my services but Peter Huff & Daniel Coovert who were present at many of the places but did not then know me." An affidavit from David Board, made some time after this application (but no date is given), states: He is the son and executor of the Phillip Board estate. Peter Huff and Daniel Covert also gave affidavits stating that they had often heard Phillip speak of his service.

There was a Philip Board who was Surety for the marriage of a Thomas M. Board on September 15, 1800 in Mercer County, Kentucky to Rebecca Hart. Since this could not have been his own son, it was undoubtedly one of his relatives. Philip's own son, Thomas, was born in 1803.

There was, also, a James Board married to Martha Adams, May 21, 1805, in Mercer County, Kentucky. Philip had a son, James, who was born in 1789, but this appears to be too young a person to have married in 1805.

Philip was shown on the 1795 Tax List of Mercer County, Kentucky. At that time, he had no blacks, ten horses, and fourteen cattle. Later, he had a number of slaves as his Inventory at death shows the names of six slaves he owed.

Philip was a farmer and a lender of money. He died at the age of ninety.

When a lad of sixteen, was drafted into militia service for 3 years. After the war he joined a wagon train, taking the newly opened route through VA to KY.

[HI11117] (Research):It has not been fully determined who Mary's father was. She supposedly born a Castleman and married a Mitchler. Supposedely had son Jacob Mitchell born 1793 but it seems she is too young for that birth.

In the 1795 Tax List along with Philip Board, there are two Mitchells; Robert and James. Robert has no blacks, three horses, and twelve cattle. James had no blacks, four horses, and thirteen cattle.

James Mitchel, Robert Mitchel, and Edward Mitchel are listed along with Philip Board in the 1800 Mercer County, Kentucky census. In 1820 Mercer County census, only Philip and a Braxton Mitchell are listed.

There was a Jacob Mitchell listed on the Sale Bill of Philip Board, deceas ed, 1850. There was also a Jacob Mitchell on a Deed with Philip Board in 1814 in Mercer County.

There was a Land Grant of James P. Mitchell in 1834, Mercer County, Scrub Grass Branch.

Mary's last name was spelled Mitchler, Mitchlor, or Mitchell. She evidently died before Philip made his will because her name is not mention ed on his Will which he made in 1844. (Marriage bond spells clearly Mitchler)

[DI11118] Name: �tab�Joseph A Bussen
Birth Date: �tab�1919
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence Place: �tab�Clark, Ohio, United States
Death Date: �tab�21 Feb 1977
Hospital of Death: �tab�Mercy Medical Center
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio, USA
Certificate: �tab�007761
Age at Death: �tab�58
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Marital Status: �tab�Married

[XI11118] Name: �tab�Joseph A. Bussen
Death Date: �tab�21 Feb 1977
Cemetery: �tab�Ferncliff Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark County, Ohio, USA
Has Bio?: �tab�N

[BI11119] Name: �tab�Unnamed S Evilsizor
Birth Date: �tab�5 Aug 1938
State File Number: �tab�1938065592
Additional Information: �tab�Norman

[HI11120] (Research):Benjamin Morrison Board lived at Donaldson and Princeton, Kentucky where he was a farmer. He lived near Flatt Rock Church with his first family. Later, he gave his eldest son, Frank, land near Flatt Rock Church a nd built himself and Dora a new "Big House" over in Princeton. My mother said her father had owned slaves.

Ben and Becky had three children who lived. One child had died at birth and another, a girl, had died at age four. All of Ben and Dora's childr n died young except Uncle Andy and my mother, Elmina. Nora Mae died in infancy; Alemeda was twenty-five; Ella, fourteen; Stella, 31; Rosalie, 8; Lillian, 30; and, Mary Elizabeth, 25. Andrew and Elmina lived to be over 90 years old.

Ben's first wife, Rebecca Ann Baker was called Becky. (md Jan 20, 1871) He married Dora after Becky died. Dora was an orphan girl living with the Aldridge family on a fa rm close by the Board farm. Mr. Aldridge took her and raised her after her mother died at childbirth when she was born. One of her brothers, Luth er Nuckols, stayed close by while Dora was growing up to make sure she was okay. Luther stayed close by until she married Ben Board.
(By Helen Marie Barnes Evilsizer)

[DI11120] Will for BM Board in 1926, Will Book C:469-471.

October 1926 Twice A Week Leader.
B. M. Board Passes Away
B. M. Board, a well known aged and highly respected citizen of the Briarfield section, died at his home last Thursday of high blood pressure and complications. He was 70 years old and is survived by his second wife, two sons and six daughters. The interment took place in the Perry graveyard this afternoon.
(Provided my Linda Ward of the Koons Library)

[NI11121] The complete Nuckolls lineage can be found in the original publications "Nuckolls Worldwide Kindred Society Book I" and also in the original publiaction "Evil in the Barn".

[HI11121] (Research):For complete lineage back to immigrant ancestor, visit the Nuckolls Workdwide Kindred Society Web site at vilsizer/nuckolls.html

Dora Elizabeth was an orphan girl. She was raised by Andrew Aldridge who lived on a farm near Ben Board. Her mother, Julia, had died in childbirth** when Dora was born. Her father, Caswell, kept the three boys and remarried.

Dora's brother, Luther, stayed close by while they were growing up and loo ked after Dora until she married Ben Board.

[DI11121] Twice-A-Week-Leader Princeton Kentucky December 8, 1937
A gloom of sorrow was cast over the Briarfield community, last Friday morn ing, December 3rd, at 6 o'clock when Mrs. Nora Board, 66, succumbed at t he home of her son, with whom she had resided for the past several years.She was the daughter of the late Caswell and Julia Nuckles and was bo rn in Marion Kentucky, February 5, 1870, remaining there until 16 yea rs of age when she came to Caldwell County where she resided until her death. Nearly 50 years ago she was united in marriage to the late Ben M. Board. This union was blessed with nine children, five having preceded
her in death. They were Mrs. Alameda Jenkins, Mrs. Estella Williamson, Ellen, Rosalee and Nora Mae Board. Those left to survive are Andy Board, Mrs M ary Payne, Mrs Lillian Gray, all of the county, and Mrs Dock Barnes of Sullivan, Mo. There are also 20 grandchildren and one great grandchild together with a host of other friends and relatives to mourn her passing. Mrs Board was a devout member of the Briarfield Baptist Church. Funeral service was conducted at the family residence at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon by the Rev. H. A. Egbert. Interment followed in the family lot at the Perry Cemetery, (Caldwell County, Ky.), amid an embankment of floral offerings..

[HI11128] (Research):d/o Wm and Iva F Hines

[HI11132] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS- Biography Pg 133

[HI11133] (Research):William S COX Self M Male W 51 OH Physician IRE N. Nancy S. COX Wife M Female W 49 OH Housekeep Edward S COX Son S Male W 17 OH Farmer OH OH George S COX Son S Male W 14 OH At Home OH OH Daniel YOUNG Other S Male W 19 OH Laborer OH OH 1880 Source Information: Census Place Brown, Miami, Ohio
Family History Library Film 1255049 NA Film Number T9-1049 Pa ge Number 30D

[HI11134] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS- Biography Pg 133

[HI11135] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS- Biography Pg 133

[NI11136] Son of Job & Patience Inskeep.

[NI11138] Told to me (Sandi Koscak) by Donald Leroy Evilsizor in 2000 in phone interview.
Shirley was actually the first wife of my son Donald Lee Evilsizor, so guess all our records need to be updated to reflect this fact. That makes Donald's current marriage to Christy his 3rd wife! I don't really have any other information to go by and he sure does not talk about it.

Shirley died under questionable circumstances (not sure if this was due to consuming too much alcohol or what) and there was a quite a military trial on White Sands Army Base. I bet it was also well known in the local newspapers too from that era. I know they were probably real party goers there at White Sands.

My son was later charged in this incident. When the military authorities threatened him, he and someone else took off (AWOL-not sure if that was official) around the country and was later apprehended on the east coast.

A trial was later convened, I was even called down as a witness for the defense. The particular Captain who was pushing the case called me in and s aid he thought my son was responsible for Shirley's death and he was going to try and find a way to convict him one way or another. I thought this was highly unusual and even told the defense attornies later, one was a civilian named Boyaki (Boyacki ?)or something like that, and the other defense
attorney was a military officer with the last name of Smith from what I recal l. The trial ended in a common term I was not familiar with but think it was termed a mistrial (?) and was basically due to apparently the excessive efforts of this military prosecutor.

Anyway still cannot think of the terms. But sometime after the trial this military prosecutor apparently tried to commit suicide and jumped out of a window somewhere. He was so over obsessed with this case for some reason, which I think was the defense argument in the end.

I heard that some of the jury members were spoken to later and they thought the whole situation was out of hand with the prosecution.

I also figure you may be able to find some history recorded in the newspapers in your area. I have not been able to find any information other th an what was sent.

I was in the army not far from retirement when called to appear at White Sands. They were married locally and I did know and see she was somewhat older than Donald. They were both in the army. So it was not one of those traditional family type weddings with all in attendance.

I only seen her in a coma at the hospital and did go to the funeral and of course later to the trial, but did not view the whole trial as I think the prosecution did not want me in there for some reason.

So I basically do not have any information at all on what Shirley's maiden name was or anything else. I am not sure why this information is so hard to find.

Like I indicated to you before, my half sister (Alberta Evilsizor) was involved in some type of bank heist in Dayton when I was very young. Someone had shown me some newspaper clippings but that is about all that can be remembered.

I have tried searching newspapers in the past with no luck at all, but am thinking maybe as this internet thing grows maybe more information w ill become available. Again son does not discuss this topic and we never pushed for any additional information.
Don Evilsizor

Update from Don email 10/2012 after a conversation with Shirley ex husband Kenneth Milo Proctor.
somehow they possibly met at theWhite Sands Missile Range where they worked and lived on base.Never knew hardly any history on how they got together from mymemory. All of a sudden was informed of their relationship and marriage. Then the crisis developed of her being in a coma of some sorts, I was still at Fort Knox. So think I flew down to
be there not long afterwards. Shirley was at a hospital in El Paso, TX and she never came
out of it and passed away. They did an autopsy and not certain of all the details of the results. But some time later there was apparently some sort of investigation done and after a
few contacts of calling my son in for interviews he was concerned of being charged with murder. So he took off with someone else and apparently went west to maybe California, then somehow back east to New Jersey. That of course really got things stirred up. I had no idea where he was until being caught by the law and returned to Texas. And believe him and another guy were locked up at Fort Bliss. Then a trial was scheduled and I was summoned to White Sands to provide family backgrounds, history and character references. I had not retired as of that time. Anyway, the trial lasted several days and some Captain who was the prosecutor went too far overboard and the defense requested a mistrial be declared. And the judge agreed with the request. Strange that the defense brought up if the case was lost by the prosecutor he was so obsessive that he would commit suicide. And apparently that Captain later did try by jumping out of a window somewhere. Not sure if he died or not. Am not sure but believe there was pressure on the Captain to find guilty charges - no matter what or he would not get a promotion. I mean to tell you they flew in military folks who knew the couple and spent a lot of money on scientific toxicologists and the like. I do recall son talking to jury members afterwards and they stated their decision would of been not guilty if it came to that point. Not sure if that was all of them or not as there was apparently not sufficient evidence. There was a number of articles in the Las Cruces, NM newspapers and believe El Paso too. Additionally know it was on a TV channel too. My thoughts at the time, not sure what to believe from all the trial confrontations. Also Shirley's sister was present for
the trial too and of course very bitter. So that is the basics from my recollection.
I wonder if this Kenneth was in the miltary and possibly stationed at White Sands? Otherwise guess I do not get the connection.

I recall son had 2 attorneys, one a army captain Smith & a civilian lawyer Tom or Thomas Boyaki (not sure of spelling). The army prosecution did spend a lot of money big time flying in people from all over the world practically, that included military members who had been stationed there and knew them both. Think some came in from Alaska, Germany and the far east too. Also many military members who were still on base were summoned too.
Additionally toxicologists were present, one was flown in from either Georgia or Alabama for the prosecution, then defense also had some technical person there too. Again I must say the Captain prosecutor really appeared to go overboard at times, but am not that familiar
with real court procedures/processes. I believe that the investigators on base also initially indicated son was guilty no matter what and put the scare to him and the other guy. And think the defence made reference to that event being the reason they then went AWOL. And yes it certainly sounds like they were guilty according to the articles. Another thing I noticed in the articles was that Shirley was found dead on base. She was not dead as apparently the 3 of them had been drinking - how much who knows? She had apparently passed out and regurgitated, then died several days later down at a El Paso hospital.

[DI11138] El Paso Herald-Post-Monday, October 10, 1997 SP4 Shirley D Evilsizor, U S Army, 27, 506 Dart St, White Sands Missle Ran ge, New Mexico, passed away Wednesday in a local hospital. She served in the Army for over 14 months and was a member of Headquarters Company, White Sands Missle range, New Mexico. Survivors; father William �u�D�/u�oples, [sic] Green Cove Springs, Florida; mother Mary E �u�D�/u�oples, [sic] Springfield South Carolina;guardian Miss Clolla (sic) Hampton of Newman, Flordia. Funeral Services will be at Sierra Chapel, White Sands Missle Range, New Mexico Tuesday at 9 A.M. with Chaplin Major D Silver and Capt Robert Hartland officiating. Interment will be in Ft Bliss National Cemetery



[HI11139] (Research):Name: Ronald Evansizer SSN: 486-36-5787 Last Residence: 65802 Springfield, Greene, Missouri, United Stat es of America Born: 20 Aug 1935 Died: Oct 1972 State (Year) SSN issued: Missouri (Before 1951 )

Name: Ronald Leroy Evansizer Birth Date: 20 Aug 1935 Gender: Male Mother's Maiden Name: Mcneill Birth County: San Francisco

[BI11139] Name: Ronald Leroy Evansizer Birth Date: 20 Aug 1935 Gender: Male Mother's Maiden Name: Mcneill Birth County: San Francisco

[DI11139] Name: Ronald Evansizer SSN: 486-36-5787 Last Residence: 65802 Springfield, Greene, Missouri, United Stat es of America Born: 20 Aug 1935 Died: Oct 1972 State (Year) SSN issued: Missouri (Before 1951 )

[DI11143] Name: Eliza Jane Athey
Death date: 04 Apr 1911
Death place: Mad River, Clark, Ohio
Birth date: 11 Dec 1838
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Ohio
Age at death: 72 years 3 months 24 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: House Keeper
Burial date: 06 Apr 1911
Burial place: Enon, Ohio
Cemetery name:
Spouse name:
Father name: Jacob As...Ing
Father titles:
Father birth place: Ohio
Mother name: Ansah Clevinger
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: Ohio
GSU film number: 1952820
Digital GS number: 4021057
Image number: 3109
Reference number: fn 19502
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[XI11143] (1838-1911) Lot owner Jacob Athy Sec 51 Lot 4

[HI11145] (Research):Remembering that for some reason William Ashing, son of Joseph and Catherine PORTER Ashing had in his obit that he was a son of Catherine ATHY Ashin g. This is a huge puzzle. Catherine's d. certif says that her fa. was PO RTER and her mo. was GUMP. Catherine was in the 1850 and 1860 househo ld of Phillip Porter in Champaign Co., OH at the appropriate ages. A nd I have Did whoever wrote obit for William Ashing not know the maiden name of William's mother? But for some reason thought it was Athy?????? ?? (contact [email protected])

[DI11145] Name: Joseph Ashing
Death date: 05 Aug 1918
Death place: Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth date: 14 Feb 1837
Estimated birth year:
Birth place: Champaign Co., Oh
Age at death: 81 years 5 months 21 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: American
Street address:
Occupation: Retired Farmer
Burial date: 08 Aug 1918
Burial place:
Cemetery name: Ferncliff
Spouse name:
Father name: Jacob Ashing
Father titles:
Father birth place: America
Mother name: Kisiah Clevenger
Mother titles:
Mother birth place: America
Informant Mrs Harry Best
GSU film number: 1984381
Digital GS number: 4021902
Image number: 2588
Reference number: fn 46479
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI11147] (Research):Ohio 1910 Census Miracode Index Record Name: William E Ashing Birthplace: Ohio State: OH Age: 27 Color: W Enumeration District: 0052 Visit: 0044 County: Clark, Springfield Ci Relation: Head of Household Wife Emma E 27 New York Daughter Viola G 04 New York

Name: William E. Ashing Serial Number: First Lieutenant Race: W Residence: Catawba, O. Birth Place: Springfield, O. Birth Date / Age: 18 Dec 1881 Assigns Comment: 1 Lieutenant Infantry 5 Aug 1917 from National Guard 3 In fantry ONG (148 Infantry) to Discharge Springfield O; Cp Sherman O; Cp She ridan Ala. Honorable discharge 16 Oct 1917 by direction of President. Volume #: 1

[DI11147] OBIT OF WILLIAM E. ASHING as published in Springfield Daily News Feb. 7, 1966
"Word has been received here of the death of William E. Ashing, 85, a former native and resident of this city. He died in Bay Pine Hospital in St. Petersburg, Fla., Tuesday, Feb. 1. He was born in Springfield, the son of Joseph and Catherine ATHY Ashing. He was a veteran of the Spanish American War and retired First Lieutenant of Co. B. 37th Division of the United States Army. Mr. Ashing was a barber by trade. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Viola Jamerson of Niles, Mich.; a son Leo of Fort Christmas, Fla.; either grandchildren and several nieces and nephwes in Springfield, including Archie M. Lawrence of 623 E. McCreight Av. Services were held in Kissimmee, Fla, and burial was in the Spanish American Soldiers Plot in Kissimmee Cemetery.

�u�Catherine ATHY Ashing�/u�. This is a huge puzzle. Catherine's d. certif says that her fa. was PORTER and her mo. was GUMP. Catherine was in the 1850 and 1860 household of Phillip Porter in Champaign Co., OH at the appropriate ages. Did whoever wrote obit for William Ashing not know the maiden name of William's mother? But for some reason thought it was Athy????????

Florida Death Index, 1877-1998
about William Edward Ashing
Name: �tab�William Edward Ashing
Death Date: �tab�Feb 1966
County of Death: �tab�Osceola
State of Death: �tab�Florida
Race: �tab�White
Gender: �tab�Male

[XI11147] Spanish American Soldiers Plot

[HI11149] (Research):Father: John LONGBRAKE Mother: Mary HEISTAND b: 8Jul1791 in Shenandoah Co, Va

1850 Champaign Co, Union, OH pg 300 Zachariah Longbrake 38 PA Martha 32 NY George 14 OH Susannah 12 OH John 9 OH Francis M 6 OH Zachariah L 4 OH

[HI11151] (Research):The Zanesville Signal Zanesville Ohio 08 January 1940 482 in Lash High Sophomore Class Lola Evilsizer

The Zanesville Signal Zanesville Ohio 28 October 1940 Halloween Party Members of Busy Bee Class of First baptist Church will be guests of Miss L ola Evilsizer , market Street, at a Halloween party to be held at 7 o'clo ck this evening at her home, Miss Hallie Dempster will assist the hostess

[DI11151] Name: �tab�Lola M. Wentworth
SSN: �tab�426-42-5627
Last Residence: �tab�
Born: �tab�24 Jan 1924
Died: �tab�22 May 2009
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Mississippi (Before 1951)

[HI11152] (Research):Wentworth children from: Robert H. Brothers [email protected]

[DI11152] Name: �tab�Frederick A. Wentworth
SSN: �tab�279-03-0990
Last Residence: �tab�43701 Zanesville, Muskingum, Ohio,
Born: �tab�13 May 1914
Died: �tab�26 Sep 2002
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (Before 1951)

[HI11153] (Research):Name : Grace A. Evilsizer Death date : 23 Apr 1929 Death place : Zanesville, Muskingum, Ohio Birth date : 23 Jul 1928 Birth place : Gurnsey Co., Oh Age at death : 9 months Gender : Female Marital status : Single Race or color : American Street address : Arlington Ave Occupation : Infant Residence : Zanesville, Muskingum, OH Burial date : 25 Apr 1929 Cemetery : Snow? Hill Father name : Charles Evilsizer Father birth place : New Concord, Oh Mother name : Pauline Snider Mother birth place : Roseville, Oh GSU film number : 1991871 Digital GS number : 4025345 Image number : 2048 Certificate number : fn 30324 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[BI11153] Name: �tab�Grace A Evilsizer
Birth Date: �tab�23 Jul 1928
State File Number: �tab�1928062830
Additional Information: �tab�Sherman

[DI11153] Name: �tab�Grace A Evilsizer
Death Date: �tab�23 Apr 1929
Death Place: �tab�Muskingum, Ohio, USA

[XI11153] Name: �tab�Grace A. Evilsizer
Birth Date: �tab�1928
Death Date: �tab�1929
Cemetery: �tab�Rose Hill Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: �tab�Roseville, Muskingum County, Ohio, USA
Has Bio?: �tab�N

[HI11154] (Research):The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 9 Aug 1938 Miss Betty Grunion , White Cottage, is spending the week at the home of Mi ss Jennie Mae Evilsizer in this city.

The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 15 August 1940 Miss Betty Wilson is spending a few days with Jennie Evilsizer of 815 1 /2 Main St The Misses Jennie and Lola Evilsizer of 815 1/2 Main St spent Tuesday in M cConnellsville.

The Zanesville Signal Zanesville Ohio 13 December 1939 The New Farnsworth Radios Linscotts W main near Pine Jennie Evilsizer 65 N 7th St

The Zanesville Signal Zanesville Ohio 02 February 1940 Announce Hancock Roll of Honor Jennie Evilsizer

The Zanesville Signal Zanesville Ohio 23 January 1950 Sues City Suit for $5000 was filed in common pleas court today by Jennie M Evilsiz er og 816 Cliffwood against the city of Zanesville for injuries she allege dly sustained when she stepped into an open manhole last jan 6at the corn er of nancy Avenue and Pine Street. She claims city workers who were repai ring the manhole failed to replace the cover or give warning that it was m issing. She is represented by Weber and tanner

[DI11154] Florida Death Index, 1936-1998 Record Name: Jennie Mae Maulden Death Date: Nov 1964 County of Death: Polk State of Death: Florida Race: White Gender: Female

[DI11156] Name: �tab�Fannie F Hickman
Birth Date: �tab�1885
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence Place: �tab�Guernsey, Ohio, United States
Death Date: �tab�8 Dec 1967
Hospital of Death: �tab�Cambridge Mental Health and Devlp
Death Place: �tab�Guernsey, Ohio, USA
Certificate: �tab�92535
Age at Death: �tab�82
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, not used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed

[HI11159] (Research):Teachers Term Report Johnson Twp Dist #5 Winter Term 10/6/1884-2/20/1885 G rant V Fromme- Teacher (From CCGS Newsletter Summer 1992 pg 59) Silvester Norman

[HI11164] (Research):BUCK, Eli Death date: 3/19/1938, Logan County Certificate #169 71 1880 Census Place Clay, Auglaize, Ohio Family History Library Film 12 54993
Page Number 319D Sullivan BUCK M Male 35 OH Laborer Mary E. BUCK M Female 33 OH Keeping House Lily BUCK S Female 16 IN Domestic Servant Eli BUCK S Male 13 OH At Home Rosetta BUCK S Female 10 OH At Home Clement L. BUCK S Male 8 OH Emma J. BUCK S Female 7 OH Mary C. BUCK S Female 5 OH Eliza E. BUCK S Female 1 OH Isaiah V. BUCK S Male 20 OH Laborer John METZ S Male 23 OH Laborer George GEIS Male 22 OH Laborer

[HI11166] (Research):Champaign Co Guardianship records Vol 18 No 2 Pg 194-196 4 Nov 1862 William Houser, gdn of Lydia Ann Houser 5yr Aug 1862; Sarah Elizabeth Hous er 6 yr Mar 1862; Diana Malinda Houser 2yr Aug 1862; heirs of Henry Meri ca dec'd Surities John Loudenback and Diana Merica

Indiana Deaths, 1882-1920 about Lydia A. Zirkle
Name: �tab�Lydia A. Zirkle �tab�
Date: �tab�28 Jun 1919
Location: �tab�Bluffton
Age: �tab�61 Yr
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Source Location: �tab�City Health Office, Bluffton
Source notes: �tab�The source of this record is the book CH-2 on page 116 within the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.

[DI11167] Wife of J T Powell, formerly of Urbana

[HI11168] (Research):Champaign Co, Oh 1991 - pg 95 Biography

[DI11169] House L J 6-Apr-1943 4JJ146 Possible death record. This entry not found on the LDS death records, nor at the Ohio History deaths. only located in the Champaign Co, death indexes by Pat Stickley. (He not located in 1940 census) Not located beyond divorce record in 1904.

[HI11171] (Research):St Paris Precinct Toll Book Nov 2 1880 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 Franklin Kizer

[DI11171] St Paris Dispatch, Sept 27, 1900 Frank Kizer, who went with his family to Spokane Wa, in 1889, was killed by the cars near that city, last Friday. He was sitting on a high railroad bridge watching the workmen below when he was struck by a train. His hearing had become affected and it was supposed he did not hear the train. Mr Kizer was a brother of C O and Grant Kizer and a half-brother to I P Kizer. He was in the grocery business here in St paris before he went west.

CCGS, Book III, August 2002 by Dorothy Shaffer, Champaign Co, Ohio St Par is Newspaper Abstracts Jan 1900-1916. pg 16 9/28/1900 A train has accidentally killed Frank B Kizer who went from St Paris in 1890 to Spokane, Wa. The report came from his widow. He leaves a wife, two sons and one da u. He had been engaged in gold mining in the northwest.

Box: 9 Reference Number: easpodret3983 Last Name: Kizer First Name: Frank Middle Name: B Age: 44 Death Date: 21 Sep 1900 Cause of Death: Accident Place of Death: Spokane Place of Burial: Greenwood Funeral Home: Gilman and Co. County: Spokane

[HI11173] (Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot#1 9/29/1890 Frank Kizer by assignee to E G Kizer, 42 feet north end. B k71 Pg320 Lot#1 10/22/1890 Quitclaim by E G Kizer to D C D Kizer, undivided ha lf of 42 feet on north end except 6 feet south Bk72Pg594 Lot# 1 3/19/1901 E G & C O Kizer to William Kite, 42 feet north end exce pt 6 feet south side. Bk84Pg48

[DI11176] Name: �tab�Charles Lamar Friermood
Death Date: �tab�14 Dec 1947
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�18 Aug 1874
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Tremont City, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�73 years 3 months 26 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Meddia W. Friermood
Father's Name: �tab�John E. Friermood
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Annabelle Nichols
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2246315
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4071608
Image Number: �tab�01965
Certificate Number: �tab�74101

[HI11178] (Research):No further record, prob died young

[HI11180] (Research):Subj: Neva Littrell Date:9/6/2000 9:22:05 AM Mountain Daylight Time From:[email protected] (Dennis Albertson) To:[email protected]

I saw your entry for Neva Littrell born Oct 20, 1912 died Oct 28, 1988 bur ied in the Mendon, Mo cemetery on World Family tree. Do y ou know or have any records that this person was married to Russell Millsa p? Was she married to Bill Shepard? Did she and Russell have a daughter na med Charlotte Sue? If any of this is sounds right, do you have any dates,e tc? Do you know who Charlotte Sue might of been married to. It is my under standing that she is also deceased. I was told that our Neva was buri ed in Mendon and the years seem about right. If this is the wrong family I 'm sorry to have bothered you, if it is the right one, I'd be very gratef ul for any info that you might be able to share with me. Thanks Sharon

[HI11182] (Research):FORRY AMELIA County Name: MONTGOMERY Date of Death: // Volume Number: 7332 Certificate Number: 58219

[HI11183] (Research):Served two terms as County Treasurer of Urbana County, Ohio . Elected in 1 876 and 1878

Champaign Co Guardianship records Vol 18 No 2 Pg 206 29 Dec 1862 Daniel Blose gdn of Christian Rohrer 18y 6 Nov 1862; heirs of Daniel Rohre r, dec'd. Surities Jacob Seitz, Daniel Snyder

Record Book 32, Page 438- Filed 18 February 1868- Petition to Partition Daniel Blose vs John Phillips et al On 10 February 1826 Lewis Pence had deeded 50 acres of land located in Se ction 8 Township 4 Range 11 (Mad River Township) to George Myers and Susan nah Myers, his wife. Under the deed they were to hold the land during the ir lifetimes and if they had any issue then the land was to be passed o n. If they did not have any heirs the land was to revert to the brothers a nd sisters of Susannah Pence. George and Susannah had no heirs. At the ti me of this suit, Daniel Blose, had, by purchase, acquired nearly 50 per ce nt of the interest. The land was sold by the court and Daniel was the purc haser. Lewis' heirs were: Amelia Blose; Adam Pence; Lewis Pence; Cathari ne Bailer; Elizabeth Buroker; Barbara Pence, wife of ...Phillips (moth er of Polly Phillips, wife of ... Hull; John Phillips; Lewis Phillips; Isr ael Phillips; Barbara Phillips, wife of Jacob Butts; Elizabeth Phillips, w ife of Roland Pence- all of Indiana; Margaret Phillips, wife of Herrin (re sidence unknown); and Mary Ann Phillips, wife of John Smith of Champaign C ounty); Mollie Pence, wife of ... Nunn and secondly, ...Long (heirs were u nknown); Martin Pence, deceased (father of David Pence; Lewis Pence; Jac ob Pence; Darius Pence -all of Indiana; Catharine Pence, deceased, wi fe of ...Buroker; Susannah Pence, wife of George Ammon of Indiana; Phoe be Pence, wife of ...Downs of Indiana; Nancy Pence, wife of Oliver Lillar d; Polly Pence, wife of ...Long of Indiana); Henry Pence, deceased (fath er of Sanders Pence; Pence, wife of Jacob Sarver; Elijah Pence; Margaret P ence, wife of ...Robinson of Iowa; Sallie Pence, deceased, wife of ...Saul sbury and later ...Robinson (John Saulsbury; Cerena Saulsbury; Mary Ann Sa ulsbury; and unknown heirs�; Jacob Pence, deceased (father of George Pen ce and Seville Pence, wife of Isaac Crabill of Indiana).

Record Book 38, Page 33- Filed 6 May 1874- Petition to Partition Samu el K. Sowers et al vs John H. Blose et al Daniel Blose died in 1871, seized of 160 acres of land located in the sout h-west quarter of Section 4; all (except 13 1/2 acres out of the south-we st corner owned by Henry C. Blose) of the south half of Section 10 locat ed east of Mad River Valley Turnpike Road; 40 acres located on the south s ide of the north-west quarter of Section 10; 160 acres being the south-ea st quarter of Section 8; 80 acres of the south-west quarter of Secti on 8, subject to the dower of Amelia Blose; 135 acres of the north-west qu arter and 50 acres of the south-west quarter of Section 8; 82 acres locat ed in the north half of the north-east quarter of Section 14; 2 acres a nd 8 poles located in the south-west quarter of Section 9; the undivided h alf of 168 acres of the south and west sides of the south half of Secti on 12 and all of the south half (except 150 acres off the north-east sid e) of Section 12, all Township 4 Range 11 (Mad River Township). Louisa Blo se was Daniel's widow. Daniel's childre~ were: Eunice E. Blose, wife of Sa muel K. Sowers; Martha Blose, wife of Christian Rohrer; John H. Blose of C lark County; James J. Blose; Emery T. Blose; Leroy L. Blose; Edward M. Blo se and Daniel W. Blose.

[XI11184] Inscription: Aged 59y, 4m, 22d

[HI11185] (Research):1850 Census has Isaac Steichler age 14 b OH 1880 Census has Emma Wilson age 2 granddaughter

[HI11187] (Research):Champaign Co, Guardainship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 356 13 June 1848 Amelia B lose 17yr; james Irwin Blose 13yr, minor heirs of John Blose, dec'd. Surit ies Lewis Blose, Daniel Blose

[XI11187] Inscription: Aged 43y, 9m, 12d
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord"

[HI11188] (Research):Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg43 Mar 16 1844 Minute book 18 pg 220 Margaret Blose vs Michael R Crabill for bastardy. On page 335 case continu ed. Oliver Lillard and Voluntine Marshall hsi bond; on Jun 11 1844 case se ttled per agreement defendant paid cost.

[XI11188] Inscription: Aged 74y, 2m, 2d

Wife of Charles Brandom

[HI11189] (Research):children count in 1900 in error, census prove other chidren

[HI11191] (Research):1850 Household is also Franklin Brandon, age 22 a poss brother

[XI11191] Inscription: Aged 44y, 11m, 27d

Husband of Margaret

[HI11193] (Research):Beers History of Champaign Co, OH 1881 pg 706 LEROY L. BLOSE, farmer; P. O. Westville. The grandfather of our subject, J ohn Blose, was a native of Virginia, and emigrated to this township in 181 5, when the heavy timber covered what are now our beautiful fields. He w as married previous to is coming, to Amelia Pence, and they were afterwa rd parents of seven children-Daniel, Lewis, Susan, John, Louisa, Henry a nd Margaret. He settled three miles south of Westville, where he continu ed to reside until his death. He cleared off and otherwise improved this l and, and made it one of the most desirable farms in the Mad River Valle y. Three of his children still survive John, Louisa and Margaret. Jo hn is the husband of Delilah Strickler, Louisa is the wife of Isaac Funkho user, and Margaret is the widow of Charley Brown. Daniel, the father o� Le roy, was married to Miss Louisa Colbert, and by her has had eight childre n, four of whom are not living-Leroy, the eldest, James I., Easily T. a nd Daniel W. all reside in the county. Mr. Blose was married previous ly to Eva Pence; they had four children, two, John H. and Enos are livin g. Daniel was a very energetic man, and from a capital of $50, amass ed by his own energy a large fortune. He owned and operated two distilleri es, had an interest in an elevator at Urbana, and raised a large amou nt of stock. He also owned a large number of shares in an oil well in Penn sylvania, but this was a non-paying investment. When his death occurred M ay 25, 1871, he was owner of 1,200 acres of valuable land. Which left h is children amply provided for. Leroy married Miss Marietta Beery, a daugh ter of one of our most substantial men. Leroy and his wife are paren ts of one child-Nellie H. He has the old home farm, and is considered o ne of our most prosperous young farmers, endowed with the good business ch aracteristics of his father, and in every way worthy of representing h im m this work.

Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg16 Jan 13 1876 Minute book 34 pg 197 Leroy S Blose for bastardy---see Missouri Sager

[DI11195] Jay County Newspaper Clippings May 19 1887-April 25, 1889 Vol II 2006 by R ex Bertram The Portland Commercial, Thurs, July 14, 1887 The deceased, Ruth Duckett, was born Feb 4, 1815. Was married to Caleb M Duckett June 23 1835 and was the mother of eight children, four boys and fo ur girls, six of whom still survive. Mother Duckett was raised by Christi an people and very early in life embraced the Christian religion and join ed the M E Church, in which she lived a sonsistant and humble life. She ca lmly passed over the river at 5:30 o'clock a.m. July 17, 1887 aged 72 yr s, 5 months and 13 days. Services at Friends church by Mrs Thornton

[HI11197] (Research):Photo of tombstone in file

[HI11199] (Research):Photo of tombstone in file

[HI11202] (Research):Photo of tombstone in file

[NI11206] Harriet KINSEY #6079 b. Portland, In., m. Henry Stauffer #6080.
�tab� �tab� �tab�i�tab�David STAUFFER #6081 m. Rebecca Moddox #6082.
�tab� �tab� �tab�ii�tab�Anna STAUFFER #6083 m. John F. Hill #6084.
�tab� �tab� �tab�iii�tab�Caroline STAUFFER #6085 m. A.W. Evilsizer #6086.
�tab� �tab� �tab�iv�tab�Charles STAUFFER #6087 m. Lula Gue #6088.
�tab� �tab� �tab�v�tab�Nettie STAUFFER #6089 m. John H. Doris #6090.
�tab� �tab� �tab�vi�tab�William STAUFFER #6091 m. Viola Simpson #6092.

[BI11211] Name: �tab�Patricia Evilsizor
Birth Date: �tab�7 Jan 1941
State File Number: �tab�1945059619
Additional Information: �tab�Ralph

[HI11212] (Research):Name : Irene Coleman Evilsizer Death date : 09 Feb 1927 Death place : East Liverpool, Columbiana, Ohio Birth date : 08 Oct 1909 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Long Bottom, Ohio Age at death : 17 years 4 months 1 day Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : 1010 Oak St Occupation : Housewife Burial date : 12 Feb 1927 Cemetery name : Riverview Cem Spouse name : John Evilsizer Father name : John Coleman Father birth place : Long Bottom, Ohio Mother name : Lucy Baugard Mother birth place : Portland, Ohio COD- Septic infection Informant- James Coleman his mark (x) GSU film number : 1984703 Digital GS number : 4021976 Image number : 2558 Certificate number : cn 7526 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953

[HI11213] (Research):EVILSIZER, MARGARET : Wife of John A (Obit.). Plain Dealer 21 Jul, 1990, p g. 13 sec. C Margaret Rose Evilsizer (nee Fulop), beloved wife of John A, dear moth er of Ronald, Gerald, Brian and james, grandmother of 15, great grandmoth er of five, sister of Chalres and Louis Fulop, Lena Koteles and the late M ary, Steven and joseph. Friends may call at the mandley Vetrovsky Funer al Home, where services will be held Tuesday July 24 at 11a.m. Contributio ns may be made to Lutheran Hospice c/o Lutheran Medical Center

[NI11221] KNILL BETTY JANE KNILL (nee Hurley), age 81. Beloved wife of Albert; loving mother of Gerri Severa (Frank), Ruthanne Baldi (Brett), Edward, Claudine Daugirdas (Joe) and Robert; grandmother of four; sister of the late Donna Mae Hurley and Peggy Evilsizer (James); aunt of many. Passed away December 4, 2014. Funeral Mass Saturday, December 6 St. Patrick Church (West Park) at 9:30 A.M. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. Friends may call at CHAMBERS FUNERAL HOME of CLEVELAND, 4420 ROCKY RIVER DR. AT PURITAS, FRIDAY 2-4 and 6-8 P.M. - Published in The Plain Dealer on Dec. 5, 2014

[DI11221] San Antonio News
Margaret Ann Evilsizer, beloved mother and grandmother passed away July 5, 2009 at the age of 67. She was born in Cleveland, Ohio to James and Pauline Hurley who preceded her in death. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Jimmy George Evilsizer. She is survived by her children, Lisa and husband Tim, Terri and her husband, Mark and John and his wife, Andrea; sisters, Betty Jane Knill and Donna Hurley; grandchildren, Rebecca, Laura, Patrick, Christopher, Cody, Sarah, Connor, and Zane; best friend, Matt Gdovin. Services Visitation will be held on Wednesday, July 8, 2009 from 5:00 - 9:00 PM at Oak Hills Mortuary. A chapel service will be held at 10:00 AM Thursday, July 9, 2009 at Oak Hills Mortuary with cremation to follow at her request.

[NI11225] When Winnie died, her last name was Cluley

[HI11225] (Research):

[DI11225] Cleveland Plain Dealer 10/15/1964
Winnie Cluley (nee Johnson) mother of John Evilsizer and Mrs Robert Maile.

Name: �tab�Winnie Cluley
Birth Date: �tab�1887
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Cleveland
Residence County: �tab�Cuyahoga
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�13 Oct 1964
City of Death: �tab�Lakewood
County of Death: �tab�Cuyahoga
Certificate: �tab�73170
Age at Death: �tab�77
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Census Tract: �tab�7241

[NI11227] Son of Samuel and Mary Heff Hilligas

[NI11228] Dau of J W Gelason and Sarah jane Maxwell

[NI11229] Name: �tab�Donald A Adams
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�29 Aug 1929
Event Place: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Age: �tab�24
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1905
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�James A Adams
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mary M Whitesel
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Thelma Josephine Yeazel
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1907
Spouse's Father: �tab�Pearl C Yeazel
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Bertha Octtlin
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�Clk, OH Vol34CN19526
Film Number: �tab�466638
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016778
Image Number: �tab�438

[NI11231] Name: �tab�Lawrence L. Selby
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�30 Jun 1927
Event Place: �tab�, Logan, Ohio
Age: �tab�27
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1900
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Charles G. Selby
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Estella Williams
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Mabel Lucile Corbet
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�21
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1906
Spouse's Father: �tab�Newman W. Corbet
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Lucretia Johnson
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�VolO, p146, cn8801
Film Number: �tab�534842
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016823
Image Number: �tab�457

[DI11231] Social Security Death Index about Mabel Selby
Name: �tab�Mabel Selby
SSN: �tab�269-05-1937
Last Residence: �tab�45209 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio,
Born: �tab�12 Nov 1904
Died: �tab�Aug 1973
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (Before 1951)

[DI11232] Name: �tab�Knight N. Corbett
Death Date: �tab�09 Sep 1939
Death Place: �tab�Jefferson, Logan, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�28 Apr 1867
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Woodstock, O
Death Age: �tab�72 years 4 months 11 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�American
Street Address: �tab�RFD
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�Bellefontaine
Burial Date: �tab�11 Sep 1939
Burial Place: �tab�Woodstock
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Corbett
Father's Name: �tab�David Corbett
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�O.
Mother's Name: �tab�Lorenda Walborn
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�O.
Film Number: �tab�2023764
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4027224
Image Number: �tab�1442
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 54988

[NI11237] Son of William Walker and Clara Graham

[HI11239] (Research):Luella Evelsizer, Russell's younger sister, lived with Lora Sovereign Buqb ey for about 2 years prior to her death. Lora is a woman of seventy or mo re who drives her own car but not very efficiently.

Sunday evening I visited the local dentist's wife to get the Congregation al Church records. I saw the changed but same old church that the early se ttlers attended. Originally it stood on the NE corner of the graveyard, b ut it has been moved up town on the same street. All of the old hous es of the Dilleys and Gordons have been extensively remodeled but the bas ic framework is the same. The old house that Frank Pratt Iived in as a b oy is SE of the cemetery, a corner house. When Russell and Leulla came ba ck to RoseviIle to Iive with their Grandfather Worden, he put them in a ho use just across the street from the present school building with Lora a nd her mother to rear them.

On Monday morning, Lora took me out to the cemetery again where I copied a ll the inscriptions of related families and took pictures. At noon I to ok the bus to Monmouth and spent the afternoon at the courthouse getting r ecords there. My time was limited for I took the 4:00 train east but findi ng it a poor one got off at Galesburg, looked the town over, and g ot on a fast train that pulled into Chicago only 15 minutes after the fir st train.

My Great-Grandfather, Russell Avery Dilley, was Luella Mae Dilley Evelsize r's older brother. According to his notes, she was born 12/21/1879 in Ros eville, Illinois. She married Charles H. Evelsizer, but he died of typho id six weeks later.(I don't have the date of their marriage.) She was a d eaconess in Philadelphia and Cleveland for many years. She died Jan. 3 0, 1944 and is buried in Bloomington, Illinois with Charles. I have no ot her information on Charles Evelsizer.

Eliza Worden was the mother of Russell Avery and Luella Mae. She di ed in 1884 and the two children were mostly raised by their grandparent s, Avery and Harriet Finch Worden.

Researcher: Judy Dilley Mooers [email protected]

Subj:William Newell Dilley Date:8/6/2000 10:12:48 PM Mountain Daylight Time From:[email protected] Dear Sandy, I saw your message on the Dilley line about William Newell Dille y. He is my grandfather. According to my records William Newell married El iza A Worden in 1873 at Roseville, IL. They had two children. Russell Ave ry and Luella Mae. Luella was born 21 December1879 in Roseville, IL. Luel la married Rev. Charlie Evilsizer 17 July 18??. The date is unreadabl e. I may find it later in some of my stuff. Eliza, Luella's mother, di ed in 1884. William Newell then married Mamie Grace Findlay. Mamie is my g randmother. So my mother and Luella were half sisters.In my quick sear ch this evening I didn't find the names of Charlie's parents.I am curio us as to what great story you found about Luella. Luella was raised by h er mother's parents, Worden's, and so I never met her. I can remember my m other talking about her. When Luella died she willed me a nice collecti on of special rocks. She knew that I was a child rock collector.I notic ed your middle name is Evelsizer. How are you related to Luella? What ki nd of book are you writing? I, too, am trying to write stories about my an cestors. If United flies tomorrow we will be gone a a trip for a while. Ma ybe you can answer me in the am tomorrow. If not, I will get in touch wi th you when we get home. Grace Brooks

Census Place:Peoria, Peoria, Illinois Source:FHL Film 1254240 National Archives Film T9-0240 Page 4 1C RelationSexMarrRaceAgeBirthplace William DILLY SelfMMW27PRUSSIA Occ:PlastererFa: PRUSSIAMo: PRUSSIA Minnie DILLYWifeFMW23 NYOcc: Keeping HouseFa: PRUSSIA Mo: PRUSSIA

Chronicle Telegram Elyria Ohio 29 November 1930 Oberlin Pastor to speak at First Methodist Church At the morning service Mrs Luella Evelsizer of Cleveland will speak

From Lori Ostergaard 6/7/2007 [email protected] In addition to being a member of the women's debate society at ISNU, it ap pears Luella Mae graduated from the university in 1901. The county she's r ecorded as coming from was Warren. Her graduation theme was "The Teacher as Sculptor." In a few days I should be able to give you some oth er paper titles. I am also working on the assumption that Luella Mae was t he first woman to participate as a speaker in one of the inter-society deb ates on campus in 1899. If you know anything about the taboos against wom en speaking (forget debating with men) in public around this time, you know this was a pretty significant event for the cam pus.

In the 1927 Alumni magazine, Dilley's is described this way: (Mrs. Evelsiz er) Deaconess of M.E. Chicago, 611 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA; Finish ed Bible Course in Lucy Webb Hayes National Tr School for Deaconesses, Was hington, DC 1904-06; t Eng; El Paso HS 1900-01; elem Jacksonville 1903-0 4; Married Charles Henry Evelsizer, Bloomington Aug 26, 1902; who died O ct 1902; T 2 1/2 years.

I believe Charles was also a student at looks like they marri ed shortly after she graduated. The 611 Vine Street address would have be en her most recent (1927) mailing address.

U.S. Passport Applications, 1795-1925 Name: Luella M Evelsizer Birth Date: 21 Dec 1879 Birth Place: Roseville, Illinois Residence: Philadelphia, Passport Issue Date: 15 Mar 1913 Passport Includes a Photo: N Intends to return in 2 months Source: Passport Applications, January 2, 1906 - March 31, 1925 (M1490) Physical Description Age 33 height 5'5 3/4" Blue eyes, Long nose, Oval Mo uth, Oval Chin, Light Brown Hair, Fair complexion, Oval face. Witness Mab el L Keech 611 Vine St, Philadelphia. Known for 5 years.

[DI11239] Name �tab�Luella Mae Evelsizer
Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Death Date �tab�30 Jan 1944
Death Place �tab�Warren County, Illinois
Gender �tab�Female
Marital Status �tab�
Race or Color �tab�
Age �tab�
Estimated Birth Year �tab�
Birth Date �tab�
Birthplace �tab�
Father �tab�William Dilley
Father's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Father's Birth Place �tab�
Mother �tab�Eliza Worden
Mother's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Mother's Birth Place �tab�
Occupation �tab�
Residence �tab�
Street Address �tab�
Spouse �tab�Charles Evelsizer
Spouse's Titles and Terms (original) �tab�
Spouse's Birthplace �tab�
Burial Date �tab�
Burial Place �tab�
Cemetery �tab�
Informant �tab�
Additional Relatives �tab�
Digital Folder Number �tab�4205087
Image Number �tab�22
Film Number �tab�1983614
Volume/Page/Certificate Number �tab�certificate # 4670

[HI11243] (Research):Stephen is named in his fathers will in 1865. He is one of 3 male children in the 1865 Census born 1860-1865 but does not appear in the 1880 Census. No further record found.

[NI11250] Genealogy of the Mason family of Greene County, Pennsylvania and eastern counties of Ohio Marceline, Mo.: unknown, 1931, 27 pgs. George William Mason married a lady named Evilsizer by whom there was one child- Morris L Mason. He md a third time to Margaret Bone in Madisonvi lle, Kentucky in 1889 - one child, Clarence Mason born 7/17/1895. George w as born Atlas, Ohio 2/12/1845 md Frances Truax at Antioch Ohio Nov 5 186 6. Removed to jay County Pennville, Indiana in 1867. Francis died 7/11/187 8. He then married an Evilsizer lady, name unknown. After his third marria ge he moved to Hopkins County Kentucky where he died 1/29/1916. He was t he son of William Mason and nancy Phillips.

[HI11250] (Research):

[BI11251] Death cert gives DOB 8/1/1870, but was 11 month sold in the 1870 census

[DI11251] Informant on death cert, son harry
Supplement death cert filed saying death was an accident.

Accident occured at home June 23 1946. Had been an invalid in bed for 2 years and night before she was sent to the Manchester home, where the doctor saw her for the first time, her son said he accidentally dropped her in moving her. He did not know her leg was broken when she was brought to the home, which was the date of the doctors first treatment. First death cert says a condition of death was a fracture of right femer, but main cause was chronic myocarditus.

[XI11251] St Peters Cemetery St Louis, MO
(Section-Block-Lot-Part) �tab�Grave# �tab�Deceased �tab�Age �tab�Burial �tab�
25-F-28.00-(none)�tab�1�tab�Evilsizer, Ida�tab�15�tab�3/10/1889�tab�
25-F-28.00-(none)�tab�2�tab�Evilsizer, Emma�tab�48�tab�4/04/1903�tab�
25-F-28.00-(none)�tab�3�tab�Crosby, Catherine 75�tab�6/29/1946�tab�
25-F-28.00-(none)�tab�4�tab�Crosby, Marion�tab�95�tab�12/07/1949

[NI11254] Name: �tab�Charles W. Schrader
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�31 Dec 1900
Event Place: �tab�Darke County, Ohio
Age: �tab�23
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1877
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Charles Schrader
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Anna Welburn
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Bessie A. Burns
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�18
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1882
Spouse's Father: �tab�A. E. Burns
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Rosa Mcdonald
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p 392 cn 785
Film Number: �tab�1030775
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017447
Image Number: �tab�239

[BI11254] Name: �tab�Bessie A. Burns
Gender: �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�17 May 1882
Birthplace: �tab�Van Buren, Darke, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�A. E. Burns
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Rosa Ann Mcdonald
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C04208-3
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�1030768
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 229

[DI11254] Name: �tab�Bessie A Schrader
Death Date: �tab�21 Mar 1915
Death Place: �tab�Wayne, Darke, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�17 Mar 1882
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Darke Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�33 years 4 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�Versailles, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�23 Mar 1915
Burial Place: �tab�Versailles, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�Green Lawn
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�A.E. Burnes
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Rosa Mcdonald
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Dark Co., Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1983342
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021313
Image Number: �tab�3308
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 14341

[NI11255] Name: �tab�William Miller
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�20 Dec 1903
Event Place: �tab�Darke County, Ohio
Age: �tab�22
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1881
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Tobias Miller
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Susan Whitwer
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Fern Audell Burns
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�17
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1886
Spouse's Father: �tab�A. E. Burns
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Rosa Ann Mcdonald
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p 425
Film Number: �tab�1030775
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017447
Image Number: �tab�567
consent by father A E Burns

[BI11255] Name: �tab�Ferna Burns
Gender: �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�20 May 1886
Birthplace: �tab�Van Buren, Darke, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�A. E. Burns
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Rosa A. Mcdonald
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C04207-5
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�1030768
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 397

[DI11255] Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Fern A Miller
Name: �tab�Fern A Miller
Birth Date: �tab�1887
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Greenville
Residence County: �tab�Darke
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�20 Apr 1965
Hospital of Death: �tab�Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: �tab�Greenville
County of Death: �tab�Darke
Certificate: �tab�27495
Age at Death: �tab�78
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed

[HI11260] (Research):Residence 2005 Longview TX

[DI11260] Name of Deceased: �tab�David Price Evilsizer
Gender: �tab�M (Male)
Age at Death: �tab�51
Death Date: �tab�15 Sep 2010
Obituary Date: �tab�18 Sep 2010
Newspaper Title: �tab�Longview News-Journal
Newspaper Location: �tab�Longview, TX, USA
Birth Date: �tab�20 Jul 1959
Father's name: �tab�Thomas Victor Evilsizer
Mother's name: �tab�Dixie Price
Siblings' Names: �tab�Amy Freeman and Alexandra, Viriginia, and Marsha Christie of Orlando, Florida; Jay Thomas Evilsizer; Ken Evilsizer of Elgin, Oklahoma, and Mike and Stella Evilsizer of Doddridge, Arkansas

[NI11272] Name: �tab�Walter Willie
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�25 Feb 1906
Event Place: �tab�Clark, Ohio
Age: �tab�23
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1883
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Israel B. Willie
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Rebecca Legge
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Sylvia Dunham
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�16
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1890
Spouse's Father: �tab�Orange Dunham
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Margaret Mosier
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�cn3978
Film Number: �tab�465397
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016785
Image Number: �tab�156

Name: �tab�Walter C. Willey
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�14 May 1910
Event Place: �tab�Delaware County, Ohio
Age: �tab�27
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1883
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Israel Willey
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Rebecca Legg
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Flossie Gladden
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�19
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1891
Spouse's Father: �tab�William Gladden
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Mary Allen
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p 487 No. item 970
Film Number: �tab�391400
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016693
Image Number: �tab�462
Name: �tab�Walter C. Willey
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�21 May 1923
Event Place: �tab�, Delaware, Ohio
Age: �tab�40
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1883
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�I. B. Willey
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Rebecca Legg
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Helen C Minnigerode
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�26
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1897
Spouse's Father: �tab�William S. Foster
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Estella Ryan
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�cn 971
Film Number: �tab�391402
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016695
Image Number: �tab�289

[HI11274] (Research):Record Book 15, Page 197 � Filed 15 November 1836 Jacob Lung vs Malinda Lung at al Jacob Lung in the fall of 1834 purchased from his father, George Lun g, 25 acres located in the north�east quarter of Section 3, Township 3, Ra nge 12 (Johnson Tp.) for $50. At the time of the sale he paid $18.00 and l ater paid $24.00, a total of $42.00. He did not receive a deed. On 4 Augu st 1836 George Lung died, leaving the following heirs: Malinda Lung, wido w; Adam Lung; Abraham Lung (mentioned in petition & subpoena, but not ther eafter); Eve Lung Hardrnan, wife of Joseph Hardman of Champaign County (mo ved to Montgomery County, Ohio but not located there when papers were serv ed �since last cOntinuance�); Jacob Lung; and the following minors, und er the guardianship of John H. James: Sarah Lung; Hannah Lung; Margaret Lu ng (papers served at Peter Runkle�s house); John Lung; Mary Lung; Elizabe th Lung; Melvina Lung; Drusilla Lung; George Lung; Daniel Lung; Henry Lun g. The court ordered that the adults give a clear deed to Jacob Lung with in 60 days and the minors within six months of reaching full age.

[DI11285] Name �tab�Annie Dicason
Death Date �tab�20 Nov 1914
Death Place �tab�Johnson Twp., Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date �tab�10 Sep 1833
Estimated Birth Year �tab�
Birthplace �tab�Penn.
Death Age �tab�81 years 2 months 9 days
Gender �tab�Female
Marital Status �tab�Married
Race or Color �tab�Caucasian
Street Address �tab�
Occupation �tab�Housewife
Residence �tab�
Burial Date �tab�22 Nov 1914
Burial Place �tab�
Cemetery Name �tab�Spring Grove
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�Jacob Furrow
Father's Title & Terms �tab�
Father's Birthplace �tab�Penn.
Mother's Name �tab�Furgeson
Mother's Titles & Terms �tab�
Mother's Birthplace �tab�Penn.
Film Number �tab�1983284
Digital Folder Number �tab�4021357
Image Number �tab�1319
Certificate Number �tab�fn 58932

[DI11296] Name of Deceased: �tab�Audrey E. Hurt
Age at Death: �tab�82
Death Date: �tab�30 Nov 2004
Obituary Date: �tab�3 Dec 2004
Newspaper Title: �tab�Various Tucson Newspapers
Newspaper Location: �tab�Tucson, AZ, US
Birth Date: �tab�abt 1922
Locations Mentioned in Obituary: �tab�Tucson
Other Persons Mentioned in Obituary: �tab�Kathy Sanchez (Alex)
Earl Nelson
Fred Hurt
James Hurt D.
Amy Sanchez

[NI11297] Per death cert:
2/6/1882 Adair Co KY
6/29/1961 Bates Co Mem Hospital
Father Winfield Scott Hurt
Mother Corinia Snow
Informant wife Jessie Stevens Hurt
Burial Walnut Grove Cemetery, Bates Co, MO

[XI11297] Father in same cemetery
Birth: �tab�Jan. 9, 1854 Death: �tab�Jan. 2, 1927

[HI11300] (Research):Not mentioned in will of gm Margaret Wiley 1881

[DI11300] 6/23/1898 pg92
James N Mosgrove died at the home of his mother Mrs Nancy S Mosgrove on Miami St Sunday. He was a conduntor on the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad. He leaves a wife and ne child at their home in Saledo Colo, buried in Oak Dale Cem

[HI11302] (Research):Masonic Directory 1902 Harmony Lodge No 8 F & AM Organized in 1810 Past Masters- William F Mosgrove 1843-1844 William F Mosgrove 1848-1854

1860 Census is Stephen Hagenbaugh age 33 born PA and Priscilla Hunt a ge 28 b OH


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